term 2 · week 3 2014 nsw department of education and training
term 2 · week 3 2014 nsw department of education and training
newsletter NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 ! y r t n u o C s s o r C On the 8th of May, years three to six (and children turning eight) all walked to Steel Park for the school Cross Country. When we arrived, the houses all sat in our designated spots under the shade of a tree. We started off with the house chants. All of the house captains (which I am) stood up and led the chants. Cooks won the chants, whilst Georges and Wolli tied for second. After the chants, the races started. The 12/13 year olds raced first, and we worked our way to the lower ages. Wolli won the majority of the races, but Cooks and Georges won some of the races too. After all of the races were finished, we packed up and walked back to school. Everybody cheered for every race, and there was never a dull moment, and everybody had fun. All in all, the Cross Country was a success. by Hailie 5/6K Marrickville West Primary School Beauchamp St, Marrickville NSW Ph: 02 9558 1137 Fax: 02 9559 5961 Email: marrickviw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au PAGE 2 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 Top 10 Things that you should not give my Mum as a present. Spanish Magic Show 10. Taxes. 9. Something related to Minecraft. Like a statue of Steve. 8. A venus fly trap. 7. A card with nothing in it. 6. A present that looks like it has something in it, but it doesn’t. 5. A flower that stinks and attracts flies. 4. A prop for a horror show. (E.g. A fake bloody hand.) 3. A fake snake. (My mum hate’s snakes, even fake ones!) 2. Chocolate that has been half eaten or fake. 1 and a half. A candle (My mom hate’s candles, because that what I give her almost every mothers day.) And finally… The ten dollars that my mum gave me. Also making it look like a present, but when she opens it up, she finds out that I didn’t buy anything and she freaks out. By Gilead From the Office Invoicing Invoices will be sent home this week. This will give more opportunity to settle accounts before they become unmanageable. All outstanding amounts from last year will be carried forward to this year. From the Principals’ desk… I would like to extend a warm welcome to Miss Melissa Morrison who has joined our wonderful school this term. Miss Morrison is the new Assistant Principal taking the place of Mr Moran. She is currently teaching 1D and is also in charge of Early Stage 1 and Stage 1. and photos from Spanish… Ray White Real Estate agents in Dulwich Hill and Marrickville have committed to donating a part of their commission from every property sold to one of 6 local Miss Morrison is very excited about joining charities. Vendors choose the charity which the MWPS community. She is looking will receive the $500 donation. forward to providing support to all the Nick Karvouniaris from Ray White, students, families, community members Dulwich Hill recently sold a property in and staff. She has a passion for assisting Anne St. The vendor chose our school as students be confident, organised and resilient learners who will become the best their preferred recipient of the money. Nick presented us with a cheque for $500 at they can be. morning lines last Friday. This additional Miss Morrison loves dancing, reading and funding will go towards ensuring we can spending time with her family. continue to offer Spanish language classes She has come from a lovely community two days per week at Marrickville West. school in the Hornsby District and has Thank you to our newest neighbour and enjoyed specialising in K-2 and teaching to Ray White for their generous support of many programs to improve the emotional our school and wider community. and social skills as well as the literacy and numeracy outcomes of all students. If you see Miss Morrison around please introduce yourself and say a cheery hello! Ruth Bradfield-Ling Principal Calendar Dates Every Friday – Got Sport Every Monday – Homework Club Yr1-3 Every Wednesday – Homework Club Yr 4-6 Tuesday 13–15 May – NAPLAN Yr 3-5 Friday 16 May Google HQ Excursion 5/6K Hats Please remember to bring a hat every day, and put your name in your hat. Traffic Incidents Diary/Log We have a Log / Diary for Traffic incidents that occur at our crossings outside our school. Please feel free to update the log if this occurs. Anne & Stav Thank you Ray White! Wednesday 21 May – 3/4M Assembly Tuesday 27 May Apple Store Excursion – 5/6C Wednesday 28 May – School Photo Day & Public Speaking Showcase Congratulations Wolli, winners of the Principal’s Disco for House Point Competition in Term 1 Friday 30 May – P&C Film Night PAGE 4 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 KB enjoyed a lovely visit from Ari Kai's Grandma Carol. She entertained us with stories and songs that she has enjoyed sharing with children in Canada where she lives. We certainly loved having her with us and look forward to seeing her again when she next visits Australia. KINDY page PAGE 5 Emoticon symbols On Friday afternoons for a period of 40 minutes, all Kindergarten children share together in a session of play called “Golden Time”. This allows children from across the three classes to engage in play activities with their peers who are not necessarily in their own class. Activities range from “dressing-up” and role play, gross motor activities involving hoops, balance beams and balls, to quieter play with Lego, play-dough and puzzles. It is a delightful way to conclude the week and a positive way of encouraging children to broaden their circle of friends. Year 3 visited Sydney Uni for Compass Program Open University Day Emoticon symbols are made by typing a combination of symbols into the computer. Emoticons are very easy to make and there are many of them. They are used to express emotion. To make one, first put in the eyes, then a mouth. Then put them together, eyes first and then the mouth. In the end, it will come up like one of these: :) happy :] another version of happy :B another version of happy but with teeth. =) extremely happy :( sad :[ another version of sad. =( extremely sad ;) one eyed happy :|neutral emotion or a random face >:( angry <=( extremely angry >:) revenge :\ confused =0 very scared :0 shout or scared :+ I can’t say anything, my mouth is sewed up :# I very sure I can’t say anything, my mouth is stitched up :O slap me, I must be dreaming I hope this has given you information about emoticons. By Gilead School website contains news, class overviews for the term, useful information from DEC and a school calendar with links to permission notes. Go to: www.marrickviw-p.schools.nsw.edu.au PAGE 6 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER PAGE 7 TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 2 STAGE Stage 1 Holidays Acrostic Poems 2gk page Holidays Acrostic Poems Stage 1 Holidays Acrostic Poems Every lunch time would you like to be bored and tired of playing the same game every day. Well my friends and I all think exactly that. In my opinion, old play equipment has been locked up in the kindy triangle. I mean why have play equipment when no one can use it. It’s been there for years and no one has even