Green spaces - Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council


Green spaces - Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
April to September 2014
Green spaces
for healt h 2014
Your guide to walks, fitness sessions and activities across
Dudley borough’s parks, nature reserves and green spaces
to the green spaces for health booklet.
This book is full of free led walks, fitness sessions,
activities and health sessions for all ages that take
place in our borough’s parks and green spaces.
Unless otherwise stated all sessions are free of charge and there
is no need to book. Please note that there may be a small parking
charge at some locations.
Please wear appropriate clothing for all our sessions. Boots are
recommended for walks, as paths can sometimes be very muddy.
Walkers who are new to any of the programmes should arrive early
to complete a brief introduction from the walk leader.
For more information on walks and activities in Dudley borough
visit or call
Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345.
All information is correct at the time of going to print. To check details of an
event call us.
What’s on Cotwall End Valley
4 - 37
Himley Hall and Park 39 - 40
Huntingtree Park 41 - 43
The Leasowes 44 - 47
48 - 49
50 - 51
Priory Park
53 - 55
Adventure walks
56 - 57
Nordic walking
58 - 59
Park activities
60 - 64
Over 50s activities
Other information
68 - 71
What’s on
Dudley rocks! A talk on the mining history of Dudley
and Wren’s Nest National Nature Reserve
Wednesday 2 April - 7pm
This talk tells the fascinating tale of how the exploitation of natural wealth
found in the rocks gave birth to the industrial revolution and turned a
small rural town into the empire’s workshop of the 19th century. Booking
essential by calling 01384 812785.
Meeting point - The new Archives and Local History Centre, Tipton
Road, Dudley DY1 4SQ (in the Abbey Room)
William Shenstone anniversary walk
Wednesday 9 April - 10am to 1pm
Join the wardens at The Leasowes and follow the historic Dodsley route
across the site in honour of the 300 year anniversary of its creator William
Shenstone. Explore this Grade1 listed historic landscape and learn of its
national and international importance. This is a rare chance to follow the
original circular route which crosses part of the current golf course which
is usually out of bounds. Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point - The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature Reserve,
wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62 8DH
Easter bunny crafts
Tuesday 15 April - 1.30pm to 3pm
Come and join this Easter bunny themed session
making a variety of art and craft items for you to
take home. No need to book, just turn up.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by
a responsible adult.
For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis
courts), Priory Park, Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Easter egg hunt
Wednesday 16 April - 10am to 12 noon
Follow a trail and hunt for Easter eggs and Easter
bunnies at The Leasowes. Booking is essential on
01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape
and Nature Reserve, wardens office on car park,
off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62 8DH
Wild@Wren’s Easter special
Wednesday 16 April - 10am start
Join the warden at Wren’s Nest National Nature
Reserve for some Wild@Wren’s fun in the woods.
We’ll be collecting natural materials to make Easter
nests and will then go on a hunt to see what the
Easter bunny has hidden. Booking is essential by
calling 01384 812785.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s
Nest car park, Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Herb collection in a pot
Wednesday 16 April - 1pm to 2.30pm
Potting workshop of plug plants suitable for children of all ages. Pots will
be provided and you can bring a small container from home to pot up*.
Egg prize given for the best. Session run by Growing Opportunities –
Ideal for all. *Visit their Facebook for ideas on containers to bring.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park, Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
All new Easter egg hunt
Thursday 17 April - 10.30am to 12 noon
The rangers have devised an all new egg-citing Easter egg hunt around
the park for the whole family to join in. No need to book, just turn up.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park, Priory
Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Woodland wander
Saturday 19 April - 10am to 12 noon
Professor Trueman, from the Wildlife Trust, and Saltwells warden Ste
Rowland will lead a walk for people to find out more about the woodland
plants in this very special ancient woodland. Prior booking is essential
and suitable outdoor footwear and clothing is advisable. To book, call Ste
Rowland on 07717 700790.
Meeting point - Saltwells Nature Reserve car park, Saltwells Lane, Quarry
Bank DY5 1AX
Fun with fish
Saturday 19 April - 2pm to 3.30pm
This art and craft session is themed around fish and fishing. Come and
make yourself a model fish and also learn how to use a rod and line.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point - the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park, Priory
Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Children’s Easter egg hunt
Sunday 20 April - 2pm to 4pm
An Easter egg hunt around Cotwall End Valley. It can be muddy please
wear appropriate footwear. Contact Sue Bole, secretary, Friends of
Cotwall End Valley on 07849 804242. Children must be accompanied by
an adult.
Meeting point - The Sugar Well entrance off Foxlands Drive, Gornal
Edible planting pots
Tuesday 22 April - 1pm to 2.30pm
Potting workshop of plug plants suitable for children of all ages. Pots will
be provided and you can bring a small container from home to pot up.*
Egg prize given for the best. Session run by Growing Opportunities –
Ideal for all. *Visit their Facebook for ideas on containers to bring.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park, Priory
Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Pond dip
Wednesday 23 April - 10am to 12 noon
Discover the small beasties that inhabit the pond and pools here at The
Leasowes. Booking is essential on 01384 814642.
Meeting point - The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature Reserve,
wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62 8DH
Wild@Wren’s Easter special
Wednesday 23 April - 10am start
Join the warden at Wren’s Nest National Nature Reserve for some Wild@Wren’s fun in the woods. We’ll be collecting natural materials to
make Easter nests and then go on a hunt to see what the Easter bunny
has hidden. Booking is essential by calling 01384 812785.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest car park, Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Knights and dragons
Wednesday 23 April - 10.30am start
The 23 April is St George’s Day so what better way to celebrate than with
a variety of knight and dragon themed crafts and activities. No need to
book, just turn up. Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a
responsible adult. For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point - the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park, Priory
Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Medieval tile making
Thursday 24 April - 11am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 3pm
Our medieval tile expert, Karen Slade, will run these two tile making
sessions for families. You will get to make your own tile to take home and
also learn a little about the history of the medieval tiles found in Priory
Park. Open to all ages. Booking is essential by calling 01384 812474.
Meeting point - the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park, Priory
Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
South Staffs explorer
Wednesday 30 April - 2pm to 5pm
A 10km walk encompassing Himley and Baggeridge Parks together with
the South Staffs Railway Walk. Event is free but booking is essential on
01384 817817.
Meeting point - by the noticeboard on car park, Himley Hall, Himley
Road, Dudley DY3 4DF
Illey and Lapal walk
Wednesday 30 April - 10am to 1pm
A circular walk starting at The Leasowes and across to Illey and Lapal,
taking in views of Halesowen Abbey and the Clent Hills. There will also
be an opportunity to look for orchids in Illey pastures, a Site of Special
Scientific Interest meadow packed with many beautiful wildflowers.
Booking essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature Reserve,
wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62 8DH
Spring flower walk
Saturday 3 May - 2pm to 4pm
A walk around Cotwall End Valley to see the seasonal flowers.
Contact Sue Bole, secretary, Friends of Cotwall End Valley on 07849
Meeting point - Brockswood Animal Sanctuary Car Park, Catholic Lane,
Sedgley DY3 3YE
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within Priory Pa
The path netwo
prising tarmac a
d paved areas. recently restore
walking for life
Bat and moth night
Wednesday 7 May - 8pm start
Join the wardens for an evening of bat-filled fun.
Learn about the bats found at Wren’s Nest and
then come with us onto the reserve to see what
bats we can find. Afterwards discover which
moths have been caught in our moth traps.
Booking essential by calling 01384 812785.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s
Nest car park, Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Easy access trail
Saturday 10 May - 2pm
An opportunity for wheelchair users to participate
in a guided tour of the Himley estate and find out
some of its fascinating history. This tour will be
geared to the needs of wheelchair users and is
fully accessible. Free event but booking essential
on 01384 817817.
