Christmas Breakfast Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Breakfast Christmas Eve Service
Where real life meets a real Jesus. CONTACT US Phone: (660) 385-4813 Fax: (660) 385-1719 Email: Facebook: Crossroads Christian Church Twitter: @MaconCrossroads MINISTERS Matt Stieger, Lead Minister (417) 629-7996 Justin J. Miller, Associate Minister of Students (636) 373-0570 Drew Staudenmaier, Part-Time Worship Minister (913) 522-4456 Tim Worstell, Part-Time Senior Adults Minister (660) 676-9009 STAFF Jerry Carter, Janitor Amanda Sikes, Administrative Assistant ELDERS Mark Hatfield (660) 376-3656 Vernon Janes (660) 385-5823 Jeff Roberts (660) 395-5873 Kyle Cullifer (660) 651-7050 Dean Sandner (660) 415-7281 MINISTRY TEAM LEADERS Jerry Carter, Transportation Kyle Cullifer, Men’s Ministry *Darin Eleazarraraz, Finance Jamie Elrod, Crossroads Agape Cafe *Troy Fry, Welcome & Card Mark Hatfield, Christian Education John Koch, Connections Jim Knowles & Jim Scott, Fellowship *Justin W. Miller, Community Involvement *John Morris, First Impressions *Dean Sandner, Building & Grounds *Steve Wilhoit, Worship/Music *Jim Schaefer, Missions *Rocky Seiner, Building Expansion *denotes those publicly affirmed as deacons DECEMBER 2014 Christmas Breakfast Sunday, December 21st 9:00-10:30am In the Fellowship Hall Christmas Eve Service Wednesday, December 24th 5:30pm Adopt a Family for Christmas This year in lieu of Operation Christmas Child, we are reaching out to those in need right here in our community. If you are able to adopt a family or individual for Christmas, there will be information located by the Welcome Center. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY “an unplugged CHristmas” will take place December 7th 6-8:00pm. Come support our kids! Sunday Nights @ 6pm 1st-5th grade 2yr old-k Junior Church Christmas Craft Day Children's Ministry Team The Children’s Ministry Team wants to be available to you during our time of transition between Children’s Ministers. We understand that unintentionally communication can fall through the cracks or you may just have a question or two. That being said listed below are the volunteer leaders of our children's ministry. If you have a question or concern we would love to help, Please contact the appropriate team member. December 7 All three services Get ready to make some really cool Christmas crafts! Little Lambs– Janie Hatfield– 660-734-8198 God Rock Crew– Emily Stieger– 417-629-6179 Lisa Peterman– 660-346-0880 Orange– Erin Koch– 660-988-0593 Security/Check In– Aaron Baker– 660-281-7777 Nursery– Ericka Miller– 636-373-0635 General questions contact Justin or Matt in the office. Trunk or Treat 2014– Thank you to all who decorated and helped serve! Student Ministry Meets Sunday Nights at 6:00 Due to the busy Christmas season, Sunday Night Student Ministry will only meet once in December. 12/7 —No Student Ministry (Children’s Program) 12/14 — Student Ministry 6:00 12/21 — No Student Ministry (Christmas Break) 12/28 — No Student Ministry (Christmas Break) EVERY YEAR WE TAKE OUR JR. HIGH STUDENTS TO BELIEVE IN ST. LOUIS. HOWEVER THIS YEAR THERE HAVE BEEN SOME CHANGES IN BELIEVES PROGRAMMING AND THEY ARE NO LONGER DOING AN EVENT IN ST. LOUIS. WE WILL NOW BE GOING TO SPRINGFIELD, IL ON MARCH 27-28. WE KNOW THIS IS A LONG WAY OUT BUT WANTED TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF THE CHANGES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. SUN MON TUE WED THU 7 Kristen Smoot Naomi Curtwright Staci Eleazarraraz Josh Roberts Christy Dane Fran Wait Roger White Eva Butner Luciano Lenzini 8. 10. 