Evening in Paradise - Congregation Agudas Achim


Evening in Paradise - Congregation Agudas Achim
The bi-monthly newsletter of Congregation Agudas Achim
April/May 2012 – Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5772
2767 East Broad Street
Bexley, Ohio 43209
(614) 237-2747
Volume 4: Issue 5
fax: (614) 237-3576
Agudas Achim presents
“Evening in Paradise”
Wednesday, May 30,
7:00 p.m.
Paradise Island Band
playing decades of popular songs that everyone loves!
Music, dinner, dancing & fun!
To reserve your tickets, call the
synagogue office, 614-237-2747.
Congregation Agudas Achim is a
traditional, egalitarian synagogue
affiliated with the United Synagogue
of Conservative Judaism.
The following staff may be reached by calling (614) 237-2747 and entering
the appropriate extension number, or by email listed below each name.
NAOMI KURLAND, Academy Administrator, ext. 17
Mazel Tov!!!
✡ To Dr. Scott, Lisa and Paige Berliner on the Bar
Mitzvah of their son and brother, Grant Berliner.
Mazel Tov also to grandparents Marilyn Berliner and
Anita and Alan Buckholtz.
✡ To Bobbie and Steve Shkolnik on the Bar Mitzvah
of their grandson Samuel Albert Shkolnik. Mazel Tov
also to parents Carrie Shkolnik and Joshua and
Jennifer Shkolnik (Akron, Ohio), and great
grandmother Fagel Shkolnik.
✡ To Ilya Bodner and Jane Moksin on their wedding,
March 10, 2012.
CAROL COHEN, Preschool Director, ext. 28
BOBBIE SHKOLNIK, Membership/Volunteer Coordinator, ext. 11
JENNIFER RUSSELL, Rabbi’s Asst./Receptionist, ext. 10
Eric Fingerhut................................................. President
Kenny Steinman..................................... Vice-President
Natalie Cohen......................................... Vice-President
Greg Adams....................................................Treasurer
Allan Zelman..................................................Secretary
Bruce Soll.................................. Chairman of the Board
Leslie Wexner....Honorary Vice Chairman of the Board
Neil Shapiro.... Chair, Chevra Kadisha, Brotherhood Pres.
Dorit Adams........................................... USY President
The Book Club will be meeting on
Tuesday, April 17 at 1:00 p.m. to
discuss the book SUBMISSION by
Amy Waldman.
On Tuesday, May 8 at 1:00 p.m.,
the club will be reading Mitchell
James Kaplan’s book BY FIRE, BY
Book Club always welcomes new members! For more
information, call Helena Schlam, 614-267-9515, or the
synagogue office, 237-2747.
Garold Beim
Ilya Bodner
Joel Cohen
Elan Daniel
Steven Davidoff
Adam Davis
Ari Deshe
Shari George
Stephanie Glass
David Goodman
Jeff Kaplan
Brett Kaufman
Itzhak Keren
Dana Levine
Kenny Steinman
Leah Weintraub
Steven Shkolnik
Sandy Lichtenstein, Larry Ruben, Robert Shapiro
The Agudas Achim Garden
Committee is looking for additional
people to help plant and maintain
our garden this year. There are jobs
for both young and not so young! To
sign up, contact Bobbie in the office, 237-2747, ext. 11.
If you have any leftover fruits, vegetables or flowers from flats that
didn’t make it into your garden, we can use them for the synagogue’s
garden! Just bring them to the Agudas Achim garden plot, across from
the parking lot, the next time you’re in the neighborhood. It’s another
great, easy way to contribute to our garden and what will be on our
future Kiddush tables!
Weekday Services
Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m./5:45 p.m.; Friday evening services (see below)
Sunday: 9:00 a.m./5:45 p.m.
Minyan Nedava will meet April 28 and May 19
Pesach/Shabbat Weekend.......................... 6/7/8
Candle Lighting................................. 7:44 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service..................9:00 a.m.
Saturday Candle Lighting – before 8:44 p.m.
(from pre-existing flame only)
Second Day Yom Tov (Morning Service).9:00 a.m.
Second Day Yom Tov (Evening Service).5:45 p.m.
Parashat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim................... 4/5
Friday Evening Service...................... 6:00 p.m.
Candle Lighting................................. 8:12 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service..................9:00 a.m.
Mincha only....................................... 6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Ends (Havdalah).................. 9:12 p.m.
Last Days of Pesach............................... 12/13/14
Thursday Evening Service................. 5:45 p.m.
Candle Lighting................................. 7:50 p.m.
Friday Morning Service......................9:00 a.m.
Friday Evening Service...................... 6:00 p.m.
Candle Lighting – before 7:51 p.m.
(from pre-existing flame)
Saturday Morning Service..................9:00 a.m.
