PDF - Columbia Valley Pioneer
PDF - Columbia Valley Pioneer
7PM*TTVF :PVS4PVSDFGPS/FXTBOE&WFOUT The Upper %FDFNCFS Columbia P IONEER '3 && 4FSWJOH5IF6QQFS$PMVNCJB7BMMFZJODMVEJOH(PMEFO#SJTDP3BEJVN*OWFSNFSF8JOEFSNFSF'BJSNPOUBOE$BOBM'MBUT $POUFOUT /FXT 1FSTQFDUJWF :PVUI 'PPE 4QPSUT $MBTTJmFET .EW -INISTER .EW 0RINCIPAL .EW 0OTTERY !NOLDLUMBERTRUCKRUSTSINPEACEALONGTHEBANKSOF4OBY#REEK 0HOTOBY"OB%DE 2 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer December 17, 2004 VALLEY These dragon boats are racing in a heat held on the lake at Midland, Ontario. Dragon boat racing is said to be the fastest-growing sport in the world. Dragon Boats on the horizon By Elinor Florence Pioneer Staff A spectacular community event is on its way to Lake Windermere. At Tuesday night’s regular meeting, Invermere town council endorsed an application by the Family Resource Centre to sponsor a Dragon Boat Festival here in July, dpending on whether the date conflicts with any other planned events. “We have been looking for a major fund-raising event for our organization and I believe we have found it,” said Pat Cope, executive director of the family resource centre. “Dragon Boat Races are a family-oriented event that will be fun for everybody in the valley.” The boats will be provided by a private company called FMG Dragon Boats in Winnipeg. The company will supply a “road crew” and three dragon boats, which will be trucked to site two weeks ahead of time. The road crew will then conduct practice sessions before race day so that everyone is familiar with the competition. FMG is a family-owned business that is celebrating its tenth anniversary of providing dragon boat races, including annual races every summer in Winnipeg. This year the company will organize 12 dragon boat festivals including festivals in Las Vegas and Tempe, Arizona. “Not only do the locals love to get involved, but we have dragon boat afficionados who follow us around during the summer just for the fun of competing,” said Colleen Hill, one of the company’s road crew. Dragon boat racing began in ancient China. A dragon boat is a long, narrow vessel that holds 20 paddlers, one drummer and one steersperson. Ms. Hill said each team should have 25 members so that three alternates are available to take turns if necessary. Here’s how it works: Three teams race at once, and after the first heat the teams are divided into fast, medium and slow divisions. As the day progresses, the teams are gradually reduced through successive heats until only the winners are left. But speed isn’t the only way to win a prize. “We have prizes for the best costumes and some teams really get into that part,” said Ms. Hill. She said she has seen teams dressed as Flying Nuns, pirates, and even men wearing women’s clothing calling themselves “The Dragon Queens.” “Some smaller companies host their annual picnic on that day so they can commandeer employees and their spouses to make up a team,” she said. “We’ve also seen families participate where n ntio Atteeshare T imwners O everyone, even the 80-year-old grandmother, is in the boat!” She said the largest event hosted by her company has seen 140 teams take part. Here the company is looking at two possible venues: racing off Kinsmen Beach, or racing off Athalmer Beach. Both venues are suitable, said Mrs. Cope. The event would go ahead rain or shine, but the only deterrent to holding the races would be if the lake was too windy, she said. She added that this is an event that will draw spectators from across Western Canada. Ultimately it will involve hundreds of volunteers from the community who want to sponsor their own Dragon Boats and help with organizing the event. Mrs. Cope said she is hoping service clubs and businesses will jump on board. Please call her at 342-4204 for more information. Send your holiday greetings to family, friends or business associates for as low as $28. Book by December 20th for Christmas Eve Edition Call 341-6299 or email: upioneer@telus.net Turn your off-shore Timeshare Liability into an Asset! We will pay up to $20,000 US when Trading your Timeshare for a Deed & Titled, Canadian Fractional, Quarter or Whole Ownership Purchase at Bighorn Meadows Resort 1-877-344-2323 Phone Number (250) 347-2323 www.bighornmeadows.ca Radium Hot Springs, British Columbia December 17, 2004 /&84 -,!JOINSCABINET #Z1JPOFFS4UBą $PMVNCJB3JWFS3FWFMTUPLF.-"8FOEZ.D.B IPOXBTTXPSOJOBT.JOJTUFSPG4UBUFGPS8PNFOT BOE4FOJPST4FSWJDFTPO8FEOFTEBZ 4IFXBTUIFPOMZOFXNFNCFSBQQPJOUFEUPDBCJ OFUBGUFSUIFGPSNFSmOBODFNJOJTUFS(BSZ$PMMJOT SFTJHOFEUPXPSLGPSBOBJSMJOFDPNQBOZBOEUISFF PUIFSDBCJOFUNFNCFSTXFSFTIVČ FE t $PMJO )BOTFO 7BODPVWFS2VJMDIFOB NPWFE GSPNIFBMUIUPmOBODF t 4IJSMFZ #POE 1SJODF (FPSHF.PVOU 3PCTPO NPWFEGSPNBEWBODFEFEVDBUJPOUPIFBMUI t *EB $IPOH 0BL #BZ(PSEPO )FBE NPWFE GSPNXPNFOTBOETFOJPSTTFSWJDFTUPBEWBODFEFEV DBUJPO ɨ BUMFGUPOFPQFOJOHGPS8FOEZ.D.BIPOXIP XBTFMFDUFEJOBOEIBTTFSWFEPOTFWFSBMQSP WJODJBMDPNNJUUFFTTJODFUIFO #FGPSFIFSFMFDUJPOTIFXBTFYFDVUJWFBTTJTUBOUUP UIF3PDLZ.PVOUBJOTDIPPMTVQFSJOUFOEFOUJO*O WFSNFSF4IFQSFWJPVTMZXPSLFEGPSBmSNPGDIBS UFSFE BDDPVOUBOUT BOE QSJPS UP UIBU GPS5PSPOUP %PNJOJPO#BOL 4IF BMTP TFSWFE PO UIF FYFDVUJWF PG UIF 3PUBSZ $MVC5PBTUNBTUFST$MVC&EEJF.PVOUBJO.FNP SJBM"SFOB'BJSNPOU)PU4QSJOHT$PNNVOJUZ"T TPDJBUJPOBOE*OWFSNFSF1VCMJD-JCSBSZ#PBSE #PSOJOJO&ENPOUPO8FOEZBOEIFSIVT CBOE #SJBO XIP NBSSJFE JO IBWF MJWFE JO 'BJSNPOU )PU 4QSJOHT TJODF ɨ FZ IBWF POF DIJME 8FOEZFOKPZTXBMLJOHBOESFBEJOH .EWPRINCIPALNAMED ATLOCALHIGHSCHOOL #Z&MJOPS'MPSFODF 1JPOFFS4UBą %BSSFO %BOZMVL XJMM CFDPNF UIF OFX QSJODJQBM PG %BWJE ɨ PNQTPO 4FDPOEBSZ 4DIPPM FĊFDUJWF +BOV BSZTU 'SFE 8PPET XIP IBT CFFO QSJODJQBM BU UIF IJHI TDIPPM TJODF 4FQUFNCFS JT MFBWJOH UP UBLF B QPTJUJPO JO QPTUTFDPOEBSZ FEVDBUJPO JO $BMHBSZ 0SJHJOBMMZGSPN1PSU.PPEZ.S%BOZMVLBU UFOEFE4JNPO'SBTFS6OJWFSTJUZBOEUIFONPWFEUP 'PSU4U+BNFTGPSZFBSTɨ FSFIFNFUBOENBS SJFEIJTXJGF#SFOEBXIPJTPSJHJOBMMZGSPN/FX GPVOEMBOEBOEUIFJSmSTUDIJME.BEFMFJOFXBTCPSO FJHIUZFBSTBHP .S%BOZMVLCFHBOUFBDIJOHBUUIJTIJHITDIPPM JO 4FQUFNCFS BOE DVSSFOUMZ TFSWFT BT WJDF QSJODJQBM"TFDPOEEBVHIUFS&NJMZXBTCPSOmWF ZFBSTBHP.ST%BOZMVLJTBMTPBTFBTPOBMFNQMPZFF BU1BSLT$BOBEB 4FBTPO(SFFUJOHTGSPN2VBMJUZ#BLFSZ t8FNBLFVOJRVF$IPDPMBUF4BOUBT t8FBSFOPXUBLJOHPSEFSTGPS$ISJTUNBT5PSUJFSF t0VS4XJTTTUZMF$ISJTUNBT$PPLJFTBSFNPTUQPQVMBS UIJTZFBS t%PDPOTJEFSPVS2VBMJUZ(JGU#BTLFUTPSDSFBUFZPVS PXO The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 3 .S %BOZMVL TBZT IFT FYDJUFE BCPVU UIJT OFX DIBMMFOHFi8FBSFCMFTTFEJOUIJTDPNNVOJUZXJUI BCFBVUJGVMIJHITDIPPMBOEJUJTOUPOMZTLJOEFFQw IFTBJEiɨ FRVBMJUZPGJOTUSVDUJPOBOEUIFQFSGPS NBODFPGPVSLJETJTGBOUBTUJDw )FTBJEUIFIJHITDIPPMJTiBIFBEPGUIFDVSWFw PO TVDI QSPWJODFXJEF JTTVFT BT SFNPWJOH KVOL GPPEGSPNWFOEJOHNBDIJOFTBOEJOTUJUVUJOHBESFTT DPEFXIJDIXJMMCFEPOFJOUIFOFXZFBS "MUIPVHI BO BWJE TDJFODF mDUJPO GBO .S %BOZMVLTBJEIFEPFTOUIBWFNVDIUJNFUPSFBE CFUXFFODPNQMFUJOHIJTNBTUFSTEFHSFFBOETQFOE JOHUJNFXJUIIJTDIJMESFOiɨ FJSJOUFSFTUTBSFNZ JOUFSFTUTw .FBOXIJMF.S8PPETUPMEɨ F1JPOFFSUIBU IJTGPVSBOEBIBMGZFBSTIFSFIBTCFFOCPUIFOKPZ BCMFBOEDIBMMFOHJOH)FTBJENBOBHJOHUIFTDIPPM JTiOPUBPOFNBOTIPXwBOEIFIBTBMXBZTBQQSFDJ BUFEUIFHPPESBQQPSUCFUXFFOUIFTDIPPMBOEUIF DPNNVOJUZ .S8PPETTQFOUMBTUXFFLNFFUJOHXJUITUV EFOUT BOE TUBĊ UP JOGPSN UIFN PG IJT EFDJTJPO UP MFBWF)FTBJEIFEJEOUXBOUUPNBLFIJTEFDJTJPO QVCMJDVOUJMUIFTDIPPMCSPLFGPS$ISJTUNBTCFDBVTF IFJTiOPUHPPEBUHPPECZFTw Radermacher Chiropractic Family Wellness Prof. Corp. Dr. Margaret Radermacher 1045B 7th Avenue. PO Box 388, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Tel: 250.342.8830 • Fax: 250.342.8835 Paradise Esthetics Studio SANTA’S SPA SPECIAL Choose any 2 of the following treatments and save 20% OFF Manicure • European Facial • Pedicure • Back treatment or 3 treatments and recieve 30% OFF Telephone 342-5601 Invermere, BC RockyTop Maintenance & Management (division of Wallnuts-R-us Inc.) Call today: (250) 342-0211 or (250) 342-0244 Emergency service available: (250) 270-0169 or (250) 688-2737 email: wallnuts@telus.net WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU THE COMMUNITY. Meet the Staff Ryan Ostashower Jamie Irvine Shop Shop Sid Yaran Kelly Podov Finisher Wood Inlayer Ken Paterson- J.R. Fleet Cabinet Maker C.E.O. Tom Noga Management and Maintenance Supervisor We are exclusively available to local and Valley residents for all phases of reno construction from foundation to finish. We do it right . . . now! 4 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer December 17, 2004 Adventures in Life and Learning Continuing Education Guide Invermere Campus 2005 Residential Construction Framing Technician R.E.S.T. NEW! Restaurant Employment Skills Training British Columbia’s recently accredited construction program, the Residential Construction Frame Technician, is scheduled to be offered at the Invermere campus starting on January 31, 2005. Accredited in 2004 by the BC Home Builders’ Association and the Industry Training Authority, this 11-month program is a competency-based, modular program providing the necessary skills to become a residential frame technician in British Columbia. Successful students obtain: • Residential Frame Construction Technician certificate from College of the Rockies (recognized by CHBA-BC and ITA) • Technical training credit for level one carpentry/apprenticeship from COTR • 22 weeks of paid work experience Graduates leave the program as certified residential framers who may be employed in the fast growing area or may fill needed carpentry apprenticeships.Trainees are linked to a job and employer as part of the on-the-job training components. The program consists of in-school and on-the-job training requirements. The 11-month program is delivered in three blocks. Transfer Credit: Upon successful completion of this program the graduates receive credit for the first-year technical training if they are indentured into an apprenticeship within one year of program completion. Note: Secondary school students may qualify for ACE IT funding support for the RCFT Program. Supplies: Students must provide safety-toed leatherwork boots, safety glasses, coveralls/carpenter’s apron, gloves, reference manual, pens, pencils, three-ring binder, calculator and paper. Students may need to purchase tools for on-the-job training. Date: Jan. 31 - Dec. 2 (44 weeks) Fee: $3326.40 Introduction to Trades The Introduction to Trades 10-week program provides students with instruction in the following trades areas: • • • • • • • This program is primarily designed as a Discovery Program to assist individuals in making career and training choices. It contains courses that, upon successful completion, result in direct credit in the Applied Business Technology Program, thereby offering the student faster advancement through the first stages of ABT (Office Administration) certificate program if the ABT program is subsequently chosen as a career training direction. Alone, this Office Skills Discovery program is intended to provide the student with employment-related skills for entry-level Front Desk and Receptionist Clerk positions in business within the region.The student may also be eligibile for some Grade 11 and/or Grade 12 credits upon successful completion of portions of the program. Date: Feb. 7-Apr. 29 Time: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Mon-Fri Fee: $748.80 + Texts EMP - Advanced Medical First Aid This 76-hour Advanced MEDIC FIRST AID curriculum offers layperson training in pre-hospital emergency care. Taking the Essential Skills of Patient Care to a higher level of assessment and care, this is a skills-intensive course with hands-on practice. This CPR/first aid emphasizes two-person emergency responses care teaching: • Assessment-based Anatomy and Physiology • Advanced Primary Assessment Cirlce of Care • Complications in Primary Care • Initial Medical and Trauma Care Prerequisites: Successfully completed the Workplace for BC Level 1/course or WCB OFA Level 1 This program helps prepare students for basic work in the trades industry and/or further education and training in a trade. Students work on a variety of practical projects and are given instruction on basic tools and safety. A variety of certificates are included in the program such as First Aid, WHMIS, Transportation of Dangerous Goods, S-100 Fire Suppression and Safety, Basic Rigging and Forklift Training. Supplies: Students must provide safety-toed leatherwork boots, safety glasses, pens, pencils, three-ring binder, calculator and paper, tape measure and work clothes (coveralls). Prerequisites: Grade 10 (Secondary School graduation with a “C” standing in English 11 and Math 11, or Intro to Math 11, or ABE Advanced Certification with Math 80 preferred) OR completion of a college assessment to determine eligibility. Jan. 31-April 15 (No classes March 25-April 3) 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Mon-Fri $756 Office Skills Discovery Program • Use of Oxygen Trades technology and computer skills Carpentry Building trades Basic welding Electrical Plumbing Timber framing Date: Time: Fee: Designed to train the individuals for work in hotels, restaurants and bars in resort-based communities.This five-week program offers eight days of hands-on training in a professional teaching kitchen covering food preparation, cooking skills and dining room service, nine days focusing on Mixology/Baretending, and includes the required restaurant industry certification such as • FoodSafe Level 1 • Serving It Right • Occupational First Aid Level 1 • WHMIS • Superhost • Customer Service Excellence Date: Jan. 11-Feb. 12 Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Mon-Fri Fee;: $475 Date #1: Jan. 8-Feb. 20 (5 weeks) Time: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat and Sun Fee: $675 text included Date #2: Feb. 28-Mar 11 (2 weeks) Time: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon-Fri Fee: $675 text included Video Conference Course BUAD 104 Principles of Management Provides an overview of management. It covers theory, process and practice of the four fundamental management skills: planning, organizing, leading and controlling; and the role of managers in organizations. Prerequisite: C in Applications or Principles of Math 11 and English 12, or equivalent Date: Time: Fee: Jan. 10-Apr. 22 6:30-9:30 p.m., Tues $256.04 + text RR#4, #2-1535-14th St., Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Phone: 342-3210 Fax: 342-9221 email: invermere@cotr.bc.ca www.cotr.bc.ca /&84 #3*&'4 3PACENEEDEDFORUSEDFURNITURE "GSFFTQBDFJTOFFEFEGPSB6TFE'VSOJUVSF%F QPUXIFSFQFPQMFDBOEPOBUFVTFEGVSOJUVSFUPCF TPMEUPSBJTFGVOETGPSTVCTJEJ[FEIPVTJOHIFSF ɨ FSFBSFNBOZIPNFPXOFSTBOEIPUFMPXOFST JO UIF WBMMFZ XIP XBOU UP TFF UIFJS VTFE GVSOJUVSF QVUUPHPPEVTFCVUBMMUPPPGUFOJUFOETVQJOUIF MBOEmMMCFDBVTFUIFSFJTOPXIFSFUPUBLFJUBOEOP XIFSFUPTUPSFJUwTBJEPSHBOJ[FS%PSPUIZ*TUFE 4IF JT UIF CPBSE DIBJS GPS B OFX PSHBOJ[BUJPO DBMMFE /FJHICPVS-JOL B CSBODI PG 8PSME 7JTJPO $BOBEB )FSF /FJHICPVS-JOL IBT CFFO GPSNFE XJUIUIFTQPOTPSTIJQPGGPVSDIVSDIFT8JOEFSNFSF "MMJBODF $ISJTU $IVSDI 5SJOJUZ 7BMMFZ $ISJTUJBO "TTFNCMZBOE3BEJVN$ISJTUJBO'FMMPXTIJQ *GZPVIBWFTQBDFUPEPOBUFDBMM 4OWNEMPLOYEESRECOGNIZED "UBTFBTPOBMHBUIFSJOHPGTUBĊBOEDPVODJMMPST .BZPS .BSL 4INJHFMTLZ QSFTFOUFE TFSWJDF BXBSET UPBOVNCFSPGUPXOFNQMPZFFT .BSL4XJOEFMMZFBST ,FJUI"OEFTUBEZFBST )FMFO,PIPSTUZFBST 3PE%VCFZFBST $PMMFFO(PPEFZZFBST #JMM5JFNBOZFBST ,FWJO4IBXZFBST &MBJOF.D%FSNJEZFBST i*UTJNQPSUBOUUIBUXFSFDPHOJ[FUIFIBSEXPSL PVSFNQMPZFFTEPGPSPVSDPNNVOJUZwIFTBJE &AMILYMOVIESOVERTHEHOLIDAYS 'BNJMZTUZMFNPWJFTXJMMCFTIPXOBUQNPO %FDBOE%FDBUUIF-BLF8JOEFSNFSF"MMJ BODF$IVSDIUPSBJTFNPOFZGPSUIF$PMVNCJB7BM MFZGPS3PNBOJBO8PSME7JTJPOQSPKFDU"ENJTTJPO CZEPOBUJPOPOMZ.PWJFTBSFNJOVUFTMPOHBOE TVJUBCMFGPSBMMBHFT1PQDPSOBOEKVJDFBWBJMBCMF &OODBANKBENElTTHIS3UNDAY 3FNFNCFS4VOEBZBGUFSOPPOJTUIF'PPE#BOL CFOFmUDPODFSUBUUIF-BLFTJEF1VCGSPNUP QN4FBO$SPOJO.PSHBO$IJMETBOEPUIFSNVTJ DBMQFSGPSNFSTXJMMFOUFSUBJOZPVGPSUIFQSJDFPGB GPPEJUFNPSBDBTIEPOBUJPOUPUIFGPPECBOLɨ JT JTUIFGPVSUIZFBSGPSUIJTTVDDFTTGVMFWFOU "OOKDONATIONFROM-USLIMS ɨ F *OWFSNFSF 1VCMJD -JCSBSZ IBT SFDFJWFE B SFTPVSDF QBDLBHF GSPN UIF #$ .VTMJN "TTPDJB UJPOJODMVEJOHBCPPLDBMMFEiɨ F$PNQMFUF*EJPUT (VJEFUP6OEFSTUBOEJOH*TMBNw ɨ FQBDLBHFJODMVEFTCPUIBEVMUBOEDIJMESFOT CPPLT BT XFMM BT BVEJP DBTTFUUFT BOE WJEFPT IJHI MJHIUJOH*TMBNTDVTUPNTBOEUSBEJUJPOT ɨ F .VTMJN "TTPDJBUJPOT JO $BOBEB IBWF EJT USJCVUFEQBDLBHFTUPMJCSBSJFTJOBOFĊPSUUP DPNCBUEJTDSJNJOBUJPOBHBJOTU.VTMJNQFPQMF ɨ FMJCSBSJBOTXFSFIBQQZUPSFDFJWFUIFEPOBUFE NBUFSJBMBOEIPQFUIBUQVCMJDMJCSBSZVTFSTXJMMVTF UIFNUPCFDPNFCFUUFSJOGPSNFE The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 5 December 17, 2004 Columbia Valley Christmas Bureau volunteers got together Wednesday at the Invermere Community Centre to pack 144 hampers for needy families. 4HIEFSMASHES NATIVITYSCENE #Z&MJOPS'MPSFODF 1JPOFFS4UBą 4PNFPOF UISFX B KBHHFE DIVOL PGDPODSFUFUISPVHIUIFGSPOUEJTQMBZ XJOEPXBU4FMLJSL57FBSMZPOFNPSO JOHMBTUXFFLFOETPIBSEUIBUTIBSETPG HMBTTXFSFGPVOEBMNPTUBUUIFSFBSPG UIFTUPSF #VU XIFO UIF DSJNJOBM QVU IJT MFH UISPVHI UIF CSPLFO XJOEPX IF TUFQQFE PO B QMBUGPSN CFBSJOH UIF TUPSFT CFBVUJGVM /BUJWJUZ TDFOF ɨ F QMBUGPSN DPMMBQTFE BOE UIF DFSBNJD mHVSFTGFMMUPUIFnPPSNPTUPGUIFN TNBTIJOHJOUPQJFDFT ɨ F UIJFG UIFO BCBOEPOFE IJT BU UFNQU UP FOUFS UIF TUPSF *OTUFBE IF SFBDIFE UISPVHI UIF CSPLFO XJOEPX BOE HSBCCFE B QJFDF PG FMFDUSPOJD FRVJQNFOUPĊUIFOFBSFTUTIFMG i*EPOULOPXIPXBOZCPEZDPVME UIJOL PG USZJOH UP DSBXM UISPVHI UIF XJOEPXwTBJEPXOFS%PO.BUIFTPO iɨ FQJFDFTPGHMBTTIBOHJOHGSPNUIF FEHFTXFSFBTTIBSQBTTXPSETw *U JT OPU LOPX XIBU EFUFSSFE UIF UIJFGXIFUIFSJUXBTUIFCSPLFOHMBTT UIF GFBS PG BO BMBSN TZTUFN PS UIF TJHIU PG UIF OBUJWJUZ mHVSFT MJUUFSJOH UIFnPPS i8IBU XBT SFBMMZ TUSBOHF JT UIBU UIF mHVSFT PG .BSZ BOE #BCZ +FTVT XFSFJOUBDUw.S.BUIFTPOTBJEi&W FSZUIJOH FMTF XBT CSPLFO JODMVEJOH UIFUISFFXJTFNFO*HVFTTZPVDPVME TBZUIBUUIFXJTFNFOSFBMMZMPTUUIFJS IFBETXIFOUIFZTBXBMVNQPGDPO DSFUFnZJOHUISPVHIUIFXJOEPXw ɨ F CSPLFO XJOEPX XBT TQPUUFE TPPOBGUFSCZBNBOXIPXBTPVUGPS IJTFBSMZNPSOJOHXBMLBOEUIF3$.1 XFSFDBMMFEUPUIFTDFOFɨ FJOWFTUJHB UJPOJTDPOUJOVJOH .S .BUIFTPO IBT QBJOTUBLJOHMZ HMVFEBMMUIFmHVSFTCBDLUPHFUIFSBOE UIF/BUJWJUZTDFOFJTCBDLJOJUTVTVBM QMBDFɨ F EPVCMFQBOFE XJOEPX IBT CFFO SFQMBDFE UFNQPSBSJMZ CZ B TIFFU PGQMZXPPE to all of d a happy new year an as Xm ry er m ry a ve omers our friends and cust 4TH ANNUAL LAKESIDE INN FOODBANK BENIFIT CONCERT SUNDAY DECEMBER 19 TH ic bruce’s fantast join us for chef ch d sunday brun lunch buffets an 10 % OFF every Day for each $50 in purchases some restrictions apply MEAT DRAW every Saturday PM Main Course dish of $40 + Value drawn from till receipts entered throughout the week. XBUFS FBDI EBZ UP FOTVSF UIF USFF JT XFMMXBUFSFE $IPPTFBTVJUBCMFMPDBUJPOGPSZPVS USFF XFMM BXBZ GSPN IFBUJOH TPVSDFT BOEDMFBSPGBMMFYJUT Write name, phone # and address on sales receipt Draw will be made every Saturday am - every week all winter long winner will recieve equal value of till tape in FREE GROCERIES Located at: 7546 Main Street East Radium, BC Phone: 347-9600 Fax: 347-9610 Open 7 Days A Week 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM Christmas Sale +EEPINGYOURTREEFRESH *OWFSNFSF'JSF3FTDVFUPPLBUPVS UISPVHIUIFOFX$PMVNCJB)PVTFFY UFOTJPO EVSJOH UIFJS SFHVMBS QSBDUJDF UIJTXFFL )FSFBSFTPNFmSFTBGFUZUJQTGSPN UIFDSFX #FGPSFCVZJOHBUSFFUFTUGPSGSFTI OFTT CZ UBQQJOH UIF CBTF PG UIF USFF POUIFHSPVOEPSQVMMJOHMJHIUMZPOB MJNC*GNBOZOFFEMFTGBMMPĊPSOFF EMFT DBO FBTJMZ CF QVMMFE PĊ UIF USFF JTUPPESZ ,FFQZPVSUSFFBTGSFTIBTQPTTJCMF CZQMBDJOHUIFTUVNQPGUIFUSFFJOB CVDLFUPGXBUFSPVUPGEPPSTVOUJMZPV BSFSFBEZUPEFDPSBUF #FGPSF TFUUJOH VQ UIF USFF JOTJEF UIFIPVTFUSJNUXPJODIFTPĊUIFTUFN EJBHPOBMMZTPJUDBOBCTPSCXBUFS .PVOUUIFUSFFTFDVSFMZJOBMBSHF XJEFCBTFE SFTFSWPJS TUBOE BOE BEE GROCERY GIVEAWAY Call Dale at 342-3004 Great Selection! CLOTHING 30% - 50% off SHOES 30% off GREAT DEALS ON GOLF CLUBS Open Tuesday to Saturday 10 am - 3 pm Now to Christmas TAYLORMADE • COBRA ADAMS • FOOTJOY • ADIDAS 6 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer December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mUPG$PMVNCJB3JWFS3FWFMTUPLF (PSEPO$BNQCFMMLFFQTUFMMJOHVTUIBU#SJUJTI $PMVNCJBJTmOBMMZTUSFOHUIFOJOHBGUFSZFBSTPGNJT NBOBHFNFOU CZ UIF /%1 8JUI BOOPVODFNFOUT TVDIBTUIJTPOF#SJUJTI$PMVNCJBJTEFmOJUMZGBDJOH BCSJHIUFSGVUVSF "&'JTIFS4UPSFEPXOUPXO*OWFSNFSF )JTUPSJDBMQIPUPGSPNUIF&EF$PMMFDUJPO $ONTWAITTOOLONGTOVISITOLDFRIENDS #Z#PC&EF %VSJOH IJHI TDIPPM * QBMMFE BSPVOEXJUIBHSPVQPGLJETUIBUIBE BSFQVUBUJPOGPSCFJOHNJTDIJFWPVT*U XBTOUFBTZUPTJUTUJMMBMMEBZJOTDIPPM TPXFXPSLFEJOTUFBEBUIBWJOHGVO 8FFLFOETGPVOEVTBUPVSGBWPV SJUF QMBDFT JO UIF CVTI PS CFTJEF UIF $PMVNCJB 3JWFS TJOHJOH TPOHT UFMM JOH TUPSJFT ESJOLJOH CFFS BOE TIPX JOHPĊGPSUIFHJSMT.PTUPGVTNBEF JU UISPVHI PVS UFFOT NJSBDVMPVTMZ XJUI OPUIJOH NPSF UIBO B GFX DVUT BOECSVJTFTBOEUIFPEECSPLFOCPOF 8FIBEBGFFMJOHPGJOWJODJCJMJUZ8JUI IJOETJHIU XF XFSF MVDLZ 1FPQMF TBZ UIBU UIF GSJFOETIJQT XF IBWF EVSJOH The ZPVUIBSFUIFTUSPOHFTUJOBMJGFUJNF "GUFS IJHI TDIPPM UIF HSPVQ HSBEVBMMZEJTTPMWFE4PNFPGVTXFOU UPTDIPPM4PNFXFOUUPXPSL4PNF HPUNBSSJFEBOETUBSUFEGBNJMJFT"TB HSPVQXFTUJMMHPUUPHFUIFSPDDBTJPO BMMZCVUBTUJNFXFOUPOUIFUJNFTCF DBNFGFXFS4PNFPGVTIBEOPUTFFO FBDIPUIFSGPSUXFOUZZFBSTVOUJMMBTU XFFL XF SFDFJWFE UIF TBE OFXT UIBU POFPGPVSGSJFOET3PC%BOJFMTIBE QBTTFE BXBZ TVEEFOMZ BU UIF ZPVOH BHFPG 8FBMMMPPLFEVQUP3PCJOIJHI TDIPPM)FIBEBQBSUUJNFKPCBU4V QFS7BMVF4VQFSNBSLFUJO*OWFSNFSF BOEXBTUIFmSTUUPIBWFIJTPXOOFX WFIJDMF .PSF UIBO UIBU IPXFWFS IF XBTUIFGSJFOEUIBULFQUUIFHSPVQUP HFUIFS 8JUI IJT TIBSQ CVU HPPEOB UVSFETFOTFPGIVNPVSBOEHFOFSPTJUZ IFMFEUIFXBZXJUIPVUBTLJOHGPSBOZ UIJOHJOSFUVSO3PCXBTNPSFTFOTJCMF UIBO NBOZ PG VT CBDL UIFO BOE XBT XJMMJOH UP MFOE B IFMQJOH IBOE XJUI PVUCFJOHBTLFE -BTU XFFLFOE XF HBUIFSFE UP NPVSO BOE QBZ USJCVUF UP 3PC "M UIPVHIJUIBECFFOBMPOHUJNFTJODF NBOZ PG VT IBE TFFO FBDI PUIFS UIF GSJFOETIJQTQJDLFEVQXIFSFUIFZMFGU PĊXJUIPVUNJTTJOHBCFBU 8F TQFOU UIF EBZ BOE JOUP UIF OJHIU SFNJOJTDJOH BCPVU UJNFT TQFOU XJUI 3PC 3PCT PME GSJFOET NJOHMFE XJUI IJT OFX ɨ F HBUIFSJOH XBT OPU NPSPTFJUXBTmMMFEXJUIMBVHIUFSBT XFSFMBUFEUBMFTBOEMJTUFOFEUP3PCT GBWPSJUF NVTJD 8F BMM DPNNFOUFE UIBUIFXPVMEIBWFMPWFETFFJOHFWFSZ POFUPHFUIFSIBWJOHBHPPEUJNF ɨ SPVHIPVUUIFFWFOJOH*DPVMEOU IFMQ CVU LJDL NZTFMG GPS OPU IBWJOH LFQU JO UPVDI XJUI NZ PME GSJFOET 0VS GSJFOE $MJĊ ,PIPSTU TQPLF GPS FWFSZPOF XIFO IF TBJE KPLJOHMZ CVU XJUIUSVUIGVMQSFDJTJPOi*UTHSFBUTFF JOH FWFSZCPEZ CVU JUT 3PC *E IBWF MJLFEUPTFFUIFNPTUw 1FSIBQT B QFSTPO TIPVME OFWFS XBJUUPPMPOHUPCFDPNFSFBDRVBJOUFE XJUIHPPEGSJFOET ɨ BOLT GPS FWFSZUIJOH 3PC SFTU XFMM#VEEZ Upper Columbia P IONEER JTJOEFQFOEFOUMZPXOFEBOEPQFSBUFEBOE JTQVCMJTIFEXFFLMZCZ)FJO[%SFXT"TTPDJBUFT-UE #PYUI"WFOVF*OWFSNFSF#$7", 1IPOF 5PMM'SFF 'BY &NBJMVQJPOFFS!UFMVTOFU ɨ FNBUFSJBMXSJUUFOPSBSUJTUJDNBZOPUCFSFQSJOUFEPSFMFDUSPOJDBMMZSFQSPEVDFEJOBOZXBZXJUIPVUUIFXSJUUFO DPOTFOUPGUIFQVCMJTIFSɨ FPQJOJPOTBOETUBUFNFOUTJOBSUJDMFTDPMVNOTBOEBEWFSUJTJOHBSFOPUOFDFTTBSJMZ UIPTFPGUIFQVCMJTIFSPSTUBĊPGɨ F6QQFS$PMVNCJB1JPOFFS*UJTBHSFFECZBOZEJTQMBZBEWFSUJTFSSFRVFTUJOH TQBDFUIBUUIFOFXTQBQFSTSFTQPOTJCJMJUZJGBOZGPSFSSPSTPSPNJTTJPOTPGBOZLJOEJTMJNJUFEUPUIFBNPVOUQBJE GPSCZUIFBEWFSUJTFSGPSUIBUQPSUJPOPGUIFTQBDFBTPDDVQJFECZUIFJODPSSFDUJUFNBOEUIFSFTIBMMCFOPMJBCJMJUZ JOBOZFWFOUHSFBUFSUIBOUIFBNPVOUQBJEGPSUIFBEWFSUJTFNFOU %LINOR&LORENCE "OB%DE ,ISA%DE $AVE3UTHERLAND 0UBLISHER %DITOR -ANAGER 3ALES!SSOCIATE The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 7 December 17, 2004 Letters to the Editor ‘Jumbo will carve away heli-ski’s territory’ Dear Editor: Politicians and promoters have a way of spinning numbers around to say just about anything, but sometimes they go too far and insult our intelligence. In a recent