commencement 2013 - New England Institute of Technology
SPRING 2013 Page 1 Non-Profit Organization One New England Tech Blvd. East Greenwich, RI 02818-1205 U. S. Postage Paid Permit No. 431 Warwick, R. I. SPRING 2013 COMMENCEMENT 2013 Terry Bradshaw, Football Great, Well Known Broadcaster To Deliver Commencement Address John Hazen White, Jr., Business And Civic Leader To Be Honored At Commencement This year’s commencement address will be delivered by Terry Bradshaw, a Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback who brought fans to their feet as he rocketed footballs down the field, then turned his love of the game into an Emmy award-winning broadcasting career. He has authored best-selling books, launched a singing career and acted in movies and sitcoms. On Sunday, May 5, 2013 he’ll share both insight and humor with New England Institute of Technology graduates and their families and friends. The college’s 72nd commencement ceremony will be held at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence beginning at 11 a.m. The versatile Bradshaw became one of the most recognized quarterbacks in NFL history and was the first to win four Super Bowl championships, all for the Pittsburgh Steelers. He led his team to eight AFC Central championships during his 14 year career, and became a two-time Super Bowl MVP and four-time All Pro. When he retired as an active player he segued to broadcasting and became one of the best known broadcasters in sports. His work on Fox NFL Sunday earned him Emmy awards as an outstanding sports personality/analyst in 1999, 2001 and 2009. He is popular on the TV talk show circuit and has appeared on virtually every talk show on air, including numerous guest spots with Jay Leno. His acting credits have included a role in the hit Failure to Launch with Sarah Jessica Parker and guest spots on sitcoms including New England Institute of Technology will honor prominent Rhode Island business leader and civic activist John Hazen White, Jr., during commencement. Mr. White is president of Taco, Inc., a third-generation, $200 million manufacturing company headquartered in Cranston, Rhode Island. He is also an outspoken civic activist, dedicated to improving the state’s business and political climate. White will receive an honorary doctor of humane letters in recognition of his contributions to the betterment of Rhode Island. Under White’s leadership, Taco, Inc. employs 500 people, including some NEIT graduates. The world-class manufacturer of pumps, valves, tanks, electric controls and other components used in heating and cooling applications is a leader in its industry. The company is known for empowering its employees through education and involvement in all levels of decision making. Taco’s Cranston facility features a large teaching and training center where employees are offered the opportunity to choose from 150 different free courses in everything from reading and English as a Second Language (ESL), to marketing, accounting, cooking and painting. White says continuing education is something from which everyone benefits. “People like me, who are looking for young people to come into the business world, are looking for people who like to learn,” says White. “That’s because no matter what a person’s specific area of expertise is, it’s only Everybody Loves Raymond, Malcolm in the Middle, and Hardcastle and McCormick. He also lent his unique voice to the popular animated film Robots. He says he’s always looking for a new adventure. “I think progression in life has always been kind of a cool thing,” says Bradshaw. “I’ve always challenged myself. I’ve failed at many things, but I’ve had so much fun that it’s been a really great life.” Bradshaw says New England Tech students should look forward to the challenges and changes ahead in their lives. “They will see a natural progression going forward and they should embrace it and be happy with who they are. They’ve already had a great accomplishment by graduating and should be excited about what’s out there. The best part of life is moving forward.” Bradshaw became a standout player in high school where he also set the national javelin See BRADSHAW continued to page two a fraction of what they’re capable of being. Learning brings into play all the things that make an individual unique and special.” Taco extends its commitment to learning to the children of employees, offering not only college scholarships, but summer enrichment programs. Six to eleven year olds are offered an opportunity to attend art and music camp and learn about puppetry, music and dance. Older children have the opportunity to study oceanography and learn about the environment at a summer camp at the University of Rhode Island. Mr. White’s business focus extends far beyond the bottom line. He considers his employees to be like family. “I don’t call Taco a company, I call it an experiment, because we’re always trying things that are fun and different,” says White. “I love these people with all my heart and soul. We have accomplished something here together and against all odds.” See WHITE continued to page two Interior Design Grad Hits the Jackpot Belinda Braga graduated from New England Tech in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Interior Design and is now the Visual Merchandise Manager at Foxwoods Resort Casino. She recently hosted NEIT Assistant Professor Dawn Edmonson and Interior Design students. Ironically, one of Belinda’s assistants, Dawn Milliner, is also a graduate of NEIT’s Interior Design program. Students were impressed with Belinda’s enthusiasm, knowledge, and level of responsibility. When asked by the students if she felt her education at NEIT prepared her for the industry she said, “Absolutely!” Belinda shares her story with Tech News readers. What made you decide to attend NEIT? After high school I spent a little over a year studying Fine Arts at a community college but then decided to go to work full time because I wasn’t sure about the career I wanted to enter. After spending ten years in retail management, I decided that wasn’t the field I wanted and started looking into going back to school. I needed to find a school where I could continue to work to support myself and get an education in a field that would bring me success and happiness. I chose NEIT because of the amount of time it took to get my degree and its ability to work with adult students. I also liked the fact that the faculty members were not only teachers but working professionals in the field, so they had real life experience. How did you choose your program? I knew I wanted to do something with art, but I wasn’t sure what. I had visited NEIT a few years earlier to look at the archi- tectural program but decided it wasn’t for me. At that time they had just introduced the Associate in Science degree program in Interior Design, which interested me, but I wanted to earn a Bachelor of Science degree. I decided to wait on schooling for a few more years. When I went back to NEIT, an Interior Design bachelor degree program had been added, so it was a perfect match. What did you do to get started with your career? I started with a two month internship at a small residential design firm on the East Side of Providence. While I was there, I basically organized catalogs and fabrics and made phone calls for the owner. It wasn’t much and I didn’t get paid, but it was enough to start