Mission Statement - Hoover Chamber of Commerce
Mission Statement - Hoover Chamber of Commerce
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Shown leftto-right, Superintendent Andy Craig, finalist Suzie Greer of Hoover High School; Hoover City Schools Employee of the Year Connie Fields of the Administrative Central Office; and Finalist Susan Caver of Berry Middle School. This was the fifteen year the Chamber has presented this award, sponsored by Hoar Construction Company and Hoar Program Management, one of the most prestigious awards given by the chamber. QBHF 5IBOL:PV#PBSEPG5SVTUFFT %FDFNCFS The Chamber is proud of the growing interest in our Board of Trustees and would like to recognize the members of this prestigious group. The Board of Trustees is made up of successful executives who represent the growing and progressive business environment in Hoover and the surrounding area. We thank them for their commitment to help our business community prosper and we appreciate their support of the Chamber and our mission. $VSSFOU.FNCFSTPGUIF#PBSEPG5SVTUFFTJODMVEF The Presidents Circle of The Board of Trustees Jerry Cross, Chairman, Jefferson County EIDA Terri Gualano, AT&T Alabama Lynn Thomas, AT&T Advertising Solutions Debbie Butterworth, Alabama Power Company Lisa Worley, Anchor Insurance Agency Robert Linthout, Arrell Internet Services A. W. Bolt, Bolt Law Office Lori Ewoldsen, Children's Health System Steve Klaus, HealthSpring of Alabama, Inc. Justin Rolling, The Lemak Group Dan Mikos, Mikos-Kampakis Insurance Edward Mikos, Mikos-Kampakis Insurance Dan Ellis, NCP Solutions Richard Head, RE/MAX Advantage Burr Weatherly, Regions Bank Charlie Conklin, Sentry Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing Bill Stoeffhaas, Style Advertising Valton Johnson, Virginia College at Birmingham Andy Peters, The Wynfrey Hotel The Board of Trustees Rahim Budhwani, 6040, LLC-Galleria Chevron/Hoover CITGO Mike Murphy, ABC 33/40 Television Wallie Russell, Aaron's, Inc. Michael Pepper, Advanced Disposal Service Adam Slovensky, Alabama Adventure Perry White, Alabama Directory Company Terry Smiley, Alabama Gas Corporation Karim Ajani, Alabama Merchants Association Linda Cencula, Alabama Telco Credit Union Jon Lubin, Allied Waste Services Mike Gray, Almon Associates, Inc. Kendall Williams, America's First Federal Credit Union Felicia Fortune, American Family Care Randy Johansen, American Family Care Ted Burns, Ample Energy, Inc. Debbie Rockwell, BB&T Bank Brenda Bole, BBVA Compass Bank Robert P. (Rob) Fowler, Balch & Bingham LLP Deborah Stephens, Behavioral Health Systems, Inc. Matthew Dutton, Belk Patty Barron, Birmingham Water Works Board Koko Mackin, Blue Cross and Blue Shield John Stivender, Brasfield & Gorrie Greg Crutcher, Brookdale Place University Park Stephen Preston, Brookwood Medical Center Evelyn Phillips, Bryant Bank Bud Cason, Bud's Best Cookies Ryan Blackenburg, C B & S Bank KristineTaylor, Cameron at the Summit Morris Jackson, Chick-Fil-A Mike Warren, Children's Health System Ken Robinson, Command Alkon Dr. Mark Clark, Clark Holmes Oral & Facial Surgery Dr. Jon Holmes, Clark Holmes Oral & Facial Surgery Dr. George Matthews, Jr., Clark Holmes Oral & Facial Surgery Dr. Lisa Miller, Clark Holmes Oral & Facial