touched it. It’s just sitting in the rain or sun every single day. Most people would agree that, it would be fun, enjoyful and exciting for most students especially for kindys year ones and most other year twos. Also when students who regularly come back to class stressed or board would not be because there’s something new to play with. 2gk Hotels On the beach Licked ice cream I had a lovely time Dad bought chocolate a lizard licked my nose yoyos soldiers on ANZAC DAY Hotels On the beach Licked ice cream I had a lovely time Dad bought chocolate a lizard licked my nose yoyos soldiers on ANZAC DAY 1 STAGE PLAY EQUIPMENT FOR MWPS Dear Ms Ling, page Finally, students like my friends wouldn’t play fighting games and tackling games like football and wrestling (because my friends play wrestling sometimes). Therefore that’s why MWPS desperately needs play equipment for the students at play time Yours sincerely, Kiwan Dear Miss Ling, I believe that our computer room should be open every lunch and recess. My first reason is that sometimes kids have projects and research something, but they won’t get to do it because the library is closed. How would you feel if you really needed to use the computer but the library was closed? My next reason is that some kids need to check their email because there might be a very important message from their mum and dad. I think you would agree with this. That’s why we should leave our computer room open. Printable planners for homework and study School A to Z has printable monthly planners which include school holidays and the numbered weeks of each Term (for example Monday 19 May is the start of Week 4, in Term 2). Print one for each child to stick on the fridge or on their noticeboards. It’s a great way to teach them how scheduling their time means they’ll be able to fit in the fun activities as well as their other commitments and responsibilities. Download at http://bit.ly/ UbmQz8 Is your child’s backpack damaging their spine? A recent Australian study has shown that approximately 25% of school-aged children suffer from back and/or neck pain at any one time. It’s believed to be due to a combination of factors such as poor posture, everyday load carrying and the use of computers. The Children’s Hospital at Westmead suggests young people should: – not carry more than 10% of their body weight – use a backpack with the straps over both shoulders and a waist strap – load gear so that the heavier objects are nearer to the spine, with the lighter objects towards the front of the pack – lift a backpack properly – bend at the knees and lift the pack with both hands We should have he althy lunch at the canteen Dear Ms Ling, We should have he althy lunches at th e canteen because it would be good and not junk. I strongly believe that we should ha ve healthy lunch at the cant een so you don’t ge t sick or fat by eating junk food like many kids do . I agree that we sh ould have health y lunch at the canteen. When yo u eat junk food yo u can vomit. I strongly agree w e should have he althy lunch at the canteen beca use you will feel he althy, good and nice. So Ms Ling can yo u please let us ha ve healthy lunch at the cant een. Thank you! Kindest regards, Cheers Tom Pham 3/4M 9/4/14 Sasha Dennise s Toilet We need Air Fresheners in the Senior Boy’ 11/4/2014 Dear Ms Ling, oom you were Imagine if every time you went to the bathr made it hard to greeted with a foul smelling stench that that is what the smell anything, [which feels yuck]. Well with. The point is senior boys at your school have to cope lled in their the boys obviously need air fresheners insta rest room. enjoy it. The Only a fool would walk into that place and looking after at le boys who use the toilet block are terrib they want to use beca s it; they don’t even wash their hand ble. possi as ly get out of the putrid toilet as quick boys, they will These air fresheners will not only help the visitors who Well How? l. also help the future of our schoo ‘This : think will place come to M.W.P.S and use that t send migh I think I l; schoo her Principal really looks after my children here’. air fresheners So Ms Ling the boys really really need those installed! Dear Miss Ling, I strongly believe we need iMacs in the school computer room for these reasons. To begin with, you can have cool apps to download like math games, plane games, block games and more. SECONDLY, iMacs are better than windows 7 because it has iMovie, iPhoto and more. Lastly, it can charge an iPad, iPhone and mobile phones, it has 4 rectangle ports which are charging areas making life easier. To sum up, now you know what an iMac/MacBook is, so please buy them (but don’t let the kids drag app icons because they will be deleted). Cheers Kindest regards, Ziyan 3/4M Iggy Price PAGE 8 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 3 STAGE page Stage 2 : Kiet's 'Reading is Thinking' PAGE 9 PAGE 10 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 PAGE 11 What is Connect Marrickville ? ‘Connect Marrickville’ is one of over 40 Schools as Community Centres across NSW. Funded under the Families NSW initiative, and administered through the Department of Education and Communities , the SaCCs are a part of a community network that support families to give their children a good start to life. Connect Marrickville is based in the grounds of Marrickville West Primary School, closest to the Livingstone Road entrance. Marrickville West PS is on the corner of Livingstone Road and Beauchamp Street. “Connect Marrickville SaCC” is located in the grounds of Marrickville West Public School, and works in collaboration with other agencies and families across Marrickville south to: Walk up Harnett Ave from Woolworths 10 mins walk from either Dulwich Hill or Marrickville Stations. 1. increase supportive connections 2. increase use of health and community services, resources and activities 3. increase social emotional and communication skills for school preparedness 4. increase parent confidence and knowledge of child development and early literacy 5. increase community participation Term 2 Timetable 2014 412 bus stops right outside school. page Intiatives at Connect include: playgroups women’s groups adult learning eg, English Class, TAFE Outreach transition to school program health and wellbeing Creativity community events Working with families raising young children in Marrickville South. You can “Like” Connect Marickille SaCC on Facebook and get regular updates. Connect Marrickville SaCC @ Marrickville West Primary School Livingstone Road, Cnr Beauchamp Street PO BOX 6122 Marrickville 2204 Phone: [Phone number]: [Fax number] connectmarrickville@gmail.com Connect Marrickville Schools as Community Centre USE OF MWPS ROOMS BY MARRICKVILLE SOUTH RESIDENTS Located in the grounds of Marrickville West Public School enter by the gates in Livingstone Road near Beauchamp St Contact: Vivi Martin, Local Facilitator, Connect Marrickville, Schools as Communities Centre on 9558 4036 Mobile: 0421 550 119 or connectmarrickville@gmail.com or PO 6122 Marrickville 2204 Term 2 2014 MONDAY 10am - 12 noon BABIES SUPPORTED GROUP With Kerry and Ariyani Register at 9692 0559 For young parents, first time parents, parents having their first baby in Australia, dads and pregnant mums. A partnership with KU Inner West Play and Chat 9.30—11.30 CONVERSATIONS WITH KIDS With Katrina Stomann. A course for parents that will assist children at home and at school. 