letter to the citizens of the East Kootenays, Grant Costello, one of Jumbo’s promoters, committed just such an insult to our intelligence. Mr. Costello suggested that the fact that only 793 residents expressed formal opposition to his project means that the other 98.6 percent actually support the exploitation of the Jumbo Valley. Applying this same logic, Mr. Costello might conclude that the participation of only 1.0 million Canadians in the armed forces in World War II means that the other 83 percent of the population actually supported the Nazis. Politician George Abbott also spun figures around in his announcement of the issuance of an Environmental Assessment Certificate for Jumbo Glacier Resort. He suggested that the Jumbo Valley represented only 4 percent of the skiable terrain in RK Heli-ski’s tenure area. What he failed to point out is that only 9 percent of RK’s tenure is skiable. The Jumbo Valley therefore represents 41 percent of the available ski terrain and 100 percent of RK’s bad-weather terrain. Both the promoters and the politicians have failed to explain why, with 98 percent of public lands in the province unencumbered by tenure, they are trying to carve a ski area out of the prime ski terrain of a 35-year old company which pioneered heli-skiing, a sport which now generates over $100 million annually for the province. Jim Younker, Invermere ‘MLA under attack’ Dear Editor: Throughout the riding the local NDP candidate has been asserting that our MLA, Wendy McMahon, has been ineffective. Where has he been for the past few years? How can he ignore the fact that during Wendy’s term as MLA, our economy has made a dramatic turnaround and is now thriving despite circumstances such as the softwood lumber dispute, SARs, 9/11, mad cow and avian flu? As a result, we are now in a better position to afford and sustain the level of government services we all desire. In his willingness to spew the propaganda from NDP headquarters, he conveniently ignores the fact that his own community, Golden, is the recipient of the largest single infrastructure project in the province! Why does he choose not to acknowledge the improvements to the Trans-Canada Highway that will make for safer travel for our loved ones and lead to further economic development? Why can he not give credit where it is due? How can anyone trust a candidate who blatantly disregards the truth and makes unfair personal attacks? Contrary to the NDP candidate’s assessment, Wendy McMahon as served the riding and the province well. In addition to her normal duties as MLA, she has spent countless hours listening to the wishes of British Columbians. She is currently a member of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and past-chair of the Select Standing Committee on Education. She was a member of the Task Force on Mining and served on Team B.C. Softwood Lumber Consultation Committee. She is currently a member of the Government Committees on Women and Economy on Government Services. She is a member and past chair of the Kootenay Caucus. Perhaps most significantly, her peers have recognized her talents by electing her to the prestigious and influential position, chair of Caucus. Through such participation and her constant advocacy, Ms. McMahon has vigorously represented this riding and interests critical to its residents. Too bad the NDP candidate ignores the facts and fails to give our hardworking MLA the credit she deserves. But what else should we expect? If he sticks to the facts and gives Wendy the recognition she deserves, what hope would he have of replacing her? Rick Jarrett, Invermere ‘Santa gave us what we wanted’ Dear Editor: sat on any Santa’s knee). The only thing that was missing was the question: “What do you want for Christmas?’ Little did we know that he already knew the answer. We entered the dining room and there was our gift. What a GREAT turkey and ham meal with all the trimmings, to top it off, a cheerful server brought us pie and coffee. Thanks to all the sponsors and all the people who made this a great kick-start to the Christmas season. God Bless and very Merry Christmas to all. I thought I should write about an event that took place at Copper Point Golf Club on Sunday, December 5. This was not a world-shattering or maybe not even a front-page event because there was no crime involved, unless of course, overfeeding a multitude can fall into that category. From the time that the wind blew me through the front door I was sure I had been mistaken for some VIP until I discovered that everybody there received the same treatment. Before I recovered from this shock, Santa motioned to my wife Betty and myself to pose with him for a photo (first time we Earl Pederson, Fairmont NoTheBones About It Perfect Gift Solution Boneless Eye of Round $3.98 lb Boneless Strip Loins $5.48 lb Boneless Chicken Breast 4kg Box $32.54 (Safeway Brand) Boneless Pork Loins $2.98 lb All Beef from Canada Grade “A” or Better Redstreak Discount Foods 7567 Main St. W. Radium Hot Springs Phone 347-9526 North Region Canal Flats Area Advertisement Notice Pursuant to Section 25 of the Operational Planning Regulation of the Forest practices Code of B.C. Act, Tembec Industries Inc. is submitting Amendment #34 to the 2002 - 2006 Forest Development Plan for F.L. A16978 in the Invermere Forest District. This Amendment is to facilitate harvesting and Road Construction for bark beetle infested timber in the Mt. Glenn area. The Forest Development Plan Amendment will be available for public review and comment from December 6th, 2004 to January 5th, 2005 (20 working days). To make arrangements to view the Forest Development plan please contact Barry Benson, R.P.F. (250) 349-5294 ext. 103 or Glen Kovacic R.P.F. (250) 349-5294 ext. 127 at the Canal Flats Woodlands Office, 9006 Grainger Road, Canal Flats, B.C. Concerns and comments must be provided in writing by January 5th, 2005 to Barry Benson at our Woodlands Area Office in Canal Flats. 8 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer December 17, 2004 YOUTH KIDS SPEAK What did you like best about music teacher Linda Gordon? “Not only did we sing in her class, but we got to dance. She introduced a sense of beat to a lot of people.” Hannah Bilodeau Grade 11, DTSS “She sang very nicely and we got to play lots of games in her class.” Victoria Bukovnik Grade 6, Laird “She taught us Canadian songs.” Patrick Dibb Grade 8, DTSS “She made everyone feel special because we all had our own unique talent.” Breanne Shaw Grade 9, DTSS Music teacher Linda Gordon retires; Grade Three class bids her farewell Linda Gordon brought a sense of playfulness to work. Gingerbread Church wins first place in province The following piece was written Oats and Beans and Barley Grow, and submitted by Mrs. Carol a song and dance that are a HarZehnder’s Grade 3 class at Ei- vest Fest tradition. leen Madson Primary School. Mrs. Gordon is also responsible for the Bird Festival every Linda Gordon, music teacher spring. Every class gets to learn at Eileen Madson Primary School, about a kind of bird while singing likes to recognize lost teeth and and dancing. She gets everyone haircuts by singing special songs. in the school to work together to This is only one of the things that make this a special day. students in our class will rememBut the biggest event of all ber about Mrs. Gordon, a very is the annual Christmas concert. kind person. Mrs. Gordon always manages to Carson Tomalty says: “Even create an extraordinary concert. if people look or act different, she She brings the Christmas spirit to treats them all the same.” the school and makes many of the Levi Konchak says: “When- teachers cry because she gets the ever I make mistakes, she just children singing so beautifully. smiles and says, ‘It’s okay.’” There are many songs we will Sawyer Logan adds: “You never be able to sing without have to be really bad to make thinking about Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Gordon mad.” including: The First Noel, One Mrs. Gordon works hard to Little Candle, and The Best That plan and organize many special I Can Be. “Some of the songs she events at our school. Every fall teaches us are very emotional,” she puts together the Harvest says Connor Callaghan. Fest. None of us will ever forget Mrs. Gordon started teach- With Christmas time rolling around, many high school students are testing out their baking skills and making gingerbread houses. But for students Kris Weller, Jeremy Welsh, Jason Harvey and teacher Fritz Reisle, making just a plain old gingerbread house wasn’t enough to show off their skills. Taking four weeks to accom- plish, the boys created a replica of the Stolen Church that stands one-twelfth its actual size, built to scale. The church is perfect in every way, from the open beam design to the “hardwood floors” and tiny pews. After spending every spare minute working on this entirely edible structure, their hard work paid off when ing at Eileen Madson Primary in 1989. Many children in our community have been lucky enough to have Mrs. Gordon as a music teacher. Sadly, Mrs. Gordon has decided to retire after Christmas this year. Many students and teachers are disappointed that our kind music teacher is leaving our school. “I feel really sad because she was such a great music teacher,” says Randie Raven. “I will miss her because she is a great piano teacher and she has great songs,” says Jordan Messerli. “I will miss her because she has a beautiful singing voice and she is good with handling kids,” says Zac Saunders. Mrs. Gordon plans to do a lot of traveling with her husband. We hope she will have fun on her travels and that she will learn lots of new songs. they received first place out of over one hundred entries at a gingerbread competition down at the coast. Although it was a quick trip with many obstacles to face, including actually getting the gingerbread church to the competition, the boys came back with their heads held high. Great job, guys! The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 9 December 17, 2004 ‘I know I got off lucky’ Black ice causes By Brian McLaughlin A funny thing happened to me on the way to the District office to sign some papers. While I was watching all the people being pulled over for not wearing their seat belts at the new four-way stop on 13th Avenue, I was oblivious to the fact that my insurance had expired a few days previously. I felt smug as all get-out, fingering my seat belt and remembering how to navigate a four-way stop. Then that dreaded bent finger of the police officer instructed me to park my truck on the side of the road. What flashed through my mind was: they’re singling out people to say something like: “Hey, fella, thanks for wearing your seat belt, because seat belts save lives!” Instead, I got a ticket for $590 for driving an uninsured vehicle, plus a $109 fine for having a vehicle license that was expired, and finally, no, I could not go down to the insurance office and get the sticker, as my vehicle now must be towed off the street. As the officer gave me the ticket and explained how I could save $25 by paying within 30 days, and that all I was signing was that I received the ticket and not necessarily admitting guilt, I was looking at the total fines and thinking relatively evil thoughts, actions and whatever I could under my breath. Then the officer said: “Look on the bright side, you haven’t hit, injured or killed anybody while you were driving without insurance.” And he was absolutely correct. I was getting off lucky. Had I been in an accident, I may have been in a position to kiss goodbye to everything that Liz and I had saved and built up over the last 20 some years. Our house, our possessions, and our savings