Publication - Red Bluff Bull and Gelding Sale
Publication - Red Bluff Bull and Gelding Sale
WK 6WRFN'RJ6DOH Q D \D G L U SP ) Your future is bright. 'ŽůĚĞŶ^ƚĂƚĞ&ĂƌŵƌĞĚŝƚĐŽŵďŝŶĞƐƚŚĞĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞŽĨƚǁŽŽĨĂůŝĨŽƌŶŝĂ͛Ɛ ƐƚƌŽŶŐĞƐƚ ůĞŶĚĞƌƐͶEŽƌƚŚĞƌŶ ĂůŝĨŽƌŶŝĂ &Ăƌŵ ƌĞĚŝƚ ĂŶĚ <ŝŶŐƐďƵƌŐ >ĂŶĚ ĂŶŬ͘ dŚĞ ƐĂŵĞ ƉĞŽƉůĞ LJŽƵ ŚĂǀĞ ĂůǁĂLJƐ ŬŶŽǁŶ ĂŶĚ ƚƌƵƐƚĞĚ͕ ǁŽƌŬŝŶŐƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌƚŽĐƌĞĂƚĞĂďƌŝŐŚƚĞƌĨƵƚƵƌĞĨŽƌLJŽƵĂŶĚLJŽƵƌďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ͘ With five office locations to serve you: $IJDPt)BOGPSEt,JOHTCVSH 3FE#MVČt8JMMPXT Golden State Farm Credit ;ϴϬϬͿϴϯϰͲϴϲϵϴͻǁǁǁ͘ŐƐĨĂƌŵĐƌĞĚŝƚ͘ĐŽŵ WELCOME to the 2015 RED BLUFF STOCK DOG SALE Sale Produced by RED BLUFF BULL SALE COMMITTEE, INC. $1RQSURÀW&RUSRUDWLRQ John Owens ..................................................................................................................... President Ron Anderson..........................................................................................................Vice President Dusty deBraga.................................................................................................................Treasurer Matt Owens .....................................................................................................................Secretary Button Daugherty ..............................................................................................................Director %UHWW´0DFµ0F*LIÀQ .......................................................................................................Director Bob deBraga..................................................................................................... Honorary Director Gordon Bruce............................................(not pictured) ................................. Honorary Director Adam Owens....................................................................................................................Manager O.W. Hooton .......................................................................................................Sale Veterinarian $UW6XWÀQ.............................................................................................................Sale Veterinarian Ken Hufford ................................................................................................. Advisory Committee Kenneth Owens ........................................................................................... Advisory Committee Nathan Owens .............................................................................................. Advisory Committee Bub Ragan ................................................................................................... Advisory Committee Walt Stein .................................................................................................... Advisory Committee Ben Sale ...................................................................................................... Advisory Committee Brian Birt ..................................................................................................... Advisory Committee Robert Staley................................................................................................ Advisory Committee John Venable ................................................................................................ Advisory Committee Bryan Owens................................................................................................ Advisory