Propuesta de Geoparque Río Coco


Propuesta de Geoparque Río Coco
Río Coco
as a support
for indigenous
Martina Paskova, 2011
Why Geopark Río Coco (GRC)?
 Río Coco (Rio Wangki) as a bioregional and cultural
 Regional development based on local knowledge and
 Cultural Identity focusing indigenous people
 Exchange of experiences in sustainable development
(using natural and tradicional values)
Description of the GRC
GRC description - geography
 North-eastern Nicaragua
 Area aproximately of 6000 km2: departments of Madriz,
Nueva Segovia, a part of Estelí (Pueblo Nuevo, San Juan
de Limay y Condega)
 The GRC headquarters: Somoto
 The mayor atractivity of the GRC: Cañón de Río Coco
Description of the GRC
Description of the GRC: Attractions
 Cañón de Somoto
 El Guayaba
 Ocotal
 Icalupe
 Mozonte
 Cerro Volcán de Somoto
 Aguas Calientes (las Peñas)
 Dipilto
 Municipio de Somoto
 Totogalpa
 Ciudad Antigua
 San José de Cusmapa
 San Lucas
 Pueblo Nuevo
 Las Sabanas
 Condega
 Palacagüina
 San Juan de Limay
 Yalagüina
 Telpaneca
 San Juan del Río Coco
Geological heritage
Geology and
 Somoto Canyon
 Tres Señoritas Hill
 Ocotal mines
 Caves
Paleonthologic sites:
 Santa Cruz-Jalapa
 El Bosque - Pueblo Nuevo
Archaelogical sites
 Las Pintadas (Icalupe): rupestre arts
 Las Tapias – regional centre of antique culture
 El Frayle – settlements rests
 Aguas Calientes: Petroglifs
 Riito Palacagϋina: Petroglifs
 Somoto
 Ciudad Antigua
 Totogalpa
 Palacagϋina
 Cultural houses
 Municipal parks
 Barrios
 Mercados buildings
Indigenous communities
Organised, welcoming geopark
 San Lucas
 San José de Cusmapa
 Mozonte
 Totogalpa
 Telpaneca
Traditional handcrafts
 Cuje -Totogalpa: palm
 Iindigenous: community
Ceramics - Colective Las
Florcitas, Santa Rosa Mozonte
 Henequén fabrics -
 Mills Stone Elaboration –
Community of San Lucas
 Loma Panda: Ceramics
 Interpretations for tourists
and scientific investigation
Interpretation and scientific
investigations on the
 Flora identification
connection with social issues:
 Fauna dentification
 Antropology
 Forest management
 Ethnography
 Ethnobotanics
 Hydrology
 Geología
E.g. La Reserva
Tepesomoto - La Patasta
Description of GRC - attractios
Description of GRC - Geology and
Cañón de Somoto
• Approximately 7 km large
• Special type of valley, cutting the mountains in the
altitude of 800-900 m
• Very compact ignimbrits rocs from Neocen period
(Miocen Superior)
• Unique features from geomorpholologic point view,
e.g. various forms of erosion, waterfalls or walls
190 m high
Description of GRC - Cañón Río Coco
Description of GRC: Attractions
Traditions, local knowledge
Festivals, local and regional fiestas – a mixture of spanish
and indigenous (product of the spanish colonization) as “Día
de la Dignidad Indígena“ in San Lucas and religious
peregrinación los ocho“ each month to the Cacaulí Cave,
“La virgen del Rosario“ in Estelí and others.
Production of traditional agricultural products, henequén
fibres, ceramics and rustic workshops.
Description of GRC: Attractions
 Site of the great cultural importance ubicated 16 km off
Somoto at the altitudeof 8 -10 m above the cliff
 Petroglifs from precolombian period - stylizations in the
form of animal figures, human heads and figures.
Petroglifs of Icalupe
Description of GRC: Attractions
Somoto Volcano Hill
 One of the most fascinating vistas
 Includes La Reserva Tepesomoto-La Patasta
 In nahuatl: “Cerro lleno de agua“
 Peaks reach altitude of 1730 m
 In the altitude of 1300 m rests of the virgen forests.
