Notice - Georgia Department of Agriculture


Notice - Georgia Department of Agriculture
Vol. 95, No. 20
© Copyright
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Family-Owned Carden Foods Has Deep Roots in Georgia
Equine Edition
See ads - pgs. 5 & 7
The offices of the Georgia Department
of Agriculture will be closed Monday,
October 8, in observance of the Columbus
Day holiday.
Charles Carden of Carden Foods Inc., a
wholesale produce company in Griffin, will
never forget the woman who complained
because a potato in her order had dirt on it.
Then there was the customer who asked for
Georgia-grown bananas. These comments
illustrate what farmers and other
agribusiness leaders have been saying for
years: “Americans need to be educated
about where their food comes from.”
“Many vegetables such as strawberries,
lettuce, cabbage and tomatoes are packaged
in the field” instead of at packing houses
where they can be washed, Carden says.
And bananas come from South America,
not South Georgia.
Carden Foods, a Gold Member of
Georgia Grown, the Department of
Agriculture’s marketing program that links
Georgia growers and consumers, supplies
all kinds of fruits and vegetables to more
than 500 schools, restaurants, hospitals and
grocery stores across the state.
Carden says his family-owned and operated business joined Georgia Grown
because he and his brother, Scott, want to
build relationships with more local
vegetable and fruit farmers. Carden Foods
clients, especially schools, are increasingly
asking for Georgia-grown produce, Carden
says. He says he also hopes the Georgia
Grown program, whose website features an
easy-to-use “What’s in Season” section,
will help educate the public about what
grows in Georgia and when it’s ready to
For example, cabbage is in season and
ready to be harvested in North Georgia at a
Georgia National Fair Celebrated Oct. 4-14
Randy Moore
Our guest columnist this week is Randy
Moore, Executive Director, Georgia
National Fair, 401 Larry Walker Parkway,
Perry, GA 31069-1367, www.georgia, 478-987-3247.
The official, state-sponsored Georgia
National Fair, October 4-14, 2012, is
Published by the Ga. Department of Agriculture
Gary Black, Commissioner
Ad Deadline
for the Oct. 31 issue
is noon, Oct. 17
Mail to:
“Where Georgia is Celebrated!”
Located in the center of the state in
Perry, the Fair is a traditional, agricultural
event. Georgia’s youth will show their
hogs, heifers, steers,
market goats, breeding
ewes, market lambs,
heifers, and dairy
cattle. In addition, there
are shows for dairy and
Boer goats, llamas,
rabbits, and horses.
And don’t forget to see
competitions and displays for Georgia’s
The second Legislative Livestock
Showdown is set for October 6. This
unique event puts five Georgia senators
and five Georgia representatives in the
show-ring. The legislators team up with
Georgia 4-H and FFA members and a steer.
They are judged on showmanship with a
big trophy for the winner.
The value of a gate ticket is one of the
best deals in the state. For only $8,
fairgoers will be entertained by lots of new
acts: dogs, knights, axe women, strong
woman, R&B singers, Rolling Stones
cover band, comedy stunt show, Top 40
band, ag magic, country singers,
“washboard” music, acrobatics, Motown
music, Name That Tune, and a walking,
talking tree! Your favorite entertainers are
returning, including racing pigs, Vocal
Trash, petting zoo, plus a full-fledge circus,
and lots more.
The Georgia National Fair provides Georgians with a family-friendly event. It
is safe and clean. There’s plenty of ways to
enjoy the Fair experience; livestock and
horse shows, competitive exhibits, food,
rides and games, commercial vendors,
major concerts, street entertainers, family
entertainment, and nightly fireworks.
The Georgia National Fairgrounds &
Agricenter is one of the finest facilities in
the country. The grounds and buildings are
dedicated to Georgia’s youth to show,
learn, and compete; to those in agriculture
and agribusiness to exhibit, show, and sell;
to the state-sponsored Georgia National
Fair; and to diverse events and activities
which are entertaining, cultural, and
educational in nature.
different time than cabbage in South
Georgia, Carden explains. He noted that,
while their company buys produce that
comes from all over the world, he and his
brother try to buy from growers in Georgia
and neighboring Southern states whenever
When Carden Foods was founded in
1943, the Carden family produced much of
the vegetables they sold on their Spalding
County farm. But the company’s roots go
even deeper in Georgia: the Carden
(Continued on Page 11)
How to Subscribe
To the Bulletin
To start a new subscription or renew an
existing subscription using a credit or debit
card (Visa, MasterCard only), go to website and click
on the link to the online subscription
payment form.
Subscribers also can
submit a change of address for an existing
subscription online.
Subscriptions to the print version of the
Bulletin are available to Georgia residents
at a cost of $10 per year; out-of-state
subscriptions are available for $20 per year.
Subscribers to the print version also have
access to the Market Bulletin online. An
online only subscription also is available
(Continued on Page 12)
An Update on Your Georgia Grown Program
from Commissioner of Agriculture Gary W. Black
Since the beginning of 2012, we have
worked to build the foundation of a
statewide program that promotes the
farmers and agricultural businesses of
Georgia. The resulting program, Georgia
Grown, has gotten off to an impressive
start, thanks in part to the farmers and
businesses of the state that have a direct
stake in the program’s success.
Since we launched the Georgia Grown
website in January 2012, we have gained
more than 300 members; most being small
businesses with great agricultural products
who are looking to reach new customers.
However, more and more we are seeing
large businesses join the program who see
the value of starting a genuine conversation
about both the production and supply side
of agriculture and how we can work
together to reach common goals. Some of
those members are the Georgia Chamber of
Commerce, Kennesaw State University,
American Label, Kelly Products, The
Local Vendors Coalition, Southern
Distinction Magazine and more.
“Agribusiness is Georgia’s largest and most
diverse industry,” said Chris Clark,
President and CEO of the Georgia
Chamber of Commerce. “Helping the
industry remain strong is a critical
component to our overall competitiveness
as a state. We are proud to support this
important effort and the many agriculture
based companies that call Georgia home.”
We have already started meeting and
greeting the public with three Georgia
Grown Farmers Showcases, with more
planned before the end of the year. We are
supporting country star
Luke Bryan, son of a
Georgia farmer, on his
Georgia Farm Tour.
The Georgia Grown
online store is opening
in October. These are
the first of several
Georgia Grown to the public. We are
working to use your membership dollars
wisely, and this concert series, conducted in
partnership with Harvey’s Supermarkets, is
the first of many co-branding efforts tying
Georgia Grown to South Georgia-based
Harvey’s, our newest Founders Circle
(Continued on Page 12)
Page 2
Advertising Guidelines
Bulletin Publishes Every Other Week
All advertisements published in the Market
farming/agricultural industry or be a part
thereof; any and all item(s) submitted for
sale through the BULLETIN must meet at
least one of the following criteria:
1) must be produced by the advertiser on
his/her own farming operation,
2) must be made by the advertiser from
materials on his/her own farming operation,
3) must be owned and used by the
advertiser on his/her own farming operation
for a period of at least 90 days prior to
offering for sale through the BULLETIN.
Businesses, corporations, dealerships or
other commercial enterprises are not
allowed to place classified advertisements
in the MARKET BULLETIN. Commercial is
defined as intended for mass market;
handling large quantities of product for
distribution (i.e., more than normal
household or farm quantities); supported by
advertisement (I.e., advertisement in
publications other than the BULLETIN;
listed as “business” in telephone directories
or “yellow pages”, etc.). Other indicators
include, but are not limited to, holding
business licenses and holding regulatory
Georgia residents only may advertise in the
Market Bulletin with the following exception:
out-of-state residents may advertise only in
the Out-of-State Wanted category.
The editor has the authority to designate the
length of ads and the number of ads that
may be placed by a family unit in any issue
of the BULLETIN. Currently, only one (1)
notice may be placed by any family unit in
any issue of the BULLETIN. Family unit
refers to all individuals sharing the same
residence, address or telephone number.
Ads must be received no later than
designated deadline in order to appear in
the following issue. Ads submitted via our
website will be scheduled automatically for
the next available issue.
Ads will be published only once each time
submitted unless the advertiser specifies on
the notice that the ad is to be published
more than once. Ads may be published for
two (2) consecutive issues. A new notice
must be submitted if the advertiser wants
the advertisement to continue more than
two issues. Note: Some ad categories are
published infrequently and are published
only once per submission. Please check ad
category headings for publication frequency
prior to submitting notice.
There is a 20-word limit for advertisements
except as noted under category headings
(special categories that are published only
monthly, quarterly or bi-annually, have a 30word limit). Advertiser’s name, town, phone
number or name and complete address
must be included within the word limit. The
Market Bulletin reserves the right to edit
Most advertisers include a telephone
number in their ads, but mailing address
may be published in lieu of phone number.
However, it is important that advertisers
provide a phone number when submitting
ads in the event Bulletin ad personnel need
to contact them concerning their ads.
Advertisers who do not want a telephone
number printed in their ads should note this
fact when submitting the notice to the
Each notice submitted for publication must
be in writing; ads cannot be taken by
telephone. Notices may be submitted by
U.S. mail, facsimile transmission, or via the
Internet through the Market Bulletin website.
Notices sent via mail or fax must be legible,
If you have questions regarding ads
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
The Market Bulletin publishes
advertisements for Farm Services in
the first issue of each month. Please
adhere to the following guidelines
when submitting an ad for farm
services. All farm services must be
performed on the farm of the
individual desiring the service. Farm
Services and Farm Services Wanted
ads are limited to 30 words.
1 call for all farm fence--wood, woven,
electric, staining & painting, barn, shed,
& horse stall construction/repair,
pasture mowing, weed control spraying,
fertilizing, liming, aerating, overseeding.
Casey Kent Monroe 678-446-8520
20 + years fencing & barn building
experience, willing to travel, free quotes
& references,
Lisa Parks Murrayville 770-718-6023
20 years experience of all types of
professional fencing, hershbergerfen Danny Hershberger Hartwell
All types of farm fences, electric, wood,
all types of wire, as well as repairs. Jess
Barker Gray 478-288-7183
on a single sheet of paper separate from
any other notice, and be accompanied by
the name of the category and the name,
mailing and street address (es) and
telephone number of the person submitting
the same.
Send ads to:
Georgia Department of Agriculture
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW
Atlanta, GA 30334-4250
Fax: (404) 463-4389
To submit an ad via the internet, you must
be a subscriber either for the printed edition
or for online access only.
Go to website:
If you are not a subscriber, follow the
directions for becoming a subscriber on the
online subscription link. You also can
become a subscriber by mailing your
payment to the address listed above.
If you are a subscriber, click on the link
Market Bulletin Ads and enter your
subscription number. Once the page
displays, click on the link Submit an Ad and
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form, making sure to fill in the required
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to general and specific ad category
guidelines are provided on the ad form
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form. If the ad is successfully transmitted, a
thank you message will appear along with a
reference number assigned to your ad. This
reference number can be used when
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reference number does not appear, the ad
did not successfully transmit. Please
contact the Bulletin office for assistance at
If you are either mailing or faxing your ad to
the Market Bulletin office, please be sure to
include your subscription number on the
notice. Ads should be mailed to the above
address or faxed to 404-463-4389. In the
event this fax number is not in operation,
please use 404-656-9380 as an alternate.
To cancel an ad after submission or to
correct errors made by the Bulletin staff, call
404-651-9081, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday
- Friday, and ask for the Market Bulletin ad
department. Cancellations or corrections
called in will be reflected in the next
available issue. Note to Internet users:
Once an ad is transmitted via the Bulletin
website, the ad cannot be deleted or
changed by the person submitting the ad.
The advertiser must call the Bulletin at the
number above to have the ad deleted. A
new ad may then be submitted via the
Items for sale or services offered in any
notice must conform to all laws and
regulations covering sale and movement of
the same. Ads for some categories must
meet certain requirements. Advertisers are
advised to review requirements under ad
categories before submitting their notices.
Note: Due to space limitations, all ad
guidelines cannot be listed in the Bulletin
each week. Advertisers who have questions
concerning these guidelines may call 404651-9081, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday Friday, and ask for the ad department or
write: Market Bulletin, Georgia Department
of Agriculture, 19 MLK Jr. Drive SW, Atlanta,
GA 30334-4250.
35 yrs. experience laser-grading horse
riding arenas and toppings, custom tree
clearing, barn pads graded, horse
paddocks, trackhoe, trucking, driveways
built, demolition, insured. Bill Butler
Braselton 770-231-4662 706-654-3777
All types of farm/land services:
grading, hauling, bush hogging, and
brush clearing. Paul Lavengood
Madison 770-318-3859
All types tractor work, landscaping,
bushhogging, drainage & erosion,
wildlife food plots, tree planting & tree
removal, firewood services. Bert Brand
Lawrenceville 770-608-1613
Any farm fence built with wood or
wire; corrals, farm buildings, & all other
related work, statewide service. Robert
Hayes Hartwell 706-376-6708
Bobcat and tractor work, clearing,
light grading, bushhogging, fence work,
weed control and no-till grain drilling,
Jackson and surrounding counties.
Chris Wilkie Commerce 706-335-7538
Bushhog your land, also loader work,
tilling and drives scraped, call for quotes.
Larry Boatright Dallas 678-386-1466
Bushhogging: briars, hedges, small
trees, shorelines, rough land, steep land,
make overgrown pastures productive
again, stumps grubbed, Bobcat work. Jim
Norton Canton 404-580-8676
Custom hay harvesting for mid Ga.
round or square bales. Cason Anderson
Warner Robins 478-952-2875
Dig ponds in wet areas and clean
sand, mud, silt out of lakes, clean out
farm lagoons, etc., 40 years exper. in
dragline work. Larry Potts Watkinsville
404-697-6455 770-725-7851
Farm buildings built/repaired; fences
built/repaired. tractor-bobcat work, hay
baling and cutting. Jerry Glancy Griffin
Farm/land services: grading, hauling,
bush hogging, and brush clearing. Lorrie
Lavengood Covington 770-841-3673
Fence, statewide, horse, farm, wood,
wire, hi-tensile,vinyl,electric,16+ yrs.
exp. free est. Charles Mooney Midville
Fertilizing, liming, seeding, weed
control; Cherokee & surrounding
counties; leave msg. Harry Woodall
Canton 770-364-2909 770-479-6432
landclearing; forestry cutting. Chris
chris4592@ 229-308-8743 334-618-9128
Land clearing, grading, hauling, pond
work, drainage work, building and
maintaining roads, bush hogging.
references available. Josh Halderman
Carnesville 678-227-2976
Looking for someone to shake 18
healthy pecan trees; will consider both
shake & harvest. Bill Hartley Gray 478-7196075
Mud and water no problem. Beaver
dam removal, creek channel cleaning,
drainage ditching, silt removal, lake
rimming. Jim Moon Oakfield 229-5356562 229-881-0048
Pine straw installed, $3.85 per bale
including clean up (with purchase of
100 or more bales). under 100 bales
installed at only $4.00 per bale, w/clean
up. Tracie Courtenay Lithonia 678665-1961
Professional Farrier Service over 14
years experience with western and
english show and performance horses
correct reliable shoeing. Shane Wood
Covington 770-696-7328
Stumps ground neatly below ground
level, reas. priced, free estimate. Glen
Whitley Bethlehem 770-867-2718
Tractor services, Bushhogging,
loader work, grading, dirt & gravel
hauled, area clean up, fence repair,
drainage issues. Wayne Humbard
Loganville 678-825-4597
Will pick up all scrap metal, old
equipment, etc.; will clean out old
barns, buildings, etc. James Cook
706-597-8038 706-799-4371
Will saw your logs into lumber at your
reasonable rates. Billy Bridges
Winterville 706-742-9564
Farm Services Wanted
Need a chicken coop built and a pond
dug. Jasann Gilliam Atlanta jsnnjones@ 678-949-8530 404-453-4152
Need tractor mechanic part time for
old farmall restorations. Joe Webb
McDonough 678-986-2048
If you have questions regarding ads
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Only farm work or farm help
wanted advertisements allowed. No
commercial, industrial or domestic
employment permitted.
32 yr. old, experienced with horses,
stable cleaning etc., general farm labor,
good farm tractor driver; (Roswell)
Richard Hayes Alpharetta 678-525-9177
Boarding stable needs dependable
couple, trade barn work for housing,
additional days w/pay avail.; call, lve.
msg. D. Perkins Gillsville 770-531-1883
Couple looking for hen or broiler farm,
30 yrs. exp., in White or surrounding
counties. Henry Page Flowery Branch
706-3000878 706-244-1270
Couple seeks employment, housing,
utilities and salary on any farm with
caretaking, cleaning and overseeing
your farm, no children. Darrell Stowe
Mansfield 404-416-1408
Family seeks employment; 15 years
experience with poultry, need house/
salary. Kathie Whisnant Monroe 678-2278675
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Farm worker; heavy equip. operator,
cattle, Class A, relocate if needed. Shane
Martin Alpharetta martinshane1972@ 770-688-5417
Full time help wanted on pecan farm,
approx. 200 trees, room/board free,
salary, all utilities included, need
someone by fall crops. Robin Bell
Hawkinsville 478-244-2951
Help Wanted: trimming Lelands,
fence washing, other odd jobs;
references. Bonnie Merritt 3089 Claude
30052 770-5540074
Looking for broiler/poultry farm; have
experience in managing both, any Ga.
county will be considered. Mary
Scroggs Nicholson lynn19772009@ 706-983-1295
Man 53, looking for farm work, have
experience with chickens, horses, cattle
& tractor; non-smoker, hard working
person; in Clayton area. Chip Riverdale
Need occasional hourly help with hay
and farm maintenance, must have
equipment and power tool experience.
Cartersville 770-652-6453
Seeking intelligent, versatile farm
worker for farm using permaculture,
organic gardening, aquaponics, Salatin
methods; room, board, stipend. Lacy
Thompson, Jr. Lithonia lacy@ 770-482-4836
If you have questions regarding this
category, call 404-651-9081.
equipment owned by the advertiser
and used in his/her own farming
operation can be advertised; those
persons advertising for machinery
and equipment wanted must be
seeking those items for their own
farming operation.
'08 JD 3202, 4 WD, 390 hrs., JD 300
loader, 5' rotary mower, 5' harrow, all for
$14,500 nego. Rusty Carr Dublin 478275-4584 478-279-1096
'95 Freightliner FL80 for 20' litter bed,
flotation tires, A/C, 9spd, PTO, can sell
BBI bed also, $9500 for truck. Stephen
Houston Donalsonville 229-416-6080
'95 model Kubota L 2900, 1100 hrs,
35 hp, shuttle shift, p/s, $7000. TW
Smith Carrollton 770-832-9816
'99 Polaris 500 diesel ATV, $1500, 10'
pull type rotary mower, $3000. Edith
McMichael Monticello 706-468-2442
1 8-disc Taylorway harrow, 3 pt hitch,
$600; 1 metal band saw, $375. Glenn
Waldrip Gainesville 770-536-5823
100 Farmall tractor with one point
quick hitch & equipment, $4500. Joann
Herndon Hazlehurst 912-375-4320
11.5 foot, old, heavy duty, lift-type,
International rotary cutter, mostly
refurbished, works great, $3,800.
George Brown Palmetto 770-463-2014
12 ft steel flatbed dump complete,
$1050. Jerry Pirkle Flowery Branch
14ft enclosed trailer w/2 axles tight,
dry w/ 5 new 8 ply tires, new brakes,
$2,500. Doyle Barnes Social Circle
15' Rhino SR15 batwing mower for
sale, runs great. Henry Mitcham 2784
Chipley Hwy Warm Springs 31830
16 ft equipment trailer, w/ramps, new
wire harness, tail lights, electric brakes,
$800. Jack Hogan Loganville 770-4668193 770-344-8586
1600 feet 6 inch irrigation pipe, 2
rainbow guns. Jack Batten 435 Jack
31533 912-3844999
165 Massey Ferguson tractor with
Perkins motor, motor runs well but body
needs some work, asking $2800.
Michael Vickers Douglas 912-3816939
1928 Farmall regular steel wheel
tractor, not restored, runs well for it's
age, $2,500. Donald Conyers 770-3614527 404-797-0621
1945 Allis Chalmers C, $900; 1948
Allis Chalmers B adjustable front with
cultivator, $1500. Jesse Rogers
Eastman 478-374-1015
1948 Super A Farmall with cultivators,
planters, and other equipment; sickle
mower machine. Clara Hackney
Cedartown 770-748-4051
1949 Clark carloader forklift,
landscape pulverizer, 6 ft, boom pole.
Will Crumley Bostwick 706-818-0459
1950 Farmall Cub; Farmall A 1947
with Woods belly mower. Joe Webb
McDonough 678-986-2048
1950 Ferguson TO20, runs great, new
points, plugs, wires, belts, hoses & battery,
gas tank freshly lined, good tires, $2000;
ground driven manure spreader, $400.
Brian Smith Tunnel Hill 706-980-1189
1950 Ford 8N tractor with bush hog
and scrape, $1500 obo. Lamar Furr
Decatur 404-321-0243 494-293-0345
1969 Ford tractor T3000, 8 pieces of
equipment, 3 new tires, power steering.
Harlon Langford West Point 706-6452862 706-645-2862
1970 Farmall Cub, rebuilt engine &
lift, new paint, new tires, 1 pt hitch, 7
pieces of equipment, $8,495. TJ Benton
Covington 404-427-1703
1976 Case 580C backhoe, good
condition, $7000, or best offer. Frank
Goza Stone Mountain 770-469-8700
1976 Chevy flat dump, 21ft, twin
cylinder, tilt hood, single axle, sm block,
4sp trans. Julie Shelton Cleveland 706969-4244
1980 Ford 445 commercial tractor
w/heavy duty loader, one owner, manuals,
needs minor work, $5,995. Dwight
Swanson Dallas stevecunningham@ 404-307-7106 404-5691993
Please include area codes with phone
numbers in advertisements.
The Market Bulletin is accessible via the
Internet at the site
No part of this publication may be reproduced
in any form or incorporated into any information
retrieval system without the written consent of the
Georgia Department of Agriculture.
The Market Bulletin is printed
on recycled paper
(ISSN 0889-5619)
is published biweekly
by the
Georgia Department of Agriculture
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30334-4250
Fax 404-463-4389
Office hours 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Gary Black, Commissioner
Carlton Moore, Editor
Randy Cox, Asst. Editor
Gerrie Fort, Circulation Mgr.
Subscriptions are available via U.S. Mail to
Georgia residents at a cost of $10 per year; outof-state-subscriptions are available for $20 per
year. Out-of-state subscriptions must be within
the United States or its territories.
To start a new subscription or to renew an
existing subscription, send a check or money
order payable to Market Bulletin, along with
your name, complete mailing address and
daytime phone number (in the event the Bulletin
office needs to contact you concerning your
subscription) to the above address.
To determine if an existing subscription is
due for renewal, look for the expiration date on
the mailing address label (located in the bottom
left corner of the front page of your Bulletin).