Committee Roy Owens ................................................................................................... Advisory Committee CONDITIONS OF SALE - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY 1. Every effort has been made to assure correctness of the catalog, but the sales management and auctioneers are not responsible for errors or omissions, and assume no liability on its part or on the part of the seller as to any statements, with either verbal or written, regarding dogs sold. 2. The auctioneer acts as agent only and will endeavor to protect the interest of both buyer and consignor. The sale management assumes no responsibility whatsoever to anyone for blemishes, defects, the physical condition, or health of the dog, and makes no warranties or representation of any kind in this sale. The Red Bluff Bull Sale Committee, Inc. acts as agents only. All dogs are sold as is. 3. Terms of sale are cash, check, Visa or MasterCard. A 3% service charge will be assessed to all credit card purchases. Payment in full must be made immediately after the dog is sold to the new owner. Sales tax in the amount of 7.5% of the purchase price will be added to all purchases and must be paid by all California UHVLGHQWVZKRGRQRWKDYHDERQD¿GHUHVDOHSHUPLWQXPEHU This also applies to all out-of-state buyers unless they employ a licensed commercial carrier to deliver the dog out of state, and give the cashier a copy of the “Bill of Lading.” AUCTIONEER: TRENT STEWART MADRAS, OR PLEASE BRING THIS CATALOG WITH YOU For information please contact: 5HG%OXII%XOODQG*HOGLQJ6DOH2I¿FH 670 Antelope Blvd. Suite 3 • Red Bluff, CA 96080 530/527-2045 • 530/529-5097 fax Website: • E-mail: -$18$5< TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015 7:30AM Kick-Off Breakfast & Beef Forum, Merck Animal Health, Don Smith Pavilion. 10:00AM Sifting & Grading of all RANGE READY CALVING EASE & RANGE READY BULLS, Don Smith Pavilion. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2015 10:00AM Sifting & Grading of all HALTER CALVING EASE AND HALTER BULLS, Don Smith Pavilion. 12:00PM Trade Show and Art Show open. Close at 7:00PM. 1:00PM Working Stock Dogs - All dogs work OUTSIDE. 3:30-5:30PM Clinic, presented by Nutrena. Pauline Davis Pavilion 6:00PM Buyer & Consignor Dinner - $15/person. Fairgrounds Cafeteria. Cocktails 6:00PM. Dinner at 7:00PM Youth Activity Fund Raffle: 7:30PM and Auction of Red Bluff’s Buckin’ Best Bull Riders. THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2015 7:30AM GELDINGS & MULES - Shown at halter, in age order, youngest to oldest. Pauline Davis Pavilion. 9:00AM Trade Show and Art Show Open. Close at 7:00PM. 9:00AM Novartis Seminar, Don Smith Pavilion. 11:00AM WVM INTERNET FEEDER/FEMALE SALE, presented by Animal Health International/Novartis, Don Smith Pavilion. 1:00PM GELDING & MULES - Dry, Trail and Cattle Works, Pauline Davis Pavilion. 5-8:00PM Art Show Wine & Cheese Tasting, Hosted by Raley’s, Gem Building. 5:45-7:00PM THE HORSE THAT CHANGED IT ALL, presented by: Dr. Bryan McMurry, Nutrena, Pauline Davis Pavilion. 7:00PM GELDINGS - Conformation Horse Selected. Pauline Davis Pavilion. WORKING STOCK DOGS. Working all Stockdogs inside, Pauline Davis Pavilion. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2015 8:00AM GELDINGS & MULES - Team Roping, Cutting, Snaffle Bit/Hackamore & Stock Horse Contests. SELECTION OF THE CRAIG OWENS IDEAL RANCH HORSE, Pauline Davis Pavilion. 