2016 April Newsletter - Congregation Beth Ohr
2016 April Newsletter - Congregation Beth Ohr
1 Vol. 60 Issue 4 E-Mail: Apr 2016 congregationbethohr@gmail.com 5776 Nisan/Iyar Synagogue Office: 732-257-1523 From the Beth Ohr Family to your Family We wish you a Happy and Healthy Passover 5776 Friday Evening, Apr 22, 2016 Through Saturday Evening, April 30, 2016 For a Full Schedule of Services please turn to page 10 For the Rabbinical Assembly Passover Guide go to Rabbinicalassembly.org/pesah-guide 1 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES All Friday evening services begin at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise stated, Saturday morning Shabbat services begin at 9:30 a.m., Sunday morning minyan begins at 9:00 a.m. UPCOMING EVENTS AND SERVICES Fri Apr 1 Friday Evening Service 7:30 PM Sat Apr 2 Shabbat Morning Service 9:30AM Sun Apr 3 Sunday Morning Service 9:00AM Followed by Men’s Club Breakfast Torathon Registration 12:30PM Tues Apr 5 Rabbi’s Customs & Practices 7:30PM Wed Apr 6 Spanish Class 11:00AM Thurs Apr 7 Talmud Class 9:30AM Hebrew class 11:00AM Daytimers Passover Program 1:00PM Rabbi’s Israel Class 7:30PM Fri Apr 8 Friday Evening Service 7:30 PM Sat Apr 9 Shabbat Morning Service 9:30AM Sun Apr 10 Sunday Morning Service 9:00AM Followed by Men’s Club Breakfast Grandparents Circle 7:00PM Tues Apr 12 Rabbi’s Book Discussion 11:00AM Wed Apr 13 Spanish Class 11:00AM Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:30PM Thur Apr 14 Talmud Class 9:30AM Hebrew Class 11:00AM Temple Executive Board 7:00 PM Temple Congregation Meeting 8:00PM Fri Apr 15 Friday Evening Service 7:30 PM Sat Apr 16 Shabbat Hagadol Morning Service 9:30AM Followed by Lunch and Learn Sun Apr 17 Sunday Morning Service 9:00AM Followed by Men’s Club Breakfast Torah Benefactors Luncheon Honoring Ashna Pincus 12:00PM Tues Apr 19 Rabbi’s Jewish Customs & Practices 7:30PM Wed Apr 20 Spanish Class 11:00AM Thurs Apr 21 Search for Chamatz After sundown Fri Apr 22 Fast of First Born Service 7:30AM Erev Pesach First Seder Sat Apr 23 Passover First Day Service 9:30AM Sun Apr 24 Passover Second Day Service 9:30AM Wed Apr 27 Spanish Class 11:00AM Thurs Apr 28 Talmud Class 9:30AM Hebrew Class 11:00AM Fri Apr 29 Passover 7th Day of Passover 9:30 AM Sat Apr 30 Passover 8th Day of Passover Shabbat Morning Service 9:30AM Yizkor 2 PLEASE NOTE: RABBI MISHKIN WILL BE ON VACATION FROM APRIL 27 2016 THROUGH MAY 2, 2016 2 3 Rabbi Mishkin’s Message “Making Ritual Meaningful” This year springtime brings with it the reading of the Book of Leviticus. From the powerful and moving narratives of Exodus and Genesis we suddenly we plunge into the murky waters of this book with its overwhelming detail regarding sacrificial offerings. Needless to say, the modern world has taken a rather skeptical view of Leviticus’ significance. That is to be expected. When topics such as ritual impurity, leprosy, animal and meal offerings take up much of the book, we hunger for a return to the stories of Genesis and Exodus. However , read Leviticus we must. Although there are those who question its relevance, I believe it behooves us to remind ourselves precisely what the Book of Leviticus is really about because it really isn’t just about animal sacrifices and means of impurity. Fundamentally, Leviticus is about ritual and how it can impact our spiritual lives. Ritual presents us with a considerable challenge. All too often we risk allowing the rituals we practice to deteriorate into form void of feeling. However rituals, when done properly and with the proper kavanah (focus), can be most meaningful. A column which appeared in the Wall Street Journal recently titled “Watching Over My Grandmother,” was written by a woman Bari Weiss about Judaism’s rituals concerning death and burial. Here is how she begins her essay: “How do the rituals of death teach us how to live more meaningful lives? As religions go, Judaism is far more concerned about what happens in this world than in the world to come. But as I learned this past weekend while burying my grandmother, Jewish rituals can serve not only to sanctify the dead, but also humanize the living. My grandmother, Sandy Steiner, who moved in with my family from Los Angeles 25 years ago to help raise my three younger sisters and me, was 81 years old when she died at home shortly after the Sabbath began on Friday night. In Judaism, a dead body is never to be left alone between the time of death and the time of burial. It’s a tradition called shmirah, or guarding, which dates to an ancient time when fear of rodents or grave-robbers was real. Typically, the task is performed by volunteers, members of the community hevra kadisha –holy society – who do the watching in the funeral home. But if a person dies over the Sabbath the body cannot be buried or even removed. And so my grandmother’s family quite literally became her guardians; Over a 24 hour period, her body covered on her bed, we watched over her.” continued on page 4 3 4 Continued from page 3 Ms. Weiss then describes the process that took place and how she made it more meaningful for her family. She writes, “My grandmother’s younger sister kept watch over Friday night. In the early-morning hours Saturday, I sat with my younger sister. In the afternoon, my father sat with my uncle, followed by other members who took turns as the shomer or guard. Traditionally, the shomer is supposed to sit quietly and recite psalms. Our grandma was not so into the psalms, but she could give you chapter and verse about the latest doings on E! and Bravo. And so we shared funny anecdotes about her, when we weren’t browsing through her copies of Vanity Fair or People. Surrounded