Address all requests to be added to or
removed from the mailing list, change of address
and Form 3579 to the MARKET BULLETIN office
at the above address. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to:
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Atlanta, GA 30334-4250
To advertise, you must be a resident of
Georgia, out-of-state wanted column is the only
exception to this rule. Notices must not exceed 20
words and must adhere to rules and regulations
preceding each category. All advertisements
must be received in writing.
Deadline is
Wednesday at noon. Send all notices to the
above address.
The Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin
assumes no responsibility for any notice
appearing in the Bulletin nor for any transaction
resulting from published notices. Advertisers are
cautioned that it is against the law to misrepresent
any product offered for sale in a public notice or
advertisement carried in any publication that is
delivered through the United States mail.
The Georgia Department of Agriculture does
not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color,
national origin, age or disability in the admission
or access to, or treatment in, its employment
policy or its programs or activities.
Department’s Administration Division at 19 Martin
Luther King Jr. Drive, Atlanta, GA 30334-4250 has
been designated to coordinate compliance with
the non-discrimination requirements contained in
Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice
Information concerning the
provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act,
and the rights provided thereunder, are available
from the Administration Division. If you require
special assistance in utilizing our services, please
contact our agency.
Published biweekly at Capitol
Square, Atlanta 30334. Periodicals
Postage paid at Atlanta, Ga. and
additional offices.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
1981 230 diesel tractor, Massey
Ferguson bov blade, 5 ft bush hog,
$6,500. David Rogers Hampton 770228-4562
1982 John Deere, 4840, original
owner, 4108 hrs, excellent condition; IH
490, 26 ft harrow. Walter Cason vienna
1986 455-E John Deere track loader,
$8,000. Virgil Brookshire 4405
Johnstonville Rd Forsyth 31029 404580-6763 478-994-2030
1987 Bradco backhoe, 9ft model, heavy
duty, excellent shape, 18 inch bucket,
$4,350. Dwight Swanson Dallas 404307-7106 404-569-1993
1988 front end loader, Cat 953,
excellent condition, new under carriage,
less than 300 hours, $24,500. Phillip
Hulsey Cornelia 706-499-4112
1989 JD 970, 33hp, good condition,
1780 hrs, $8900, call for more info.
Hugh Ivester Hull 706-540-5261
1992 D 3 c series 2, 3700 hours, new
undercarriage, rootrake, $16,500.
Michael Turner Millen 478-494-9136
1997 10" Hodge built aerator/large
spikes, great condition, $3,500;
Bushhog 2615 Legend 15' Batwing
rotary cutter, $7,500. Mike Corrigan
1998 model FMTrac45 545 farm
tractor, 210 hrs, great condition, $7,200.
Andy Ponder Thomasville 229-2285789 229-224-1854
1999 International 8100 litter
spreader truck, 20' B.B.I. body, 450
grain drill, 5520 4wd JD tractor 3200hrs.
Ronnie Waters Rebecca 229-643-7605
2 Armstrong hi-power lug 14-9-24
tires, 4 ply tubeless, lugs 90%, $325 for
both. Daniel Terry Williamson 770-2274598 770-402-6869
2 Firestone 15-5 x 38 rear tires and
rims, more than 90% tread, $1400.
Freddie Dalton Carnesville 706-6586833 706-658-7092
2 four ton bulk feed bins & 2-5000lb
scales with Spink electronic read out,
$2,500, delivery available. Danny
Hemphill Blairsville 706-435-8627
2 Intl pull type Cub harrows, Cub
tractor, 3pt hitch till seeded, 5050 Allis
Chalmers, Super A. Clyde Parker
Chatsworth 706-847-8517
2 KMC shakers cab, air, sweepers,
long boom good condition, 1 for
$65,000 and1 for $60,000. Chop Evans
Fort valley 478-955-4642
2 row JD 71 plate type planters on a
Pittsburgh frame, fertilizer distributor,
fiberglass hoppers, colter, sheltered,
field ready. Pete Giddens Ocilla 229347-5830 229-831-1053
2 wheel Newton Crouch, hydraulic 4
ton fertilizer spreader, pull with tractor
or truck, good condition, $6,500. Mark
Woodard Macon 478-986-4392
2- 12.4 x28 tractor tires an tubes,
75% tread, $100 each. Kenneth Carlyle
Cleveland 706-865-3686
20 ton Lowboy tractor, $1,200.
William Dabbs Eatonton 706-485-6249
2001 Massey Ferguson, 70 HP, low
hours, one owner, cool cap & front end
loader, bucket & forks as well, $15,000.
Tommy Hill Maysville 706-296-1549
2002 Kubota BX2200 4wd tractor, 60
in deck, 48 bush hog, 48 box blade,
660 hours, $6000. Mitch Schwaberl
Acworth 770-975-8455
2003 John Deere 5520, 89 hp, 4wd,
3775 hrs, cab w/ ac, 541 loader, $25,750.
Mike Corrigan Macon mcorrigan@ 478-297-4186
2003 Kubota L3010, 30hp, 90hrs,
$9500. Jerry Yarborough Aragon 770684-5670
2003 Kubota M4900 tractor w/box
blade & 6' bushhog, 545hrs, 2wd, canopy,
$12,500; Snapper ground cruiser utility
vehicle 160hrs, $3800. Brian Loeper
770-328-7769 770-301-0020
2006 Homesteader dump trl., 6 X 10,
7000 lb GW, $2250. Charles Boswell
Fairmount 678-316-0777
2006 Kubota Bx24, 4wd, 165 hours,
loader, backhoe, blade, hog, rake. Dee
Magerd Fannin 239-964-5875
2008 Mahindra 2816, 28hp 600 hrs,
loader, 4ft finish mower, boxblade,
rotortiller, turnplow,18ft trailer great
shape, asking $14,000. Kevin Kinney
miracleacresfarm@ 678-925-4292
2008 Massey Ferguson 1529 tractor,
4wd, 3 cylinder, brush guard disc harrows,
bushhog, 123 hours. David Cole Temple
770-562-5110 770-789-5326
2138 Savage pecan shaker, new
pads & hangar chains, asking $4500;
ten foot compaction roller, $850. Tony
Godwin Pelham 229-224-2485 229294-4917
268 NH square baler, parts for
fertilizer hopper, 140 Farmall back fork
lift, TD18, good parts. Clinton Bagley
Dahlonega 706-864-5176
28 FT Gooseneck trailer, 3 axle, 4FT
beaver tail, ramps, spare, good deck,
$2500. Jerry Frith Bowdon 404-401-1349
2910 Ford tractor, good tires, new
paint, 44hp, 661 hrs, good condition,
$6,850; 5ft push hog. Marion Cashwell
Madison 706-818-0185
3 2-row peanut pickers, good shape,
picked peanuts last season. Chad
Hendrix Collins 912-684-2895
3 pt dirt scoop. JD Driver Carrollton
3 pt hitch, 300 gal sprayer with 27 ft
fold out booms, Tractor Supply brand,
no pump, $750. Glenn Hayes Oxford
3 pt hitch, 5ft, 8 disc harrow, good
condition, for 20hp-30hp tractor, $100.
Jerry Davis Suwanee 770-945-5042
3000 gal. water tank, $1200. Doran
Bland valdosta 229-559-0760 229559-3888
30T truck crane, 120ft boom (Gove
1970) make offer or trade. Terry Bishop
Conyers 404-731-4106 770-483-5118
310E Backhoe, $16,000, good
condition, 4300 hours. Jefferey Chalker
Gibson 706-831-6911
3600 Ford tractor, diesel, good tires,
runs well, $5000. Randy Milam Tyrone
3900CI harrow, Kmc reshaker, Kmc 4
row inventer. Pat West Pinehurst 229928-7427
4 Pixall green bean harvester, one 3
row, three 4 rows. Mike Kilby Tifton
4 row John Deere cultivator RA-4,
EC, new sweeps, extra set of sweeps,
$700. Ed Parent Fort valley 478-8229483 478-747-1812
4 row KMC peanut inverter; 4 row
Sundance cotton stalk puller. Leslie
Jones Jacksonville 229-860-1277
45 ton pto driven vertical log splitter,
hooks to 3 point hitch and quick connect
to shaft. Thomas Taylor Ellijay 706669-9075
455 John Deere w/ 50" mower, 1015
hours, $4,500. Charles Terry Cartersville
47 in. wide 7.5 ft long all metal trailer
with lights, $175; turning plow for Sears
tractor, 10in, $75. Tommy Daws
Monroe 770-267-6082
5 Ft. International Brand bush hog,
excellent condition, used only about 5
hours, $400. Everett Hobbs Crawford 706743-8645
5' JD model B grain drill, ready to
plant, great for food plots, $1500. Jason
Dobbs Ellaville 229-938-4066
5', 6' & 7' brush cutters, two 4' box
blades. George Slappy Hamilton 706457-1366
510 Massey Ferguson combined diesel
engine, 2 wheels and tires and hydrostatic
axle. Cleve Evans Dawsonville 706-2653479 706-265-9507
6 row Case IH 800, planters on 4x7
tool bar with monitor, $1850. John Allen
vienna 229-938-4526
6' box blade scrape, brand new, $675
Covington 770-786-1370
6' Bushhog brand cutter, model 306,
$650; 7' house heavy duty cutter, $1300;
3' Case backhoe bucket new cond, $600.
Don Williams Carrollton 770-328-2782
6' Rotary mower Auburn Sear USA,
older model looks, rough but works
great, $350, call 770-713-6300 after 10
am. Robert Snow McDonough 770957-2095 770-713-6300
6'x10' tandem trailer, wood flooring
14" side, tongue jack, and 4' gate. never
used, $1500. Strawberry Cartersville
7 ft scrape blade bush hog model hd,
multi position feature, low use, $800.
Tim Poole Dawsonville 770-855-6182
7 gang Toro reel mower, good
working condition, $3,500. Arthur Perrin
483 Alapaha River Rd Chula 31733
7' Boxblade Hefty Duty Bx by Rhino,
$950. Chris Irvin Leesburg 229-3476219
8'Wx 24'Lx 6'3"H enclosed heavy
duty cargo trailer w/2 axle, 5000 each, 8
ply tires, good condition, $4,250 Mike
Collins Unadilla 478-952-4571
9312 Sunflower no till drill, large and
small seed boxes, excellent condition,
shed stored. Ken Hamilton 6670 Hwy
140 Adairsville 30302 423-505-5817
9965 John Deere cotton picker, 4 row
with mud hog, 2350 fan hours, $29,000.
Dwight English Cochran 478-934-4704
Allis Chalmers power unit, 262 cid 90
hp, gas, removed from 1965 yr grain
combine 500. Lynn Morgan Dawson
Backhoe trailer, '06 Horton, 25 ft, 10
ton nearly new, $4,200. Walter Johnson
Gray 478-745-2578
BCS 718 Harvester rear tine tiller,
$1200. Don Bristsol 275 Ben Putnam
Rd Resaca 30735 706-277-1294
BHC stalk shredder; Lawson
aerators; JD 1710 8 row planter; hay
bale wagons; nitrogen sprayer. Leo
Perfect Unadilla 478-627-3820
Bobcat mini excavator, '76 Bobcat,
good tractor, good bucket & scrape
blade, new paint, $12,000. Roy Pruitt
Douglasville 770-949-5453 770-5957891
Bobcat S250, 2000 yr. model 2772
hrs, 72 h.p. diesel, 5000# tip load, 74"
smooth bucket, $16,800. Reid Trimble
Cleveland 404-213-0197
Bolens 1966 6 speed, 2 rev hi-lo shift
garden tractor, 2-1050s, 1-1250, some
equipment, mower decks & dozer
blades. Dwain Duffie Carrolton 678551-4829
Box blade King Kutter, 60 in, 5
shanks, used one time, very good
condition, $400. Mike Mabee Monroe
Brush guard for 3000 Ford tractor,
original, $200 cash. Morgan Manuel
Appling 706-541-1743 706-724-4704
Case W14 wheel loader good
condition, $10,500; Roto Mix 524-14B
reel mixer, good cond., $12,000. William
Lovett Blackshear williamelovett@ 912-387-5560
Claas Rollant 66 round baler, 2000 year
model, net wrap or twine, $6500. Mark
Henson Bethlehem 770-550-9015
Claus Roller 66 hay roller, 4' x 5' bales
with net wrap, $4,300. Curtis Baughcum
Madison 706-474-1219
D31S Komatsu, 3000 hrs, good
running cond. Huie Bray Fayettville
D6D root rake $900. Clyatt James
valdosta 229-247-2474
Ditch Witch model #2200 and trailer,
$1,500; Ford 3000 tractor, needs work,
$1,000. William Scott Sylvania 912863-4482 912-687-0932
Electric motor, new, 5 hp, 1,725
r.p.m., 3 phase, 230/460 volts, 60 hertz,
call for more information. Paul Freeman
Albany 229-723-6010
Equipment trailer(Hooper)18' w/4'
dovetail & ramps 8' wide 10 ton tandem
wheels pentil hitch, $3500. Robert Hitt
Thomson 706-595-6745
Extreme heavy duty 2ft single tooth
subsoiler, like new, $200 David Miller
Monroe 770-490-1810
Factory built front end loader for TuffBilt tractor, $1,000 obo. James Taylor
Ranger 770-616-5844
Ford 3400 Diesel tractor with front end
loader, new tires, new pump, email for
info, $6500. Decatur Overby Monroe 770-266-7899
Ford 4000 diesel, good work tractor
live PTO, 6 ft. box scrape, $5950. John
Schoewe Rutledge 706-557-9691
Ford 4500 backhoe with loader, good
condition, $11,000. William Dedo
Thomaston 706-648-6707
Ford 601 Workmaster, in running
condition, strong hydraulics, good garden
tractor, email for pictures, $1750. Tom
Thaithcock@ 478-284-2020 229-528-6528
Ford one row mounted corn picker
model 601, with owners manual, $2500.
Jimmy Stinson Dublin 478-697-0653
Gleaner R-52 combine, Taylorway
harrow, KMC 2 row peanut inverter. D.
Carter Surrency 912-367-3054
Gravity flow wagon, 2 peanut
wagons, 3 ph hay spear, Tumblebug
hay hauler, Fella hay mower & caddy.
Eddie McKie Abbeville 229-426-2530
Page 3
H&S 80 manure spreader, $1250. Brett
Bell PO Box 36 3545 Ash Road Good
Hope 30641
Hand push planter with seed plates,
$35; sickle bar mower, $125; Troy Bilt
tiller for parts. Amy Beasley Fort valley
478-825-1063 478-319-7707
Haybuster 107 no till drill exc. cond.
new disc with small seed box, $14,000.
Jeff Banks Carnesville 678-910-4588
Hesston 5530 rounder(baler) makes
4/5 hundred pound rolls, as is, $750.
Tommy Britt Coleman 229-768-2198
Hoist/gantry A frame w/ trolley, 4"
square tubing, 11' tall 12'8" wide b/t A
frames, $950. Matt Little Rome 706346-3119
Husqvarna LGT2554 garden tractor,
54" 25 HP mower, Kohler engine, 80
hours, $1500 Monroe area. Mike Crone
IH 100 Farmall model 1955, looks
and runs great, $2,000 obo. Derek Allen
vienna 229-322-2676
Int. 480 harrow, 36 disc, exc. cond.,
$2800, takes 100 hp tractor to pull.
Chad Whitmire Elberton 706-988-1653
JD 2305 sub compact tractor, 165
hours, 5 attachments, 12 foot trailer,
email for pics, $14,950. Tim Farr Lula 678-865-4347
JD 4230, 3950 hrs, JD and Case "allin-one" Doffer grinder, $3,800. C. Nutt
Cordele 229-276-5336
JD 4320 with 158 loader, good
condition, $8700. Raymond English
Milner 770-227-8801
JD 435 round baler, excellent
condition, has converging wheels and
has been sheltered, $6500 obo. Paul
Leonard Meigs quartercircle83@ 229-941-2640
JD 4400 combine, with good 329 CID
six cylinder motor, 2 grain heads, 1
rigid, 1 flex &1300 bu grain wagon. Eric
Clark Lyons 912-565-7977
JD 4430 w/cab duals,$14,500; Tye15'
grain drill ,$6,500. James Martin
Waynesboro 706-558-5005
JD 468 net wrap baler, $26,000; JD
Moco mower conditioner, $9000; JD
550 manure spreader, $5,500. Robert
Lanier White Plains 404-310-0412
JD 5303 w/512 loader, 570 hours,
canopy, garaged, extendable draft links
and rear lights, well maintained. Steven
Kleinschmidt Lilburn 770-361-8361
JD 5520 tractor, cab, 4wd, loader, 220
hrs, $39,000, '98 International 8100, GN
hook-up. C.E. McCalle Chickamauga
JD HX14 mower, 3 pt. excellent
condition, $5,000. Scotty Morris Sale
City 229-873-7197
JD MOCO 930 impeller,1000 rpm,
good cutting machine,$4500; Vermeer
WR20 8-wheel V rake, excellent cond,
$3500. David Loudermilk Buford 678425-7229
John Deere 10' hydraulic disc harrow,
excellent disc, asking price, $1,200.
Billy McGarrah Ochlocknee 229-2261045
John Deere 10ft chissel plow, 10 shank,
good cond., new tires, $1,000. Bennett
Daniel Milledgeville 478-454-6440
John Deere 335 4x4 round baler,
shelter kept, in excellent condition.
Thad Haley 648 Old River Rd Eastman
John Deere 336 square baler, $4,200,
Semen tank xc20, $625, Port-a-Huts, 6'
wide, $275. Ronnie Carter Wrightsville
John Deere 4410, loader, 360 hours,
$15,000, 5' bush hog, $500, 6' finishing
mower, $900, scrape, $250. Rick Nix
Ellijay 770-833-0077
John Deere 675B skid loader, metal
tracks, 2 buckets, great condition, 2 horse
steel trailer, great condition. LaVon Kern
Dawsonville 770-886-1597
John Deere 8300 grain drill, 21 disc,
excellent condition. JC McCranie
Eastman 478-374-3348
John Deere Putt Putt 730 diesel,
power steering, wide front end, 1
remote, runs well. George Davis
Rutledge 706-342-0395
John Deere tractor, weighs 800
pounds, plus mounting bracket, $475
obo, cash only. Paul Peterson Albany
Kilby limb shaker, $10,000; 3130 John
Deere with new rear tires, $7000; M6950
Kubota w/loader, $9,500. Marvin Dunn
McRae 229-315-2024 770-926-3169
KMC 6 row peanut vine fluffer, $3500.
Warren Hodges Americus 229-924-0291
KMC peanut digger inverter, 4 row
good condition, Ferguson peanut
reshaker, 6 row, good conditon. George
Hancock Fort valley 478-951-8833
Kubota M7040 MFWD loader cab air,
hydraulic shuttle, 2012 model, 3 hours,
new with warranty, $37,950. Bob
Hudson Cumming 678-807-9480
Kubota MX5000 tractor, 266 hours,
50HP, shuttle shift, kept inside,
excellent condition, $11,500. Richard
Martin Stockbridge 770-364-7028
Lewis Brothers #3 poultry house
keeper, bought new in 2004, very good
Commerce 706-202-3096
Sunbelt Ag Expo
(Continued from Page 11)
the cars, in the food tents, in the
ticket and information booths, in
driving the tractors pulling our
shuttle wagons, and in virtually
every aspect of our farm show,” he
adds. “We are grateful for all of the
support our Expo receives from the
local community and from
organizations from throughout this
region and this country. All of us
come together each October because
we have a profound appreciation for
what agriculture contributes to our
well being, and because we all
believe in the future of farming.”
Over the past 23 years, the
Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo
Southeastern Farmer of the Year
award has become the most
prestigious award for agricultural
producers in the U.S. This year,
outstanding farmers designated as
state winners from ten states will be
recognized, and one will be named
as the overall winner during the
Willie B. Withers Luncheon on the
opening day of the show.
“Everyone who farms will enjoy
coming to our show,” says Blalock.
“If you need a new tractor or
combine, or a new implement, or a
new seed variety, or if you want to
start a new farming enterprise, then
the Expo is the place to be. I can
promise you that our staff and our
volunteers and our exhibitors will do
their best to see that you get the
information you need to make your
important farming decisions.”
The Expo is located southeast of
Moultrie, Ga., on Georgia Hwy. 133.
The gates open at 8:30 a.m. each day
of the show. Parking is free of
charge. Admission is $10 per person
or $20 for a three-day admission
ticket. Children under the age of 12
are admitted free when accompanied
by an adult.
The Expo will welcome visitors
during the hours of 8:30 a.m. until 5
p.m. on Oct. 16 and 17, and from
8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Oct. 18.
Private and charter aircraft may
land on a 4,500-foot hard-surface
runway at Spence Field under the
control of the Federal Aviation
The Expo also offers sites for
camping and for parking recreational
vehicles. For additional information
on camping facilities, contact the
City of Moultrie by phone at 229890-5425.
For additional information on the
farm show, check the Expo Web site: or contact
at, or call 229985-1968.
Page 4
Livestock Sales and Events
Clip and Save Calendar
Every 1st & 3rd Tues. Poultry, Goat & FeederBreeder Pig Sale, poultry, 6 pm, hogs &
goats, 7 pm, RockRidge Livestock Auction,
just off S.R. 128, s. of Reynolds. Info: 478847-3664 or 706-647-3559.
Every Thursday Chickens, Rabbits & Related
Misc. Small Animal Sale, NE Georgia Sale, 6
pm, GAL #3478, Eastanollee Livestock
Market, Hwy. 17 between Toccoa & Lavonia.
Info: 706-779-5944 or 706-599-7606.
Every 1st Thurs. Barnesville Auction tack sale,
7 p.m., corner of 341 Hwy. & Yatesville Rd. at
old Ford place, Barnesville. GAL#2620.
Info.: Bobby Burnette, 770-356-4512
Every Fri. night Horse Sale, 7:30 pm, Circle
Double S, 102 Lumber City Hwy.,
Hazlehurst. Info: Steve Underwood, 912594-6200 (night) or 912-375-5543 (day).
Every Fri. night Goat, Poultry & Small Animal
Sale, 7 pm, Buggy Town Auction, 1315 Hwy.
341 s., Barnesville. GAL #3177 Info: 770358-0872/1786.
Every Sat. 10 am, farm-related mdse. Auction; 1
pm, goats, fowl & small animal auction;
GAL#AU003224; Red Barn Livestock
Auction, Sylvester. Info.: 229-776-9009.
Every Sat. Small Animals, Chickens, Rabbits,
Sheep, Goats & Horse Sale, 4 pm, Coker
Sale Barn, Duncan Bridge Rd., White Co., at
old Chattahoochee Livestock Barn. Info:
Wayne Coker, 706-540-8418.
Every Sat. night Goat, Poultry & Small Animal
Auction, 7 pm, Bradley-Wayside Auction,
1035 Monticello Hwy., Gray. GAL 306. Info:
Nancy Wilson, 478-986-4413.
Every 1st & 3rd Sat. Small Animal Sale, goats,
sheep & poultry, 1 pm, misc. merchandise, 6
pm, Deer Run Auction, Hwy. 76, AdelNashville Hwy., Adel. GAL 001800 Info: 229560-2898 or 229-896-4553.