Yizkor (approximately)......................10:00 a.m.
Mincha............................................... 6:30 p.m.
Shabbat & Yom Tov End.................... 8:51 p.m.
Parashat Shemini........................................ 20/21
Friday Evening Service...................... 6:00 p.m.
Candle Lighting................................. 7:58 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service..................9:00 a.m.
Mincha only....................................... 6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Ends (Havdalah).................. 8:58 p.m.
Parashat Tazria-Metzora............................ 27/28
Friday Evening Service...................... 6:00 p.m.
Candle Lighting................................. 8:05 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service..................9:00 a.m.
Mincha only....................................... 6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Ends (Havdalah).................. 9.05 p.m.
Parashat Emor............................................. 11/12
Friday Evening Service...................... 6:00 p.m.
Candle Lighting................................. 8:19 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service..................9:00 a.m.
Mincha only....................................... 6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Ends (Havdalah).................. 9:19 p.m.
Parashat Behar-Bechukotai....................... 18/19
Friday Evening Service...................... 6:00 p.m.
Candle Lighting................................. 8:25 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service..................9:00 a.m.
Mincha only....................................... 6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Ends (Havdalah).................. 9:25 p.m.
Parashat Bemidbar............................................25
Friday Evening Service...................... 6:00 p.m.
Candle Lighting................................. 8:31 p.m.
Erev Shavuot/Shavuot Weekend........... 26/27/28
Saturday Morning Service..................9:00 a.m.
Maariv................................................ 9:15 p.m.
Shabbat Ends/Shavuot/Tikkun.......... 9:31 p.m.
Candle Lighting................................. 9:32 p.m.
Sunday Morning Service....................9:00 a.m.
Sunday Mincha only.......................... 6:30 p.m.
Candle Lighting................................. 9:33 p.m.
Monday Morning Service...................9:00 a.m.
Yizkor (approximately)......................10:00 a.m.
Monday Afternoon Service................ 6:30 p.m.
Yom Tov Ends.................................... 9:34 p.m.
Fast of the Firstborn and Siyyum – Morning Minyan, Friday April 6
The siyyum (completion of study of a tractate of rabbinic literature), with Rabbi Levine, will be held Friday, April 6. Following, there will
be a festive morning breakfast provided by members of the Brotherhood. Although all are welcome, RSVPs
are greatly appreciated! Call the synagogue office, 237-2747.
Historical note: A firstborn male of a mother or father observes this daytime fast on the eve of Pesach, recognizing that in Egypt the firstborn of Israel were
saved, while the firstborn Egyptians died in the tenth plague. However, the siyyum is encouraged to remove the obligation to fast from those attending,
including all firstborn males, but, they must hear the completion of the tractate to exempt them from the fast!
Rabbi Crespy’s Message
Rabbi Levine’s Message
Passover is around the corner. We
will gather together for the first Seder
on the evening of Friday, April 6,
2012. Celebrating Passover always
raises new questions. Perhaps the
most difficult Passover ritual to
explain is Hametz (leavened foods).
Why should a food we happily consume fifty-one weeks a year become
something that we diligently search
out and destroy before the one week of Passover? What, after
all, does removing Hametz have to do with God redeeming us
from Egypt?
The central theme of Pesah is our
liberation from bondage in Egypt and
the central activity is the Seder meal.
A priority of the Seder is the freewheeling conversation which ideally
flows effortlessly from the passages
of the Haggadah until late into the
night. One might have supposed that
we would celebrate our holiday of
liberation through whooping it up at a
grand party. Why have we chosen to
commemorate our freedom as a people with a conversation; an
event that seems to be primarily intellectual?
According to the Rabbis, Hametz is seen as symbolic of the
yetzer ha-ra – evil inclination – in particular, the prompting of
pride. Therefore the search for Hametz must be extensive and
intensive, for even the smallest particle of Hametz will corrupt.
Similarly any small amount of the yetzer ha-ra can poison us.
The process of removing Hametz from the home is meant to
arouse us to remove those negative inclinations as well.
Maimonides, in his Mishnah Torah, records a puzzling law.
He rules that if a person was forced by thugs to eat matzo, he/
she fulfills the obligation of eating the matzo, but if he ate
the matzo during a moment of temporary insanity, he has not
fulfilled the mitzvah of eating the matzo, and must eat it again
upon coming to his senses. The obvious issue of the unlikelihood of either scenario coming to pass aside, why should
eating matzo at gunpoint count, but eating matzo while out of
one’s mind does not count?
Why, then, can we eat Hametz during the rest of the year if
it is to some degree “evil?” The tradition demands a great
deal from us, but not the impossible. It knows that we, being human, will always have pieces of the yetzer ha-ra, of the
negative, within us. Having to refrain from Hametz for a week
reminds us that removing the yetzer ha-ra can never fully be
accomplished. Yet we are not free to desist from the struggle!