9:00AM Trade Show and Art Show Open. Art Show closes at 7:00PM, Trade Show closes at 9:00PM. 11:00AM Creating Profitability with GeneMax Advantage presented by Zoetis. Don Smith Pavilion. 12:00PM WORKING OF STOCK DOGS - Final Round - Work outside. 2:30PM SALE OF STOCK DOGS, presented by Nutrena/Loyall Pet Food. Don Smith Pavilion. 3:30PM DOORS OPEN FOR GELDING & MULE SALE, Pauline Davis Pavilion. 4:00-7:30PM Ag Social Sponsored by Chico State College of Agriculture, Fairgrounds Cafeteria. Information: Sarah DeForest (530) 898-3737 / Shelley Macdonald (530)527-1941. 4:00PM Vic Woolery’s Famous Tri-Tip BBQ before & during the Gelding Sale. $10.00/person. Pauline Davis Pavilion. 5:30PM SALE OF QUARTER HORSE, PAINT GELDINGS & SADDLE MULES, PRESENTED BY ROLLING HILLS CASINO. Pauline Davis Pavilion. Animals sold in computer drawn order. Admission is $10.00/person. Tickets available at door, or call office. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 9:00AM Trade Show and Art Show open. Art can be removed at 2:00PM, Trade Show closes at 7:00PM. 9:30AM SALE OF ALL BULLS, PRESENTED BY ZOETIS, Don Smith Pavilion. 7:00PM CINCH JEANS PRESENTS RED BLUFF’S BUCKIN’ BEST BULL RIDING featuring Top Cowboys going head-to-head with the rankest bucking bulls & broncs in rodeo! Party & Dance immediately following. Pre-Sale General admission: $20/person, $25 at door; Arena Floor Seating Pre-Sale $30/person, $35 at door:; V.I.P. Premier Seating, Parking, Reception, Appetizers: Pre-Sale $75, $80 at door. Foreword The Red Bluff Bull and Gelding Sale would like to welcome you to the 2015 Red Bluff Stock Dog Sale. 2015 marks the 37th year of the most unique offering in the livestock industry. The canine talent on display at Red Bluff is unparalleled. Much of the credit goes to our great sponsors. We would like to publicly thank Cargil / Nutrena for taking on the role of Corporate Partner for the Stock Dog Sale. If you enjoy this event please stop by the Cargil / Nutrena, Loyall Pet Foods booth and thank them for sponsoring this event. We would also like to thank Martinez Ranch Management, Western Cattle Dog Assn. and Cornerstone Bank for sponsoring first, second and third place award monies. These sponsors make it possible to award prize money drawing the most talented dogs to Red Bluff. Dogs in the sale are between 12 to 48 months and all dogs compete in one class. The sale committee will sift dogs that are unable to perform at a high level, or are unsound. Vaccination records are on hand in the office and are provided to the buyer. Buyer takes ownership of the dog immediately upon checking out unless arrangements are made for the seller to hold the dog until Saturday morning. Of course we strongly encourage you to attend this one of a kind event. If you cannot make the sale on Friday you can call the office and make arrangements to bid over the phone with one of our professional sale staffers. Typically, several dogs are sold to buyers not in attendance. California sales tax applies to residents. Buyers are responsible for all delivery costs. If there is anything we can do to assist you, please feel free to contact the Red Bluff Bull Sale management or staff. Red Bluff Bull Sale Committee Adam Owens, Sale Manager Marianne Brownfield, Dog Sale Secretary 2015 Dog Sale Consignors DOG CONSIGNORS LOT # BROWN, ROBIN ..................................................................................... 5 BROWN, ROCKY .................................................................................... 