A Journey to Little Eden


A Journey to Little Eden
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Scripture of
the Week
ISAIAH 40: 29-31
He gives strength to the weary and
increases the power of the weak. Even
youths grow tired and weary. Young
men stumble and fail, but those who
hope in the LORD will renew their
strength. They will soar on wings of
eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.
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God Bless America
Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 10 Pages, 2 Sections
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Commissioners Court Awaits Settlement Terms
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By Carrie Prazak-Gourley
The Waller Times
On Wednesday, February 11, at 9 a.m., the Waller
County Commissioners Court met at the Waller County
Courthouse. Commissioners Justin Beckendorff, Jeron
Barnett, Russell Klecka, and John Amsler were present, and Judge Trey Duhon presided.
During public comments, David Allen, a long-time
resident of Prairie View, and graduate of Prairie View
A&M University, who currently serves the Admissions
Office as a recruiter, brought up his concerns in regards
to the proposed landfill. Allen regarded the landfill as
“environmental racism” due to its proximity to the university. He also pointed out that the majority of Waller
County’s landfills are located around the City of Prairie
View, including a large one right behind the university.
Allen bemoaned the placement of Pintail landfill, noting that it is an “accident waiting to happen” and could
Support W.A.R.M.,
helping those
in need in
Waller and
A Snapshot of Mike Eden Ministries Kenyan Orphanage
By Carrie Prazak-Gourley
The Waller Times
On Monday, February 9 at 7 p.m., a
Pct. 4 Town Hall was held at the Pattison
VFD, hosted by Waller County Judge
Trey Duhon and Pct. 4 Commissioner
Justin Beckendorff. The purpose of the
Town Hall was to discuss the current status of the landfill and litigation involving the lawsuit City of Hempstead and
CALH (Citizens Against the Landfill in
Hempstead) v. Waller County and Pintail, LLC.
Over 150 citizens attended the
packed meeting. Local officials in attendance were Judge Duhon, Commissioner
Beckendorff, Pct. 3 Commissioner Jeron
Barnett, Pct. 4 JP Ted Krenek, Republi-
Waller, TX 77484
Monday, Thursday,
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Friday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
this week:
be our friend on
The ribbon cutting and
dedication for the new home of
Waller Assistance and Restoration Ministries, Inc. (WARM)
has been scheduled for Saturday,
February 21, 2015 at 10 a.m.
WARM will celebrate its
official Ribbon Cutting and
Dedication to commemorate
Your Local Waller County Weather
H 64 L 38
Feb. 20
H 65 L 52
can Party Chair Ann Davis, Hempstead
City Councilman Ben Tibbs, and Zach
Holland, Manager of the Bluebonnet
Groundwater Conservation District.
Duhon opened the meeting stating,
“The landfill case is the most complex
litigation that I’ve ever been involved
with in all my 20 years as a practicing
attorney.” He then went on to display a
powerpoint presentation which guided
citizens through the lawsuit litigation
history, and included a summary of the
recent trial.
In regards to the trial, Duhon then
emphasized that according to the Texas
Public Meetings Act, the jury had determined in an 11-1 verdict that the prior
Commissioners Court had violated the
“All public business,” Duhon remarked, “by law, must be discussed at a
public meeting and must be specifically
posted on the agenda.”
A hearing to declare a judgment of
the law by retired District Judge Terry
Flenniken that was to take place on January 21 was delayed due to ongoing settlement talks which are still in progress.
If no settlement is reached soon, Judge
Flenniken will pronounce judgment on
the jury verdict in a hearing now scheduled for February 20.
Duhon stated that any settlement
would involve an agreement on payment
of attorneys fees by Waller County, and
would void the 2013 Ordinance and Host
Agreement, and would prohibit further
“The county must approach the
settlement with an unemotional business
assessment,” Duhon stated. He went
on to say that a settlement is in the best
interest of the county because it would
resolve the lawsuit, stop the bleeding,
prevent further appeals, and ultimately
save the county money.
On January 12, the Commissioners
Court voted 3-2 (with Judge Duhon and
Commissioners Russell Klecka of Pct. 2
and John Amsler of Pct. 1 voting for and
Commissioners Jeron Barnet of Pct. 3
and Beckendorff voting against) to void
See COURT page 4A
WARM Plans February 21 Ribbon Cutting and Dedication
Printed on
recycled paper
Feb. 19
their visit, they will be involved in many missionary
projects benefiting the orphans at Little Eden and
also the local villagers. The team will be hosting the
annual Pastors and Women’s Conferences and will
also host Vacation Bible School with the children at
the home and with the local village children.
Every summer, the volunteers are also involved
in many construction duties. For the last two summers, they have been helping to complete a new
dorm for the 35 boys of Little Eden, which is located
two miles from the present dorm. This was a reality
that was finally reached in December of 2014, during Mike and Sylvia Eden’s Christmas visit to Little
Eden. Moving day was met with excitement from
everyone in the compound. The boys were excited
moving into their new home and the 32 girls were excited that the boys were moving into their new home. Mike and Sylvia Eden and Sarah, a girl who resides at Little
Eden Orphanage in Kenya, Africa. Photo courtesy of mikeedenSee EDEN page 3A
Town Hall Reveals Split in Commissioners Court
31315 FM 2920, Suite 11
Waller Village
Shopping Center
Feb. 18
20, retired District Judge Terry Flenniken will hold
a hearing in District Court 506, at which time a final
judgement would be made as to the validity of the 2013
Amended Ordinance and Host Agreement, and a determination of allocation of attorney’s fees. If a judgment is made with no prior settlement, further appeals,
which could be costly to the county, are likely.
According to County Judge Duhon, “Negotiations
for a settlement have been positive and I am hopeful
that a settlement will soon be reached.”
In other business, the court approved a payment of
$77,600 to Trico Tower Services for radar equipment
and accessories, and $23,820 to Hills Construction for
interior work on the Justice of the Peace Office for Pct.
Commissioners Court was held on Tuesday, rather
than Wednesday, due to a conference commissioners
were scheduled to attend.
A Journey to Little Eden
By Sylvia Eden
Guest to The Waller Times
When you mention to someone that you are
traveling to Kenya during the summer, you get many
diverse reactions. Some think that you are going
on Safari, some think that it sounds exciting, some
think that you have lost your mind, but some understand why you are traveling so far from home. They
just get it! Because they know you and understand
the call.
For several individuals from the surrounding
area of Waller County, this will not be their first trip
to the beautiful country of Kenya. In fact, many have
made the trip several times over the past few years.
They all have the same reason for going.
Mike Eden Ministries recently met with prospective volunteers who will be traveling with them this
year as a missionary team to Little Eden Children’s
Home, which houses 67 Kenyan orphans. During
Waller Village Shopping Center
next to Pawn Shop
well be a future hazard to area residents as well as university students.
Allen stated that the university plans to expand its
student body from 8,000 to 12,000 students, but that a
nearby landfill would hinder recruitment.
County Judge Trey Duhon announced that no executive session was needed, despite it being on the agenda
because no settlement or term sheet had been received
from Pintail, LLC. According to Duhon, the City of
Hempstead and Citizens Against the Landfill (CALH)
are still in the process of negotiating a settlement with
Complicating the settlement is that attorneys for
Waller County are unable to contact Pintail, LLC, due
to the fact that the president, Ernest Kaufman, is out
of the country and unavailable to make decisions in regards to the settlement.
If no settlement is reached by Friday, February
Feb. 21
Chance of Rain
H 73 L 63
Chance of a
H 72o L 59o
the many years of planning
and many hours of hard work
that went into the completion
of WARMs brand new home.
WARM is now located at 40070
Bus Hwy 290 (next to the Waller
Post Office and Waller County
Land Company) in Waller.
The public is invited to join
Chance of Rain
H 61o L 43o
of ministry will be available to
highlight the capabilities of the
new 10,000 sq. ft. client/customer-friendly facility.
WARM is a Christian,
community-based, 501(c)3 organization dedicated to serving
the residents of Waller ISD with
emergency assistance with the
goal of restoration. Each month
as many as 30 to 40 individual
volunteers and 22 churches coordinate to assist almost 1,000
people in the WARM community.
WARM Thrift Shop will be
open Saturday, February 21st
from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Nothing to smile about?
Sponsored By:
Feb. 22
the friends of WARM and The
Waller Area Chamber of Commerce to mark the opening of
the new WARM Treasures Thrift
Shop, Administrative Offices and
Assistance Office and Pantry.
Following the ceremony, coffee
and cookies will be served.
Tours of all of the areas
Feb. 23
Chance of Rain
H 48o L 38o
Feb. 24
We can help!