by her books and family photos we were reminded of a full life lived as we sat beside the beautiful vessel of this woman we loved.” Ms. Weiss goes on to tell of what her family did following the conclusion of the Sabbath, the process of the ritual washing and the ritual dressing of the deceased in the simple linen shrouds. She concludes her essay with a rendering of all the other traditional practices in Judaism regarding death and burial, everything from the plain wooden box serving as the coffin to the shoveling of the dirt at the graveside. After a detailed rendition of these ancient and practices, Ms. Weiss concludes her essay with the following words. “My grandmother’s life’s work was as a caretaker for her family – in addition to bringing up three daughters, she helped raise four of her grandchildren. It is the natural way of things that those who have been caretakers ultimately become the cared for. In the last weeks of her life – diagnosed with terminal cancer after having survived bouts with breast and lung cancer, she didn’t cry – she was tended to around the clock by my mother and her two sisters, who made sure she died at home, surrounded by her family. When so much in modern life is outsourced, there is something clarifying, maybe even purifying about witnessing a loved one’s final days. In caring for someone after death and being expected to take part in rituals at once deeply uncomfortable and comforting, I realized that Judaism was forcing us to examine our own lives and deeds – and ask ourselves: Are we putting our own vessels to their best use?” Wiser words could not have been chosen as we begin contemplating the most inaccessible of all the books of the Torah, Leviticus. We can learn well from Ms. Weiss as we seek to have ritual play a more meaningful role in our lives today. 4 5 President’s Message We will be holding our Annual Budget Meeting on Thursday April 14 at 8:00 PM at the synagogue. Please attend this meeting so there is a quorum to vote and approve the budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. I am working on the Slate of Officers for next year’s Board. Please volunteer your time and take a position on the Synagogue Board or a Board committee. I have been very disappointed this year as all my requests for volunteers to join the Board were disregarded. You will find it very rewarding to serve your synagogue. JUST DO IT!! The Annual Membership meeting takes place on Thursday May 12 at 8:00 PM in the synagogue. Our fundraising committee is busy with plans for the Journal Dinner Dance scheduled on Sunday June 5. We will be honoring Alice and David Honig, Marty Israel, Rysie and Jeff Perlman, and Dotty and Joe Shafran. This is our biggest fundraiser for the year with a goal of $27,500. It is vital that you support your synagogue by attending the dinner dance, purchasing an ad in the journal, and approaching local businesses to advertise in our journal. All donations are tax deductible, and businesses will be provided a donor tax receipt. Spring has arrived, flowers are blooming, and Passover is right around the corner. As you discuss the Haggadah at your Seders with your children and grandchildren, and share all the Passover traditions, reflect on how blessed we are to be living in the United States. When you sing Lashana Habaa B’Rushalim, Next Year in Jerusalem, think about the exciting congregational trip to Israel being led by Rabbi Mishkin that will be leaving on May 15 and returning on May 26. Harriet and I wish a Zeisen Pesach to the entire Beth Ohr Family!!! Shalom, Phil 5 6 TORATHON Sunday afternoon, Apr 3, 2016 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Enjoy a “taste of Torah” at our afternoon extravaganza of learning, fun, good company, a little nosh, and a rich, fulfilling Jewish experience. So far, the following Rabbis are participating: Rabbi Eric Eisenkramer Temple Bnai Shalom - East Brunswick Rabbi Bryan Kinzbrunner, Chaplain, Stein Hospice, at the Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living, Somerset Rabbi Marc Kline Monmouth Reform Synagogue Rabbi Jay Kornsgold Beth El Synagogue, East Windsor Rabbi Nathan Langer Jewish Hospice Services Rabbi Benjamin Levy Cong. Etz Chaim, Monroe Township Jewish Center Rabbi Lisa Malik Temple Beth Ahm, Aberdeen Rabbi Joel Mishkin Cong. Beth Ohr, Old Bridge Rabbi Michael Pont Marlboro Jewish Center Rabbi Ellie Shemtov Kol Am, Freehold, NJ Rabbi Jay Weinstein Young Israel of East Brunswick Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe Registration is at 12:30 p.m. The first class session starts at 1:00. With the support and generosity of The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey Need some info? Talk to Phyllis Greenberg (732)257-1523 or call Linda Benish at (609)426-8727. Cost: $5.- and canned food for the Old Bridge Food Bank. 6 7 Beth Ohr News Bob and Mala Simon and family want to thank everyone for your cards and good wishes on the birth of their grandson Zachary Simon. Meryl Finkelstein wants to thank all the congregants who visited, called and sent get well wishes on her recent surgery. Thank you to Anne Branfman for sponsoring the Kiddush lunch on Saturday, March 4. Helen & Ben Levine proudly announce the marriage of their son Jonathan to Maya on March 19 in California. Thank you Ashna and Bernie Pincus for sponsoring the Oneg Shabbat on Friday, March 5th in honor of Ashna’s birthday Thank you and Mazel Tov to Marty Israel for sponsoring the Kiddush lunch on Saturday, March 19th in honor of his grandson, Spencer Reese Kolada’s Bar Mitzvah, in North Carolina on March 26th Thank you to Roberta and Larry Fachler for sponsoring the Kiddush lunch in honor of Roberta’s birthday on March 26, 2016 Phyllis Greenberg extends her thanks to Bernie Pincus, Allen Skupp, Anne Branfman, Harriet Feld, for helping in the office, and for everyone who contributed to the JFS Kosher Food Pantry by Congregation Beth Ohr PTO Happy Purim Mishloach Manot. Ashna & Bernie Pincus proudly announce the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Sam Pincus on April 9, 2016. Parents are Lani & Michael Pincus. 