Meeting point - by the noticeboard on car park,
Himley Hall, Himley Road, Dudley DY3 4DF
Walk in the woods
Sunday 11 May - 10am to 12 noon
Explore the woods at The Leasowes and learn about the fascinating
history and folk law associated with the trees in this special historic
landscape. Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature Reserve,
wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62 8DH
The Leasowes and Coombeswood walk
Sunday 25 May - 10am to 12 noon
Explore The Leasowes and learn about the history and wildlife of this
beautiful Grade 1 listed landscape. The walk will also take in the new
Coombeswood Nature Reserve with an opportunity to learn of the
geology and wildlife of this fascinating area. Booking is essential by
calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature Reserve,
wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62 8DH
Walk in the woods
Sunday 25 May - 10am to 12 noon
Join senior warden, Alan Preece, to celebrate The Tree Council’s Walk
in the Woods month and learn how to identify trees and wildflowers
in Dudley’s largest woodland. Prior booking is essential and suitable
outdoor footwear and clothing is advisable. To book a place, call Alan
Preece on 07920 235036.
Meeting point - Saltwells Nature Reserve car park, Saltwells Lane, Quarry
Bank DY5 1AX
Tracks through the trees
Sunday 25 May - 2pm to 3.30pm
Join us on the trail through Castle Woods. Follow the signs until we reach
the secret spot. Then have a go at foraging for wood to make a twig
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park, Priory
Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Guided walk of Himley
Sunday 25 May - 10am
A walk around the historic grounds of Himley Hall looking at some of the
historic features and wildlife found on the park. Free event but booking
essential on 01384 817817.
Meeting point - by the noticeboard on car park, Himley Hall, Himley
Road, Dudley DY3 4DF
Half term sporting fun
Tuesday 27 May, Wednesday 28 May and Thursday 29 May 1.30pm to 3pm
Activities include football, cricket, tag games, relays, rounders, tennis,
fitness activities and lots more. A great chance to make new friends and
challenge yourself. We advise that trainers are worn and that you bring a
drink. No need to book, just turn up.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park, Priory
Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Wild@Wren’s elves and fairies
Wednesday 28 May - 10am start
Join us at Wren’s Nest National Nature Reserve for Wild@Wren’s fun in
the woods. Fairies and elves live in the woodlands of Wren’s Nest and
we’re going to give them a helping hand by building houses and castles
using natural materials we find in the woodlands. Booking is essential by
calling 01384 812785.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest car park, Wren’s
Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Pond dip
Wednesday 28 May - 10am to 12 noon
Discover the small beasties that inhabit the pond and pools here at The
Leasowes. Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point - The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature Reserve,
wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62 8DH
Float your boat
Saturday 31 May - 2pm to 3.30pm
Join the rangers to make a sailing ship out of simple materials. Create
your own fleet and set sail on our lily pond.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park, Priory
Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
The fossils of Wren’s Nest – a talk
Wednesday 4 June - 7pm start
Borough keeper of geology, Graham Worton, will be giving a talk on
the fossils of Wren’s Nest National Nature Reserve. Over 750 species
of fossils are found here, some of which are found nowhere else in the
world. Learn about the different types and what makes them so special.
Booking is essential by calling 01384 812785.
Meeting point - Dudley Museum and Art Gallery, St James’s Road,
Dudley DY1 1HZ (meet inside the museum)
The fossils of Wren’s Nest – the hunt
Saturday 7 June - 10am
Join the wardens and borough keeper of geology, Graham Worton, for
some fossil hunting fun. Not only will this be a fun day but you will also be
helping to discover more about the fossil distribution across the reserve.
Booking is essential by calling 01384 812785.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest car park, Wren’s
Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Picnic in the park
Saturday 7 June - 11am to 2pm
To celebrate the Eden project’s Big Lunch we will once again be holding a
picnic in Priory Park. Bring your lunch, your friends, neighbours, family and
of course a picnic rug. There will be a bouncy castle, face painting, arts
and crafts, giant board games, music and many other activities to keep
the whole family entertained. For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – Priory Park, Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Fens Pools circular
Wednesday 11 June - 10am to 1pm
A circular walk around Fens Pools Local Nature Reserve. Booking is
essential by calling 01384 812780.
Meeting point - The Fens Pools wardens base, off Pensnett Road, Dudley,
William Shenstone anniversary walk
Sunday 15 June - 10am to 1pm
Join the wardens at The Leasowes and follow the historic Dodsley route
across the site in honour of the 300 year anniversary of its creator William
Shenstone. Explore this Grade1 listed Historic Landscape and learn of
its national and international importance. This is a rare chance to follow
the original circular route which crosses part of the current golf course,
usually out of bounds. Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature Reserve,
wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62 8DH
Cotwall End and The Dingle walk
Wednesday 18 June - 10am to 12 noon
Enjoy a walk around Cotwall End and find out about the geology and
history of the nature reserve. Booking is essential by calling 01384
Meeting point - Brockswood Animal Sanctuary car park, Catholic Lane,
Sedgley DY3 3YE
Wildlife trail and competition
Saturday 21 June - 2pm to 3.30pm
Join the ranger on a visit to the flowering meadows near Priory Park.
There are lots of wildlife to be tracked down including flowers, animals
and insects. And there’s a competition to be won.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park, Priory
Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Guided walk of Himley
Saturday 21 June - 10.30am
A walk around the historic grounds of Himley Hall looking at some of the
historic features and wildlife found on the park with an opportunity to visit
the Earl of Dudley’s memory garden at the end of the walk. Free event
but booking essential on 01384 817817.
Meeting point - by the noticeboard on car park, Himley Hall, Himley
Road, Dudley DY3 4DF
Orchids and meadow flowers
Sunday 22 June - 10am to 12 noon
A chance to find the best and most colourful orchids and wildflowers in
Saltwells with senior warden Alan Preece. Bring a camera for some great
photos. Prior booking is essential and suitable outdoor footwear and
clothing would be advisable. To book a place call Alan Preece on 07920
Meeting point - Saltwells Nature Reserve car park, Saltwells Lane, Quarry
Bank DY5 1AX
Charity walk – Cotwall End Valley
22 June - 10am to 12 noon
A walk through Cotwall End Valley. Participants may wish to make a
donation to the chosen charity of the group.
It can be muddy please wear appropriate footwear. Contact Sue Bole,
secretary, Friends of Cotwall End Valley on 07849 804242.
Meeting point - Brockswood Animal Sanctuary Car Park, Catholic Lane,
Sedgley, DY3 3YE
Incredible insects
Sunday 29 June - 10am to 12 noon
Come to The Leasowes and learn about the interesting world of insects.
As part of National Insect Week we will be searching the meadows,
woods and hedgerows for bugs and beasties using moth traps, nets and
pit fall traps. Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature Reserve,
wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62 8DH
Tree trail
Sunday 6 July - 10am
A walk around the grounds of Himley Hall looking at the trees found on
the site. Free event but booking essential on 01384 817817.
Meeting point - by the noticeboard on car park, Himley Hall, Himley Road, Dudley DY3 4DF
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Fens Pools and the River Stour
Wednesday 9 July - 10am to 1pm
Join the warden for a fascinating look at the Fens Pools and River
Stour. Booking is essential by calling 01384 812780.
