LAPID March-April-May Newsletter


LAPID March-April-May Newsletter
March / April / May 2013
2767 E. Broad St., Bexley, OH 43209
Newsletter of Congregation Agudas Achim
Adar/Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5773
p) 614.237.2747 • f ) 614.237.3576
Volume 1: Issue 1
Rabbi Levine’s Message
One of the enduring mysteries of the Exodus is that
after generations of enslavement, one might expect
the newly freed slaves to run pell-mell in every
direction out of Egypt, but instead they formed a
cohesive group for an orderly exit.
According to Rabbinic tradition, while the Jewish
people were busily packing up to leave Egypt, Moses focused instead
on collecting the bones of Joseph to bring them to Israel for burial.
Everyone else is looking forward to freedom from slavery and a new life.
Why is Moses looking backwards to retrieve the bones of their ancestor?
In prioritizing the bones of Joseph, Moses is teaching us an important
lesson in Jewish community building. Freedom allows individuals to
pursue a multiplicity of directions, but remembering an individual we
have lost reminds us of the bonds we share and of the destiny we all
ultimately face ourselves. The duty to escort the deceased on his or her
final journey compels us to respect a common path.
Congregation Agudas Achim is comprised of many individuals
negotiating a wide variety of directions, schedules, and time
constraints. Happily the daily morning minyan is alive and well,
and our momentum continues to build with well attended Shabbat
morning services, classes and committee meetings (and a recently
revived and energized Agudas Women’s group). Unfortunately, it
has long been a challenge to maintain our daily weekday evening
minyan. However, the Agudas commitment to one another and to
our past remains undiminished. In recognition of these shared values
and realities, beginning March 5th we will launch a fresh strategy for
weekday evening minyan. Instead of holding services each evening,
we will only schedule services to coincide with a Yahrzeit on which
a synagogue member is expected to recite the Mourner’s Kaddish
prayer. Long hours have been spent compiling and organizing the
data necessary to anticipate when an evening minyan will be needed.
In an effort to be respectful of people’s time, we are scheduling these
services only when we believe the individual or family observing the
Yahrzeit is committed to commemorating the Yahrzeit by attending.
Despite our best efforts, it is quite possible that some Yahrzeits were
inadvertently left out and others unnecessarily included. In the pages
of this Lapid, you will find the Yahrzeit minyans we have scheduled
for the months of March, April, and May. If you find that a Yahrzeit
date on which you would come to say Kaddish has been omitted,
please notify the office at least two weeks in advance so that we may
rectify the error. Please also let us know if we have scheduled a minyan
on your behalf that you will be unable to attend. This Yahrzeit Minyan
approach to scheduling weekday evening services is innovative. As
far as we know, other shuls lacking a consistent quorum either assign
arbitrary dates to listed members or attempt to consolidate Yahrzeit
observances to specific weekdays. Our approach honors the correct
Yahrzeit dates while affording members the opportunity to attend
minyan specifically when their presence is most crucial to enable a
fellow community member to recite the Kaddish.
Have a liberating Pesach!
President Natalie Cohen’s Message
The Pew Research Center reports that “people who attend religious services weekly or more are happier than those who attend
monthly or less.” I would expand that to people who attend a religious space weekly or more find increased happiness. Many
opportunities have been opening for Agudas Achim members to get involved and each new endeavor has been met with a
tremendous amount of energy, enthusiasm and attendance. The new Women’s Group Chamsa initiative which will reach out to
serve congregants, the Kiddush Committee that enhances our Shabbat mornings, the rabbi’s monthly Lunch and Learn bringing
Torah study out to the workplace, the Woodchopper’s study group on Shabbat afternoons making the Talmud accessible to
everyone, Havdalah Hop in the Short North, and Cocktails for Kabbalat Shabbat to name just a few. Every crevice of activity is bursting with new
participation. We are building a holy community and we are creating a space for people to do meaningful activities and find their happiness. As
you flip through this Lapid issue, grab your calendar to record and join the action. You will be glad you did!
Have a peaceful Pesach!
“How To” Help for Pesach
Please use the following resources to answer all of your Pesach questions and concerns!
Rabbinical Assembly Pesah Guide – 2012 •
Make Your Own Haggadah •
Having a Memorable Seder •
The OU Guide to Passover – 2013/5773 •
Congregation Agudas Achim is a
traditional, egalitarian synagogue
affiliated with the United Synagogue
of Conservative Judaism.
Synagogue Directory
The following staff may be reached by calling (614) 237-2747 and entering
the appropriate extension number, or by email listed below each name.