7 DAYTIMERS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 7 DAYTIMERS ANNUAL PASSOVER PROGRAM (Please note change of date from April 14 to April 7) 8 Join the Daytimers at Beth Ohr at 1:00 PM for our annual Passover program. We will have a reading of the original Rhyming Haggadah, which gives a lighter approach to the Passover story. This will be followed by a musical Passover sing-a-long and a Passover recipe exchange. Please bring your beautiful singing voices and your favorite kosher Passover recipes. We will conclude with a movie. The Devil's Arithmetic is based on the historical novel by Jane Yolen. It stars Kirsten Dunst as Hannah Stern and co-stars Brittany Murphy, Louise Fletcher, and Mimi Rogers. The movie is about Hannah Stern, a Jewish girl who is bored hearing about the past and tired of her religion. During the family Passover Seder, she learns the importance of knowing about the past. Following the movie, coffee and cake will be served. Please bring non-perishable kosher Passover food for the needy. RSVP - Call Linda (732-251-0447) or Ira (732-679-2652) by Sunday, April 3. Calling all Bowlers The East Brunswick Seniors bowling league is looking for bowlers. We bowl Monday mornings at AMF Brunswick Lanes (the old Carolier Lanes) beginning from 10:00AM until approximately 12:30. This is strictly a fun league with no cash prizes. The cost is $12 per week which includes an end of season luncheon. There are current openings as well as openings for next season beginning in September. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE AN EAST BRUNSWICK RESIDENT TO JOIN. Please call Roberta Karpel, 732-642-7881 for more information. 8 9 Do a Mitzvah...Help Others Who Need Us This year, Congregation Beth Ohr will once again participate in the Holiday Food Basket program for the Jewish Family Services. In this way, we can help needy families in our community to enjoy a traditional Pesach. JFS collects Passover food and prepares baskets for the families. We can choose to donate Kosher for Passover food, or we can make a cash donation. If you have food to donate (please make sure everything is dated 2016), just place it in the food bin in the lobby of the Synagogue by Thursday, April 7th. Any monetary donations can be made out to Jewish Family Services and can be sent to the Synagogue office to the attention of Ira Donenfeld or Synagogue Office. If you need food to be picked up, please call Ira Donenfeld at 732-679-2652. Last Pesach, the community distributed food baskets to over 600 families. This year we have more families in crisis. Please participate in this project, do a mitzvah, and help make the coming of Passover a little brighter for fellow Jewish families who are in need. Below is a Sample list of Kosher for Passover Food for the Basket: Canned Fruit and Vegetables, Grape Juice, Tuna Fish, Jelly, Cookies, Oil, Macaroons, Coffee and Tea, Matzo, Matzo Meal, Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey Community Mitzvah Day with J Serve Teens Burial of Religious Sacred Articles and Books On Sunday, April 10th Congregation Beth Or will participate in the Jewish Federation's Community Mitzvah Day with J Serve Teens from Middlesex and Monmouth Counties helping us bury old Religious Articles, Hebrew Prayer Books Chumashim, Machzors, Tallit, Tefillin and Haggadot in the Congregation Beth Ohr Cemetery. You are welcome to join us in this mitzvah. Your books can be dropped off in bags or boxed in the synagogue library between now and April 2nd between 9-3. Call Phyllis in office before coming. The ceremony at the cemetery will take place at approximately 3:00 pm. 9 10 CONGREGATION BETH OHR PASSOVER SCHEDULE OF SERVICES 5776/2016 Saturday, April 16 Shabbat Hagadol Service 9:30 a.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thursday, April 21 B’dikat Hametz Conducted after nightfall (The search for leaven) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Friday, April 22 Fast of the First-Born 7:30 a.m. (Siyyum Bekhor) Burn leaven by 10:15 a.m. Erev Pesach—First Seder Candle lighting 7:26 p.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saturday, April 23 1st Day of Passover SERVICE 9:30 a.m. Candle lighting 8:29 p.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunday April 24 2nd Day of Passover SERVICE 9:30 a.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thursday April 28 Candle Lighting 7:33 pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Friday April 29th 7th Day Passover SERVICE 9:30 am Candle lighting 7:34p.