SUMMER - Minneapolis
SUMMER - Minneapolis
SUMMER Programs 2015 Academic Enrichment Athletic PreK-12 Experiences Integrating Christian Faith and Learning since 1913 Welcome to Minnehaha Academy! Dear Families, Welcome to summer at Minnehaha Academy! I have to be honest- we have fantastic Summer Programs. I love our classes; I love our teachers; DQG,ORYHRXUIDPLOLHV$W0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\\RXőOOŵQGFODVVHVWKDWDUH age-appropriate, creative, academically challenging, and fun! Plus, you will EHQHŵWIURPWKHŶH[LELOLW\RIRXUVFKHGXOHDWFRPSHWLWLYHSULFHVLQDVDIH HQYLURQPHQW/LNHRXUFODVVHVGXULQJWKHVFKRRO\HDU\RXZLOOH[SHULHQFH high-quality education integrating Christian faith and learning. We were busy last summer forming relationships, learning together, and making memories. We were able to make toy trucks in woodworking, create a musical in two weeks, cook food from around the world, spend WLPHŵVKLQJPDNHPRYLHVVHHD6W3DXO6DLQWVJDPHVWXG\FKHVVGHYHORS various creations in Lego Robotics, read, improve our swimming skills, play sports, research birds, prepare for Kindergarten and Middle School, and learn to sail and fence. Like I said, we were busy. We made memories that will last a lifetime. I can’t wait for Summer 2015... come join us! Sincerely, Michelle Olson Summer Programs Director 612-728-7745 Helpful Hints! 1) Start with the Summer Planner (page 46). Find weekly class options for your student’s grade level in the fall. Use the Table of &RQWHQWVWRŵQGWKHSDJHZLWKPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHFODVV 5HJLVWHUHDUO\LWRSHQV)HEUXDU\&ODVVHVGRŵOOTXLFNO\ 3) Register online (or by mail)! Hit the submit button. 4) Register carefully! Think through your schedules and costs. New This Year! :HDUHRIIHULQJDYDULHW\RIQHZFODVVHVWKLV\HDUWKDWZHDUHH[FLWHGWRVKDUHZLWK\RX-RLQRQHWR learn and develop a new skill. New offerings include CSI (page 19), Fun for My Dolls & Me (16), Game On! (18), Intermediate Adventures in Art (18), Intermediate Cooking (16), Lego Builders (13), Let’s have a Ball (24), Music & Movement (15), PhotoVoice (14), Piano Poety (13), Pirate Poetry (18), Puddle Stompers (14), Pure Poetry (16), Sew Cute (19), and Trips & Tours with a Purpose (32). Plus we are pleased to offer Spanish as part of our Camp Minnehaha morning schedule. Look for the V\PEROWKURXJKRXWWKHFDWDORJWRUHDGPRUHDERXWWKHVHH[FLWLQJFODVVHV Campus Addresses Minnehaha Academy Upper School North Campus 3100 West River Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55406 Minnehaha Academy Lower and Middle School South Campus 4200 West River Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55406 s t n e t n o C f o e Tabl ade levels) etical order by gr (classes in alphab Camp Minnehaha (Grades PreK–8) ................................................................................................................... 5 Half-Day Camp Minnehaha (Grades PreK–8) .................................................................................................. 7 Extended Day Camp (Grades K–8) .................................................................................................................... 8 Lower School Academic Courses (Grades K–8) .............................................................................................. Kindergarten Bound (Grade K) ............................................................................................................................. Summer Academy (Grades 1–8) ........................................................................................................................... Writing Workshop (Grades K–2 and 3–5) ............................................................................................................. Lower School Enrichment Classes (Grades K–5) ............................................................................................ Beginning Adventures in Art (Grades K–2) .......................................................................................................... Bookmaking (Grades 3–5) ..................................................................................................................................... Boys have Fun (Grades 3–5) .................................................................................................................................. Chess Camp (Grades K–8) ..................................................................................................................................... Citizen Science: Birds (Grades 4–8) ...................................................................................................................... CSI (Grades 4–8)...................................................................................................................................................... Fun for My Dolls & Me (Grades 2–5) ..................................................................................................................... Game On! (Grades K–2 and 3–5) .......................................................................................................................... GEM Fishing (Grades 5–8) ..................................................................................................................................... Geocaching (Grades 4–8) ...................................................................................................................................... Girls have Fun (Grades 4–5) ................................................................................................................................... Girls have Fun Too (Grades 2–3) ........................................................................................................................... Intermediate Adventures in Art (Grades 3–5) ...................................................................................................... Intermediate Cooking (Grades 3–5) ..................................................................................................................... International Camp (Grades 3–5) .......................................................................................................................... International Camp Too (Grades K–2) .................................................................................................................. Lego Builders (Grades K–2) ................................................................................................................................... Lego NXT Robotics I and for Girls (Grades 4–8).................................................................................................. Lego NXT Robotics II and for Girls (Grades 4–8)................................................................................................. Lego Robotics (Grades K–1 and 2–3) .................................................................................................................... Lego Robotics for Girls (Grades 2–5) .................................................................................................................... Movie Making (Grades 4–8) ................................................................................................................................... Music & Movement (Grades K–2).......................................................................................................................... PhotoVoice (Grades K–3 and 4–8)......................................................................................................................... Piano Poetry (Grades 3–5) ...................................................................................................................................... Pirate Poetry (Grades 3–5) ...................................................................................................................................... Plant Science (Grades 3–5) .................................................................................................................................... Puddle Stompers (Grades K–2) ............................................................................................................................. Pure Poetry (Grades 5–8) ........................................................................................................................................ Rocket Science (Grades 3–5) ................................................................................................................................. Sew Cute (Grades 2–5) ........................................................................................................................................... Tea Party (Grades K–2) ............................................................................................................................................ Theater (Grades 5–12) ............................................................................................................................................ Treasured Books (Grades K–2) .............................................................................................................................. Wood Carving (Grades 3–5) .................................................................................................................................. Woodworking (Grades K–2 and 3–5) .................................................................................................................... Woodworking for Girls (Grades K–8).................................................................................................................... Lower School Athletic Camps (Grades K–5) .................................................................................................... All Sports (Grades K–2)........................................................................................................................................... Baseball (Grades 3–5) ............................................................................................................................................. Basketball (Grades K–2 and 3–5) ........................................................................................................................... Fencing (Grades 2–7).............................................................................................................................................. 9 10 11 10 12 18 21 14 22 20 19 16 18 17 21 19 19 18 16 15 15 13 14 20 17 17 13 15 14 13 18 16 14 16 13 19 13 15 21 15 12 12 23 24 25 23 26 Table of Conten t Lower School Athletic Camps (Grades K–5) continued ................................................................................ Football (Grades 3–5) ............................................................................................................................................. Golf (Grades 5–8) .................................................................................................................................................... Let’s have a Ball (Grades K–2) ................................................................................................................................ Olympic Games (Grades K–2) ............................................................................................................................... Reading & Riding (Grades K–2 and 3–5) .............................................................................................................. Sailing (Grades 2–6 and 3–7) ................................................................................................................................. Soccer (Grades K–2 and 3–5) ................................................................................................................................. Spokes & Sports (Grades 3–5) ............................................................................................................................... Tennis (Grades 3–5) ................................................................................................................................................ Track & Field (Grades 3–5) ..................................................................................................................................... 23 25 25 24 23 24 26 24 25 23 25 Middle School Academic Courses (Grades 6–8)................................................................................................ SOAR Into Middle School (Grades 6) .................................................................................................................... Summer Academy (Grades 1–8) ............................................................................................................................. Writing Workshop (Grades 6–8) .............................................................................................................................. 