Chance of Rain
H 48o L 33o
31303 FM 2920 Suite B Waller, TX 77484 • 936-372-1177
Page 2, Section A, THE WALLER TIMES, February 18, 2015
Waller Wonders - Happy birthday to a beautiful lady!
By Nancy Arnold
nce upon a
time, there was
a feisty little
blonde girl living in the sandy
back roads of Madison County.
She would have been princess of
her vast wooded domain, but for
the fact that her mother was just
as feisty as she, and probably kept
some of that feistiness contained.
That little blonde girl was
Nina Lou Wilson (now McCaig),
born February 14, 1925 to parents Elsie Orene Land Wilson
and Napoleon Bonaparte Wilson
(Poly to one and all). She grew
up to become my mother, which
makes me, and my three siblings,
very blessed people. For 66 years,
my dad considered himself pretty
blessed, too.
Last Saturday, February 14,
2015, a few hundred people had
the opportunity to tell this lady
what she means to them, and how
much they think of her, as we
gathered to wish her a happy 90th
God must have thought it
was a special day, too, because
the weather was birthday-party
perfect … 76 degrees, sunny, blue
skies, and a gentle breeze … not
at all your typical February day.
Mother’s children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren gathered from near and far
to be with her on this occasion,
including the newest one, Penny
McCaig, just four weeks old,
who came from Kansas to meet
her Great-Granny. I visited with
first cousins, second cousins, and
even third cousins … some of
whom I haven’t seen in years! My
last two aunts – Mother’s sisters
Ann Rogers and Jean Gustavus –
were at the party, as were my last
two uncles – Roy Kruft and Virgil
I’ve reached the elder statesman status myself … my sole job
was to fill the M&M bowls and
visit with people, some of whom
I haven’t seen in years. What a joy
that was, too! And I think I did a
good job with the M&Ms as well!
I must heap praise on the
younger crowd for everything
they did. The invitations, decorations, registration table and book,
flowers, cakes, food … all the
things that make a party a party
… everything was just perfect.
Extra helpings of thank-you go
to Elizabeth Hart Dominguez,
Rebecca Hart, and their talented
mother, Betty Hart.
Elizabeth put it so well when
she posted this on Facebook: Today
we celebrated my Granny’s 90th
birthday! I’m not sure anything I
say could adequately describe the
woman she is and the family she
has created. I’m so blessed to be
able to spend this day with her and
for my babies to be here with her.
Well said, Elizabeth … well
Everyone was super tired
Nina Lou Wilson (1939), 14 Nina Lou Wilson
years old
(2015), 90 years old
by the end of the day, but that
wonderful tired that comes from
having one of those extra-special
days that will be remembered
with a smile … for always.
It’s birthday time for Candi
Trapp, Judy Connor, Dennis
Thomas, Jessica Marsh, Lisa Frierson, Johnnie Mellman, Tracy
Sandoval, Edward Walenta, Betty
Jean Arnold, Stephen Buzek,
Joey Smith, Kourtney Hurry, Michael James Cook, Caylie Sierra
Dunham, Rachell Mikeska, Judy
Holcombe, Dee Anna Chesson,
Martha Silva, Sherry Brunson,
Joyce Timmerman, Helen Baumgartener, Frederick Gollmer,
Chad Russ, Rand’n Loewe, Melissa Wood, Daniel Buzek, Cory
Bundick, Katie Haynes, Jason
Hooper, Cory Smith, Lesly Edmonds, Kym Marburger Murray,
Matthew Thompson, David Scott
Wilkinson, T. J. Phillips, Mary
Alice Cook, Jeana Benoit, Christopher Thompson, Brad Riley,
Lindsey Armstrong, Debbie Neal,
Garrett Hatcher, Marietta Walker,
and Helen Sanford Hollis.
Happy anniversary to Delbert
and Dolly Schultz, Ronney and
Brenda Bundick, Armando and
Lynna Gonzalez; Gary and Mary
Eaton, and Berry and Eunice Harrison.
I’ll wrap this up by sharing another Facebook post, this one from
my daughter, Nancy Rae, that addresses all the unrest in this country … all the unnecessary unrest:
I just attended a family gathering
that included an entire community
being invited. We had white, black,
and brown people .... all in one
room. We had city people, country
people, old people and young people ... all in one room. There were
Baptists, Catholics, Methodists,
Lutherans, Church of Christ, and
probably a few that don’t practice
any kind of organized religion ...
all in one room. Everyone was fellowshipping with one another and
we had no fights. No arguments.
No hatred. No discrimination.
We’re all human. Why is that so
hard to understand?
Until next week …
Contact Nancy at arnoldn@
msn.com, or mail news items to her
at P. O. Box 282, Waller 77484.
In Baseball As In Life, the Good Guys Finish First
By Carrie Prazak-Gourley
It’s time for baseball again.
Parents are signing their children
up for Little League and in February Major and Minor League
players report to spring training
camps. And despite claims of
baseball’s growing irrelevance, the
opposite is actually true. Baseball
has never been healthier--in terms
of attendance, revenue, and unlike
the NFL and NBA, free from labor
Baseball is still one of the nation’s favorite pastimes. Baseball
games have the advantage of still
being outdoors (most of them), and
played on a daily basis. Baseball
also offers the added charm of minor league and independent teams,
like the Sugar Land Skeeters, who
provide area residents with all the
fun of a Major League team for a
much more reasonable price.
Baseball as a sport began in
the eastern United States in the
1800’s. Long named our “national
pastime”, it’s a game millions of
folks continue to enjoy each spring
and summer.
In the Houston area, professional baseball came to town in
1888, with the establishment of the
Houston Buffaloes, who played until 1961, when Houston’s first Major League Baseball team, the Colt
45’s, joined the National League.
After a short three seasons, and
the construction of the Astrodome,
St. John’s Lutheran Church,
1613 Key Street, Waller,
invites you to join us for our
Ash Wednesday/Mid-Week
Lenten Services
During this upcoming Lenten season, we will gather
to worship together at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm each
Wednesday beginning on February 18 thru March 25.
Each Wednesday, we will gather to explore how
we as God’s people are the Body of Christ in this
world. We will worship and hear how our Lord
brought the saving love of God into the world.
Remember Ash Wednesday is February 18, 2015.
Houston Astros #7 Craig Biggio, one of the good guys, honored
for his 3,000th hit on June 28, 2007. Internet photo.
nicknamed “The Eighth Wonder of
the World”, the Colt 45’s became
the Houston Astros in 1965.
As for me, I grew up as a fan
of the Astros, following the lead of
my two older brothers. In those
days, we’d listen to games on the
radio, and occasionally attended a
game in person.
My older brother, Allen, loved
the game so much that he actually
worked at the Dome as a concessioner, selling peanuts and coke,
just so he could watch the games.
Like all baseball franchises,
the Houston Astros have had their
standout players. From Joe Niekro,
Cesar Cedeno, and Larry Dierker,
to the larger-than-life Nolan Ryan,
the Astros have not fallen short
on attracting some of the greatest
players of the game.
Recently, for the first time in
the team’s history, one of their best
Family Owned — Family Operated
Published Every Wednesday
Serving Waller, Hempstead and Surrounding Communities
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Office hours are Monday through Thursday 9 am - 5 pm and Friday 9 am - 12 noon.
Office: 936.372-5184 • Fax: 936.372.5186
email: wallertimes@sbcglobal.net
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players, Craig Biggio, received
enough votes to be inducted into
Baseball’s Hall of Fame. The induction ceremony will take place
this summer, on July 26, at Cooperstown, New York. He received
82.7% of the vote, making it on his
third attempt, after falling short by
two votes in 2014.
Biggio spent his entire 20year baseball career --from 19872007--in Houston, playing first as
a catcher, then a second baseman,
and finally an outfielder. Since
2008, he has served the Astros organization as Special Assistant to
the General Manager with a role
emphasis on instruction, amateur
draft, and scouting.
Biggio, a true hero in the
game of baseball and in life, well
deserves the honor. He was the
22nd overall pick in the 1987 draft,
and became known throughout his
career for his consistency, longevity, work ethic, and character.
In 2007, he retired from the
game with an astounding 3,060
hits, 668 doubles, 1,414 stolen
bases and a .281 batting average
in 2,850 games. Biggio played
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in seven All-Star games, received
four Gold Gloves, and five Silver
Biggio is loved by fans, and
he loves them in return. On Friday,
January 9, fans gathered on a bitterly cold day at Minute Maid Park
for a Hall of Fame Celebration, and
Houston’s Mayor Annise Parker,
declared the day “Craig Biggio
Day” in Houston.
During the ceremony, Biggio
stated the following about his future induction, “ I love you guys.
I love this city. I wanted this for
my family, the organization, but
most of all the fans, because the
fans were the greatest thing to me
Sometimes good guys do finish first. What stands out about
Biggio as a player was not his stats,
but his heart. He was someone to
emulate, both on and off the field.
