How will you build your legacy? - University of California, Santa Cruz
How will you build your legacy? - University of California, Santa Cruz
UC SC GUID E TO PL A NNED GI V ING How will you build your legacy? CONTENTS YOUR SUPPORT BUILDS ON OUR ACHIEVEMENTS: YOU CAN BUILD A STRONG LEGACY3 t 6 $4BOUB$SV[SFTFBSDIFSTXFSFUIFmSTUUPBTTFNCMF UIF%/"TFRVFODFPGUIFIVNBOHFOPNFBOEHBWF UIFXPSMEBGSFFSFWPMVUJPOBSZUPPMUIF6$4$ (FOPNF#SPXTFS3FTFBSDIFSTXPSMEXJEFVTFUIF HFOPNFCSPXTFSUPEJTDPWFSOFXXBZTUPEJBHOPTF USFBUBOEFWFOQSFWFOUEJTFBTFT A note from Chancellor Blumenthal YOUR GIFT IS A POWERFUL INVESTMENT 4 STUDENT STORIES 5 STEP 1 YOUR GIFT IS A REWARDING INVESTMENT 7 Planned Giving: Something for Everyone t 6 $4$SFTFBSDIFSTTBWFEUIFQFSFHSJOFGBMDPOGSPN OFBSFYUJODUJPO5PEBZUIFJSOVNCFSTBSFTPBSJOH $PNNFNPSBUJWF(JGUT $VSSFOUPS&OEPXFE(JGUT "4PDJBM*OWFTUNFOU STEP 2 t 5 ISPVHISFTFBSDIFEVDBUJPOBOEQVCMJDTFSWJDFQSPHSBNT6$4$IBTUSBOTGPSNFEUIFXBZGPPEJTHSPXO BOEIFMQFENBLFiTVTUBJOBCJMJUZwBIPVTFIPMEXPSE HOW TO BEGIN YOUR LEGACY Cash Gifts Property Other than Cash "QQSFDJBUFE4FDVSJUJFT 3FBM&TUBUF 5BOHJCMF1FSTPOBM1SPQFSUZ -JGF*OTVSBODF STEP 3 MAKE YOUR GIFT WORK FOR YOU Gifts That Provide Income Your Legacy Planning Options (table) $IBSJUBCMF(JGU"OOVJUJFT $IBSJUBCMF3FNBJOEFS5SVTUT $IBSJUBCMF3FNBJOEFS"OOVJUZ5SVTUT $IBSJUBCMF3FNBJOEFS6OJUSVTUT $IBSJUBCMF-FBE5SVTUT 1PPMFE*ODPNF'VOET Gifts From Your Retirement Plans and Estate 3FUJSFNFOU1MBOT*3"T #FRVFTUT t 5 IF%JDLFOT1SPKFDUBU6$4BOUB$SV[JTJOUFSOBUJPOBMMZ SFDPHOJ[FEBTUIFQSFNJFSDFOUFSGPS%JDLFOTTUVEJFT JOUIFXPSMEBOEJTPOFPGUIFMFBEJOHTJUFTGPSSFTFBSDI POUIDFOUVSZ#SJUJTIDVMUVSF t 5 IFmSTU"*%4WBDDJOFUPIBWFTIPXOFGGFDUJWFOFTT BHBJOTUUIF"*%4WJSVTXBTEFWFMPQFECZ6$4BOUB $SV[CJPNPMFDVMBSFOHJOFFS1IJM#FSNBO t 6 $4$JTIPNFUPPOFPGUIFUPQDFOUFSTGPSNBSJOF NBNNBMSFTFBSDIJOUIFXPSMEBOEPVSNBSJOF TDJFOUJTUTBSFXPSLJOHUPJOUFHSBUFTDJFODFBOEQPMJDZ JOQSPHSBNTUIBUBEESFTTPDFBODPOTFSWBUJPOBOE NBOBHFNFOUJTTVFT t 4 IBLFTQFBSF4BOUB$SV[XBTGPVOEFEBU6$4BOUB $SV[JO5IJSUZZFBSTMBUFS44$DPOUJOVFTUPCF IFSBMEFEBTPOFPGUIFOBUJPOTNPTUJOOPWBUJWF UIFBUFSGFTUJWBMT THE 21ST CENTURY CLUB............................ CONTACT UCSC APPENDIX Bequest Language t 3 BOLFEmSTUOBUJPOBMMZGPSJNQBDUPGSFTFBSDIJOTQBDF TDJFODFT6$4$TBTUSPOPNFSTIBWFEJTDPWFSFENPSF UIBOIBMGPGBMMLOPXOFYUSBTPMBSQMBOFUT You can build a strong legacy :PVIBWFBOPQQPSUVOJUZUPJOWFTUJOBQMBDF MJLFOPPUIFS"QMBDFUIBUIBTCFFODBSFGVMMZ DVMUJWBUFEJOPSEFSUPDPOUJOVFJUTDPNNJUNFOU UPTUVEFOUTUPTPDJFUZUPCFBQMBDFPG RVFTUJPOJOHVOEFSTUBOEJOHFYQFSJNFOUBUJPO BOETPMVUJPOT “A gift to UCSC is a social investment—and the dividends are invaluable. We are transforming students’ lives and perspectives, enabling them to innovate, research, and solve challenging real-world problems. Our excellent faculty make UCSC an exceptional institution for new ideas and visionary thinking, joining together the best elements of creativity, knowledge, and wisdom. Much of this success is owed to our friends and supporters at UCSC.” 6$4$DPOUJOVFTUPCFBEZOBNJDSFTFBSDI VOJWFSTJUZXJUIBOJOUFSOBUJPOBMSFQVUBUJPOGPS UBDLMJOHDPNQMFYTPDJBMQPMJUJDBMBOETDJFOUJmD QSPCMFNTBOEGPSHJWJOHVOEFSHSBEVBUFBOE HSBEVBUFTUVEFOUTUIFUPPMTUIFZOFFEUPXPSL FGGFDUJWFMZJOBDPNQMFYXPSME *OWFTUNFOUTGSPNJOEJWJEVBMTMJLFZPVBSF DSJUJDBMUPNBLJOHBMMPGUIJTQPTTJCMF +PJOVTJOPVSDPNNJUNFOUUPDPOUJOVFUIJT NJTTJPO#FBQBSUPGPVSMFHBDZBOEZPVST Chancellor TO FIND OUT MORE, PLEASE VISIT: GIVING.UCSC.EDU/PLANNEDGIFTS page 3 Your gift is a powerful investment 1SJWBUFHJGUTBSFBOJOWFTUNFOUFOTVSJOHBOFYUSBPSEJOBSZ RVBMJUZPGFEVDBUJPOGPSFBDIUCSC TUVEFOUXIJMFFOBCMJOH $"33*&'&3(640/3&$*1*&/5 0'5)&8*--*".):%&"/% 464"/#&/5&&/*38*/ 4$)0-"34)*1 $BSSJF'FSHVTPOBMXBZTIBTB OFXXBZPGMPPLJOHBUUIJOHT 5IFUCSC VOEFSHSBEVBUFDPOUJOVFT UPGVFMUIFJNBHJOBUJPOXJUIIFS LJOFUJDNFDIBOJDBMBSU4IFTMPPLJOH GPSXBSEUPDPNQMFUJOHIFSEFHSFF BOEHSBETDIPPMXJUIBTTJTUBODF GSPNUIF*SXJO4DIPMBSTIJQT BXBSEFECZGBDVMUZOPNJOBUJPOUP UIFCFTUTUVEFOUTJOUIFWJTVBMBSUT i5IJTTDIPMBSTIJQXBTBCTPMVUFMZ DSJUJDBMGPSNFBOEXBTUIFTVQQPSU *OFFEFEUPGJOJTINZFEVDBUJPOw TBJE'FSHVTPOXIPBTQJSFTUP CFDPNFBOBSUQSPGFTTPSBOEUFBDI GVMMUJNFi*UCVJMETPOUIFBMSFBEZ JODSFEJCMFGBDJMJUJFTBOEFOWJSPONFOU BU6$4$w SFTFBSDIFSTUPCSFBLOFXHSPVOE4UBUFGVOEJOHQSPWJEFT BGPVOEBUJPOGPS6$4$CVUQSJWBUFDPOUSJCVUJPOTBSFFTTFOUJBM 8JUIPVUUIFNJUXJMMCFNPSFEJGGJDVMUGPS UCSC UP TVTUBJOJUTDPNNJUNFOUUPJNQSPWJOHQFPQMFTMJWFT UISPVHIJOOPWBUJPOBOEEJTDPWFSZXIJMFQSPWJEJOHB UPQUJFSFEVDBUJPOUPPVSTUVEFOUT Examples of your investment in action: Flexible FundingFNQPXFSTUIF$IBODFMMPSUPBEWBODF DBNQVTQSJPSJUJFTPSTFJ[FFNFSHJOH PQQPSUVOJUJFTBTUIFZBSJTF Flexible giftsQSPWJEFB NFBOTPGJNNFEJBUFMZ Funding to provide scholarships UIBUPQFOEPPSTGPSFYDFQUJPOBM BEESFTTJOHBSFBTUIBUIBWF UIFNPTUJNQBDUGPSPVS TUVEFOUTBMMPXJOHUIF VOEFSHSBEVBUFTJODMVEJOHNBOZ $IBODFMMPSUPBEWBODFUPQ XIPBSFUIFmSTUJOUIFJSGBNJMZ DBNQVTQSJPSJUJFTDirected UPBUUFOEDPMMFHFBOEXIP giftsBMMPXZPVUPEFTJHOBUF PUIFSXJTFDPVMEOPUBGGPSE ZPVSTVQQPSUUPBTQFDJmD QSPHSBNPSQSJPSJUZBSFB BVOJWFSTJUZFEVDBUJPO Funding to underwrite programsJOmFMETBTEJWFSTFBT DBODFSSFTFBSDIFOWJSPONFOUBMTDJFODFTBOENPEFSO "NFSJDBONVTJD Funding for endowed chairsQFSIBQTUIFTJOHMFNPTU QPXFSGVMUPPMGPSSFUBJOJOHBOESFDSVJUJOHXPSMEDMBTT GBDVMUZXIPWBMVFCPUIUFBDIJOHBOESFTFBSDI Funding for capital programsTVQQPSUTUIFCFTUFRVJQNFOUMBCPSBUPSZVQHSBEFTBOEGBDJMJUJFTDSJUJDBMGPS OVSUVSJOHTUVEFOUJOJUJBUJWFBOEQSPWJEJOHJOOPWBUJWF QSPHSBNTUIBUDPNQMFNFOUDMBTTSPPNJOTUSVDUJPO page 4 UC SANTA CRUZ GUIDE TO PL ANNED GIVING 5PXBUDIJOUFSWJFXT XJUIUIFTFBOEPUIFS SFDFOUHSBEVBUFT QMFBTFWJTJU VDTDFEVHSBET STUDENT STORIES Huijun Katherine Chen Degrees: B.A. history; B.A. economics; B.A. math (interdisciplinary triple major) Amanda Smith College: Nine Hometown: San Jose, CA Degree: B.A. feminist studies College: Kresge Hometown: Palo Alto, CA Drew Detweiler Joi Barnett Degrees: M.F.A. digital arts and new media (DANM) Degree: B.S. computer engineering Associate Fellow, Porter College College: Oakes Hometown: Los Angeles, CA Hometown: Charlotte, NC “My goal when I started college was to find a job on Wall Street and be financially secure, but now I feel that my education would be better used to help improve the lives of others.” Most surprising thing about UCSC? “The dedication and maturity of the student body. It seems like everyone is involved with an activity that they truly care about, and many of them work or intern without pay. They can see past materialism and simply embrace their passions, which I think is unique to UCSC.” “My thesis project was the realization of a long-term dream of working with youth in Brazil. I put video cameras into the hands of the first-time cinema students at the Instituto Dois Irmâos, and it’s hard to describe the joy and chaotic excitement as they ran out into the streets shooting video of everything.” How has your UCSC graduate education shaped you professionally? “I was a ‘nontraditional’ student, in that I had worked professionally as a film educator before I enrolled in the DANM program. At UCSC I had the opportunity to work with many amazing professors as a Teaching Assistant for film, art, and music courses. Not only was I inspired artistically, but I also rediscovered the classroom as a student and a TA, which has made me a better teacher.” “UCSC has helped cultivate my academic passions, and through that, my identity. My experiences at UCSC have made me stronger, more intelligent, and more motivated to effect positive change in society.” Most surprising thing about UCSC? “The diversity of classes and class structures. From large lectures courses, to seminars with 20 students, to independent one-onone projects, to volunteering and off-campus service projects— UCSC offers such a wealth of academic opportunities.” TO FIND OUT MORE, PLEASE VISIT: GIVING.UCSC.EDU/PLANNEDGIFTS “I have met so many people— professors, students, prospective students—who have helped me realize how I want to live my life and who I am as a person. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything else.” Your favorite class or professor and why? “My most valued classroom experience was as participant in UCSC’s Academic Excellence (ACE) Program. Nandini Bhattacharya, the section leader for my lower-division math courses, is an amazing instructor. She not only taught me mathematics, but also showed me that the cliché ‘You can do anything you put your mind to,’ is a very realistic statement. She always believed in me and, because of her, I was able to become a successful engineering student.” page 5 #*--%*$,*/40/ 1*0/&&3$-"44(3"%6"5& i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mDVMUCFHJOOJOHT 0GDPVSTF*XBOUFEUPNBLFTVSFJU XBTFOEPXFETPJUXPVMEDBSSZPO BGUFSNZEFBUI i*XBOUFEUPDSFBUFBHJGUBSSBOHFNFOU UIBUXPVMEQBZNFSFUJSFNFOUJODPNF "TBSFTVMU*FTUBCMJTIFEB$IBSJUBCMF 3FNBJOEFS6OJUSVTUUISPVHIUIFTBMFPG SFBMFTUBUFCFDBVTFJUPGGFSTNFJODPNF OPXBOEXJMMDSFBUFBOFOEPXNFOUGPS UIF4NJUI4PDJFUZJOUIFGVUVSF*N HMBE*EJEw For more information on establishing a Charitable Remainder Unitrust, contact the Office of Gift Planning at 831-459-5227 or by e-mailing page 6 UC SANTA CRUZ GUIDE TO PL ANNED GIVING Step1. Your gift is a rewarding investment 1IJMBOUISPQJDTVQQPSUPGUCSC DBOCFUSBDFEUP $0..&.03"5*7&(*'54 JUTGPVOEJOHJO0VSFYDFQUJPOBMMFBSOJOH UCSC’s philanthropic partners have the opportunity to honor others — perhaps a family member, a friend, or a respected mentor—by naming their gift. Opportunities include naming a research fund, an endowed scholarship or faculty chair, library subjects, or facilities. Let us help you design a gift that honors that special someone. DPNNVOJUZIBTCFFOTVTUBJOFECZUIFTVQQPSUPG DPNNVOJUZNFNCFSTBMVNOJQBSFOUTGBDVMUZ TUBGGBOEGSJFOET JOEJWJEVBMTMJLFZPV.BOZ TVQQPSUUCSC POBOBOOVBMCBTJTBOENBOZ JODMVEFUCSC JOUIFJSFTUBUFQMBOT"MMSFBMJ[F UIBUBOFEVDBUJPOBUUCSC JTBNPOHTPDJFUZT CFTUJOWFTUNFOUT PLANNED GIVING: SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Fulfill your philanthropic goals, and discover more ways to give than you ever thought possible. t .BLFJOWFTUNFOUTUIBUiHJWFCBDLwUPZPV1MBOOFEHJGUTPS investments in UCSC can provide extra retirement income, or help pay for your children or grandchildren’s education. t %FGFSPSSFEVDFUBYFT $633&/503&/%08&%(*'54 ɨJOLBCPVUUIFUJNFGSBNFPWFSXIJDIZPVEMJLF UPNBLFBEJGGFSFODF:PVDBOEFTJHOBUFZPVS investment to establish a current use fund that is entirely expendable and lasts only as long as the fund exists. Or you may wish to establish and name an endowment fund that exists in perpetuity and generates an annual distribution. Named at your request, this endowment will exist in perpetuity; annual payments from the endowment support the scholarship, program, or faculty chair while the value of the fund continues to grow. t "EENFBOJOHUPZPVSHJGUCZIPOPSJOHTPNFPOFTQFDJBM t )FMQGVUVSFTUVEFOUTBOETVQQPSUJNQPSUBOUSFTFBSDIXIJMF maximizing the financial advantages available to you. "40$*"-*/7&45.&/5'03 8)&3&5)&*.1"$5*4(3&"5&45 "TBQMBOOFEHJWJOHEPOPSZPVDBOQBSUOFSXJUI6$4$BTXF explore, discover—even transform—the world and share the rewards, through a return on investment measured in innovation for generations to come. Supporting the UCSC Fund is the most flexible LJOEPGTVQQPSUZPVDBOPêFS8JUIBOVOSFTUSJDUFE endowment, you will provide UCSC with a perpetual fund named as you wish. Its income is then directed by the chancellor to meet the VOJWFSTJUZTNPTUQSFTTJOHEFNBOET"MUFSOBUJWFMZ gifts can also benefit a specific area of UCSC, or focus on a particular area, such as endowed scholarships, fellowships, or faculty chairs. TO FIND OUT MORE, PLEASE VISIT: GIVING.UCSC.EDU/PLANNEDGIFTS page 7 Step 2. How to begin your legacy CASH GIFTS PROPERTY OTHER THAN CASH Cash is the most common and popular type of asset given. $IFDLTNBZCFNBEFQBZBCMFUPUIF6$4BOUB$SV[ Foundation, and mailed to this address: "113&$*"5&%4&$63*5*&4 UC Santa Cruz Foundation 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064 8FTVHHFTUUIBUZPVJODMVEFBOPUFPSMFUUFSTUBUJOHUIBUZPVS gift is either unrestricted or designated for a specific purpose. Your receipt will be mailed to the address you provide. 