ARI GOLDBERG, Chief Administrator, ext. 11
BOBBIE SHKOLNIK, Membership/Volunteer Coordinator, ext. 22
NAOMI KURLAND, Academy Administrator, ext. 17
BEVERLY WARD, Administrative Assistant, ext. 14
Natalie Cohen........................................................................... President
Kenny Steinman............................................................... Vice-President
Leah Weintraub............................................................... Vice-President
Allan Zelman....................................................................Vice President
Steven Solomon......................................................................... Treasurer
Stephanie Glass Wapner........................................................... Secretary
Bruce Soll............................................................Chairman of the Board
Leslie Wexner............................. Honorary Vice Chairman of the Board
Neal Shapiro..............................Chevra Kadisha/Brotherhood President
Eric Fingerhut........................................................ Immediate Past President
Board of Trustees
Garold Beim
Ilya Bodner
Joel Cohen
Julie Cohen
Elan Daniel
Adam Davis
Ari Deshe
Shari George
David Goodman
Jeff Kaplan
Brett Kaufman
Itzhak Keren
Lifetime Trustees
Greg Adams
Sanford Lichtenstein
Dana Levine
Barbara Sanderow
Zach Schiff
Harlan Schottenstein
Steve Schottenstein
Larry Ruben
Steven Shkolnik
Honorary Lifetime Trustees
Sandy Lichtenstein
Larry Ruben
Agudas Achim
Mourns the Passing of:
Lillian Katz
Selma Mellman
Dora Shevchenko
May the memories of our departed loved ones
be a source of strength and comfort.
Robert Shapiro
Chief Administrator
Ari Goldberg’s Message
There is no arguing that Passover is an incredibly labor
intensive holiday in terms of preparation. Yet while
we may consider the extensive house cleaning to be a
uniquely Jewish stringency, in reality it may not be so
different from “spring cleaning” rituals that takes place
in many other cultures and societies. For example,
since ancient times Iranians have practiced “khooneh
tekouni” or “shaking the house” just before celebrating the New Year.
Similar traditions can be found in Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, and
Greece amongst others.
As a practical matter, in days of yore people living in cold climates kept
their houses closed tight throughout the frigid winter months and heated
their homes with filth producing fuels such as coal, oil or wood. The
arrival of warmer weather brought the time for spring cleaning, which
was a true health benefit. People felt renewed since they were able to
open windows and doors and allow fresh air into their homes again as
they scrubbed their homes of dust, dirt, grime and soot.
There are several aspects of Passover that focus on the concept of renewal.
Probably most well-known is karpas (the green vegetable) which is a
physical representation of one of the names of Passover – Chag Ha’aviv,
the festival of spring. In our modern households spring cleaning is not
as essential given that heating and air conditioning systems work so well.
Still, cleaning the house from top to bottom and getting rid of the old
and bringing in the new helps to envelop us in the ambiance of renewal
that comes with springtime.
Some like to refer to the synagogue as God’s house. Well, God’s house
also needs to be cleaned for Passover. While we will certainly adhere to
halakha ( Jewish law) in ensuring our building is kosher for Passover,
equally important is that our “physical plant” conveys the feeling of
this season of renewal. Just as we clean our own homes when guests
are expected, we welcome guests to God’s house every day of the week.
Whether they are coming to our synagogue for services, classes, social
functions or any other purpose, I want all who walk in our doors to feel
comfortable at Agudas Achim. One of my goals as Chief Administrator
is to ensure that God’s house here at 2767 East Broad Street in Bexley
is a structure which is conducive to enabling us to renew our spirits and
find meaning in our lives.
Chag Sameach!
Book Club
Author, sculptor and Holocaust
survivor Alfred Tibor spoke to
the Book Club on February 12
about his book, A Celebration of
Life. Club members surprised
Alfred with a cake for his birthday.
Alfred’s wife Susan also talked
about her story.
Everyone is invited to join with the Agudas Achim Book Club on Tuesday,
April 9 at 1:00 p.m. in the Stein Memorial Library at the synagogue.
Participants will discuss The List by Martin Fletcher. For more information
about the Book Club, call Helena Schlam at 614-267-9516, or the synagogue
office, 614-237-2747.
March Schedule of Services
Fast of the Firstborn and Siyyum
Monday through Friday, morning Minyan is at 7:00 a.m.
Monday evening services, March through May 20 will be held at 7:15 p.m.
Morning Minyan
Monday, March 25, 7:00 Shacharit
& 7:45 a.m. for the Siyyum
Weekday Services
Please call the office for Friday night service time and/or location.