Meeting point - the wardens base, off Pensnett Road, Dudley DY5 4NE
Wildflower walk
Wednesday 9 July - 10am to 12 noon
Join the warden on a walk through the wildflower meadows
and woods at The Leasowes. A chance to brush up on your
identification skills as many beautiful wildflowers are found growing
in the meadows. Booking essential on 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62 8DH
Wren’s Nest wild flowers
Wednesday 9 July - 7pm
Join our resident wildflower enthusiast for a talk on the unique flora
found on the reserve. Wren’s Nest is known for its fossils but it is
also special for the flora that can be found here, including some rare
species. Booking is essential by calling 01384 812785.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest car park,
Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Wren’s Nest wild flower walk
Saturday 12 July - 10am
Join our resident wildflower enthusiast for a walk around the nature
reserve where she will show you all the amazing flowers that are
home to Wren’s Nest. If you are lucky this may include the rare Bee
Orchid. Booking essential, please phone 01384 812785 to book.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest car park,
Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Pond dipping
Saturday 12 July - 1.30pm to 3pm
The lily pond is brimming with life at this time of year so what better
time to get our nets out and head out to explore what is living there.
No need to book, just turn up.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible
For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park,
Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Flowers and flyers
13 July - 10am to 12 noon
Find out about wildflowers and the butterflies that use them at
Cotwall End Valley. Contact Sue Bole, secretary, Friends of Cotwall
End Valley on 07849 804242.
Meeting point - Brockswood Animal Sanctuary Car Park, Catholic
Lane, Sedgley DY3 3YE
Butterfly walk
Sunday 20 July - 10am to 12 noon
Explore the varied habitats at The Leasowes looking for butterflies
and moths that reside in the meadows, woods and hedgerows.
Booking essential on 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Minibeasts of Cotwall End
22 July - 10am to 12 noon
Come and see what creatures live in Cotwall End nature reserve.
Booking is essential by calling 01384 812780.
Meeting point - Brockswood Animal Sanctuary car park, Catholic
Lane, Sedgley DY3 3YE
Wild@Wren’s summer holidays
Wednesday 23 July - 10am start
Join the wardens every Wednesday during the summer holidays
for some family fun in the woods. Each week we will do different
activities such as den building, woodland crafts, woodland crafts
and cooking.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest car park,
Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Kite making
Thursday 24 July - 1.30pm to 3pm
Come and have a go at making your own unique kite to fly in the
park. The senior ranger will be on hand to direct you and help you
get the most out of your flying inventions. No need to book, just turn up.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible
adult. For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park,
Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Butterflies in the valley
Friday 25 July - 2pm to 3.30pm
Find out about the butterflies living in the nature reserve. Booking is essential by calling 01384 812780.
Meeting point - Brockswood Animal Sanctuary car park, Catholic
Lane, Sedgley DY3 3YE
Nature play
Friday 25 July - 10.30am to 12 noon
Outdoor nature themed games to keep children of all ages
entertained. These games are more fun with lots of people so bring
your friends. No need to book, just turn up.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible
adult. For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park,
Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Illey and Lapal walk
Sunday 27 July - 10am to 1pm
A circular walk starting at The Leasowes to Illey and Lapal taking
in views of Halesowen Abbey and the Clent Hills. There will also be
an opportunity to look for orchids in Illey pastures, a Site of Special
Scientific Interest meadow packed with many beautiful wildflowers.
Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
The Butterfly Conservation’s Big Butterfly Count
Sunday 27 July - 11am to 1pm
There are some really unusual butterflies at Saltwells – will you be
lucky enough to see them? Prior booking is essential. Suitable
outdoor footwear and clothing is advisable. To book a place call
Emma Woolley on 07799 070115.
Meeting point - Saltwells Nature Reserve car park, Saltwells Lane,
Quarry Bank DY5 1AX
Stories around the campfire
Monday 28 July - 6pm to 8pm
Dudley’s well loved storyteller Sally Tonge will be joining us for a
traditional evening of stories, music and songs around the campfire.
For safety reasons places are limited and the evening is only suitable
for people aged over five years. Booking is essential by calling
01384 812474
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park,
Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Wild@Wren’s summer holidays
Wednesday 30 July - 10am start
Join the wardens every Wednesday during the summer holidays
for some family fun in the woods. Each week we will do different
activities such as den building, woodland crafts, woodland crafts
and cooking.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest car park,
Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Fairies and elves
Thursday 31 July - 1.30 to 3pm
We will be searching for these mystical creatures in the park and
making a fairy wand, crown and other magical items along the
way. No need to book, just turn up. Children under 15 years must
be accompanied by a responsible adult. For more information call
01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park,
Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Summer sporting fun
Every Tuesday and Thursday in August - 1.30pm to 3pm
Activities include football, cricket, tag games, relays, rounders,
tennis, fitness activities and lots more. A great chance to make new
friends and challenge yourself. We advise that trainers are worn and
that you bring a drink. No need to book, just turn up.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible
adult. For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park,
Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Guided walk of Himley
Sunday 3 August - 10am
A walk around the historic grounds of Himley Hall looking at some
of the historic features and wildlife found on the park. Free event but
booking essential on 01384 817817.
Meeting point - by the noticeboard on car park, Himley Hall, Himley
Road, Dudley DY3 4DF
Bug hunt
Wednesday 6 August - 10am to 12 noon
Delve into the undergrowth and discover the hidden world of mini
beasts and bugs here at The Leasowes. Booking essential on
01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Wild@Wren’s summer holidays
Wednesday 6 August - 10am
Join the wardens every Wednesday during the summer
holidays for some family fun in the woods. Each week
we will do different activities such den building, woodland
crafts, woodland crafts and cooking.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest
car park, Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Minibeast madness
Wednesday 6 August - 1.30pm to 3pm
A chance to discover the hundreds of tiny creatures living
in the park using nets, pots and magnifying glasses to
get really close up. No need to book, just turn up.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by
a responsible adult. For more information call 01384
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts),
Priory Park, Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Secret hideouts
Thursday 7 August - 10am to 12 noon
Kids come and find out how to make your own top
secret den in the woods with the wardens. Kids must
bring an adult with them. Prior booking is essential.
Please wear outdoor footwear and clothing as it will get
mucky. To book a place, call Emma Woolley on 07799
Meeting point - Saltwells Nature Reserve car park,
Saltwells Lane, Quarry Bank DY5 1AX
Moth and bat night
Friday 8 August - 8.30pm to 10.30pm
An opportunity to learn all about the creatures that fly at night on
national moth night. We will be setting moth traps and also using
bat detectors to see and hear bats as they look for food. Booking is
essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Bat evening
Friday 8 August - 8pm
Join us for an evening walk and talk led by members of local
group Brum Bats. We will learn a little about the lives and habits
of bats before going for a walk using bat detectors to locate bats
flying around the park. Suitable for adults and families. Booking is
essential by calling 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park,
Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Wild weeding
Tuesday 12 August - 10am to 12 noon
Himalayan Balsam is a garden escapee that is causing havoc
across the countryside, out-competing the native plants. Help us
eradicate this troublesome, invasive weed from The Leasowes.
Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Wild in the woods
Wednesday 13 August - 10am to 12 noon
Improve your bush craft skills, build a shelter, cook bread and play
some games in the woods at The Leasowes. Booking is essential
by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Wild@Wren’s summer holidays
Wednesday 13 August - 10am start
Join the wardens every Wednesday during the summer holidays
for some family fun in the woods. Each week we will do different
activities such as den building, woodland crafts, woodland crafts
and cooking.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest car park,
Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Treasure hunt and family picnic
Wednesday 13 August - 10.30am to 12 noon
You bring the picnic, we’ll bring the treasure. The rangers have
devised a new and exciting treasure hunt that will have you dashing
across the park in search of clues. If you would like to bring a
packed lunch and rug with you (teddy bears optional) we can all
enjoy a picnic in the park after the hunt. No need to book, just turn
up. Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible
adult. For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park,
Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Woodland art
Thursday 14 August - 10am to 12 noon
Time to get crafty in the woods. Learn how to create your very
own masterpiece from natural materials. Children must bring an
adult with them. Prior booking is essential. Wear suitable outdoor
footwear and clothing – it will get mucky. To book a place, call
Emma Woolley on 07799 070115.
