jura.accueil - Canton du Jura


jura.accueil - Canton du Jura
How does it work?
The document jura.accueil which you are looking at has been drafted
with the aim of supporting you in seeking any information you may require
connected with life in the Canton of Jura.
You will find here a large number of links which you can use for quick access
to the websites of institutions or associations in which you are interested,
or for reaching other pages of the document.
The majority of these links are indicated by the symbol u
This symbol u may also indicate that a postal address or telephone number
will be found in the alphabetical index at the end of the document.
For more
At the bottom of most pages of this document you will find a box marked For
more information: This likewise offers links to websites connected with the
subjects discussed.
A menu may be accessed at any time with the help of the link to be found
on every page. This enables you to navigate to other subjects you are
interested in.
You also have the possibility of opening the Bookmarks window
(in Acrobat Reader: Display g Navigation panels g Bookmarks). The summary
given there likewise enables you to reach all pages of the document.
The data contained in this document is updated regularly.
Please notify us of any changes by e-mailing: jura.accueil@jura.ch
We hope you will derive pleasure and profit from this tour
of the various different aspects of life in the Canton of Jura.
Man and women have equal rights. If in the following pages the masculine form is used, this is only for ease of reading.
The pages are addressed to women and men without discrimination.
September 2012
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
u Message of the President of the Government u History, geographical situation
u Law and order, instruction in civic rights, statistics
Population and migration
u Residence permits, Population Service, Foreign
nationals police, asylum
u Office for the Integration, notification procedures,
work permits
u Naturalisation, Residence supervision,
Registry Office
Living arrangements
u Looking for accommodation, rental agreement,
Trans-Jura Swiss Tenants’ Association ASLOCA
u Refuse management, buying or building
our own house
Health / social services
u Phone numbers, hospital, medico-social
establishments, medico-psychological centre,
mediating authority for patient rights
u Law on Medical Insurance LAMAL, choice of insurance
company, amount of the premiums
u Social services, home care and assistance,
planning, conjugal violence, marriage counselling,
mediation, juridical enquiry service,
assistance to crime victims
u Handicap: Institutions, Organisations and Associations
u Social integration, community living
Commune secretarial offices
u What drivers need to know, licence, insurances
u Matters relating to the vehicle, importing a vehicle,
registring a vehicle, tax, insurance, vignette
u Third party liability coverage, equipment
Highway code
u Driving in Switzerland, telephone numbers,
in case of accident
Public transport
u Train, post office bus, roamer ticket, Noctambus
School, training, leisure
School and training
u General overview, pre-school level, primary and
u Choice, opening hours, markets, fairs, purchases
secondary I, private schools, compensatory education
u Arriving in the Jura at school age, foreign students,
special services, services to school children relating
to physical and psychological health
u Secondary II and tertiary level, training subsidies
u Learning French with COMUNICA, high schools,
further training
u Access to the examination in conclusion of
an apprenticeship without professionnal training,
professional reintegration
Work and finance
u Problems of child, Youth Parliament, Youth
u Federal Communications Office, radio and television
licences, Internet, telephone, directories, legal disputes
made abroad, VAT, consumer association
u Accounts, cards, interest, mortgages, E-banking u Credits, economic subsidies, personal assets
Economy and work
u Arts, Crafts and Labour Services, contract of
employment, insurance against redundancy,
u Contract of employment (continued),
support for the start-up, allowances
Postal service
u Conditions, post offices, payment transactions
u Three pillars of provision, redundancy, loss of income
u Maternity, health, accidental insurance, movable
property, third party insurance, buildings, dental
insurance, breakdown assistance
How does it work ?
u Steps, localization, calculation, useful guide
u Jurassic fiscal calendar, declaration, financial assistance
Children and young people
u Child-minding centres, pregnancy, child care,
social centre, child-minding facilities
Spaces, Scholastic and Professional Orientation,
school psychologists, Regional Social Services
u Handicap: Institutions, Organisations and Associations
u The religious landscape in Switzerland
and in the Jura, times of religious services
u Cultural opportunities, promotion of culture,
jurassic cultural centres
Museums, cinemas
u Art galleries, theatre
u Libraries, mediatheques, documentary
and archive centres
Sport and leisure
u Sporting and leisure activities, search tools,
Cantonal Sports Office, prominent sports clubs
u Strong points of tourism in the Jura, swimming
pools, ice skating rinks, leisure centres, toy libraries
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura 1/3
Population and migration
Living arrangements
Health / social services
to the Canton
of Jura
Every year around 1500 persons choose to
u settle in the canton of Jura.
If you are one of them – or if you are on the point of choosing to do so – we would like right away to
congratulate you on your decision and wish you a warm welcome to our canton.
Your choice honours us, and also places a big responsibility on the Jurassic community. We feel it is up
to us to welcome you appropriately and do all we can to ensure that you feel at home here.
In a nutshell, we want to help you settle in as harmoniously as possible.
We have tried to keep this website practical and succinct. It also exists in the form of a printed brochure.
We have aimed to provide you with all the information you need about daily life in the canton of Jura.
In particular, you will find here valuable information about schools, crèches, hospitals, the times when
shops are open and opportunities to take part in sporting and cultural activities in the region. The main
administrative formalities which you are required to carry out are explained here as well, with a view to
making it easier for you to settle in.
Each section has been originally written in French, which is the official language of the canton of Jura,
and then translated into German, Italian, Spanish and English.
The canton of Jura has always been welcoming and hospitable to people moving to the region. Since
its creation in 1979, it has been the first Swiss canton to extend rights of citizenship to foreigners who
have been resident in the canton for ten years or more. The cantonal authorities now wish to go a step
further by giving concrete help and advice to people choosing to move to the region.
Thank you for having chosen our canton, and welcome to the Jura!
Michel Probst
President of the Government, 2009
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura 2/3
Population and migration
Living arrangements
Health / social services
Welcome to the Jura
History of the Republic
and Canton of Jura
g 1815: Congress of Vienna
Following the collapse of the Napoleonic
empire, the former Diocese of Basle is
awarded to ‘their Excellencies’ of Berne,
with a view to compensating them for the
loss of the regions of Vaud and Argovia.
Surface area
838 km2
g 1947: the Moeckli affair
The Grand Council of Berne refuses to
entrust the department of public works
to Georges Moeckli, a native of the Jura,
on the grounds that such an important
department should not be given to a
French-speaking Swiss. The outrage of
the inhabitants of the Jura leads to the
establishment of a separatist movement
pressing for an independent Jura.
Number of municipalities (‘communes’)
64 communes
g 1950: the Jurassic Assembly
The separatist movement becomes the
Jurassic Assembly and an organised
campaign is launched, headed by men like
Roland Béguelin and Roger Schaffter.
g 1974: creation of the Canton of Jura
In a plebiscite of 23 June 1974, the
Jurassic people of the seven districts cast
a majority vote in favour of the creation
of the Canton of Jura. In 1975 the three
southern districts (Moutier, Courtelary
and La Neuveville) opt to remain part of
the Canton of Berne. Laufon once more
becomes part of the Canton of BâleCampagne in 1994, and the village of
Vellerat switches from Berne to the Jura
On 24 September 1978 the people of
Switzerland and all the cantons accept the
Republic and Canton of Jura as part of
the Swiss Confederation. The new canton,
consisting of three districts (Delémont,
Porrentruy and Franches-Montagnes),
becomes a sovereign entity on 1 January
g 1994: creation of the AIJ
As the Jurassic question remains open
in the three districts that are still part
of Berne, the federal, Bernese and
Jurassic authorities set up the Assemblée
interjurassienne (AIJ) [Interjurassic
Assembly] for the purpose of regulating
the affairs of the region.
70,000 inhabitants
Population density
82 persons to the square kilometre
Number of districts
3 districts (Delémont, Porrentruy
and Franches-Montagnes)
Variety of landscape
Contrary to certain received ideas, the Jura is not a mountainous canton. While
Franches-Montagnes is located at an effective height of 1,000 metres, the Delémont and Porrentruy districts are situated in level country and enjoy a very mild
climate. In these regions of plains and hills, verdant pastures alternate with the
cultivation of cereal crops and orchards of fruit trees, notable for producing the
famous Damassine plum. You will also find a fair number of vineyards.
On the high plateau of the Franches-Montagnes district, wild horses, majestic
pine trees and farmhouses with wide and sweeping roofs create a landscape
that is typical of the region and unique to Switzerland.
The lowest point in the Jura is situated at Boncourt (364 m); the highest is at
Raimeux (1302 m).
121 km of frontiers with France, 111 km of frontiers with the adjoining Swiss
cantons (Bâle-Campagne, Soleure, Berne and Neuchâtel).
Languages spoken
French 90 % (Swiss French 20.4 %), German 4.4 % (Swiss German 63.7 %) and
Italian 1.8 % (Swiss Italian 6.5 %). The other languages vary between 2.7 and
4.9 %.
Beneath the surface
Thousands of prehistoric remains of dinosaurs dated from the Jurassic era (152
million years BC) have recently been discovered.
The Jura possesses a long industrial tradition, with special excellence in hightech areas like watchmaking, microtechnology and automation. More than 40 %
of the working population are employed in the Jura’s industries, and the region
has more than 4,000 cross-border workers. The Jurassic economy is based on
a network of exceptionally flexible and innovative small to medium-sized businesses, focusing in equal measure on the service sector, the life sciences and
the leisure industry. In close proximity to the economic centre that is Basel, the
Jura offers a unique level of expertise, with many highly qualified men and women working in the interest of quality and innovation. Many of the products of
Jurassic industry are exported beyond the borders of the region.
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura 3/3
Population and migration
Living arrangements
Health / social services
Welcome to the Jura
Instruction in civic rights and obligations
g Swiss federalism
A convivial canton
offering rich variety
The Jura boasts a large number
of monuments, castles (Delémont,
Porrentruy, Soyhières, Asuel, Pleujouse
etc.), ruins, churches (chapels or
collegiate churches like Saint-Ursanne),
town houses and so on.
The Historic Monuments section of the
u Office de la culture du canton du Jura
[Cultural Office of the Canton of Jura]
is actively involved in the conservation
of the architectural heritage of the
region, and maintains a public archive
of the documentation relating to historic
In addition, the magnificent Jura
landscape is suitable for many kinds of
sporting and leisure activities. The range
of these extends to include the culture
that reflects the identity and diversity of
the Jura region.
For further information on this subject,
please refer to the section on ‘School,
education and training, leisure and
culture, sport and leisure activities’.
Switzerland is a federal state or confederation consisting of 26 cantons.
The cantons are free to make their own laws on all matters not regulated
by the federal constitution.
The municipalities (‘communes’), the smallest political entities in
Switzerland, also enjoy a certain degree of autonomy. Operations of state
are divided between these three levels (the confederation, the cantons and
the communes) which work in close collaboration.
g Division of powers between the confederation, the cantons and the
Protection de la population
g u et sécurité PPS
[Office of Security and Protection / PPS]
Military Matters and Civil Protection
The PPS deals with all military matters
and intervenes to provide aid and
assistance to the population in case of
catastrophe or armed conflict.
Laboratoire cantonal
g u [Cantonal Laboratory]
By taking samples and analysing them,
the Cantonal Laboratory ensures that the
people of the Jura will not be put at risk
or cheated by unscrupulous business
interests or through the consumption of
foodstuffs or objects in everyday use.
Federal Assembly
Federal Council
Federal Tribunal
of the Jura
Cantonal Tribunal
Enforcement of the law Pronouncing judgment
Control of
Pronouncing sentence
the government
and the administration Representing the state
Civic protection
Law and order
g u Police cantonale [Cantonal Police]
The mission of the police force is to look
after issues of public security, to maintain
order and to ensure that the laws are
observed. The Cantonal Police can be
reached at all hours of the day or night by
ringing 117.
National Council
(7 members elected by (41 members elected by
(200 members)
the Federal Assembly) the Federal Assembly,
Council of the Estates
variable number)
(46 members)
(60 deputies elected
by popular vote
every five years)
(5 ministers elected by
popular vote
every five years)
Town Council
Communal Council
by popular vote
every five years)
or Communal
(magistrates, magistrates’ assistants and
deputies, elected
by Parliament
every five years)
by popular vote
every five years)
g Conditions of the right to vote in the Canton of Jura
Swiss nationals must be 18 years of age or more (based on the federal
electoral roll), resident for at least 30 days in the canton (based on the
cantonal electoral roll) and for at least 30 days in the commune (based on
the commune electoral roll).
Foreigners resident in Switzerland must be 18 years of age or more and
resident in the canton for at least ten years (based on the cantonal electoral
roll) and for at least 30 days in the commune (based on the commune
electoral roll). Foreigners do not take part in federal polls or in polls relating
to the cantonal constitution.
The u La Fondation interjurassienne
pour la statistique (Fistat) [Interjurassic
Statistics Foundation - Fistat] makes
available to the public the main
statistical data relating to the Canton of
Jura and Bernese Jura.
For more information:
(Republic and Canton of Jura)
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Health / social services
Population and migration 1/3 Communications
Living arrangements
Residence permits
The u Service de la population du canton du Jura (SPOP) [Population
Services of the Canton of Jura SPOP] pronounces judgment and provides
information relating to residence permits.
CE17 - CE8 - CE2 - AELE nationals
Population Service
of de Canton of Jura SPOP
The uService de la population du
canton du Jura (SPOP) [Population
Service of the Canton of Jura]
is the partner of choice for the
Jurassic population and foreign
nationals in all matters connected
with residence permits, asylum
issues, integration of foreigners,
naturalisation, civil status, identity
documents (passports and ID cards)
and the monitoring of residents.
Foreign nationals police
The foreign nationals police is
managed by the uService de la
population du canton du Jura
(SPOP) [Population Service of the
Canton of Jura] and issues shortterm and long-term residence
permits (see box opposite) for
foreign nationals wishing to settle
in Switzerland.
A request for asylum is the means
by which a foreign national
applies for permission to reside in
The uService de la population du
canton du Jura (SPOP) [Population
Service of the Canton of Jura] is the
cantonal authority responsible for
the entire duration of the asylum
uL’Association jurassienne
d’accueil des migrants AJAM
[Jurassic Association for Assistance
to Immigrants AJAM] is responsible
for matters relating to the grant of
assistance or lodging (with social
support, in collaboration with
the canton’s social, medical and
educational services).
CE17: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden.
CE8: Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic.
CE2: Bulgaria, Romania. AELE: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway.
g Permit L: authorisation for a short period of residence; remains valid for
less than a year; duration of contract of employment is definitive; permit
can be renewed; flexible in geographical and professional terms; carries a
right to family resettlement under certain conditions.
g Permit B: residence permit valid for 5 years; permit can be renewed (1
year for students); permit supplied under the auspices of a contract of employment or under certain conditions, with one year’s residence or more;
flexible in geographical and professional terms; carries a right to family
resettlement under certain conditions.
g Permit C: authorisation to take up residence, valid for 5 years, renewable; obtainable after 5 or 10 years of regular or uninterrupted residence;
flexible in geographical and professional terms; carries a right to family
resettlement under certain conditions.
g Permit G: border authorisation; validity corresponds to contract of employment if less than one year; valid for 5 years if contract concluded for
one year or more; weekly return to place of residence; flexible in geographical and professional terms (obligation to notify any change of employer).
Third country nationals
Third countries = all other countries, within Europe or outside it.
g Permit L: short term residence permit; valid for less than a year, duration of contract of employment being definitive; permit fundamentally
non-renewable; fundamentally no change of residence, profession or canton is permissible; family resettlement under certain conditions.
g Permit B: Residence permit for one year; change of canton subject to
prior authorisation; family resettlement under certain conditions.
g Permit C: authorisation to take up residence, valid for 5 years, renewable; obtainable after 5 or 10 years of regular or uninterrupted residence;
carries a right to family resettlement under certain conditions.
g Permit G: border authorisation; validity corresponds to contract of employment if less than one year; valid for 1 year if contract concluded for one
year or more; weekly return to place of residence; obligation of being in
possession of a permanent right of residence in one of the countries neighbouring Switzerland; obligation of residing and working in a border zone.
For more information:
(Population Services
of the Canton of Jura)
(Arts, Crafts and Labour Services
of the Canton of Jura)
(Federal Immigration Office)
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Health / social services
Population and migration 2/3 Communications
Living arrangements
Notification procedures
Working in Switzerland
for three months in the year
as a maximum per civic year
Office for the Integration
of Foreigners
and for Combating Racism
The u Bureau de l’intégration des
étrangers et de la lutte contre le
racisme [Office for the Integration
of Foreigners and for Combating
Racism] organises and coordinates
a reception structure for foreign
It develops an information strategy
for Swiss nationals, foreigners,
schools and colleges and other
public institutions, and establishes
relations with all organisations
directly concerned (both Swiss and
foreign organisations).
g French language courses
The process of integration is
necessarily dependent on mastery
of the language of the immigrant’s
chosen region of residence. As
an initiative of the Commission
cantonale pour l’intégration des
étrangers [Cantonal Commission
for the Integration of Foreigners]
and of the u Bureau de l’intégration
des étrangers et de la lutte
contre le racisme [Office for the
Integration of Foreigners and for
Combating Racism], the COMUNICA
programme pursues this aim by
setting up French language courses.
These courses are managed by
u AvenirFormation, who will be
happy to provide more detailed
For more detailed information on
this subject, please refer to the
section on ‘School, education and
training, leisure’.
Does not require a residence permit.
Nonetheless, it is essential that the employer give notice of the employee
to the uService des arts et métiers et du travail du canton du Jura (SAMT)
[Arts, Crafts and Labour Services of the Canton of Jura] by means of an
electronic communication to https://meweb.admin.ch/meldeverfahren/login.
do?lang=fr or by means of a form available at www.jura.ch/amt or at the
service mentioned above.
Work permits
The uService des arts et métiers et du travail du canton du Jura (SAMT)
[Arts, Crafts and Labour Services of the Canton of Jura] passes judgment
on requests for work permits submitted by businesses employing foreign workers in the canton. When application is made for a work permit,
priority is allocated in the following order: first of all, Swiss nationals and
nationals of AELE*/CE17* countries; then nationals of CE8* countries; followed by nationals of a third country* resident in Switzerland; and finally
CE2* countries.
More detailed information on these matters may be obtained online at
www.jura.ch/amt or from the service referred to above.
*CE17: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden.
CE8: Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic
CE2: Bulgaria, Romania.
AELE: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway.
Third countries: all other countries, within or outside Europe.
For more information:
(Population Service
of the Canton of Jura)
(Arts, Crafts and Labour Services
of the Canton of Jura)
(Federal immigration office)
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Health / social services
Population and migration 3/3 Communications
Living arrangements
Registry Office
of the Canton of Jura
The uOffice de l’état civil du canton du Jura [Registry Office of the
Canton of Jura] is responsible for the following areas, and can supply any
information relevant to these fields:
Naturalisation is the act by which
a person of foreign nationality
acquires Swiss nationality. The
u Service de la population du
canton du Jura (SPOP) [Population
Service of the Canton of Jura
SPOP] will be happy to provide any
information you require.
Residence supervision
The cantonal population
register contains data relating
to all persons, Swiss or foreign,
permanently or temporarily
resident within the canton.
The u Service de la population du
canton du Jura (SPOP) [Population
Service of the Canton of Jura SPOP]
is responsible for maintaining the
cantonal population register and
for issuing identity documents
(passports, ID cards, naturalisation
papers etc.).
g Moving house
Anyone moving house with a
view to permanent or temporary
residence in a Swiss commune is
obliged to notify the responsible
officer of the commune at the new
place of residence within 14 days.
g Birth
All births occurring in Switzerland must be registered within three days.
The birth should be registered at the registry office of the area or district
where the birth has occurred.
g Marriage
Persons wishing to marry should apply to the Office de l’état civil [registry
office] responsible for the place of residence (of the one or the other party).
The documents required for foreign spouses may vary, depending on the
country of origin.
g Divorce:
declaration on the surname
Following a divorce, the spouse retains the name acquired within the
marriage. Nonetheless, on the expiry of a year to allow for a mandatory
court judgment, the divorced party may declare to the responsible officer
at the registry office that he/she wishes to resume the pre-marriage
g Acknowledgement of a child
The responsible registrar is able to register the acknowledgement
of a child. Only the biological father can acknowledge the child. This
acknowledgement can take place either before the birth (prenatal
acknowledgement) or after the birth.
g Registration of a death
A death occurring in Switzerland should be registered within two days at
the registry office responsible for the district or quarter where the death
has occurred.
g Registered partnership
Two persons of the same sex, of the age of 18 years or more, may register
their partnership officially. Please apply to the local registry office of one
or the other partner. Persons not resident in Switzerland and without Swiss
nationality cannot enter into a partnership in Switzerland.
For more information:
(Population Service
of the Canton of Jura SPOP)
(Arts, Crafts and Labour Services
of the Canton of Jura)
(Federal immigration office)
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Population and migration
Living arrangements 1/2
Health / social services
Living arrangements
Bail à loyer [rental agreement]
Contract for the rental of accommodation, which may be concluded in writing,
orally or by tacit agreement. The written contract is the form most widely used
in Switzerland.
Looking for accommodation
Steps to take
Get your name down on a waiting list and
register with institutions that generally
rent out apartments, such as the uCaisse
de pensions de la République et Canton
du Jura [Pensions Fund of the Republic
and Canton of Jura]; read advertisements
in the regional press or on the internet;
place advertisements in the press, on the
internet or on public display boards; let
your friends and acquaintances know that
you are looking for accommodation.
Brochure ‘Living in Switzerland’
Published by the Commission fédérale
des étrangers (CFE) [Federal Commission
for Foreigners] and translated into 11
languages, this brochure summarises
the rights and duties of tenants and
the modalities of life as a tenant in
The brochure can be ordered from
ul’Office fédéral du logement [the
Federal Accommodation Office] or
downloaded from the website
Rental agreement
The standard rental agreement (see box
opposite) contains various elements
such as the living area, the number of
rooms, the duration of the tenancy, the
modalities for termination or extension of
the contract, the amount of the rent, the
mortgage rate, the guarantee amount etc.
The rental agreement should also list
the tenant’s obligations which the
landlord includes under the heading of
supplementary charges. These charges
may be levied separately in the form of
a fixed payment or an account, or they
may be included in the amount of the
rent. These charges include in particular
such matters as heating and hot water,
the lighting of communal areas, the cost
of operation and maintenance of the lift
or laundry room, garden maintenance,
caretaker’s fees etc.
Etat des lieux [state of the property]
The état des lieux [‘state of the property’]
is a written supplement that forms an
integral part of the rental agreement. This
describes, room by room, the state of the
accommodation rented together with the
Model contract
A printed model contract exists in the Jura. This has been put together by the
various areas of interest involved, and you are strongly recommended to use
it, as it avoids a great many possibilities of dispute.
Duration of contract
Contracts may be concluded for a definite or indefinite period.
Obligations of the landlord / landlady
To make the property available at the date agreed, in the state appropriate to
the usage intended, and to maintain it in this state; on request of the tenant,
to supply a copy of the document detailing the state of the premises when
the premises were returned to the owner at the conclusion of the previous
tenancy and/or to state the amount of the rent agreed in the preceding rental
Obligations of the tenant
To present an extract from the records of the debt collections office if required
by the landlord; to pay the rent; to pay the additional charges (heating, hot
water etc.), if so determined by the rental agreement; to set up a guarantee, if
this is required, to cover the risk of default and of any damages to the rented
property (the guarantee may not be greater than a sum equivalent to three
months’ rent, and should be deposited with a bank in the name of the tenant
and the landlord); to make use of the property in keeping with the purposes
intended, without any serious modification except on the basis of a written
agreement between the tenant and the landlord; to notify the landlord of any
defects; to allow necessary work to be carried out; to remedy defects, at his
or her own expense, where this can be done by standard repairs to be understood as constituting normal maintenance of the property; to authorise the
landlord to inspect the property if this is necessary for the purposes of maintenance, sale or reletting; to return the property to the owner in a state resulting
from standard usage.
furnishing and fittings it contains. The
document is drawn up at the start and
conclusion of a tenancy, and makes it
possible to determine which repairs need
to be carried out by the owner and which
by the tenant.
