September 4, 2016 - St. Joseph the Worker/Holy Family


September 4, 2016 - St. Joseph the Worker/Holy Family
Register your team today!
Signup in parish entrances or online at
(Each team must have 2 members, $10/team, payment due day of event.)
Sunday, September 25th - St. Joe’s Parking Lot
During Hubbell Harvest Festival
September 3, 2016
We’re here to help support you on
your faith journey, so you can find
true peace, happiness, and purpose
in life. If you would like to join one of
our parishes, contact any staff
member, and we will be honored to
officially welcome you home!
New-member registration forms are
also available in the church
entrances and on our website.
As we celebrate Labor Day Weekend (and perhaps
“mourn” the passing of summer), the Church universal is
recognizing a saint that God raised up among us, Saint Teresa of
Calcutta. Many of us probably have personal memories of events
in her life and of words that she spoke in a humble, yet powerful
way. A few of you may have even met her. (I thought she was in
a Missionaries of Charity chapel one morning when I offered
Mass, but learned later that the sister was someone who looked
like Mother Teresa.) This morning I heard a wonderful testimony to her life and the
miracles credited to her intercession on public radio as I got ready for the day.
Since her death, we have learned how she ministered in Christ’s name even though
she felt God’s absence for the last 50 years of her life. James Martin, S.J., suggests
that she can serve as a contemporary saint for those who are questioning and
doubting God’s presence in their lives. A quick search for “saying of Mother Teresa of
Calcutta” results in many quotations to inspire us; here are a few:
 Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do… but how much love we put
in that action.
 Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.
 Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.
 It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.
 If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because
you know what you are.
 Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His
disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.
 Each one (person we serve) is Jesus in disguise.
St. Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!
When I think of Mother Teresa, Haiti often comes to mind because of her love
for the people of Haiti and her ministry there. How timely that I heard from Father
Francois, the pastor of our sister parish this week; here’s a message from him:
Please contact Deacon John in the
parish office to schedule the baptism
and the baptism preparation class.
Congratulations on your engagement!
Please contact Fr. Reker at least 6
months in advance to begin preparation.
If you or a family member is homebound
or in the hospital and would like a
pastoral visit, please notify the office.
“I am very glad to hear you are ready for the next school year. In my country it is not
the same. Everything goes very slowly… But with political situation nothing is sure.
Just like that year after year in Haiti. My parishioners and I want to thank you and your
parishioners for July support. Thanks to your generosity many things are coming: 7
new blackboards are being made $185; 80 books are bought for students $150;
notebooks $10 … We need more supplies for the school. Step by step. For July I
received for my ministry $50 one time and in second time $345 for Sainte Lucie
School. In truth, you cannot imagine what you are doing for my community. A really
big thank you, thank you so much also to your parishioners. Hope someday you will
visit us in Island of La Gonave, Haiti.” We are sending $303 for our August “tithe” (1%
of our regular church support) plus a gift of $75; let’s continue to pray for and learn
about each other!
Sincerely in Christ,
CALLING ALL SJW MEN! - Committed Catholic Men have
realized the great blessings that flow from being committed to
Christ and His Church. Our very active Men's Club provides the
opportunity for all Men to live your Catholic life to a richer
level. Next Sunday morning (September 11) at 9 am, please join
us in the Church gym for our monthly Men's Club
meeting. Experience the blessings of working with other
Catholic Men. You will join with your "time and talent" many
other Catholic Men in making your life better than before.
Full breakfast provided. Hope to see you there!
Holy Family
August 28, 2016
Fiscal Year to Date
$ 16,952.33
St. Joseph the Worker
August 27 & 28, 2016
$ 3,080.53
Fiscal Year to Date
$ 51,042.22
Congratulations to Cindy Lawrence the
“301” winner of $100 for August 27!
You Are Invited!
To a rectory open house on Saturday,
September 17th after the 5pm Mass and
Sunday, September 18th after the 10:30am
Mass. All are welcome to come and enjoy
light snacks and refreshments and see the
renovations done to the rectory.
SJW—5:00 P.M. MASS
Reader: Kristin Hoehn
Servers: Zach Wells
ECM: Carolyn Kanyusik, Sue Liebl, Mary Jo Snyder,
Cookie Oberle, 3 SUBS Needed
Ushers: Michael Brown, Jan Mountain,
Jeff Burgess, Joe Burgess
Musicians: Dominic Abbott,, Joyce Hoelmer, Jeanne Hassing
HF—8:30 A.M. MASS
Reader: Marty Cassem
Servers: Logan Quade, Nathan Sickler
ECM: Jan Anderson, Katie Parsons, Mary Cassem
Ushers: John Sickler, Robb Pavel
Musicians: Lauren Bierer, Jackie Slama, Jan Anderson
SJW—10:30 A.M. MASS
Reader: Glen Barnette
Servers: Liz Nachreiner, Joshua Anderson, Grace Nachreiner
ECM: Shelly Nachreiner, Donna Hansen, Richard Hansen,
Bill Feder, Judy Feder, 2 SUBS Needed
Usher: Randy Haley, Rob Gunther,
Carl Fasnacht, George Fasnacht
Musicians: Julie Dickhudt, Bob Dickhudt, Amy Braam
SJW—Doorkeeper: Jake & Joan Landas
Notice: Any changes to the next Ministry Schedule for
October - December 2016 need to be submitted to the
Parish Office by September 9th. Once the schedule is
completed and distributed changes can no longer be
made. If you have not sent us your email yet, please do
so as we only send out the completed schedules by
email now. Thank you.