Meeting point - Saltwells Nature Reserve car park, Saltwells Lane,
Quarry Bank DY5 1AX
Bug hunt
17 August - 10am to 12 noon
Bug hunt around Cotwall End Valley. Contact Sue Bole, secretary,
Friends of Cotwall End Valley on 07849 804242.
Meeting point - Brockswood Animal Sanctuary Car Park, Catholic
Lane, Sedgley DY3 3YE
Wild@Wren’s summer holidays
Wednesday 20 August - 10am start
Join the wardens every Wednesday during the summer holidays
for some family fun in the woods. Each week we will do different
activities such as den building, woodland crafts, and cooking.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest car park,
Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Wildlife safari
Wednesday 20 August - 10am to 12 noon
Come and explore The Leasowes looking for signs of wildlife, learn
how to spot and correctly identify badger prints. Come early see
what we have caught in our small mammal traps. There will be bird
spotting and a chance to find out about the different dragonflies
and butterflies that live there. Booking is essential by calling 01384
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Treasure hunt
Thursday 21 August - 10am to 12 noon
Can you beat the wardens’ challenges to find where we have hid the
treasure? Children must be accompanied by an adult. Wear suitable
outdoor footwear and clothing as it will get mucky. Prior booking is
essential. To book a place call Emma Woolley on 07799 070115.
Meeting point - Saltwells Nature Reserve car park, Saltwells Lane,
Quarry Bank DY5 1AX
Bat walk
Friday 22 August - 8pm to 10.30pm
Will the kids beat the bat detectors yet again? Prior booking is
essential but book early - this is a very popular family event. Please
bring a torch and wear suitable outdoor footwear and clothing. To
book a place call Emma Woolley on 07799 070115.
Meeting point - Saltwells Nature Reserve car park, Saltwells Lane,
Quarry Bank DY5 1AX
Get creative with clay
Saturday 23 August - 2pm to 3.30pm
Get your hands dirty and make yourself a clay pot. Learn different
ways to make and decorate a vase or bowl. Fun for all ages.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by a responsible
adult. For more information call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park,
Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
Wild weeding
Sunday 24 August - 10am to 12 noon
Himalayan Balsam is a garden escapee that is causing havoc
across the countryside, out-competing the native plants. Help us
eradicate this troublesome, invasive weed from The Leasowes.
Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Terrific trees
Wednesday 27 August - 10am to 12 noon
Come and create some tree inspired artwork using bark rubbings
and collected leaves. Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Wild@Wren’s summer holidays
Wednesday 27 August - 10am start
Join the wardens every Wednesday during the summer holidays
for some family fun in the woods. Each week we will do a different
activity which may include den building, woodland crafts, woodland
crafts and maybe even cooking.
Meeting point - Wren’s Nest wardens base, Wren’s Nest car park,
Wren’s Hill Road, Dudley DY1 3SB
Minibeast mayhem
Thursday 28 August - 10am to 12 noon
Who can find the coolest bugs and beasties? Children must bring
an adult with them. Prior booking is essential. Bring wear outdoor
footwear and clothing – it will get mucky. To book a place call Ste
Rowland on 07717 700790.
Meeting point - Saltwells Nature Reserve car park, Saltwells Lane,
Quarry Bank DY5 1AX
Bat and moth night
Friday 29 August - 8.30pm to 10.30pm
An opportunity to learn all about the creatures that fly at night on
national bat night. We will be using bat detectors to see and hear
bats as they look for food and also setting moth traps. Booking is
essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Marvellous meadows
Tuesday 2 September - 10am to 12 noon
Help us to maintain and improve our wonderful wildflower
meadows. We need help with the annual hay raking of the many
grassland areas of The Leasowes improving them for wildflowers
and butterflies. Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Marvellous meadows
Tuesday 9 September - 10am to 12 noon
Help us to maintain and improve our wonderful wildflower
meadows. We need help with the annual hay raking of the many
grassland areas of The Leasowes improving them for wildflowers
and butterflies. Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Living in the past
Saturday 13 September - 2pm to 3.30pm
To celebrate Dudley’s ancient past we are having an afternoon of
activities based around the Priory ruins. How did the monks live all
those years ago? Find out and have fun. Children under 15 years
must be accompanied by a responsible adult. For more information
call 01384 812474.
Meeting point – the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Park,
Priory Road, Dudley DY1 4EU
William Shenstone anniversary walk
Sunday 21 September - 10am to 1pm
Join the wardens at The Leasowes and follow the historic Dodsley
route across the site in honour of the 300 year anniversary of its
creator William Shenstone. Explore this Grade1 listed Historic
Landscape and learn of its national and international importance.
This is a rare chance to follow the original circular route which
crosses part of the current golf course, usually out of bounds.
Booking is essential by calling 01384 814642.
Meeting point – The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature
Reserve, wardens office on car park, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8DH
Equinox walk
Sunday 21 September - 10am to 12 noon
Discover the myths and folklore of our trees and woodlands on the
autumn equinox. Prior booking is essential and suitable outdoor
footwear and clothing would be advisable. To book a place, call
Emma Woolley on 07799 070115.
Meeting point - Saltwells Nature Reserve car park, Saltwells Lane,
Quarry Bank DY5 1AX
Cotwall End Valley
Walking through Cotwall End
Valley Local Nature Reserve. An
unspoilt open space with woodland,
meadows, pools and streams
supporting a variety of wildlife.
The main route passes a fossil face and
includes a number of historic features.
Routes may vary according to weather and
conditions underfoot.
Dates 19 April, 17 May, 21 June, 19 July, 16 August, 20 September (the third Saturday of every month)
Time 2pm to 3pm
Meeting point Brockswood Animal Sanctuary car park, access from Cotwall End Road, Sedgley DY3 3YE
Intensity Moderate (includes some steps and slopes)
Walk leaders Sue Bole, Paul Greenaway
Himley Hall & Park
Weekly walk
Discover the history and beauty of a truly English stately home while exploring the
grounds of Himley Hall and Park and Baggeridge Country Park. Our weekly walk
is approximately three miles over park and woodland that lasts up to an hour and
a half. Slight climbs over a mixed terrain are included in the walk.
Progression walks are held every five weeks and are six to eight miles starting at
different locations. These are held in addition to our regular health walk.
Please note there is a small charge for parking at Himley.
Meeting point
Car park adjacent to the golf club car park Himley Hall, Himley Road, Dudley DY3 4DF (not the golf club car park)
Walk leadersMichael Murphy, Mike Ball, Phil Mitchell and Graham Smith. Maggie Squire will lead the short walk when the long walk is on.
Flat to moderate
Extended monthly walks
These extended monthly walks replace our weekly walk. Meeting time,
location and walk leader is as above unless otherwise stated.
The Illey trail
Tuesday 27 May
A flat six mile walk following the Illey Way.
Meeting point The Black Horse public house car park, Illey Lane, Illey, Halesowen, West Midlands B62 OHJ
Walk leader Phil Mitchell
Astley Bank walk
Tuesday 1 July
A six mile circular walk starting at the country park that follows through
Alverley up to Astley Bank and Coton Hall taking in views of the Shropshire
countryside and beyond before following a route back to the park.