8IFOZPVJUFNJ[FZPVSEFEVDUJPOTHJGUTPGDBTIDBOCF EFEVDUFEPOZPVSGFEFSBMJODPNFUBYSFUVSO"NPVOUTVQUP 50 percent of your adjusted gross income can be deducted; any excess can be deducted over the next five years. The ëWFZFBSDBSSZPWFSXPSLTGPSBOZBTTFUZPVEMJLFUPVTF:PVS actual tax savings depends on your tax rate and other factors. Generally, the higher your tax rate, the greater your savings. Gifts of cash are considered completed when delivered or mailed. Important:QMFBTFDBMM VTCFGPSFNBLJOHBOZPG UIFTFHJGUT8FDBOBTTJTU ZPVBOEZPVSBEWJTFSTP UIBUZPVIBWFUIFDPSSFDU JOGPSNBUJPO.PSFPWFS XFDBOFOTVSFUIF QSPDFTTJTFGmDJFOUBOE BDDPNQMJTIFTZPVSHPBMT page 8 Gifts of appreciated securities, including appreciated TIBSFTPGNVUVBMGVOETNBZCFNBEFBUBSFNBSLBCMZ low after-tax cost. If you have securities that have increased in value and you have owned them at least 12 months and a day, you not only receive a deduction based on the full appreciated value of the asset, but you also avoid the capital gains tax that would have been due if you had sold the shares. You can generally deduct gifts in the form of appreciated property up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. To maximize the tax benefits available to you, your shares must be transferred to the UCSC Foundation before they are sold. The way you transfer shares is EFUFSNJOFECZXIFUIFSZPVSTUPDLJTIFMEJOBCSPLFSBHF BDDPVOUPSJODFSUJëDBUFGPSN1MFBTFDBMMVTBCPVU FMFDUSPOJDBMMZUSBOTNJUUJOHTIBSFTGSPNZPVSCSPLFSBHF account to our foundation account—an easy way to NBLFBOJNQPSUBOUHJGU 3&"-&45"5& 3FBMFTUBUFNBLFTBOBQQFBMJOHDIBSJUBCMFHJGU-JLF most other charitable gifts, real estate gifts are tax deductible — and that’s just the beginning. Through various ways of managing property and arranging for its distribution to family and others, you can minimize taxes and worries for your heirs. You may also be able to arrange supplemental income for retirement as part of your gift, or give a home while you continue to live in it. UC SANTA CRUZ GUIDE TO PL ANNED GIVING 5"/(*#-&1&340/"-1301&35 : $PMMFDUJPOTPGWBMVFXPSLTPGBSUKFXFMSZBOUJRVFT NVTJDBMJOTUSVNFOUTSBSFCPPLTëSTUFEJUJPOTBOE other personal property can become practical and meaningful gifts. The amount of your deduction depends on various factors including but not limited to the appraised value and how your gift will be used. 6OEFSiSFMBUFEVTFw*34SVMFTJG6$4$VTFTUIF donated personal property in the normal course of its educational and/or research activities, your deduction for the gift can generally include the appreciated QPSUJPOPGUIFWBMVF1MFBTFOPUFUIBUJUFNTWBMVFEBU more than $5,000 require an independent appraisal. UCSC retains the right to decide which tangible personal property to accept. -*'&*/463"/$& Insurance policies that were purchased to provide protection for dependent children or as part of a business partnership, but are no longer needed for their original purpose, provide an excellent giving PQQPSUVOJUZ8IFOZPVEPOBUFBOFYJTUJOHQPMJDZUP the UCSC Foundation, the value of your gift is determined to be approximately the current net cash value of the policy at the time the gift is made. INVESTING IN STUDENTS 8*5)1-"//&%(*'54 "-&$,"/%/"/$:%"33 "MFDLBOE/BODZ%BSSBSFNFNCFSTPGUIF6$4BOUB $SV[DPNNVOJUZXIPIBWFJODMVEFE6$4$JOUIFJSXJMM "MFDLJTBOBMVNOVT"DDPSEJOHUP"MFDLIJTXJGF /BODZDPVMECFBOIPOPSBSZ,SFTHF$PMMFHFBMVNOB GSPNUIFOVNCFSPGUJNFTUIFZWFCPUIBUUFOEFEUIF %JDLFOT6OJWFSTFBOBOOVBMMJUFSBSZFWFOUPODBNQVT UIBUTUVEJFTUIFXPSLTPG$IBSMFT%JDLFOT i8IFOXFSFUJSFEXFXFSFVTFEUPQVUUJOHNPOFZ JOUPPVS,GVOET#FDBVTFXFEPOUIBWFBOZ DIJMESFOXFBHSFFEUIBUUIFCFTUXBZGPSVTUP DPOUJOVFUPJOWFTUJOUIFGVUVSFXPVMECFUPQVU NPOFZJOUPUIFUXPVOJWFSTJUJFTUIBUHBWFVTPVS PXOGVUVSFTw/BODZTBJE #PUI4BDSBNFOUP4UBUFBOE6$4$CFOFmUGSPNUIF %BSSTHFOFSPTJUZ i*XFOUUP4UFWFOTPO$PMMFHFw"MFDLTBJEi*DPVME IBWFEFmOJUFMZVTFEIFMQXJUIXSJUJOHXIFO*XBTJO UIFEPSNTTPXIFOXFIFBSEGSPNGPSNFS1SPWPTU &MMFO4VDLJFMIPXBDUJWF4UFWFOTPOTXSJUJOHQSPHSBNT BSFXFEFDJEFEUPGVOEJUFWFSZNPOUI"GUFSXFSF HPOFPVSFTUBUFXJMMTVQQPSUUIF%BSS&OEPXNFOU GPS4UVEFOU4DIPMBSTIJQTBU4UFWFOTPO$PMMFHFw i8FSFCPUIUIFmSTUJOPVSGBNJMJFTUPHPUPDPMMFHF* OFWFSXPVMEIBWFNBEFJUUISPVHITDIPPMJG*IBEOU IBETDIPMBSTIJQTw/BODZTBJEi4JODFXFCPUILOPX IPXNVDIJUNFBOTUPHFUIFMQXIFOZPVOFFEJUJUT CFFOOJDFUPIBWFTVDIBOBHSFFNFOUJOPVSHJWJOHw *OBEEJUJPOUPUIFJSPOHPJOHTVQQPSUGPS4UFWFOTPO UIF%BSSTIBWFJODMVEFEBQFSDFOUBHFPGUIFJSFTUBUF UPTVQQPSUUIF%JDLFOT6OJWFSTF i*ODMVEJOHBQFSDFOUBHFPGPVSFTUBUFUPFBDIPGPVS JOUFSFTUTNFBOTFBDIPGPVSJOUFSFTUTXJMMHFUTVQQPSUFEw"MFDLTBJEi5IBUTXIBUNBUUFSTUPVTw TO FIND OUT MORE, PLEASE VISIT: GIVING.UCSC.EDU/PLANNEDGIFTS page 9 Step 3. .BLFZPVSHJGUXPSLGPSZPV GIFTS THAT PROVIDE INCOME %JEZPVSFBMJ[FUIBUZPVDBONBLFBHJGUUP 6$4$XIJMFSFUBJOJOHOFFEFEJODPNF 5IFSF BSFTFWFSBMUZQFTPGJODPNFQSPEVDJOHHJGUT UPDIPPTFGSPNFBDIXJUIEJGGFSFOUCFOFmUT BOESFRVJSFNFOUT #FOFmUTPGUIFTFHJGUTJODMVEFUBYTBWJOHT DIBSJUBCMFEFEVDUJPOTBOESFHVMBSQBZNFOUT UPZPVBOEZPVSTQPVTFPSQBSUOFSGPSMJGF *OUIFTFBSSBOHFNFOUTHJGUHJWJOHOFFEOPU NFBOTBDSJmDJOHmOBODJBMTFDVSJUZ5IJTUZQF PGHJWJOHDBOIFMQZPV t $SFBUFBTVQQMFNFOUBMTPVSDFPG SFUJSFNFOUJODPNF t &OTVSFBQSPUFDUFEJODPNFGPSZPVSTQPVTF PSPUIFSMPWFEPOFTXIPTVSWJWFZPV t "SSBOHFGVOETUPDPWFSFEVDBUJPOBM FYQFOTFTGPSDIJMESFOPSHSBOEDIJMESFO t *ODSFBTFZPVSJODPNFGSPNMPXZJFMEJOH TUPDLTPSPUIFSBTTFUT 8JUIUIFTFQPTTJCJMJUJFTJONJOESFBEPO UPMFBSOBCPVUTFWFSBMHJGUQMBOTUIBUBMMPX ZPVUPHJWFNPSFXIJMFQSFTFSWJOHZPVS FDPOPNJDXFMMCFJOH Continues on page 12 page 10 UC SANTA CRUZ GUIDE TO PL ANNED GIVING YOUR LEGACY PLANNING OPTIONS (*'54 5)"55)& 6/*7&34*5 : CAN USE TODAY (*'545)"5 PAY YOU */$0.& (*'545)"5 5",&&''&$5 "'5&3:063 -*'&5*.& TYPE OF GIFT BENEFITS BENEFICIARY Outright t$VSSFOUJODPNFUBYEFEVDUJPO t4FFHJGUJOPQFSBUJPOEVSJOHZPVSMJGFUJNF t6$4$JTJNNFEJBUFCFOFëDJBSZ Charitable Lead Trusts t$VSSFOUJODPNFTUSFBNUP6$4$ with potential gift tax savings to heirs in the future t6$4$JTJNNFEJBUFJODPNF beneficiary for term of years t:PVPSZPVSIFJSTBSFGVUVSF residual beneficiaries *3"3PMMPWFS(JGUT (For 2011) t6QUPLPGUBYGSFFEJTUSJCVUJPO from retirement account t&BTZXBZUPNBLFBOOVBMHJGUGPS individuals 70 1/2 years or older t6$4$JTJNNFEJBUFCFOFëDJBSZ Charitable (JGU"OOVJUZ t$VSSFOUJODPNFUBYEFEVDUJPO t1PSUJPOPGQBZNFOUTNBZCFUBYGSFF t'JYFEBOEQSFEJDUBCMFQBZNFOUT t0OFPSUXPBOOVJUBOUCFOFëDJBSJFT t6$4$JTGVUVSFSFTJEVBM beneficiary Charitable Remainder Trusts t$VSSFOUJODPNFUBYEFEVDUJPO t1SFTFSWBUJPOPGBQQSFDJBUFEDBQJUBM t%JWFSTJëDBUJPOPGJOWFTUNFOUT t1BZNFOUTGPSMJGFPSUFSNPGZFBST t0OFPSNPSFJODPNFCFOFëDJBSJFT t6$4$JTGVUVSFSFTJEVBMCFOFëDJBSZ 1PPMFE*ODPNF'VOET t$VSSFOUJODPNFUBYEFEVDUJPO t1PSUJPOPGQBZNFOUTNBZCFUBYGSFF t'JYFEPSWBSJBCMFQBZNFOUT t0OFPSUXPCFOFëDJBSJFT t6$4$JTGVUVSFSFTJEVBMCFOFëDJBSZ Bequests t$IBSJUBCMFEFEVDUJPOGPSUBYBCMFFTUBUFT t"MMPXTZPVUPNBLFBMBSHFHJGUBUOP immediate cost to you t6$4$JTGVUVSFCFOFëDJBSZ Life Insurance t"MMPXTZPVUPNBLFBMBSHFHJGUBUMJUUMF cost to you t6$4$JTGVUVSFCFOFëDJBSZ 3FUJSFNFOU1MBOT t"WPJEEPVCMFUBYBUJPOPGSFUJSFNFOUBTTFUT t6$4$BQQMJFTUIFGVMMBNPVOUPGQMBO assets to the purpose you choose t6$4$JTGVUVSFCFOFëDJBSZ 3FUBJOFE-JGF&TUBUF t$VSSFOUJODPNFUBYEFEVDUJPO t1PUFOUJBMFTUBUFUBYTBWJOHT t:PVSFUBJOMJGFUJNFCFOFëDJBMVTFPG real property t6$4$SFDFJWFTGVUVSFSJHIUTUPQSPQFSUZ TO FIND OUT MORE, PLEASE VISIT: GIVING.UCSC.EDU/PLANNEDGIFTS page 11 GIFTS THAT PROVIDE INCOME, continued $)"3*5"#-&(*'5"//6*5*&4 Immediate Payment ($20,000 minimum) :PVDBONBLFBHJGUUISPVHIBDIBSJUBCMFHJGUBOOVJUZ BHSFFNFOU)FSFTIPXJUXPSLT 1. You transfer cash or other assets to UCSC to fund a gift annuity agreement. 2. You’ll receive a fixed payment each year. The amount of your payment is a percentage of your gift determined by your age when the gift is arranged. 