Living in a rented building
House rules
Rented buildings generally have a set
of house rules, of which the tenant will
usually be given a copy at the time when
the contract is signed. In addition, the
other tenants will supply information
about the way the affairs of the building
are generally managed.
If the rented property does not have a
washing machine, one or more machines
will be made available in a shared area of
the building. The use of these machines
may be free of charge or subject to coin
payment or payment by tokens.
New tenants will be allocated a day
on which they can do their washing.
Washing can be dried either by using
washing lines or with mechanical
driers if available.
Tenants: in case of problems
Association suisse des locataires
[Swiss Tenants’ Association ASLOCA]
The uASLOCA-TransJura [the TransJura Swiss Tenants’ Association] is a
private and independent association
which exists for the purpose of giving
tenants the information they need,
protecting their rights and improving
the conditions of tenancy.
For more information:
(Swiss Tenants’ Association)
(Federal Accommodation Office)
(general information for the benefit
of owners and tenants)
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Population and migration
Living arrangements 2/2
Health / social services
Living arrangements
Buying or building your own house
Judicial Enquiries Service
The uService de renseignements juridiques [Judicial Enquiries Service], organised by the Ordre des avocats jurassiens
[Association of Jurassic Lawyers], offers
the possibility, following registration with
the uRecettes et administrations de district [District Revenue and Administration
Office] and against payment of the sum of
CHF 20.–, of recourse to consultation with
a designated lawyer.
Offices de consignation [deposit offices]
If a tenant complains that the landlord has
refused to remedy defects in the rented
property, he can assign his rent to an
office de consignation [deposit office].
In the Canton of Jura, these offices are
represented by the uRecettes et administrations de district [District Revenue and
Administration Office].
This step has the effect of depriving the
landlord of the income from the rent, and
so puts him under pressure to live up to
his obligations. The rental put on deposit
is thus considered to have been paid, but
can no longer be freely accessed either by
the tenant or by the landlord.
g Buying a house
Looking for a property
Steps to take: Make regular visits to estate agents; read advertisements in the
regional press or on the internet; place advertisements in the press, on the internet or on public display boards; let your friends and acquaintances know that
you are looking for a house.
g Building a house
Planning permission
The application for planning permission should be submitted to the commune
administrative offices responsible for the place where the work is to be carried
out. You are advised to resort to the services of a professional, an architect for
instance, to ensure that the dossier you submit is complete and that the project
meets quality standards. The commune authorities will examine your submission and then pass on the dossier to the uService de l’aménagement du territoire RCJU, Section des permis de construire [Development Services of the RCJU
Districts, Planning Permission Office]. If your project is judged satisfactory, this
authority will return the dossier to the commune for publication purposes. This
involves publication of the data in the Journal officiel [Official Gazette], and the
dossier will also be available for public inspection for a period of 30 days at the
commune administrative offices. On expiry of the term allowed for objections,
the commune authorities will return the dossier to the Section des permis de
construire [Planning Permission Office] with its report and recommendations.
Porrentruy and Delémont
In the case of Porrentruy and Delémont the procedure is slightly different, in
that the application must be submitted at the level of the commune, i.e. to the
u Service des Travaux publics de Porrentruy [Porrentruy Public Works Service]
and to the uService de l’urbanisme, de l’environnement et des travaux publics
de la Ville de Delémont [Urban Development, Environmental and Public Works
Services of the Town of Delémont] rather than at the cantonal level.
Designated construction areas
The communes of the Jura have many designated areas for the erection of
family residences. You can get information from the usecrétariats communaux [commune administrative offices] or by consulting their websites
Viewing the Jura region from the air, getting to know the owner of a plot,
consulting the zone plan of a commune - all this and more is possible with
the help of Géoportail.
Just go to www.jura.ch/DEE/SAT/SIT-Jura/GeoPortail.html!
Conciliation Committee
In case of litigation arising from a tenancy, application can be made to the uCommission de conciliation [Conciliation
Committee] responsible for the district.
If the disagreement persists even after
application to this committee has been
made, the uTribunal des baux à loyer et à of recycling waste and the collection of
ferme [Tribunal for Rent/Lease and Tenant bulky articles.
Farming Agreements] may be appealed to
Rubbish bags
within 30 days.
Waste that cannot be recycled should
be placed in rubbish bags. These are
Refuse management
to be left at the side of the road on
Sorting of waste and bulky refuse
rubbish collection day. The burning of
Every commune in the Jura has a collecwaste is strictly prohibited - the resulting
tion point for waste (known as a ‘déchetpollution would be 1,000 times worse
terie’). Articles sorted include paper,
than that arising from an incineration
glass, metal, cardboard, oil, tins, aluplant. You can find out about the days
minium, garden waste, batteries etc. This designated for rubbish collection
is supplemented by a waste collection
from the usecrétariats communaux
service for bulky articles (objects that will [commune administrative offices] or you
not fit in 110 litre standard bin bag and
can look them up on www.cridor.ch.
do not belong in any recycling category).
The usecrétariats communaux [commune administrative offices] will provide
information about times at which waste
collection points are open, the proper way
Tax on the bag and rubbish tax
Tax on the bag (rubbish bags the
price of which contains a markup
representing a levy for waste
disposal) is a universal practice in
the Jura. Besides tax on the bag,
the inhabitants of the Jura are also
obliged to pay a rubbish tax which is
fixed by the local communes.
For more information:
(Cantonal Office of the Environment)
(Federal Office
of the Environment)
(information about the recycling
of waste in Switzerland)
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Population and migration
Living arrangements
14e 4good reflex !
Hospital of the Jura
With a total capacity of 500 beds (acute
cases, recovery and rehabilitation,
psychiatry and medico-social
establishment / EMS), the u Hôpital du
Jura [Hospital of the Jura] carries on
its activities on a complementary and
differentiated basis at its four sites of
Delémont, Porrentruy, Saignelégier and
the La Promenade old people’s home at
Delémont. Whether as in-patients or outpatients, the hospital’s clients benefit from
care services and other services of the
highest quality provided by some 1,600
members of staff.
u Clinique Le Noirmont
[Le Noirmont Clinique]
The Jurassic health service likewise
involves highly specialist clinical services
in connection with cardiovascular
recovery following on a myocardial
infarction, heart operation and all other
cardiovascular conditions.
Phone numbers to make a note of
health emergency calls 144
Doctor on call 0800 300 033
Police 117 www.jura.ch/police
Fire 118
Poisoning 145 www.toxi.ch
g District of Delémont
Hôpital du Jura [Hospital of the Jura] Delémont site - Faubourg des Capucins 30,
2800 Delémont - www.h-ju.ch
032 421 21 21
Pharmacy on call: enquiries to 032 423 22 32
g District of Porrentruy
Hôpital du Jura - [Hospital of the Jura] - Porrentruy site - Chemin de l’Hôpital 9,
2900 Porrentruy - www.h-ju.ch
032 465 65 65
Pharmacy on call: enquiries to 032 466 27 27
g District of Franches-Montagnes
Hôpital du Jura - [Hospital of the Jura] - Saignelégier site - Rue de l’Hôpital 11,
2350 Saignelégier - www.h-ju.ch
032 952 12 12
Pharmacy on call:
enquiries to 032 951 12 03
A complete list of pharmacies and care services may be found online at
Medico-social establishments
An EMS is an institution for elderly
persons, who while they may not need
direct care nonetheless require a fairly
significant degree of support. These
fall into three categories:* homes with
medical backup (464 beds), residences for
elderly persons (247 beds) and gerontopsychiatric units (58 beds). The u Service
de l’action sociale du canton du Jura
[Canton of Jura Social Services] is able to
supply a brochure containing the address
of EMS institutions.
* These categories will be obliged to change
presently when a new law on gerontology is
Medico-psychological centre
The organisation of psychiatric care in
the public sector is based on the u Centre
médico-psychologique (CMP) [medicopsychological centre]. The CMP consists
of two units, the CMP for adults and
the CMP for children and adolescents.
The two units offer consultations, outpatient treatment, an on-call service,
the organisation of hospital admissions
and liaison psychiatry; they verify
qualifications on the request of the
authorities and take on tasks of teaching,
training and research.
nce ?
Health / social services 1/4
aims at assuring
the migrants living in Switzerland the equality
of access in the information about the health.
In case of litigation
u Médiatrice des droits des patients
[Mediating authority for patient rights]
A mediating authority, nominated by the
Jurassic government, may be consulted
for any litigation relating to the rights of
patients. Its role consists in listening to
patients’ grievances and in endeavouring
to reconcile the parties.
In case the mediating authority should
fail to bring about an agreement, the
Commission de surveillance des droits
des patients may be appealed to.
u Commission cantonale de surveillance
des droits des patients
[Cantonal Committee for Monitoring the
Rights of Patients]
This committee is empowered to
pass judgment on complaints that are
submitted to it, as well as pronouncing
directives and recommendations
promoting respect for patients’ rights for
the attention of care establishments.
Brochure available
The public health services of the six
French-speaking cantons (BE, FR, JU,
NE, VS and VD) have collaborated
in the publication of a document
containing information on the
fundamental rights of patients. This
brochure, entitled ‘L’essentiel sur
les droits des patients’ [‘Everything
you need to know about patients’
rights’], may be obtained from the
u Service de la santé du canton du
Jura [Canton of Jura Public Health
For more information:
(Canton of Jura Public Health Service)
(Social Services of the Canton of Jura)
(Social Guide
for French-speaking Switzerland)
(Registry of Swiss medical practitioners)
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Population and migration
Living arrangements
Health / social services 2/4
Medical insurance
Law on Medical Insurance (LAMAL)
Choice of insurance ­company
The insured party is free to choose his
or her insurance company.
Having regard to a term of notice
of three months and observing the
terms established by statute, insured
parties are equally free to change their
insurance company.
When notified of a new premium,
insured parties may change their
insurance company with effect from the
end of the month preceding the coming
into force of the new premium, subject
to a term of notice of one month.
The insured party may not change
insurance company if he or she is in
arrears with payments.
Amount of the premiums
All insurance companies should offer
the same benefits to all insured parties.
No exceptions are permitted in what
concerns basic insurance. The health
insurance company is obliged to charge
the same premiums for the same
The u Service de la santé du canton
du Jura [Canton of Jura Public
Health Service] and the u Caisse de
compensation du canton du Jura
[Canton of Jura Compensation Fund]
publish the amounts of the cantonal
premiums of all health insurance
companies, and will be happy to
provide information on this subject.
Reduction of the premiums
The Canton of Jura grants reductions of
health insurance premiums to insured
parties in straitened circumstances.
The u Caisse de compensation du
canton du Jura [Canton of Jura
Compensation Fund] can supply useful
information on this subject.
Law on Accidental
Insurance (LAA)
For persons working in Switzerland,
accidental insurance is mandatory.
For more details relating to the LAA,
please refer to the section ‘Work and
finance - insurance’.
(generally known as ‘basic medical insurance’)
g Insurance obligations
All persons resident in Switzerland are obliged to insure themselves for the
provision of health care in case of sickness. This must be done within three
months from the start of residence or in the case of a child born in Switzerland,
from the date of birth.
g Benefits
Medical insurance provides benefits in case of sickness, accident (if no other
accident insurance scheme, private or mandatory, assumes responsibility) and
Besides the costs resulting from treatment in the strict sense, the LAMAL also
provides for the coverage of certain costs associated with the detection and
prevention of certain illnesses, as well as the cost of the dental care resulting
from a serious illness or the consequences of a serious illness.
Detailed information on these benefits may be accessed at the website
of the Office fédéral de la santé publique [Federal Office of Public Health],
g Contribution by the insured person to the cost of benefits
The insured person pays the cost of the benefits up to the amount of the
excess for which he or she has opted in the insurance agreement (in the case of
children, no excess is payable). Over and above this excess, the insured person
assumes responsibility for 10 % of the charges up to the limit of CHF 700.– per
annum (CHF 350.– for children). A contribution to the charges for hospital treatment will likewise be levied.
g Reimbursement / non-reimbursement for medicaments
Medicaments not covered by health insurance
Medicaments which have not been prescribed by a doctor (with prescription) or
which do not appear on the list of the Office fédéral de la santé publique OFSP
[Federal Public Health Office OFSP] must be paid for by patients themselves,
unless they are covered by a complementary insurance policy taken out by the
Medicaments covered by health insurance
The health insurance companies will reimburse the cost of medicaments which
have been prescribed by a doctor (with prescription) provided that they appear
on the list published by the u Office fédéral de la santé publique OFSP [Federal
Public Health Office OFSP].
g Two systems of reimbursement
‘Tiers payant’ [direct payment] system
Thanks to a convention agreed between Santésuisse (the association of health
insurance companies) and the Société suisse des pharmaciens [Swiss Society
of Pharmacists], the majority of insured persons can obtain medicaments on
prescription without having to pay in cash.
‘Tiers garant’ [third party guarantor] system
Failing a convention between the insurance company and the pharmacy in qujestion, the patient will pay for the medicaments at the pharmacy directly and
can then apply for the cost to be reimbursed by the insurance company.
g Right to daily benefit in case of sickness
The right to daily benefit payments comes about when the working capacity
of the insured party has been reduced by at least half, and takes effect on
the third day following the onset of the illness (or otherwise if so specified in
the insurance policy). In the case of pregnancy and childbirth, the insurance
companies will pay benefit for a period of 16 weeks, of which 8 at least must be
subsequent to the birth, on condition that the insured party has paid premiums
for 270 days without any interruption longer than 3 months.
For more information:
(Canton of Jura Public Health Service)
(Federal Office of Public Health)
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Population and migration
Living arrangements
Go to Page
Health / social services 3/4
Useful services
Social services in the Jura
Foundation for Home Care
and Assistance
Subject to medical prescription, the
care staff of the u Fondation pour l’aide
et les soins à domicile [Foundation for
Home Care and Assistance] dispense
care services on 7 days of the week with
the aim of making it possible for sick
persons, accident victims, persons with
special needs and elderly persons to stay
at home or to return home when they desire to do so. The care services provided
are paid for by basic medical insurance.
Jura Family Planning Centre
The u Centre jurassien de planning familial CJPF [Jura Family Planning Centre
CJPF] exists for the purpose of providing information, guidance and support
to any person in relation to the different
stages of sexual life and relationships.
The CJPF (which may be found in all
three districts of the Jura) is available in
particular to answer any questions relating to pregnancy, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, termination of
pregnancy and other issues.
Conjugal violence
Besides physical violence against a partner (brutality, beatings, burns, bites etc.),
there exist numerous forms of violence
that are no less seriously deplorable:
psychological violence for example (insults, humiliations, menaces, harassment
etc.), and economic violence (failure to
contribute to household expenses, appropriation of partner’s money etc.). In
situations like this, it is advisable to notify the services that exist to provide help
at the earliest opportunity. These include
the police (phone 117), the u Centre de
consultation LAVI [LAVI Consultation
Centre], the u Services sociaux régionaux [Regional Social Services] and the
u Bureau de l’égalité entre femmes et
hommes [Office for Intrasexual Equality].
These services are also able to supply
a brochure entitled ‘Violence conjugale,
que faire?’ [‘Conjugal violence - what can
be done?’].
and marriage counselling
When a couple is having difficulties, relationship and marriage counselling services offer help with a view to making it
possible for the partners to keep talking
to one another, to recover equilibrium in
Regional social services in the Canton of Jura
u Service social régional Delémont [Delémont Regional Social Services]
u Service social régional d’Ajoie et du Clos-du-Doubs
[Ajoie and Clos-du-Doubs Regional Social Services]
u Service social régional du District des Franches-Montagnes
[Social Services of the District of Franches-Montagnes]
u Centre de consultation LAVI [LAVI Consultation Centre - victim support]
Private and polyvalent social services
u Caritas Jura and u Centre Social Protestant [Protestant Social Centre]
Specialist social services
Dependency problems (alcohol and substance abuse):
u Trans-At and u Fondation Dépendances Clos-Henri
Visual problems: u Fédération suisse des aveugles et malvoyants FSA
[Information Centre for Blind Persons and the Partially Sighted FSA]
Other special needs: u Pro Infirmis Jura
Minors subject to jurisdiction of the court: u Tribunal des mineurs [Juvenile
Elderly persons: u Pro Senectute Arc Jurassien
Asylum-seekers: uL’Association jurassienne d’accueil des migrants AJAM
[Jurassic Association for Assistance to Immigrants AJAM]
Advance on the collection of alimony payments u Service de l’action sociale
[Social Services]
Matters having to do with adoption: u Service de l’action sociale [Social
Matters having to do with probation: u Service de l’action sociale [Social
Hospital social services
u Hôpital du Jura, site de Delémont [Hospital of the Jura, Delémont site]
u Hôpital du Jura, site de Porrentruy [[Hospital of the Jura, Porrentruy site]
the relationship or to manage a situation of separation or divorce in the best
possible way. In the Jura, two institutions
offer this service:
u Centre Social Protestant
[Protestant Social Centre]
u Service de consultation conjugale et
familiale de l’Eglise catholique
[Catholic Church Marriage and Family
Counselling Services]
Mediation service
Mediation is a process of negotiation in
which the mediator ensures that persons
in dispute have a framework in which
they can express their point of view, their
feelings and values and confront those of
the other party, with the aim of finding a
solution to the conflict. The u Association
Option Médiation [Mediation Option Association] can be contacted to this end.
For more information:
(Social Services of the Canton ofJura)
(Social Guide to French-speaking S
­ witzerland)
Enquiry Service
Any person wishing for juridical
advice can obtain, on registering with
the u Recette et administration de
district [District Revenue and Administration Office] and against payment
of the sum of CHF 20.–, a half-hour
appointment with a designated lawyer. Moreover, persons without sufficient means to afford the services
of a lawyer can apply under certain
conditions for free legal assistance.
The Guide social romand
[Social Guide to French-speaking
Switzerland] offers all the information
you need on this subject online at
to crime victims
The u Centre de consultation LAVI
(LAVI Consultation Centre - LAVI =
federal law on assistance to crime
victims) offers free juridical, medical,
psychological, social and material aid
to victims of crimes such as aggression, rape, sexual abuse, violence,
threats, serious traffic accidents etc.
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Population and migration
Living arrangements
Health / social services 4/4
Settling in
Community living
Social integration designates the broad
spectrum of efforts aimed at ensuring improved mutual understanding
between the population of Swiss origin
and persons coming from abroad.
These efforts tend towards the promotion of coexistence based on mutually
accepted values and modes of behaviour and shared information. The
process of integration implies both the
wish on the part of foreign nationals to
be assimilated and that of the native
population to welcome the new arrivals.
A particularly important factor for the
effective integration of foreign persons
in the Canton of Jura is their learning
the French language.
For further details on the subject of
French language learning opportunities,
please refer to the section on ‘School,
education and training, leisure - School
and training’.
Law on Foreigners
For the first time the principles of social
integration have now been enshrined in
a federal law which came into force on
1 January 2008. The grant of a residency permit can now be linked to the
obligation to attend a French language
course and a social integration course
(hitherto restricted to special reasons
for visiting the country).
The content of the Loi sur les étrangers LEtr [Law on Foreigners] can be
consulted at the website of the federal
administration, www.bfm.admin.ch.
For more information:
(Services to the Population
of the C
­ anton of Jura)
(Federal Office for Migration)
(Social Guide to French-speaking
Effective social integration on no account means forgetting or ceasing to
respect your own origins and traditions. On the contrary, it is altogether
desirable that new arrivals from abroad should have the opportunity of
participating in the social life of their community of origin.
Here is what the Canton of Jura has to offer
(non-exhaustive list of the main associations for persons of foreign origin)
uACSA-J (Association de la culture
et solidarité d’Anatolie-Jura)
uAJCA (Association jurassienne
de la Communauté d’Anatolie)
uAsociacion Cultural
Latinamericana del Jura
uAsociacion de Trabajadores
Espagnoles ATEES-Jura
uAssociaçao Desportiva Recrea tiva FC Juventude Portuguesa
uAssociation des Angolais
en Suisse
uAssociation des parents d’élèves
albanais du canton du Jura
uAssociation des Tamouls du Jura
uAssociation jurassienne
des Communautés d’Anatolie
Office for the Integration
of Foreigners
and for Combatting Racism
The mission of the uBureau de
l’intégration des étrangers et de la
lutte contre le racisme [Office for the
Integration of Foreigners and for Combatting Racism] is to coordinate and
bring to life a welcoming structure for
foreigners. This is designed to provide
information, to make them feel welcome from the moment of their arrival
in the canton, to help them get their
bearings and find out how to meet
their needs and to give them support
if necessary. It also aims to prevent
racism and to raise public consciousness of race issues.
Coordinated Activities
and Training Centre
for Immigrant Women
The uCentre d’animation et de formation pour femmes migrantes CAFF
[Coordinated Activities and Training Centre for Immigrant Women]
is a place of information, encounter,
uAssociation marocaine du Jura
uAssociation Oyili
uCentre Espagnol de Delémont
uCentro Espanol de Porrentruy
uColonia Libera Italiana del Jura
uComitato cittadino italiano
di Delémont
uCommunauté albanaise
uCommunauté française
uEspacio Culturel Hispano
Americano del Jura
uLa Voix du Sud
uMission catholique des langues
espagnole et portugaise
uSociété culturelle St-Sava
shared experience and training.
Specifically, the CAFF offers French
language courses, discussion
workshops, literary courses, beginners’ classes in IT, opportunities for
preparing and sharing both Swiss
and foreign menus, creative activities and so on.
Caritas Place of Welcome
and Encounter
Set up by Caritas Jura, the u Lieu
d’accueil et de rencontre Caritas
LARC [Caritas Place of Welcome
and Encounter LARC] is open to all,
but especially to persons in need
of social contact (AI/AVS pensioners, foreign nationals, unemployed
persons). LARC thus offers a ‘social
bistro’ which is open to all, as well
as activities and group events.
A useful guide: ECHO+
In collaboration with the Swiss
federal government, EPER (a
mutual aid association of the Swiss
Protestant churches) has published
a guide to the way things work in
Switzerland. This guide, entitled
‘ECHO+’, can be ordered online from
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Population and migration
Living arrangements
Health / social services
Communications 1/1
Dialling telephone numbers
in Switzerland
Federal Communications
Office OFCOM
u L’Office fédéral de la
communication OFCOM [Federal
Communications Office OFCOM]
functions as an arbitrator in the
Swiss communications market.
In Switzerland, telephone numbers are always preceded by a regional
dialling code. The only exceptions are emergency calls (117 for the
police, 118 for fire etc.). Calls to Switzerland from abroad must be
preceded by the country code 0041 or +41, followed by the Swiss
number, leaving out the zero at the start of the regional code.
Service numbers with added value which start with 0900, 0901 and
0906 allow their subscribers to offer services (advice, sale of products,
competitions, eroticism etc.) of which the cost will form part of the
telephone billing. In such cases the caller pays a surcharge for services
received. This surcharge is determined by the service provider in
conjunction with the telephone operator, over and above the standard
call charges.
Areas concerned
The main telephone directories
Numerous service providers exist
in Switzerland (the services they
offer may be compared online
at www.comparis.ch and
www.allo.ch), offering services in
the following areas:
g Internet
g Land line telephone services
Swisscom is the only service
provider to offer connections for
the fixed network in the whole
of Switzerland. The simplest
way to go about it is to ask for
a connection at the Swisscom
website (www.swisscom.ch),
and you will then be allocated a
telephone number. In addition,
many operators offer various
telephone service products. The
comparisons to be found at
www.comparis.ch are a valuable
help, enabling you to ascertain
which operator is the least costly
and to sign up immediately online.
