CALH victorious against landfill, transfer station
CALH victorious against landfill, transfer station
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Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. 27 “Serving Waller, Hempstead & Surrounding Communities” VOLUME 25 NUMBER 12 VISIT US ON THE WEB @ • Phone 936-372-5184 We Support Our Service Men and Women God Bless America Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 12 Pages, 2 Sections CALH victorious against landfill, transfer station General and Cosmetic Dentistry We Love Children Waller Dental Services: • Medicaid, Chips, most PPO Accepted • Root Canal Treatment • Sedation Dentistry/ Laughing Gas • Wisdom Teeth Extractions • Bleaching (Teeth Whitening) • All General and Cosmetic Dentistry Waller Dental Specials: • $45 New Patient Exam with X-rays • Bleaching (Teeth Whitening) Special - $150 • 20% Complete Treatment Plans • Payment Plans Available ~ NOW HIRING ~ Experienced Bilingual RDA 31315 FM 2920, Suite 16A Waller, Texas Thrift Store & Pantry Support W.A.R.M. Helping those in need. WARM Waller Assistance& Restoration Ministries 936-372-2673 40070 Bus. Hwy. 290 Waller, TX 77484 936-372-5173 WARM Assistance Office - 936-372-3025 Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Inserts this week: Arlan’s Market By Carrie Prazak-Gourley The Waller Times On Tuesday, February 9, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) informed Green Group Holdings (GGH), the City of Hempstead, and Citizens Against the Landfill (CALH) by phone that they would not accept the “grandfathering” argument made by GGH in regards to their prior Transfer Station Registration, which they claimed exempted them from compliance with local government ordinances, which currently prohibit a landfill at the proposed site in Hempstead. The TCEQ stated they would not accept a new application from GGH on the Hwy. 6 site on the “grandfathering” premise. Now, GGH will have to be in compliance with local ordinances. A 2013 ordinance which allowed the Hwy. 6 and Hwy. 290 landfill site was voided in the settlement agreement, made after a Waller County jury sided with the City of Hempstead and the Citizens Against the Landfill in Hempstead, and shortly thereafter, the 2011 ordinance, prohibiting a landfill on that site, was reinstated. Good news for opponents of the landfill, which began last January with the outcome of the trial, continued last October when the TCEQ returned the permit application of Pintail Landfill, LLC, citing several reasons for the site’s unacceptability. Pintail determined not to appeal their decision, so the original permit application is dead. However, Pintail was not finished yet with Waller County, and with dismay, opponents of the landfill learned that Pintail notified the TCEQ in January of their desire to submit another application for a permit on the same site, under the provisions of the Texas Health and Safety Code under Chapters 363 and 364. Pintail claimed that their Transfer Station permit was “grandfathered” by provisions of that code for the entire 410.37 acre site, not just for the 1.16 acre transfer station. So when TCEQ called the City of Hempstead and CALH last Tuesday, informing them of their decision to oppose Pintail’s request, the opponents of the landfill breathed a great sigh of relief. In Commissioners Court on Wednesday, February 10, Commissioner Pct. 1, John Amsler, stated, “For all intents and purposes, the landfill is dead. Victory belongs to the citizens of the City of Hempstead, and indeed to See VICTORIOUS page 3A Little Eden Children’s Home matron to speak at annual fundraiser 10th Annual Fundraiser set for March 5 In celebration of the 10 year anniversary of the Little Eden Children’s Home in Kenya, Africa, Mike Eden Ministries is excited to announce that Matron Anne Ndumbe of Little Eden will be making her first trip to America to be the special guest speaker at the annual fundraiser, scheduled for Saturday, March 5, 2016, at the Hempstead Knights of Columbus Hall, starting at 5:30 p.m. “We believe that you will be touched by the story of the lives of the 67 children that she cares for as a substitute mother and also the story of her life as a Kenyan woman,” stated Sylvia Eden, wife of Mike Eden, founder of Mike Eden Ministries and visionary of the orphanage. “High in the beautiful mountainous region above Nairobi, Kenya sit two imposing, red tile roofed rock buildings, built by the loving hands of Kenyan villagers and American missionaries,” Eden described. “These large and spacious buildings are the homes to 35 boys and 32 girls.” These Kenyan children are orphan’s, under the care of Mike and Sylvia Eden, of Mike Eden Ministries of Waller County, Texas. Their wellbeing, health, schooling, clothing, food and other essential necessities are funded completely from loving donors, sponsors and fund raising events. “Future self-sufficiency is the key to the success of this ministry,” Eden stated. “Food supplies are raised on site in the “shamba”/ Sylvia Eden (back row, far left) stands with the girls at Little Eden Children’s Home in Kenya, garden by staff members who are assisted by older children. The Africa, after decorating their Christmas tree. Mike Eden Ministries is holding its 10th Annual Little Eden Children’s Home Fundraiser on Saturday, March 5, 2016, at the Hempstead Knights See EDEN page 5B of Columbus Hall starting at 5:30 p.m. Submitted photo. Waller County citizens voice their opposition to high speed rail Citizens, WallCo Sub-Regional Planning Commission meets with TxDOT By Carrie Prazak-Gourley The Waller Times On Tuesday, February 9, at 1:30 p.m., the Waller County Sub-Regional Planning Commission conducted their first Coordination Meeting with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) concerning the Texas Central Railway’s proposed High Speed Rail project between Dallas and Houston, which is now slated to cut through Northeast Waller County. The meeting took place on the Prairie View A&M Campus at the Don Clark Criminal Justice Building. The Waller County Sub-Regional Planning Commis- sion was formed in 2008 under Chapter 391 of the Texas Local Government Code, for the purpose of planning the future development of the community, including the planning of transportation systems within Waller County’s jurisdiction. Groups formed under Chapter 391 provide for the protection of rural communities through acquiring coordination with governmental entities, and a seat at the table as an equal partner in matters affecting quality of life. Over 165 concerned residents were in attendance at this first coordination meeting, including Pine Island Mayor Debra Ferris; Council member Marie Herndon of Prairie View; City of Waller Mayor Danny Marburger; City of Hempstead Mayor Michael Wolfe; T.J. Johnson, President of Waller County Advocacy Group; and Waller ISD’s Superintendent of Administration, Kevin Moran. Several presentations highlighted areas where the high speed rail could negatively impact Waller County. A presentation given by John Isom, Waller Economic Development, detailed the negative impact the HSR would have on our area’s economic development. Other presenters included Gary Ferguson, Waller-Harris ESD #200; Danny Twardowski, Waller ISD Superintendent; Johnson; Don Garrett, See RAIL page 1B Commissioners discuss changes to indigent defense system be our friend on Printed on recycled paper In wake of Sandra Bland death By Carrie Prazak-Gourley The Waller Times At a meeting of the Waller County Commissioner’s Court on Wednesday, February 10, Commissioners listened to a presentation given by State Senator Rodney Ellis, and Jim Bethke, Executive Director of the Indigent Defense Commission, on ways to reform local criminal justice through the county’s indigent defense system. Senator Ellis stated that money is available through grants from the state to reform local criminal justice systems, and many Texas counties have already accessed these grants. Some counties, according to Ellis, have already initiated reforms, and Bexar County, which sur- rounds the San Antonio area, has been the first successful participant in reforming their county’s indigent defense system. Some suggestions made by Ellis for reform included: 1) reducing unnecessary pretrial incarceration and to determine flight risk through a pre-trial screening program, and 2) acquiring early counsel at the magistrate hearing, so that mentally ill can advocate for treatment, and that those facing criminal charges can have continuity with representation throughout the process. Commissioner Pct. 3, Jeron Barnett, in the wake of Sandra Bland’s death in the Waller County Jail, initiated the request See SYSTEM page 5A We Pamper You... We Pamper You... We Pamper You... We Pamper You... We Pamper You... We Pamper You... We Pamper You... Enjoy paraffinwax, wax, You... paraffin WeEnjoy Pamper We Pamper You... Enjoy Enjoy paraffinwax, wax, You... Enjoy paraffin paraffin wax, wax, Enjoy paraffin We Pamper We Pamper You... Proudly lavender neck pillows, lavender neck pillows, Enjoy paraffin wax, We We Pamper Pamper You... You... lavender neck pillows, Enjoy paraffin wax, Waller Assistance Enjoy paraffin wax, We We Pamper Pamper You... You... lavender neck pillows, Your Local Waller County Weather & lavender neck pillows, Sponsored By: WARM Restoration Ministries lavender neck pillows, We We Pamper Pamper You... You... & warm towels. & warm towels. lavender neck pillows, Enjoy paraffin wax, Enjoy paraffin wax, We Pamper You... & warm towels. lavender neck pillows, lavender neck pillows, Enjoy Enjoy paraffin paraffin wax, wax,paraffin We We Pamper Pamper You... You... & warm towels. Enjoy paraffin wax & warm towels. Enjoy paraffin Enjoy wax, wax, && warm towels. We We Pamper Pamper You... 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Care and Results & wax, warm &services warm towels. towels. Enjoy paraffin lavender neck pillows, Providing all dental services including cleanings, & warm towels. Extraordinary andPamper Results & warm & towels. warm towels. lavender lavender neck pillows, neck pillows, Providing all dental services including cleanings, We You... From Waller, Serving Waller Providing all dental services including cleanings, Enjoy paraffin Enjoy paraffin wax, wax, Enjoy paraffin wax, Extraordinary Care and Results We Pamper You... Providing all dental services including cleanings, Care and Results &cosmetic warm &fortowels. warm towels. cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics for adults and children. Extraordinary Care Pamper and Results Extraordinary cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics adults and children. lavender lavender neck pillows, neck pillows, We You... Providing all dental services including cleanings, Enjoy paraffin Enjoy paraffin wax, wax, We Pamper You... lavender neck pillows, dentistry, orthodontics for adults and Enjoy paraffin wax, & warm towels. Providing all dental services including cleanings, Providing all dental services including cleanings, Enjoy paraffin wax, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics for adults and children. & warm & towels. warm towels. (936) 372-1177 (936) 372-1177 cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics for adults and children. children. lavender lavender neck pillows, neck pillows, We You... lavender neck pillows, We Pamper Extraordinary Care Pamper and Results EXTRAORDINARY Extraordinary Care and Results You... cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics fortowels. adults and children. (936) 372-1177 CARE AND RESULTS Enjoy paraffin wax, Extraordinary Care and Results Enjoy paraffin wax, Extraordinary Extraordinary Care Care and and Results Results (936) 372-1177 & warm & warm towels. cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics for adults and children. Providing all dental services Providing all including dental cleanings, services including cleanings, (936) 372-1177 lavender lavender neck pillows, neck pillows, & warm towels. lavender neck pillows, (936) 372-1177 Extraordinary Extraordinary Care and Results Care and Results Providing all dental services including cleanings, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics for adults and children. Enjoy paraffin wax, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics for adults and children. Clear H 76 L 48 o o Clear H 79 L 59 o o Partly Cloudy H 80 L 59 o o Overcast H 80 L 60 o o Chance of Rain H 80 L 60 o o Thunderstorm H 66 L 48 o o Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS From Waller, Serving Waller From Waller, Serving Waller Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS From Waller, Serving Waller From Waller, Serving Waller Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS From Waller, Serving Waller From Serving WallerDDS Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS Dr. Waller, Paula Wood Herber, From Waller, Serving Waller From Waller, Serving Waller From Waller, Serving Waller Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS Dr. Paula Paula Wood Herber, DDS Dr. Wood Herber, DDS Dr.Dr. Paula Paula Wood Wood Herber, Herber, DDS DDS From Waller, Serving WallerFrom Waller, Waller Dr.Serving Paula Dr.Wood PaulaHerber, Wood Herber, DDS DDS From Waller, Serving Waller From From Waller, Waller, Serving Waller Waller Dr.Serving Paula Dr.Wood Paula Herber, Wood Herber, DDSWaller DDS 31303 FM 2920 Suite - Waller 31303 FM 2920 Suite B -B Waller From Waller, From Serving Waller, Serving Waller 31303 FM 2920 Suite B - Waller Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS Dr. Paula Dr. Wood Paula Herber, Wood Herber, DDS DDS 31303 FM 2920 Suite B - Waller From Waller, From Serving Waller, Serving Waller Waller 31303 FM 2920 Suite B Waller 31303 FM 2920 Suite B - Waller From Waller, Serving Waller From Waller, From Serving Waller, Serving Waller Dr. Paula Dr.Wood Paula Herber, Wood Herber, DDSWaller DDS 31303 FM 2920 Suite B - Waller Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS 31303 FM 2920 Suite B - Waller 31303 FM 2920 Suite B - Waller Providing all dental services including cleanings, WWW.TOWNDENTALANDORTHO.COM Dr. Paula Dr. Wood Paula Herber, Wood Herber, DDS DDS From Waller, From Serving Waller, Serving Waller Waller Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS From Waller, Serving Waller (936) Extraordinary Extraordinary Care and Results Care and Results Clear372-1177 (936) 372-1177 (936) 372-1177 31303 FM 2920 Suite B - Waller 31303 FM 2920 Suite BB B--Care Waller Dr. Paula Dr.Wood Paula Herber, Wood Herber, DDSWaller DDS From Waller, From Serving Waller, Serving Waller Extraordinary and Results Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS From Waller, Serving Waller 31303 FM2920 SUITE WALLER 31303 FM 2920 Suite Waller o o Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS 31303 31303 FM 2920 FM Extraordinary 2920 SuiteSuite B -Extraordinary BWaller - Care Waller and Results Care and Results cosmetic dentistry, orthordontics for adults and children. 