November 23, 2014
November 23, 2014
November 23, 2014 MASS & WORSHIP SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:30 PM SUNDAY MASSES: 7:30, 9, 11:30 AM; 1:30 PM Spanish; 6:00 PM Youth Mass MONDAY-FRIDAY: 6:30 & 8 AM; Saturday 8 AM RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4-5 PM or by Appointment ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Thursday 8:30 AM– 3:30 PM and Saturday 4-5 PM C H U R C H 50 L EOPARD R OAD , P AOLI , P A 19301 PHONE 610.644.1655 FAX 610.644.1928 S C H O O L 6 G REENLAWN R OAD , P AOLI , P A 19301 PHONE: 610.644.1670 FAX: 610.644.0201 MARY KAY HENNESSY, PRINCIPAL CLERGY REV. MICHAEL J. LEE, O.PRAEM., PASTOR R E V . CARL W. BRASCHOSS, O.PRAEM., PAROCHIAL VICAR DEACON JOHN P. LOZANO OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE The job of shepherd and the job of king couldn’t be more different. Shepherds are on the lowest rung of society, kings are at the top. But God says, through the prophet Ezekiel, that the Messiah will lead in a way very different from earthly authorities who lord it over their people and create harm with their poor leadership. Our King takes on the job himself. Christ, like a shepherd, will give rest, seek out the lost, bring back the strayed and scattered ones. He will heal the wounded and bind up the injured. He does not delegate, but will “shepherd them rightly.” We have a king who cares for us and who is not afraid to judge “between one sheep and another.” I MYSELF WILL SHEPHERD THEM Our first reading, from Ezekiel, shows the image of a shepherd, caring for his own who have been scattered and injured by others. Paul describes a kingly Christ, conquering every power and every obstacle between God and us, until finally even death is conquered. Jesus completes the images by joining the two into a parable of a shepherd-king who judges between “sheep” and “goats,” the criteria being how we treated one another. YOU DID IT FOR THE LEAST ONES How we care for each other is the measure of how we follow Christ. This image of the last judgment is unsettling, if only because we see ourselves being judged for our actions based on our vision of what was right. We know that at different times we belong in both categories, sheep and goats! We can remember doing good things for others in the name of Christ, but we also know there have been times when we turned away from others, for a variety of reasons. If we had seen Christ in those people, would we have acted differently? Our Shepherd-King gives us another chance. We can see ourselves as the sheep who have strayed. Christ seeks us out, brings us home, and helps us to find our direction again. He refreshes our memory of what is important, of what we need to attend to and what we need to do. We learn once again how to recognize the voice of our Shepherd and King. We are invited to open our hearts to our neighbors, because in so doing, we open our hearts to Christ. TODAY'S READINGS: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company Page 2 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink.” — Matthew 25:35 Sunday, November 23, 2014 Vigil Deceased members of Sotorrio and Arizmendi Families 7:30 Members of the parish 9:00 Living and deceased members of the Knights of Columbus 11:30 †Gene Dabkowski 1:30 PM †Ana Maria Rodriguez 6 PM †Rose Perri Monday, November 24 6:30 †Anna Nguyen 8:00 †James Lindquist Tuesday, November 25 6:30 †Anna Nguyen 8:00 †Colin Grady Finn Wednesday, November 26 6:30 †Anna Nguyen 8:00 †Louis Kontrye Thursday, November 27 No 6:30 AM Mass 9:00 †Charles E. Furtaw Friday, November 28 No 6:30 AM Mass 8:00 †Mario Badamo Saturday, November 29 8:00 †Bea Pollack Sunday, November 30 Vigil †Louis B. Colameco, Jr. 7:30 Members of the parish 9:00 †John Eggleton 11:30 †Richard (5th Anniv.) and †Linda (2nd Anniv.) Whalen 1:30 PM † Ignacio Perez Cortes 6 PM †Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Giovannini OUR VISION St. Norbert Parish aspires to become one in Christ as a community of fervent disciples, who listen attentively for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and who lovingly embrace Jesus, present in the poor, the alienated and the spiritually hungry. November 23, 2014 Stewardship Giving Thanks As each of us prepares for the celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday this week we call to mind the many blessings that our God has given us, and we give thanks to God for these blessings. Here at St. Norbert’s, we give special thanks to all those who have shared their time and resources to help us build up the Kingdom of God in our community. Last weekend we celebrated Stewardship Sunday at St. Norbert’s. Thank you to all who participated in our prayerful reflection on our stewardship of God’s gifts. We extend special thanks to Sharyn Tehrani for sharing with us at Mass last weekend the powerful story of her discipleship