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saturday, April 30th 8th Day of Passover Shabbat SERVICE— 9:30 a.m. YIZKOR 10 MEKHIRAT HAMETZ (SALE OF LEAVEN 2016) 11 The Torah tells us that during Passover, “No leaven shall be found in your houses for seven days” (Exodus 12:19). The Rabbis understood this to mean that one could not own any hametz during the holiday. To prevent the financial hardship that would result from discarding all of one’s leaven on an annual basis, the rabbis developed a legal mechanism whereby an individual could sell his/her leaven to a non-Jew for the duration of the holiday. PLEASE REMEMBER that even if you plan to be away from home for the entire holiday, you must still sell all the hametz you own. Similarly, should you own other property, or store leaven products in your office, you must still sell the hametz stored at those locations. While there is no charge for the selling of leaven, it is customary to include a charitable contribution with the “Sale of Leaven” form. PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW AND RETURN IT TO THE SYNAGOGUE OFFICE WITH YOUR TZEDAKAH DONATION MADE OUT TO THE “RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND” OR “JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES” NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, APRIL 21ST. YOU MAY, HOWEVER, GIVE IT TO RABBI MISHKIN IN PERSON ON FRIDAY, APRIL 22ND AT THE FAST OF THE FIRST BORN SERVICE AT 7:30 A.M.) THE UNDERSIGNED, BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S), have herewith granted full Power-of-Attorney to Rabbi Joel Mishkin of Congregation Beth Ohr, concerning the sale of every product containing leaven or its derivatives in his/her/their possession, effective as of 12:00 PM. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan which is the day before the First Seder that night. This power of attorney includes the right to rent to the purchaser all storage space, vessels and receptacles wherein such merchandise is currently found, and may thus be enforced in the most effective manner in accordance with the laws of our Torah, as well as in accordance with the civil laws of the State of New Jersey. NAME(S) ADDRESS(ES) OF PREMISES WHERE LEAVEN IS STORED 11 CONGREGATION BETH OHR MEMORIAL FUNDS 12 The following is a listing of the Memorial Funds that you may make tax-deductible contributions to: David Benish Memorial Fund Stephen Edwards Memorial Youth Fund Elaine Leibowitz Memorial Fund Beautification Fund Herman & Frieda Lipp Memorial Fund Mindy Nightingale Memorial Fund Stuart Polovsky Memorial Fund Herb Reinstein Memorial Fund Heidi Rogol Memorial Fund ***In the future when donating to these funds, please make your checks out to CONGREGATION BETH OHR and write in the fund in the memo portion of the check. The Following Donations Have Been Made During the Month of April: David Benish Memorial Fund Linda and Allan Benish—Yahrzeit for Meyer Benish, Allan’s father General Fund Marlboro Jewish Center Adult choir in memory of Michael Weiss, brother-in- law of Frank Glanz. General Fund Linda and Allen Skupp —winning ticket at Daytimers March Purim Party 12 13 The Congregation Beth Ohr Hebrew School would like to thank the following members for participating in our Shalach Manot Program. We were able to make a sizeable donation to the Jewish Family and Vocational Service of Middlesex County’s Kosher Food Pantry in honor of those who donated their baskets. At this time of year, the pantry is empty, so our donation will make a big difference in many needy families' lives. The Arroyo Family The Atzbi Family Linda and Allan Benish Alice Celeste Andrea and Marc Chassen Fortune Cheney The Clark Family Lana and Harvey Cohen Dara and Ken Deitz Lee and Ira Donenfeld Roberta and Larry Fachler Barbara and Mel Feder Harriett Feld Meryl Finkelstein Linda Garfinkel Ilene and Barry Gray Alice and David Honig Eloise and Robert Honig Marty Israel Sylvia Kagan Marilyn and Morty Kamenitz Marilyn and Ira Karlstein Elliott Leibowitz Glenda Levenstein Steven Maness Ronnie and Ed Mendlowitz Rabbi Joel and Beverly Mishkin Seymour Nussenbaum Rysie and Jeff Perlman Ashna and Bernie Pincus Terrie Polovsky Harriet and Phil Rabinowitz Sheila Reinstein Chuck Rogol Susan and Larry Ross Barbara and Herman Schneider Arlene and Nelson Silver Marjorie and Stuart Simon Linda and Allen Skupp Estee Spiegel Harriet and Bob Weiss Paula Yourman 13 14 We honor the memories of our loved ones whose Yahrzeits were observed during the month of February March and April. We acknowledge the following for their contributions to the Yahrzeit Memorial Fund: DONATED BY: IN LOVING MEMORY OF Marilyn Gilbarg Libbie Gorsky - Marilyn’s beloved mother Michael Weiss, brother-in-law of Frank Glanz Rose Kushner Anna Nussenbaum Debbie Gold—beloved wife Jack L. Dlugash Paul Katz Mollie Borenstein—Marjorie’s beloved mother Vivian Berkley—Cathy’s beloved mother Harriet Alper and Nathan Alper Esther Narol Julius Edwards Mary Cederbaum—beloved mother Ronnie & Ed Mendlowitz &family Pauline Feld Marlboro Jewish Center Adult Choir Seymour Nussenbaum Richard Gold Rysie and Jeff Perlman and family Suzanne Balaban Marjorie and Stuart Simon Mr. & Mrs. Howard Schwartzer Neil Alper Paula Eisen Suzanne Edwards Harriet R. Cohen Emma Weisgold, and Ellen Mendlowitz Harriet Feld BETH OHR CEMETERY Congregation Beth Ohr owns and operates a cemetery which is located on Ernston Road in Sayreville. The cemetery is a non-profit entity using existing funds and fundraising as its source of operating revenues. Membership in Beth Ohr entitles our congregants to the individual plot only, all other costs such as funeral, plot opening, memorial tablet costs, etc., are borne by the family. Please call Phyllis Greenberg in the Synagogue Office 732-257-1523 for further details 14 April Yahrzeits The actual date that the Yahrzeit is observed is to the right of the name. It is customary to light a memorial candle on the eve15 of this date and to give tzedakah in memory of the deceased. One should recite the Mourner’s Kaddish at services the evening before as well as the day of the Yahrzeit. Please call Phyllis in the Synagogue office at 732-257-1523, if you need information about the schedule of worship. The name of your departed will be read at the Friday evening and Shabbat morning services, the week before the Yahrzeit date