Every 1st & 3rd Sat. Livestock Sale, sale starts
at 10 am, tack/horses, cows at 12 noon,
goats at 1 pm, poultry sale to follow, Metter
Livestock Market, Lyons, Ga. Info: Lewie
Fortner, 478-553-6066. GAL 3415.
Every 1st & 3rd Sat. S & D Goat Sales, Baxley
Fairgrounds, begin 12:30 pm; goats, pigs,
poultry. Info.: Steve Smith, 912-367-9268,
Every 2nd Sat. Winstead Horse Sales, 5 pm,
Eastanollee Livestock Auction, Eastanollee.
Info: Shannon Winstead, 864-710-4030 or
Bushhog, spring plow, disc harrow,
scrape blade, augers, 300 gal portable
diesel tank, $9000. Billy Abbate Locust
Grove 404-472-6074
Manure spreader, H&S 80 BU,
galvanized box & poly floor, $1,250;
heavy duty flatbed trailer 16', needs
floor replaced, sturdy w/ramps. $450.
Brett Bell Good Hope brettbell@ 770-868-9596
Massey Ferguson 2605 diesel, 4WD,
51 hrs with 5 pc equipment package,
$14,900. Lewis Grubbs Buchanan 770646-0014
Mitsubishi MF2500D 4wd, low hours,
good tires, 4ft rotary cutter included,
$4250. Jim Stone Warrenton 706-4659814 709-465-9814
NH 277 sq. baler, good cond., wagon
hitch, $2,500. Donald Marks Hephzibah
NH 477 haybine, $1,600; JD 350 hay
rake, $850; 16ft Hooper trailer with
ramp, good condition, $1300. Rich
Blumenkamp Powder Springs 770427-7047
NH TT75A '09, 75 hp, 4wd, canopy
loader w/ bucket, hay forks & pallet
forks, 480 hrs. Frank Eaves Elberton
Northern Tool trailer, Snyder 50 gal
tank, water, no chem. in tank, sheltered,
great cond, 250. pics avail. B. Francis
One used 13.6-16 Turf tire, $125.
Huron Nichols 7072 Herring Rd Lake
marilyn.nichols10@ 229-559-5758
Pair tractor tires 15.5x38, 6 ply, 1 is
30% other is 15%, both were running,
$100. James Newsome Statesboro
Peerless peanut dryer; KMC reshaker
(6 row) $2000; (6) peanut wagons,
$1500. Larry Sanders Chester 478231-1311 478-358-4426
top,1000hrs, $4500. Felton Leverette
Ambrose 912-393-5345
Pruning tower, Gillison, 25 ft, 2190
hrs, field ready, $15,000. Wade Powell
Bainbridge 229-254-8694
PTO or belt operated hammer mill.
Morris Steed Carrolton 770-712-8768
Rebuilt Goulds pump, like new, 2HP,
230v, sprinkler, water pump, $350.
Charles Hart PO Box 9326 Columbus
31908 706681-2398
Every 2nd & 4th Sat. R&R Goat & Livestock
Auction, merchandise, 10 am, goats, 12
noon, chickens & caged animals to follow,
526 Ga. Hwy. 56 N., Swainsboro. Ron
Claxton, auctioneer, GA Lic. #3485. Info:
478-237-8825 (weekdays), 478-455-3714
(sale day) or 478-469-3533 or 478-4554765 (nights).
Every 2nd & 4th Sat. Pony Express Stockyard
Horse & Tack Auction, 5 pm, GA Lic.
AUNR002843, 1852 Highway 11 S.,
Covington, GA 30014. Info: Scott Bridges,
704-434-6389 or 704-473-8715.
Every 2nd & 4th Sat. Livestock Auction,
Waddell Auction Barn, Climax, Ga., 1 pm,
selling goats, sheep, poultry and small
animals; selling miscellaneous at 10 am;
#AU003249. Info.: 229-246-4955/4167217.
Every 2nd & 4th Sat. Goat & Chicken Auction,
Mid-Georgia Goat & Chicken Auction, 12
noon, Cochran. Info: Frankie Howell, 478271-0550.
Every 2nd & 4th Sat. Livestock auction at
Pearson Livestock; sale, 1 pm; goats,
sheep, poultry & small animals; 1168 Hwy.
441 N., Pearson, Ga. Info.: 229-798-0271,
Every 3rd Sat. Horse & Tack Sale, Buchanan
Horses Sales, LLC, tack, 4 pm, horses to
follow, 1812 Macedonia Church Rd.,
Buchanan. 5013GA. Info: Melissa Wright,
Every 3rd Sat. Goat & Sheep Sale, 12 noon,
Agri Auction Sales, held at Eastanollee
Livestock Market, Hwy. 17 btwn. Toccoa &
Lavonia. Info: Ricky Chatham, 706-4912812 or Jason Wilson, 706-491-8840.
Livestock auctions listed in the Market
Bulletin sometimes offer related items for
sale, such as tack and other livestock
equipment. Notices for auctions selling
any items other than livestock must be
accompanied by the auction license
number of the principal auctioneer or
auction firm conducting the auction, per
regulations of the Georgia Secretary of
State. Notices without this information
cannot be published.
For more information on the Livestock
Sales and Events calendar, call Randy Cox
at 404-656-3682.
Bushhog brand mower, 14ft, model
3414, good condition. WH Sledge
Byron 478-808-4690 478-956-2742
Canopy, sunshade/roll bar to fit Ford
7600, would be interested in older buggy
style sunshade also. John Freeman
Plains 229-942-0939 229-924-6615
Center gearbox for 10' bushhog, 20
ton equipment trailer pentil hitch with
airbrakes. Don Williams Carrollton
Engine head for 800 Ford tractor gas
134 or 172 cut in. Frank Bing Rome
706-235-6224 706-235-6224
Farm or logging wagon with steel or
wooden wheels. Richard Ward
Winston 770-949-8344
Hammermill PTO or belt driven, good
or restorable condition, also corn
mill/grinder and shellers. Ricky
Callaway Washington 706-401-6320
I am looking for a water pumping
windmill preferably located in east
central Ga, but will consider all. Ashley
Stone Warrenton 706-465-9814 709465-9814
John Deere 1020 or 1120 series
tractor agricultural front tires and
wheels, 2 needed. Paul Postlmayr
Rutledge 480-688-1641
Looking for 40-70 hp tractor in very
good condition, prefer newer models
with no issues. Dave Armstrong
Newnan 770-329-0649
Looking for Farmall M or Super M
with hitch. Joe Webb Mcdonough 678986-2048
Massey Ferguson 396 with bad
motor, or complete cab. Judy Wallace
Jackson 404-427-4142 678-752-0876
No till drill/seeder 4 to 6 feet wide
Wayne Bradley Milledgeville 478-4525816
Old Sears Handiman garden tractor
walk behind for parks or parts for one.
Al Hatcher Musella 478-972-0686
Rear tractor tires, agric. tread size,
16.9 x28. Howard Renfroe Milner 770775-6812
Self propelled pecan sweeper, old
type with 16HP Wisconsin engine
behind seat with blower, working or not.
Michael Brownlee Warner Robins 478923-2801
Sickle mower in good condition for
mowing next to pond. Tom Hogan
Jeffersonvlle 478-233-4968
Small syrup kettle, 30G, 40G w/wide
lip, will pay reasonable price and pick
up. Henry Hine Conyers 404-310-6490
Tractor tires wanted - 16.9-24 Jim
Stone Warrenton 706-465-9814 709465-9814
TroyBilt tiller, will buy your worn- out
TroyBilt tiller for parts. Allyn Bell
Moreland 770-253-2987
Used tractor tire 13.6x28 for a 35
Massey Ferguson. Kay Woods
Reidsville 912-557-3670
Utility trailer, bumper pull trailer,
16'x4", 2 axle, good tires, 14" angle
frame, new treated wood floor. Larry
Houston Covington 770-385-4862
Want to buy 4 cyl Ford diesel tractors
5000-7000 series. call Mike @229-8480295. Mike Hunt Ty Ty 229-777-3710
Want used pasture no till drill, 5, 6 or
7 foot . Michael Leggett Douglasville
Wanted JD duall four row or other
brands in good condition. Scott Price
Wrightsville 478-290-4419
Wanted: large pecan sheller &
cleaner, daytime number 706-7136734.
Hull 706-613-6248
Will pay cash for 3000 Ford tractor
diesel engine block 175 or 201 CID in
good condition. Bunn Bunn Forsyth
478-994-2453 478-318-4493
Restored 1966 International, very rare,
266 engine, 4 spd, trans. very good,
$3500. A. Lamb vienna 229-947-2290
Rhino TW-120 bush hog, 10' pull
type, great condition, $3000. Tyler
Maney Homer 706-244-4348
Rome harrow, 7ft, off set, $700; 16ft
trailer, $600; 18ft trailer, $800. Ben
McGreggor Macon 478-935-2400
Savage 4200 pecan shaker, very
good condition, $4000. Thomas
Clements 3677 Old Mill Rd Rutledge
770-335-6315 706-557-9667
Subaru Chuck wagon, mint condition,
electric scrape blade, seats 4, new,
$8,200; sacrifice, $ 5,200. Glynn
Shriver Clayton 706-896-5219
Sun Master finishing mower, 3 point
hitch, $150; Puma air compressor, Weg
motor, 337, rpm, $400. Nancy
Williamson Lithonia 770-981-1263
Surge portable milker with one goat,
one cow milker & strainer, $1000. Bradley
Smith Eastanollee 706-599-7796
Toledo portable scales, 1000 pound
capacity, very good cond., $500. John
Wheaton Leesburg 229-759-6953
Troy Bilt garden tiller, 8hp Kohler
engine, good tines, sheltered, $500.
Mack Gilreath Summerville 706-7342927 706-734-2927
Troy Bilt horse tiller, 8hp Kohler
engine, exc. cond., $750. Glenn Slaton
Alpharetta 770-475-7749
Two head tetter, used with new PTO &
several new parts, works good, $1100.
Mary Farmer Clarkesville 706-754-5090
Tye drill 14ft.exc. cond.3pt hitch,
$1850. Phillip Ivey 6770 Knoxville Rd
Lizella 31052
Vermeer track walk behind trencher
RTX100, bought brand new, used very
If you have questions regarding ads
little, stored inside. Joe Verdone in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Lexington 706-743-3994
100 gal. fuel tank w/filtered rotary
Windmill 8' fan, 30' tower, small lathe; hand pump. Thomas Aiken Barnesville
forge, 4 hit and miss motors. Sam Lowrey 770-358-4184
Rome 706-295-1157 706-234-7729
100-yr joist from barn, 3 inches or
greater thickness, 8-9 feet length. Paul
Farm Machinery Wanted
Smith Watkinsville 706-224-2898
7.5 X 20 implement tires for manure
11-beautiful, heart pine, beaded floor
spreader, need 2 tires. Sam Cloud joist from 1800 log cabin, 3"x 6"x8 ft., 4
Canton 678-294-4475
in., hand beaded. Roger Jones Dry
Backhoe attachment for Kubota M5040. Branch 478-742Dave Miller Monroe 770-490-1810
4231 478-747-4730
Burr/Grist mill, shelled to cracked
150-gal. sprayer outfit, 3 p.h., full
corn, 100 to 300 lb/hr, powered. Rusty coverage spray, 24' polyurethane tank,
McCall Moultrie 229-242-2551 229- all unused, $1800. V Felkel Millen 912682-5813
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
16-ft. flat panel pasture/utility gate,
$65, Universal slip clutch, like new,
$100. David Holt Carrollton 770-8329385
16-ft. low boy factory made trailer,
more. Billy Bolt Dallas 770-445-4437
1800-gallon fuel tank with a 12-volt
pump. William Lamb Louisville 912536-5497
20-30-55 gal. plastic 2-bung plugs;
55-gal. plastic screw-off lids; 55-gal.
metal lockrings; 55-gal. metal w/o lids;
55-gal. stainless. Jimmy Cannon
Canton 770-889-2342
20x20 metal garage building, heavy
duty red iron framing, incudes all
hardware and screws, $2200. David
Lee valdosta 229-561-2189
250-gal. upright fuel tank w/hand
pump, hose and filter, $100. R.M.
Spruill Alpharetta 770-475-5649
3" irrigation pipe with 20+ frost free
sprinkler heads, 1400', good condition,
$900, trailer included. Donnie Connell
Williamson 770-227-4849
4 stainless steel gas tanks, 4 gallon,
with straps, $10 each. Carl Dobson
Atlanta 404-247-7343
5 1000-gallon propane tanks, good
condition, used on poultry farm, $1100
each. Seth Cox Washington 706-9908071
5V tin, 12' long, some rust, $6 per sheet.
Jerry Guinn Madison 706-342-1954
700 hd fiberglass stackable poles, 3
ft. x1 1/2" dia., $2 each, use as electric
wire posts. Don Sellers Athens 706548-7660
8x10 greenhouse, front & back walls,
door, window, pvc & p.t., 2x4 frame,
new plastic provided, $100. A.J.
Newman Cumming 404-725-8133
Air dried, under shelter cedar, cherry,
poplar, pecan, hickory, white pine, some
oak & walnut. Donald Wilson Lula 770561-8849
Air-dried quality heart pine logs, many
100 years old, I will load, all sizes and
lengths. Michael Joyner Perkins 706-551-9022
Air/kiln dried Woodmizer sawn
lumber, large selection wood species,
paneling, wide-plank flooring, etc. John
Sell Milner 770480-2326
Anvils, 275 lbs./110 lbs.; 7" jaw post
vise; large post drill, #20 cooking grade
wash pot, tong, logging, Hardee
hammers. A. Hendrick Austell 770948-9842
Big Dutchman cage free Colony II
layer equipment, nests, slats, feeders,
waterers, all controls & hardware. David
Moody Hoboken davewithcows@ 912-288-4730
Blue & white, 55-gal. plastic drums,
closed tops, two twist-off caps, food
grade, also, other types sometimes
avail. Eugene Needham Loganville
Buck stove, great condition, $450;
also, have hay fluffer to sell, more. Bill
Turner Brooks 770-401-9648
Clean 55 gal metal drums w/lids;
1000 gal. fiberglass tank. Leonard
Crane Dawsonville 678-947-6744 404210-1516
Clean 55 gal. metal drums w/lids.
David Crane Dahlonega 706-265-2559
Clean 55-gal. metal drums w/lids, $20
each; 55 gal. & 48 gal. plastic barrels,
$20 each; red steel. Windle Sneed
McDonough 770-483-7007
Corn sheller, $75; corn grinder; well
bucket; pulley; grapple hay hooks; old
farm tools. Bill Fulton Blairsville 706745-7463
Destructor II incinerator, 36 & 48''
fans & shutters, motors, gearbox,
hoppers. Harold Shadburn Cumming
Dried oak lumber, assorted widths &
lengths, $1 per board foot. Danny
McCravy Douglasville 404-405-8637
Fisher wood heater, double door,
Mama Bear, exc. cond., $700. H. T.
Lyon Chamblee 770-891-3939
Flooring oak & pine, T&G, various
widths, also beadboard and wood
shavings, call for prices, reasonably
priced. William Briggs Union City 404349-2315
Food grade 55-gal. stainless steel,
$125 ea., small & large screw-top
plastic, $5-$15 ea., all type steel &
plastic. Ellen Chambers Fayetteville
Handmade log structure, 16'x16',
pictures available, $2,500, was used as
2nd bedroom, includes rafters,
windows, doors. Ed O'Neal Cleveland 706-865-0738
Hay ring for sale. 7 ft. ring, like new,
asking $125. Rody Whitener Dalton 706-2772595
Hay ring, gates, 5' to 12'; 3 pumps
sub w/180' wire, 3/4 &1/2 hp, 220 v or
110, 2.5 hp 3/4" gas, $50 & up. Mike
Tackett Gainesville 678-617-0873
Hen nests for sale, all metal, 12 nests
per box, $35 per box. Lamar Bryant
Cleveland 706-878-8509
Looking for used/new t-posts around
the Madison County area, any height,
any condition, will pull up if necessary.
Nate Black Hull 706-614-4768
Lumber from 120+ year old, approx.
2500-sq-ft. farmhouse, must be torn
down and moved. Bill St. John
Americus 229-928-5451
Lumber from old 2br house, metal
roof, must be torn down & moved,
$1,000. Bennie Corbin Murrayville
Lumber, reclaimed, beams, heartpine, beadboard, more. Otis Brett
Tennille 706-466-9035
Need 1,000 or more 5-gal. nursery
pots, call with any large amount.
George Browder Waynesboro 706437-1804
Old hand hewn log house, excellent
condition, delivery & set up available.
Kerry Hix Chatsworth 706-695-6431
Poultry house equipment, feed tanks,
tube, heaters, controller panel, various
items. W. Carter Baxley 912-367-2027
Propane tank, 325 gal., 100 gals. in
tank, $300. Edwin Johnson 961
Northside Dr Lawrenceville 30043
Sawn quarter tongue & groove
paneling and flooring, pine, poplar and
oak, $1.25-$1.50 per sq. ft. Timothy
Tucker Newnan 770-251-7612
Steel I-beam, 6x6 inches, 12 1/2 feet
long, $114. Alan Atwood Alto 770-6546371
Syrup kettle, 60 gal. wide lip, no chips,
no cracks, excellent cond., $1000. W.S.
Sewell Brunswick 912-265-7633
T posts, up to 50, $2.75 each; 50 or
more, $2.50 each. Homer Brown
Midville 478-494-8974
Ten 11r 24.5 tires and aluminum rims,
$3500. Stan Morgan Shiloh 706-4572617
Tin, 5 sheets, 3' X 22', never used,
under shelter, $125 for all. Alton Ray
123 W Sheraton Dr Washington 30673
Trailer, double axle, 6'-5x16 w/ramps,
$425; wood splitter, new cond., $750;
Ditch Witch, digs 4" wide, 16" deep, $425.
George Brewer Lizella 478-836-2209
Triner scale, weighs up to 100
pounds, good condition, accurate,
works well, $200. Hazel Sellers Albany
Two 4,000-watt generators; platform
scales, $250 ea.; welders, forks, 40'
ladder, more. Charles Chambers
Canton 770-712-5671
Various lengths of galvanized steel
posts, some have mounting flanges
with bolt holes, $800. Dwight Swanson
Dallas 404569-1993
Want cyprus lumber, can be rough cut
for raised garden beds. Adam Hendrix
Bowman 706-680-0647
Want good used tractor tires, size, 12-438. Alton Byess Canton 770-364-7886
Want old farm bells, including broken
ones/bell parts, sizes 4, 20, 22, 24, 26,
28, 30 and bigger. Shane Burnett
Covington 770-827-0999
Want to buy 100 gal. to 250 gal.
propane tank, northeast Ga., White
County area. David Howington
Cleveland 678-316-8734
Want used tongue-n-goove lumber,
prefer wide widths, 3-point sprayer,
good condition, reasonable. John Gunn
Reynolds 478-847-3387
Want walk in cooler panels. Blake
Besosa 346 Shelnut Rd Franklin 30217 770-780-1935
Want working gear box for Brown 72
rotary mower. B.C. Jenkins Clermont
Will buy any unwanted incubators,
cabinet type, any size, will pick up
within 100 miles of Stone Mountain.
Donald Allen Snellville 404-578-7758
Woodmizer lumber, 1x12 pine, poplar,
oak, trailer flooring, any thickness. Larry
Moore Newnan 678-278-5709
Ziggity drinkers, Choretime feeders &
other misc. poultry house equipment.
Lynn Martin Clarkesville 770-531-7432
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
All livestock (i.e., those animals
such as, but not limited to, cattle,
equine, goats, sheep, swine, and
poultry) must have been in
possession of the advertiser for a
minimum of 90 days before they can
be advertised.
If you have any questions regarding
ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
14 Black Angus heifers, bred to Reg.
Black Angus bull, $1250 each. B.F.
Garner Rutledge 706-557-9166 770653-0208
2 purebred Brangus bulls (20 & 22
mos), parents on site, can be
registered, $2500 each. James Howard
vienna 229-942-4800
2 yr. old Polled Hereford & F1 Braford
bulls w/performance data, 60 yearling
Polled Hereford heifers. Jonny Harris
Odum 912-586-6585
20 Registered Hereford cows, 3-6 years
old, confirmed bred, will calve Sept. thru
Nov. Weyman Hunt Madison weyman@ 706-342-0264
200 hd. of Holstein springers, AI sired
& AI bred, calving Sept.-Nov. Allen
Oglesby Lyons 912-293-2778
26 Regd. bred Black Angus heifers &
cows, also good selection of bulls. Fred
Blitch Statesboro 912-865-5454
3 Angus heifers, 13 mos., gentle,
vaccinated, wormed, 750 lbs., $850 ea.,
$2500 for all. Carol Lakics Butler 478-862-9733
4 yr. Angus bull, New Design line,
regd., big muscular bull. Alfred King
1314 Oakmont Dr Acworth 30102 678332-9288
4 yr. registered Black Angus bull,
gentle and effective, used on
commercial Angus herd, 100% calving
ease, $2000. Chris Riley Gainesville
40 bred registered Angus cows due in
fall, registered Angus and Charolais
bulls, 14- 23 months old. Stephen
Cummings Marshallville 478-396-5832
5 comm. Brangus bull.s, 15 m.o., also,
8 heifers, 8-9 m.o., Brinks bloodline,
calving ease, herd sires, BW: 77-80 lbs.
Nelson Casey Canon 706-245-8525
75 cows, 50 plus calves, commercial
Angus face, 20 yrs., Gentist work, 3
groups, 3 Angus (bulls Regd.) Charles
Chappelear Madison 706-817-0866
8 Purebred Black Angus bred heifers.
Jake Stewart Alma 912-632-5652
AngusXBelted Galloway bull calf,
partial belt, approx. 500 lbs., $750. Allison
Bryant Ball Ground 678-469-3647
Black Limousin bulls, polled,
registered, low birth weight, 2 years old.
Calvin Minchew Macon 478-781-0604
Bulls: Red Brahman, Simmental, and
Simbrah, weaning and breeding age,
few cows and heifers. Cliff Adams
Bowdon 770-258-2069
Calving ease, milking ability,
gentleness, Regd. polled shorthorn
bulls, show heifers, steers, exc. quality,
Club Calf member. Ken Bridges
Commerce 706-768-3480
Coming 4 yr. Sim/Angus bull, easy
calving, good muscling, AI sired, Dream
On out of 6807 cow. Dee Martin Fort
valley 478-338-5109
Exc. perf.-tested black full-blood
Simmental & Sim-Angus bulls, cow/calf
prs., heifers, AI/embryo bred, easy
calving, high milk, satisfaction guar. Milton
Martin Jr. Clarkesville 770-519-0008
For sale: coming 2-year-old horned
Hereford bulls, semen tested in 201,
starting at $2200. Wes Smith
Thomaston 706-648-4210
Fullblood Beefalo bulls, semen
tested, Regd. & ready to work, most
have bison markers. Cork Deaver
Blairsville 706-633-8700
Gelbvieh young bulls, all registered
purebreds, bred for easy calving and
fast growth. John Kiss Gainesville 770531-1126
Herd reduction, Black Baldie heifers,
5-16 m.o. exposed to Regd. Polled
Hereford, Angus X bulls, 5-10 m.o,
$425-$800, some prs. S. Sewell
Elberton 706-283-5817
registered), proven breeder w/calving
ease, 7-yr. old, $1500 obo. Glen Studle
Barnesville 678-967-9984
Jersey & x heifers due this fall, $900,
also weaned Holstein heifers, $300.