31303 FM 2920 31303Suite FM 2920 B - Waller Suite B - Waller From Waller, From Serving Waller, Serving Waller Waller H 68 43 From Waller, Serving Waller (936)L372-1177 (936) 372-1177 Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS (936) 372-1177 From Waller, Serving Waller 372-1177 Extraordinary Extraordinary Care and Results Care and Results (936) (936) 372-1177 372-1177 Extraordinary Care (936) and Results 31303 FM 2920 31303 Suite FM 2920 B Waller Suite B Waller Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS From Waller, Serving Waller (936) 372-1177 (936) Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS 31303 FM 2920 SuiteCare B 372-1177 - Waller From Waller, Serving Waller Extraordinary Extraordinary Care Extraordinary Care and Results 31303 372-1177 FM 2920 31303 Suite FM and 2920 B - Results Waller Suiteand B - Results Waller (936) (936) 372-1177 Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS From Waller, Serving Waller Dr. Paula Wood Herber, DDS From Waller, Serving Waller Extraordinary Care and Results Care and Results (936) 372-1177Extraordinary Extraordinary Care and Results lavender pillows, Enjoy paraffin wax, Providing all dental dental services services including including cleanings, cleanings, &Providing all warm &neck towels. warm towels. & warm towels. 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Providing all Providing all dental services dental services including including cleanings, cleanings, & warm towels. lavender neck pillows, & warm cosmetic cosmetic dentistry, dentistry, orthodontics orthodontics for for adults adults and and children. children. lavender neck pillows, Providing all dental services including cleanings, cosmetic cosmetic dentistry, dentistry, orthodontics orthodontics for adults for and adults children. and child Providing all Providing all dental services dental services including including cleanings, cleanings, & warm towels. lavender neck pillows, lavender neck pillows, & warm towels. cosmetic cosmetic dentistry, dentistry, orthodontics orthodontics for adults for and adults children. and child Providing all Providing all dental services dental services including including cleanings, cleanings, & warm towels. & warm towels. Providing all dentalcosmetic services including cleanings, dentistry, orthodontics for for adults and children. cosmetic cosmetic dentistry, dentistry, orthodontics orthodontics adults for and adults children. and child Providing all Providing all dental services dental services including including cleanings, cleanings, & FMwarm towels. Providing all services including cleanings, & dental warm towels. 31303 372-1177 2920 31303 FMand 2920 B Results - Waller Suite B - Waller CareSuite (936) (936) 372-1177 31303 FM 2920 Suite B - Waller Extraordinary cosmetic cosmetic dentistry, dentistry, orthodontics orthodontics for adults for and adults children. and child From Waller, Serving Waller From Waller, Serving Waller Providing all Providing all dental services dental services including including cleanings, cleanings, cosmetic dentistry, for dental adults and children. Providing all dentalorthodontics services including cleanings, Extraordinary Care and Results Providing all services including cleanings, 31303 FM 2920 31303Suite FM 2920 B - Waller Suite B - Waller Page 2, Section A, THE WALLER TIMES, February 17, 2016 Waller Wonders – Texas-size highway … of course! By Nancy Arnold he latest segment of the Grand Parkway (Hwy 99) between Hwy 290 and I-45 opened last week. The highway folks got all the barriers down sometime after dark Friday night … and in true Texas fashion, even though the road wasn’t officially open, drivers immediately zoomed onto the new road. Travel was free for the first week, so that was okay, I suppose. I got a call the next day from a friend who has never been on ANY segment of 99, yet somehow had managed to make his maiden voyage on the roadway at around midnight shortly after the barriers were removed. And what a tale he told! He and his wife had been at a function up on I-45 and had left for their home near the Galleria a little after 11 p.m. He thought he T was heading south on 45 when he realized that he was on an unfamiliar road … and there were no other cars to be seen. He saw precious few road signs, and no freeway lights, either. Finally he saw an exit for Telge Road, and recognizing the name, he exited and headed south to access Hwy 290. He hadn’t been on that road for a while, either, and had no idea that he was heading into a war zone of road construction, closed ramps, and uneven pavement. I know it was unkind of me, but by the time he got to the end of his harrowing (to him and his wife!) tale, I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe. Unlike us regular people, he lives in a civilized neighborhood (neighbors include George and Barb – Bush, that is – and Ed Emmett (aka Harris County Judge), where streets are well-maintained. He will probably never leave home again. ••• Parts of Hwy 99 … a.k.a. The Grand Parkway … have been open for a while. I use the section between 290 and Hwy 59 going south a couple of times a month, and it saves a huge amount of time, especially since Hwy 290 all the way to 610 resembles the aftermath of an earthquake. I have such sympathy for folks who have to use that road every day, ‘cause there’s really no alternate route. When this 99 monster is fin- ished, a trip all the way around will be 180 miles – three hours on a good day! Almost half of it – 72 miles – is open now. In all, five of the planned 11 segments are complete. All but one of those segments has been funded, so work will click right along. This is the third loop around Houston. The next one – if there is one – will be right at Waller’s doorstep! It’s only 11 miles from my driveway to the entrance of 99 now. The first loop was the 610 loop. Next was the Sam Houston Tollway (Beltway 8). And now we have 99, which traverses seven counties: Galveston; Brazoria; Fort Bend; Harris; Montgomery; Liberty, and Chambers counties. The Grand Parkway concept hatched in the early ‘80s, and the Grand Parkway Association was authorized in 1984. The Association is a non-profit State Transportation Corporation, and you can keep up with project news at www. We could build eleven NRG Stadiums with the concrete – 1.8 million cubic yards – poured, and the 110 million pounds of steel used could build two battleships the size of the USS Texas. Just how big IS this thing? What can we compare it against? Back in November, the Houston Chronicle ran a series of maps overlaying the Grand Parkway on about 20 recognizable areas around the world. Here are a few comparisons for your amusement: • Dallas/Ft. Worth – covers the DFW metroplex, up to Frisco, Allen, and Plano; south to Cleburne and Waxahachie, and east to Garland • Austin – from Round Rock almost to Georgetown; to Wimberley, San Marcos, and Bastrop; to Lockhart and almost to Marble Falls • Rhode Island – most of the state • Northern Ireland – most of the region • London – the city and much of the surrounding countryside • Ditto for Rome • Washington, D.C. area – includes Alexandria, Virginia; Gaithersburg and Annapolis, Maryland; and the entire Baltimore metropolitan area • Chicago – up to Skokie, down to Joliet, west to Aurora, and further • San Francisco – west well out into the ocean, east across the bay and south to San Jose • Jamaica and Fiji – most of each island. Bottom line – this thing is big. Traffic moves along pretty good … for now. As I recall, traffic on Beltway 8 was efficient in the early days, too. Now? Not so much. I didn’t even mention that massive stretch of parking lot called the Katy Freeway. No matter how much land they condemned, no matter how many businesses they killed, no matter how much concrete they poured to build it, traffic just barely oozes along. It isn’t fair to call it a “freeway. The moving sidewalk at the airport often moves faster. ••• While I hesitate to mention this on the same page, it’s important that we be vigilant about this proposed high speed train that will do so much harm to our communities – not only ours, but communities like ours all along the route between Houston and Dallas. People driving between the two cities stop along the way for gas and barbecue and ice cream. They stop along the road to buy fresh peaches, sweet potatoes, and watermelon. They plow money into the rural Texas economy. All of that will be just a blur out the window of a train going 200 miles per hour. Your best weapon is education, so go to and learn as much as you can about this train AND how to fight it. Then attend local meetings, including those put on by the train people ( Ask questions. Contact your elected officials at ALL levels. Your voice is important, but only if you open your mouth. The city council of Waller has already officially voiced our concerns to Texas Central, and we copied all of our elected officials. County Judge Trey Duhon has been a vocal opponent, as have many other elected officials. Get involved. Make some noise. Maybe we can’t stop it; but we have to try. ••• Light birthday candles for Ruth Avila, Jared Pitchford, Judy Brejcha, John Hearnsberger, Tracey Carruthers, Brady Dygert, Eunice Harrison, Kellie Carpenter, Caroline Crites, Judy Connor, Dennis Thomas, Jessica Marsh, Lisa Frierson, Johnnie Mellman, Tracy Sandoval, Edward Walenta, Betty Jean Arnold, Stephen Buzek, Joey Smith, Kourtney Hurry, Michael James Cook, Caylie Sierra Dunham, Rachell Mikeska, Judy Holcombe, Dee Anna Chesson, Martha Silva, Sherry Brunson, Joyce Timmerman, Helen Baumgartener, Frederick Gollmer, Chad Russ, Rand’n Loewe, Daniel Buzek, Cory Bundick, Katie Haynes, Jason Hooper, Cory Smith. Lesly Edmonds, Kym Marburger Murray, Matthew Thompson, David Scott Wilkinson, T. J. Phillips, and Matthew Thompson. Happy anniversary to Gary and Mary Eaton, Delbert and Dolly Schultz, Ronney and Brenda Bundick, Armando and Lynna Gonzalez; and Berry and Eunice Harrison. ••• Until next week … Contact Nancy at arnoldn@, or mail news items to her at P. O. Box 282, Waller 77484. Our shaky economy will have great impact on Election 2016 By Carrie Prazak-Gourley According to the U.S. government, the Great Recession ended more than five years ago and recovery is complete. Yet, most Americans don’t feel that way. Many, rather, feel the effects of a stagnant economy--flat wages, rising prices, high debt, and fear about the future stability of Social Security and Medicare. Obviously, there is a tremendous disconnect between those living inside the beltway in Washington, D.C. and the folks on Main Street. Despite the rose- colored glasses worn by the pundits in the media, reality bites, and the future outlook for the U.S. economy seems bleak. America’s economy is not yet in recession, which is defined by two consecutive months of negative GDP (gross domestic product) growth, but fears of a recession are growing fast. Last quarter growth was only .7% and for 2015 growth remained at a sluggish 2.4%. In 2008, after the collapse of the housing market and looming bank failures, the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to near 0, and began pumping money into the economy in a series of bursts collectively named “quantitative easing”. Seven years of 0 interest rates, $3.7 trillion of Fed money printing, and more than 8 trillion piled onto the public debt has resulted in an economy struggling to break a 2.5% full-year growth rate. Economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2015 was .7 percent. That’s it. The rate of economic growth for the last 23 quarters since the recession of 2008-2009 is the slowest of any economic recovery since the Great Depression of the 1930’s. As for the stock market, it’s off to a scary start, with stocks falling sharply on the fears of continued weakness in the Chinese economy. Even more ominous is the fact that the market is off to its rockiest start since 1932. Wall Street has been spooked by the crash in oil prices. Oil dropped 3% last week and is back below $30 a barrel. Cheap oil is great for consumers, but alarms investors who fear it signals something isn’t right with the economy. Several noted economists and investors have stated that the market, propped up by quantitative easing, is overvalued, and due for a crash. Consumer spending is another worry noted by economists. U.S. consumers make up about 70% of the economy, and they haven’t been opening their wallets much, despite lower gasoline prices. Even during the holiday season last December, consumer spending continued to be flat. TIMES THE WALLER Family Owned — Family Operated Published Every Wednesday Serving Waller, Hempstead and Surrounding Communities Mailing address is 2323 Main Street, Waller, Texas 77484 Physical Address: 2323 Main Street, Waller, Texas. Office hours are Monday through Thursday 9 am - 5 pm and Friday 9 am - 12 noon. Office: 936-372-5184 • Fax: 936-372-5186 email: The Waller Times welcomes readers to submit club news, community and church news, school news or farm and ranch news. All articles and news briefs run on a space available basis. We do, however, reserve the right to edit all news items for length, as well as controversial subjects or anything that may be libelous or slanderous. All fundraisers, thank yous, garage sales, events with a ticket/cover charge, or events that are held by multiple organizations such as Vacation Bible Schools, Revivals, etc. are considered advertising and needs to be a paid advertisement. Email news articles as microsoft word files or in body of email and all photos as jpg files only to the email address above. Deadline to submit is Fridays by 12 noon for consideration. NOTICE Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may happen to appear in the columns of The Waller Times, will gladly be corrected if brought to the attention of the management. All opinions and views of the columnists are not necessarily the views of The Waller Times. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We welcome Letters to the Editor, however, all letters must be signed by the author. Upon request, your signature can be withheld from publication. We will not publish unsigned Letters to the Editor. We also reserve the right to edit for length, libelous or slanderous remarks. ELEcTIOn SEaSOn POLIcy It is the policy of The Waller Times to withhold all election campaign information, including, but not limited to, election campaign events and appearances, during an election season consisting of three months. All electoral candidate information, campaign events, campaign fundraisers, campaign town halls, etc. must be submitted as paid advertisements during the three-month period that precedes an election. Prior to and proceeding election season, we reserve the right to edit all election and candidate news for length, as well as controversial subject matter or anything that may be libelous or slanderous. It is not the policy of The Waller Times to include a free candidate profile at any time. All candidate profiles must be submitted as advertisements unless it is a part of an editorial column or staff article. aDVERTISInG DISPLay anD cLaSSIFIED WORD aDS DISPLay aDS - (Bordered ads) are charged at a per column inch rate. Deadline is Fridays by 12 noon. all Display ads are paid in advance, unless you run on a regular basis with our company. Personal ads: 25 words or less $5.25. Any words over 25 is charged at 25¢ a word. Deadline is Fridays by 12 noon. Business ads: 25 words or less $5.75. Any words over 25 is charged at 25¢ a word. Deadline is Fridays by 12 noon. all classified Word ads are paid in advance, unless you run on a regular basis with our company. THE cOnTEnTS OF THIS nEWSPaPER aRE cOPyRIGHTED By THE WaLLER TIMES. nO PaRT OF THE cOnTEnTS OF THIS nEWSPaPER (EDITORIaL OR aDVERTISInG) May BE REPRODUcED OR cOPIED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSIOn OF THE PUBLISHER. nO EXcEPTIOnS!! U.S. manufacturing is already in recession, as that sector contracted for the fourth straight month in January, according to the key ISM index, which tracks industry’s growth. And although official unemployment has fallen to below 5%, that number is not at all a true picture of the job market. In fact, job cuts soared 218% in January, mainly due to falling oil prices. The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading. Why? Because if you stop looking for work, if your unemployment runs out, or if you can only obtain part time employment, you are no longer counted as unemployed. That’s why the official employment rate doesn’t feel like good times for most households. If you include the marginally employed, longterm unemployed, and underemployed, the rate would more than double. Further bad news that will impact growth is the U.S. trade deficit, which widened last month due to weak global demand for U.S. goods to 2.1 percent or $43.4 billion, and it is not expected to improve any time soon. Our trade deficit with China reached an all time high in 2015, an astounding $365,691,500,000. During 2016, the U.S. economy may also be negatively affected by political instability in the Mideast, including the mass migration crisis facing Europe and the world. This mass movement of people, affecting key global markets, could affect the U.S. economy in unexpected ways, as could the continued slowing of economic growth in China, and all emerging markets. Because of economic uncertainty, it is imperative that Americans take a hard look at presidential candidates. Since our national debt will rise to over $20 trillion by the time of the presidential election, a nearly unsustainable amount, how can we keep on spending? Taking all the money, from all the 1%, would not even sustain Social Security. Everyone should consider the possibility of another recession, perhaps worse than the that of 2008. This time the Federal Reserve is out of its bag of tricks. Quantitative easing, which simply prints money “magically” into the economy, has ended and interest rates, even after seven years, have only risen to slightly above zero. Remember, this time if the economy tanks, there are no in- terest rates to lower. In 2008, Fed Chair Ben Bernanke was able to lower the rate from 5.25% to near 0. What now? Will the Federal Reserve try to sell more Treasury Bonds to pump more borrowed money into the economy? What if no one is buying? After all, 23 countries have now dropped the dollar as their exchange currency. Because of these factors, the ability of government to save markets this time around will be difficult, if not impossible. Add to that chaos in currency, bond and equity markets, which has already begun, and the outlook for 2016 is bleak. Keep in mind, during your deliberations to choose a candidate, that nothing is free. Debt always must be paid. In the words of Margaret Thatcher, “Eventually we run out of other people’s money.” Like former President Bill Clinton’s campaign for the presidency famously once said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Well, it is, and everyone’s life depends on it. Yes, our country faces challenges, but they can all be overcome. After all, our country is still the last great hope of Earth, and a place where Americans still feel grateful to possess their unique birthright. Still to this day, in no other nation, is it easier for a man or woman of any race or ethnicity, to rise from obscurity to a position of power and wealth. No doubt that there are millions who would love to walk in your shoes. May God continue to bless the United States of America! Contact Carrie at gidget for any questions or comments on her columns. News Briefs How to Pay For College seminar set A How to Pay for Your College Education seminar will be held on Thursday, February 18, 2016, from 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. at the Hempstead Recreation Center. This is a free information session sponsored by the City of Hempstead and the Hempstead Recreation Center and includes topics such as types of financial aid, locating scholarships, understanding the FAFSA form, ways to avoid college debt, and much more. FAFSA forms will be available (FAFSA deadline is March 15 for Texas students). High school students and parents of the Waller County Community are invited to attend. For more information, contact the Hempstead Recreation Center at 979-826-2441. CALH More Than a Garage Sale Set Citizens Against the Landfill in Hempstead (CALH) has scheduled its February 2016 ‘more than a’ Garage Sale for February 19 and 20, 2016. Donations of new or gently used items are requested and can be dropped off at 641 10th Street, in Hempstead (next to Schwarz Hardware), Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. until 12 noon. All donations are tax deductible and funds raised are used to support the effort to stop the Pintail Landfill on Hwy 6. For more information, visit Walk Across Texas event set Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office of Waller County will be holding the ‘Walk Across Texas’ program beginning on Monday, March 7 and continuing until Monday, May 2. Walk Across Texas is a free, fun and flexible way to exercise. Get together with seven other people—friends, neighbors, coworkers, or family members—and start walking, or jogging, or even biking. To participate, pick up a registration packet between February 10 and February 29 at the Waller County Extension Office. There is no cost for the program. For more details, please visit the website at or contact the Waller County Extension Office at 979-826-7651. Mike Eden Ministries to hold fundraiser Mike Eden Ministries will be hosting their 10th Little Eden Children’s Home annual fundraiser on Saturday, March 5 at 5:30 p.m. at the Hempstead Knights of Columbus Hall. This event will benefit 67 orphan children living at the home. Please save the date. Special guest speaker will be Anne Ndumbe, matron of Little Eden. Also the premiere of “The Story of Little Eden Children’s Home” documentary will be shown that night. February 17, 2016, THE WALLER TIMES, Section A, Page 3 Waller Police Department activity February 4 - February 10 Waller Police Department Officers responded to 40 calls for service resulting in four incident reports. Additionally, officers completed three motor vehicle crash reports. On February 4, 2016, Sergeant Bellard responded to the 2100 block of Waller Street to investigate the report of burglary. On February 4, 2016, Of- ficer Serges responded to the 20000 block of FM 362 to investigate the report of a motor vehicle crash, hit and run. On February 5, 2016, Officer Zuniga responded to the 40900 block of US 290 to investigate the report of theft. On February 5, 2016, Officer Prudente responded to the 40600 block of US 290 to investigate the report of a motor vehicle crash, hit and run. On February 6, 2016, Officer Zuniga responded to the 40200 block of US 290 to investigate the report of a motor vehicle crash with injuries. On February 7, 2016, Officer Zuniga responded to the 31000 block of FM 2920 to investigate the report of a motor vehicle crash with injuries. ••• Great Texas warrant roundup begins March 5 S & N Appliances Representatives of law enforcement agencies and courts from more than 300 jurisdictions across Texas announced combined efforts to host the 2016 Great Texas Warrant Roundup beginning Saturday, March 5. The roundup is designed to target thousands of defendants with traffic, parking, city ordinance, penal code, and higher charge warrants from participating jurisdictions. The focus is to bring these individuals into compliance with court orders; there are multiple options that are available to do so. Hundreds of thousands of notices were recently mailed statewide by participating entities. Numerous counties, justices of the peace, constables, and municipalities of all sizes will participate in the roundup. It is believed to be the largest joint operation of its kind. Affected persons are urged to contact the appropriate jurisdiction or jurisdictions during the next two weeks to dispose of their cases voluntarily to avoid the inconvenience and embarrassment of arrest. You may contact the City Of Waller Municipal Court at 936-372-5614, City Of Hempstead at 979-826-8838, Waller County J.P. # 1 at 979-826-7745, Waller County J.P. # 2 at 936372-2193, Waller County J.P. # 3 at 979-826-7637 & Waller County J.P. # 4 at 281-375-5233 to see if you have any outstanding violations. Serving the Waller Area for 69 Years! We Service What We Sell 936.372.3639 1118 Smith Street • Waller, TX Waller Area Chamber of Commerce scholarships offered The Waller Area Chamber of Commerce (WACC), established in 2000, is an organization made up of local businesses, organizations and community members serving the Waller, Texas area. The WACC Board, with the support of the Chamber members, have created a scholarship opportunity in support of the edu- cational goals of local youth. These scholarships are administered by the WACC and is offered to high school students in their senior year. To qualify, the senior who plans to pursue higher education or technical studies, must be employed by a chamber member, be a child of a chamber member, or their parent should be employed by a chamber member. The ideal candidate will demonstrate exceptional leadership skills, character and a solid academic standing. Through this award, the WACC Board proudly honors those accomplishments. The application is available online at www.wallerchamber. com. Completed applications should be postmarked by Thursday, March 31, 2016 and addressed to Waller County High School Scholarship, c/o WACC, PO Box 53, Waller, Tx 77484 or delivered prior to 4 p.m. to the chamber offices, located at 1110 Farr Street, in Waller Despite all of their losses, a representative from Green Group Holdings, LLC said last week that they will continue to explore ways to move forward with the project. Also pending in court is the appeal of the settlement in the case Citizens Against the Landfill in Hempstead and the City of Hempstead v. Waller County, filed by former County Judge Glenn Beckendorff, along with former Commissioners Frank Pokluda and Stan Kitzman. The case is still pending in the First Court of Appeals in Houston. The appellate case number 01-15-00523-CV entitled: Glenn Beckendorff, in his Official Capacity as Waller County Judge, et. al. v. City of Hempstead, Texas, Citizens Against the Landfill in Hempstead, and Pintail Landfill, LLC is awaiting the decision of Judge Michael Massengale on the Motion to Dismiss filed last summer by Appellees City of Hempstead, Citizens Against the Landfill in Hempstead and also by Waller County. 1206 Smith St., Waller, TX 77484 Sunday School - 9:45 am Common Ground - 11:00 am (a Spirited Traditional) cation for that site would be rejected. “This effectively kills the landfill. Are they willing to fold up and go home? I don’t know. I hope they do,” he said. 936-372-3907 Whoo Loves Your Eyes? We Do!!! VICTORIOUS Continued from page 1A all of Waller County.” Waller County Judge Trey Duhon commented that due to city and county ordinances regarding landfills, any new appli- Carrying Christ into our community with a strong faith! Specialty Services Include: q State of the Art Vision and Eye Health Testing q Specialist in Contact Lens Fit and Comfort q Comprehensive Test and Treatment of Eye Disease And you should too, call to schedule your exam today. q We Accept Many Medical and Vision Plans Tara Bailey, OD q Large Selection of Frames to Match any Budget and Lifestyle! Therapeutic Optometrist/ Glaucoma Specialist 31315 FM 2920, Suite 19 • Waller, TX 77484 (Next Door to Harlans Grocery) Phone 936-372-3644 • Fax 936-372-3243 Proud to be your LOCAL eye care experts for over 9 years. Room available for Parties or Meetings Call 713-703-2275 to book. HOURS Monday - Saturday • 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. & Sunday • Closed Breakfast Served • 6 a.m. - 10 a.m. 31315 FM 2920 #10 Lunch Served • 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Waller, TX 77484 936-931-CARL (936-931-2275) 197 schools, 22 states, and four countries were represented at the Stanford Debate Invitational where four talented Waller High School students competed mid-January. Two Waller High School students competed in the Oratory event and two students competed in the Impromptu Speaking event. The students fared well at the event, and advanced from the first round. However, the second round proved to be much more difficult and no Texas schools advanced into the next round. Congratulations to these incredible students and a special thanks to the Waller High School Debate Team’s coach, Julie Bonner. Pictured (l-r) are Lorenzo Martinez, Edwin Cortez, Julie Bonner, Tyler Bonner and Hugo Guerrero. WISD Public Information. lly cook “Let Mo ” eakfast your br NOW SERVING BREAKFAST $500 OFF Your Total Purchase of $20 or More Valid for Lunch and Dinner. Dine in only. Excludes alcohol. Not valid with any other offer. With coupon. Expires February 29, 2016. Reba’s Boat, RV Storage and More! 18800 Becker Road Hockley, TX 77447 (West of Grand Parkway Between Hwy. 290 & FM 2920) $100 OFF First Month Rent with a 6 Month Rental 832-910-PARK (7275) NO W OPEN ! Insurance for all your needs: Personal I Home I Auto I Business We Specialize in insuring Rural Property Your House! Your Car! Your Business! You! Your Health! Waller Office Brenham Office Hempstead Office Hempstead Office 1202 Alliance 1800 S. Market 845 12th St. 1202 Alliance Street 845 12th Street 936-372-9122 979-830-5288 979-826-9300 979-826-9300 936-372-9122 Waller Office Page 4, Section A, THE WALLER TIMES, February 17, 2016 TAX TIPS Are you required to file income tax return? Some individuals are not required to file an income tax return if their gross income is under certain amounts per the following table. 