9 Donna Armstrong Anne Thomas Debbie Gaunt Shon Coram 11 11:00am-12pm Senior’s Bible Study 5:00-6:00pm Building Committee Meeting 6pm-8pm Children’s Christmas Program 6:00pm Women’s Ministry Christmas Party 6:30-8:00pm Hearts and Hands to Others Angela Helton Eric Still 14 15. Food Pantry Collection Ashlei Lagle 16 Rosalie Gulso Chris Dimmitt Cheryl Dye Janie Hatfield Marsha Meeker RaLene Sherman 18 11:30am-1:30pm James Hla Newsletter Prep & Mailing 12noon-6:30pm Food Bank Distribution 5:00-6:00pm Building Committee Meeting 6:30-8:00pm Hearts and Hands to Others 19 20 8:00-11:00am Agape Cafe Delivery 9:00-10:00am Worship Team Practice 10:00am-12noon Card Ministry 11:00am-1:30pm Agape Cafe (American Legion) 6:30-8:00pm Agape Cafe Ministry Team Mtg Taylor Breuklander Rylie Hatfield Julio Lenzini Sandy Timpe 13 9:00-10:00am Worship Team Practice 10:30-11am INTERSECTION News Deadline 6:30pm-7:30pm Elders/Team Leaders Meeting 11:00am-12noon Seniors Bible Study 6pm-8pm Student Ministry 12. 8:00-11:00am Agape Cafe Delivery Neola Binder Kristi Stroppel 17 6. 8:00-11:00am Agape Cafe Delivery 8:30-9:30am Widows’ Breakfast (Apple Basket) 9:00-10:00am Worship Team Practice 11:00am-1:30pm Agape Cafe (American Legion) 5:30pm Senior Adults Old Fashioned Christmas Larry Timpe Tegan Ziebarth 8am-12:30am Junior Church Christmas Craft Day Betty Bane Hannah Hartung Kyla Wilcox SAT 5. 6:30-8:00pm Hearts and Hands to Others 6:30-7:30pm Elders Meeting Christina Biegel Tricia Breuklander Alissa Kaser Josh Turner 4 5:00-6:00pm Building Committee Meeting 11:00am-12noon Seniors’ Bible Study Names in italics signify birthdays! FRI 3 2 1 Larry Harvey Linda Mason 21 22 6:00-8:00pm Student Ministry 23 24 25 CHRISTMAS EVE: CHRISTMAS DAY: 11:00am-12noon OFFICE CLOSED Seniors’ Bible Study OFFICE CLOSED 1pm-3pm INTERSECTION Folding Party Connie Petre Tim Bennett Rocky Christensen Walter Schaefer Lana McQuitty Philip Milburn 28 29 12:30-2:30pm All Church Dinner 6pm-8pm Student Ministry Trisha Jones Matt Stieger Evan Schaefer Denise Bennett Zach Bush Alex Craig 30 11:00am-12noon Seniors’ Bible Study 6:30-7:30 Christian Education Meeting Kraedon Harlow 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE: OFFICE NEW YEAR’S DAY: IS CLOSED OFFICE IS CLOSED 8pm-7am Student Ministry New Year’s Eve Alapalooza Emily Christensen Naomi Deskin 27 8:00-11:00AM Agape Cafe Delivery 9:00-10:00am Worship Team Practice 5:30pm Christmas Eve Service Katie Hackman Tri County Supplies Collection 26 1 William Houghton S UNDAY S ERVING S CHEDULE December 7 December 14 December 21 December 28 Praise Team Rachel Westfall Jon Kerns Kyrsten Hicks Jim McClintock Carrie Thrasher Trisha Jones Tricia Breuklander Roy Fancher Crystal Martie Steve Wilhoit Ashley Roberts Paula Fry Staci Eleazarraraz 8 AM Communion Meditation Rocky Seiner John Morris Steve Wilhoit Brian Hayes 9:30 AM Communion Meditation Vernon Janes Kyle Cullifer Art Brandon Tim Worstell 11 AM Communion Meditation Rocky Christensen Nathan Martin Mark Hatfield Jesse Tuller 8:00 Usher Don Petre 9:30 Usher Rocky Seiner 11:00 Usher Justin W Miller 8:00 First Impressions Jeff Roberts Kevin Maloney Jacob Hogsett Ben Roberts 9:30 First Impressions Sam Hartung Ron Wright Danny Miller Phil Milburn 11:00 First Impressions Marisa Kerns Doug Hackman Ray Blomberg Roy Bane 8:00 Greeters William & Barbara Houghton Jim & Amy Schaefer Jon & Marisa Kerns Hazel Grimshaw 9:30 Greeters Shane & Kelly Petre Sandra Wright Roy & Andrea Hogsett Don & Connie Petre 11:00 Greeters Betty Butner Roy & Donna Fancher Janie Fortenberry Steve & Tamara Wilhoit Hostesses Debbie Gaunt Nikki Wilson Connie Petre Lynee Miller Betty McDuffee Linda Mason Trisha Jones Larry & Eva Butner Jennifer Butner Hannah Hartung Kay Roberts Ronda Shoush Debbie Hartung Tina Wilham Debbie Hartung Kyrsten Hicks Marsha Meeker Amanda Sapp Rocky & Patsy Seiner Mary Lou Teter Van Drivers Russell Riley Ben Roberts Sam Hartung Brian Hayes Joe Breuklander Jim Scott Todd Arp Jerry Carter Welcome Center Matt & Melissa Cross Jim & Annette Knowles Troy & Paula Fry Jim and Sharon Scott 8:00 Worship