He showed baseball what loyalty
and determination are all about.
He hustled both on and off the
field, from the day he stepped onto
the field at his college alma mater,
Seton Hall University, until the day
he retired from the Houston Astros
in 2007.
Off the field, Biggio is the kind
of hero all athletes can admire. He
has received several awards over
the years for community service.
Since the 1990’s, Biggio has been
an active supporter of the Sunshine
Kids, an organization for children
with cancer and their families.
Each year, he hosts his annual Sunshine Kids Celebrity Golf Classic,
which has raised millions of dollars for the organization.
True to character, Biggio retired early so that he could coach
his sons, Connor and Cavin, during their baseball seasons at St.
Thomas High School, where he
also served as their coach.
For Biggio, family has always
been a top priority. His two sons
have both followed in their father’s
footsteps and play baseball now at
Notre Dame University.
Biggio was also a loyal friend,
who never gave up on teammate
Ken Caminiti, who suffered from
drug addiction. The two were
teammates for seven years, from
1987-1994. In fact, they had
leased a ranch together, but Caminiti stopped making payments after
his addiction became a spiral of
After Caminiti’s tragic death
from a heart attack in 2004, Biggio bought another ranch, and his
kids insisted on naming it Cambo
(Caminiti and Biggio). Caminiti
is buried under a large oak on the
property, “a spot of peace and tranquility, “ Biggio stated, “that he
knew his friend would love.”
“Ken was a great guy, “ Biggio has said. “He’d give you the
shirt off his back. He just couldn’t
defeat the monster that had taken
him. We all tried to save him, because we loved him.”
Biggio and his family have remained close friends with Caminiti’s ex-wife, Nancy, and their three
daughters, who remained in Houston.
My husband and I were lucky
to be able to see many of Biggio’s
memorable moments, including
witnessing his 3,000th hit. One
of the most exciting days in my
young son’s life was when we actually ran into Craig Biggio at a
carwash in Rosenberg. I only had
a blank piece of paper, but Biggio
was gracious enough to visit with
my son and sign the paper, writing,
“To Zachary, one of my best fans,
from Craig Biggio.” It was one of
See GOURLEY page 5A
News Briefs
Pleasant Hill Masonic Lodge Plans Benefit
The Pleasant Hill Masonic Lodge will hold its 4th Annual Chili
Cookoff and Car Show on Saturday, February 21, 2015. The
Cookoff and Car Show will benefit the Tri-County Volunteer Fire
Department and the event will be held at the Fieldstore Rodeo
Arena on FM 1488 in Fieldstore. Cookoff teams and car show
entrants may get more information by emailing events@pleasanthill380.org. Sponsorship packages are also available.
WHS Financial Aid Night February 23
Waller High School is hosting an informational Financial
Aid Night on Monday, February 23 from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. for all
Waller High School parents and students. The Free Application
for Federal Student Aid FAFSA and Texas Application for State
Financial Aid TASFA Workshops will be held to assist with the
financial aid application process. If you have any questions,
contact Waller High School College and Career Counselor
Christy Smith at 936-372-3654 or at cvsmith@wallerisd.net.
Waller County Democrats to Meet
The Waller County Democratic Club will meet on Thursday,
February 26, 2015. The meeting will begin with a social gathering at 6:30 p.m. and snacks will be served. This month’s meeting
will be held at Prairie View City Hall, located at 44500 U.S. 290
Business, in Prairie View. For additional information, please
call 979-645-1664.
February 18, 2015, THE WALLER TIMES, Section A, Page 3
Students Find JHS Musical Instrument Match S & N Appliances
WISD Public Information
The band staff of Waller
ISD visited each of the five
Waller ISD elementary schools
to test the fifth grade students
on their musical aptitude,
and to recruit students to join
the band for their sixth grade
year. W.C. Schultz Junior High
School Band Director Hannah
Hensdill, Waller High School
Asst. Band Director Joseph
Cox, Waller Junior High Band
Director Sandra Smith, and
Lesson Teacher Steven Winter
all gave students the opportunity to try a variety of different musical instruments that
matched their interests.
The band staff asked the
students important questions
to determine which instrument
they were best suited for, such
as whether or not they had had
ever taken music lessons before. The band staff that tested
the students sent each child
home with a list of musical
instruments to show their parents, and discuss the possibility
of joining the band if they were
The staff expressed their
excitement over the fact that
many of the students showed
great potential and interest. The
band staff has been running the
testing in this manner for three
years as it expedites the testing
process. Testing the students
at this time coincides with the
early junior high school course
selection that is currently taking place, and makes it easier
on the parents as they no longer have to schedule this test
to be done outside of school.
The students enjoyed trying out
each of the instruments. They
were excited to discover that
they had what it takes to make
the instruments make noise.
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The fifth grade students of the five Waller ISD elementary
schools were tested by the band staff to see their aptitude for
musical instruments. The fifth graders will be given the opportunity to join band as they enter their sixth grade year through
the course selection process currently taking place. Pictured
is a Roberts Road Elementary student testing the use of facial
muscles and the shaping of the lips to the mouthpiece of the
flute with Schultz Junior High Band Director Hannah Hensdill.
WISD Public Information.
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Local Students Named to President’s Honor Roll at SHSU
The President’s Honor Roll
at Sam Houston State University
in Huntsville, Texas recognizes
full-time undergraduate students
who achieve a perfect 4.0 GPA
during a regular semester. The
following area students have
been named to the SHSU President’s Honor Roll for Fall 2014.
From Waller, students Linda Ernst, Interdisciplinary Studies; Marie Masarova, Finance;
and Shelby Yates, Fashion Merchandising, achieved the Honor
From Hempstead, students
Daniel Aguirre, Criminal Justice; Michael Curtis, General
Local Students Achieve Deans List at SHSU
The Dean’s List at Sam
Houston State University in
Huntsville, Texas recognizes
full-time undergraduate students
who achieve at least a 3.5 GPA
out of a possible 4.0 during a
regular semester. The following
area students have been named
to the SHSU Dean’s List for Fall
From Waller, students Linda
Ernst, Maricela Jimenez, Marie
Masarova, and Shelby Yates
achieved placement on the list.
Daniel Aguirre, Nina Bozeman, Michael Curtis, Anne
Galloway, Malorie Hegemeyer,
Karina Herrera, Diana Miranda,
Business; Sarah Pearce, Mass
Communication; and Vanessa
Wilder, Interdisciplinary Studies, were on the list.
From Brookshire, students
Alyssa Beyer, Family & Consumer Sciences; and Lauren Kiture, Computer Animation, were
on the list.
Serving the Tri-Counties for over 34 Years
Sarah Pearce, Stephanie Savell,
and Vanessa Wilder, all of Hempstead, were included on the list.
Alyssa Beyer, Rebecca
Chaney, Colin Holder, Lauren
Kiture, Lindsey Maresh, Itzel
Salinas, and Desire Torres, all of
Brookshire, were also included
on the list.
EDEN Continued from page 1A
This meant the older girls would
be moving into the boys former
dorm, giving them much needed
space and allowing the younger
girls added space as well. It was a
win-win situation all around.
The missionary trip is not
a holiday. Your morning starts
early and the evening ends early,
because you are exhausted. The
days are cold and the nights are
even colder. It is Kenya’s wintertime during our Texas summer months. There is no central
heat; just one fireplace to gather
around. You sleep under two wool
blankets and very seldom turn
over. But you love every minute
of the trip.
Some mornings are clear and
sunny and you are able to look out
the window and see the tops of
the beautiful Abedare Mountains.
On other mornings, you are surrounded by clouds that you think
is fog until the staff informs you
otherwise. After all, you are at
8,000 ft. elevation. The vegetation
surrounding the home is lush and
prolific. It is a beautiful country.
God is a magnificent creator!
Your relationship with the
children is the highlight of your
trip. It is a time for bonding with
them. You have visited the home
for so many years that you have
watched the children grow from
a child to an adolescent. Both of
you think of each other as family. You carry them home in your
heart and you are embedded in
theirs after you leave. They write
you the sweetest letters when you
are apart and you can’t wait until
you return.
Last summer, approximately
252 guests visited Little Eden
Children’s Home during the
summer, from all over Texas and
Huntsville, AL and high school
students from Jabini Boys Boarding School in Kenya. This also
included 150 members of Houston’s First Baptist Church Choir
and Orchestra that took time out
of their busy mission tour, to per-
form a concert for our boys and
girls and also to dedicate our new
boys dorm. It was a very exciting summer for our children. This
summer promises to be the same.