Having gained the perspective of a week free of Hametz – a
week free of the negative – we are then ready to re-enter our
everyday world where both are so prevalent.
Hag Sameah v’Kasher (A happy and kosher Pesah!)
The Pesah Seder obligation has only been fulfilled when the
participant understands that he personally is liberated from
slavery. If thugs force me to eat matzo, then my body is not
free. However, as much as I resent being coerced, I remain
free in an essential respect. Even if my body is “enslaved,”
my mind is still under my own control. On the other hand, if
I’ve lost my mind, how meaningful is my freedom? Only if I
have my wits about me, and can fully appreciate the fact of my
freedom, unhindered by irrational distractions, can I be said to
be truly free.
Alison & I wish you all a kosher & liberating Pesah,
Rabbi Mitch Levine
Glass Hearts author to speak at Kiddush, May 19
Terri Paul, first place prize winner of the Friends of American Writers Prize in 2000, will speak at
Kiddush on May 19 about her novel, Glass Hearts. The novel centers around Serene, a young girl
whose father has vanished from their small Hungarian village just before World War I, leaving his
beleaguered Jewish family to fend for themselves in a time of danger and disruption. The book begins in
the year 1913 and readers find Serene starting her life over in 1919 when she escapes to a new country.
Glass Hearts is based on the memories of her 87 year old aunt and other surviving relatives, and
according to Terri Paul, many of the characters were Agudas Achim members.
Terri Paul has a Ph.D. in English from O.S.U. In 1995, she received an Individual Artist’s Fellowship from the Ohio Arts Council for Glass
Hearts, and also won the 2000 Ohioana Book Award in Fiction for the novel. She is also a recipient of the Columbus Literary Award in
President Eric Fingerhut’s Message
I am writing this on March 22nd, the
first day of spring. As we all know,
we have been experiencing an incredibly early spring, with unseasonably
warm temperatures. We worry that
the buds are blooming too soon, and
that a late season freeze will kill them
I’m not a meteorologist or a climate
scientist, and I have no idea what is
happening with our weather. But I know that it is no coincidence we celebrate Pesach in the springtime. This holiday,
when we recall our deliverance from slavery to freedom, is not
only the time of our rebirth as a people, but also the time of the
earth’s rebirth from the winter darkness. That is why we eat
eggs, a symbol of fertility, and green vegetables, symbols of
fresh growth, at our Seders.
Agudas Achim is also experiencing a rebirth, as new members
and families join us, bringing energy and fresh perspective
to our prayers and programs. The environmental programs
started last year by Ariel Kohane continue to flourish (if you
have not yet signed up for the CSA for this summer, please call
the office right away!). The Mitzvah Merit Badge program
started by Rabbi Levine is also growing in popularity, as are
Rabbi Levine’s Lunch and Learn classes, Talmud Study, Divrei
Torah on Shabbat morning, and the Bexley Middle School
Lunch and Learn program.
We don’t control the weather, but we control our spiritual
temperature. By that thermometer, it is sunny and warm at our
shul, not just outside in Columbus. From seven a.m., when the
first words of praise to God are said in the Chapel each morning, until we turn out the lights for the day, we are working
hard to elevate our daily lives above the mundane, to be a holy
God’s work is on full display this glorious spring day. Let ours
be on display through this season of our freedom and beyond.
On Pesach and on every day, I thank you for your support of
our congregation and wish you and your loved ones a joyous
and meaningful holiday.
Thanks to the following people, Agudas Achim’s 2012 Purim Carnival was a great success!
Purim Carnival Donors
Brilliant Color Works
Julie & Doug Cohen
Cool Cats Entertainment
Eastland Golf & Games
G & J Pepsi Cola Bottlers
Shari & Jason George
Jack’s Aquarium & Pets
Kroger Town & Country
Lowe’s Town & Country
Sara & Jason O’Koon
Sam’s Club - Reynoldsburg
Bobbie & Steve Shkolnik
Purim Carnival Committee
Eileen Epstein
Karen Meyer
Keila Naparstek
Sara O’Koon
Purim Carnival Volunteers
Dani Beim
Ariel Cohen
Maya Cohen
Micah Cohen
Shira Cohen
Amy Fingerhut
Eva Fried
Shari George
Miranda Gutter
Rick Gutter
Tom Hund
Harry Keller
Simon Keller
Marilyn & Alan Levenson
Keshet Levine
Roni Levine
Ellie Levy
Stanley Mandelbaum
Max Meyer
Sydney Meyer
Dr. Bruce & Whitney Mirvis
Jason O’Koon
Amy Palmer
Jennifer Russell
Sophie Schuss
Brenda Shapiro
Aviana Vigil
Beth Vigil
Avery Weisman
Important AAA Dates!