In order to ensure that we have a Minyan for those saying Kaddish,
evening Minyan will be held only on days when individuals are saying
Kaddish for a loved one. Please refer to the Yahrzeit list
on page nine of this newsletter.
Parashat Tzav (Shabbat HaGadol)......................... 22/23
Friday Evening Service...............................................Call for time
Candle Lighting.............................................................. 7:27 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service................................................9:00 a.m.
Woodchoppers Talmud Study......................................... 6:27 p.m.
Mincha............................................................................ 7:27 p.m.
Shabbat Ends.................................................................. 8:27 p.m.
The siyyum (completion of study of a tractate of rabbinic
literature), with Rabbi Levine will be held Monday,
March 25. Following, there will be a festive morning
breakfast. Although all are welcome, RSVPs are greatly
appreciated. Call the synagogue office, 237-2747, ext. 14.
Pesach IV & V (CH’M)......................................... 29/30
Historical note: A firstborn male of a mother or father observes
this daytime fast on the eve of Pesach, recognizing that in
Egypt the firstborn of Israel were saved, while the firstborn
Egyptians died in the tenth plague. However, the siyyum
is encouraged to remove the obligation to fast from those
attending, including all firstborn males, but they must hear
the completion of the tractate to exempt them from the fast!
Note: Special Pesach Service Times...
Pesach is Coming!
Friday Evening Service ..............................................Call for time
Candle Lighting.............................................................. 7:35 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service................................................9:00 a.m.
Woodchoppers Talmud Study......................................... 6:35 p.m.
Mincha............................................................................ 7:35 p.m.
Shabbat Ends.................................................................. 8:35 p.m.
Monday, March 25 - No afternoon/evening service
Tuesday, March 26- Shacharit at 9:00 a.m.
Candle Lighting - Not before 8:30 p.m.; from pre-existing flame
Wednesday, March 27 - Yom Tov ends at 8:35 p.m.
Last Days of Pesach...
Sunday, March 31 - Mincha & Maariv at 7:30 p.m.; Candle Lighting
at 7:37 p.m.
Monday, April 1 - Shacharit at 9:00 a.m.; Mincha & Maariv at 7:30
p.m.; Candle Lighting not before 8:30 p.m.; from pre-existing flame
It’s time to sell your chametz!
Download the Chametz Sale Authorization form from
the shul website at and submit
to Rabbi Levine no later than 7:30 a.m., March 25 or
come into the shul office
to complete it. Best
wishes for a Chag
Kasher v’Sameach
(a happy and
kosher Passover).
Tuesday, April 2 - Shacharit at 9:00 a.m.; Yizkor approximately at
10:00 a.m.; Mincha & Maariv at 7:30 p.m.
Passover Fun! For Kiddush on March 30, bring your extra,
unopened boxes of matzoh, macaroons and sweets to share!
“Creating a Spiritual Life” with Rabbi Levine!
Join us for these last two Lunch & Learn programs of the season with Rabbi Mitch Levine. Rabbi Levine will continue to explore this year’s
stimulating topic, “Creating a Spiritual Life.” Lunch & Learn begins at 11:45 a.m. with a delicious deli spread, and the rabbi teaching from
Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 20 our host is Agudas Achim member Robert Schottenstein. We will meet at
M/I Homes Corporate office, 3 Easton Oval 43219. RSVPs are requested no later than Monday,
March 18.
Wednesday, April 17 our host is Agudas Achim member Victor Goodman. We will meet at Victor’s
law office Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP downtown, 41 S. High Street 43215. All
Agudas Achim members are invited to attend. RSVPs are requested no later than Monday, April 15.
Thank you, Bob and Victor for hosting Lunch & Learn
April Schedule of Services
May Schedule of Services
Parashat Shemini.................................................5/6
Parashat Behar/Bechukotai..................................3/4
Candle Lighting........................................................7:42 p.m.
Candle Lighting........................................................8:10 p.m.
Friday Evening Service.......................... Call for time/location
Saturday Morning Service......................................... 9:00 a.m.
Woodchoppers Talmud Study...................................6:42 p.m.
Mincha & Maariv......................................................7:42 p.m.
Shabbat Ends............................................................8:42 p.m.
Parashat Tazria/Metzora.................................. 12/13
Friday Evening Service.......................... Call for time/location
Candle Lighting........................................................7:49 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service......................................... 9:00 a.m.
Woodchoppers Talmud Study...................................6:49 p.m.
Mincha & Maariv......................................................7:49 p.m.
Shabbat Ends............................................................8:49 p.m.
Parashat Acharei Mot/Kedoshim........................ 9/20
Friday Evening Service.......................... Call for time/location
Candle Lighting........................................................7:56 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service......................................... 9:00 a.m.
