Inside - Parsi Times


Inside - Parsi Times
Complimentary Copy Not For Sale
RS. 2
VOL. 1 | ISSUE 2
R N I N O . M A H B I L 0 6 3 6 9 / 1 3 / 1 / 2 0 1 1 -T C
Ms Homai Vyarawalla
is India’s first woman
A resilient 98-year-old
lady in a mans world,
herself an image of
immense significance and
Inside >>
Dear Readers,
We must all learn to crawl before we walk and eventually run. The process of putting together a quality newspaper and an enjoyable
companion for weekend reading is an uphill but exciting task and we hope our baby steps will lead to greater things.
Thank you for the encouragement and the good wishes we received for our first effort. Your support of our young energy is all the
encouragement we need to surge ahead!
Going forward a lot of new faces will join our ranks with their expertise and a willingness to share their knowledge for the benefit of
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News & Events
SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
Who shot Osama?
He’s out there somewhere,
an instant icon in the annals of
American conflict, the ultimate biggame hunter. But an enigma, too, his
identity cloaked for now, and maybe
He is the unknown shooter. The
nameless, faceless triggerman who
put a bullet in the head of the world’s
most notorious terrorist.
Yet there are clues, and the
beginnings of a portrait can be pieced
together from scraps gleaned from
U.S. officials. A trio of former Navy
SEALs — Eric Greitens, Richard
Marcinko and Stew Smith — helped
fill in the blanks, drawing from
their experiences to develop a kind
of composite sketch of an elusive
historic figure in real time.
He’s likely between the ages of 26
and 33, says Marcinko, founder of the
elite “SEALs Team 6” — now known
as DEVGRU — that many believe led
the assault on bin Laden’s compound
in Abbottabad, Pakistan. He’ll be old
enough to have had time to hurdle
the extra training tests required to
join the elite counter-terrorism unit,
yet young enough to withstand the
body-punishing rigors of the job.
The shooter’s a man, it’s safe to say,
because there are no women in the
SEALs. And there’s a good chance
he’s white, though the SEALs have
stepped up efforts to increase the
number of minorities in their ranks,
Marcinko and Smith say. A “positive
thinker” who “gets in trouble when
he’s not challenged”, Marcinko
suspects, a man who “flunked
vacation and flunked relaxing.”
He was probably a high school or
college athlete, a physical specimen
bin Mohammed bin Awad bin
Laden was born on March 10,
1957, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
Mohammed Awad bin Laden and
Mohammed’s 10th wife, Syrianborn Alia Ghanem.
Osama was the seventh of 50
children born to Muhammad bin
Laden, but the only child from his
father’s marriage to Alia Ghanem.
He was the founder of the alQaeda organization, responsible
for the September 11 attacks on
the United States and numerous
against civilian and military
who combines strength, speed
and agility. “They call themselves
‘tactical athletes,’ ” says Smith, who
works with many prospective SEALs
in his Heroes of Tomorrow training
program in Severna Park. The
programme is getting very scientific.
Marcinko puts it in more
conventional terms: “He’ll be
ripped,” says the author of the bestselling autobiography “ Rogue
Warrior .” “He’s got a lot of upperbody strength. Long arms. Thin
waist. Flat tummy.”
On this point, Greitens departs a
bit. “You can’t make a lot of physical
assumptions,” says the author of “The
Heart and the Fist: The Education of a
Humanitarian, the Making of a Navy
There are SEALs who are 5 feet 4
and SEALs who are 6 feet 5, Greitens
says. In his training group, he adds,
there were college football studs who
couldn’t hack it; those who survived
were most often men in good shape,
but they also had a willingness to
subsume their concerns in favor of
the mission.
The shooter’s probably not the
crew-cut, neatly shaven ideal we’ve
come to expect from American
fighting forces. “He’s bearded,
rough-looking, like a street urchin,”
Marcinko supposes. “You don’t
want to stick out.” Marcinko calls it
“modified grooming standards.”
The Navy SEALS team that
conducted the operation that brought
down Osama bin Laden was the
legendary Team Six, aka DevGru,
or the “Naval Special Warfare
Development Group,” flown into
Pakistan by helicopter teams from
the 160th Special Operations Air
Regiment, part of the Joint Special
Operations Command.
targets. He was a member of
the wealthy Saudi bin Laden
At the age of 14, Osama
was recognized as an
outstanding, if somewhat
shy, student at Al Thagher.
As a result, he received a
personal invitation to
join a small Islamic
study group with the
promise of earning
extra credit. Osama,
along with the sons
of several prominent
Jedda families, were
told the group would memorize
the entire Koran, a prestigious
accomplishment, by the time
they graduated from the
institution. But the group
soon lost its original
focus, and during this
time Osama received
the beginnings of an
education in some of
the principles of
violent jihad.
at the age of
married Najwa
Latakia. Najwa
divorced him in 2001 before the
attacks. He married five other
women: Khadijah Sharif (1983),
who divorced him in the 1990s;
Khairiah Sabar (1985), whose fate
is unknown; Siham Sabar (1987),
whose fate is also unknown;
an unknown wife with whom
his marriage was immediately
annulled; and Amal al-Sadah
Through these women bin
Laden fathered between 20 and
26 children.On May 2, 2011, bin
Laden was shot and killed inside
a secured private residential
Pakistan, by U.S. Navy SEALs in
a covert operation authorized by
U.S. President Barack Obama.