Center Greeters 9:30 Worship Center Greeters 11:00 Worship Center Greeters 8:00 Nursery Frances Roberts Melissa Teter 9:30 Nursery Amy Elliott 11:00 Nursery Felicity Wilcox Felicity Wilcox Felicity Wilcox Tamara Wilhoit Prayer Room Jean Coglianese Mary Lou Teter Rosalie Gulso Shelley Carter Communion Preparation Ashley Roberts Amy Eillott Jessica Allspach Mary Winfrey Thank you for finding your own replacement if you are unable to serve! Mary Winfrey Night of Worship 2014 Celebrating Psalm 23 Left: Drew Staudenmaier leading worship Left: “We will sing and SHOUT!” Praising God with megaphones! Epic Rock, Paper, Scissors Battle! Jordyn Fry fought well but Justin Miller is Champion! Right: Sometimes we have to be broken to draw closer to God. Below: Placing 2014 Life Map Above: This group did an amazing job getting us into an attitude of worship! Left: Showcasing one of Jesse Tuller’s talents, singing! Winter Adult Sunday School Classes: Everyone: 48 Days to the Work You Love December 7-February 22 (9:30 am) Class Coordinator: Ryan Eidson N NG I R I M E CO EMB C E D Ladies: Stumbling into Grace December 7-February 22 (9:30) Class Coordinator: Marsha Meeker December Donation Collections 12/14 Emergency Food Pantry 12/28 Tri-County Christian School Bar Soap, $1 Jugs of Laundry Paper Towels, Plastic Cutlery, and Dish Detergent, Ramen Large & Small Paper Plates, Noodles, Toothpaste, Canned Sun block, Baby wipes, Veggies (i.e. beets, hominy, Tissues, Disinfectant wipes carrots, kraut) JOY MINISTRY Dec.16th– Avenue of Lights, Quincy IL With Supper at Sprouts (There is a sign up sheet in the foyer) Departure time: 530pm The Emergency Food Pantry (305 Sunset Hills Drive) is open Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 10 AM-12 PM and Tuesday/Thursday from 1-3 PM, except the 3rd Tuesday of each month when they are closed for Food Bank Distribution, which needs volunteers! Come for a great time of fellowship and amazing lights! GROUNDBREAKING! November 23, 2014 JOY MI NISTR Y ANTIQU E CHR IS TM AS FUNDR AISER B ANQUE T the Saturday, December 12 5:30-7:30 PM Don’t forget the gift exchange! Proceeds go to the Student Ministry Christmas Party December 9th Jaeger Coffee House 6pm Finger foods and desserts provided. More details to come! November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 8:00 AM Attendance 122 107 82 104 9:30 AM Attendance 143 115 117 88 11:00 AM Attendance 162 170 145 200 Total Worship Attendance 427 392 344 392 General Offering $7692.33 $5191.94 $3376.74 FSATAT Giving $1025.10 $1035.00 $245.00 Weekly General Offering Budget Need: $7,770 Crossroads Christian Church 1816 N. Missouri St. Macon, MO 63552 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 7 Macon, MO 63552 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED the Student Ministry invites you to be served at a S EN IOR ADULT ( 50+)CHR ISTM AS FUN DRAIS ER BAN QUE T «First Name» «Last Name» Friday, December 6 «Address» 5:30pm DRESS YOUR BEST! THE EVENING WILL IN«City», «State» «Zip» CLUDE A ANCE, AND THE STU- FULL MENU, BEAUTIFUL AMBIMORE! ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT DENT MINISTRY. C-10 groups have launched! We want you to be apart of it! C10 groups will meet together for 10 weeks (one week we’ll serve together, one we’ll laugh together) and then take a 2-week break. Below is a list of C10 groups and leaders—we want you to join one that best matches your interests (regardless your age group). You’re not signing in blood, for the rest of your life, you’re only making 10 week commitment! SUNDAY NIGHTS......Mixed.........Brent Doolin Crossroads WED. NIGHTS ..............20’sl...........Matt Stieger.........509 Broadway St 40’s............Kyle Cullifer.........Crossroads 50’s ........... Jeff Roberts.........1107 Walnut St. 60+.............Vernon Janes......1318 Redbud.