12 May—23 June Call Vivi: 0421 550 119 10.30am – 12.30pm JAPANESE MOTHERS GROUP With Yukie & Sachiko 0450 668 957 Parent led initiative Please bring one piece of fruit per child for morning tea. Parent Space SCHOOL TERMS ONLY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 9am – 11.30am RAINBOW BABIES PLAYGROUP With Simone Curry 0408 756 440 fabdyke@yahoo.com.auSupporting 21st May 9.30—12.30 TRAINING ON CHILD PROTECTION AND MANDATORY REPORTING For more information call Lisa Osborn on 8799 6758 or Vivi Martin on 9558 4036 all members of the LBTIQ communities with young children. 10am – 2pm MULTI-MIX MOB Aboriginal Playgroup With Nicole Ryan 0413 094 060 Shared creative activities and playbased learning for children and their families, followed by a healthy lunch and shared group time. Reg- ular visitors from support agencies such as Metro MRC. Other collaborative partners include CatholicCare,KU Inner West Play and Chat, Marrickville Community Health, Barnardo’s Aboriginal Early Years and Connect Marrickville 28th May– 18 June 4 Weds from 9.30—12.30 FIRST AID COURSE—FREE (with crèche) A TAFE Outreach course aimed at sole parents. For more info call Vivi Martin on 9558 4036 10am – 12.30 ADULT ENGLISH CLASS for PARENTS & GRANPARENTS With Nadia 0409 838 345 Mixed level conversational English 8 weeks each term. Music Room, B Block . PROJECT – BILINGUAL STORY TELLING CIRCLES ON-LINE For more information contact Vivi Facilitated by Anna Marie Reyes Film Skills with children at Marrickville West and Storytellers from our Community. 0421 550 119 April 14, May 12, June 16 A MWPS P&C and Connect Marrickville Initiative supported by NAB Schools First In the School Library. THURSDAY 9.30 – 12.30 PLAYGROUP FACILITATORS COURSE (TAFE Child Studies with Outreach) 9335 2747 With Di Falkenmire Gain the knowledge and skills to work with parents and children in playgroup settings, as well as build links to further education in child studies. 16 plus weeks. (continuing group) FRIDAY 9.30 – 11.30am OPEN SUPPORTED PLAYGROUP With Maria, Helen, Ariyani & Nimfa 9558 4036 For parents, carers, grandparents and children birth to 5 years of age. Please bring one piece of fruit per child for morning tea. Guests Term 2: Marrickville Community Health Brian Melocco, Social Worker 16th May11.15— 11.45 your child’s speech with Megan Rusticcia, 23rd May 11.15—11.45 your child’s motor skills with Rebekha En Free Childcare available. 10.00am – 12.30pm WOMEN’S HEALING CIRCLE With Felictiy & Bianca 0437 393 616 @ CatholicCare 2c West Street, Lewisham (412 bus) 3.30-5pm HOMEWORK CLUB With Joel,Jeannie, Helen 3 STAGE Where is Connect Marrickville? MINI FILM FESTIVAL OF BILINGUAL STORIES— OPEN MAR- 3.30-5pm HOMEWORK CLUB With Joel, Jeannie, Helen A MWPS P&C and Connect Marrickville Initiative supported by NAB Schools First In the School Library. RICKVILLE EVENT Wed June 25th 2.30—4.30—in the School Hall at Marrickville West. Kindly sponsored by Marrickville Council in conjunction with CCCi 2.30 – 3.25pm HOLIDAY CLUB With MWPS Parents and Friends. Teach a skill, learn a skill. Parents time out – all welcome – a MWPS parent initiative. You can “Like” Connect Marrickville SaCC on Facebook and get regular updates. Do you have any neighbours with young children who might benefit from the programs at Connect Marrickville? If they don’t speak much English, or don’t have family around, or seem to be struggling in any way, chances are that they may be isolated and would benefit from our English Classes, Mothers Group, Playgroups or Courses. On the 6th of May, stage 3 went on an excursion to visit the Botanic Gardens. We firstly marked the roll then walked all the way to the Dulwich Hill train station. After we got there we each got assigned a number and had to call it in order to check everyone was there. Then we got on and headed for St. James. After we arrived we quickly went to the botanic gardens past the art gallery. Then when we arrived each class got a botanic garden teacher. We after had recess then we went with our teachers to explore the botanic gardens. 5/6K and I went in a room with our botanic garden teacher and learnt about the equator and climate of a rainforest. We then went outside to look at various numbers of plants. After all of that we had lunch then headed to the train station to catch a train back to school. Finally we arrived and went to school just in time for recess. by Afiz On the 6th of May we went to the city to visit the Botanical Gardens to learn about plants and how they produce food. My favourite plant would have had to be the ferns, because there colourful and can be in loads of different parts of plants. There was a lot of walking, but overall it was a fun experience! Rain 5/6K Stage 3 went to the Royal Botanical gardens on 6th of May 2014 with Mr Barrett and Mr Burman. We went to the Botanical Gardens because we were learning about rainforests last term as part of H.S.I.E. We had lots of fun and we learnt many new things. After we got back Miss Ling told us that there was an anonymous person who called the school. The lady said that she catches the train every day and that she has never seen a school group so polite. by Saleema 5/6K PAGE 12 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER P&C UPDATE Do you or anyone in your family (your partner, your brother or sister, the child’s grandparent) work for Telstra? If so please let us know as we could apply for a grant through Telstra. You don’t have to write any applications, the P&C and School can do that, but if can name a Telstra employee we may have a chance at getting $1500 for our school. Email our P&C president Thomasin Litchfield (thomasin.litchfield@gmail. com) if you are related to any Telstra employees. (see http://www.kidsfund.telstrafoundation.com for more information) Sculpture by the School Mothers Day Stall Volunteers in Canteen always needed We need more volunteers to help make coffee in the mornings at the canteen. One of our previous helpers has moved and we need someone to take their place, we need an extra helper on Wednesdays and we need to train someone who can help out on Fridays for when Melanie Stopic goes on holidays in Term 3 and 4. No experience is necessary – we can train you. It’s a great way to meet new parents and the teachers at the school. You are usually required from about 9:3010:30 or 11:00. If you can help out in any of the following slots please let Melanie Stopic know (mstopic@exemail.com.au) Mondays – working with Softly Dunstan Wednesday – working with James Goodman Fridays – working with Melanie Stopic, Chandra Attanyake and Ariyani Sulawo. Second Hand Clothing Stall Thanks to Helen for organising the past second hand clothing stall, we raised $71. We appreciate donations of good quality uniforms to sell on and raise money for the P&C. The planning team really need some more people to help to organise the different elements of the event; food, entertainment etc. We are hoping all our Marrickville West mothers are feeling thoroughly spoiled