Meeting point Severn Valley Country Park, Chapel Lane, Alverley, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV15 6NG. Car parking is £1 per day
Intensity Graham Smith
Walk leader Trysull and Seisdon via Pool Hall
Tuesday 5 August
A flat walk of approximately seven and a half miles
Meeting point Wombourne Railway Station car park DY3 4NB
Intensity Easy
Walk leader Michael Murphy
Bromsgrove via Alfred’s Well
Tuesday 9 September
A six mile circular walk starting just outside Fairfield in Bromsgrove,
Worcester. Walkers will follow the route through Alfred’s Well which is part
of Dodford, Pepper Wood.
Meeting point The lay-by on Stourbridge Road just south of Fairfield, before the bridge over the M5 motorway. Post code B61 1PN
Intensity Moderate - hilly
Walk leader Graham Smith
Huntingtree Park, Halesowen
The Huntingtree Park weekly progression walk
(approximately 1½ - 2 hours)
An enjoyable, brisk walk Thursday morning social through scenic, historic
landscapes of Lutley, Uffmoor and adjacent localities. Routes vary from
week to week. Walkers follow the ups and downs of undulating terrain to
maintain personal fitness whilst enjoying distant views and diversities of flora
and wildlife. All trails involve climbing over stiles and negotiating stretches
of seasonal mud, puddles, boggy, slippery, rough and loose ground.
Appropriate footwear and clothing are therefore essential. Walkers are
advised to bring water to drink en-route.
TimeRegistration promptly at 9.45am for 10am start. Walkers
new to this venue should register at 9.40am on their first
visit, to enable timely completion of brief induction.
Meeting point Activity centre, Huntingtree Park, Halesowen B63 4HY
All walks are Moderate/Moderate+
Walk leaders John Amyes, Gary Mills, Malcolm Shilvock, Tony James
Huntingtree Park, Halesowen weekly health walk
(approximately 1 hour)
An invigorating source of regular exercise of particular appeal to those new
to walking as a healthy pastime. Equally attractive to those who wish to
enhance their health and wellbeing but only have one hour or so to spare.
Moderate walking routes that change from week to week follow
interesting, undulating trails through local countryside and parks and
along various types of urban pathway. Occasional stiles may need to
be climbed and stretches of seasonal mud, puddles, boggy, slippery
and rough ground may need to be negotiated. Appropriate footwear
and clothing are therefore essential. New and experienced walkers are
advised to bring water to drink en-route.
Meeting point - Activity centre, Huntingtree Park, Huntingtree Road, Halesowen B63 4HY. All walks meet at 9.45am for registration for a
prompt 10am start.
Monthly Clent Hills explorer health walk
On the first Thursday of each month, April to September inclusive, a brisk
90 minutes walk of overall moderate/moderate+ intensity in and around
the ups and downs of the Clent Hills and adjoining areas. Routes vary
from month to month and typically include rough ground, stiles, mud,
wet grass and the occasional, steep incline and decline. Walkers are
advised to bring water to drink en-route.
Meeting point - Nimmings Wood National Trust Car Park, Hagley Wood
Lane B62 0NL (Free on-road parking is available in Hagley Wood Lane)
Extended walks
The Huntingtree healthy walking group also offers a programme of
extended walks of 2 to 3 hours duration and moderate/moderate+
intensity. All involve climbing over stiles and rough, slippery, sometimes
wet and muddy ground. Appropriate footwear and clothing are therefore
essential. Walkers are advised to bring water to drink en-route. All walks
meet at 9.45am for a 10am start.
The Three Pools scenic trek
Thursday 29 May
Not an expedition but an invigorating, spring trek within the Clent Hills
area. The route promises exhilarating ups and downs and sweeping,
panoramic vistas of seemingly infinite breadth and depth. More than a
few pleasant surprises and ‘secret spots’ along the way for those who
have barely or rarely ventured beyond the fringes of Adams Hill before.
Meeting point - Nimmings Wood National Trust Car Park, Hagley Wood
Lane B62 0NL (Free on-road parking is available in Hagley Wood Lane)
Himley and Baggeridge trails: back to the future
Thursday 31 July
A brisk summertime stroll through natural and naturalised topsy-turvy
post-industrial landscapes soaked in the history, labours and traditions
of bygone generations. Shady woodlands, ponds and pools mixed with
remnants of the area’s industrial heritage, wildlife, meadows and country
Meeting point - Car park, The Crooked House, Coppice Mill Lane, off
Himley Road (B4176), Himley, near Dudley DY3 4DA
The Bodenham round-and-about
Thursday 25 September
...but there’s more to be admired on this morning’s walk, to be continued
over-stile where others now talk - and wait - and watch your happy smile,
a pleasure-shared moment not gone short-while. Now there’s little time
here that we might take, for Bodenham’s healthy fare awaits, beside the
arboretum’s be-ducked lake, not too many miles distant...
Meeting point - Car park, Bodenham Arboretum, off Sladd Lane,
Wolverley, near Kidderminster DY11 5TB
The Leasowes
The Leasowes weekly walk
The weekly Monday morning walk will take you
over footpaths and varying terrain and will include
impressive views of the local area.
Our walk leaders will use varying routes within and
around The Leasowes.
For walkers who want more of a challenge, The
Leasowes walking group offers longer walks at
various local venues. These walks take place on the
first Monday of the month and are in addition to the
weekly walks.
Unless otherwise stated, all walks start at 10am
(meet at 9.50am for registration) and will take up to
2½ hours.
9.50am for a 10am start
Meeting pointThe Leasowes Historic
Landscape and Nature Reserve
car park, adjacent to the wardens
base, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8QF
IntensityEasy to medium and medium to
Walk LeadersRoy and Jacqui Davies, Ann and
Trevor Crees, Margaret Hanchett,
Keith Bojczuk, John Higgins,
Angela and Trevor Hayward.
Extended monthly walks
For walks who want more of a challenge The Leasowes walking group
offer longer walks from various venues. These walks take place on the
first Monday of the month and are in addition to the weekly walk.
All walks start at 10am (meet at 9.50am for registration) and take up to
2½ hours.
Clent and Wychbury Hill circular
7 April
A walk of about 4½ miles taking in views of the Four Stones, Walton Hill,
Adam’s Hill and the Hagley Park Estate. There are a small number of
stiles on this walk. The walk will last about two hours with refreshments
available to buy at the National Trust café, after the walk.
Meeting point - Nimmings car park, Hagley Wood Lane, B62 0NL (a small car park charge applies, National Trust members free.)
A linear walk from Waseley Hills to The Leasowes
5 May
A walk of approx five miles through fields and woodlands close to
Romsley village. Taking in Twiland Wood, Dowery Dell, and the Lapal
Meadows with views of Halesowen Abbey. There are a number of stiles
on this two hour walk. Refreshments at The Leasowes after the walk.
Meeting point - The Leasowes Historic Landscape and Nature Reserve
car park, adjacent to the wardens base, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen
B62 8QF. A coach will take us to Waseley Hills Country Park. A small
charge will apply for the coach. Please book in advance.
Severn Valley Country Park, Alverley
2 June
A walk of about five miles through the pleasant wild flower meadow and
woodland and following the Severn Valley Railway to Hampton Loade,
returning along the riverside walk for refreshments at the visitor centre.
Meeting point - Severn Valley Country Park – small charge applies
for parking. Sat nav post code is not reliable. Follow brown signs from
A422, Kidderminster to Bridgnorth Road, at Alverley.
Woodgate Valley and Weoley Castle
7 July
A gentle circular walk of about five miles through the Woodgate Valley
Country Park and following the route of the Dudley no. 2 canal to Weoley
Castle. A duration of about two hours. Refreshments available in the café
at Woodgate Valley after the walk.