journey. Many thanks also to all of you who prayerfully completed a commitment card indicating your desire to grow in prayer, service and generosity over the upcoming year. For those who missed Sharyn’s inspiring testimony or would like to hear it again, it is available on our parish website at http:// Extra copies of the commitment card are available in the narthex and can be returned to the Parish Office or placed in next Sunday’s collection. Please take the time to prayerfully reflect on your stewardship and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you consider your next step to growing in prayer, service and generosity. Happy Thanksgiving! — Moira Murphy, Stewardship & Development Coordinator POPE FRANCIS In Philadelphia Sept 25-26, 2015 † Prayers & Readings PRAY FOR HEALING: Especially Corinne Kerrigan, William A. Ross, Anne Sullivan, Steve Siple, George Barnett, Kathleen Paleudis, Patty Kundert, Rose Ruscitto, Jennie Schnitzer, Joe Monte, Brad Moser, Vera Valyo, Carole Mahon, Lydia Matteo, Carol Vanchina, Connie Scenna, Sue Christmyer, Matthew Rice REST IN PEACE: Michael McGovern PRAYERS FOR OUR TROOPS: Capt. Dan Kohli, USMC Sgt. Justin Lansford, USA Maj. James Merenda, USAF Spc. R. J. Paski, USA A1c. Matthew Paski, USAF READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc -4ab, 5-6; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:13ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:211; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Friday: Rv 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16 St. Norbert Bulletin Page 3 We as a parish have taken the position of Christ as King and leader in our lives as very important. This past Sunday, Stewardship Sunday, was an example for all of us to consider where Christ is in our lives. We are truly blessed with so many individuals who witness to their faith. In essence, today’s Gospel (Matt 25: 31-46) tells us that “For Jesus, God and people come first, and true religion is an encounter of God in the neighbor who is in need, by putting the needs of one’s neighbor above all else. In Jesus’ kingdom, his followers really attend to the hungry and thirsty, the naked and the ill, the prisoner and the foreigner. And he expects this not only to be accomplished by ministries that are set up for this end, but by all his followers. …it is his healing touch that has also reached out to each of us, and now we too will gladly share it with others.”1 Following up on Stewardship Sunday, I urge you to take up your pledge card and discern where you might invest this coming year. As our vision statement says, we must become one in Christ as a community of fervent disciples who are “doers of the Word, not just hearers” (James 1:22). — Fr. Mike From Our Pastor AN ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS LEADS YOU TO: WITNESS YOUR FAITH Christus vincit, regnat, imperat: ab omni malo plemem suam defendat. Christ conquers, He reigns, He commands; may He defend His people from all evil. I remember as a kid singing this hymn in the Saint Gabriel Choir as we processed into Church on the Feast of Christ the King. We may not have known what all the Latin meant that we were singing, but we knew that we were announcing to all those in Church that Christ was in charge. That is what I believe this feast is all about. The feast that we celebrate on this last Sunday of the Church Year in many ways proclaims that Jesus Christ is Lord and King in our lives. The language of King is foreign in so many ways in our country where our fore fathers fought against the tyranny of kings, but the idea of being God and supreme above all is what is celebrated. “ doers of the Word, not just hearers.” AROUND OUR PARISH 1 2 † 1 Catholic Conversations on the Scriptures, Archdiocese of Miami, Nov 23, 2014: CCS_E_141123.pdf Last Sunday, close to 60 people participated in a presentation by the Chester County Alzheimer’s Association (1) and sponsored by our 50+ Group on The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. The program covered diagnosis, risk factors, disease stages, treatment options and more (2 & 3). A Prayer Service (4) started the evaluation process of our St. Norbert School by a Middle States Association accreditation team last week. Performed every seven years, our Principal Mary Kay Hennessy commented that “the process is exhausting as we’ve been preparing for the visit for over a year and half. But the effort by our teachers, parents, the Home and School Association, the School Advisory Board, students, our facilities people and Fr. Mike and Fr. Carl made the effort that much easier. We thank all and learned the team recommended that we be re-accredited.” Congratulations! 