Greetings Dear Fellow Redecorators, Testing the Waters


Greetings Dear Fellow Redecorators, Testing the Waters
Summer, 2011
Greetings Dear Fellow
Inside This Edition
Greetings Dear Fellow Redecorators
Testing the Waters…continued
Classified Ad
Summer Survival Tips
The 2011 IRN Conference …
October 23 – 26, 2011
New Members
Pasadena Showcase House 2011
Therefore, those IRN redecorators who have been
practicing for a decade or longer will be honored in a
special ceremony at the Interior Redecorators
Network’s 15th Anniversary Conference in Sarasota,
Florida, this fall. Each of these members who have
reached or have passed the 10-year mark will
receive a special certificate and medal, as well as a
prestigious new designation on their IRN Directory
Profile page, recognizing their accomplishments.
CEP Committee Update – New
I hope you will join me in saluting the following
veteran members on October 23, 2011:
As a follow up to my previous article on Social Media
as well as the April Boot Camp covering the same
topic, this is a Q&A based on questions from
members that have come my way. Please don’t miss
this exciting (& free!) opportunity to promote your
business and the IRN. As they say, you have to be
in it to win it!
Soon, the Interior Redecorators Network will have a
certified member in Lima, Peru. She will be
implementing the same redecorating system offered
in Sydney, Australia and in more than 100 cities
across North America.
IRN professionals have been bringing redesign
relief, Resale-Ready™ staging and other affordable
remedies to homes all over the globe for 15 years.
And now, as we are about to commemorate the
organization’s anniversary, it seems like the perfect
time to also celebrate the achievement of its most
senior members.
Kimberly Reehl, Gina Stigi, Christina Birtcher, Jan
Singer, Pamela O'Brien, Jeanine Hanson, P. Jane
Nicholson, Allyson Paris, Jeanne M. Turner (1st IRN
President), Shari Comins Fishman, Kathleen Dutka
(3rd IRN President), Wrenda Goodwyn and Janet
Until then, I wish you all
a beautiful, productive
Opportunities for Growth
Dear Facebook Using Members
Testing the Waters…continued
By Gina Stigi, IRN, NJ
Q: Why should I take the time out of my already
busy week to participate in Social Media?
A: Put simply: TO GET CLIENTS! Like it or not,
have time for it or not, businesses of every shape
and size are using social media with such great
success to gain business and make money, it is now
considered an essential marketing tool that will hurt
your business growth should you opt out.
Q: How do I get started if I have never been on
A: Aside from the information available to all
members on the recorded Boot Camp call (refer to
the last email blast sent for the link) and last
quarter’s newsletter, you can tap into a variety of
resources online for help. Here are a few to check
out that have both free and paid information to help
you grow your business and learn the ropes.
Q: What is the difference between LinkedIn,
Facebook, Twitter, and our Message Boards?
Where do I go for what?
do right by your business and dig when you have a
question or are looking for information.
Q: How often should I post on the IRN FB Page?
What should I post? What is ok to post and what
A: This information was covered in great detail
during the April Boot Camp call (you can listen to the
recorded call online, go to the boards for the link),
and specific Facebook Posting Guidelines have
been posted in the Marketing Tips Thread on the
boards. In addition, on the Calendar function of the
boards there are ideas for topics to post about on
the first of each month.
Q: Who will see my Facebook posts?
A: At this point in the IRN’s development, we as an
organization are not on Twitter. You as an individual
business can choose to use Twitter as an additional
way of communicating to your clients with short,
140-character length messages. Again, refer to the
resources above and for more
A: Anyone who ―likes‖ the IRN on Facebook will be
able to see your posts. Should those fans of ours
choose to, they may ―share‖ our posts with their
The IRN has a Professional Group on LinkedIn,
which is primarily a business-to-business website.
When on LinkedIn, consider yourself to be at a BNI
or Chamber of Commerce meeting – you are
speaking to colleagues or potential vendors. That
doesn’t mean you can’t find new clients from a
LinkedIn Connection, but that is the exception, not
the rule.
A: You should have a business FB Page because
every professional organization or company has one
(from independent jewelry designers to Starbucks
and The Gap), and you do not want to be seen as
mixing your personal life with your business. This
ensures we appear as the professional decorators
we are, and your individual business FB Page allows
you to give your clients quick updates, upload
photos, and promote yourself without costly website
upgrades or changes.
Q: How can I help grow my business and gain
recognition for the IRN?
The IRN Facebook (FB) Page is a public-facing
networking tool. Think of it as the interactive arm of
our new (and fabulous) website. We are literally
interacting with our clients and potential clients when
we post, comment, or share on this Page. When you
participate in the IRN FB Page, you are promoting
your business and the IRN organization as a whole.