Description of GRC: Attractions
Aguas Calientes
 Site of great cultural importance west of Somoto
 In the ancient times termal springs, after earthquakes the
water disappeared
 Archaelogical artefacts from precolombian period, mainly
Description del GRC: Attractions
 The head of Madriz departament
 Ubicated above the Panamerican road 216 km off
Managua and only 20 km from border with Honduras
Established in 1591 by Spanish as Santiago de
The principal church – one of the most antigue in
Nicaragua (the time of descovering of Nicaragua)
More than 20 varieties of rosquillas
Casa de cultura (Cultural House)
Archaelogical museum
Somoto church of Santiago Apóstol
Description of GRC: Attractions
San José de Cusmapa
 A mountain village of 7.000 inhabitants, one of the most
antigue and poor of Nicaragua
 More than 80% of residents indigenous origen
 The principal centre of indigenous culture and tradition
 A women cooperative – elaboration of baskets from the
local pine needles
Artesanía of Cusmapa
Cooperation for establishment of the GRC
 An interdisciplinary team for preparation of aplication
history, etnography, antrophology, biology, paleontology,
sustainable development etc.), municipalities, representants
indigenous people, ministeries and their institutions, privat
businesses and their asociacions, NGOs etc.
The general objective: creation of Rio Coco Geopark and its
application to the Global Geoparks Network assisted by
UNESCO as a pilot project of América Central.
Indigenous Community – Heart of the GRC
Benefits for actors of GRC
 Ministries and Institutions
 Utilization of the pilot project of Geopark for the América Central
 Colaborando en la protección del Patrimonio natural y cultural.
 Municipalitiets
 Improvement of the local development sustainability from the
economic and environmental point of view
 Support of the cultural identity
 Active participation on the building and realizing the vision GRC
 Improvement of the quality of life
 Education and international exchange of students.
Benefits for actors of the GRC
 Businesses
 Multiplication of incomes
 Promotion
 Capacitation
 Guidelines for Sustainable tourism development
 Information and experiences from other countries
 Professional Associacions
 Active participation in the building of GRC
 Access to relevant information
¿Qué es un Geoparque?
Geoparque del Río Coco
¿Cómo manejarlo?
Territorio único y escaso que integra
valores concretos geológicos, estéticos y
culturales donde se realiza una estrategia
de desarrollo local y regional sostenible.
Parte noroeste del país: departamentos
Madriz, Nueva Segovia, parte de Estelí
(Pueblo Nuevo, San Juan de Limay y
Apoya la identidad cultural, patrimonio
cultural material y espiritual.
La sede del Geoparque: Somoto
El mayor atractivo del Geoparque:
Cañón de Río Coco.
• Una organización interdisciplinaria
• Oficina y centro interpretativo
• Recursos financieros y humanos
• Estrategia de turismo sostenible
• Sistema de certificación de productos y
servicios sostenibles y locales
• Acreditación de guías locales
• Sistema de información y de reservación
para giras guiadas
• Cursos y talleres de la interpretación del
patrimonio del Geoparque
• Micro-senderos (corredores) turísticos
• Micro-geoparque – piedras que hablan
• Aldea educativa sobre vida chorotega
• Competencias y concursos escolares
• Semana del Geoparque
• Feria del Geoparque
• Conferencia anual
• Revista y página Web del Geoparque
Se desarrolla turismo sostenible como la
actividad económica principal, qué se
basa en la interpretación del patrimonio
del Geoparque.
La meta General
La creación del Geoparque Río Coco y su
nominación a la red de Geoparques
Globales de UNESCO como proyecto
piloto de Nicaragua y América Central.
Crear una plataforma para sinergia entre
desarrollo sostenible de economía local,
apoyo de identidad cultural, educación e
investigación científica en región del Río
Los otros atractivos:
• Icalupe (Las Piedras Pintadas)
• Cerro Volcán de Somoto (Reserva
• Tepesomoto - La Patasta (Reserva
• Aguas Calientes (Petroglifos)
• Las Tapias (Sitio arqueológico)
• San Lucas (Comunidad indígena)
• Ciudad Antigua (Ciudad Española)
• Ocotal (Las minas)
• El Bosque (Sitio paleontológico)
• Mozonte (Artesanía indígena)
Alianza con Geoparque
Paraíso Bohémico
• Intercambio de experiencias, ideas,
materiales promocionales, estudiantes.
• Preparación común de manuales,
proyectos y promoción de productos de
turismo sostenible.
¿Como contribuir?
Con su participación activa y
conocimiento dando información a
coordinadores del Geoparque del Río
¿Como beneficiar?