for our kids’ education, gone, wiped out in a flash. So I bit my lip, thanked him for his diligence and proceeded to wait for the tow truck. I was hoping that when the tow truck came, perhaps I would know the driver and ask to have the truck towed to the insurance agency so that I could get insurance and be on my way. What to do on a Friday morning, with a $700plus ticket and trying to figure out how to tell Liz that our vacation may be curtailed this year due to lack of available funds? Well, I watched how the four-way stop worked. What was the most striking is that many older (not young) drivers do not have the proper road sense to deal with a four-way stop. It got so bad at one point that an officer actually had to point to individual drivers and say yes, it was their turn to move through the stop sign. Just think, if drivers cannot remember who has the right-of-way for a four-way stop, then can you really trust them to remember who has the rightof-way when merging or crossing onto highways? I watched as the police gave out some six to eight tickets for seat belt violations to people driving their kids to school. One of the officers identified a car that had gone through the intersection for the third time that morning. So that meant that three kids were driven to school at different times. Then Don came from Club Towing. He did a very professional job of securing my vehicle and thankfully, he took pity on me and towed me to my insurance broker. I have paid my fine, I have insured my truck, and I have over 700 good reasons never to forget to pay my insurance again. The last word goes to my son Russell who said: “Brian, that was totally avoidable and you have nobody to blame but yourself, so live with it.” Please watch for tow trucks By Don Clowers, Chairman Columbia Valley Towing Association The Columbia Valley Towing Association would like at this time to remind all our drivers out on our highways to drive with a great deal of care. Our winter months are again upon us all, and this time of the year is most dangerous for the emergency crews that are required to work on our roadways. We have found that there is a growing trend of drivers on the road that are showing little or no respect for emergency crews working at a scene. It is so important to remember that when you see flashing lights of any colour, slow down, move over and stop. And if you are coming into a scene, slow down and be ready to stop. It is very dangerous in the winter months for towing operators operating recovery unit on the highway. Most people do not respect amber flashing lights and this is a major problem when we are doing a recovery of any size vehicle out of the ditch. When you, as the driver of any vehicle, see Red Traffic Flares, Red Lights, Blue Lights, Amber Lights or White Lights flashing, do us a favor - slow down, watch for a traffic control person, and be prepared to stop. We have asked to have a light color change for all recovery units, but to this date we have heard nothing from the B.C. government in charge of this issue. The Towing Association has written MLA Wendy McMahon and again, we have heard nothing. Someone will have to get injured or killed before the government will look at this problem. Recovery vehicles at times must block half the highway or even all the highway to get a recovery done. Drivers much watch and be aware of the signs that the towing firm puts out with orange flags on top of the signs. The signs will tell you what you need you to do. Traffic control personnel look after doing the traffic. They look after your safety and also our safety. Public safety is our responsibility, and our safety is your responsibility. Be aware of what is going on when you drive. Vehicles you need to watch for: Snow Plows, Sand Trucks, Police Cars, Ambulances, Tow Trucks, Fire Rescue. Let us all go home safe! Kidz Quiz Corner Question: These animals live both on land and in water. What are they? Question from McWiz Jr. Trivia Game Correct answer to last week’s question - Mercury. Bring the correct answer into The Monkey’s Uncle for a chance to win a great prize! Name: __________________________________________________________ Age: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: _ ________________________________________________________ Answer: _ _______________________________________________________ three accidents By Elinor Florence Pioneer Staff Black ice near Fairmont Hot Springs created pandemonium last Saturday morning as three vehicles hit the ditch within 30 minutes. “It was so slick that when you tried to stand on the road, the breeze could cause you to slide across the pavement,” said RCMP Const. Rob Weaver. He said the first vehicle, a white Sports Utility Vehicle, was travelling north at 8:15 a.m. when it came down the hill just south of Dutch Creek Road, skidded across the centre line and rolled into the ditch. One person in the vehicle was injured and an ambulance from Invermere was called. Within ten minutes, another white Sports Utility Vehicle was driving just north of Fairmont, when it also skidded on black ice, crossed the centre line and plunged into the ditch. When the ambulance approached Fairmont from the north, the paramedics spotted the second vehicle in the ditch at 8:47 a.m. and assumed it was their destination. But when the ambulance tried to stop, it, too, crossed the centre line and plunged about 10 metres down the bank. One of the paramedics suffered an injured foot. An ambulance was dispatched from Kimberley to attend the first accident; and another ambulance was dispatched from Golden to attend the paramedic in the Invermere ambulance. Meanwhile trucks arrived to put gravel on the road and the dangerous road conditions were corrected. “It could have been a lot worse,” said Const. Weaver. “All three vehicles crossed the centre line so it’s a good thing nobody was seriously hurt.” Wanna Play? fun & games Your connection for the largest section and best price around! XBOX PS2 GAMECUBE & all the older stuff too! Here’s wishing you a most magical holiday season. 342-0301 Invermere Two Can Dine For $899 2 - Double Cheeseburgers 2 - Small Fries 2 - Small Soft Drinks sponsored by: the nkey’s o M Uncle TOY & GIFT c •o •m •p •a •n •y Main Street, Invermere 342-2515 “Bring in your Pano lift pass for 10% OFF” Offer valid only with this coupon. One coupon per person, per visit. Not valid with other coupons or special offers. Coupons must be presented at time of purchase. Offer expires December 31. 2004. Offer only valid at the DQ Restaurant, 350 Laurier Street, Invermere. 10 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer December 17, 2004 FENDER • GIBSON • BEHRINGER • PEAVEY 342-6111 8th Ave., Invermere (near Peppiʼs Pizzeria) 4OWNSTUCKBETWEEN ACREEKANDAHARDPLACE Free Estimates • Reasonable Rates • Satisfaction Guaranteed Your Private Connection We specialize in: • Carpet & Window Cleaning • Janitorial Services • Car Upholstery Cleaning DARRYL STETTLER Business Administrator Phone 250-342-7622 Fax 250-342-0488 Farside Pub December Entertainment Dec. 17 & 18 Dec. 29 Dec. 31 Redfish Open Mike Finagin (New Yearʼs Eve- No cover!) Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials Sunday: Tuesday: Free Pool Karaoke Many thanks to all of the individuals and businesses who so generously contributed towards The Invermere Public Library Silent Auction. Rotary Club of Invermere Bob Pearce Eagle Ranch Golf Course Portabellaʼs Restaurant Windermere Valley Golf Course Monkeyʼs Uncle Toy Store Riverside Golf Course Dale Thomson Panorama Mountain Village Mike Bradford Back Door Wine Cellar Chris and Jackie Marshall Mary Mckenna Kicking Horse Coffee Jim Coy Fairmont Hot Springs Resort Achim Lohse Isabella Dailly Alice Breeze Colleen Fynn Alice Hale Fred and Dorothy Blunden Radium Golf Resort Dave Sutherland Shirley Swan Grey Wolf Golf Course Your support is greatly appreciated. "ȪWȪ̢ͩOHέ ґOΝӮǑOȠҕΝOH 2ND ANNUAL Community Carol Sing in benefit of the Columbia Valley Food Bank Dec. 17th - 7:00 pm (be early) Meet at Higher Ground Coffee in Radium Candles, song sheets, foods, drinks are provided. Donation in cash or kind please for the Food Bank. Sponsored by Radium Hot Springs Rotary Club #Z&MJOPS'MPSFODF 1JPOFFS4UBą 8IBUXBTPODFBEVTUZSVSBM SPBEVTFECZBIBOEGVMPGSBODI FST JT BCPVU UP CFDPNF B USBOT QPSUBUJPO SPVUF GPS UIPVTBOET PG WFIJDMFTBOEBNBKPSIFBEBDIFGPS UIFUPXOPG*OWFSNFSF 6OUJMSFDFOUMZ+PIOTUPO3PBE EJEOU FWFO CFMPOH UP UIF UPXO *UXBTPXOFEBOENBJOUBJOFECZ UIFQSPWJODF#VUXIFOUIFUPXOT CPVOEBSJFT FYQBOEFE UP JODMVEF UIF OFX EFWFMPQNFOU PG $BT UMF3PDLBOEBDSFTPG$SPXO MBOE LOPXO BT -PU UIF UPXO BMTP JOIFSJUFE BCPVU UISFF LJMPNFUSFT PG +PIOTUPO 3PBE GSPN 8FTUTJEF 3PBE UP UIF PME .BD*OUPTI3BODIUVSOPĊ ɨ FEJMFNNBOPXJTXIBUUP EPXJUIJU ɨ FSPBEXJOETCFUXFFOUXP TUFFQCBOLTJOBOBUVSBMHVMMZDSF BUFECZ"CFM$SFFLBTJUSVOTGSPN 1BEEZ3ZBO-BLFTEPXOUP-BLF 8JOEFSNFSF *G UIF SPBE JT XJEFOFE BOE QBWFE UIF DPOTUSVDUJPO XPVME DPTUNPSFUIBOUIFUBYQBZFSTDBO BĊPSE o BOE JU XPVME EFTUSPZ "CFM$SFFLBTUSFBNCFBSJOHCPUI USPVUBOETBMNPO #VUJGMFGUJOJUTDVSSFOUTUBUF JU QSFTFOUT B TFSJPVT TBGFUZ JTTVF OPXUIBU$BTUMF3PDLDPOUSBDUPST BSFVTJOH+PIOTUPO3PBEUPBDDFTT UIFOFXEFWFMPQNFOUWJBUIFPME .BD*OUPTIUVSOPĊ "OE UIF USBċ D TJUVBUJPO JT POMZHPJOHUPHFUXPSTFBTEFWFM PQNFOUHSPXT i$BTUMF3PDL XJMM TFF OFX IPNFT BOE DVS SFOUMZUIFUPXOPG*OWFSNFSF IBTBCPVUIPNFTw &WFSZPOFPGUIFEP[FO+PIO TUPO3PBESFTJEFOUTXIPBUUFOEFE BSFDFOUNFFUJOHXJUIDPVODJMIBE TJNJMBS TUPSJFT UPP NVDI DPO TUSVDUJPO USBċ D UPP NBOZ CMJOE DPSOFST BOE UPP NBOZ GSJHIUFO JOHMZDMPTFDBMMT $PVODJMMPS#PC$BNQTBMMFY QMBJOFE UIBU UIF $BTUMF3PDL EF WFMPQFSTPSJHJOBMMZXBOUFEUPVTF +PIOTUPO3PBEBTUIFJSNBJOBD DFTTCVUJOBOFĊPSUUPTBWF"CFM $SFFL DPVODJM JOTJTUFE UIBU UIFZ CVJME B OFX BDDFTT SPBE ɨ FZ DIPTFUPCVJMEJUVQUIFGSPOUPG UIFNPVOUBJOPĊ8FTUTJEF3PBE PWFS-PU i$BTUMF3PDL XJMM TFF OFX IPNFT CVJMU BOE DVSSFOUMZ UIFUPXOPG*OWFSNFSFIBTBCPVU IPNFTw $PVODJMMPS #PC $BNQTBMM UPME UIF NFFUJOH i8F XFSFUSZJOHUPLFFQ"CFM$SFFLBT HSFFOTQBDFJOXIBUXJMMPOFEBZ CFDPNFUIFNJEEMFPG*OWFSNFSFT FYQBOEJOHSFTJEFOUJBMBSFBw #VU OPX UIBU UIF OFX SPBE JT CVJMU DPVODJM EPFTOU IBWF UIF QPXFS UP GPSDF QFPQMF UP VTF JU 5PP NBOZ DPOUSBDUPST MPPL BU UIFTUFFQHSBEFBOETOFBLBSPVOE UIFCBDLXBZJOTUFBEoDSFBUJOHB TBGFUZ IB[BSE BOE QPVOEJOH UIF HSBWFMSPBEUPQJFDFT +PIOTUPO 3PBE SFTJEFOUT BHSFFEUIFCFTUTPMVUJPOXPVMECF BUIJSESPBEPOFUIBUXPVMEDPNF JOGSPNCFIJOE1JOFSJEHF iɨ F UPXO EPFTOU IBWF UIF BVUIPSJUZ UP FYQSPQSJBUF UIJT QSPQFSUZ GPS B SPBEw $PVODJMMPS #PC$BNQTBMMTBJEi8FIBWFUP XBJU VOUJM TPNFPOF BQQMJFT GPS B EFWFMPQNFOUQFSNJUBOEUIFOXF DBOOFHPUJBUFGPSBSJHIUPGXBZw ɨ F$BTUMF3PDLEFWFMPQFSIBT OPUZFUJOTUBMMFEDPODSFUFCBSSJFST BMPOHUIFOFXBDDFTTSPBE 6OUJMUIFODPVODJMSFGVTFTUP UBLF PWFS SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ GPS UIF SPBE*OGBDUUIFUPXOIBTFSFDUFE B i/P 1VCMJD "DDFTTw TJHO XBSO JOH NPUPSJTUT UP TUBZ BXBZ "OE UIBUTFOETUIFNTUSBJHIUVQ+PIO TUPO3PBEJOTUFBE 0ROPOSEDPARKINLANDRESERVE #Z&MJOPS'MPSFODF 1JPOFFS4UBą "OZQPUFOUJBMCVZFSXIPXBOUTUPEFWFMPQ-PU POUIFTPVUIFEHFPGUPXOXJMMIBWFBOPUIFS CVSFBVDSBUJDIVSEMFUPPWFSDPNFTJODFUIFQSPQFSUZ JTJOUIFQSPWJODFT"HSJDVMUVSBM-BOE3FTFSWF 3PHFS$IFFUIBNUIFQMBOOJOHPċ DFSSFTQPO TJCMFGPSBHSJDVMUVSBMMBOEMPDBUFEJOUIF,PPUFOBZT TBJEUIFPXOFSPGUIFMBOENVTUNBLFBQQMJDBUJPO UPIBWFJUSFNPWFEGSPNUIFSFTFSWFCFGPSFBOZEF WFMPQNFOUDBOUBLFQMBDF ɨ F$SPXOMBOEJTUIFTVCKFDUPGBDPOnJDUCF UXFFOUIFUPXOPG*OWFSNFSFXIJDIXBOUTJUQSF TFSWFEBTBQVCMJDQBSLBOE$BTUMF3PDLEFWFMPQFS %BWJE#FIBOXIPXBOUTUPQVUBIPUFMBOESFTPSU WJMMBHFPOUIFQSPQFSUZ -PU DPOTJTUT PG BCPVU BDSFT PG MBOE XJUIJO UIF TPVUIFSO CPVOEBSZ PG *OWFSNFSF PO B IJHISJEHFXJUIBTQFDUBDVMBSMBLFWJFX .S$IFFUIBNTBJEUIBUXIFOBOZBQQMJDBUJPO JT SFWJFXFE MBOE SFTFSWF Pċ DJBMT XJMM QBZ iDBSFGVM BUUFOUJPOwUPUIFWJFXTPGMPDBMHPWFSONFOU )PXFWFS IF TBJE VMUJNBUFMZ UIF EFDJTJPO JT NBEFCBTFEPOXIFUIFSUIFQSPQFSUZIBTBOZBHSJ DVMUVSBMQPUFOUJBM ɨ BU EFDJTJPO XJMM QSPCBCMZ CF NBEF RVJDLMZ TJODF IF TBJE IJT EFQBSUNFOUT NBOEBUF JT UP SF WJFXBOBQQMJDBUJPOBOENBLFBEFDJTJPOXJUIJO EBZT )FTBJEIFJTGBNJMJBSXJUIUIFQSPQFSUZTJODFIF SFWJFXFEUIFBEKBDFOU$BTUMF3PDLEFWFMPQNFOU ɨ FUPXOPG*OWFSNFSFIBTNBEFGPSNBMBQQMJ DBUJPOUP-BOEBOE8BUFS#$UIF$SPXODPSQP SBUJPOJODIBSHFPG$SPXOMBOESFRVFTUJOHUIFMBOE CFEPOBUFEUPUIFUPXOBOEQSFTFSWFEBTBQBSL .S#FIBOIBTBMTPXSJUUFOUP-BOEBOE8BUFS #$FYQSFTTJOHIJTJOUFSFTUJOCVZJOHUIFQSPQFSUZ GPSEFWFMPQNFOUQVSQPTFT 'BJSNPOU7JMMBHF(JGU4IPQ SALE 30% Off all Christmas Tree Ornaments 20% Off all 2005 Calendars & Groovy Girls Large Selection of Books up to 50% OFF Building a Legacy for our Valley Communities Fairmont Village Mall Fairmont, BC This Christmas give a gift that gives. 