The IRN Message Board is a strictly INTERNAL
communication tool. This is our only way (besides
conferences and Boot Camp calls) to speak with
each other as an organization. I cannot stress this
strongly enough – things happen fast in the digital
world, and posts will be made on the Board that will
help you grow your business in this tough economy.
Check the Marketing thread and the General
Discussion often. As Social Media Chairperson, I
will always post urgent, time-sensitive information on
the right hand side of the main Home Page to keep
you from having to dig for information, but you must
Q: Why should I have a business FB Page AND a
personal FB Page, and what is the difference?
A: I’m so glad you asked! Take a deep breath, do
your research and USE YOUR RESOURCES to get
on the web and start getting clients, client referrals,
and more JOBS! Come to the conference in
October for even more information on how to
navigate the Social Media waters, and get updates
on how the IRN is faring on the World Wide Web.
Classified Ad
Editor and Layout Person (2 positions) required for
successful quarterly newsletter. No experience
necessary. Training provided. Detail-oriented (Editor)
and artistic flair (Layout Person) are assets. Immediate
openings. Contact Linda Hammond at
Summer Survival Tips
By Wrenda Goodwyn, IRN Gold Member-Green
Certified, FL
Photo courtesy of Wrenda Goodwyn
Summer. It means vacations, spring cleaning,
Take your top five clients to lunch (hopefully, in the
summer you have the time). Do it as a thank you but
while you are there, talk to them about your
business. What services could you add or package
differently? What are clients looking for in
decorator? What scares them the most about hiring
a decorator? This is a great way to get some useful
information you can use immediately! Tip: Prepare a
list of about three to five questions to casually work
into the conversation. My preference is do individual
lunches and do them at a design center or
someplace near a retail outlet. That way you can
browse following lunch and it is an enticement to
have them meet you. Do not underestimate this one!
Blogging: Pick up the pace!
If you are a blogger, pick up the pace in the summer
when people have more time to read! Blog at least
once a week. Tip: Make a list today of summer
topics and prepare several at a time so that you
have them ready to go.
working in the garden, leisurely days, a break from a
long winter and days in the sun.
It is also the time when much of our business also
goes on vacation. This is not necessarily such a
great thing!
Here are a few survival tips that you can do for
summer to keep business going and to market your
business for a busy fall which will be here before we
know it!
Don’t waste time: Make a plan
Everything seems less dire when you have a plan.
So put your summer plan together TODAY. And put
it into effect tomorrow. Customize it to fit your area
because each market is different.
Think: Summer offer
Come up with a special summer offer. Tip: what is
your most popular service during the year? Make
that your special offer for summer. Come up with a
name and market it with a special rate. It gets you in
the door and may lead to other services. My offer is
called: A cool decorating offer for a long, hot
southwest Florida summer. I am going to offer a
two-hour consultation or a color consultation at a
reduced rate. Be creative and have fun with a
special offer. Set specific dates of availability.
Thanks for your business: A mini focus group
Power Partnering: It helps everyone
Do some research. Make a list of organizations
related to your business that would welcome a guest
blogger on their site. Example: The top realtor your
area. Ask if you can write about 5 ways to get more
traffic this summer. (Not a good writer? Hire
someone!!! I have said this before and it is
important!!!! If you don’t, you are missing
opportunities for valuable exposure). Also: take the
time to contact each of your vendors/sources (their
business slows down in the summer as well) and
see how you might partner with them on a project.
Client referrals: Who doesn’t like a gift?
Take the time this summer to set up a program to
reward your best referral partners. I haven’t met
anyone yet who does not appreciate a Starbucks
card! It requires little effort for meaningful return. If
you haven’t had referrals yet, do some networking
this summer with sources and clients to let them
know that you appreciate referrals.
Homework: Write a report!
Include this in your handouts and send it to the
media. Write a report on something timely. For
example: Property values drop weekly in my area.
So I m writing a report on declining home values
(local research) and value added ways to enhance
home values. Think of an issue for your area (local
newspaper is a good resource).
Plan now for fall: Speaking engagements and
Now is the time to do your research and contact the
appropriate organizations for seminars,
presentations, etc. It is also time to redo your
presentation, purchase or create a power point and
review your handouts. Think about what you want to
say and what result you would like to achieve.
milestones throughout the week.
We hope you plan on being part of this very special
conference. We’ve designed it just for you!
Why go to the conference?
And speaking of local media…
Most of you know that I also have a marketing
communications business. I work with clients to
create press releases and to get them into the
national media. I can tell you with all assurance, that
summer is off season for the news. Media are
scrambling for articles to put on their pages. Tip:
Take advantage of summer and come up with two or
three newsworthy items and send them to the local
press. Examples: New service that you are offering,
a report that you have produced, a new certification
that you have received. The list is endless. What you
may not have thought of is news about your
business! Not a writer? Again, hire someone to do
this for you. It is money well spent and will keep you
from missing opportunities!