April 1 at 9 a.m.
Rock Filah, followed by breakfast
April 5, 12, 19 & 26
Jewish Lunch Club at Bexley Middle School
April 8-14
April 15
School Resumes,
Choir singing for Scholarship Brunch
May 13 at 9 a.m.
Rock Filah, followed by breakfast
May 20
Last Day of AAA – BBQ Lunch!
Thank You for Your Generosity!
Donations to the synagogue are welcome year-round,
with a minimum contribution of $10,
which is tax-deductible.
Congregation Agudas Achim gratefully
acknowledges the following contributors.
(Contributions from January 21 – March 3, 2012 )
Synagogue Fund
This fund is used primarily to pay expenses for day-to-day operations
Susan & Allan Zelman in memory of father Joseph Tave
Michael Raizen in memory of Naomi Litchman’s mother, Gloria
Herbert L. Solomon in memory of sister Gloria Baral
Sylvia & Murray Ebner in memory of Carol Sue Zacks
Sylvia & Murray Ebner & Family in memory of Sylvia Gottlieb
Galina, Victor, Elaine, and Dima Dashevsky in memory of husband,
father, and grandfather Miron Dashevsky
Fagel Shkolnik in memory of brother Louis Levy
Volfina Berman in memory of mother Liza Berman
Janyce Katz & Mark Glazman in memory of Solomon Tredler
Janyce Katz & Mark Glazman in memory of grandmother Sophia
Janyce Katz & Mark Glazman in memory of aunt Mary Patterson
Jon & Robyn Silberstein in memory of father Jack Silberstein
Jon & Robyn Silberstein in memory of mother Helen Silberstein
Max, Yelena & Galina Glimcher and Elizabeth Tredler in memory of
grandfather & great-grandfather Moses Goldis
Marilyn Berliner in memory of husband Morris Berliner
Marilyn Berliner in memory of mother-in-law Sarah Berliner
Sylvia & Murray Ebner in memory of grandmother Martha Ruben
Emil Dulkin & Sofiya Sheynina in memory of father, grandfather
and great-grandfather Froim Sheynin
Emil Dulkin & Sofiya Sheynina in memory of mother, grandmother
and great-grandmother Bronislava Haikina
Yelena Ashkinazi & Ella Shitsevalova in memory of mother &
grandmother Sonya Remennik
Yelena Ashkinazi & Ella Shitsevalova in appreciation of Rabbi
Mitch Levine
Susan Tibor in honor of Alfred’s 92nd birthday
Simon Glimcher in memory of grandfather Moshe Goldis
Stanley Mandelbaum & Carol Ross in honor of Rabbi Levine’s
Scott, Lisa, Paige & Grant Berliner in memory of father &
grandfather Morris Berliner
Sharon Bloom in memory of father Harry Udisky
Felix Khodorkovsky in memory of father Josef Khodorkovsky
Faina Geyfman, Anna Dykhne & Arkady Dykhne in memory of
Boris Dykhne
Linda Schottenstein Fisher in memory of father Irving Schottenstein
Bob & Betsey Lane in appreciation of the Woodchoppers Study
Group & Rabbi Levine
Nan & Jerry Acks in memory of father Herman Acks
Gail Ferber in memory of father Reuven Zimet
Sharon Bloom in memory of mother Clara Udisky
DeeDee Glimcher in memory of mother Leah Weinstein
Zhanna & Vladimir Aronov in memory of father Volf Pilat
Sylvia & Murray Ebner in memory of grandfather Harry Ruben
Janyce Katz & Mark Glazman in memory of mother Revekah
Janyce Katz & Mark Glazman in honor of Mitch Levine’s birthday
Janyce Katz & Mark Glazman in memory of Audrey Block
Janyce Katz & Mark Glazman in honor of Susan & Allan Zelman’s
new grandchildren
Maryama Litmanovskaya
Fay Ruben in memory of mother Sylvia Rosenstein
Morris & Christina Prayzer in memory of father Mayer Prayzer
Columbus School for Girls in appreciation of Leah Weintraub’s
S.E.E.D. discussion at CSG
Robyn & Jon Silberstein in memory of grandfather Harry Silberstein
Elisabeth Sobolev in memory of grandmother Carolina Stromberg
Nancy & Bruce Meyer in memory of mother Bertha Meyer
Agusta Turner in memory of mother Bluma Paine
Svetlana Stolpner in memory of mother Janna Gelfand
Diann Gelfer Gordon in memory of grandfather Manuel Gelfer
David & Katherine Kornberg
PJ & Stanley Maybruck in appreciation of Rabbi Levine’s kindness
during Stanley’s recovery
PJ & Stanley Maybruck in appreciation of Rabbi Crespy’s kindness
during Stanley’s recovery
Susan Tibor in honor of Alfred’s 92nd birthday
Anna & Larisa Tverskaya in memory of mother Sonya Tverskaya
