Tech News Summer 2014 - New England Institute of Technology
SUMMER 2014Non-ProfitPage 1 Organization One New England Tech Blvd. East Greenwich, RI 02818-1205 OR CURRENT RESIDENT U. S. Postage Paid Permit No. 431 Warwick, R. I. SUMMER 2014 NEIT Students Bring Home The Gold Rachael Calder, Bronze Medalist, Architectural Drafting Raven Staplins, Gold Medalist, Crime Scene Investigation For the second consecutive year, New England Tech’s Criminal Justice Technology students have won the Gold Medal in Crime Scene Investigation at the SkillsUSA 50th annual National Leadership and Skills Conference held June 24-27, 2014, in Kansas City, Missouri. More than 6,000 students showcased their skill in 99 occupational and leadership competitions. Each event awards the top three individuals or teams with gold, silver, and bronze medals. This year’s Criminal Justice competitors, Kristine Gillespie, Bindi Patel, and Raven Staplins, expertly demonstrated the knowledge and proficiency required to earn the first place spot in the Crime Scene Investigation event. Three additional New England Tech students traveled to the SkillsUSA competition and earned awards in their respective events. Gold Medal winner, Amanda Balch, a Building Construction Technology student, won the Prepared Speech event. Rachael Calder earned a Bronze Medal in the Architectural Drafting competition. Peter Huckins placed sixth in the United States out of 47 competitors in the Automotive Service event. SkillsUSA is a national organization serving more than 300,000 high school and college students as well as professional members enrolled in training programs in technical, skilled, and service occupations, including health careers. The organization has 13,000 school chapters in 54 states and territorial associations serving more than 14,500 instructors and administrators. New England Tech serves as a post-secondary site for SkillsUSA students. Amanda Metzger, New England Tech’s Special Events Coordinator, and Criminal Justice Technology faculty member, Mike Pezzullo, accompanied the students to this year’s competition. The Rhode Island Chapter of SkillsUSA is the state’s largest career and technical student organization with a membership of more than 6,100 students and teachers. At the qualifying competition hosted by the Rhode Island Chapter this past spring, 82 Rhode Island high school and college students qualified for the national event by winning first place in their respective disciplines. Douglas H. Sherman, NEIT’s Senior Vice President and Provost stated, “We are very proud to see how well these outstanding students have represented New England Institute of Technology. With the guidance of our dedicated faculty, our students have all worked so hard to achieve these prestigious awards. Congratulations to everyone.” Kristine Gillespie, Gold Medalist, Crime Scene Investigation Bindi Patel, Gold Medalist, Crime Scene Investigation Peter Huckins, 6th Place, Automotive Service Amanda Balch, Gold Medalist, Prepared Speech The official launch of New England Tech’s Shipbuilding/Marine Trades and Advanced Manufacturing Institute (SAMI) was held on Monday, July 21, 2014, at New England Tech’s Post Road campus in Warwick, Rhode Island. Joining NEIT’s administration, faculty, and staff were Rhode Island’s congressional delegation, SAMI industry partners, and other invited guests. SAMI is funded in part by a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, $440,000 from the Governor’s Workforce Board, and a $50,000 award from the Rhode Island Foundation. SAMI was established to provide Rhode Island employers with a pipeline of skilled workers in the shipbuilding and advanced manufacturing industries. To date, 90% of the program completers are working in jobs with such employers as General Dynamics/ Electric Boat, Senesco Marine, Blount Boats, Guill Manufacturing, R.I. Carbide Tool, Pilgrim Screw Company, Maro Display Company, Swissline Precision, Porter Machine, and Aerotek Staffing Agency. SAMI staff and instructors worked closely with these employers to develop evaluation curricula, training programs, and laboratories designed to provide eligible unemployed Rhode Island residents with the skills needed to enter the workforce. Steven H. Kitchin, NEIT’s Vice President for Corporate Education and Training, served as the Master of Ceremonies. Guest speakers included Senator Jack Reed; Senator Sheldon Whitehouse; Congressman James Langevin; Congressman David Cicilline; Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian; Sean Davies, Facility Manager at Electric Boat; and SAMI graduate, Donnie Daniel, Jr. Following the christening of a submarine prototype built by SAMI students, guests were invited to tour the SAMI facilities. More than 100 individuals have contacted the SAMI office for possible enrollment in the training programs since the day of the launch. For more information on SAMI eligibility requirements, orientation information, and training program options, call 401-739-5000 ext. 3700 or visit Photos by Eddy Stahowiak Job Training to Job Offers Page 2 NEW ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Annette Niemczyk : A “Woman to Watch” NEIT graduate Annette Niemczyk received a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems Technology, Networking Concentration, in September, 2004, and an Associate in Science degree in Computer Servicing Technology in March, 2003. Since that time, Annette has worked at Envision Technology Advisors in Pawtucket, RI, for 11 years. Her hard work and dedication to the field of Information Technology was recently recognized by Providence Business News (PBN). Annette was nominated by the CEO of her company, Todd Knapp. She was named a “Woman to Watch” in the Technical Services category of this year’s Business Women Awards program from PBN. Annette joins 11 other award winners and 12 Achievement Honorees for 2014. As she stated, “I am honored to have been selected for this award. Technology has always been one of my passions, and it has been an amazing and rewarding experience climbing the ladder both technically and professionally with Envision.” Because of her commitment to excellence, Annette is reaping many rewards. She now shares her story with Tech News readers. What made you decide to attend NEIT? When I was first deciding on a career path, I was interested in Information Technology (IT) and athletics but knew that IT would be a better long term option. I had completed my freshman year at UMass Dartmouth. I was two weeks away from starting my sophomore year and decided that the IT program at UMass didn’t offer the courses I really wanted. I heard about New England Tech and quickly realized that its IT program was more focused in the areas I wanted to pursue, which is networking and infrastructure. I was impressed with the hands-on approach to learning as well. Because of the October start, the timing worked out perfectly for me. How did you choose your program? I was always interested in computers growing up, especially the physical characteristics. New England Tech’s networking program was very specific for what I wanted to do as a career. What did you do to get started with your career? One of my professors knew the owner of Envision Technology Advisors. During my last year at New England Tech, Envision was looking for interns, and my name came up. I worked as an intern from August, 2003 to September, 2004, at which time I graduated from NEIT. I got my business cards and was asked to come on full-time as an engineer! Internships are so important for students to get their careers going. Seeing the day-to-day operations of a company is so valuable. Tell us about your position. The company was growing quickly and because of my work ethic, I was promoted from Engineer to Senior Engineer within two years. In my current position as Senior Engineer, RN to BSN Program Earns National Accreditation New England Tech has received accredita- Graduates from NEIT’s Associate in Science tion by the Accreditation Commission for Edu- Degree in Nursing program are also eligible cation in Nursing (ACEN) for its fully on-line to enroll. This program prepares students for Registered Nurse to Bachelor leadership roles and graduate of Science in Nursing (RN to studies in Nursing. BSN) program. NEIT offers The RN to BSN program Rhode Island’s first and only is designed to be relevant, Accreditation Commission on-line RN to BSN program. engaging, and fun. Students for Education in Nursing Through this flexible prolearn as part of a connected gram, working registered nurses may earn their on-line community which provides support bachelor’s degree around their busy schedules. and broadens critical thinking while building camaraderie among other registered nurses. Quality Service Graduates of this program are prepared for Quality Service for students, employees positions in community health clinics, private and customers at New England Institute of practice, hospitals, and patient care facilities. Technology is knowledgeable and informed For more information on the RN to BSN employees working as a team to provide more assistance and information than expected, in program, contact the Admissions Office a caring and professional manner, in order to at 800-736-7744, 401-467-7744 or visit empower the students to achieve their goals. 