27 28 29 28 Middle School Enrichment Classes (Grades 6–8) .............................................................................................. Advanced Cooking (Grades 6–8) ............................................................................................................................ Chess Camp (Grades K–8) ....................................................................................................................................... Citizen Science: Birds (Grades 4–8) ........................................................................................................................ CSI (Grades 4–8) ....................................................................................................................................................... GEM Fishing (Grades 5–8) ....................................................................................................................................... Geocaching (Grades 4–8) ........................................................................................................................................ Lego NXT Robotics I and for Girls (Grades 4–8)..................................................................................................... Lego NXT Robotics II and for Girls (Grades 4–8).................................................................................................... Microelectronics (Grades 7–12) .............................................................................................................................. Movie Making (Grades 4–8)..................................................................................................................................... PhotoVoice (Grades 4–8) ......................................................................................................................................... Pure Poetry (Grades 5–8) ......................................................................................................................................... Theater (Grades 5–12) ............................................................................................................................................. Trips & Tours with a Purpose (Grades 6–9) ............................................................................................................. Wood Carving (Grades 6–8) .................................................................................................................................... Woodworking (Grades 6–8) .................................................................................................................................... Woodworking for Girls (Grades K–8) ...................................................................................................................... 30 33 33 33 33 31 33 32 32 32 31 31 30 31 32 30 30 30 Middle School Athletic Camps (Grades 6–8) ..................................................................................................... Basketball (Grades 6–9) ........................................................................................................................................... Fencing (Grades 2–7) ............................................................................................................................................... Football (Grades 6–8)............................................................................................................................................... Golf (Grades 5–8) ..................................................................................................................................................... Olympic Games (Grades 6–8) ................................................................................................................................. Reading & Riding (Grades 6–8) ............................................................................................................................... Sailing (Grades 2–6 and 3–7) ................................................................................................................................... Soccer (Grades 6–8) ................................................................................................................................................. Spokes & Sports (Grades 6–8) ................................................................................................................................. 34 34 36 36 35 35 35 36 35 34 Upper School Courses (Grades 9–12) ................................................................................................................. Basketball (Grades 6–9) ........................................................................................................................................... Bridge to AP Calculus (Grades 10–12).................................................................................................................... Driver’s Education (Grades 9–12) ............................................................................................................................ Microelectronics (Grades 7–12) .............................................................................................................................. Theater (Grades 5–12) ............................................................................................................................................. Trips & Tours with a Purpose (Grades 6–9) ............................................................................................................. 37 39 38 39 39 39 39 Registration Contract with Emergency Information......................................................................................... 41 Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................................................................ 43 Policies and Terms of Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs 2015 .......................................................... 44 Summer Planner ..................................................................................................................................................... 46 s Camp Minnehaha Camp Minnehaha is designed for students entering PreK through Grade 8. Students are grouped with other students in similar grade levels, which enables our instructors to choose topics and plan activities that work best for students in those grades. Instructors guide their groups through daily devotions and prayer, indoor and outdoor activities, games, and more. Each group also visits four specialists on a regular basis: art, music, science, and Spanish. $VDPSOHDFWLYLW\VFKHGXOHLVRXWOLQHGRQWKHQH[WSDJH&DPS0LQQHKDKDDOVRLQFOXGHV swimming lessons and a weekly off-campus activity. 5 Full-Day Camp Minnehaha ! ate D he t e Sav Celebration of Summer PreK–8 Camp Minnehaha Schedule and Fee 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XQHŎ$XJXVW:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering PreK–Grade 8 (PreK must be toilet-trained and must be IRXU\HDUVROGE\WKHLUŵUVWGD\RI&DPS.) 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. $210/week* *add $20 if registering within two weeks of the start of the session Lower and Middle School Daily Schedule* 1st-2nd PreK-K 8:309:00 Swimming Lessons 3rd-4th 5th-8th Check-In & Group Devotions 9:009:45 Spanish Music Science Art 9:4510:30 Art Spanish Music Science 10:3011:15 Science Art Spanish Music 11:1512:00 Music Science Art Spanish 12-12:30 12:303:30 Lunch & Recess Swimming Swimming 12:452:30 12:452:30 Sports & Games Sports & Games Swimming Swimming Sports & Games & PreK Rest Time for 30 min. 3:30-4 *Friday Schedule 6 All students, their families, and staff from Summer Programs are invited to our Celebration of Summer on Thursday, August 6, from 4–6 p.m. Please meet us on the playground of the Lower and Middle School for a time of food, fellowship, and fun! Everyone is welcome. Sports & Games 1:45-3:30 1:45-3:30 Red Cross swimming lessons will be part of the daily schedule for all students enrolled in Grades PreK–8 Camp Minnehaha. Ř 6ZLPPLQJOHVVRQVZLOOEHKHOG at the YWCA in Minneapolis during Weeks 2–9. Ř 6ZLPPLQJOHVVRQVZLOOQRWEH held Week 1 or Week 10. Other on-site and off-site activities will be included those weeks. Ř 6ZLPPLQJOHVVRQVDUHRIIHUHG Monday through Thursday. Field Trips are offered on Fridays. Ř 5HPHPEHUWREULQJDVZLPVXLW and towel. Ř 7KHFRVWRIWKHOHVVRQVDVZHOO as the transportation to and from the YWCA, is included in the weekly camp Minnehaha fee. Free T-Shirts All students (grades PreK–8) receive a free Summer Programs T-shirt. We encourage the students to wear WKHIXQWVKLUWVGXULQJRXUŵHOGWULSV Remember: Camp Minnehaha has a ŵHOGWULSPRVW)ULGD\V Snack & Group Activity The daily schedule is amended on Fridays to include two great opportunities: Chapel in the morning and Field Trips in the afternoon. We hope you can join these weekly adventures! PreK–8 Half-Day Camp Minnehaha This camp is designed to provide a half-day alternative for students who are enrolled in a half-day specialty class but would like to stay the whole day or for students who simply want to partake in either the morning or afternoon session of Camp Minnehaha. Red Cross swimming lessons are provided for all afternoon Camp Minnehaha participants during weeks 2–9. Afternoon Camp 0LQQHKDKD DOVR LQFOXGHV VRPH )ULGD\ ŵHOG WULSV<RXU VWXGHQWőV JUDGH OHYHO LQ WKH FRPLQJ VFKRRO year will determine your student’s morning or afternoon schedule. (See the schedule on page 6.) “The variety of classes and quality of instruction are GHŵQLWHVWUHQJWKVDQG,OLNHWKDWWKHNLGVJRRQZHHNO\ ŵHOGWULSVDQGSDUWLFLSDWHLQRWKHUIXQDFWLYLWLHVŔ Parent of Camp Minnehaha Student Morning Camp Minnehaha Schedule and Fee 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: -XQHŎ$XJXVW:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering PreK–Grade 8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $120/week* Location: Lower and Middle School *add $20 if registering within two weeks of the start of the session Afternoon Camp Minnehaha Schedule and Fee 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: -XQHŎ$XJXVW:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering PreK–Grade 8 12:30–4 p.m. $140/week* (includes swimming DQGŵHOGWULSV Location: Lower and Middle School *add $20 if registering within two weeks of the start of the session 7 Extended Day Camp Students registered for Camp Minnehaha or other summer programs may arrive between 7–8:30 a.m. and participate in staff-supervised quiet play, simple arts and crafts, board games, and reading. Students may also stay after programs from 4–6 p.m. and participate in playground DFWLYLWLHVJURXSJDPHVIXQSURMHFWVDQGUHOD[LQJDFWLYLWLHVDIWHUDEXV\GD\There is no ([WHQGHG'D\&DPSDYDLODEOHIRU3UH. AM Extended Day Schedule and Fee PM Extended Day Schedule and Fee Grades: Time: Fee: Grades: Time: Fee: 'DWHV Location: -XQHŎ$XJXVW:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering K–Grade 8 7–8:30 a.m. $36/week or $9/morning for drop-in attendance Lower and Middle School 'DWHV Location: -XQHŎ$XJXVW:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering K–Grade 8 4–6 p.m.* $48/week or $12/afternoon for drop-in attendance Lower and Middle School AM and PM Extended Day Schedule and Fee 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XQHŎ$XJXVW:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering K–Grade 8 7–8:30 a.m. and 4–6 p.m.* $75/week when enrolled in both morning and afternoon Lower and Middle School *DGGSHUPLQXWHLIVWXGHQWLVSLFNHGXSDIWHUSP 8 “The staff is kind, caring, and professional - such an RXWVWDQGLQJJURXSRISHRSOHŔ Parent Lower School Courses 9 5 Lower School Academic Courses These courses provide a positive environment where students can grow academically, while JDLQLQJFRQŵGHQFHDQGLQLWLDWLYH2XUDFDGHPLFFRXUVHVSURYLGHDVWUXFWXUHGZD\WRPDLQWDLQDQG EXLOG XSRQ WKH DFDGHPLF DFKLHYHPHQWV DQG H[SHULHQFHV DFFRPSOLVKHG GXULQJ WKH UHFHQW VFKRRO year. All academic courses will include intensive periods of instruction with several short breaks. Writing Workshop -RLQWKHIXQRIWKLVDFWLRQSDFNHGPHGOH\RI UHDGLQJZULWLQJDQGH[FLWLQJZRUGJDPHV Discover the wonders of the well-written word E\H[SORULQJSXEOLVKHGZRUNV([SHULPHQW with story essentials such as character, VHWWLQJFRQŶLFWDQGSORWGHYHORSPHQWZKLOH inventing stories of your very own. By the end of this one-week session, each writer will have a collection of shorts stories. Week 7 students may want to bring their iPad or laptop. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades K–2 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Anne Tews Schwab, Author 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 3–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Anne Tews Schwab, Author Kindergarten Bound After this week of fun geared to familiarize children with Minnehaha’s kindergarten routines and activities, they will be ready for that big “First Day” of school! Children will meet future classmates, make friends, and H[SORUHDNLQGHUJDUWHQFODVVURRP Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: 10 August 3–7 (Week 9) Students entering Kindergarten at Minnehaha Academy 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $115/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Summer Academy Summer Academy provides a summer academic boost in a small-group tutoring format. Since the groups are small, the teachers are able to tailor the instruction to the needs of the students in the group. The course is appropriate for: Ř6WXGHQWVZKRDUHSHUIRUPLQJEHORZ grade level and need some help to meet H[SHFWDWLRQVLQWKHXSFRPLQJVFKRRO\HDU Ř6WXGHQWVZKRDUHSHUIRUPLQJDW grade level and would like to maintain their skills over the summer. Ř6WXGHQWVZKRDUHSHUIRUPLQJDERYH grade level and would enjoy enriching their skills over the summer. 7KHSURJUDPLVVSHFLŵFDOO\JHDUHGWRPHHW each student’s academic needs and to provide an environment where he/she can thrive. The teachers will help students build upon their strengths, while also addressing areas of ZHDNQHVV(DFKH[SHULHQFHGOLFHQVHGWHDFKHU ZLOOZRUNZLWKDJURXSRIŵYHRUIHZHUVWXGHQWV in the areas of reading, writing, and math. A variety of methods and activities will be utilized, including practice drills, projects, games, and discussions. The morning will be divided into three sections, focusing on one subject during each section, with a short break between sections. Parents are required to complete an information sheet that will be made available once the registration is processed. Please turn in this form prior to the start of the session. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XQHŎ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 1–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $295/two-week session* Lower and Middle School 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XQHŎ-XO\:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering Grades 1–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $295/two-week session* Lower and Middle School 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XO\Ŏ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 1–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $295/two-week session* Lower and Middle School 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XO\Ŏ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 1–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $295/two-week session* Lower and Middle School Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: August 3–14 (Weeks 9–10) Students entering Grades 1–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $295/two-week session* Lower and Middle School *add $20 if registering within two weeks of the start of the session “My child desired a basic academic enrichment program, ZKLFKZHFRXOGQRWŵQGHOVHZKHUHŔ Parent 11 Lower School Enrichment Classes We invite you to learn a new skill, meet new friends, and get involved! Check out the following enrichment classes, and let your imagination soar! Woodworking for Girls This class is designed for girls interested in learning the time-honored tradition of woodworking. In this class, the girls will make a project using mostly hand tools. We will assist each to strive for the best they can do, while EXLOGLQJVNLOODQGFRQŵGHQFHLQWKHLUDELOLW\WR complete a useful project. Safety is a prime concern as the students learn and see various tool operations demonstrated on different power tools. Some power tools the students will use will be determined by their own skill and willingness, only done under close supervision. They may use tools such as the drill press, belt sander, spindle sander, and possibly the band saw. This class is appropriate for both girls who have taken woodworking in the past and for those who have not experienced it yet. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: June 22–July 2 (Weeks 3–4) (No Class July 3) or July 6–17 (Weeks 5–6) Students entering Grades K–8 12:30–4 p.m. $290/two-week session* Upper School Kerry Meier, Industrial Arts Teacher Woodworking This class is great for boys and girls alike to learn the basics (and beyond) of the time-honored tradition of woodworking. We ZLOOVWUHVVVDIHDQGHIŵFLHQWZRUNKDELWVIRUDOO the students. Hand tools, along with the possibility of the band saw, drill press, and belt sander (under close supervision), will be used to make a new projects. Safety will be stressed as various power tools will be demonstrated on the student projects and the proper use of hand tools is shown and practiced. The class is appropriate both for students who have taken the class in the past and for those who are exploring a brand-new adventure into the world of woodworking. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: For students in the K–2 class, we will do various simple projects that will build eye-hand FRRUGLQDWLRQDQGŵQHŵQJHUGH[WHULW\DORQJ ZLWKFRQŵGHQFH6WXGHQWVVKRXOGWDNHRQO\ one session of this class as we will work to complete similar projects both weeks. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 12 August 3–14 (Weeks 9–10) a.m. or August 3–14 (Weeks 9–10) p.m. Students entering Grades 3–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. (Weeks 9–10) 12:30 p.m.–4 p.m. (Weeks 9–10) $290/two-week session* Upper School Kerry Meier, Industrial Arts Teacher July 20–24 (Week 7) or July 27–31 (Week 8) Students entering Grades K–2 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Kerry Meier, Industrial Arts Teacher Tea Party Spend time enjoying fancy tea and scones with other young ladies and your favorite stuffed animal or doll (that you may bring to class). In this special one-week session, young ladies will learn important lessons, including but not limited to respecting others through manners (practiced during teatime), treating others with kindness (speaking and listening politely to others), and being a true “princess” to friends. “Ladies” will conclude the week by serving tea and treats to a guest (parent, grandparent, or guardian) in a fancy tea party setting. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: June 8–12 (Week 1) Students entering Grades K–2 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Peg Albrecht Piano Poetry Sing a story, write a rhyme - poetry and melody intertwine. Invent and innovate, interact and play, discover the wonders of songwriting today. Poems, lyrics, and piano basics, this camp is a high energy mix of words and melody, rhythm and rhyme, all crafted in harmony with the personalized attention and guidance of a published poet and piano teacher. No piano playing or poetry writing experience needed. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: June 8–12 (Week 1) Students entering Grades 3–5 8:30 a.m.– 12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Anne Tews Schwab, Author Rocket Science Build and launch model rockets, all while learning basic physics. This camp will blow you away! Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: June 8–12 (Week 1) or June 15–19 (Week 2) Students entering Grades 3–5 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Kevin Peters, Minnehaha Academy School Nurse Movie Making Lego Builders Become your own Master Builder! Join your fellow Lego enthusiasts to execute different building challenges each day. This class even includes some Lego themed crafts and activities. Everything is awesome! Bring your favorite Lego blocks and get ready to have some fun! Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: June 8–12 (Week 1) Students entering Grades K–2 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Natalia Jankowski, Minnehaha Academy Lower School Teacher Using digital cameras and iMovie software, VWXGHQWVZLOOŵOPDQGHGLWWKHLURZQVKRUW movies. They will learn how to add music, special effects, and backgrounds using green screen, along with creating both stop-motion and live-action movies. Students will take home a DVD of their creations at the end of the class. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: June 8–19 (Weeks 1–2) or June 22–July 2 (Weeks 3–4) (No Class July 3) Students entering Grades 4–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $290/two-week session* Lower and Middle School Katie Humason, Minnehaha Academy Middle School Science Teacher 13 PhotoVoice :HDUHH[FLWHGWRSDUWQHUZLWK(',7WREULQJ you PhotoVoice. In PhotoVoice, participants use photography to tell the story behind a community issue that is important to them. Then they plan and host a gallery opening event to teach the community about the issue. Find out more information about EDIT at 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHNV1–2) Students entering Grades 4–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $290/two-week session* Lower and Middle School PhotoVoice Staff Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: August 3–14 (Weeks 9–10) Students entering Grades K–3 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $290/two-week session* Lower and Middle School PhotoVoice Staff Lego NXT Robotics I This class gives students a thorough introduction to drag-and-drop programming of Lego NXT robots through the Mindstorms software. Students will learn to control NXT robots using motors, light sensors, sound sensors, and touch sensors. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–8 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Sam Terfa, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Science Teacher Lego NXT Robotics I for Girls The “For Girls” option is the girls-only version of Lego NXT Robotics I. It encourages girls to H[SORUHURERWLFVLQDGLIIHUHQWVHWWLQJ 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: Boys have Fun It is time for the boys to have fun! We will be going to a St. Paul Saints game, playing sports, DQGKDYLQJRXWGRRUDGYHQWXUHV-RLQWKHER\V 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 14 -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grade 3–5 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Kevin Peters, Minnehaha Academy School Nurse -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–8 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Sam Terfa, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Science Teacher Puddle Stompers ,QWKLVQDWXUHVFLHQFHFODVVZHZLOOH[SORUH local trails, learn how to make observations LQDMRXUQDOH[SHULPHQWZLWKWUDSSLQJLQVHFWV and more! Grab your binoculars and get ready to make discoveries. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: ,QVWUXFWRU -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades K–2 12:30–4 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School 1DWDOLD-DQNRZVNL0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\ Lower School Teacher Music & Movement Theater -RLQWKHIXQRIVRQJDQGGDQFHZLWKDKXJH variety of instruments! Bang a drum, shake a maraca, crash a cymbal, make a marching band. Together we will make music and merriment by singing to familiar tunes and learning new songs too. This class is GHVLJQHGWRLQVSLUHVHOIFRQŵGHQFHMR\ DQGIUHHGRPRIH[SUHVVLRQ -RLQXVIRUDJUHDWWKHDWHUH[SHULHQFHZKHUH students create the magic of the theater in just two weeks. Students spend time each day rehearsing, working on sets and props, designing costumes, and enjoying theater games DQGLPSURYLVDWLRQZRUN,WőVDIXQŵOOHGDFWLRQ packed two weeks. The culminating performance ZLOOEHKHOGDWWKH8SSHU6FKRRORQ7KXUVGD\-XQH 18, at 7 p.m. Friday is our cast party and clean-up. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades K–2 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Anne Tews Schwab, Author -XQHŎ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 5–12 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. $420/two-week session* Upper School International Camp Too This camp is for students interested in learning about other countries. Each day students will play native games, learn customs, and prepare food from a different country. Some of the FRXQWULHVH[SORUHGPD\LQFOXGH&KLQD)UDQFH DQG0H[LFR6LJQXSDQGOHW\RXULPDJLQDWLRQ travel around the world! 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQH–26 (Week 3) Students entering Grades K–2 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Peg Albrecht International Camp This camp is for students a bit older than International Camp Too. Sign-up and let your imagination travel around the world! 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQH–19 (Week 2) Students entering Grades 3–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Peg Albrecht Wood Carving Learn the time honored tradition of wood carving in a safe, fun environment. As safety is a primary goal, we will begin by carving soap, and as the class progresses, we will advance to whittle soft woods. Wood carving is a skill WKDWFDQUHOD[WKHVRXOEXLOGFRRUGLQDWLRQDQG encourage imagination. Hopefully, this class can develop into a enjoyable, life-long hobby. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHNor -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 3–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m $150/one-week session* Upper School Kerry Meier, Industrial Arts Teacher 15 Pure Poetry ([SORUHLQQRYDWHH[SHULPHQWFUHDWH/HDUQD new poetic form each day! Discover the who, the what, the where, the when, the why, and the how of reading and writing poetry of all shapes and styles. Create your own collection. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 5–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Anne Tews Schwab, Author Fun for My Dolls & Me It is time to make lots and lots of accessories for your favorite 18 inch dolls. You do not need to own any particular doll, and you are welcome to bring a doll to class. We will be very busy each day creating fun, new accessories for your doll and you. Class includes a trip to the American Girl Store at the Mall of America. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: ,QVWUXFWRU Intermediate Cooking Students will learn about menu planning and the principles of nutrition. Students will DOVRH[SORUHFUHDWLYLW\LQFRRNLQJDOOZKLOH enjoying the fruits of their labor! By the end of the session, students will have a repertoire of recipes they can make again and again at home. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 16 -XQHŎ-XO\:HHN 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering Grades 3–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Peg Albrecht -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 2–5 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School 1DWDOLD-DQNRZVNL0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\ Lower School Teacher Plant Science Build your own terrarium! We will be studying ecosystem science and terrarium building. We are SODQQLQJWRSODQWEHDQVGRVXQOLJKWH[SHULPHQWV GRVSRNHQZRUGH[SHULPHQWVDQGWU\ERWDQLFDO drawing. We are going to grow together! 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ-XO\2 (Week 4) 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering Grades 3–5 12:30–4 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Renee Canales Lego Robotics Come be a part of this popular class for boys and girls using the innovative RoboAdventures FXUULFXOXP6WXGHQWVZLOOZRUNRQH[FLWLQJ activities using LEGO Educational Division building sets, computer software, and sensors. Even students who have participated in this class LQWKHSDVWZLOOHQMR\WKHQH[WDFWLYLWLHVSODQQHG for this summer. Engage your mind in a new way! GEM Fishing -RLQ*(0*UHDW([SHFWDWLRQV0LQLVWULHV JHPŵVKLQJRUJD&KULVWLDQRXWGRRURXWUHDFK WR\RXWKIRUDQH[FLWLQJRSSRUWXQLW\RIIXQ DQGOHDUQLQJ(QMR\ŵVKLQJZLWKIULHQGVDW various metro area lakes. This camp will LQFOXGHRQVLWHDQGRIIVLWHŵVKLQJLQVWUXFWLRQ WHDPŵVKLQJWRXUQDPHQWVDQGIULHQGO\ competition. Students and staff will also participate in afternoon devotions and prayer. This camp is open to both boys and girls who KDYHŵVKLQJH[SHULHQFHRUZKRKDYHQHYHU KDGWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRŵVK6WXGHQWVDUH LQYLWHGWREULQJDQ\ŵVKLQJHTXLSPHQWWKH\ own. Students must bring a life jacket and a water bottle. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 5–8 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. $260/one-week session* Lower and Middle School (Students will meet and be transported by bus to area lakes.) Dave Lindmark, Retired Minnehaha Academy Teacher and founder of GEM and Assisted by GEM staff 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 2–3 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Mike DiNardo, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Vice Principal 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHNor -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades K–1 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Mike DiNardo, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Vice Principal Lego Robotics for Girls This class is designed for girls interested in using the innovative RoboAdventures curriculum. Girls will use LEGO Educational Division building sets, computer software, and sensors. Engage your mind in a very creative way! 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 2–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Mike DiNardo, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Vice Principal 17 Game On! Summer is wonderful when it’s sunny, but when the rain comes, what to do, what to do? Play a word game! From board games to card games to get up and move charade-style games, we will SOD\ODXJKDQGH[SORUHZKLOHOHDUQLQJPRUH about words galore. It is time to get our game on! Beginning Adventures in Art This class is for students who want to have fun creating with a variety of materials such as clay, paint, ink, and paper. The class will focus on enjoying the process of art, as well as making a variety of “masterpieces.” 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ-XO\:HHN 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering Grades K–2 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Anne Tews Schwab, Author 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 3–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Anne Tews Schwab, Author -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades K–2 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Peg Albrecht Intermediate Adventures in Art This camp is for students a bit older than Beginning Adventures in Art. Let the creative fun continue and join the adventure! 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 18 -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 3–5 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Peg Albrecht Pirate Poetry Ahoy, me mateys! Come aboard a shipful of fun, and set a course fo adventure as we navigate the blowing winds and rolling waves across a sea of pirate prose and poetry. We shall dive into a treasure chest of pirate books, pictures, and music, plundering ideas, themes, and images to plug into a plethora of poetic forms. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 3–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Anne Tews Schwab, Author CSI A crime (or two) has been committed, and this FODVVLVWKHWHDPRILQYHVWLJDWRUVDVVLJQHGWRŵQG out where the crime took place, if the criminal acted alone, and even the types of clothing worn by the suspects. The class will hone observational skills by analyzing bodies of evidence including EORRGDQLPDODQGKXPDQKDLUŵQJHUSULQWVŵEHUV mystery powders, and more. In the process, the guilty party will be discovered and the mystery will be solved. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN5) Students entering Grades 4–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Katie Humason, Minnehaha Academy Middle School Science Teacher Sew Cute This class is designed for beginners to sewing. Students will learn how to use the sewing machine and hand stitch, along with how to cut, safety pin, and baste fabric. Sewing teaches hand DQGH\HFRRUGLQDWLRQDVZHOODVKDQGGH[WHULW\ The projects are fun and simple. To start our VHZLQJWRROFROOHFWLRQWKHŵUVWSURMHFWZHZLOO complete is a pin cushion. Oh, it’s sew cute! 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: ,QVWUXFWRU -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 2–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School 1DWDOLD-DQNRZVNL0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\ Lower School Teacher Girls have Fun Too Girls have Fun This class is for girls a bit older than Girls have )XQ7RR-RLQWKHIXQ 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Peg Albrecht 7KLVFODVVLVIRUJLUOVZKRZDQWWRH[SUHVVWKHLU creativity. Activities include scrapbooking and cooking. The class will be creating a play and using art skills. Plus, the girls will need to have DWLPHRIUHOD[DWLRQZLWKDKRPHPDGHVSD H[SHULHQFH7KHUHZLOOEHIXQ 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 2–3 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Peg Albrecht 19 Lego NXT Robotics II This project-based class teaches advanced NXT programming skills and gives students the tools and guidance to develop their own advanced Lego robots using Mindstorms software, NXT sensors, and Vernier probes. This course is open to students who have taken Lego NXT Robotics I or who have been on a First Lego league team. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–8 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Sam Terfa, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Science Teacher Citizen Science: Birds Learn how to identify birds and hone your bird LGHQWLŵFDWLRQVNLOOVDV\RXOHDUQKRZWREHFRPH D&LWL]HQ6FLHQWLVW7KHFODVVZLOOFROOHFWVFLHQWLŵF data about the birds seen around school and share that data with the scientists at Cornell Lab of Ornithology in New York. Scientists from the University of Minnesota will be available to answer questions as the students develop their RZQVFLHQWLŵFTXHVWLRQVDERXWELUGVDQGFROOHFW data to answer those questions. In December, there will be a research summit where interested students from around the state can share the results of their summer research with one another and with University of Minnesota scientists. Lego NXT Robotics II for Girls The “For Girls” option is the girls-only version of Lego NXT Robotics II. It encourages girls WRH[SORUHURERWLFVLQDGLIIHUHQWVHWWLQJ 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 20 -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–8 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Sam Terfa, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Science Teacher 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 4–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $260/two-week session* Lower and Middle School Katie Humason, Minnehaha Academy Middle School Science Teacher Bookmaking Students will make several kinds of books using regular paper, as well as even making our own paper. Plus we are planning a visit to the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. Come share in the fun and make a lasting memory! 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 3–5 12:30–4 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Renee Canales Treasured Books 7KHUHLVVRPXFKH[SORUDWLRQWREHGRQH in the world of children’s literature! In this RQHZHHNVHVVLRQVWXGHQWVZLOOEHH[SRVHG to the wonders of their favorite books and will be introduced to newly published stories as well. Students will bring in their favorite stories to share with the group, listen to their favorite VWRULHVUHDGDORXGDQGSDUWLFLSDWHLQH[FLWLQJ H[HUFLVHVUHODWHGWRWKHERRNV$VDŵQDO project, the students will work to write and illustrate their own children’s books to be treasured for years to come! Geocaching Using a hand-held GPS unit, students will search for hidden treasure in parks near school, regional parks, and state parks. There will be a different destination each day as the class searches for caches that have been hidden around the Twin Cities. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades K–2 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Peg Albrecht -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $170/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Katie Humason, Minnehaha Academy Middle School Science Teacher 21 Chess Camp This summer we are partnering with Igor Rybakov (named best chess coach of Minnesota in 2010) to bring an entertaining chess camp to Minnehaha Academy. It is an H[FHOOHQWRSSRUWXQLW\WRGHYHORSEHWWHUFKHVV skills! In addition to playing chess in a UHOD[HGIULHQGO\VHWWLQJFDPSHUVZLOOJHW to play a variety of other fun board games, SX]]OHVDQGVSRUWVDFWLYLWLHV([SHFWJDPH play, lectures, tournaments, and physical recreation. Registration options include mornings, afternoons, and all-day sessions. 6WXGHQWVH[SHULHQFHFKHVVLQVWUXFWLRQDQG SOD\LQDIXQŵOOHGHQYLURQPHQWGHVLJQHG to improve their skills whether they are interested in casual or competitive chess. Dates: Grades: Times: Fee: Location: Instructor: August 3–7 (Week 9) Students entering Grades K–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m., or 12:30 p.m.–4 p.m., or 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. $155 half-day, one-week session or $255 full-day, one-week session* Lower and Middle School Igor Rybakov, Minnesota Chess Instructor *add $20 if registering within two weeks of the start of the session “We were given a lot of information about schedules and knew each week ZKDWWRKDYHUHDG\IRUWKHNLGVJUHDWFRPPXQLFDWLRQIURPVWDIIŔ Parent 22 Lower School Athletic Camps The Athletic Camps are a great way for students to have fun in the summer while enhancing their sports and recreational skills. Each half-day athletic camp will focus on the sport highlighted but will also include activity breaks that are necessary for DJHDSSURSULDWH LQVWUXFWLRQ 6WXGHQWV GR QRW QHHG WR KDYH SUHYLRXV H[SHULHQFH WR participate in any of these camps, unless otherwise noted. Tennis +DYHIXQDQGVWD\ŵW6WXGHQWVZLOOOHDUQ and/or review basic strokes, as well as scoring and strategy. All ability levels are welcome, although the emphasis is on beginning skills. Participants must have a racket, tennis shoes, sunscreen, and a water bottle. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XQHŎ:HHN -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 3–5 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Upper School Olympic Games This camp will give students an appreciation for and understanding of different recreational and sports activities played around the world. The week will include a variety of contests that will emphasize the Olympic spirit and allow students to develop skills such as running, jumping, kicking, throwing, and endurance. The week will conclude with an Olympic day in which students will participate in a short version of the triathlon. All participants will receive awards! 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: Basketball This camp will emphasize basic skills, playing as a team, and sportsmanship. Instruction will focus on the fundamentals of basketball in a VHWWLQJRIHQFRXUDJHPHQWDQGFRQŵGHQFH building. Drills to improve skills will be added, and games will focus on team play and tactical understanding. Students should wear a T-shirt, shorts, and athletic shoes, and they should bring a water bottle and snack. DaWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 3–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Greg Gilreath, Physical Education Teacher DaWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades K–2 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Greg Gilreath, Physical Education Teacher -XQHŎ:HHN -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades K–2 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Greg Gilreath, Physical Education Teacher 23 All Sports This camp introduces girls and boys to a variety of sports in age-appropriate segments of time. Each day may include basketball, soccer, kickball, and more. This camp is the perfect way for students to learn new skills DQGKDYHDSRVLWLYHDWKOHWLFH[SHULHQFH Students must wear athletic shoes and bring a water bottle and snack. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XQHŎ-XO\:HHN 1R&ODVV-XO\ August 10–14 (Week 10) Students entering Grades K–2 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Reading and Riding This class will consist of daily biking to different places to participate in a variety of educational activities such as visiting local libraries and museums. Biking helps both aerobic conditioning and muscle strength. Students must bring a bike, helmet, water bottle, snack, and sunscreen. 5HDGLQJH[HUFLVHVWKHPLQGDQGULGLQJH[HUFLVHV the body. Let’s get in shape! 24 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 3–5 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Greg Gilreath, Physical Education Teacher 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades K–2 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Greg Gilreath, Physical Education Teacher Soccer This camp will emphasize basic skills, playing as a team, and sportsmanship. Instruction will focus on the fundamentals of soccer in a setting RIHQFRXUDJHPHQWDQGFRQŵGHQFHEXLOGLQJ Drills to improve skills will be added, and games will focus on team play and tactical understanding. Students will scrimmage one another as well. All participants need a soccer ball, shin guards, soccer shoes, a water bottle, a snack, and sunscreen. Please send your student in regular shoes; they will change into their soccer shoes RQFHRQWKHŵHOG 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades K–2 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Upper School Ben Linder, Minnehaha Academy Coach 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 3–5 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Upper School Ben Linder, Minnehaha Academy Coach Let’s have a Ball Each day students will play sports that involve balls such as basketball, kickball, baseball, and more. This camp will emphasize basic skills, playing as a team, and sportsmanship. Students must wear athletic shoes, along with bringing a water bottle and snack. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN August 3–7 (Week 9) Students entering Grades K–2 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Greg Gilreath, Physical Education Teacher Track and Field This camp is focused on getting in shape DQGWU\LQJRXWDOODVSHFWVRIWUDFNDQGŵHOG /HDUQWLSVDQGWHFKQLTXHVWRKHOS\RXRXW LQDQ\VSRUW 'DWHV *UDGHV 7LPH )HH Location: ,QVWUXFWRU -XQHŎ-XO\:HHN 1R&ODVV-XO\ 6WXGHQWVHQWHULQJ*UDGHVŎ DPŎSP RQHZHHNVHVVLRQ Lower and Middle School .HYLQ3HWHUV0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\ 6FKRRO1XUVH Baseball 1RWKLQJVD\VVXPPHUOLNHEDVHEDOO6WXGHQWV ZLOOOHDUQDQGRUUHYLHZEDVLFVNLOOV$OODELOLW\ levels are welcome. Participants must have a PLWWDWKOHWLFVKRHVVXQVFUHHQDVQDFNDQGD water bottle. 