2015 Filing Requirements for Most Taxpayers IF your filing status is: AND age at the end of 2015 you were: THEN file a return if your gross income was at least: (do not include social security) single married filing jointly married filing separately head of household under 65 65 or older or blind* under 65 (both spouses) 65 or older (one spouse) 65 or older (both spouses) any age under 65 65 or older qualifying widow(er) with under 65 dependent child 65 or older $10,300 $11,850 $20,600 $21,850 $23,100 $4,000 $13,250 $14,800 $16,600 $17,850 *If you are 65 or older or blind (either) you get an extra exemption which is calculated above. If you did not live with your spouse at the end of 2015 (or on the date your spouse died) and your gross income was at least $4,000, you must file a return regardless of your age. We are a full service CPA firm for personal and business tax purposes. We also do financial auditing and consulting. If you have any questions or would be interested in using any of our services, please contact us. V.L. Snider, P.C. Certified Public Accountants Over 30 Years Experience Waller Village Shopping Center • 936-931-1315 Email all advertising, news briefs, articles and photos to WCA surpasses fundraising goal for 4th year Last month, Waller Christian Academy hosted its annual gala and auction at Houston Oaks Country Club. The event was packed and a great time was had by all as the school surpassed it previous totals in funds raised. Waller Christian Academy raised over $120,000 and they give all the glory to God for this wonderful evening. Those in attendance were able to enjoy speeches given by several junior high students and a Latin rendition of Adeste Fideles “O Come All Ye Faithful” by some of the elementary stu- Elementary students sing a Latin rendition of Adeste Fideles “O Come All Ye Faithful” during a dents. recent fundraiser for Waller Christian Academy. Submitted photo. The funds raised at this event are vital to the operation of the school and the important work that Waller Christian Academy does each day in the lives of its students. Waller Christian Academy is a private not-for-profit (501c3) school serving 3-year-olds through 8th grade, but is in the planning stages for a high school campus. The school does not receive any state or federal funding and relies heavily on its tuition and fundraising. Waller Christian Academy wants to thank the community for all of their support in their first five years of making a difference in the lives of the children of Waller County and Waller Christian Academy hosted its annual gala and auction recently. Supporters helped raise beyond. over $120,000 during the event. Submitted photo. ••• Business and Professional Directory ~ Place Your Business Here ~ Call 936-372-5184 • Fax 936-372-5186 • Email #ONE PRO Handyman (832) 443-0698 Williams Business Solutions Bookkeeping Services • Payroll Quarterly Tax Preparation • Administrative Services Servicing The Pool Industry in Harris & Surrounding Counties Since 1976 ★ Replastering Specialists ★ ★ Structural Repairs ★ ★ Complete Pool Makeovers ★ Amy G. Williams 1/2 Price of Most Contractors •Painting •Remodeling •Commercial / Residential Aaron Pool Plastering, Inc. 813 12th Street • Hempstead Phone: 979-826-8000 • Fax: 979-826-3842 Call 7 Days a Week FREE Estimates - Phone Quotes Available Senior Discount John S. Leatherman Cell: (713) 240-2041 STYERS Construction Co. Waller County Feed & Fertilizer CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Residential Read The Waller Times online at Bent Fork ConstruCtion Materials & Services • Crushed Concrete • Crushed Asphalt • Clay • Sand 713-829-5964 *** New LocatioN *** 1039 Business Hwy 290 • Hempstead, Texas (around the back next to McDonalds) 936-727-4982 Mon., Tues., Thurs. • 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Wed. & Fri. • 8:30 a.m. –1:00 p.m. Sat. • Closed Sun. • 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. After hour appointments available Bent Fork ConstruCtion Serving Waller, Grimes and Austin Counties Land Clearing, Ponds, Pads, Driveways, Sidewalks and Patios 713-829-5964 We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards. Commercial ★ All Types of Concrete Work BULL DOZER ★ BACKHOE ★ MOTOR GRADER All Types of Dirt Work ODIS STYERS III P. O. Box 557 Hempstead, TX 77445 Home (979) 826-6791 Mobile (936) 870-5112 Fax (979) 826-8409 Jason McCaffety Painting & Construction Service Remodeling • Carports • Decks Roofs • Fencing & Etc. Free Estimates 281-413-5936 (mobile) Red’s Barber Shop Off: (936) 372-1300 Fax: (936) 372-1300 Waller Feed & 626 Austin St. *County Hempstead, TXFertilizer * (979) 826-4003 20313 FM 362 * Waller, TX * (936) 372-3466 626 Austin St. * Hempstead, TX * (979) 826-4003 (979) 826-4003 Feed * Fencing * Health Aides * Tack * Lawn & 20313*FM * Waller, TX * (936) 372-3466 Garden Pet362 Foods & Supplies * Gifts & More (979) 826-4003 Feed * Fencing * Health Aides * Tack * Lawn & Garden * Pet Foods & Supplies * Gifts & More Rivenbark Insurance Travelers • Progressive • Foremost • MetLife 936-372-5106 936-931-9277 31315 FM 2920 Waller, Texas 77484 Located between Arlan’s and Varsity Grill MOBILE SOUND FAB & Co. 31315 FM 2920 #18 • Waller, TX 77484 (936) 372 -8230 office • (832) 951-8989 cell U-HAUL Authorized Dealer Truck’s, Vans, Trailers, U-BOX Car Stereo, Speaker’s, Amplifiers, In-Dash TV, Navagation BoostmoBiLe DeALer FREE PHONE. FREE PHONE. Unlimited Talk & Text T-Mobile, Net10 Simple, H2O, Pageplus TEGELER Used Cars TEGELER Used Cars Quality Used Cars at Reasonable Prices Tegeler Family Dealerships serving the tri-counties for over 30 years Restoration & Fabication Fidel Alan Banuelos Owner/Lead Fabicator 979-826-8100 Monday - Friday 8:30-6:00 & Saturday 8:30-5:30 832-610-0369 Patch Panels • Paint & Body • Custom Metal Work WAYNE’S WORK Residential • Commercial •Roofing •Siding/Windows •Remodeling •Painting •Custom Decks •Patio Covers Always open on the web at: Auto / Home / Commercial T BES S CE I R P Handyman and Small Jobs Welcome Metal Roof Repairs Mobile Homes Call 713.824.3344 See us @WaynesWork.Net F EST REE IMA TES February 17, 2016, THE WALLER TIMES, Section A, Page 5 SYSTEM Continued from page 1A to the Texas Indigent Defense Commission (TDIC) asking for a review/assessment of Waller County’s Indigent Defense Program and to inquire about possible grant opportunities available to upgrade the program. After the presentation, District Judge Albert McCaig, Jr. presented the current status of the county’s indigent defense plan, procedures and policies. McCaig stated during his presentation, “I welcome an assessment and believe we will be shown to be in compliance with all state laws.” McCaig added that five additional magistrates, a team from TIDC, has assessed Waller County’s Indigent Defense Plan, making sure the plan is current on all laws. Judge McCaig stated that numerous internal control measures are used to ensure the county is in compliance with the Waller Indigent Defense plan by including the County Auditor, District Clerk, District Attorney, and Contract Attorneys in the process of compliance. “Of course, good legal counsel is also integral to any plan. Waller County has 10 indigent attorneys, a diverse team consisting of three Spanish language speakers and three African Americans, and a mixture of male and female advocates, who have a total combined average experience of 22.4 years,” added McCaig. Waller County has a large percentage of indigent cases. In 2015, the county prosecuted 572 felonies, of which 336 were indigent cases or about 42% of all cases presented to the court. ••• Commissioner Pct. 2, Russell Klecka requested that the court direct County Auditor, Alan Younts, to conduct a thorough audit of the whereabouts of all weapons bought or maintained by the Waller County Sheriff ’s Office, including a review of weapons’ transfers. Klecka stated that he had been concerned about the weapons since a small arsenal of guns was stolen from the Waller County Sheriff ’s vehicle outside a Saltgrass Steakhouse near Katy, which have yet to be recovered. Younts stated that he had never been approached by the commissioner in regards to his concerns about the weapons and stated that an auditor is independent and cannot be “directed” by the court to perform an audit, as per Klecka’s request. By law, the County Auditor is completely independent to avoid a political use of his office. “I encourage commissioners or any official who has a concern about audits to meet with me in my office to discuss their concerns. I’m there every day, and would gladly address any issues you might have,” Younts stated. Younts added that Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith has requested an audit of the weapons and he does not mind completing the task. According to Younts, an audit of weapons has never been done before in the county and Save money on your insurance. Auto • Life Fire • Truck Commercial • Monthly Payments Knight Insurance Agency Sue Knight Agent 350 Hwy. 290 E #3 Hempstead, Tx. 979-826-3026 • 800-660-3026 Se habla Espanol most counties do not conduct weapon’s audits, however, there are a few that do. “All departments are audited by our office, including the sheriff ’s. The last audit of the sheriff ’s office was done in 2014, but weapons were not a part of that process,” Younts explained. After intense discussion, the court voted to request (not direct), and the county auditor agreed to conduct the weapons audit, with the exclusion of the property room, which may contain evidence. A regular audit of the WCSO was already scheduled for the spring. In other business, the court approved payment of $35,933 to Texana for behavioral healthcare. Last quarter, over 12,000 individuals received services for behavioral health. The state provides $3 million for behavior services in Waller County, which includes a center for children with autism in southern Waller County. A mobile mental health team is instantly available to provide services within one hour to a jail or a home. Also, the court approved a proclamation proclaiming February Black History Month in Waller County. Judge Trey Duhon conducted the regular session meeting, also attended by Commissioners Justin Beckendorf, John Amsler, Jeron Barnett, and Russell Klecka. Texas Trails Enrichment Activities • • • • • After school Art & Sewing Home school Art & Literacy, STEM Alpaca Adventures & Obstacle Course Girls Night Out Painting and Fiber Art Mommy & Me Story Time/Activity 832-498-1941 Located at our Private Studio in Hempstead Ages 3 - Adult Visit our website and check out Farm News & Events Tabs for class schedule, descriptions and to register online for classes and events. Ridin’ With Christ Fellowship 3108 Washington St. 3108 Washington St. Waller, Waller,Texas Texas77484 77484 Sunday School: Over 100 people attended the Republican Women of Waller County’s Candidate Forum on Tuesday, February 9, 2016, at the Hempstead Theater. Those candidates in attendance along with the office they are running for were Ben Tibbs, Democratic Waller County Chair; Kevin Jewell, Republican for 14th Court of Appeals, Place 2; Marvin Hood, Republican Commissioner Pct. 3; Scott Green, Constable Pct. 3; Terry Hall, Republican Waller County Sheriff; Maria Vargas, Republican Waller County Tax Assessor; Jeron Barnett, Democratic Commissioner Pct. 3; Dani Post, Republican Chair; Ellen Shelburne, Republican Waller County Tax Assessor; Brian Becvar, Republican Commissioner Pct. 1; John Amsler, Republican Commissioner Pct. 1; Brian Nichols, Republican Commissioner Pct. 1; Rupert Sheridan, Republican Commissioner Pct. 1; and Wallace Koenning, Republican Waller County Chair.After introductions and initial statements, candidates responded to questions presented by voters. For over two hours, candidates responded to questions generated by Waller County voters on the problems and prospects for Waller County’s future. At the close of the forum, each candidate was offered the opportunity to sum up what their plans are if elected to office. Submitted photo. 20 For more information call: A non-denominational cowboy church that A non-denominational cowboy church preachesto theRevelations. Bible from Genesis to preaches the Bible from that Genesis Revelations. Boots, and hats Boots, jeans,jeans, and cowboy hatscowboy are always welcome! are always welcome! Where Jesus becomes REAL! Wanted ~ Anointed Musicians & Singers Hempstead FFA Project Show 16 March 3rd & 4th Youth Basketball Location: Waller County Fairgrounds - FM 359 Boys & Girls Thursday, March 3 Show begins at 5:30 p.m. ~ Show Order ~ Broilers, Rabbits, Goats, Lambs, Swine, Heifers, Steers For Ages: 5-13 All Skill Levels are Welcome Kickoff Date April 9, 2016 10:00 am Waller High School Gym Friday, March 4 Buyers dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. Sale begins at 7:00 p.m. **Dates may change** Info: 10:00 a.m. Sunday a.m. more372-3100 information call: Main SundaySchool: Worship Service:9:30 11:00 a.m. For(936) (936) 372-3100 Main Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Pastor (713) 899-3021 899-3021 Pastor Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m. (713) Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m. Parents we are looking forward to our first annual Waller Youth Basketball League starting up in late spring. In order to get an accurate head count on how many kids and their ages we need for you to submit a registration form at the below Link. Fee $65.00 per child. Registration Link: FFA Motto: Learning to do, Doing to learn, Earning to live, Living to Serve. ‐1754267/Waller‐Youth‐Basketball William Evans – Director ‐ 713‐538‐5221 MyKayla Alewine ‐ Asst. Director ‐ 832‐657‐4834 Page 6, Section A, THE WALLER TIMES, February 17, 2016 Waller ISD School Board Meets at February Meeting WISD Public Information The Waller ISD Regular Called School Board Meeting was held on Monday, February 8. Superintendent Danny Twardowski opened the recognitions by introducing Waller Area Chamber of Commerce Vice President Carole Nemec. Nemec commended Waller ISD Public Relations Director Marianne Kosik for receiving the Citizen of the Year awarded from the Waller Area Chamber of Commerce at their annual dinner. Nemec spoke on behalf of the Chamber and stated that Kosik received the award for her making a difference in the community. TEGELER Used Cars of Hempstead 850 Highway 290 N • Hempstead, Texas 77445 979-826-8100 • 2011 Chevrolet Traverse LTZ $18,995 Serving the Tri-Counties over 34 Years Twardowski complimented her for her commitment to the school district. The next recognition on the agenda was the W.C. Schultz Junior High School Competition Cheer Team. The cheerleaders brought home first place at the Spirit Celebration Galveston Island National Competition at the end of January, and were extended a paid bid by the competition to compete in New Orleans, Louisiana at the end of April. Additionally, Schultz Junior High School cheerleader Gwyneth Kosik was recognized for being selected out of 500 cheerleaders for the WOW award. This award is given for being an all-around cheer standout who grabs the judge’s attention at the competition. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Art competition recognition was followed after the cheerleaders. Waller High School Art Teachers Lea Kohn and Kristi Nelson, and Fields Store Elementary School Art Teacher Jody Sheffield presented each of their students whose art pieces had been selected by the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo judges to the Board. The selected pieces will be displayed at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo throughout the month of March. The next recognition commended the Waller High School Debate Team for their participation at the Stanford Debate Invitational. Waller High School CCR Buildings Carports·Garages·Barns·Workshops·Greenhouses·Portable Buildings·RV Covers·Cabins Rent to Own We have portable buildings ranging from 8x8 storage sheds to 18x46 finished cabins. We also offer carport, workshops, and barns. Stop by our lot to find the perfect building for your needs. Rent to Own 14x28 Cabin ¾ bath, kitchenette w/ microwave & mini-fridge, water heater, 18000 BTU ac/heat, 200 amp BB, (4) 110 outlets Suggested Retail = $18,500 Special = $14,997 Rent to own as low as 676.43/mo. Rent to Own 12x30 Horse Barn 6’ tack room, (4)’ light Suggested Retail = $5,860 Special = $5,097 Rent to own as low as $229.90/mo. We also carry Carports, Garages, Barns, General Shelters Portable Buildings. Models Open 24/7 14x30 Workshop 8x8 rollup, 48” walk-in, (5) windows, loft, w/ bench, vent Suggested Retail = $8,540 Special = $7,750 Rent to own as low as $349.56/mo. 30555 FM 1488 • Waller, Texas 77484 979.826.2230 713.628.7054 Selling Quality Since 1993 RENT TO OWN! NO CREDIT CHECK The Waller ISD Regular Called School Board Meeting was held on Monday, February 8. The meeting highlighted several outstanding student and staff achievements throughout the district. Pictured is a group of students who were recognized by the board for their contributions to the UIL Academic All-Star Team. WISD Public Information. Debate Coach and Teacher Julie Bonner highlighted four students, who were recognized for competing in the Oratory and Impromptu Speaking events and advancing from the first round of the competition. Waller High School teachers Seth Marable and Melissa Walton took to the podium next to recognize the winners of the 2016 Mr. and Miss Valentine’s Pageant, Justin Pershall and Kennedy Ellis. Marable and Walton discussed how much time, effort and work the students dedicated to the pageant and congratulated the winners and all contestants for their