Enjoy summer and take advantage of the slower
time to do some work on your business! But
remember, summer will not last forever, so do one of
these tips today!
The 2011 IRN Conference –
Sarasota, Florida –
October 23-26, 2011
1. You will be inspired and encouraged. As business
owners we work hard. Attending conference is
exciting! It will give you that needed boost that
reminds you that you belong to a group of talented
and successful people.
2. You will get the answers you have been looking
for. The lineup of speakers is impressive and on
target for just what our businesses need right now.
3. Learn new ways to help your business grow. You
will come away with a multitude of ideas including at
least 2 or 3 that will make an immediate difference in
your business. Past experience has shown you are
likely to find that one idea that will turn your business
around - and send it soaring.
4. Meet your peers. We communicate with each
other on the Boards and email and now through
Facebook and other social media. Meet these
friends in person and enjoy catching up with the
ones you already know. The IRN Conference is the
perfect time to do some networking and have
informal conversations with fellow redecorators that
could develop into wonderful lasting professional
and personal friendships.
5. Learn the secrets of branding, marketing, social
media networking, and design from experts in these
fields. You will have the opportunity to discuss your
most pressing questions with these top
6. You are a professional and attending a
professional conference is part of doing business.
Invest in yourself and reap the rewards! You are
worth it! And what better place than sunny
Sarasota, at a top hotel at a great rate – compare
our conference fees with those of others and you
will see the value.
By Allyson Paris, IRN Gold Member, NJ
On behalf of the 2011 Conference Committee, I
would like to express how excited we are to be
planning the 10 Conference of the Interior
Redecorators Network! We will be celebrating many
7. Imagine the wealth of information you will receive
by being together with your fellow redecorators in
one place. From our guest speakers to the person
sitting next to you, you will get ideas, inspiration and
answers to your questions about succeeding as an
Interior Redecorator. Allow yourself to be inspired by
our most successful members who can show you
how they have made the most of their businesses.
8. You will have the opportunity ask questions and
be heard. The IRN is a volunteer group that thrives
on member participation.
9. When you leave the conference, you will know
that you are not alone—you will be equipped with
the latest information, as well as knowing you belong
to a solid, supportive network whose members share
and understand your desire to succeed.
10. Best of all, you will celebrate, laugh, be
pampered by the Ritz-Carlton hotel staff, take in the
sun, be with friends, and return home knowing you
will take your business to the next level!
Thank you in advance for signing the evite and
booking your room. This is one conference you do
not want to miss. You will return home with a fresh
outlook and a network of friends who have the same
dreams of success as you. Together we can make
those dreams a reality.
New Members
By Rosalee Cline, IRN Gold Member-Green Certified,
Linda Brisbois
6212 South Ranch Park Lane
Spokane, WA 99206
Home – 509 927-2272
Fax – 509 927-4648
Cell – 509 939-2053
Mary E. Gross
109 Northlake Lane
Madison, MS 39110
Home – 601 856-1736
Cell – 269 967-2194
Diana Hopper
30652 Stanfield Meadows Road
Stanfield, OR 97875
Home – 541 449-3203
Cell – 541 561-8212
Donna Ross
882 Yarramalong Road
Wyong Creek, Australia NS 2259
Home – 61 02 43561456
Work – 61 02 43561356
Fax – 61 02 43561456
Sometimes when the weather doesn't cooperate
the best option is to use containers. Here a little
color adds to the enjoyment of the deck. Also
why not add some color by your mailbox?
Rosalee Cline
Barbara Schultz
5755 Lake Vista Drive
Bonsall, CA 92003
Home – 760 726-1954
Work - 760 201-8683
Pam Thurin
2175 Temple Hills Drive
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Home – 949 494-7068
Cell - 949 295-7760
Here are the latest new members in the IRN! Join
me in giving extending a big welcome! Why not take
the time to drop them a line and say hello?
Pasadena Showcase House
By Linda Hammond, IRN Gold Member, CA
create the illusion of an inside room, while enjoying
the natural creek just below and mild evenings in the
canyon. You can imagine a delightful dining
experience in any locale using some of the elements
of this design. Notice the chair backs - they are
fashioned from old shutters adding to the whimsical
Courtyard & Knot Garden Design by Logoluso Design
The enclosed courtyard, located off the living room,
becomes an extension of the home—a cozy,
intimate outdoor space that serves as an area to
relax and entertain. Renowned architect, Paul
Revere Williams, designed this home in 1927. The
architectural elements remain true to Paul Williams'
elegant traditional style and complement the house's
English Period Revival design.