which are represented by the dates in the columns which are in bold print. April 15/16 (cont’d) April 1/2 Howard Chassen Morris Zekser Nathan Freedman Jonas Deitz David Richman 4/3 4/3 4/4 4/8 4/8 April 8/9 Julius Edwards Israel Forgotson David Vassi Dorothy Blumenfeld Edith Donenfeld Harry Burstein Eleanor Gray Max Rothenberg Ben Spinner Blanche Bauman Richard Ellner Eleanor Mansfield Ellen Mendlowitz Martin Schectman Abraham Cohen Morris Wishnia Lenora Cohen Pauline Feld Sven Ibsen Regina Shulman Hyman Belsky Seymour Branner Mary Cederbaum Cynthia Deitz Isadore Gerenstein 4/9 4/9 4/9 4/10 4/10 4/11 4/11 4/11 4/11 4/12 4/12 4/12 4/12 4/12 4/13 4/13 4/14 4/14 4/14 4/14 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 April 15/16 Jean Cohen Esther Friedman Morris Jacobs Martha Sender Louis Zolotin Eugene Berko Felice Jeridel Miriam Schwarzwald Zlota Shvedova Solomon Coffina Barbara Geller Rose Kantrowitz Marcia Rothman Mark Weiss Marie Bloshassa Robert Cohen Philip Judd Sol Lapidus Fabian Bloshassa Herbert Heimlich Pesach Nodelman Victor Oppenheim 4/16 4/16 4/16 4/16 4/16 4/17 4/17 4/17 4/17 4/18 4/18 4/18 4/18 4/19 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 Dottie Schwartz Ethel Nightingale Marvin Robbins 4/21 4/21 4/22 April 22/23 Geraldine Edelman Philip Nadler Barbara Kuntz Isaac Ludwin Kaila Praport Leo Ullmann Sheila Kirschner Della Pollack Anna Rosenfeld Ida Schulsinger Ralph Wurtzel Harold Nadler Pearl Shapiro Henry Vollweller Samuel Weiner Frances Dashevsky Angela Dubin Zilla Weininger Leo Drabin Syd Hillman Abe Kagan Emma Weisgold Seymour Philips April 30/May 1 Carl Rudolph Kasiser Morris Kuritsky Ruth Rothlin Miriam Brenner Ralph Krause Alice Lanzoff Toby Maness Rae Perzley Anna Polansky Ceil Rosenthal Lena Weiss Yetta Chekofsky Violet Davidowitz Michael Ebenstein Eve Schnitzer Joshua Weissman Edward Abramson Yette Ribet David Rosenberg Stanley Silberstein Rhoda Tash Seymour Weinman Gizela Brody Mollie Rothbert Aaron Kanter 4/23 4/23 4/24 4/24 4/24 4/24 4/25 4/25 4/25 4/25 4/;25 4/26 4/26 4/26 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/27 4/28 4/28 4/28 4/28 4/29 4/30 5/1 5/1 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/3 5/3 5/3 5/3 5/3 5/4 5/4 5/4 5/4 5/4 5/4 5/5 5/5 5/6 15 CONGREGATION BETH OHR TRIP TO ISRAEL 16 ISRAEL – OUR LAND AND OUR PEOPLE - May 15-26 There is still some time to sign up for our wonderful trip to Israel. Call Phyllis Greenberg if you are interested in joining Beth Ohr’s trip to Israel this spring. NOW THAT YOU KNOW YOUR ALEPH-BET… WHY NOT TRY ADON OLAM? Thursdays, at 11:00 a.m. Linda Benish teaches a class in Hebrew Reading Part II First of all – MAZEL TOV to all those who took the Hebrew Reading I class. We finished the book, learned all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and are becoming more and more fluent in reading the prayers. Part II picks up from where Book I leaves off. But you don’t have to have taken Part I to take this course. This class is for those who know the Hebrew alphabet either from learning it in Part I, or in another adult education class, or back when you went to “cheder” back in Brooklyn or the Bronx or….. The goals of this course are to improve reading skills and fluency by using familiar prayers, and to expand comprehension. So if you recognize the letters but read VERY slowly, this will help increase your speed. Meanwhile, you will get some of the components of the Hebrew language and be able to identify new words and phrases which will assist you in understanding some of the most familiar prayers we read. No tests. No grades. Members – free. Non-members $36. Join us. ETZ CHAIM CHUMASH If you are interested in purchasing the new Etz Chaim Chumash, please contact Harriet Rabinowitz by e-mail at harriet.rabinowi@gmail.com. Books may be purchased to memorialize someone special or in honor of a simcha. The cost is $54.00 each and checks should be made payable to Sisterhood, Congregation Beth Ohr. The Chumash must be paid in full before a bookplate will be affixed . 16 17 GRANDPARENTS CIRCLE SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2016 7:30 pm CONGREGATION BETH OHR Grandparents' Circle will continue meeting with its next discussion scheduled for Sunday evening, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Beth Ohr. We will have a wonderful guest speaker, Ms. Donna Cephas who will focus on the subject of inclusion and intermarriage. Ms. Donna Cephas has an MA Degree from JTS and is currently working toward a PHd. She is the founder of the Narrative Project, a technique for enhancing interfaith family dynamics. The session is open to the public. These workshops are designed for Jewish grandparents with intermarried children to provide them with support and information in navigating the issues of intermarriage and fostering positive relationships with their grandchildren. All interested, feel free to come, even if you have never attended before. 