3. This gift generates an immediate tax deduction, and part of each annual payment you receive may be taxfree for a number of years. 4. You may also name a second individual to receive payments with you for his or her lifetime. In a joint-life gift annuity, the payment and deduction are less because the annuity is distributed to two people during the course of their lifetimes. page 12 5. The asset value that remains from the original gift at the death of the annuitant(s) is the gift to UCSC. .BOZ6$4$BMVNOJBOEGSJFOETëOEJUCFOFëDJBMUPBSSBOHFB new gift annuity agreement each year. Since payment rates for older donors are higher than for younger donors, each new gift annuity generally brings larger annual payments Deferred Payments ($20,000 minimum) Because older donors generally enjoy higher payment rates GPSHJGUBOOVJUJFTHJGUBOOVJUJFTUIBUNBLFJNNFEJBUF payments are most attractive for those over 65. Younger donors might consider a deferred charitable gift annuity BHSFFNFOUBTQBSUPGUIFJSSFUJSFNFOUQMBOOJOH8JUIB deferred annuity, you transfer funds today and receive an income tax deduction this year, but payments to you begin at a date you specify, several years in the future. UC SANTA CRUZ GUIDE TO PL ANNED GIVING $)"3*5"#-&3&."*/%&3536454 ($100,000 minimum) "DIBSJUBCMFSFNBJOEFSUSVTUFOBCMFTZPVUPBSSBOHFGPS a very meaningful gift to UCSC while first providing income for yourself or others you name. )FSFTIPXBDIBSJUBCMFSFNBJOEFSUSVTUXPSLT 1. You, as the donor, create a trust with the assistance of your legal/financial advisers. 2. You transfer cash or other property, the minimum value of which must exceed $100,000, to the trust, to be manBHFECZBUSVTUFFɨFUSVTUFFDBOCFZPVBCBOLBUSVTU company or the UC Santa Cruz Foundation. 1BZNFOUTDPOUJOVFVOUJMUIFUSVTUJTiEJTTPMWFEwɨF trust document specifies when this is to occur, such as at the death of the last beneficiary or after a stated period of time. 8IFOUIFUSVTUJTEJTTPMWFEJUTBTTFUTBSFEJTUSJCVUFE UP6$4$5IJTHJGUQPSUJPOJTLOPXOBTUIFiDIBSJUBCMFSFNBJOEFSw Charitable remainder trusts can be designed to pay either fixed, unchanging income, or an income that will vary with the performance of the trust assets. Read on for details about these two types of trusts. 3. You receive an income tax deduction in the year you create the trust. $)"3*5"#-&3&."*/%&3"//6*5 :53645 '03*/$0.&5)"5/&7&3$)"/(&4 4. The trustee manages the property for the beneficiaries. :PVPSPUIFSTZPVOBNFBSFDBMMFEUIFiJODPNFCFOFëDJBSJFTwBOEUIF6$4BOUB$SV['PVOEBUJPOJTUIF iDIBSJUBCMFCFOFëDJBSZw "DIBSJUBCMFSFNBJOEFSBOOVJUZUSVTUBMMPXTZPVUPNBLF a gift while receiving a fixed and regular income, perhaps supplementing your retirement plan. This type of trust also allows for the professional management of assets for you and surviving loved ones. &BDIZFBSBEJTUSJCVUJPOGSPNUIFFBSOJOHTPSBTTFUTJO the trust is paid to the income beneficiaries. "OOVBMQBZNFOUTGSPNUIJTUZQFPGUSVTUDPNQSJTFBUMFBTU five percent of the amount originally placed in the trust. TO FIND OUT MORE, PLEASE VISIT: GIVING.UCSC.EDU/PLANNEDGIFTS page 13 GIFTS THAT PROVIDE INCOME, continued $)"3*5"#-&3&."*/%&36/*53645 '03'-6$56"5*/(*/$0.& -JLFUIFBOOVJUZUSVTUUIFDIBSJUBCMFSFNBJOEFSVOJUSVTU JTBHJGUUIBUJTEFTJHOFEUPSFUVSOBOJODPNF#VUVOMJLF the income-generating annuity trust, the income from a unitrust fluctuates with the value of the trust assets as valued annually. You determine the annual payout percentage when the gift is made. By law, this payout percentage must be a minimum PGëWFQFSDFOUBOEOPNPSFUIBOQFSDFOU&BDIZFBS this percentage of the value of the trust assets is paid to ZPVPSPUIFSTZPVTFMFDU8IFOUIFWBMVFPGUIFUSVTU investments increases, more income is distributed. The income will be less if the value of the investments declines. New gifts can be made to this trust, and a tax deduction is allowed for additional contributions. $)"3*5"#-&-&"%536454 Charitable lead trusts allow UCSC to use your gift right away, while reserving future benefits from the gift