Woodchoppers Talmud Study...................................6:56 p.m.
Mincha & Maariv......................................................7:56 p.m.
Shabbat Ends............................................................8:56 p.m.
Parashat Emor................................................. 26/27
Friday Evening Service.......................... Call for time/location
Saturday Morning Service......................................... 9:00 a.m.
Woodchoppers Talmud Study...................................7:10 p.m.
Mincha & Maariv......................................................8:10 p.m.
Shabbat Ends............................................................9:10 p.m.
Parashat Bemidbar........................................... 10/11
Friday Evening Service.......................... Call for time/location
Candle Lighting........................................................8:17 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service......................................... 9:00 a.m.
Woodchoppers Talmud Study...................................7:17 p.m.
Mincha & Maariv......................................................8:17 p.m.
Shabbat Ends............................................................9:17 p.m.
Parashat Nasso................................................. 17/18
Friday Evening Service.......................... Call for time/location
Candle Lighting........................................................8:24 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service......................................... 9:00 a.m.
Woodchoppers Talmud Study...................................7:24 p.m.
Mincha & Maariv......................................................8:24 p.m.
Shabbat Ends............................................................9:24 p.m.
Parashat Beha’alotecha..................................... 24/25
Friday Evening Service.......................... Call for time/location
Friday Evening..........................................................6:30 p.m.
Candle Lighting........................................................8:30 p.m.
“Cocktails for Kabbalat Shabbat”
Service with Malachi Kanfer & Shabbat Dinner
Woodchoppers Talmud Study...................................7:30 p.m.
Candle Lighting........................................................8:03 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service......................................... 9:00 a.m.
Woodchoppers Talmud Study...................................7:03 p.m.
Mincha & Maariv......................................................8:03 p.m.
Shabbat Ends............................................................9:03 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service......................................... 9:00 a.m.
Mincha & Maariv......................................................8:30 p.m.
Shabbat Ends............................................................9:30 p.m.
Parashat Shelach........................................ 31/June 1
Friday Evening Service.......................... Call for time/location
Candle Lighting........................................................8:35 p.m.
Saturday Morning Service......................................... 9:00 a.m.
Woodchoppers Talmud Study...................................7:35 p.m.
Erev Shavuot Is Tuesday, May 14.
Watch For Tikkun Information
And Service Times For Wednesday
& Thursday, May 15 & 16.
Mincha & Maariv......................................................8:35 p.m.
Shabbat Ends............................................................9:35 p.m.
Minyan Nedava is
April 20 & May 18
Agudas Achim Committees
Contact Ari Goldberg at the synagogue office if you would like to
volunteer to serve on one of these committees.
Education Committee...........................Shari George
Oversees the budget for Agudas Achim’s educational
programming. The committee also works with an active parent
committee for the Agudas Achim Academy.
Finance Committee................................Julie Cohen
Reviews contracts with current vendors and looks at potential
suppliers to help keep the synagogue fiscally sound.
Cemetery Committee...................Sandy Lichtenstein
and Gary Lichtenstein
Handles all aspects of burial for all congregants and nonmembers who have purchased plots. Ensures the cemetery is
being properly maintained.
Library Committee.... Susie Kanter and Herb Solomon
Keeps the books for adults current in the main library and the
children’s books that are kept upstairs in the Tot Shabbat room.
Building Committee...............................Steve Block
This is the “go-to” committee for all facility related matters,
including roof repairs, heating and air conditioning, and all
other infrastructure issues.
Welcoming Committee.......................... Elan Daniel
Creates programs throughout the year and is in the process of
implementing an advertising plan for those programs.
Kidush Committee................................. Amy Palmer
Responsible for creating menus and preparing the weekly
Kiddush held after Shabbat morning services. The committee
is available to cook or bake for a special event.
Chevra Kaddisha Committee................. Neal Shapiro
Coordinates Tahara (cleansing the deceased body and ritually
guarding it prior to burial), and ensures that there is a Minyan
for funerals.
The Women of Agudas Achim
Have Reunited!
The Women of Agudas Achim are exploding with ideas for
one-time programs and ongoing projects that will appeal to
women of all ages. At the first Women’s Group meeting,
two committees were created - a Program Committee and
an Outreach Committee. Marilyn Levenson, Janyce Katz
and Robyn Silberstein are overseeing these committees and
invite all Agudas Achim women to join with them, and other
members, to help develop stimulating, educational and caring
programs for our congregation.