Surgery David Webber, Costco Wholesale Chris Schmidt, Daniel Corporation Bruce Windham, Drummond Company Henna Budhwani, elixir international Vladimir Pipa, Embassy Suites Chrissi Cook, First Commercial Bank Cody Burns, FOX 6 WBRC Alain Gallet, Gallet & Associates, Inc. Terry Turner, Gentle, Turner & Sexton Sandy King, Gold's Gym Khristi Doss Driver, Haskell Slaughter Young & Rediker, LLC Mike Lanier, Hoar Program Management Gayle Wilkinson, Homewood Suites-Inverness Phyllis Hoffman DiPiano, Hoffman Media Kathleen Spencer, Hyatt Place - Hoover John Schuman, ITT Technical Institute Rhett Sypher, Jr., Jason's deli Charity Crews, Konica Minolta Business Solutions, Inc. Henry King, King Acura Leslie Venable, Lakeview Estates Assisted Living Joe McGee, Legacy Community Federal Credit Union Dr. Lawrence Lemak, Lemak Sports Medicine Dwight Vaughn, Long-Lewis Ford Lincoln Ralph E. Dalton, M & F Bank Fred Asarisi, McAlister's Deli Billy McClellan, McClellan Plumbing, Heating & Air Mickie Manning, Office Depot Valeta Neal, Princeton Hoover Baptist Medical Center Brenda Reid, Publix Super Markets Amber Renda, RBC Bank Patti Schreiner, RE/MAX Southern Homes Chris Leech, Regions Financial Steve Miller, Renaissance Ross Bridge Golf Resort & Spa John Wilson, Riverchase Flooring Sam Warbington, Riverchase Galleria Stacey Swinney, Riverchase Village Senior Living Phil Holmes, St. Vincent's Health System Vivian Johnson, Sam's Club Dr. Jack Schaeffer, Schaeffer Eye Centers Manjit Sodhi, Sodhi Insurance Agency Michael Mays, Somerby at St. Vincent's One Nineteen Jason Cobb, Superior Bank Dana Fuhrman, SuperTarget Elisha Triola, T-Mobile Financial Care Patrick Trammell, Trinity Medical Center Tom McDougal, UAB Medical Center West Roger Rocha, The University of Phoenix Erika Patlan, Uricho Services Dr. Terry van der Werff, van der Werff Global, Ltd. Brenda McCrary, Veolia Environmental Stan Banks, Virginia College Online Carl Martin, Vulcan Heating & Air Conditioning Jeff Jay, Wal-Mart SuperCenter, Highway 150 Glen Smith, Wal-Mart SuperCenter, Highway 280 Jason Dill, Wells Fargo Bank Suzanne Banks-Russell, WIAT - CBS-42 TV Russell Pate, Zaxby's 4PNFPGUIFNBOZCFOFGJUTPVS#PBSEPG5SVTUFFTNFNCFSTFOKPZ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Portrait photograph on the Board of Trustees page of the Chamber website www.hooverchamber.org/trust.html; in the Board of Trustees section of the annual Hoover Magazine; and the annual four-page section of The Birmingham News to introduce our new Board of Directors and Board of Trustees Name and company listing in the monthly Chamber newsletter Invitation to the winter and summer receptions honoring the Board of Trustees, Chamber Board of Directors, City Council, Mayor and state legislators Reserved complimentary seating at the Mayor's Annual Prayer Breakfast Complimentary tickets to the Chamber's Business After Hours at the Regions Charity Golf Classic and the Annual Miss Hoover Pageant Membership in the Board of Trustees is offered by invitation to members paying a minimum of $1,000.00 in dues per year. If you are interested in networking with the area's top business and community leaders, please contact Bill Powell at 988-5672 for more information. Carl Martin Vulcan Heating & Air Conditioning