Mr. McGregor's Garden Alastair Boase Landscape
Eco-friendly, repurposed pieces have been artfully
crafted into handsome, functional elements: a
potting table made from the original pool house
walls, a bench assembled from a dismantled
redwood deck and a fire hearth flaunting the old
swimming pool coping.
Wanderland Tea Garden FormLA Landscaping, Inc.
This is such an inviting garden: a place between
worlds, as lush and vibrant as an English Garden,
while proudly claiming its dry location in the foothills
of Southern California. The floating windows help
What a delightful place to putter around on a lazy
summer mornings or evenings. Imagine what old
pieces you may have that can be transported from
one use to another: an old desk, kitchen table with a
bookcase set on top for storage, funky old cabinet,
and more, just close your eyes and imagine it!
CEP Committee Update – New
Opportunities for Growth
LeeSa Page, IRN Gold Member, VA
Wow! The CEP committee has been a very
busy group this spring. We are happy to report
that we officially launched the newly revised
Gold Member log and requirements in February
(you can get the new log and instructions on
how to fill it out on the CEP Discussion thread
―Gold Member Info‖). We continue to add new
online courses to both the Gold and Green
programs, which you can also check in the CEP
Discussion threads. You can find up-to-date
information on all things CEP in those areas.
Speaking of the CEP Discussion Threads, our
committee is working on promoting information
on CEP to the members – what it is, how you
benefit from it, and how to participate. Our
approach will be to use the Discussion Boards
to post basic information as well as discussions
on topics for professional development. We
will be working on this throughout the year. We
will send out member emails as needed but we
want to have a place you can go to get
information even if you don’t have a question.
We are also excited about a project this year to
provide targeted business and design courses
in which our members are most interested. In
April and May, we conducted an online survey
to gather information from the members to find
out what you want to learn about. We had a
great response. Working with the Board and
other committees we will use that information to
guide the identification of new courses, boot
camp topics and other structured information
sharing among the members. We plan to share
a short summary of the results with you later
this year.
Additionally, we are working on updating a
comprehensive resource guide which will
include sources and information in each of our
mantra areas (and more). We hope to have
that guide finished and presented at conference
this year.
Of course, we’d all like to have a few ―lazy days
of summer‖ but we hope you take some time
this summer to take a few courses (where ever
that may be – online, seminars, local design
centers) and brush up on the latest design
trends and practices. There is always
something new to learn!
The CEP committee is committed to providing
quality educational opportunities to help you
grow professionally, along with your business.
As always, we welcome your comments and
suggestions for new courses or topics.
Happy Learning!
Dear Facebook Using Members:
This is an opportunity to promote your business,
promote The IRN and promote your IRN Colleagues.
This is a Call to Action!
Please post on your FB wall that the IRN is hosting a
Facebook contest where each month, just by 'liking'
the IRN in Facebook - they will be entered into a
contest to win a $50 gift card. And while they are at
it if they would 'friend' us too - they will receive in
their newsthread many wonderful decorating tips
from the IRN. Here is the link:
Here is the benefit to you, the IRN and your
colleagues - every person who 'likes' and/or 'friends'
us will have an IRN presence on their Facebook
page, which in turn will be seen by everyone in their
circle of Facebook friends - this is the multiplier
IRN member "A" in FL posts the info on her wall,
 one of her FB friends "B" in VA 'likes' (and
'friends') the IRN,
 "B" has a cousin "C" in PA, who just
happens to be struggling with how to make
her family room feel pulled together, sees
this "Interior Redecorators Network"
connection on "B's" Facebook page, so
clicks on it to find that we do exactly what
she needs!
 "C" goes to our website, finds an IRN
redecorator near her and hires her to do a
room refinement. All free, all easy - the
beauty of social networking! "A" just helped
"C" get a customer!
But you must take the first action! Please commit to
doing it today. We need full participation for us all to
be successful.
Thank you,
Your Marketing Committee
Memories from last year’s
Valerie Spelman, IRN Gold Member, CA
Photos courtesy of Jan McCormack
At the last conference, Val demonstrated how to
successfully arrange tulips in a vase and add them
to a fuller arrangement with hydrangeas. Read her
article in the Winter issue of Refined 2010, she gives
some useful tips on selecting, trimming and keeping
your beautiful flowers fresh for days. You will find
Val's tips useful for all types of flowers, plants and
even fruits when used in arrangements.
Newsletter Committee:
Linda Hammond
IRN Gold Member, CA
Joan Lockhart-Grace
IRN Gold Member, ON
Article Collector:
Melissa Bolinger
IRN Gold Member, CA
Design Layout:
Dawn Skoog
IRN Gold Member, VA
Board Liaison:
Jeri Cerutti
IRN Gold Member, MA