345-6133 Send donations to Box 991, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 December 10, 2004 The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 11 Ladies Housecoats and Robes 25% OFF Sale ends Sunday, Dec. 19th Christmas Countdown Constipation affecting 90% of Cana ADVERTISEMENT 2-3 bowel movements per day is ideal for good he a two part cleansing prod Everyday until Dec.CleanseSMART, 24th cleanse the body’s tissues and organs whil we will be adding something stimulate cleansing of the colon. CleanseSM it does not use ‘purgative’ type laxati new in the store tothat our sagrada or senna, which can cause un While it is not always the most pleasant item of conversation, constipation is a major problem among Canadians. A recent survey showed that 90% of Canadians are suffering from some degree of constipation. “There are many reasons why constipation is such a problem” states Brenda Watson, president of the International Association of Colon Therapists (I-ACT) and a specialist on the topic of digestive care and cleansing. “The modern diet consists mainly of refined and processed foods. These foods do not breakdown and digest well in the body and as a result, it is difficult for the body to process the leftover materials through the colon. Further, we do not drink nearly enough water, causing dehydration of the bowel. This makes for stool that is hard and difficult for the colon to eliminate.” movements and diarrhea or can be ad CleanseSMART acts naturally by ensuring hydrated and by stimulating ‘peristalsis’, w natural action of pushing out materials. 20% OFF savings countdown. “This cleanse can be taken on its own as an e Open Sundays through December STOBERS Invermere, BC alleviate constipation. However, there are tw that can be CleanseSMART as part of the 30 day program FibreSMART Stop in and save $$$and OilSMART, Good health starts with proper digestive care. This includes having two to three bowel movements per day. “It only makes sense that if we eat three times per day that we have three bowel movements per day. It has long been recognized by the holistic medical community that 2-3 bowel movements per day is not only one of the keys to good health, but it also ensures that the body is less susceptible to disease” says Watson. “The colon is our main pathway of elimination for toxic materials. If it is not functioning properly, this toxic load begins to enter the blood stream, causing major damage to the body’s cells and organs. This is the beginning of poor health and disease.” FibreSMART is a unique, flax seed based f heard about the value of fibre and its effects i bowel movements” states Watson. “What m different from other fibre supplements is psyllium, which absorbs 40 times its Considering that the colon is already sufferin it makes no sense to take a supplement th water out of the colon. This makes FibreSMA OilSMART is an Essential Fatty Acid (EF contains organic flax seed oil, organic borag water fish oil. “Essential Fatty Acids play a m the colon lubricated, which is necessary to e Open 7 days a week Fish oil also helps heal dam movements.” “It is not overly difficult to correct the problem of constipation” intestinal tract and colon. Phone: 342 • 7171 states Watson, “One of the most effective ways to help eliminate Tiffanyʼs Thredz having 2-3 bowel movements per d constipation is through a 30 day cleansing Behind program. This “Anyone program consists of one main cleanse, and two support products fits within a week or two. Increased energy, that can be taken at the same time.” and better health are only a few of the benefit To Learn More About The 30 Day Cleansing Program Call Or Visit Mustard Seed Health Foods & Cappuccino Bar Product Demo in-store, Friday, November 5th - Call for details 1021 Main Street, Invermere 342-2552 • Seniorsʼ Discount • Whole Foods • Bulk Foods • Organic Produce • Great Coffee • Vitamins • Supplements • Fruit & Nut Gift Trays! • Customized Gift Baskets! /JDLBOE+VEZ(JCCTBOETUBĊXPVMEMJLF UPXJTIFWFSZPOFB.FSSZ$ISJTUNBTBOEB )BQQZ/FX:FBS • All your holiday baking needs! (JGU$FSUJmDBUFTNBLFUIF QFSGFDUIPMJEBZHJGU Main Street, Invermere 342-2552 3&4&37"5*0/4ɟ *OWFSNFSF$ISJTUJBO 4VQQMJFT $20 OFF FUJI 550 Holiday Wassail $ 4.97 each Main Street, Invermere 342-3262 Reg. $8.50 Travel Take Alongs Pre-Christmas Sale #FIJOE"('PPETPO UI"WFJO*OWFSNFSF 01&/%":4"8&&, BOEMBUF5IVSTEBZ'SJEBZ /PX"WBJMBCMF Dec. 17 - 24, 2004 ROCKYTOP GALLERIA Open Saturday, Dec. 18th featuring Award Winning Artist Cindy Weitzel /FTUMF*DF$SFBN -JNJUFEUJNF "QQFUJ[FST4FBGPPEGPSBMMZPVS $ISJTUNBTFOUFSUBJOJOHOFFET Great Christmas Gifts! Invermere Travel World Ltd. $VTUPNNBEF(JGU#BTLFUT XJUIOVUTDBOEJFTKFMMJFTFUD 1I Samsonite Luggage and Travel Accessories Drop in on Sat., Dec. 18th for coffee and cookies from 10 am to 3 pm - $IFDLJOTUPSFGPSXFFLMZTQFDJBMT 30% OFF #103-400 Laurier Street, Athalmer, B.C. (Across from Diamond Plumbing & Heating) Vicki-Lynne: (250) 342-0211 • Toll Free: 1-800-342-0211 • Fax: (250) 342-0245 #3, 755 - 13th Street Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Phone 250-342-6978 12 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer December 17, 2004 #64*/&44130'*-& !NTIQUESTORE DRAWINGBUYERS FROMFARAWAY ANDHEREATHOME #Z&MJOPS'MPSFODF 1JPOFFS4UBą &MJ[BCFUIBOE+PF,MFJOIBWFBSFUBJMTQBDFTUVąFEXJUIBOUJRVFT Quality antique furniture and collectibles from Canada, Europe and Asia. Architectural items for home & garden. Visit us for unusual Christmas Gifts. New Chinese shipment has arrived! Includes Buddhas and small boxes - great for Christmas OPEN December 10 - 13th • 10:00 am - 6:00 pm December 17th - 24th • 10:00 am - 6:00 pm th To Panorama Panorama Drive Tracks Invermere Industrial Park (just off the road to Panorama) Industrial Rd. #1 Train Email: klein@nucleus.com www.tepapanui.com N Ind. Rd. #2 Tel. 342-0707 ★ Turnoff to Panorama To Downtown Invermere To Hwy. 93/95 Bridge i*UTBXFFCJUPGBEJTFBTFwTBZT&MJ[BCFUI,MFJO 4IFTSFGFSSJOHUPUIFQBTTJPOGPSBOUJRVFGVSOJUVSFUIBUTIFTIBSFTXJUIIFS IVTCBOE+PF +PFBOE&MJ[BCFUITUBSUFE5F1BQB/VJ"OUJRVFTTJYNPOUITBHPXJUIUISFF GPPUDPOUBJOFSTPGGVSOJUVSFGSPN$IJOB&VSPQFBOE&OHMBOE4JODFUIFO UIFZIBWFQVSDIBTFEBOPUIFSmWFDPOUBJOFSTBOEUIFTUPSFJTSBQJEMZCFDPNJOHB EFTUJOBUJPOGPSCPUIMPDBMTBOEWJTJUPST 0SJHJOBMMZGSPN(MBTHPX4DPUMBOE+PFSBOIJTPXODMPUIJOHGBDUPSZBOE &MJ[BCFUIXBTBOBDDPVOUBOUɨFZNPWFEUP$BMHBSZJO "ZFBSMBUFSUIFZWJTJUFE*OWFSNFSFGPSUIFmSTUUJNFBOEJOXIBUJTCFDPN JOHBDPNNPOTUPSZBSPVOEIFSFGFMMJOMPWFXJUIUIFQMBDFBOECPVHIUB WBDBUJPOIPNF 8IFO+PFSFUJSFEGSPNIJTSFBMFTUBUFKPCJO$BMHBSZ&MJ[BCFUIEFDJEFEIF IBEUPPNVDIUJNFPOIJTIBOET i4IFEFDJEFE*TIPVMETUBSUBOBOUJRVFTUPSFwTBZT+PF ɨF,MFJOTPXOBDSFTJO+VOJQFS)FJHIUT"UmSTUUIFZUIPVHIUBCPVU CVJMEJOHBCBSOGPSBOUJRVFTPOUIFQSPQFSUZUIFOUIFZMPPLFEBSPVOEUPXO GPSTQBDF 0OMZUIFJOEVTUSJBMQBSLJO"UIBMNFSPĊFSFEUIFNUIFSPPNUIFZOFFEFE GPS UIFJS FOPSNPVT SFUBJM TUPSF5F 1BQB /VJ JT BO BQQSPQSJBUF OBNF TJODF JU NFBOTi0VS#JH1MBDFwJO.BPSJɨFZIBWFmMMFETRVBSFGFFUXJUIBO UJRVFTBOEIBWFBOPUIFSTRVBSFGFFUPGTUPSBHFBMTPKBNNFEUPUIFSBGUFST "OFYQBOTJPOJTBMSFBEZJOUIFXPSLT ɨFMPDBUJPOXBTBESBXCBDLBUmSTUTJODFQFPQMFUFOEUPHFUMPTUJO"UIBMN FSTJOEVTUSJBMQBSL#VUXJUIUIFIFMQPGTJHOTBEWFSUJTJOHBOEXPSEPGNPVUI UIFTUPSFJTSBQJEMZmOEJOHBTQPUPOUIFNBQ i-BTUXFFLXFIBEBXPNBOESJWFPVUGSPN$BMHBSZXIPIFBSEBCPVUVT GSPNIFSIBJSESFTTFSwTBZT&MJ[BCFUI ɨFPUIFSNFSDIBOUTJOUPXOIBWFBMTPIFMQFETQSFBEUIFXPSEi-BSSZ,PTT BU1JFDFT'SPNUIF1BTUSFGFSSFETPNBOZQFPQMFUPVTUIBUXFTFOUIJNnPXFST UPUIBOLIJNwTBZT&MJ[BCFUI *OGBDUQFPQMFXIPMJWFIFSFIBWFCFFOBNPOHUIFNPTUMPZBMDVTUPNFST ESPQQJOHJOSFHVMBSMZUPCSPXTF 5F1BQB/VJJTMPDBUFEJOBCMVFNFUBMTJEFECVJMEJOHWJTJCMFPOUIFMFGUTJEF BTZPVIFBEUPXBSETUIF5PCZ$SFFLCSJEHFɨFTIFFSOVNCFSPGJUFNTNBLF UIFTUPSFBSFBMTIPQQJOHFYQFSJFODFBOETPEPUIFQSJDFT i*G*DBOHFUUIJOHTBUBSFBTPOBCMFQSJDF*MMQBTTBMPOHUIFTBWJOHTw&MJ[B CFUITBZTi*XBOUUPLFFQUIJOHTNPWJOHw -BTUXFFLBOPUIFSDPOUBJOFSmMMFEXJUIGVSOJUVSFBOETNBMMFSJUFNTBSSJWFE GSPN$IJOBOPUPOMZUBCMFTBOEDIFTUTCVU#VEEIBTQPSDFMBJOmHVSFTBOE KFXFMMFSZCPYFTXIJDIXPVMENBLFFYDFMMFOUHJGUT $IPPTJOHUIFGVSOJUVSFJTPOFPGUIFNPSFFYDJUJOHBTQFDUTPGUIFCVTJOFTT i&MJ[BCFUIGBMMTJOMPWFXJUIUIJOHTXIJMF*BNNPSFPCKFDUJWFwTBZT+PF )PXFWFS&MJ[BCFUIEJTBHSFFTi+PFHFUTTPBUUBDIFEUPUIJOHTIFDBOCBSFMZ MFUUIFNPVUPGUIFTUPSFw ɨF,MFJOTOPXIBWFUIFJSTFDPOEIPNFJO$BMHBSZBDPOEPNJOJVNɨFZ DPNNVUFFBDIXFFLXJUIUIFJSQPPEMFT4BNBOUIBBOE%FTJTPUIBU&MJ[BCFUI DBODPOUJOVFIFSQBSUUJNFKPCBTBOBDDPVOUBOU i*NOPURVJUFSFBEZUPHJWFVQNZSFHVMBSKPCw 5F1BQB/VJJTPQFOFBDIXFFLGSPN.POEBZUISPVHI'SJEBZCVUUIF,MFJOT XJMMCFIFSFUPLFFQUIFTUPSFPQFOGSPN%FDSJHIUUISPVHI$ISJTUNBT&WF December 17, 2004 The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 13 '00% Rockies West Independently Owned and Operated 5003 Hot Springs Road Fairmont, BC V0B 1L0 Bus: 250-345-0333 Fax: 250-345-6353 Cell: 250-342-1671 E-mail:kim@rockieswest.com www.rockieswest.com Kim Collens Sales Representative BJS Accounting Services Certified General Accountant Corporate & Personal Tax • Accounting & Auditing Bookkeeping Services • Tax & Estate Planning Financial Statement Preparation Weʼre here to serve all your accounting needs! Barb J. Smith - Certified General Accountant 906 - 8th Ave., Invermere, BC Tel. 342-8304 Kitchen M ag ✽ ic 3TIRRINGUPMEMORIES #Z%BWF4VUIFSMBOE H#BCZ4DBMMPQT H#BCZ4ISJNQ 5JHFSQSBXOT P[-PCTUFSUBJMDVUEPXOUIFCBDLBOENFBU QVMMFEIBMGPVU UTQ(BSMJD UCTQ#VUUFS NM8IJUFXJOF NM$SFBN 4BMU1FQQFSUPUBTUF $IPQQFE1BSTMFZGPSDPMPVS *ONFEJVNGSZQBOSFEVDFHBSMJDCVUUFSDSFBN BOEXJOFCZIBMG"EETFBGPPEBOEDPOUJOVFUPSF EVDFVOUJMJUGPSNTBTBVDFDPOTJTUFODZ"EEDIPQQFE QBSTMFZGPSDPMPVSBOEBEKVTUTFBTPOJOH *OBNFEJVNGSZQBOIFBUFOPVHIWFHFUBCMFPJM UPBMNPTUDPWFSUIFTDIOJU[FM#SPXOPOCPUITJEFT BOEUPQXJUITFBGPPETBVDF "TBWPVSZTJ[[MJOHTUFBLTUSBJHIUPĊUIFHSJMMJT #SVDF&ENPOTPOTFBSMJFTUNFNPSZPGGPPEi*XBT POFZFBSPMEwTBZTUIFUIJSUZUXPZFBSPMEDIFGPG UIF-BLFTJEF*OO"OFBSMZJOTQJSBUJPO i.ZNPUI FST DPPLJOH IBE B MPU UP EP XJUI NF CFDPNJOH B DIFGwTBZT#SVDFXJUIBTMZHSJO "SSJWJOH JO UIF WBMMFZ FMFWFO ZFBST BHP UIF 0SJMMJB 0OUBSJP OBUJWF XPSLFE BU 1BOPSBNB GPS OJOFZFBSTCFGPSFKPJOJOHUIFUFBNBUUIF-BLFTJEF *OOUXPZFBSTBHP i*MPWFJUIFSFwIFTBZTPGUIF*OOi*UTMJLFNZ TFDPOEIPNFw #SVDF TBZT JUT EJċ DVMU UP OBJM EPXO UIF FYBDU TUZMFPGDPPLJOHUIBUIBTJOnVFODFEIJNUIFNPTU i*SFBMMZMJLF$IJOFTFBOE.FEJUFSSBOFBODPPLJOHw IFPĊFSTCVUBENJUTUPCFJOHBGBOPGBMMLJOETPG JOUFSOBUJPOBMDVJTJOFT #BCZSFEQPUBUPFTCPJMFEBOERVBSUFSFE #SVDFTDVMJOBSZJOnVFODFTHVJEFUIFNFOVTF NM4PVSDSFBN MFDUJPOTIFPĊFSTUP-BLFTJEF*OOQBUSPOT)FIBT NM$SFBN CFDPNFFTQFDJBMMZOPUFEGPSIJTTDSVNQUJPVTMVODI UCTQ#VUUFS CVĊFUT H'SFTIEJMM )FSFTBSFDJQFGSPN#SVDFUIBUNJHIUTUJSTPNF 4BMU1FQQFSUPUBTUF GPOEGPPENFNPSJFTJOTPNFPGPVSSFBEFST *O NFEJVN QBO BEE BMM JOHSFEJFOUT $PPL PO MPX UP NFEJVN IFBU VOUJM QPUBUPFT BSF IPU BOE 4FBGPPE$IJDLFO4DIOJU[FMXJUI FWFOMZDPBUFE"EKVTUTFBTPOJOH 4PVS$SFBN%JMM#BCZ3FE1PUBUPFT P[$IJDLFOCSFBTUCVUUFSnJFEBOECSFBEFE WE USE ONLY REAL WOOD Resurfacing Specialists ✽ -BLFTJEF*OODIFG#SVDF&ENPOTPOEJTQMBZTTPNFPGIJTUFNQUJOHDSFBUJPOT Fax 342-8305 ✽ • Custom Cabinets • Counter Tops FREE ESTIMATES CUSTOM CRAFTED BY: Bob Ring 342-3311 Invermere BERNIE RAVEN Sales Specialist Box 459 • Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Office: (250) 342-6505 Cell: (250) 342-7415 Fax: (250) 342-9611 E-Mail: bernieraven@telus.net E-Mail: braven@cyberlink.bc.ca MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Web: www.ReMaxInvermere.com .