5 3 4 Page 4 November 23, 2014 News & Events JESUS AROUND US . . . UPLIFTING MESSAGE Special thanks to Sharyn Tehrani for her “Witness” during last week’s Stewardship Weekend. For those of you that may have missed her inspiring talk it be found at -14.mp3 SAVE THE DATE RECOGNIZING SERVICE The annual Ministry Appreciation Breakfast will be held on Saturday January 10 at 8:30 AM. Come join us for Mass at 8 AM followed by a delicious breakfast. All are invited in appreciation to the members of our 50 ministries for their service. To find out more about all the Ministries here at St. Norbert parish go to our website: http:// MAKE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL THE GIVING TREE IS UP! All parishioners are invited to take a tag from the Christmas Giving Tree and donate a gift for a child, senior, or family. Last year 900 gifts were donated by our generous parishioners and distributed to people in need by our Outreach and Helping Hands Ministries. Please check the poster in the Narthex to learn about the groups who have requested assistance. All gifts (except gift cards) should be in a gift bag unwrapped. Please attach the colored ornament to the bag. Place gift cards in the envelope and put them in the collection basket at Mass. Deadline Dec. 7. CONTACT: Carol Coyne Shannahan at 610.296.8019 or KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CHRISTMAS PANCAKE BREAKFAST Kids Come Meet Santa Claus Saturday, December 6, 8:30-10:30 AM St. Norbert Dining Hall TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT CARDS THANKFUL RESPONSE I would like to thank the many parishioners who completed a Stewardship Commitment Card last weekend. Your support of St. Norbert Parish is deeply appreciated. Additional blank cards are available in the Narthex or at the Parish Office. Completed cards may be returned to the Parish Office or placed in the Sunday collection basket. – Fr. Mike OUR OWN SEMINARIAN . . . WELCOME ZANE Zane Christmyer, who is currently studying for the priesthood at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, will be speaking at all the Masses this weekend. A second collection will be taken up in support of the Seminary. The Seminary community is grateful to you for your faithful support. Your tax deductible gift helps to enhance the many resources needed for priestly training and enables the Church to form holy, educated, and dedicated priests. Join us in welcoming Zane and praying for him and all Seminarians THE LAST SUNDAY FOR ST. GABE’S . . . TURKEYS N FIXINS’ This Sunday is the only collection day for frozen Turkeys from 8 –11:30 AM in front of the Fr. Burke Center (school gym). We do not have the freezer space to accommodate frozen turkey donations after this date. This Sunday, Nov 23rd is also the last day to drop off your filled food bags or ACME purchased bags. Thank you for your generosity. As our Lord has said, what you do for the least of my brethren, you do for me! CONTACT: Ed Grady, Parish Volunteer and Activities Coordinator, or 610.644.1655 ext. 115 ENCOUNTER JESUS THIS CHRISTMAS . . . HALLELUIAH MESSIAH Join us for a fascinating three part exploration of Handel’s Messiah sponsored by our 50+ Group and open to all parishioners. St. Norbert Bulletin Page 5 You can attend any one or come for all three: Learn: Our Music Director Ceil Frack will provide the background to the text and music on Tuesday, Dec 2, 7 -8:30 PM, Atrium, Daylesford Abbey. Dessert & coffee. Suggested donation of $5 to the Abbey. RSVP Moira Murphy, or 610.644.1655, ext.122 Listen: The Vox Ama Deus Ensemble performs Messiah at Daylesford Abbey, Sunday, Dec 7 from 46:45 PM. Order tickets at or 610.688.2800 Dine: Enjoy a post-concert dinner at 7:15 PM at Trattoria San Nicola in Paoli. A la carte menu with separate checks. RSVP by Dec 4 to Moira Murphy, or 610.644.1655, ext.122 A CATHOLIC APPROACH TO . . . 12 STEP SPIRITUALITY Over 30 people came to our first Faith Sharing Group focused on the 12 steps. Participants were free to talk about the step of the month from their Catholic Christian perspective. The next meeting will beheld Sunday, Dec 14, at 7:30 PM in the St. Norbert Parish Oratory, Paoli, PA. Sponsored by our new Gethsemani Ministry for Addictions, this faith sharing group is open to people in 12 step programs (AA, NA, Al-Anon, Gamblers Anonymous, etc.). Meets the 2nd Sunday of the month. CONTACT: Deborah M. at 610.644.1823 This program is being developed in cooperation with Gethsemani Project®. WILL YOU HELP US? Visitors will be traveling great distances to the Philadelphia World Meeting of Families in Sept 2015. Since hotel accommodations will be limited, we’re working with HomeStay to provide an affordable housing alternative for our travelers. That's where you come in! Do you have a spare bedroom, rental property or second home within 120 miles of Philadelphia? Would you share it in exchange for a moderate, daily fee? Do you know others who would consider sharing their homes? CONTACT: http:// NOVEMBER 30 &DECEMBER 7 MALVERN SCOUT TROUPS 