Meeting point - Woodgate Valley Country Park, Clapgate Lane, B32 3DS Free parking.
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Waseley Hills Country Park
4 August
A circular walk of about two hours around the
Waseley Hills Country Park with magnificent views
over the Worcestershire countryside. Watch
the planes taking off from Birmingham Airport
(binoculars recommended).
Refreshments available in the café at Waseley Hills
after the walk.
Meeting point - Waseley Hills Country Park, B45 9AT. Small charge applies for car park.
Bumble Hole to The Leasowes
1 September
A linear walk around Bumble Hole and Warren’s
Hall, then along the Dudley No. 2 canal to The
Leasowes. The walk is about 4½ miles and takes
approximately two hours. Refreshments at The
Leasowes after the walk.
Meeting point - The Leasowes Historic Landscape
and Nature Reserve car park, adjacent to the
wardens base, off Mucklow Hill, Halesowen B62
8QF. A coach will take us to Bumble Hole. A small
charge will apply for the coach.
Take a walk in and around the ancient woodland of Saltwells Nature
Reserve and share the extensive knowledge of local historian Dennis
Rydes as he guides you through the varied routes.
Meeting point
Walk Leaders
All walks start at 10am
Dudley Water Sports Centre, Lodge Farm Reservoir,
Highbridge Road, Netherton, Dudley, West Midlands
Easy to moderate
Carol and Dennis Rydes, Terry Bardell, Angela and
Trevor Hayward, John Brennan and Shirley Cox
Extended monthly walks
On the following dates our weekly walks are replaced with an extended
Meeting time - location and walk leaders as above unless otherwise
The Kinver trail 11 April
A walk of up to two hours taking in the views of Kinver.
Meeting point - Marsh Playing Fields car park, off High Street Kinver DY7 6ER
Cradley Heath to Stourbridge 9 May
A two hour walk from Cradley Heath following the river Stour into
Stourbridge. Return to Cradley Heath by train.
Meeting point - Cradley Heath Railway car park B64 5AL
Lodge Farm Reservoir to Netherton via Bumble Hole
Friday 6 June
A two hour walk from the reservoir along the canal to Bumble Hole and then
on to Netherton.
Meeting point - Dudley Water Sports Centre, Lodge Farm Reservoir, Highbridge
Road, Netherton, Dudley, West Midlands DY2 OHB
Fens Pool to Barrow Hill 4 July
A walk from Fens Pool to Barrow Hill calling in to St Marks Church for a
refreshment break.
Meeting point - Fens Pools wardens base, Bryce Road, Pensnett DY5 4NB
Bumble Hole and the Netherton Tunnel 1 August
A two hour undulating walk over the Netherton tunnel and returning through
the tunnel to finish with refreshments at Bumble Hole visitors centre.
Meeting point - Bumble Hole car park, Windmill End, Netherton DY2 9UH
Birmingham canal walk 5 September
A walk of approximately two hours along the canal into Birmingham. Returning
by train.
Meeting point - Galton Bridge Railway Station, Warley, B66 1HU
Canal walk to Buckpool 3 October
A two hour walk along the canal to Buckpool.
Meeting point - Fens Pools wardens base, Bryce Road, Pensnett DY5 4NB
Circular five mile walk
Explore Sedgley and its varied surroundings
with a series of walks on the second Monday
of the month. Walks take approximately three
hours including a 30 minute lunch break
at a local pub with historical significance.
Arrangements have been made for participants
to eat their own food onsite. In return we
ask walkers to support these local pubs by
purchasing a drink.
Day Time
Walk leader
Meeting point
Second Monday of the month
Register at 10.45am for a
prompt 11am start
Stuart Brasier
front doorway of The Clifton,
Sedgley DY3 1RX
Extended walks
On the following dates we replace the circular
walk with an extended one. Meeting point and
time is as above.
Coseley canal tunnel 14 April
A walk over Beacon Hill down to the canal and
through the tunnel, then returning over Mons Hill
before a steady climb back to Sedgley. Lunch
stop at Cottage Spring.
Fens Pools 28 April
An extra walk to celebrate the Dudley Walking Festival. Bus rides into Dudley
then to The Dell Stadium for a hard walk over the hills around the Fens Pools
and over the Dudley volcano. Lunch stop at the Fox and Grapes.
Butterfly walk 12 May
A walk through open spaces at Dibdale and Milking Bank visiting The
Fountain pub for lunch. Return is via the picturesque woodland of
Cotwall End Nature Reserve.
Cotwall End and Baggeridge 9 June
A walk through alleyways and over pasture land with a view of exotic
animals over the wall of Brockswood animal sanctuary. Lunch stop is at
The Woodman then into Baggeridge Country Park for a few hard climbs
for panoramic views from the pit mound. Followed by a return through
horse fields and alleyways.
Seven Streams 14 July
A walk skirting Penn Common over seven streams through seven woods
passing grazing horses. Late lunch at The Bulls Head.
Beacon Hill 18 August
A walk on paths and woodland trails climbing Beacon Hill. Lunch stop at
Beacon Hotel.
Summer stroll 28 August
An extra walk for the summer. An easy walk over grazing land and the
golf course of Penn Common. Lunch stop at The Old Stags Head then
return over field paths and woodland trails.
Coseley canal tunnel 8 September
A walk over Mons Hill, through Silver Jubilee Park with a lunch stop at
The Apple Tree. Then on through the tunnel and a continuous climb over
Beacon Hill.
The Wordsley trail
A walk taking in picturesque scenes through
woodland trails and along canal towpaths
including The Buckpool and Fens Pools Nature
Day Second and last Wednesdays
of the month: 9 and 30 April,
14 and 28 May, 11 and 25
June, 9 and 30 July, 13 and 27
August, 10 and 24 September
9.45am for a 10am prompt
Jackie Edwards
Walk leader
Meeting point Wordsley park main car
park, off Lawnswood Road,
Wordsley DY8 5PN
Priory Park
There are lots of great activities at Priory Park for all the family. For more information contact Priory
Park rangers on 01384 812474 or
Every Wednesday - 3.45pm to 4.30pm
Come and learn from a fully qualified Lawn and Tennis Association
coach. All equipment will be provided and there is a small fee of £1
a session. Suitable for ages five and over.
Junior rangers club
Begins 1 April - every other Tuesday - 4.30pm to 6.30pm
The junior rangers’ club is a fun way for youngsters to learn more
about wildlife and the great outdoors. The club welcomes children
ages eight to 13. Activities include pond dipping, den building, next
box building, crafts, gardening, nature games and more.
Lap walking at Priory Park
Every Wednesday - 9.30am start
Lap walking is designed for all levels of fitness, ages and abilities. You
can walk at your own pace and by walking a circular route you can
decide how many laps you do. As you get fitter you can build up your
distance and monitor your fitness. The Friends of Priory Park also offer
an incentive scheme of a free gift voucher for every 10 attendances.
Refreshments are available at the end of every session.
Fresh Air Fitness
Every Wednesday - 7pm to 8pm
Want to lose weight, get fit, relieve stress and have fun? Beginner to
intermediate level fitness for people aged 18 years and over. Run by a
local mother of two who has experienced fear of exercise and struggle
with weight loss first hand. Boxercise bootcamp and HIIT included. There
is a small fee of £1 a session.
Every Thursday in school term time - 5pm to 6pm
Fun weekly football sessions, open to ages eight to 13 and led by fully
qualified Football Association coaches.