Ruth Stern in memory of aunt Dorothy Pailet
Janice & Herbert Wolman in memory of father Harry Feingold
Barbara Stern Meluch in appreciation of Rabbi Levine’s Lunch &
Learn sessions
Florence Cabakoff in memory of beloved father and husband, Izador
Kiddush Fund
This fund is used to pay expenses for non-sponsored Kiddushim
Leah Salis in memory of brother Sam Kanter
Stuart Grossman, Lillian Grossman and Steve Elliott in memory of
beloved father Marvin S. Grossman
Arkadiy Spivakov in memory of father Zahar Spivakov
Norma Minkin Wells in honor of Rabbi Levine’s special birthday
Garry & Lainie Beim in honor of Rabbi Levine finally making it to
Garry & Lainie Beim in honor of Joy & Bruce Soll being honored
Norma Wells in honor of Rabbi Crespy’s birthday
Raisa & Arkadiy Spivakov in memory of mother Nina Girina
Garry & Lainie Beim in honor of Rabbi Crespy’s birthday
Audri Rothschild in memory of grandfather Gustave Rothschild
Lainie & Garry Beim in memory of mother Sayde Kooperstein
Lainie & Garry Beim for a refuah sh’lemah for Stanley Maybruck
Mike Shackett in memory of Doc Hardy
Florence Cabakoff in memory of aunt Pearl Levinstein
Ellen Weiden in memory of father Bernard Florin
Nelli Saltsman in memory of mother Tsylia Khassina
Mike Shackett in memory of cousin Karen Mandzuch
Svetlana Golba & Igor Malkiman in memory of father Joseph Golba
Igor Kaplan in memory of father Abram Kaplan
Seudah Shlishit Fund
Cantor & Mrs. Shifman in memory of Herb Glimcher’s father
Cantor & Mrs. Shifman in honor of Joy & Bruce Soll
Cantor & Mrs. Shifman in honor of Rabbi Levine’s special birthday
Jacob & Rita Kaner and Nicholas & Hannah Jacobs in honor of
Alfred Tibor’s 92nd birthday
Jacob & Rita Kaner and Nicholas & Hannah Jacobs in honor of
Alice Fingerhut’s 87th birthday
Jacob & Rita Kaner and Nicholas & Hannah Jacobs in honor of
Rabbi Melissa Crespy’s birthday
Jacob & Rita Kaner and Nicholas & Hannah Jacobs in honor of
Rabbi Mitch Levine’s birthday
Susan Wexner in memory of uncle Izador Cabakoff
Susan Wexner in memory of cousin Helaine Zeldin
Susan Wexner in memory of uncle Morris Cabakoff
Susan Wexner in memory of cousin Isadore Zeldin
This fund is used to pay expenses for non-sponsored Seudot Shlishit
Cemetery Fund
Sheldon Schwartz in memory of mother-in-law Thelma Goldfarb
Sheldon Schwartz in memory of father-in-law Louis Goldfarb
This fund is used to support the Agudas Achim cemeteries
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
This fund is used for charitable causes at the discretion of the rabbi
Dr. Richard Prystowsky in memory of mother Rose Prystowsky
Tom & Shaaron Fisher in memory of Gloria Taxon
Tom & Shaaron Fisher for the speedy recovery of Ruth Stern
Stanley Mandelbaum & Carol Ross in appreciation of Rabbi Crespy
Jennifer Russell in appreciation of Audri Rothschild
Carole & Fred Maier in memory of Phyllis Klein
Audri Rothschild in honor of Alfred Tibor’s 92nd birthday
Joseph Chapman in appreciation of Rabbi Crespy & Dana Levine
Lois & Spike Tyler in memory of father Martin Schecter
Brian & Tammy Katz in appreciation of their anniversary aliyah
Allan Zelman in memory of mother Eva Zelman
Joan Waldman in memory of husband George Waldman
Harold Block in memory of wife Audrey Block
Harlan Scottenstein & Svetlana Gorokov for the speedy recovery of
sister Beryl Schottenstein
Stanley Mandelbaum & Carol Ross in memory of mother Bessie
Stanley Mandelbaum & Carol Ross
Stanley Mandelbaum & Carol Ross in appreciation of classes & the
Agudas Achim Academy Fund
This fund is used to support the congregation’s religious school
Susan Wexner in memory of cousin Howard Cabakoff
Marcia Goldstein in memory of father Judge Harry S. Goldstein
Florence Cabakoff & Family in memory of husband Izador
Albert Drobiz, Mikhail, Marina, Benjamin & Elizabeth in memory
of wife, mother and grandmother Nina Shyutte
Minyan Breakfast Fund
This fund supports the congregation’s daily breakfast
Cantor & Mrs. Shifman in memory of mother Machlah Pluzny
Nancy Meyer in memory of father Leslie Weber