6 DOYLE, JOHN ........................................................................................ 17 EDSALL, CLAYTON ............................................................................... 7 GONZALEZ, JAIME ............................................................................... 1 HARLEY, SHANE ................................................................................... 4 HARRIS, RACHEL .................................................................................. 10 KALMA, CHAD ....................................................................................... 12 MCAULIFFE, AMBROSE ........................................................................ 14 NEUBERT, BRYAN ................................................................................. 16 ORTEGA, EDGAR .................................................................................. 18 PRITCHARD, HANK ............................................................................... 8 RALPH, MIKE ......................................................................................... 20 ROWSE, SARA ...................................................................................... 9 SANCHEZ, MARTIN............................................................................... 15 SUTTON, JEREMY ................................................................................ 11 WAGNER, ASHLEY................................................................................ 3 WANMAN, ERIC .................................................................................... 2 WINEBARGER, MASON ........................................................................ 19 WINEBARGER, PAIGE ........................................................................... 13 !"#$%&#'%()*+,)-"$.#'.)/0+12)3+.( 40)05%)6%$)7&"**)7"&&)/4&% *RDO7RPHDVXUHWKHFDSDELOLWLHVRIDGRJWREHDUHDOUDQFKGRJ 6FRULQJDVIROORZV 7KHUHZLOOEHDWRWDORIMXGJHVVFRULQJGRJUXQV7KHWRSDQGORZVFRUHVZLOOEHGURSSHGDQG UHPDLQLQJVFRUHVZLOOEHWRWDOHGDQGDYHUDJHG2QHMXGJHZLOOEHLQFKDUJHRIGHWHUPLQLQJLI FDWWOHDUHWRRWRXJKIRUGRJHQWU\ /RWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 6WRS±SRLQWVSRVVLEOH *RHVWRWKHOHDGRIWKHOHDGFRZ 6KRZVVXIILFLHQWSRZHUWRVWRSDQGFRQWUROFDWWOHZKHQFKDOOHQJHG 2EHGLHQFH±SRLQWVSRVVLEOH 2EH\VFRPPDQGV 7ULHVWRKHOSWKHKDQGOHUDFFRPSOLVKVRPHWKLQJ &RQWURO±SRLQWVSRVVLEOH %DODQFHVWKHFDWWOHWRWKHKDQGOHU .HHSVWKHFDWWOHWRJHWKHUDQGXQGHUFRQWURO 898:; 7KHGRJVKRXOGQRWEHRYHUO\PHFKDQLFDORURYHUO\GHSHQGHQWRQWKHKDQGOHU 7KHGRJVKRXOGQRWSDVVEHWZHHQWKHKDQGOHUDQGWKHFDWWOHXQOHVVWROGWR 7KHGRJVKRXOGQRWVLQJOHRXWDQLPDOVIURPWKHKHUGMXVWWRELWHWKHP 7KHGRJVKRXOGQRW\DSRUEDUNH[FHVVLYHO\VRPHEDUNLVFHUWDLQO\ILQH 7KHGUDZRIWKHFDWWOHZLOOEHFRQVLGHUHG,IWKHFDWWOHDUHXQVWRSSDEOHZDVWKHSUREOHPFDXVHG E\WKHGRJRUWRXJKFDWWOH ,QDOOZRUNVKDQGOHUZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRGHPRQVWUDWHWKHGRJ¶VDELOLW\WRJRWRWKHOHDGDQG ³VWRSFDWWOH´ 3RLQWVDUHQRWDZDUGHGIRUWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHFRXUVH&RXUVHLVWKHUHWRSURYLGHRSSRUWXQLW\ WRGHPRQVWUDWHWKHGRJ¶VWDOHQWV !"#$%&'() ! 1-33O. 1(-O3-4'(//+3 H3,B4U."#!$%& '()*+,)(-. 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Ambrose McAuliffe Memorial Dog Trial Shootout July 18-19, 2015 & August 22-23, 2015 “Like” us on facebook! !"#$%&#' ! 3+448, 3&+84+1%&--)4 64*J1O,!"#$$" %&'()*'&+, 2(=-4A N/*'4+ 4 M/84+/ 3 %2 3+4484+, +D\¶V%RUGHU&ROOLHV 4 M/7;&' 3 N2 %&-&+, (&%)*+, !#12&# 6/)84+123% :/;<=123% 9/*4123% 6&>>)4123% ?)'*123% %&;;&'123% N=4-048, -)./).0-/ . %/0123% . 