Gardening group
Every Saturday - 11am to 1pm
Come and join our gardening and maintenance volunteers and help look
after Priory Park. Led by the park ranger, this weekly group is a great
opportunity to meet new people, get some fresh air and learn some new
Saturday football
Every Saturday - 9am to 10am
Fun weekly football sessions open to ages five to six, led by a fully
qualified Football association coach and park volunteer Michael.
Every Saturday in school term time - 11am to 12 noon
A new and exciting netball development centre is starting at Priory Park.
These fun weekly sessions are open to under-12s of all abilities and led
by fully qualified netball coaches. There is a small fee of £1 a session.
Outdoor fitness
Begins 4 May, every Sunday - 11am to 12 noon
Bored of the gym? Looking for something new to motivate yourself? Well
come and try these new outdoor fitness sessions with local mum and
volunteer Karen. She will be on hand to ensure you get the most out of
every session leaving you energised and ready for more.
The pavilion at night
The pavilion building is regularly open to young people on certain
evenings of the week. Please check the park notice board or website for
further details.
All activities meet at the pavilion (near the tennis courts), Priory Road,
Dudley DY1 4EU
Children aged 15 and under must be accompanied by a responsible
adult for all of our activities. Outdoor clothing and suitable shoes are
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Stuart Brasie
Walk leader
Bumble Hole 11 April
From Oakham’s panoramic views we descend for a canal walk from
Bumble Hole to Saltwells Wood and on paths to Mushroom Green.
Lunch in the woods or an inexpensive meal during a social stop at The
Saltwells Inn.
Wolverhampton West 9 May
An easy walk in conjunction with the Wolverhampton Walking Festival
from Wolverhampton town centre to Bantock Park, followed by open
spaces at Compton, Parkdale Conservation Area and West Park. Lunch
stop at The Stile.
Hampton-in-Arden 6 June
A bus to Sandwell and Dudley followed by a train to the NEC for an easy
walk through the countryside to Hampton–in-Arden. Lunch stop is at
Barston Lakes Golf Club.
Tame Bridge 4 July
An easy walk on country paths and lanes through to the picturesque
Sots Hole in the Sandwell Valley. Lunch stop is at The Crown and Cushion. Transport today is a short bus ride to Dudley Port for the
train then return by bus.
Lawnswood 1 August
Canal and woodland paths to Hinksford and a short climb over Ridge
Hill. Canalside lunch stop outside The Navigation Inn.
Flight path 12 September
Bus then train to the NEC for an easy walk round the airport on country
paths to Elmdon Park. Lunch stop is at The Harvester.
is a fitness
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walking poles
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able for all
workout. Suit
and poles
are provided.
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Meeting poin
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B62 8QF
Level 1 beginners Nordic Thursdays - 6pm to 7pm
A beginners walking programme designed for participants who
want to learn the Nordic technique whilst enjoying walking at a
moderate pace in a picturesque environment.
We are now pleased to offer a range of Nordic walking sessions to
meet the needs of the beginner to the experienced Nordic walker
who wants to improve their fitness levels
This programme starts on Monday 28 April
Nordic walking instructor/walk leader Carol Hackett , Sally Orton
Level 2 Nordic ramble Wednesdays - 2pm
This moderately paced Nordic session includes some elements of
fitness work and enjoys the delights of walking in the picturesque
landscape during the afternoon and concludes with refreshments
served in the warden’s base.
Nordic walking instructor/walk leader Margaret Hanchett
Level 3 fitness Nordic Mondays - 5.30pm to 6.30pm
This higher intensity Nordic walking session is for participants who
want to improve their fitness levels. The session includes some
faster paced walking and mobility exercises
Nordic walking instructor/walk leader Kim Braznell
Level 4 power Nordic Thursdays - 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Get fit for the spring. This twelve week high intensity Nordic walking
session is for participants who have developed their Nordic walking technique but want to achieve higher levels of fitness and enjoy
the challenge of a structured programme of power walking together
with a variety of drills and toning techniques.
This programme starts on Monday 28 April
Nordic walking instructor/walk leader Kim Braznell and Les Nash
We deliver a range of activities in our parks and
they are all free of charge. There’s no need to
pre-book, just turn up and join in!
For further information telephone Kim Braznell on
07799 070089, Thomas Weaver on 07584 581285 or
Eilish O’Callaghan on 07584 581289.
Please note sessions marked with * are term time only.
Huntingtree Park
Silver Jubilee Park
Huntingtree Road
Mason Street
B63 4HY
WV14 9SZ
01384 814305
01384 813747
Netherton Park
Mary Stevens Park
Greaves Road
Stanley Road
01384 814307
01384 813963
Huntingtree Park, Halesowen
9.30am to 10.30am Nordic walking
1.30pm to 3pm Exercise and socialise
9.15am to 10.15am Buggy walk/stay and play
11am to 12 noon Stretch and tone
1pm to 2.15pm Open bowls
After school club (mini tennis)
3.30pm to 4.30pm Wednesday
9am to 10am
11am to 12 noon Nifty 50s
Fresh air functional fitness
10am to 11am Health walk
10am to 12 noon Progression walk
3.45pm to 4.45pm After school club (fencing)*
5.45pm to 6.45pm Open bowls
9.30am to 10.30am 11am to 12 noon 3.30pm to 4.30pm Fresh air functional fitness
Stretch and tone
After school club (soccer skills)
9am to 9.45am 9am to 9.45am 10am to 11am 2pm to 3pm Children’s tennis
Fresh air functional fitness
Nordic walking
Family cardio tennis
10am to 12 noon Dads and lads football
1pm to 2pm Green gym (call to book)
2.30pm to 3.30pm Table tennis
Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge
9.30am to 10.30am Health walk
9.30am to 11.30am Progression walk
1.30pm to 2.15pm Box-fit*
Family fun and fitness 3.45pm to 4.30pm Tuesday
6.45am to 7.30am Bootcamp (call to book)
8.15am to 9am Cani-fit (call to book)
9.30am to 10.30 Green-fit
11am to 11.45am Toddler tumble
5.45pm to 6.45pm
9.30am to 10.30am Running for fitness
11am to 12 noon Buggy walk and fitness
12 noon to 1pm Stay and play
Walk and talk*
2pm to 3pm Thursday
9.30am to 10.30am Green-fit
10.45am to 11.45am Family zumba
10.45am to 11.45am Stay and play
Cardio tennis*
1.30pm to 2.30pm 5.45pm to 6.45pm Box-fit
9.30am to 10.30am Fresh air functional fitness
11am to 11.45am Circuit and abs blast
2pm to 3pm Open bowls
9.30am to 10.30am Nordic walking
11am to 12 noon Fresh air functional fitness
2pm to 3pmExercise drop-in (call to book)
8.45am to 9.30am Cani-fit
10am to 11am Fresh air functional fitness
2pm to 3pm Open bowls
Netherton Park, Netherton
9.30am to 10.15am Toning time
10.30am to 11.30amBodyfit
2pm to 3pm Beginners fitness*
9.30am to 10.30am Nordic walking
9.30am to 10.30am Beginners pilates
10.45am to 11.45am Green fit
After school club*
3.30pm to 4.30pm Slim-fit
5.45pm to 6.45pm
9.30am to 10.30am Bodyfit
10.30am to 11.15am Zumba
4pm to 5pm Boxercise
9.30am to 10.30am Fresh air functional fitness
10.45am to 11.45am Health walk
After school club*
3.30pm to 4.30pm Friday
9am to 9.30am Lap walking
9.30am to 10.30am Trek fit
11am to 12pmBeginners yoga
9am to 9.45am Health walk
10am to 10.45am Boxercise and circuits
11am to 12pmBeginners yoga
9.30am to 10.30am Toning time
10.45am to 12.30pm Lads and dads football
2pm to 3pm Ladies only aerobics
Silver Jubilee Park, Coseley
9.30am to 10.15am Bodyfit
10.15am to 10.45am Abs blast
1pm to 2pm Health walk
9.30am to 10.30am Fresh air functional fitness
10.45am to 11.45am Beginners yoga
11am to 12 noon Buggy walk
After school club
3.30pm to 4.30pm 6pm to 6.45pm Outdoor circuits
6pm to 6.45pm Beginners yoga
9am to 9.45am Walk and talk
10.30 to 11am Post natal exercise class
11am to 12 noon Stay and play
After school club
3.30pm to 4.30pm Thursday
9am to 9.30am Fresh air functional fitness
Nordic walking
10am to 11.30am 1pm to 1.45pm Pre-school stay and play
Active families session*
3.30pm to 4.30pm Friday
10am to 11am Running for fitness
1.30 to 3pm Table tennis (adults only)*
3pm to 3.45pm Walk and talk
10am to 10.30am 10.30am to 11am 11.30 to 12.15pm 2pm to 3pm Circuits
Abs blast
Sports conditioning circuit
Children’s activity session
9.15am to 10am Ladies boxercise
10am to 11am Beginners pilates
Session de
Abs blast – 30 minutes
of abdominal exercise
designed to improve core
stability and tone the
Active families – a fun
class offering a range of
physical activity sessions
and games for all the
Bodyfit – an outdoor
fitness class that includes
gym, dynabands, circuits
and toning.