Terry & Nancy Meyer in memory of mother Bertha Meyer
Youth Program Fund
This fund is used to support synagogue youth programming
Sylvia Mellman in memory of Irv Cohen
Maitzie Stan in memory of mother Mollie Meyers
Lee S. Hornstein in memory of mother Gladys Hornstein
Harry Maybruck and Howard Sanderow Candy Fund
This fund is used to pay for candy distributed to children participating
on Shabbat morning
Barbara Sanderow in memory of husband Howard Sanderow
PJ & Stanley Maybruck in honor of Joy & Bruce Soll
PJ & Stanley Maybruck in honor of Yehudit Kanfer
PJ & Stanley Maybruck in memory of Carol Zacks
PJ & Stanley Maybruck for the speedy recovery of Shani Maybruck
Stanley & Peggy Maybruck in memory of father Harry Maybruck
Stanley & Peggy Maybruck in honor of Ron Feerer’s stewardship of
the synagogue
Bruce Siegel Education Fund
This fund is used to fund educational programs
Harold H. Leiner in memory of father Morris Leiner
Mark Berger in memory of father Norman Berger
--- continued on page 8
Stein Memorial Library Fund
This fund is used to purchase library books
Robert R. Bender in memory of brother Jack Bender
Bobbie & Steve Shkolnik for Sandy Lichtenstein’s speedy recovery
Roberta Schwartz & Family in memory of mother & grandmother
Mary Kazmin
Charlene & Herb Solomon in memory of father-in-law Edward
Charlene & Herb Solomon in memory of mother Mildred Solomon
Barbara & Jay Miller in honor of Herb Solomon’s 80th birthday
Eleanore Yenkin Ruach Fund
This fund supports programs, events, or materials to enhance the
spiritual experience of the congregation
Miriam & Bernie Yenkin in memory of Allen Gundersheimer
Bernard & Miriam Yenkin in memory of grandfather Jacob Yenkin
Rebecca Gurk & Stuart Mangel in honor of Leah Weintraub’s
special birthday
Miriam & Bernie Yenkin in memory of Dorothy Cohen
Miriam & Bernie Yenkin in memory of brother Irving Schottenstein
B’nei Mitzvah
Avigdor Natan Crespy
Kaufman, lovingly known as
“Avi,” son of Larry Kaufman
and Rabbi Melissa Crespy,
and brother of Netanya, will
be called to the Torah as a
Bar Mitzvah on April 21,
Parshat Shemini.
Avi attended the Solomon
Schechter School of Bergen
County, NJ, graduated from
the Columbus Jewish Day School, and now attends the Bexley Middle School as a 7th grader.
Avi cares deeply about animals, and has special love for the
family dog, Reecie. For his mitzvah project, Avi is helping
to protect Mexican Gray wolves which are close to extinction
in the U.S. (http.//nywolf.org), and helping Jewish soldiers in
the U.S. military with Shabbat, Holiday and essential needs
packages (www.jcca.org/chaplaincy). Donations to either of
these causes are welcome.
Avi is the beloved grandson of “Honey” and Dr. David
Kaufman (z”l), and Victor and Maxine Crespy (z”l – “May
their memories be a blessing”).
Eran Rosenberg, Avi’s 5th grade Judaics teacher at CJDS,
tutored Avi for his Bar Mitzvah.
Join with us as we honor
longtime Agudas Achim
member, friend and
educational professional
Yehudit Kanfer at
Agudas Achim’s
Scholarship Brunch
Sunday, April 15, 2012
11:00 a.m.
Individual ticket cost is $36 per person.
Sponsorships are available at $500 (Sponsor), $250
(Patron) and $125 (Friend). Please RSVP by April 10.
Call Naomi Kurland, 237-2747, ext. 17
or email: nkurland@agudasachim.org
or Bobbie Shkolnik, 237-2747, ext. 11
or email: bshkolnik@agudasachim.org.
Proceeds from the Scholarship Brunch will be used to
create new, as well as enhance, existing Agudas Achim
Educational programs.
The Rabbinical Assembly Pesach Guide
The Rabbinical Assembly Pesach Guide was prepared by Rabbis Paul Plotkin and Barry Starr and
approved by the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards. It explains the laws and customs regarding
the dietary restrictions of Passover, the rules that remind us each time we eat of Passover’s messages
for us. The guide is intended to help families maintain a kosher for Pesach home in accordance with
the principles of Conservative Judaism and its understanding of Jewish Law.