7, 77 & CUB SCOUT PACK 7 Annual Wreath Sale Decorated $20; Plain $15 FAST FACTS: IRISH TENOR ADVENT CONCERT: Discover the beauty of the Christmas season through faith and song at a special performance by Irish Tenor Mark Forrest as part of St. Patrick’s of Malvern 100th Anniversary celebration on Dec 13 at 7:30 PM. Tickets $10. (Continued on page 6) PATRONESS OF THE AMERICAS Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe A Special Celebration for All SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 11:30 AM BILINGUAL MASS Procession into the Parish Activity Center (Gym) Traditional foods, dancers and more Everyone in the parish is invited to express our love and devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe 50 Leopard Road † Paoli, PA 19301 610.644.1655 Page 6 November 23, 2014 HOLIDAY NOTE Thanksgiving: Only 9 AM Mass with No Adoration and Benediction Friday, 11/28: Only 8 AM Mass and Parish Office Closed CONTACT: St Patrick Parish Office 610.647.2345 AID FOR FRIENDS needs meals. When cooking for you or your family, simply make a little more and put the extra into one of our tin sets found in the Narthex, freeze it and bring it to the Church freezer in the Utility Room. CONTACT Ruth Finley at 610.644.1655 ext. 116 or SERVING THE POOR: The weather is getting cold, Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, but the homeless are in even more need during this holiday season. Don’t forget about Bethesda Project and their needs for meals, clothes and service during the winter months. CONTACT: Michele Howard at or 610.296.7719 DIAPER FOR BABIES: Please don’t let those baby bottoms go bare! Drop off your diapers in the Outreach Room in the Narthex any time. BIRTHRIGHT: Is in need of maternity and baby items. CONTACT: Ed Grady at or 610.644.1655 ext 115 ADORATION: Remember weekly Adoration of Our Lord on Thursdays from 8:30 AM—3:20 PM and Saturday 4-5 PM during Confession #5 REASON TO JOIN ST. NORBERT KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Men Supporting Men Learn More at CHRISTMAS EVENT Advent Wreath Making Sunday, November 30, 12:30 PM ST. NORBERT SCHOOL DINING HALL COST: $20 per wreath DEADLINE: Nov 23 CHECK TO: St. Norbert Parish, Advent Wreath Project, Office of Religious Education, 6 Greenlawn Road, Paoli, PA 19301 Name: __________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________ Email (Required): ____________________________ I would like to help: Prepare Materials in Advance:___ Setup at 11:30 AM:___ Bring Cookies/Brownies: ___ Clean-up Afterwards:___ Number Attending: Adults:___ Children over 10:____ Children under 10:____ Number of wreaths:____ Amount Enclosed:_______ UPCOMING EVENTS WEEKLY: Sundays Becoming Catholic RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), 10:15-11:45 AM , Parish Office, CONTACT: Lorrie Grady at 610.644.4999 or or Hank Fila at 610.513.9768 or; Youth Group following 6 PM Mass Mondays Alpha 7-9:30 PM, School Dining Hall Tuesdays Dawn Seekers Bible Study, Tuesday mornings, 8:30 AM, CONTACT: JoAnn Gregg or Jeff Daily; Young Adults Sunday Reading Faith Sharing, Parish Office Lower Level, 7:30-9 PM Wednesdays JCREW Youth Group, 7-9 PM, Youth Group Room Thursdays Adoration, 8:30 AM—3:30 PM, Oratory; The EDGE Middle School Youth Group , 7 PM, Youth Room Saturdays Reconciliation 4-5 PM or by appointment; Adoration 4-5 PM UPCOMING: Nov 23 Biblical Walk with Mary, Sundays 10:15 -Noon, CONTACT: Mark Christmyer at 610.644.1655 ext. 131 or Nov 23-Dec 14 Separated & Divorced Group, Sundays at Daylesford Abbey, 7:15-9 PM, CONTACT: Deacon John Lozano at 610.644.1655 ext. 119 or Nov 24-Dec 8 Alpha 7-9:30 PM, CONTACT: Sue & Mark Steciw 610.644.5328 or Nov 26 Christian Yoga, 11 AM, Parish Office Lower Level Dec 3 Catholic Book Club, 1st Wednesday of the Month, CONTACT: Mary Lucks 610.644.5305 or or Elaine Kicak 610.647.1562 or Dec 5 Festival of Praise, 7:30 PM, Oratory Dec 9 Word of Life Women 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7-9 PM, CONTACT: Maria O’Connell 610.731.9402 or Dec 14 Gethsemani 12 Step Spirituality, 2nd Sunday of the month, 7:30 PM, Oratory, CONTACT: Deborah M. 610.644.1823 Dec 18 Prayer and Healing Service, 7:30 PM, Church Dec 18 Gethsemani Addictions Evening of Prayer, 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-8 PM, Oratory, CON- TACT: Mark Christmyer 610.644.1655 ext. 131 ADVENT EVENTS Nov 30 Advent Wreath Making, 12:30 PM Dec 2 Learn About Handel’s Messiah, Daylesford Abbey, 7-8:30 PM Dec 4 School Christmas Band & Select Choir Concert, 7-8 PM Dec 6 Pancake Breakfast, Knights of Columbus 9 AM Dec 7 Religious Education Family Mass, 9 AM Dec 7 Vox Ama Deus Messiah, 4 PM Dec 11 School Christmas Pageant, 7-9 PM Dec 14 Bilingual Mass, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 11:30 AM MASS Dec 15 Parish Reconciliation Service, 7 PM Dec 17 School Reconciliation Service, 1:30 PM