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SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
The university town of
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, was
hardest hit, with at least 65
The outbreak of tornadoes
that ravaged the southern
US last week was the largest
in US recorded history, the
National Weather Service has
said.The three-day period
from 25-28 April saw 362
tornadoes strike, including
some 312 in a single 24-hour
The previous record was
148 in two days in April 1974.
The tornadoes and the
storm system that spawned
them killed at least 350 people
in Alabama and six other
states. It was the deadliest
outbreak since 1936.The
review by US meteorologists
came as the southern US states
of Mississippi, Alabama,
Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia,
Louisiana and Kentucky
continued the huge task
of digging out from the
In Tuscaloosa, Alabama,
a university town that was
the worst-hit single location,
officials estimated debris
removal alone would cost
$70m (£42m) to $100m
(£60m).The storm tore down
century-old trees, flattened
farm buildings and downed
power lines, leaving as many
as one million people without
electricity in Alabama alone.
On Monday, more than
400,000 people still had
no power in that state,
emergency officials said.
The most destructive
tornado struck Tuscaloosa,
killing at least 65 people
between there and the city
of Birmingham, the National
Weather Service said in
a statement.That was the
deadliest single tornado
since 1955, when a twister
in Kansas killed 80.Storm
scientists say that tornado
had a maximum width of 1.5
miles (2.4km) and a track 80
miles long.
Event: Understanding Parsi Population
Decline in India: A Historical Perspective
Time: Saturday, May 7 • 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: Nehru Centre, Dr. Annie Besant
Road, Worli, Mumbai
Demographically speaking, the Parsis
are a complete anomaly in India: while the
Indian population increased by 185 percent
between 1951-2001, the Parsis registered a
stunning decline of 38 percent in the exact
same time period, dropping to 69,600
individuals as of the 2001 census. While
there is no popular consensus within the
community over why this decline has taken
place, scholars of demography in India and
the West have studied the topic extensively.
This talk will draw upon over a dozen such
scholarly studies, conducted from the 1940s
onward, to show that the main factor behind
Parsi population decline has not been
intermarriage or migration to the West but,
rather, abysmally low rates of marriage and
childbirth. The Parsis’ propensity to marry
late, or not marry at all, has caused one of
the most dramatic population falls outside
of Europe and Japan. About the speaker: Dinyar Patel is a Ph.D.
candidate in History at Harvard University.
Upgrade Your Life - Tips & Tricks
It begins with you...
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SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
energy consumption.
SAVE WATER: We really
do not realize how serious the
situation is till we are left with
no water coming through our
taps and all the buckets in our
bathrooms are full.
have a passion for the outdoors
and everything green. Having
always been around plants
and farms I love everything about
them, especially the sense of simple,
healthy clean and green living you
get in their midst.
Even if the green outdoors isn’t
your passion you will agree that at
times there is a longing to get out
of our concrete jungle and breathe
in some fresh air. But these days,
no matter how far out of the city
you go, it still never feels the same.
The reason is all the environmental
damage that has created a pile of
dirt and junk, a problem we need to
seriously address.
All of us need to put in a little bit
of effort and collectively we could
perhaps make a difference. There are
many simple things that each and
every one of us can do to try and
make a change.
WASTAGE: The first and one of
the most important issues is wastage.
Whether it’s water, food or electricity
etc. There are so many things that
are easy enough for anyone to do but
are only possible if he or she cares
enough and is conscientious.
SAVE ENERGY: Install solar
panels for hot water, use CFL
lights in your house. In the long
run you end up saving money on
your electricity bill. When buying
new appliances for the house give
some thought to the star rating.
TIP: Higher the star rating, less the
Did you know that if you consumed an average
apple you would be eating over 30 pesticides,
even after you have washed it? Organic food
is known to contain 50% more nutrients,
minerals and vitamins than produce that has
been intensively farmed.
It is so simple and all you need to
do is channel your rainwater to
charge the ground water table. Or
else the rainwater can be directly
collected and stored in a tank for
use. This should be done together
with a proper consultant so that
the filtration of this water is properly
your garbage can be put to such
good use to make great fertilizer
for your plants. Stop the burning of
leaves. People are always sweeping
up the dry leaves and throwing
them away or burning like they are
garbage. This is not true; these dry
leaves when left on the top layer of
the soil decompose and only help to
increase the good micro flora of the
GO ORGANIC: Purchase Organic
products. While purchasing fruits
and vegetables for your home, buy
organic food. These benefit not
only your own health, but also help
the environment in the long run.
Visit the farmers marketon Sunday
mornings and encourage these
farmers. You will have to pay a
premium for these vegetables but at
Solar panels make use of renewable energy from
the sun, and are a clean and environmentally
sound means of collecting solar energy. Taking
simple steps like switching to CFL light bulbs,
energy star appliances, using smart power
strips that turn off electronics when not in
use and making sure your windows, door, and
insulation are keeping your energy inside can
make a huge difference in your energy usage.
It’s called Demand Management.
the end of the day it is worth every
These simple joys of life are
unfortunately not so simple to find
anymore. They are hidden by the
trickling taps we leave open, the
heaps of rot we pile up and ignore,
the things we break and do not fix.
But with a little slow and steady
effort we can begin to make the
scenery come to life again.
It is my appeal to us all to put
in a minimal awareness into the
way we consume and utilize our
environment. Remember the small
things you do will amount to big
changes drop by drop.
And last of all, if you are one
of those people who like to chuck
garbage on the streets or roll down
your window and throw rubbish
out, just slap yourself. For you I have
no more to say.