Kashering the Kitchen
It is customary (and easier) to remove the utensils and dishes that are used during the year, replacing
them with either new utensils or utensils that are used year to year only for the holiday. This is clearly
not possible for major appliances and may not even be possible for dishes and utensils.
The general principle used in kashering is that the way the utensil absorbs food is the way it can be
purged of that food (Ke-volo kach pol’to). Things used for cold food can be kashered by rinsing since
no substance has been absorbed by the dish or glass. Items used on a stove absorb the food and thus
need a stronger level of action, namely expelling the food into boiling water (hag’alah). Utensils
requiring the most intense method of kashering (libbun) are put directly on a flame or in an oven,
which burns away absorbed food.
To kasher pots, silverware and utensils wholly of metal not used for baking, clean with soap and
water and after 24 hours, immerse the items in boiling water.
Metal bakeware used in a fire or oven must be thoroughly scrubbed and then subjected to direct fire
or an oven set at its maximum setting.
Glass dishes used for eating and serving hot foods are to be treated like any dish used for eating and
serving hot food, cleaning first and then immersing in boiling water.
Glass cookware is treated like a metal pot for kashering.
Heavy duty plastics including dishes, cutlery or serving items may be koshered provided they can
withstand boiling water and do not permanently stain.
Ceramic dishes (earthenware, stoneware, china, pottery, etc.) cannot be koshered. However, fine
china that was put away clean and has not been used for over one Jewish calendar year may be used
after detergent and hot water washing. The china is then considered pareve and may be designated for
meat or dairy use.
To read the Rabbinical Assembly Pesach Guide in its entirety, which also lists permissible food and
non-food Pesach items, please visit the synagogue’s website at www.agudasachim.org.
If you have any questions, or need to sell your Chametz (forms are available in the shul; we can email
you one), please call Rabbi Levine, ext. 12.
Big Steps
for Little Feet
Preschool at Agudas Achim 8th Annual Silent Auction
Thursday, May 17, 2012
7:00 - 9:30pm
Agudas Achim Social Hall
Hors d’oeuvres, Wine & Chocolate
In lieu of admission fees donations are kindly requested
Coming This Summer! AA’s Second Garage Sale - July 22!
Now you have a place to bring your unwanted items that others may want!
We will take household and yard items, books, toys, etc., but NO CLOTHING. You may begin bringing
your “gently used” goodies to the shul anytime, but please call first so we know you are coming!
Call Bobbie with any questions or to say you are coming, 237-2747, ext. 11
or email bshkolnik@agudasachim.org.
We are also looking for volunteers to help with pricing, organizing, set up and day of sale!
We hope you will join us at daily minyan on your loved one’s yahrzeit to recite the Mourner’s Kaddish. Mourner’s Kaddish
should be recited on the evening of the yahrzeit at the Ma’ariv (evening) service and then again at the Shacharit (morning)
and Mincha (afternoon) services. Additionally, the yahrzeit candle is lit in the evening on the Hebrew date of the yahrzeit.
You should receive a letter with information about upcoming yahrzeits for your loved ones. If you are not receiving this letter or
the information is incorrect, please call the synagogue office, 237-2747. We want to keep our records up-to-date.
Toby Ackerman
Yaakov Davis
Joseph Goldslager
Don Korenberg
Leonard Adler
Ilse Draker
Norman Goldsmith
Isaac Eugene Kornberg
Max Alexander
Jacob Feingerts
Ephraim Gordon
Regina Krever
Evelyn Rosen Bender
Sarah Feldman
Clara Greenberg
Abraham Krivitsky
Nathan Block
Toni Feldman
Pauline Greenberg
Betty Krupman
Simon Blum
Aviva Feuerwerker
Sarah Greenblatt