5th Annual New England Tech Alumni Golf Tournament On Monday, July 14, 2014, NEIT hosted its 5th Annual New England Tech Alumni Golf Tournament at Alpine Country Club in Cranston, Rhode Island. An amazing field of 146 golfers participated in this sold out event. This year’s tournament generated interest beyond capacity. Despite the unprecedented large field of players, the round was played in record time. “The demand outweighed the supply”, said Joan Segerson, Director of Development/Alumni Relations. “We were sorry we had to turn foursomes away right up to the day of the tournament. That said, we were very excited about the overwhelming interest in the tournament.” Congratulation to this year’s winners: What do you feel ultimately prepared you for your position? My internship at Envision was the key to my success. It bridged the gap from book knowledge to real world experience. My classes were good, especially those that were hands-on. The hands-on classes really sparked my interest and made it stick! Do you have any advice for graduates who are just beginning their job search? My biggest piece of advice is to be hungry to learn. That motivation and drive you need to get through the learning process at the entry level will get you to the next level. You have to be willing to put in the effort upfront to get what you want in the end. You have to earn where you want to go. It just doesn’t happen. What can current students do to better prepare themselves for jobs in this field? Get out and look for internships. Look for industry exposure. That is the biggest thing a student can do. All the certifications are great, but getting practical real-world exposure is what counts. Civil Engineering Technology Begins This Fall October 6, 2014, marks the start of New England Tech’s new Associate in Science Degree program in Civil Engineering Technology (CET). Graduates of this program may matriculate into the Bachelor of Science Degree program in Civil Engineering Technology currently being developed. The new CET program will prepare graduates to serve as an integral member of the engineering and construction team. A civil engineering technologist designs, engineers, analyzes, and assists in the supervision of building construction and infrastructure projects such as roadways, bridges, and environmental facilities. The program emphasizes the practical application of construction technology and engineering principles that include the engineering, economic, safety, technical, and aesthetic requirements of a project while applying the scientific and technical aspects of materials, soils, planning, surveying, structures, environmental systems, and construction. CET courses will focus on civil engineering technology fundamentals including: computer aided drafting such as AutoCAD Civil 3D, construction documents, estimating, materials, structural analysis and design, surveying, and soil mechanics. Students will also conduct field and laboratory testing on civil engineering materials and use computer applications to solve technical problems. Interested individuals may contact NEIT’s Admissions office at 800-736-7744, 401-467-7744 or visit A “Round” of Applause First Place, Flagship Staffing; Second Place, Shawmut Design and Construction; Third Place, Saccoccio & Associates. The financial success of the tournament is attributed to the continued commitment of the tournament sponsors, players, and prize donors raising more than $83,000. Net proceeds from the event will benefit the NEIT Alumni Scholarship Fund. A special thank you goes to Platinum Sponsor, Terry Regan, President of Regan Heating & Air Conditioning, and Titanium Sponsor, Vincent Rossi, President of Rossi Electric and a 1984 NEIT grad. They have been dedicated sponsors of this event since its inception in 2010. All tournament sponsors provide signifi- From left: Doug Sherman, NEIT’s Senior Vice President and Provost, with Matt Regan and Terry Regan of Regan Heating & Air Conditioning I provide IT services in the areas of infrastructure, security, networking, and virtualization. I work with two types of clients. First, I work with clients on their day-to-day operations, which involves consulting and helping them build their business from a technical aspect. These duties may include hands-on work or depending on the size of the company, I may be consulting with the IT Department developing its strategy. For the second type of client, I work as an engineer executing high level projects from start to finish. cant financial support. It’s with sincere gratitude that we acknowledge their continued commitment and support of NEIT students. Dinner Sponsor: Shawmut Design & Construction; Gold Sponsor: DiFazio Site Corp; Silver Sponsors: Adler Pollock & Sheehan PC, Atrion Networking Corporation, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Chartwells, DiPrete Engineering Associates, Inc., DiSanto Priest & Co., and Ruggieri Brothers, Inc./Synet; Bronze Sponsors: Anodyne Corp., Delta Dental of RI, Inc., Dennis F. Leonardo Builders, Inc., Liberty Mutual Insurance, Roney & Labinger LLC, TD Bank, and United Health; Cart Sponsor: Portfolio Strategy Group; Grille/Lunch Sponsor: RICOH USA, From left: Vin Rossi of Rossi Electric with Rocky McDonough and John McDonough Inc.; Hat Sponsor: WB Mason; and Print Sponsor: OmniColor Printing. Unfortunately, no one got a hole-inone but it was great having a BMW as the hole-in-one prize provided by Inskip-BMW. Snacks and beverages were provided by Foley Food Services, Ocean Spray Cranberries, and Chartwells. Special thanks to the NEIT Golf Committee and volunteers who made the 5th Annual NEIT Alumni Golf Tournament a success in many ways. Mark your calendar for Monday, July 13, 2015, as we host the 6th Annual NEIT Alumni Golf Tournament at Alpine Country Club and celebrate New England Tech’s 75th Anniversary. 1st Place Winners, Flagship Staffing TECH NEWS Summer 2014 Page 3 The Best of the Best The 17th annual Best of Tech Awards was held on April 25, 2014, at NEIT’s East Greenwich campus. Each year, the Office of Teaching and Learning recognizes outstanding students from each program based on their academic and personal achievements. Department Chairs nominate students that meet the established criteria which include eligibility to graduate in May, 2014, outstanding academic achievement, extracurricular activities, volunteering within the community, overcoming obstacles, and the ability to serve as a positive role model. Tamena Amini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ David M. Balls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EST Darren Bathgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT Ryan A. Beaulieu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITS Jonathan R. Benoit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OTA Andrew M. Biederka. . . . . . . . . . . . . ASM Renee M. Breton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST Alexander D. Byrnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . GDS Silas J. Campbell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VDVA Francis Carbah Jr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITN Thomas G. Cute III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CYB RichardJ. Flores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ Bryan Howard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELY Peter D. Huckins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAUT Jameson Infantino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAHP Shawn L. Isom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MGT Joseph J. Jannerelli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLB Brian H. Josephs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MCT Lisa