understanding the business and get some experience under my belt. Doing the internship gave me an advantage when it came to searching for a job. Everyone wants someone with at least a little experience so the internship and my ten years in retail helped me land a job as a junior designer for a small commercial design and furniture re-seller in Warwick, RI. Tell us about your position. There are a lot of small pieces to my position that all need to fall into place in order for everything to flow smoothly. The overall description is I am in charge of anything that is visible in the retail stores. I oversee a great team of retail coordinators without whom I would not be able to accomplish some of the bigger tasks my position requires. We work closely with the buyers and retail operations to merchandise the stores so they entice people to not only walk in, but also to make purchases. Designing display windows, creating interesting feature tables, and maintaining standards such as lighting, signage, and neatness of product are all part of the daily activities. Besides that I am responsible for any design decisions such as Finishes, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) and marketing within the stores. The bigger part of my posi- tion is the actual interior design of the stores. Whether we use an outside company or I design the stores myself, I am the main point of contact for the project managers, architects, structural engineers, marketing and signage or anyone else that may be involved with a project. I typically act as the designer and project coordinator which means I take the project from the very first idea all the way through to the final day of merchandising before we open a store. There is so much more to my position but based on the simple fact that every day is different and given this is Foxwoods, it’s anything but ordinary. What do you feel ultimately prepared you for your position? My ten years of retail didn’t hurt, but NEIT definitely helped to prepare me for what I am doing today. Not only did the actual design classes help, but knowing the building codes, how to read drawings, and draft by hand gives me a huge advantage when working with the building inspector, project managers and architects. They know they are dealing with a competent individual. My bosses even look to me to translate what is in the drawings. Having to get up and present in front of people in pretty much every class also helped. In this business you need to be able to speak to people with confidence. Do you have any advice for graduates who are just beginning their job search? Yes. Keep searching and make sure you follow up. Use any connections you may have even if you think it won’t work. Interior Design is about building relationships, and you never know who may be able to help you. What can students do to better prepare themselves for careers in this field? I would always suggest getting an internship even if it’s for only 5-10 hours a week. Find the time because it will pay off in the end. Also make sure you keep up on the latest trends and products and how they can be used. PAGE 2 NEW ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BRADSHAW Continued from page 1 throwing record. He went on to attend Louisiana Tech where he still holds the single-season passing and total offense records. His talent on the football field caught the attention of scouts and he became the first player chosen in the 1970 draft. As quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers, he was known for calling his own plays, something rarely done at the time and uncommon even in today’s NFL. With his on-the-field leadership, he helped the Steelers become a powerhouse team. He was named NFL Player of the Year by Associated Press, and received the NFL Alumni’s Career Achievement award. Outside of football he was named Man of the Year by the Big Sisters of America, Father of the Year by the National Father’s Day Council and became the NFL’s first and only player to receive a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. He’s raised money for numerous charities and started his own program to feed the hungry called Food for Families. Beyond funding the project, he also raises the livestock and has provided meals for nearly 100,000 families. Football fame brought lots of opportunity Bradshaw’s way. He has appeared in hundreds of television commercials, given numerous speeches, hosted his own talk show, authored five books and recorded four albums. Two of those albums were top-selling gospel records. His cover of Hank Williams’ I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry became a Top 10 country hit. Next, he will be starring in a show in Las Vegas. Despite his many accomplishments, Bradshaw doesn’t keep reminders of his success in his home. He says you won’t find trophies or football pictures anywhere in his house. “That’s a part of my life that’s come and gone,” he says. Instead, there are pictures of his two daughters, and of the quarter horses and thoroughbreds he now raises and sometimes races. He says he likes to keep things simple and that the most important thing in his life is that his children know he loves them. “It’s not about the dollars, it’s about the happiness,” says Bradshaw. “I don’t really measure success. I’m more of a guy that measures happiness.” As New England Tech graduates accept their diplomas, he wishes them the same. “I want them to have what I want to have,” says Bradshaw, “happiness.” During commencement, Bradshaw will receive an honorary doctor of humane letters in recognition of his life’s work and his efforts to help others. WHITE Continued from page 1 White has been at the helm of Taco for 22 years. His grandfather started the company following World War I, and his father ran it for nearly 50 years. Under White’s leadership, Taco has grown considerably in the type of products offered and in market reach and annual sales. What hasn’t changed is the White family tradition of philanthropic activities, civic involvement and activism. Like his father before him, White is deeply committed to education, the arts and improving Rhode Island’s business and political climate. He writes a bi-weekly newspaper column, which focuses on issues of concern to Rhode Islanders, and has hosted a public affairs and advocacy TV show called Lookout. “It’s all about putting the facts and issues before the public,” says White. “The single greatest motivation for change is support and it’s only going to happen if the public is aware of the issues and rises up to demand change.” White was born and raised in Rhode Island and says despite any challenges the state or companies who do business here may face, he’s committed to keeping his family’s company here and working to make life better for others. He was the founding member of the Rhode Island Manufacturing Summit, a non-partisan coalition of manufacturing and business interests that worked to improve manufacturing in the Ocean State. He is a visiting professor and trustee at Johnson & Wales University where he’s worked to improve the facilities for the arts and sciences program. He is also a trustee of Wheaton College and of his alma mater, the Williston Northampton School. He has served on the boards of the Rhode Island Economic Policy Council, The Rhode Island Philharmonic, Women & Infants’ Hospital and the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce, Center for Performance Excellence. New England Tech will have the privilege of presenting him with an honorary doctorate during commencement. More than one thousand students will receive associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Commencement begins at 11 a.m. on May 5 at the Rhode Island Convention Center. Dean’s List Andolina F Acquisto..............VET Matthew E Allard...............MCTA Dinochka M Allende............CMA Ruben E Alonzo................. VDVA Jessica M Amaral.................NUR Michael J Amaral..................VAP Christopher R Ambrosino..MCTA Tamena Amini......................CJB Francisco E Andujar........... ITBS Jacqueline M Angelone........ OTA Jennifer M Arraial................NUR Rafael Arroyo..................... ITBS Lynne D Asselin....................VET Melissa A Auclair.................NUR Samantha L Austin................VET David M Balls.....................ESTA Nicholas P Banker.............MCTA Franklin A Barbeau...........RACH John A Bate.......................... ITA Ryan T Bateman............... MCTB Joshua A Beach...................AHP Matthew D Beane.............. AAUT Nicholas A Beauregard......MCTA Michael S Bebis..................ITBN Kristopher W Becker......... ABTA Ryan E Bedard...................GDSB Garrett J Beeley....................VAP Samantha L Belanger......... ABTA Aaron J Beltram.................ASMB Allison J Bennett................RACH Vera L Bernardino...............NUR Stacy M Bertram..................NUR Evan W Berwick...................VAP Andrew M Biederka...........ASMB Ryan D Bishop...................VGDA Steven E Bishop.................RACH Ramsey S Blohm................ AAUT Edward W Bolduc Jr.............VAP Matthew D Bolles..............VGDA Lori T Booher......................NUR Princeton D Boston........... AAUT Michael K Bouchard..........MCTA James M Boucher..................MT Molly L Boucher..................NUR Brandon R Boudreau..........AHP Maria F Bourski............... MGTA Harrison J Braley..................VAP John R Braley.......................VAP Lars R Brandvik.................VGDA Timothy S Brastow..............ITBN Christopher C Bray............VGDA Morgan R Breidinger...........NUR Renee M Breton.....................ST Scott C Briggs....................... ITA Stephen E Brooks Jr...........ELRE David Brown......................ESTA Eugene M Brown.................... CJ Jason A Brown...................... ITA John M Brown...................... ITA Jacob G Brunette..................VAP Kayla Burda......................... OTA Shawn A Burdick....................ST Katie E Burnes.....................NUR Brian Burns........................ITBN Michael T Burrows............RACH Katie E Burton......................CJB Olivia C Burton....................NUR Frederick C Butts Jr...............ITS Menard G Calamba............ EETB Samuel J Calixte..................ESTA Silas J Campbell................. VDVA Carlos J Campos.................ITBN Michael A Caparco................. CJ Scott M Capodanno..............PTA Francis M Carbah Jr.............ITN David J Cardaci.................MGTB New England Tech to Launch a Shipbuilding/Marine, Advanced Manufacturing Institute The Criminal Justice (CJ) Technology Club invited Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Special Agent Nathan O’Connor to speak about the role of the NCIS agent and the mission of the agency. He encouraged students to pursue the many criminal justice career opportunities just as Jeffrey Willis, a 11th quarter CJ student has done. Jeffrey completed a 10 week internship at the NCIS office in Norfork, Virginia, during the fall of 2012. NEIT’s New Associate and Bachelor Degree Programs Veterinary Practice Management Technology The Veterinary Technology department is expanding its program with the addition of the Veterinary Practice Management Technology (VPM) program. This six quarter Associate in Science degree program is designed to teach the management skills necessary to run a veterinary practice as well as offer enough required credits for students who choose to sit for the national veterinary practice manager certification exam. This program combines fundamental veterinary knowledge such as, basic anatomy, physiology and pharmacology with management skills including human resources, customer service, legal and ethical issues, and practice management. Graduates from the VPM Technology program can operate a small to medium size multi-veterinary practice, work as a mid-level manager in a large veterinary hospital, or work in sales and marketing in the veterinary or veterinary pharmacology fields. This program will begin in July, 2013. Video Game Design Technology A new offering is the Bachelor of Science degree in Video Game Design Technology that prepares students for entry-level and intermediate-level careers in game design, animation and visualization as well as a variety of digital media production environments. Building upon the skllls and knowledge acquired in the college’s Associate in Science degree program, students will learn and refine advanced design and development skills utilized in the game industry. They will work on concepts and design challenges to aid in developing their communication skills as well as follow new industry technologies and trends. Students will develop a portfolio of their work that includes game assets they have created. For more information, contact the Admissions Office at 1-800-736-7744, 401-467-7744 or visit Through a $2.5 million grant provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, NEIT is in the final stages of developing a new Shipbuilding/Marine, Advanced Manufacturing Institute (SAMI) to serve 400 unemployed individuals over the three year life of the grant. To further the program, the Governor’s Workforce Board RI awarded $250,000 to the college to be used for training at SAMI. The Rhode Island Foundation has also granted $50,000 to NEIT through its “Make It Happen RI” initiative to assist in marketing the SAMI program. General Dynamics/Electric Boat Division, Senesco Marine, the Rhode Island Marine Trades Association, the RI Manufacturers Association and other RI employers have partnered with NEIT in the development of SAMI. This coordination will assist in the recruitment, screening, and training of individuals for these industries. Eligible individuals will enter the Institute, receive job information and educational services, and participate in handson laboratory experiences. Then they will be referred to preemployment training programs, on-the-job training positions, or job opportunities in these industries. New England Tech will offer associate and bachelor degree programs in these related fields for individuals who would like to further their education in the future. SAMI will be located in the Gouse Building at our Post Road campus in Warwick RI. For more information, contact Fred Santaniello at or 401-739-5000. TechArts 2013 is Here TechArts was first introduced in 1995 as an art installation, and re-surfaced nine years later in 2004. This year’s exhibit showcasing NEIT’s talented students, faculty, and staff will be on display until June 8, 2013, in the Library at the college’s East Greenwich campus. Some of the submissions include watercolors, pencil, pen and ink, oils, puppets, theater costumes, ceramics, sculpture and more. Admission is free and open to the public as well as to our college community. Viewing hours are Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Friday 7:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. For more information, visit http:// Mark Your Calendar! 