Bootcamp – an intense
45 minutes workout based
on functional fitness
techniques using a variety
of new exciting equipment.
Bowls Boxercise – a fun and
energetic class combining
fitness and pad work
circuits, suitable for all
fitness levels and abilities.
Buggy walk – designed
specifically for mums with
babies in pushchairs, the
opportunity to exercise and
Cani-fit – a fitness class
for both dog and owner to
exercise together including
walking, jogging and
Cardio tennis – a fun,
sociable group fitness
class set on a tennis court,
with music, open to all
ages and abilities.
Circuits – a total body
work using a variety of
exercises and equipment,
suitable for all abilities.
Fencing - using plastic
foils and face guards it is
both a physical and mental
exercise which is a fun and
safe activity for all ages and
Fresh air functional
fitness – utilises outdoor
fitness techniques to
improve efficiency of
performing everyday
movements and to enable
participants to become less
prone to injury, much fitter
and healthier.
Health walk – a regular
weekly walk of between 60
and 90 minutes, suitable
for all ages and abilities.
Nordic walking – a fitness
technique using walking
poles to give a whole
body work out, poles are
Pilates – focuses
on stretching and
strengthening the whole
body to improve balance,
muscle strength, flexibility
and posture.
Post-natal exercise – a
sociable class designed for
new moms to exercise with
baby at their side, focusing
on regaining shape,
strength and fitness.
Slimfit – a class based
on healthy lifestyles
incorporating an optional
weigh in, nutritional
information and a variety
of different exercise
Stretch and relax – a
session consisting of
gentle stretching and
mobility exercises aimed
to increase range of
Toddler tumble –
preschool activities
to develop hand eye
coordination skills,
movement and raising
levels of physical activity
through play.
Yoga – focuses on
strength, flexibility and
breathing to boost physical
and mental well-being.
Zumba – a Latin inspired
dance fitness class,
suitable for all levels of
If you would like to discuss
the suitability of any of
the activities in our parks
telephone Kim Braznell on
07799 070089 or Thomas
Weaver on 07584 581285.
the o
Healthy footsteps for 50 plus
Age UK Dudley LEAP (leisure, exercise and activity for people) project
delivers its healthy footsteps programme for Dudley’s over 50s. The
walks are aimed at people aged over 50, but people of all ages are
welcome to attend. People under 16 must be accompanied by a parent
or carer. The programme provides a diverse range of walks.
First Monday of each month – Mary Stevens Park activity centre,
Stourbridge from 1.30pm. Walk is approximately 1½ hours and is held at
various locations every Monday for the rest of the month.
Alternate Tuesdays – The Dell Stadium, Pensnett from 1.30pm.
Walk is approximately 1½ hours.
First Wednesday of each month – Silver Jubilee Park activity centre,
Coseley from 1.30pm. Walk is approximately 1½ hours and is also held
on the third Wednesday of each month at various locations.
Get cycling for 50 plus
Bicycle rides take place weekly on Tuesday mornings from 10am and are
anything between 1½ and two hours. The start venues vary depending
upon the route for that day but often meet at the Dell Stadium, Mary
Stevens Park, Netherton Park or Silver Jubilee Park.
Rides also take place occasionally on Saturdays and evenings in
high summer. We include a couple of Breeze ladies only rides in each
quarterly programme but always run a men only ride at the same time.
Participants will need to bring their own bicycle and there is a £1.50
charge per person.
For more information and current programme visit www.ageukdudley. and click ‘Staying Active’ on the home page, call 01384 343535
or email
Action Heart
The Action Heart cardiac rehabilitation centre provides a programme
of weekly health walks on Monday and Friday mornings. The walks are
open to everyone and are held at different venues every week. These
include some of the many picturesque green spaces in the borough and
surrounding areas.
For more information call Action Heart on 01384 292233.
AW surgery walks
These walks are aimed at patients of Albion House and Withymoor
surgeries in Brierley Hill but everyone is welcome to join them. The walks
start at different venues each week and offer participants the chance to
experience some of the best views of the area. They include either nature
reserves or canal walks and progression walks with provision for new
walkers on slightly shorter routes if necessary.
Venues include Baggeridge Park, Himley Hall, Barrow Hill and Fens
Pools, Saltwells Nature Reserve, Wordsley Woods, Kinver, Bumble Hole,
Highgate Common, Himley Station and Bratch Station.
Call Balraj Johal on 01384 816460 / 07876 563973 or
Longer walks - the ramblers
If you would prefer to take part in walks longer than two hours, there
are local ramblers groups that provide longer walks in Dudley and the
surrounding areas.
The Black Country Walking Group is aimed at getting people in their
20s, 30s and 40s who live in the Black Country, out walking in their local
countryside and further afield. They organise day walks, evening walks
and weekends away as well as social events.
For more information visit or
Stourbridge Ramblers Group deliver regular walks on Sunday mornings
as well as some midweek walks. For the Sunday walks, the group meets
at Mary Stevens Park in Stourbridge and advises participants to bring a
lunch with them. For more information call 01384 359463.
Would you like to set up your own health walk?
If you enjoy walking and would like to set up a health walk in your local
community then support is available. We are able to provide free walk
leader training and can help to set up and promote your walk.
Call Balraj Johal on 01384 816460 / 07876 563973 or
Route planning
There are two route planning websites that can help you to plan a walk,
each providing a slightly different type of service.
• allows you to plot a walking route
in the borough of Dudley using aerial photography. You will be given
details about the distance and expected time taken to complete any
walk that you plan.
• provides you with walking routes around a start
point of your choice. You can create circular routes, routes from
A to B or plot a route for yourself. As with the Walkzone website,
information on distance and time taken is provided.
Existing walking routes provides short pre-planned suggested walking
routes all around the borough. Just enter the postcode for where you
want to start and the nearest routes will be listed.
Pedometers offer a great way to monitor how much walking you’ve done
during the course of a day. Dudley borough libraries offer a pedometer
loan service. You can borrow one in the same way you borrow a book.
It’s free and library staff can show you how to use them.
For more information on walks
and activities in Dudley borough visit or
call Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345