Mike Preston Blakely 229-220-9992
Purebred horned Hereford bull, 6
years old, $2,000. Mike Buford
Concord 770-584-6675
Purebred Red Angus bull, "Big Dude",
10 months, outstanding confirmation,
gentle, can register. Ginger Andrews
Bogart 770-725-7716
Red Angus bull, Regd. (Beckton), 3
yrs. old, calving east, grass genetics,
$2000. David Brown Senoia 770-5991830
Reg 1 yr. old Angus open heifers,
highest genetics, Grace Plantation.
Dale Riley Dearing 706-945-6474 706843-9019
Reg. Black Angus bull, 25 months old,
proven, Triple Creek Design. Todd Osa
Jackson 678-794-2173
Reg. polled Hereford bull, 4 yrs.,
Felton's Legend bloodline, very docile,
excellent calves, $2200. Ross Holcomb
Lexington 706-540-1002 706-540-5757
Reg. Polled Herefords, yearling bulls,
cow calf pairs, yearling heifers, exc.
bloodlines. John Bailey Summerville
Regd. Black Angus bull, 13 months
old, lbw, top bloodlines, New Design,
$1375. Don Hudgins Marietta 404-8866849
Regd. Black Angus bull, New Design,
low bw, semen tested, 18 mo.-2 yrs.,
$1500-$1800 Lalla Tanner Monroe
770-267-7179 678-827-5742
Regd. Charolais bulls, coming 2 yrs.,
semen tested, BVD, tuberculosis &
brucellosis tested negative, good
selection virgin bulls, cow ready. Curtis
Kiclighter Marshallville 478-967-2940
Regd. Polled Hereford bulls, good
EPD's, ultra sound carcass info
provided, herd cert. & accred. Larry
Lane Carrollton 678-378-5170
Regd. Polled Hereford bulls, yearlings
to service age, excellent epds, low
birthweight, ready for your farm. Brad
Mullins Martin 706-491-7556
Registered Angus and commercial
cattle; bred cows, bulls & heifers, $1250
- $2500. Elizabeth Patton Hawkinsville
478-783-1919 478-957-1677
Registered Angus females, calving
Nov.-Dec. to top A.I. sires, excellent
quality, delivery available. Windell Gillis
Eastman 478-374-4868
Registered Hereford bulls and heifers
for sale, 10 to 12 months old. Tim Parks
Ellijay 706-635-2531
Senepol fullblood & cross heifers,
ready to breed this fall, 1 yr. bull full
blood, heat tolerant, gentle. Ray Lee
Strickland villa Rica 770-459-5997
Service age purebred Black Angus
and Black Simmental bulls, years of
extensive AI breeding. Billie Clanton
Odum 912-221-1383
Simmental & Simangus bulls,
breeding age, black, polled, calving
ease, high growth, super nice, you pick.
Lanier Warbington Cumming 404-2812433
Three Regd. Black Angus bulls, BF
Blackbird 720, all are 19 months old, all
shots & wormed. Sanders R East
Barnesville 770-597-2048 770-3589058
If you have questions regarding ads
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Swine moving from farm to farm
must have a negative brucellosis and
pseudorabies test within the past 30
days before they are moved whenever
there is a change of ownership.
Exceptions are swine from a validated
pseudorabies-free herd. Buyers are
urged to request proof of a negative
brucellosis and pseudorabies test
prior to purchase.
2 year old Yorkshire boar hog for sale,
$300, OBO. Mark Jones Zebulon 770584-4198
2 Yorkshire/hampshire mix, gilts
200+lbs., slaughter or breeding,
$200ea.; 50lb. pig, $35. Michael Stone
760 Harris Dr McDonough 30252 770-957-8613
4 piglets; 2 male, uncut, $50 each.
Arthur Booker Madison luzbalais@ 706-818-1394
6-week-old baby pigs and several
older pigs, Hampshire cross. Jerry
Anderson Elberton 770-403-8964
Berkshire registered boars and gilts;
show quality, finest meat breed and
very docile, new litters now. Duke
Burgess Louisville 478-625-9542 305923-0262
Bred sows, 2 purebred York boars,
feeder pigs. Arnold Tennant Mauk 478391-9191
Finished Hampshire/Berkshire hog.
appx. 225 lbs., $200. Ed Mathews
Fayetteville 404-583-5612
Hampshire, Yorkshire boars and gilts,
all ages; feeder/barb. pigs, val. herd.
Lawton Kemp Dudley kewanee@ 478-875-3243
Large black pigs, docile, easy to
raise, very little rooting, on Facebook
@Briar Rose Farm in Albany. Sandra
Jones Albany sandra_fay_jones@ 229-344-2983
Registered Berkshire/free range
boars and gilts/lean and tasty. Randall
Richards Chatsworth 706-270-1979
Goats And Sheep
If you have questions regarding ads
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
1 White Dorper ram, 250lbs, $200, 3
Katahdin rams 150lbs, $175., lambs
100lbs $150. ea. Hubert Bailey
Dawsonville 770-530-6150 706-2652669
10 month old black Dorper/Katahdin
ram; excellent for breeding or dinner
guest, $175. Gayle Richardson
Woodstock 770-928-8619
100% Boer goats w/papers; 3
Yearling Bucks, 4-6 month old Bucks,
Does various ages, good bloodlines.
Stanley Dockery young Harris 706745-9899
100% Boer goats, 3 billies, 3 does.
ML Harrington Macon 478-960-0912
100% Boers; giant new imported
bloodline, 450 lb. grandsire, improve
your herd now.
Marie Kilgore
Lawrenceville 770-733-7507
2 registered Nubians, in milk, $300
each or $500 for both. Tara Hatfield
hatfieldtara@ 404-427-3649
3 Nanny goats, Pygmycross,1-2 yr,
light caramel and 2/6 mo, white/light
caramel $75 each. John Foster Byron 478-2978173 478-297-8173
3 Show wethers, DOB 6/2 & 7/2,
proven champion bloodlines, $250-$300.
Lori Scott Sylvania 912-829-3095
3/4 Boer, 1/4 Saan declings, very
nice, CAE neg, certified accredited
scrapies program, $150 and up. L.
Pearson Hoschton 706-654-3364
4H, FFA polled Suffolk cross market
lambs, 1 ram, 1 ewe $100 each; also
small polled Billy $50. Bobby Shields
Mineral Bluff 706-374-5338
6 adult Kathadin ewes for sale. Dale
Bennett Calhoun 678-986-7302
ADGA Nubian Does $400, still milking,
2 unregistered Doelings, $70 each. Lisa
Rees Good Hope 770-267-8279
ADGA Oberhasli Buckling 5/28/2012,
great bloodlines. Can e-mail or text
picture. Preston Garner Braselton 706-6543423 678-617-8836
ADGA Oberhasli doelings, 4 months
old, bottlefed; championship and great
milk bloodlines. Rebecca Reynolds
Pelham 229-224-4158
ADGA registered Nubian dairy goats;
young spotted buck, Does, some bred.
Gary Gray Milner 779-358-7452
ADGA-LaMacha Buck from clean
herd; top quality for your herd
improvement needs, $150. MaShon
Coleman Trenton 423-667-1454
AGS & NDGA registared Nigerian
Dwarf, tri colored blue eyes female 1
1/2 yrs old must sale. Tammy West
Auburn 770-867-3948 404-683-0003
Beautiful miniature Pygmy goats for
sale - new babies and possibly
pregnant females. Louie Estep Newnan
Boer/Kiko does and Bucks for sale;
born March 2012, healthy, good color.
C. Cambron Acworth 770-380-3505
Boer/Nubian bucks with papers, born
April 12, vaccinated, wormed, gentle,
great pets, handsome $85 ea/$150/pair.
Barbara Neiderhiser Marble Hill
Cagba registered colored Angora
goats, kids, does, bucks, wethers,
handspinners fiber. Tina Evans
Taylorsville 770-324-4380
Female Pygmy goat, friendly 3 month
old, brown and black, $75. Molly
mollydobbins@ 404-926-6559
Page 5
Fall Equine Events
Oct. 4-7 NBHA Ga. State Championships, Ga.
International Horse Park, Conyers. Info:
Oct. 6 “Be the Boss of You” Breast Cancer Trail
Ride, Ga. International Horse Park,
Conyers. Info: 770-860-4190.
Oct. 12-13 Ga. Draft Horse Assn. 19th
Annual Show, Clydesdales, Shires,
Percherons & Belgians, classes: 2, 4 &
6 up hitch, cart, halter & under
saddleGa. Nat.’l Fairgrounds &
Agricenter, Perry. Info: Carla Beckom, or 770-3582678 or
Oct. 13 NWGHA State Qualifying Pleasure
Show, 10 am, Bartow Co. Saddle Club
arena, Cartersville. Info:
Oct. 13 Kel-Mac Saddle Club Open Horse
Show, 9 am, Morgan Co. Ag Ctr., Hwy.
441 N., Madison. Info: Susie Cottongim,
706-342-3775 or Barbara Cumming,
Oct. 13-14 Atlanta National Fall Dressage I & II,
Ga. International Horse Park, Conyers.
Info: 770-860-4190.
Oct. 13-14 Athens Area Hunter/Jumper Assn.
Fall Classic & 2012 Medal Finals, Ga.
International Horse Park, Conyers. Info:
Oct. 14 NWGHA State Qualifying Running
Show, 1 am, Bartow Co. Saddle Club
arena, Cartersville. Info:
Oct. 20-21 H.J. Fox Halloween Festival, Ga.
International Horse Park, Conyers. Info:
Oct. 27-28 Westminster/Lovett IEA 2-Day
Horse Show, Ga. International Horse
Park, Conyers. Info: 770-860-4190.
Kahtadin-Dorper sheep for sale. Tony
Phillips Monticello 770-519-7080
Kiko cross and Boar Nanny, 6 month
Ellemwood 404-361-2565
LaMancha Doeling, born 4/12; $125,
2 Does, $150, $250; both good milkers.
Joyce Reid Carrollton 770-854-7143
Mini Nubian male, approx 8 months
old, Black/white; ready to breed, $50.
Sharon Adams Clarkesville 706-9681644
Mini silky fainting goats, mixes, $50300, kids/adults mini donkey jacks live
with goats. Kathy Wade Winder 678859-2657
Nigerian Dwarf buckling, dob,
4/17/12, CDT, vacinations/ tattooed,
reg. ADGA. $175. Gena Hughes
Albany 229376-4365
Nigerian dwarf Doe, black and white,
6 months old, gentle, $150. Brenda
McDaniel Good Hope 770-207-6150
Nigerian dwarf goat, 2 bucks blue
eyes, born 5/22/11, and 4/10/12, $80
each, not for slaughter. J.Rebecca
Wallace Lizella 478-320-8478
Nigerian Dwarf goats, bottle babies,
dehorned, friendly, flashy colors,
companion, and registered prices.
Nubian, Nubian Boer cross goats,
Does $150, Wethers $100, spotted
Nubian buck, $150. Ken McMichael
Monticello 706-819-9295
Pure breed Shetland, five months old.
Mike Brown Lagrange 706-884-8217
Pygmy babies, F/$65, M/$55 great
pets, handled daily. Richard Vanduyn
Winder 678-425-2445
Female/$75. Merrill Randolph Locust
Grove 770-361-0261
Pygmy goats, 1 male, 8 months;
$100, 2 males 2.5 months $65 Charles
Roberts Royston 706-245-5668
Reducing herd; Kiko mixed, all 3 mos.
to 3 yrs, $35 and up. Phyllis Hutchison
Senoia 770-5993645
Reg. Katahdin ram lamb, born
3/16/2012, $300. Bob Lott Palmetto 678-850-6177
Saanen Doe, ADGA & Mini-Saanen
kids (Nigerian Dwarf Buck x Saanen
Doe); excellent lineage, disbudded.
Holly Longino Fayetteville 770-3173341
Thunderhill A Merlot, RCH standing
stud; triple registered Nigerian Dwarf,
information visit website. Kaye Tho
Athens 706-546-6936
Wanted: small goats for brush clean
up, within 50 miles radius of Hampton.
Jim Snow Hampton 678-834-5624
Wants 1 or 2 black ewes or lambs for
shearing. Jacobs Farm Warrenton
Oct. 28-Nov. 3 National Barrel Horse Assn.
World Championships, Ga. National
Fairgrounds & Agricenter, Perry. Info:
Nov. 3 Fun Show, Linda’s Riding School, 10
am, adult, youth classes, 3475 Daniels
Bridge Rd., Conyers. Info: Linda Ridley,
Nov. 3-4 The Boo-Rama All Novice & Open
Show, Ga. International Horse Park,
Conyers. Info: 770-860-4190.
Nov. 7-11 Atlanta Fall Classic I, Ga.
International Horse Park, Conyers. Info:
Nov. 11 NWGHA State Qualifying Running
Show, 11 am, Bartow Co. Saddle Club
arena, Cartersville. Info:
Nov. 19 NWGHA State Qualifying Pleasure
Show, 10 am, Bartow Co. Saddle Club
arena, Cartersville. Info:
Nov. 14-18 Atlanta Fall Classic II, Ga.
International Horse Park, Conyers. Info:
Dec. 1 Eastside/Eastminster High School’s
International Classic, Ga. International
Horse Park, Conyers. Info: 770-8604190.
Dec. 7-9 Technical Large Animal Emergency
Rescue Course, learn how to approach
emergency or disaster scenario w/horse,
Gray Fire Dept., International TLAER™
or 214-679-3629.
Submissions for the Equine Events
Calendar can be sent to
Young billies goats, $70, plus sheep,
would trade male sheep for Kataddin ram.
Alfred Cain Commerce 706-335-6798
Equine For Sale
If you have questions regarding ads
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
All equine advertised in the Market
Bulletin must have had a negative
Coggins test within past 12 months.
Negative reports are valid for 12
months from the sample date. A copy
of this test report must accompany the
ad each time it is submitted or the
notice will be returned to the advertiser.
For this reason, generalized ads (i.e.,
many horses, varieties to choose from,
others, etc.) cannot be accepted.
Buyers are urged to request
verification of a negative Coggins test
before purchasing any equine. Any
falsification of Coggins tests can result
in fines and/or suspension of
advertising privileges in the Market
Bulletin. This regulation also applies to
equine advertised in the "At Stud" and
"Boarding" categories of the quarterly
equine editions.
1 large pony, 1 small pony, used in
pony ride business, good ponies,
healthy, 7 and 8 yrs., $500 ea. Eddie
Hatcher Comer 706-783-3818
2003 TWHBEA black gelding, 15
hds., trail riding, experienced, $900;
2001 Regd. grey Paso gelding, $1100,
return option. L. Gunter vienna 229322-5137 478-244-5644
3 yrs. stud colt, dark bay, ready to be
broken, $500, tack avail., leave
message. Becky Arrendale Franklin
Donkey, male, standard, grey donkey,
male, mini, 8 mos., donkey, female,
mini, grey, donkey male, mini paint
$250 each. Brigitte Cozart Harlem 706533-5821
Donkey, standard size, male, very
companion animal. Bob Johnson
Snellville 770-388-9347 770-490-4912
Donkeys, standard size, male,
female, very gentle, great pasture
guards, pets, del. avail., I-75, Exit 201.
Harry Lewis Jackson 678-773-5211
Jack donkey, born 9/2/2011, very
gentle, brown, $100. Talmadge Sutton
Nashville 229-686-9630
Mini mare, Palomino, 9 yrs. AMHA
regd., 35 inches, rides, gentle, may be
bred, $600. J. Wilkes Athens 706-2079366 706-207-9366
Miniature doinkeys, Regd. & chipped
5 yr. Chocolate Jack, 31" sale/trade,
grey Jenny, 1 yr., $300 obo. Leslie Orr
Buford 770831-7400
Miniature donkeys, baby jack, $200;
breeding or guard donkey, $200; jenny,
$300; baby jenny, $300; breed jenny,
$400. Bill Wray Perry 478-825-1297
Paso pleasure horses, 5 yr. gelding, 10
yr. mare, gentle, loads, trails, healthy,
shots UTC, $950 each/$1800 both obo.
C. Wellham Statham 678-764-5097
Page 6
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Sunbelt Ag Expo
Online Workshops
(Continued from Page 12)
(Continued from Page 11)
Tuesday and Wednesday of the show, with
proceeds from the auction used to benefit
FFA activities in the state.
Early in the history of Expo, Alabama
was the first spotlight state exhibit, and this
year Alabama returns as the Expo’s
organizations from the state are
collaborating to show off the diversity of
Alabama agriculture. “We extend a special
invitation to farmers and their families
from Alabama, and we are honored to
welcome our many Alabama friends and
neighbors to this year’s show,” adds
Within the 100-acre exhibit area,
visitors will find special exhibit sections
featuring lawn and garden equipment,
pickup and automotive displays, irrigation
equipment, all-terrain vehicles, hunting
and fishing supplies, precision farming
software and hardware, farm fencing, farm
buildings, electricity, propane gas, antique
tractors, sawmills and logging equipment.
Don’t overlook the hundreds of small
exhibits featuring a wide variety of
products and services that can be found in
the Expo’s agribusiness buildings.
The Expo is unique among farm shows
because it has its own 600-acre research
farm where farmers can get a close-up
view of the latest equipment working in the
fields. For many years, the Expo has been
considered the largest farm show in the
world with working equipment in its
harvesting and tillage demonstrations.
In the fields, visitors will be able to test
drive new Chevrolet pickups along with
tractors equipped with automated steering
(Continued on Page 11)
maps; use online tools to evaluate soils
and choose the best conservation
practices; assess installation and
maintenance specifications; and develop
a timeline so landowners can meet all
CRP program requirements.
Online Core Training is designed for
participants. The self-guided, web-based
course provides a comprehensive
overview of the Conservation Reserve
Program and CRP conservation plan
development. Learning modules focus on
topics like the history of CRP, the
contracting process, CRP conservation
plan development (including tools and
resources), CRP plan implementation,
and CRP plan follow-up management.
Core Training will be offered free of
For more information, contact David
Ferrell, CRP Readiness Initiative
southern media contact, at (912) 3375548 or To
register for the Georgia workshop or
online courses, or to learn more,
Directions to the Tifton Conference
Using the QR reader on your smart
phone, scan the QR code below to access
the Sunbelt Expo app.
The Georgia National Fair, shown above in all its splendor at night, is set for
October 4-14 in Perry. Dairy cattle, lambs, goats, hogs, horses, and llamas, among
others, will be shown, and displays, non-livestock competitions, concerts, and rides
on the Midway also will be featured. For more information, call 1-800-YUR-FAIR
(toll-free in Georgia).
West Nile Virus
(Continued from Page 11)
recover or possibly die from WNV. It is
likely that many horses become infected
with the virus but recover without showing
any clinical signs of the disease.
Is there a vaccine to protect horses
from WNV?
There are vaccines. Even if your horses
are vaccinated with a West Nile Virus
vaccine, we advise horse owners to keep all
their other vaccinations up to date and
practice mosquito control around their
barns and stables.
Where can I get this vaccine?
The vaccine will be available through
your veterinarian.
Will West Nile Virus affect my cattle?
No, there are no confirmed cases of
Cattle with West Nile Virus...
Do mosquitoes have to have standing
water to breed?
Yes. Mosquitoes must have standing
water for the first stages of development.
Some things you can do to get rid of
stagnant water where mosquitoes can lay
their eggs are:
Remove old tires, buckets, cans, drums,
bottles or any containers that hold water.
Fill or drain any low spots in your yard.
Cover trash containers.
Inspect rain gutters and downspouts and
remove leaves and other debris.
Empty stagnant water in birdbaths, plant
pots, drip trays, small wading pools, pet
Cotton, Tobacco
Commodity Commissions Accept Nominations
Georgia Agriculture Commissioner
Gary W. Black has announced the cotton
and tobacco Georgia Agricultural
Commodity Commissions are both
accepting nominations to fill several
positions on each board; in order to be
nominated a person must be a Georgia
producer of that commodity.
Nominations can be made by filling out
a Nominee Information Form available at
Farm Services Administration (FSA)
offices. Send completed applications to the
Georgia Department of Agriculture, Room
328, 19 MLK Jr. Drive, SW, Atlanta, GA
30334 or via fax to 404-656-9380 (please
note, this is a change from how the
nominating procedure was done in the
past). Nominees will be certified to ensure
they are an active cotton or tobacco
producer in Georgia. Geographic
representation will be considered when
making appointments.
Agricultural commodity commissions
are farmer-funded self-help programs to
enhance research, promotion and
education. They are authorized by Georgia
law under the Commodity Promotions Act.
Farmers vote every three years to
determine whether they wish to continue a
commission (i.e., peach farmers vote on
whether they wish to continue the peach
The Georgia Department of Agriculture
administers 12 state agricultural
commodity commissions for the following
products: Apples, blueberries, corn, cotton,
eggs, equine, milk, peaches, pecans,
soybeans, tobacco and vegetables. Georgia
growers who wish to create a commodity
commission for their crop should contact
the Georgia Department of Agriculture.
nominations is Oct. 31. Producers with
questions may contact the Georgia
Department of Agriculture at 404-6563678.
dishes and other containers at least once a
Repair leaky faucets.
Properly maintain and treat your
swimming pool. Cover pools not in use to
prevent accumulation of leaves and
rainwater. Be sure pool covers do not hold
pockets of water.
Clean gutters, flat roofs and air
conditioner drains frequently.
Eliminate water-holding tree stumps.
Offer your assistance to elderly and
disabled neighbors who may have difficulty
(Continued on Page 12)
401 !Larry Walker
Perry, GA 31069-1367
23rd !Georgia !National !Fair—October! 4-14,! 2012.
! 478-987-3247
Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in Agriculture
Taps Inaugural Class for Leadership Program
Organizers of the agricultural leadership
program, Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in
Agriculture, have chosen 22 professionals
from across the state to participate in the
program’s inaugural class.
Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in
Agriculture is housed in and supported by
the University of Georgia College of
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
AGLA also is supported by numerous
agricultural and forestry organizations and
associations throughout Georgia.
AGLA’s founders aim to educate and
empower Georgia’s agricultural leaders to
become effective advocates for the largest
economic drivers in Georgia — the state’s
agricultural and forestry industries, said
Rochelle Strickland, the program’s
founding director and a public service
assistant in the college.
“We are excited about the group of
individuals that have been selected to
participate in class I of AGLA,” Strickland
said. “They are a high-quality, diverse and
committed group of professionals who will
play an integral role in not only establishing
this program, but in the continued growth
and development of our industry.”
AGLA is designed to bring together
leaders from all segments of the state’s
agriculture and forestry industries. Over a
two-year period, they will help one another
understand and analyze the issues facing
their industries, as well as challenges that
may emerge in the future.