for family members. In this type of gift arrangement, you contribute property to an irrevocable trust. The trustee pays an income to 6$4$GPSZPVSMJGFUJNFPSBQFSJPEPGZFBST"UUIFFOE PGUIFUFSNUIFUSVTUQSPQFSUZJTEJTUSJCVUFECBDLUPZPV or to your heirs. page 14 The primary estate planning advantage of charitable lead trusts is that the property contributed is valued for estate and gift tax purposes on the date of contribution. This NFBOTUIBUJGZPVIBWFBOBTTFUUIBUJTMJLFMZUPBQQSFDJBUF substantially in value over time, such as real estate or securities, you may wish to remove it from your estate OPXCZDPOUSJCVUJOHJUUPBDIBSJUBCMFMFBEUSVTU8IFO your heirs receive it they will not have to pay gift or estate tax on the increase in value between the date of contribution and the date of distribution. 100-&%*/$0.&'6/%4 ($20,000 minimum) "QPPMFEJODPNFGVOEQSPWJEFTEPOPSTXJUIUBYTBWJOH CFOFëUTXIJMFBMTPNJOJNJ[JOHJOWFTUNFOUSJTLBOEPWFSIFBEGFFT8IFOZPVDPOUSJCVUFBNJOJNVNPG UPBQPPMFEJODPNFGVOEZPVSHJGUJTiQPPMFEwXJUIHJGUT from other donors and invested in a diversified portfolio. Income earned by the fund is distributed proportionately each year to those who have contributed. Benefits of a pooled income fund include bypassing the capital gains tax, increasing income, and receiving a charitable tax EFEVDUJPOJOUIFZFBSUIFHJGUXBTNBEF"GUFSUIFEFBUIT of the last beneficiaries, the proportionate share of the fund’s assets is distributed to UCSC to be used as designated by the donor. UC SANTA CRUZ GUIDE TO PL ANNED GIVING 5)&-&("$:$0/5*/6&4 %"7*%5)0."4 '06/%*/('"$6-5: .&.#&3 i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w For more information, contact the Office of Gift Planning at 831- 459-5227. TO FIND OUT MORE, PLEASE VISIT: GIVING.UCSC.EDU/PLANNEDGIFTS page 15 GIFTS FROM YOUR RETIREMENT PLANS AND YOUR ESTATE &TUBUFQMBOOJOHJTJNQPSUBOUUPZPVSCFOFm- #&26&454 DJBSJFT*UDBOBMTPCFBWFIJDMFGPSHJWJOHUP Gifts through wills or living trusts, after your lifetime, are commonly referred to as bequests. They’re popular because they’re easy to arrange and can be changed at ZPVSEJTDSFUJPOɨFZBMMPXZPVUPNBLFBTJHOJëDBOU contribution to the UCSC Foundation while reducing estate taxes. UIF6$4$'PVOEBUJPOBOEBDPOWFOJFOUXBZ UPLOPXUIBUZPVSBTTFUTXJMMCFEJSFDUFE BDDPSEJOHUPZPVSJOUFOUJPOT3FUJSFNFOUQMBOT BOECFRVFTUTBMMPXZPVUPQSPWJEFGPSUIF 6$4$'PVOEBUJPOOPXXJUIPVUJNQBDUJOHZPVS DVSSFOUmOBODFT 3&5*3&.&/51-"/4*3"4 %FTJHOBUJOHUIF6$4$'PVOEBUJPOBTUIFDIBSJUBCMFCFOFëciary of your retirement plan or individual retirement BDDPVOU*3" JTBTJNQMFBOEFêFDUJWFXBZUPHJWFUP6$4$ *OGBDUSFUJSFNFOUQMBOTBOE*3"TTIPVMECFPOFPGUIFëSTU assets considered when formulating the charitable aspects of ZPVSFTUBUFQMBO8IZ *UTBOFYQFOTJWFBTTFUGPSZPVSIFJST "TZPVLOPXUSBEJUJPOBMSFUJSFNFOUGVOETIBWFOFWFSCFFO UBYFEBTJODPNF8IFOZPVNBLFBXJUIESBXBMGSPNZPVS *3"PSSFUJSFNFOUQMBOZPVNVTUQBZUBYFTPOJUBTPSEJOBSZ JODPNF"MTPXIBUFWFSSFNBJOTJOUIFTFQMBOTXIFOZPVBSF gone is subject to both income and estate tax. If you are in UIFIJHIFTUUBYCSBDLFUUIFTFDPNCJOFEUBYFTDPVMESFEVDF the value of your retirement plans by 50 percent or more. 8IFODPOTJEFSJOHBCFRVFTUSFNFNCFS UIBUBMMPGUIFMJGFJODPNFHJGUTQSFWJPVTMZ EFTDSJCFEDIBSJUBCMFHJGUBOOVJUJFTQPPMFE JODPNFGVOETDIBSJUBCMFSFNBJOEFSUSVTUT BOEDIBSJUBCMFMFBEUSVTUTDBOCFJODMVEFE JOZPVSXJMMPSMJWJOHUSVTUUPUBLFFGGFDU VQPOZPVSEFBUI page 16 Contact your attorney when planning your bequest. Your attorney should contact our office prior to drafting your estate plans to ensure the program, scholarship, or other opportunity in the bequest is properly described. :PVSCFRVFTUDBOUBLFWBSJPVTGPSNT t 4QFDJëD#FRVFTUUCSC Foundation receives a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or specific property. t 3FTJEVBSZ#FRVFTUUCSC Foundation receives all or a stated percentage of your estate after distribution of specific bequests (such as gifts to family members or friends) and payment of debts, taxes, and expenses. t $POUJOHFOU#FRVFTUUCSC Foundation