A. Lagreca. . . . . . . GMW Multimedia Tawan M. LaRiviere . . . . . . . . . . . . . CMA Shanice L. Lobo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RC Erik P. Lougee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITS Caitlin Lucke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID Jessica McMahon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NUR Jason Meyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAC Andrew S. Miele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABT Casey Morle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OT Tonya Nappa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NUR Ian E. Olson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABT Whitney M. Phillips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MT Matthew S. Pochebit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . VET Thomas Prenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELT Sean P. Resendes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACR Louis Rossi, III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MCT Kejon Sampson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CMT Tiffany A. Samuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITN Peter T. Sauvageau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PTA Colleen Short. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID KaidianV. Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DRA Kathryn A. Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VDEA Vanio Tavares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VAP Brandy K. Taylor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EHR LaShanna Taylor Sweeney . . . . . . . . MGT David R. Whynot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BCC Stephanie Witt. . . . . . . . . . . GMW Graphic In addition, Best of Tech award recipients may also apply for one of five prestigious Tech Scholar Awards. Tech Scholars are selected by a panel of NEIT administrative staff and faculty who evaluate each of the candidate’s applications. The Best of Tech award offers recipients the opportunity to highlight this achievement on their resumes giving them an advantage as they seek employment in their chosen fields. Congratulations to the 2014 Best of Tech recipients and Tech Scholars. 2014 Tech Scholars pictured with Doug Sherman, NEIT Senior Vice President and Provost, are (from left): Peter T. Sauvageau, Louis Rossi III, Tamena Amini, and Richard J. Flores. Front row: Alexander D. Byrnes. Congratulations to First EHR Grads NEIT’s Associate in Science Degree in Electronic Health Records (EHR) Technology program prepares students to maintain, collect, and analyze patients’ health information data. EHR technicians ensure the quality, accuracy, accessibility, and security of health information data, and they regularly communicate with physicians and other healthcare professionals to clarify diagnoses or to obtain additional information. The Electronic Health Record Technology curriculum combines elements of healthcare, business, and information technology. Students are trained using EHR software applications to maintain data on patient safety, patterns of disease, disease treatment and outcomes for biomedical statistics. Electronic Health Record technicians’ duties vary with the size and scope of the medical facility such as physicians’ offices, long-term care facilities, outpatient care centers, home healthcare services, hospitals, managed care organizations, government agencies, behavioral health facilities, and insurance companies. The first cohort of Electronic Health Records Technology students graduated in May, 2014. The Electronic Health Records Technology program is a 6 quarter program that may be completed in as little as 18 months. Graduates may sit for the Certified Electronic Health Record Specialist (CEHRS) examination administered by the National Health Career Association and the more advanced Certified Professional in Electronic Health Records (CPEHR) examination administered by Health IT Certification. For more information on New England Tech’s EHR Technology program, contact the Admissions Office at 800-7367744, 401-467-7744 or visit Congratulations to: (front row) Robin-Ann Houle with Assistant Professor/Department Chair, Paul Mangino; (middle row) Colleen Johnson, Brandy Taylor, and Laurie Ferreira; (back row) Chris Connell, Theresa DeCorpo, Regina Roberts, and Evan McAreavey. Page 4 NEW ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Electrical Engineers are in Demand The Career Services Office hosted the first annual Building Trades Employer Day on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, at the Post Road campus focusing on Building Construction, Refrigeration/AC & Heating, Plumbing & Heating, Construction Management, and Electrical Technologies. NEIT current students and alumni spoke with managers and recruiters about potential full-time and part-time opportunities. There were 16 companies in attendance and most reconnected with students and grads that submitted resumes or applications at the event. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Vet Tech Career Fair Tuesday, September 16, 2014 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Post Road Campus, Student Lounge (Open to all current NEIT students and alumni for Vet Tech Program) Health Sciences Career Fair Monday, October 20, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon East Greenwich Campus, Tech Way, 3rd floor (Open to all current NEIT students and alumni for Allied Health Programs) Tech Nite Open Houses Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Dean’s List Emilson A Abotsi.................AUB Abdelrahman Abunar........... ITA Daniel J Acton...................RACH Francisco J Adames.......... MGTA Ryan E Adams.................... AAUT Kayode D Adebayo................ ITA Zachary Aiello...................VDEB Jesse D Aitken..................... AUT Ralph T Akanni..................... ITA Wayne S Alexander............RACH Matthew E Allard.............. MCTB Kezia J Allen.........................IDB Brendan S Almeida............ CYBT Danilo S Alves....................RACH Ryan M Alves.........................ITS Peter W Amylon....................VAP David A Anderson Jr............. ITA Sabrina M Andrade...........MGTB Francisco E Andujar........... ITBS Tyree Armstrong..................AUB Jenna L Arzoumanian.............ST Courtney L Avellar................NUR Edward J Avery Jr............... AAUT Anthony J Badessa............ MGTA Kevin Baez............................ ITA Ryan C Bahnsen....................VAP Rianna M Bailey..................NUR Kendal A Bain.......................AST Amanda L Balch................. BCM Sergio A Ball......................... ITA Steven D Ballirano.................ITS David M Balls.....................ELTB Rebecca A Banach..................ST Shannon E Bandarra...........NUR Nicholas P Banker............ MCTB Eric M Bardin....................... ELY Justin A Barreira....................ITS Jacob A Barrios.................VGDA Justin A Barros.................. ABTA Nicholas A Beauregard..... MCTB Matthew J Beck.................VGDA Kristopher W Becker.........ABTB Stas A Belch............................ CJ Anthony F Belmonte III......VGDA Aaron J Beltram................MGTB Elizabeth A Bemis.............. CYBT Cole J Bentley......................BCD Jonathan E Bernier............VGDA Nathaniel D Berry................. ITA Francisco J Bettencourt......ITBN Stephanie N Billington......GMWA Kasey L Birtz.........................VET Ryan D Bishop...................GDSB Shelley K Blanchard..............VET Matthew J Boccanfuso..........PTA Andrew L Bodell................ AAUT Sarah Leigh Boettner............PTA Matthew D Bolles..............GDSB Christopher Borges............ELTB Marc J Bousquet..................AUB Roland A Bousquet..............NUR Matthew G Bowen................. ITA Kimberly L Bowman.............VET Harrison J Braley..................VAP John R Braley......................DRA Christopher C Bray............GDSB Nicholas J Brecken..............BCD Rachel N Briggs.....................ITS Raymond L Brigham...........ESTA Thomas A Brindamour.......ITBN Amanda L Brown..................IDA David Brown......................ESTA Jason A Brown....................ITBN Kyle Brown.........................ELRE William J Brown Jr............... ELY Domenic F Bruzzi................... CJ John D Bryce Jr.................VGDA Ryan M Burkart.....................ITS Frederick C Butts Jr............ ITBS Garrett J Byerly Jr..............MCTA Preston G Cabral..................PTA Mishonette A Cadore......... ABTA Brandon A Camara............RACH Silas J Campbell.................GDSB Justin G Caras...................... OTA Francis M Carbah Jr.......... CYBT DaJon A Carey...................ASMB Andrew A H Carney........... MCTB Chandler V Caron..............VGDA Kevin Carrier Jr...................... CJ Kristy B Cartwright............. ABTA Vania L Carvalho.................. OTA Emily A Casey......................CMA Kara E Casey........................NUR Rebecca M Casey................. OTA Deborah J Castelli...................ST Anthony M Catanzaro.............. CJ Garrett H Cebry.................VGDA Amanda L Celeste...................ST Stephanie L Chalke...............VAP Daniel D Champagne......... AAUT Rebecca A Champagne........NUR Mariline K Chantre........... MGTA Cynthia T Charron............... OTA Marcelo J Chavez...............MCTA Eric M H Chou................... AAUT The first cohort from NEIT’s Bachelor of Science Degree program in Electrical Engineering Technology (ELT) graduated in May, 2014. This program was designed as a result of numerous requests from local southern New England employers for graduates with automation and control experience. The bachelor’s level program was designed for those students who already possess an associate degree in fields related to Electronics or Electrical Technology. This program began in October, 2012, and is an accelerated 18 month curriculum. The ELT program is a unique combination of traditional electronics and electrical skill sets to include microcontrollers, automation systems, electrical design, and process control emphasizing a hands-on, practical approach to the mastery of the skills needed in the electrical engineering industry. At the conclusion of the program, students are expected to develop and synthesize their own design project demonstrating the applied skills acquired throughout the program. Students also have the opportunity to complete an internship in the field. The ELT program is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). ABET is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) as the organization responsible for the accreditation of educational programs leading to degrees in engineering, engineering technology, computing, and applied science. Today’s employers are seeking highly skilled technicians in the manufacturing and engineering fields. In response, New England Tech has recently added high tech systems used in industry to provide enhanced handson training to students. The Instron 5982 Advanced Mechanical Testing System will give students the opportunity to evaluate mechanical properties of materials and components used in a variety of industries. For more information on the many engineering technology programs available at New England Tech, visit Video Student Wins National Contest Harrison Braley wanted to give his mom, Danielle, something special for Mother’s Day this year. And that he did! Using the skills he learned in NEIT’s Video and Audio Production Technology program, Harrison entered the 2014 CertainTeed Exterior Living Spaces® Home Makeover Contest. Each year CertainTeed invites homeowners to submit 30 to 90 second videos that showcase why their home needs a makeover using the company’s expansive line of home improvement products. Harrison used his creativity and filmed and edited his 1½ minute video, “Nightmare on My Street”. Harrison’s mom explained, “He used a sepia filter depicting “scary” conditions of our home that included rotting window sills, peeling paint and even “creepy” critter damage accompanied by eerie background music and descriptive subtitles.” His video qualified for the final round by placing in the Top 10 as selected by Facebook users. CertainTeed’s panel of judges chose the Grand Prize finalists based on creativity (70%), theme (20%) and need (10%). Congratulations to Harrison for winning a special second place prize that included installation of siding, trim, and roofing products for his home, as well as $500 for the videographer! Needless to say, the Braley family was extremely excited. Harrison’s video may be viewed on CertainTeed’s Facebook page. Harrison Braley Special Olympians Learn Automotive Skills With the help of volunteer Automotive Technology students, faculty and staff, 12 Special Olympians visited NEIT’s Center for Automotive Technology for six weeks. In two hour sessions, one day per week, the Olympians learned basic automotive skills that included car maintenance such as cleaning, basic lighting and safety checks. Michael Isabella, Assistant Professor in Automotive Technology, along with Dr. Robin Schutt, Assistant Provost, developed this innovative program. Special thanks to students Tom Rawlinson, Joe Zing, Zack Casper, Mike Hogan, Wayne Turley Jr., Daniel Champagne, and Jake Gelacek, along with faculty and staff members Herb Gowdey, Derek Martel, Norm Messinger, Dan Perry and Donald Champigny, Sr., for sharing their time and talent with the Special Olympians and giving back to our community. The following students have achieved academic excellence for the quarter ending June 7, 2014. These full-time students have been placed on the Dean’s List for achieving a GPA of 3.6 or higher on a maximum scale of 4.0. Congratulations to all. Courtney H Christiansen Manier..........VDEB Eileenvanessa D Chum.........HIM Christopher N Churchill..... VDVA Frank D Ciliberto............... AAUT Nicole M Cioffi......................CJB Grace M Clancy...................HIM Alan M Clark......................ELRE Jennifer L Coba................. MGTA Kevin F Coelho...................... ITA Patricia M Collette...............NUR Christopher J Collins............ITN JJ Connolly..........................VPM Christopher J Consiglio..... CMTB Bethany A Cooke.................NUR Cameron C Copeman.........VGDA Andre A Cordeiro.............. CYBT Keri J Corrow.........................ST Laurel R Cost.......................CMA Sean L Couepel..................VDEB Aaron A Cournoyer............VDEB Robert H Courtens..............ITBN Joshua R Coutu.................. CYBT Dawn Marie Coyro...............NUR Lisa M Criscione...................VET Laura A Crowley................ABTB Raymind D Cruz...................ITN Matthew C Culbertson...........VAP Kimberly DaCosta...................ST Kevin P Daly......................... ELY Jason B Dargie..................... ELY Abigail M DaSilva..................VET Kyle J Daun...........................ITN Miguel F DeAlmeida........... ITBS Holly A Dean....................... OTA Douglas L DeAngelis..............MT Michael A deBettencourt... AAUT Ashley J deFigueiredo.............ST Brayan Delacruz...................VAP Carla D Demb......................NUR Stephany L DePina............... OTA Cheryl A Derlien..................HIM Thomas P Desrosiers.........ASMB Alyssa N Dessler.................... RC Brian E Dias.......................ITBN Roger E Diaz.....................VGDA Martin T Dillon III................ ITA Peter DiNapoli........................ST Gary A DiNicola................ MCTB John-Michael Diosa.........GMWB Edward P DiPasquale........... ELY Michael L DiPasquale........RACH Steven M Dippolito Jr...........ITN John R DiVerdi...................ELRE Keith M Doherty...................PTA Allyson T Dolan................ MGTA Joanna A Donofrio............GMWA Deshawn E Donovan...........ITBN Tony Douangmala................. ITA Quentin J Doyonnas...........VGDA Jonathan L Dubeau............ VDVA Adam A Duderewicz..........GDSB Denise N Dujon...................NUR Michael J Durand............. MCTB Natasha C Durand................ OTA Edward L Eacueo..................VAP Cheryl J Ebbinghaus.............. RC Tyler J Edelman.....................ITS Abdallah M El-Lakis............ESTA Elisha M Eldred...................CMA Jesse E Emerson.................. OTA Kelsey C Emmett................VDEB Stephanie L Enderby.............PTA Timothy E Enos.................. ABTA Tatiane Espada...................... RC Craig S Everitt Jr................VDEB Alden J R Falcone................AHP Mark A Falter....................... ITA John J Falvey IV.................... ITA Adam J Faucher.................MCTA Amanda L Felkel.....................ST Daniel W Fillingim............ MCTB Jordan A Fish........................ ITA Andrew M Fishman...........GMWA Michael J Fiyod.....................ITN Joshua E Flanigan............... BCM Joseph R Flaquel.................. ITA Robert A Fleury.................VDEB Jacqueline T Flooks.............NUR Katie K Fogarty......................PTA Raymond J Folgo...................MT John Ford IV.........................ITN Sean M Foster................... MCTB Chelsey J Fournier................ ELY Jack F Fowler....................... ITA Catherine Freitas..................IDB Jonathan S French................ ELY Bryan C Fricot................... ABTA Jacob J Fryzel.................... ABTA Corey J Furtado.................... ITA Kevin J Furtado..................VDEA David M Gagliardi..............MCTA Steven J Gagne....................ELTB Jason Gagnon......................NUR Kimberly Gammell................IDB Shaun M Gannon.................. ITA Jorge D Garcia.................... ITBS Kayla L Gardner V..................PM Chavo G Garland.................ELRE Sarah D Gautreau................ OTA Edward G Gauvin............... CYBT Evertone A Gayle............... MGTA Jake A Gelacek.................. AAUT David L Genest Jr..................PTA Byron K Geoffrey............... CYBT Patrick Gleavey.................GMWA Daniel W Goldsmith.............DRA Idilia M Gomes....................HIM Nelitza Gonzalez.................. OTA Nicholas Gosselin..............VGDA Stephen A Gossmann........GMWA Megan N Goyette...................VET Jonathan S Graban................PTA Jacob J Gray......................... ITA Thomas M Greatorex............ ITA Lawrence Green Jr...............AUB Cameron D Greenwood.....MCTA Christopher R Gregory.......... ITA Joshua T Grizzel................... ITA Emily S Gruszkowski............PTA Beau J Guidry....................... ITA Jose I Guzman.....................BCD Benjamin W Hadley...........MCTA Nicholas C Hafford............VGDA Julie A Hale.........................NUR David R Hall..................... MGTA Michael E Hall.................... ITBS Timothy A Handy.............. MGTA Daniel J Hankey.................VGDA Ean A Hansen.....................ITBN Vishnu R Harnarine...........MCTA Kevin C Harrop..................... ITA Alicia H Hartman.................HIM Shannen M Hawksley...........CMA Kerrilynn Hayes................... OTA Harold A Hazard................RACH Jonathan J Henderson.........DRA Matthew P Henriques........RACH Nathan D Henry....................ITN Korey J Heron..................... ITBS Jillian L Hersey.................... OTA Evan A Hickey....................... ITA Steven P Hicks...................AAHP Tanja A Higson.......................ST William D Hollinghurst Jr...ASMB Daniel M Holmes.................. ELY Brant T Holt..........................ITS Kimberly K Horan................HIM Steven A Horibin................GDSB Roger B Houle III..............GDSB Aaron W Hoydich............. CMTB Danielle M Hubbard............ OTA Peter D Huckins................ AAUT John R Humes...................... ITA Jason H Husnander.............. ITA Alysha M Hutchinson............IDA Matthew J Irvine................MCTA Sundas Izhar........................ ITA Tyler J Jabaut.....................AAHP Corey J Jackson................... OTA Kimberly D Jackson.............. ITA Silvia R Jacobowitz...............PTA Sean Jacobson................... ABTA Jillian A Jaena.......................VET Louis M Jardin......................VAP Rashard S Jean-Michel...... AAUT Matthew H Jesus................ ABTA David A Jimenez................ CYBT Amy M Johnson.................... ITA Brian R Johnson....................MT Chelsey A Johnson.............VDEB Sonya M Johnson..................VET Maurice D Jones................PLBH Glenn D Josephides...........AAHP David A Joynt........................PTA Eric K Jussaume..............GMWB Robert J Kaminsky................ ITA Kelly A Kania........................ OTA Thomas W Karnau.............. ITBS Christopher F Kayrouz.......... ITA Jack Kayrouz.....................GDSB Vincent Kel...........................ST Megan R Kelley....................NUR James M Kelly....................... ITA William D Kent.....................ITN Kenneth R Kenyon............ MGTA Joshua M Keyes.....................ITS Cassandra Kielczewski....... AAUT Joshua R Kingman................PTA Alexander T Kinn...................MT Stanley R Klein.....................NUR Marcie A Knight...................HIM Randy L Knoff........................MT Alexander J Kohler..............DRA Cheryl L Kowalczyk...............IDB Allison L Krystofolski............PTA Andrew J Ladouceur..........GDSB Daniel J Lanoue III............... ELY Andre L Lapierre................ITBN Samantha E Lavallee.........GMWA Andrew Laychak................GDSB Danny Le............................ELRE Nora R LeBlanc....................VET Paul J Leger.......................VGDA Joshua T LeGoff.................. ITBS Jeffrey T Lenihan...............RACH Max F Lenzner....................ELRE Jessica R LeVasseur..............CJB Samuel J Levy..................... BCM James E Lewis......................... CJ Yi-Wen Liang.......................CMA Nicholas Libucha.................. ITA David E Lindstrom Jr.............MT Eann R Liska......................AAST Chang Liu............................. ITA Russell J Locke..................... ITA Kira M Lollar..................... ABTA Joseph G Lombardi.............ITBN Joshua J Loper...................RACH Dawn M Lorenz......................ST Erik Lougee........................ ITBS Michael A Lovice.................. ITA Jessica T Lowe..................... OTA Kassandra E Lufkin..........GMWG Jessica L Lundquist..........GMWB William C Lyon................... ABTA Leonard A Macari................. ELY Matthew J MacArthur............PTA Kimberly S MacCue..............NUR Brian J MacDonald............... ITA Cameron A MacIntosh.......... ELY Brittany E Madden...............VPM Nicholas J Mancini..............AUB Rory L Manier................... CYBT Peter A Manooshian..........GDSB Amanda M Manton...............PTA Ethan H Markham................ ITA Christopher R Martin..........ELRE Brett A Martins.................. ABTA Carol L Martins................. MGTA Rachael A Marzano.............. OTA Alex R Mathieu..................RACH Amanda M Mathieu.............CMA Scott P May........................PLBH Joseph C McCain................ELRE Jeffrey C McCann................ESTA Meghan M McClain...............VET Shauna S McClenny.............HIM Stephen J McCormick......... ITBS Ryan M McGrath............... CMTB Martyna McMahon..............CMA Andrew Mega....................AAHP Ashley E Meizoso................. OTA Michael D Mello................ CYBT Moises Menendez................... CJ Joshua T Miller..................... ITA Sunny Mistry...................... AAUT Mari L Mitchell.......................ST Amira Mohamed...................IDA Christian R Molina.................ITS Michael J Mon...................... ITA Liana R Moniz..................... OTA James M Montesano..........AAHP Robin M Mooney............... CYBT Geoffrey R Morneau...........ELRE Jason C Moroney..............GMWA Phillip D Morrell...............VDEB Julie Morriseau.................... ITA Matthew A Mousseau........ MGTA Jill M Muir........................GMWA Carmelia Mulso...................CMA Marc J Murphy.....................VAP Makayla M Myers................ OTA David A Nacci Jr................ABTB Michael A Napoleoni............ ITA Scott A Nedeau.................GMWA Candon T Needham...........GDSB Samantha L Nelson..............NUR Jeffrey Neto........................MCTA Laysa Neto............................. RC Andrew W Niedfeldt............ELTB Lloyd W Nieforth.....................ST John-Oscar Nilsson............VGDA Andrew Nitschke...............PLBH Carolyn F Norman...............CMA Joney F Norris....................... RC Daniel C Nye...................... AAUT Hilary K O›Connell...............NUR Ryan P O›Connell.............MGTB Jillian M Oliveira.................NUR Connor J Olson................. CMTB Ian E Olson.......................ABTB Ryan P Ortega....................PLBH Eric C Osial......................... BCC James R Paiva....................RACH Holli A Palacio.....................HIM Sherika C Parfitt................. ITBS Joshua Parker...................VGDA Colin E Parkhurst............. MCTB Alexander D Parrillo..........PLBH Benjamin C Parrillo...........AAHP Ankur H Patel.....................ITBN Naitik C Patel.........................ITS Laura B Patterson................ OTA Michael A Paulhus.............. ITBS Dustin W Pearce................MCTA Anthony B Pelleccione............ CJ Eric J Pelletier.................... ITBS TECH NEWS Summer 2014 Page 5 Where your former classmates are The Career Services Office can attest to the fact that they are working in very exciting jobs! We wish them continued success in their careers and all of their future endeavors. BMW of North America visited the Center for Automotive Technology at NEIT’s Access Road campus on Thursday, August 7, 2014, to speak with more than 75 students about the BMW STEP program for technicians. Charles Klasman, from the BMW Headquarters in Woodcliff Lake, NJ, along with Charlie Antoniou, Service Manager of BMW of Shrewsbury, MA, presented three sessions regarding job opportunities and career paths that BMW has to offer NEIT graduates. BMW recruits automotive and collision repair graduates to work in its dealerships throughout the country and has been a longtime employer with NEIT. Many NEIT graduates have established careers as BMW Master Technicians. RI Realtors® Learn New Skills Calling All Robotics Teams Students in grades 7-12 interested in the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) are invited to form a FIRST® Tech Challenge robotics team through their middle school, high school, home school, civic group, or after-school program. The 2014-2015 FIRST® Tech Challenge Kick-Off will take place on Saturday, September 6, 2014, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at New England Tech’s East Greenwich campus, located at One New England Tech Blvd. Students involved in FIRST® gain a working knowledge of the use of science and technology in the real world while gaining important life skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communications, and teamwork. Participating students tend to show an increased interest in STEM-related careers, focus more attention on school success, and realize the importance of pursuing a college education. To learn more about starting a team and grants available for new teams, visit The 2014-2015 FIRST® Tech Challenge State Tournament will take place on Saturday, February, 7, 2015, at NEIT’s Center for Automotive Technology, 101 Access Road, Warwick, RI. Last year, more than 35 teams competed. New this season will be three qualifier mini tournaments scheduled for November 22, 2014, December 6, 2014, and January 3, 2015, at NEIT’s East Greenwich campus. These events will feature Rhode Island middle and high school teams in an all-day competition. Erin Flynn from New England Institute of Technology serves as the R.I. FIRST® Tech Challenge Affiliate Partner. She may be reached at 401-739-5000, ext. 3462, or via email at For more information on FIRST®, visit Thomas J Pelletier............. AAUT Gabrielle J Pensis.................VET Jamie M Penta..................... OTA Martina Pereira....................PTA Nathan S Pereira...................PTA Wilson Perez..................... ABTA Benjamin A Perry................DRA Ian S Perry........................... ITA Andre M Petrarca.................. RC Stephen M Petrarca............ELTB Daniel Pettus......................ITBN Natalia R Phillip...................... CJ Melanie E Phyfe....................PTA Gregory A Pickering..........MCTA Lynda C Pierce..................... OTA David A Pietraszka................. RC Nathan A Pike....................RACH Heather L Pion....................NUR Kaitlyn L Poitras..................... RC Divardy J Polanco................AHP John J Pommenville Jr.......RACH Kimberly L Price............... MGTA Kristie J Quinn..................... OTA Michael F Quinn...................ITN Van J Ramgeet................... ABTA Shawn H Rattenni..............AAHP Alexandra A Rego................ OTA Colby A Rei........................GDSB Cliff Reis..............................NUR Stephanie A Renaud............. OTA Corinthia A Robbins..........VGDA Jonathan R Robert...............DRA Franklin G Roberts III.....GMWG Ronald E Robin.................RACH Joseph E Rocheleau............. OTA Jonathan Rodriguez Jr.......... ITA Jonathan Rosario.................AHP Connie Rose..................... MGTA Raymond J Ross................... ITA Douglas R Roth.................VGDA Alyssa J Rounds................... OTA Molly M Rowland.................VAP Chad Rymer............................ST Joshua Salmon..................ASMB David G Salvati................... AAUT Naveed M Sameja..............GDSB Holly A Santiago..................NUR Isabella M Santoro...............VET Marc W Sarazin.................... ITA Timothy W Scanlon...............VAP Jonathan M Schoen............ ITBS Cory J Scothon...................... ITA Donald Scott....................... BCM Michael R Scull.................... ITA Brandon A Segel................... ITA Matthew Senra...................... ITA Vincent C Serio.....................PTA Jasmin A Serrano.................... CJ Casey R Sharps.................. VDVA Timothy J Shaw.....................VAP Alexandra Shea.................... OTA Heather M Shea...................NUR Tiffany L Sherman................... CJ Stacey L Shimkus.................NUR Stephen M Shinto................BCD Jessica L Shoe......................DRA Brieona Silva.......................HIM Christina J Silva...................NUR Emily R Silverman................VAP Yonas H Sima.....................ELRE Jeremy D Simons...............VDEB Brent R Skaling...................BCD Leora D Sliney...................... ITA Dario D Smith...................RACH Kathryn A Smith.................VDEB Natalie E Smith.....................IDA Robert P Smith....................HIM Alvaro E Soto Oyola.............. ITA Nathalie L Soukamneuth......NUR Savannah Sousa...................... CJ Noel Souza........................RACH Stephanie C Sparrow..............ST Matthew G Speidel..............ITBN Jason K Spencer................RACH Mark E St. Jean...................ESTA Robert J St.Thomas...............VAP Stephanie M Stockwell.......... ITA Garrett A..................... STone MT John M Stonely.................. AAUT Karissa J Surprenant......... MGTA Once again, New England Tech’s East Greenwich campus was the host site for the 2014 RI REALTORS® Conference and Expo held on June 26. This annual event is free to Rhode Island realtors and has been a great success since its inception in 2011. With more than 30 workshops from which to choose, realtors created their own customized programs focusing on topics that best suited their needs and interests. The Expo floor was filled with the latest in technology, lending, marketing, and more. Local and national real estate service providers were on hand to demonstrate the newest tools to assist the realtors in their daily operations. NEIT faculty members presented various workshops on home construction throughout the day. Special thanks to Rick Heffernan, HVAC; Ed Conway, Electrical; and Steve Jason, Plumbing for sharing their knowledge and expertise with the realtors. Alumni Benefits All alumni are automatically registered as members of the NEIT Alumni Association. We value our graduates’ ideas regarding events, workshops, and benefits that may be made available to alumni. Please forward your suggestions to Joan Segerson, Director of Development and Alumni Relations at or call 401-739-5000, ext. 3704. A valuable benefit available to NEIT alumni is special insurance rates through Liberty Mutual Insurance and AFLAC. Liberty Mutual is offering group discount rates for auto and homeowner (home, condo, and tenant) insurance. AFLAC provides supplemental insurance to cover costs of daily living expenses when unable to work due to illness or injury. Both Liberty Mutual and AFLAC are proud partners of the NEIT Alumni Association. For more information about Liberty Mutual’s insurance programs, call 800-524-9400 or visit To learn how AFLAC can protect you and your family, call 888-323-3410 or visit the NEIT/AFLAC website at Holly L Sutton...................... OTA Brian M Szczur..................VGDA Matthew R Tackels.................MT Kyle A Tameirao..................ESTA Phillip G Tantimonico...........PTA Jonathan Taskin.................... ITA Joshua J Tatalo..................MCTA Erin E Tavares.....................NUR Eyram E Tay.......................GDSB Nicholas R Terlizzi..............ESTA Mark J Thistle.................... CYBT Dylan J Thompson.............MCTA Jayne K Thompson..................ST Cambria E Tisdale...................ST Cynthia A Turillo..................NUR Wayne A Turley Jr.............. AAUT Sarah Turner..........................ST James E Ulanski.................PLBH Saskiah S Vargas-Walton....MCTA Walter H Vaughn IV.............DRA Lawrence R Velino III........GDSB Domenic Verte..................MGTB Jose M Vieira......................... RC Tiago M Vital......................ITBN Joseph A Vitelli...................ITBN Mark D Viveiros...................BCD James M Vojick..................GDSB Jared J Walker...................MCTA Michael D Ward....................ITN Michael A Waring.............. CYBT Alumni may also take advantage of savings on their electrical bill through Gulf Electricity. Gulf offers low, fixed rates as well as reliable service that is transmitted right over existing power lines and delivered by the customer’s current utility company. There are no interruptions in service, no billing changes, no need for appointments or equipment installations. For more information visit Denise N Weidemann............ ITA Zachary R Weisenhorn.......... ITA Linda D Wells...................... OTA Ryan X Wells...................... AAUT Sara N Welton....................... ITA Darrell L Wengler..............ASMB Angela R West......................NUR Ian W Wheeler.................... ITBS William J White................... ITBS Stephen J Whittaker................ST Mark T Wieland...................BCD Vanessa R Wilcox.................... CJ Zachary V Wilcox...................MT Stephen P Wilkicki............. ITBS Billy G Willett.....................PLBH Jakeem D Williams............ ABTA Zachary S Williams.................ST Wiley O Willmann................NUR Christopher W Wilson........... ITA Gregory A Winslow...........MGTB Emily A Wojcik.....................PTA Kara E Woodbine.................NUR Kyle Woodbine................... AAUT Lisa A Wotring......................PTA Jeffrey F Wyrostek.................PTA Jason R Yeagley.................RACH Kenneth R Young...............MCTA Adel Zaoui........................ MGTA Christopher D Zarrella...... AAUT Alayna Pawlowski, ABTA, 3/14, Architectural/ Building Engineering Technology, is employed by Architectura. Christopher Whipple, ABTB 9/13, Architectural/ Building Engineering Technology, is employed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Ricardo Dias, AUB, 9/13, Auto Collision Technology, is employed by the Government of Bermuda. Lilliana Llanos, AAUT, 9/13, Advanced Automotive Technology, is employed by Valenti Toyota. Marena Castro, AAUT, 6/14, Advanced Automotive Technology, is employed by Majestic Honda. David Whynot, BCM, 9/13, Building Construction/ Cabinetmaking Technology, is employed by Wing Cabinet Company. Eugene Brown, CJ, 3/14, Criminal Justice Technology, is employed by Strategic Security Group. Jeremy Rogers, CMTB, 3/14, Construction Management Technology, is employed by Mill City Construction. Thomas Wood, CYBT, 3/14, Cyber Security Technology, is employed by General Dynamics C4 Systems. Eric Giguere, CYBT, 3/14, Cyber Security Technology, is employed by Dassault Systems. Michael Salois, DRA, 9/13, Digital Recording Arts Technology, is employed by Clear Channel Radio. Robert Caldas, Jr., DRA, 3/14, Digital Recording Arts Technology, is employed by Pawtucket Red Sox. Justin Albanese, EETB, 9/13, Electrical Engineering Technology, is employed by Sensata Technologies. Robert Zwolenski, ESTA, 9/13, Electronics Engineering Technology, is employed by Yardney Technical Products. Jonathan McElroy, ELY, 9/13, Electrical Technology, is employed by Stowe Mountain Resort. David Pelletier, GDSB, 3/14, Game Development/ Simulation Programming Technology, is employed by Precision Design Studios. Jessica Santiago, GMW, 9/13, Graphics, Multimedia & Web Design Technology, is employed by Hasbro, Inc. Alyssa Cavallo, GMW, 3/14, Graphics, Multimedia & Web Design Technology, is employed by GTECH Corporation. Brianna Hoyle, IDB, 9/13, Interior Design Technology, is employed by Phase Zero Design. Kristin Doherty, ITBN, 3/14, Information Technology,/Network Engineering is employed by Ocean State Software. Rafael Arroyo, ITBS, 3/14, Information Technology,/Software Engineering is employed by Innovative Defense Technologies. Elizabeth Charette, MSIT, 3/14, Information Technology-Master’s program, is employed by Warwick School Department. Edward Norberg II, MGTB, 6/14, Business Management Technology, is employed by Horizon Aviation. Charles Ingoglia, MT, 3/14, Marine Technology, is employed by Tracker Marine. Kelsey Wallace, OTA, 9/13, Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology, is employed by Harrington House Nursing & Rehab Center. Timothy Breton, PLBH, 6/14, Plumbing/Heating & Gas Technology, is employed by Platinum Fire Protection & Services. Melanie Giordano, PTA, 9/13, Physical Therapist Assistant Technology, is employed by Scallop Shell Nursing & Rehab Center. Jonathan Vardo, PTA, 3/14, Physical Therapist Assistant Technology, is employed by Sippican Health Care. Stephen Nabb, RACH, 3/14, Refrigeration/AC Heating & Gas Technology, is employed by GEM Plumbing and Heating. Caitlin Cauley, ST, 3/14, Surgical Technology, is employed by Southern New England Surgery Center. Vanio Tavares, VAP, 6/14, Video & Audio Production Technology, is employed by New England Show Time Productions. Lora Fillion, VET, 9/13, Veterinary Technology, is employed by Compassionate Care Veterinary Clinic. Kristin Huska, VET 3/14, Veterinary Technology is employed by RI Community Spay/Neuter Clinic. Many NEIT graduates employ NEIT graduates. If you have an opening within your company, or know of an opening that would be best filled by an NEIT graduate, please contact Pat Blakemore, Director of Career Services, at 800-736-7744 or 401-739-5000. There is no fee for any referrals. Graduates of New England Institute of Technology or New England Technical Institute are automatically members of the NEIT Alumni Association. Your participation in the Alumni Association is critical to its success. Please consider becoming an active member of this important organization. And the best news of all: There is no fee for membership. Page 6 NEW ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Meet new people! Learn new things! Check out the list of student activities... For information about any of these activities, events, or starting a new club on campus, please contact Melissa Hague, Student Activities Coordinator, at 401-739-5000 extension 3565, by email at, or stop by her office on the East Greenwich Campus at the far end of the Food Court. Student Clubs There are many interesting student clubs on campus. Get involved, meet new people, have fun, and have something to add to your resume. Check out the student website at for more information. Tee Time! Join the NEIT Golf Club... ...if you would like to play golf, learn to play golf, or improve your golf game. During the golfing season, the club meets weekly through December (weather permitting) to play on a 9-hole course. This club offers a great opportunity to meet students from different technologies. Please contact the club’s advisor, AUT Instructor, Robert Kennedy,, more information. Students who have signed up for the club by contacting Mr. Kennedy can meet him and the club members at East Greenwich Country Club. Students who have not signed up for the club must contact Mr. Kennedy prior to going to East Greenwich Country Club to participate. Check your NEIT student email for weekly Student Activities and Announcements. Summer Quarter Activities Blood Drives The RI Blood Center held a drive on Tuesday, July 29, and collected 27 pints. Every pint collected has the potential to save up to 3 lives. The Rhode Island Blood Center needs to collect up to 280 pints of blood every day to meet the needs of area hospitals. This blood is used to treat cancer patients, burn victims, accident victims, major surgery patients, and more. The RI Blood Center graciously appreciates all donations. Ice Cream! Ice Cream! On June 4, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream was on the East Greenwich campus to kick off the summer break. We hope everyone had a chance to stop by and make an ice cream sundae. Chess Chess sets are available for students to use in the Student Lounge on the East Greenwich Campus! What’s your strategy? Will you make you make the right move? Challenge yourself in a game of chess. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to play! Student Leadership Opportunities NEIT students are encouraged to get involved on campus by volunteering at NEIT events. Students who volunteer at NEIT events will receive a certificate of participation for each event and the opportunity to earn the CE101 credit. Involvement in college events looks great on a resume! Meet new people! Events include: New Student Orientations, Tech Nites, Quarterly Information Tables, Career Fairs, and Commencements. 