Editor’s Note: The Eden’s
would like to invite area residents
to join them for their 9th Annual
Mike Eden Ministries Fund Raiser benefiting Little Eden Childrens
Home to be held March 7 at the KC
Hall in Hempstead at 6 p.m. This
event includes a dinner, Live and
Silent Auction and raffle. Dinner
tickets are pre-sale only and can be
purchased at First National Bank
and Chat & Curl Beauty Salon in
Waller and at Roy Wiesner, CPA
and Repka’s Hardware in Hempstead or by calling 979-826-3029.
Ticket prices are $20/adults and
$10/children age 10 and younger.
Raffle tickets are $20 on a chance
to win a John Deere lawn mower.
Many nice items will be displayed
in the Silent Auction and offered
in the Live Auction, including an
AR15 Rifle.
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Page 4, Section A, THE WALLER TIMES, February 18, 2015
WHS Chapter of FCCLA Unite for National FCCLA Week
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We also offer businesses the choice of using us, with our CPA
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If you have any questions or would be interested in using any of
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WISD Public Information
The Waller High School
Chapter of Family, Career
and Community Leaders of
America FCCLA will celebrate alongside the more than
200,000 FCCLA members
nationwide in celebrating National FCCLA Week February 8-14. During the five day
celebration for FCCLA Week
members will participate in a
variety of activities.
Together We Are... is the
theme for the week, which recognizes the things FCCLA students and advisers represent.
Throughout the celebratory
week, FCCLA members will
plan and carry out activities
that address teen and societal
concerns, and show how Family and Consumer Sciences education can help them achieve
the Ultimate Leadership Experience.
Throughout the school
year, the Waller High School
chapter of FCCLA has continued to grow. The FCCLA
members held a successful
membership drive, sold items
from Full Service Fundraisers
to support the activities of the
chapter, and sold several Spirit
Grams for homecoming week.
On Veterans Day, the FCCLA members decorated the
Waller High School gray gym,
and escorted Veterans into the
program. In December, the
members participated in the
Rockets Career Day, and were
invited to attend the Rockets vs.
Memphis Grizzlies game. For
the Christmas holiday, Waller
High School FCCLA members
were rewarded with Christmas
stockings filled with goodies,
and December was also the beginning of their Souper Bowl
of Caring Food Drive.
In March, FCCLA members will collect pennies to
donate to Pennies for Patients,
and in April the students will
begin selling luminaries for
Relay for Life. In May, Waller
High School’s Team FCCLA
will participate in Relay for
Life and end the year with a
trip to the Tilt Studio at Katy
Mills Mall.
FCCLA is a dynamic and
See FCCLA page 6A
Pictured are the Waller High School Chapter of Family, Career
and Community Leaders of America FCCLA members. The
members of Waller High School’s FCCLA will take part in National FCCLA week February 8-14 by participating in a variety
of celebratory activities that address teen and societal concerns.
WISD Public Information.
COURT Continued from page 1A
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the 2013 Ordinance and Host
Beckendorff, hosting the Town Hall,
spoke against voiding the Host
Agreement, which in his opinion protects the county, while
voiding it opens the county
to the possibility of a landfill
elsewhere. Although Beckendorff stated that he is against
the landfill, he is for keeping
the Host Agreement, which al-
lows a landfill to be established
just north of Hempstead, off of
Hwy. 6.
Beckendorff went on to
say that the county will lose the
$52 million and other monetary
benefits promised by Pintail,
LLC. He called voiding the
Host Agreement, a “lose/lose
Judge Duhon disagreed,
replying, “In my opinion, the
ends do not justify the means.”
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He went on to remind the crowd
that the 2011 ordinance, approved by Waller County defense attorneys Allison, Bass,
would still protect the county,
and only allows a landfill in a 2
mile area near Monaville.
“In addition, “ Duhon stated, “the 52 million would be
paid out over 30 years, and from
a company that will make an estimated yearly $4 billion profit
from the landfill.”
“Furthermore, even if the
landfill is allowed to be established, a new Host Agreement
could still be negotiated with
Pintail, who will need the cooperation of the county,” Duhon
When asked why the 2013
Ordinance and Host Agreement
were voided before a declaration of the law by the judge,
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Duhon stated that the Plaintiffs
required the county to do so in
order for all parties to proceed
with a settlement.
According to Waller County Auditor, Alan Younts, any
settlement made by the county
would be paid out of reserves
or the “rainy day fund”, which
is currently $6,676,209. The
county has a total fund balance
of $13,377,153, which is currently allocated to the rainy day
fund, capital improvements, and
road and bridge, leaving only a
small amount of unassigned
Of course, TCEQ will make
the final judgment in regards
to the landfill and even after a
judgment is made, it may be appealed.
On February 10, a second
Town Hall was held at Prairie
View City Hall, hosted by Commissioner Barnett, and Judge
Duhon. About 70-75 citizens
were in attendance and the
same information presented at
the Pct. 4 Town Hall was shared
with Pct. 3 Town Hall attendees.
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February 18, 2015, THE WALLER TIMES, Section A, Page 5
Email all advertising, news briefs, articles
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The Waller High School wrestling team attended the Longhorn Invitational at George Ranch High School recently. The wrestlers
represented Waller ISD with pride and brought home several titles. In the Varsity Girls Division, Caitlyn Ulrich took first place in
weight class 110, Kylee Roberts took first place in weight class 138, McKenzie Schild took first place in weight class 148, Megan Allen took second place in weight class 119, and Victoria Flores took third place in weight class 110. Additionally, the Waller varsity
girls team placed first overall at the tournament. In the Varsity Boys Division, Cody Carter and Bailey Bloodworth both took second
place in weight class 138 and weight class 182, respectively. In the Waller junior varsity boys division, Kyle Smith took first place in
weight class 160, Adam Croy took first place in weight class 182 and Travis Hyatt took third place in weight class 285. On January
27, Waller High School will host a Tri-Meet against Cypress Creek and Foster High School. Be sure to come out and support your
Waller Bulldog wrestling team. WISD Public Information.
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GOURLEY Continued from page 2A
those days that will remain in the
annals of our family history for a
long time.
Biggio’s induction has reinvigorated my love for the game,
which was diminished over the last
few years with the sale of the Astros and the switch to the American
League in 2013. But now I feel it’s
time for a second look.
After all, baseball has always
had a lot to teach us about life. It
teaches us to appreciate the moment and to take one step at a time.
Baseball coaches always preach“Take things one pitch at a time,
one at-bat at a time, one inning at a
time, one game at a time.”
Baseball coaches also teach
another worthy life lesson--focus
on what you can control--we can’t
always control existential events-but we always have control over
our attitude and efforts. Also, like
in life, baseball players learn that
failure is a part of the game that no
one escapes.
In baseball, players are told to
“swing hard, just in case you make
a hit.” In life, often a fear of failure holds us back from going for it,
but that is not the best way to “approach the game.”
Of course, no words about
baseball are complete without Yogi
Berra’s famous, “It ain’t over, till
it’s over.” In life, too many individuals and teams are counted out too
soon. We tend to forget, that life,
like baseball, is a game of second
In baseball, hope springs eternal. With a new season, ‘Stros fans
will remember and yearn for those
great seasons of the past--2005
World Series, NL division series in
1980, ‘81, ‘86, ‘97, ‘98, ‘99, 2001,
and 2004. Hopefully, there will be
more memories made in the years
to come.
There is always hope, too, for
new sport’s role models, like Craig
Biggio, to arise--players that will
be an inspiration to us all. Players
that will continue to remind us that
good guys can finish first.
So, I think this summer we’ll
take in a few games, bring the
grandkids and teach them to sing
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame”,
and of course, since it’s Texas,
“Deep in the Heart of Texas,” as
we stand for the seventh inning
Baseball, like all sports, is an
emotional game, full of highs and
lows, epitomized in the famous
American classic poem “Casey At
the Bat”, written by Ernest Thayer
in 1888. The last verse often is
symbolic of a baseball game or
season ending badly:
“Oh somewhere in this favored
land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere,
and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing and somewhere children
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But there is no joy in Mudville-mighty Casey has struck out.”
So, heartfelt congratulations
go out to Craig Biggio on his upcoming induction into Baseball’s
Hall of Fame. We love you “B-GO!”
It’s time. Let’s play ball!
Author’s Note: Bible verse
for athletes. Isaiah 40: 29-31 “He
gives strength to the weary and
increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary.
Young men stumble and fail, but
those who hope in the LORD will
renew their strength. They will
soar on wings of eagles; they will
run and not grow weary; they will
walk and not be faint.”
gmail.com for any questions or
comments on her columns.