The Program Committee...
kicked off with a Tu B’Shevat Seder at the JCC that was co-sponsored
by Agudas Achim, Hadassah and Temple Beth Shalom. Subsequently
on the calendar was the first evening Book Club meeting on March 6
at the home of Susie Kanter, and on March 10 “Tasty Passover Meals
without Effort” by author, chef and lecturer Lana Covel.
Women mark your calendars for “The Safety of Pedicures” on Sunday,
April 14. This promises to be a fascinating presentation that will keep
you on your toes!
For more information about the Program Committee, email Marilyn
Levenson at or Janyce Katz at janyce.c.katz@
The Outreach Committee......................... Chaired by
Robyn Silberstein
has taken the name Chamsa. The Chamsa amulet is shaped like
a hand and reflects the basic principles of the following five subcommittees with each finger of the hand representing how Chamsa
will reach out to congregants of Agudas Achim.
1. We Care Committee...
individuals will visit or call congregants who may be in the hospital
or homebound (co-chairs are Buzz Kanter and Luann Lavin);
2. Leave the Driving to Us Committee...
participants will create and implement a system to transport
members to shul on Shabbat and other Agudas Achim programs;
3. Signature Comfort Food Committee...
Building Safety Committee...................... Joel Cohen
women will make a “comfort meal” for congregants in need, such
as a congregant just coming home from the hospital or a family
that has just had a baby (chair Keila Naparstek);
Dues Reduction Committee.................Allan Zelman
4. Thinking of You Committee...
Maintains the safety and security of the synagogue.
Analyzes the needs of individuals who are unable to pay full dues.
Youth Tzedakah Committee.................... Ariel Cohen
Plans programs throughout the year to help others, such as
collecting food for the Mid-Ohio Foodbank and bringing
smiles to the elderly at Wexner Heritage Village.
this committee will send cards to congregants who may be ill,
homebound or in the hospital (chair Masha Keren);
5. Informant Committee...
members will field questions from congregants who have certain needs,
such as looking for work and direct them to the correct community
resources. The committee will also coordinate child care so that women
can attend programs and meetings without worry; and the
6. Circle of Life Committee...
the palm of the Chamsa, will help organize and encourage
participation in weekday minyans.
For information about any of these committees,
email Robin at
Thank You for Your Generosity!
(Contributions from August 18, 2012 – Febuary 28, 2013)
Donations to the synagogue are welcome year-round, with a minimum contribution of $10, which is tax-deductible. Congregation Agudas
Achim gratefully acknowledges the following contributors who have donated in memory of, in honor or appreciation of a family member or
friend. Donations were made to these funds: Synagogue, Rabbi’s Discretionary, Kiddush, Minyan Breakfast, Agudas Achim Academy, Youth
Program, Stein Memorial Library, Eleanore Yenkin Ruach and the Harry Maybruck & Howard Sanderow Candy.
Marvin & Rhoda Zuravsky
Leah Weintraub
Florine Ruben Rita Waitzmen
Ben & Arlene Roth
Allan & Susan Zelman
Ruth Tave
Rosalie Schottenstein
Eileen & Larry Papier
Leonard Nyman & Harriet Marcus
Ronnie Feerer
Annette M. Schwartz
Hal Leiner
Joanne Aubrey
Alex, Dani & Andy Beim
Peggy Kaplan
Charlotte Beckman
Norman & Carolyn Katz
Marvin & Lois Kay
Florence Cabakoff
Elaine & Victor Goodman
The Bornstein Family
Edward Stan
Hope Katz
Nelli Saltsman
Susan Wexner
Betya & David Gizunterman
Dorothy Goldin
Herbert L. Solomon
Max Glimcher & Elizabeth Tredler
Yelena and Galina Glimcher
Lelia Cady
Margie & Eli Goldach
Audri Rothschild
Sulamit Katon
Grigoriy & Galina Katon
Betya & David Gizunterman
Israel Slobodkin
Marilyn Berliner
Terry Bornstein
Julie Saar
Murray & Harriet Weinberg
Barbara & Miriam Nudel
Lorie & Jay Jules and David Sweet
Jocelyn & Scott Nudel
Janyce Katz & Mark Glazman
Simon Glimcher
Nancy & Bruce Meyer
Clara & Leonid Yanovsky
Allan Zelman
Larisa Lavochnik
Roman Lavochnik
Dina Starik
Herb & Rose Weyl
Marvin & Rhoda Zuravsky
Sylvia & Murray Ebner
Lynn Endich
Naomi Schottenstein
Zina Furman
Stefan Selig
Vladimir Aronov & Zhanna Aronova
Konstantin & Lyudmila Litmanovsky
Galina Verbitsky
Michelle Kaseff
Beverly Ward
Linda Klayman
LaJune & Bernie Cohen
Alan Berliner
Gail Ferber
Harlan Scott Friedman
Victor & Elaine Goodman
Harlan Schottenstein
Lee S. Hornstein
PJ & Stanley Maybruck
Miriam & Bernie Yenkin
Barbara & Fred Schwartz
Max Glimcher & Elizabeth Tredler
Annette Schwartz
Jerry & Nan Acks
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Rogers
John Stern
Dr. Mark B. Landon
Rabbi Idit & Steven Solomon
Sol Ruben
Linda Bornstein Klayman
Reva Haberman
Richard Prystowsky & Ellen Miles
Jacob & Rita Kaner, Nicholas & Hannah Jacobs
Dr. Elliot Feldman
David & Miriam Paine and Family
Bettie Mathless
Larry & Diann Gordon
Sheldon Schwartz
Marcia Goldstein
Thank You for Your Generosity!