-4 Web: www.BernieRaven.com Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated TEARDROP AMETHYS T Reg. $ 42000 14 K yellow gold .06 TW Diamond Special this week $ The 29500 Silver Connection 3-1014-8th Ave., Invermere 341-3322 PAUL GLASSFORD 250-341-1395 Rockies West Realty Independently owned and operated 230 Laurier Street DIRECTOR’S Invermere, BC V0A 1K3 PLATINUM E-mail: paul@rockieswest.com AWARD Website: www.paulg 5JSFEPGXBJUJOH 5IFOTUBSUJOWFTUJOH:PVµMMCFTIPDLFEBUIPXFBTZJUJT8IFUIFSJUµTFBSMZSFUJSFNFOUBMPOH PWFSEVFWBDBUJPOBOFXDBSBCJHXFEEJOHPSBOZUIJOHFMTFZPVµSFTBWJOHGPSXFDBOHFUZPVUIFSFTPPOFS JOWFTUOPX 14 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer December 17, 2004 Great Gift Idea from the Satellite Radios XACT XTR1 Stream Jockey Plug & Play Get your favourite SIRIUS music, sports, entertainment or news channel while you get the data you want! The XACT Stream Jockey is palm-sized with a 6-line display. Exclusive to the Artym Gallery Original oil paintings by Pat Bavin Visit in person or view online www.artymgallery.com 934 - 7th Avenue Invermere, BC 342-7566 2.99 $ Christmas Wrapping Paper 50% OFF • 6-line screen display • S-Seek • Car, home and universal docking kits included • Program alert • Wireless remote control • Three boombox options are available • Integrated headphone output with volume control • 18 presets • Built-in wireless FM modulator with variable frequency settings Christmas Boxed Cards 50% OFF Price $237.99 Dec. 20th - 26th We also offer vehicle accessories, auto detailing and window tinting. Gift certificates available! Located in the Industrial Park (beside Invermere Glass) Phone: 342-9692 Where the Sun Never Sets! "OFXBEEJUJPOUPUIF 7BMMFZ'JUOFTT$FOUFS TIKI TAN Terry Chocolate Ball $PNFPVU BOEUSZ UIFOFX 3BEJBOU )FBU4BVOB *OGSBSFE TBVOB CFOFmUT BSF USF NFOEPVT *G ZPV XBOU UP mOE QBJO SFMJFG XJUIPVU ESVHT JOGSBSFE TBV OBTDPVMECFZPVSBOTXFS4PGUIFBU TBVOBTQSPEVDFEFFQTPPUIJOHQFO FUSBUJOHIFBUUIBUJTFBTJMZBCTPSCFE CZUIFCPEZUPSFMJFWFDISPOJDQBJO BSUISJUJT CVSTJUJT mCSPNZBMHJB CBDLQBJOFUD +VTUJOUIF/JDL PGUJNFGPS $ISJTUNBT Are you too busy to get your Christmas presents ready? Don’t worry! Just give us a call and we’ll take care of it all! Choose from these selections: Pancake Breakfast Movie Night Coffee/Tea Delight Spa/Pamper New Year’s Gourmet Food Baskets $45 and up $25 and up $25 and up $20 - $50 $30 and up $25 - $100 Christmas Special 'PSUIFNPOUIPG%FDFNCFSSFDFJWF 0'' B TBVOB QVODI DBSE XF BSF BMTP PĊFSJOH CPOVT NJOVUFT PO PVS5BOOJOH QBDLBHFT .BLFT HSFBU $ISJTUNBT (JGUT (JGU FOWFMPQFTBWBJMBCMF 7BMMFZ'JUOFTT$FOUFS UI4USFFU*OWFSNFSF Telephone: 342-3160 Email: itsawrapgiftbaskets@telus.net Pioneer Gift Subscriptions Great for Students • Friends • Grandparents • Second Home Owners Phone: 250-341-6299 • Fax 250-341-6229 • E-mail: upioneer@telus.net ONL $52 P Y er Ye ar December 17, 2004 #64*/&44 The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 15 (OME(ARDWAREONTHEMOVE #Z&MJOPS'MPSFODF 1JPOFFS4UBą Nicholas Cherney stocks shelves in the new store. .PTUPGVTIBWFNPWFEIPVTFBOELOPXXIBUB DIPSFJUJT 4P IPX EP ZPV HP BCPVU NPWJOH UXP DPN NFSDJBM CVJMEJOHT mMMFE XJUI MVNCFS LJUDIFOXBSF QMVNCJOH mYUVSFT BOE IVOESFET PG UIPVTBOET PG PUIFSJUFNT ɨ FMPDBM)PNF)BSEXBSFTUBĊBSFmOEJOHPVU BT UIFZ QBDL VQ BOE NPWF GSPN UIFJS MPOHUJNF EPXOUPXOMPDBUJPOUPBTRVBSFGPPUTUPSFBU UIFDSPTTSPBET ɨ FQMBOJTUPDMPTFUIFEPPSTPOUIFPMETUPSF BUQNPO4VOEBZ+BOVBSZSEBOESFPQFOGPS CVTJOFTTBUUIFOFXTUPSFBUBNPO.POEBZ+BO VBSZUI 3JHIUOPXUIFOFXTUPSFNBZMPPLMJLFBEJTBTUFS [POFCVUUIFSFJTNFUIPEJOUIFJSNBEOFTTBDDPSE JOHUPTUPSFPXOFS"M.JMMFS ɨ SPVHIMPOHFYQFSJFODF)PNF)BSEXBSFIBT FTUBCMJTIFE B TZTUFN GPS NPWJOH MPDBUJPOT ɨ SFF QFPQMF DBMMFE NFSDIBOEJTFST BSSJWFE MBTU NPOUI GSPN0OUBSJPXJUIUXPUSBOTQPSUUSVDLTMPBEFEXJUI TUPDL "MPOHXJUIBCPVUUFOMPDBMIFMQFSTUIFZTQFOU EBZTBSSBOHJOHUIFTIFMWFTJOUIFOFXMPDBUJPOQMBD JOHPOFJOEJWJEVBMJUFNPOFBDITQPU 'PSFYBNQMFUIFZQMBDFEPOFTQBUVMBPOFEPPS LOPC POF DBO PG QBJOU BOE POF PG FBDI PG BCPVU JUFNTUIBU)PNF)BSEXBSFDBSSJFT /PXJUTBSFMBUJWFMZTJNQMFNBUUFSGPSUIFMPDBM TUBĊUPCSJOHUSVDLMPBETPGJUFNTGSPNUIFPMETUPSF BOEGPMMPXUIFHVJEFMJOFT )PNF )BSEXBSF FYFDVUJWFT "M .JMMFS BOE IJT CSPUIFS %PO BSF SVOOJOH CBDL BOE GPSUI CFUXFFO TUPSFTBCPVUUFOUJNFTBEBZIFTBZT &WFSZUJNFUIFZMFBWFUIFPMETUPSFUIFZUISPX TPNFUIJOHJOUIFCBDLPGUIFJSUSVDLT *OGBDUTPNFJUFNTIBWFBMSFBEZNBEFUIFUSJQ NPSFUIBOPODF i8IFOBDVTUPNFSBTLTGPSTPNFUIJOHUIBUTBM SFBEZ HPOF UP UIF OFX TUPSF UIFO XF TDSBNCMF UP CSJOHJUCBDLGPSUIFNwTBZT)PNF)BSEXBSFPXO FS"M.JMMFSi1FPQMFBSFCFJOHGBOUBTUJDUIFZBSFTP QBUJFOUw $VTUPNFST IBWF BMSFBEZ HPOF VQ UP UIF OFX TUPSFBOEUSJFEUIFGSPOUEPPSIPQJOHUPHFUBQFFL BUXIBUTJOTJEFCVUGPSOPXUIFOFXTUPSFJTVOEFS XSBQT 8IFOJUPQFOTJO+BOVBSZFWFSZUIJOHXJMMCFPO EJTQMBZ JODMVEJOH B IVHF BSSBZ PG MJHIUJOH mYUVSFT QMVNCJOHmYUVSFTnPPSJOHBOEUISFFNPEFMLJUDI FOT ɨ F EPXOUPXO TUPSF XJMM CF DMPTFE $ISJTUNBT %BZ #PYJOH %BZ BOE /FX :FBST %BZ CVU PUIFS XJTFXJMMSFNBJOPQFOEVSJOHUIFNPWF "GUFS UIF NPWF JT DPNQMFUFE XPSL XJMM DPO UJOVFPOBOFXTRVBSFGPPUCVJMEJOHTVQQMZ EFQPU ɨ BUXJMMNBLFJUGBSNPSFDPOWFOJFOUGPSDPO USBDUPSTUPMPBEVQPOUIFJSCVJMEJOHTVQQMJFTBOEB MPUXBSNFSJOXJOUFSTJODFUIFPVUEPPSMVNCFSZBSE JTBMJUUMFDIJMMZTBJE%PO.JMMFS "MUIPVHIUIFOFXTUPSFXJMMPQFO+BOVBSZUI UIFPċ DJBMHSBOEPQFOJOHJTTMBUFEGPS.BZUI .FBOXIJMF UIF PME )PNF )BSEXBSF CVJMEJOH EPXOUPXOIBTCFFOTPMEBOEXJMMCFSFOPWBUFECF GPSFCFJOHDPOWFSUFEJOUPBTFSJFTPGTIPQT Main St. Invermere LIVE MUSIC Friday, Dec. 17 Saturday, Dec. 18 Thursday, Dec. 23 John Cronin Holly & Jon Burden Angus House Band DAILY DINNER & DRINK SPECIALS NEW YEAR’S EVE Limited Tickets 341-6868 Glacier Heating & Fireplaces AG Valley Foods Installation • Sales • Service • New Homes Renovations • Residential • Commercial TRENT MAILO Phone 250.688.0021 Fax 250.345.6348 glacierheating@shaw.ca 20% OFF CHRISTMAS SALE Sunday, December 19th 25% OFF ALL PRODUCE ITEMS Everyone is a preferred customer! Open early til late, 7 days a week! 906 - 7th Avenue, Invermere 16 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer December 17, 2004 THE P IONEER Available At These Calgary Locations (SFZIPVOE%FQPU Extreme Bean .BJO5FSNJOBM $BMHBSZ"# #PXOFTT3E/8 $BMHBSZ"# ,)6#-"* .POHPMJBOBOE4[FDIVBO3FTUBVSBOU 349-10th Ave. SW Calgary, AB 1JFT 1MVT "WFOJEB1MBDF 101, 83 Bowridge Dr. NW Calgary, AB +PFT1MBDF ,JUDIFO,PĊFF)PVTF Planet Organic UI"WF48 $BMHBSZ"# 100, 10233 Elbow Drive, SW Calgary, AB #VTJOFTT$BSE4J[FRYE1.1BHF 1004-17th Ave Sw. Calgary, AB Sunterra Market 2 Flr. Bankers Hall, 1851 Sirocco, Dr. SW Calgary, AB 803-49 Ave SW -BLF'SBTFS%S4& $BMHBSZ"# UI"WF/8$BMHBSZ $SBWJOH#BHFMT Foothills Hospital "MTP"WBJMBCMFBU 5IFTF'JOF-PDBUJPOT The Other Place Jungle Java Juans Encana Place Crossroads Market City Hall Alexander Centre Fresh Blends December 17, 2004 The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 17 ARTIST PROFILE The Blue Rooster Pottery By Michelle Taylor Special to The Pioneer Why the Blue Rooster? Why not the Happy Hen or the Orange Chicken? Owner and artist Lesley Starnes discovered her feathered friend while honeymooning off the coast of Fiji. She and newlywed Nicholas Dimitropoulos were staying on the Vatulele Island when they viewed several drawings on the side of a cliff in the ocean. One particular design that captured Lesley’s eyes was a jungle fowl. After some manipulation from Leslie, this fledgling turned into a “little rooster with attitude,” thus originating the Blue Rooster Pottery we know today. Business and life partner, Nicholas was a professional hairdresser for over 35 years. He started working in his homeland in Greece and moved around the world, finally settling in Canada. Nicholas is a big part of the business, filling the role of technician, making all pieces that are not done on the wheel and assisting with sales. You’ll see more than roosters here. Lesley has many designs and series of work. When walking her Red Standard poodle Brina down by the lake one day, an idea came to her. As she has created many designs of the mountains and skiing, she had yet to do something on the lake. Thus “Winter on the Lake” was born and the new series was launched this season. You could say this new design has been selling like hot plates, as Lesley has been very busy making extra pieces this Christmas season. Lesley Starnes shows off a piece from her new series, Winter on the Lake. The “Winter on the Lake” series depicts artistic impressions of children and snowmen skating on the lake. Her pottery contains artwork on every surface - top, bottom and sides. In her winter series, Lesley felt it only appropriate to depict the lake from above and below the surface. You turn a dish upside down and a view from beneath the ice including fish and plant life. Lesley obtained her honours degree in Material Arts from the Ontario College of Arts. She has been a teacher of the arts through much of Canada. She specializes in “maiolica” glaze Individual Impacts creative solutions to human resource management • designing sustainable policies procedures • strategic planning for recruitment & training • building cohesive, productive work forces Call Marianne at (250) 342-8697 or email: thiesen@shaw.ca The Pioneer is available in 99 locations throughout the valley and 25 locations in Calgary. technique, which is a method of pottery that dates back to the 15th century. The first step involves throwing the clay onto the pottery wheel. The most important part of the process is making sure the clay is centered when starting, otherwise the material will not shape properly. Once the basic piece is formed, such as a mug, plate, or platter for example, it is biscuit-fired. At that point the object is porous and will accept the glaze that is white or cream-coloured. Then the artwork is hand-painted. Firing on a low heat is the final step. This firing allows the colour and glaze to melt together, giving it a signature look. What is the difference between low fire and high fire? The advantage of low fire pottery is that the colour holds. Colours will burn out of the pottery when it is high fired. All of the earthenware pottery is functional and can be used for containing food, cooking or displaying as art. When Lesley is not busy working in her studio, she enjoys hiking in the mountains and walking throughout Invermere. “My work is very physical and you tend to get yourself into certain positions for long periods of time. It can be really tough on your joints,” she says. Some pieces of clay that is thrown on the wheel can weigh as much as 18 pounds. She tries to vary her tasks as much as possible so she does not place so much stress on her body. “I walk everyday. It really stretches me out.” Lesley also enjoys reading and crossword puzzles. “It is important to keep the brain active as well,” she says. The Blue Rooster Pottery will be cutting back on their hours in 2005 to weekends only (Friday-Sunday). “We came out here to retire ten years ago and find we are busier than ever. In the future I want to focus on one-of-a-kind pieces and have more time for creative exploration.” The Blue Rooster pottery will always be found at the Village Arts Co-op on main street, as well as Lesley’s website: www.blueroosterpottery.ca. Holiday Greetings Garrett’s Baked Goods Loaves • Cookies • Muffins Tarts • Cakes ur To Place Yo er rd Baking O Garrett Brash 342-6746 Send your holiday greetings to family, friends or business associates for as low as $28. Book by December 20th for the Christmas Edition Call 341-6299 or email: upioneer@telus.net 6 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer 410354 0ME;POF ɧ F PG IVOUJOH QSFTTVSFT IBCJUBUMPTTBOEUIFXSBUI PG IPDLFZ BTTPDJBUJPO NFNCFST JT UIBU UIFZ SFQSPEVDF TMPXMZ BOE BSFUIPVHIUUPCFCMJOE (FTUBUJPOMBTUTFMFWFOUPUIJSUFFONPOUITEFQFOE JOH VQPO UIF TQFDJFT BOE BMNPTU BMXBZT POMZ POF GPBM JT ESPQQFE FBDI TFBTPO CVU DPVOUMFTT NJTTFE DBMMTTFFNTUPNBLFVQGPSUIJT .PTUSFTFBSDIFSTSFQPSUUIBUNBSFTGPBMPOMZFW FSZ PUIFS ZFBS 4FYVBM NBUVSJUZ PDDVST BU BHF UXP JOGFNBMFTBOEBHFUISFFUPmWFJONBMFTɨ FSVMFT PG IPDLFZ TJOL JO BU BHF -JGF TQBO DBO FYUFOE UXFOUZPSNPSFZFBSTɨ JTNFBOTUIBUNPTUSFGFSFFT OFWFSEPMFBSOUIFSVMFTJOUIFJSMJGFUJNF 0GDPVSTFUIFIPDLFZBTTPDJBUJPOJTJODSFEJCMZ GPSUVOBUF UP IBWF UIF TFSWJDFT PG UXP NBMF FRVJET XIP BSF UIF UPUBM FYDFQUJPO PG UIFTF GBDUT HMFBOFE GSPNUIF&ODZMPQFEJB#SJUBOOJDBUIBUXBTGPVOEJO UIFEFFQSFDFTTFTPGNZIPDLFZCBH GALLERIA ROCKYTOP ɨ FIBOETPNFTUSJQFEFRVJETPGUIF$PMVNCJB 7BMMFZ0MEUJNFST)PDLFZ"TTPDJBUJPOBSFOPUBUBMM JEFOUJDBMUPUIFJS"GSJDBODPVOUFSQBSUT *OCPEZGPSNIPXFWFSBMMFRVJETBSFRVJUFTJNJ MBSɨ FJSCPEJFTBSFTQFDJBMMZEFTJHOFEGPSSVOOJOH BOEGPSHSB[JOHPOTJMJDFPVTHSBTTFTPSMPMMZHBHHJOH POTIFFUTPGJDF 4QFDJFT DBO CF EJĊFSFOUJBUFE IPXFWFS PO UIF CBTJT PG RVBMJUBUJWF BOE RVBOUJUBUJWF DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT PGUIFTLVMMUPPUINPSQIPMPHZBOEMFOHUIBOESP CVTUOFTT PG UIF NFUBQPEJBMT GPPU CPOFT UIBU EF UFSNJOFTUIFTJ[FPGTLBUFTSFRVJSFEɨ FSFBSFBMTP WBSJBUJPOTJOTJ[FDPMPSIPPGPSTLBUFTJ[FBOETIBQF NBOFMFOHUIQSFTFODFPSBCTFODFPGBGPSFMPDLIBJS MFOHUIBOEEJTUSJCVUJPOQMVTUIFBCJMJUZPSEFTJSFUP DSFBUFUIFTPVOEPGBXIJTUMF 0OFSFBTPOBMMFRVJETBSFWVMOFSBCMFJOUIFGBDF GRAND OPENING Saturday, December 18, 2004 10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. 