The demand for water has been growing by 1%
per year for the past 75 years - on an average;
you use 150 litres of water a day. In offices,
schools and other commercial premises, this
figure can rise to 80%. The roof on a ‘typical’
four bed family home captures more than
100,000 litres of rainwater a year.30% of
treated mains water is used to flush toilets - a
properly installed rainwater collection system
could save all this water.
ir“hpf, d¡ 7, 2011
98 hj®“p lp¡dpe ìepfphpgp
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ap¡V$p¡N°pak“p A¡L$rkrbi“ dpV¡$ 5du du A¡
b¢Ágp¡f Aphu füp R>¡. “¡i“g N¡g¡fu Ap¡a
dp¡X®$“ ApV®$“p AgL$pTu apDÞX¡$i“ kpv$f L$fu
füp R>¡ lp¡dpe ìepfphpgp“y„ b¡ drl“p“y gp„by
A¡d“p¡ S>Þd 1913dp„ ‘pfku a¡dugudp„
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hX$pâ^p“ bÞep lsp. fpS>L$pfZ“p ap¡V$pAp¡
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Apip A“¡ bv$gph lhpdp„ lsp. A¡dZ¡ A¡
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Ðepf¡ A¡L$ “hy„ rhð s¥epf ’C füy„ lsy„ S>¡
lp¡dpe Ap¡mMu “p iL$ep.
duk kbu“p L$l¡R>¡ L¡$ ApS>¡ S>¡
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Crslpk“pA¡ ‘mp¡A¡ A¡d“¡
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Ap‘u lsu.
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ir“hpf, d¡ 7, 2011
dp„ ’ ° h pZu“p ‘y ó ‘p¡
dlpNyfy, L$rh, augkya A“¡
Mfp Myv$p“p v$p¡õs A¡hp Aip¡
S>f’yõs ‘¡Nçbf kpl¡b“¡ v$pv$pf
AlºfdTv$“p 101 “pdp¡ âpàs
’ep Ðepf¡ dlp“ ‘¡Nçbf¡ v$pv$pf
AlºfdTv$“¡ khpg L$ep£ L¡$ Ap “pdp¡
cZhp’u i„y ’i¡? S>¡“p S>hpbdp„
v$pv$pf AlºfdTv$A¡ S>Zpìey„
L¡$ S>¡ ìe[¼s Ap 101 “pdp¡’u
s¡“p kS>®“lpf“¡ epv$ L$fi¡ s¡“p
Ap„sfop“dp„ h^pfp¡ ’i¡ A“¡
s¡“u sdpd “¡L$ CÃR>pAp¡ ami¡.
hs®dp“ Apr^cp¥rsL$ kyMhpv$“p
eyNdp„ L¡$V$gpL$ S>f’p¡õsu eyhp“p¡ A“¡
eyhsuAp¡ aL$s Ap“„v$âdp¡v$, W$pW$dpW$
A“¡ v$¡Mphdp„ Xy$b¡gp fl¡ R>¡. s¡Ap¡
Ap‘Zp ArsâpQu“ Tp¡fpô²$ue“
^d®“¡ rhi¡j dlÐh Ap‘sp„ S>Zpsp„
“’u A“¡ Ap dpV¡$ s¡Ap¡ Ap‘Zp„
^d®N°„’“u ‘i}e“ cpjp“p A’®
kdÆ iL$sp “’u s¡hy„ L$pfZ Ap‘¡
R>¡. S>¡dp„ ’p¡Xy„$ sÕe ‘Z fl¡g R>¡.
‘f„sy Ap‘Zp hX$hpAp¡A¡ S>¡ fus¡
S>f’p¡õsu ^d®dp„ k„‘|Z® rhíhpk
fpMu“¡, s¡Ap¡“u Æ„v$Nu“p brgv$p“
Ap‘u“¡, sfuL$sp¡ dyS>b Æ„v$Nu Æhu“¡
s’p Aip¡C“p rkÝ^p„s“¡ hmNu flu,
d“í“u-Nhí“u-Ly$“í“u A“ykpf
Ap‘Zp„ ^d®“¡ kpQh¡g R>¡ s¡ âÐe¡
ApS>“p¡ eyhphN® ’p¡Xy„$ ‘Z gn Ap‘¡
sp¡ S>f’p¡õsu ^d®“y„ cprh s¡Ap¡ dpV¡$
OÏ„ DS>my„ R>¡. kÃQpC (Truth)
A“¡ Aip¡C (Righteousness)
“p rkÝ^p„s D‘f fQpe¡g S>f’p¡õsu
^d® Nd¡ s¡hu Ap‘v$p A“¡ D‘pr^Ap¡
kpd¡ TT|dhp dpV¡$ knd R>¡.
‘rhÓ d“’u cZpsu dp„’°hpZu
sdpd dyíL¡$guAp¡“u kpd¡ Y$pg kdp“
b“u fl¡ R>¡.
vy$r“epdp„ L$p¡C‘Z QuS> âpàs
L$fhp dpV¡$ b¡ dpN® lp¡e R>¡. (1) kpfp¡
dpN®. (2) Mfpb dpN®. ‘f„sy S>¡hy„ sd¡
hphp¡ R>p¡ s¡hy„ S> sd¡ gZp¡ R>p¡. b„v$Nu
A¡L$ A¡hy„ kÐe R>¡ L¡$ s¡ b„v$Nu L$f“pf“¡
Mfpb dpN®’u v|$f fpMu kpfp dpN®
D‘f Qpghp dpV¡$ S> ‘¡f¡ R>¡.
sd¡ L$ë‘“p L$fp¡ L¡$ sd¡ M|b S>
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hX¡$ sdp¡ A¡L$ rhipm ky„v$f hpX$u bNuQp¡ b“phhp CÃR>p¡ R>p¡. sp¡ s¡ dpV¡$
sdpf¡ A¡L$ rhipm S>du“ Mfuv$hu
‘X$i¡. DÃQ NyZhÑp“p Mpsf’u
S>du““¡ “hkpÝe b“phhu ‘X$i¡.