3+5()4+123% . . @/A123% 3&'')4123% 647/123% @BC1D&--)4123% %/0123% 3&'')4123% E+4<F-4(, 905'FAG (-)<F =/)+48G H4I/-4G 3&+84+ %&--)4J %/''A /'8 /;=-4;)<G A4; (;)-- H-4>)7-4 /'8 K)--)'* ;& -4/+'J 9=4 )( / 0+&L4' +/'<= 8&* ;=/; =/( /-(& (04'; ;)I4 )' ;=4 9)4++/ M&5';/)'( */;=4+)'* 0/)+(J E+4<F-4(1)(1/1;+541/((4;1;&1/'A1&04+/;)&'J 56 P 3+448, 3&+84+1%&--)4 64*J1O,!"QR!R %&'()*'&+, 9=/'4 D/+-4A 4 3&'/'V/ 3 X6 3+4484+, @4+4IA195;;&' 4 M)8L/-4 3 YU %&-&+, (&%)*+, 72&# TA123% C4&+8&' 9=40123% @/'123% UM91@4((4123% 3+5()4+123% %-4&123% N=4-048, -.)-.).0-. . 6&77)4123% . 9)-L4+I&&'1@&4A 23% CA0123% . . C+)V123% @S2++&K128/123% 9/--A123% M<%/--5I19-48*4 23% M<%/--5I(1U+/* 23% TA )( / W A+ &-8 7)* (-)<F <&/;48 I/-4 ;=/; =);( 7&;= 4'8( =/+8J D4 )( / ')<4 /'8 H-4>)7-4 &5; +5''4+ /'8 4/(A1;&1741/+&5'81/;1=&I4J1D41=/(1744'15(481&'1A4/+-)'*(1/'81)(1+4/8A1;&1*&1;&1K&+F1H&+1A&5J Shane Harley Stock Dogs Learn to train stockdogs with highly successful trainer and trialer, Shane Harley. • Online Training Courses at: great nutrition for your dogs... • To order DVDs, email: TRAINING • LESSONS • SALES • Started Dogs • Puppies ...from the name you trust for your horses. Contact: Shane Harley (541) 892-5055 You choose SafeChoice® Advanced Equine Formula 9750 E. Langell Valley Rd. Bonanza, OR 97623 because you want what’s best for your horses in all life stages. Now you can give the other important animals in your life the same advantages with Loyall® — a complete line of premium pet foods from Nutrena®. The Loyall line features nine different formulas for every +$:(6 +$:(6 age and stage of life. Each formula contains flax seed, a natural source of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids; organic trace minerals to promote healthy skin and coat; glucosamine from natural sources; and balanced fiber for better digestive support. 5$1&+ )$50 6833/< 5$1&+)$506833/< +$:(6 Welcome to the Bull Sale :HOFRPHWRWKH%XOO6DOH :HOFRPHWRWKH%XOO6DOH 5$1&+ )$50 6833/< You’ll find SafeChoice and Loyall at your local retailer. To learn more, visit and )((')(1&,1*)(57,/,=(56$/76+$9,1*6+$<732676672&. )((')(1&,1*)(57,/,=(56$/76+$9,1*6+$<732676672&. 7$1.6&+$,1/,1.*$7(6$1'3$1(/67$&.+256(6+2(6 7$1.6&+$,1/,1.*$7(6$1'3$1(/67$&.+256(6+2(6 :HOFRPHWRWKH%XOO6DOH )((')(1&,1*)(57,/,=(56$/76+$9,1*6+$<732676672&. 5(' %/8)) $1'(5621 7$1.6&+$,1/,1.*$7(6$1'3$1(/67$&.+256(6+2(6 5(' %/8)) $1'(5621 ³+DZHV+DV,W´ $VK6WUHHW ³+DZHV+DV,W´ 'HUVFK5RDG $VK6WUHHW 'HUVFK5RDG &RUQHURI$VK0RQURH &RUQHURI'HUVFK'HVFKXWHV 5(' %/8)) $1'(5621 ³+DZHV+DV,W´ ©2010 Cargill, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. $VK6WUHHW 'HUVFK5RDG &RUQHURI$VK0RQURH &RUQHURI'HUVFK'HVFKXWHV | &RUQHURI$VK0RQURH &RUQHURI'HUVFK'HVFKXWHV Nutrena Loyall and SafeChoice Ad Client: Loyall Premium Pet Food Agency: Boost, Inc. Publication: Red Bluff Bull Sale catalogs Trim Size: 7.5 x 10” Color: B/W with full bleed BROKEN CIRCLE Border Collies ; Robin (Nuffer) Brown < 2x National Cattle Dog Champion 25 years experience Mesa, Idaho Specializing in Experienced Ranch Dogs, Clinics & Lessons Broken Circle Wizz 7 7 7 7 Fully trained dogs Occasional started dogs Puppies Stud dogs Visit to see videos of my Red Bluff entries and further information 208-741-0969 !"#$%&'()"*+%',#% !"#$%&''() !! 4,66C4,66D- 4',C6,2&'..*6 4',D6,2&'..*6 <6+L2V<6+L2T-"#$%!$ "#!"$% &'()*+(',&'()*+(',- <'=*( <'=*(4,'O( 4,'K( :8 76)9 76)997QT NH 4,66C6,4,66D6,- 59;627'',6 AE9,'(2>,:9M : U(*;N 8 O6*)6, 9 S<7 NH &'.',&'.',- !