6 vs. 6 Soccer Tournament After many Fridays of rain we were able to hold the 2nd Spring Quarter Soccer Tournament on Friday, May 30, 2014. The teams were named by the color of the tee shirts worn by the players. Three 22-minute games, resulted in the blue team winning. Below are game goals. The summer quarter tournaments will be held on August 8 & 29. Students may enter individually or as a team. To register, email Game One Orange Kyle McNeil 1 Blue Jorge Sequeira 2 Game Three Game Two Orange Nick Lopes 1 Blue Francis Carbah 1 Orange Regino Smith 1 Nick Lopes 1 Blue Francis Carbah1 Jorge Sequeira 1 Leonardo Ribeiro1 Club News… Thank you to the NEIT community for supporting student clubs through donations to fundraisers and collection drives during the spring quarter. The Veterinary Technology Club held a shelter drive to donate items to the Providence Animal Shelter. The SkillsUSA student club held a fundraiser to raffle off an on-campus reserved parking spot. The winner receives a parking spot of choice on the NEIT campus for the fall 2014 quarter. The proceeds from this raffle will help to send NEIT SkillsUSA students to the annual SkillsUSA National Competition in Kansas City. The Occupational Therapy Assistant and Occupational Therapy student clubs conducted a toy drive-Toys to Facilitate ALL the Senses. The toy drive was created to collect toys to send overseas with the Therapy Missions Organization. The Interior Design Student Alliance organized a field trip to New York City on May 2, 2014. The students visited various places that are of interest to the Interior Design industry. The New England Tech Rotaract Club assisted the Rotary Club of East Greenwich with their Annual Wine & Wonderful Fundraiser held on May 2, 2014. The Rotaract Club provided many helping hands to the Rotary Club to make this event very successful. The Criminal Justice Club had a guest speaker on Wednesday May 21, 2014. Marshal Jamie Hainsworth of the United States Marshal Service gave a presentation about the Marshal Service and its role in local law enforcement. He discussed the recruiting process for the agency. During the spring quarter, the NEIT Video Club hosted a 72 hour film challenge in which participants were given a full 72 hours to produce a short film. Each team was given a genre, prop (a cell phone), and a line of dialog (“I didn’t see that coming”) that had to be present in their films. The contest took place on May 9th and ended on May 12th, with a total of 5 teams participating. Neil Guliano, Robbie Savage Jr., and Luke Hosking took home the gold with their musical. The film challenge was a big success. The Video Club will be conducting a 48 hour film challenge, during the summer quarter, which will include a genre, prop, and a line of dialog. NEIT students are encouraged to participate in this challenge to gain experience and have a good time! For more information on the challenge, students can contact either VAP/DRA Associate Professor, Sally Kingsbury at or DRA Student & Video Club President, Jonathan Henderson at Fast Fridays! Join the NEIT Pit Crew Club to participate in “Fast Fridays” at Seekonk Speedway (located in Seekonk, Massachusetts). If you are interested in helping out with teams on Friday nights at Seekonk Speedway or want to know more about the NEIT Pit Crew Club, please contact the club’s advisor, AUT Instructor, Mr. Dan Perry at Fast Friday Nights has 4 divisions of racing; Seekonk youth racing, Sport4’s, Pure Stocks and Nick’s Pitstop Legends racing. Students who have signed up for the club by contacting Mr.Perry can meet him at the speedway. Students who have not signed up for the club must contact Mr. Perry prior to going to the speedway to participate. Game Rooms All NEIT students are welcome to use the game rooms and the ping pong tables. Come and meet new people! Consider playing in or watching the pool and ping pong tournaments that are held each quarter! Locations: Post Road Campus, CT Building, Student Lounge. The game room has two pool tables and a ping pong table. East Greenwich Campus, Students may access the game room at the far end of the Food Court seating area. The game room has two pool tables and a ping pong table. Game Room Tournaments All NEIT students are welcome to join in the quarterly ping-pong and pool tournaments held in the game room on the East Greenwich campus. Sign-up for the tournaments by emailing Melissa Hague, or drop in to play. Tournaments are free. Space is limited. Ping Pong Tournaments Get involved, meet new people, have fun, and have something to add to your resume. Check out the student website at for more information. n Alpha Chi Honor Society n Criminal Justice Student Club n Game Developers’ Network n Interior Design Student Alliance n Investment Club n New England Tech Golf Club n New England Tech Pit Crew Student Club n Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society n Quadricycle Club n SkillsUSA Student Club n SOTA Club Student Occupational Therapy Association n SPTA Club Student Physical Therapist Assistant n Student Nurses’ Association n Surgical Technology Club n Respiratory Care Club n Rotaract Club n Tech Radio Student Club n Tech Record Club n Veterinary Technology Club Are you interested in starting a new club? For more information contact: Melissa Hague, Student Activities Coordinator, at Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. Week 6 – August 26 Pool Tournaments Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. Week 5 – August 21 Week 7 – September 4 Associate’s Degree Programs n Applied Technical Studies n Architectural Building Engineering Technology n Automotive Technology n Automotive Collision Repair Technology n Building Construction and Cabinetmaking Technology We invite you to inquire about our programs: n Business Management Technology n Clinical Medical Assistant Technology Name __________________________________________________________________________ n Criminal Justice Technology n Electrical Technology Address ________________________________________________________________________ n Electrical Technology with Renewable Energy Systems City _____________________________________________________________________________ n Electronic Systems Engineering Technology n Game Development & Simulation Technology State & Zip ____________________________________________________________________ n Graphic, Multimedia & Web Design Technology n Health Information Management Technology Phone_______________________________ Cell______________________________________ n Heating Technology Email Address ________________________________________________________________ n Information Technology n Interior Design Technology NEIT is regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. n Marine Technology Director of Admissions One New England Tech Blvd. East Greenwich, RI 02818-1205 Tel. 401-467-7744 or 1-800-736-7744 Student Clubs on Campus n Mechanical Engineering Technology n Medical Laboratory Technology * n Network Engineering and Computer Servicing Technology n Nursing n Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology n Physical Therapist Assistant Technology n Plumbing Technology n Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Technology n Respiratory Care Technology n Software Engineering Technology n Surgical Technology n Veterinary Practice Management Technology* n Veterinary Technology n Video and Audio Production Technology n Video Game Design Technology Bachelor’s Degree Programs n Architectural Building Engineering Technology n Automotive Service Management Technology n Business Management Technology n Construction Management Technology n Criminal Justice Technology n Cyber Security Technology n Digital Recording Arts Technology n Electrical Engineering Technology n Game Development & Simulation Technology n Graphic, Multimedia & Web Design Technology n Health Care Management Technology n Criminal Justice Technology n Information Technology n Interior Design Technology n Mechanical Engineering Technology n Network Engineering Technology n Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science (Online) n Software Engineering Technology n Video Game Design Technology* Master’s Degree Programs n Information Technology *NEW PROGRAMS n Occupational Therapy tnews 8/14
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