'DWHV *UDGHV 7LPH )HH Location: ,QVWUXFWRU -XO\Ŏ:HHN 6WXGHQWVHQWHULQJ*UDGHVŎ ŎSP RQHZHHNVHVVLRQ Lower and Middle School 0LNH'L1DUGR0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\ Upper School Vice Principal Spokes and Sports 7KLVFODVVZLOOFRQVLVWRIGDLO\ELNLQJWR GLIIHUHQWSODFHVWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQDYDULHW\RI VSRUWLQJDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDVYLVLWLQJORFDOSDUNV DQGSOD\LQJVRFFHUIULVEHHJROIDQGRUJDQL]HG JDPHV%LNLQJKHOSVERWKDHURELFFRQGLWLRQLQJ and muscle strength. Students must bring a ELNHKHOPHWZDWHUERWWOHVQDFNDQG sunscreen. 'DWHV *UDGHV 7LPH )HH Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN 6WXGHQWVHQWHULQJ*UDGHVŎ ŎSP RQHZHHNVHVVLRQ Lower and Middle School Greg Gilreath, 3K\VLFDO(GXFDWLRQ7HDFKHU Football This instructional camp will emphasize the fundamentals of football while incorporating a Biblical approach to athletic competition. The camp will focus on the fundamentals of football in the areas of offense, defense, special WHDPVŶH[LELOLW\DQGFRQGLWLRQLQJ7KHFDPS ZLOODOVRIRFXVRQVWULYLQJWRLPSURYHSOD\LQJ hard, being teachable, respecting opponents, and encouraging each other. 'DWHV *UDGHV 7LPH )HH Location: -XO\Ŏ:HHN 6WXGHQWVHQWHULQJ*UDGHVŎ ŎSP RQHZHHNVHVVLRQ Lower and Middle School Golf This camp focuses on the development of IXQGDPHQWDOVNLOOVVXFKDVFKLSSLQJSXWWLQJDQG EXQNHUSOD\DORQJZLWKXVLQJLURQVDQGGULYHUV Golf rules and etiquette are also taught. Students ZLOOYLVLWGULYLQJUDQJHVWKHŵUVWIHZGD\VRIFDPS EXWPRVWGD\VVWXGHQWVZLOOSOD\QLQHKROHVRQ ORFDOSDUFRXUVHV$OOSDUWLFLSDQWVDUHUHTXLUHG WREULQJWKHLURZQFOXEVDVWDUWHUVHWLVŵQH 5DLQ\GD\RSWLRQVDUHOLPLWHG6WXGHQWVZLOOHLWKHU SDUWLFLSDWHLQRQFDPSXVDFWLYLWLHVRUZLOOJROIDW an indoor miniature golf course. 'DWHV *UDGHV 7LPH )HH Location: ,QVWUXFWRU -XO\Ŏ:HHN -XO\Ŏ:HHN 6WXGHQWVHQWHULQJ*UDGHVŎ DPŎSP RQHZHHNVHVVLRQ LQFOXGHVJUHHQIHHVDQG WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ Lower and Middle School 6WXGHQWVZLOOPHHWDQGEH WUDQVSRUWHGE\EXVWRGULYLQJ UDQJHVDQGJROIFRXUVHV 5LFK3OXQW]0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\ Upper School Math Teacher 25 Sailing: Beginning Optimist and Intermediate Optimist Take advantage of a beautiful Minneapolis lake this summer! Students will meet at the Lower and Middle School and be transported to and from Lake Calhoun, accompanied by Minnehaha Academy staff, for the Beginning Optimist and the Intermediate Optimist class with Lake Calhoun Sailing School. In the Beginning Optimist class, beginning RUOHVVH[SHULHQFHGVDLORUVZLOOOHDUQWRVDLOLQ 8-foot Optimist dinghies (this course can be repeated). Students will learn how to rig the boat, basic boat-handling skills, knot-tying, and water safety. During part of the day, students will be grouped according to skill level. At the beginning level, students are paired in boats to make them feel more comfortable while they are learning. Lake Calhoun Sailing School maintains a student-to-instructor ratio of 6-to-1. In the Intermediate Optimist class, students who have taken Beginning Optimist at least once and demonstrated a good comfort level on the water are able to advance. The chief difference is that the students will sail one per boat and be independent skippers, handling the sail and steering the boat at the same time. The emphasis will be on improving boat KDQGOLQJVNLOOVDQGFRQŵGHQFHXQGHUDYDULHW\ of wind conditions. Sailing instruction will take place four days each week. Students will participate in on-campus activities on Friday. Students must bring a Type III, Coast Guard-approved life jacket (also called a PFD), sunscreen, water shoes, and a water bottle. Additional information upon registration can be found on the Summer Programs website. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 26 -XQHŎ-XO\:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ Level 1: Students entering Grades 2–6 Level 2: Students entering Grades 3–7 who have taken Beginning Optimist 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. Level 1: $345/two-week session* Level 2: $360/two-week session* Lower and Middle School (Students will meet and be transported by bus to Lake Calhoun.) Lake Calhoun Sailing School Fencing Students will learn the basics of fencing through the Minnesota Sword Club in Minneapolis. Instructors will cover the history of the sport, will teach basic concepts of blade and foot work, and will engage both concentration and awareness. Athletic shoes, D7VKLUWORQJVZHDWSDQWVDQGLQH[SHQVLYH work gloves are required. No short pants or jeans please. All fencing equipment will be provided. Participants are asked to bring a healthy snack. Additional information upon registration can be found on the Summer Programs website. Invite your friends! Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: August 3–7 (Week 9) Students entering Grades 2–7 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $160/one-week session* Lower and Middle School (Students will meet, leave promptly at 8:30 a.m., and be transported by bus to and from the MN Sword Club.) MN Sword Club Staff *add $20 if registering within two weeks of the start of session Middle School Courses 19 Middle School Academic Courses These courses provide a positive environment where students can grow academically, while JDLQLQJFRQŵGHQFHDQGLQLWLDWLYH2XUDFDGHPLFFRXUVHVSURYLGHDVWUXFWXUHGZD\WRPDLQWDLQDQG EXLOG XSRQ WKH DFDGHPLF DFKLHYHPHQWV DQG H[SHULHQFHV DFFRPSOLVKHG GXULQJ WKH UHFHQW VFKRRO year. All academic courses will include intensive periods of instruction with several short breaks. Writing Workshop This course is for students who like to write, who like to imagine, and who would like to have personal attention and daily feedback IURPDQH[SHULHQFHGDXWKRU6WXGHQWVZLOO discover a plethora of writing possibilities WKURXJKLQFODVVH[DPSOHVGDLO\ZULWLQJ H[HUFLVHVDQGRIFRXUVHORDGVRIWLPHWR write, write, write! At the end of the course, students will have a writing portfolio! Students may bring their iPad or laptop each day in order to safely save their works in progress. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: August 3–14 (Weeks 9–10) Students entering Grade 6–8 8:30 a.m.– 12 p.m. $260/two-week session* Lower and Middle School Anne Tews Schwab, Author SOAR Into Middle School Make the leap to Minnehaha Academy with FRQŵGHQFH7KLVFODVVZLOOKHOSVWXGHQWVDGMXVW to new demands and schedules. Students will learn about note-taking, project-planning, staying organized, being a responsible student, and more. Guest speakers from the Minnehaha Academy faculty will visit the class. Short homework assignments will be given. This class is well-suited for students who H[FHOOHGLQHDUOLHUJUDGHVDQGIRUVWXGHQWVZKR would like to turn over a new leaf academically QH[W\HDU6RGRQőWMXVWJRWR0LGGOH6FKRRO SOAR (Studying Over & Above the Rest) there with this class! Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 28 August 3–7 (Week 9) Students entering Grade 6 at Minnehaha Academy 12:30–4 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Annie Sjoholm, Minnehaha Academy Middle School Teacher Summer Academy Summer Academy provides a summer academic boost in a small-group tutoring format. Since the groups are small, the teachers are able to tailor the instruction to the needs of the students in the group. The course is appropriate for: Ř6WXGHQWVZKRDUHSHUIRUPLQJEHORZ grade level and need some help to meet H[SHFWDWLRQVLQWKHXSFRPLQJVFKRRO\HDU Ř6WXGHQWVZKRDUHSHUIRUPLQJDW grade level and would like to maintain their skills over the summer. Ř6WXGHQWVZKRDUHSHUIRUPLQJDERYH grade level and would enjoy enriching their skills over the summer. 7KHSURJUDPLVVSHFLŵFDOO\JHDUHGWRPHHW each student’s academic needs and to provide an environment where he/she can thrive. The teachers will help students build upon their strengths, while also addressing areas of ZHDNQHVV(DFKH[SHULHQFHGOLFHQVHGWHDFKHU ZLOOZRUNZLWKDJURXSRIŵYHRUIHZHUVWXGHQWV in the areas of reading, writing, and math. A variety of methods and activities will be utilized, including practice drills, projects, games, and discussions. The morning will be divided into three sections, focusing on one subject during each section, with a short break between sections. Parents are required to complete an information sheet that will be made available once the registration is processed. Please turn in this form prior to the start of the session. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XQHŎ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 1–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $295/two-week session* Lower and Middle School 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XQHŎ-XO\:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering Grades 1–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $295/two-week session* Lower and Middle School 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XO\Ŏ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 1–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $295/two-week session* Lower and Middle School 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XO\Ŏ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 1–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $295/two-week session* Lower and Middle School Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: August 3–14 (Weeks 9–10) Students entering Grades 1–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $295/two-week session* Lower and Middle School *add $20 if registering within two weeks of the start of the session œ%ULHŶ\WKHVWUHQJWKVDUHWKH\RXWKWKHVWDIIWKHSURJUDPPLQJ WKHDFWLYLWLHVWKHIDFLOLWLHVř:RQGHUIXO7KLVVXPPHUZDVP\VRQőVŵUVW\HDU LQWKHFDPSDQGKHZDQWVWRUHWXUQQH[W\HDUŔ Parent 29 Middle School Enrichment Classes We invite you to learn a new skill, meet new friends, and get involved! Check out the following enrichment classes, and let your imagination soar! Woodworking for Girls This class is designed for girls interested in learning the time-honored tradition of woodworking. In this class, the girls will make a project using mostly hand tools. We will assist each to strive for the best they can do, while EXLOGLQJVNLOODQGFRQŵGHQFHLQWKHLUDELOLW\WR complete a useful project. Safety is a prime concern as the students learn and see various tool operations demonstrated on different power tools. Some power tools the students will use will be determined by their own skill and willingness, only done under close supervision. They may use tools such as the drill press, belt sander, spindle sander, and possibly the band saw. This class is appropriate for both girls who have taken woodworking in the past and for those who KDYHQRWH[SHULHQFHGLW\HW 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ-XO\:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\or -XO\Ŏ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades K–8 12:30–4 p.m. $290/two-week session* Upper School Kerry Meier, Industrial Arts Teacher Pure Poetry ([SORUHLQQRYDWHH[SHULPHQWFUHDWH/HDUQD new poetic form each day! Discover the who, the what, the where, the when, the why, and the how of reading and writing poetry of all shapes and styles. Create your own collection. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 30 -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 5–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $135/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Anne Tews Schwab, Author Wood Carving Learn the time honored tradition of wood carving in a safe, fun environment. As safety is a primary goal, we will begin by carving soap, and as the class progresses, we will advance to whittle soft woods. Wood carving is a skill WKDWFDQUHOD[WKHVRXOEXLOGFRRUGLQDWLRQDQG encourage imagination. Hopefully, this class can develop into a enjoyable, life-long hobby. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ-XO\:HHN 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering Grades 6–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m $150/one-week session* Upper School Kerry Meier, Industrial Arts Teacher Woodworking This class is great for boys and girls alike to learn the basics (and beyond) of the time-honored tradition of woodworking. :HZLOOVWUHVVVDIHDQGHIŵFLHQWZRUNKDELWV for all the students. Hand tools, along with the possibility of the band saw, drill press, and belt sander (under close supervision), will be used to make a new project. Safety will be stressed as various power tools will be demonstrated on the student projects and the proper use of hand tools is shown and practiced. The class is appropriate both for students who have taken the class in the past and for those who are H[SORULQJDEUDQGQHZDGYHQWXUHLQWRWKH world of woodworking. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 6–8 12:30–4 p.m. $290/two-week session* Upper School Kerry Meier, Industrial Arts Teacher Movie Making Using digital cameras and iMovie software, VWXGHQWVZLOOŵOPDQGHGLWWKHLURZQVKRUW PRYLHV7KH\ZLOOOHDUQKRZWRDGGPXVLF special effects, and backgrounds using green VFUHHQDORQJZLWKFUHDWLQJERWKVWRSPRWLRQ DQGOLYHDFWLRQPRYLHV6WXGHQWVZLOOWDNHKRPH D'9'RIWKHLUFUHDWLRQVDWWKHHQGRIWKHFODVV Dates: *UDGHV Time: )HH /RFDWLRQ ,QVWUXFWRU June 8–19 (Weeks 1–2) or June 22Ŏ-XO\:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ 6WXGHQWVHQWHULQJ*UDGHVŎ 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. WZRZHHNVHVVLRQ /RZHUDQG0LGGOH6FKRRO .DWLH+XPDVRQ0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\ 0LGGOH6FKRRO6FLHQFH7HDFKHU -RLQ*(0*UHDW([SHFWDWLRQV0LQLVWULHV JHPŵVKLQJRUJD&KULVWLDQRXWGRRURXWUHDFK WR\RXWKIRUDQH[FLWLQJRSSRUWXQLW\RIIXQ DQGOHDUQLQJ(QMR\ŵVKLQJZLWKIULHQGVDW YDULRXVPHWURDUHDODNHV7KLVFDPSZLOO LQFOXGHRQVLWHDQGRIIVLWHŵVKLQJLQVWUXFWLRQ WHDPŵVKLQJWRXUQDPHQWVDQGIULHQGO\ FRPSHWLWLRQ6WXGHQWVDQGVWDIIZLOODOVR SDUWLFLSDWHLQDIWHUQRRQGHYRWLRQVDQGSUD\HU 7KLVFDPSLVRSHQWRERWKER\VDQGJLUOVZKR KDYHŵVKLQJH[SHULHQFHRUZKRKDYHQHYHU KDGWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRŵVK6WXGHQWVDUH LQYLWHGWREULQJDQ\ŵVKLQJHTXLSPHQWWKH\ RZQ6WXGHQWVPXVWEULQJDOLIHMDFNHWDQG a water bottle. Dates: *UDGHV 7LPH )HH /RFDWLRQ ,QVWUXFWRU Theater -RLQXVIRUDJUHDWWKHDWHUH[SHULHQFHZKHUH VWXGHQWVFUHDWHWKHPDJLFRIWKHWKHDWHULQ MXVWWZRZHHNV6WXGHQWVVSHQGWLPHHDFK GD\UHKHDUVLQJZRUNLQJRQVHWVDQGSURSV GHVLJQLQJFRVWXPHVDQGHQMR\LQJWKHDWHU JDPHVDQGLPSURYLVDWLRQZRUN,WőVDIXQŵOOHG DFWLRQSDFNHGWZRZHHNV7KHFXOPLQDWLQJ SHUIRUPDQFHZLOOEHKHOGDWWKH8SSHU6FKRRO RQ7KXUVGD\-XQHDWSP)ULGD\LVRXU FDVWSDUW\DQGFOHDQXS Dates: *UDGHV 7LPH )HH /RFDWLRQ GEM Fishing June 8–19 (Weeks 1–2) 6WXGHQWVHQWHULQJ*UDGHVŎ DPŎSP WZRZHHNVHVVLRQ 8SSHU6FKRRO June 22–26 (Week 3) 6WXGHQWVHQWHULQJ*UDGHVŎ DPŎSP RQHZHHNVHVVLRQ /RZHUDQG0LGGOH6FKRRO 6WXGHQWVZLOOPHHWDQGEH WUDQVSRUWHGE\EXVWRDUHDODNHV 'DYH/LQGPDUN5HWLUHG0LQQHKDKD $FDGHP\7HDFKHUDQGIRXQGHURI*(0 and$VVLVWHGE\*(0VWDII PhotoVoice :HDUHH[FLWHGWRSDUWQHUZLWK(',7WREULQJ \RX3KRWR9RLFH,Q3KRWR9RLFHSDUWLFLSDQWV XVHSKRWRJUDSK\WRWHOOWKHVWRU\EHKLQGD FRPPXQLW\LVVXHWKDWLVLPSRUWDQWWRWKHP 7KHQWKH\SODQDQGKRVWDJDOOHU\RSHQLQJ HYHQWWRWHDFKWKHFRPPXQLW\DERXWWKHLVVXH Find out more information about EDIT at ZZZHGLWWKHZRUOGRUJ Dates: *UDGHV Time: )HH /RFDWLRQ ,QVWUXFWRU June 8–19 (Weeks 1–2) 6WXGHQWVHQWHULQJ*UDGHVŎ 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. WZRZHHNVHVVLRQ /RZHUDQG0LGGOH6FKRRO 3KRWR9RLFH6WDII 31 Lego NXT Robotics I This class gives students a thorough introduction to drag-and-drop programming of Lego NXT robots through the Mindstorms software. Students will learn to control NXT robots using motors, light sensors, sound sensors, and touch sensors. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–8 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Sam Terfa, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Science Teacher Lego NXT Robotics I for Girls The “For Girls” option is the girls-only version of Lego NXT Robotics I. It encourages girls WRH[SORUHURERWLFVLQDGLIIHUHQWVHWWLQJ 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–8 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Sam Terfa, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Science Teacher Lego NXT Robotics II This project-based class teaches advanced NXT programming skills and gives students the tools and guidance to develop their own advanced Lego robots using Mindstorms software, NXT sensors, and Vernier probes. This course is open to students who have taken Lego NXT Robotics I or who have been on a First Lego league team. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: Lego NXT Robotics II for Girls The “For Girls” option is the girls-only version of Lego NXT Robotics II. It encourages girls WRH[SORUHURERWLFVLQDGLIIHUHQWVHWWLQJ 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: Microelectronics This class gently introduces students to programming Arduino microcontrollers, as well as electronic components such as LEDs, motors, and temperature sensors. Try a new challenge! 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ-XO\:HHN 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering Grades 7–12 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Sam Terfa, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Science Teacher “Our camper was never bored ZLWKKLVGDLO\VFKHGXOHŔ Parent 32 -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–8 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Sam Terfa, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Science Teacher -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–8 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Sam Terfa, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Science Teacher Trips & Tours with a Purpose &RPHŵQGRXWKRZPXFKDFWLRQFDQEHSDFNHG into just one week! Not only will students travel around the Twin Cities and surrounding area, but also students will be serving others. We will work at local churches and ministries; we will H[SORUHRWKHUFXOWXUHVDQGKDYHIXQDORQJ the way. But most importantly we will be helping and loving others, and hopefully we may learn more about ourselves in the process. Transportation is included. Students should be comfortable making some independent choices as a part of this class. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: -XO\Ŏ:HHNV Students entering Grades 6–9 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. $290/one-week session* Lower and Middle School (Students will meet and be transported to various locations.) CSI Advanced Cooking Students will learn about menu planning and the principles of nutrition. Students will also H[SORUHFUHDWLYLW\LQFRRNLQJDOOZKLOH enjoying the fruits of their labor! By the end of the session, students will have a repertoire of recipes they can make again and again. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ-XO\:HHN 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering Grades 6–8 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Peg Albrecht Citizen Science: Birds Learn how to identify birds and hone your bird LGHQWLŵFDWLRQVNLOOVDV\RXOHDUQKRZWREHFRPH D&LWL]HQ6FLHQWLVW7KHFODVVZLOOFROOHFWVFLHQWLŵF data about the birds seen around school and share that data with the scientists at Cornell Lab of Ornithology in New York. Scientists from the University of Minnesota will be available to answer questions as the students develop their RZQVFLHQWLŵFTXHVWLRQVDERXWELUGVDQGFROOHFW data to answer those questions. In December, there will be a research summit where interested students from around the state can share the results of their summer research with each other and with University of Minnesota scientists. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 4–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $260/two-week session* Lower and Middle School Katie Humason, Minnehaha Academy Middle School Science Teacher A crime (or two) has been committed, and this class is the team of investigators assigned WRŵQGRXWZKHUHWKHFULPHWRRNSODFHLIWKH criminal acted alone, and even the types of clothing worn by the suspects. The class will hone observational skills by analyzing bodies of evidence including blood, animal and human KDLUŵQJHUSULQWVŵEHUVP\VWHU\SRZGHUVDQG more. In the process, the guilty party will be discovered and the mystery will be solved. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN5) Students entering Grades 4–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $150/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Katie Humason, Minnehaha Academy Middle School Science Teacher Geocaching Using a hand-held GPS unit, the class will search for hidden treasure in parks near school, regional parks, and state parks. There will be a different destination each day as the class searches for caches that have been hidden around the Twin Cities. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructors: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 4–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $170/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Katie Humason, Minnehaha Academy Middle School Science Teacher Chess Camp See description and schedule on page 22. *add $20 if registering within two weeks of the start of the session “They keep the kids challenged and HQJDJHGWKURXJKRXWWKHVXPPHUŔ Parent 33 Middle School Athletic Camps The Athletic Camps are a great way for students to have fun in the summer while enhancing their sports and recreational skills. Each half-day athletic camp will focus on the sport highlighted but will also include activity breaks that are necessary for age-appropriate instruction. Students do not need to have previous experience to participate in any of these camps, unless otherwise noted. Spokes and Sports This class will consist of daily biking to different places to participate in a variety of sporting activities such as visiting local parks and playing soccer, frisbee golf, and organized games. Biking helps both aerobic conditioning and muscle strength. Students must bring a bike, helmet, water bottle, snack, and sunscreen. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 34 June 22–26 (Week 3) Students entering Grades 6–8 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Greg Gilreath, Physical Education Teacher Basketball Designed for beginning and intermediate basketball players, participants will learn new skills while building on the fundamentals. 6WXGHQWVZLOOKDYHDJUHDWWLPHDVWKH\UHŵQH their passing, shooting, and dribbling skills. Participants will put these abilities to the test at the end of the week in a tournament. Students should wear a T-shirt, shorts, and athletic shoes (no black soles), and bring a water bottle. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: July 6–10 (Week 5) July 13–17 (Week 6) Students entering Grades 6–9 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Upper School Josh Thurow, Minnehaha Academy Assistant Athletic Director Soccer This camp will emphasize basic skills, playing as a team, and sportsmanship. Instruction will focus on the fundamentals of soccer in a setting RIHQFRXUDJHPHQWDQGFRQŵGHQFHEXLOGLQJ Drills to improve skills will be added, and games will focus on team play and tactical understanding. Students will scrimmage one another as well. All participants need a soccer ball, shin guards, soccer shoes, a water bottle, a snack, and sunscreen. Please send your student in regular shoes; they will change into WKHLUVRFFHUVKRHVRQFHRQWKHŵHOG 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 6–8 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Upper School Ben Linder, Minnehaha Academy Coach Golf This camp focuses on the development of fundamental skills such as chipping, putting, and bunker play, along with using irons and drivers. Golf rules and etiquette are also taught. 6WXGHQWVZLOOYLVLWGULYLQJUDQJHVWKHŵUVWIHZ days of camp, but most days students will play nine holes on local par 3 courses. All participants are required to bring their own FOXEVDVWDUWHUVHWLVŵQH5DLQ\GD\RSWLRQV are limited: Students will either participate in on-campus activities or will golf at an indoor miniature golf course. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Reading and Riding This class will consist of daily biking to different places to participate in a variety of educational activities such as visiting local libraries and museums. Biking helps both aerobic conditioning and muscle strength. Students must bring a bike, helmet, water bottle, snack, and sunscreen. 5HDGLQJH[HUFLVHVWKHPLQGDQG ULGLQJH[HUFLVHVWKHERG\/HWőVJHWLQVKDSH 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 6–8 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Greg Gilreath, Physical Education Teacher Instructor: -XO\Ŏ:HHN -XO\Ŏ:HHN Students entering Grades 5–8 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $170/one-week session* (includes green fees and transportation) Lower and Middle School (Students will meet and be transported by bus to driving ranges and courses.) Rich Pluntz, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Math Teacher Olympic Games Spend time engaging in a variety of sports! The week will include a variety of contests that will emphasize the Olympic spirit and allow students to develop skills such as running, jumping, kicking, throwing, and endurance. Students must wear athletic shoes and bring a water bottle and snack. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: August 10–14 (Week 10) Students entering Grades 6–8 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Greg Gilreath, Physical Education Teacher 35 Sailing: Beginning Optimist and Intermediate Optimist Take advantage of a beautiful Minneapolis lake this summer! Students will meet at the Lower and Middle School and be transported to and from Lake Calhoun, accompanied by Minnehaha Academy staff, for the Beginning Optimist and the Intermediate Optimist class with Lake Calhoun Sailing School. In the Beginning Optimist class, beginning RUOHVVH[SHULHQFHGVDLORUVZLOOOHDUQWRVDLOLQ 8-foot Optimist dinghies (this course can be repeated). Students will learn how to rig the boat, basic boat-handling skills, knot-tying, and water safety. During part of the day, students will be grouped according to skill level. At the beginning level, students are paired in boats to make them feel more comfortable while they are learning. Lake Calhoun Sailing School maintains a student-to-instructor ratio of 6-to-1. In the Intermediate Optimist class, students who have taken Beginning Optimist at least once and demonstrated a good comfort level on the water are able to advance. The chief difference is that the students will sail one per boat and be independent skippers, handling the sail and sterring the boat at the same time. The emphasis will be on improving boat KDQGOLQJVNLOOVDQGFRQŵGHQFHXQGHUDYDULHW\ of wind conditions. Sailing instruction will take place four days each week. Students will participate in on-campus activities on Friday. Students must bring a Type III, Coast Guard-approved life jacket (also called a PFD), sunscreen, water shoes, and a water bottle. Additional information upon registration can be found on the Summer Programs website. 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 36 -XQHŎ-XO\:HHNVŎ 1R&ODVV-XO\ Level 1: Students entering Grades 2–6 Level 2: Students entering Grades 3–7 who have taken Beginning Optimist 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. Level 1: $345/two-week session* Level 2: $360/two-week session* Lower and Middle School (Students will meet and be transported by bus to Lake Calhoun.) Lake Calhoun Sailing School Football This instructional camp will emphasize the fundamentals of football, while incorporating a Biblical approach to athletic competition. The camp will focus on basics of offense, defense, VSHFLDOWHDPVŶH[LELOLW\DQGFRQGLWLRQLQJ7KH camp will also focus on striving to improve, playing hard, being teachable, respecting opponents, and encouraging each other. Boys who will be playing on the Minnehaha Academy Middle School football team are strongly encouraged to attend this camp. We will install our offense, defense, and special teams. Also players will receive their equipment, and part of the camp will involve some form tackling with contact using helmets and shoulder pads. In addition, the players will be introduced to weight lifting techniques that will be continued through the season. Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: August 3–7 (Week 9) Students entering Grades 6–8 12:30–4 p.m. $125/one-week session* Lower and Middle School Fencing Students will learn the basics of fencing through the Minnesota Sword Club in Minneapolis. Instructors will cover the history of the sport, will teach basic concepts of blade and foot work, and will engage both concentration and awareness. Athletic shoes, D7VKLUWORQJVZHDWSDQWVDQGLQH[SHQVLYH work gloves are required. No short pants or jeans please. All fencing equipment will be provided. Participants are asked to bring a healthy snack. Additional information upon registration can be found on the Summer Programs website. Invite your friends! Dates: Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: August 3–7 (Week 9) Students entering Grades 2–7 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $160/one-week session* Lower and Middle School (Students will meet, leave promptly at 8:30 a.m., and be transported by bus to and from the MN Sword Club.) MN Sword Club Staff *add $20 if registering within two weeks of the start of session Upper School Courses 29 Upper School Academic Courses These courses provide a positive environment where students can grow academically, while JDLQLQJFRQŵGHQFHDQGLQLWLDWLYH2XUDFDGHPLFFRXUVHVSURYLGHDVWUXFWXUHGZD\WRPDLQWDLQDQG EXLOG XSRQ WKH DFDGHPLF DFKLHYHPHQWV DQG H[SHULHQFHV DFFRPSOLVKHG GXULQJ WKH UHFHQW VFKRRO year. All academic courses will include intensive periods of instruction with several short breaks. Bridge to AP Calculus This course is designed for students who have completed Pre-Calculus but want further preparation for AP Calculus 1. Solving calculus problem involves highlevel algebraic manipulation. Bridge to AP Calculus addresses these skills. Course content will be tailored to meet the individual needs of the student while covering the following topics: Ř6ROYLQJKLJKHUGHJUHHHTXDWLRQV Ř*UDSKLQJIXQFWLRQV Ř([SRQHQWVDQGORJDULWKPV Ř7ULJRQRPHWU\ Ř$SSOLFDWLRQVRIDOJHEUDLQSUREOHPVROYLQJ Ř)XQFWLRQQRWDWLRQDQGPDQLSXODWLQJIXQFWLRQV Ř,QWURGXFWLRQWRFDOFXOXVLQYROYLQJOLPLWV and derivative 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: 38 -XO\Ŏ:HHNVŎ Students entering Grades 10–12 12:30–3:30 p.m. $425/three-week session Lower and Middle School Rich Pluntz, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Math Teacher Upper School Enrichment Classes We invite you to learn a new skill, meet new friends, and get involved! Check out the following enrichment classes, and let your imagination soar! Microelectronics Driver’s Education This class gently introduces students to programming Arduino microcontrollers, as well as electronic components such as LEDs, motors, and temperature sensors. Try a new challenge! 'DWHV Grades: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: -XQHŎ-XO\:HHN 1R&ODVV-XO\ Students entering Grades 7–12 12:30–4 p.m. $150/one-week session* Upper School Sam Terfa, Minnehaha Academy Upper School Science Teacher Theater See description and schedule on page 31. Trips & Tours with a Purpose See description and schedule on page 32. Need to complete the classroom driver’s education training to obtain your learner’s SHUPLW"7KLVKRXUFRXUVHIXOŵOOVWKHVWDWH requirement. The class consists of lecture, games, discussion, quizzes, video, and student participation. The course is taught by an LQVWUXFWRUFHUWLŵHGZLWKWKH6WDWHRI0LQQHVRWD Department of Education. 'DWHV Ages: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: Note: 'DWHV Ages: Time: Fee: Location: Instructor: Note: Upper School Athletic Camps -XQHŎ:HHNVŎ Students who are 15 years and older (14-year-olds may take the class but cannot get a permit until age 15.) 1–4 p.m. (Behind-the-wheel training is included in the cost but will be scheduled at a later time.) $369/two-week session Upper School Elite Driving School By law, you MUST register through Elite Driving School (call 612-584-8458 or go to -XO\Ŏ:HHNVŎ Students who are 15 years and older (14-year-olds may take the class but cannot get a permit until age 15.) 1–4 p.m. (Behind-the-wheel training is included in the cost but will be scheduled at a later time.) $369/two-week session Upper School Elite Driving School By law, you MUST register through Elite Driving School (call 612-584-8458 or go to The Athletic Camps are a great way for students to have fun in the summer while enhancing their sports and recreational skills. Each half-day athletic camp will focus on the sport highlighted but will also include activity breaks that are necessary IRUDJHDSSURSULDWHLQVWUXFWLRQ6WXGHQWVGRQRWQHHGWRKDYHSUHYLRXVH[SHULHQFH to participate in any of these camps, unless otherwise noted. Basketball See description and schedule on page 34. 39 Summer Programs Calendar Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday June 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 July 1 2 3 Closed: Happy 4th of July! 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 August 1 3 4 5 6 Celebration of Summer Party 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 See you Summer 2016! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29... 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 40 Tuesday Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Summer Programs Registration Contract 2015 Please Note: Both Minnehaha and non-Minnehaha families can register online at Simply click on Summer Programs to learn more information. Registration is available online for all summer classes! Call with questions: 612-728-7745 ext. 1. Student Name: _____________________________________________ Birthdate: _______________ Gender: M F School Attending in the Fall: ___________________________________ Grade in the Fall: __________ T-Shirt Size (circle one: Grades PreK through 8 only please): 6-8 10-12 14-16 Adult S Adult M Adult L Adult XL 7RUHJLVWHUZULWHWKHQDPHRI\RXUŵUVWFODVVFKRLFHLQWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJVORWRQWKHFKDUW)RUDOOGD\FODVVHVVXFKDV&DPS 0LQQHKDKDZULWHWKHQDPHLQ%27+PRUQLQJDQGDIWHUQRRQVORWV,I\RXUŵUVWFKRLFHLVDOUHDG\IXOOZKHQWKH6XPPHU3URJUDPV RIŵFHUHFHLYHV\RXUUHJLVWUDWLRQZHZLOOFRQWDFW\RXWRGLVFXVVDOWHUQDWLYHSRVVLELOLWLHV$OVRLQGLFDWHLQWKHDSSURSULDWHZHHNO\ VORW\RXUH[WHQGHGGD\QHHGV Dates 1 6/8-12 2 6/15-19 3 6/22-26 4 6/29-7/2 5 7/6-10 6 7/13-17 7 7/20-24 8 7/27-31 9 8/3-7 10 8/10-14 ([WHQGHG Day AM 7:00-8:30 AM Class Choice 8:30-12:00 PM Class Choice 12:30-4:00 ([WHQGHG Day PM 4:00-6:00 1R-XO\ I have read and agree to all terms and policies of the Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs as outlined in the catalog. I understand that I am responsible for full payment, whether or not my student attends, unless I notify Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs in writing prior to 12pm on May 1 of this year. I understand that all class cancellations and/or changes made after my registration is processed are subject to the Summer Programs Refund Policy. Full payment is due by May 1 of this year. In registering for classes in the Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs, I understand that my child will be involved in a variety of DFWLYLWLHVERWKDWDQGDZD\IURPWKHFDPSXVHVRI0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\LQFOXGLQJSOD\JURXQGDQGRWKHUSK\VLFDODFWLYLWLHVŵHOG trips, etc. By registering for the Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs, I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all related activities, both at and away from the Minnehaha Academy campuses. I further give Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs permission to provide appropriate, immediate medical attention in the event of any injury to my child. Signature of Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________ 41 Summer Programs Emergency Information Student Name: _____________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________ Home Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: __________ Parent 1 Name: _____________________________________________ Relationship: _______________ Home Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: __________ Cell Phone: _______________ Work Phone: _______________ Email: ______________________ Parent 2 Name: _____________________________________________ Relationship: _______________ Home Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: __________ Cell Phone: _______________ Work Phone: _______________ Email: ______________________ Emergency Contacts and Pick-Up Authorization: The following people should be contacted in case of emergency, only if parent(s) cannot be reached AND are authorized to pick up the student. 1. Name: ___________________________ Relationship to Child: __________ Phone: _______________ 2. Name: ___________________________ Relationship to Child: __________ Phone: _______________ Family Doctor/Clinic: _______________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Family Dentist/Clinic: _______________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Insurance Company: _______________________________________________ Phone: ________________ Policy Holder: ______________________________ Policy Number: _________________________ Immunizations: PRQWKGDWHDQG\HDURIPRVWUHFHQWLPPXQL]DWLRQVUHTXLUHGLQIRUPDWLRQLQFOXGLQJVSHFLŵFGDWHV DTP __________ MMR __________ Tetanus __________ Polio __________ HIB __________ VAR __________ Hep B __________ Hep A __________ PCV _________ OR Conscientious Objector Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________________________________ Is your student taking medications? Yes No If yes, what kind and why: _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ If medication must be administered during the program, a Medication Permission FormPXVWEHFRPSOHWHGIRXQGRQOLQHRUE\FRQWDFWLQJWKHRIŵFH +DV\RXUVWXGHQWDQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJ",IVRSOHDVHH[SODLQ __ Medication Allergies: ___________________________________________________________________ __ Food Allergies: _________________________________________________________________________ __ Other Allergies: ________________________________________________________________________ __ Special Needs: _________________________________________________________________________ __ Other (physical, social, or medical needs): _________________________________________________ Please helps us market our program and tell us how you heard about Summer Programs (check all that apply) __ Returning Summer Programs Student __ Catalog Mailed to my Home __ Internet Search __ Other (what?) ____________________ __ Current MA Family __ Ad in Publication (which?) _______________ __ Word of Mouth (who?) __________________ Referral Rebate Any registered Summer Programs student can receive a $25 rebate on tuition for referring another new to Minnehaha Academy and our Summer Programs family (who registers and attends Summer Programs). 0D[LPXPRIIDPLOLHVSOHDVHLWGRHVQRWDSSO\ZLWKRWKHUGLVFRXQWV&KHFNRQH __ We are referring the following new families (we hope they attend, and we receive our rebate). __ We were referred by the following family (we hope they receive a rebate). Referral 1: ___________________________________ Referral 2: __________________________________ 42 Frequently Asked Questions 1. May I sign up for one week of a two-week class and only pay for one week? You may sign up for one week of a two-week class if the price is listed by the week. You may not sign up for RQO\RQHZHHNRIDQ\FODVVIRUZKLFKWKHSULFHLVOLVWHGE\WZRZHHNVHVVLRQRQO\,WLVGLIŵFXOWIRUXVWRŵOOWKH remaining week created by this scenario. 2. My student can only attend camp a few days a week. Will you adjust the price of the class? :HDUHQRWDEOHWRDGMXVWWKHSULFHRIDFODVVIRUSDUWWLPHDWWHQGDQFH,WLVGLIŵFXOWIRUXVWRŵOOWKHUHPDLQLQJ days created by this scenario. We feel strongly about consistent relationships within each group. 3. I need full-day care. If I sign up for a morning class, what are my options for the afternoon? You may sign up for an afternoon class to complement the morning class you’ve chosen. We have tried to offer afternoon options for each age group. Half-Day Camp Minnehaha is a good option to consider. We also KDYH([WHQGHG'D\&DPS3OHDVHJLYHXVDFDOOLI\RXőGOLNHWRGLVFXVVRSWLRQV 4. My student is involved in classes at both campuses. Do I need to transport between campuses? No. We provide bus transportation between the Lower and Middle School (South Campus) and the Upper School (North Campus) at the start of the day, at lunchtime, and at the end of the day. A supervised lunch period will take place at both the campuses. Students should bring a sack lunch (milk is available at Lower and Middle School). We encourage all PreK through Grade 8 students to be dropped off/picked up at the Lower and Middle School, so please notify us in writing if you will be dropping off or picking up your students at the Upper School. 5. What if I need to cancel enrollment prior to the class start date? Please send us your schedule change in writing or e-mail it to coffmanjohnsoncarman@minnehahaacademy. net. A full refund, minus the $50 deposit, will be given for classes cancelled before May 1 of this year. After May 1, please see our Refund Policy. 6. I don’t know whether I need Extended Day Camp. Can I sign up for Extended Day at a later time? <HV\RXPD\DGG([WHQGHG'D\WR\RXUVWXGHQWőVUHJLVWUDWLRQDWDODWHUGDWH$GGLWLRQDOO\LI\RXUVFKHGXOH FKDQJHVDQG\RXQHHGWRXVH([WHQGHG'D\XQH[SHFWHGO\SOHDVHFRQWDFWRXURIŵFHDQGZHZLOOFKHFNRQVSDFH availability. 7. Will classes be held Friday, July 3? No. All of our programs, including Camp Minnehaha, will be closed for the one day. 8. Are changes ever made after the catalog is printed? Yes. Although we make every effort to print an accurate and complete catalog, changes do occur between the catalog print date and the beginning of the Summer Programs. Please check our website at Minnehaha for updates. Please also read our policies on Class Changes and Cancellations, Instructor Changes, and Printing Errors in the Policies and Terms section. 