3FTVMUTGSPN%FD .BTPO PWFS +VMJFO 3BWFO UJFE 8IJUF +BOTFO PWFS%FBSJOBOE'JMMBUSFPWFS#PVSDJFS 3FTVMUTGSPN%FDUI +VMJFOPWFS%FBSJO.BTPOPWFS#PVSDJFS'JMMB USFPWFS8IJUFBOE+BOTFOUJFE3BWFO 4DIFEVMFGPS%FD QN%& QN'$ QN#( QN") $BOBM 'MBUT "MM TUBSTEFGFBUFE+BOTFO 8IJUFUPQMBZJO $BOBM'MBUTPO +BOVBSZ !CTIONATTHE!RENA &EEJF.PVOUBJO.FNPSJBM"SFOB$BMFOEBS "MMUJNFTBOEFWFOUTTVCKFDUUPDIBOHFPSDBODFMMBUJPO RTG ROCKYTOP GALLERIA Private reception by invitation to meet the artisans and staff being held between 5:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Catering by Helmut and Natassha Kendler of Helna’s Stube Restaurant. Featured Artists Cindy Weitzel Kelly Podov Louise Selby Ralph Stemmler Ray Neufeld Margaret Gibb Vivienne Crebo Heinz Froengen MaryAnn Bidder Marg Skoverg John Palmer Chris Marsh Terry Isaac December 17, 2004 Award-Winning Wildlife Painter Inlaid Custom Woodwork Watercolour Aurora Borealis Lascrolia Oil Painting Portraits Oil Painting Fine Art Prints Watercolour Oil Painting Painting/Sculpture on Emu Eggs Wildlife Painter #103-400 Laurier Street Athalmer, B.C. (Across from Diamond Plumbing & Heating) Vicki-Lynne: (250) 342-0211 Toll Free: 1-800-342-0211 Fax: (250) 342-0245 Email: wallnuts@telus.net (FOFSBM1VCMJD4LBUJOH"MM"HFT "EVMU1VCMJD4LBUJOH 1BSFOUTBOE5PUT 4IJOOZ'VMM(FBS .JOPS)PDLFZ1SBDUJDFT 'JHVSF4LBUJOH "EVMU'VO)PDLFZ-FBHVF 0MEUJNFSTBOEVQ 4FOJPS.FOBOEVQ +VOJPS#1SBDUJDFT 3FDSFBUJPOBM-BEJFT)PDLFZ $PNQFUJUJWF-BEJFT)PDLFZ1SBD 'SFF 4VOEBZTQN 'SJEBZTBNUP/PPO 'SJEBZTQN 'SJEBZTQN 8FFLEBZT .POEBZT8FEOFTEBZTɨ VSTEBZT'SJEBZT 4VOEBZ&WFOJOHT 8FEOFTEBZ&WFOJOHT 5VFTEBZBOE'SJEBZ.PSOJOHT .POEBZT5VFTEBZTBOEɨ VSTEBZT 4VOEBZ"GUFSOPPOT ɨ VSTEBZ/JHIUT 0/5)&8&&,&/% 'SJEBZ%FDFNCFS QNQN 4VOEBZ/JHIU'VO-FBHVF5PVSOBNFOU 4BUVSEBZ%FDFNCFS BNQN QNQN QNQN QNQN 4VOEBZ/JHIU'VO-FBHVF5PVSOBNFOU *OJUJBUJPO)PVTF-FBHVF .JEHFUTWT$SBOCSPPL 4VOEBZ/JHIU'VO-FBHVF5PVSOBNFOU 4VOEBZ%FDFNCFS BNQN QNQN QNQN 4VOEBZ/JHIU'VO-FBHVF5PVSOBNFOU 4S(JSMTWT1JJLBOJ 1VCMJD4LBUJOH PELLET STOVE FUEL Glow Boy and Kentucky Comfort $ Hardware 19999/ton (50 bags) OR $489/bag Available at TRUE VALUE HARDWARE “The Biggest Little Hardware Store in the Valley” Radium Hot Springs, BC • Ph. 347-2196 Fx. 347-2197 • Email: TVH@telus.net Keep the fire burning The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 19 December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iTUFFSFEw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mYZPVS WFIJDMFTQSPNQUMZ Located Beside Petro Canada Car Wash Phone 342-6614 A- Towing Specializing in: Long distance hauls • Boosting • Lake Recovery • Repo Recovery • 4x4 Recovery • • All Insurance Companies • 24 The only 4x4 and flatdeck in town. Hours Ph: 347-6326 • Fax: 342-5838 RockyTop Maintenance & Management Emergency service available: (250) 270-0169 or (250) 688-2737 email: wallnuts@telus.net We are exclusively available to local and Valley residents for all phases of reno construction from foundation to finish. We do it right . . . now! 342-8899 Cocoa West Chocolatier 926 - 7th Ave., Invermere BOOK CELLAR Call today: (250) 342-0211 or (250) 342-0244 We have certified electricians, plumbers, gas fitters and top notch finishers. from The (division of Wallnuts-R-us Inc.) WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU - THE COMMUNITY. Organic Chocolates INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. BOX 2228 BOX 459 742 - 13th STREET 7553 MAIN STREET INVERMERE, BC. RADIUM HOT SPRINGS, BC V0A 1K0 V0A 1M0 PHONE: 342-3031 PHONE: 347-9350 FAX: 342-6945 FAX: 347-6350 Email: info@invermereinsurance.com • Toll Free: 1-866-342-3031 INVERMERE GLASS LTD. USED BOOKS Sell ~ Buy ~ Trade Thousands of Books at Half of the Cover Price Used LPʼs ~ Internet Access Your Humble Proprietor - Ray Taft Tuesday to Saturday 1:00 to 5:00 pm 613 - 12th Street (behind Thredz) Invermere, BC 250-342-2003 Find Councilor McLaughlin Auto ✦ Home ✦ Commercial Mirrors ✦ Shower Doors ✦ Window Repairs JEFF WATSON #3, 109 Industrial Road #2, Invermere Telephone: 342-3659 Fax: 342-3620 K-5 Mechanical December Special OIL CHANGE $39.99 Floor Covering & Cabinets Blinds & Paints 335 - 3rd Ave., Invermere, BC Telephone 342-6264 • Fax 342-3546 Email: warwick@rockies.net www.warwick-interiors.com with 5 L 5w30 or 10w30 and common filters includes 16 point check-over & free battery test WHEEL ALIGNMENT • CUSTOM EXHAUST AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR • VEHICLE INSPECTION Fred Kinsey Dave Strong Richard Kinsey Invermere Industrial Park 342-9316 The Councilor is in the Council Chambers every Monday from 4:00 - 6:30 (excluding holidays) D&F Garbage Disposal • Commercial • • Residental • No Bins Telephone: 342-6187 Invermere, BC 20 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer December 17, 2004 &AMILYCOUNSELLOR lNDSDREAMJOB ANDMOTHERHOOD TJYZFBSTBHP4IFIBTXPSLFEBUUIF 'BNJMZ3FTPVSDF$FOUSFFWFSTJODF BOEEFTDSJCFTIFSXPSLUIFSFBTIFS i5PFYQFSJFODFDIBMMFOHFTJOMJGF iESFBNKPCw JTOUVOVTVBMJUTQBSUPGUIFIVNBO ɨFNBOEBUFPGUIF'BNJMZ3F DPOEJUJPOwTBZT"OOF.PSJO TPVSDF$FOUSFJTUPIFMQBMMGBNJMJFTUP "OOFBTPDJBMXPSLFSBU CFIFBMUIZQMBDFTGPSUIFQFPQMFXIP UIF'BNJMZ3FTPVSDF$FOUSFJTOP MJWFJOUIFN TUSBOHFSUPMJGFTDIBMMFOHFT4JYZFBST i*UTSFBMMZJNQPSUBOUGPSQFPQMF BHPTJOHMFBOEDIJMEMFTTBUTIF UPDPNFJOTPUIBUQSPCMFNTEPOU DBNFIFBEUPIFBEXJUIUIFRVFTUJPO CFDPNFBEFTUSVDUJWFJOnVFODFJOUIF GBDFECZNBOZTVDIXPNFO8FSF IPNFwTBZT"OOFiɨFSFTIPVMECF IFSDIBODFTBUNPUIFSIPPEHPJOHUP OPSFBTPOGPSBOZPOFOPUUPDPNF QBTTIFSCZ IFSFUPHFUIFMQXJUIXIBUFWFSJTTVF i*EFDJEFE*XBTOUDPOUFOUKVTU UIFZSFGBDJOHw CFJOHBOBVOU*XBOUFEUIFGVMMSF "OOFTBZTUIBUQFPQMFTIPVMEOU TQPOTJCJMJUZUIBUDPNFTXJUISBJTJOHB GFFMSFMVDUBOUPSFNCBSSBTTFEUPVTF DIJMEw%SJWFOCZIFSDPOWJDUJPOUIBU 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5FO)PMF3PVOET5XJMJHIU1BTTFT 7BMVF4BOUB4QFDJBM1SJDFQMVTUBYFT 7BMJE5XJMJHIU5JNFWBSJFTEVSJOHTFBTPO 4IBSFXJUIGBNJMZBOEGSJFOET (*'5$&35*'*$"5&4 GPSUIBUTPNFPOF4QFDJBM "WBJMBCMFGPS (PMG.FSDIBOEJTF(PMG-FTTPOTѮF"USJVN 4QPSUTNBOT-PVOHFBOE$BTB#MBODB3FTUBVSBOU :PVDIPPTFUIFBNPVOUUIFZDIPPTFUIFHJѫ 7JTJUPVSXFMMTUPDLFE(PMG4IPQGPSBMM ZPVS$ISJTUNBTOFFET #SJOHUIJTBEBOEZPVXJMMSFDFJWFBGSFF i5XPGPSPOFHPMGQBTTuGPSUIFTFBTPO 0ĒFSFYQJSFTQNѮVSTEBZ%FDFNCFSUI 0OMZPOFQFSGBNJMZBE py p a H ys! a d i l Ho ѮF'SJFOEMJFTU1MBDFJOUIF7BMMFZ FYU The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 21 December 17, 2004 /&8%&"%-*/&5*.&4 #,!33)&)%$33%,, %JTQMBZ"ET 0HONE&AX %MAILUPIONEER TELUSNET $MBTTJmFE"ET RESTAURANT FOR LEASE 5VFTEBZBN 5VFTEBZTQN ǰF6QQFS$PMVNCJB1JPOFFS 1IPOFt'BY &NBJMVQJPOFFS!UFMVTOFU The Best Western Invermere Inn is looking for a qualified operator to lease the Food Service component of our operation. Greenery Restaurant • Copper City Food Service Room Service • Catering • Pizza Take Out Contact Todd Mitchell 341-1127 or 342-9246 #,!33)&)%$3 1IPOF 'BY &NBJMVQJPOFFS!UFMVTOFU $MBTTJmFE%FBEMJOF 5VFTEBZTQN "MMDMBTTJmFEBETNVTUCFQSFQBJE CZDBTIPSDIFRVFVOMFTTDMJFOUIBTBO FYJTUJOHBDDPVOU 2ATES 'JSTU8FFL GPSXPSET aGPSFBDIBEEJUJPOBMXPSE "EEJUJPOBM8FFLT GPSXPSET aGPSFBDIBEEJUJPOBMXPSE "MMQSJDFTTVCKFDUUP(45 1MFBTFSFBEZPVSBEPWFSDBSFGVMMZUIFmSTUEBZJU DPNFTPVUUPFOTVSFUIFJOGPSNBUJPOJTDPSSFDU *GZPVTIPVMEmOEBOFSSPSJOZPVSBEQMFBTFMFU VTLOPXJNNFEJBUFMZCZDBMMJOHɨF 6QQFS $PMVNCJB 1JPOFFS JT OPU SFTQPOTJCMF GPS FSSPSTBQQFBSJOHCFZPOE UIF mSTU JOTFSUJPO ɨF OFXTQBQFST SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ JG BOZ GPS FSSPST PG BOZLJOEJTMJNJUFEUPUIFBNPVOUQBJEGPSUIBU BEWFSUJTFNFOU8FSFTFSWFUIFSJHIUUPDFOTPSSF DMBTTJGZ SFWJTF FEJU PS SFKFDU BOZ BEWFSUJTFNFOU OPUNFFUJOHPVSBEWFSUJTJOHTUBOEBSET 05",)#3%26)#%3 )063 80.&/4 4"'& )0.& PS DBMM UIF'BNJMZ3FTPVSDF$FOUSF .POɨV "-$0)0-*$4 "/0/: .064*GBMDPIPMJTDBVTJOHQSPC MFNT JO ZPVS MJGF DBMM GPS JOGP "MM NFFUJOHT BU QN .POEBZ *OWFSNFSF (SPVQ *O WFSNFSF )FBMUI 6OJU UI 4USFFU *OWFSNFSF 8FEOFTEBZ 8JOEFSNFSF(SPVQ7BMMFZ$ISJT UJBO "TTFNCMZ $IVSDI 'SJEBZ 3BEJVN(SPVQ3BEJVN$BUIP MJD$IVSDI4BUVSEBZ*OWFSNFSF 'JSTU4UFQ*OWFSNFSF)FBMUI6OJU UI 4USFFU *OWFSNFSF 4VOEBZ $PMVNCJB -BLF #BOE )BMMPĊ)JHIXBZTPVUIPG 8JOEFSNFSF4VOEBZQN #SJTDP(SPVQ#SJTDP5PXO)BMM "MMNFFUJOHTBSFPQFO "-$0)0-*4. 4)"55&34 -*7&4 5P IFMQ UIF BMDPIPMJD ZPV IBWF UP IFMQ ZPVSTFMG mSTU "M"OPONFFUTBN5VFTEBZT BU $BUIPMJD $IVSDI UI 4USFFU *OWFSNFSF 'PS JOGP DBMM $BSPM /"3$05*$4 "/0/:.064 .FFU ɨVSTEBZT QN *O WFSNFSF )FBMUI 6OJU UI 4USFFUTUBĊFOUSBODF */.&.03*".%0/"5*0/4 UP #$ BOE :VLPO )FBSU BOE 4USPLF'PVOEBUJPOESPQPĊBUɨF 1JPOFFS/PUI"WFOVF *OWFSNFSFPSNBJMUP#PY*O WFSNFSF$BMM1BU-JFO */.&.03*".%0/"5*0/4 UP"M[IFJNFS4PDJFUZPG#$NBJM UP&BTU,PPUFOBZ"M[IFJNFS4PDJ FUZ#PY'FSOJF7#. 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Will C. Hurry! Get Your New Year’s Tickets $12 at Invermere Inn Front Desk Book Your Xmas Party Now for info 75 $3 alls Highb call 341-3344 XIBUZPVBSFHPJOHUISPVHIJTDSJUJDBM i#BDL JO UIF PME EBZT XF XPVME QVUPVSHSJFGJOBDMPTFUBOEUSZUPHFU POXJUIMJGFwTIFTBJE iɨ FTFEBZTXFLOPXUIBUUIFCFTU XBZ UP HFU PWFS UIJOHT JT UP UBML UP QFPQMFXIPVOEFSTUBOEBOEXIPXJMM OFWFS TBZ UIPTF ESFBEFE XPSET A:PV TIPVMEOUGFFMUIBUXBZw .ST #BSLMFZ IBT QSFQBSFE B MJTU PGUFMFQIPOFOVNCFSTPGQFPQMFXIP IBWF MPTU B DIJME BOE BSF XJMMJOH UP DPNGPSUPUIFST i.ZIVTCBOE$MJĊBOE*BSFGPSUV OBUFCFDBVTFXFLOPXBMPUPGQFPQMF IFSFJOUIFWBMMFZXIPDBOTVQQPSUVT UISPVHIUIFCBEUJNFTCVUOFXDPN FST IBWF OPXIFSF UP UVSO .Z IFBSU KVTUHPFTPVUUPUIPTFQFPQMFw 4PNFQFPQMFDPQFXJUI$ISJTUNBT CZTUFBEGBTUMZLFFQJOHUIFJSUSBEJUJPOT XIJMF PUIFST DPQF CZ JHOPSJOH UIF XIPMFTFBTPO.ST#BSLMFZFODPVSBH FTQFPQMFUPEPXIBUFWFSNBLFTUIFN GFFMCFUUFS i8IFOUIFSFTOPUIJOHZPVDBOEP JUIFMQTUPEPTPNFUIJOHwTIFTBJE i*TUJMMUBLFBXSFBUIBOEB$ISJTUNBT DBSEXJUIBNFTTBHFUP#SJBOTDSPTTPO UIFIJHIXBZFWFSZZFBS*EPOUDBSFJG TPNFPOF UIJOLT UIBUT XFJSEw #SJBO #BSLMFZ EJFE KVTU TPVUI PG 3BEJVN )PU4QSJOHTBUUIFUPQPGUIFIJMM 4IFTBJETPNFQFPQMFTUJMMTFUB QMBDFBUUIF$ISJTUNBTEJOOFSUBCMF GPS UIFJS MPWFE POF i*G ZPV DBOU TUBOEUPTFFUIBUIPSSJCMFWPJEXIFSF UIF QFSTPO VTFE UP TJU UIFO CZ BMM NFBOTTFUBQMBDFGPSIJNwTIFTBZT "OE SFNFNCFS UIJOHT XJMM HFU NPSF CFBSBCMF PWFS UJNF i*O UIF CF HJOOJOH*IBUFE(PEBOE*IBUFENZ QSJFTUwTIFTBZTi*XBTmMMFEXJUIBO HFS &WFOUVBMMZ NZ QSJFTU DBNF GPS B WJTJUBOE*XBTTPHMBEIFEJEw 4JODF UIFO .ST #BSLMFZ IBT SF UVSOFE UP IFS GBJUI BOE BUUFOET UIF $BUIPMJD$IVSDIPG$BOBEJBO.BSUZST JO*OWFSNFSF 4IF TBZT IFS CFMPWFE ZFBSPME HSBOEEBVHIUFS7JDUPSJBIBTCFFOIFS iHPETFOEwBMPOHXJUIUIFMPWFPGIFS PUIFSGBNJMZNFNCFSTJODMVEJOHIVT CBOE$MJĊBOEEBVHIUFS5JB 4IFBMTPBUUFOETUIFBOOVBM$BO EMFMJHIU.FNPSJBM4FSWJDFTUBSUFEGPVS ZFBSTBHPBU$ISJTU$IVSDI5SJOJUZGPS BOZPOFJOUIFDPNNVOJUZXIPXJTIFT UP SFNFNCFS B MPWFE POF ɨ JT ZFBST TFSWJDF XBT IFME MBTU 4VOEBZ FWFOJOH BOEBCPVUQFPQMFBUUFOEFE *GZPVBSFBQBSFOUXIPJTHSJFWJOH PWFSUIFMPTTPGBDIJMEZPVNBZDBMM .ST#BSLMFZBU ɨ FSF BSF PUIFS SFTPVSDFT JO UIF DPNNVOJUZ GPS UIPTF XIP IBWF MPTU QBSFOUTTJCMJOHTTQPVTFTBOEGSJFOET $PVOTFMMJOH BU OP DIBSHF JT BWBJMBCMF GSPNDBSJOHTVQQPSUJWFDPVOTFMMPSTBU UIF'BNJMZ3FTPVSDF$FOUSFJO*OWFS NFSF XIP DBO IFMQ ZPV UISPVHI UIF IPMJEBZT$BMM For Christmas give them a 4500 ACRE RESORT! Make anyone’s holiday season bright with a gift certificate from Fairmont Hot Springs Resort! They’ll be able to enjoy one of the popular amenities available such as: ~ Books of 10 Rounds of golf at Mountainside Golf Course Only $475 plus applicable taxes (Savings of $175!) ~ Accommodation in luxurious newly renovated rooms ~ Golf, Romance, Spa, or Ski Packages ~ Spa Treatments ~ Hot Springs Passes ~ Ski Passes and much, much more! Pepsi or Coke plus deposit, enviro and tax Call to request your personalized Gift Certificate: 1-800-663-4979 Ext 6008 or 250-345-6008 or email: news@fairmonthotsprings.com 99¢ Young Turkeys Utility 99¢/lb Chinese Mandarine Oranges $3.99 each 5 lb box Rotary Club Christmas Trees Now Here Prices in effect until Jan. 1/05 3*7&34*%&(0-'3&4035 *TPQFOGPSZPVSIPMJEBZTIPQQJOH %FDFNCFS5VFTEBZUISV4BUVSEBZ %FDFNCFS.POEBZǰ VSTEBZ ".1. Purchasers of gift certificates can enter our draw to win a set of monogrammed Fairmont Hot Spring Robes. 