17 M’ C Minyan Every Sunday. Come and also enjoy a bagel and the camaraderie. Look for your Yellow Candles at the end of April. Excitement at the Sunday Minyan & Men’s Club Doings Shown is Bernie Pincus with Grandson Ian at a Sunday Minyan when Ian put on Tefillin for the first time. Also shown is David Honig with a cool Tee Shirt. Try coming 3 extra times in 2016 and join in the fun! Join the Men’s Club Triple S Club for 2016: Shul, Schmooze and Schmear If you don’t regularly come to a Sunday Minyan, we look forward to seeing you more often in 2016! For next month’s newsletter: Send photos of you or your family on vacation or with famous people. Good Shabbos! Greetings A suggestion is for all Men’s Club members and Beth Ohr Congregants to call someone they haven’t spoken to in a while and wish them a Good Shabbos. A few of us have done it and had very gratifying results. Try it—You’ll like it! No Scheduled events. Impromptu programs will follow the Minyan during the Bagel breakfast Best wishes from the Men’s Club for a Ziessen Pesach! Ed Mendlowitz, Men’s Club President, emcpa1@aol.com tel 732 890-3344 If you don’t usually attend, try coming once in a while and see what we have to offer. It ain’t what you think it is! Beth ohr Photo gallerY Photos of the Month Top le and boom right photos show fun acvies at Daymers events. Top right shows sign menoning Roberta Fachler’s Birthday party at a Shabbos service. Also announced is the Torathon on April 3rd (see details elsewhere in this newsleer). Boom le is the Mendlowitz’ vising the Prussacks in Boynton Beach, FL on a short vacaon trip. Send your photos to Ed for the Newsletter. Beth Ohr Israel Trip May 1526 Shown above are some of the travelers planning their trip. There is sll me to sign up. If interested call Phyllis Greenberg (732 257-1523) at the Temple office for informaon. Trip includes visits to Caesarea, Ramat Hanadiv, Atlit, Top of Mt. Carmel, Haifa Bay, Tiberias, Golan Heights, Mt. Ben Tal, Kesem Hagolan, Golan Winery, Safed, Tel Dan nature Reserve, Abraham’s Gate, Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, Masada, Ein Gedi, Judean Hills, Jerusalem, Kotel, Southern Wall, Kotel Tunnels, Jewish Quarter, Hurvah Synagogue, Kabalat Shabbat at Kotel, Yad Lakashish, Wohl Rose Garden, Menorah at Knesset, Yad Vashem, Avenue of the Righteous Gentiles, Shrine of the Book, Model of Herodian Jerusalem, Machane Yehuda, City of David Excavations, Begin Heritage Center, Latrun, Tel Aviv, Independence Hall, Ayalon Institute, Rehovot, Weizman Institute of Science, Nachalat Benyamin Street Fair, Rabin Square, Rabin Center, Jaffa Institute, Palmach Museum, Museum of the Diaspora, And much more SUPPORT THE JOURNAL DINNER DANCE Plan on a4ending, but also make every effort to sell ads for the Journal. This is our major fund raiser and we need everyone’s support and par8cipa8on. Journal ad forms appear elsewhere in the Newsle4er and can be reproduced. BETH OHR MEMBER INFORMATION Congregation Beth Ohr Dinner Dance Journal Dinner Dance Sunday June 5, 2016 at Beth Ohr Honoring ALICE & DAVID HONIG RYSELLE & JEFF PERLMAN DOROTHY & JOE SHAFRAN MARTIN ISRAEL The Cost of Dinner Tickets is $90.00 per person. However, all Beth Ohr Members can attend for No Charge—For Free as long as they sell $500.00 in Journal ads (single members need to sell only $250.00 in ads) An ad form is included in this newsletter that can be photocopied. On the next two pages are listings of the ads sold through March 31. The first list is sorted by who purchased the ads. The second list is sorted by who sold the ads. We still have a long way to so, so please try to sell ads. Beth Ohr Dinner Dance Journal Ads As of March 31, 2016 Advertiser A. B. Carpet Abrams Travel Advanced Dermatology Center Advanced Ophyhalmology Center Advanced Wellness Center of Marlboro Allen & Wilma Appel AllState NJ Insurance Co Amboy Bank American Tire Amy S. Albalah Anonymous in honor of Ed Mendlowitz Anthony F. D'Aguillo Bloomfield Cooper Capri Caterers Classical Caterers Custom Eyes David and Alice Honig Dr. Blumberg's Eye Care Dr. Steven Richards Dry-Kel Corp Ed Mendlowitz - For Marty Israel doing Kiddush Fred Singer Giusseppe's Goldstein Funeral Home Highland Park / Anshe Emerth Cons. Temple Joel E. Leizer (Howard Sorkin) Joe's Tuesday Night Card game guys Joyce Silberstein Luis Pons MerrillLynch MFM Deli Corp Michael S. Toonkel Noah Cleaners P&T Cleaners Parker at Monroe Peter E. Guardino Plaza Chiropractic Center PNC Quint Capital LLC R&R Shoe Repair Sam & Harriet Shafran Sopher Financial Group LLC Stefano's Sun National Bank Three Star Auto Service Inc Venditto Dental Associates Vera & Seymour Nussenbaum Wilf at Home WithumSmith+Brown YMCA of Western Monmouth County Amount 75.00 150.00 75.00 180.00 75.00 150.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 500.00 150.00 500.00 75.00 150.00 150.00 500.00 75.00 0.00 75.00 200.00 36.00 36.00 275.00 500.00 275.00 160.00 36.00 200.00 150.00 18.00 75.00 36.00 36.00 150.00 35.00 500.00 275.00 275.00 18.00 36.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 1,800.00 150.00 Total ads 9,127.00 Solicited by Vera Nussenbaum Roberta Bernstein Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Unidentified Allen Appel Ann Branfman Joe Shafran Phil Rabinowitz Vera Nussenbaum Ed Mendlowitz Bob Nagler Harrriet & Bob Weiss Allan Benish & Allen Skupp Ann Branfman Ann Branfman David Honig Joe Shafran Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Ed Mendlowitz Bob Nagler Phil Rabinowitz Vera Nussenbaum Bernie Pincus Roberta Bernstein Ed Mendlowitz Joyce Silberstein Bob Nagler Unidentified source Joe Shafran Bob Nagler Phil Rabinowitz Joe Shafran Vera Nussenbaum Bob Nagler Vera Nussenbaum David Honig Bob Nagler Vera Nussenbaum Joe Shafran Bob Nagler Ann Branfman Allan Benish Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Ed Mendlowitz Allen Skupp Beth Ohr Dinner Dance Journal Ads As of March 31, 2016 Advertiser Sun National Bank Capri Caterers Allen & Wilma Appel YMCA of Western Monmouth County AllState NJ Insurance Co Classical Caterers Custom Eyes Stefano's Highland Park / Anshe Emerth Cons. Temple Anthony F. D'Aguillo Fred Singer Luis Pons Michael S. Toonkel Peter E. Guardino Quint Capital LLC Sopher Financial Group LLC David and Alice Honig PNC Anonymous in honor of Ed Mendlowitz Ed Mendlowitz - For Marty Israel doing Kiddush Joe's Tuesday Night Card game guys WithumSmith+Brown Bloomfield Cooper Amboy Bank Dr. Blumberg's Eye Care MFM Deli Corp P&T Cleaners Sam & Harriet Shafran Joyce Silberstein American Tire Giusseppe's Noah Cleaners Abrams Travel Joel E. Leizer (Howard Sorkin) Advanced Wellness Center of Marlboro MerrillLynch A. B. Carpet Advanced Dermatology Center Advanced Ophyhalmology Center Amy S. Albalah Dr. Steven Richards Dry-Kel Corp Goldstein Funeral Home Parker at Monroe Plaza Chiropractic Center R&R Shoe Repair Three Star Auto Service Inc Venditto Dental Associates Vera & Seymour Nussenbaum Wilf at Home Amount 150.00 75.00 150.00 150.00 75.00 150.00 150.00 75.00 500.00 150.00 36.00 200.00 75.00 35.00 275.00 75.00 500.00 275.00 500.00 200.00 160.00 1,800.00 500.00 75.00 75.00 18.