after the amazing Mothers Day stall the P&C arranged this year. We want to say a HUGE thank you to all the helpers. We can’t name you all, such a mammoth effort!! From all the fantastic and generous donations received in the leadup, and the helpers in the setup the day before and then all those amazing Wrapping Mammas on the day of the stall, plus the patient cashiers too. The kids clearly loved having such a wide and varied selection of goods to choose from, and we only hope this can continue to grow year by year. We raised over $1200 on the day, thanks mostly to the donated goods. So thank you again to all those who pitched in over the past weeks to make this the success it was. Our long running Film Night has been transformed into a once-a-term animation festival. The first one, held in Term 1, was a huge success featuring ‘Room On The Broom’ by Julia Donaldson and ‘Partysaurus Rex’ by Pixar, plus a selection of animated shorts from around the world. Huge thanks to the O’Grady’s for all their help in the set-up and also running the canteen, also thanks to Shelley the Machine, for being an octopus in the canteen. lle kvi P&C west & Mighty Nice prou dly pres en t This year’s major P&C event and fundraiser is coming up in September – “Sculpture by the School” – a reference to Sydney’s famous Sculpture by the Sea event. All students will be working in Term 3 to make sculptures and art work for the show, with the collaboration and assistance of local artists. There will be an art show in the Hall and around the school playgrounds, market stalls selling arts and crafts, food and entertainment. Watch this space for more info... Manifest-oh! Marrickville Animation Festival Mar ric Telstra grant application PAGE 13 TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 Partysaurus Rex behind in the When Rex finds himself left to use by getting bathroom, he puts his limbs toy friends. new a bath going for a bunch of Room on the Broom The classic picture book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler . Chinti Bottle Little ant tries to fit into the strict daily routines, . but he has bigger dreams. A sweet conversation . via objects in a bottle. Deer Rabbit and and The friendship of Rabbit Deer is put to the test find by Deer's new obsession to n.. the formula for the 3rd dimensio RoN Rob re‘N’ spaghetti western, In a miniatu that, life two out-law brothers discover as you're is what happens to you, just busy doing other things. Tuurngait from his village, fascinated An Inuit child wanders away his trail, determined follows by a wild bird. His father lost in the ice.. to find him before he gets eller al writer has Bits What happens when a tradition ? r for a computer to change his old typewrite 300 International Awards. Luminaris e west primary school, school hall, marrickvill presented by ly mi fa a r $5 foWe are not babysitters! accompanied All children must beentire time. by an adult the e.com.au www.mightynic beauchamp st The next one is coming up on Friday 30 May at 6pm in the school hall. Once again we have a great selection, the feature will be ‘Gruffalo’s Child’ (again by Julia Donaldson) plus some more amazing animation to knock your socks off. The canteen will be open serving choc-tops, popcorn and hotdogs... adults won’t be disappointed with coffee and hot chocolates and other delights. NEXT P&C MEETING: 7pm Thursday 15 May If you think you might be interested, please email Thomasin (thomasin.litchfield@gmail.com) to get a more detailed idea of how you could be involved. Mothers Day stall: how many presents did you wrap ladies? in the Staff Room. All parents are welcome to come along and learn more about the school and give their ideas on how to make it a better place. facebook.com/MWPandC bigtent.com/groups/mwpandc PAGE 14 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER PAGE 15 TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL K-2 PUBLIC SPEAKING SHOWCASE 2014 Student Reports Dear Parents, Assessment and Reporting is an integral part of the teaching-learning cycle. Our school provides written reports to parents twice per year and invites families to attend school for a formal parent-teacher meeting at the end of Term 2. It should be remembered that education is a partnership between school and home. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher at any time during the year if they have questions or information that might enhance the capacity of this partnership to support their child to achieve their personal best. Students are assessed in their academic and social development through formal tests, assignments and teacher observations of classroom learning and behaviour. Student Reports will show your child’s progress in relation to the expected syllabus outcomes and objectives for their Grade and/or Stage. Student Reports will be sent home the week beginning 23rd June. Parent Teacher Meetings have also been scheduled for that week. More information about Reports and Parent-Teacher meetings will be sent home soon. May the Fourth be With You! The fourth of May is the official Star Wars day and is considered a holiday by Star Wars fans. On the fourth of May fans celebrate the franchise's films series and books. The date was chosen due to its sounding similar to the series phrase May the force be with you! Here is a Star Wars joke. Q: What car does Yoda drive? A: A Toyoda. By Alex As part of the speaking and listening program, students in K-2 have been learning how to prepare and present a speech in class. All students at Marrickville West are expected to write a speech at home that will be presented to their class in Week 4 (week beginning Monday 19th May). Three students will then be chosen to represent their grade at our K-2 Public Speaking Showcase on Thursday 29th May after Morning assembly. Students’ speeches will be judged by an independent adjudicator and parents will be invited to attend. All students who present a speech to their class will receive a participation certificate, students who are selected by their class teacher to present their speech to their stage will receive a grade finalist certificate, students who represent their grade at the showcase will receive a finalist certificate and winners will receive a Public Speaking trophy. K-2 SPEECH REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES Kindergarten deliver a ½ - 1 minute prepared speech Years 1 & 2 deliver a 1-2 minute prepared speech What makes a great speech? Kids, social media and privacy Regardless of your child’s age, the world may already know a lot more about them than you suspect. According to recent research: 92% of children under the age of 2 have a digital shadow ( – it starts with proud parents posting newborn baby photos on Facebook or Instagram) a quarter of Australian children 8 – 12 years old use Facebook, but the minimum age for a user is 13 years. more than 20 per cent of tweens publish photos of themselves on Instagram young people 14 – 19 have an average of 453 fans, friends or followers on social media. 