participation. Twardowski commended Walton and Marable for their commitment to the planning the pageant and for creating memories for the senior class students. The Waller ISD Advanced Academic Coordinator Scotty Johnson presented several students for recognition, beginning with the winners of the Waller ISD campus spelling bees who will advance to the Region V competition later this month. Following the spelling winners, Johnson presented the UIL elementary and junior high fall All-Star Team, who competed in UIL virtual events throughout the first semester. These students were recognized by the school board and attendees for their outstanding performance in the academic events. EveryoneNeeds NeedsaaaaLawyer Lawyer Everyone Everyone Everyone Needs Needs Lawyer Lawyer Who Is Yours? Who WhoIs IsYours? Yours? Who Is Yours? Finally, the last recognition on the agenda highlighted the Waller High School football players who were selected to receive District 19-5A Football Honors. Waller ISD Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Jim Phillips presented the recognition to the board, and informed the school board of the honor each player received. The Consent Agenda was next on the agenda, and was approved by the Board. Consideration for the approval of resignations, employment, administrator contract renewals, minutes of the January 11 meeting, leaves of absence, staff transfers, disbursements, budget change requests, tax refunds and reports were on the agenda. Joint Election agreements were on the agenda for election services with Waller County, and a joint election agreement between the Waller ISD and the City of Waller were approved. Consideration for the approval of the Maintenance Department’s purchase of new HVAC Controllers was on the consent agenda, as well as consideration for the approval of Professional Development and Appraisal System PDAS and Instructional Leadership Development and Instructional Leadership Training ILD/ILT Certification for Waller ISD Administrators. The Regular Agenda opened with the consideration to approve the Order of the Waller ISD School Board Election for Position 3 and 4. Currently Bryan Lowe holds Position 3 and Gary Buchanan holds Position 4. Candidates have until February 19, 2016 to file an application for a place on the Waller ISD School Board of Trustees Ballot. The school board was asked to consider an order authorizing the issuance of Waller Independent School District unlimited tax school building and/or refunding/ bonds; setting certain parameters for the bonds and authorizing the superintendent or assistant superintendent for finance to approve the amount, interest rate, price and other terms thereof; authorizing the redemption prior to the maturity of certain outstanding bonds; and containing other items related thereto. This agenda item was presented by Ben Morse of Andrews Kurth. The 2016-2017 Waller ISD School Calendar was considered and approved. A Calendar Survey was released to the public, and one hundred percent of the responses were used to formulate next school year’s calendar. Several Texas Education Agency TEA Expedited Waivers were presented to the Board. Class Size Exception Waivers were submitted due to some classrooms exceeding the 22:1 student to teacher ratio due to growth. The Waller ISD School Board nominated School Board Trustee Kim Parmer for the Texas Association of School Boards TASB Board Region 4, Position A. In Information Items, Waller ISD’s Director of Building Programs, Mark Lam, and VLK Architects Principal Todd Lien provided a Waller ISD Bond construction timeline and project update. Lam also discussed the process for selecting a construction company to build projects. Assistant Superintendent for Administration, Kevin Moran, presented the district’s emergency operations plan update, and informed the Board that the District is constantly updating the emergency operations plan to best protect the safety of Waller ISD and students. Waller ISD Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Jim Phillips presented the UIL realignment classification for 2016-2018, which will be finalized next week. The Information Items portion of the meeting was closed with Moran informing the Board that there will be a district-wide training on February 15 on the topic of staff to student relationships-boundaries. (l-r) Trey Duhon, Of-Counsel, Paul Looney, Clay Conrad and Richard Senasac (l-r) Trey Duhon, Of-Counsel, Paul C.C. Looney, Clay S. S. Conrad and Richard Senasac (l-r) Trey Duhon, Of-Counsel, Paul C. Looney, Clay S. Conrad and Richard Senasac (l-r) Trey Duhon, Of-Counsel, Paul C. Looney, Clay S. Conrad and Richard Senasac (l-r) (l-r) Trey Trey Duhon, Duhon, Of-Counsel, Of-Counsel, Paul Paul C.C. Looney, Looney, Clay Clay S.S. Conrad Conrad and and Richard Richard Senasac Senasac Time to Contact your Family Law Attorney? Time Timeto toContact Contactyour yourFamily FamilyLaw LawAttorney? Attorney? Time Time to to Contact Contact your your Family Family Law Law Attorney? Attorney? *Adoption *Child Custody *Civil Unions *Divorce *Elder Law *Estate Planning *Adoption *Child Custody *Civil Unions *Divorce *Elder Law *Estate Planning Planning *Adoption *Adoption *Child *Child Custody Custody *Civil *Civil Unions Unions *Divorce *Divorce *Elder *Elder Law Law *Estate *Estate Planning *Adoption *Child Custody *Civil Unions *Divorce *Elder Law *Estate Planning *Adoption *Child Custody *Civil Unions *Divorce *Elder Law *Estate Planning *Guardianship *Paternity *Probate *Surrogacy *Trusts *Wills *Guardianship *Paternity *Probate *Surrogacy *Trusts *Wills *Guardianship *Guardianship *Paternity *Probate *Surrogacy *Trusts *Wills *Paternity *Probate *Surrogacy *Trusts *Wills *Guardianship *Guardianship *Paternity *Paternity *Probate *Probate *Surrogacy *Surrogacy *Trusts *Trusts *Wills *Wills LOONEY CONRAD LOONEY &CONRAD & LOONEY LOONEY CONRAD CONRAD & & We offer big city quality small county prices We offer big city quality atat small county prices We offer big city quality at small county prices We offer big city quality at small county prices We We offer offer big big city city quality quality atat small small county county prices prices * Waller County * (979) 826-8484 Waller County (979) 826-8484 Waller County (979) 826-8484 ***Waller County ***(979) 826-8484 **Waller Waller County County **(979) (979) 826-8484 826-8484 * 918 Austin * Hempstead, Texas 918 Austin Hempstead, Texas ***918 918 Austin Austin ***Hempstead, Hempstead, Texas Texas **918 918 Austin Austin **Hempstead, Hempstead, Texas Texas certified Texas Board Legal Specialization notnot certified byby thethe Texas Board of of Legal Specialization not not certified certified by by the the Texas Texas Board Board of of Legal Legal Specialization Specialization not not certified certified by by the the Texas Texas Board Board ofof Legal Legal Specialization Specialization Relaxed Quiet Country Living 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments at Low Affordable Prices •Playground on Property •Affordable Daycare on Property •Laundry Facilities on Property •Affordable Housing Program with income guidelines •Handicap Accessible Hillside Plaza Apartments 19610 Fm 362 • Waller, Texas 77484 936-372-9248 February 17, 2016, THE WALLER TIMES, Section B, Page 1 Schultz JH Competition Cheer Team Competes at Nationals WISD Public Information The W.C. Schultz Junior High School Competition Cheer Team brought home first place at the Spirit Celebration Galveston Island National Competition on Sunday, January 17. 500 student athletes competed in the spectacular event showing off their cheer talents at the competition. Teams from across Texas from Caldwell, Desoto, Angleton, Spring, Texarkana, Pearland, and Sugar Land gathered to compete in cheer and hip hop. Coach Mary Bennett worked tirelessly with the dedicated students throughout the school year to get them ready for the event. The cheer team practiced each day during their advisory class period, and on several Friday evenings, with more frequent practices occurring before competition time. Coach Bennett was in tears during the announcement that the team had won a paid bid that covers the cheer competition The W.C. Schultz Junior High School competition cheer team is heading to New Orleans to compete against other national champions. The team won a paid bid at the Spirit Celebration Galveston Island 2-Day National Competition. WISD Public Information. fees in New Orleans, Louisiana to compete with other national champions in the One Competition. She said, “Our girls worked so hard. I am so proud of every one of them and thankful for the parent support.” The team was judged on tumbling, jumps, transitions, motions, dancing, performance, school presentation, overall impression, stunts, pyramids, tosses, and routine WHS All District 19-5A Football Honors timing. The team earned near perfect high scores over the twoday period. Ten cheer athletes were selected out 500 cheer athletes and won the WOW award, an award for being a cheer stand-out. One of the ten cheer athletes selected was Schultz Junior High’s very own Gwyneth Kosik. Gwyn was identified for being an all-around cheer standout that grabbed the judge’s attention at the competition. The team received first place in their division at the finals, which earned the team medals, a trophy that will be displayed at the school, and cheer jackets. The team will be recognized at the February 8 Waller ISD School Board Meeting for their achievements at the competition. The One Competition will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana on the weekend of April 29. The team is selling popcorn to help raise funds that will pay for their travel costs to the competition. Gwyneth Kosik is one of ten cheer athletes out of 500 that won a WOW Award at Spirit Celebration Galveston Island 2-Day National Competition for capturing the judge’s attention at the competition for being a cheer stand-out. WISD Public Information. New Service Safe - Luxurious Wheelchair Access Transportation (Wheelchair plus 2 passengers) Diamond Chauffeured Transportation 979-921-0154 Always hiring quality chauffeurs “ Until you see tomorrow, you will never see today.” The Pine Street Washateria 1202 Pine St. • Waller, Texas Members of the Waller High School varsity football team were recognized at the February 8 Waller ISD School Board Meeting for receiving District 19-5A Honors. WISD Public Information. WISD Public Information Congratulations to the Waller High School varsity football team members that earned 19-5A All District Honors. Team members that earned 19-5A All District Honors are as follows: First Team Offense: Running Back Eric Wright; Second Team Offense: Running Back Deion Bolding, Receiver and Defensive Back William Wagner, Offensive Line Drue McGinty, Team Kicker Miguel Aponte. Second Team Defense: Wes Geigley, Linebacker; Bailey Bloodworth, Linebacker; Jonathan York, Defensive Tackle; Detric Gardner, Defensive Tackle. Also recognized were Honorable Mention Offense: Lance Simon, Fullback; Octavio Morin, Offensive Line; Ben Bankston, Offensive Line; Stone Griffith, Offensive Line; Isaias Juarez, Offensive Line; Ethan ZenZen, Deep Snapper. Honorable Mention Defense: Travis Johnson, Defensive End; Michael Nickles, Defensive end; and Malik Banks, secondary. The team members were recognized for receiving 19-5A District Honors at the February Waller ISD School Board Meeting. RAIL Continued from page 1A Rick Welch, Tom Gleason, and Margaret Byfield, of the American Stewards of Liberty. Each of the above referenced presentations covered the negative impact the HSR would have on the community in several areas, including: natural resources, the environment, historical and cultural impacts, land values, school districts, and emergency services. Also addressed was the concern that federal laws under the National Environmental Policy Act have not been followed, especially by the Federal Railroad Commission. PVAMU not only hosted the meeting, but provided logistical support as well as live streaming and videotaping of the event. Waller County Judge Trey Duhon commented that he felt the meeting could not have gone any better and that this meeting is most likely the first of many to come. Duhon added, “We sent a huge message tonight--we will not let anyone walk over our county for a private, for profit boondoggle.” BAYLOR SCOT T & WHITE HEALTH IS MORE THAN A NAME. It’s family friendly care. At Baylor Scott & White, we are devoted to keeping you and your family well. Our family practitioners, Holli Waller, DO, and Cherlonda Shanks, APRN, FNP-C, specialize in helping you maintain well-being with annual check-ups, routine exams and preventive screenings with visiting specialists offering services in OB/GYN, cardiology, nephrology and urology. Conveniently located in Hempstead, they can provide you with diagnoses and Monitory & Donations are tax deductible. WARM Waller Assistance& Restoration Ministries treatment for a wide variety of illness and injury. And that should make you feel better. 40070 Bus. Hwy. 290 Waller, TX 77484 936-372-5173 WARM Assistance Office - 936-372-3025 Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. No Insurance? No Problem!! Ask about our in office “townie” discount plan!! • Crowns •Fillings • Dentures • Partials • Root Canals • Extractions • Cosmetic Dentistry • Sedation/Laughing Gas • Cleanings • Implant Crowns • Braces • Invisalign Complimentary Orthodontic Consultations Free Lifetime Whitening* FREE CORDLESS POWER TOOTHBRUSH Cherlonda Shanks, APRN, FNP-C Famil y Medic ine Holli Waller, DO Famil y Medic ine This location is accepting new patients. Some restrictions apply. New Patients only after comprehensive exam, xrays and cleaning. Coupon only valid at initial visit. Spreading Smiles Across Towne Paula Wood Herber, DDS 31303 FM 2920, Suite B | Waller, Texas General dentist practicing orthodontics. *Some restrictions apply. 