Bulletin, December 13, 2015
Bulletin, December 13, 2015
December 13, 2015 LITURGY INTENTIONS SUNDAY OF THE REVELATION TO JOSEPH Saturday Dec. 12 5:00 pm Sunday Dec. 13 10:00 am Sunday Dec. 13 12:15 pm Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 15 16 17 18 19 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 5:00 pm Sunday Dec. 20 10:00 am Sunday Dec. 20 12:15 pm اﺣد اﻟﺑﯾﺎن ﻟﯾوﺳف IN LOVING MEMORY OF REQUESTED BY Joe Arida & The Arida Family George Shemalie Virginia Haroney Zmorred Maroun & Deceas. of Anthony Fam. Dolores Godlewski & Family Mrs. Joan Shemalie Carmen Distasio Sarkis Anthony Children’s Liturgy (4th Grade) Nelly Anthony Badih & Nawal ElMekhtafi Majid & Badwieh Mansour Bahieh Mansour Antonios Mansour Ghazi BouKaram (40 Day Mass) Ghassan & Linda Kairouz Evelyn Kairouz Atallah Aziz & Wadiah Kairouz Majid & Afifeh Kairouz Deceased of the Crehan & Haroney Families George Shemalie Paul Safy Nelly Anthony Ghassan Dergham Majid & Badwieh Mansour Tanios Abounader Nawal ElMekhtafi Joseph G. Hanna Dr./Mrs. Joseph Hayek M/M Samir Mansour The Family M/M Emil Mansour M/M Fouad Ntanios Bou Jaoude & Family The Family The Family The Family The Family Mr. Philip Haroney Mrs. Joan Shemalie M/M David Thomas M/M Michael Karam M/M Sayed ElKhoury M/M Doumit Chayban Marie Abounader & Family Elia Mansour Mrs. Mona Hanna Antonios Mansour Hanna, Edmond, Badwa & Badwieh Mansour Joseph Al Gabour (40 Day Mass) M/M Fouad Ntanios M/M Emil Mansour Zeina Al Gabour Atallah The Altar Bread for December is in loving memory of Philip Attea & Dorothy Wood by The Family. The Altar Wine for December is in loving memory of The Family of Elias & Rose Attea by The Family. The Sanctuary Lamp for December is in loving memory of The Family of Elias & Rose Attea by The Family. *Wealth May Last A Lifetime. A Legacy of Charity & Good Deeds Lasts Forever.* *PLEASE REMEMBER ST. JOHN MARON PARISH IN YOUR ESTATE PLANNING* THE SECOND COLLECTION FOR THIS WEEK IS FOR CHRISTMAS FLOWERS. THE SECOND COLLECTION FOR NEXT WEEK IS FOR FUEL & UPKEEP. OUR GRATITUDE TO ALL WHO ARE SUPPORTING ST. JOHN MARON CHURCH. YOUR GENEROSITY IS A BLESSING. PARISH STEWARDSHIP (Dec. 6, 2015) Regular Tithes: 5:00 pm & 10 am Mass: $ 2,047.00 12:00 pm Mass: $ 369.00 Total: $ 2,416.00 *ALTAR SERVERS: *LECTORS: Sat. 5:00 pm: Sun. 10:00 am: Elias & Jonathan Mansour Sun. 12:00 pm: *PEACE BEARERS: *DEACONS: Sun. 10:00 am: Anthony Honeine & Aimee Kabalan *GIFT BEARERS: Sun. 10:00 am: Anthony Honeine & Christie Jaoude INTERCESSIONS: Sun. 10:00 am: Dominic Chayban, Aimee Kabalan, April Kabalan, & Mary El Khoury Sat. Sun. Sun. 5:00 pm Donna Amati 10:00 am Natalia Behlok 12:00 pm Christine Bitar Sat. Sun. Sun. 5:00 pm 10:00 am 12:00 am Reggie Joseph Joe Bittar Albert Farah December 13, 2015 SUNDAY OF THE REVELATION TO JOSEPH اﺣد اﻟﺑﯾﺎن ﻟﯾوﺳف PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Boulos Chayban, Elaine Braham, Loulou Chbat, Jacob Akiki, Norma Kamp, Mona Arida, Corinne Sindo, and Mirna Haeick. CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S SERVICE & MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday, December 15-23: Christmas Novena @ 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 16: Advent Penance Service @ 7:00 p.m. Thursday, December 24: Vigil Eve Mass @ 5:00 p.m. Friday, December 25: Midnight Mass @ 12:00 a.m. Christmas Day @ 11:00 a.m. Thursday, December 31: New Year’s Eve @ 5:00 p.m. WITH DEEPEST SYMPATHY Our deepest sympathy and sincere condolences go to the family, relatives and friends of Mrs. Souhad Hanna Hayek, who passed away on December 4, 2015. Mrs. Souhad Hayek is the beloved wife of Mr. Antoine Hayek, and the loving and devoted mother of Anthony and Peter Hayek. May the Lord grant eternal rest to the soul of His handmaid, Souhad, and may He grant comfort and consolation to all those who mourn her. Wednesday, January 1: New Year’s Day @ 11:00 a.m. CHRISTMAS NOVENA The Novena will begin on Tuesday, December 15th @ 7:00 P.M., and will continue every night until Tuesday, December 23rd. ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE Penance service for Advent will take place on Wednesday, December 16, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. along with the Christmas Novena. This Weekend’s Sacred Scriptures: Epistle: Eph 3:1-13 ~ Gospel: Mt 1:18-25 Next Weekend’s Sacred Scriptures: Epistle: Rom 1:1-12 ~ Gospel: Mt 1:1-17 ST. JOHN MARON THANKS LOMBARDO FUNERAL HOME 885 Niagara Falls Boulevard, (near Eggert & Sheridan) ~ (716) 837-7100 Please support and acknowledge them when needed as a “thank you” for advertising at St. John Maron. December 13, 2015 MARK YOUR CALENDAR “FESTIVAL OF BASKETS” ON DISPLAY Jan. 10, 2016: Open House for Knights of Columbus In line with the Altar & Rosary Society Basket Raffle Fundraiser being held on Sunday, April 10, 2016, please notice the beautiful “sample” basket display at the entrance of the church. We are asking all parish families to help with this fundraiser by donating a themed basket of your choice or a monetary contribution. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Dec. 13, 2015: Reg. Class & Children’s Liturgy Dec. 20, 2015: Regular Class Dec. 27, 2015: No Class—Christmas Break Jan. 03, 2016: No Class—Christmas Break Jan. 10, 2016: Regular Class CCD COFFEE HOUR Dec. 13, 2015 Dec. 20, 2015 اﺣد اﻟﺑﯾﺎن ﻟﯾوﺳف SUNDAY OF THE REVELATION TO JOSEPH Cathy Khoury Vivian Jreige HOLY NAME SOCIETY The Holy Name Society will be meeting for breakfast at Milos Restaurant, 5877 Main Street ~ Williamsville, New York 14221 on Sunday, December 13, 2015 preceded by the 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy. HONORS ACHIEVEMENT Congratulations to our High School young men of our parish who have achieved honors during the first marking period at Bishop Timon - St. Jude High School: Lucian Issa & Gabriel Issa. We are very proud of your achievement. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS St. John Maron is starting their very own Knights of Columbus Council. We welcome the men of our parish and their families to join us for the recruitment meeting on Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. following the Divine Liturgy. All proceeds will benefit the renovation of our beloved church and also a portion will be donated to St. Jude’s Children's Hospital. All baskets and/or donations should be received NO LATER than January 31, 2016. Mrs. Rima Zinaty will be contacting all parish families for themed baskets and/or donations. 2015 Tax Exemption Would you like to have a 2015 tax exemption and help St. John Maron Church? Please consider making a taxable donation to the St. John Maron Church toward the planned church renovation before December 31. Please make check payable to: St. John Maron Renovation Fund. We celebrate Advent by thanking God for Christ’s first coming to earth as a baby...and also for His presence among us today. ST. JOHN MARON CHURCH MEMBERSHIP FORM Name: Address: City: Phone: Zip: □ □ □ □ New Registration Change of Address Moving Out Of Parish Want Envelopes
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