(Contributions from August 18, 2012 – Febuary 28, 2013)
Sarah Alexander
Al Kauffman
Garry & Lainie Beim
Eastside Surgery Center
Lois & Spike Tyler
Barbara Mellman
Tom & Shaaron Fisher
Alfred & Susan Tibor
Stanley Mandelbaum & Carol Ross
Jim Winnegrad & Janice Manheim
Barbara Stern Meluch
Buzz & Susie Kanter
Bobbie, Steve, & Jesse Shkolnik
Svetlana Golba & Igor Malkiman
Stuart Grossman, Lillian Grossman, and Steve Elliott
Ida & David Trostyanetsky
Michael Wolfson
Linda Weinrib
Roberta Schwartz
Zina Furman
Helene & Michael Lehv
Clara & Leonid Yanovsky
DeeDee & Herb Glimcher
Ronni Glenesk
Andy Beim
Jonathan Stern
Jeff Kaplan
Goldie Shabad
Alan Levine & Cheryl Greenhut
Julie & Doug Cohen
Jon & Karen Meyer
John Stern
Roberta & Lewis Kurlantzick
Simon Glimcher
Allan Weiss
Bob & Betsey Lane
Frankie Schottenstein
Stephanie & Andy Wapner
Bernard Kanter
Ellen & Chuck Weiden
Barbara Sanderow
Yetta Worly
Frances & Sam Weiner
Larry Ruben & Family
David & Susan Hodge
Arkadiy & Raisa Spivakov
Herb Greff
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hershfield & Family
Ronnie Feerer
Maitzie & Ed Stan
Leonard Sigall
Yehudit Kanfer
Jack Meizlish
Felix Khodorkovsky
Rick & Dana Levine
Renia Schwartz
Marcia Korenstein
Meredith Rose & Cynthia Rose
Rabbi Gloria S. Rubin & Mr. Martin L. Rubin
Ruth Freed
Ruth Stern
Lyudmila Soskin
Elizabeth Sobolev
Yakov Galbmillion
Ilya Bodner
Sylvia Mellman
The Fingerhut Family
Rosalie Schottenstein
Doreen Schwartz Berne
Michael Raizen
Galina, Victor, Elaine, and Dima Dashevsky
Fagel Shkolnik
Volfina Berman
Leah Salis
Stuart Grossman & Lillian Grossman
Emil Dulkin & Sofiya Sheynina
Yelena Ashkinazi & Ella Shitsevalova
Norma Minkin Wells
Allbert Drobiz, Mikhail, Marina, Benjamin & Elizabeth
Robert R. Bender
Simon Glimcher
Scott, Lisa, Paige & Grant Berliner
Sharon Bloom
Felix Khodorkovsky
Faina Geyfman, Anna Dykhne & Arkady Dykhne
Bob & Betsey Lane
Jennifer Russell
Carole & Fred Maier
Joseph Chapman
Norma Wells
Cantor & Mrs. Shifman
Nan & Jerry Acks
Linda Fisher
Brian & Tammy Katz
Joan Waldman
Harold Block
Maryama Litmanovskaya
Morris & Christina Prayzer
Columbus School for Girls
Mike Shackett
Nelli Saltsman
Mark Berger
Yahrzeits – March / April / May
Rabbi Levine’s message on the cover of this LAPID announces the launch of a new synagogue strategy for weekday evening Minyan. Services
will be scheduled to coincide with a Yahrzeit on which a synagogue member is expected to recite the Mourner’s Kaddish prayer. Observers will
attend Minyan the evening before the actual Yahrzeit dates listed below. To be respectful of everyone’s time, the services are being scheduled only
when we believe the individual or family observing the Yahrzeit is committed to commemorating the Yahrzeit by attending. If you see below that
a Yahrzeit date on which you would come to say Kaddish has been omitted, please notify the office at least two weeks in advance so we may rectify
the error. Please also let us know if we have scheduled a Minyan on your behalf that you will not be able to attend.