Lisa Miller,DMD, MD Clark Holmes Oral & Facial Surgery Stacey Swinney Riverchase Village Senior Living QBHF )PPWFS"SFB$IBNCFSPG$PNNFSDF/FXTMFUUFS 3JCCPO$VUUJOHT A ribbon cutting was held November 3 at the new VIVA Health Café near Ellis Piano in Hoover. Shown cutting the ribbon is Dana Garvin of VIVA Medicare Plus as Hoover Mayor Tony Petelos holds the bow in place. They are surrounded by dozens of staff, friends, administrators, and chamber ambassadors who were there to join in the celebration. See their website at www.vivahealth.com A ribbon cutting was held November 4 at the new concept Henig Furs in the old Just for Feet location at the Riverchase Galleria, where they have leather gear as low as $20.00 for children. Shown cutting the ribbon is owner Mike Henig as Hoover Mayor Tony Petelos holds the bow. They are surrounded by several family members, staff and chamber volunteers. QBHF %FDFNCFS 3JCCPO$VUUJOHT A Ribbon Cutting was held November 10 at The Tutoring Center at 2804 John Hawkins Parkway near Academy Sports, with both the Hoover Chamber and the Greater Shelby County Chamber participating. Cutting the ribbon is owner and Center Director Isaac Zeidan as he is assisted by several staff members and Ambassadors from both the Hoover and Greater Shelby County Chambers. The Tutoring Center can be reached at 987-9577 or see their website at www.tutoringcenter.com - HooverAL@ tutoringcenter.com $PGGFF$POUBDUT 4DIFEVMF %FDFNCFS 3JEFPVUµT4PVUIFSO)FSJUBHF +BOVBSZ %BOCFSSZBU*OWFSOFTT 'FCSVBSZ #VTJOFTT3FTPVSDF(SPVQ .BSDI +JN´O/JDLTµ3JWFSDIBTF "QSJM 5IF8ZOGSFZ)PUFM .BZ 7FSJ[PO8JSFMFTT +VOF 3JWFSDIBTF7JMMBHF -VODIFPO4QPOTPSTIJQT /PSNBMMZSE5IVSTEBZPGFBDI NPOUI %FDFNCFS ##5#BOL +BOVBSZ 'JSTU$PNNFSDJBM#BOL 'FCSVBSZ 8FMMT'BSHP5VSOFS#BUTPO .BSDI #JSNJOHIBN#BSPOT #VTJOFTT"GUFS )PVST4DIFEVMF UI5IVSTEBZPGFBDINPOUI A Ribbon Cutting was held November 16 at the new UPS Store on Montgomery Highway in Hoover, directly across from Crest Cadillac. Shown cutting the ribbon is owner Jim Allan, as area supervisor Jeff Flannery holds the bow. They are surrounded by several family members, support staff and chamber ambassadors. This UPS Store can be reached at 823-8899 or through their website at www.theupsstorelocal.com/0924 %FDFNCFS5VFTEBZ 8JOFµE%PXO +BOVBSZ 4PNFSCZBU4U7JODFOUµT 'FCSVBSZ "NFSJQSJTF'JOBODJBM-JCFSUZ1BSL .BSDI 3FTJEFODF*OO#JSNJOHIBN)PPWFS "QSJM )PPWFS$PVOUSZ$MVC .BZ )PMJEBZ*OO)PPWFS +VOF )ZBUU1MBDF*OWFSOFTT QBHF )PPWFS"SFB$IBNCFSPG$PNNFSDF/FXTMFUUFS OOVERAREA $3528'0(0%(5 6LQFH ,QWKLVGLJLWDODJHLW·VLPSHUDWLYHWKDW\RX ÀQGDSULQWHUZKRFDQVLPSOLI\WKH FRPSOH[LWLHVDVZHOODVWDNH IXOODGYDQWDJHRIWKHP:(&$1'2,7 IXOOFRORUSURFHVVSULQWLQJ JUDSKLFGHVLJQ FDUERQOHVVIRUPV QHZVOHWWHUV EURFKXUHV EXVLQHVVFDUGV SURJUDPVERRNOHWV OHWWHUKHDG HQYHORSHV LQYLWDWLRQV FDOHQGDUV PDLOLQJVHUYLFHVPRUH )UHH3LFNXS'HOLYHU\ ID[ &DOOXVHPDLOXVRUYLVLWRXUZHEVLWH IRUDQRREOLJDWLRQTXRWH\RXFDQFRXQWRQ KRRYHUSULQW#KRRYHUSULQWFRPSDQ\FRP ZZZKRRYHUSULQWFRPSDQ\FRP )PPWFS"SFB$IBNCFSPG$PNNFSDF/FXTMFUUFS 4J[F .P QBHFCVTJOFTTDBSETJ[F QBHF³XY³I .P .P %FBEMJOFGPSBEWFSUJTFNFOUTJTUIPGNPOUIQSFDFEJOHUIFOFXTMFUUFS .BJMJOHMBCFMT1FS4FU .FNCFSTIJQPOEJTLXJUIVQEBUFT :PVSCVTJOFTTTIPXOPO*OUFSBDUJWF8FCTJUF.BQ:FBS 1"4513&4*%&/54&9&$65*7&$0..