2014 Privacy Awareness Week, 4 – 10 May 2014, is a good time to review your family’s privacy settings and discuss online security. You’ll find lots of practical information and resources to share with your kids at www.ipc.nsw.gov.au An interesting beginning to the speech that grabs the attention of the audience and sets the tone for the body of the speech. The speaker should not introduce him/herself at the beginning of the speech. He/she should not say “Good Morning” etc. The opening statement should be the actual beginning of the speech. Interesting ideas and appropriate language for the age and maturity of the child in the main body of the speech. Some facts, examples and opinions should be included here. A strong and obvious close to the speech that ties all ideas together and leaves a lasting impression. Do not finish the speech with words such as “the end” or even “thank you”. A natural delivery without an abundance of hand gestures or dramatic movements A clear and confident voice that is easy for the audience to hear A smile and real interest in the topic being delivered All children MUST use palm cards that are made from thin cardboard. They must be numbered and no bigger than the child’s hand. The child should refer to them for cues but should NOT READ the speech from them. The palm cards may have the entire speech written on them or only a few words or pictures that give the speaker the cue for the speech. Make the cards to suit the needs of your child. Again, the child should NOT READ the speech from them. The use of a mind map may help you start the brainstorming to get the ideas flowing. Your child has been involved in these activities in the classroom. Ideas can then be expanded upon to start building the speech. SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR TOPICS My Family Special Times How Do I Help? What Makes Me Special? My Favourite Thing School People Who Help Me Colours Friends Holidays Pets OR……… Anything else that really interests you! VIL MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL 3-6 Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Showcase 2014 LE WEST PRIM ARY OOL MARRI C SCH K PAGE 16 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Dear Parents, PARENTS & CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION As part of the speaking and listening program across grades 3-6, your child will be participating in an in-school Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking competition. All students at Marrickville West are expected to write a speech at home that will be presented to their class/grade in Week 4 (week beginning Monday 19th May). Three students will then be chosen to represent their grade at our Public Speaking Showcase on Wednesday 28th May during afternoon Assembly. Students’ speeches will be judged by an independent adjudicator and parents will be invited to attend. The school will then choose 2 speakers from stage two (yrs. 3 & 4) and 2 speakers from stage three (yrs. 5 & 6) from this showcase to represent our school at a regional level. All students who present a speech to their class will receive a participation certificate, students who are selected by their class teacher to present their speech to their stage will receive a grade finalist certificate, students who represent their grade at the showcase will receive a finalist certificate and winners will receive a Public Speaking trophy. The competition aims to heighten the awareness of multicultural issues among NSW primary school students while developing their interest in public speaking and improving their confidence and speech-writing skills. The 2014 MWPS Walkathon A very big THANK YOU!!! to everyone who participated and20 helped to make ThursDAY MARCH West Walk 2014 an y!amazing success! sored toda We are raising ng spon money for Start getti playground equipment ! prizes cool We raised over $8000 to go towards newParents playground in Henson. and Carers: Funequipment opportunities to help on the day! Special thanks to Rachael Ottaway for her fantastic organising skills. We are gonna miss you Rachael!! Put your name down on the roster on the P&C noticeboard or contact Rachael Ottaway (rachael@ausbright.com.au) and Helen Escreza (hescreza@yahoo.com) SRC Report: Happy Award of Awesomeness The SRC recently introduced a new award called the Happy Award of Awesomeness. Anya, the inventor and designer of the Happy Award is going to tell you a bit about the award: “The Happy Award of Awesomeness started as class compliments at the end of the day in 3/4M, and is now one of the most popular awards in the entire school. I think this award is amazing, and I can see it really improving the future of our school,” said Anya proudly. The SRC agree very much with Anya and it is now all over MWPS. All the SRC are giving out two happy awards a week, so good luck to everyone and the SRC hope to give everyone a Happy Award by the end of the year. By Anya, Olive and Wavey Students will be supported in class by their teacher to research, prepare and deliver their speeches. You can also help by talking to your child about the topic they have chosen and helping them to practise their speeches at home from palm cards. Students will be required to deliver a prepared speech selected from the list of set topics over the page. 3 - 6 SPEECH REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES Years 3 and 4 deliver a 2-3 minute prepared speech Years 5 & 6 deliver a 3-4 minute prepared speech What makes a great speech? TERMExperience 2 · WEEK 3 2014 The Every year, families throughout New South Wales invite students from around the world into their homes, and gain a taste of another culture. The StrupitsHaddrick family from NSW share their joys of hostng Belgian student Magali, as they farewell her back home to Belgium: “Magali has been a delight. She has fted in with our family so well and we have loved every minute we have had together. She feels like a member of our family and in our hearts she will always be. The best part has just been sharing company across cultures and languages and adaptng to new relatonships. While we have had some wonderful trips together, it is the tme at home doing everyday things which has been so enjoyable and rewarding. We will defnitely keep in touch. Thank you sharing your life with us Magali. Travel safely and enjoy re-unitng with your family and friends in Belgium. We look forward to the next tme we meet.” New Students Arriving In July. Find Out More Now! The adjudicators will make their decision based on the manner, matter and method the contestants employ in presenting their speeches. They will expect contestants to be confident and engaging speakers. The prepared speeches need to show an understanding of multiculturalism, and be well developed and interesting. Contestants are also expected to demonstrate a balance of personal opinion and information in their speeches, as well as a balance of humour and sincerity. An interesting beginning to the speech that grabs the attention of the audience and sets the tone for the body of the speech. The speaker should not introduce him/herself at the beginning of the speech. He/she should not say “Good Morning” etc. The opening statement should be the actual beginning of the speech. Interesting ideas and appropriate language for the age and maturity of the child in the main body of the PAGE 17 Magic Of Hosting If you too want to