+$-./0 *+,-./0 78+% 12-34-3213 OE6.F6D-1-2-3456 56+( ED6.G6C<'=234& <'=234& 4,'@6( 4,'@6( &*,8.6256' &*,8.6256' 4&AB6*C* A&<2A9..B 34& 34& 7&2>9?234& 7&2>9?234& &9)D234& C6',D'(2AE6F 34& 4,'@6(2&*,8.6234& 4&2G6*D*234& // 0*1234& 0*1234& // 78&9..:1)27',; 78&9..:1)27',; 34& 34& 78&9..:1)246..6 78&9..:1)246..6 34& 34& // // E*..*6234& >B234& 56..234& 56..234& F6(9234& H7A206))66234& <:(;234& &9)E234& 78&9..:1)234& 4,'@6(2&*,8.62A:6 34& 5'6 H'??6, *) ;D6 *) 9G6,H68; ):F6, I,*6(D.BJ 9+6 'H IAJKIL ':;+'*(+ B6 D'+ *) 9 ;E9; M6,NK9(;) ;D':+D;H:. ;' F.69)6L 9(C @*(C G6 E9) C'+L(*86 B6 =*+ O*..+9;E6,) =*;6 =';D 9(D6(C) *) );,'(+ 9(C @('O) '( ;E6D*) E69DL P'=L Q G6 89(I'..'K) 9.O9N)9;,:); E',)6 D*1K6.. 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Box 12248 Salem, OR 97309-0248 Ph 503.375.6003 :DWHUIRU/LIH,QFLVDQRQSURILWRUJDQL]DWLRQ GHGLFDWHGWRWKHSURWHFWLRQRIDJULFXOWXUDOZDWHUULJKWV 7ROHDUQPRUHVWRSE\RXUERRWKLQWKH%XOOEDUQWKLVZHHNHQG !"#$%&'&!(#) ! 6-33C. 6(-C3-4'(//+3 13,M4X."!#$%& '()*+,)(-. ;F-F 1(9*3 8 H-+)3<+//3 7 W1 6-33C3-. 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CATTLE FENCE CORRALS FEED LOTS ARENAS AUTOMATIC GATES SUSPENSION FENCE LOAD OUT CHUTES WWW.SWFENCE.COM (800) 843-3623 (925) 337-0774 California Contractor’s License No. 664846 Oregon Contractor’s License No. 149951 Hawaii Contractor’s License No. 23316 !"#$%&'()%*"& !! 3+00B, 3&+B0+1%&--)0 50*=1[,"##$"! %&'()*'&+, F0+0L6 ?P;;&' 9 Z)BNA-0 8 DG 3+00B0+, G)7812;8)'( 9 <&-B0'BA-0 8 /2 %&-&+, (+,-./0 6+& :)(;&-123% <=1>= 3AB*0+123% D'B)A'&A8 E0+)123% <=1>=1?@AB&C123% FA6123% G00123% /@0-40B, 1-23-2452 . /)--)0123% . 5%213)--13&''06 23% 30789295&&123% . . 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OFFICIAL STOCK DOG SALE CORPORATE SPONSOR 530 $6450.$"55-&'&&% Proud Sponsor of the Red Bluff Bull & Gelding Sale !"#$ %&'()"&*!$ )&$ !+,-+$.&/$ "*$ )0+$ ,+1$ 2%/33$(,+( !"#$%&'(($)$*+#",-.+$./"+$012.',-33 45,5#6-" :6&&.;- 8.,+6+9 Marti Ranch Man 7,&5+# 420 Antelope Blvd. Red Bluff, CA 96080 Debbie Fox-Chow, DVM Dr. Terri Hill, DVM, MPVM Dr. Mandy Hamilton, DVM New Line of Canine Imuno-Vax® ANIMAL HEALTH INTERNATIONAL RED BLUFF, CA JOHN MOSES (530) 228-6735 Lazy D Border Collies Kirk, Paige & Mason Winebarger $IHZVWDUWHGGRJV¿QLVKHGGRJVIRUVDOH7ULDORU5DQFK ,AZY $ $AX 2013 Reserve National Champion NCA (horseback division) 2013 Harvest Festival Cowdog Classic Open Champion 2012 National Cow Dog Regional Open Champion 2012 Intermountain Open Reserve Champion 2012 Winnemucca Open Top 5 2012 Tuff Stock Dog Open Champion ,AZY $ -ILTON 2013 3rd in the Nation NCA (horseback division) 2013 Klamath Bull Sale Open Reserve Champion 2012 National Cow Dog Regional Nursery Champion 2012 Intermountain Champion (Nursery) 2012 Harvest Festival Cowdog Classic Open Champion 2012 Reno Rodeo Nursery Champion ,AZY $ -UTT 2013 Idaho Heritage Cowdog Trial Open Champion 2012 Winnemucca Open Brace Champion 2012 Open Winner Thousand Springs 2012 Winnemucca Open Top 5 2012 Harvest Festival Open Reserve Champion :DWFKIRU/D]\''XJDQ2XWVWDQGLQJ$OO$URXQG&RZ'RJ &RQVLJQHGE\0DVRQ:LQHEDUJHU * Our dogs are not only winners of numerous trials, but are used daily on a 2000+ head cow/calf operation in Central Oregon. * Finished Full sister to Lazy D Dax and Lazy D Milton available now. 3KRQH(0DLOJFF#EHQGQHWFRP !"#$%&%'(") !"#$%&'() !" %UHHG >(-3=-4'(//+= >-==3. 6).H3.4()00,3 5HJ"#$%!& @=,L4^. 