• Asistir los cursos para guías locales
• Aprovechar
implementación del turismo sostenible
– venta de comida, artesanía, medicina
República Checa
Martina Pásková (Asesora externa)
Alcaldía de Somoto (Coordinadora)
Edith Palma Flores
Marcio Ariel Rivas Núñez (Gestor
Ministerio de Medio
de la República Checa
y Alcaldía de Somoto
Benefits for actors of GRC
 Academia:
Access to results of monitoring and investigation in the area of the
conferences, international exchange.
 Professional associations:
 Participation on the process of the sensibilising
 Participation on the GRC management
 Access to relevant information.
How to contribute to the GRC?
 Municipalities: participating in
 Consultative Committee of GRC,
 The GRC week (competitions, fiestas etc)
 Certification of sustainable products and services
 Ministries and institutes: participation on
 Consultative committee of the GRC
 Facilitation of the application process and communication with
UNESCO National Committee
 Databases of programmes for fundraising
How to contribute to the GRC?
 Academia: participation on
 Consultative committee of GRC
 Investigations on geology, ecology, archaeology, history, social issues etc.
 Databases of programmes for fundraising
 Elaboration of the application document for GRC
 Interest Associations : participating in
 Consultative committee of GRC
 Databases of programmes for fundraising
 Sensibilizing and capacitating of locals (curses, workshops etc.)
Action Plan
 Elaboration of the application documents
 Sensibilizing
 Capacitating
 Institutional and financial organization
Action plan - capacitating I.
 System for certification of sustainable products and
 System of the acreditation of ecotourism, geotourism
 Elaboration of manuals for guides, TA, producers
 System of knowledge evaluation - expert team
(evaluators, mentors), disegn of certificates etc.
Actin plan – capacitating II.
 Organization workshops, specialised curses
 Geodiversity as attraction related to biodiversity and
cultural diversity
 History, anthropology, archaeology, palaeontology
 Handcrafts, gastronomy, ecotourism, geotourism
 Tourism impacts – how to regulate positively
 Interpretation of cultural and natural heritage, animation
 Annual Conference of GRC
Action plan – sensibilization I.
GRC Interpretative centre
 GRC Office
 Micro-geopark – „stones as storytellers“, IT instruments and
interactive and simulative games,
 Internet access, GRC videos
 Interpretative panels and 3D models
 Informational and reservation system for tourism
 Promotional material, information and scientific studies etc.
Action plan – sensibilization II.
Geopark week of Río Coco Geopark
 Trade Fair of GRC
 Fiesta de GRC: competitions
 The best GRC logo, song, poem, dance, statue etc.
 The best GRC teacher
 The most sustainable GRC company
 The most innovative geotourism product
 The best GRC promotional material etc.
 Exhibitions, excursions and lectures
Action plan – sensibilization lII.
 Competitions
 Annual GRC Conference )
 GRC website (with the discussion forum)
 GRC magazine
 Geopark as topic of projects, curses, monographies,
diploma works and thesis
 Trails signing and micro-trails (interpretation panels)
Action plan
Institutional and financial organization
 Establishment of interdisciplinary team
 Elaboration of sustainable tourism strategy
 Priorities to be financed (Ruta del Café, ..)
 GRC management (organigram of consorcium, human
and financial resources, GRC office, status and terms of
 GRC management plan
 National and international coordination l
RCG sustainable tourism strategy
Tourism regulation
 Investigations of carrying capacity in vulnerable zones
 Visitors flows management
 Promotion selected itineraries (maps, folders, ...)
 Access regulation:
Controlled entrance (tickets, tourniquets, ...)
Small group guides (limited in number and frequency
Trails management
 Monitoring and regulation of tourism impact
RCG Management Proposal
Consultive committe
Executive director
Executive team
Culture, anthropology
Sustainable tourism
Natural resources
Local development
Cooperation declaration I.
• Somoto Town Hall
• San Marcos de Colón Town Hall
• Municipal DevelopmentComittee
• Institute of Culture
• CANTUR – Somoto (Tourism Agency)
• MONEXICO – San Lucas (Indigenous)
• Mi Museo
• UNAN – León (Somoto Regional Seat)
• Consejera externa – Ministry of the
Environment, Czech Republic
Cooperation declaration II.
 GRC as an instrument for implementing of vision of
sustainable development
 Participation in GRC multudisciplinary team
 Cooperation on sensibilization, capacitation
 Avoid negative environmental impacts and trade with
scientifically important geological material
 Databasis of information necessary for GRC
 Fundraising for GRC
 Stimulation of participation of locals (indigenous people)
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