PASTOR................ Rev. George A. Vrabel PARISH


PASTOR................ Rev. George A. Vrabel PARISH
5500 Lear Nagle Road • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039
5545 Opal Drive • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039
Hours: (Monday–Friday) 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Phone: 440-327-1978 • Fax: 440-327-1994
December 14, 2014
St. Julie Billiart is a welcoming Catholic stewardship based community
that strives to proclaim God’s goodness in our friendly and caring outreach
to those seeking a spiritual home.
Our faith community is centered in the celebration of the Eucharist.
Sent forth nourished by the Word of God and our sacramental encounters
with the Lord Jesus, we endeavor to live the Gospel each day.
As a compassionate Christian people, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we
minister to each other and the greater world community through prayer
and action.
PASTOR ................Rev. George A. Vrabel
Permanent Deacon ............... Rev. Mr. John Rivera
Permanent Deacon ................ Rev. Dr. Ken DeLuca
Masses at Church
Saturday .......................................................5:00 p.m.
Sunday...................................... 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m.
Weekday Masses at the Chapel
Monday–Friday ............................................8:30 a.m.
(Excluding Thursdays)
Holydays .................................. Consult the Bulletin.
Saturdays ........................................ 4:00 - 4:30 p.m.
in the Church Library
Religious Education
PSR Principal ............................................ Kelly Reed
Grades K - 8: 9 - 10:15 a.m. Sundays
Children’s Liturgy of the Word:
During 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
(except first Sunday of Month)
RCIA & RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults and Children)
1st & 3rd Sunday by appointment
Arrangements must be made 6 months
in advance
You are welcome to call the office
or register on line.
St. Julie Billiart Parish
From the Desk of Father George
Greetings Parishioners and Friends of St. Julie’s,
As the third candle of Advent burns steady and bright this day,
our time of waiting for the Light of the World is nearly to an end. The
Prophet Isaiah leads us to rejoice:
The spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
because the Lord has anointed me;
he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor,
to heal the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives
and release to the prisoners,
to announce a year of favor from the Lord
and a day of vindication by our God.
Our journey for this Advent has reached its mid-point.
Christmas is coming. Rejoice! But are we ready for the celebration?
Have our efforts of preparation led us to recognize that Jesus is the
true light of the world? John the Baptist came for testimony… to
testify to the light so that all might believe through him. As people of
faith, all our celebrations of life should reflect the joy of God’s love.
Therefore, testify to the light in all you do and say this day.
On a very bright and shining note, The Advent Giving Tree will
once again bring joy to many hearts. God Bless and thank you for all you
have done.
Fr. George
John answered them, "I baptize with water; but
there is one among you whom you do not recognize, the
one who is coming after me, whose sandal strap I am
not worthy to untie."
Jn 1:26-27
Mass Intentions
Dec. 13 - Saturday
Dec. 14 - Sunday
5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
15 - Monday
8:30 a.m.
16 - Tuesday
8:30 a.m.
17 - Wednesday 8:30 a.m.
18 - Thursday
19 - Friday
8:30 a.m.
20 - Saturday
5:00 p.m.
21 - Sunday
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Jim Valenta (Family)
St. Julie Billiart Parishioners
Intentions of the DeLuca Family (DeLuca Fam.)
Tama McAleese (Cassidy Family)
Jerry Soukup (Diane Soukup)
Francine Cassidy (Family)
No Mass
In thanksgiving of John Snyder
Bobby Hepner (Bob & Helen Hepner)
St. Julie Billiart Parishioners
Emile Straub (Rothlisberger Family)
December 13
December 14
December 20
December 22
- after the 5:00 Mass, library
- 7:00 p.m., church
- 3:30 - 4:30 and after the 5:00 Mass, library
– 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., library
3rd Sunday of Advent
The Week Ahead
December 14
Confession after 5:00 Mass, Library
Communal Penance Service, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Choir
Family Choir
Rosary, 7:30 p.m., St. Anne Room
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast,
St. Julie’s
Confessions 3:30-4:30 and after
5:00 Mass, Library
Shop-N-Wrap after 9:00 a.m. Mass
Confessions 6:30-7:30 p.m., Library
Coming Events
December 24
Masses 5:00 & 10:00 p.m.
December 25
Masses 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
December 28
Singing Angels, St. Julie’s
January 3 & 4
Right to Life Signature Ad
Family Perspective
John the Baptist was a man of faith
“sent by God to testify to the Light so
that all might believe.” Men: when others
see you as a brother, husband, son, uncle,
stepfather, or grandfather what do they
learn from you about responsibility,
commitment, caring, nurturing and love?
Are you a witness to the Light?
Christmas & New Years Masses
December 24 – 5:00 & 10:00 p.m.
December 25 – 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
December 31 – 8:30 a.m., Chapel
January 1 – 10:30 a.m., Church
My God, I know that I have sinned
against you in thought, word, and
deed. This Advent season, forgive
me, wash away my sins, and make me
whole again.
Parish & Community Events
December 14, 2014
Religious Education
PSR - Parish School of Religion,
K-7 (Sundays, Sept.-May, 9:00 a.m.)
December 14 - PSR
December 21 - NO PSR
Youth Ministry, Confirmation, Grades 8-12 (Sundays, Sept.-May, 7:00 p.m.)
December 14 - Communal Penance, required attendance, 7:00 p.m.
December 21 - Shop-N-Wrap after 9:00 a.m. Mass
Communal Penance Service
Sunday, December 14, 7:00 p.m.