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Your go to place for answers to all your training questions REX - 2014 Champion Red Bluff Stock Dog Video instruction by Merle and Sandi Newton of Crystal Rose Cowdog College. This is your opportunity to tap into 30 years of experience training literally thousands of dogs with a library of training videos that cover every facet of cow dog training, trialing, and ranch work. ZZZFRZGRJWUDLQLQJRQOLQHFRP FUFGF#JPDLOFRP Look us up 5HORFDWLQJLQ7H[DV 0HUOH6DQGL1HZWRQ !"#$%%&' !" 5-77G. 5(-G7-3'(//+7 I7,M3V.#"!$%& '()*+,)(-. S(2) A(=/7 # I1O()1 5 '4 5-77G7-. 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VETERINARY & ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLIES MINERALS & SUPPLEMENTS DRY & LIQUID FEED WATER TROUGHS & TANKS PET SUPPLIES WESTERN TACK & APPAREL FENCING SUPPLIES PIPE & STEEL HARDWARE IRRIGATION WELDING SUPPLIES WORK APPAREL FOOTWEAR 47/ ,/#!4)/.3 4/ 3%26% 9/5 $%,)6%29 !6!),!",% /!+$!,% s 7AR NERVILLE 2OAD %AST ON 7ARNERVILLE 2D JUST OFF !LBERS 2D9OSEMITE !VE -%2#%$ s % #HILDS !VENUE #HECK OUT WWWCONLINSUPPLYCOM h,IKEv US ON &ACEBOOK Sponsored by Western Horseman Magazine FOR ENTRY FORMS: (530) 527-2045 Jan. 27-31, 2015 5th Annual Red Bluff, California Western Art Show & Sale Prize Money for 1st-3rd Place in each division! • $1,000 Cash Prize for Best of Show OPEN DIVISIONS: Painting • Sculpture • Drawing Photography • Leatherwork • Silverwork • Working Gear Visit our website for more! Our printed catalogs are great, they are highly portable, they don’t take batteries and can stand all the dirt and dust you can throw at them. But we are limited in what we can print. For more information, check out our online version at Some of the added catalog features include: • Your choice of viewing the catalog in a format that can be sorted to bring the lots you are interested in to the top, or a PDF version. • Full color photographs of the Geldings and Stock Dogs. • Links to Bulls full pedigrees. While you’re there, you can: • Order tickets for the Youth Raffle, Buyers and Consignors dinner, Gelding Sale and Red Bluff’s Buckin’ Best Bull Riding on Saturday. • Get information about where to stay. • Visit our Sponsors page and explore the links to their companies. • Check out the list of vendors attending this year’s event. ABSENTEE BIDS IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND THIS SALE PERSONALLY, WE URGE YOU TO COMPLETE THIS BID FORM ON ANY LOT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN AND FORWARD IT TO US. YOUR CONFIDENCE WILL BE RESPECTED. Red Bluff Bull Sale 670 Antelope Blvd., Suite 3 Red Bluff, CA 96080 Fax 530-529-5097 Re: Dog Sale January 30, 2015 at Red Bluff, California I hereby bid for Dog Lot Number up to Dollars ($ ) plus California sales tax when applicable and the sum equal to the charge for transporting and insuring said dog from Red Bluff, California to: If I am the successful bidder, it is a condition of such sale that said dog shall be delivered by you to a common carrier, customs broker or forwarding agent for shipment as above, freight prepaid, copy of bill of lading or other documentary evidence of such delivery to be retained by you. Your published Conditions of Sale not inconsistent herewith are made a part of this bid. Signature of Bidder: Address of Bidder: Phone Number of Bidder: Date: If the Question is Trust The Answer is Loyall® © Cargill Incorporated 2013 RED BLUFF BULL & GELDING SALE COMMITTEE 670 ANTELOPE BLVD., STE. 3 RED BLUFF, CA 96080 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID RED BLUFF, CA PERMIT NO. 213 ED AT R: D IAL M R ATE STE A STM PO PLEASE BRING THIS CATALOG WITH YOU © Cargill Incorporated 2013