Ðepfbpv$ s¡ S>du“dp„ aŸgp¡“p R>p¡X$ A“¡
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‘X$i¡ A“¡ fp¡S>¡fp¡S> bNuQp“u v$¡Mf¡M
fpMhu ‘X$i¡. ApMf¡ A¡L$ qv$hk
Aphi¡ Äepf¡ bNuQp¡ am-aºg A“¡
h¡ÆV¡$bëk’u Mugu DW$i¡.
Ap aºgp¡“u kyN„^ bNuQp“u
Apk‘pk“p gp¡L$p¡“¡ kyMip„rs Ap‘i¡
A“¡ am ipL$cpÆ’u gp¡L$p¡“u c|M
k„sp¡jpi¡. bNuQp“p ‘pL$’u sdpfu
r“edus AphL$ ’i¡. ‘f„sy Äep„ ky^u
sd¡ sdpfp„ bNuQp“u ‘|fsu L$pmÆ
g¡ip¡ Ðep„ ky^u b^y„ kpfy„ Qpgi¡.
s¡hu S> fus¡ dp„’°hpZu“p ‘Z
r“edus‘Z¡ cZsf’u DБޓ ’sp
âhplp¡ õ‘ufuÃeyAg hpsphfZdp„
kss hl¡sp fl¡ R>¡. S>¡ sdpd Mfpb
dpNp£’u sdp¡“¡ v|$f fpM¡ R>¡. Äep„ ky^u
sd¡ sdpfp ifuf A“¡ “¥rsL$ NyZp¡“u
L$pmÆ fpMip¡ Ðep„ ky^u sdpfu
dp„’°hpZu“p âhplp¡ aºgp¡“u kyN„^“u
S>¡d hl¡sp fl¡i¡.
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fp¡S>“¡ AgN AgN eTv$p¡“p “pd
Ap‘¡g R>¡. Ap sdpd eTv$p¡“¡ v$pv$pf
AlºfdTv$“p afdp“ A“ykpf AgN
AgN L$pep£ D‘f r“e„ÓZ Ap‘¡g
R>¡. dp“h„sp rhÜp“ Ap’°h“ kpl¡bp¡
Üpfp Æ„v$Nudp„ Aphsu AX$QZp¡
v|$f L$fhp dpV¡$ Qp¡¼L$k “uApA¡ieís“p cZsf k|Qhhpdp„ Aph¡
R>¡. S>¡dp„ rhíhpk A“¡ ^ufS> fpMu“¡
cZhp’u S>¡ s¡ AX$QZ S>fyf’u
v|$f ’pe R>¡ A“¡ Æ„v$Nudp„ v$f¡L$ n¡Ó¡
kamsp dm¡ R>¡. Ap D‘fp„s sdpfp
fhp„“ (ApÐdp)“u DÞ“rs ’pe R>¡.
ApÝep[ÐdL$ op“dp„ h©[Ý^ ’hp’u
Ql¡fp“u ¾$p„rs h^¡ R>¡ A“¡ dp“rkL$
ip„rs âpàs ’pe R>¡. ¾$p¡^, hpk“p,
Av$¡MpC A“¡ bv$gp“u cph“p S>¡hp
vy$ô$ NyZp¡ v|$f ’pe R>¡.
dlpNyfy, L$rh, augkya A“¡ Mfp
Myv$p“p v$p¡õs A¡hp Aip¡ S>f’yõs
‘¡Nçbf kpl¡b“¡ v$pv$pf AlºfdTv$“p
101 “pdp¡ âpàs ’ep Ðepf¡ dlp“
‘¡Nçbf¡ v$pv$pf AlºfdTv$“¡ khpg
L$ep£ L¡$ Ap “pdp¡ cZhp’u i„y ’i¡?
S>¡“p S>hpbdp„ v$pv$pf AlºfdTv$A¡
S>Zpìey„ L¡$ S>¡ ìe[¼s Ap 101
“pdp¡’u s¡“p kS>®“lpf“¡ epv$ L$fi¡
s¡“p Ap„sfop“dp„ h^pfp¡ ’i¡ A“¡
s¡“u sdpd “¡L$ CÃR>pAp¡ ami¡.
‘rhÓ S>f’p¡õsu ^d® âÐe¡
kdpS>“p sdpd hN®“¡ dp“ A“¡
Apv$fcph R>¡. S>¡ Åmhu fpMhp dpV¡$
^d®“p op“ A“¡ dpN®v$i®“ M|b S>
S>fyfu R>¡.
- fep¡d“ Cgpìep (kyfs)
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ir“hpf, d¡ 7, 2011
Apfpd“u ‘mp¡dp„...