AGLA’s inaugural class members are:
Brent Allen of the UGA Cooperative
Extension Service, Wrightsville, GA
Brandon Ashley of the Georgia Farm
Bureau Federation, Macon, GA
Tim Bland of Newport Timber,
Brooklet, GA
Scott Cochran of House of Raeford
Farms, Lavonia, GA
Sarah Cook of the Center of Innovation
for Agribusiness, Ashburn, GA
Kevin Cronic of House of Raeford
Farms, Anderson, SC
Steven Gibson of the UGA CAES
Business Office, Athens, GA
Jennifer Harris of White Oak Pastures,
Bluffton, GA
Jon Harris of AgSouth Farm Credit,
Screven, GA
Jutt Howard of North Georgia Turf,
Franklin, GA
Craig Howell of Harris Moran Seed
Company, Enigma, GA
Jesse Johnson of the Southern Land
Exchange, Arnoldsville, GA
Trey Joyner of the Georgia Department
of Agriculture, Atlanta, GA
Sherry Morris of the Georgia Green
Industry Association, Epworth, GA
Duane Myers of Kroger, McDonough,
Tate O’Rourke of U.S. Senator Johnny
Isakson’s office, Gainesville, GA
Maggie Potter of the Georgia
Department of Economic Development,
Columbus, GA
Mark Risse of UGA CAES,
Watkinsville, GA
Amanda Tedrow of the UGA
Cooperative Extension, Athens, GA
Rebecca Thomas of the UGA
Cooperative Extension, Summerville, GA
Chris Wheeler of AGrowStar, Warner
Robbins, GA
Derick Wooten of Rocky Hammock
Farms, Denton, GA
Those seeking more information about
the Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in Agriculture can visit .
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Equine At Stud
If you have questions regarding ads
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
"Equine At Stud" advertisments
must include the stable license number
of the advertiser as well as a copy of
the current Coggins report for each
horse listed. Ads submitted without
this information will not be published.
AQHA, Copper red dun, Azure Te, Te
n' Te, Quick M Silver, Barleo lines,
g/head, muscles & disp; free pedigree/
& photos, fee $400+ m/care, APHA
member. L. Cason McDonough 770954-1308 404-226-9228
Equine Miscellaneous
If you have questions regarding ads
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
100% pine shavings, kiln dried, small,
easy to pick, super absorbent; bulk
delivers to metro Atlanta; call for pricing.
Joel Gibbs Douglasville 404-375-4900
16" Collegate dressage saddle,
Reinsman western saddle pad, English
ladies size 5 1/2 field boots, western
vest and belt. Julie Williams Alpharetta 678-240-0572
2 wheel pony cart and harness and 3
pony saddles for sale. James Turner
Rockmart 770-684-7937 678-685-3542
Oak easy entry cart, horse size,
wooden wheels, can e-mail pictures,
$1200. Joe Watkins Winder backwhen@ 770-307-6979
Boarding Facilities
If you have questions regarding ads
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
The Georgia Animal Protection Act
requires boarding and breeding
facilities to be licensed. Current
license number must be submitted
with notices for publication in the
"Boarding Facilities" category.
Notices submitted without this
information will not be published.
Boarding--all types; 12 x 12 or 24
matted stalls, large irrigated & lighted
arena, hunt-seat, dressage, basic
horsemanship lessons, Linden Hill Farm.
S. McNeally Hartwell 706-376-9170
Opening for 2 horses at small, private
farm in N. Forsyth; 12 x 16 stalls w/mats
& fans, lush pasture, full-size dressage
arena, adults only; Equine Creations
Farm. Reena Yonkosky Cumming 770889-4561
Pasture Boarding/Cross Creek Farm
mountains/Blairsville, $250/mo.; call for
appt. Laura/Doug Payne Blairsville
706-835-6033 706-781-8304
Poultry/Fowl For Sale
If you have any questions regarding
ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Any person engaged in buying live
poultry of any kind for resale, or in
selling live poultry of any kind bought
for the purpose of resale, must be
licensed by the Georgia Department of
Possessing such a
license does not by itself disqualify an
individual from advertising poultry in
advertisers should note that all
livestock (which includes poultry),
must have been in possession of the
advertiser for a minimum of 90 days or,
in the case of chicks, ducklings, etc.,
must have been raised by the
advertiser before offering them for
sale in the Market Bulletin. Mallard
ducks must be at least three
generations from the wild before they
can be advertised in the Market
Bulletin. Advertisers must include this
information in notices submitted for
14 New Hampshire Red chickens, $4
ea, several fancy breeds of pigeons. Ben
Beavers Woodstock 770-926-3942
2 Brahma Bantams roosters, 5 1/2
mo old, $8 each. Gloria Gifford Forsyth
2012 Chickens, Silver Spangled
Spitzhauben; Pheasants, Melanistic (in
the Ringneck family). Dennis Rich
Barnesville 678-603-3777
2012 Hatch, Pearl Gray Guineas, $25
a pair. James King Newborn 770-7873674
4 kinds of fancy pigeons and 2 kinds
of doves, call if interested. Edwin Wiley
Alto 706-499-6234
All stock must go: Bantams, Cochins,
Japanese, OE, Porcelains, Brahmas,
and many more. Moores Bantam Farm
Cumming 770-886-6916
Ameraucana, Black Copper Marans,
Wheaten Marans, and Silkies; hens and
roosters, spring 2012 hatched, hens
beginning to lay. Frank Grove Macon
Ameraucana,1 rooster, blue standard,
1 year old and 3 hens; must take all.
$50. C. Carroll Monroe 770-266-1088
Assorted chickens & turkeys; Red
Pheasants (this year hatch); 2011
turkeys; great prices. John Herndon
Grayson 404-697-7179
Australorps, red golden pheasants,
2012 McMurray hatch Sultans, white
polish. J Mangum Gainesville 770-5363047
Baby chicks, 1 to 6 wks old, RIR,
Barred Rocks, Black Giants and
Ameraucanas. $2 to $5. Blankenship
Baby chicks, RIR, Dominiques, Buff
Orpington, Delaware, N.H. Red,
professionaly sexed, ship 25 min. yr
round, NPIP cert. Bob Berry Ray City
Baby chicks, straight run, Barred
Rock and some mix, $2 ea. Karen
Parrish Senoia 770-616-6869
Baby chicks. American Dominique,
Buff Orpingtons, RIR, Delaware, pure
breeds, straight run, various ages, large
quantities available. Monte Poitevint
Lakeland 229-482-3854
Bantam roosters, $3 each, Australorp
roosters (not for meat), $5 each, 2012
hatch. Tanya Chenoweth Adairsville
Bantams, Blue Ginger, Silver Blue
Slash, Brassyback, Browned, Blue
Wheaton, Red Fawn, Lemon Blue, etc,
moderns. Janice Payne Jasper 706692-6769
Bantams, Old English, BB red, show
quality roosters; 12 weeks old, $15.
Smithville 229-8464231
Bantams; BB Red, Brown Red,
Lemon Blue, Silver Birchen; show
quality $5-$15 each, sold as pairs.
Bobbi or Bryan Maddox monticello
770-616-6034 770-616-6018
BB Red, Whites, Red Pyle, Blacks,
Brown-Red, Silver duck wing, Ginger
Red. John Shankles Summerville 706857-3885
Beautiful peacock Feathers, 1' to 4',
$1 each, for wedding, gifts, etc., also
brown feathers for arrows. W Haigler
Hiawassee 706-994-6850
Black Australorp & Buff Orpington
pullets, 6 months old, $13/each. Tommy
Hunter Buford 770-945-7408
Black Australorpes, Buff Orpingtons,
turkeys, Silver pheasants, poultry
equipment and incubators. Charles
Hamby Temple 678-839-9007
Black Sexlink, Barred Rock, Rhode
Island Red hens and roosters; all ages.
Scott Robison Leesburg 229-869-7886
Black Shamo rooster, from show
stock, $300. Ken Hatley Barnesville
Black shoulder female peacocks, 6
months old, $45 ea. Diane Hall Macon
$65/100, $130/500, $250/1000. Willie
Strickland Pooler 912-748-5769
Steve York, an avid gardener
and long-time reader of the
Market Bulletin, grew this
Beauregard sweet potato, which
weighed over 11 pounds, in his
garden in Martin, Ga.
Brown/blue/reds Millie Fluer, self blue
Old English pigeons, ducks, turkeys.
Danny Ryals Milledgeville jdr52@ 478-452-8497 478804-3868
Chickens for sale; bantams and full
size, $4 and up. Robert Chambers
Flowery Branch 770-967-6422
Colored broilers for sale. Bernard
Thomas Bartow 478-299-1143
Ducks; beautiful yard raised Mallards,
$25 a pair. N Dougherty Carrollton
Eight RIR Roosters, $20 for all; not
grown yet, will trade for a couple of RIR
hens. Terry Coopers 478-345-1456
Flock reduction of royal palm turkeys,
guineas, peafowl and chickens; all
young and healthy. Sara Robbins
Blairsville 706-745-2328
Free rooster to a good home. Steven
Moffson Stone Mountain 404-234-1184
Game chickens for sale; Hatch Blues
Grays and Roundheads. James Turner
Rockmart 770-684-7937 678-685-3542
Game Chickens, Minor Blue, Spangle
Brassy Back Butcher, Doms, Hatch and
Blue crosses. Ernest Harrell Rockmart
Game fowl: for sale, stags and cocks;
free pullets and hen. Darrell Humpries
Carrollton 770-832-3846
Game Fowl: reasonable prices: White
Kelso, Pumpkin Hulsey, Ruble Hatch,
Bumblefoot Demus Bryant Canton 770720-2939
Game fowl: Sid Taylor, Butcher,
YL/hatch, Roundhead, Whitehackel,
Sweater, Law Grey and GL hatch
crossed over Kelso. Tom Lilley
Jeffersonville 478-945-6139
Guineas keets, hatched Aug 10th;
various colors: Brown, Royal Purple,
Lavendar, Pieds, and more. Julia
Hamilton Dahlonega julialeigh8@ 706-531-6211
H e r i t a g e Tu r k e y s - N a r r a g a n s e t t ,
Burbon Rds, $25 up, show type
Bantams,$5-$10, also layers, Phoenix
and more. R.L & Becky Miller Winder
Homing Pigeons: YB's from proven
flyers, $8 up, layer Pullets $5, peach/
tangerine Pied Doves $5. Kim Hogan
Cleveland 706-809-1215
India Blue peacock, 2012 hatch,
males only $40 each. Dominique Ford
Monticello 706-468-5222
Japanese short legged Bantams, one
red pair, one white pair, $15 pair, seven
months old, leave message. David
Patton Williamson 770-228-4415 770228-4415
Mille Fleur D'Uccle pullet/cockerel
pair/blue splash, $12; Mille Fleur
Cochin Bantam trios - $30/trio. Gail
Kaitschuck Augusta gailkaitschuck@ 706-736-0105
Muscovy Ducks,150+ for sale; all
ages, diff colors, $6-$10. Laura Willis
Cochran 478-308-9045
Mute Swans for sale, 6 month old
$300 each, breeding pair $1,800.
Covington 770-788-9091
Narragansett turkey Poults, 3 months,
$25 each, have 1 breeding pair $95, all
are NPIP certified. Kenneth Spear
Chickamauga 706-539-2423
O.E. Bantams, different beeds, $10 a
pair. Billy G Fowler Canton 770-479-5742
OE bantams from show stock,
BB/reds, OE/quail, Blue Splash, Blacks,
blues, Brasy Backs and Blue Brasy
Backs. Mack McBurnett Tyrone 770487-2233
OEGB: Bantams, Spangles, Splash,
BB Reds, Fawn & SDW, OE quails,
Brassy backs, Wheaten, Whites, Blacks.
Ted Charles Douglasville 770-942-6847
Oriental Game: blue-red Thai and BB
Red, Cubalaya chicks+ older. Caroline
Montague Athens art.montague@ 706-340-9091
Peafowl: 2012 hatch, white only, $25,
roosters, Wyandotte and Silkies $10.
John Fletcher Hampton 678-849-4828
Pens, cages large and small,
waterers and feeders; and Australorpes
roosters. Bedford H Woodard Dalton
Pigeons/White Homers, banded adult
birds, $6 ea. Birmingham Rollers, $5
ea., approximately 30. Charles f
Holland Oglethorpe 478-472-8267
Rhode Island Red chickens; $1.50
and up; brown eggs, $2/doz. Scott
Clark Nashville 229-686-2778
Rhode Island Red pullet, Dominiques
pullets, and Pekin ducks. Brian Sturdy
Dahlonega 706-865-9201
Page 7
Basic Apple Pie
Pastry for two crusts
5 sour cooking apples (we used Granny Smith)
1/3 to 1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons corn starch
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon lemon juice
6 tablespoons butter
Line a deep dish pie plate with one of the crusts. Wash, peel and slice the
apples. Place apple slices in layers in the crust. Combine sugar, cornstarch,
nutmeg and salt, sprinkle over apples. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut butter in
small pieces and evenly place over apples. Top with remaining crust, make slits
in the top of the crust. Bake at 425 degrees for 40 minutes or until apples are
soft and crust is brown.
All recipes have been tested for accuracy by Georgia Department of
Agriculture home economists unless otherwise indicated.
The Market Bulletin has received a number of requests for more “healthy”
recipes (low or no sugar, low fat, etc.). Our office receives recipes for cakes,
pies and other desserts, but not many for entrees or side dishes utilizing
GeorgiaGrown fruits and vegetables. If you have any such recipes you would
like to share with our readers, send them to: Georgia Cooking, Market Bulletin,
19 MLK Jr. Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30334-4250. If you have questions or
problems regarding recipes featured in this column, call 404-656-3682.
Rhode Island Red, Dominique and
mixed roosters $10 ea. Thomas Findley
Box Springs 706-326-2186
Rhode Island Reds, 5/wk old chicks,
free ranged $3 each. Quentin Babb
LaFayette 706-463-2333
RIR Pullets, Healthy, almost ready to
start laying, $12 each, firm. Mingo
Gonzales Conyers 770-402-9003 770356-1320
Royal Palm Turkey for sale, males
and females available, $30 each. Holly
Harkins Suches 706-747-5070
Silkie chickens and eggs; Black
Lavender, Buff, white birds available.
Lisa Parks Murrayville 678-963-0105
Speckled Sussex bantams, $30 a
pair, call after 6pm only. Billy Smallwood
Lithia springs 770-944-1028
Young Game Pullet, $4 each, or hens
for $8 each. Ricky Ray Ball Ground
Young game roosters $5 each,
burmese green male peacock, $150.
Willie Keen Jr Perry 478-987-3687
Jumbo-Wisconsin Bobwhite Quail-eggs
$48/100, $168/600, $260/1000, flight
year-round. Raymond Meadows Wadley 478252-5345
Poultry/Fowl Wanted
California Blue Quail and California
Mountain Quail eggs or birds. David
McCurley Colbert 706-540-3864
Want plastic chicken crates, 50 or more.
H J Murray Folkston 912-496-2417
Want hen guinea in Habersham
County area. Darren Wilkes Toccoa
If you have questions regarding this
category, call 404-651-9081.
The Alternative Livestock category
contains ads for ratites (ostriches,
rheas, and emus) as well as other
"non-traditional" livestock.
Poultry/Fowl Requiring
Proven pair Emus avail., 3 yrs. old,
$300, one unsexed baby also available,
$60, will start laying again soon. John
If you have questions regarding this Kunkel Zebulon 770-567-5115
category, call 404-651-9081.
Using the QR reader on your smart
Advertisements for bobwhite quail
scan the QR code below to access
must be accompanied by a copy of
the advertiser's commercial quail the Georgia National Fair website.
breeders license. Since this is a
state protected bird, the Georgia
Department of Natural Resources
requires anyone selling bobwhite
quail to have this license. For
license information, write: LBRU COMMERCIAL LICENSE, 2065 US
Highway 278 SE, Social Circle, GA
Bobwhite quail, flight conditioned, now
available for the 2012 season, call for
pricing. Rembert Hancock Fairmount
404-376-0550 706-337-5711
Bobwhite Quail, flight conditioned.
Roy Peterson Ideal 478-949-5842
Page 8
Alternative Livestock
Requiring Permit/License
One Big Valley MV-1 self-catch head
gate, $300. Tim Reed Roopville 404405-4025
Silver Starstock combo, aluminum,
trailer w/dressing room, $8500. Jackie
Burch Blue Ridge 706-455-2545
Stubben Siegfried close contact
saddle, 17" seat, very good condition,
Jasper. R.W Wallace Shady Dale 404276-1776
Sundowner 2010 2H slant bp,
dressing room rad tires, rad spare,
Sportsman model, all alum., $10K. Dara
Burgess St. Simons Island 912-381-0341
Sundowner Sunlite Gooseneck horse
trailer, 2005, excellent condition, all new
Eatonton 706-485-8034 478-456-4998
WW cattle chute, portable, excellent
cond., auto/manual headgate, $3000.
Larry Maney Baldwin 706-886-9551
If you have questions regarding ads
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
The Georgia Department of Natural
Resources regulates many exotic
animals, including most hoofed stock
except llama and buffalo. However,
upon compliance with applicable state
regulations, a deer farming license for
the commercial production of meat
and fiber is available for the following
species: fallow deer, axis deer, sika
deer, elk, red deer, reindeer, and
caribou. For more information on the
deer farming license, contact the
Georgia Department of Agriculture at
(404) 656-3667. For information on
licenses of other species of hoofed
stock (except llama and buffalo),
contact the Georgia Department of
Natural Resources Special Permit Unit
submitting advertisements to buy and
sell regulated hoofed stock in the
questions regarding ads
Market Bulletin must provide a
photocopy of the appropriate license in this category, call 404-651-9081.
with their ad.
3/6 week old new Zealand white
rabbits, different lineage, pet breeders
LIvESTOCK WANTED fryers $10 each. Travis Ellington
Fayetteville 678-787-9341
If you have questions regarding ads
Adult English Spot buck, American
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Sable doe, solid black buck, $15 ea.
Items listed in the Livestock healthy & tamed. Allison Amos
Wanted category must be for Cumming 678-622-5363
specific livestock; for instance,
Assorted rabbits both meat and pet
"want 3 or 4-yr. old quarter horse
quality; call for availability and pricing.
gelding, approx. 16 hds., suitable for
9am-4pm. Lenny Stevenson Atlanta
moderately experienced rider."
Generalized ads, such as "want
Beautiful Chinchilla-San Juan mix
horses, any amount," are not
acceptable for publication; neither bunnies, 6 mo. old, mimi-Rex bucks, 9
are ads for free or unwanted months old, $20. Pat Leroy Dallas 678363-9318
Flemish Giants: Doe born 6/28; buck
Will trade 4x5 rolls of hay for cattle or
goats. MIke Blackburn Commerce 706- born 8/7; both white; $20 each. Charles
654-1040 770-745-6097
Herd reduction: mixed breed, all sizes
colors, $5 and up. Steve Cain
If you have questions regarding ads Commerce 706-424-0712
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Medium sized mixed breed pet
16" Cutting Saddle handmade by rabbits; 4 months old, $5 each. Call for
C.W. Wiley; high quality, smooth seat, more info.*serious inquiries only. Mandy
barbwire tooling, cutting horse Brown Hogansville 706-302-6881 706silhouette, $1000. Danny Wells 302-6881
Mini Lop baby rabbits, weaned and
Hinesville 912-368-5682
16' ww stock/horse trailer, 7' tall, tack ready to go $10. Jess Sellers Jasper
room, center gate, mats, lights, escape 770-881-3859
Pure New Zealand Reds or Whites, 4
door, swing side-gate, sheltered top,
$3200. R. Branch Hazelhurst 912-375- different lines, Papers on all. A.R.B.A.D.R.B.A.-F.N.Z.R.B.
Dawsonville 706-531-4785 706-53116-ft. Chapparal stock trailer, wooden
floor, center gate, $2500. Britt Nix
San Juan runner and large meat
Concord 404-275-9022
rabbits, 6 lbs or more. Wendell Cole
2 cattle feeder trailers, wood Carrollton 770construction, 8-ft. length, $1200 each. 832-8786 770-832-8786
Art Herring valdosta 229-292-5482
Tiny pedigreed Nethetland Dwarf,
2002 Exiss SS/300, 3-horse s/l some with blue eyes, Holland Lop and
Gooseneck, dressing room, good tires, Dwarf Hotot bunnies. Ann Gray Milner
call for info. James McConnell 770-468-3330
Chickamauga 423-903-2438 706-539Wanted: Purebred Florida White
rabbits; Atlanta to Athens area only. Ron
2010 Equistar Merhow GN 2H Ward Auburn
straightload, dr, walkthru, Neverlube 770-601-5121
hubs, excellent condition, email for pics,
$12,000. Marianne Pruitt Suches
FEED, HAy AND GRAIN 706-897-9745
If you have questions regarding ads
Billy Cook genuine saddle, stock#
2084, chestnut, basket stamped 16", in this category, call 404-651-9081.
like new, $750. Harold Betsill Griffin
All hay ads must contain the
variety of hay offered for sale; i.e.,
Billy Cook saddle, Greenville,Texas Coastal bermuda hay, Alicia hay, etc.
rancher, $550; custom handmade roper
$25; 4X4 rolls, 2012 fescue hay in
from 60's, $400. Joe Webb McDonough barn, horse quality. Walter Henson
Ellijay 706Buford saddle, 16" cutter, exc., $600; 264-4477
$30 per round roll, mix grass hay,
2 complete show bridles, $165 ea.,
exc., & professional clippers, $95. Katie 2012; stored in barn. Billy Witt Calhoun
Fishburn Monroe 770-715-4213
$30; August cutting, 4x5 rolls,
Child's tag-a-long saddle, $75; Simco
adult saddle, 15 1/2 in., $225, good Bermuda/Fescue/Johnson
condition. Deborah Johnson Kite 478- fertilized & sprayed. T.W. Dean
Newborn 404469-3513
Colt 3-horse trailer, excellent shape, 971-0940 770-217-4392
new tires, mats, pulls well. Lisa Little
Bermuda/Bahia mix, net wrapped, 2012
Lyons 912-326-3512
hay; Dublin-Macon area, $40/4'x5.5'
Driving harness and cart for standard rolls.
size horse, $600; western saddle, 16", 478-376with headstall and breast collar, $100. 4502 404-281-0673
Pamela Greer Powder Spgs 770-499$40, August cutting; 4X5 rolls
bermuda/crabgrass, no rain, net
Featherlite 20' stock trailer, $8,000. wrapped in barn; $5 bermuda square,
Cindy Buford Concord 770-584-6674
delivery avail. Gary Lane Carrollton
Duffey 404-502-4000
brandname, 14 inch fit with stirrups,
$40; Bermuda 4x5 rolls of
$125. Hanna Causey Warner Robins netwrapped, in barn; Fescue, $25;
volume discounts. Terry Stephenson
Old two-horse wagon, $1650. Gerald Commerce 706-207-5279
Howard Cumming 678-446-9851
$50, 4x5 rolls, 2012 ryegrass /
bermuda mix; $60, bermuda rolls, net
wrap, fertilized, in barn, horse quality.