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Page 6, Section A, THE WALLER TIMES, February 18, 2015
An Evening of Improv at Waller High School
WISD Public Information
Waller High School Theatre Arts students performed An
Evening of Improv in the Waller
High School Black Box Theatre
on Friday, January 30. The student actors performed improvisational comedy and participated
in battles of the wits in matches
between their own teammates,
as well as with other teams in
the program. The performance
showcased the talents of four
improv teams as the audience
prompted the actors in a series of
outrageous games guaranteed to
bring laughs.
In Round 1, it was the
Griffindor – Red team vs.
Slytherin – Green as they tried
to outwit each other. On the
Griffindor – Red team was team
captain Jessica McGrew, Jonathan Payne, Miles Sharp, Ryan
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Simpson, and Jesus Bermudez.
The Slytherin – Green team
members were team captain Julia Payne, Trae Jackson, Cailyn
Santee, Tanner Dull and Carmen
Kosik. The ABC Game, Stranger
in a Strange Land, and the Dating Game kept the actors on their
toes with hilarious results.
Round 2 had the Hufflepuff
- Yellow team of Noah Brown,
Emily Laake, Trader Chaney,
Christian Slaughter and Jeffery
Johnson against Ravenclaw –
Blue team with Tyler Garrison,
Brittney Jones, Jace Bowerman,
Kyle Bookout and Austin Springer. The students improvised and
entertained as they competed to
see which team could bring the
most enthusiasm from the crowd.
In the final round, Slytherin –
Green competed against Raven-
claw – Blue, and in the end, the
winning team was Ravenclaw –
Blue based on the official score.
Still, winning is not defined in
this show, it is rather about how
well the performance was received by the audience.
The program was under the
direction of Waller High School
Theatre teachers Carrie Wood
and Amy Wernig. Special thanks
to the production staff which
included announcer and referee
Amy Wernig, Master of Ceremony Carrie Wood, Stage Manager
Aubrey Herzog, Time Keeper
McCaitlin McKee, Lights Supervisor Benton Cole, Sound
Manager, Hector Aguirre, Score
Keeper Cassidy Kelly, and House
Staff Christin Bolton, Audrey
Fuentes, Alydia Leslie, Lesslie
Hearld and Mariah Dismuke.
Jessica McGrew found her match, Kyle Bookout, during the Dating Game at Waller High School’s An Evening of Improv. The
annual Evening of Improv show filled the Black Box Theatre with
laughter and hilarity as the talented Box of Stars Theatre students performed for a full audience. WISD Public Information.
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The students of Fields Store Elementary who participated in the fall fundraiser were treated to a limousine ride on Friday, January
30 in appreciation of their dedication to helping their school. Students who sold 15 or more items in the fall fundraiser were eligible
for the ride, and 120 Fields Store students met that goal. The Hummer limousines arrived at Fields Store Elementary and took the
students in grades kindergarten through 5th grade to the Hempstead McDonalds for a delicious lunch. The excited students posed
in front of the limousine with big smiles, and were surrounded by excited Fields Store Elementary staff and parents. Pictured are
Fields Store Elementary kindergarten and first grade students posing in front of the limousine before taking off to their special
lunch. WISD Public Information.
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FCCLA Continued from page 4A
effective national student organization that helps young
men and women become leaders and address important
personal, family, work, and
societal issues through Family
and Consumer Sciences education. FCCLA has over 200,000
members nationwide, and over
5,500 chapters from 49 state
You can donate your garage
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find one of a kind treasures, make
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shop remains open to serve Waller.
associations, Puerto Rico, and
the Virgin Islands. Since it was
founded in 1945, FCCLA has
involved more than ten million
young people in its events.
FCCLA: The Ultimate
Leadership Experience is
unique among youth organizations because its programs are
planned and run by members.
It is the only career and technical in-school student organization with the family as its
central focus. Participation in
national programs and chapter activities helps members to
become strong leaders in their
families, careers, and communities.
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February 18, 2015, THE WALLER TIMES, Section B, Page 1
WHS Counselor Recognized by Texas A&M University
WISD Public Information
Waller High School’s very own College and Career Counselor, Christy Smith, was selected as one of
Texas A&M University’s 2015 Very Important Counselors. The Very Important Counselor Program recognizes the work and service of high school counselors,
teachers, and staff who are instrumental in guiding
students on the path to college. Smith is one of 28
counselors selected for the program.
In recognition of Smith’s hard work and dedication to getting Waller High School students to college, Texas A&M will offer a $1,000 scholarship to
a student at Waller High School who plans to attend
Texas A&M University in College Station in the fall
of 2015. Smith and the Waller High School Principal,
Dr. Brian Merrell, will select the award recipient in a
random drawing.
Also, as a recipient of the award, Smith will have
the opportunity to visit the Texas A&M University College Station Campus in April. At this event, she will be
able to participate in several discussions that will give
her a better knowledge of Texas A&M University to
bring back to Waller High School. There will also be
a recognition reception dinner, where Smith will be
recognized for all of the hard work she does for the
students of Waller High School.
Waller ISD appreciates Smith and all of our
dedicated staff and administrators who work tirelessly to assist students with their educational
Waller High School College and Career
Counselor, Christy Smith, was selected as
one of Texas A&M University’s 2015 Very
Important Counselors. This distinguished
honor recognizes the work and service of
high school counselors who assist students on
the path to college. WISD Public Information.
The Waller ISD Afterschool Centers of Education Program coordinated with Comp-U-Dopt, Inc. to
set up a ‘computer adoption day’ for the Waller ISD afterschool program students. Comp-U-Dopt.
Inc. is an organization that provides refurbished computers and technology education to children
in communities of the Greater Houston area. Waller ISD afterschool students received a computer
to take home with them to assist them with their school work studies if they completed the computer adoption process developed by Comp-U-Dopt. In order to receive a computer, each student
was required to fill out an application and submit an essay stating their need for a computer. Over
100 applications were received and reviewed, and 64 Waller ISD students were selected to adopt a
computer. Winning students were required to complete a written computer knowledge assessment
and a two-hour computer “adoption” session with his or her parent or guardian to learn software use
and computer care. After completion of the two-hour session, students were awarded their very own
computer. Pictured are the students playing a math software game on laptops before the two-hour
training session started. WISD Public Information.
Pictured is Fields Store Elementary prosthetic recipient Landon
Raines high-fiving Fields Store
Elementary Principal Melissa
Crosby with his new super hero
hand. Fields Store Elementary
School second grade student,
Landon Raines, was given a
helping hand by Marvel Universe Live!, Rice University and
Shriners Hospital. These superheroes teamed up to give several
3-D printed hands to children
who were born without fingers or
hands. The project saved families
thousands of dollars in the cost of
prosthetics, and made the lives of
the children just a little bit easier.
The eight children who received
the hands were given the opportunity to assemble a part of their
own prosthetic and meet some of
the Marvel actors. Raines recalled
the moment fondly, and said that
putting the hand together was
“like building with legos.” Raines
selected the color for his hand,
and chose The Incredible Hulk
green. While assembling his hand,
Raines also explained that he was
excited to meet Captain America.
WISD Public Information.
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Does Your Business
Need an Attorney?
benefiting Little Eden Children’s Home in Kenya, Africa
We represent all areas of business law
will be hosting their
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Knights of Columbus Hall
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Call 979-826-3029
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RAFFLE – John Deere Mower
Mike Eden Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Call Today for an Appointment
* We are the largest law firm in Waller County
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* We have experience in a wide array of legal areas
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Year in Legal Fees? Call to Learn about
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* Richard Senasac * Matt Buckalew * Clay S. Conrad * Paul C. Looney
Waller County * (979) 826-8484 * 918 Austin Street * Hempstead, Texas
not certified by the Texas board of legal specialization
Page 2, Section B, THE WALLER TIMES, February 18, 2015
“The Waller Times” Classifieds
Call 936.372.5184 today to place your Classified Word ad or Classified Display. Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover accepted
Food Production Assembly Worker:
Faith and Care Home Health Agency, Inc.
845 1st Street, Hempstead, Texas 77445
Food manufacturer seeking fulltime line workers
for food product assembly line. Must use hands to
place raw materials, arrange products and prepare
packaged items. Job involves working in refrigerated environment for prolonged periods of time.
Home Health Agency seeking per diem
Registered Nurses, Licensed Vocational
Nurses, Physical Therapist and
Occupational Therapist
Apply in person at:
19802 G. H. Circle, Waller, TX 77484
Office: (979) 826-2428 • Fax: (979) 826-3811
Trucking company in Hempstead seeking a self
motivated individual to handle dispatching and
customer service.
As a leader in the oilfield service Industry,
Baker Hughes is currently accepting applications
For Temporary Ballistics Assembler,
assembling, Inspecting and packaging ballistic products.
Located in Hempstead, Texas. High School Diploma
required or equivalent. Employment will be Subject to
background check, drug testing and ATF Verifications.
Must have excellent computer and communication skills.