4th Annual NEIT Alumni Golf Tournament Friday, July 26, 2013 Swansea Country Club 299 Market Street, Swansea, MA 11AM Shotgun Proceeds from the Golf Tournament benefit the Student Scholarship Fund For more information, contact Joan Segerson, Director of Development at 401-739-5000, ext. 3704 or email or visit for details LAST YEAR’S TOURNAMENT WAS A SELLOUT! The following students have achieved academic excellence for the quarter ending March 23, 2012. These full-time students have been placed on the Dean’s List for achieving a GPA of 3.6 or higher on a maximum scale of 4.0. Congratulations to all. Jessalyn H Cardoza.............. OTA Andrew A H Carney............MCTA Justin R Caron.................. CMTB Brett R Carrano.................MCTA Bryan M Carvalho.................VAP Tristan M Case.....................DRA Amy L Caturano...................NUR Stephen Cavalieri...................ITS Andrew P Center................AAHP Scheila Chagas......................PTA Alexander S Chapin........... GMW Brittany N Chapman.............NUR Michael E Chickering........MCTA Courtney H Christiansen....VDEA John C Ciejka......................ELRE Nicole M Cioffi........................ CJ Corey M Clark................... EETB Andy S Cole....................... ABTA Christopher J Collins............ ITA Christopher J Consiglio........BCD William R Contreras..........MCTA Andre A Cordeiro.................ITN Jeremy S Coston................RACH Kevin D Cournoyer............ASMB Robert H Courtens................ITN Joshua R Coutu.....................ITN Dawn Marie Coyro...............NUR Marianne Crisostomi...........CMA Zalyndria S Crosby................ ITA Laura A Crowley................ ABTA Daniel A Crutchfield.......... EETB Ethan D Cruze...................PLBH Virginia H Curtis..................NUR Thomas G Cute III............. CYBT Stephanie D›Angelo........... GMW Michele A Dadiskos.............NUR Yang Dai............................. ITBS Erin N Dalton.......................PTA David T Dang.....................ABTB Joshua D DaSilva.................DRA Luiz C DaSilva Jr................... ITA Selvyn T Dawson.................ITBN Miguel F DeAlmeida..............ITS Christopher W DeBaggis.....ITBN Francesco L DeCaro.......... AAUT Raymond B DeCorpo II........ ITA Richard A DeGuilio.............ITBN Marciano H Dela Cruz.......RACH Steven M DellaCroce............NUR Dominic D DeRestie..........ASMB Deidre A DeSilva..................NUR Jessi L DeSimone................. OTA Thomas P Desrosiers......... AAUT Sarah E DeStefano............... OTA Zachary Deus.................... GMW Loren R Dias.......................NUR Joshua A Digiulio.................. ITA Matthew S DiLandro.............ITN Gary A DiNicola.................MCTA Jeremy M DiSpagna...............MT Patrick N Dobo..................AAHP Adam R Dolph...................VDEA Deshawn E Donovan...........ITBN Jenna L Dorazio....................PTA Marc J Drainville............... AAUT Timothy Dube....................VGDA Michael A Dufficy.............. ABTA Michael R Duffy................. AAUT Kyle Duquette.................... ABTA Rita C Ebanks....................ABTB Kelsey C Emmett................VDEA Amy M Errichetti.................NUR Craig S Everitt Jr................VDEA Andrew J Faria...................VGDA Justin R Farrar..................... AUT Michael L Felmly...................MT Michael T Feraco.................... CJ Tiffany Fernandes.................VET Courtney H Ferreira.............NUR Jake D Ferreira..................MCTA Kelly A Ferreira....................NUR Jairo J Figueroa.................... ITA Daniel W Fillingim.............MCTA Paul Finley........................... BCC Jance W Fitzgerald.............ABTB Brian F Flagg..................... ABTA Randall W Flint..................... ELY Richard J Flores..................... CJ Sharon A Foisy......................VET David K Fonseca Jr.............ITBN Matthew S Fontaine..............PTA Lauren A Fortini...................ATS Sean M Foster....................MCTA Gaige E Fox...........................MT Kristopher P Fox................MCTA Stacy A Fragopulos...............PTA Renata M Franceschi.........ABTB Joseph Francis.......................MT Robert L Fratus.................. AAUT Catherine Freitas..................IDA Kevin J Furtado..................VGDA Steven J Gagne....................ESTA Paul A Gagnon....................... RC Kimberly Gammell................IDA Rafael J Garcia...................MCTA Michael L Garriepy.............ELRE Byron K Geoffrey............... CYBT Nicholas J Gershkoff..............MT Amy E Ginaitt........................VET Melanie D Giordano.............PTA Jessica L Girouard............... OTA Kyle E Giroux........................ ITA Leslie A Giroux.................... OTA Joseph L Giudici...................VAP Seth A Golbitz....................ABTB Daniel W Goldsmith..............VAP Kendra L Gomes.................. OTA Josue Gomez........................ITN John A Goodwin................MCTA Chad A Goyette................. MCTB Jeanna C Greene..............GMWG Erin E Griffin......................ITBN David A Griggs...................... ITA Vincent A Guarnieri........ GMWM Jarret T Guercia.....................MT Talia D Guindon..................NUR Alexandra L Gutauskas.........VET Narciso A Guzman...............AUB Manuel H Haddock.............. ELY David R Hall..................... MGTA Michael E Hall...................... ITA Ean A Hansen.......................ITN Nora K Haraldstad................IDB Shawn R Hare.......................VAP Nathaniel W Harlow...........MCTA Melissa A Hartley................. OTA Brenda L Harvey.................... RC Sheri M Hasney......................ST Jelania S Hassell..................... CJ Jennifer L Hauser................NUR Geoffrey Hawley................ CMTB Jonathan J Henderson..........VAP Laura L Herr........................NUR Gretchen E Heublein............. RC Melanie L Higgins................NUR Jennifer R Hope...................NUR Steven A Horibin................VGDA Kyran J Horne....................VGDA Roger B Houle III..............GDSB Matthew Howard-Nolan...... BCM Jayson M Howe..................GDSB Aaron W Hoydich................ BCC Tara M Integlia.....................CJB Shawn L Isom................... MGTA Edmund P Jacinto...............ELTB Garrett Jackson.................VDEA Nathan D Jacquard............. ITBS Louis M Jardin......................VAP Derek E Jervis.................. MCTB David A Jimenez...................ITN Sean P Johns........................ ITA Chelsey A Johnson.............VDEA Colleen M Johnson..............HIM Jacob D Johnson...............VGDA Kenneth L Johnson............ ABTA Jim Johnston........................PTA Jose I Juarez......................MCTA Eric K Jussaume............. GMWM Christopher T Keefe.............AHP Thomas J Keen.................. VDVA Justin E Kelly.....................GDSB Lindsey D Kendrick.............NUR Linda S Kinderman..............CMA Jason P King.........................PTA Bunthoeung Kong..............RACH Abdou Z Konte.................. MCTB Seth J Krasnianski..................ITS Matthew R LaBianca..........VGDA Ronald M Labrecque............ ITA Ryan J Lachance...............MGTB Jeremy P Ladas.....................ITN Andrew J Ladouceur..........VGDA Kelly M LaFontaine...............PTA Lisa A Lagreca................... GMW Alexander W Lambert........ AAUT Kenneth J Lambert.............GDSB Robert M Lamontagne.......... ITA Jamie M Landry....................ITN Andre L Lapierre..................ITN Mitchell D LaPlume.............. ITA Tawan M LaRiviere..............CMA Lisa L Larrabee.................... OTA Nathan W Lawton...............GDSB Darnell J Lay........................NUR Andrew Laychak................VGDA Michael W Lebel....................ITS Marc A LeBlanc Jr.............GDSB Elaine M Leitao....................NUR Jason R Lemay........................ CJ Daniel C Lemieux.................ITN Kayla A Leon...................... GMW Sherebe A Lettsome........... AAUT Jessica R LeVasseur................ CJ LaShanna T Lewis.............MGTB Andrew James Lizotte...........PTA Kimberly A Lockwood...........PTA Michael Loeven.................... ITA Cheryl L Longworth..............PTA Che› J Lopes..................... MGTA Guillermo L Lopez............. AAUT Erik Lougee.......................... ITA Caitlin E Lucke.....................IDB Jessica L Lundquist..........GMWG John F Lynch......................MCTA Mathew Maccord...............VGDA Kimberly M MacDonald....... OTA Sean C MacLaughlin............... CJ Lindsey-leigh A Maiuri..........IDA Mark G Majndle................... ITA Rory L Manier......................ITN Peter A Manooshian..........VGDA Stephen A Mantia...............GDSB Roger Mark......................... OTA Simon G Marshall.................VAP Joshua A Martin................. CYBT Christina Martinelli...........MGTB Justin R Marvill.....................ITN Ian P Mathieu.......................VAP TECH NEWS Honor Society Students Are Recognized The Eighth Annual Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Ceremony was held on February 27, 2013, when 65 outstanding students were inducted into this international honor society for their academic, leadership, service, and fellowship achievements. Members of PTK gain access to scholarships as well as educational and career resources through the society. Students must complete at least 24 quarter hours of coursework leading to an associate degree and maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.80 out of a possible 4.0 GPA to be a member of NEIT’s chapter of PTK, known as Beta Xi Phi. Phi Theta Kappa was established in 1918 and is the oldest, largest, and most respected international honor society recognizing associate level students with more than 1.6 million members and 1,200 chapters located in the U.S., Canada, and Germany. A complete list of NEIT’s Phi Theta Kappa inductees may be found at Game Design Program Ranks on Top The Career Services Office can attest to the fact that they are working in very exciting jobs! We wish them continued success in their careers and all of their future endeavors. Kyle Ozycz, ABT, 9/12, Architectural/Building Engineering Technology is employed by Peter Spring Steel LLC Joshua Beach, AAHP, 3/13, Advanced Automotive with High Performance Technology is employed by Anchor Nissan Peter Faggella, ASMB, 3/13, Automotive Service Management is employed by Muzer’s Car Care Kyle Reed, AUT, 9/12, Automotive Technology is employed by Bay State Ford NEIT is a member of the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) and is now one of only five schools in the U.S. to fulfill the requirements to become an ABYC Marine League of Schools member. ABYC certification is a recognized standard of achievement in the marine industry and sought by employers. All NEIT Marine Technology faculty have earned the designation of ABYC Master Certified Marine Technician. NEIT is the only Marine League school to have all Master Certified instructors. From left: Brian Gustafson, Ted Chamberlin, Robert Kachanis, Ed Sherman, ABYC Educational Director, Christopher Bannister, and Robert Paiva. Deborah Burbank, HCM, 9/12, Health Care Management Technology is employed by Rhode Island Hospital Richard Davis, CMTB, 9/12, Construction Management Technology is employed by Emond Plumbing & Heating Paul Reposo, DRA, 9/12, Digital Recording Arts Technology is employed by Residential Properties Ltd. Jesse Moorehead, ELY, 9/12, Electrical Technology is employed by UC Synergetic Tyler Brien, ELY, 9/12, Electrical Technology is employed by Energy Electrical Christopher Deneault, ELRE, 9/12, Electrical Technology w/ Renewable Energy Technology is employed by North East Electrical Distributors Construction Students Go On-Site Save the Date: Master’s Degree in Information Technology OPEN HOUSE Thursday, May 9, 2013 / 6:30pm – 8:00pm Hall of Fame Room • East Greenwich Campus One New England Tech Blvd., East Greenwich, RI 02818 Amanda H Nguyen................ITN Andrew W Niedfeldt............ESTA Matthew J Nile...................VGDA Andrew Nitschke...............PLBH Gary D Nobrega.................PLBH Melissa A Nolan...................NUR William G Norsworthy....... CMTB Craig Nunes....................... ABTA Jennifer Nunez..................MGTB Juan C Nunez......................ITBN Felicia M O›Keeffe...............NUR Justin W O›Rourke............ AAUT Libardo J Ochoa............... MCTB Kyle P Oelofse....................... ITA Ian E Olson....................... ABTA Alexandre S Orlande..........MCTA Dylan S Ossman.....................MT Jeremy J Ouellette.............. AAUT Angela M Pacheco...............NUR Kimberly M Palmer............ GMW Aaron S Panneton.................PTA Shane R Panneton.............PLBH Alexander D Parrillo..........PLBH Matthew P Pastore.............RACH Naitik C Patel........................ ITA Michael A Paulhus.................ITS Andrew E Peckham............ITBN Eric J Pelletier.......................ITS Jessie L Pelletier..................CMA Robert W Pelletier............. AAUT Jessica L Peloquin.............MCTA Kraig M Pereira................ MCTB Tayla E Perez..................... CYBT Brandon Perras-Sanchez.....NUR Benjamin A Perry.................VAP Ryan J Peterle.................... ABTA Andrew K Peters................GDSB Jeffrey H Peterson..............RACH Jennifer M Petraitis...............VET Stephen M Petrarca............ESTA Cassandra L Petty.................HIM Michael A Phelps............ GMWM Jessie Pelletier, CMA, 3/13, Clinical Medical Assistant Technology is emplyed by A - Z Primary Care Justin Hebert, DRA, 9/12, Digital Recording Arts Technology is employed by Axon Communications, Inc. A group of senior Construction Management students, along with Professor Phil Marks of the Architectural Building Engineering Technology program, recently toured a $30 million construction project at Brown University in Providence, RI with Gilbane Construction serving as the management company. The project includes the renovation and conversion of an existing building into a high tech science laboratory facility for graduate studies. Mr. George Malakidis, project manager for Gilbane, led the tour and gave his insights into the challenges they had to overcome with the construction of such a complex and technologically advanced building design that also has to be LEED certified. He was most impressed by the level of knowledge of these students. From left they are: Jeremy Rogers, Colby Armstrong, Carenique Turner, Alex Bucci, Anthony Tassinari, Trenton Palonen, Scott Boyd, Colan Powers, Mike Araujo, and Andrew Powell. Kevin R Mauck..................VDEA Evan J McAreavey................HIM Craig A McCarthy...............VGDA Scott H McCarthy...............GDSB Stephen J McCormick........... ITA Julie A McCoy......................NUR Ryan M McGrath.................. BCC Joseph G McKenna........... MCTB James E McLaughlin............AUB Jessica C McMahon.............NUR Kasie E McMahon................NUR Aimee R Medeiros...............CMA Michael A Medeiros............ ITBS Craig A Meehan.................MCTA Jason A Meyer...................RACH Nicholas J Miano..................PTA Andrew S Miele.................ABTB Benjamin J Mikkola..............PTA Lucas D Miles.......................VAP Murray R Mitchell............. AAUT Seboka Mokoena............... AAUT Julian D Moniz.....................ITN Jordan J Monopoli...............NUR Robin M Mooney............... CYBT Felix J Moreno......................VAP Beth A Moretti..................... OTA Anthony P Mottola..............ITBN Christopher M Mulcahy......ELRE Bradley P Muller...............ABTB Ann M Mulligan................... OTA Molly D Mullins...................CMA Hayley Mulso.......................NUR Kathleen S Murphy.............. OTA Stephen T Nabb.................RACH Hanesh Nandwani.............. AAUT Frank Nardone IV..............MCTA Candon T Needham...........VGDA Peter M Nelson...................ITBN Saffiyah A Nelson..............MGTB Eric J Neto.........................MCTA Jeremy D Newman.............MCTA Daythan N Newton............ CMTB PAGE 3 Where your former classmates are NEIT was named one of the “Top Undergraduate Schools to Study Video Game Design for 2013” by The Princeton Review, one of America’s best-known education services companies. The list includes the top 15 undergraduate schools in the U.S. and Canada to study video game design for 2013, and 15 undergraduate schools as honorable mentions. The report also contains a list of the top graduate schools. The schools were chosen based on a survey conducted in the 2012-2013 academic year of 150 programs at institutions offering video game design coursework and/or degrees in the U.S. and Canada. The 50-question survey included a range of topics such as, curriculum, faculty, facilities, infrastructure, career services, student scholarships, and financial aid. The full report is available at game-design and includes profiles of the schools with application information and links to the school sites. Career Services hosted 67 companies for the annual Technology Career Expo at the East Greenwich campus. Students and alumni networked with on-site recruiters and hiring managers. A variety of technologies were represented with opportunities ranging from internships to part-time and full-time jobs. SPRING 2013 • Tour the campus • Faculty Presentations • Refreshments Michelle J Pietrzyk...............CMA David R Pignone................RACH Heather A Pilkington...........NUR James A Pine..................... GMW Benjamin J Piquette...............MT Nicholas F Pires................. GMW Jared M Plante......................PTA Matthew S Pochebit..............VET Brandon C Pond...................CJB Adam E Poole.......................VAP Stephen B Potter...................PTA Thomas W Prenda..............ELTB Amanda L Price................. AAUT Michael F Quinn................... ITA Amanda S Ramnarine.............ST Marcia M Ramos.................NUR Nuno F Ramos....................ELTB Jessica A Rando...................NUR John M Randolph..................MT Alexa M Rapoza................... OTA Christine L Ras.....................PTA Shawn H Rattenni..............AAHP Dylan M Rayhill.................RACH Desmond W Regis..............ITBN Jarod J Rego.......................ITBN Alyssa R Richards.................VET Jill A Richardson Coppolino.ITN Juan J Rivera......................... RC Joeie A Roberts..................ASMB Tanya T Roberts....................VET Steven M Rocha....................PTA Amanda Rodrigues................. CJ Kristin A Rohde..................ITBN Camila Rojas..........................ST Jack T Rola........................... ITA June M Rose.........................ATS Louis Rossi........................MCTA Jeffrey N Rousseau................ ITA Cheryl A Roux...................... OTA Russell Royality-Lindman...VGDA Eric W Rudman....................VAP Christopher R Rue.............RACH Omer Saeed..........................ITN Anthony Salazar.................GDSB Jacob P Salisbury...................ITS Wayne T Salisbury Jr.......... CYBT Michael A Salois..................DRA Tiffany F Sammartino............VET Kejon P Sampson...............ABTB Ryan T Sams..........................MT Tiffany A Samuels................ITBN Christopher T Sanchez.......RACH Jessica J Sandness................PTA Jason P Santos...................RACH Michelle L Sartori.............. ABTA Peter T Sauvageau................PTA Eric J Schaumberg................ ITA Aaron J Schloesser............GDSB Michael J Schnoor..............ESTA Jonathan M Schoen...............ITS Brittney E Schuessler...........NUR Patricia A Scuncio................PTA Chanthy Seth...................... EETB Joshua T Sevigny................ ABTA Melissa A Shannon.................ST Casey R Sharps..................VGDA Timothy J Shaw.....................VAP Justin J Shea......................... ELY Carole A Sherman............. MGTA Jessica L Shoe................. GMWM Colleen N Short....................IDA Hayle C Silva........................... CJ Jeremy D Simons...............VGDA Hussien M Skaiky..............ABTB Matthew R Slotnick............GDSB Robert W Small....................ITN Ashley M Smith.....................VET Dario D Smith...................RACH Jamieko K Smith................ AAUT Kathryn A Smith.................VGDA Ronald K Smith.................. ABTA Teche E Smith...................MGTB Trevor Smith...................... AAUT Jose G Sola........................ AAUT to RSVP Jean A Solis..........................PTA Alfred G Soucy....................ITBN Jonathan J Sousa.................. ITA Michael D Souza Jr............ AAUT Jason K Spencer................RACH Michael T Spurling Jr..........DRA Kayla L St Amour.................NUR Timothy J St Dennis...........GDSB Michael Stearns.................AAHP Rebekah A Stearns...............CMA Katherine E Stellato...........ABTB Adam W Stephens..................ITS Michaela E Stilianessis....... ABTA Meagan E Stockhecker.........VET Kayla J Strezsak....................CJB Kathleen S Summers............NUR Christian M Sunderland.....RACH Nicholas K Sundman..........VGDA Karyl B H Sutherland...........NUR Danielle M Talbot................ OTA Richard Tapalian.................. ITA Anthony J Tassinari........... CMTB Brittney Tate.........................VAP Jason S Tatro.................... MCTB Vanio A Tavares....................VAP Eyram E Tay.......................VGDA Brandy K Taylor...................HIM Philip A Testa......................ITBN Meredith E Thibault..............VET John M Thibodeau................CJB Nicole W Thompson.............VET Gilson F Timas....................ITBN Chadanny A Tineo.................. RC Christelle M V Tomasini..... GMW Erin K Tooley.................. GMWM Thomas E Toppin...............ELTB Cynthia A Turillo..................NUR Carenique S Turner........... CMTB Byron E Valle Jr..................ITBN Theresa C Vallera.................NUR Eric M Vandegrift...................ITS Jonathan J Vardo..................PTA Walter H Vaughn IV..............VAP Michael A Venancio............... RC John M Verardo.................VGDA Edwin J Villarrubia..............NUR Michael J Vincent.................CMA Joseph A Vitelli.....................ITN Kelsey R Wallace.................. OTA Michael D Ward.................... ITA Michael R Ward....................VET Daniel C Waterman...............VAP Darrell L Wengler..............ASMB Kate R Wennerberg.............. OTA Angela R West......................NUR Joseph N Wettlaufer...........GDSB Christopher S White............. AUT William J White......................ITS Paige Whitney....................VGDA Jake V Whittaker................ABTB David R Whynot.................. BCM Eric N Wilbur.......................ITN Zachary V Wilcox...................MT Samantha A Wildenhain........VET Michael B Wilder...............MCTA Stephen P Wilkicki................ITS James A Williams...............MCTA Emily A Winser.................. ABTA Gregory A Winslow........... MGTA Courtney Winsor.................. OTA Daniel K Wishart...................PTA Andrew J Wolstencroft.........BCD Michael F Wood.................. ITBS Thomas M Wood............... CYBT Lynden K Woods................ ABTA Peter M Yee......................... OTA Brian T Young...................MCTA Nicole A Zambarano.............PTA Thomas Zambarano.............PTA Eric A Zengerle................... ITBS Toby Zheng.........................ITBN Anthony Zonfrilli............... AAUT Congratulations Heather Cost, ID, 9/12, Interior Design Technology is employed by Emond Brothers Co. Adam McCauley, ITN, 9/12, Information Technology Network Engineering is employed by American Mathematical Society Adam Chirico, ITNB, 9/12, Information Technology Network Engineering is employed by Beltone New England Kathleen Bennett, ITSB, 9/12, Information Technology Software Engineering is employed by CSC Paymaster, Inc. Jeanna Greene, GMW, 3/13, Graphics, Multimedia & Web Design Technology is employed by Graphic Expression Eric Banchs, MCT, 9/12, Mechanical Engineering Technology is employed by LFI Medical Libardo Ochoa, MCT, 3/13, Mechanical Engineering Technology is employed by Quick Fitting, Inc. Valerie Grover, MGT, 9/12, Business Management Technology is employed by FGXI Amanda Egan, MGT, 3/13, Business Management Technology is employed by Hertz Joshua Brock, MT, 9/12, Marine Technology is employed by Hinckley Yacht Jessica Lowe, NUR, 12/12, Nursing is employed by Westerly Health Center Chelsea LeBlanc, OTA, 12/12, Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology is employed by Greenburg Physical Therapy and Hand Therapy Associates Julissa Molina, MSOT, 3/13, Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology is employed by Apple Rehab Massiel Verria, PTA, 9/12, Physical Therapist Assistant Technology is employed by TRM Rehab Kenneth Small, RACH, 12/12, Refrigeration/AC Heating & Gas Technology is employed by GKT Refrigeration Gianna DeFeo, ST, 9/12, Surgical Technology is employed by Westerly Hospital Katrina Paiva, ST, 9/12, Surgical Technology is employed by St. Vincent Hospital Many NEIT graduates employ NEIT graduates. If you have an opening within your company, or know of an opening that would be best filled by an NEIT graduate, please contact Pat Blakemore, Director of Career Services, at 1-800-736-7744 or 401-739-5000. There is no fee for any referrals. Graduates of New England Institute of Technology or New England Technical Institute are automatically members of the NEIT Alumni Association. Your participation in the Alumni Association is critical to its success. Graduates’ input will determine what activities, events, and benefits will be offered to NEIT Alumni Association members. Please consider becoming an active member of this important organization. And the best news of all: There is no fee for membership. If you have any questions about the Alumni Association, please contact Steve Kitchin, Vice President for Corporate Education and Training at 401-739-5000, ext. 3433 or by email at PAGE 4 NEW ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Bermuda National Training Board (NTB) and the Ministry of Public Works provided sponsorship to five Bermudian students to attend NEIT. The students are enrolled in a variety of Automotive Technology programs. This newly launched technical education initiative by the Ministry recognizes the need for certified professionals. From Left: Noel Cann, Training and Assessment Officer at NTB, Dornielle Farrel, Dajon Carey, Minister Trevor Moniz, Sergio Richardson, Jonte Smith and Ricardo Dias. Alumni Benefits Graduates of New England Institute of Technology or New England Technical Institute are automatically registered as members of the NEIT Alumni Association. One alumni benefit is reduced insurance rates through Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. Liberty Mutual is offering group discount rates for auto and homeowner (home, condo, tenant) insurance. Liberty Mutual is a proud partner of the NEIT Alumni Association. For additional information, call 800-524-9400 or visit Victor Santiago explains the design for the fire station. Check your NEIT student email for weekly Student Activities and Announcements. Meet new people! Learn new things! Check out the list of student activities... For information about any of these activities, events, or starting a new club on campus, please contact Melissa Hague, Student Activities Coordinator, at 739-5000 extension 3565, by email at, or stop by her office on the EG Campus at the far end of the Food Court. Student Clubs on Campus Spring Quarter Activities Open Basketball The Kent County YMCA basketball gym has been rented on Fridays between 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (when classes are in session) for the exclusive use of currently enrolled NEIT students! Students must bring their NEIT student ID and must wear sneakers to participate. Kent County YMCA, 900 Centerville Road, Warwick, RI 02886. Blood Drives The RI Blood Center held a Blood & Marrow Drive on April 17. Every pint collected has the potential to save 3 lives. The next on campus blood drive will be held in July. The RI Blood Center appreciates all donations. community service. The Rotaract Club motto is “Service Above Self”. New England Tech students are encouraged to join the NEIT Rotaract Club if they have an interest in community service and volunteering, developing leadership and professional skills, interacting with rotary business leaders, and enhancing their resume. Join a movement of exceptional individuals who are using their skills, talents, and energy to help others. Spring 2013 meetings dates are week 4 - Thursday, April 25, week 6 - Thursday, May 9, and week 8 - Thursday, May 23, in room S338, on the EG Campus at 3:30 p.m. Chess Chess sets are available for students to use in the Student Lounge on the EG Campus! What’s your strategy? Will you make the right move? Challenge yourself in a game of chess. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to play! Tournament Schedule Ping Pong Tournaments EG Campus, Game Room: Tuesdays at 11:00am Week 4: April 23 Week 6: May 7 Post Road Campus, Student Lounge: Tuesdays at 10:00am Week 7: May 14 Students Win at RI SkillsUSA Awards Ceremony Pool Tournaments EG Campus, Game Room: Thursdays at 11:00am Week 5: May 2, Week 7: May 16 Post Road Campus, Game Room: Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. Week 4: April 25, Week 6: - May 9 Sign-up for the tournaments by emailing Melissa Hague at PAST EVENTS Rotaract Student Club attends East Greenwich Rotary’s 50th Anniversary Celebration The Rotaract Club is affiliated with the East Greenwich (EG) Rotary Club. Rotaract Club members had an excellent opportunity to develop leadership and professional skills by attending this event. Rotaract members interacted with community business leaders with related careers. The Rotaract Club has dedicated numerous hours of On Wednesday, March 27, 2013, the Rhode Island chapter of SkillsUSA held their annual awards ceremony at Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Providence, RI. First place winners will go to the national competition in Kansas City, MO, in June to compete against other top college students from across the country. New England Tech is pleased to announce that we have five gold medalists competing in the national competition this year. They are: Architectural Drafting 1st place: Rachael Calder Crime Scene Investigation – 3 person team 1st place: Sara Vincent, Alicia Caruso, Tamena Amini 2nd place: Greg Marshall, Tara Integlia, Jeff Willis Automotive Service Technology 1st place: Robert Perillo 2nd place: John Grioli 3rd place: Sam Anyzeski SkillsUSA is a national organization serving more than 264,500 high school and college students and professional members enrolled in training programs in technical, skilled, and service occupations, including health occupations. SkillsUSA programs include local, state, and national competitions. At the national championship, more than 4,500 students will compete in 77 occupational and leadership skill areas. NEIT Criminal Justice Club – Book Drive The NEIT Criminal Justice Club, we would like to thank all of you that responded to their book drive in memory of those that were killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary Get involved, meet new people, have fun, and have something to add to your resume. Check out the student website at http:// for more information. n Alpha Chi Honor Society n Criminal Justice Student Club School on December 14, 2012. As a result of your overwhelming support of this initiative, we were able to collect a total of 984 books. This far exceeded our initial goal. As many may know, Newtown was overwhelmed with donations and requested that any other donations be distributed locally in memory of the lives lost. Our books were donated to the West Warwick Public Library and the Hasbro Children’s Hospital and were accompanied by a framed NEIT Certificate acknowledging the donation made in memory of the lives lost at the Sandy Hook Elementary School December 14, 2012. Both locations will display the certificate and books will be affixed with a placard acknowledging the in memoriam. Anne McLaughlin, Head of Youth Services at the West Warwick Public Library, sent this picture of the donated books. The library thanks the Criminal Justice Club for thinking of them. n High Performance Club n IDSA Interior Design Student Alliance n Investment Club n New England Tech Golf Club n New England Tech STUDENT Pit Crew Club n Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society n Quadricycle Club n SkillsUSA Student Club n SOTA Club Student Occupational Therapy Association n SPTA Club Student Physical Therapist Assistant The Independent Game Developers of RI and the United States Air Force worked together at the East Greenwich campus to discuss the production of a transitional game project for the Air Force. They will design a variety of software prototypes that the Air Force will use to test transitional games as a training platform for US Airmen worldwide. Maj. Michael Bliss, standing, Sgt. Chris Kocinski, not pictured, and Sgt. Kyle Stackpole, seated, were on-hand to work with the team. New Clubs on Campus! Respiratory Care Club Advisor: Assistant Professor, Department Chair, Paul Mangino, The Respiratory Care Club gives members the opportunity to plan and get involved in extracurricular and social activities pertaining to respiratory care, learn about current respiratory care trends in the profession and community, and meet other students and people with a common interest. Associate’s Degree Programs n Applied Technical Studies n Architectural Building Engineering Technology n Automotive Technology n Automotive Collision Repair Technology We invite you to inquire about our programs: n Aviation Science Technology n Building Construction and Cabinetmaking Technology n Business Management Technology Name __________________________________________________________________________ n Clinical Medical Assistant Technology Address ________________________________________________________________________ n Criminal Justice Technology n Electrical Technology City _____________________________________________________________________________ n Electrical Technology with Renewable Energy Systems State & Zip ____________________________________________________________________ n Electronic Systems Engineering Technology n Game Development & Simulation Technology Phone_______________________________ Cell______________________________________ n Graphic Multimedia & Web Design Technology n Health Information Management Technology Email Address ________________________________________________________________ n Heating Technology NEIT is regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. n Information Technology Director of Admissions One New England Tech Blvd. East Greenwich, RI 02818-1205 Tel. 401-467-7744 or 1-800-736-7744 n Game Developers’ Network n Interior Design Technology n Marine Technology n Mechanical Engineering Technology n Network Engineering and Computer Servicing Technology n Nursing n Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology n Physical Therapist Assistant Technology n Plumbing Technology n Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Technology n Respiratory Care Technology n Software Engineering Technology n Surgical Technology n Veterinary Practice Management Technology* n Veterinary Technology n Video and Audio Production Technology n Video Game Design Technology Bachelor’s Degree Programs n Architectural Building Engineering Technology n Student Nurses’ Association n Respiratory care club n Rotaract Club n Tech Radio Student Club n Tech Record Club n Video and Animation Club n Veterinary Tech Club Are you interested in starting a new club? For more information contact: Melissa Hague, Student Activities Coordinator, n Automotive Service Management Technology n Business Management Technology n Criminal Justice Technology n Digital Recording Arts Technology n Electrical Engineering Technology n Electronics Engineering Technology n Game Development & Simulation Technology n Health Care Management Technology n Interior Design Technology n Mechanical Engineering Technology n Networking Technology n Programming Technology n Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science (Online) n Cyber Security Technology n Video Game Design Technology* Master’s Degree Programs n Information Technology *NEW PROGRAMS n Occupational Therapy tnews 4/13
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