receives part or all of your estate under certain specified circumstances. Often, you can amend your existing will or living USVTUCZBEEJOHBiDPEJDJMwPSBNFOENFOUɨJTJTB simple document directing that the provisions of the PSJHJOBMEPDVNFOUBSFTUJMMJOFêFDUCVUZPVBSFOPX including the UCSC Foundation as a beneficiary of your estate. Regardless of the form of bequest used, you can designate your bequest to establish a current use fund, which is totally expendable, or an endowment fund, which exists in perpetuity and generates annual support or payout to such things as a scholarship income, program or faculty development. For your convenience, sample bequest language is provided in UIF"QQFOEJYPGUIJTCPPLMFU UC SANTA CRUZ GUIDE TO PL ANNED GIVING As part of UCSC’s 45th anniversary celebration, Chancellor Blumenthal hosted 21st Century Club members at a tribute luncheon. GIVING SOCIETY THE 21st CENTURY CLUB 5IFTU$FOUVSZ$MVCSFDPHOJ[FTUIPTFJOEJWJEVBMTUIBUIBWFNBEF QSPWJTJPOTGPS6$4$UISPVHIUIFJSXJMMPSSFWPDBCMFUSVTUSFUJSFNFOU QMBOMJGFJODPNFHJGUPSMJGFJOTVSBODFQPMJDZ .FNCFSTPGUIFTU$FOUVSZ$MVCBSFBDLOPXMFEHFEJOBOVNCFSPG XBZTTVDIBTSFDFJWJOHJOWJUBUJPOTUPVOJWFSTJUZFWFOUTBOECFJOHMJTUFE JOUIFDMVCT)POPS3PMM TO FIND OUT MORE, PLEASE VISIT: GIVING.UCSC.EDU/PLANNEDGIFTS page 17 Contact UC Santa Cruz *OEJWJEVBMTMJLFZPVBSFDSJUJDBMUPUIFTVDDFTTPG 6$4$TUVEFOUTXIPMFBWFPVSDBNQVTBCMFUP NBLFBSFBMBOEQFSNBOFOUEJGGFSFODFJOPVS JOUFSDPOOFDUFETPDJFUZ (JGUTUIBUQSPWJEFJODPNFDBOUBLFUJNF0VS QSPGFTTJPOBMTBSFBWBJMBCMFUPBTTJTUZPVJOZPVS EFDJTJPODIPPTJOHBOBQQSPBDIUIBUGVMmMMTZPVS UC Santa Cruz Office of Gift Planning University Relations 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Tel: 831.459.5227 QIJMBOUISPQJDBOEmOBODJBMPCKFDUJWFT #FGPSFZPVEFDJEFUPJOWFTUJO6$4$QMFBTF DPOUBDUVT:PVDBOSFDFJWFUIFIFMQUIBUFOTVSFT ZPVSHJGUIBTUIFJNQBDUZPVEFTJSF 5PUIBUFOEEJTDVTTBOZHJGUZPVNBZCFDPOTJEFSJOH XJUIZPVSmOBODJBMBEWJTFSBOEPSBUUPSOFZ :PVSBEWJTFSTDBOIFMQZPVCBTFEPOZPVSVOJRVF DJSDVNTUBODFTBOEXPSLJODPODFSU XJUI6$4$TQSPGFTTJPOBMT &GGFDUJWFHJGUQMBOOJOHDBO QSPWJEFBXJEFSBOHFPG CFOFmUTJODMVEJOHHJWJOH NPSFUIBOZPVEJNBHJOFE GVMmMMJOHZPVSQIJMBOUISPQJD HPBMTIPOPSJOHBMPWFE POFPSDSFBUJOHBMFHBDZ UIBUCFOFmUTGVUVSFHFOFSBUJPOTPGTUVEFOUTBOE GBDVMUZBU6$4$ page 18 UC SANTA CRUZ GUIDE TO PL ANNED GIVING APPENDIX Suggested Bequest Language UCSC sample bequest language is available here for current use and endowed funds. For specific department/division bequest language, please contact the 6$4$0ïDFPG(JGU1MBOOJOHGPSBTTJTUBODF Example of Gifts to Foundation (Cash, Marketable Securities) UC Santa Cruz Foundation 1156 High Street 4BOUB$SV[$" 5*/ Example of Gifts to Regents (Real Property, Gifts-in-Kind, Non-Marketable securities) UC Regents, Santa Cruz Campus 1156 High Street 4BOUB$SV[$" 5*/ i*IFSFCZCFRVFBUIUPUIF6$4BOUB$SV['PVOEBUJPO incorporated as a tax-exempt organization to benefit the 6OJWFSTJUZPG$BMJGPSOJB4BOUB$SV[6/*7&34*5: located at 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, California, @@@EPMMBSBNPVOU PGNZSFTJEVBSZFTUBUFUP CFEJSFDUFECZUIF@@@@@@@@@%FQBSUNFOU$PMMFHFGPS VTFJOUIF@@@@@@@@@QSPHSBNTDIPMBSTIJQTGFMMPXTIJQTw i*IFSFCZCFRVFBUIUPUIF3FHFOUTPGUIF6OJWFSTJUZPG California, Santa Cruz campus, located at 1156 High 4USFFU 4BOUB $SV[ $BMJGPSOJB @@@ EPMMBS amount) of my residuary estate, to be directed by the @@@@@@@@@%FQBSUNFOU$PMMFHF GPS VTF JO UIF @@@@@@@@@QSPHSBNTDIPMBSTIJQTGFMMPXTIJQTw *ONBLJOHUIJTHJGUJUJTNZJOUFOUJPOUPTFSWFUIF4BOUB Cruz campus of the University of California and its students and I desire that the foregoing statement of purpose be liberally construed so that the above objectives may be fully accomplished. *ONBLJOHUIJTHJGUJUJTNZJOUFOUJPOUPTFSWFUIF4BOUB Cruz campus of the University of California and its students and I desire that the foregoing statement of purpose be liberally construed so that the above objectives may be fully accomplished. (* 7 */(6$ 4$ &%6 1- " //&% (*' 5 4 ɨBOLZPV 04/11(1011-327/3M)