808 6th Street, Hempstead, TX 77445 To make an appointment call 979.826.3341. To learn more about Baylor Scott & White Health in Hempstead, visit most major credit cards and insurance plans accepted Physicians provide clinical services as members of the medical staff at one of Baylor Scott & White Health’s subsidiary, community or affiliated medical centers and do not provide clinical services as employees or agents of those medical centers, or Baylor Scott & White Health. ©2016 Baylor Scott & White Health SWBRENH_62_2015 SOM Page 2, Section B, THE WALLER TIMES, February 17, 2016 Hempstead Middle School Band Students Receive Top UIL Ratings By Laurie Bettis HISD Public Information Ten students from Hempstead Middle School, received Superior Division I ratings, the highest rating a contestant can receive at the UIL Region 27 Solo and Ensemble Contest held at Cypress Spring High School on Saturday, February 6. Receiving ones on the clarinet were Kaiyla Woods, Guadalupe Hernandez and Cesia Alvarez. On the trumpet, Gustavo Moreno and Aneliz Rodriguez received ones. Nerix Espinoza and Georgina Arellano received ones on the alto saxophone. Stewart Middleton received a one on the baritone, while An- thony Herrera received a one on the trombone and Ivan Sandoval-Lopez received a one on the French horn. “Our middle students did very well this year,” said Ronald A. Walker, Sr., Director of Bands. “We are proud of our band students and look forward to concert season.” Citizens Against the Landfill in Hempstead FRIDAY February 19, 2016 8 am - 4 pm SATURDAY February 20, 2016 8 am - 4 pm HMS students did well at the UIL Region 27 Solo & Ensemble Contest. Pictured from the left are (back row) Gustavo Moreno, Nerix Espinoza, Kaiyla Woods, Georgina Arellano, Anthony Herrera, Stewart Middleton, (front row) Guadalupe Hernandez, Cesia Alvarez, Aneliz Rodriguez, and Ivan Sandoval-Lopez. HISD Public Information. HHS band students advance to State Schwarz Hardware, 641 10th St., Hempstead, TX Donation Drop-Off Times Schwarz Hardware Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Saturday 9 am - noon Website: Facebook: Citizens Against the Landfill in Hempstead KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FISH FRY YOUR INVITATION TO A FRIDAY FEAST EVERY FRIDAY DURING LENT 5:00 P. M. – 7:00 P. M. FEBRUARY 12, 19 & 26, MARCH 4, 11 & 18 MOUTHWATERING FRIED FISH HOMEMADE HUSH PUPPIES SECRET SEASONED POTATOES BEST BEANS YOU WILL EVER EAT OUR FAMOUS COLE SLAW ALL THE CONDIMENTS ICE TEA AND COFFEE OUR LADIES SPECIAL DESSERTS ADULTS $12.00 KIDS 10 & UNDER EAT FREE (DINE IN ONLY FOR FREE KIDS MEAL) TAKE OUT AVAILABLE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL 22892 MACK WASHINGTON LANE HEMPSTEAD, TX 77445 1 BLOCK OFF 290 & 1488 Waller • 936-372-2273 Serving Fresh Crawfish, Gumbo, & Fried Catfish Now Open fish By Laurie Bettis HISD Public Information Ricardo Robles, Andrea Middleton, Evi Escobedo, and Diego Rodriguez, students from Hempstead High School, received Superior Division I ratings, the highest rating a contestant can receive at the UIL Region 27 Solo and Ensemble Contest held at Cypress Spring High School on Saturday, February 6. Individually on solos, Robles received a Division I on the bass clarinet, Escobedo on the clarinet, and Rodriguez on the trombone. As an ensemble, the clarinet trio with Robles, Middleton and Escobedo received a Division I rating and qualified to compete in the State UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest in Austin in late May. “All of our students did very well this year,” said Ronald A. Walker, Sr., Director of Bands. “We are proud of our band students and wish the trio good luck at state.” ••• “WE CAN’T WAIT TO SERVE YOU” Swamp Shak Cat Fried HHS students did well at the UIL Region 27 Solo & Ensemble Contest. Pictured from the left are Ricardo Robles, Andrea Middleton, Evi Escobedo, and Diego Rodriguez. HISD Public Information. Open Thursdays - Sundays 11:00 am - 11:00 pm 979-826-2994 979-826-2994 979-826-2994 WWW.FLOORINGDISCOUNTERSTX.COM 979-826-2994 WWW.FLOORINGDISCOUNTERSTX.COM WWW.FLOORINGDISCOUNTERSTX.COM WWW.FLOORINGDISCOUNTERSTX.COM * Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. See storeMinimum for details.monthly * Subject * Subject to credit to credit approval. approval. Minimum monthly payments payments required. required. * Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. SeeSee store store for for details. details. See store for details. Waller County Chiropractic Dine In or Take Ou t Located across from Buc-ee’s Hwy 290 & FM 362 • Waller, Texas 1206 11th Street • Hempstead Dr. Chad Barber 979 - 921 - 0700 Now Offering Disc Decompression WE ACCEPT AND FILE MOST INSURANCE Crawfish Gumbo Visit our Facebook Page: Swamp Shak Waller Tickets are available at Michelle’s Boutique/Chat ‘n Curl in Waller, Classic Events Cafe, Newcomb Furniture, Six Shooter Junction, St. Katharine Drexel office and House of Help. February 17, 2016, THE WALLER TIMES, Section B, Page 3 “The Waller Times” Classifieds Call 936-372-5184 today to place your Classified Word ad or Classified Display. Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover accepted. HELP WANTED LEGAL / PUBLIC NOTICES NOW HIRING HIRING HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Tractor with Pull Scraper, Bulldozer, and Trackhoe. Experience is a plus, but training is available. FREE medical insurance, uniforms, retirement, and bonuses. Call 979-865-5941 DELIVERY DRIVERS We are seeking hard working individuals looking for a job in a fast paced environment. Job Hours: Varies Age requirements: 18 years or older For Questions: please call 936-261-9703 Hire in Waller/Hempstead area MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: • • • • • • Strong Written and Verbal Skills Able to Pass a Drug Test 100% Clear Criminal Background Valid Driver’s License Reliable Transportation No Visible Tattoos (face, neck, hands, wrists) Bonus Programs and Performance Raises after 90 days. Interviews Monday – Friday, 9am-4pm. NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION AND INTENT TO OBTAIN AIR PERMIT RENEWAL FOR SALE PERMIT NUMBER 79313 YARD SALE 10.00 - $12.00 Hr $ WE OFFER: • Overtime Available • Full Benefits • Paid Training • Paid Vacations • Advancement Opportunities FOR SALE 2006 Fifth Wheel 33 Ft. Cedar Creek Silverback 2 slides with generator Great condition. Call 346-217-6662 15 Entry Level Security Officers Positions start from Yard Sale at The Immanuel Church at Prairie View, 708 Thompson Drive, Prairie View, Texas on Saturday, March 5 from 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. Everything is $1.00 or stuff bag for $5.00. Oh yes, we will have Free Stuff for you to pick up. Items such as clothes, toys, shoes, cookware, houseware and much more are available. Come by! 3tc3/2 Call Classifieds at 936-372-5184 or email wallertimes Apply at our Corporate Office located by Hobby Airport: Westex Security Services Inc. 8876 Gulf Freeway Suite 540, Houston, TX 77017 713-946-9377 Security Experience, Possessing a Security License, or a Veteran are all pluses but not required! SERVICES COLOR COPIES LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES JOHNSON GRAPHICS JOHNSON GRAPHICS 40344 Business Hwy 290 40344 Business Hwy 290 Waller, Waller, Texas Texas 936.372.9448 936.372.9448 Off. Off. • • 936.372.5534 936.372.5534 Fax Fax email email Email your information you want copied and we’ll Email your information you want copied and we’ll have it ready when you come to pick it up! have it ready when you come to pick it up! Competitive Pay Immediate Positions Available 713-859-7706 SSC Services Solution Custodial Department Prairie View, Texas (Physical Plant) Westex Security is looking to Immediately TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Refinishing Upholstery Recanning Lamp Repair & Parts ★ ★ 936-931-2951 Blue Bonnet Antiques MOWING SERVICES Self-employed Weed eating, mowing Starting at $30.00 per lot Call 832-600-2173 Thomas To place your advertising today, call 936.372.5184 or email wallertimes LEGAL / PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF EXEMPTION It is the intention of the following districts to hold the May 7, 2016, Directors Election without providing a voting station that meets the requirements for accessibility under 42 U.S.C. Section 15481(a)(3) on election day and during the period for early voting by personal appearance: Willow Creek Farms Municipal Utility District, Kickapoo Fresh Water Supply District of Waller County, and Harris-Waller Counties Municipal Utility District No. 3. The above-listed districts invoke an exemption from the acquisition, lease, or use of an electronic voting system for the election. Any voter in any of the above-listed districts may request the use of a voting station that meets the accessibility requirements for voting by a person with a disability by contacting the person below. The request must be received no later than the 45th day before the election date in accordance with Section 49.111(d) of the Texas Water Code. You may send your request to: Robyn German, Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP, 3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2600, Houston, Texas 77027, You can fax your request to (713) 800-1171. Please include the name of the district and the requesting voter’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address (if applicable). AVISO DE EXENCIÓN Es la intención de los siguientes distritos realizar la Elección de Directores el 7 de mayo de 2016 sin proveer una estación de votación que cumpla con los requisitos de accesibilidad de la Sección 15481(a)(3) del 42 U.S.C. el día de la elección y durante el periodo de votación anticipada en persona: Distrito de Servicios Públicos Municipales de Willow Creek Farms, Distrito de Suministro de Agua Dulce de Kickapoo del Condado de Waller y Distrito de Servicios Públicos Municipales Nro. 3 del Condado de Harris-Waller. Los distritos enumerados anteriormente invocan una exención para la adquisición, el arrendamiento o el uso de un sistema de votación electrónica para la elección. Cualquier votante en cualquiera de los distritos enumerados anteriormente podrá requerir el uso de una estación de votación que cumpla con los requisitos de accesibilidad para que vote una persona con una discapacidad si se comunica con la persona mencionada abajo. El pedido debe ser recibido no más tarde del 45to día anterior al Día de Elección de acuerdo con la Sección 49.111(d) del Código de Agua de Texas. Puede enviar su pedido a: Robyn German, Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP, 3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2600, Houston, Texas 77027, Puede enviar el pedido por fax al (713) 800-1171. Recuerde incluir el nombre del distrito y el nombre, la dirección, el número de teléfono y la dirección de correo electrónico (si corresponde) del votante que realiza el pedido. APPLICATION South Central Equine Crematory has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for renewal of Air Quality Permit Number 79313, which would authorize continued operation of an animal crematory located at Farm to Market 2920 Road, Waller, Harris County, Texas 77484. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. h t t p : / / w w w. t c e q . t e x a s . g o v / a s s e t s / p u b l i c / h b 6 1 0 / i n d e x . h t m l ? l a t = 3 0 . 0 6 7 2 2 2 & l n g = 95.860833&zoom=13&type=r. The existing facility and/or related facilities are authorized to emit the following air contaminants: particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and organic compounds. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on January 21, 2016. The application will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, TCEQ Houston regional office, and the Melanee Smith Memorial Library, 2103 Main Street, Waller, Harris County, Texas, beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review in the Houston regional office of the TCEQ. The executive director has determined the application is administratively complete and will conduct a technical review of the application. In addition to the renewal, this permitting action includes the incorporation of the following authorizations or changes to authorized facilities related to this permit: amendments. The reasons for any changes or incorporations, to the extent they are included in the renewed permit, may include the enhancement of operational control at the plant or enforceability of the permit. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1 800 687 4040. The TCEQ may act on this application without seeking further public comment or providing an opportunity for a contested case hearing if certain criteria are met. PUBLIC COMMENT You may submit public comments, or a request for a contested case hearing to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. The TCEQ will consider all public comments in developing a final decision on the application. The deadline to submit public comments is 15 days after newspaper notice is published. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will prepare a response to all relevant and material, or significant public comments. Issues such as property values, noise, traffic safety, and zoning are outside of the TCEQ’s jurisdiction to address in the permit process. After the technical review is complete the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material, or significant public comments. If only comments are received, the response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application, will then be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or who is on the mailing list for this application, unless the application is directly referred to a contested case hearing. OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING You may request a contested case hearing. The applicant or the executive director may also request that the application be directly referred to a contested case hearing after technical review of the application. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. Unless a written request for a contested case hearing is filed within 15 days from this notice, the executive director may act on the application. If no hearing request is received within this 15 day period, no further opportunity for hearing will be provided. According to the Texas Clean Air Act § 382.056(o) a contested case hearing may only be granted if the applicant’s compliance history is in the lowest classification under applicable compliance history requirements and if the hearing request is based on disputed issues of fact that are relevant and material to the Commission’s decision on the application. Further, the Commission may only grant a hearing on those issues submitted during the public comment period and not withdrawn. A person who may be affected by emissions of air contaminants from the facility is entitled to request a hearing. If requesting a contested case hearing, you must submit the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, daytime phone number; (2) applicant’s name and permit number; (3) the statement “[I/we] request a contested case hearing;” (4) a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the application and air emissions from the facility in a way not common to the general public; (5) the location and distance of your property relative to the facility; (6) a description of how you use the property which may be impacted by the facility; and (7) a list of all disputed issues of fact that you submit during the comment period. If the request is made by a group or association, one or more members who have standing to request a hearing must be identified by name and physical address. The interests the group or association seeks to protect must also be identified. You may also submit your proposed adjustments to the application/permit which would satisfy your concerns. Requests for a contested case hearing must be submitted in writing within 15 days following this notice to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. If any requests for a contested case hearing are timely filed, the Executive Director will forward the application and any requests for a contested case hearing to the Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. Unless the application is directly referred to a contested case hearing, the executive director will mail the response to comments along with notification of Commission meeting to everyone who submitted comments or is on the mailing list for this application. The Commission may only grant a request for a contested case hearing on issues the requestor submitted in their timely comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. If a hearing is granted, the subject of a hearing will be limited to disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law relating to relevant and material air quality concerns submitted during the comment period. Issues such as property values, noise, traffic safety, and zoning are outside of the Commission’s jurisdiction to address in this proceeding. MAILING LIST In addition to submitting public comments, you may ask to be placed on a mailing list for this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. Those on the mailing list will receive copies of future public notices (if any) mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk for this application. AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. If you communicate with the TCEQ electronically, please be aware that your email address, like your physical mailing address, will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1 800 687 4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. Further information may also be obtained from South Central Equine Crematory, 28234 Farm to Market 2920 Road, Waller, Texas 77484-8028 or by calling Ms. Natalia Rodriguez, RSB Environmental at (832) 291-3473. Notice Issuance Date: January 29, 2016 Page 4, Section B, THE WALLER TIMES, February 17, 2016 “The Waller Times” Classifieds Call 936-372-5184 today to place your Classified Word ad or Classified Display. Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover accepted. LEGAL / PUBLIC NOTICES FOR LEASE Small Office Building fOR leaSe Waller County Election Day and Early Voting Locations and Hours (Sitios y Horarios de Votación del Dia Elecciones, y por Anticipado, del Condado de Waller) March 1, 2016 Primaries (Primarias, 01 de Marzo, 2016) Election Day, voters must vote in their precinct where registered to vote. (El Día de Elección, los votantes deberán votar en su precinto donde están registrados para votar.) Location of Election Day Polling Places (Ubicación de las casillas electorales el Día de Elección) th Pct (Precinto) 101: St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, 811 14 St., Hempstead Pct (Precinto) 102: Waller County Annex, 775 Bus. 290 East, Hempstead Pct (Precinto) 103: Hempstead High School Library, 801 Donoho St., Hempstead Pct (Precinto) 104: Waller County Fairgrounds, 21988 FM 359, Hempstead Pct (Precinto) 105: Rolling Hills Vol. Fire Dept., 31601 FM 1736, Hempstead Pct (Precinto) 206: Fieldstore County Building (JP2) 27388 Fieldstore Road, Waller Pct (Precinto) 207: Turlington Elementary, 23400 Hegar Rd., Hockley Pct (Precinto) 208: Waller ISD Admin Bldg., 2214 Waller St., Waller Pct (Precinto) 309: Memorial Student Center Auditorium, Prairie View A & M University, 155 L.W. Minor St., Prairie View Pct (Precinto) 310: Prairie View City Hall, 44500 Bus. Hwy. 290 East, Prairie View Pct (Precinto) 311: Monaville County Building JP3, 12620 FM 1887, Hempstead Pct (Precinto) 312: Monaville Fire Department, 13631 Cochran Rd., Waller Pct (Precinto) 313: Adam’s Flat Building, 36249 FM 529, Brookshire Pct (Precinto) 414: Mt. Zion Methodist Church, 4998 Mt. Zion Road, Brookshire Pct (Precinto) 415: Pattison Vol. Fire Dept., 2950 FM 359 North, Pattison Pct (Precinto) 416: Brookshire Convention Center, 4027 5th St., Brookshire Pct (Precinto) 417: Waller Co. Library, 3815 6th St., Brookshire Pct (Precinto) 418: Igloo 777 Igloo Rd., Katy Pct (Precinto) 419/420: Katy VFW Hall, 6202 George Bush Drive, Katy 2319 Main Street Downtown Waller Recently Remodeled Historic Barber Shop Building Call 281-897-1119 Days and Hours of Operation (Días y Horas de Operación) Waller County Courthouse, 836 Austin St., Hempstead Tuesday–Friday (Martes-Viernes) 2/16/2016 – 2/19/2016 8 am – 5 pm Saturday (Sábado) 2/20/2016 9 am – 5 pm Monday-Friday, (Lunes-Viernes) 2/22/2016-2/26/2016 8 am – 8 pm Modern 2 bedroom City of Waller (near Waller Jr. High) Appliances. Fenced yard. Credit check / References. 2 year Lease. $850 month + deposit. Call 936-931-2429 NOW LEASING • Duplexs • Rooms Free Wi-Fi BRANCH EARLY VOTING on Saturday (Sucursal de votación por anticipado en Sabado) 9 am-5 pm Saturday, (Sabado) 2/20/2016 th CLASSIFIEDS 936.372.5184 FOR LEASE For early voting, a voter may vote at any of the locations listed below: (Para Votación Adelantada, los votantes podrán votar en cualquiera de las ubicaciones nombradas abajo.) MAIN EARLY VOTING POLLING PLACE (Locación principal de votación adelantada) Shady Oaks Apartments. Senior community 55+. Affordable living. Colorado Valley Transit route. Laundry on site. Call 936-857-5511. 10tc3/30 Brookshire Waller County Library, 3815 6 St., Brookshire Waller ISD Administration Building, 2214 Waller St., Waller St. Francis Episcopal Church, 204 Dooley St., Prairie View The Meadows At Prairie View 23171 Richards Rd • Hempstead, Texas 77445 936-857-9113 LEANING OAKS MOBILE HOME PARK 2 Bedrooms 2 Bath No pets $620 Month • $400 Deposit Additional BRANCH EARLY VOTING (Sucursales adicionales de votación por anticipado) Waller ISD Admin Bldg., 2214 Waller St., Waller Fieldstore County Building (JP2) 27388 Fieldstore Road, Waller Monaville JP 3 Building, 12620 FM 1887, Hempstead Waller Co. Library at Brookshire, 3815 6th St., Brookshire Katy VFW Hall, 6202 George Bush Ave., Katy 12 pm-8 pm Wednesday – Friday (Miercoles-Viernes) 2/24/2016-2/26/2016 Prairie View A&M University Student Center Auditorium, 155 L.W. Minor St., Prairie View 12 pm-8 pm Wednesday - Thursday (Miercoles-Jueves) 2/24/2016-2/25/2016 St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, 204 Dooley St., Prairie View 12 pm – 8 pm Friday (Viernes) 2/26/2016 Call 936-931-5111 Subscribe to The Waller Times newspaper.... Place your ad today! 1 Year Subscription ................. $66.00 Call 936.372.5184 • Email 6 Month Subscription ............. $42.00 Just fill out and mail to: REAL ESTATE The Waller Times 2323 Main Street • Waller, Texas 77484 A MSLER Name Address Phone Number AND ASSOCIATES REALESTATE ESTATE REAL Phone: (936) 931-5356 JOHN A. AMSLER - BROKER Credit Card # SALES ASSOCIATES Connie Amsler, Sherry Whiteley, Cindy Ochsner REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE AND LOTS HOMES READY FOR YOU 12.558 wooded acres to build your new home or enjoy outdoor life on the weekend. Partially fenced with nice homes in the area.......... ..........................................PENDING....$215,000 3/2 home in City of Hempstead with limestone exterior, 2 car garage, corner lot............ .....................................SOLD......$164,900 1.501 wooded acres in upscale subdivision in Waller County. Park, lakes, tennis, swimming pool, basketball court & volleyball. Restricted...................SOLD......$39,900 14.94 acres unrestricted and ag exempt. Property has house in need of TLC and another house which was moved unto the property being refurbished. Property is being sold as is condition.......................SOLD...$334,900 New on the Market! 3/2 1/2 Custom built home on 1.21 unrestricted acres. Home has split floor plan, oversized rooms, media room, extra storage closets, oak cabinets. Katy ISD. .................................ASKING......$330,000 FIND US HERE! Mail check or complete below and pay by credit card Fax: (936) 372-5307 Exp. Date In The Spotlight Security # Shiloh Baptist Church “A Place For New Beginnings” New on the Market! 3/2 1/2 Custom built home on 1.21 unrestricted acres. Located within minutes of Hwy 290, Grand Parkway, Beltway 8 & I-10. Home has a open floor plan with beautiful country kitchen, custom oak cabinets throughout. Split floor plan, oversized rooms, extra storage closets, and a media room or 4th bedroom. Residential or Commercial in Katy ISD......ASKING...$330,000 Traditional Song Service Bible Preaching Loving God.... Loving Each Other HOMES READY FOR YOU 3/2 home on 2 city lots with a large living/dinning area, a converted garage and a workshop. Location provides quick access to Highway 290 and puts the owner is less than a hour driving distance to Brenham, Navasota, College Station or Cypress. Close to shopping and schools. HISD...............REDUCED.....$120,000 4/2 ranch style home on 1.652 acres in Hockley area. Inside of home features rustic cedar board accents, ceramic tile flooring, utility room in home, and a large master bedroom with master bath. Property is fenced and cross fenced. ...................................ASKING......$189,000 List Your PropertyWith Us! We Deliver Qualified Buyers! 4/2 Ranch style cedar home situated on 1.652 acres that provides plenty of room for the kids to play and raise livestock for 4-H projects. Property is fully fenced with scattered trees. Inside of home features rustic cedar decor and the sellers have remodeled to add a large master bedroom with master bath, and a game room and bedroom upstairs. Great home for the family wanting to move to a rural area and experience country living. Property is in Waller ISD with quick access to FM 1488. Take a look!......PRICE REDUCED...$189,000 Sunday School ................................... 10:00 a.m. Worship Hour ..................................... 11:00 a.m. Sunday Night ........................................ 6.00 p.m. Wednesday Night Prayer & Praise ..... 6:00 p.m. Church is located at 23752 FM 1098 Hempstead, Texas 77445 Serving Buyers and Sellers in Waller, Grimes, Harris and Montgomery Counties (Behind Prairie View A&M University) 30717 FM 1488 @ Field Store Community • Waller, Texas 77484 • Call us or visit us online at Leave message 979-826-3637 February 17, 2016, THE WALLER TIMES, Section B, Page 5 EDEN Continued from page 1A home also raises dairy cattle, rabbits, chickens and sheep, which provide protein for the children. The boys and girl’s school uniforms are made on site by staff members who are professional seamstresses.” The home also sells excess garden produce, eggs and chickens in the local village in Little Eden’s village store; “God’s Mercy Shop” named by Mike Eden to honor “God’s Mercy Store” of Waller, that was a town icon for many, many years. Knitted sweaters, scarfs and tailor services are also available in the shop. This year will mark the 10th Annual Little Eden Children’s Home Fund Raiser. Ben’s Chuck Wagon of Wallis, will cater a delicious meal. There will be a Silent and Live Auction, with many nice items to bid on. A raffle for a Stainless Steel Saber Grill will also • 8 Flat Screen TV’s • Dance Floor • Live Entertainment • Now Serving Pitchers take place. Dinner tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children age 10 years and younger. Raffle tickets for the grill are $10. Tickets can be purchased at Roy Wiesner, CPA of Hempstead and First National Bank of Waller. Marilyn Rollings, Ann Bolin and Karen Derrick can also be contacted for tickets or call 979-826-3029. In addition to the already exciting line-up, the premiere of “The Story of Little Eden Children’s Home” documentary will be shown. “You won’t want to miss the touching story of our children and the scenery of the beautiful countryside of Kenya,” Eden exclaimed. Randy Harrington of Bella Vista Productions of Conroe, traveled to Kenya with the Eden’s last summer as a member of their annual summer mission team, to film the every- day life of the children, staff, and home. Eden said his work is fantastic. “Once you watch this heartwarming documentary, you will understand why Mr. Harrington is known as a Professional Videographer! It is a promise that you will go away wishing that you could watch the documentary just one more time,” she smiled. “And once you hear Matron Anne speak and you experience the story portrayed in the documentary, you will leave with the understanding of why so many travel with the Eden’s every summer to minister to the children and the local villager’s. They have made these children their life time mission! Area residents and supporters are invited to join them on a “Journey to Little Eden” at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 5. ••• • Daily Drink Specials • 4 Pool Tables • The Best Looking on Weekends Bartenders in Town 20727 FM 362 • Waller, TX B r in g in g FISH Back on F r id a y s * Monday Nights * Pool Tournament • 8 pm * Every Friday * Fish • 12 noon - 5 pm * Friday • February 19 * Johnathon McCabe band * Saturday • February 20 * DJ Bull - Karaoke * Sunday • February 21 * Indy 500 Hours: Monday - Friday 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. Saturdays 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. • Sundays 12:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. WALLER COUNTY LAND COMPANY Specializing in Waller County Real Estate For Over 30 Years TIM PHELAN, BROKER: Associates: Melinda DeGroot, Rendy Elizalde, Roger Frey, Gary Friedel, Don Garrett, David Henke, Marie Herndon, Debbie Jones, Danielle Killian, Ann Kulhanek, Alicia Martinez, Ray Miller 2 Locations to Serve You Better! WALLER (936) 372-9181 HEMPSTEAD (979) 826-4133 Featured Listings ACREAGE SMALL ACREAGE: Many tracts to choose from ...........................................CALL OR GO ONLINE............FOR DETAILS 10 ACRES: Wooded tract in scenic North Waller County. Lightly restricted with community water. Waller ISD..........$13,500/ac. 15.88 ACRES: Quiet location in North Waller county, great for a new home site or for cows or horses. Access from Mellman Road...................................................................................................................................................................................$17,512/ac. 16.44 ACRES: Wide open land and unrestricted! Perfect for whatever your heart desires! Overlooks high-fenced exotic game ranch and picturesque countryside. Fenced on 3 sides. Ready for cattle, recreation or your new homesite!....................$25,000/ac. 21 ACRES: Ag-exempt property on Old Joseph road. Quiet, secluded and heavily-wooded - a perfect retreat!............$16,000/ac. 27.34 ACRES: Unrestricted acreage in Sealy, just south of I-10 on FM 3013. Electricity, well, septic & 2 ponds on property. Ag exempt................................................................................................................................................................................$15,500/ac. 30.63 ACRES: Great commercial potential. 82’ frontage on US 290. Next to Motel & Gas Station/Convenience store in Hempstead. City water available. 2 ponds, water well & septic next to mobile home site...................................................................$39,176/ac. 36 ACRES: in north Waller County. Pond, large trees & choice homesites. Unrestricted...............................................$11,000/ac. 40.9 ACRES: Near Hempstead. Unrestricted. More acreage available .............................................................................$9,500/ac. 50.25 ACRES: Near Hempstead. Unrestricted. More acreage available ...........................................................................$9,500/ac. 88 ACRES: Great investment/commercial potential! Located 1 mile from 290. Existing infrastructure includes 6BR brick home w/pool, large shop with office, storage bldgs, walk-in cooler, well & septic, tree-lined asphalt driveway, chain link security fence on 3 sides. Ready for development!.............................................$2,650,000/ac. 144 ACRES: Organic Farm. Rolling, unrestricted, 4 ponds, 3 barns & working pens.............................................$10,500/ac. Home with Trees: Lovely 3/2 all brick home on 3 fully fenced acres. Beautiful hardwood trees, roof replaced in 2002, furnace replaced approx. 4 years ago, 18” of blown attic insulation, 20x40 storage barn and many updates throughout! Waller ISD schools and located just south of 290..............$282,500 HOMES Hempstead: 3/2 with new carpet, paint and mini-blinds! Lots of windows make this one light and bright! Just a few blocks from Business 290, close to shopping!.....................................................................................................PENDING...........$67,900 LAKESIDE ESTATES: Manufactured home sits on 0.34 acres right across from lake! 2-bedroom, 2-bath home with living room, den and addition. Also has 2-car carport and large front yard with lake view!...............................PENDING...........