Y$p¢N L$fhp¡
gpcv$peL$ R>¡
B A¡L$ fpÅ“¡ kpQp kp^y“y„ v$i®“ L$fhp“u BÃR>p ’B, Ðepf¡ s¡Z¡ â^p““¡
bp¡gphu“¡ L$üy„ L¡$, â^p“Æ, dpf¡ kpQp kp^y“p v$i®“ L$fhp R>¡, dpV¡$ sdp¡“¡
s¡ dpV¡$ lº„ R> drl“p“u dyv$s Ap‘y„ Ry>„. sd¡ kam ’ip¡ sp¡ B“pd A“¡ r“óam S>ip¡ sp¡
k$Å Ap‘ui. hÆf auL$fdp„ ‘X$ép¡ L¡$ Af¡! Mfp kp^y L$p„B vy$L$p“ D‘f h¡Qpsp ’p¡X$p
S> dm¡ R>¡! ‘Ru A¡Z¡ rhQpf L$u^p A“¡ fpS>p“p¡ A¡L$ kBk, S>¡ Sy>hp“, v$¡MphX$p¡ A“¡
lºriepf ‘Z lsp¡. s¡“¡ ‘¥kp“u gpgQ Ap‘u“¡ kp^y“p¡ h¡i cS>hhp kdÅìep¡. A¡“¡
il¡f blpf A¡L$ TpX “uQ¡ b¡kpX$ép¡ A“¡ Ap„Mp¡ du„Qu“¡ kdpq^$“p Y$p¢N L$pd L$fhp
Apk“ L¡$d dp„X$hy„ s¡ b^y„ bsphu“¡ L$üy„ L¡$ sy„ dp¥“h°s ^pfZ L$fS>¡ A“¡ dyM’u L$p„B S>
bp¡gsp¡ “p. ‘R>u â^p“¡ fpÅ“¡ kp^y“p v$i®“ dpV¡$ Aphhp L$üy„, Ðepf¡ fpÅÆ bp¡ëep
d¡’u - ‘pgM cÆep
1 L$‘ cps, 1 L$‘ QZp“p¡ gp¡V$, Ap^p L$‘ ‘pgM$ kdpf¡gu, 1 Xy„$Nmu Qp¡fk kdpf¡gu,
1 QdQu duWy„$,
1 QdQu gpg dfQy„, 1 QdQu Nfd dkpgp¡, 2 QdQu v$pX$d“p v$pZp, smhp dpV¡$ s¡g
b“phhp“u fus:
cps“¡ lp’’u bfpbf dmu gp¡. bpL$u“u b^u kpdN°u kpfu fus¡ c¡mhu gp¡. Nfd s¡gdp„
Np¡m-Np¡m cÆep„ smu“¡ QV$Zu kp’¡ ‘ufkp¡.
L¡$ c¡V$ ^fhp DÑddp„ DÑd Th¡fpsp¡ A“¡ kp¡“pdlp¡fp¡ kp’¡ gC g¡Å¡. Ðepf¡ â^p“ L$l¡
Af¡ dlpfpS>! kp^y$“¡ fГp¡ A“¡ ‘¥kp“p¡ iy„ M‘? Ðepf¡ fpÅ bp¡ëep L¡$ d„Óu! d“¡ Mbf
“’u, ip”dp„ g¿ey„ R>¡ L¡$ h¥v$, Äep¡rsj A“¡ kp^y“u ‘pk¡ Mpgu lp’¡ S>hy„ “l]. fpÅ
‘yóL$m kpfpdp“p„ fГp¡ A“¡ kp¡“pdlp¡fp¡ gC“¡ kp^y“¡ QfZ¡ ‘X$ep¡, ‘Z Y$p¢Nu kp^yA¡
Ap„M Mp¡gu“¡ fpÅ L¡$ Th¡fpsp¡ sfa Å¡ey„ ‘Z “l], ‘Z bk Ýep“ dõs lp¡hp“p¡ X$p¡m
L$u^p¡. fpÅ L$l¡ Alp! ApS>¡ d“¡ L¡$hp dp¡V$p k„s“p v$i®“ ’ep! lh¡ dpf¡ A¡d“u kdpr^dp„
rhn¡‘ “l] “p„Mhp¡ Å¡CA¡, dpV¡$ Qpgp¡ dl¡gdp„ ‘pR>p afuA¡. S¡ gp¡cu â^p“ bp¡ëep¡ L¡$
Af¡ dlpfpS>! Ap dlpÐdp sp¡ L$p„C Mp¡fpL$ ‘Z Mpsp “’u A“¡ hpey“y„ S> cnZ L$f¡ R>¡
A“¡ c¡V$ kp¡Npv$“y„ sp¡ ‘|R>hy„ S> iy„? ApX$u Ap„M¡ Å¡sp ‘Z “’u!