This innovative approach honors the correct Yahrzeit dates while affording members the opportunity to attend Minyan specifically when their
presence is most crucial to enabling a fellow community member to recite the Kaddish.
If you have any questions, please call the synagogue office, 614-237-2747.
Nancy Meyer
Sharon Mars
Gail Schwartz
Robert Shapiro
David Trostyanetsky
Susan Steinman
Daniel Waitzman
Raisa Spivakov
Stuart Oppenheimer
Marcia Hershfield
Bernard Kaplan
Ellen Siegel Pollack
Dana Levine
Bernard Kaplan
Ruth Freed
Marvin Mentser
Lawrence Kaufman
Katherine Kornberg
Victor Krupman
Rita Waitzman
Robert Bender
Judy Edelman
Anna Vayntraub
Jay Worly
Mark Glazman
Sheldon Schwartz
Jerome Schwartz
David Greenberg
Bernard Kanter
Gary Bodas
Keith Schuss
Roberta Shkolnik
Janice Lichtenstein
Jonathan Stern
Adelaide Mentser
Sandra Garrett
Shirley Abrams
Jim Winnegrad
Patty Glimcher
Susan Tibor
Leo Dworkin
Ronald Feerer
Ruth Freed
Carole Dworkin
Rhonda Schottenstein
Jolene Shapiro
Herbert Wolman
Harold Block
Janice Wolman
Mark Berger
Susan Tibor
Lillian Weber
Anne Meister
Edward Katzel
Harold Shapiro
Fanya Trostyanetsky
Morris Steinman
Julius Waitzman
Leonid Girin
Pearl Oppenheimer
Max Ziskind
Gertrude Kaplan
Max Ziskind
Leon Blumenfeld
Eileen Kaplan
May Freed
Isadore Mentser
David Kaufman
Michael Poster
Betty Krupman
Harry Frank
Evelyn Bender
Alvin Worly
Karl Shtir
Alvin Worly
Sheila Shapiro
Rick Shapiro
Michael Shapiro
Robert Shapiro
Joseph Calabrese
Darcy Kaplan
Kathy Worly
Sanford Lichtenstein
Galina Kaplan
Elaine Beim
Ira Kane
Adelaide Mentser
Ruth Freed
Barbara Nudel
David Margolis
Herbert L. Solomon
Florence Cabakoff
Joyce Keller
Edwin Frankel
Joshua Klynn
Sanford Lichtenstein
Robert Hershfield
Eydie Garlikov
Herbert L. Solomon
Elaine Goodman
Audri Rothschild
Anna Frankel
Marvin Zuravsky
Ronald Rudolph
Pavel Glazman
Pearl Schwartz
Pearl Schwartz
Pauline Greenberg
Sarah Bodas
Philip Schuss
Solomon Saidleman
Louis Spitzer
Ruth Stern
Robert Mellman
Sylvia Tennebaum
Bernard Abrams
Irv Winnegrad
Minnie Sherman
Eugene Farago
Sol Dworkin
David Feerer
Harry Freed
Estene Silbert
Marshall Lashen
Marshall Lashen
Abe Wolman
Sadie Block
Helen Feingold
Shirley Berger
3/24 – 4/2
Gary Shapiro
Gary Shapiro
Gary Shapiro
Gary Shapiro
Joseph Calabrese
John Midlam
Monya Tolkan
Sam Lichtenstein
Naum Mihlin
Jack Kooperstein
Pauline Kane
Ruth Mellman
Isadore Freed
Janet Zinner
Ruth Margolis
Anna Solomon
Zelda Miller
Sanford Landis
Marc Klynn
Bessie Lichtenstein
David Hershfield
Elfrieda Ritter
Benjamin Solomon
Sandra Morrow
Walter Rothschild
Loren Townsend
Bess Zuravsky
Harry Rudolph
Agudas Achim
Academy Calendar
Passover Spring Break!
Classes Resume after Spring/Passover Break
Family Shabbat Service, 10:30 a.m.
8, 15, 22 & 29 Jewish Lunch Club at Bexley Middle School, 10:43 a.m. FREE pizza and schmoozing with Stacy Abroms Bandler
Rock-Filah, 9 a.m. followed by the Brotherhood’s
Minyannaires Breakfast
Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration, meet at AAA at 3:45 p.m.