2 LT 0VSi:FBS&OEwTBMFDPOUJOVFTBMMDMPUIJOHQSJDFEUPDMFBS "MMHPMGSFOUBMFRVJQNFOUPOTBMF 8FIBWF(JGU$FSUJmDBUFTBWBJMBCMFGPSHPMGNFSDIBOEJTFHPMGMFTTPOT $IFDLPVUPVSOFXBSSJWBMT .FOT-BEZT4XFBUFST -BEZT+BDLFUT 4FUTPGHPMGFRVJQNFOUJODMVEJOHCBH XIFFMQVMMDBSUT 5SBWFM#BHT 5FO1BTT(PMG#PPLT %POUNJTTPVUPOPVSBOOVBM4"-& "MMDMPUIJOHQSJDFEBU%FDFNCFS 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPO December 17, 2004 The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 23 FAITH Valley Churches My Christmas gift to you By Fraser Coltman, Associate Pastor St. Peter’s Lutheran Mission How do you feel about Christmas? I know, you really don’t have time to think about questions like that right now. There’s so much to do: letters still waiting to be written and mailed, gifts yet to be purchased and wrapped, meals and gatherings to be planned, trips to be arranged, and the list goes on. Have you ever noticed how much effort it is to get through this season? Why, I just heard a report that Christmas is one of the worst seasons of the year for stress-related health problems. Not much surprise in that, is there? Why would a time of year, which for so many people is seen as vital to their economic well-being, be a time of pressure? Why would a season so stuffed with well-meaning but unrealistic expectations give us ulcers? I have a prediction (my tongue is in my cheek, folks, because I’m a pastor - not a psychic). I predict that in a few years people will so fed up with Christmas that they will begin to talk about abolishing it. Before that happens, though, may I offer a suggestion? Is it possible that our problem lies not with Christmas so much as with our misunderstanding about the feast itself? Last chance to give before Christmas Please take this last week before Christmas to think about some of the worthy causes in our com- Selkirk TV & Appliance AUTHORIZED DEALER • Kitchenaid • Inglis • Whirlpool • Roper Panasonic Pioneer Cell Phones Electronics & Service Christian Books, Music & Misc. 1229-7th Ave., Invermere 342-6415 Christmas today is so focused on us, and on what we must do to make it just right, that it misses the point and messes us up. At its heart Christmas is not about human goodwill and gift giving. It’s about God. “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). God cared for us so much that He gave us a gift in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. Many of us today might look upon Jesus as we might other gifts given to us that we don’t think we need. Socks when we have a drawer full. A CD by an artist whose music we’ve never really liked. Here’s my Christmas gift to you this year: a simple suggestion. Take a moment to rethink your attitude towards Jesus. What do you really know about Him? Most Canadians know very little about Him, yet confidently assume that they have no need of the life He came to give them. Are you among them? Here’s one more suggestion: give yourself a gift this year. It won’t cost you anything but an hour of your time. Visit a nearby church on Christmas Eve (there might even be some services listed in this paper) to learn more about the gift God gave you so many years ago. It just might change the way you feel about Christmas. munity that always need funds, such as the Food Bank and the Family Resource Centre; and others outside our valley such as the Salvation Army. Don’t forget there are many organizations working to support the needy in developing countries such as World Vision or any of our local churches. LA GALERIA II For unique gifts handmade by local artisans. Lake Windermere Alliance Church Sunday, December 19th Fourth Sunday of Advent Join us for this Advent - “The Christmas Touch.” 10:30 am Worship and Life Instruction. “Seek a Fresh Touch From God.” The Community Choir will be singing. Sunday School for ages 3 to Grade 7 during the Morning Service Friday, December 24th 2:30 pm Highest Christmas Eve service in Canada . . . at the Summit (top of Panorama ski lift). 6:00 pm Christmas Eve Service at the church. 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Service at Panorama. Senior Pastor Rev. Dieter Magnus Associate Pastor Rev. Jared Enns 326 - 10th Avenue, Invermere • 342-9535 Windermere Valley Shared Ministry Christ Church Trinity 10:15 am Every Sunday All Saints, Edgewater 8:30 am 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays Rev. Michael Rice 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere • 342-6644 Valley Christian Assembly Sunday, 10:00 am Celebration Service Children’s church during the message part of the service. Children 4 - 12 years. Sunday, 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting Senior Pastor Rev. John Cuyler Highway 93/95, 1 km north of Windermere • 342-9511 Roman Catholic Church Canadian Martyrs Church, Invermere Saturday, 7:00 pm Mass • Sunday, 9:00 am Mass St. Joseph’s Church, Radium Sunday, 11:00 am Mass St. Anthony’s Church, Canal Flats Sunday, 4:00 pm Mass Father Jose Joaquin 1210 - 9th Street, Invermere • 342-6167 ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Regular weekly worship services every Sunday at 1:30 pm Senior Pastor Rev. Bryan K. Schindel Associate Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Ave., Invermere • 1-866-426-7564 Radium Christian Fellowship Every Sunday 10:00 am Sunday, December 19th The Power of Family, Matthew 6:9 - 13 4985 Hot Springs Road Fairmont, BC V0B 1L0 Sunday, December 26th Your Relationship With God, Matthew 6:33 Pastor Wayne and Linda Frater Radium Seniors’ Hall • 342-6633 Phone: 250-345-6807 Toll Free: 1-866-345-6807 Email: damarboyz@cyberlink.bc.ca Make it a Merry Christmas for someone special on your Christmas list. The Place Furniture has a huge selection of furniture and gifts that is sure to please everyone! Place The Furniture 503 - 7th Ave., Invermere (beside Gone Hollywood) 342-8366 • 1-888-565-5264 24 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer December 17, 2004 Invermere Office: 250-342-6505 Andy Smith Cell: 342-1709 Bernie Raven Cell: 342-7415 Daniel Zurgilgen Ed English Jan Klimik Cell: 342-7430 Cell: 342-1194 Cell: 342-1195 John McCarthy Lynda Kirkpatrick Roger Askey Cell: 342-1758 Cell: 341-1907 Cell: 342-1295 Scott Wallace Cell: 342-5309 Wende Brash Cell: 342-1300 Looking for prime property in a spectacular setting? Then consider the stunning Invermere Valley. www.ReMaxInvermere.com Live in Luxury at Panorama A Rare Beauty All the Space You Need This luxury town house located on Grey Wolf golf course is moments away from golf and skiing. At the end of a golf day you can relax in your own private hot tub and enjoy the pristine view of Grey Wolf and the many surrounding peaks. Just a twenty minute drive to Invermere. MLS#102874 $675,000.00 +gst One bedroom facing Toby Creek. Imagine waking to the sound of a creek outside your window. Enjoy the beautiful view from this fully furnished unit. Revenue potential and easy access to the gondola, chair lift, hot tub and pools. Priced to sell. New Vision Assessment is paid in full. MLS#106552 $127,000.00 +gst Hereʼs your chance to spread out. This 2500 sf Timber Ridge bungalow has room for family and guests. Unique cottage has an oversized kitchen and dining area, hrdwd floors in the living area and a huge, private lot. Access to Timber Ridge beach amenities, large garage, nice patio. Great location. MLS#103295 Beautiful Acreages Invermere Residential Lots Heaven Has a View! Experience the beauty of the valley from the unique heights of Pine Ridge Estates. A spectacular setting is the foundation of this distinctive and flourishing subdivision. With lake and/or mountain views, full services and architectural guidelines, these uniquely distinct lots are a great start. MLS#105126/27 $57,900.00 +gst This 2500 sq ft home has 800 sq ft of decks which look out over the Rockies and Purcells. 4 BR, 3 BTR and ensuite, in-floor heating, gleaming hardwood & sleek ceramic tiles, sunken living area, walk-out basement, custom-built cabinets, metal roof, finished wood siding and many more features. Call today! MLS#106653 Two Bedroom Condo Country Home Use your Imagination! Renovated Toby two bedroom condo has room for the family. Clean and bright and on the sunny side of the building, this unit gets you in on Panoramaʼs phenomenal resort success at rock bottom prices. Enjoy skiing in the winter, golfing in the summer, adventure at your fingertips. MLS#104519 $120,000.00 +gst This property is the perfect small acreage getaway. Enjoy 4.02 acres, zoned SH-3 with a 3 bedroom warm country home. Great business opportunity far enough away yet close enough as well. New well and septic system. The opportunities are endless. Call today for a viewing. MLS#107025 Surrounded by artisans, this Windermere property has the potential for commercial, residential and recreational uses. Located on a large lot, enjoy a big new deck with lake and mountain views, separate entrance to a full basement, double garage with poured slab. MLS#105712 Some of the nicest 20+ acre spreads in the valley. All the privacy you want plus incredible mountain views. These newly created subdivisions, just at the end of Hewitt Road in Edgewater are ready for your personal touch. Convenient location, within a short drive to hot pools and ammenities of Radium. MLS#106164/5/6 FROM $210,000.00 +gst $229,900.00 $369,000.00 $289,000.00 $379,000.00 Amid Spectacular Beauty Rests Your Dream Beautiful home situated to capture the stunning mountain and lake views from every room on the main floor. Timber frame accents, 4 BR and 2.5 BTR, River Rock chimney, window bench seat and hardwood flooring are a few of the details in this cozy home. Log barn, detached garage, tack room, rental suite. MLS#102437 $790,000.00 A Very Special Place Creekside Gardens, Windermere This magnificent 4.34 acre property creates a sense of peace and tranquility. Mountain water flows into the pond and waterfall beside the Oriental Garden. Beautifully landscaped settings with breathtaking mountain views and gardens designed to attract hummingbirds and butterflies surround this intriguing 1868 sf home with 5 BR & 3.5 BTR. MLS#107168 $1,250,000.00