W. Glover Griffin 770-599-9806
$50; 4x5 net wrapped rolls, Alicia/
Bermuda, well fertilized, horse and cow
quality. Larry Cox Waynesboro 706-829-4174
$50; 4x5 rolls, 2012 fescue/bermuda
hay, in barn, horse quality. Greg Kopp
Griffin 770-8806330 678-688-1542
$50; 4x5 rolls, Alicia/Coastal
bermuda, in barn, well fertilized, $5
square; perennial, $6, horse quality.
James Carter Moultrie 229-891-5778
'12 Alicia Bermuda; highly fertilized,
horse quality, $4/$5 squares, in
field/barn; $60, round bales. A. Johns
Bronwood 229-995-5371
'12 Alicia hay; fertilized and barn kept
squares only, $5. Scott Lynch
'12 Bermuda; horse quality, net
wrapped, $40 roll; Fescue mix-cow,
$30, $18 in barn. Joyce Coles Winder 770-307-0882
'12 Coastal bermuda hay, 4x5 rolls,
Millet hay also; del. available. Jimbo
Hatcher Macon
'12 Coastal Bermuda hay; horse
quality, guaranteed, fert., UGA soil/
specs., sq. 4x5, round bales in barn,
del./stack available. Olin Trammell
Forsyth 478-994-6463 478-960-7239
'12 Coastal bermuda; 4x5 roll, cow
hay, $40. Rex Register Hahira 229-561-1462
'12 Fall cutting; bermuda/mix, round
bales, under cover, $40 each; La
Grange area. Cynthia Johnstone
'12 Fescue/Bermuda square bale,
$5/bale, horse quality, 1st cutting;
delivery avail. Jeremy Means Snellville
jeremy_means@ 770-5393405
'12 Fescue/Bermuda/Orchard mix,
4x5 roll; first and second cutting, stored,
dry, delivery available. Glenn Stiles
Calhoun 706-980-3891
'12 Fescue/mixed grasses, 4x5 rolls,
cow hay, $25; horse hay, $35. Pat
Sutton Clarkesville 706-947-3006 706499-9950
'12 Fescue/Orchard/Timothy mix hay,
4x5 rnd., $45 p/u or $50 deliv., horse
Cumming 678-7937615
'12 Fescue; sq. bale, $4.50; rolls, $40,
horse qlty; Mulch hay, sq, $2.75; rolls,
$25; Wheat straw available. Ricky
cfouts@ 404-402-8470
'12 horse quality, Bermuda; also cow,
goat, & mulch hay, square bales only,
delivery available, Monroe Co. Jimmy
Waldrep Forsyth 478-994-0701
'12 Premium bermuda; square bales,
$6, 4x5 rolls, $60; Fescue/Orchard
grass rolls, $50; good Cow hay, 4x5
charleswoodward1@ 678-725-2292
11 acres of free Coastal bermudafescue mixture of hay; you cut, ready for
harvesting. Lisa Baird Pine Mountain 706-594-0970
12' Tift 44 square bales; exc. horse
quality, dry in barn, $5 each. Paige
Bullock Dallas 770445-2107
2011 bermuda square bales, horse
quility, mixed grass rolls, net wrapped,
all stored in barn, rain free, good
tight bales, Jimbo Crumley Winder 678-409-3572
2012 4x4 net wrapped round bales;
fertilized bermuda-mix, just baled,
stored outside, $40. Wade Simpson
2012 4X5 rolls, Bermuda/Fescue
mixed, net wrapped, rain free, sprayed,
fertilized, delivery avail., $35-$40. Eddie
Hilburn Danielsville rafterhfarm@ 706-988-3373
2012 5x5 bales of bermuda and
Bahaia, $40 each. Scott Stephens
bendover130us@ 478-232-8114
2012 Alicia bermuda hay, 4x5 rolls,
horse quality; 500 rolls, under barn.
Bart Butler Lowndes 229-740-1881
2012 Alicia Bermuda hay, 4x5 rolls,
square bales, fertilized, rain free, barn
kept, horse and cow quality. Steve
Nugent Ambrose 912-393-5900
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
2012 Alicia bermuda, large 4x5 rolls,
in barn, excellent quailty, $55 / $65
short, del. avail. Henry Beckworth
Gibson 706-5982106
2012 Alicia/bermuda/cow hay; sq.
bales, $5; round rolls, $40, barn kept,
well fertilized. Bo Fountain Whigham
2012 Bahaia; mix round bales, rain
free, in barn, $25 ea. David Odom
706-646-9693 770-715-5761
2012 Bermuda 4X5 roll, $40/roll.
Jimmy Keith LaGrange carolskeith@ 706-884-4923
2012 Bermuda hay, in barn, horse
quality, $5 per bale. Samantha Pierce
Newborn 770853-9254
2012 bermuda, fescue mix, 4x5 net
wrapped, $30/roll, 10 roll min. Douglas
Adams Hartwell 706-436-9262
2012 Bermuda, Tift-44, $5 bale; well
fertilized, kept in barn, horse quality.
Helmut Cawthon Rome 706-346-9064
2012 bermuda/bahia mixed hay; 4x5
bales, $35/bale, also 2012 horse quality
bermuda hay, 4x5 bales, $45/bale. Chris
Dunsmore Lincolnton dunsmorechris@ 706-401-0990
2012 Bermuda/Fescue mix, horse
quality, 5x5 round bales, $50, in barn.
Greg Morris Cumming mkwayt@ 678-859-3752
2012 bermuda/fescue, fertilized hay;
round bales, $40 in field; Coastal &
Russell; sq. bales, $6 in barn. Dutch
Landrum Shady Dale shadywhere@ 706-717-0172
2012 bermuda/fescue; 4x4 rolls, $30,
square bales, $5; all hay kept in barn.
Bud Eichel Thomson beichel@ 706-421-4945
2012 Coastal and Fescue mixed
square bales, fertilized and limed,
behind baler in field or in barn. Jane
Rutledge McDonough 678-372-1976
2012 Coastal and Fescue mixed, 5x5
round bales, fertilized and limed, in barn
or field. James Rutledge McDonough
2012 Coastal bermuda hay, horse
quality, $4.50/bale at barn, delivery
available. Glenn Brinson 6482 Old
Louisville Rd. Tarrytown 912-288-5960
2012 Coastal bermuda hay; 6x5 rolls,
well fertilized and irrigated. James
Campbell Colquitt fcampbel596@ 229-220-6094
2012 Coastal bermuda horse hay,
well fertilized, square bales, $5/bale in
Mauk 706-7411526
2012 Coastal bermuda sq. bales,
excellent quality, $4.75 field, $5.25
barn; delivery available. Eddy Allen
Macon 478951-6648
2012 Coastal Bermuda square bales,
$5.50/bale, fertilized and limed, horse
quality, @ the barn, delivery available.
Winford Jackson Newnan 404-3585303 770-463-3739
2012 Coastal bermuda square bales,
well fertilized and limed, horse quality,
$6.75/bale, delivery available. Jack
McCracken Newnan dustytrailfarms@ 770-304-2487
2012 Coastal bermuda/Alicia; barn
kept, rain free, horse quality, $40; cow
hay, $35. Ronald Griffin Hoboken 912-2880432
2012 Coastal bermuda/Bahia mix,
4x5 rolls, stored in barn, fertilized, and
limed, $40 roll. Scott Williams
2012 Coastal bermuda; round bales,
4x5. Scott Ruark Presto Laurenruark@ 770-842-4342 334-468-6250
2012 Coastal, 4x5 rolls, limed, fert.,
sprayed, 2ndcut, $45 ea.; $40 for all Uhaul, we load, 2nd cut. Mike Boyer
boyerfarms.spaarta@ 706-444-7256 478-232-1759
2012 Coastal/Alicia/Tift 85,4x5, net
wrapped, in barn, $40/roll. John Lane
2012 fertilized, sq. bale hay;
Timothy/Orchard mix, $6 at barn,
delivery available. C.C. Hemphill
Blairsville 706-745-4414
2012 Fesc/Berm, HQ 4x5 rolls, $40
ea.; square, $5 ea., 5x6 rolls cow hay,
$30 ea., some del. avail. Leslie Williams
amthemomma3@ 706-795-0313
2012 Fescue 4x5, in barn, $25; 2012
Fescue 4x5, baled 9/14 in field, $20,
delivery available. Mike Blackburn
jmblackburn7@ 708-654-1040
2012 Fescue bermuda mix hay, 300+
bales, 4X5, $25; discount for large
quantities. Mallory Davis Bowman 706-9801152 706-980-1946
2012 Fescue hay, square bales, in
barn, $3/bale. Danny Little Felton 770646-8708
2012 Fescue hay; 4x5 rolls, clean and
in barn,1st quality, $35/roll; 2nd,
$25/roll. Steve Griffin Dalton sgriffin@ 706-260-1912
2012 fescue mix hay; 4x5 roll, $20.
Audie Laviolette Hartwell audielaviolette 706-436-1695
2012 fescue mix hay; 5x4 rolls stored
in barn, $40 a roll. Phil Britton Jackson
404-597-7347 404-456-8525
2012 Fescue mix square bales, $2.50
bale; $1 mulch hay. Gene Finley 1557 N
Black Mtn Rd Toccoa 30577 706-391-1755
2012 Fescue Orchard; 4X4 rolls,
horse quality, covered, 95 rolls, $20 per
roll at my field. Jon Anderson Sautee 770-402-9867
2012 Fescue square bales, rain free,
sprayed and fertlized, $3.25 a bale. Jason
gracie1234@ 706-264-2950
2012 Fescue, bermuda and mixed
grass; 4x5 net wrapped, large rolls, $35
to $50, del. avail. Jack Jenkins Athens 706-286-4438
2012 Fescue, Bermuda, Bahia mix,
4x4 net wrapped, fertilized and limed,
$30/roll in field; $35/roll in barn. Jim
Pierce Waverly Hall 706-582-3846
2012 Fescue, large square bales,
fertilized, horse quality. Debbie Johnson
Rydal 404-983-4566
2012 Fescue, ryegrass, bermuda;
weed free, fertilized, 4x5 rolls, $35/barn;
$26/field, sq. $3.85/ barn, rain free. J.W.
Loudermilk Mt. Airy 706-499-4167 706499-4169
2012 Fescue/Bermuda mix, barn
kept, sprayed and fertilized; square,
$4.50, round, $ 40; del. avail. Kenny
Sargent Rockmart rockytopgrading@ 770-490-1227
2012 fescue/bermuda mix; 5x5 rolls,
tight heavy rolls, stored in barn. Jimmy
jono1028@ 770-889-1719
2012 Fescue/Orchard grass, hay for
sale; 4x5 rolls, in the barn, fertilized and
weed free. Brian Hart LaFayette 706-3978006
2012 Fescue/Orchard/Clover, $4 sq.
bale. Bill Myers Blue Ridge 706-964-5483
2012 Fescue/Orchard; excellent
quality, dry in barn, $3.50/bale or
$3/bale over 100. Chris Donath Ellijay
2012 Fescue; second cut, rain free
and fertilized, 4x4 rolls, horse quality,
barn, $45; delivery available. Leonard
Walker Canton 770-617-5933
2012 hay for sale; 4x5 net wrapped,
kept under barn, horse quality, fescue,
orchard and rye grass, price $25. Marvin
Payne Sugar valley payne4625@ 706-629-8947
2012 Hay: Coastal, Bermuda, Dallas,
Fescue, 6x5 round bales, $50. Ted Smith
Washington dangaflat@
706-214-0442 706-214-0442
2012 horse quality bermuda hay, rain
free, square, $6; round, $50; can
deliver. David Harden Lafayette 706-3978347
2012 horse quality Fescue hay, weed
free, UGA tested, 4x5 JD net wrapped,
$35/roll. John Blankenship Athens 706-255-0545
2012 Horse quality fescue hay;
sprayed, very good hay, small square,
$3.50/bale. Randy Stith Suches 706-9737140
2012 Horse quality hay, fescue/
bermuda/orchard grass; sq. bales, $4.50;
rolls, $45. Ronald Campbell Rockmart 706-936-3294 770686-9563
2012 Large square bales,1st cutting,
fescue, orchard grass, clover, fertilized,
$5. Debi Hicks Rock Spring rdjhicks@ 706-952-4061
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
2012 Millet hay, well fertilized, 4x5
rolls, net wrapped, $30 - $35/ roll in
field. Bart Miller, Jr. Williamson 770228-6896 404-909-1719
2012 mixed grass hay, $4 per square
bale at barn. Ray Gilbert Bishop 706-769-5820
2012 Oat hay, square bales only, $6
in barn, some delivery avail. Tim Smith
fourseasonsfarm@ 478-363-6631
2012 round bales; 4x5 Coastal
bermuda hay, $50. Wayne Vinson
2012 Russell bermuda; sq. bales,
horse quality, UGA tested, call for price.
Mark Aderholdt Eastanollee 706-4917220
2012 Ryegrass/bermuda hay; 4x5 net
wrapped rolls, covered off ground,
fert./sprayed for weeds, $40. Nelson
Hollingsworth Molena 404-805-4156
2012 Tift 44 & 85 quality hay, square
bales, $6 and rolls, $45-$60; del. avail.
Durand Deal Tifton durandwdeal@ 229-388-5054
2012 Tift 44 bermuda, 4x6 rolls, barn
kept, net wrapped, fert/limed well, weed
free, horse quality, $60/roll. James Sells
Monroe 770-267-8603
2012 top quality Fescue hay, sq.
bales, $3.25 each, rain free, in barn;
also round rolls, $35 each, in barn. Joe
Bradley Canon 706-356-8295
2012 yellow feed corn and wheat sold
by the barrel, also bagged corn,
excellent for feed or food plots. Robert
Montgomery Reynolds rwm2_2000@ 478-847-2356
2012, 4x5 bermuda rolls; barn, $50;
field, $45; netwrapped and fertilized.
Chuck Hecht Columbus checht3@ 706-577-6590
2012; 4x5 John Deere baled,
netwrapped rolls, bermuda mix horse
and cow quality, delivery avaliable. Josh
joshpennino@ 706-340-3146
2012; 4x5 rolls, bermuda hay, net
wrapped, $35 each. H. L. Thompson
Pineview 478-278-7932
2012; 5x6 rolls, $40 per roll, bermuda;
square bales, in barn, $4 bermuda. Ray
cop21jim1@ 706-338-5652
2012; horse quality Coastal bermuda,
square bales, $5. Michael White Comer
706-202-1405 706-614-1296
2012; t-9 Tifton, 5x5 net wrapped, rain
free and fertilized. Buddy Keller Harlem
706-556-9821 706-832-7977
2nd cutting, good bermuda grass,
cow/horse hay, large rolls, my cows and
horses love it, $45/roll. Bob Reid
Zebulon 770-468-8268
4x4 Fescue/Orchard grass, rain-free,
round bales, $18, delivery available.
Ron Smith 2682 Cantrell Road
LaFayette 30728
4x4 round bales bermuda and fescue
mix, fertilized, $25 per bale; 2nd cut.
Doug Myers Franklin 770-375-7162
4x5 fescue hay, horse quality, dry
stored, fertilized, $35 ea., delivery
available, on large quanities. Rodney
Johnson Tallapoosa johnsoncabinet@ 678-378-6562 770-574-7246
4x5 Fescue mix hay, horse quality,
tight bales, $30, Ellijay/Blue Ridge. Tim
Miller Cherry Log timmiller30519@ 404-433-9570
4x5 fescue, bermuda hay, 2nd
cutting. Wayne Chastain Martin 706-308-1212
4x5 rolls, $30/roll, net wrapped,
bermuda/fescue mixed; fert. & sprayed;
cut 8/15/12. Andy Lalumia Carnesville 706-599-7150
4x5 rolls; fescue, orchard grass,
johnson grass; fertilized, sprayed, barn
stored, $35; outside, $20. Donald
Johnson Tallapoosa sndrjohnson18@ 770-574-7749
4x5 round bale, Fescue mixed, $20
per roll in field. Roger Ansley Cornelia 706-7784165
4x5 round bales, Rye & Fescue,
fertilized, $35 per bale. Joseph
Higginbotham, Jr. 1698 Flatwoods Rd.
Elberton 30635 706-283-1204
Bermuda and mixed grass hay; net
wrapped, $25 per bale. James Bailey
Elberton 706-318-1012
Bermuda hay; 4x5 rolls, net wrapped;
delivery available. Bill Usry 2489 Hwy
72 E PO Box 191 Comer 30629 706-783-4799
Bermuda horse hay; fertilized,
sprayed, excellent quality, barn kept, $6
a bale, quantity discounts, $20 bale
minimum. Gary Castleberry Roopville 678-776-9025
Bermuda round rolls for sale; 4x5,
$40/roll, horse quality, Watkinsville
area, 15 minutes from Athens. Stan
Michael Bishop diamondmfarm@ 706-248-2571
Bermuda square bales, 2011, exc.
horse hay, $4/bale, 2012 exc. horse
hay, $6/bale. Sherrel Astin villa Rica
Bermuda, Fescue and Rye hay;
heavily fert., rainfree, horse quality,
$7/square; $50/round bales, large
quantity/dely. avail., Carrollton and
Powder Springs. S. Stana Powder
Springs 770-241-3201
Bermuda/Bahia mix hay, 4x5 rolls,
$25 each. Tim Bramlett Greensboro
Bermuda/Fescue/Dallis hay, 4x5 rolls,
$45/roll, 2nd cutting, compost grown,
excellent quality. Jim Boggs Aragon
Bermuda; HQ, rain free, fert. $5.50
@barn; Fescue HQ, $4.25; Bermuda/
fescue mixed, $5, del. avail. Al Guillebeau
Monroe bigal6240@ 770-2678929
Certified naturally grown horse quality
hay; rain free; 9/2012 fescue bermuda
mix, $6/bale, quantity discount,
manfromola@ 678-315-4651
Coastal bermuda hay; horse and cow
quality, well fertilized, square bales,
$4.50; rolls, $45 - $50. Curtis Durden
912-526-3189 912-245-1081
Coastal bermuda/ fescue mix hay;
September cutting, sprayed 5x5 round
bale, $42; negotiable. Stacey Burden
Comer 706-783-5840 706-714-7194
Coastal bermuda; square bale, $5 in
field, $6.50 in barn, 15 or more; round,
$40. Leonard Kinsley Perry lenhats@ 478-714-9900
Coastal squares/rolls, fertilized, rain
free, $6, $50; Bermuda/Bahia mix, $40,
outdoor, $30. Marty Gladin 283
Coopers Rd. Gordon 31031 Mgladin@ 478-456-3068 478-4533460
Coastal/Bahia mixed; large 800-1000
lb. bales, baled with Claas baler, $60
inside barn, $35-$45 outside. Coy
Baker Loganville 770-466-4609
D & D Farms: Coastal hay, 4' x 5'
round, $45; Bahia hay, 4' x 5' round,
$35, delivery available. D & D Farms
Buena vista 229-649-2182
Feed: Wheat, 50 lb. bag, $ 9; Hughes
Farms. David Hughes Williamson 770-5070196
Fescue hay; 4x5 round rolls, $35;
square bales, $4. Dean Bowen
dmmslbowen67@ 770-540-3301
Fescue; square bales, $3.50 per bale;
last year fescue, orchard mix rolls in
barn, $12.50. Kim Mize Clarkesville 706-7540124
For Sale: 2011 Alicia hay, 4x5 round
bales, $45. Eric Mincey Baxley 912-367-5569
For sale: Coastal bermuda hay, 5x6 ft.
rolls, $40 each, in barn, 2012 cut. A.G.
Williams Toccoa 706-886-9530
Freshly baled, large round bales of
hay, $30;Two miles south of Perry,GA,
on US Hwy 41. Harold Nation Perry 478-987-2412
Hay for sale, fescue/bermuda mix,
square bales; bales 2012, $4 per bale.
Dwight Bobo Rome claudiacook@ 706-291-8300
Hay for sale, this year's crop,Tift 85,
net wrapped and bermuda, $50 per roll.
Stoney Layfield Tifton 229-848-0092
Hay for sale: Rye grass, bermuda and
crabgrass, 5'x6' rolls, $25; picked up in
field. Donald Burdette Elberton
706498-4132 706-283-5297
Hay in barn, 5x5, $25 single; $22 take
all. Bob Hearn Chickamauga 423-6677839
Hay: 2012 season, 4x5 rolls, mixed
fall grass, $20/roll; Bermuda, $30/roll.
Wade Pitcock Rome pru_wade@ 706-232-2997 706-936-6029
Hay; 4x5 rolls, fertilized, sprayed,
bermuda/fescue/ bahia, barn, JD baled,
grass twine, $43. James Fincher
Hay; large bales, fescue/mixed
grasses, stored in barn, $30 each.
Fayetteville 770-719-8382
High quality hay, 4x5 net wrapped
bales, delivery available. David Rackley
eaglerockplantation@ 478-230-0060 478-2309354
Highly fert. and limed; Coastal and Tift
9, Bahia hay, 4x5 rolls, $35; del. avail.
Kenny Toler Dublin kennytoler44@ 478-697-1662
Horse quality '12 bermuda; square
bales, weed free, fertilized, kept in a
barn, rain free, $5/bale. Jim Schwender
Horse quality 2012 bermuda; 4x5
round, $65; squares, $6.75, well
fertilized, rain free, in barn. Scott Whittle
Social Circle 404-694-1539
Horse quality bermuda hay; 5,000
square bales, 200 round bales. Paul
Harris Odum 912-294-2470
Horse quality bermuda; sq. bales, $5,
also other quality sq. bales,$4. Bart
jaylaaustin@ 404-597-7206
Horse quality hay, $55 per bale; cow
hay; cov'd in the field, $35 per bale,
square bales, $5.50. Shawn Herndon
Gray 478607-1004
I have 150 rolls, 4x5, 2012 Fescue,
$30, sprayed and fertilized in barn,
horse quailty. Charlie Chastain
TalkingRock 770-893-9013
Large quantity 5X4 rolls, barn stored;
Bahia, bermuda, fescue, mixed grass,
mostly net wrap, $46/ roll. Robert Miller
706-672-4556 706-672-4556
Oats and Rye grass hay (2012),
fertilized, horse quality, 5x5 round
bales, stored in barn. Frank Eaton
Buckhead 706-342-0727 706-4740689
Oats for sale; bulk out of bin, $5 per
bushel. Alan Wasden Louisville 706-831-0441
Round rolls, covered, horse quality,
bermuda & fescue mix; rolls, $40 ea.
Dan Tant Barnesville 404-772-3262
Russell bermuda hay; square bales,
horse quality, $6 rain free, in barn. Larry
Morrison Monticello 706-318-2800
Russell or Cheyenne bermuda;
round, $50; square bermuda, $6;
Fescue mix, $40, all in barn. Tim
Addington Toccoa jdawns_mom@ 706-599-3555
Summer Special: Coastal bermuda (a
little fescue) 4x5, $30; Russell
bermuda, $35, in barn, fert. & sprayed.