*55&& 1978 - Richard Head, RE/MAX Advantage 1989 - Dan Mikos, Mikos-Kampakis Insurance 1993 - Lisa Worley, Anchor Insurance Company 2000 - Lynn Thomas, AT&T Real Yellow Pages 2002 - Terri Gualano, AT&T Alabama 2004 - Lori Ewoldsen, Children's Health System 2006 - A.W. Bolt, Bolt Law Office 2008 - Bill Stoeffhaas, Style Adverising 2009 - Dan Ellis, NCP Solutions QBHF %FDFNCFS Special Offer Purchase any Tameron Vehicle at Employee Pricing. In order to promote good corporate citizenship in the Birmingham Metropolitan Area, Tameron Honda would like to extend an invitation to you, your company and your employees. Partners in Community is Tameron Honda’s way to reach out to its community and its businesses to help its employees and local Charities. In order to promote good corporate citizenship in the Birmingham Participating companies willMetropolitan be able to Area, Tameron Honda would like to extend purchase new, fuel-efficient Hondas from an Tameron invitationHonda to you,atyour your onlycompany $300 overand cost. employees. Partners in Community is To show our own support for our fellow Tameron Honda’s way toreturn reach out its businesses, Tameron will thatto $300 community andtoitsany businesses to help itsof per vehicle sold internal program employeeschoice, and local Charities. your company’s such as recruiting, In order to promote good corporate corporate community funds or similar citizenship in the Birmingham Metropolitan Participating be able to corporatecompanies citizenshipwill activities. Area, Tameron Honda would like to extend purchase new, fuel-efficient Hondas from an Tameron invitationHonda to you,atyour your onlycompany $300 overand cost. employees. Partners in Community is To show our own support for our fellow Tameron Honda’s way toreturn reach out its businesses, Tameron will thatto $300 community andtoitsany businesses to help itsof per vehicle sold internal program employeeschoice, and local Charities. your company’s such as recruiting, corporate community funds or similar Participating be able to corporatecompanies citizenshipwill activities. purchase new, fuel-efficient Hondas from Tameron Honda at only $300 over cost. To show our own support for our fellow businesses, Tameron will return that $300 per vehicle sold to any internal program of your company’s choice, such as recruiting, corporate community funds or similar corporate citizenship activities. After nearly forty years as a corporate Purchase any new Tameron Honda at $300 over dealer cost and that $300 will be given back to your company's Purchasefund anyorTameron community charitable Vehicle at Employee efforts. member of the Birmingham community, the Purchase new Tameron A Limitedany Lifetime Powertrain Honda at $300 over dealer Guarantee at NO EXTRA cost and that $300 will be CHARGE. given back to your company's Purchase anyorTameron community fund charitable Fast No-Hassle Pricing Vehicle at Employee efforts. member thefor Birmingham community, We thankofyou your support and look the best award we can receive is the forward to our continued efforts continued to improve Special Offer Pricing. LifeCare Special Offer Pricing. Saturday VIP Service LifeCare Purchase new Tameron A Limitedany Lifetime Powertrain Lifetime Service Honda at $300 over dealer Guarantee at NO EXTRA Guarantee