Must be organized and be an excellent problem solver.
Must be able to multi task and work in a fast paced
environment. Previous dispatch experience a plus.
Email resumes to cory@lltrans.net.
For questions, contact 979-826-3611.
For immediate considerations, please apply with resume in person:
35372 Betka Road, Hempstead, texas
Tomball Forest Express / Ltd
Diesel & General Maintenance Mechanic
Cuido niños por las Tardes 3-9
noche Lunes – Viernes. 832-773-9726
cell phone. Hablar Después 2:00 pm.
Tomball Forest is looking for highly qualified diesel / general mechanic to join our mechanic
team at the 42511 Old Houston Hwy, Waller, TX 77484 location. Qualified candidates
are dependable, self-reliant, professional, have great problem solving and communication
skills and a strong work ethic. Supply own tools.
Compensation: Open / Discuss in person
• Inspect equipment for proper functional use and perform preventative maintenance.
• Must be able to diagnose equipment malfunctions and makes repairs and/or
adjustments as needed.
• Must be able to perform frequent standing, bending, twisting, crawling, kneeling,
squatting, climbing, reaching, and grasping.
• Work & communicate with Managers
• Should have a background / knowledge involving electrical, mechanical and diesel
engine troubleshooting and repair
• Must have knowledge of hydraulics and pneumatics
• Must have knowledge of mechanical moving parts (chains, bearings and rollers).
• Must be flexible to work long hours to meet production requirements as needed.
At least 12 hours per day Monday thru Friday, occasionally a Saturday.
We know that our employees are critical to our overall success.
Paid Vacation
401 K
Contact Eric via email / office to schedule an appointment
936-372-1571 to leave a detail message and return number
Lamp Repair & Parts
now taking applications for professional and qualified Truck Drivers.
Drivers need 2+ years experience,
class B CDL or better, clean driving
CAJUN READY MIX, LTD is now record, and be 23 years & above.
taking applications for Certified Heavy Pre-employment DOT drug test and
Equipment Diesel Mechanics and/or physical required. Benefits: Paid holiHelpers. CDL Preferred. Drug test & day’s & vacation, health insurance,
physical required. Apply in person company match 401K, long/short
M-F, 8-4 at 12691 FM 149 Road, term disability insurance, uniforms.
Montgomery, TX 77316. 4tc3/11
50-60 hours weekly & you’re home
every night! Apply in person M-F, 8-4
at 12691 FM 149 Rd, Montgomery,
TX 77316. 4tc3/11
HELP WANTED: Ranch Work.
Experienced only. Grass cutting, weed
eating and trimming. $500/wk. Call
281-799-8706. 1tc2/18
Tractor with Pull Scraper, Bulldozer, and Trackhoe.
Experience is a plus, but training is available.
FREE medical insurance, uniforms, retirement, and bonuses.
Call 979-865-5941
Footprints in the Sand Learning Center (Christian owned and operated)
Now hiring both full and part-time dependable, energetic, and loving
individuals. Previous childcare experience is preferred. Applicants must be
certified in First Aid and CPR within 90 days of hire date. We can assist if
needed. Benefits include, paid holidays after the 90 day probation period.
Full time employees will receive one week of paid vacation after one year
of service. Starting pay depends on previous experience. Please call (979)
826-3487 or send resume to communications@footprintsinthesandlc.com.
Experienced CDL Drivers
to drive concrete mixer trucks in Waller and the
surrounding area. We offer paid health insurance,
holidays, vacation and 401K.
Apply in person at 19410 FM 362 in Waller
or call (979) 836-3664, or fax resume to (979) 836-2265.
Blue Bonnet Antiques
Security OfficerS Needed
FREE removal of
FT/PT/Seasonal Avail.
No crim. background
Please call 979-822-7468
•Appliances •Old Cars
•A/C Units •Tin •Steel
•Copper •Etc.
*Trash Removal also Available
JW Fence Company
John A. Wall IV - owner
(210) 602-3253
Waller based Plastics Recycling Company
is seeking a Granulator Technician.
Specialize in:
*pipe fencing *chain-link fencing
*board fencing *arenas
*privacy fencing *metal buildings
*barb-wire/net/game-proof fencing
Class ‘A’ CDL and good driving record. No experience
necessary; we will train. Company pays expenses
while on the road. Paid holidays and vacation.
15 Years of Experience
Free Estimates
to set up appointment for interview.
Call 800-654-3145
Phone: (936) 931-5356
Fax: (936) 372-5307
Connie Amsler, Sherry Whiteley, Cindy Ochsner
.79 wooded acres with community water & electricity available. No mobile homes. Community
lake and park, & pool................SOLD.........$4,500
.36 wooded acres in rural subdivision with community water & electricity available. Enjoy community
parks, lakes & pool (restricted - no mobile homes)
..............................................A S K I N G . ..$2,500
5 city lots - wooded with electricity available.
Zoned for single family home - no mobile homes...
4 city blocks - total of 5.72 acres. Currently used for grazing cattle. City utilities available in area..SOLD...$65,000
1.96 wooded acres in Montgomery County with electricity available. Location provides quick access to FM
2978 or FM 1488. Restricted against mobile homes.
Future development with proposed Woodland Parkway
access in near future.......................REDUCED..$80,000
In The Spotlight
If you have the qualities and availability stated above, please
e-mail your resume to kmwarr@sbcglobal.net quickly.
3/2 mobile home on 1.26 acres in Monaville area
Cozy Cottage in the woods! Home has 2 bedrooms,
1 full bath and is a comfortable and practical home for
the first time buyer or a retired couple. This home is
brick with a durable metal roof. Nestled on 1.99 acres,
a corner lot with lots of trees and greenery that affords
privacy as well as the opportunity to enjoy nature. Look
for deer and other creatures.............PENDING...$140,000
1.15 commercial acres in the heart of Navasota
with a metal building for your new business..........
A Real Estate Career?
A Little bit of country in the city! 5 wooded lots on a somewhat secluded road within the City Limits. Property is
zoned for single family residence. Electric is available and
city water lines are located across the street. Gas is within
approx. 600 feet of the property and no city sewer line.
Owner can install aerobic septic. Buyer should verify available utilities, permits, easements and installation regulations with the City of Hempstead....REDUCED...$18,000
4/2 home in Spring area. Quick access to I-45 Toll Road
& Downtown................................SOLD.....$149,000
List Your PropertyWith Us!
We Deliver Qualified Buyers!
“We have the fastest, easiest
and most affordable way to
get your real estate license”.
19.75 cleared acres with clusters of trees, partially
fenced on 3 sides and currently leased pasture for ag
exemption status. Quick commute to Houston or Katy and
close to shopping and schools........ASKING...$207,375
Diamond in the Rough! This home awaits the buyer
who can provide some TLC to make this home a showplace. 3/2 Brick with cedar siding home sits on .75
acres. Property is in the 100 year flood plain. Sold
as is! Cash buyers only please! ..SOLD......$75,000
Seeking dependable, punctual, experienced, compassionate and qualified caregiver to provide in-home care
in the Hockley / Waller area (near the Oil Ranch). We
are looking for a contract worker caregiver who has
immediate availability to work 3 hours, 4 days a week in
the mornings, caring for my 41 year old quadriplegic son.
Duties involve assistance with activities of daily living such
as bathing/dressing, incontinence care, transfers using
Hoyer lift and light housekeeping. CNA preferred, but will
train if you are the right person for us.
19.75 acres of property with good stand of native grasses
within daily commute distance of Houston or Katy. Land
has been used to graze horses and/or cattle for many
years and is ag-exempt for low property taxes. Property
is located near Waller County Fairgrounds with quick access to hwy 290 via FM 359. This unrestricted acreage is
close to Town of Hempstead but in the City Limits of Pine
Island. Livestock on property please do not enter property without an appointment! ................ASKING...$207,375
Serving Buyers and Sellers in Waller, Grimes, Harris and Montgomery Counties
30717 FM 1488 @ Field Store Community • Waller, Texas 77484 • Call us or visit us online at www.amslerrealestate.net
100% tuition reimbursement
Get your license in 30 days
Earn 25k to 200k or more
Free training
Openings in our Waller, Tomball &
Magnolia Offices. Call Chris for
more information (281) 351-5800.
CENTURY 21 Hardee-Team Realty
February 18, 2015, THE WALLER TIMES, Section B, Page 3
“The Waller Times” Classifieds
Call 936.372.5184 today to place your Classified Word ad or Classified Display. Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover accepted
Shady Oaks Apartments.
Senior community 55+. Affordable
living. Colorado Valley Transit route.
Laundry on site. Call 936-857-5511.
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 1 bath in
HISD. Central AC & Heat, wash machine, dryer hook up. Fenced back yard.