If you opt for an operator other
than Swisscom, the operator will
deal with the formalities in relation
to Swisscom. It is still possible for
you to keep the telephone number
that Swisscom has allocated you.
g Mobile telephone services
Three mobile networks operate in
Switzerland: Swisscom, Sunrise
and Orange. Other companies like
Migros, Coop and Mobilezone offer
mobile phone packages while still
using the network of Swisscom,
Sunrise or Orange).
g Internet telephony
For telephone calls via the internet,
you will need to have internet
access (ADSL or cable).
g On the internet:
www.directories.ch, www.pagesjaunes.ch, www.local.ch
g Printed directories:
national and local telephone directories
g From a mobile:
g Telephone enquiries:
1811, 1818 or 1899
g On CD-ROM:
CD Directories, telinfo, TwixTel
g Cable and digital television
In Switzerland, about 80 % of
households equipped for television
can receive radio and television
programmes by cable. This offer
is made available by private
companies making use of the cable
networks. In the case of the Jura,
the company in question is u EBL
Telecom AG.
Information on the subject of digital
television can be obtained from
In case of legal disputes
The u Fondation Ombudscom
[Ombudscom Foundation] may
be contacted in case of any
disagreements connected with
telephone services (fixed network
or mobile services), internet
services, digital and cable television
or problems with providers offering
service numbers with added value.
Radio and television
Reception of radio and television
programmes is subject to charges.
Reception points must be declared
to the company
u Billag SA, which is responsible
for the collection of licence
g Amount of licence fees
For private households:
Radio: CHF 14.10 per month
Television: CHF 24.40 per month
Radio and
television: CHF 38.50 per month
For more information:
(Federal Communications Office OFCOM
(Federal Consumer Protection Office
(Swiss website for comparison
of consumer products
(Information on telecommunications)
(Radio and television licences)
(Swisscom telephone connections)
Settling down and settling in
Welcome to the Jura
Population and migration
Living arrangements
Health / social services
Shopping 1/1
Opening hours of businesses
in the Jura
The law
A varied choice
From the small corner shops that
you will find in most villages of the
Jura to major commercial centres
in the principal cities, the Jura
offers its inhabitants a wide range
of choice for purposes of shopping.
Once or twice a week
in each district:
g Delémont: Wednesday
and Saturday
g Porrentruy: Thursday
and Saturday
g Saignelégier: Saturday
These occur several times a year at
some ten locations in the Jura. The
Delémont fair (Tuesday) and the
Porrentruy fair (Saturday) take place
every month throughout the year.
Purchases made abroad
Goods not subject to customs
charges and taxes
The types of goods listed below
(imported for your own use or
intended as a gift) may be imported
to Switzerland without being
subject to customs charges and
taxes, per person per day.
g Used objects of personal
g Travelling provisions
(picnics when travelling)
g Cash
g Tobacco and alcoholic drinks
(persons 17 years of age
and upward)
Alcohol up to 15 % vol.: 2 litres
Alcohol more than 15 % vol.: 1 litre
Cigarettes: 200
Cigars: 50
Cut tobacco: 250 grams
Other goods
Other private goods are exempt
from charges up to a total value of
CHF 300.– per person.
g Shops and retail outlets:
from 6.00 am to 6.30 pm Mondays to Fridays, from 6.00 am to 6.00 pm Saturdays. Please note that many businesses remain open between midday
and 1.00 pm.
g On Sundays and public holidays the following may remain open: shops
and outlets where only members of the family are employed; on-call pharmacies; florists, bakeries, pâtisseries and confectioner’s shops.
g Also allowed are evening sales (generally known as ouverture nocturne
or night opening hours), Thursdays and Fridays at the discretion of the
local commune, up to 9.00 pm; 5 night openings for the period from 14 to
23 December at the discretion of the local commune, up to 9.00 pm.
g Service stations: from 6.00 am to 10.00 pm, all days of the week.
Not included under this exemption
from charges are sensitive
agricultural products such as
meat, dairy products, oils and fats
in quantities exceeding the fixed
Fixed limits
The limiting values relating to the
import of dairy products, meat,
fruit, vegetables, cereal etc. are
covered by a publication which
may be ordered from the u Douane
suisse, Direction d’arrondissement
de Bâle [Swiss Customs, Basle
District] or downloaded from
Value added tax VAT
Areas subject to VAT
VAT is a tax on consumption.
Goods and services are not all
subject to the same rates. Almost
all services are subject to the
standard tariff of 7.6 %. Basic and
essential goods are only liable at a
reduced rate of 2.4 %.
Areas not subject to VAT
Health, social services, teaching,
culture, the money and capital
markets, insurance, rental of
apartments and the sale of
VAT included
VAT is a charge borne by the
consumer. It is therefore generally
included in the sale price, or listed
separately in the billing.
Consumer Association
of French-speaking
Switzerland FRC
With a monthly journal
and dedicated website
(www.frc.ch), FRC issues
information and warnings to the
public with reference to various
areas of consumption.
The u Bureau FRC Conseil [FRC
Advisory Office] can be consulted
if you wish to find out about
your rights as a consumer. It also
offers help if you need to set up
or rebalance a family or personal
For more information:
(Consumer Association of French-speaking Switzerland)
(Federal Customs Office)
Work and finance
Banks 1/2
Economy and work
Postal service
Choice of a banking establishment
Numerous criteria need to be taken into account when choosing where to
bank: the rates the bank offers, services relating to the possibility of finance,
closeness to your place of residence, bank charges etc. A list of banking
establishments in the Jura may be consulted at www.directories.ch.
Anticipated interest
The interest resulting from the
possession of an account is
credited to the account holder
at a rate of 65 %. The remaining
35 % (anticipated interest) will be
retained at source and passed on
to the tax office. This interest will
be returned the second time round
by the cantonal tax authorities.
This arrangement is designed
to encourage persons subject
to contributions to declare their
income and their means, and so to
combat financial fraud.
Bank cards and cheques
Maestro card
Widely used in Switzerland and
in the Jura, the Maestro card can
be used to pay for purchases,
as well as to withdraw money
from automatic cash machines
(Bancomat) by means of a personal
identification number (PIN). The
cost of a withdrawal will vary
depending on the bank. Payment
for purchases is free of charge in
Switzerland, variable in foreign
countries. Subject to a variable
annual contribution, depending on
the bank.
Credit cards
For those who have a private
account, these cards are issued by
banks or specialist organisations.
The best known in Switzerland are
Mastercard and Visa. The charges
vary (you can compare the charges
at www.comparis.ch).
For the settlement of purchases,
hotel and restuarant bills, petrol
purchases etc., in Switzerland or
abroad. You will be sent a monthly
Written cheques are a means of
payment that is used in Switzerland
only infrequently.
Bank accounts
Private current account (or salary account)
Ideal for the payment of a salary or annuity.
A bank card will be provided.
Possibility of payments without liquid cash, by means of the following
g bank transfer - for making occasional payments
g standing order – for making regular fixed payments (rent, health
insurance premiums etc.)
g direct debit (LSV): for making regular payments of variable amounts
(telephone and electricity bills etc.) - directly debited from the account on
authorisation of the account holder.
Savings account
May supplement a private account, with a more attractive rate of interest.
Makes it possible to access bank services, view your balance, make
payment orders, give instructions for stock exchange transactions etc.,
right round the clock via the Internet.
6000 automatic cash machines
throughout Switzerland.
g When withdrawing money from
a Bancomat of your own bank:
generally free of charge.
g When withdrawing money from
the Bancomat of another bank:
generally subject to charges.
A list of Bancomats by region can
be consulted at
A mortgage is a loan granted by
a bank which is guaranteed by
security in the form of real estate.
Two levels
Banks grant a first mortgage
(mortage of the first level) up to a
maximum where the loan amounts
to 66 % of the value of the property.
In case of need, they will grant a
second mortgage (of the second
Mortgage payments
Corresponding to the rate of
interest of credit. Generally
speaking, mortgages have to be
paid back in periodic instalments.
Personal contribution
The mortgage creditor generally
levies 20 % as a personal
contribution (savings, credits under
2nd or 3rd ‘pillar’ or fruit of own
labour - see section on ‘Work and
finance / Insurance’).
Work and finance
Banks 2/2
Economy and work
Postal service
Personal credit
g Anticipated payment / sale by instalment
Reimbursement of the sale price in equal payments spread out over a period.
Credits for SMEs
To establish the conditions for
the grant of credit, banks refer to
the state of company accounts,
future prospects and the sector of
activity concerned. The guarantees
provided (mortage on real estate,
life assurance etc.) will have a
favourable effect on the rate of
g Leasing
Contract concluded between three partners (the consumer, the service
provider and the bank providing the finance), e.g. for the purchase of a
A distinction must be made between two forms of leasing:
True leasing: hire of a vehicle in which the amount is fixed, based on the
length of the agreement and the kilometre distance to be travelled.
Diverted leasing: hire purchase with repurchase on the expiry of the lease.
The premiums are higher than those for ‘true leasing’.
Two types of credit
Banks differentiate between credits
that are exploited in the short term,
for the financing of circulating
assets (assets which are unlikely to
remain for any length of time within
the business - stock, accounts
receivable etc.) and credits which
involve a long term investment, for
the financing of fixed assets (the
sum of assets which are expected
to remain within the business
for an extended period, like land,
buildings, machines etc.).
g Plastic money
Settlement using a credit card or customer card issued by a department
For more information:
(Economic Subsidies
of the Canton of Jura)
(Swiss National Bank)
(global asset management portal)
(assistance for persons wishing
to establish or develop business
ventures in Switzerland)
g Consumer credit or small credit
Monetary loan by a bank or credit institute. Reimbursement of capital with
the addition of interest.
g Caution
This form of assisted payment should be used with extreme care, as it can
play a major role in the process that leads to a household’s falling into
excessive debt.
Economic subsidies
The u Bureau du développement
économique du canton du Jura
[Economic Development Office
of the Canton of Jura] supports
the creation of new businesses,
encourages the development of
those that are already established
in the canton and provides
incentives for foreign businesses
to settle here. It fulfils the function
of an interface between business,
economic associations and the
administrative services.
You can find useful information
about this online at Internet
Investment funds
Banks in the canton of Jura
offer numerous options for the
acquisition of a participating
interest in funds of this kind
- e.g. shares (capital holdings in a
business, entitling to the receipt of
dividends) or bonds (holdings with
a fixed rate of interest, to be repaid
when they fall due).
The choice of an investment fund
will depend on the degree of risk
you are prepared to accept, the
duration of the investment and the
diversity of the assets involved.
of personal assets
The investment advisors at Jurassic
banks are well qualified to manage
assets entrusted to their care and to
make them multiply.
You can find plenty of useful
information about this online at
www.privatebanking.com or at the
websites of banks situated in the
Work and finance
Economy and work 1/2
Postal service
Economy and work
If you lose your job...
Arts, Crafts
and Labour Services
The u Service des arts et métiers et du
travail du canton du Jura [Arts, Crafts
and Labour Services of the Canton of
Jura] provides assistance in all matters
having to do with the world of work,
the encouragement of employment,
professional reintegration, ongoing further training, protection of the worker
etc. It is available to answer more
detailed enquiries on these topics.
Juridical questions
and litigation issues
In case of uncertainty or disagreement in relation to matters of labour
law, both employers and employees
can obtain legal advice free of charge,
either by personal appointment or by
phone, from the staff of the u Tribunal
de première instance, Conseil des
prud’hommes du canton du Jura [Court
of the First Instance, Industrial Relations Council of the Canton of Jura].
Contract of employment
The law does not insist on any particular form in this respect, and a contract
of employment may be tacit (understood) or oral; all the same, written
form is strongly recommended. A
written contract generally details the
following elements:
g Trial period
If no specific agreement has been
entered into, the Code des obligations
CO [Code of Obligations] prescribes a
trial period of one month.
g Duration of the appointment
May be limited or indefinite.
g Term of notice
In case of indefinite duration:
7 days during the trial period,
1 month advance notice with effect
from the end of the month during the
first year of employment,
2 months advance notice with effect
from the end of the month for a contract lasting from 2 to 9 years,
3 months advance notice with effect from the end of the month for a
contract lasting 10 years or more. Oral
notice is legally valid, but written form
is nonetheless highly recommended.
In case of an appointment of limited
duration, the contract comes to an end
on the expiry of the term, without any
need of formal notice being given.
g Steps to be taken immediately
On being made redundant you should immediately take steps to look for a new job,
showing evidence of this to the u Office régional de placement ORP [Regional Employment Office ORP], and register with the Office communal du travail [Commune
Labour Exchange] of your place of residence. You will then be invited by ORP to attend regular mandatory interviews with an employment counsellor.
g Insurance against redundancy
Information on the subject of insurance against redundancy may be found in the section on ‘Work and Finance / Insurance’.
g Amount of benefit payable under redundancy insurance
Depending on the circumstances, between 70 % and 80 % of the guaranteed earnings
(this generally corresponds to the last salary amount paid). The u Caisse de chômage
du Jura [Jura Redundancy Fund] can provide information on this subject.
g Jura Centre of Training and Employment
The u Espace Formation Emploi Jura EFEJ [Jura Centre of Training and Employment
EFEJ] is a cantonal centre for improvement of the qualifications of jobseekers.
For more details on the subject of EFEJ, please refer to the section on ‘School, education and training, leisure / Schools and training’.
Channels that may be pursued by jobseekers
g Internet
Links leading to useful websites in this field may be found online at www.jura.ch/DEC/
g Newspapers
Regional newspapers give regular details of job opportunities.
The u Office régional de placement ORP [Regional Employment Office ORP] provides services free of charge to all persons in search of a job (while giving priority to
those recently made redundant). Internet links enabling you to look up job opportunities by region and canton are available at its three sites (may also be accessed at
g Word of mouth
You are advised to tell your friends and acquaintances that you are looking for work.
Word of mouth can lead to your being successful in your search for a job.
Job application
A job application should contain the following basic elements:
g Curriculum vitae (CV)
A CV provides a summary of personal data, education and professional training, professional experience etc. It should be clear and precise, complete but concise (two
A4 pages at most). You should pay particular attention to the spelling, grammar and
g Covering letter
The covering letter accompanying the CV should state how you have become aware
of the job, your reasons for applying and your skills, interests and professional experience.
The u Espace Formation Emploi Jura EFEJ [Jura Centre of Training and Employment
EFEJ] can help you draft your covering letter and CV.
g Job interview
The job interview gives you the opportunity of demonstrating clearly that you meet
all the necessary requirements and of confirming your motivation for the job. It is essential that you prepare yourself for this interview (information about the business,
responses to standard questions, list of questions you wish to ask etc.).
For more information:
(Arts, Crafts and Labour Services
of the Canton of Jura)
(regional job centres in Switzerland)
Work and finance
Economy and work 2/2
Postal service
Economy and work
Support for the start-up
of business enterprises
Contract of employment
Unfair dismissal: when the reasons
for giving notice are connected with
the personality, with rights stemming
from the contract of employment, with
political convictions or trade union
activities, dismissal is regarded as unfair.
The dismissal retains legal validity, but
confers a right of indemnification.
g Hours of work
g Nature of the work
g Salary and bonuses
The law of Switzerland does not include
dispositions determining a minimum
The federal government provides an
online calculation tool at
www.lohnrechner.bfs.admin.ch, making
it possible for you to inspect salaries in
the various industries, depending on the
nature of the function and the specific
region that interests you.
g Right to salary payments in case
of sickness, pregnancy or accident
Information on this subject may be
found in the section ‘Work and Finance /
g Leave and public holidays
The minimal legal duration of annual
leave is 5 weeks up to 20 years of age,
and 4 weeks after that. This minimum
may however be increased on the basis
of an individual contract, collective
bargaining or HR regulations.
The list of official public holidays of the
canton of Jura is available online at
g Overtime
The law has established 45 hours as the
maximum number of hours to be worked
in the week (50 hours in certain regions).
The number of hours agreed by contract
or contrat collectif de travail (CCT) [collective bargaining] may be less than this.
However, all employees are obliged to
accept the necessity of working overtime
hours if this principle is in keeping with
their qualifications and personal rights.
The employer may then, with the agreement of the employee, compensate overtime hours with an equivalent amount of
leave or more. The employer is obliged
to reward overtime hours that are not
g u Service de l’économie du canton du Jura
[Economic Service of the Canton of Jura]
This service functions as an interface between the economic associations,
businesses and administrative services in the region responsible for supporting
new businesses and furthering the development of existing ones. Confident in
the trump cards the region has to offer, it also encourages foreign businesses
to settle in the Jura.
g u Creapole SA
Creapole is a structure dedicated to supporting new businesses and technological
innovation, with the mission of contributing to the diversification of the Jurassic
economic network. It aims to stimulate creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit in
schools and colleges, to support persons anxious to set up their own business
(by coaching for instance) with the support of the u Fondation d’impulsion
économique FITEC [Economic Impetus Foundation FITEC], to set up and manage
nurseries of fledgling businesses as a soil to nourish companies working in
high-tech areas, working together with the u Société jurassienne d’équipement
SA [Jurassic Equipment Company plc], and finally to collaborate with regional
and national organisations responsible for the region of innovation or area
where new businesses are in receipt of support.
g Connect.creapole
Connect.creapole is the first virtual platform in Switzerland dedicated to
innovation and to the start-up of new businesses. It can be accessed at http://
With a community-based and forward-looking approach, this site aims to
encourage contacts between those who have the ideas and those who have
the means to realise them. Connect.creapole makes it possible for innovative
projects to be identified and supported, with a view to positioning the canton of
Jura as a region focused on innovation.
g u Fondation d’impulsion économique régionale FIER
[Regional Foundation for Economic Impetus FIER]
The FIER Foundation supports projects that contribute to the development of
the Jurassic economy. This support takes the following forms in particular:
award of scholarships, loans and prizes in recognition of innovative economic
activities and support of economic players working to uphold professions in the
arts and crafts.
g Promotion of the economy
The website dedicated to promotion of the Jurassic economy may be found at
http://w3.jura.ch/eco. It offers a wealth of information relating to the economy of
the canton. This website is a very useful tool if you are looking for businesses,
partners, subcontractors etc.
balanced out by a period of leave by paying a normal salary with the addition of
at least 25 %, failing written agreements
to the contrary or alternative collective
bargaining specifications.
Family allowances
Family allowances paid to persons in
receipt of a salary are payments financed
by the employer (or by the state in the
case of persons not in gainful employment).
The u Caisse d’allocations familiales du
canton du Jura [Family Allowances Fund
of the Canton of Jura] will be happy to
provide information on this subject.
In the canton of Jura the following
family allowances are payable:
g Allowance per child:
CHF 250.– per month
g Allowance for professional
training: CHF 300.– per month
g Birth and adoption allowance:
CHF 850.–
For more information:
(Arts, Crafts and Labour Services
of the Canton of Jura)
(website dedicated to promotion
of the Jurassic economy)
Work and finance
Economy and work
Postal service 1/1
Postal service
Jurassic post offices and opening hours
The website www.poste.ch may be consulted if you wish to locate a post
office anywhere in the Jura or find out when it is open.
Postomat (automatic cash machines for cash withdrawals) in the canton of
Jura may be found at Bassecourt, Delémont, Porrentruy and Saignelégier.
Sending letters in Switzerland
Courrier A [A post]
Letters will be delivered on the day
after posting.
Courrier B [B post]
Letters will be delivered after three
working days.
‘A’ post must be specified
You must write an ‘A’ on the top right
of your letter to indicate that you want
it to go by A post..
Writing the address
The address should be written in a
standard script and placed at the bottom right, leaving 15 mm of free space
to the right and at the bottom of the
envelope. The address of the sender is
not mandatory, but may be placed at
the top left or on the back of the envelope. The envelope must be sealed.
Sending parcels in Switzerland
PostPac Priority
Hand over your parcel at the post office
counter, and it will be delivered on the
following day.
PostPac Economy
Hand over your parcel at the post office
counter, and it will be delivered after
two working days.
Parcel rates
Parcel rates vary depending on the
format, weight and speed of the service
chosen. You can look up the details at
Sending post abroad
u Swiss Post International is
responsible for sending post to foreign
countries. You can get information at
any post office, or by calling the number
0848 888 888.
JA_En_B3_ Service postal_1/1
Changes of address
Temporary forwarding
On request, the post office will forward
mail and parcels to your holiday destination in Switzerland.
Retention at post office
On request, if you are temporarily
absent, the post office will hold your
letters and parcels for collection.
Payment transactions
Bulletin de versement rouge BV[red credit slip]
The BV is used to settle bills or transfer money, and can be used at the counter or to accompany a payment order. The cost of the payment is charged to
the beneficiary. BVs can be obtained free of charge.
Bulletin de versement orange avec numéro de référence BVR
[orange credit slip with reference number]
Same principle as the BV, but for holders of a business account.
Order of payment
The order of payment, accompanied by the BV or BVR, instructs the post
office to make payments and debit them to a post office account.
Standing order
Same principle, but in relation to fixed periodic payments like rent, health
insurance premiums etc.
Direct debit
System of direct recovery. Authorisation given to the party issuing the invoice to debit directly a private post office account. For periodic bills without
fixed amounts, like telephone or electricity bills.
Payments and management of your account via the internet. Online access
BV and invoices replaced by electronic documents. The invoice is sent via the
internet and can be settled in the same way.
Post office cheque account
The services described below are provided by u PostFinance.
Private account for individuals 14 years of age or more
Ideal for salary payments. With PostFinance Direct card (effective for payments
throughout Switzerland and for cash withdrawals anywhere in the world).
Deposito account
Savings account with an attractive rate of interest.
E-Deposito account
Electronic version of the Deposito account, with a higher rate of interest.
Online access right round the clock.
If you move house
If you ask to have your post
forwarded, it will be redirected to
your new place of residence for a
period of 12 months. A post office
publication on this subject, ‘Le
Guide du Déménagement’ [‘Guide
to Moving House’], can be obtained
at any post office, or you can order
a copy online at www.poste.ch.
PO boxes
Having a PO box is like having your
own letterbox at the post office.
Talk to your local post office if you
would like a PO box.
This service is free.
For more information:
(Swiss post office)
(Financial services
of the Swiss post office)
AC insurance is mandatory for all
persons in employment who are
obliged to pay AVS contributions on
the basis of their income. The payment
of contributions is shared between
the employer and the employee.
Contributions amount to 2 % of the
annual salary.
Self-employed persons do not pay
income-related contributions.
g Compensation payments in case
of redundancy, reduction of hours of
work (partial redundancy), bad weather
or insolvency of the employer.
g Financial contributions in case of
reconversion measures, training or
professional reintegration etc.
g Depending on the circumstances,
the amount of compensation will
come to between 70 % and 80 % of a
person’s assured income (generally
corresponding to the last salary
Assurance perte de gain APG
[insurance against loss of income]
APG is financed by all persons subject
to AVS contributions and by interest
on the APG fund. Contributions come
to 0.3 % of salaried income. They are
paid in equal shares by the employer
and the employee. Persons not in
gainful employment and self-employed
persons pay a progressive contribution
based on their income.
JA_ En_ B4_Assurances_1/2
Insurance 1/2
Economy and work
Postal service
Work and finance
g Allowances paid to persons doing
military service in the Swiss army,
women’s military service, civilian
service and Red Cross, persons
serving in civil defence and those
taking part in courses for ‘Jeunesse +
Sport’ [‘Youth + Sport] monitors or on
maternity leave. Persons not in gainful
employment also have a right to APG
in a service situation, but not in case of
The three pillars of provision for the future
In Switzerland, the social security system is based on the principle of three
‘pillars’. Its aim is to maintain the quality of life enjoyed prior to retirement,
invalidity or death, for the person insured or surviving dependents.
Benefits under the first two pillars only cover about 60 % of a person’s
former income, so they are supplemented by private individual insurance,
which is known as the third pillar.
1st pillar
Coverage of
essential needs
Insurance provided
by the state
2nd pillar
the previous
quality of life
3e pillar
tied insurance
g 1st pillar: AVS/AI/PC
Insurance under AVS/AI is mandatory for all persons resident or working in
Switzerland. AVS/AI payments are designed to cover essential needs at the
age of retirement or in case of death or invalidity. These may be backed up by
complementary benefits (Prestations complémentaires - PC). The amount of
an old age pension will depend on the amount of the contributions paid. Years
where no contribution is paid will therefore result in a proportional reduction
of future pension payments.
g 2nd pillar: LPP/LAA
The aim of the second pillar, ‘professional insurance’ (prévoyance
professionnelle - LPP), is to enable elderly persons and persons suffering from
invalidity and their surviving dependents to maintain their former quality of
life. All persons in gainful employment in Switzerland who receive an annual
income of CHF 19,350.- or more are obliged to be insured under this scheme
from the age of 18 and upward.