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 75.00 36.00 36.00 150.00 275.00 75.00 150.00 75.00 75.00 180.00 75.00 0.00 75.00 275.00 150.00 500.00 18.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 Total ads 9,127.00 Solicited by Allan Benish Allan Benish & Allen Skupp Allen Appel Allen Skupp Ann Branfman Ann Branfman Ann Branfman Ann Branfman Bernie Pincus Bob Nagler Bob Nagler Bob Nagler Bob Nagler Bob Nagler Bob Nagler Bob Nagler David Honig David Honig Ed Mendlowitz Ed Mendlowitz Ed Mendlowitz Ed Mendlowitz Harrriet & Bob Weiss Joe Shafran Joe Shafran Joe Shafran Joe Shafran Joe Shafran Joyce Silberstein Phil Rabinowitz Phil Rabinowitz Phil Rabinowitz Roberta Bernstein Roberta Bernstein Unidentified source Unidentified source Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Vera Nussenbaum Congregation Beth Ohr Journal Dinner Dance Dinner Dance & Souvenir Journal Honoring ALICE & DAVID HONIG RYSELLE & JEFF PERLMAN DOROTHY & JOE SHAFRAN MARTIN ISRAEL Taking an ad shows your support of Congregation Beth Ohr and your appreciation of these fine active honorees. Sunday June 5, 2016 Journal Ad prices – 8½” x 11” page size Back cover supporter $2,500.00 Inside front or inside back cover supporter $1,800.00 Gold page supporter $1,000.00 Silver page supporter $750.00 Full page $500.00 Half page (8½ x 5½) $275.00 Quarter page (4¼ x 5½) $150.00 Business card $ 75.00 Congratulatory personal mention $ 36.00 In memorium listing $ 18.00 Family Jewels (list your children and grandchildren) per name: $ 18.00 YES! Enclosed is my tax deductible contribution to Congregation Beth Ohr of $_______ for a _______________(specify size) ad in the souvenir journal. Ad copy is attached. (Please attach camera ready copy, if available.) (NOTE: DO NOT STAPLE ads or business cards to this form) YES! I want to attend the Dinner Dance. Enclosed is my check for $90.00 per guest. (Please provide the names of the attendees): Ad deadline May 9, 2016 Name ___________________________________ Co. Name________________________________ Tel ______________ Email__________________ Address__________________________________ City_________________ST_____Zip___________ Send your ad today to Journal Ad Committee c/o Congregation Beth Ohr P.O. Box 206 Old Bridge, NJ 08857 Tel: 732 257-1523 Email: emcpa1@aol.com Ad solicited by_____________________ The Beth Ohr Newsleer will be including informaon about our history leading up to our 60th Anniversary Celebra8on in the Fall of 2016 Sisterhood Presidents Estelle Weinstein Shirley Cohen Rae Tanzer Roslyn Levine Marsia Pulchin Florence Felberg Marilyn Dorfman Marilyn Miller Carol Brownstein Marilyn Samuel Trudy Mark Marcia Toppall Barbara Hollander Janee Golden Fran Kantrowitz Ronnie Rosenzeweig Rochelle Altman Bey Pekor Roberta Levine Marcia Trechak Lynne Weiss Janee Golden and Elinor Nadler Amy Babst Barbara Schneider Emily Stern Emily Stern and Cheryl Cadel Marilyn Silverberg Alice Celeste Liz Aroyo and Barbara Schneider Liz Aroyo Presidium Monica Atzbi Presidium Men’s Club Presidents 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1962 1962-1964 1964-1966 1966-1968 1968-1969 1969-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 1974-1976 1976-1977 1977-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1983 1983 1984-1986 1987-1990 1990-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 2000-2002 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2009 2009-2011 2011-present Benjamin Heisler Jerome Kaswan Fred Goldberg Sanford Richman Seymour Sass Stuart Simon Cecil Mautner Morton Glick Murray Chaifitz David Mondry Samuel Goldstein Michael Cohen Charles K. Pollack Michael Cohen Robert Zussman Jay Rosenzweig Elliot Leibowitz Seymour Golden Neil Kirschner Mark Atzbi Edward Mendlowitz Allen Appel Ellio Lehrer Edward Mendlowitz 1961-1962 1962-1964 1964-1966 1966-1967 1967-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1979 1979-1981 1982-1985 1985-1987 1987-1990 1990-1993 1993-1996 1996-1999 1999-2002 2002-2003 2003-2008 2008 - present Sisterhood Message 26 I hope this article finds all of you healthy, happy and looking forward to the upcoming Purim and Passover holidays. Lee Hyman has been working very hard to plan our annual Torah Fund Benefactor’s reception honoring Ashna Pincus. It will be held on Sunday April 17, 2016. Join us for an afternoon of good food and good company as we thank Ashna for all of her hard work. Without people like her, we would not be the strong Sisterhood we are today! We are also putting together our new Sisterhood slate. We are in need of ladies to serve as Programming Vice Presidents. Please contact Barbara Schneider if you are interested in joining our Sisterhood board for the 2016-2017 year. Our annual Donor Dinner will be held on Wednesday, June 1, 2016. Please contact Liz Aroyo or Ilene Gray for details. We are planning for our Fashion Show, scheduled for June 8, 2016. We are in need of models for this