Sanford Landis
Leon Blumenfeld
Naomi Fingerett
Minnie Greenblott
Celia Brady
Nina Fish
Martha Gross
Zina Braverman
Harry Frank
Sophie Grundstein
Jennie Brief
Isadore Freed
Isis M Hillman
Miriam Zisenwine
May Freed
Hyman Hurwitz
Shaya Furman
Louis Janis
Shprinya Furman
Pauline Kane
Nookhim Galbmillion
Eileen Kaplan
Yetta Gelfer
Fanny Katz
Morris Gertner
Pearl Katz
Fannie Gilbert
Pincus Katz
Elya Gilman
Saul Katz
Alan Joel Levy
Sam Lichtenstein
Eva Luper
Murray Lux
Ruth Margolis
Abraham Jacob
Dennis Mellman
Dora Mellman
Harry Mellman
Ruth Volk Mellman
Eduard Melomed
Isadore Mentser
Naum Mihlin
Moisey Milerman
Zelda Miller
Frederick Brounstein
Joseph Calabrese
Sara Chauser
Abe Cohen
Joe Cohen
Rita Cohen
Rubin Cohen
Howard Covensky
Ben Davis
Gregory Gilman
David Kaufman
Robert Glickler
Leya Khatzkel
Goldie Godofsky
Jack Kooperstein
Pharcha Mordechai
Ann Ozonoff
Rose Parish
Max Perelmutter
Michael Poster
Renee Prayzer
Michael Richler
Louis Robins
Ted Rogovin
Mollie Rosen
Bertha Rosenfeld
Phil Silver
Annette Ruben
Mollie Rubin
Fannie Schakett
Minnie Schneider
Anna Schottenstein
Ben Schottenstein
Monya Tolkan
Leon J. Seff
Reuven Wolman
Sarah Shamansky
Alvin Worly
Lila Shane
Esther Zaner
Gary Scott Shapiro
Janet Zinner
Karl Shtir
Sidney Zipkin
Liliya Simakovskiy
Ragnhild Simmons
Anna Solomon
Max Soroky
Lillian Sperling
Jacob Stern
Anne Subow
Bernard Sugarman
Donil Tashayev
Chayim Waldman
Fayge Waldman
Gedalia Waldman
Elliot Weiner
Sima Wisebond
Bernard Abrams
David Feerer
Zelda Herskovitz
Rebecca Luper
Pearl Schwartz
Hattie Stetelman
Julius Baker
Zelda Feingerts
Stanley Hillelson
Joseph Israel Malkiman
Barbara Scolnick
Harry Stile
Anna Beim
Sharlot Fingerhut
Ruth Kanter
Myer W. Mellman
Vladimir Serebryannik
Yuncur Tashayev
Lenore Beller
Mary Frankel
Hyman Kaplan
Robert L. Mellman
Mania Shabad
Mrs. Sylvia Tennebaum
Frances Benis
Max Frankel
Sofia Khidekel
Samuel Mellman
Harry Shamansky
Ben Tolpen
Rebeka Berliner
Harry Freed
Zelda Khodorkovsky
Noah Molar
Anna Shenkman
Ann Gelfer Tyrash
Isaac Birencwajg
Florence Garber
Blossom Klynn
Nathan Peer
Eugene Shenkman
Rose Vogel
Maurice Bleich
Lazarus Gelfand
Marc Klynn
Dr. Milton Prystowsky
Minnie Sherman
Carol Ward
Herbert Block
Cyril A. Gilbert
Lottie Kotosky
Elfrieda Schmerler Ritter
Aaron Azriel Shifman
Max Waters
Samuel Bloomfield
Emma Gilbert
Shimshon Kotosky
Emil Rosen
Zelda Sigal
Adele Weiden
Lena Blum
Abram Gips
Bessie Kritzer
George Rosen
Bernard silber
Abe Weiner
Sarah Bodas
Pavel Glazman
Bension S. Krongauz
Harry Roth
Ruth Silber
Gisele Weisfogel
Ida Bornstein
David (Duke) Goldberg
Vladimir Kuravskiy
Walter Rothschild
Estene Silbert
Sarah Berliner Weisskertz
Sam Bornstein
Moishe Goldberg
Phyllis D. Lando
Morris Rubin
Julius Silverman
Irv Winnegrad
Lena Cabakoff
Lucille Goodman
Marshall Lashen
Harry Rudolph
Mollie Silverman
Elijah Winter
Sarah Canter
Benjamin Greenberg
Susan Lavin
Solomon Saidleman
Philip Simmons
Mary/Musa Yenkin
Mikhail A. Chaykovskiy
Ben Gross
Adele Leimsieder
Herbert Salis
Reva Sklyut
Mikhail Zilberman
Bess Zuravsky
Joseph T. Clayman
Max Gurevitz
Herman Lerer
Sarah Schlonsky
Helen Slansky
Iosif Dashevskiy
Alta Gussacoff
Mary Lerer
Alex Harmel
Morris Lerer
Howard Robert
Ann Sobel
Sol S. Dworkin
Yehuda Elbert
Karyn Harris
Israel Levinstein
Eugene Farago
David Hershfield
Bessie Lichtenstein
Sadie Schottenstein
Philip Schuss
Benjamin Solomon
Louis Spitzer
Jerome Stan
Congregation Agudas Achim
2767 East Broad Street
Bexley, Ohio 43209-1864
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Columbus OH
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V I S I T U S AT W W W. A G U D A S A C H I M . O R G - A A I S N O W W I R E L E S S !
The Agudas Achim
Board of Trustees and Staff
wish you and your family a
peaceful and joyous Passover.
Chag Sameach!
Agudas Achim Donated
Over 100 Boxes of Matzo
for JFS’s Pesach Drive!
Many Thanks to All of
You Who Helped with this