The Loi sur l’assurance accident (LAA) [Law on Accidental Insurance] provides
benefits to the victims of accidents in the workplace or outside the workplace,
as well as those suffering from health conditions incurred through work.
All persons working in Switzerland are obliged to be insured against these
eventualities. Persons not in gainful employment are only partially covered by
the Law on Accidental Insurance, so it is advisable to supplement this partial
coverage by concluding a private insurance agreement.
g 3rd pillar: individual insurance
A distinction is made between prévoyance liée 3a [tied insurance] and
prévoyance libre 3b [discretionary insurance].
If you are in gainful employment, tied insurance 3a enables you to accumulate
individual capital with a view to retirement. The amounts paid are admittedly
tied up for the minimum period prescribed by statute, but on the other hand
this method of saving enjoys certain financial advantages. Furthermore, if you
start up your own business or purchase a residential property, you are entitled
to withdraw the capital you have saved before the end of the legal term.
Discretionary insurance 3b consists of the whole range of different modes of
saving - putting money aside, investing in shares and securities, purchasing
landed property or life assurance etc.
Benefits for maternity leave are financed
under assurance perte de gain (APG)
[insurance against loss of income].
Women who are salaried, self-employed
or out of work and who are active at the
time of the birth of their child have a
right to receive 80 % of their salary for a
period of 14 weeks, provided they have
been covered by AVS mandatory insurance for the nine months preceding the
birth and have worked for at least five
months during this same period.
Health insurance LAMAL
All persons without exception are
obliged to take out health insurance
coverage. This must be done in the three
months following the birth of a child, or
the start of residence in Switzerland.
For more detailed information on the
subject of LAMAL insurance, please refer
to the section on ‘Settling down and
settling in / Health/social services’.
Accidental insurance LAA
LAA provides benefits to victims of
accidents in the workplace and (under
certain circumstances) accidents outside
the workplace, as well as to persons suffering from medical conditions incurred
at work.
Persons insured
All persons working in Switzerland are
obliged to be insured against accidents.
LAA is jointly financed by the employer
and the employee.
Persons not subject to mandatory
insurance may take out insurance on a
voluntary basis.
For more information:
(Jura Compensation Fund)
JA_ En_ B4_Assurances_2/2
Insurance 2/2
Economy and work
Postal service
Work and finance
(Cantonal Establishment for Buildings
Insurance and Prevention)
(Federal Social Insurance Office)
(For information
on insurance options in Switzerland)
Movable property insurance
g Risks insured
Risks you can insure against include fire (domestic fires, lightning, explosions
etc.), damage by the elements (flood, storm, hail, rockfalls etc.), damage caused by water, glass breakages (window panes, washbasins etc.) and theft
(breaking and entering, robbery, simple theft, simple theft outside the place
of residence).
g Coverage
Besides their own fixtures and furnishings, insured parties also insure the objects belonging to persons living with them (all persons resident at the property
whose needs are looked after by the persons responsible for the household),
objects that have been loaned, leased or hired and (in the case of a business)
objects belonging to members of staff. The premiums are fixed by contract,
on the basis of the list of goods insured drawn up by the insured party and the
sums insured. This list should be regularly reviewed to take into account of any
modifications in the fixtures and furnishings covered.
g Benefits
Following an insurance incident, the insurance company will in principle pay
the value as new of the object lost or destroyed.
g Mandatory fire insurance
Fire insurance is mandatory for all movable property situated in the canton
of Jura. An officially approved extinguisher is a minimum requirement for
all new and converted buildings, and is strongly recommended to all households.
g Complementary insurance
Some forms of damage are not covered by movable property insurance. Most
of these may be covered on the basis of complementary insurance policies.
Third party insurance
g Coverage
RC [third party] insurance is designed to cover damage caused to third parties
by the insured person or persons for whom the insured person is responsible.
While this is not mandatory under the law, it is nonetheless strongly recommended. In addition, the rental agreement that is standard in the Jura requires
the tenant to take out third party insurance coverage.
g Benefits
The insurance company will only pay the effective value (not the value as
new) of the object lost or destroyed, possibly with an excess payable by the
insured party.
g Keepers of motor vehicles
Third party insurance for keepers of motor vehicles is obligatory.
Buildings insurance
Buildings insurance is mandatory for all properties. In the Jura, the u Etablissement cantonal d’assurance immobilière et de prévention ECA JURA [Cantonal Establishment for Buildings Insurance and Prevention ECA JURA] insures
all buildings constructed in the canton.
Dental insurance
Dental insurance is a voluntary component of LAMAL. You can insure
yourself for various specific services
and benefits in connection with
dental care.
Breakdown assistance
Breakdown assistance for cars or
motorcycles covers such eventualities
as theft, breakdown, accidents etc.
Coverage may extend to Switzerland,
Europe or the whole world.
For more details on this subject,
please refer to the section on
‘Transport / vehicles’.
Work and finance
Economy and work
Postal service
Tax 1/2
...a va yone
for ev erwork
the pa
Jura Contributions Service
u Service des contributions
du canton du Jura , Section des
personnes physiques [Jura Contributions Service, Section Responsible
for Physical Persons] (tax liability of
individual persons)
u Recette de district de Delémont (encaissement) [Receiving Office of the
District of Delémont - Payments]
Les Breuleux
u Service des contributions du canton
du Jura, Bureau des personnes morales [Jura Contributions Service, Office Responsible for Juridical Persons]
(tax liability of businesses and enterprises) and other taxes (including special taxes: e.g. tax on gains from real
estate, source tax, joint inter-commune taxation, official values, valuation of securities, anticipated tax, back
tax, successions and donations)
u Recette de district des FranchesMontagnes (encaissement) [Receiving
Office of the District of FranchesMontagnes - Payments]
u Recette de district de Porrentruy
(encaissement) [Receiving Office of
the District of Porrentruy - Payments]
General matters
JA_ En_ B5_Impôts_1/2
Persons liable for tax in the Jura are
obliged to pay commune taxes, federal taxes and parish taxes on their income, their assets, and on the profits
and capital equity of a company.
Specific information:
tax deducted at source
Source tax is a tax levied directly by
the employer on the salary of the
employee. This manner of proceeding
relates to foreign nationals who are
resident in the canton of Jura or visiting it without being in possession of
a permit C residence permit, as well
as sportspersons, artists, lecturers
etc. who are neither resident in nor
temporarily visiting Switzerland.
Source tax is levied on the individual’s income by the Swiss Confederation, the canton, the commune and
the parish.
Steps that need to be taken
on arriving in the canton of Jura
Once you have lodged your papers with the commune or municipality
where you intend to reside, you should contact the Service des contributions [Contributions Service] at Delémont as soon as possible in order to
fill in a simplified questionnaire (form 120). On this basis you will be given
a provisional calculation of the amount of tax for which you will be liable.
You can also work it out for yourself online with the help of the calculating
tool provided at www.jura.ch/contributions. You should then obtain credit
slips from the district receiving office at the same address, so as to start
settling the tax payments due at the earliest opportunity. You are strongly
recommended to proceed in this way in order to avoid falling into arrears
with your payments and so having to pay a higher amount when your
liability is calculated at a later date.
Please also be aware of the following:
g Persons liable for tax coming from abroad will be taxed on the amount of
their monthly earnings from the time of their arrival in the canton of Jura.
g Persons liable for tax coming from another Swiss canton who choose to
reside in the canton of Jura become liable for Jura tax for the duration of the
g In Switzerland, any change of canton means switching to a new tax authority.
g From the day of settlement in the canton of Jura, a physical person becomes liable for tax with retrospective effect from 1 January of the year.
g Leaving a place of residence does not exempt you from the obligation of
paying all the tax amounts previously incurred.
Tax calculation
A useful guide
The amount payable is calculated
on the basis of a person’s income
in the course of the year and of
his/her assets as at 31 December.
You are obliged to declare any
income you may have within
Switzerland or abroad. You must
also declare the full extent of your
assets (capital, real estate, life
insurance etc.)
You can work out the amount
of tax payable on a linear basis
with the help of the online
calculating tool provided at
When sent out to the taxable
party, all tax declaration forms
come with a guide in the form of
a printed brochure. This contains
all the information you need to
understand the tax system in force
in the canton of Jura and to fill in
the form appropriately. This guide
is available in a French or German
version, and can be obtained
at any time from u Service des
contributions du canton du Jura
[Contributions Service of the
Canton of Jura].
For more information:
(Contributions Service of the Canton of Jura)
(Contributions Service for young people)
Work and finance
Economy and work
Postal service
...a va yone
for ev erwork
the pa
Tax 2/2
Jurassic fiscal calendar
g Dispatch of tax-related documents: February
g Deadline for return of declaration: end of February
(for new residents, 30 days after the start of residence in the commune)
The different types
of tax
Direct Federal Tax
Tax levied by the federal
Cantonal taxes
g Direct taxes (tax on income,
assets, profits and capital, including
profits from real estate or lottery
g Tax on successions and donations
g Rights of mutation (transfer of
real estate)
g Tax on vehicles registered in the
canton of Jura
Commune taxes
g Direct taxes (tax on income,
assets, profits and capital, including
profits from real estate or lottery
g Tax on real estate, calculated on
the basis of the official value of the
property. Special taxes such as the
tax on dogs may also be included
g Tax on public events
Church tax
In parallel to the state, the churches
likewise levy taxes on income, assets, profits and capital, including
profits from real estate or lottery
Declaration of tax
Persons liable for tax in the Jura
wishing to make out a declaration
have the choice between two
manners of proceeding:
a) filling in the declaration by hand
JA_ En_ B5_Impôts_2/2
b) filling in the declaration with the
help of the logical tool Juratax
(available on CD or on the internet
at www.juratax.ch). This is the
favoured approach for more than
50 % of the Jurassic population.
g Extended deadline for return of declaration:
An extended deadline may be obtained on request from Service des contributions de Delémont [Delémont Contributions Service]. Failure to observe the
term will entail the dispatch of a reminder (CHF 30.–) or of a notice to pay
(CHF 50.–). On failure to respond to the reminder or notice, the Service des
contributions will impose an administrative assessment (with additional appreciation) and will charge the resulting amount to the taxable party.
g 9 instalment payments: monthly payments from February to October
These instalments are payments towards the total tax obligation, and are effected by means of a credit slip made out in the name of the taxable party.
g Payment of instalments: each instalment falls due for payment within
the 30 days following its receipt. Failure to observe this term will result in
liability for interest, which will be added to the amount of the tax payable. If
following a definitive notice of tax liability the amounts due have not been
paid, a reminder or notice of payment will be sent, after which the debt
collection office may take action against the taxable party. The dates at which
payments fall due, and the deadlines for payment of tax instalments, are
published every year in the Journal Officiel [Official Journal] and are also
available online at www.jura.ch.
g Dispatch of an intermediate account: December
g Dispatch of a final account: in accordance with the progress of payments
g Dispatch of a provisional account for impôt fédéral direct (IFD) [Direct
Federal Tax]: March
g Right of appeal: if you wish to dispute your tax assessment, you can avail
yourself of your right of appeal within 30 days from the delivery of the tax
notice by writing to Service des contributions du canton du Jura [Contributions Office of the Canton of Jura].
Independent activity
for profit, farming
and business activity
Financial assistance
in setting up
a new business
Self-employed persons and farmers
are obliged to keep accounts which
will serve as the basis for calculation
of the tax liability. This will include
accounting documents like a balance sheet, profit and loss accounts,
ledgers etc. The relevant accounting
documents must be made available
to the Service des contributions on
request. Please note that accounting
documents and supporting documents must be retained for a period
of 10 years.
Businesses that have been recently
set up in the canton of Jura and
that are of particular interest for
the Jurassic economy may, under
certain precisely defined conditions,
benefit from special tax allowances.
These may involve either total or
partial exemption from tax on the
profits or capital of the business
over a period that may extend to as
much as 10 years.
The u Bureau du développement
économique du canton du Jura
[Economic Development Office of
the Canton of Jura] can give you
all the information you need in this
For more information:
(Contribution Service of the Canton of Jura)
Vehicles 1/2
Highway code
Public transport
What drivers need to know
Acquiring a driving licence
in Switzerland
Mandatory third party
insurance (RC)
All keepers of a motor vehicle are
obliged to take out RC [third party]
insurance for the vehicle. This covers
any damage caused by the insurance
policy holder to a third party.
Persons with special needs
Parking permit
The u Office des véhicules du Jura
[Jura Vehicles Office] will supply
persons with special needs with a
parking permit conferring special
parking privileges. Use of this is
mandatory. The card should be
placed in full view inside the vehicle
Discount on road tax
Information available from the u Office
des véhicules du Jura [Jura Vehicles
Organisations for car drivers
A number of Swiss associations offer
services of various kinds (breakdown
assistance, complementary insurance,
training courses, information, advisory
services etc.).
The three main associations in
Switzerland are:
g TCS (u Touring Club Suisse)
g ATE (u Association Transports
et Environnement [Transport and
Environment Association])
g ACS (u Automobile Club de Suisse)
JA_ En_ C1_Voitures_1/2
Professional drivers
From September 2009 on, any driver
of a coach, minibus or lorry carrying
passengers or goods must be in
possession not just of a driving licence
but also of a certificate attesting
capacity for the exercise of this
activity. The u Association des services
des automobiles Asa [Automobile
Services Association Asa] can provide
information on this subject
For persons in possession of a foreign driving licence: request for an
­exchange driving licence
Persons in possession of a foreign driving licence are entitled to use this
licence within Switzerland for up to a year. In the course of this period, they
are obliged to request the exchange of their foreign driving licence for a
Swiss driving licence. Professional drivers are obliged to go through this
procedure as soon as they arrive in the canton of Jura.
g Documents to be provided: request for a driving licence, duly filled in
and signed (available at www.jura.ch/ovj or from commune municipal offices); a recent colour photo (35x45 mm); foreign driving licence; copy of
the keeper’s residence permit.
g Translation of the driving licence is a possible option (only for the United States). This service is subject to a charge.
Information available from the u Office des véhicules du Jura [Jura Vehicles Office].
For persons not in possession of a driving licence:
driving lessons and driving test with a view to acquiring one
In Switzerland persons of 18 years of age or more are entitled to drive
vehicles in most categories, after having passed a theoretical and practical
driving test. The minimum age will depend on the vehicle category.
Information available from the u Office des véhicules du Jura [Jura Vehicles Office].
Stages on the way to acquiring a driving licence
g Acquiring a provisional driving licence
Documents to be provided: request for a provisional driving licence, duly
filled in and signed (may be downloaded from www.jura.ch/ovj); visa from
the commune of residence; a recent colour photo (35x45 mm); certificate
of attendance at a course in first aid for accident victims (information and
enrolment at www.secouriste.ch); sight test certificate provided by a recognised optician. Only persons resident in or visiting Switzerland can qualify for a provisional driving licence.
Information available from the u Office des véhicules du Jura [Jura Vehicles Office].
g Learning to drive
A list of driving instructors can be downloaded from www.jura.ch/ovj.
The u Office des véhicules du Jura [Jura Vehicles Office] can supply teaching materials (in CD and book form) in French, German and Italian.
g Theoretical and practical examinations
The theoretical examination is held at either Delémont or Porrentruy and
may be taken in any one of the three national languages (French, German
or Italian).
g Obtaining a probationary driving licence
The probationary driving licence is supplied for a trial period of three years,
during which the driver must take complementary driving lessons.
For more information:
(Jura Vehicles Services)
Vehicles 2/2
Highway code
Public transport
Matters relating to the vehicle
Importing a vehicle from abroad
Road tax
(generally referred to as ‘plaques’)
Any road vehicle located in the
canton of Jura provided with a road
tax permit and travelling on the
public thoroughfare is subject to
a road traffic tax (payable once a
year). Vehicles that qualify as ‘clean’
(hybrid vehicles that combine an
electric motor with an internal
combustion engine; vehicles using
natural gas; motor vehicles that do
not use fossil fuel) pay just half of
the tax.
Collision damage insurance
A driver’s assurance casco
[collision damage insurance] covers
damage to his or her own vehicle.
Unlike RC third party coverage, this
form of insurance is optional.
JA_ En_ C1_Voitures_2/2
Partial collision damage insurance
This covers damage to the driver’s
own vehicle where the driver is not
responsible, and where no one is
liable for the repairs on the basis
of responsabilité civile [third party]
coverage, such as floods, storm,
hail or lightning, theft, collision
with animals, damage caused by
stone-marten bites, wilful damage
by third parties etc.
Casco complète
[complete collision damage
This covers damage resulting from
a collision involving the driver’s
own vehicle, whoever may have
been the cause of the accident. All
the risks covered by partial collision
damage insurance are likewise
included here.
g The u Office fédéral des
assurances privées OFAP [Federal
Private Insurance Office OFAP] can
supply more detailed information
on this subject.
g You can compare the different
collision damage insurance policies
available on www.comparis.ch.
Any person wishing to import a vehicle from abroad is requested to visit
the u Office des véhicules du Jura [Jura Vehilces Office], taking the following documents:
g Customs clearance form, expert report 13.20A, foreign road tax document.
g If the vehicle is recognised as an effet de déménagement [household
goods subject to removal], the keeper can benefit from reductions at the
time of the expert report, but is still obliged to make a commitment to keeping the vehicle in his/her name for one year or more.
Information available from the u Office des véhicules du Jura [Jura Vehicles Office].
Registering a vehicle in Switzerland
Documents to be supplied to the u Office des véhicules du Jura [Jura Vehicles Office]:
g Matters relating to the driver: personal ID, attestation de domicile [proof
of dwelling]; residence permit.
g Matters relating to the vehicle: certificate of third party (RC) insurance;
road tax certificate or expert report 13.20A; registration request form is
available from www.jura.ch/ovj or at Office des véhicules du Jura [Jura
Vehicles Office].
Information available from the u Office des véhicules du Jura [Jura Vehicles Office].
Mandatory traffic vignette Car parks
In Switzerland, use of the national
highways (autoroutes) is subject
to fees payable in the form of
a vignette [self-adhesive sticker]
which must be affixed to the
windscreen of the vehicle. The
cost of this is CHF 40.– per annum.
Vignettes can be acquired from
post offices, service stations,
garages and TCS (u Touring Club
Suisse) agencies, as well as from
u Office des véhicules du Jura
[Jura Vehicles Office] and other
Swiss cantons and customs office.
The vignette is non-transferable i.e. it is assigned to a single specific
vehicle and cannot be detached and
reaffixed to another.
On the whole car parks are
provided with automatic payment
facilities. These may or may not
issue a ticket to be placed as
evidence of payment inside the
windscreen of the vehicle.
For more information:
(Jura Vehicles Office)
Parking spaces
The commonest in the canton of
Jura are the white and blue zones
(identifiable by the colour of the
lines on the road). At white zones
you will find a notice indicating the
maximum authorised duration. At
blue zones you will need a parking
disc, which must be placed inside
the windscreen of the vehicle.
Blue zone discs can be obtained
at kiosks, supermarkets, tourist
offices, police stations etc. Parking
discs are mandatory from Monday
to Saturday during the hours 8.00
am to 7.00 pm.
Bicycles 1/1
Highway code
Public transport
Mountain bike network of Jura
The complete map can be downloaded here :
Direction Bâle
Give way to walkers and hors
ghten them. Keep polite.
Les cyclistes doivent respec
loi sur la circulation routière
usagers normaux de la route.
nelle demeure engagée.
Die Radfahrer müssen sich an
und sich wie normale Strasse
übernehmen persönlich die H
The cyclists have to respect
traffic and have to behave a
Their personal responsibility
Eviter les chemins pédestres
les Fédérations de Tourisme p
tement fréquentés.
Die stark besuchten Wander
verbänden markierten Wege
Avoid footpaths and officially
they are very busy.
Refermer les portails et les ba
terdictions et de la signalisatio
Tore und Schranken schliess
Strassen- und Waldbeschilde
Mandatory cycle
The risk of accident to which
cyclists are subject is three
times as high by night as by
day. This is why all cycles
must be provided with
lights. The lighting system
must go into action when
darkness falls, and should
Liaison parcours de
include a white headlight
Neuchâtel VTT
at the front and a nonblinking red rear light which
is visible at a distance of
100 metres or more. These
must be supplemented by
a white reflector at the front
and a red one at the rear.
The pedals
should also be
equipped with reflectors.
Accorder la priorité aux mar
pas les gêner ni les effrayer. R
Den Wanderern und Reitern
weder stören noch erschreck
Code de conduite
Conduct rules
The insurance sticker for
bicycles, which included
insurance cover for public
liability, has been discontinued from the 1st of January
2012. Therefore, it is highly
recommended for each
cyclist to obtain private
insurance cover for public
Insurance :
Public liability
Close gates and fences; obse
and forest signs.
Respecter la faune, la flore, les
Fauna und Flora, Äcker und W
Respect fauna, flora, lands und
Ne pas s’écarter des chemins
Weder Wege noch Pfade ver
Do not wander from footpath
Participer à la sauvergarde d
culier en n’abandonnant aucu
Auf die Schonung der Umwel
Abfall liegen lassen.
Take part in environmental
not leaving any rubbish in nat
Porter le casque en toute circ
Immer den Helm tragen.
Wear a helmet in any case.
En raison des nombreuses co
d’être prudent et de respect
lisation en place.
Wegen der umfangreichen H
geboten und die angebracht
zu beachten.
Due to widespread tree fell
ask you to please pay great
relevant signposting.
Comment est produit l’éco-courant?
Chasseral - Weissenstein Bike No 44/ Neuchâtel - Solothurn / 86 km
Le long du Sentier découverte de 4 km qui relie la centrale
solaire de Mont-Soleil au parc éolien de Mont-Crosin,
vous trouverez de précieuses informations sur le thème de la
nature et des nouvelles énergies. Vous pouvez aussi
participer à une visite guidée. Informations et inscriptions:
0844 121 123, infojura@bkw-fmb.ch
Mont Soleil
Nous déclinons toute respons
Im Falle eines Unfalls lehnen w
We decline any responsibility
Transports combinés
Kombination Verkehr
Combining transport
Nombreuses possibilités de mobilit
ports publics - CFF, CJ et Car Posta
Ob. Bürenberg
Métairie de Werdt
La Citerne
Prés de Chuffort
Vos vacances
sur les rives
du Doubs
17114_I4_Erlebnispfad_Jura_Bike-Karte_v2.indd 1
Nouveauté 2011
Porte-vélos (6 places) sur la ligne de
Burgisberg (randonnées VTT facilit
Doubs, le Haut-Plateau) - Bourrignon
Egalement un porte-vélos sur la lign
Canoe kayak
In der Region bieten sich zahlreiche
bination von Mountainbike und öffe
CJ und Postauto.
Jura Bike No 3 / Bâle - Nyon (extrait de Laufon à La Chaux-de-Fonds / 143,4 km)
Direction Nyon
swin golf
Neues Angebot
2882 St-Ursanne
Tél. +41 (0)32 461 00 00
JA_ En_ C2_Vélos_1/1
La Chaux-de-Fonds - Gare
La Ferrière
Mont Soleil
Les Breuleux (Téléski)
Le Cernil
Saignelégier - Gare
Les Pommerats
Les Enfers
Les Sairains
Col de la Croix
Col des Rangiers
La Haute Borne
Delémont - Gare
Cycling helmet optional, but strongly
Maison du tourisMe
Camping , hotel , dortoir
Laufon - Gare
Centre de vaCanCes
loCation de Chalets
à 7 km en amont
de la Maison du tourisme
2011 wurde auf der Postauto-Linie
führt, ein Veloträger (6 Plätze): Delé
Mountainbike-Ausflüge in die Ajoie, z
Haut-Plateau) - Bourrignon - Lucelle.
