Donovan, Dorothy


Donovan, Dorothy
Dorothy Donovan
April 7, 1942 - March 16, 2005
Le Sean Nelson
October 8, 2002 - March 16, 2005
Shatia Ridley
May 18,1985 -March'16, 2005
Cathedral Church ofAII Saints
St, Thomas, USVI
April 2, 2005 - /0:00 A.M.
Francis Cemetry, Smith Bay
Qjficciant: The VefY Rev. Ashton Jacinto Brooks
Dorothy Donovan /(:....
Shatia Ridley
Le'Sean Nelson
Mother/Great Grandmother/Great Great Grandmothel': Ruth Donovan
Fiance/Grandfather/Great Grandfather: Humphrey Hermon, Jr.
Daughter: Natasha Ridley
Granddaughter/Sisters/Aunts: Seanette and Shadia Ridley
Grandfather: Earl Ridley
Father: Randon Nelson
Grandmother: Sharon Nelson
Many other relatives and friends.
Avery Lewis, Antonio Lewis, Paul Smith, Otis Ma11in, Edmund Gumbs, Franklin Van
Beverhoudt, Ira Mactavious, Patrick Hermon, Sr., Gerald Mercer, Jerome Mercer,
Taio Lettsome, Albert Forbes
Humphrey Hennon, Jr., Humphrey Hermon, Sr., Calistro Hermon, Wilbur Turnbull,
Lawrence Jones, Organ Juliene, James Juliene, Sidney Han-is, Joseph Leonard,
Charles Leonard
My one and only. What I am going to do? You were the love of my heart.
Shatia, you was m.:x.-o.1dest-great grandchild, I miss you dearly and most of all Le'Sean, my great
great grandson. I truly can't express how I feel. My heart is breaking every time. llIe Lord knows
best. All three of you left me so suddenly, I can hear you all crying. TIwt will be in my mind
God's work must be done on earth as it is in ht:avcn.
Go in peace
Ma, Nana, Nana Ruth
Dottie, Shatia & Le'Sean
There is love that will live forever, and there are memories that will shine through the sorrow.
Good-bye my gang.
Humphrey (Breed) Hermon, Jr.
To NiNi, Shatia, Le'Sean
I remember the days NiNi use to always beat me and tell me she love me afterwards. And all those
times Shatia and I use to fight over the silly things (like fighting for the last piece of chicken). I
remember all those times Le'Sean run to me after I come from school. I just wish some day it would
be a rejoicing day, a wonderful day that they make an appearance. God bless you all and may God
take you all under his wings.
To NiNi, Shatia, Le'Sean
I miss the day we use to hang out and crack jokes. I wish someway somehow you guys can just
come back and this will all be a dream. I miss you very much and I don't know what I am going to
do without you I just don't l<J1oW what to do. 1 know we had our off and on but we ·still loved each
other. I just want to say you're in a better place now and I hope to see you some day. But for now,
let your soul Rest In Peace.
Love always, Shadia
Miss Ruth (Ma), Seanette aDd Shadia
Words cannot express the sorrow, hurt, pain and anguish that we feel on the passing of Dottie, Shatia
and Le'Sean. Although we cannot replace them in your lives take comfort in knowing that the
Hennon tiuniiy will ... !'...."y be here for you and will always be considered our extended family.
The HemlOn and Mercer Family
Missing you now and always. You will be our sister-in-law for life.
Louella (Sweet Lou), Theona (Sweet T) & Era
I'm missing you. Yes I know that God called your name and Shatja, also baby boy Le Sean that
Wednesday momjng, March 16, 2005. "Saying - come to me!" I'm missing you Dottie... your
cheerfulness and your loving ways. [n life [loved you dearly, in death I'll do the same. The broken
chain; it broke my heart to lose you, but you did not go alone; for part of me (Bert) went with you
that day God called you home. You left me peaceful memories, your love for others is still my guide
and though I cannot see you 1 know you are always at my side.
Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one, the chain
will link again. We all missing you Dottie; Bernice, Franklin, Maylene, Connie; your peallUt
(Connie) have so many loving memories of you, she talk of you all the time. Although no words can
take away the sorrow we feel thank God for memories. In our memories you will be loved forever.
Never to be forgotten.
Your sister, cousin, best friend, and comrade. Godie "B"
To Dottie
1 will always "love you", "miss you", sister-in-law, keep smiling.
Gajda, Lynelle, Jr., Anthony & Antonea