Tuesday, September 6:
12:05pm - †Lyle Stevermer
Wednesday, September 7:
9:30am - †Werner Jansen
Thursday, September 8:
8:30am - †Irene Mack
Friday, September 9:
12:05pm - Peggy Miller & Family (healing)
Saturday, September 10: 24thSunday in Ordinary Time
5:00pm - †Richard Clausen
Sunday, September 11: 24thSunday in Ordinary Time
8:30am - †Dot Hughes
10:30am - For the Parishes
1 Cor 5:1-8; Ps 5:5-7, 12; Lk 6:6-11,
1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 6:12-19
Wednesday: 1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-17; Lk 6:20-26
Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6;
Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3-6, 12; Lk 6:39-42
1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18; Lk 6:43-49
Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19;
1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 [1-10]
Children’s Weekly Stewardship
HF: $ 8.83 SJW: $ 12.48
REMEMBER Share your time and talent with us!
Mon. 9/5 :
Tues. 9/6:
Wed. 9/7:
Thurs 9/8:
Fri. 9/9:
Sat. 9/3:
Sun. 9/4:
Labor Day - Parish Office Closed
6:30pm Joint Pastoral Council Meeting - SJW
6:30pm Festival Large Committee Meeting - SJW
6:45pm Joint Respect Life Meeting - SJW
7:00pm Stewardship Meeting - SJW
5:00pm Wedding Rehearsal - SJW
2:30pm Wedding Marsh/Bentley - SJW
4:15pm Confessions - SJW
8:00am Confessions - HF
St. Joseph the Worker and Holy Family Cluster
Parishes are looking for a part-time Music Director.
Directly accountable to the Pastor. As the Director
of Music Ministry this individual is a pastoral
musician of service to the parish at prayer.
Responsible for coordinating and regularly
scheduling musicians to provide music for parish
Mass as well as other liturgical celebrations
throughout the year. A person with good knowledge
of the Catholic liturgy preferred. Proficient piano
accompanying skills a must. Starting November
2016, approximately ten hours per week, pay based
on experience. Send your application and/or
resume to Fr. Reker at the Parish Office or email For more info call the
Parish Office at 388-3766.
Sun 11 Blessing of the Back Packs at
HF - 8:30am/SJW-10:30am Mass
Sat 17 HF Catechist Training
HF Fellowship Hall
Wed 21 10th Grade Confirmation
Orientation - 6pm, SJW Gym
September4, 2016
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Consider the cost ...
Gospel Reading - Luke 14:28-33
It is not easy to be a follower of Jesus and to live as he taught us
to. He wants us to think carefully about what is expected of us if we
are to be his disciples.
Talk about it What would a wise man do before starting to build a house?
What did Jesus say about the king and his army?
Why do we choose to follow Jesus?
The Complete Children’s Liturgy Book
Sat 24 SJW Catechist Training
10:00am—12:00pm, SJW Gym
Blessing of the Backpacks …
Sun 25 SJW Fall Festival
At all Masses-(SJW) 5pm, (HF) 8:30am, (SJW) 10:30am
Wed 28 9th Grade Confirmation
Orientation - 6pm, SJW Gym
All students and their educators, fr om pr e-school to PHD,
are invited to receive a special blessing. Bring your
backpacks, book bags, briefcases, tote bags, or lunch boxes.
We will give thanks for students, teachers and the
opportunity for education.
Sun 2
Faith Formation Kick Off
at Jack McGowan's
Wed 5 SJW Faith Formation begins for
SJW K-10th, HF 8-10th
5:30pm - Simple Supper
6:00pm all gather in the church
Sun 9 HF Faith Formation begins for
grades K - 7th
Wed 12 SJW Faith Formation 5:30pm - Simple Supper for All
6:00-7:00pm - SJW K-10th grade,
HF 8-10th grade in Mankato
+ SJW 1st Reconciliation Orientation
Sun 16 HF Faith Formation9:30-10:30am - grades K - 7th
+ HF 1st Reconciliation Orientation
Wed 19 MEA - No SJW-FF Classes
Fri 21
Youth Group to Valley Scare
Bring a friend!
Sun 23 MEA - No HF-FF Classes
Wed 26 SJW Faith Formation 5:30pm - Simple Supper for All
6:00-7:00pm - SJW K-10th grade,
HF 8-10th grade in Mankato
+ Trick or Treat with the Saints
Sun 30 HF Faith Formation9:30-10:30am - grades K - 7th
Sunday, September 11, 2016
for St. Joseph the Worker & Holy Family
2016-2017 Faith Formation classes ...
online - or pick up a registration form
in the entrance of both churches.