fpÅ“¡ dl¡gdp„ ‘yNpX$u“¡ â^p“ hl¡gp¡S> ‘¡gp Y$p¢Nu ‘pk¡ Apìep¡. A¡“¡ qaL$f lsu L¡$
fM¡“¡ A¡S> b^y gC“¡ h„Å¡ dp‘u Åe! ‘¡gu sfa ‘¡gp Y$p¢Nu“p d“dp„ blº S> a¡fapf
’C Nep¡ lsp¡. Af¡ lº„ L$p¡Z? A¡L$ b¡ bv$pd“p¡ kCk, S>¡“¡ fpÅ kpd¡ Dcy„ fl¡sp ‘Z
^°yÅfu Ry>V¡$, s¡ fpÅ dpfu ‘pk¡ Aphu“¡ ApS>¡ dpfp ‘N Qyd¡! Å¡ Mp¡V$p X$p¡mOpgy kp^y
’hp’u Ap lpgs ’su lp¡e, sp¡ lh¡ dpf¡ kpQp¡S> kp^y ip dpV¡$ b“hy„ Å¡CA¡? â^p“
Sy>A¡ R>¡ iy„ L¡$ fГp¡ A“¡ dp¡lfp¡ sp¡ lÆ Ðep„S> ‘X$u R>¡! s¡ bp¡ëep¡ L¡$ ipbpi kCk! s¡
“pV$L$ sp¡ bfpbf cS>ìep¡! Ap ^“ MÅ“pdp„’u A^y® sy„ g¡. Ðepf¡ ‘¡gp¡ Y$p¢Nu bp¡ëep¡
L¡$, â^p“Æ, dpf¡ sdpfu ‘pk¡’u ^“ fГp¡ L$p„C ‘Z Å¡Csy„ “’u. dpf¡ lp’ kpQy„ fГ,
Myv$p kp’¡ dpê„$ qv$g, gpÁey„ R>¡. A¡V$gy„ L$lu“¡ s¡ ‘h®s D‘f Myv$p“u c[¼s L$fhp Qpgsp¡
’C Nep¡.
- ApS>“u d“í“udp„’u
OX$‘Z A¡ r“h©rÑÆh“ R>¡. fuepeX®$ Mfp ‘Z V$peX®$
“l]. L„$V$pm¡gu d“p¡h©rÑ îpr‘s “uhX$i¡. S>f‘s L$fhp“p¡
¿epg S> s„vy$fõsu R>¡. ‘R>u A¡ Mp¡fpL$ lp¡e L¡$ rhQpf.
A¡L$ v$uL$fpÆA¡ A¢ku hj®“p bp‘“u W¡$L$X$u DX$phu dp“
kpQìey„ “l]. Ðepf¡ L$üy„ s¡ rhQpfhp S>¡hy„ R>¡ L¡$: ‘u‘g
‘p“ Mfsp lk„su Ly$‘ëep-dyS> husu s| S> husi¡.
^ufu^ufu bp‘|X$ep ep“¡ OfX$p„Ap¡ Mf¡gp„ ‘p“ S>¡hp„ R>¡ S>¡
Å¡C Ly„$‘g“u eyhp“u cg¡ dp“ “l] kpQh¡, ‘Z L$d®“p
r“ed¡ A¡hp¡ S> hsp®h A¡ Sy>hp““p bpmL$p¡ sf‘’u dmi¡.
Ðepf¡ X$lp‘Z Aphi¡. ‘Z dp¡Xy„$ ’C Ney„ li¡. S>¡ OfX$p„
sfa kv$cph fpMi¡ s¡“¡ A¡hp¡ S> kv$cpk dmi¡.
- “p¡iuf v$pby
(â¡fZp âL$pidp„’u)
A¡L$ cpCA¡ v|$f’u A¡L$ bp¡X®$ ’p„cgp ‘f KQ¡ gNpX¡$gy„
Å¡ey„. S¡ ‘pk¡ Nep, ‘f„sy A¡ bp¡X®$ ‘f gM¡gp Anfp¡
blº “p“p lsp A¡V$g¡ A¡d“¡ bfpbf h„Qpey„ “l].
R>¡hV¡$ bp¡X®$ hp„Qhp A¡ cpC ’p„cg¡ QY$u Nep! D‘f
QY$u“¡ A¡dZ¡ Å¡ey„ sp¡ bp¡X®$dp„ A¡hy„ gM¡gy„ L¡$ ’p„cgp¡
spÅ¡ f„N¡gp¡ R>¡, AX$L$hy„ “rl.
Inspirations... of a real kind
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SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
Ms. Homai Vyarawalla
India’s first woman press photographer
The Padma Bhushan
Awardee and Grandma of
Photographic World visited
Bangalore on May 5 this
week to open an exhibition
on her life and work.
The National Gallery of
Modern Art in collaboration
with the Alkazi Foundation
for the Arts presented
“Ms. Homai Vyarawalla: A
Retrospective”, a two-month
long photo exhibition, which
This exhibition has been curated by Ms. Vyarawalla’s biographer, Ms. Sabeena
Gadihoke who is Associate Professor at the AJK Mass Communication Research
Centre at Jamia Millia Islamia. She says:
This show has emerged out of my thirteenyear journey with Ms Homai, says
Ms. Sabina Gadihoke. It started with a film, went on to become a book and has now taken
the shape of this exhibition. In this retrospective, I have sought to map the significant
moments of her repertoire by including photographs that have circulated widely along
with those that have not. My attempt was
to frame the photographs within a larger
cultural history and draw attention to their
circulation in public and private domains.
In addition to the cameras and equipment
that she used, the exhibition displays
letters and other memorabilia that speak
of alliances and friendships forged through
photography. Another cluster of images are
of the photographer herself. These offer
insights into the life of a pioneering woman
who chose an unconventional profession,
she opines.
Upgrade Your Life - Tips & Tricks
journey of India’s Ace
Born in 1913 to a Parsi
family, Ms. Homai moved
to Delhi in 1942, where she
photographed events leading
to Indian Independence as
an employee of the British
Information Services.
A woman in a definitive
mans world she captured
many moods, moments and
memories. The last days
of the British Empire and
the birth of a new nation,
the social and political life
of a nation in transition,
tracing both its triumphs
and tribulations and the
expressions of a nation in
agony and triumph.