Dick Overall Toccoa tennisguy11111@ 678-755-8422
Tift 44 bermuda; horse quality, $5; oat
hay $4. Anthony Clark Elberton 706-988-8996
Tifton 44 bermuda, Russell; premium
horse quality, fertilized, weed &
crabgrass free, barn stored, 4x5 rolls,
$70. Tim Hunter Conyers 770-4838712 770-922-6653
Top quality 2012; UGA tested Alicia
hay, rnd. or sq, sheltered, deliv
available, free storage thru 03/2013.
vidalia 912293-2535
Very good bermuda and fescue hay,
$5.50 per bales. Danny Cottrell villa
Rica 404-6800128
Now baling 4 x 5 rolls of Coastal
Bermuda, Coastal Bermuda mix, and
Bahia; $35 per roll, pick up at farm.
Rubin Britton Juniper 706-269-9000
Page 9
If you have questions regarding this
category, call 404-651-9081.
Advertisers of agricultural seed
must submit a current state
laboratory report (not more than 9
months old) for purity, noxious
weeds and germination for each
seed lot advertised. A seed lot must
be uniform and not exceed 400 50-lb.
bags. Laboratory reports will be
returned upon request. Any ads for
agricultural seed submitted for
documentation will not be published.
Licensed seed dealers cannot
advertise seed in the Market Bulletin.
Certain varieties of seed are
protected from propagation unless
they are grown as a class of certified
seed. For example, wheat seed such
as Florida 304, Coker 9152, Coker
9835 and soybean seed, such as
Prichard and Benning, may not be
propagated for sale unless the seed
has been grown as a class of
certified seed. Propagation of such
seed is a violation of the Plant
variety Protection Act and the
Federal Seed Act. If you have
questions regarding certified seed,
call the Market Bulletin office or the
Georgia Department of Agriculture
Seed Division at (404) 656-5584.
'12 Wrens Abruzzi rye seed, 92.5%
germination rate, 99% pure seed, $13
478-2991216 478-299-1454
2012 Abruzzi Rye seed for sale in
bulk. Jimmy Moncrief Roberta 478-955-5775
2012 Florida 501 oats, cleaned and
bagged (40lbs.), 97% germination,
$10 per bag. H. Martin Kite 478-4695173
If you have questions about this
category, call 404-651-9081.
Flower seed offered for sale has
not been tested for germination
since it often is collected in very
limited quantities.
Columbine, Blanket Flower, Goriosa
Daisy (sow all four now), Zinnia,
Marigold(sow both in spring), $1 each
plus LSA-2-SE. Melissa Lawler 116
Nelson Oaks Dr Ball Ground 30107
4" perennials, 350 varieties, $1.50 ea.
including Helleborus; 1 gal. grafted
Japanese maples, $20-$25; display
garden. Selah Ahlstrom Jackson 770775-4967
All fresh seeds, $1/pk. plus SASE;
Beauty berry, dbl. zinnias, Queen Ann,
cosmos, Sweet peas, Stephnotis. F.
Brooks 674 New Rosedale Rd.
Armuchee 30105
Angel Trumpets(perennial) all colors;
Canna Lilies(bengal tiger, red & King
Humbert); Ginger Lilies(Butterfly,
Elizabeth & Gold Flame). Trudy
tkretch924@ 404-378-1104
Angel trumpets, banana trees,
Confederate Roses, Black Magic
Elephant ears, Ginger lillies, lotus, and
assorted pond plants. Patrice Cook
Covington 770-787-6141
Angel Trumpets, Confederate roses,
Christmas roses (Helleborus), $5;
Cereus, Beauty berries,
Ferns, Hydrangeas, $3; Weeping
cherries. Carla Houghton Marietta 770428-2227
Azaleas, Hosta, Daylilies, Knock Out
Roses, Hydrangeas, Iris; most $2. Carol
Bland Fayetteville
Black bamboo, Golden bamboo, and
more. David Pelton Covington 678654-0571
Castor bean seeds; 10 for $2 cash,
SASE. R Newbold 90 Todd Rd Senoia
Castor bean seeds; kills moles. R.
Dangar 1062 Liberty Grove Road
Alpharetta 30004 770-377-6411
Cleome 4 O'clock, tiger lily, Shasta
daisy, Mexican sunflower, Rose of
Sharon $1 each/Lg. SASE. B. Savage
3017 Atkins Dr. Gainesville 30507
Daylilies, Stella D'Oro, everyblooming dwarf, 20 fans (plants) for
$26.50, shipping included. M.M.
Haynes 275 Pine Crest Drive Canton
30114 770-479-5224
Daylilies: Hybridzer, 3-8 fans per
clump, $2; free Iris, variegated Liriope,
.50 clump, all at garden, Only. John B
Wilson Tyrone 770-487-4767
Daylilies; slashing prices, free
shipping on $50 order, most must go.
Mary Denney 400 Jim Starr Rd.
Newnan 30263
Free Liriope, dig as much as you
want. Linda Mende Cumming 770-5973724
Free rose bushes, 6 plants, 5
varieties, 3 - 4 feet tall; you dig. William
Rhoades Marietta
Green giants; Cryptomeria, Leylands,
3/gal., $5; min. 24 pcs., B&B, $7 per ft.,
other items available. Jody Greenway
Green Liriope for large or small
landscape projects. Rebecca Thompson
8105 Johnson Road Palmetto 30268 770-463-3014
Hen & chicks, 15/$12, August lily,
8/$12 ppd; Hibiscus, Angel trumpet,
Rose champion, bouquet pysper, white
4 O'clock, $1 +SASE. L. Brooks 690
New Rosedale Rd. Armuchee 30105
Hostas butterfly bushes, hydrangeas,
gardenia, jasmine plants, flowers &
vegetables. Lancaster Decatur 404288-0160
Hostas: 200 varieties, minis to extra
large, 2 miles beyond Zion Hill Church,
Fri/Sat./Sun., or by appt. Dee Little
Ellijay 706-635-4891
Hybrid daylillies, $2 a fan; will ship red
amaryllis, $5 each. Edna Harold
Nashville 229-686-3283
Japanese Maples, Azaleas, Gardenia,
Hosta, Hydrangers, Knock Out Roses.
Linda Waites Fairburn 770-964-6414
Night blooming Cereus - red, white;
begonia star cactus, Hawarthia, jade,
aloe, pencils cactus, many more, $2 &
up. Nancy Rosser Powder Springs
Ag Plants for Sale
If you have questions regarding this
category, call 404-651-9081.
2012 Pecan seedlings, grown from
Eliott seed, available January 2013, .80
ea; minimum order 100 +; plus
shipping. Daylon Thomas Arlington
Blueberry/Blackberry plants; large
quantity and wholesale pricing; fruit
trees, Saw tooth oaks also available
plus shipping available. Kelly Blizman
Elberta peach trees, $8, lemon trees,
$5; will shell/grind corn (barter). Deb
Ruby Good Hope 30641 dlr2824@ 770-267-2654
Fig, blueberry and raspberry plants
for sale, $2 - $5 ea., no shipping. Bob
Dickerson Conyers 770-761-6669
Muscadine vines, Summit,Tara,
Nesbitt, Scuppernong, starter plants,
$4.99, will ship; check website for info.
Dalton 706271-0800 706-271-0800
Old fashion multiplying onions, $14,
Plant containers various sizes. Robert
La Manna 282 Cox Woodland Rd
Milledgeville 31061 potluck18@ 478-932-5390
Seed cane ready, October 1st. Ray
Freeman 1704 GA Highway 19 S
Dublin 31021 478-272-1307
Strawberry trees- Chinese- for sale,
$15 each in pots, place orders now for
fall planting, limited supplies. Hugh
Holyoak Tifton 229-326-6040
Various varieties; indoor/outdoor
plants, call for price list, no shipping.
Lindsay Milikin villa Rica villarica2@ 770-301-4982
White multiplying onions, $6/quart,
$10/1/2 gal., plus shipping. Russell
Pressey Athens 706-549-8470
Ag Seed/Plants Wanted
Cleome (spider plant) seed, this
year's also 3-4-5' cotton stalks with
Feed, Hay And Grain Wanted balls for dried arrangement. Mary
30 + acres, river bottom; Bahia, full Burton Alpharetta 770-569-8474
seasons growth, looking to develop
Does anyone have any old time
supply, no cattle. Alan Ormand Butler spider web seed? Edna Carter 404-630-6350
Waycross 912-337-2107
Wanted: Zinnas seeds; please call.
Please include area codes with phone
Louise Clark Trenton 706-657-6870
numbers in advertisements.
Page 10
Bulletin Calendar
Nov. 3 Rural America Festival, 10 am-6 pm,
arts, crafts, more, free admission,
Buena Vista. Info: Claudine Morgan,
Nov. 10 Arts & Crafts Show, taking
applications through Oct. 15, Calhoun
First Baptist Church, Calhoun. Info:
706-602-4586 or 706-602-7714 or
Oct. 19-20 6th Annual Gordon Co. Antique
Engine & Tractor Show, Northwest Ga.
Fairgrounds, Calhoun. Info: Ricky,
770-527-5346 or Kim, 678-986-2435.
Pesticide recertification training
notices are available on the Georgia
Department of Agriculture website On the opening
page click on Divisions, select Plant
Industry Division, and click on
Pesticides. Select Pesticide Applicator
Licensing & Certification, and then click
on Pesticide Applicator Recertification
you can then search for
upcoming courses by date, course title or
license category.
Livestock auctions listed in the
Market Bulletin may offer related items
for sale, such as tack and other livestock
equipment. Notices for auctions selling
If you have questions concerning the any items other than livestock must be
Bulletin Calendar, contact Randy Cox at accompanied by the auction license
number of the principal auctioneer or
auction firm conducting the auction, per
Submissions for the Bulletin Calendar
regulations of the Georgia Secretary of
can be sent to
State. Notices without this information
cannot be published.
O'Zinnia; 1 tabsp./$1; 1 full cup/$3
with cash & SASE. Mildred Bryan 916
Elm Dr. Monroe 30655
Old-timey daffodils, $3/doz., white
narcissus, $6/post.; orange daylilies,
yellow Cannas, Siberian Iris, Forsythia,
bluebells, tall phlox, free Liriope. E.
Beach Duluth 770-476-1163
Orchids: Neomoorea Irrorata orchid
and Brassavola hybrid orchid, some in
bloom, $5 ea., pick up, cash only. Julie
Garner Bethlehem 770-867-5432
Paw Paw plants, rubber plants,
Confederate rose, fairy rose, no
shipping. Betty Whittington Colbert
Plant sale; Comfrey, Bottlebrush,
Angel Trumpet, Abelia, Weigelia, Brown
Turkey Fig, Acuba, Barberry, Black
Walnut, Pussywillow. Kelley Burns
Waleska 678983-4789
Red or Pink Castor bean seeds (specify
which) 25/$3; send cash/SASE. Joy
Shelnutt Box 1212 Loganville 30052
orders=extra postage: poppy,cosmos,
zinnas, larkspur, coralvine, amaryllis,
and golden rain trees. Gerri Ward 4496
Fowlstown Road Attapulgus 39815
Seeds: Altheas (Rose of Sharon),
Jerusalem Cherry, Yucca, Hibiscus, 4
o'clocks, Orange Cosmos, cash only,
$1/tsp./SASE. Gail Wilson 1020 B.
Wilson Rd. Commerce 30529
Seeds: Mullein pink, Touch-me-nots,
1/2 tsp.,$1; moneyplant, Morning Glory,
Hibiscus, devil's trumpet, Siberian iris, 4
o'clocks, $1tsp., SASE, cash only. G.
Robertson 2966 Cardinal Lake Cir.
Duluth 30096
Seeds: Red canna, oriental tiger lily
bubils, pink 4 o'clock, kniola, black
morning glory, SASE. Diane Shuler 608
Angela Drive Temple 30179
Texas Star Hibiscus-butterfly and
hummingbird attractor-20 seeds/$1/
send SASE, .50 cents extra and LSASE
for instructions. Angela Heerde 5243
Kurt Lane Conyers 30094
Trees: Hickory, Maple. Oaks: Laurel,
Live, Red, Shumard Red, Overcup,
Swamp Chestnut, Willow in 3-gal./7gal./15-gal. pots, $10-$35. N. Halley
Metter 912-685-5266
Variegated Liriope; 4" pots, 4000
avail.@ $2 each. Jim Hadaway Athens
If you have questions regarding this
category, call 404-651-9081.
The Georgia Wildflower Protection
Act requires that shipments of officially
protected plants be accompanied by
transport tags displaying a permit
number issued by the Georgia
Department of Natural Resources.
Ladyslipper Orchids and Goldenseal
are examples of protected plants.
When advertising protected plants in
the Market Bulletin, please submit a
copy of your permit to sell protected
plants. Ads submitted without this
information will not be published. For
further information on the sale or
shipment of protected plants, contact:
Nongame Conservation Section, 2065
U.S. Hwy. 278 SE, Social Circle, GA
30025, (770) 918-6411.
Pink Lady Slippers for sale; 5 plants,
$60; 10 plants, $95 plus shipping &
handling. Joy Stegall Temple 404-6317478
Flowers Wanted
Maypops (passion flower), vinca
minor(periwinkle), mondo grass (dwarf
or reg), variegated ivy; Close to
Marietta, GA please. Michael Norris
Marietta 770685-9182
Old Timey perennial; double golden
glow seed. Mary E Swanson Dacula 770-9636345
If you have questions regarding ads
in this category, call 404-651-9081.
includes the following subcategories:
bees, honey and supplies; things to
eat; herbs; fish and supplies; fertilizers
and mulches; oddities; miscellaneous
wanted; notices; garden space;
notices; out-of-state wanted; firewood,
timber; and Christmas trees. Only one
ad per household is permitted in the
Miscellaneous category.
Bees, Honey & Supplies
10-frame beehives, Italians, gentle
productive, $200 w/super, $240, strong,
healthy, raw honey, combs, strain, pts.,
qts., closed Saturdays. Edward Colston
Taylorsville 770-382-9619
2012 Honey; quarts and pints. David
Dye Rockmart
8 frame cypress beehives; healthy
strong bees and honey, young queen in
hives, $160. Ronnie Pearson Nashville
All natural, pure, unprocessed honey,
sizes available: 8 oz. bears, 16 oz. size,
quart, and comb honey. Jimmy Brown
Jackson 770-775-0157 678-448-7781
Bee removal, Metro Atlanta and West
Georgia areas, work guaranteed. W.O.
Canady Winston 770-942-3887
Carpenter bee trap, handcrafted trap
that really works, $20@6/$100, free
shipping. Jack Snyder 265 Eagle
Pass Lane Hephzibah 30815 706-5547959
Gallberry honey, voted best tasting
honey 2010 in the state of Ga.,
included, Ben Bruce
Homerville 912-487-2001
I will pick up swarms for free;
removals from structures for fee; will
pick up/purchase unwanted beekeeping
equipment. Dave Larson Winder 770-5429546
Instrumental inseminator, microscope,
harbo syringe, CO2 tank. Arthur Hudgins
37 Cedar Oak Way Cedartown 30125 770-748-0482
Unassembled white pine supers,
same as we use in our bee yard; Deeps
($11), Mediums ($10), Shallow ($9).
Matt Kinzer Jasper slateroofhoney@ 404-401-6051
Wanting to buy used apiary equipment;
supers, frames, stands, covers, etc.
Summerville 706-978-9473
Will come & pick up unwanted bees,
swarms and equipment. Brent Nichols
Brunswick 912-266-5688
Will locate, remove honey bees from
structures, swarms, and unwanted bee
equipment, 2012 natural honey for sale.
Derry Oliver Commerce oliverdk@ 706-335-7226 706-6211781
Things To Eat
Use of the term "organic" requires
Advertisements submitted without
certificate of registration for items
offered for sale cannot be published.
For more information, access the
website and link from the
home page to the Organic Agriculture
page and registration forms. Those
who do not have internet access or are
unable to download the forms, should
call 404-656-1264.
'11 desirable pecans $10/lb., plus
postage. Russell Eaton Stockbridge 770-506-2727
'11 shelled pecans, mostly halves,
$7.50/lb. plus postage; nuts have been
double bagged and stored in freezer,
please call. Kathy Meremonte Hampton 678-592-5735
'11 shelled pecans, mostly halves,
$8.50/lb., plus postage, bagged in freezer,
leave message. Franklin Eaton 4345
Marble Arch Way Flowery Branch 30542
770-532-9340 770-532-6333
'11 shelled pecans, mostly halves,
$8/lb., plus postage; 2 lb. in bag,
bagged in freezer. Glenda Crosby 1192
Memphis Crosby Rd. Baxley 31513
1 pound of shelled pecans, $8 plus
shipping, cracked pecans, $3 per
pound. Shirley Spruill Carrollton 770301-3114
Angus beef, no growth hormones or
steriods, no anitbiotics, grass fed
natural. Karl Owens vidalia ocscons@ 912-293-4081
Dry aged Angus beef; no antibiotics,
hormones; pasture, grain fed, 1/4s and
by the pound, Bill
Farr Milner 770584-9727
Farm fresh brown eggs, $2 a dozen.
Alfred Cox Appling vbc0607@ 706-541-0402
Garlic to eat - plant., 6 varieties +
Elephant garlic. Pat Shields Danielsville 706-7953977
I need 60lbs.; 2012 organic shelled
pecans. Tamara Brown Dunwoody 404-516-4780
Large brown eggs, chemical and
hormone free, part time free range, $3
per dozen, limited availability. John
Sims Saint Simons Island 912-5776961 912-577-6961
Old timey multiplying white onions, $6
per quart, plus $6 postage. Amory Hall
130 Ellison St. Maysville 30558 706652-2521
Old-time citrons for preserves; Free.
George Cook Milton denisecdean@ 770-789-8554
Peanuts: raw, boiled, roasted; half
bushel min., call for prices and del. info.
Charles Fisher Morrow cmf2etfga@ 770-968-8895
Shelled pecans, mostly halves,
$7lb+shipping; free shipping in state; 10
lbs. & 20 lbs. out-of-state. Andy Adams
Hartwell 706376-8968
Sugar cane for sale; you cut. Leon
McDonald Sylvester ruthmcdo744@ 229-776-0753
Sugar cane syrup for sale, by the
windstream 912-393-5253
Sugar cane to grind or plant, seven
varieties. Mutt Durrence Glennville
Water ground meal, whole wheat
flour, grits, $3/5 lbs., plus postage; also,
grind your grain. Mike Buckner
Junction City 706-269-3630
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Fish & Supplies
Persons selling sterile triploid
grass carp must have a Wild Animal
Department of Natural Resources.
Market Bulletin advertisements for
sterile carp must be accompanied by
a photocopy of the advertiser's
license. For license information,
contact DNR Special Permit Unit at
(770) 761-3044.
1"-2"/2"-3" bluegill, hybrid bream,
shellcracker, redbreast; threadfin shad;
channel catfish; sterile grass carp;
weed analysis, consultation services.
Keith Edge Soperton kkedge1@ 478-697-8994
2 floating fish cages; 4'x4', 3'6" deep,
made of 3/4' vinyl mesh with steel
frame, $75 each. Leonard Draper
Cedartown 770-748-2042
fingerlings, graded/priced by size,
accurate weights/counts, guaranteed
live, healthy, immed. dely., other
species avail. J.F. Gilbert Thomaston
706-648-2062 770-468-0725
Bass, bluegill, crappie, catfish,
redbreast, shellcracker, grass carp,
shad, etc., most sizes, free delivery or
pickup. Danny Austin Roberta 478-836-4938
Bass, Bluegill, hybrid bream, Channel
catfish, sterile grass carp, statewide del.
David Cochran Ellijay 706-889-8113
Bass, bluegill, shellcrackers, hybrid
bream, channel catfish fingerlings,
sterile grass carp, delivery available.
Tony Chew Manchester 706-846-3657
Big Red-Europeans, Red Wigglers
and worm castings, $25-$35/lb,, price
includes shipping. Lew Bush Byron 478-955-4780
Catalpa trees, $1.50 to $5 each per
size; frozen catalpa worms, $1.50 per
dozen. Joe Mask Fayetteville 770-4617068
European Nightcrawlers for fishing or
compost, Bedrun price, $20/lb. or
discount, 5 lbs. for $85, plus shipping.
Joe D'Alessandro Lawrenceville
m 404-229-9945
shellcracker, redbreast and hybrid
bream, largemouth bass, threadfin
shad, del. avail. Paul Williams
Hawkinsville 478-892-3144
Lady Slippers and worm castings. J.
Ayers Buchanan 770-826-3373
Large African, European and Canadian
earthworms for fishing or composting;
North Atlanta, $28 lb./ net. Tim Herron
Dawsonville herronfarms@
706-531-4789 706-531-4789
Largemouth bass, channel catfish,
fathead minnows, grass carp, bluegill,
aeration, fish feeders, fountains, Josh Akins Ball
Ground 770-735-3523
Rainbow Trout, great stockers,
various sizes; hatched and raised on
our farm, delivery available. David
Cantrell Ellijay
Red wigglers & Europeans, great for
fishing, $35 per pound, price includes
shipping. B. Newman Douglasville
Red wigglers and/or Europeans,
$35/lb., price includes shipping, send
check or money order. H. A. Riffe P.O.
Box 402 Buchanan 30113 770-646-3812
Red Wigglers, $30/pound, free
shipping, send money order or check
payable to address listed. Lori
McDonough Plains
Several thousand ponds, Channel
catfish, sizes 1-2 pounds each. Orville
State law requires all ginseng Carver Douglas 912-384-5090
dealers and growers to be registered
Fertilizers & Mulches
with the Georgia Department of
Natural Resources.
For more
$.50/$1 per pound; Worm Castings,
information, contact the Nongame great for any planting project, teas and
Conservation Section at (770) 918- repairing your soil. C. Bush Byron
website 478-955-4771
$5 per gallon, fresh worm castings,
2012 pepper seeds: Korean, red bring your soil to life, delivery available,
cayenne, tobasco, Viet-Nam, 20 others, also worm castings for garden. Shane
$1/pkt./SASE, list included. Ann Dutton Jones 4291 Hillview Dr Acworth 30101
3269 Five Forks Trickum Rd. Lilburn 404-964-7534
4x4 round bales, mixed grass, will
load, $20/bale. Bill Callahan Alvaton
Aged horse manure, you load any time;
call ahead, I load, $10/truckload;
$20/trailer, call for del. cost. Chad
Williams 448 Hurt Rd. SW Smyrna 30082 404-421-1775
Cow manure from my barn, for your
garden, $15; a pickup load, I load; you
haul. Ricky Waters Dawsonville 706-429-5243
Free horse manure, mixed with
shavings. Danny West Fayetteville 404-771-4041
Fresh, clean pinestraw spread at $4
per bale, at your property, reliable
service,10 yrs. experience, call today!
Gloria Williamson Buford ysrvc@ 770-912-6671
Horse manure mixed with shavings,
we load, you haul, $10/pickup truck.
Chris Hoyak Cleveland 706-348-1219
Mulch hay; square bales only, $1.50 a
bale, in barn. Perry Tyson Gray 478221-0380
Pine straw by semi trailer load; del. to
your location; long leaf or slash.