Very clean. $700 rent $650 deposit. No
Pets. Call after 5 pm. 409-382-3172.
Avaialble now. 3tc2/18
Large Rooms
Available in
Remodeled Home
$450 month
Clear title or small
payoff is ok. Must be
‘85 model or newer!
Call Chris at 979-743-0551
Prairie Gables Apartments
2 bedroom & 1 office/
bedroom apartment
988 sq. ft. Full kitchen, bath,
2 entrances, large living
room area. Rent $600/mth,
$50 fixed utility.
Call 936-857-3222
Call 832-574-4969
Home for rent
3 bedroom 2 bath
w/ garage
in Hempstead
$1,400 month
Call 281-460-1453
Call Classifieds at
936-372-5184 to place ads.
Recently Remodeled
2319 Main St.
Downtown Waller
Historic Building
Large Brick Country Home
on 3 acres - 3/2/2
Central air & heat.
Swimming pool, hot tub
& large pool house with
kitchen, loft and bath.
$2,800/mo + deposit.
2 year lease. References.
20 minutes from FM 1960
off 290. Outdoor Pets Only.
City of Waller - 2/1 Brick
Central air & heat.
Close to Jr. High School.
$850/mo + deposit.
2 year lease. References.
No Pets.
of new and used single
wides and double
wides in stock!!
Our competitors hate
our low prices!
Come see the difference!
Reliable Homes of Sealy
390 Gebhardt Road
1999 Fifth
Wheel RV
Asking $5,500
Call 979-645-1990
To place
Classified ads in
The Waller Times
Call 936.372.5184
or email
TIM PHELAN, BROKER: Associates: John Bowden, Melinda DeGroot, Rendy Elizalde, Roger Frey,
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2 Locations to Serve You Better!
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“Serving The Area For Over 29 Years”
SMALL ACREAGE: Many tracts to choose from ...........................................CALL OR GO ONLINE............FOR DETAILS
8.25 ACRES: Near FM529/Sunnyside. Unrestricted..............................................................................PENDING........$10,897/ac.
10 ACRES: Wooded tract in scenic North Waller County. Lightly restricted with community water. Waller ISD..........$15,000/ac.
11 ACRES: 318’ Frontage on FM 359. Unrestricted, scattered trees & brush. Residential or commercial. Easy access to I-10 &
Hwy 290..................................................................................................................................................PENDING........$12,500/ac.
15.85 ACRES: in gated Skymac Ranch. 2,000 sq. ft. insulated barn with large porch, pond & long frontage & Ag exempt...$18,864/ac.
18 ACRES: Fenced, lightly restricted, Ag exempt. Easy access to Hwy. 6......................................................................$10,111/ac.
35 ACRES: Near Waller on Mathis Rd. Unrestricted. Some flood plain. Several building sites...........PENDING..........$7,850/ac.
36 ACRES: in north Waller County. Pond, large trees & choice homesites. Unrestricted......................................................$12,000/ac.
39 ACRES: NW Waller County. Secluded at dead-end of road. Fenced, well, 1,500 sq. ft.metal building, 12’X12’ well house, large
pond & pad for homesite. Trees & pasture........................................................................................................................$11,450/ac.
40.9 ACRES: Near Hempstead. Unrestricted. More acreage available . .................................................................................$9,500/ac.
50 ACRES: Hockley - heavily wood & bordered on the south by Three Mile Creek. Approx. 85% in flood plain. Lots of
wildlife. Great Secluded homesite...................................................................................................................................$8,200/ac.
50 ACRES: 2 minutes south of Waller. Fenced, well, electricity, driveway w/gate & seasonal creek....................$11,500/ac.
50.25 ACRES: Near Hempstead. Unrestricted. More acreage available .................................................................................$9,500/ac.
WALLER: 13 Acre ranch with 3-2.5 home. First floor has 3,179 sq. ft. with too many extras to
list. Separate entry unfinished 2nd floor is framed for 2 bedrooms, media room, great room w/
firelace, & plumbing roughed in for kitchen, utility room & 2.5 baths. Plus a 35X60 Morton
building/barn, RV parking, pond, pasture & fenced...........................................................$695,000
63.68 ACRES: Beautifully wooded w/clusters of trees & 3 ponds. Unrestricted. Ag exempt & fenced..........................$14,840/ac.
75.2 ACRES: Organic Farm. Rolling, unrestricted, 2 ponds, 3 barns & working pens. Adjoining acreage available.....$10,200/ac.
93, 96 & 98 ACRE TRACTS: Just west of Hempstead near Hwy 290 & Hwy 6. Scenic, with choice homesites, lakes, sandy soil, gently
rolling & long frontage w/3-board fence. Owner Finance.....................................................................................................$15,000/ac.
100 ACRES: Level with long frontage near Hwy 290 at Waller. Fenced on 3 sides, pond & shed........PENDING.......$14,900/ac.
144 ACRES: Organic Farm. Rolling, unrestricted, 4 ponds, 3 barns & working pens. Fronts Cochran Road............ $10,500/ac.
1226 ACRES: Highly productive working cattle ranch in Chappell Hill. Over 4 miles of frontage, improved pastures, good fencing,
5 water wells, working pens, chute, hay & equipment sheds, irrigation system for 200-300 acres, holding tank, pond, good interior
road, frontage along creek & Red Gully. Flood plain..........................................................................................................$5,500/ac.
CORNER TRACT: 32 acres on FM 529 south of Hempstead. 3-2 Manufactured home, 3-carport, pad for 2nd home w/water,
electric & separate septic, 7-stall barn, lighted arena, 2 loafing sheds, hay barn, fenced garden area & 2 ponds. Easy access to
Hwy 290 or I-10............................................................................................................................PENDING................$380,000
38.5 ACRE RANCH: Near Hempstead. Nice 3-2 metal exterior home w/large back porch. Barn, arena & x-fenced pastures. Ag exempt.............................................................................................................................................................$499,000
BROOKSHIRE: 2-2-2 on 9.6 acres on FM 359. Quarters, shop, covered arena & RV parking. City utilities, well & septic. Unrestricted w/850’ frontage offers commercial potential..................................................................PENDING.................$510,000
WALLER: 13 Acre ranch with 3-2.5 home. First floor has 3,179 sq. ft. with too many extras to list. Separate entry unfinished
FOR LEASE: Nice 2-2-1 duplex unit in Tomball. No pets.............................................................................................. $1,185/mo. 2nd floor is framed for 2 bedrooms, media room, great room w/firelace, & plumbing roughed in for kitchen, utility room &
HWY 6 CORNER: older 2-1 wood frame home on 0.39 acre at Hwy 6 & FM 1736. Needs work............................................. $60,000 2.5 baths. Plus a 35X60 Morton building/barn, RV parking, pond, pasture & fenced.................................................$695,000
WALLER: 3-2 on 2 city lots in need of some TLC. Great location. Nice trees........................................PENDING............. $65,900 35 Acre Ranch: on Hwy 6 north of Hempstead in Grimes County. Gated w/3-2-2 rock home with metal roof, high ceilBUS HWY 290: 2-1 rock home w/ slate roof. Fantastic commercial potential for your small business, office or shop. Wood burning ings, study & rock fireplace. 6-Stall barn, 3 pastures & loafing shed. Ag exempt & unrestricted. Low taxes.........$1,300,000
fireplace and oversized detached 1 car garage. Beautiful large trees........................................................................................$79,500 OAK CREEK RANCH: Scenic 410.8 acres with stately 2-story 5-2.5 farmhouse w/ 2-carport, horse barn, implement/hay
WALLER: Older 3-2 w/carport on 1.92 acres. Needs work. Scattered oaks & pecans. Large lighted arena with good pipe fencing.... barn, loafing shed, 6 ponds, running creek & great views. Fenced & x-fenced with 2 entrances from Mitchell & 1 from Old
.................................................................................................................................................................PENDING........... $115,000 Mitchell. Great development potential....................................................................................................................... $4,724,833
FM 1887 Frontage: Quaint 2-2 home on 1.7 acres south of Hempstead. Metal workshop/barn with carport. Needs some TLC...$110,000
REMINGTON FOREST: Well maintained 4-2.5-2 two story on 1/2 acre lot. Fresh paint throughout & nice landscaping. Off of FM
1488 near Magnolia. Waller ISD....................................................................................................................................................$162,500
HEMPSTEAD: 3-3 all brick home on 2.5 lots. Wood, floors, formals, plantation shutters, sunroom, gameroom, crown molding & 0.92 ACRE: City of Brookshire. Commericial or residential. City utilities...........................PENDING.................$62,000
fireplace. Needs some TLC..................................................................................................................................................... $162,500 0.99 ACRE: in Waller Business Park. Corner of FM 362 & Park 290 Drive just off of Hwy 290. Additional 1 to 3 acres
CHARMING: Remodeled 2-3 (possibly 3-3) farm house on 5 acres in Pine Ridge. Spacious with large kitchen, beamed ceilings, wood available......................................................................................................................................................................$5.00/sq. ft.
floors & nice deck for outdoor living. Large shade trees. So much character!.............................................PENDING........... $225,000 1.5 ACRES: Just 1 block north of I-10 in Brookshire. Zoned commercial.............................................................$1.95/sq. ft.