Ms. Homai photographed
key events that would
have a decisive impact on
Indian history that included
a meeting where leaders
voted for the 3rd June plan
to partition India. She also
flag hoisting ceremony at
Red Fort on August 16th
1947, the departure of Lord
Mountbatten from India and
CONTD. on pg. No. 9
Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay
meet the German Ambassador
during their visit to Delhi soon after
they conquered Mount Everest
the funerals of Mahatma
Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru,
and Lal Bahadur Shastri.
Some of the most iconic
portraits of India’s first
Prime Minister, Jawaharlal
Nehru form part of this
Apart from its political
storyline, the show in
photographs of everyday
life in 1940s in Bombay and
images of leisure in Delhi in
the 1950s and 1960s.
acknowledges Ms. Homai
Vyarawalla’s role as a
pioneer among women and
her contribution to early
photojournalism in India.
The great value of her
work lies in photographs
that archive the nation in
its infancy documenting
both the euphoria of
independence as well as
disappointment with its
undelivered promises. Her
images with their strong
composition and rich tones
are a testimony to her skills
as a master photographer!
In a digital era, this
exhibition will showcase
approximately 276 images
including original silver
printed by the photographer
herself. On display would
and other memorabilia.
An eye-witness to almost
an entire century, Ms.
Homai Vyarawalla’s was
achievement award by the
Ministry of Information and
Upgrade Your Life - Tips & Tricks
Broadcasting in 2010 and
has recently been conferred
with Padma Vibhushan by
the President of India.
Ms. Homai
Vyarawalla has recently
given her entire collection
of prints, negatives, cameras
and other memorabilia
to the Alkazi Foundation
for the Arts, New Delhi
loan for safekeeping and
Ms. Vyarawalla’s attempt
to lead an ordinary life was
transformed through the
extraordinary circumstances
of history. On the one hand
she shot political moments
as they unfolded and on the
other, she chronicled the lives
of people like herself. The
former found a permanent
place in collective memory
while the latter lie scattered
in the personal archives of
those who had the privilege
of being photographed by
her. Like all exhibitions,
this too is only partial. But
it hopes to start a journey of
many new discoveries about
the life and times of Ms.
Homai Vyarawalla.
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SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
POWER who created the
Universe, who is present
everywhere and who looks after all
Every religion understands this
Supreme Power - God - in its own
way, and gives it different names.
Each of these names highlight an
aspect important to that religion:
Zoroastrians call their God by the
name Ahura Mazda, which means
“Lord of
Some other
supreme power
“One who apportions
bhāgya or luck”, Ishwar “One who
is lord (var) of his own Wish (ish)”,
Khudā “Self-created”, Parvardegār
“nourisher”, Allāh means “Supreme”
Gayomard, the first Peshdadian
king, was the first man to give people
the idea of believing in one supreme
divine being who was over and
above all other spiritual powers. He
was the first mortal who used his
mind to comprehend God. He started
the belief system called Mazdayasni,
that is, “venerating Mazda.” Mazda
is the name of the supreme divine
being, which later got the added title
of Ahura and was later condensed to
Hormazd or Ohrmazd.
Zoroastrians refer to their God
by other names like are Dādārji,
Yazad, Yazdān, Khudā, Khudāiji
and Parvardegār. Ahura Mazda
is the Highest being in the whole
world. He has neither an equal nor
an opponent. The title Dādār before
Ahura Mazda indicates his status as a
Creator. He first created the spiritual
creations and than crated the material
creations. The material creations,
including men, were created to fight
against evil.
Ahura Mazda is invisible, and
hence He cannot be seen by our eyes.
He has no form, shape or colour. He
is without a beginning or an end.
He was, He is and He will be
forever (Hamā bud o hamā hast
o hamā bed).
Ahura Mazda is infinite,
and, so it is not possible to fully
understand Him, since our
mind can only understand
finite things, which have a
beginning and an end.
Ahura Mazda Himself is
light. He lives in Endless Light
(Anaghra Raochah
or Anerān). By
thoughtforce, He filled
w i t h
All bright
and radiant things
want to think of
Ahura Mazda, or
see Him before
our eyes, we have
to think of a bright
white light. The
blazing sun, the
visible to us, is regarded as the most
beautiful emblem of Ahura Mazda.
The red, blazing fire is the ‘son’ or
representative of Ahura Mazda on
earth. They also bring Ahura Mazda’s
Divine Energy (Khoreh) to mankind.
Ahura Mazda is bakhshāyandeh,
bakhshāyazgar and meherbān, that
is, giver of all good things, bestower
of wishes and compassionate. Inspite
of being All powerful, He is always
good, kind, helpful, merciful and
We can ‘know’ and ‘see’
Ahura Mazda through His
creations and the orderliness
with which they go about
their work – like the rising and
setting of the soon,
the growing of a
seed into a plant, the
ebb and tide
in the ocean
and the growing of
a baby.
An important
way of knowing
Ahura Mazda is
H i s
He is known by
which we learn
from prayers like
the 101 names of
God, Doa Nām
Hormazd Yasht..
H o r m a z d
Yasht has seventytwo
The Doa Nām Setāyashne praises
God and enumerates the benefits that
he has bestowed on the world.
Some of the names of Ahura Mazda
are: All Powerful, All-knowing,
Without a beginning, Without an
end, The cause of all causes, Judge,
Creator, Redeemer, Self-existent,
Protector, Omnipresent, Wise, Giver
of prosperity, Lord, Most Benevolent,
Harmless, Unconquerable, Reckoner,
Ahura Mazda is the First Principle.