Manchester 404-4849686
Pine straw; clean red color, del. &
installed, as low as $3.75/bale, serving
all GA. Josh Bulloch Manchester 404-9251076
Shavings for horse barns, large
loads. Marion Smith Kennesaw 404218-7389
Wheat straw, $2.50/bale, delivery for
a fee. Kenneth Little 320 Gene Bell Rd
Monroe 30655 404-557-8880
Wheat straw; large clean square
bales; some, $3 each; some, $2; good
clean bales. B.G. Porter Cartersville
706-384-3926 770-654-6914
Barnwood - you tear down and
remove. Debbie Nelson Grantville 678-245-0633
Beautiful emerald green emu eggs,
cleaned & blown, exc. for carving,
scrimshaw, or painting; also, pure emu
oil. Jackie Paul Conyers 770-761-1284
David Bradley corn sheller, floor
model, big fly wheel, working condition;
1925, $300. Tilman Dickerson Rabun
Gap 706-982-4603
For sale: small 6x7 walk-in-cooler. Larry
Avant 961 Eatonton Hwy Gray 31032 478-986-6389
For sale: State 52 gallon water
heater, good condition, $550. Al
Hill 912-271-1455
Gourds for sale: Martin, Crooked
Handle, Craft, Bottleneck, and more.
Wallace Maxwell 3226 Hoot Owl Rd.
Royston 30662 706-245-4218
Gourds, many varieties to choose
from, at farm or ship U.P.S. Crystal
Lang Cordele 229-322-1321
Gourds: many varieties to choose
from at farm, no shipping. Hoyt Howard
4720 Watson Road Cumming 30028
Old Mill grist stone; measures
44"x12", steel band intact, have
pictures, $2,800 or best offer. John
Rasar Stockbridge nickihalstead@ 678-232-6925
Peacock feathers for weddings,
arrangements, all sizes; jewelry, etc., $1
each, beautiful 2012 bird feathers, also
brown side feathers for arrows. Willam
Haigler Hiawassee 706-896-2181 706994-6850
Pigeon pens & Rabbit pens for sale;
please call. Jr Vaughan Forest
Park 404-3617168
Rabbit boxes, $12 each or 2 for $20;
carpenter bee boxes, $10 each, bat
houses, $10 each. Billy Middlebrooks
770-267-7084 770-823-0814
Three wild hog traps for sale; three
different sizes. Brinson Miller Lyons 912-2933464
Miscellaneous Wanted
Glass telephone/telegraph insulators,
wanted for corral electric fence. Ed
Greensboro 30642
Looking for boiled peanut vendor at
train depot in Lawrenceville thru
season. Kathy Helms Lawrenceville 678-900-4625
Looking for shelter for a mini horse;
can be a calf hut, shed, large dog
house, etc. Tamma Trump Acworth 770-655-0819
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
CRP Initiative Focus
Of October Workshops
The Conservation Reserve Program
Readiness Initiative (CRPRI) kicks off a
series of online and in-person workshops
October 23, 2012 at 9 a.m. with a oneday classroom and field workshop
focusing on developing a Conservation
Reserve Program (CRP) plan.
Co-sponsored by the USDA Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS),
the one-day “CRP Plan: Start to Finish”
course will be held at the University of
Georgia Tifton Campus Conference
Center, 15 RDC Road, Tifton (Exit 64 on
Additional online courses,
including CRP Online Core Training,
RUSLE2, WEPS and Web Tools, will be
available in October through CRPRI’s
new website:
The workshops are part of the national
CRP Readiness Initiative, a nationwide
effort to train conservation professionals
and independent consultants to provide
the planning, implementation, and
management services associated with
CRP. Since March, over 325
professionals in 20 states have completed
the basic CRP Core Training. The
conservation trainings offered through
the CRPRI also will be useful to
conservation professionals working in
other NRCS conservation programs
outside of CRP.
“Students taking these courses will dig
deeper, learning about advanced planning
concepts and conservation tools and
practices, like soil and wind erosion
modeling prediction. After completing
the training, they will be able to help
landowners plan for and implement
sound conservation practices that will
enhance water quality and wildlife
habitat, while keeping nutrients in soil
where they can boost yields,” said Kevin
Erb, CRP Readiness Initiative Project codirector..
Course descriptions
CRP Plan: Start to Finish is a one-day
course designed to walk students through
the CRP conservation planning process
step-by-step. Students in this course will
learn how to: develop NRCS-required
(Continued on Page 6)
Department Responds to Questions Concerning West Nile Virus
The Georgia Department of Agriculture
has received numerous questions about
West Nile Virus this year. Following are
answers to some of the questions regarding
the human and agricultural aspects of West
Nile Virus, as relates to the areas regulated
by the Department. If you need more information, please call 404-656-3689 or 1-800282-5852 or visit the websites provided.
What is West Nile Virus?
West Nile Virus (WNV) is one of several
viruses spread by mosquitoes. It is closely
related to St. Louis encephalitis (SLE)
virus. SLE virus is most prevalent in the
Southeast and Midwest U.S. WNV is also
found in Africa, Europe, and Asia
(primarily in countries bordering the
Mediterranean). Infection with this virus
does not always result in clinical disease.
Studies have shown that normally only a
small percentage of humans infected with
the virus will show symptoms of disease
and even fewer will develop any serious
Should I be worried about West Nile
Studies have shown that normally only a
small percentage of humans infected with
the virus will show symptoms of disease
and even fewer will develop any serious
complications. The disease caused by West
Nile Virus is very similar to St. Louis
Encephalitis (SLE), but is generally milder.
SLE has been in Georgia for many years.
Human infections with these mosquitoborne viruses are very rare and people can
further reduce the risk by taking measures
to avoid mosquito bites. According to
WNV activity reported to ArboNET by
State, as of August 31st, 2012, there have
been 29 human confirmed cases and 3
animal confirmed cases of West Nile Virus
here in Georgia.
It’s not often a gardener can invite an
expert over to talk about gardening, but a
new online course with University of
Georgia horticulturist Allan Armitage now
offers that chance.
Founder of the UGA Trial Gardens,
Armitage has teamed up with the Center for
(Continued from Page 1)
Pony saddle, good shape, well made,
good price. Jan Sweeney Dacula 770-6829176 404-376-0886
Want iron ring(s) from wood wagon
wheels to make old-time click-andwheel toy. Glen Allen Peachtree City 770-487-7551
Want to buy old tanks used for
bottled acetylene, oxygen, helium. etc.
John Phillips Whitesburg 404-2817187
Want: Blacksmith anvil, also large
vise. Bob Brookshire Buford 770-9325795
Want: Used 18.4R-38 tire that will
inflate; tread depth is not a concern.
Mark McWhorter Fort valley mmc@ 706-302-6733
Wanted: Canning jars all sizes;
quarts, pints and half pints. Liza
Summers Mineral Bluff lizasummers@ 706-455-3639
Is there a treatment for West Nile Virus
for humans?
There is no specific treatment,
medication, or cure for illnesses caused by
West Nile Virus. However, the symptoms
and complications of the disease can be
treated. Most people who get the illness
recover from it.
Is there a vaccine to protect humans
from West Nile virus?
There is not a vaccine to protect humans
against West Nile virus infection.
I have seen dead birds. Should I report
them? If you find dead birds, contact your
county health department and ask them if
they need them for WNV testing. Health
officials are testing crows, blue jays, and
raptors (birds of prey such as hawks) to
determine where the virus may have spread.
Can West Nile Virus cause illness in
my cat or dog?
There are no confirmed clinical cases of
WNV in dogs. Although two cats from
New Jersey were reported with the disease
(one in 1999 and one in 2000), more
research is needed to determine if WNV is
of significant risk to cats.
Can West Nile Virus affect horses?
Yes. Horses can become sick and
(Continued on Page 6)
Sunbelt Ag Expo
(Continued from Page 6)
and precision farming technology.
New field demonstrations are planned
for this year featuring modern drain tile
installation. These demonstrations will take
place in a field directly behind the Expo
farm shop. Precision farming technology
such as global positioning systems will be
used to design the new drainage system
and to make sure it is put into the ground
with pinpoint accuracy. The Expo invites
farmers to come and see how drain tile can
improve both the soils and the crops of
many farms throughout the Southeast.
The crops on the farm include those
most widely grown in the Southeast,
including cotton, peanuts, corn, soybeans
and hay. A new crop, sesame, has been
planted in the crop plots on the farm this
year. The Expo farm has some of the
largest plantings to be found in South
Georgia of two premier forage crops,
alfalfa and perennial peanuts. Also, check
out the Expo’s organic crop plots
supervised by USDA agronomists.
University of Georgia Extension
scientists use the Expo farm to test new
herbicides, fungicides, planting dates, row
spacings and crop varieties. They will use
the information from these plots in making
crop their production recommendations for
the 2013 growing season.
Visitors will again be able to ride
shaded shuttle wagons to see the crops and
the field demonstrations on the farm.
Visitors can get off the shuttle wagons to
get a close-up view of the crops and the
equipment, and then embark on another
shuttle wagon for a return trip to the exhibit
Blalock says the Expo depends on the
work of countless individuals, many of
them volunteers. “These folks return to
Moultrie year after year to work in the
exhibits, in the field demonstrations, in
organizing our stock dog trials, in parking
(Continued on Page 3)
Southern Garden Expert Offers Online Course
Carden Foods
brothers have a photo of their great-greatgrandmother selling collard greens in the
late 1800s.
Today Carden Foods, a seven-day-aweek operation, makes more than 500
deliveries a week in 40 counties, reaching
all the way to the South Carolina border.
And when strawberries or some other
Georgia-grown produce is in season, the
company will make a special delivery so its
Page 11
clients can enjoy the state’s bounty.
While the brothers sometimes raise and
sell cows on their neighboring farms in
Spalding County, Carden Foods does not
offer meats.
“We are strictly produce,” says Carden
of their business. “That’s our family
heritage and that’s what we stuck to. We
appreciate our clients and try to deliver
good produce and good service.”
Wanted: Used horse or cattle gates,
used metal posts, used fence/barb wire
at an affordable price. Cecil Fuller
Wanted: windmills, full size, any type;
windmill towers, full size, any type.
Jimmy Hardin Knoxville 478-361-3907
All firewood advertised in the
Market Bulletin must be cut from the
property. In addition, by law, terms
such as face cord, rack, pile,
truckload, etc., cannot be used to
advertise firewood. Advertisers must
use the standard unit of measure,
the cord, when specifying the
amount of firewood for sale.
1/2 cord of oak firewood, $75;
delivery in Green and Clark Co. David
Athens 706-759-3898 706-759-3619
1/2 cord, $75; Full cord, $140; Oak.
Johnny Rockwort 770-646-3941
Continuing Education to offer his first
online course, Armitage’s Herbaceous
Perennials for the Sun.
horticulturists as a leading expert on
perennials, and he makes recommendations
for plants in Georgia’s warm, moist
The self-paced course concentrates on
Armitage’s selection of 20 perennials for
sunny gardens. He will offer suggestions on
how to plant, propagate and care for his
favorite perennials, and also describe each
plant’s origin, characteristics, bloom time,
flower structure and optimum growing
“It will be challenging, but we will have
fun,” Armitage said.
The course will include audio clips,
interactive exercises and end-of-lesson
quizzes that provide instant feedback.
It will serve as a crash course on
Firewood: Seasoned hickory and oak,
$140/cord; you haul. Greg Wright
Talking Rock 706276-3242
Free oak firewood logs, delimbed and
ready for you to cut into fireplace
lengths and split. Jerry Nichols Auburn
Free pecan wood; fallen trees,
some seasoned, you cut /haul/clean up.
Hall 706325-7123
Lighter fire starter split, $2lb.,
shipping free on 10lb. order; 1lb. knots ,
free with 10lbs. Jimmy Dudley White
Loggers finished firewood, mostly
hardwood, easy to get to; email
julia@ 770-358-7892
Ads cannot be called in by phone.
perennials for landscapers and nursery
employees, but also is designed for home
gardeners who want to be better
informed. Students will learn how to
identify the different growing conditions
in their landscape, understand which
perennials perform best in those
conditions and gain the confidence to try
new plants.
“This course will appeal to gardeners at
all levels, from first-time homeowners to
experienced garden center employees,”
said Pamela Bracken, department head of
Special Projects and Curriculum
Development at the Georgia Center.
Students are given three months to
complete the course, and those who do will
receive 2.4 hours of Continuing Education
For more information or to enroll, call
706-542-3537 or visit http://www.georgia
Need oak wood?, bring chainsaw and
splitter, need the field cleared. Tracy
Allgood Reynolds tracyallgood@ 478-957-4038
Oak and hickory split firewood for
sale; cords, half cords and truckloads.
Mike Clower Douglasville 404-4524138
Seasoned fat back kindling; fire
starter for fireplaces, stoves, campfires,
gifts bags and bulk available. John Mize
Cumming 770-312-2122
Seasoned firewood, dry stored &
ready to go; free local delivery; call for
Jasper 706-253-5134
Seasoned oak firewood, $100/half
cord, $185/cord; delivery available. Bob
Lewis Fayetteville
Seasoned oak firewood, $200 for
cord, $100 for 1/2 cord, deliver extra.
Mike Austin Douglasville 770-6522164 770-942-9050
The Timber for Sale category is
designed to provide an option for
forest farmers to market their standing
timber. Timber advertised in this
category must be individually owned
and produced by the advertiser on
his/her own property; timberland must
be at least 1 acre. No companies or
businesses are allowed.
Air-dried pine lumber; 1X12X12;
1X12X10; 1X12X8. countless 1X4's
and other special cuts, Polk County
area. Randy Grogan Cedartown 770-846-1640
Poplar lumber for sale; air dried or
can be kiln dried, 1", good for panelling,
with character, $0.70c/bf. Robert
Bartolo Hartwell 706-372-0214
Page 12
Free Coupon Here
If you were a paid subscriber to the Market
Bulletin, you would have received a free
coupon in this space valid for $5 off a purchase
of $25 or more at any Harveys Supermarket. If
you enjoy receiving such coupons by mail,
consider subscribing to the printed version of
the Market Bulletin. Subscriptions are available
to Georgia residents for $10 per year;
out-of-state subscriptions are available for
$20 per year. Subscription fee may be paid
online at (Visa,
MasterCard only). Please note there is a $1
convenience fee added to credit card
transactions. To subscribe by mail, send check
or money order made payable to Market
Bulletin at Georgia Department of Agriculture,
19 MLK Jr. Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30334.
Please include name, complete mailing
address and daytime phone number.
ag consumer line…
I am going to clear an old pasture that
has a lot of brush. I know there are
underground yellow jacket nests in the
area. Where can I buy clothing that will
protect me from the yellow jackets and
other wasps and hornets I may
Perhaps the most important thing to
remember is to wear long sleeves and long
pants. Tuck the cuffs of your pants into your
boots or knee socks to prevent the insects
from flying up your pants legs. Seal your
shirt sleeves as well by tucking them into
There are inexpensive, one-piece,
disposable Tyvek® suits you may want to
consider. They are available from various
sources. There are veiled hats and head
coverings designed to protect against
mosquitoes that may keep the yellow
jackets and other insects from flying in your
face. These are available from outdoor and
hiking stores. You may also wish to look at
suppliers for beekeepers. Several are listed
on the Georgia Beekeepers Association
website (
My tomato plant is more than seven
feet tall. Is this a record?
A tomato plant that reaches seven feet is
indeed tall but not uncommon. Some
tomato varieties are classified as
“determinate.” That is, they reach a certain
height and stop growing. “Indeterminate”
varieties will keep growing through the
season and reach quite tall when happy and
well-cared for.
If you have questions about services or
products regulated by the Georgia
Department of Agriculture, visit our
website at or write us
at 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Room
218, Atlanta, GA 30334 or e-mail us at THE MARKET BULLETIN
Sunbelt Ag Expo Celebrates 35 Great Years
Each year, the Sunbelt Ag Expo makes
fall a festive time for farmers and their
families from the Southeast. This year will
be a special Expo as the farm show
celebrates its 35th anniversary. The 2012
farm show will be held Oct. 16-18 in
Moultrie, Ga., and North America’s
Premier Farm Showtm promises to be
another big observance of agricultural
“For the past 35 years, our farm show
has provided farmers and their families
with a glimpse of the newest available
agricultural technology, all in one central
location,” says Chip Blalock, the Expo’
director. “We are proud of our history, and
we are truly excited about the new farming
technology and the exhibits we are putting
together for this year.”
Blalock says the 2012 show will be a
good one. “Some of the activities we plan
include recognizing 23 exhibitors who
have been with us for each of our 35
years,” he explains. “We commend these
companies for their long-term commitment
to our farmers and to our farm show, and
we invite our visitors to show their
appreciation for these companies and
In addition, Blalock says the Expo will
also celebrate the 100th anniversary of the
propane gas industry. Propane-powered
vehicles will lead the daily antique tractor
parades, and the Propane Gas exhibit will
also offer safety seminars of interest to
propane gas dealers and consumers.
“In addition, we will dedicate new
permanent exhibit buildings for Reinke and
Valmont/Valley,” says Blalock. “These are
two of our longtime irrigation exhibitors
and they have both been strong supporters
of our research farm.”
Also in recognition of the 35th
anniversary, the Expo will have a special
exhibit in the farm show’s headquarters
building. This exhibit will feature a
collection of commemorative souvenir
cola bottles from each of the 35 years of the
show, along with a collection of official
Expo programs published over the years.
Each year, the Expo welcomes some
1,200 exhibitors and hundreds of
thousands of visitors. Visitors will see the
exhibits in a 100-acre area that features
both indoor, all-weather exhibits along
with outdoor exhibits and exhibits in tents.
Special activities are once again
2012 Sunbelt Expo
West Nile Virus
(Continued from Page 6)
doing the above. Also ask a neighbor to
check your property when you are away on
Is there only one kind of mosquito that
can carry West Nile Virus? Culex pipiens
is the species most commonly associated
with the WNV, but it is believed that several
species of mosquitoes can carry the virus.
For more information visit the
following websites:
Georgia Department of Human
Resources - Public Health
Centers for Disease Control and
USDA Animal Health Inspection
Georgia Veterinary Medical Association
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Oct. 16-18
Moultrie, Ga.
Celebrating 35 years of
Excellence 1978 – 2012
Notice to Farmers
Any Georgia farmer claiming to have
unpaid accounts for agricultural products
sold in the last (6) months to Georgia
Vegetable Co, Inc. of Tifton, Georgia,
should immediately contact: Georgia
Department of Agriculture, Bonding, Rm.
328 Agriculture Building, Capitol Square,
Atlanta, Georgia 30334; (404) 656-3725.
planned for young farmers and their
families on Wednesday, Oct. 17. These
include a barbeque cooking contest, a
horseshoe-pitching tournament, and an
evening reception and dinner with valuable
door prizes and entertainment.
Within the exhibits, the Expo maintains
a full schedule of seminars and
presentations that will educate, inform and
entertain visitors. Many exhibits will offer
interactive displays and activities that
allow visitors to try out new equipment
useful in farming.
The Santa Gertrudis Breeders
International will sponsor the beef
presentations this year for the first time. In
addition to the traditional presentations by
Extension beef and forage specialists, the
beef presentations will also feature three
producers from the Southeast who will be
sharing their own experiences in raising
Other presentations will cover a variety
of topics relating to animal agriculture.
Some of these include alpaca management,
commercial fish farming and pond
management, cow milking demonstrations
and dairy farming presentations, goat and
sheep herd health seminars, and seminars
on poultry production.
These presentations and exhibits make
the Expo one of the best places for people
to get information on starting up a new
farm animal enterprise. Veteran animal
agricultural producers will also benefit
from these presentations, according to
In the Georgia Agriculture Building
opened last year, representatives of the
Georgia Department of Agriculture and the
Georgia Farm Bureau will be offering a full
schedule of cooking demonstrations.
Additional cooking demonstrations will
be found in the Family Living Building,
which also will be the site of the Expo’s
popular backyard gardening presentations.
The Family Living exhibits will feature
renowned regional artist Jack DeLoney
who may be making his final Expo
appearance. DeLoney specializes in
painting watercolor scenes of farming’s
past, and he recently has announced his
impending retirement as a commercial
Titan/Goodyear and the Georgia FFA
Foundation will hold tire auctions on
(Continued on Page 6)
The Georgia Department of
Agriculture’s third Georgia Grown
Farmers Showcase was held at the
Atlanta State Farmers Market in Forest
Park Saturday, Sept. 15. Among the
more than 30 vendors was Coggins
Farms of Lake Park, Georgia, a major
producer of sweet potatoes. Kevin and
Amy Coggins, shown behind the ice
cream freezer, treated visitors to some of
the sweet potato ice cream produced by
Marble Slab Creamery, a business of
Coggins Farms.
An Update on Your Georgia Grown Program
(Continued from Page 1)
member. I’m particularly excited about
Harvey’s because of the link their
membership creates between producers,
manufacturers and the retailers that provide
access to Georgia Grown products. We are
very much looking forward to sharing the
many ways Harvey’s is supporting
agriculture, nutrition and the Georgia
Grown program in the coming months.
Our second big initiative this fall is the
first Georgia Grown Symposium, an
agribusiness development conference, to
be held at the Macon Marriott City Center
this November 8-9. I’d like to personally
invite you to attend. This conference is
designed to help small businesses grow,
large businesses grow larger, and educate
attendees on issues such as insurance,
regulatory, trade, marketing and other
matters that impact your business. There
will be something for everyone at the
Symposium, so mark your calendar now
for that event. This is just one way we’re
working to add value to your membership
and earn your continued support of Georgia
Grown. Details are coming via your
mailbox, email and social media soon.
The Georgia Grown program has been
around for a decade; today we have
brought better definition to its reason for
existence. The goal is to improve the
profitability of Georgia’s agricultural sector
by building brand integrity. Recognition of
the quality and reliability of Georgia-based
products and services continues to grow in
both domestic and international markets
and our efforts this past year have focused
on providing a fresher look and better plan.
As a member of Georgia Grown, you saw
value in this program. Let your friends
know of your commitment. If you’re a
listed member but not a paying member,
we need your support. We are here to stay,
so please consider upgrading at least to a
silver membership. We, at the Georgia
Department of Agriculture, are all
committed to making you successful, with
a flourishing marketing and economic
development program that helps our
agricultural economy grow and thrive.
Please help us grow Georgia Grown, and
thank you for the support and initiative
you’ve already shared.
How to Subscribe
(Continued from Page 1)
for $5 per year.
Subscribers can access the Bulletin
online via traditional desktop computers as
well as tablets (such as the iPad) and
smartphone. “Hot links” are provided for
ads and editorial copy, offering instant
access to phone numbers, website links and
email addresses by the simple click of a
mouse or tap of a finger.
For those without Internet service, new
subscriptions, renewals, and address
changes can be submitted by U.S. Mail.
For new subscriptions and renewals, send a
check or money order payable to Market
Bulletin, along with your name, complete
mailing address, and daytime phone
number to the following address: Market
Bulletin, Georgia Department of
Agriculture, 19 Martin Luther King Jr.
Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30334-4250.