NEAR WALLER: Charming older 3-2-2 home on 5 acres. Eat-in kitchen, formals, fireplace, extra room & screened-in porch. Partially 2.59 ACRES: on FM 2920 near Lutheran Church Rd. in Tomball. Excellent location. Owner financing
fenced, storage bldg & scattered trees..................................................................................................................................... $234,000 available.......................................................................................................................................................$450,000
WALLER: Recntly remodeled 3-2-2 home on 2.3 fenced acres. Property includes workshop, well house & old barn. Ag exempt. Easy 3.96 ACRES: FM 362 near Hwy 290. Corner location. City utilities....................................................................$3.50/sq. ft.
access to I-10 & Hwy 290....................................................................................................................................................... $289,000 4 ACRES: on FM 2920 across from Harlan’s shopping center. Rapidly developing area. Excellent commerCOUNTRY ESTATE: Stunning 4-2/2-3 home on 4.5 acres in Tennoaks. Home is loaded with too many features & upgrades to cial location. City utilities. Near US Hwy 290.......................................................................................$5.00/sq. ft.
list + guest suite over garage. Manicured grounds, 22-zone sprinkler system, deck w/hot tub & 30’X50’ insulated shop w/extended 13 ACRES: 700’ frontage on FM 362 & 500’ on “B” Street. Prime location........................................PENDING............$40,000/ac..
cover...................................................................................................................................................................................... $585,000
30 ACRES: Commercial corner on Kickapoo right off US Hwy 290. Freeway on/off ramps on east & west side of intersection for easy access................................................................................................................................................$2.00/sq. ft.
TOWNHOMES: 5-Unit townhome building in Prairie View. Each unit is a 2-2. Located less than 1 mile from Prairie View
A & M campus. Built in 2009 on 1 acre with paved parking............................................................................................... $510,000
450 ACRES: Excellent for residential or light industrial development in Katy. 1.5 miles north of I-10 & 15 miles from the
energy corridor..............................................................................................................................PENDING.............$30,000/ac.
WALLER: 3,334 sq. ft. office/retail building on Main Street. Great location............................PENDING..................$99,500
HISTORIC BUILDING: on 12th Street in Hempstead. Approx 1,500 sq. ft. Great location with high visibility...........$128,000
WALLER NURSERY: 12 unrestricted acres with well, irrigation & commercial greenhouses. Heated plant beds for
year round growing. Everything needed to operate a business.................................................................................$250,000
HWY 6 FRONTAGE: Unrestricted scenic 15 acres w/two 1-1 older homes connected together, oversized 2-car garage, kennel, HEMPSTEAD: Investment opportunity - 8 houses on 8 lots. Must be sold together. Allbut one is currently leased...$364,430
covered BBQ area, large shop, covered equipment storage, well house & storage building. Partially wooded w/pond & creek. Fenced HEMPSTEAD: Established & successful ballroom/reception hall. On 11.3 acres in Hempstead. Beautifully finished. Furnished
& gated entranc........................................................................................................................................PENDING............$325,000 with everything you need – set up w/bookings & ready to go ....................................................................................$1,500,000
Page 4, Section B, THE WALLER TIMES, February 18, 2015
936-372-3011 • From Houston Call Toll Free - Metro 936-931-3011
HUD Certified Broker
COLT HAACK - Broker/Owner ★ Denise Cerny ★ Katy Collette ★ Bob Freshcorn
★ Rowdy Haack ★ Melissa Hegemeyer ★ Mark McLafferty ★ Crystal Mielke
★ Anett Mier ★ Kenneth Murphy ★ Terri McNeill ★ Travis Winfree
Buying or Selling.....Call Us!!
Open 6 Days a Week & Sunday by appointment
4408 3-2-2 brick home on corner lot with nice shade trees.....
4367 Beautiful custom stone home with cathedral ceilings, stone
fireplace, marble counters, beautiful tile flooring on a hill with a
view, 6 stall barn, lighted arena, covered RV parking, additional
barn, two ponds on 30 acres.......................................$1,080,000
4427 3-2 brick home in Cypress, double sided fireplace, CyFair ISD................................................................$200,000
4428 3-2-2 brick home, recent roof, formals, large kitchen on
2 lots...........................................................................$107,500
4402 4-2.1 country home on 4+ acres, two story, stone fireplace, built
in entertainment center, island kitchen, inground pool with spa, cross
fenced, 40 x 40 metal building, barn with stalls...PENDING..$379,900
4403 3-2 beautiful home on 15 acres with ag exemption, gated
entrance, workshop, barn with working pens, beautifully landscaped with irrigation, fenced and cross fenced ................$586,500
4356 3-2-2 brick home on 5 beautifully landscaped lots, formals, large den, wood burning stove, small 4374 10 acres in subdivision, deed restrictions, Waller ISD.....................................................$470,000
creek, corner property................................................................................................................$149,500 4386 160 acres with lots of frontage, water well, FM frontage, could be divided.................$2,486,820
4359 1-1-1 brick home in Hempstead..........................................................................................$69,000 4401 Showplace!! Completely remodeled 4 bedroom home, fireplace, hardwood flooring, granite coun4375 3-2 home in town with a smaller home also on property....................................................$65,000 ters, large game room, deck, inground pool, beautiful scattered oaks, 5 + acre lake, 5 barns, 81 acres,
4391 5 small homes on 3 city lots, investment potential...........................................................$250,000 frontage on two sides..............................................................................................................$1,595,000
4408 3-2-2 brick home on corner lot with nice shade trees.......................................................$169,000
4427 3-2 brick home in Cypress, double sided fireplace, Cy-Fair ISD.....................................$200,000
4428 3-2-2 brick home, recent roof, formals, large kitchen on 2 lots........................................$107,500
4402 4-2.1 Country home on 4+ acres, two story, stone fireplace, built in entertainment center,
island kitchen, inground pool with spa, cross fenced, 40 x 40 metal building, barn with stalls.......
4403 3-2 Beautiful home on 15 acres with ag exemption, gated entrance, workshop, barn with working
pens, beautifully landscaped with irrigation, fenced and cross fenced......................................$586,500
4088 80 acres, barns, storage shed, lake, beautiful land.........................................................$2,258,760 4411 Lots in City of Waller, corner property, scattered trees, recently cleared...........................$27,900
4267 9 acres, FM 2920 frontage, excellent development location.........................................$1,300,000 4421 Beautiful 97 acres, brick home, barn, pond, scattered trees, close to Hwy. 290............$2,764,500
4275 9+ acres, Tomball area, ag exempt, FM 2920 frontage.....................................................$750,000 4422 Corner lot in Hempstead, additional lots available...............................................................$6,000
4276 318 acres, Peek Rd in Katy, excellent location............................................................$11,130,000
4423 Two lots in Hempstead, city utilities available...................................................................$12,000
4290 3000 sq. ft. building with covered porches, currently a restaurant, with ample parking on 1.9 acres
4431 5 acres, frontage on 2 roads, close to town, some restrictions............................................$79,500
with FM frontage.......................................................................................................................$525,000
4432 Unrestricted lot, commercial or residential, community water.........................................$165,000
4309 Three lots with city utilities, curbs, close to schools and shopping....................................$35,000
4433 4-3-2 Brick home with 2 fireplaces, on 4 acres with pond...............................................$265,000
4349 388 acre horse ranch with rail fencing, FM frontage, barns, stables, 8 acre lake, large irrigated
4435 4-3-2 100 acres, large scattered oaks, ag exempt, community water available.............$1,200,920
hay field, additional ponds, main home shaded by large oaks, additional home on property...........
4437 3-2-1 Home, open floorpan, island kitchen on 4 acres, beautiful scattered trees.............$225,000
4360 Corner lot in city with utilities..............................................................................................$4,500
4367 Beautiful custom stone home with cathedral ceilings, stone fireplace, marble counters, beautiful
tile flooring on a hill with a view, 6 stall barn, lighted arena, covered RV parking, additional barn, two
ponds on 30 acres....................................................................................................................$1,080,000
4372 Awesome country showplace on 50 acres with custom home that includes granite counters,
high ceilings, butlers pantry, hardwood floors, gameroom, gazebo, pond, improved pastures, gated
31315 FM 2920
Waller, Texas