$70,000 PRAIRIE VIEW: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, well-maintained home complete with attached 2-car garage, built-ins and fireplace in living room.............................................................................................................................................................................................. $130,000 OAK HOLLOW: Beautifully kept home in Oak Hollow subdivision featuring many upgrades including wood burning fireplace, large kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 full size bathroom and office with built ins! Extra large lot adds to this beauty!....PENDING.........$135,000 Country Escape: 1,200 sq. ft. 1-1 home on 3.3 acres. Nicely landscaped with covered front porch, deck, hot tub and large workshop.............................................................................................................................PENDING........$160,000 WEST MAGNOLIA FOREST: One-year old 2/2 mfg home on 2.5 landscaped acres! 40x47 metal garage with roll-up doors & plumbing! Stocked pond with catfish & perch, raised garden area, citrus trees, fenced & oak trees!.............................$185,000 Prairie View: 3-bedroom, 2-bath brick & wood home. Isolated living room, large family room with fireplace, sun room, large master bedroom, island cooktop in kitchen, double car attached garage, utility room & lots of storage. Fenced backyard.............$185,000 RICE ROAD: Recently updated home with new roof, flooring, fresh paint and light fixtures. 4 unrestricted acres with workshop and lots of trees!.......................................................................PENDING.......$185,000 WALLER COUNTY CLUB: Beautiful home on 3 lots! This home features updated kitchen, extra large laundry, 2-car garage with workshop, screened-in porch and large oak trees......................................................................PENDING.........$250,000 LOG CABIN: Beautiful log cabin that you must see to appreciate. Constructed using 8’’D-logs of white pine - home is well insulated. Low utilities & taxes. Large wood burning fireplace. A/C replaced 2 yrs. ago. High ceilings. Beautiful wood floors. Huge metal constructed shop - well insulated w/ full bath and roll up doors..................................................................... $274,000 HOME WITH ACREAGE: Beautiful country home on 2 acres with light restrictions. Pasture in front and behind home for extra privacy and awesome sunrises and sunsets! Lovely pool to enjoy all those hot Texas days along with oversized patio to entertain on........................................................................................................................................................................... $315,000 MONAVILLE RANCH: Scattered hardwoods, 2 ponds, branch to Irons Creek, rolling terrain makes this 12.5 acres a beautiful country property! Two manufactured homes, a cowboy cabin, several outbuildings, barn, fishing pier, large covered deck with hot tub................................................................................................................................................................................... $400,000 BAETHE ESTATES: New home under construction in new development just 4 miles south of Downtown Waller! 2,693 sq. ft., 4-bedroom, 3 bath on 3 acres! Scheduled completion of April 1! Five additional homes (prices vary) on neighboring lots soon to follow - contract now to work with builder on finishes in home!..................... .............................PENDING...........$415,000 COUNTRY ESTATE: These 3 acres are full of gorgeous hardwoods & park-like scenery. Custom features throughout 4,176 sq. ft. home, 5-4.5-3, back patio, chefs kitchen, crown molding, coffered ceilings, hardwood floors. Enjoy the fireplace, whirlpool tub and granite counter with vanity in your master suite!..............................................................PENDING.........$510,000 HOCKLEY ESTATE: 25-acre property boasts 2 homes with room to grow! 1/4 mile driveway offers great privacy. Home #1 is barndominium constructed in 2012 with countless amenities. Home #2 is a 2015 manufactured 3-bedroom, 2-bath.....$825,000 67 ACRE ESTATE: Tucked away in the woods just beyond the city enjoy serenity with a view. Custom home built with attention to detail, deep large porches on all 4 sides provides max outdoor living space, beautiful stone and wood work, huge master with fireplace and sitting area, 20’ cathedral ceiling in living room, quality wood & slate floors, standing seam metal roof, oversize 3-car carport, landscaping with irrigation system. Low taxes as wildlife exempt in place............................................. $1,250,000 183 ACRE RANCH: Slightly rolling terrain, open pastures & hay meadows with mature trees & heavily-wooded areas. This beautiful property includes 2 homes with 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms each with amazing porches! Great for entertaining, hunting, horseback riding, 4-wheeling & shooting. Perimeter fenced w/ag & timber exemption..........................PENDING......$2,800,000 Home with Trees: Lovely 3/2 all brick home on 3 fully fenced acres. Beautiful hardwood trees, roof replaced in 2002, furnace replaced approx. 4 years ago, 18” of blown attic insulation, 20x40 storage barn and many updates throughout! Waller ISD schools and located just south of 290....................................................................................................................................$282,500 Ranches of Clear Creek: Peaceful 17-acre property in back of gated equine community. 2100 sq. ft. home features 3 BR and 2.5 Baths with optional office/bedroom. Granite countertops & stainless steel appliances grace the spacious kitchen! Home sits atop hill overlooking large pond with pier that can be enjoyed while using the outdoor kitchen or the air-conditioned playhouse!...$525,000 MULTI-FAMILY Prairie View Duplex: 2 1-bedroom units, screened-in front porch, ideal student housing, excellent location for future development, in need of “TLC”...................................................................................................................................$88,000 TOWNHOMES: 5-Unit townhome building in Prairie View. Each unit is a 2-2. Located less than 1 mile from Prairie View A & M campus. Built in 2009 on 1 acre with paved parking.............................................................................PENDING........$475,000 Ranches of Clear Creek: Peaceful 17-acre property in back of gated equine community. 2100 sq. ft. home features 3 BR and 2.5 Baths with optional office/bedroom. Granite countertops & stainless steel appliances grace the spacious kitchen! Home sits atop hill overlooking large pond with pier that can be enjoyed while using the outdoor kitchen or the air-conditioned playhouse!....................$525,000 Baethe Estates: New home under construction in new development just 4 miles south of Downtown Waller! 2,693 sq. ft., 4-bedroom, 3 bath on 3 acres! Scheduled completion of April 1! Five additional homes (prices vary) on neighboring lots soon to follow - contract now to work with builder on finishes in home!........PENDING...$415,000 COMMERCIAL - INVESTMENT Waller Rental: Great office building for professional, retail or medical use! This 1,300 sq ft space holds 4 “exam” rooms, reception desk/window, waiting room, break room/kitchen and 2 bathrooms. Signage opportunities available on building and at road frontage!...................................................................................................$900/mo. 1.5 ACRES: Just 1 block north of I-10 in Brookshire. Zoned commercial...........................................................$1.95/sq. ft. 30.63 ACRES: Great commercial potential. 82’ frontage on US 290. Next to Motel & Gas Station/Convenience store in Hempstead. City water available. 2 ponds, water well & septic next to mobile home site.................................................$39,176/ac. HEMPSTEAD: Investment opportunity - 8 houses on 8 lots. Must be sold together. All but one is currently leased...$364,430 WALLER: 0.982 acres with three steel-frame buildings totaling 8,840 sq. ft plus a 3-bedroom, 2-bath residence with fenced yard! 16-camera security system, city utilities, no flood plain and 3-phase electric........................................................$595,000 HEMPSTEAD: Established & successful ballroom/reception hall. On 11.3 acres in Hempstead. Beautifully finished. Furnished with everything you need – set up w/bookings & ready to go............................................................$1,299,000 88 ACRES: Great investment/commercial potential! Located 1 mile from 290. Existing infrastructure includes 6BR brick home w/pool, large shop with office, storage bldgs, walk-in cooler, well & septic, tree-lined asphalt driveway, chain link security fence on 3 sides. Ready for development!............................................................$2,650,000 Page 6, Section B, THE WALLER TIMES, February 17, 2016 CALL COLDWELL BANKER PROPERTIES UNLIMITED 936-372-3011 • From Houston Call Toll Free - Metro 936-931-3011 HUD Certified Broker COLT HAACK - Broker/Owner ★ Denise Cerny ★ Katy Collette ★ Bob Freshcorn SOLD ★ Rowdy Haack ★ Melissa Hegemeyer ★ Mark McLafferty ★ Crystal Mielke SOLD ★ Anett Mier ★ Connie Mundy ★ Kenneth Murphy ★ Terri McNeill ★ Travis Winfree Buying or Selling.....Call Us!! Open 6 Days a Week & Sunday by appointment 4487 3-2 home with rustic appeal, covered front porch, shaded by large mature trees, breakfast bar, vaulted ceiling...............$147,500 4479 4-3-2 Brick home on 2 acres, beautiful trees, pond, two fireplaces, fenced......................................................$235,000 4452 3-3.1-3 Ranch style home with circle drive, fruit trees, workshop, cross fenced, recent roof, ag exempt........................$474,900 4349 388 Acres, rail fencing, stables, 8 acre lake, irrigated hay field, tennis courts, main home shaded by majestic oaks...PENDING..$4,225,000 4471 3-2 Brick home in wonderful country setting, pens, barn perfect for 4H or FFA project, carport and large deck for entertaining ...................................................................$210,000 4449 Commercial building on 2 acres with Hwy frontage, all equipment included...........................................$495,000 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COUNTRY HOMES AND ACREAGE 4359 1-1-1 Brick home in Hempstead.........................................................................................$69,000 4451 42.5 Acres, scattered trees, corner property, can be divided.............................................$638,640 4391 5 Small homes on 3 city lots, investment potential..........................................................$250,000 4452 3-3.1-3 Ranch style home with circle drive, fruit trees, workshop, cross fenced, recent roof, ag 4441 3-2.1/2 Two story home on two and a half acres with mature trees, large island kitchen, gated exempt . .....................................................................................................................................$474,900 entrance......................................................................................................................................$495,000 4455 11+ Acres, heavily wooded, secluded, lots of wildlife, Waller ISD.................................$143,712 4485 Great starter home, 3-2-1 with recent flooring, close to schools......................................$129,500 4464 15 Rolling acres with pond, main home has many updates, above ground pool and hot tub, 2 ad4487 3-2 home with rustic appeal, covered front porch, shaded by large mature trees, breakfast bar, ditional homes for rental income...............................................................................................$575,000 vaulted ceiling............................................................................................................................$147,500 4470 3 + Acres, FM frontage, Brookshire area, unrestricted.....................................................$124,990 4471 3-2 Brick home in wonderful country setting, pens, barn perfect for 4H or FFA project, carport COUNTRY HOMES AND ACREAGE 4088 80 Acres, barns, storage shed, lake, beautiful land........................................................$2,258,760 4267 9 Acres, FM 2920 frontage, excellent development location........................................$1,300,000 4275 9+ Acres, Tomball area, ag exempt, FM 2920 frontage....................................................$750,000 4276 318 Acres, Peek Rd in Katy, excellent location...........................................................$11,130,000 4309 Three lots with city utilities, curbs, close to schools and shopping....................................$35,000 4349 388 Acres, rail fencing, stables, 8 acre lake, irrigated hay field, tennis courts, main home shaded by majestic oaks...................................................................................................... PENDING...$4,225,000 4374 10 Acres in subdivision, deed restrictions, Waller ISD.....................................................$435,600 and large deck for entertaining..................................................................................................$210,000 4472 Commercial or residential, Hwy 6 frontage, 7 acres, with manufactured home, 2 storage buildings, 2 car carport, unrestricted..................................................................................................$219,000 4473 3-2.1-2 2 Story home with wrap around porch, oversized garage, barn with rollup doors and bunkhouse, seasonal creek, plenty of wildlife, beautiful large trees, secluded on 17 + acres......$589,900 4474 34 Acres with frontage on 2 sides, live creek, pond, 6 stall horse barn with tack room and wash rack, 2 septic systems and a well ..............................................................................................$597,500 4477 3-2.1-2 4 Acres great for commercial development, FM 2920 frontage........................$958,320 4478 2 Acres, unrestricted, well and septic in place, community water also available, FM front- 4386 160 Acres with lots of frontage, water well, FM frontage, could be divided................$2,486,820 age................................................................................................................................................$79,500 4411 Lots in City of Waller, corner property, scattered trees, recently cleared...........................$27,900 4479 4-3-2 Brick home on 2 acres, beautiful trees, pond, two fireplaces, fenced.....................$235,000 4421 Beautiful 97 acres, brick home, barn, pond, scattered trees, close to Hwy. 290.......$2,764,500 4435 4-3-2 75 Acres, large scattered oaks, ag exempt, community water available..............$1,027,000 4448 40 Acres, Hwy 290 visible frontage, currently in ag use............................................. $1,408,400 SOLD 4449 4-Commercial building on 2 acres with Hwy frontage, all equipment included..............$495,000 4486 22 acres, rolling terrain, scattered trees, several excellent hilltop homesites, ag exempt....$350,000 BUYING OR SELLING LET COLDWELL BANKER PROPERTIES UNLIMITED HELP YOU!! 31315 FM 2920 #24 Waller, Texas
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A Journey to Little Eden
Wednesday beginning on February 18 thru March 25.
Each Wednesday, we will gather to explore how
we as God’s people are the Body of Christ in this
world. We will worship and hear how our Lord