Delémont - Rebeuvelier steht ein Vel
e-bike , velo
tir a l’arC
caMping de taricHe
2883 Montmelon
Tél. +41 (0)32 433 46 19
Conception des parcours : Office des sports de la Rébublique et Canton du Jura
Parc régional Chasseral
Communes de Tramelan et Saint-Imier
Syndicat du service de l’emploi de la vallée de Tavannes
In Switzerland, cyclists are
not obliged to wear cycling
helmets. However, the
uBureau de prévention des
accidents BPA [Accident
Prevention Office BPA] would
like to point out to you
that with a cycling helmet
properly worn the risk you
undergo of head injury is
reduced by around 70 %. In
other words, cycling helmets
are an effective prophylactic
measure against numerous
craniocerebral injuries.
Cycling tours in the Jura
The canton of Jura offers many
options to those who enjoy cycling.
Information on the subject of
sporting activities in the canton of
Jura may be found in the section
‘School, training, leisure / Sport
and leisure’.
The region offers a wide variety of
ning mountainbiking with public tra
and cantonal railways) and the Posta
New feature
A new feature has been introduced in
on the Postal Coach line running fro
berg (thereby facilitating mountainb
Clos du Doubs, and Haut-Plateau ar
gnon and Lucelle. A bike carrier is a
ches from Delémont to Rebeuvelier.
Les cartes des parcours VTT du Canton du
For more information:
(Office des sports du canton du Jura)
(Accident Prevention Office)
(For suggestions and advice on cycling
itineraries in Switzerland)
(Information supplied by the Office fédéral
des routes [Federal Highways Office]
on the subject of mobility on foot,
by bicycle or skates / skateboards)
Highway code 1/1
Public transport
Highway code
In case of accident...
1. Get out of the way of any danger
2. Cordon off the place of the accident
Important facts
about driving
in Switzerland
Universal speed limits
Motorways: 120 km/h
Semi-motorways: 100 km/h
Routes nationales [A roads]: 80 km/h
In towns and villages: 50 km/h
(or 60 km/h on certain sections)
Residential zones: 30 km/h
Mandatory safety belts
Safety belts must be worn, both in
the front seats and in the back of
the vehicle.
JA_ En_ C3_Règles de la route_1/1
Safety harness for children
The children smaller than
150 centimeters have to use a
device of restraint until 12 years.
The devices of restraint (complete
seats or booster seats) are allowed
which respect the requirements
44/03 or 44/04 contained in the
regulation ECE. From 12 years or
from 150 centimeters, the children
must be attached with the safety
belt of the car.
Useful information
The safest place for a child in the
vehicle is the back seat on the right.
This enables the child to exit the car
onto the sidewalk, rather than onto
the road.
It is essential that the safety belt
should hold the child at shoulder
level - on no account should it go
over the child’s neck, as this may
cause serious injury in case of
impact. This is one advantage of
using a booster seat.
Never place a Moses basket on
the back seat without securing it in
The safety belt in the middle of the
back seat does not give sufficient
protection and so should be
The u Bureau de Prévention des
Accidents BPA [Accident Prevention
Office BPA] can provide useful
information in connection with
these matters.
Moreover, if you break down or have an accident, you must immediately
put breakdown triangles in place (these are mandatory in all vehicles, and
should be placed at 50 m distance from the accident on a secondary road
and at 150 m distance on a motorway).
3. Give the alarm
Who? What? When? Where? How many injured? Any other dangers?
For example: ‘Hello, my name is Pierre Martin, I am reporting a head-on collision between a passenger vehicle and a tanker lorry about 2 minutes ago on
the Courfaivre exit going in the direction of Bassecourt. There are three persons
injured, one being a child. The lorry, which was an oil tanker, did not stop.’
Telephone numbers to make a note of ...
144 health emergency
117 Police
140 Breakdown assistance
118 Fire
145 Poisoning
1414 Rega (helicopter rescue service)
Road signs
Any road signs displayed have
priority over the general rules of
the highway code.
You will find a comprehensive list
of Swiss road signs at the website
of the Office fédéral des routes
[Federal Highways Office],
Pedestrian crossings
A pedestrian wishing to use a
pedestrian crossing always has
priority over cars.
Mobile phones
The use of mobile phones when
driving is absolutely forbidden
(unless you use a hands-free
Alcohol blood count
The limit for alcohol in the blood
when driving has been fixed at 0.5
per mil.
Give way to the right
The rule that cars coming from the
right have priority should apply as
long as road signs do not dictate
anything to the contrary.
Vehicles on the roundabout have
priority over those joining it.
Distance between two vehicles
To be legal, a driver must be able to
stop within the visible distance. For
example, if you are going at 120 km
per hour, you need something like
140 m to stop. You need to bear this
constantly in mind when keeping
a reasonable distance between
yourself and the vehicle in front, or
else apply the ‘2 seconds rule’.
Meeting cars on narrow roads
If you meet a car on a narrow road,
the vehicle going uphill has priority
over the one coming downhill.
For more information:
(Canton of Jura police department)
(Federal Highways Office)
Highway code
Public transport 1/1
Public transport
Roamer ticket
JA_ En_ C4_Transports_1/1
Travelling by train in the Jura
The Jurassic railway network has a length
of 115 km. It is divided between u Chemins de fer fédéraux (CFF) [Federal Railways] and u Chemins de fer du Jura (CJ)
[Jura Railways].
Official timetable
This official timetable is a printed document giving you all the timetables of
trains, post office buses and boats in Switzerland. It is available at post offices and at
rail and bus stations. Timetables can also
be downloaded online from
www.tableaux-horaires.ch, or you can
request to have them sent to you on CD.
g Travellers with impaired mobility
To obtain information on this subject,
please contact Call Center Handicap CFF
on 0800 007 102 (7/7 days from 6 am to
10 pm), or go to www.sbb.ch/en/stationservices/passengers-with-a-handicap.html.
g Chemins de fer fédéraux CFF
[Federal Railways]
Ticket options
- One way or return ticket
- Collective ticket
- Reduced season ticket
- Season ticket
- Voie 7 (for persons 16-25 years of age,
please see www.voie7.ch)
- Vagabond tickets (see opposite)
- Localised season ticket
- Carte journalière [day ticket]
- Carte multicourse [multiroute ticket]
- Junior ticket (for children from 6-16 years
of age)
- Small children’s ticket (for grandparents)
Points of sale
CFF ticket offices and ticket dispensers, or
click on Ticket Shop at www.cff.ch (tickets
can be printed out, on settlement of the
price by an online payment).
Display boards at CFF stations, brochures
and official notices at CFF stations, online
at www.cff.ch or sms by dialling 222.
g Chemins de fer du Jura CJ
[Jura Railways]
Tariff community tickets
- The Vagabond (see above)
- The Zigzag (tariff community involving Bienne, Seeland, and Bernese Jura)
- Onde verte [Green Wave] (tariff community of the Canton of Neuchâtel)
The Vagabond roamer
ticket may be used in
many zones of the map
shown on this page.
It is valid both for CFF
(Chemins de fer fédéraux
/ Federal Railways) and
for CJ (Chemins de fer
du Jura / Jura Railways)
journeys, for post office
buses and for the urban
transport networks of
Delémont and Porrentruy.
g Users choose from the
zone map the number of
contiguous zones which
they wish to acquire.
g If purchasing five
zones or more, users can
enjoy free passage on the entire Vagabond network.
g Young people from 6 to 25 years age can benefit from special discount rates.
g The carte junior [junior card] (previously known as the carte famille [family
card]) is recognised for all areas where the Vagabond
ticket is valid (no
163 roamer
charge for children between 6 and 16 years of age
140 Assistance by an
g It is worth purchasing the ticket for a year at aen
will be paid in
9 monthly instalments.
g Further information on the Vagabond ticket may be obtained at stations or
online at www.levagabond.ch
Area coverage
The CJ network serves the Franches-Montagnes plateau and the Porrentruy-Bonfol
section in Ajoie. Porrentruy, Glovelier,
Tavannes and La Chaux-de-Fonds are the
stations where you can board trains for the
CJ network.
Points of sale
Ticket offices at the u gares CJ [CJ stations]
of Saignelégier, Alle, Bonfol, Les Breuleux,
Le Noirmont, Tramelan) and CFF stations
where CJ tickets are recognised.
Display boards at CJ stations, online at
www.les-cj.ch, and timetable brochures
obtainable at CJ stations.
Travelling by post office bus
in the Jura
The company u CarPostal Suisse SA région
ouest [Post Office Buses of Switzerland plc,
Western Region] manages the network of
post office buses in the Jura.
Ticket options
Same as CFF tickets (see opposite) except
for Voie 7 tickets and localised season
Points of sale
Tickets may be obtained from
the driver, or else online at
Display boards at bus stops, brochures and official notices at CFF stations or online at www.carpostal.ch.
Noctambus is a bus service serving
three Jurassic districts on Fridays and
Saturdays, starting in the evening and
continuing until
4.00 am. Information online at www.
For more information:
(Transport services in the canton of Jura)
(Official Swiss train and bus timetables)
(Federal Railways)
(Swiss Post Office Buses plc,
Western Region)
School, training, leisure
School and training 1/5
Children and young people Culture
Sport and leisure
School and training
General overview of education
and training in Switzerland
LInfant school is addressed to children of 4 or 5 years of age, and covers a period of two years. Although
attendance is optional, 98 % of the
children eligible in the Jura make
use of the facility.
Primary school
All children are obliged to attend
primary school for three successive periods of two years at schools
located in the commune where they
reside or close to it (located in the
applicable cercle scolaire [catchment
The sixth year of primary school
is also designed to determine the
future educational course of pupils,
in view of the different teaching options available at secondary level.
Secondary school
Children are obliged to attend secondary school for levels 7S, 8S and
9S. Secondary school education is
offered at eight locations in the Jura
(Bassecourt, Les Breuleux, Courrendlin, Delémont, Le Noirmont, Porrentruy, Saignelégier, Vicques).
Transport to and from the school is
provided free of charge.
Sport/Art/Study Scheme
This scheme makes it possible for
children in secondary education who
show exceptional sporting or artistic
talent to find a balance between
regular school education and the
development of their special gifts.
Supervised homework
In many schools, students can do
their homework in a supervised
class, subject to the supervision of a
qualified person. These classes are
organised by the school authorities
and can be attended free of charge.
JA_En_ D1_Ecole_1/5
Private schools
The law allows children to attend
recognised private schools, either
within the canton or outside it.
Parents opting for this alternative
will have to pay school fees, as well
Tertiary level:
Colleges and high schools, higher professional training,
Secondary level II:
Secondary school leaving qualification, professional training
qualification, écoles de culture générale [schools offering
all-round education], professional training
Secondary level I (mandatory):
7S 8S 9S (discretionary 10S and 11S)
Primary level (mandatory):
Pre-school level (optional):
2 years of école enfantine [infant school]
as assuming responsibility for the
ancillary costs (such as transport to
and from school). It may however be
possible to obtain financial support
at cantonal and possibly also at
commune level.
Compensatory education
The school will provide children in
experienceing difficulties with free
funding, with a view to their being
reintegrated more effectively in the
general functioning of the school.
g Transition classes
These classes offer the option of
taking two years to cover the first
year curriculum (1P). Teaching is
given in small groups by specially
trained teachers.
g Peripatetic support
This involves a teacher’s taking
responsibility in a specific and
delimited area, with a view to
heading off temporary difficulties
and attaining to defined objectives.
Compensatory education
Infant school
g Peripatetic educational support
The child becomes the specific
responsibility of a person with an
appropriate teaching qualification,
or if this should prove impossible, of
a speech therapist, psychologist or
other specialist staff.
g Support classes
These are classes of limited
attendance where the children are
cared for in an appropriate way
by teaching staff who have had a
suitable training.
g Sick children
Special teaching resources may
be provided for a child following
an accident, long-term illness or
For more information:
(Jura educational services)
(Federation of Associations
of Parents of Jura)
(Jura educational services
for secondary and tertiary level)
(Jura educational and training centre)
School, training, leisure
School and training 2/5
Children and young people Culture
Sport and leisure
School and training
Children arriving in the Jura at school age
Special services
The Département de la formation, de la
culture et des sports [Training, Culture
and Sports Department] has set up support structures for the following special
educational needs:
g Children with visual or hearing
g Children who are found to have
exceptional talent (special input
sessions are available at the Delémont
primary school)
g Children suffering from cerebral
palsy or serious speech difficulties
(dysphasia) (Centre de compétence
Delta [Delta Competence Centre], which
forms part of the u Fondation Pérène)
g Foreign language adolescents who
have recently arrived in the Jura
g Adolescents reaching the end of
schooling who do not feel attracted to
traditional vocational paths
g Children and adolescents
experiencing a very serious crisis
(temporary reception unit forming part
of the u Fondation Pérène).
g The Integration section of the
u Service de l’enseignement du canton
du Jura [Canton of Jura Educational
Service] will be happy to provide any
information you may require.
Services to school children
relating to physical
and psychological health
JA_En_ D1_Ecole_2/5
g Dental services for school children
Dental Services to School Children
offers school pupils an annual examination by the mobile schools dental clinic,
the possibility of treatment at special
rates and financial support for dental
care, subject to certain conditions.
More detailed information can be obtained online at
g Health in schools
All schools have a school doctor and
nurse to check the children, provide
screenings and vaccinations, carry out
prophylactic programmes and to be
permanently on call.
g Steps you need to take
Parents with children arriving in the Jura from abroad, or from another
Swiss canton, should get in touch with the educational authorities of
their place of residence, who will then decide on the appropriate training
path for the student in consultation with the u Service de l’enseignement
[Educational Services].
Foreign students
g Children
Children coming from abroad have access to all the services offered
by schools in the Jura that are available to children born in the Jura,
irrespective of their legal status or that of their parents. In principle, they
will be accepted in school classes in keeping with their age. New arrivals
may qualify for teaching support which is designed to make it easier for
them to adapt to the Jura school system.
With a view to maintaining contact with the language and culture of their
country of origin, students have the right to attend courses organised with
this end in view by their embassy or consulate (this refers in particular to
Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Albanian nationals). They will be excused
from lessons which clash with these courses.
g Adolescents
Adolescents of foreign nationality who arrive in the Jura with an inadequate
command of the French language will be admitted for a period of variable
duration to a reception and transition class for foreign-language-speaking
adolescents. They will be given intensive training in the French language
with a view to their being assimilated at the earliest opportunity in their
new school environment.
g Centre d’orientation scolaire
et professionnelle et de psychologie
scolaire [Scholastic, Professional
and Psychological Orientation Centre]
The u Centre d’orientation scolaire
et professionnelle et de psychologie
scolaire [Scholastic, Professional and
Psychological Orientation Centre] is
active in the scholastic psychology
field as well as offering assistance in
connection with the choice of scholastic
and professional options.
g Centre médico-psychologique CMP
[Medical/Psychological Centre CMP]
The u Centre médico-psychologique
CMP [Medical/Psychological Centre
CMP] offers assistance and advice as
well as support to children or adolescents who have difficulties (psychological or linguistic problems).
g Centre d’examen des troubles
du langage [Linguistic Problems
Examination Centre]
An association of private speech therapists who offer their services, subject to
medical referral, to children suffering
from problems with written or spoken
g Unité de psychomotricité
rattachée au Service de
l’enseignement [Psychomotor
Unit, forming part of the Service
Educational Services]
On request of the u Service de
l’enseignement du canton du
Jura [Canton of Jura Educational
Services], psychomotor specialists
will conduct an assessment and
then, if no other option be offered,
proceed to give appropriate
For more information:
(Jura educational services)
(Jura educational services for secondary and tertiary level)
(Jura educational and training centre)
(Dental services for children of school age)
(Medical/psychological centre)
(Pérène Foundation)
School, training, leisure
School and training 3/5
Children and young people Culture
Sport and leisure
School and training
Training subsidies
Middle school
Middle school (school level II) follows
on from mandatory primary school
education. These schools offer pupils
the opportunity of obtaining a school
leaving certificate which opens up
opportunities of higher education or
gives them access to professional
training paths which may involve ten
to twelve years of study.
In the Jura, three types of certificate
may be obtained in middle schools:
g u Ecole de culture générale
[schools offering all-round education]
The certificat de culture générale [general certificate of education] equips
students to enter various high schools
and colleges connected with professional opportunities in education,
health, tourism and the social services.
The Ecole de culture générale offers a
Sports-Arts-Etudes [Sport / Art / Study]
scheme which follows on from that
which exists in secondary schools.
g u Ecoles supérieures de commerce
[Higher Business Colleges]
The two Ecoles Supérieures de Commerce [Higher Business Colleges] in
the canton of Jura make it their aim to
give students a good level of general
culture together with a solid professional training, focused on the needs
of businesses and public authorities
and involving competence in the use
of IT tools. Students qualify by obtaining a maturité commerciale cantonale
[canton business qualification], which
if supplemented by a practical working experience can become a maturité
professionnelle commerciale [professional business qualification].
g Lycées [secondary schools]
A secondary school leaving qualification allows the student access to
higher education at universities or
federal polytechnical colleges.
For more information:
JA_En_ D1_Ecole_3/5
(Jura educational services)
(Jura educational services
for secondary (II) and tertiary level)
(Jura education and training centre)
g Scholarships and loans
The canton of Jura grants training subsidies (scholarships, loans and
reimbursement of tuition fees) to students and apprentices.
The sums granted will vary, depending on various criteria - like the parental income and assets, and the number of dependent children. Other criteria may be
taken into consideration for married persons or persons over 25 years of age.
These subsidies are granted in the following circumstances: initial training,
change of career path caused by changes on the job market, other reasons relating to force majeure or the need to undergo further professional development.
Under certain conditions, subsidies can also be granted for a second course of
These subsidies do not have to be repaid, except in a case where training is
interrupted for no sufficient reason.
g Student loans
In some circumstances it is possible to obtain a student loan (not subject to
interest). Loans must be paid back in the five years following the termination of
study. In particular these are allocated as a supplement to a study scholarship,
to cover special training costs, for borderline cases where the relevant scales
do not allow for the grant of a scholarship or where parents have exceptionally
costly expenses to meet etc.
g Information
All the information you need on the subject of training subsidies may be found
at u Service de la formation des niveaux secondaire II et tertiaire - Section des
bourses et prêts d’études du canton du Jura [Training Services of Secondary (II)
and Tertiary Level - Canton of Jura Scholarships and Study Loans Department].
Please note that various communes in the Jura will also grant scholarships as a
complement to cantonal scholarships. The u secrétariats communaux [Commune
Secretarial Offices] will be happy to provide information in this connection.
You can work towards a secondary
school leaving qualification at the
u Lycée cantonal Cantonal [Secondary
School] or at the u Lycée-Collège
Saint-Charles [St Charles Secondary
School and College].
High schools
In Switzerland there are two types of
high school that rank as universities:
g Universities and two polytechnical
colleges, all situated outside the
canton of Jura.
Young people living in the Jura who
have a secondary school leaving
qualification will thus be obliged to
continue their studies at universities in
other Swiss cantons.
g Hautes écoles spécialisées HES
[specialist high schools HES]
The HES offer teaching focusing
on the practical and leading to a
diploma qualification. These courses
prepare students for the exercise
of professional skills involving the
knowledge and application of scientific
methods. They also offer postgraduate
study leading to a master’s degree.
Information about HES options may
be found online at www.hes-so.ch.
Initial professional/vocational
training, or apprenticeship, allows
students to learn the practice of a
profession, either by working within
a business while taking a parallel
theoretical course and a general
culture option at a vocational college,
or by attending a vocational college
offering both practical experience
and professional training.
The canton of Jura has created an
electronic scholarship facility for
apprenticeship placements. This may
be consulted online at www.bapp.ch.
Professional qualification
This complements the certificat
fédéral de capacité [Federal Certificate of Ability]. In particular, it allows
access without entry examination to
Hautes Ecoles Spécialisées HES [specialist high schools]. The maturité
professionnelle qualification can be
obtained in parallel to an apprenticeship.
School, training, leisure
School and training 4/5
Children and young people Culture
Sport and leisure
School and training
Learning French with COMUNICA
High schools
JA_En_ D1_Ecole_4/5
Ecoles supérieures (ES) [high schools]
belong to the tertiary level but are
not universities. Their aim is to train
qualified high school leavers who are
capable of taking on responsibilities
reserved to mid-ranking staff. The
canton of Jura has two high schools of
this category:
g u Ecole supérieure technique
EST à Porrentruy
[Higher Technical College
of Porrentruy / EST]
The college trains technicians who receive a high school (ES) diploma. This
higher training path is closely tied to
practical experience, and allows trainees to acquire competence in positions
of responsibility.
g u Ecole supérieure d’informatique
de gestion du Jura ESIG-Jura
à Delémont
[Higher IT and Management College of
the Canton of Jura in Delémont]
Trains IT students in management at
high school level. Their skills will allow them to carry out tasks of general
management and maintenance in IT
management areas.
g Aims envisaged by the scheme
Thanks to the efforts of the Commission cantonale pour l’intégration des
étrangers [Cantonal Commission for the Integration of Foreigners] and the
u Bureau de l’intégration des étrangers et de la lutte contre le racisme [Office
for the Integration of Foreigners and for Combating Racism], the COMUNICA
scheme has been set up to offer instruction in the French language. Its principal objective is to encourage the integration of immigrants.
g Persons at whom the course is aimed
These French language courses are addressed to all foreign nationals who
have temporary or permanent residence authorisation (permits B and C respectively) or a short-term residence authorisation (permit L) - also to Swiss citizens who do not speak French, immigrants or persons who are linguistically
g Courses
Four types of course are offered, depending on the professional and personal
situation of the immigrant, by the u Centre d’animation et de formation pour
femmes migrantes CAFF [Training and Motivation Centre for Immigrant Women CAFF], u Université populaire jurassienne UPJ [Jurassic People’s University UPJ], the u Ecole Tremplin [Tremplin School] and the u Association Lire
et Ecrire [Reading and Writing Association].
g Enquiries and enrolment forms
Enquiries and enrolment forms may be obtained from u AvenirFormation.
Further training
Numerous further training courses
are organised by u AvenirFormation
[FutureTraining], in collaboration
with schools, professional centres
and professional associations.
AvenirFormation is a training facility
which follows on from the u Centre
jurassien d’enseignement et de
formation CEJEF [Jurassic Teaching
and Training Centre CEJEF]. It
coordinates courses offered by all
Jurassic schools of secondary level
(level II) and also organises training
courses following on from centres
and schools dependent on CEJEF,
as well as decentralised courses
when requested by businesses or
associations. Courses at different
levels are offered in the fields of
languages, IT, management and
business, technology, HR, health and
social services.
g Bourse des offres
de perfectionnement
en Suisse BOP
[Swiss Further Training
Scholarships BOP]
The Swiss vocational training
centres offer scholarships for
further training in Switzerland, with
more than 30,000 available options.
These may be accessed online at
For more information:
(Training Services of Secondary (II)
and Tertiary Level
of the Canton of Jura)
(Jurassic Training
and Educational Centre)
(Training unit in association
with CEJEF)
School, training, leisure
School and training 5/5
Children and young people Culture
Sport and leisure
School and training
Article 34
Access to the examination
in conclusion of an apprenticeship
without professional training
g Content of the law
Professional reintegration
g u Espace Formation
Emploi Jura EFEJ
[Jura Employment Training
Centre EFEJ]
EFEJ is the established cantonal
centre for the improvement of
professional skills. Addressed to
persons seeking work, it offers
training courses in industry,
handcrafts, business etc. In an
environment comparable to that of
many businesses, specialist training
staff support some 200 students
full time, with the objective of
reintegrating job-seekers speedily
and effectively in the job market.
g Training enterprises
The u Service des arts et métiers et
du travail (SAMT) [Arts, Crafts and
Labour Services ] has set up training
enterprises with a view to ensuring
that persons with a business training
will be able to acquire confidence
and practical experience in exercising their profession.