partake in this life changing opportunity and enrich your family with an enthusiastc exchange student from another culture, contact WEP now to receive program informaton and student profiles. Full support is provided. Request Free Program Information Phone: 1300 884 733 Email: sylviakelly@wep.org.au Web: wep.org.au/info/hostng-enq speech. Some facts, examples and opinions should be included here. Students should be encouraged to talk about how the topic relates to themselves, the wider community and globally. Their entire speech should not be about themselves. English refresher from School A to Z on Homonyms Homonyms (also known as homographs) are words that are identical in pronunciation and spelling but have different meanings. They can be nouns, adjectives or verbs. The context gives them their meaning. Ask your child for an example, like this one: I prefer a fine tip on my pen. He gave me a tip for the Melbourne Cup. Don’t tip the water on the floor. You gave the waiter a generous tip. More grammar tips at www.SchoolAtoZ. com.au/homework-and-study/english A strong and obvious close to the speech that ties all ideas together and leaves a lasting impression. Do not finish the speech with words such as “the end” or even “thank you”. Our School Day A natural delivery without an abundance of hand gestures or dramatic movements A clear and confident voice that is easy for the audience to hear A smile and real interest in the topic being delivered All children MUST use palm cards that are made from thin cardboard. They must be numbered and no bigger than the child’s hand. The child should refer to them for cues but should NOT READ the speech from them. The palm cards may have the entire speech written on them or only a few words or pictures that give the speaker the cue for the speech. Make the cards to suit the needs of your child. Again, the child should NOT READ the speech from them. Dear Neighbours, Ladies and gentlemen The use of a mind map may help you start the brainstorming to get the ideas flowing. Your child has been involved in these activities in the classroom. Ideas can then be expanded upon to start building the speech. 3-6 Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition Topics 2014 Years 3&4 topics 2014 Years 5&6 topics Racism is bullying Asylum seekers Multiculturalism at the FIFA World Cup The meaning of Australia Day Empathising with other people Getting a multicultural education How kids can make a difference Learning different languages Harmony Day Religion Every family has a story Multiculturalism in the media My overseas connections The same but different When does a migrant become an Australian? Un-Australian Multiculturalism at school Stereotypes What makes a community? Living between cultures The Addison Road Community Centre Organisation along with its key partners originations present to you a A community A Fair. The 1st Wednesday of every month at 142 Addison Road Marrickville. How is this event good for you? 1. There are over 60 services and programs that are present to help you. 2. Need a job, TAfe is here to help you get skills. 3. DO you have debts you cannot manage 4. Are you homeless 5. DO you or a loved one need help regarding drug or alcohol issues 6. Have you got a Medicare card 7. Are you consuming too much electricity 8. Centre Link is here to answer all your questions and assist you 9. Need free legal services 10. Are you looking for a fun day out, free food, good music 9:20am: Morning Bell – meet in Hall C LA SS TIME 11:25am: Lunch – Eating time (earlier for Kindergarten) 11:35am: Lunch – Play time 12:15pm: End of Lunch C LA SS TIME 2:15pm:Recess 2:40pm: End of Recess C LA SS TIME 3:25pm: End of School …and much more Here are just ten reasons why you should do all your information shopping and address your issues in just one day. No need to spend all day in queues, visiting one government department after another, taking a number. No need to spend hours on the phone only to press 1, then 3, then and after 2 hours maybe you get to speak to a person. JUST COME TO THE ADDISON ROAD CENTRE. THEY ARE HERE FOR YOU. Marrickville station has free bus shuttle services running every twenty minutes. School banking is Wednesday 9–9.20am in the LIBRARY PAGE 18 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER PAGE 19 TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 Addison Road Community Centre Presents: Sydney Inner West HUNGRY? Community A Fair! Join us for a Vietnamese Food Party! Thursday 5 th June On the 1st Wednesday each month! PARENTING WORKSHOP SERIES FOR PARENTS OF ADOLESCENTS Get Information & referrals! Food, drinks & entertainment! Gumbramorra Hall FREE fun program for kids to become fitter, healthier and happier! Addison Rd Community Centre 142 Addison Road, Marrickville Do you have children 7-13 years old? Are you worried about their weight? 10am - 2pm Wednesday 2 April 2014 (02) 9569 7633 www.arcco.org.au FREE Parent Wise Parenting Workshops for ALL parents of adolescents. Free Entry! Please order by Please place place order The Go4Fun Program is an established healthy lifestyle program to improve health, fitness, self-esteem and 28th May confidence in children above their Wednesday ideal weight. by Thursday th at Connect Office 29th May at What happens in the Go4Fun Program ? Connect Office The program runs over one school term. There are 20 sessions (2 sessions/week, 2hrs/session). Sessions include: MENU and swimming for kids; easy, effective ways games, activities we are here! to improve your child’s self-esteem and is easy! Cupcakes games 1 foron $2 healthy foods, label reading and Getting confidence; demonstrations, and tips portionhere sizes; and a fun Catch the 428 Bus! 2 for $3 From Canterbury - Petersham or City supermarket tour! Fresh Spring Rolls 1 for $2 . Job Seek . Housing Help . Get of out debt . Health advice . Family Support . Help to live at home . Get your ID Vietnamese noodles Drive! Lots of free car parking! 2 for $3 $3 each . Youth Assistance . Get skills . enrol in TAFE Sydney Local Health District has 15 places on the program in your local area, completely free of charge. Places are offeredORon a first come, firstspecial served basis. Children need to be 7-13 years old and above their ideal weight to Lunch box attend. A parent or carer must accompany each child to every session. Cupcake, 1 fresh spring roll and noodles $5 Finding challenges in raising 12—18 year olds? ..and lots more!! H Topics include: The stages of adolescence What parenting styles and communication techniques work How to keep a positive approach to discipline! Rosemount Good Shepherd Youth & Family Services (assisting families since 1982). Date: Thursday afternoons — one session per week for 6 weeks from Thursday 1st May — Thursday 6th June 2014 Time: 4:30pm—6:30pm Venue: Rosemount Good Shepherd 440 Marrickville Road, Marrickville REGISTRATION IS ESSENTIAL please contact: Carol Ashmore or Jo Evenden on Ph: 8571 7800 Email: carol.ashmore@rosemountgs.org.au or jo.evenden@rosemountgs.org.au Also now available, THE AUSTRALIAN PARENTING APP FREE from iTunes App Store or Android Market. www.rosemountgs.org.au To find out more contact 1800 780 900 or visit