9. Can my students attend Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs if they go to a different school? Yes! Many students who participate in MA Summer Programs attend other schools during the academic year. We value the variety of students and families we get to know during the summer. Kindergarten Bound and SOAR into Middle School are intended for students who attend Minnehaha Academy during the academic year, but all the other classes are open to students from other schools. 10. How is Minnehaha Academy’s mission of integrating faith and learning expressed in Summer Programs? Each class will be taught from a Christian perspective and will have a faith component. This integration will be different in each class, depending on the subject matter and teacher, but it will often include devotions and prayer. Our students, during the academic year as well as during the summer, come from a variety of different faith backgrounds. We do not discriminate in our admission policy for the Summer Programs on the basis of gender, race, ethnic origin, or faith. 11. How do I get to Minnehaha Academy? Please check our website at or call (612) 728-7745 for directions. 43 Policies and Terms of Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs 2015 This statement of policies and terms covers all Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs. By signing the Registration Contract, you agree to these Policies and Terms. 1. Registration: Registration begins on February 5 of this year. No registrations will be accepted before this date. We encourage families to register online at using our online registration program called My BackPack; you may also mail your registration form to Minnehaha Academy, 4200 West River Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55406. In order to secure a spot for your student, the registration MUST be accompanied by a $50 non-refundable Registration 'HSRVLW3(5&/$66GRHVQRWDSSO\WR([WHQGHG'D\7KLVGHSRVLWZLOOEHDSSOLHGWRZDUG\RXU Summer Programs tuition. Also please note that if you are registering within two weeks of the VWDUWIRUDFODVVVHVVLRQWKHUHLVDQDGGLWLRQDOUHJLVWUDWLRQIHHIRUWKDWFODVV3KRQHDQGID[ registrations will not be accepted. Spots in classes will not be held until the Registration Contract, including the Emergency Information, and Registration Deposit are submitted to the Summer 3URJUDPVRIŵFH6WXGHQWVVKRXOGUHJLVWHUIRUFODVVHVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHJUDGHWKH\ZLOODWWHQGLQWKH IDOO$FRQŵUPDWLRQRI\RXUUHJLVWUDWLRQZLOOEHVHQWWR\RXUKRPH 2. Registration Contract: The Registration Contract is binding beginning May 1 of this year. 3. Tuition Payment: Payment-in-full must be received by May 1 of this year. All checks must be PDGHSD\DEOHWRWKH0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\6XPPHU3URJUDPV&UHGLWFDUGSD\PHQWVH[FOXGLQJ VISA) may be received through our online registration program called My BackPack. Arrangements PXVWEHPDGHE\0D\RIWKLV\HDUZLWKWKH6XPPHU3URJUDPVRIŵFHLIDSD\PHQWSODQLVQHHGHG 6RPHŵQDQFLDODLGRSWLRQVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUWKRVHZKRTXDOLI\IRUVSHFLŵFDFDGHPLFFODVVHVRQO\ Financial aid requests must be processed before your student can attend classes. 4. Refund Policy: A refund of 50%, minus the $50 registration deposit, will be given for registrations cancelled at least four weeks prior to the start of the class. There will be no refund if a student withdraws from a class fewer than four weeks before the start of the class. A refund for medical reasons applies only to absences of one week or longer and requires a doctor’s note. In such cases, the participant and the program will share the loss in tuition equally. No refund is available for RWKHUH[SHQVHV 5. Declined Checks and Credit Cards: There will be a $20 fee for any/all declined credit cards or FKHFNVWKDWFDQQRWEHSURFHVVHGGXHWRLQVXIŵFLHQWIXQGV 6. Schedule Changes: All requests for class schedule changes must be received in writing. E-mails are accepted at 7. Class Changes and Cancellations: We reserve the right to combine classes or cancel any classes as necessary. In the event of a class change, the dates are subject to change. In the event of a cancellation, we will do our best to notify families at least two weeks prior to the start of the class. We will offer the option of transferring the tuition toward another class, to the regular school year SURJUDPV([WHQGHG'D\DQGRUWXLWLRQRUUHFHLYLQJDUHIXQGIRUQRQ0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\ families). 8. Absences: There will be no fee reductions for school closings, absences, family vacations, or late matriculation. No refund will be given if a student is dismissed due to disciplinary action. 9. Dismissal of Student from the Summer Programs: We reserve the right to dismiss any student from the Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs at our discretion. No refund will be given. 44 10. Emergency Information: The Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs requires completed FXUUHQW(PHUJHQF\,QIRUPDWLRQWREHUHWXUQHGWRWKHRIŵFHRUŵOOHGRXWRQOLQHLQRUGHUWR SDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHSURJUDP$VWXGHQWPD\QRWDWWHQGXQWLOWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQLVRQŵOHLQWKH 6XPPHU3URJUDPVRIŵFH 11. Insurance: Student Accident Insurance is provided on all students enrolled in Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs. This insurance is supplemental in nature, meaning that it is secondary to any/all personal health or accident insurance carried by students and their families. The purpose of this supplemental coverage is to assist with the payment of deductible, FRSD\VRURWKHURXWRISRFNHWH[SHQVHVDFWXDOO\LQFXUUHGLQWKHHYHQWRIDQLQMXU\ZKLFKRFFXUV during a Summer Programs activity. Details of the Student Accident Insurance program are DYDLODEOHE\FDOOLQJWKHVFKRRORIŵFH 12. Lost or Stolen Items: Parents are requested to label all clothing with the student’s name to HQVXUHFRPSOHWHLGHQWLŵFDWLRQRIDOOLWHPVDQGWRSURWHFWDJDLQVWORVV0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\ Summer Programs assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen personal property. We discourage DOOSDUWLFLSDQWVDQGVWDIIIURPEULQJLQJDQ\WKLQJRIYDOXHVXFKDVMHZHOU\PRQH\RUH[SHQVLYH clothing. Students should not bring toys, electronic units, trading cards, or other similar items. 13. Zero Tolerance Policy: We have zero tolerance for weapons or anything that could be construed as a weapon. We do not tolerate foul or threatening language, bullying, or harassment of any sort. Violation of this policy is grounds for dismissal. 14. Tobacco and Alcohol Policy: The use of tobacco and alcohol is prohibited on all Minnehaha $FDGHP\FDPSXVHVDQGDWDQ\HYHQWVDQFWLRQHGE\0LQQHKDKD$FDGHP\LQFOXGLQJŵHOGWULSV This policy applies to participants and staff. Violation of this policy is grounds for dismissal. 15. Appropriate Dress: Both students and staff are required to dress appropriately for summer DFWLYLWLHV:HGRQRWDOORZFORWKLQJWKDWUHYHDOVXQGHUZHDUH[FHVVLYHGLVSOD\RIVNLQHJKDOWHU FURSWRSVVKRUWVKRUWVHWFRUFORWKLQJWKDWLQWHUIHUHVZLWKVDIHW\HJH[FHSWLRQDOO\EDJJ\RU long pants). We also do not allow clothing that advertises alcohol or other chemicals, weapons, RUJURXSVWKDWFRQGRQHFKHPLFDOXVHRUVDWDQLFFXOWDIŵOLDWLRQ6WXGHQWVRUVWDIILQYLRODWLRQRIWKH GUHVVFRGHZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRFKDQJHLQWRPRUHDSSURSULDWHFORWKLQJ6RPHŵHOGWULSVPD\ UHTXLUHVSHFLŵFFORWKLQJ 16. Instructor Changes::HUHVHUYHWKHULJKWWRFKDQJHWKHLQVWUXFWRURIDQ\FODVVDVVWDIŵQJQHHGV and schedules dictate. We make every effort to have instructors arranged by our catalog print date but changes do occur after the printing of the catalog. 17. Transfer of Students Between Age Groups: Minnehaha Academy reserves the right to move participants between age groups as maturity indicates. 18. Printing Errors: Errors in our printed communications may occur despite our best efforts to ensure accuracy. Minnehaha Academy shall not be held responsible for typographical or transpositional errors. 19. Use of Photographs: A signed Registration Contract is a release that allows your student’s photo to be used in any promotional material. 45 THE SUMMER PLANNER: Weeks 1-5 A tool to help you plan your summer with Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs This at-a-glance planner is to help you schedule your summer classes. Grade levels are based upon the grade the student is entering in the fall and are indicated before each class listed. Morning Classes meet from 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Afternoon Classes meet from 12:30 p.m.-4 p.m. Please note that some classes have one or two weeks available. If the class indicates two weeks, you MUST register your student for the two full weeks. When planning your summer, please refer to the more detailed descriptions of classes throughout the catalog. If you have questions, call the Summer Programs office at (612) 728-7745 x1. Thank you! Week 3 (June 22-26) Morning Classes PreK-8 Morning Camp Minnehaha 1-8 Summer Academy (weeks 3&4) K-2 International Camp Too 2-3 Lego Robotics 3-5 Wood Carving 2-6 Sailing: Beginning (weeks 3&4) 2-7 Sailing: Intermediate (wks 3&4) 4-8 Movie Making (weeks 3&4) 5-8 Pure Poetry 1 Afternoon Classes Pre-K-8 Afternoon Camp Minnehaha K-8 Woodworking for Girls (wks 3&4) K-2 Soccer 2-5 Fun for My Dolls & Me 3-5 Boys have Fun 4-8 Lego NXT Robotics I 6-8 Spokes & Sports 1 1 All Day Classes PreK-8 Camp Minnehaha 5-8 GEM Fishing 46 Week 1 (June 8-12) Morning Classes PreK-8 Morning Camp Minnehaha 1-8 Summer Academy (weeks 1&2) K-2 Lego Builders K-2 Tea Party 3-5 Piano Poetry 3-5 Basketball 4-8 PhotoVoice (weeks 1&2) 4-8 Movie Making (weeks 1&2) 1 Afternoon Classes PreK-8 Afternoon Camp Minnehaha K-2 Olympic Games 3-5 Tennis (week 1 or 1&2) 3-5 Rocket Science (week 1 only) 6-8 Woodworking (weeks 1&2) Driver’s Education (weeks 1&2) 1 1 All Day Classes PreK-8 Camp Minnehaha 5-12 Theatre (weeks 1&2) 1 Week 2 (June 15-19) Morning Classes PreK-8 Morning Camp Minnehaha 1-8 Summer Academy (weeks 1&2) K-2 Music & Movement K-2 Basketball 3-5 International Camp 3-5 Wood Carving 4-8 PhotoVoice (weeks 1&2) 4-8 Movie Making (weeks 1&2) 1 Afternoon Classes PreK-8 Afternoon Camp Minnehaha K-2 Puddle Stompers 3-5 Tennis (week 2 or 1&2) 3-5 Rocket Science (week 2 only) 4-8 Lego NXT Robotics I for Girls 6-8 Woodworking (weeks 1&2) Driver’s Education (weeks 1&2) 1 All Day Classes PreK-8 Camp Minnehaha 5-12 Theatre (weeks 1&2) 1 Week 4 (June 29-July 2: NO 7/3) Morning Classes PreK-8 Morning Camp Minnehaha 1-8 Summer Academy (weeks 3&4) K-2 Game On! 3-5 Intermediate Cooking 3-5 Track & Field 2-6 Sailing: Beginning (weeks 3&4) 2-7 Sailing: Intermediate (wks 3&4) 4-8 Movie Making (weeks 3&4) 6-8 Wood Carving 1 Afternoon Classes PreK-8 Afternoon Camp Minnehaha K-8 Woodworking for Girls (wks 3&4) K-2 All Sports 3-5 Plant Science 6-8 Advanced Cooking 7-12 Microelectronics 1 1 All Day Classes PreK-8 Camp Minnehaha 1 Week 5 (July 6-10) Morning Classes PreK-8 Morning Camp Minnehaha 1-8 Summer Academy (weeks 5&6) K-1 Lego Robotics (week 5 only) K-2 Beginning Adventures in Art 2-5 Sew Cute 3-5 Pirate Poetry 4-8 CSI 1 1 1 Afternoon Classes PreK-8 Afternoon Camp Minnehaha K-8 Woodworking for Girls (wks 5&6) K-2 Olympic Games 3-5 Intermediate Adventures in Art 6-8 Soccer 6-9 Basketball (week 5 or 5&6) Driver’s Education (weeks 5&6) 1 All Day Classes PreK-8 Camp Minnehaha 1 THE SUMMER PLANNER: Weeks 6-10 A tool to help you plan your summer with Minnehaha Academy Summer Programs Week 6 (July 13-17) Morning Classes PreK-8 Morning Camp Minnehaha 1-8 Summer Academy (weeks 5&6) K-2 Writing Workshop 3-5 Reading & Riding 4-5 Girls have Fun 4-8 Citizen Science: Birds (wks 6&7) 1 1 1 Afternoon Classes PreK-8 Afternoon Camp Minnehaha K-8 Woodworking for Girls (wks 5&6) K-2 Let’s have a Ball 3-5 Soccer 4-8 Lego NXT Robotics II for Girls 6-9 Basketball (week 6 or 5&6) Driver’s Education (weeks 5&6) 10-12 Bridge to AP Calculus (wk 6-8) 1 All Day Classes PreK-8 Camp Minnehaha 6-9 Trips & Tours with Purpose Week 7 (July 20-24) Morning Classes PreK-8 Morning Camp Minnehaha 1-8 Summer Academy (weeks 7&8) K-1 Lego Robotics (week 7 only) K-2 Reading & Riding 2-3 Girls have Fun Too 3-5 Writing Workshop 4-8 Citizen Science: Birds (wks 6&7) 5-8 Golf 1 Afternoon Classes PreK-8 Afternoon Camp Minnehaha K-2 Woodworking (week 7 only) 3-5 Baseball 3-5 Spokes & Sports 4-8 Lego NXT Robotics II 10-12 Bridge to AP Calculus (wk 6-8) 1 1 1 All Day Classes PreK-8 Camp Minnehaha 1 Week 9 (August 3-7) Morning Classes PreK-8 Morning Camp Minnehaha 1-8 Summer Academy (wks 9&10) Kindergarten Bound K-8 Chess Camp K-3 PhotoVoice (weeks 9&10) 2-7 Fencing 3-5 Woodworking (weeks 9&10) 6-8 Writing Workshop (wks 9&10) 1 Afternoon Classes PreK-8 Afternoon Camp Minnehaha K-8 Chess Camp K-2 Let’s have a Ball 3-5 Woodworking (weeks 9&10) 6-8 Football SOAR into Middle School 1 All Day Classes PreK-8 Camp Minnehaha K-8 Chess Camp 1 Week 10 (August 10-14) Morning Classes PreK-8 Morning Camp Minnehaha 1-8 Summer Academy (wks 9&10) K-3 PhotoVoice (weeks 9&10) 3-5 Woodworking (weeks 9&10) 6-8 Writing Workshop (wks 9&10) 1 1 1 1 Afternoon Classes PreK-8 Afternoon Camp Minnehaha K-2 All Sports 3-5 Woodworking (weeks 9&10) 6-8 Olympic Games 1 1 1 All Day Classes PreK-8 Camp Minnehaha 1 1 Week 8 (July 27-31) Morning Classes PreK-8 Morning Camp Minnehaha 1-8 Summer Academy (weeks 7&8) K-2 Treasured Books 2-5 Lego Robotics for Girls 3-5 Game On! 4-8 Geocaching 5-8 Golf 1 1 Afternoon Classes PreK-8 Afternoon Camp Minnehaha K-2 Woodworking (week 8 only) 3-5 Bookmaking 3-5 Football 6-8 Reading & Riding 10-12 Bridge to AP Calculus (wk 6-8) 1 1 1 All Day Classes PreK-8 Camp Minnehaha 1 EXTENDED DAYS The Extended Day option is available all 10 weeks. Morning Extended Day meets from 7-8:30 a.m. Afternoon Extended Day meets from 4-6 p.m. 47 MINNEHAHA ACADEMY MINNEHAHA ACADEMY SUMMER PROGRAMS 4200 West River Parkway Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 3967 TWIN CITIES, MN Growing up to give back. PreK-12 Christian Education Ellen ‘93 International Nonprofit Founder Minnehaha Academy focuses on academic excellence and servant leadership. Mayah, 3rd Grader Future Global Leader We graduate dynamic Christian leaders who will JCXGCUKIPKƂECPVKORCEVKPVJGKT communities and the world. To schedule a tour call 612.728.7756 or visit