event! Please call Marilyn Karlstein or Lysa Rogol if you are interested. Also, we are still in need of donations of items to be raffled that evening. You can help with the Fashion Show by asking for donations from the vendors you frequent. We will also be happy with any new items that you can donate for our raffles. We need your support! Roberta Bernstein has made all her calls for the Passover Lottery. Thank you for your support of the lottery each year. We will post the names of the winners when the time comes! As always, thank you for supporting our many ongoing fund-raisers. We welcome and appreciate your help! And also, thank you for your continued support and participation at our Sisterhood events. Shalom Monica Atzbi 26 SISTERHOOD TORAH FUND BENEFACTOR’S LUNCHEON HONORING ASHNA PINCUS SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016 12 NOON 27 SISTERHOOD SWEEPSTAKES Roberta Bernstein is selling sweepstakes tickets for Sisterhood! The tickets cost 5 dollars each and you get full donor on all profits we make. Easy donor!!! . Checks are to be sent to Roberta Bernstein, 9 Chelsea Drive, Old Bridge, New Jersey before April 12th. Please call Roberta for more information! 732 679 4986 Thank you. 27 Date: Carry Name Amount Appel Wilma Aroyo Elizabeth $ 452.38 Atzbi Monica $ 606.25 Carry Over $67.50 5.0 36.5 28 03/16/15 Name Amount Feld Harriet $ 115.50 Feurier Darlene $ Finkelstein Meryl $ 117.30 Fox Helene $ Garfinkel Linda $ 191.75 Over - 6.50 Benish Linda $ 99.25 4.0 Bernstein Roberta $ 42.50 5.0 Birnbaum Eileen $ 78.00 Gasior Ellen $ Bleiweis Marilyn $ 5.00 Gilbarg Marilyn $ 19.00 Boshak Rochelle $ 75.00 Golden Elizabeth $ 287.50 Branfman Ann $ 139.50 Goldenberg Susan $ 101.50 Greenstein Barbara $ 2.0 5.00 3.5 1.0 5.00 Cadel Cheryl $ 43.00 Grynberg Helene $ 120.50 12.5 Cannata Susan $ Gurman Ruth $ 30.00 3.5 Celeste Alice $ 98.00 Clark Lisa $ Hillman Pearl $ 13.00 4.0 Cohen Harriet $ 71.50 Honig Alice $ 41.75 Honig Eloise $ Hyman Lee $ 83.50 Kagan Sylvia $ 51.00 Kamenitz Marilyn $ 16.50 Karlstein Marilyn $ 79.50 3.0 Karpel Roberta $ 127.50 1.0 10.0 DeRosa Rebecca Dietz Dara Donenfeld Lee Edwards Sue $ 5.00 2.0 5.00 1.0 5.00 $ 69.00 $ 82.50 1.0 8.00 Fachler Roberta $ 277.00 Kaufman Maxine $ 121.00 Falkowitz Marion $ 53.50 Klein Caroline $ 39.00 Feder Barbara $29.00 Krieger Karen $ 5.00 28 29 L-Z Liz Aroyo Date: 3/16/2016 Carry Name Amount Amount Over 1.0 Schlissel Lenore $50.50 Schlusselfeld Mindy $5.00 $76.00 Schneider Barbara $176.00 4.5 $5.00 SchoƩlander Hilde $185.50 12.0 Shafran Dorothy $175.00 9.0 Seltzer Karen $5.00 Seidner Lois $12.50 Silberstein Joyce $64.00 5.0 Silver Arlene $140.75 0.5 Silverman Sharen $277.50 9.5 Simon Mala $86.00 2.0 Simon Marjorie $91.00 1.5 8.5 Anne Lazarowitz Andrea $148.75 Levenstein Glenda Levine Helen Mason Lisa $10.00 Mendlowitz Ronnie $173.00 Elinor Name Over $5.00 Laddin Nadler Carry 6.0 9.5 $5.00 Perlman Ryselle $57.75 Pincus Ashna $116.50 1.5 Skupp Linda $244.75 Polovsky Terrie $52.00 10.5 Sommers Arlene $49.50 Prussack Zellie $34.00 1.5 Spiegel Estee $110.00 1.0 Trechak Marcia $534.00 5.0 Ward Phyllis $5.00 Weiss Harriet $144.00 Yourman Edna $59.00 Yourman Paula $246.50 Zeidner Lois $5.00 Zussman Virginia $42.00 Rabinowitz Harriet $281.75 Reinstein Sheila $15.00 Risman Ruth $56.00 Rogol Lysa $72.50 Rosenzweig Ronnie $16.00 Gray Ilene $114.37 15.0 1.0 0.5 3.0 42.0 29 30 Congregation Beth Ohr P.O. Box 206 Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857 For your convenience, we have included this YAHRZEIT MEMORIAL PLAQUE FORM. If you would like to order a plaque, please fill out and return this form with a check in the amount of $300 to the Synagogue office. If you have any questions about Hebrew names and/or dates, please call Phyllis at the office at 732-257-1523. (Print Name in Hebrew Here) (Print Name in English Here) (Date in English) (Date in Hebrew) PLEDGE I hereby authorize you to supply and maintain permanently on your Memorial Tablet, a name plate in memory of NAME IN FULL _____________________________________ for which I agree to pay $300.00. It is mutually agreed that each year, on the Yahrzeit of the departed, and, on other appropriate occasions in accordance with Jewish Custom a Memorial Prayer will also be said. Signed by Date ____________ Tree of Life to honor or memorialize a loved one Leaf - $118.00 30 31 31 32 32 33 The deadline for the next newsletter will be Noon, Tuesday, April 15, 2016 Please send all of your thank yous, articles and announcements via e-mail to: congregationbethohr@gmail.com or call Phyllis in the Synagogue office at 732-257-1523 “Ritually Speaking” If you are interested in sponsoring a Kiddush to celebrate a simcha, commemorate the Yahrzeit of a loved one, or “just because”, contact Phyllis in the office at 732-257-1523. Sisterhood is selling Kohl’s Cares for Kids Gift Cards. You may purchase these cards as gifts or to pay your bill In the store so you can continue to use your charge card and get your discounts. For more information and to purchase cards, please call Monica Atzbi at 732-390-5890 When ordering Kohl’s please use a separate check—not to be combined with scrip checks Rabbi Mishkin’s Contact Numbers If you need to reach Rabbi Mishkin, please use any of the following phone numbers: Office Phone # 732-257-7031 Home phone #732-967-6710 after hours for emergencies e-mail address: rabbijoelmishkin@gmail.com Rabbi Mishkin will be available for counseling by appointment. . 33 34 Congregation Beth Ohr P.O. Box 206 Old Bridge, NJ 08857 Shabbat Candle Lighting Times For April Apr 1 Apr 8 Apr 15 Apr 22 Apr 29 7:05 PM 7:12 PM 7:19 PM 7:26 PM 7:34 PM 34
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