www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/Go4Fun Parenting & Wellbeing Workshops at The Infants’ Home, 17 Henry Street Ashfield Term 2, 2014 Tuning in to Kids For Sole Parents Thursdays, 10:00am-12.30pm 1st May - June 5, 2014 (6 weeks) Course cost: FREE , Free child-minding Facilitators: Freda Botica (Family Support Worker) Ann Vlotis (Family Support Worker) and (Inner West Family Connect/Metro MRC) This course will allow parents & carers of 2-8 year olds to explore how to: Talk with and understand your child Help your child learn to manage their emotions Help your child deal with conflict Help your child develop emotional intelligence FREE fun program for kids to become fitter, healthier and happier! Suzie (Thursdays & Fridays) This course is presented by The Infants’ Home in association with: The Go4Fun Program is an established healthy lifestyle program to improve health, fitness, self-esteem and confidence in children above their ideal weight. Go4Fun runs for 10 weeks over school term for children and their parents. Sessions include games, activities, tips on healthy food, label reading, portion sizes plus much more! Sydney Local Health District has 15 places on the program in your local area, completely free of charge. To find out more contact 1800 780 900 or visit www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/Go4Fun. Do you have children 7 to 13 years old? Are you worried about their weight? Call 1800 780 900 toll free SMS 0409 745 645 www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/Go4Fun COULD YOUR KIDS DO GO4FUN? FREE healthy kids program for kids aged 7-13 above a healthy weight. FAMILIES learn healthy eating & exercise with fun activities & games. BUILDS self-esteem & confidence in an encouraging environment. AFTER SCHOOL during school term, call 1800 780 900 for more info today. Do you have children 7-13 years old? Are you worried about their weight? For more information and to register contact: 9799 4844 or szicat@theinfantshome.org.au FREE fun program for kids to become fitter, healthier and happier! ids Healthy Kram Prog GO4FUN PROGRAMS - INNER WEST SYDNEY BELMORE – Belmore PCYC Monday & Wednesday 4.30pm – 6.30pm 332-344 Burwood Rd, Belmore MARRICKVILLE – Marrickville PCYC Thursday 4.00pm – 6.00pm 531 Illawarra Rd, Marrickville CANADA BAY – Five Dock Leisure Centre Twice a Week William St, Five Dock RIVERWOOD - Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre Thursday 4.00pm – 6.00pm 150 Belmore Rd, Riverwood Referral form for health professionals Go4Fun info for families REGISTER TODAY 1800 780 900 GO4FUN.COM.AU PAGE 20 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Marrickville Peace Group & Refugee Advice and Casework Service SYDENHAM ACADEMY 47 47-- 51 Unwins Bridge Rd Refugee Week Film Screening Sydenham 2044 This compelling feature documentary traces the community reaction to Tasmania’s first detention centre through the eyes of local knitting club member Mary and Afghan Hazara asylum seeker Mohammad, who lives inside the centre, as they connect through the gift of a knitted beanie. LỚP HỌC TIẾNG VIỆT MIỄN PHÍ CHO TRẺ EM [above the Bonds Factory Outlet] (The heritage listed original Marrickville Town Hall is located on the corner of Illawarra Road & Council Street in Marrickville) Tổ chức Kết Nối Cộng Đồng và Văn Hóa hiện đang tổ chức các lớp học tiếng Việt cho trẻ em. BOOK YOUR FREE WORKSHOP Các lớp học này được giáo viên có kinh nghiệm truyền đạt – Anna Bùi và được tổ chức tại Trung Tâm Cộng Đồng đường Addison mỗi thứ 5 hàng tuần từ 5 giờ (pm) chiều đến 7h (pm) tối. TODAY & Phone: 95642444 Cái gì? Các lớp dạy tiếng Việt miễn phí cho trẻ em Ở đâu? Nhà số 37, 142 Addison Road, Marrickville Khi Nào? Bắt đầu vào thứ 5 ngày 24th April từ 5.00pm- 7.00pm. Để đăng ký học vào thứ 5 ngày 24th April liên hệ Angela (02) 9518- 0222 or angela@ccci.org.au Hoặc gọi Trinh để nói tiếng Việt 0452504884 PAGE 21 TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 www.facebook.com/sydneyselfdefencecentre info@sydney-selfdefence.com.au Entry by donation ($10 and $5 concession) Proceeds to support Refugee Advice & Casework Service & Enquiries: Jo Errey, jojoerrey@gmail.com or 0420 229 400 www.marrickvillepeacegroup.wordpress.com Introduced by www.besafebesmart.com.au One women per week will die in Australia in Domestic Violence, hun- & dreds per week will be hospitalised and made homeless. 50% of women in Australia will face physical or sexual violence by a man at some point in their lives. Let’s work together to break this cycle. Shifu Chris Futcher-Coles is the Senior Educator and Chief Instructor for the Sydney Self Defence Centre in Marrickville. With 39 years experience in Protective Behaviour, Self Defence and In Australia, 40% of all women have experience violence since the age of 15 years, 33% of women, since the age of 15 years have experience inappropriate comments about their body or sex life. 25% have experience unwanted sexual touching, 19% have been stalked. Education and Personal Safety training is important for both girls and boys. Martial Arts, Shifu Chris leads over 250 students at the full time, professional Sydenham Centre. Chris is a ‘White Ribbon Ambassador’, a qualified VETAB Certificate 4 in Workplace Training & Assessment, a Certificate 3 in Martial Arts, Government Accredited Level 2 Coach with the Australian Coaching Council, past NSW Chairman of the Australian Kungfu and Wushu Federation, Bullying & Self Defence is very confusing for children. What is Fort St High School invites you to join the fun Battle of the Bands (featuring local schools), great rides, fabulous food, face painting and a variety of stalls to pick up a treasure. Come along and enjoy a great day out. Sunday 18 May 2014 10.30am – 4pm Fort St High School – Palace St, Petersham. and trained in Risk Management and assessment. appropriate what is not. From how to navigate the schools policies In 2013 he and his highly qualified team taught and lectured to and procedures, to resilience training [letting the words bounce over 9,000 school children, men and women on all aspects of off], to basic safety tips for the other dangers kids will face. This Protective Behaviour and Self Defence throughout NSW. workshop is age appropriate 5-12 years, communication based, fun, informative and effective. Kids feel supported & empowered Chris helped draft the ‘Child Protection and Child Safety Protocol’ for the Martial Arts Industry Association in Australia. He is a Master/Shifu in the Internal Kung Fu Style ‘Yi Quan’. Men, whether young or old, do not understand the good and the You and your children are in very safe hands. bad they can control in our society. With 92% of all perpetrators of crime are men, yet men are also at risk from violence, from coward punches, to life changing attacks. Whether 15 or 60, we provide the understanding and a level playing field for your safety KIDZPOWER PAGE 23 TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2014 (PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE) ABOUT ANIMAL ORIGAMI: RAINBOW FISH STORY AND CRAFT: BIG MOVIE ARVO: Kids Zone is a series of fun and free after school activities at Marrickville and Stanmore Libraries. Activities are suitable for children 5 - 9 years of