Article 34 al. 2 of the Loi fédérale de la formation professionnelle [Federal
Law on Professional Training] offers all persons of mature age who have
not been able to undergo an apprenticeship the possibility of taking the
examination concluding an apprenticeship with a view to obtaining a
CFC, provided that they can show that they have had at least 5 years of
professional experience in their trade.
g Information
Examination applications should be addressed to u Service de la formation
des niveaux secondaire II et tertiaire [Secondary (II) and Tertiary Level
Training Services], who will also be happy to provide any information
relating to article 34.
g Furthering women’s employment
u SIBIR’elles and the u Université
populaire jurassienne (UPJ) [Jurassic
People’s University] are setting up
courses aimed at women who wish
to re-enter the job market after an
interruption of their professional
activity and/or to change their career
g Illiteracy
Inadequate reading and writing skills
are an important factor, tending
to social, cultural and economic
The u Association Lire et Ecrire
[Reading and Writing Association]
takes steps against illiteracy by
organising courses for adults who
speak French but are confronted with
difficulties with written language in
the context of daily living.
g Université populaire
jurassienne UPJ
[Jurassic People’s University UPJ]
The u Université populaire jurassienne UPJ [Jurassic People’s University UPJ] is an institution actively
engaged in the ongoing training of
adults, general and linguistic training
and general cultural studies in the
canton of Jura and in the Bernese
Jura.. You can find all the information you need about courses at UPJ
by going to www.upjurassienne.ch,
or else get in touch with the secretary’s office.
For more information:
(Training Services of Secondary (II)
and Tertiary Level
of the Canton of Jura)
(Reading and Writing Association)
JA_En_ D1_Ecole_5/5
(Jurassic People’s University UPJ)
School, training, leisure
School and training
Children and young people 1/2 Culture
Sport and leisure
and young people
The Centre de consultation en
matière de grossesse du canton du
Jura [Canton of Jura Pregnancy Consultation Centre] is a subdepartment
of the u Centre jurassien de planning
familial [Family Planning Centre],
which may be found in all three districts of the Jura.
SOS Future Mums
The association u SOS Futures Mamans [SOS Future Mums] is a service
offering charitable mutual aid. It provides support for pregnant women in
financial or psychological difficulties
or suffering from other problems.
Voluntary termination of pregnancy
In Switzerland, abortion is legal if
carried out in the first 12 weeks of
pregnancy (starting from the first day
of the woman’s last period). After
12 weeks women may choose to
terminate the pregnancy for medical
reasons or in case of psychological
The u Centre jurassien de planning
familial [Family Planning Centre] can
provide more detailed information on
the subject of voluntary termination
of pregnancy.
Child care
The u Centre jurassien de puériculture [Jurassic Child Care Centre] is
available to parents for any concerns
relating to the health and care of
infants or children of pre-school age.
The centre is active in all three districts of the Jura.
JA_ En_ D2_Enfance et jeunesse_1/2
Social centre
u La Puce Verte [The Green Flea] is
an informal social centre set up by
Association Familles 2000 and served
by teachers and family psychologists.
The centre was inspired by the vision
of the psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto,
and is meant for children from birth
to 4 years of age accompanied by an
(child-minding centres)
in the Jura
Crèches or child-minding centres are in principle aimed at children from
birth to the age of 12. They provide care in loco parentis, while at the same
time educating and socialising the children.
The capacity of crèches in the Jura has increased considerably in recent
years. A complete list of child-minding centres in the Jura may be found
online at www.jura.ch/creches.
Uniform rates
In the canton of Jura, since 2007 all child-minding facilities have been subject to a single and uniform rate and connected to a joint database, making
it possible for vacant places to be managed more efficiently. The applicable charges are based on the income and assets of the parents, as well as
the number of persons living in the household. They may vary between
CHF 0.65 and CHF 6.– per hour.
How to apply for a place at a crèche
g There are long waiting lists, so parents wishing to register their child for
a crèche should act swiftly.
g They can apply to any crèche in the canton to find out where a free
place would be available. They should also register at the earliest opportunity with the online waiting list at www.jura.ch/creches. The website also
provides a facility for calculating the hourly cost of a place.
Child-minding facilities
A complete list may be found at www.jura.ch/creches.
The Loi sur l’action sociale [Social
Services Act] makes it mandatory for
the Jurassic government to ensure
that child-minding institutions are
harmoniously distributed throughout
the canton and to monitor the quality
of the services offered. Parents have a
choice of the following services:
g Crèches (child-minding centres, see
g Reception Unit for Schoolchildren
UAPE (looks after children of school age
out of school hours)
g Kindergarten (looks after children
part-time on a regular basis - for children
from 3 years of age until they enter
g Home crèche CAD (children are
looked after by a child-minder at the
child-minder’s home)
g Nursery (intermittent nursery facility
based on mutual help provided by
mothers of children of pre-school age)
g Baby-sitting (young people
trained by the u Croix-Rouge [Red
Cross] who look after children at the
parents’ home)
g Garde d’enfants malades de la
u Croix-Rouge [Red Cross Care of
Sick Children] (provides child care at
the home of parents of sick children
or for children whose parents are
g SOS-Relève [SOS Relief] (care
of children with special needs,
organised by the u Association
Cerebral Jura [Jurassic Cerebral
For more information:
(Social services of the canton of Jura)
(Youth policy in the canton of Jura)
(Organisations providing child care
for small children in the canton of Jura)
School, training, leisure
School and training
Children and young people 2/2 Culture
Sports et loisirs
Go to Page
and young people
When a child has problems...
Youth Delegate
The u déléguée interjurassienne à la
jeunesse [Interjurassic Youth Delegate]
exercises a coordinating and advisory function in relation to persons
who work with young people, to the
communes and to young people
themselves. She has also been given
the task of setting up the Parlement
de la jeunesse [Youth Parliament] (see
Youth Parliament
The Parlement jurassien de la jeunesse
[Jurassic Youth Parliament] is made
up of 30 young people of between 15
and 18 years of age. It has an available budget of CHF 25,000.– for the
realisation of projects. The parliament
gives young people the opportunity of
representing their ideas to the political
authorities and submitting suggestions
for their consideration. More detailed
information is available online at
Youth Spaces
u Espaces-Jeunes [Youth Spaces] offer
various activities for adolescents aged
around 12 to 16 (music courses, excursions, support in looking for work,
organisation of social events etc.). An
Espace-Jeunes is to be found in each
district of the Jura.
JA_ En_ D2_Enfance et jeunesse_2/2
Scholastic and Professional
The u Centre d’orientation scolaire
et professionnelle et de psychologie
scolaire [Centre for Scholastic and
Professional Orientation and Scholastic Psychology] is active in all three
districts of the Jura.
The centre offers information on the
professions and possible training
paths, as well as organising work experience placements with businesses.
Orientation Portal
The Swiss Orientation Portal is located
at www.orientation.ch. This is an
excellently designed tool, and will be
found useful by adults as well as by
school leavers.
g Problems detected by the parents
When parents find their child exhibiting behavioural or other problems,
they should first of all contact the child’s teacher in order to compare notes
on the situation. If need be, the teacher will be able to point them in the
direction of professional persons who are trained to deal with the needs of
children who have problems.
g Problems detected by third parties
Parents are not the only persons who may detect that a child has difficulties at school, in the family or socially. Commune authorities, social services, teachers, paediatric doctors, school nurses etc. may all find occasion
in the exercise of their functions to observe that a child is suffering from
behavioural problems.
g Professional intervention
Subject to consultation with the parents, these contact persons will then
share their findings with professionals who will assume responsibility for
the situation. These may be the school psychologist or the school mediator. Information about this may be found online at www.jura.ch/sen.
Parents can also contact the school mediator directly in case of any disagreement with the child’s teacher.
g Pédagogie compensatoire [compensatory education] services
Various facilities are available with a view to integrating problem children
with the school system as effectively as possible: transition classes, schooling support, appropriate auxiliary services for children with special needs,
extra teaching for children with high potential etc.
g Specialist institutions
Depending on the nature of the case, the professional persons consulted will direct the child to specialist institutions capable of responding to
his or her specific needs - for example, the Centre médico-psychologique
CMP [Medical-Psychological Centre CMP], the Service éducatif itinérant
SEI [Mobile Educational Service SEI], Action éducative en milieu ouvert
AEMO [Open Environment Educational Initiative AEMO] and others.
School psychologists
The work of school psychologists is managed by the Centre
d’orientation scolaire et professionnelle [Centre for Scholastic
and Professional Orientation] and
consists of two separate areas: on
the one hand consultation with
parents, the children and sometimes the responsible teacher
(based on interviews conducted in
strict confidence), and on the other
the observation of the children’s
behaviour in class in a familiar
social setting (this may lead to further investigation of the individual
case if appropriate, subject to the
parents’ consent).
Regional Social Services
The u Services sociaux régionaux
[Regional Social Services] may
be consulted in case of personal,
financial or family problems.
They offer support and backup
either for the individual or for the
family, along with the possibility
of mediation (for the exercise
of parental visiting rights, for
For more information:
(Social services of the canton of Jura)
(Information for young people)
(Information for young adults
and their parents)
School, training, leisure
School and training
Children and young people
Religion 1/1
Sport and leisure
Times of religious services
in the Jura
Catholic masses
The religious landscape
Plurality and respect
Switzerland offers religious
believers numerous possibilities of
practising their faith in a climate of
respect, tolerance and discretion.
Moreover, the religious landscape
in Switzerland is undergoing
permanent evolution, with an ever
greater diversity of churches and
religious groupings.
In Switzerland
With more than 3 million
adherents, the Roman Catholic
church is the majority religion
and is widely represented in the
country. It predominates in the
rural cantons and in towns that
acquired immigrants from southern
Europe in the seventies.
In the Jura
In the Jura as in Switzerland as a
whole, the religious landscape has
changed in the last decade.
In the year 2000: Roman Catholic
church 75 % (Switzerland 41.8 %).
In Switzerland
As the second church in the
country, the Protestant church has
more than 2.7 million worshippers.
Historically, Switzerland has played
a key role in the development of
In the Jura
In the year 2000: reformed
evangelical church 10.7 %
(Switzerland 33 %)
JA_ En_ D3_Religion_1/1
Free evangelical churches
In the Jura, the free evangelical
churches (and other Protestant
communities) represent 1.8 % of the
Times of masses of the Roman Catholic church may be looked up at
www.jurapastoral.ch, or you can obtain them directly from the
u Administration de la Collectivité ecclésiastique cantonale catholique romaine [Roman Catholic Collective Ecclesiastical Cantonal Administration].
Protestant services
Times of services of the reformed church can be obtained from the
u Secrétariat de la Paroisse réformée [Secretariat of the Reformed Parish].
Orthodox church
Buddhism and Hinduism
In Switzerland
For two centuries Switzerland has
played host to numerous Orthodox
Christians, Russian Orthodox in
In Switzerland
These two religions represent
0.5 % of the population and are
principally focused on Berne and
In the Jura
The Orthodox Church represents
0.4 % of the population.
In the Jura
These two religions are very much
in the minority, but nonetheless
numbers have been increasing
since 2000.
In Switzerland
A significant number of Jews live
in Switzerland, both in Frenchspeaking and in German-speaking
regions. Most big towns have
a Jewish community which is
organised in institutions with a well
developed infrastructure.
In the Jura
Judaism represents 0.03 % of the
«The Religious Landscape
in Switzerland»
Published by the u Office fédéral
de la statistique [Federal Statistics
Office], ‘Le paysage religieux en
Suisse’ [‘The Religious Landscape
in Switzerland’] may be ordered or
downloaded at www.bfs.admin.ch.
For more information:
In Switzerland
More than 150,000 persons belong
to a Muslim community.
(Roman Catholic Collective Ecclesiastical Cantonal Administration)
In the Jura
Muslim communities are
expanding, and currently amount to
1.9 % of the population.
(French language portal for Catholics in
(Mutual help among Swiss Protestants)
(Swiss Islamic portal)
(Information about the Orthodox
Church in Switzerland)
(Federal Statistics Office)
School, training, leisure
School and training
Children and young people Culture 1/4
Sport and leisure
Cultural opportunities in the Jura
Cultural activities listing at www.culture-jura.ch
Institutions dedicated
to the promotion of culture
Cantonal Cultural Office
u The Office cantonal de la culture
(OCC) [Cantonal Cultural Office] is
concerned with the conservation and
exploitation of the Jurassic heritage,
as well as supporting cultural activities. It is divided up into six sections:
Cultural Affairs, Cantonal Archives,
Cantonal Library, Conservation of
Public Monuments, Department of
Archaeology and Palaeontology,
Jurassic Natural Science Museum and
Botanical Gardens.
Jurassic Emulation Society
The u Société jurassienne
d’Emulation [Jurassic Emulation
Society] is an apolitical interjurassic
body. It has been working since 1847
to promote the cultural heritage of
historic Jura.
Pro Jura Association
With its numerous publications, the
u Association Pro Jura [Pro Jura Association] endeavours to illustrate and
add value to the natural, cultural and
historic beauties of the region. Pro
Jura has already brought out something like 14,000 works and publications on these subjects.
JA_ En_ D4_Culture_1/4
People’s University of the Jura
The u Université populaire jurassienne [People’s University of the Jura]
is an institution active, in the cultural
field in particular, in the canton of
Jura and Bernese Jura. The UPJ has
a mission to provide freely available
adult education, encourage public
access to cultural facilities, encourage
cultural discovery, to popularise various themes and to provide opportunities of encounter and exchange.
Interjurassic Museums Group of the
Jura and Bernese Jura GIM
GIM includes 24 museums of the
Jura and Bernese Jura. Its principal
mission is to encourage contacts and
exchange of information between
the staff of different museums. More
detailed information is available at
The Regional Cultural Centres of Delémont and Porrentruy, the Café du Soleil
at Saignelégier, the Centre de culture et de loisirs de Saint-Imier [Saint-Imier
Culture and Leisure Centre], the Centre culturel de la Prévôté [Prévôté Cultural Centre], Pro Jura, Le Royal at Tavannes, Jura Tourisme and the Association
jurassienne d’animation culturelle AJAC [Jurassic Association for Cultural Activities AJAC] have joined forces to create a website showing their various
activities. The website is regularly updated.
Principal events
Internet address
g Braderie / Ethnofolies Porrentruy www.ethnofolies.ch
g Course de côte internationale www.rangiers.ch
Saint-Ursanne Les Rangiers International Hill Race
g Delémont Carnival www.carnaval-delemont.ch
g Delémont Dancing on the Douxwww.delemont.ch
g Delémont Equinox Notes www.nox.ch
g Franches-Montagnes Carnival www.carimentran.ch
g Gros Le Noirmont Singing Festivalwww.lcdg.ch
g Jazz at Delémont Stationwww.jazzalagare.ch
g Jura Bassecourt Carnivalwww.carnavaldujura.ch
g Jurassic People’s Festival
g Music of the Lights www.osjsymphonic.net
g Porrentruy Jazz www.cultureporrentruy.ch
g Porrentruy Music Festivalwww.porrentruy.ch
g Porrentruy Piano Festivalwww.crescendo-jura.ch
g Rock’Air Festival Porrentruy www.rockair.ch
g Routes des crèches Bassecourt www.bassecourt.ch
g Saignelégier Dog Sled Competitionwww.sde-saignelegier.ch
g Saignelégier National Horse Market
and Competition www.marcheconcours.ch
g Saignelégier Organic Marketwww.marchebio.ch
g Saint-Martin en Ajoie Festival and Market www.juratourisme.ch
or www.marchedelastmartin.ch
g Saint-Ursanne Contemporary Art Exhibitionswww.closdudoubs.ch
g Saint-Ursanne Piano Festivalwww.crescendo-jura.ch
g Swiss Regional Products Competitionwww.concours-terroir.ch
g Saint-Ursanne Christmas Marketwww.st-ursanne.ch
g Saint-Ursanne Medieval Festivalwww.medievales.ch
g Saint-Ursanne Mont-Terri Projectwww.mont-terri-productions.ch
g SlowUp Jura www.slowupjura.ch
g SnowUp Interjurassien www.snowup-interjurassien.ch
u Ursinia Ursinia is the cultural label of
Clos-du-Doubs. This federation
includes ten or more associations
and communes and is dedicated to
the aim of coordinating, federating
and invigorating culture, traditional
crafts and sport through the
production or promotion of events.
Jurassic cultural centres
u Centre culturel régional
de Delémont CCRD
(Delémont Regional Cultural Centre)
u Centre culturel du District
de Porrentruy CCDP
(District Porrentruy Cultural Centre)
u Espace culturel du Café du
Soleil à Saignelégier
Saignelégier Cultural Space
at the Café du Soleil
School, training, leisure
School and training
Children and young people Culture 2/4
Sport and leisure
Interjurassic Museums Group (www.museesbeju.ch)
The ‘Groupement interjurassien des musées’ has a website which shows you
the entire attractive range of what the museums of the Jura and Bernese Jura
have to offer. It has also published a brochure which is obtainable from u Jura
Tourisme [Jura Tourist Office].
The museums of the Jura
Jurassic cinemas
Films now showing
You can find full details of
all films shown on Jurassic
screens at the website
u Cinélucarne Le Noirmont
u Cinéma Colisée Porrentruy
u Cinéma La Grange Delémont
u Cinéma Lido Delémont
u Cinéma Lux Les Breuleux
For more information:
(Cantonal Cultural Office)
(Activities in the Jura)
(Jura Tourist Office)
(Programme of films shown
on Swiss French screens)
JA_ En_ D4_Culture_2/4
(Federal Cultural Office)
A: Archaeology
FA: Fine arts
H: History
NH: Natural history
ST: Science and technology
PT: Popular traditions
u Centre Nature Les Cerlatez Saignelégier NH
[Les Cerlatez Natural History Centre Saignelégier]
Swiss peat bogs museum. Exhibitions, vivarium, botanical gardens.
u L’Arche de Noé Vicques NH [Vicques Noah’s Ark]
Permanent and temporary exhibitions with more than 2,000 naturalised animals.
u Musée agricole des Vieilles traditions Grandfontaine PT
[Grandfontaine Museum of Traditional Agriculture]
Exhibition of machines and ancient artefacts used in agriculture between 1900
and 1960.
Musée Chappuis-Fähndrich Develier PT [Chappuis-Fähndrich Develier Museum]
u Shows several thousand objects used in daily life in the Jura between 1700
and 1950.
u Musée de la Balance d’Asuel A/H [Museum Balance Asuel]
Permanent exhibition. Iconography, models and archaeological objects of the
castle of Asuel, with presentation of the medieval castles of the Jura.
u Musée de la poterie de Bonfol PT [Bonfol Pottery Museum]
Permanent exhibition of pottery.
u Musée de l’Hôtel-Dieu Porrentruy FA/H/ST [Porrentruy Hôtel-Dieu Museum]
Permanent and temporary exhibitions. Treasury of the Eglise Saint-Pierre [St
Peter’s Church], 19th century pharmacy, watchmaker’s shop, precious stones
workshop, prints of the Diocese of Basel.
u Musée des métiers d’antan Fahy H/ST [Fahy Traditional Crafts Museum]
Open on request. Exhibition of tools and everyday objects of yesteryear.
u Musée du Löwenburg Ederswiler A [Löwenburg Ederswiler Museum]
Permanent exhibition of archaeological objects from Neanderthal to modern
u Musée du Mont-Repais Asuel A/H [Mont-Repais Museum Asuel]
Permanent exhibition on the history of events which have occurred in the region, from its origins (1,000 AD) to the present (Rangiers affair).
u Musée jurassien d’art et d’histoire Delémont A/FA/H
[Delémont Jurassic Art and History Museum]
Jurassic history, with an emphasis on cultural aspects but also including matters of social, political and economic interest.
u Musée jurassien des sciences naturelles Porrentruy NH
[Porrentruy Jurassic Museum of the Natural Sciences]
Minerals, fossils, geology, mushrooms, thematic dioramas, history of evolution.
u Musée lapidaire Saint-Ursanne A [Saint-Ursanne Lapidary Museum]
Permanent and temporary exhibitions. Carolingian and Merovingian tombs.
u Musée rural jurassien Les Genevez PT [Les Genevez Jurassic Rural Museum]
Permanent exhibition. Traditional rural living, shingle roofing, baker’s ovens,
vaults and tools (600 objects).
School, training, leisure
School and training
Children and young people Culture 3/4
Sport and leisure
Art galleries in the Jura
u Arjaru Artisanat, Saint-Ursanne
Workshop and exhibition. Lute-making workshop, jewels, furniture, paintings etc.
u Centre culturel de Rossemaison
Temporary exhibitions in an old chapel of the village.
u Château de Miécourt
Various exhibitions and shows on the walls of the castle.
u Cloître de Saint-Ursanne
Temporary exhibitions of paintings, photographs etc.
u Espace Courant d’Art, Chevenez
Gallery of contemporary art. Possibility of cultural visits to Ajoie.
u Espace culturel du Café du Soleil, Saignelégier
Place of cultural exchange and for getting to know the artists, temporary exhibitions.
u Espace d’art du Pichoux, Undervelier
Cultural centre and exhibition venue (cf. ‘le Mouton Noir’ [‘the Black Sheep’)
u Fondation Oscar and Janine Wiggli, Muriaux
Sculptures, drawings, prints and photographs by Oscar Wiggli.
u Fondation Sur-la-Velle, Le Noirmont
Permanent exhibition, concerts, theatrical productions in the old church.
u Galerie 5, Porrentruy
Temporary exhibitions of paintings, photographs and sculptures.
u Galerie ARTsenal, Delémont
Temporary exhibitions by a widely varied range of artists.
u Galerie Au Virage, Séprais
30 years of cultural activity, exhibitions and encounters.
u Galerie Cretton, Saint-Ursanne
Exhibition of the works of the artist Marc Cretton.
u Galerie de la Cave, Soyhières
Space for art and leisure. Various exhibitions and shows.
u Galerie de la FARB, Delémont
Cultural and artistic exhibitions.
u Galerie du Sauvage, Porrentruy
Exhibitions of photographs and videos.
u Galerie Eric Rihs, Les Emibois
Exhibitions of pottery at a magnificent Franches-Montagnes farm.
u Galerie Le Caveau, Saint-Ursanne
Temporary exhibitions of various forms of art.
u Galerie Le Cénacle, Develier
Gallery showing work of the painter Giorgio Veralli.
u Galerie Le Pinceau d’Or, Saignelégier
Studio gallery with paintings of Franches-Montagnes landscapes.
u Galerie Paul-Bovée, Delémont
Temporary exhibitions. A collection containing more than 320 works of art.
u Galerie Riance, Courroux
Exhibition of ceramics.
u Galerie Trouillat, Porrentruy
Temporary painting exhibition.
u Les Halles - Espace d’art contemporain, Porrentruy
Exhibitions of contemporary works of art from the Jua and elsewhere.
u Maison d’art Camillo, Soulce
Gallery exhibiting work of the artist Camillo.
u Site des Fours à Chaux, Saint-Ursanne
Exhibitions, spectacles and concerts in a former lime works.
u TransArt - Espace d’Art, Boncourt
Collective exhibitions, work experiences and studios.
Theatrical activities are much
appreciated and they are
widespread in the canton of
Jura. Many localities have their
own amateur theatricals group.
The list shown below does not
claim to be complete, and you
would be advised to enquire at
the u secrétariats communaux
[commune secretarial offices] in
order to find just what is on offer in
your area.