Eleanor Caven to Celebrate 90th Birthday! - An Open House on Sunday,
September 18 will honor Eleanor Caven for her 90th birthday. The open house
will be held in the St. Joseph the Worker church hall from 2 - 4 pm. No gifts,
HF Holiday Fair - This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Holy Family
Holiday Fair. If you would be willing to donate raffle prizes for the Holiday Fair,
please let Lori Meixell or Sue Hanson know by Sept 20th. Thank you!
After School Tutoring - The Good Counsel Learning Center is now
accepting registrations for after school tutoring for children and youth in reading
and math. Sessions are one hour in length at 3:00 or 4:00, usually once or
twice each week. Tutoring for adults is available from 9:00 – 3:00 Monday
through Friday. The charge is $25.00 per hour. Scholarship assistance is
available with verification of financial need. Volunteers are needed, especially
women to help refugee women in their homes learn functional English. Call Sr.
Dorothy for further information:
507-389-4229 or visit the website at
The Good Counsel Learning Center is sponsoring a fun evening
September 17th on the Loyola parking lot from 6 - 10 pm. Shrimpin' on the
Hill includes a Shrimp Boil, Live Auction, Paddle Raise, Cash Bar, and dancing
under a full moon. Tickets $40. Casual attire. For tickets and more information,
see the Twin Rivers Center for the Arts website,, or call
the Good Counsel Learning Center at 507-389-4229.
Echo Food Shelf Fundraiser - Mini Marathon September 17, 2016 at
10:30am at ECHO food Shelf 1014 S. Front Street. $25 Registration Fee. For
more information, call 507-345-7508 or go to to learn
more and register.
Options for Women 1st Annual Fundraising Gala - Save the date,
Sunday October 2, 2016 at the Kato Ballroom in Mankato. Doors open at 5pm,
dinner begins at 6pm. Classical music and guest speaker. Open to the public,
tickets $50/person. Pre-register by emailing
or call 507-625-2229 for more information.
Mankato Marriage Encounter Weekend - September 30th-August 2nd at
Good Counsel. This is a private weekend away from life's distractions that
allows a husband and wife to focus on each other. Early registration is highly
recommended. For more information visit our website at: or
contact Miki at or 507-227-8229.
On Monday, Loyola teachers attended the Diocesan Catechetical Day "Love
and Mercy - The Story of Salvation" in Rochester for an opportunity to reflect
and worship with other area Catholic school educators.
Loyola will celebrate the new school year with an All School Mass on Friday,
September 9 at 10:30 in the Upper Campus Chapel. All are welcome!
Loyola is looking for two seasonal part time (15 hrs/week) employees for
grounds and light maintenance. If you would like to apply, please send resume
Save the date: Wired to the Heart - Friday, October 28. MSU Ballroom. More
information to follow!
We continue to receive inquiries, host tours, and enroll new families. If you
know someone who is interested in learning more about Loyola, please
contact us, 388-0600.
Your parish support makes all we do, learn, and celebrate at Loyola possible,
as we guide students to their full potential, walk with them in faith and equip
them to lead and serve.
(SJW) Last week: 6lbs. Items needed this week:
Pasta and Pasta Sauce.
Merle Braam, Dorothy Ziegler, Steve Klinkner,
Vanessa Ewert, George Kluzak, Richard
Johnson, John Allen, Jerry Schultz,
Pat Gardner, Dan Ewert, Ronald Olsen,
Therese Breiter, Brian Cline, George Larson,
Phil Reiland, Henry (Stalberger) Schladweiler
Mon-Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Office Phone………...…………………388-3766
Parish Email…….…………..…
SJW Prayer Chain……...……...Joan: 388-5986
HF Prayer Chain…………..Margaret: 317-4785
We are no longer using the emails.
Rev. Timothy T. Reker - Pastor
Deacon John Rudd - Pastoral Associate
Nicole Hermer - Director of Parish Activities
Glenn Barnette - Bookkeeper
Connie Wallin - Faith Ministry Education
Kathy Moldan - HF Rel. Ed. Coor./Office Asst.
Cody Robeck - SJW Youth Coordinator
Lauren Bierer - Music Director
Jon Hermanson - SJW Custodial Engineer
Ben Moldan - HF Custodian
Casey Breen - President
Trudi Clements - Executive Assistant
Adam Bemmels PreK-12 Principal
Michael C. Karp
507-625-5400 or
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·Soft Water ·Iron Free Water
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Full-Time licensed
Master Plumber now on staff!
Contact the parish office at 388-3766 to
promote your business.
In Loving Memory of
John Quiring
Husband, Father, Grandfather.
We love and miss you,
-Your Family
In Loving Memory
of our wife, mother, sister,
and dear friend.
In Loving Memory of
We love you and miss
you very much.
To advertise, contact Nicole at the parish office
507-388-3766 or