cost and that $300 will be CHARGE. given back to your company's community fund or charitable Fast No-Hassle Pricing efforts. best award we can receive is the continued patronage of our client base. We happily look forward to funding your efforts in this program. Collectively, we can foster an overall increase in community confidence, as well as strengthen our ability to conduct After nearly forty years as economy. a corporate business in this changing patronage of our client base. We happily our community. look forward to funding your efforts in this program. Sincerely, Collectively, we can foster an overall increase in community confidence, Danny Braden as well as strengthen our ability to conduct President After nearly forty years as economy. a corporate business in this changing member thefor Birmingham community, We thankofyou your support and look the best award we can receive is the forward to our continued efforts continued to improve patronage of our client base. We happily our community. look forward to funding your efforts in this program. Sincerely, Collectively, we can foster an overall increase in community confidence, Danny Braden Saturday VIP Service LifeCare A Limited Lifetime Powertrain Lifetime Service Guarantee at NO EXTRA Guarantee as well as strengthen our ability to conduct President business in this changing economy. CHARGE. our community. Fast No-Hassle Pricing Sincerely, Saturday VIP Service President Lifetime Service Guarantee We thank you for your support and look forward to our continued efforts to improve Danny Braden 1694 Montgomery Highway, Suite 108 Post Office Box 36005 Hoover, Alabama 35236 (205) 988-5672 | (205) 988-8383 FAX www.hooverchamber.org email: bill@hooverchamber.org 0''*$&34 PRESIDENT, Robert Linthout, Arrell Internet Service FIRST VICE PRESIDENT, David Bradley, David Bradley Consulting SECOND VICE PRESIDENT, Kathleen Spencer, Hyatt Place-Hoover TREASURER, Dennis Cameron, C.P.A., Cooke, Cameron, Travis & Co. SECRETARY, Debbie Rockwell, BB&T Bank IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT, Dan Ellis, NCP Solutions LEGAL COUNSEL, Terry Turner, Gentle, Turner & Sexton HOOVER CITY LIAISON, Lori Salter, Public Information Officer #0"3%.&.#&34 Jason Cobb, Superior Bank, 2009-2011 Joe DiBenedetto, American Osment, 2009-2011 Kristy Glover, Union State Bank, 2009-2011 Phil Holmes, St. Vincent's One Nineteen 2010-2012 Vivian Johnson, Sam's Club 2008-2010 Andy Peters, The Wynfrey Hotel, 2010-2012 LeAnn Sullivan, The Birmingham News 2008-2010 Terry van der Werff, van der Werff Global, Ltd. 2010-2012 45"'' Bill Powell, Executive Director Leah Studdard, Executive Assistant Verona Petite, Account Executive Terri Clarke, Administrative Assistant OOVERAREA 6TFUIJTMPHPUPQMBDFJOZPVSBETGPSIJHIFSOBNFSFDPHOJUJPO5IJTMPHPDBOCFFNBJMFEUP NFNCFSTGPSVTFJOBEWFSUJTJOHPOCVTJOFTTDBSETBOEPOMFUUFSIFBEPSTJHOT $BMFOEBSPG&WFOUT %FDFNCFS QN#VTJOFTTBGUFS)PVSTBU8JOFµE%PXO.BJO4USFFU4VJUF1BUUPO$SFFL4IPQQJOH$FOUFS )PPWFS$BMMPSXJOF!XJOFEEPXODPNXXXXJOFEEPXODPNGPSJOGPSNBUJPO %FDFNCFS BN$PGGFF$POUBDUTBU3JEPVUµ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µ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µT0OF/JOFUFFO0OF/JOFUFFO#PVMFWBSE )PPWFSNTUFFMF!TPNFSCZMJWJOHDPNPSXXXTPNFSCIZBUTUWJODFOUTDPN