age. Marrickville: Thursday 15 May 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 8 April Stanmore: Friday 30 May 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 6 May Marrickville: Try this ancient Japanese art and create some colourful paper animals. Listen to the story The Rainbow Fish, and then make some cool sea creature craft. Join us for a chilled-out movie afternoon, complete with popcorn and poppers. Book online or call 9335 2173. Thursday 26 June 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 3 June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buttered . . . . . . . . . . . . Vegemite. . . . . . . . . . . . Baked Beans . . . . . . . . . . Vegemite & Cheese . . . . . . . Egg/Cheese/tuna/chicken slice/ham . Cheese & tomato . . . . . . . . Egg & lettuce . . . . . . . . . . Chicken, lettuce & mayo . . . . . Tuna & mayo . . . . . . . . . . Tuna or Ham or Cheese with Salad . Ham & cheese . . . . . . . . . Ham & tomato . . . . . . . . . Cheese & tomato . . . . . . . . Ham, cheese & tomato . . . . . . Salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marrickville: Thursday 1 May 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 8 April Come and try your luck with the library’s collection of giant games. . . . . . WII PLAYER GAMING: Marrickville: Thursday 29 May 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 8 April Challenge your friends on your favourite Wii game. TOO MANY ELEPHANTS IN THIS HOUSE STORY AND CRAFT: Marrickville: Thursday 12 June 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 20 May Listen to the story Too Many Elephants in this House, and then create some fun elephant craft. extras Youth Zone | Term 2: May - June 2014 ABOUT CHOC-CORNFLAKE TREATS: YEAR OF THE HORSE ORIGAMI: GIANT GAMES ARVO: Youth Zone is a series of fun and free after school activities at Marrickville Library. Activities are suitable for youth 10 - 16 years of age. Marrickville: Thursday 22 May 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 15 April Marrickville: Thursday 5 June 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 13 May Marrickville: Learn how to whip up these delicious and simple sweet treats. In Chinese astrology it’s the Year of the Horse. Test your origami skills when you create this lifelike paper horse. Come and try your luck with the library’s collection of giant games. Book online or call 9335 2173. marrickvillelibrary.eventbrite.com.au WII PLAYER GAMING: Marrickville: Thursday 8 May 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 15 April Challenge your friends on your favourite Wii game. . . . . . . $2.10 . . 50c . . 50c . 60c+ . $2.00 Super Sandwiches, Toasties & Salad GIANT GAMES ARVO: Friday 27 June 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 3 June Muesli with yoghurt or milk Cheerios . . . . . . . . Sultanas & apricot pack . Seasonal Fresh fruit from . Fruit Salad Cup . . . . . (No snack foods will be sold to students before school) marrickvillelibrary.eventbrite.com.au Stanmore: Before School – Fuel Up! Thursday 19 June 3.30pm - 4.30pm Bookings open Tuesday 13 May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filling (each) . . . . . . . . . . . Roll or wrap . . . . . . . . . . . Mayo/tomato sauce . . . . . . . . Sweet chilli/BBQ/soy sachets . . . Salad plate/ box. . . . . . . . . . (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, celery, carrot) Add – Tuna/egg/ham . . . . . . Plastic Spoons . . . . . . . . . . Drinks . . . . . . $1.30 $1.60 $2.60 $2.60 $2.60 $3.00 $3.00 $3.40 $3.00 $3.80 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.40 $3.30 . . . . 60c 60c 30c 30c $4.00 +60c ea . . 5c Up & Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.10 200ml 100% Juice (box) . . . . . . . $1.30 200ml 100% Juice (bottle). . . . . . . $1.90 Plain milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.20 Yoghurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.30 750ml Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 400ml Mt Franklin . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 400ml Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 450ml Sparkling water . . . . . . . . $2.00 Flavoured Milk (lite). . . . . . . . . . . $1.80 Bottled water will be phased out in Term 2 2014. Frozen Treats Sold after the second lunch bell Frozen fruit piece . . . 99% fruit juice ice sticks Juicies. . . . . . . . Streets Paddlepop . . . Frozen yoghurt . . . . Slushy (99% fruit) Small Slushy (99% fruit) Large Gelato cups – 2 flavours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c . . 60c . . 80c . $1.40 . $2.00 . $1.00 . $2.00 . $1.50 LE WEST PRIMARY OO L Kids Zone | Term 2: May - June 2014 VIL SCH MARRICKVILLE WEST MUNCHIES CANTEEN MENU TERM 1, 2014 MARRI CK PAGE 22 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER PARENTS & CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION Something New! Steamed Vegetarian Gyoza (V). . Cheese & Spinach Triangle (V) . Vegetarian Rice Paper Rolls (V) . Vegetable Sticks with Humous . Mini Quiche (V) . . . . . . . . Mini Spinach & Ricotta Roll (V) . . Mini Potato Top Beef Pie . . . . Fried Rice (gluten free) . . . . . Traditional Potato Bake . . . . Hot Corn Cob . . . . . . . . . Vegetarian Lasagne . . . . . . . . Snacks Potato Chips (28g). . . . Popcorn . . . . . . . . Roasted Seaweed . . . . Rice/Grain snacks . . . . Gingerbread Folk . . . . Vege Crackers . . . . . . . Flavoured Rice Crackers . Hard-boiled egg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70c . $1.20 . $1.50 . . 60c . $1.20 . . . $1.00 . . . $1.20 . . . $3.50 . . . $3.50 . . . $1.00 . . . . . $3.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.20 $1.00 $1.00 $1.20 $1.40 $1.20 $1.20 $1.00 DAILY MEAL DEALS MONDAY: CHOOK CHOOK 5 Chicken wedges (Halal) or Chicken Burger $3.50 MEAL DEAL w/ oak milk & pieces of fruit . $5.00 TUESDAY: PASTA & CURRY & PIZZA Homemade Bolognese Pasta or Lasagne $3.50 Juicy Pizza Slice – Ham & Pineapple . . $2.00 Vegetarian Pizza . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 Mild (mango or butter) chicken curry with rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 Meal Deal w/ oak milk & pieces of fruit. . $5.00 WEDNESDAY: SUSHI & SOUP Sweet corn and chicken soup . . . . . with bread roll . . . . . . . . . . Sushi (pre-order Tuesday) . . . . . MEAL DEAL oak milk & pieces of fruit . . $2.50 $3.00 $3.00 $4.50 THURSDAY: CHOOK CHOOK 5 Chicken wedges (Halal) or Chicken Burger $3.50 MEAL DEAL w/ oak milk & pieces of fruit . $5.00 FRIDAY: PIES Chicken / Beef / HALAL Beef Pie . . . . MEAL DEAL w/ oak milk & pieces of fruit $3.00 $4.50 Foods coloured GREEN are approved by The Healthy Kids Association for eating everyday. The other foods are recommended as occasional foods. Vegetarian (V) & Halal food options available everyday. Please ask Wendy in the canteen. PAGE 24 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Featuring: Gruffalo’s Child 'This way up' Fox & The Chickadee 'Shave it' Sunny & steve 'A Girl Named Elastika' . . and some more! $5 for a family We are not babysitters! All children must be accompanied by an adult the entire time. marrickville west primary school, beauchamp st presented by www.mightynice.com.au
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