6, 13 & 20
Rock-Filah 9 a.m. followed by a “breakfast bar”
Jewish Lunch Club at Bexley Middle School, 10:43 a.m. FREE pizza and schmoozing with Stacy Abroms Bandler
Family Shabbat Service, 10:30 a.m.
Shavuot, No AAA
Last day AAA, BBQ lunch with a live performance
by Ruvane
B’nei Mitzvah
Harry Keller, son of Michelle Dubrow and Stuart Keller will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on June
1. Harry is a 7th grade student at Bexley Middle School. He is receiving his training from Ed Frankel.
An excellent student, Harry finished up his wrestling season and is looking forward to baseball. Last summer,
Harry’s grandparents, Joyce Garver Keller and Steven Keller took him on a wonderful trip to Israel. Harry
also loves to visit his grandparents, Bobby and Allen Dubrow, in Philadelphia. He also loves spending time
with his great grandmother, Zelda Garver.
Michelle, Stuart, Izzy and Simon invite family, friends and members of the community to worship with them
on Harry’s special day.
And the Award Goes To...
Ronnie Feerer who has been named the 2013 Maasim Tovim (Doer of Good Deeds) honoree for the entire
KIO Region of The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC). Ronnie will receive this prestigious award
during the FJMC’s biennial convention that will be held in Danvers, Massachusetts, July 24-28.
This is the highest and most cherished award that any region can bestow upon one of its members. The award
recognizes significant accomplishments the honoree has made to his club, his synagogue and the Jewish
community. Ronnie joins a small, but growing, fraternity of dedicated volunteers whose efforts and actions
have helped to improve our lives and the world within which we live.
For years, Ronnie Feerer has been very active here at Agudas Achim, including chairing the annual Boys’
Night Out; serving as past president of the Brotherhood; overseeing the morning Minyan by making sure
there is a Minyan and everyone has their bagels, cream cheese, butter and coffee; and coming to Shabbat morning services, working
the room to help fill aliyahs and honors, when needed. Ronnie often picks up members who need a ride to services and visits others
who are homebound. In the larger community, he has represented Agudas Achim well in his role with FJMC.
Mazel Tov, Ronnie Feerer!
Mazel Tov!!!
To Andrew Beim & Betsy Taylor & Alex Beim on the Bat Mitzvah
of their daughter and sister, Danielle. Mazel Tov also to great
grandparents, Bettye & Buddy Beim; grandparents, Garry & Lainie
Beim and Marcia Goldstein & David Sherman.
To Dr. Robert & Marcia Hershfield on the birth of their
granddaughter, Lila Sidney Kurlantzick. Mazel Tov also to Lila’s
parents, Jeremy Hershfield & Rachel Kurlantzick and grandparents
Roberta & Lewis Kurlantzick.
To Naomi, Ruvane and Lyric Kurland on the birth of their daughter
and sister, Aria Isabelle.
To Ronnie Feerer on the birth of granddaughter, Maya Jordana
Gleis, and parents Chelsea (Feerer) & Josh Gleis.
To Stephanie & Andy Wapner on the birth of their son, David
Phillip Wapner.
To Ronnie Feerer being named the 2013 Maasim Tovim (Doer of
Good Deeds) honoree for the entire KIO Region of The Federation
of Jewish Men’s Clubs.
New Members
Gary Chasin
Dr. Rebecca Cover & Mr. Jason Moses
Mr. Geoffrey & Dr. Susan Delman
Wendy & Jeff Jonas, Gabby & Ari
Alice Kramer & Otto Kramer, III
David & Rachel Kleit, Miriam & Natanya
Stanley Mandelbaum & Carol Ross
Dr. Jack & Mrs. Marla Moskowitz, Ruthie & Yael
Amy & Micah Palmer
Julie & Yoaz Saar, Maya, Shai & Ruthie
We Have Been “Bursting” with Activities!” There is something for everyone at Agudas Achim!
Since the High Holy Days, Agudas Achim
has been busy with stimulating & fun activities!
We look forward to seeing you at more of our upcoming events!
Congregation Agudas Achim
2767 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43209
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Sunday, May 12, 9:30 a.m.
Join us for a delicious Mother’s Day Breakfast
prepared by the Agudas Achim Brotherhood.
Bring your family and friends!
All moms will receive a flower!
RSVP’s must be in by Wednesday, May 8th.
Call or email the synagogue office, 237-2747,
Agudas Achim Presents...
Kosher Karaoke
music, dinner,
singing & fun!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Watch for your invitation
in the mail, soon!