There will be nine priests at
St. Julie’s to hear your confessions.
All parishioners, PSR students and
Confirmation candidates are
encouraged to attend.
Giving Tree
Please take an ornament from
the giving tree in back of
church and return by the
date shown.
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
The next monthly breakfast will be
Saturday, December 20th. So please
join us at St. Julie’s for breakfast
from 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Meet new
friends and strengthen your
relationship with Jesus. Please RSVP
to Tom Fumich
St. Vincent de Paul Society
You have helped continue a “warm”
tradition with your gift of $1038 to
our 28th Annual Blanket Sunday
Collection. Your donation will help
families, children, the elderly and the
homeless to stay warm during the
colder months.
Your generous gift will enable the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul to
provide essential seasonal items —
such as blankets and winter hats,
gloves, socks and scarves — to help
low-income individuals and families
unable to afford such necessities.
These supplies are basic items that
you and I take for granted, but for a
mother on a limited income, they are
often difficult to acquire. Now, these
necessities will become a reality for
those in need through your donation
to our Blanket Sunday program.
We will continue to remember you and
your loved ones in our thoughts and
prayers. Thank you again for your
kindness and generosity.
2015 Calendars
are available at
the church
doors courtesy
of the David
Bogner Family
Funeral Home.
This week my prayers were for: great grandpa; aunt
Karen’s knee; great grandpa; my brother Tanner Joseph
Mack, my grandpa Joseph Vella; the people at the Nursing
This is how I used my time and talent for others: I am
performing, with my dance team, for the nursing home
today; helping mom and dad decorate for Christmas; being
a friend to someone who was sad.
the health of, and caregivers of John
Francis Cassidy (son of John
Cassidy), Sondra Jirousek, John Paul
(grandson of Mark & Linda LaLonde),
Sandy Ciocca, Renee Portugal, Linda
Ferrini, Lisa Engle, Tim Gilbride,
Kathryn Sherman, Rose & Ron Regula,
Dick & Georgia Sullinger, Nancy
Francway, Carol Straub, Patty Hurst,
and Jim Schenosky; for the repose
of the soul of Margaret Masley and
for vocations to the priesthood,
diaconate and religious life.
Lift-giving qualities
are assigned to holly.
Its shiny green leaves
and red berries of the
holly plant signify fertility. Holly
promised new life to the household.
Medieval Europeans believed holly
brought good fortune, so they
planted it near their homes to ward
off evil.
The church later adapted the
meaning, linking the sharp leaves to
Christ’s crown of thorns and the red
berries to his drops of blood at
The dark green leaves and bright
red berries naturally lend themselves
to decorating during the dreary
winter. The appearance of holly in old
English homes ushered in the season
of feasting and good cheer.
Parish Stewardship
Dec.7: Envelopes used: 330 (out of 684 mailed) .. $8194
Average per Envelope .......................... $25
Children’s ....................................... $84
School Subsidy ................................. $73
Capital Improvement .......................... $318
Net Offertory ............................. $8669
Mass Attendance...................................
Thank you for sharing your blessings.
News & Events
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
(L) Ed Hurst
(L) Peg Nolan
(EM) Don Braun
Marian Juszkiewicz
Agnes Klimkowicz
Jim Nolan
Beth Paoloni*
Altar Servers
Clare Dubecky
Marty Dubecky
(L) Jane Herbcha
(L) Terry Flanagan
(EM) Laura Eland
Ted Lapponi
Cathy Sliter
Suzanne Snyder
Jeanne Kovach*
Ken Allen
Diane DeMelo
Tracy Beckett
Jim Carter
Joanne Carter
Brenda Klein
Mary Kay Polomsky
Linda Forthofer*
Adult Servers
Cindy Naprestek
Linda Vasiloff
Barb Arguello
Diane DeMelo*
Tom Lamoda
Gene Morrison
Lisa Palazzo
Jim Cassidy
JoAnne Bellomo
Joe Dominak
John Palazzo
Debijo Lamb*
Billy Cannon
Sullivan Kilbane
Sharon DeBevec
Mark LaLonde
Alice Hogue
Meg Hogue
Jim Livingston
John Palazzo
Mike Yarosh*
Altar Servers
Dylan Reed
William Bailey
Billy Cannon
D. Schiffbauer
Sullivan Kilbane
If you cannot fulfill your ministry please get a substitute.
Divorce Recovery Program for Catholics
St. Christopher Parish is sponsoring a 10-week series of support
group meetings beginning Monday, January 12 and ending March
16 designed to assist Catholics who are recently separated or
divorced. Divorce is never easy and leaves individuals feeling
alone, hurt and confused.
The “Divorce and Beyond” Program will help you to:
♦ Gain a perspective on your divorce
♦ Cope with the stresses and strains associated with divorce
♦ Understand some of your emotional responses
♦ Find ways of coping that will lead to growth and the
restructuring of your life.
Sessions are designed to provide a caring, confidential
atmosphere to share with others who understand your
experienced and help you find support and encouragement. Preregistration is necessary as is attendance at the first session.
Gayle Cilimburg, 440-331-4255/
Retrouvaille Weekend
Someone once said “marriages may be made in heaven, but they
sure take a lot of work on earth.” Have you become so distracted
by outside pressures that you have neglected your spouse?
Retrouvaille can help you put your troubled marriage back on
track. The next Cleveland Retrouvaille weekend will be held on
January 9-11. A registration fee of $150 is required to confirm
your reservation. For information call Diane or Al Miskinis in
complete confidence, 1-800-470-2230. For additional information
or to register go to