The u Fédération jurassienne des
sociétés de théâtre amateur FJSTA
[Jurassic Federation of Amateur
Theatrical Companies FJSTA] can
also provide information on this
Amateur theatricals
u Art Qu’en Lune, Glovelier
u Compagnie de l’US Montfaucon
u Compagnie Maramande,
u Cours de Miracles, Delémont
u La Confrérie des Jardiniers,
u Lés Echaipouses de Tieûve,
u Les Funambules, Delémont
u Mettembert sur scène
u Société de théâtre, Courrendlin
u Société de théâtre, Montsevelier
u Théâtre Cent Façons, Fontenais
u Théâtre des Faces-à-Main,
u Théâtre Sans Gage, Saignelégier
Professional theatre
JA_ En_ D4_Culture_3/4
u Théâtre Extrapol, Porrentruy
Café theatre
u Café-Théâtre Laaf Théâtre,
School, training, leisure
School and training
Children and young people Culture 4/4
Sport and leisure
Libraries in the Jura
Virtual catalogue
The official website of the canton of Jura provides a virtual catalogue of libraries
in the Jura, making it possible for you to access the complete range of services of the various establishments for the loan of works and documents of the
Public libraries of regional character
Archive centres
in the Jura
u Archives cantonales
[Jurassic Cantonal Archives]
The Archives cantonales
jurassiennes [Jurassic
Cantonal Archives] preserve,
maintain and add value to
historical archives belonging
to the canton of Jura. They are
accessible to the public.
u Fondation des Archives
de l’ancien Evêché de Bâle
[Archival Foundation of the
Former Diocese of Basel]
The Fondation des Archives
de l’ancien Evêché de Bâle
[Archival Foundation of the
Former Diocese of Basel] is a
foundation under private law.
Established in 198, it is managed
by the cantons of Berne, Jura,
Bâle-Campagne [Basel Country]
and Bâle-Ville [Basel City].
u Bibliothèque de la ville de Delémont [Library of the City of Delémont]
Loans, research, inter-library loans, organisation of events, exhibitions. Monday,
Thursday and Friday 2.00 to 6.00 pm, Tuesday 2.00 to 8.00 pm, Wednesday 10.00
am to 12.00 noon and 2.00 to 6.00 pm, Saturday from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon.
u Bibliothèque des jeunes de Delémont [Young People’s Library of Delémont]
Loan of documents, advice to readers, class visits, exhibitions and organisation
of events. Monday to Friday 2.00 to 6.00 pm, Saturday 10.00 am to 12.00 noon.
u Bibliothèque municipale de Porrentruy [Municipal Library of Porrentruy]
Loans, research, inter-library loans, organisation of events, exhibitions. Tuesday
and Friday from 3.00 to 6.00 pm, Wednesday from 2.00 to 6.00 pm, Thursday
from 3.00 to 7.00 pm, Saturday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon.
u Bibliothèque des jeunes de Porrentruy [Young People’s Library of Porrentruy]
Loan of documents, advice to readers, class visits, exhibitions and organisation
of events. Tuesday to Friday 2.00 to 6.00 pm, Saturday 10.00 am to 12.00 noon.
u Bibiobus de l’Université populaire jurassienne UPJ
[Library bus of the People’s University of the Jura]
Three library buses are in service, parking at 102 locations (97 communes) in
the canton of Jura. 6,000 works are carried by each library bus. Books may be
reserved by e-mail. A detailed timetable will be sent to all readers, or you can
look up the schedule at the Université Populaire jurassienne [People’s University of the Jura].
Specialist libraries open to the public
u Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne à Porrentruy
[Cantonal Library of the Jura Porrentruy]
Documentation concerning the Jura and its people, French-language literature,
old collections belonging to the Cantonal Library of the Jura. Monday and Wednesday 1.30 to 5.30 pm, Tuesday and Friday 9.00 am to 12.00 noon and 1.30 to
5.30 pm, Thursday 9.00 am to 12.00 noon and 1.30 to 8.00 pm.
Bureau de l’égalité à Delémont
Documentary Centre of the u [Equality Office, Delémont]
For more information:
(Cantonal Cultural Office)
(Virtual catalogue of libraries
in the Jura)
600 files can be consulted on the spot or by appointment.
In addition, 2000 works on the subject of equality between the sexes, including
Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne à
videos and DVDs, are available at the u Porrentruy [Cantonal Library of the Jura, Porrentruy].
u Centre de documentation du Service de l’information et de la communication du canton du Jura à Delémont [Documentary Centre of the Information
and Communication Services of the Canton of Jura, Delémont]
Documentary files, audiovisual archives of the Jura, official federal and cantonal publications. Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 12.00 noon and 1.30 to 5.30 pm.
Public libraries of local character
(Activities in the Jura)
u Bibliothèque communale et scolaire Le Noirmont
u Bibliothèque «Aux mille et un livres» à Bassecourt
(Jura Tourist Office)
(Federal Cultural Office)
[Le Noirmont Commune and Scholastic Library]
[Thousand and One Books Library, Bassecourt]
Special areas for a specialist public
u Médiathèque du Lycée cantonal et de l’Ecole supérieure de commerce
de Porrentruy
JA_ En_ D4_Culture_4/4
[Mediatheque of the Cantonal Lycée and Business College of Porrentruy]
u Centre de ressources HEP, médiathèque de Porrentruy
[HEP Resource Centre, Porrentruy Mediatheque]
School, training, leisure
School and training
Children and young people Culture
Sport and leisure 1/2
Sport and leisure
Search tools
The Jura has many sport and leisure clubs with suitable modern equipment. The following search tools are a useful resource if you are looking
for information on this subject.
Cantonal Sports Office OCS
The u Office cantonal des sports OCS
[Cantonal Sports Office OCS] is the
organ responsible for the promotion
of sporting activities in the canton of
g J+S Courses and Camps
In particular, OCS offers courses and
camps at attractive prices. These are
aimed at young people between 10
and 20 years of age. Information is
available online at www.jura.ch/sport.
g Midi actif [Active Lunch Break]
OCS has also been responsible for
creating the Midi actif [Active Lunch
Break] scheme, which makes it possible for adults to take part in sporting
activities during their lunch break at
attractive prices. Information is available online at www.jura.ch/sport.
Prominent sports clubs
g Hockey-Club Ajoie HCA
Club de LNB [National Basketball
League Club]
g Sports-Réunis Delémont SRD
Challenge league football club
g Volleyball Franches-Montagnes
Women’s LNA [National Athletics
League] team
g Boncourt Basketball Club
LNA [National Athletics League] team
g FSG Bassecourt LNB
[athletics team]
For more information:
JA_ En_ D5_Sports et loisirs_1/2
(Sports Office of the Canton of Jura)
(Activities in the Jura)
(Jurassic Tourist Office)
(Portal for information about the Jura
and the Arc jurassien)
g Jura Tourist Office
With its website www.juratourisme.ch, carefully chosen publications and
four information offices, u Jura Tourisme [Jura Tourist Office] illuminates
the rich cultural and sporting resources of the canton of Jura and can give
you all the information you may require.
g Juranet
The Jura portal www.juranet.ch is a useful search tool, especially in relation to sport, leisure and entertainment in the canton of Jura. Among its
facilities it offers you the option of selecting activities in which you are
interested and the locations where they take place.
g Commune secretarial offices
The u secrétariats communaux [commune secretarial offices] in the Jura
can give you listings of local sports clubs and associations.
g Cantonal Sports Office
The website www.jura.ch can give you plenty of information about culture, sport and leisure. u The Office cantonal des sports [Cantonal Sports
Office] can supply you with a list of various sports clubs and associations
along with the services they offer, and will be happy to give you any further information you require.
Sporting and leisure activities available in the Jura
Enquiries to: Jura Tourisme l Sports Office l Juranet m
g Sports
Alpine skiing llm
Archery l
Athletics lm
Badminton lm
Basketball lm
Caving lm
Climbing ll
Curling l
Cycling llm
Cynology lm
Dance m
Darts l
Diving / snorkelling
Football lm
Gliding lm
Golf llm
Gymnastics lm
Hiking llm
Ice hockey llm
Ice skating llm
Indoor hockey l
g Leisure activities
Inline hockey lm
Kayaking llm
Kites ll
Martial arts lm
Motor sports lm
Paintball l
Pétanque lm
Riding llm
Table football l
Weightlifting lm
Shooting lm
Ski tours with
climbing skins llm
Snowboarding lm
Snow shoes ll
Squash l
Swimming llm
Table tennis lm
Tchoukball l
Tennis llm
Volleyball lm
VTT (all-terrain
cycling) llm
Yoga lm
Activities suitable for
persons with special
needs lm
Adventure park l
Air ballooning l
Arboriculture m
Astronomy lm
Billiards lm
Bison park l
Bowling l
Brass bands m
Caravans l
Carnival m
Carting l
Casino l
Caves l
Chess m
Cuniculture (rabbit) m
Cycle hire l
Dinosaurs l
Dry toboggan runs l
Equestrian tourism l
Excursions on
horseback l
Fishing lm
Flying lm
Gastronomy lm
Guided visits to towns
and museums lm
Happiness Farm l
Horse and cart l
Hunting m
Jazz m
Mill visits l
Minigolf l
Music m
conservation lm
Nordic walking l
Ornithology lm
Ostrich Adventure l
Painting and
drawing m
Singing m
Sled dogs l
Wine tasting l
Watchmaking l
Paragliding lm
Parcours Vita [Vita
training circuit] ll
Photography m
Pottery l
Prehistoric park l
Scooters l
Scouts ll
Scrabble m
Skittles l
Steam trainsl
Stained glass l
Swingolf l
Taxidermy l
School, training, leisure
School and training
Children and young people Culture
Sport and leisure 2/2
Sport and leisure
Strong points of tourism in the Jura
Swimming pools
g Heated open air swimming pools
u Piscine couverte et de plein air,
u Piscine Municipale, Porrentruy.
g Indoor swimming pools
u Centre de loisirs des Franches-Montagnes, Saignelégier
u Centre Rencontres, Courfaivre
u Piscine couverte Les Tilleuls,
u Piscine couverte et de plein air,
u Piscine couverte Les Hémionées,
Ice skating rinks
g Open air ice skating rinks
u Patinoire régionale, Delémont
g Indoor ice skating rinks
u Patinoire d’Ajoie, Porrentruy
u Centre de loisirs des Franches-Montagnes, Saignelégier
Leisure centres
g u Centre de loisirs
des Franches-Montagnes, Saignelégier
Hotel/restaurant, indoor swimming
pool, indoor ice skating rink, fitness
centre with training facilities, sauna,
hammams and solariums.
g u La Croisée des loisirs, Delémont
Restaurant, bars, bowling, tennis,
badminton, squash, billiard, darts, table
football, electronic games, children’s
JA_ En_ D5_Sports et loisirs_2/2
Toy libraries (www.ludo.ch)
u Ludothèque Arc-en-Ciel Vicques
u Ludothèque Delémont
u Ludothèque Le Galopin Bassecourt
u Ludothèque Le Noirmont
u Ludothèque Les Bois
u Ludothèques Les Breuleux
u Ludothèques Les Genevez
u Ludothèque Porrentruy
u Ludothèque Saignelégier
g A warm welcome
The Jura is the most recent of the Swiss cantons to join the Swiss Federation
(1979), and its inhabitants are proud of the fact. Many of them were involved
in the fight to create the new canton. The locals also offer a warm welcome to
visitors, and are happy to share their love of their homeland with people who
come to discover it.
g Accommodation
The Jura offers a large selection when it comes to accommodation - hotels,
holiday flats and houses, Bed and Breakfasts, campsites, group accommodation, haylofts, teepees, yurts, cabins, youth hostels, dormitories etc.
With its website www.juratourisme.ch and four tourist information offices,
u Jura Tourisme [Jurassic Tourist Office] can tell you about accommodation
options, find out for you what is available and make bookings for you on request.
g Nature
The Jura enjoys a picturesque and varied countryside, thanks to a natural
environment which to a great extent has remained unspoilt. There are numerous activities through which you can discover the natural treasures of the
region as the seasons unfold. The summer is suitable for long-distance hikes
on foot (1,120 km of signposted footpaths), on horseback or by bicycle (with
many cycle tracks and 650 km of VTT [off-road] circuits at different levels) for
touring the lakes, the pastures of Franches-Montagnes etc. Winter is the season for long cross-country skiing hikes (100 km of signposted paths) or hikes
on snow-shoes (100 km of signposted paths) or skis with climbing skins.
u Jura Tourisme [Jurassic Tourist Office] can give you any information you may
require on this subject. The syndicats d’initiatives [tourist information offices]
of Delémont (www.sird.ch), Ajoie and Clos-du-Doubs (www.lesirac.ch) and of
the Franches-Montagnes district (www.franchesmontagnes.ch), as well as the
sociétés d’embellissement [country improvement societies] (listed at www.
juranet.ch) are also available as a source of useful information.
u La Maison du Tourisme and u Chemins de fer du Jura CJ [Jura Railways]
also have combined offers involving a range of sporting, family or cultural
u JuraGroupes [Jura Groups], available online at www.juragroupes.ch, is
available for the organisation of excursions, outings or seminars for groups in
the canton of Jura.
g Gastronomy and local products
The Jura sees it as a point of honour to promote and preserve its numerous
local products: cheeses (including the highly regarded tête-de-moine), pâtés,
sausages, terrines, wines (www.closdescantons.ch), brandies (including the
famous damassine), sweets etc. It is also worth mentioning that the Jura has
two traditional breweries (u Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes and u Brasserie artisanale de Porrentruy).
Every year, the u Fondation rurale interjurassienne FRI de Courtemelon [Interjurassic Rural Foundation of Courtemelon] organises the Marché des terroirs
suisses [Swiss Local Produce Market] and the Concours suisse des produits du
terroir [Swiss Local Products Competition] (www.concours-terroir.ch), in the
course of which Jurassic specialities may be found alongside those of other
Swiss cantons.
From the authentic country inn to the five star restaurant - like that of Georges
Wenger in Noirmont (18/20 on the GaultMillau scale, and 2 stars in the Guide
Michelin) - the Jura offers plenty of attractive opportunities for dining on tasty
and carefully prepared dishes.
The wide range of restaurants available in the Jura can be consulted online at www.juragourmand.ch.
Ass. de la culture et solidarité
Sahin Ahmet
Rue de Bellevoie 16
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 32 09
Tosun Zeynep
Rue du Jura 23
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 82 25
de la Collectivité ecclésiastique
cantonale catholique romaine
Rue de l’Hôpital 26
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 79 27
Archives cantonales
Office de la culture
Hôtel des Halles
Rue Pierre-Péquignat 9
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 84 00
Asociacion Cultural
Latinamericana del Jura
Amelia Pasqualetti
Rue Franche 37
2800 Delémont
Asociacion de Trabajadores
Espagnoles ATEES-Jura
Blanco Luis
Rue Industrielle 88
2740 Moutier
Tél. 032 493 50 81
Associaçao Desportiva
Recreativa - FC Juventude
Joao Coehlo
Rue de la Paix 36
2800 Delémont
Association Cerebral Jura
Rue des Moulins 12
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 66 55
Arjaru Artisanat
Ruth et Jakob Stiefel
Rue du 23-Juin 38
2882 Saint-Ursanne
Tél. 032 435 54 36
Art Qu’en Lune
Olivier Boillat
Route de la Raisse 10
2855 Glovelier
Tél. 032 426 84 26
Association des Angolais
en Suisse
Buata Max Ndombele
Route de Moutier 89
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 423 10 47
Association des parents
d’élèves albanais du Jura
Naser Ramabaja
Rue de la Birse 2
2822 Courroux
Tél. 032 422 20 72
Association des services
des automobiles asa
Thunstrasse 9
3000 Berne 6
Tél. 031 350 83 83
Rue des Granges 10
CP 46
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 74 58
Association des Tamouls
du Jura
I. Shanmugarajah
Rue de la Brasserie 4
2800 Delémont
Association jurassienne
d’accueil des migrants
Rue Saint-Sébastien 4
CP 31
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 36 10
Association jurassienne
des Communautés d’Anatolie
Zehre Aslan
Rue du Puits 18
2800 Delémont
Association Lire et Ecrire
Section Jura
Rue de Chêtre 36
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 926 18 12
Association marocaine du Jura
Bennour Mohamed
Chemin des Fontaines 15
2800 Delémont
Tél. 079 375 94 87
Association Option médiation
Cédric Chapatte
Au-Village 17
2877 Le Bémont
Tél. Jacques Kottelat,
co-président 079 280 03 42
Association Oyili
E. Cattin
Sommêtre 34
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 951 49 59
Association Pro Jura
Hôtel-de-Ville 16
2740 Moutier
Tél. 032 493 18 24
Association Transports
et Environnement
Section Jura
Place de la Gare
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 88 88
Automobile Club de Suisse
Administration centrale
Wasserwerkgasse 39
3000 Berne 13
Tél 031 328 31 11
Rue de l’Avenir 33
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 77 15
«Aux mille et un livres»
Prayé 10
2854 Bassecourt
Tél. 032 426 75 64
Bibliothèque cantonale
Hôtel des Halles
Rue Pierre-Péquignat 9
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 422 83 13
Bibliothèque communale
et scolaire
Rue des Collèges 4a
2340 Le Noirmont
Tél. 032 426 75 64
de la ville de Delémont
Rue de l’Hôpital 47
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 83 13
Bibliothèque des jeunes
de Delémont
Rue de Fer 13
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 73 28
Bureau de l’Egalité
entre femmes et hommes
Rue du 24-Septembre 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 79 00
Bibliobus de l’Université
populaire jurassienne
Rue de Chêtre 36
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 40 10
Bibliothèque des jeunes
de Porrentruy
Grand-Rue 5
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 465 78 91
Bibliothèque municipale
de Porrentruy
Grand-Rue 5
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 465 78 90
Billag SA
Contact Center
1701 Fribourg
Hotline 0844 834 834
Brasserie artisanale
de Porrentruy
Route de Courgenay 86
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 078 718 51 66
des Franches-Montagnes
Chemin des Buissons 8
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 951 26 26
Bureau de l’intégration
des étrangers et de la lutte
contre le racisme
Rue du 24-Septembre 1
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 56 94
Bureau de prévention
des accidents - BPA
Hodlerstrasse 5a
3011 Berne
Tél. 031 390 22 22
Bureau du développement
économique du canton du Jura
Promotion économique
Rue de la Préfecture 12
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 52 20
Bureau FRC Conseil
Rue des Granges 12
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 20 20
Café-Théâtre LaafThéâtre
Rue du Vieux-Moulin 55
2852 Courtételle
Tél. 032 422 76 84
Caisse d’allocations familiales
du canton du Jura
Rue Bel-Air 3
CP 368
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 952 11 11
Caisse de chômage du Jura
Rue Bel-Air 3
CP 368
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 952 11 11
Caisse de compensation
du canton du Jura
Rue Bel-Air 3
CP 368
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 952 11 11
Caisse de pensions
de la République
et Canton du Jura
Rue Auguste-Cuenin 2
CP 1132
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 465 94 40
Caritas Jura
Rue du Temple 19
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 443 421 35 60
CarPostal Suisse SA
Région Ouest
Agence de Delémont
Place de la Poste 4
CP 203
2800 Delémont
Tél. 0900 307 307 (Fr. 1.19/min)
Centre culturel de Rossemaison
Administration communale
Chemin des Tilleuls 1
2842 Rossemaison
Tél. 032 422 36 54
Centre culturel du District
de Porrentruy CCDP
Grand-Rue 5
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 92 19
Centre de puériculture
du District de Delémont
Rue du Chalet 5
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 55 32
Centre de puériculture
du District de Porrentruy
Rue Pierre-Péquignat 2
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 465 11 30
Centre de puériculture
du District
des Franches-Montagnes
Rue de la Côte 1
2340 Le Noirmont
Tél. 032 953 17 66
Centre de ressources HEP
Médiathèque de Porrentruy
Rue du Banné 23
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 886 99 43
Centre de consultation LAVI
Quai de la Sorne 22
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 81 00
Centre d’orientation
scolaire et professionnelle
et de psychologie scolaire
Rue de l’Hôpital 6
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 79 50
Centre d’orientation
scolaire et professionnelle
et de psychologie scolaire
Chemin des Arquebusiers
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 34 70 (siège central)
Centre d’orientation
scolaire et professionnelle
et de psychologie scolaire
Rue Bel-Air 5
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 420 47 10
Centre de loisirs
des Franches-Montagnes
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 951 24 74
Centre Espagnol de Delémont
Manuel. Blanco
Les Collines 36
2802 Develier
Tél. 032 422 52 71
Centre de documentation
du Service de l’information
et de la communication
du canton du Jura
Rue du 24-Septembre 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 50 42
Centre jurassien
et de formation CEJEF
Rue du 24-Septembre 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 71 75
Centre culturel régional
de Delémont CCRD
Forum Saint-Georges
CP 2047
Route de Bâle 5
2800 Delémont 2
Tél. 032 422 50 22
Centre d’animation
et de formation
pour femmes migrantes CAFF
Centre Le Phénix
Rue des Tanneurs 3
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 39 87
Centre jurassien de planning
familial Delémont
Rue Molière 13
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 34 44
Centre jurassien de planning
familial Porrentruy
Grand-Rue 12
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 66 44
Centre jurassien de planning
familial Le Noirmont
Rue de la Côte 1A
2340 Le Noirmont
Tél. 032 953 17 66
Centre médico-psychologique
CMP Delémont
Service de psychiatrie
pour enfants et adolescents
Faubourg des Capucins 20
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 51 80
Centre médico-psychologique
CMP Porrentruy
Rue Thurmann 16
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 36 20
Centre médico-psychologique
CMP Franches-Montagnes
Rue de la Gruère 25
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 420 47 00
C (continued)
next page
C (continued)
Centre Nature Les Cerlatez
CP 212
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 951 12 69
Centre Rencontres
Route de Soulce 36
CP 134
2853 Courfaivre
Tél. 032 427 37 37
Centre Social Protestant
Rue Centrale 59
2740 Moutier
Tél. 032 493 32 21
Centro Espanol
de Porrentruy
Fernando Bicuaret
2944 Bonfol
Château de Miécourt
Fondation des amis
du Château de Miécourt
Bâtiment 63 et 63a
2946 Miécourt
Tél. 032 462 34 01
Chemin de fer du Jura CJ
Gare CJ Saignelégier
Rue de la Gare 11
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 952 42 75
Chemin de fer fédéraux CFF
Vente voyageurs CFF
Place de la Gare 11
2800 Delémont
Tél. 051 226 05 11
Chemin de fer fédéraux CFF
Vente voyageurs CFF
Place de la Gare 1
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 051 226 08 14
Rue de la Rauracie 13a
2340 Le Noirmont
Tél. 032 953 11 84
Cinéma Colisée
Rue du Jura 29
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 25 92
Cinéma La Grange
Rue des Granges 13
2800 Delémont 2
Tél. 032 422 11 29
Cinéma Lido
Rue du Pré-Guillaume 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 27 10
Cinéma Lux
Rue de la Chaux 2
CP 63
2345 Les Breuleux
Tél. 032 954 12 26
Clinique Le Noirmont
Roc-Montès 20
2340 Le Noirmont
Tél. 032 957 51 11
Cloître de Saint-Ursanne
Romain Theurillat
Clos-Sainte-Catherine 19
2882 Saint-Ursanne
Tél. 032 461 33 91
Colonia Libera Italiana del Jura
Rue Emile-Boéchat 110
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 92 85
Comitato cittadino italiano
di Delémont
Nicola Carnevale
Route de Courrendlin 21
2822 Courroux
Tél. 032 422 87 72
Commission cantonale
de surveillance des droits
des patients
Service de la santé RCJU
Faubourg des Capucins 20
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 51 20
Commission de conciliation
en matière de bail
District de Delémont:
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 423 34 12
District de Porrentruy:
Rue d’Airmont 7
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 88 81
District des
M. Jean-Marc Baume
Président CCBL
Rue de l’Aurore 8
2340 Le Noirmont
Tél. 032 953 17 83
Communauté albanaise
Xhevxhedin Ahmeti
Rue de la Sorne 1
2852 Courtételle
Tél. 032 423 31 93
Communauté française
Christiane Fridelance
Rue des Mayettes 4
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 07 29
Compagnie de l’US Montfaucon
Denis Chaignat
Les Sairains
2875 Montfaucon
Tél. 032 433 41 83
Compagnie Maramande
Rue du Général-Comman 11
2950 Courgenay
Tél. 032 461 38 38
Cours de Miracles
Place de la Poste 1
CP 245
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 46 86
Creapole SA
Route de Moutier 109
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 37 40
du District de Delémont
Rue de l’Ecluse 4
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 85 43
d’Ajoie et du Clos-du-Doubs
Rue Thurmann 10
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 63 29
du District
des Franches-Montagnes
Rue Bel-Air 7
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 951 11 48
Déléguée interjurassienne
à la jeunesse
Faubourg des Capucins 20
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 52 73
Douane suisse
Direction d’arrondissement de
Elisabethenstrasse 31
Case postale 666
4010 Basel
Tél. 061 287 11 11
EBL Telecom AG
Rue de la Vauche 6
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 40 50
Ecole de culture générale
Faubourg des Capucins 2
Tél. 032 420 79 10
Ecole supérieure de commerce
de Delémont
Rue de l’Avenir 33
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 77 20
Ecole supérieure de commerce
de Porrentruy
Place Blarer-de-Wartensee 2
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 36 80
Ecole supérieure
d’informatique de gestion
Rue de l’avenir 33
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 77 90
Ecole supérieure technique EST
Cité des Microtechniques
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 35 50
Ecole Tremplin
Rue de la Doux 1
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 423 38 88
Espace Courant d’Art
Yves Riat
La Fauceillure 103
2906 Chevenez
Tél. 032 476 63 70
Espace culturel
du Café du Soleil
Marché-Concours 14
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 951 16 88
Espace d’Art du Pichoux
Ruedi Mosimann
2863 Undervelier
Tél. 032 426 88 27
Espace Formation Emploi Jura
Rue de la Fenatte 14a
CP 60
2854 Bassecourt
Tél. 032 427 35 90
Espace-Jeunes Delémont
Bâtiment l’ARTsenal
CP 2152
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 92 57
Ajoie et Clos-du-Doubs
Faubourg de France 3
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 75 10
Rue du 23-Juin 12
2340 Le Noirmont
Tél. 032 953 11 28
Espacio Culturel
Hispano Americano del Jura
Monica Mamie
Sous-la-Chapelle 313
2923 Courtemaîche
Etablissement cantonal
d’assurance immobilière
et de prévention
Rue de la Gare 14
CP 371
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 952 18 40
Fédération jurassienne
des sociétés
de théâtre amateur
Roland Doutaz
Rue du Mont 38
2852 Courtételle
Tél. 032 423 10 43
Fédération Romande
des Consommateurs FRC
Rue des Granges 12
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 20 20
Fédération suisse
des aveugles et malvoyants
Rue Molière 13
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 66 33
Fondation Dépendances
Le Prédame
2714 Les Genevez
Tél. 032 484 71 30
Fondation des Archives
de l’ancien Evêché de Bâle
Hôtel de Gléresse
2900 Porrentruy
Fondation interjurassienne
pour la statistique Fistat
Rue du 24-Septembre 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 50 62
Fondation d’impulsion
économique FITEC
Me Jean-Marc Christe
Marché aux Chevaux 5
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 16 50
Fondation d’impulsion
économique régionale FIER
Me Vincent Gobat
Avenue de la Gare 41
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 56 17
Fondation Ombudscom
Office de conciliation
des télécommunications
Bundesgasse 26
3011 Berne
Tél. 031 310 11 77
Oscar et Janine Wiggli
2338 Muriaux
Tél. 032 951 23 30
Fondation Pérène
Chemin du Palastre 18
CP 2126
2800 Delémont 2
Tél. 032 421 16 00
Fondation pour l’aide
et les soins à domicile FAS
Rue des Moulins 21
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 423 15 34
Fondation rurale
interjurassienne FRI
Route de Courtemelon
2852 Courtételle
Tél. 032 420 74 20
Fondation Sur-la-Velle
Ancienne église du Noirmont
Jean Bourquard
Rue de la Rotatte 13
2345 Les Breuleux
Tél. 032 954 13 34
Galerie 5
Jean-Pierre Stocker
Rue de la Synagogue 5
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 22 20
Galerie ARTsenal
Centre culturel régional
de Delémont
Rue de Fer 13
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 50 22
Galerie Au Virage
Peter Fürst et Liuba Kirova
Route Principale 73
2857 Séprais
Tél. 032 426 71 63
Galerie Cretton
Marc Cretton
2882 Saint-Ursanne
Tél. 032 461 35 28
Galerie de la Cave
Administration communale
2805 Soyhières
Tél. 032 422 02 27
Galerie de la FARB
Anne et Robert Bloch
Rue de Fer 8
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 423 45 85
Galerie du Sauvage
Géraud Siegenthaler
Rue de la Chaumont 3
CP 221
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 078 659 96 98
Galerie Eric Rihs
Anne et Robert Bloch
2338 Les Emibois
Tél. 032 951 17 45
Galerie Le Caveau
Lionel Marchand
2882 Saint-Ursanne
Tél. 078 663 16 37
Galerie Le Cénacle
Giorgio Veralli
Rue Courte 2
2802 Develier
Tél. 032 423 42 06
Galerie Le Pinceau d’Or
Bel-Air 18
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 079 647 68 09
Galerie Paul-Bovée
Centre culturel régional
de Delémont CCRD
Forum Saint-Georges
CP 2047
Route de Bâle 5
2800 Delémont 2
Tél. 032 422 50 22
Galerie Riance
Carine Vuilliomenet Kohler
Rue du Général-Guisan 9
2822 Courroux
Tél. 032 422 73 65
Galerie Trouillat
François Queloz
Rue Joseph-Trouillat 11
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 31 07
Gare CJ Saignelégier
Rue de la Gare 11
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 952 42 75
Hôpital du Jura
Site de Delémont
Faubourg des Capucins 30
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 21 21
Appels sanitaires urgents 144
Tél. service social 032 421 25 61
Hôpital du Jura
Site de Porrentruy
Chemin de l’Hôpital 9
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 465 65 65
Appels sanitaires urgents 144
Tél. service social 032 465 69 00
Hôpital du Jura
Site de Saignelégier
Rue de l’Hôpital 11
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 952 12 12
Appels sanitaires urgents 144
Rue de l’Avenir 3
CP 55
2852 Courtételle
Tél. 032 423 21 23
Jura Tourisme
Centre de Loisirs
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 420 47 70
Jura Tourisme
Place de la Gare 9
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 47 71
Jura Tourisme
Grand-Rue 5
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 47 72
Jura Tourisme
Place Roger Schaffter
2882 Saint-Ursanne
Tél. 032 420 47 73
Ludothèque Saignelégier
Hôtel de Ville
2350 Saignelégier
Laboratoire cantonal
Faubourg des Capucins 20
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 51 20
La Confrérie des Jardiniers
Avenue de la Gare 33
2800 Delémont
La Croisée des loisirs
Rue Emile-Boéchat 87
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 96 66
La Puce Verte
Rue Franche 22
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 81 54
L’Arche de Noé
Ferme La Filature
2824 Vicques
Tél. 032 435 58 81
La Voix du Sud
Jeannette Queloz
Route de Moutier 46
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 423 04 07
Lés Echaipouses deTieûve
CP 24
2932 Coeuve
Les Funambules
Carla Philippe
Rue des Martins 42
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 47 78
Les Halles
Espace d’art contemporain
Hôtel des Halles
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 84 00
Ludothèque Arc-en-Ciel
Centre communal
Route Principale
2824 Vicques
Tél. 078 627 20 84
Ludothèque Delémont
Rue des Granges 8
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 96 21
Ludothèque Le Galopin
Rue des Primevères 10
2854 Bassecourt
Tél. 079 648 93 46
Ludothèque Le Noirmont
2340 Le Noirmont
Tél. 032 957 66 12
Ludothèque Les Bois
Monique Hubleur
2336 Les Bois
Ludothèque Les Breuleux
Fabienne Donzé
Rue de la Gare 39
Tél. 032 954 18 64
2345 Les Breuleux
Ludothèque Les Genevez
2714 Les Genevez
Ludothèque Porrentruy
Grand-Rue 5
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 14 28
Lycée cantonal
Place Blarer-de-Wartensee 2
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 36 80
Lycée-Collège Saint-Charles
Route de Belfort 10
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 11 57
Maison d’art Camillo
Andrée Beuchat
2864 Soulce
Tél. 032 426 57 77
Maison du Tourisme
Route de Lorette 1
2882 Saint-Ursanne
Tél. 032 461 00 00
Médiathèque du Lycée cantonal
et de l’Ecole supérieure
de commerce
Place Blarer-de-Wartensee 2
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 36 87
Médiatrice des droits
des patients
Madame Aude Sauvain-Brulhart
Clos-Derniers 12
2744 Belprahon
Tél. 076 424 38 96
Mettembert sur Scène
Walburga Baettig
Les Clos
2806 Mettembert
Tél. 032 431 14 13
Mission catholique des langues
espagnole et portugaise
Monsieur Orlando Guido
Rue Franche 37
2800 Delémont
Musée Chappuis-Fähndrich
2802 Develier
Tél. 032 422 23 32
Lieu d’accueil et de rencontre
Caritas LARC
Passage des Ponts 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 423 55 40
Musée de la Balance d’Asuel
2954 Asuel
Tél. 079 358 74 00
Musée de la poterie
CP 3
2944 Bonfol
Tél. 079 646 93 90
Musée de l’Hôtel-Dieu
Grand-Rue 5
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 72 72
Musée des métiers d’antan
Famille Jean Theubet
Pré-Girard 8
2916 Fahy
Tél. 032 476 52 48
Musée des vieilles traditions
Route de Fahy 90
2908 Grandfontaine
Tél. 032 476 63 14
Musée du Löwenburg
Gusthof Löwenburg
2813 Ederswiler
Tél. 032 431 12 20
Musée du Mont-Repais
Chapelle de la Caquerelle
2954 Asuel
Tél. 032 426 66 56
Musée jurassien
d’art et d’histoire
Rue du 23-Juin 52
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 80 77
Musée jurassien
des sciences naturelles
Route de Fontenais 21
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 467 37 12
Musée lapidaire
CP 35
2882 Saint-Ursanne
Tél. 032 461 37 16
Musée rural jurassien
2714 Les Genevez
Tél. 032 484 00 80
Office cantonal de la culture
Hôtel des Halles
Rue Pierre-Péquignat 9
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 84 00
Office cantonal de la culture
Section des monuments
Hôteldes Halles
Rue Pierre-Péquignat 9
CP 64
2900 Porrentruy 2
Tél. 420 84 00
Office cantonal des sports
Rue du Banné 23
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 34 50
Office de l’état civil
du canton du Jura
Rue du 24-Septembre 3
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 54 50
Office des véhicules du Jura
Route de la Communance 45
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 71 20
Tél. 032 420 71 55 (permis
Tél. 032 420 71 40 (importation
et immatriculation de véhicules)
Office fédéral
de la communication
Rue de l’Avenir 44
CP 332
2501 Bienne
Tél. 032 327 55 11
Office fédéral de la statistique
Espace de l’Europe 10
2010 Neuchâtel
Tél. 032 713 60 11
Office fédéral
des assurances privées OFAP
Schwanengasse 2
3003 Berne
Tél. 031 322 79 11
Office fédéral du logement OFL
Storchengasse 6
2540 Granges
Tél. 032 654 91 11
Office régional de placement
ORP Delémont
Rue de la Jeunesse 1
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 88 30
Office régional de placement
ORP Porrentruy
Avenue Cuenin 15
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 465 39 40
Office régional de placement
ORP Saignelégier
Rue Bel-Air 5
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 420 47 30
Office fédéral
de la santé publique OFSP
3003 Berne
Tél. 031 322 21 11
Patinoire régionale Delémont
Rue de la Jeunesse 10
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 93 83
Patinoire d’Ajoie
Route de Courgenay 21
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 93 32
Pro Infirmis Jura
Rue du Puits 6
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 98 50
Piscine couverte et de plein air
Centre sportif La Blancherie
Rue de la Blancherie 4
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 66 33
Pro Senectute Arc Jurassien
Chemin du Puits 4
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 96 10
Piscine couverte
Les Hémionées Boncourt
Rue d’Ajoie 1
2926 Boncourt
Tél. 032 475 61 61
Piscine couverte Les Tilleuls
Rue du Temple 12
2900 Porrentruy
Piscine municipale Porrentruy
Chemin des Bains
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 22 40
Police cantonale
Prés-Roses 1
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 65 65
Filiale de Delémont
Place de la Poste 4
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 30 80
Protection de la population
et sécurité PPS
Rue Ernest-Daucourt 1
2942 Alle
Tél. 032 420 39 20
Recette et administration
de district - Delémont
Rue de la Justice 2
CP 2224
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 56 20
Recette et administration
de district - Porrentruy:
Rue Auguste-Cuenin 15
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 32 70
Recette et administration
de district Franches-Montagnes:
Place du 23-Juin 6
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 420 46 20
de la Paroisse réformée
Rue du Temple 9
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 20 36
Secrétariats communaux
See list on pages 55-56
Section des bourses
et frais d’études
du canton du Jura
Rue du 24-Septembre 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 54 40
Service de consultation
conjugale et familiale
de l’Eglise catholique
Rue des Texerans 10
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 54 29
Service de l’action sociale RCJU
Faubourg des Capucins 20
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 51 40
Service de la formation
des niveaux secondaire 2
et tertiaire SFO
Rue du 24-Septembre 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 71 60
Service de l’aménagement
du territoire RCJU
Rue des Moulins 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 53 80
Service des contributions
du canton du Jura
Bureau des personnes
et autres impôts
Rue des Esserts 2
2345 Les Breuleux
Tél. 032 420 44 00
Service de l’économie
du canton du Jura
Rue de la Préfecture 12
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 52 10
Service des contributions
du canton du Jura
Section des personnes
Rue de la Justice 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 55 66
HOTLINE SOS jeunes-impôts :
Tél. 032 420 58 60
Service de l’enseignement
du canton du Jura
Rue du 24-Septembre 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 54 10
Service des travaux publics
de la Ville de Porrentruy
Rue du 23-Juin 8
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 465 78 71
Service de l’urbanisme,
de l’environnement
et des travaux publics
de la Ville de Delémont
Route de Bâle 1
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 92 92
Service social régional
du District de Delémont
Rue de la Jeunesse 1
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 72 72
Service social régional
d’Ajoie et du Clos-du-Doubs
Rue Pierre-Péquignat 22
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 465 11 20
Service social régional
du District
des Franches-Montagnes
Rue de la Côte 1
2340 Le Noirmont
Tél. 032 957 65 20
Service de la santé RCJU
Faubourg des Capucins 20
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 51 20
Service de renseignements
District de Delémont:
Rue de la Justice 2
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 56 20
District de Porrentruy:
Rue Auguste-Cuenin 15
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 32 70
des Franches-Montagnes:
Place du 23-Juin 6
2350 Saignelégier
Tél. 032 420 46 20
Service des arts et métiers
et du travail
du canton du Jura SAMT
Rue du 24-Septembre 1
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 52 30
Service de la population
du canton du Jura SPOP
Rue du 24-Septembre 1
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 56 80
Préparation à la réinsertion
professionnelle des femmes
Secrétariat Michèle Joray
Sorbiers 38c
2805 Sohyières
Tél. 032 422 95 48
Site des Fours à Chaux
Serge Convers
2882 Saint-Ursanne
Tél. 079 437 49 11
Société culturelle St-Sava
Mico Tomic
Espace Industriel 25
2854 Bassecourt
Tél. 032 426 11 84
Société de théâtre
de Courrendlin
John Buchwalder
Route de Delémont 29
2830 Courrendlin
Tél. 032 435 66 30
Société de théâtre
de Montsevelier
Thierry Cattin
Les Cerisiers 82
2828 Montsevelier
Tél. 032 438 91 71
Société jurassienne
Secrétariat général
Rue du Gravier 8
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 466 92 57
Société jurassienne
d’équipement SA
c/o Creapole SA
Marcel Hubleur, Président
Route de Moutier 109
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 37 40
SOS Futures Mamans
CP 812
2740 Moutier 1
Tél. 032 422 26 26
Swiss Post International
Viktoriastrasse 21
3030 Berne
Tél. 0848 888 888
Théâtre Cent Façons
Valérie Voisard Bourquard
Rue des Sorbiers 769
2902 Fontenais
Tél. 032 466 71 83
Théâtre des Faces-à-Main
Roland Doutaz
Rue du Mont 38
2852 Courtételle
Tél. 032 423 10 43
Théâtre Extrapol
Sophie Mayor
Rue de la Maltière 1
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 079 512 80 27
Théâtre Sans Gage
Jean Bilat
Le Peuchapatte 10
2345 Les Breuleux
Tél. 032 954 16 79
Touring Club Suisse TCS
Section jurassienne
Rue de la Maltière 1
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 422 66 86
Espace d’art
Darko Vulic
2926 Boncourt
Tél. 032 475 61 84
Trans-AT Delémont
Rue de la Brasserie 18
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 421 80 80
Trans-AT Porrentruy
Rue Elsaesser 2
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 465 84 40
Tribunal de première instance
Conseil de Prud’hommes
du canton du Jura
Le Château
CP 86
2900 Porrentruy 2
Tél. 032 420 33 73
Tribunal des baux à loyer
et à ferme
Le Château
2900 Porrentruy
Tél. 032 420 33 73
Tribunal des mineurs
Rue des Marronniers 3
CP 2339
2800 Delémont
Tél. 032 420 71 80
Université populaire
Secrétariat central
Rue Centrale 55
CP 1030
2740 Moutier
Tél. 032 492 29 29
Label culturel du Clos-du-Doubs
CP 35
2882 Saint-Ursanne
District of Delémont
032 427 00 10
032 426 72 06
032 431 17 77
032 422 37 17
032 438 82 47
032 438 88 54
032 426 71 80
032 436 10 70
032 421 40 00
032 424 43 43
032 421 92 19
032 422 15 15
032 431 17 57
032 427 00 55
032 438 80 38
032 431 19 70
032 438 80 28
032 431 12 82
032 431 15 44
032 435 58 77
032 422 36 54
032 433 41 30
032 426 78 27
032 422 02 27
032 426 78 08
032 435 62 66
032 438 81 88
032 435 65 33
Commune secretarial offices
Bassecourt 2854 Bassecourt
Boécourt 2856 Boécourt
Bourrignon 2803 Bourrignon
Châtillon 2843 Châtillon
Corban 2826 Corban
Courchapoix 2825 Courchapoix
Courfaivre 2853 Courfaivre
Courrendlin 2830 Courrendlin
Courroux 2822 Courroux
Courtételle 2852 Courtételle
Delémont 2800 Delémont
Develier 2802 Develier
Ederswiler 2813 Ederswiler
Glovelier 2855 Glovelier
Mervelier 2827 Mervelier
Mettembert 2806 Mettembert
Montsevelier 2828 Montsevelier
Movelier 2812 Movelier
Pleigne 2807 Pleigne
Rebeuvelier 2832 Rebeuvelier
Rossemaison 2842 Rossemaison
Saulcy 2873 Saulcy
Soulce 2864 Soulce
Soyhières 2805 Soyhières
Undervelier 2863 Undervelier
Vellerat 2830 Vellerat
Vermes 2829 Vermes
Vicques 2824 Vicques
District of Porrentruy
Alle 2942 Alle
La Baroche 2946 Miécourt
2923 Courtemaîche
Beurnevésin 2935 Beurnevésin
Boncourt 2926 Boncourt
Bonfol 2944 Bonfol
Bressaucourt 2904 Bressaucourt
Bure 2915 Bure
2882 Saint-Ursanne
Coeuve 2932 Coeuve
Cornol 2952 Cornol
Courchavon 2922 Courchavon
Courgenay 2950 Courgenay
Courtedoux 2905 Courtedoux
Damphreux 2933 Damphreux
Fahy 2916 Fahy
Fontenais 2902 Fontenais
Grandfontaine 2908 Grandfontaine
2906 Chevenez
Lugnez 2933 Lugnez
Porrentruy 2900 Porrentruy
Rocourt 2907 Rocourt
Vendlincourt 2943 Vendlincourt
032 471 02 02
032 462 26 17
032 466 14 70
032 474 42 33
032 475 56 55
032 474 44 47
032 466 41 14
032 466 52 57
032 461 31 28
032 466 92 56
032 462 25 88
032 466 11 38
032 471 01 30
032 466 29 10
032 474 41 32
032 476 66 68
032 466 28 88
032 476 61 74
032 476 62 21
032 474 40 60
032 465 77 77
032 476 66 80
032 474 47 43
032 951 16 24
032 961 12 37
032 959 43 30
032 954 18 24
032 955 12 88
032 484 94 88
032 484 94 27
032 955 11 22
032 951 19 06
032 953 11 15
032 951 16 22
032 433 41 41
032 955 15 65
District of Franches-Montagnes
Commune secretarial offices
Le Bémont 2360 Le Bémont
Les Bois 2336 Les Bois
Les Breuleux 2345 Les Breuleux
La Chaux-des-Breuleux 2345 La Chaux-des-Breuleux Les Enfers 2363 Les Enfers
Les Genevez 2714 Les Genevez
Lajoux 2718 Lajoux
Montfaucon 2362 Montfaucon
Muriaux 2338 Les Emibois-Muriaux
Le Noirmont 2340 Le Noirmont
Saignelégier 2350 Saignelégier
Saint-Brais 2364 Saint-Brais
Soubey 2887 Soubey
Holiday h lly
for physic ed
2 461 33 2
Phone 03 s@gmail.com
Institutions, Organisations
and Associations
in the Canton of Jura
Organisations and Associations
Fondation Pérène
The following relief organisations and public social aid associations offer
their services for handicapped persons in the Canton Jura (non-exhaustive
The u Fondation Pérène is a
centre for specialised pedagogy
and education; its mission is the
advancement and the educational
monitoring of children and adults
– from birth up to 20 years - who
request particular educational
support. It assists children and
adults with significant difficulties
with school education because of
a mental handicap (which could
also be associated to a physical
handicap), psychopathological
findings, developmental,
behavourial or speech disorder.
Under the aegis of the law of
school the u Fondation Pérène
works closely with the u Service
de l’Enseignement (Education
Authority) of the Canton Jura.
Protected Jurassic
u Les Ateliers Protégés Jurassiens
(Protected Jurassic Workshops) are
destined for a socio-professional
help and assistance to handicapped
adults working there.
The workshops function like
industrial enterprises and they are
partners of the private business
community. The main production is
industrial but also manual.
u Les Ateliers Protégés Jurassiens
(Protected Jurassic Workshops)
engage actually 170 handicapped
persons and 24 persons in charge.
They work in the field of mechanics,
welding, packaging, laundry,
sewing, bakery, joinery, artisans
as well as creating and printing
u Pro Infirmis Jura (www.proinfirmis.ch)
Social service and financial aid for handicapped persons.
u Fondation SEREI (www.serei.ch)
Auxiliary devices, travel agency and legal advice for handicapped persons.
u Association Cerebral Jura (www.association-cerebral.ch)
Advisory service and assistance to (multiple)handicapped persons with
cerebral movement disorder, as well as to their families.
u Service du Jura de la FSA
(Fédération suisse des aveugles et mal-voyants - Swiss Association for
Blind and Visually Handicapped Persons) (www.sbv-fsa.ch)
Services for visually handicapped persons and protection of their interest.
u Section jurassienne Procap (www.procap.ch)
Self-help organisation for handicapped persons: Contact and consultancy
offices, advisory services, consultancy for adapted construction, leisure
and sport.
Association PINOS
u L’Association PINOS (Association
des Petites Institutions du Nord
Ouest de la Suisse - Association
of small institutions in Northwest
Switzerland) involves five decentral
residences in the Jurassic arc.
Those residences welcome
primarily persons (from 18 years
on) with a light to medium physical
or mental handicap (developmental
disorder, illness, cerebric damage)
who have difficulties coping with
daily life independently.
u The Association PINOS offers its
residents a local living environment,
accommodation in small familial
communities and a professional
socio-educational accompaniment.
PINOS aims to offer a living
environment which approaches as
close as possible «normal» life.
For more information:
(Canton’s disability
insurance office)
(Canton’s social assistance office)
(Education authority
of the Canton Jura,
integration section)
(Health authority
of the Canton Jura)
(Social guide of West Switzerland,
Canton Jura)