He is recognized as the sole creator
and absolute ruler of the Universe.
He has no equal or opponent. His
is the only power and intelligence
that governs the whole Universe. He
is the bestower of all good things,
kind, forgiving, understanding and
merciful. All that is good and positive
in the world comes from Ahura
Mazda. He helps mankind as their
a n d
they lead a
righteous life.
The spiritual
expression of Ahura
Mazda’s unmanifest intelligence. He
is the creator of the all spiritual and
material creations. He has fixed the
laws of Nature, and all creations work
according to these laws. His works
on the physical, moral, spiritual and
cosmic front. He never interferes in
the working of these law.
He is intangible to the physical
as well as to the spiritual world.
He is the most beneficent Spirit,
and a Spirit even among the Spirits
(Minoān Mino).
He observes all creations and
creatures with His sharp, piercing
gaze. He is most mindful of the
thoughts, words, deeds – which have
been and which shall be wrought by
men. He is the sole decider, and the
supreme judge of the actions done by
man in this worldly life.
He is omniscient, omnipresent and
omnipotent. Wisdom is His intrinsic
nature. Through his Wisdom he
transcends all creations. He sustains
all creations through wisdom. He is
all-knowing and undeceivable. Thus,
He can also be referred to as “Infinite
He is without a beginning and an
end and hence eternal and immortal
(Y.43.5). He is totally Perfect and
complete. He is immanent in all His
creations, and is yet above them.
Parsi Paisa
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SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
honesty and genuine caring attitude to everything they deal
with. Today, his 3-year old
Investment Consultancy Firm
manages a substantial amount
of money which grows as fast
and sturdily as his client base
and his good reputation.
Mehran R. Felfeli
ehran Felfeli founded
EthiX on the very
principles that Parsis
across the board are appreciated for, their sound values,
Keep your
We catch up with Mehran once
a week this month where he
passionately tells us how to
manage our hard earned paisa!
easy to read
Mantras of Investing?
Take a print out, write them down, tattoo it like Amir Khan in Gajini, whatever
you do; but do not lose sight of these investment mantras. In this investment
era, it is significant for investors not to lose sight of a few basics in managing
their money.
• Read the fine prints: I have personally experienced several instances where
investors are unaware about the charges that the products bear because
some banker who is short of his target or an advisor who cares more
about his wallet pushes that product on them without disclosing the fine
prints. There is
no such thing as a
free lunch. Most
bear a hidden
cost which eats into
“A Customer doesn’t
Remember, cost does
care how much you
affect earnings on
• Set Your Financial
know until he knows Goals: Be it planning
for your dream
how much you care” retirement, buying
e d u c a t i o n ,
a vintage fiat,
anything - identify
it and put a
monetary value to it.
You can achieve
your goals only if
you systematically save for it. It helps you set a roadmap to your financial
• Get a Life and Health cover: Life insurance is the only product which when
you don’t need it, you should have it because when you need it you cannot
have it, it may be too late to get one. Why do I need a life cover is like
saying why do I need to protect my family’s future in my absence? Why
do I need insurance is like saying why should I worry about my family’s
financial stability when the bread earner is no more. While planning for
insuranceensure you cover your liabilities as well .Take a pure term cover
and not any investment linked insurance plans, they are high in charges
and a poor investment strategy. The younger you are, the lower the
premium amount you pay and the further you delay the higher the cost
CONTD. on PG. 12
The Following is an
excerpt form “101 Ways To
Advertise Your Business”.
ust take a quick flick through any newspaper and you’ll find
some really good advertisements, and some shockers. The most
common mistake with many newspaper advertisements is that
they are cluttered with far too much information, confusing the
message. Generally such a mass of information makes it virtually
impossible to notice the advertisement, let alone take the time to try
and figure it out.
I always suggest to anyone who is planning to advertise in newspapers
that they start a file (or use a shoe box) for advertisements that
have caught their eye. This includes some from those newspapers
you don’t normally read. Visit the local newsagents and buy a few
international newspapers or even foreign language papers - I love
doing this with foreign papers because I can’t understand a word in
the advertisement so I have to rely totally on what grabs my attention.
I keep a pile of scrapbooks that have all types of advertisements in
them, promoting everything from bras to bazookas (yes bazookas!)
as the subject matter is almost irrelevant. The layout is what’s critical.
The most attention grabbing advertisements tend to have bold
headings with lots of white space around them. They are uncluttered,
easy to read and the messages are simple. They follow the format of
who, what, when and how and they make it easy for the reader to
quickly glance at the advertisement and make some kind of decision
on the spot. That decision may be to get in the car and rush straight to
the business to buy the product or it may be to file the information into
the memory banks for later, when the customer wants to purchase a
product or service like the one advertised.
CONTD. on PG. 12
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SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
CONTD. from PG. 11
Mantras of Investing ?
Kolkata Knight Riders vs Chennai Super Kings
Mumbai Indians vs Delhi Daredevils,
Royal Challengers Bangalore vs Kochi Tuskers
Kerala, Bangalore
Kings XI Punjab vs Pune Warriors,
Rajasthan Royals vs Chennai Super Kings,
Deccan Chargers vs Pune Warriors,
Kings XI Punjab vs Mumbai Indians,
Rajasthan Royals vs Royal Challengers
Bangalore, Jaipur
Chennai Super Kings vs Delhi Daredevils,
Kochi Tuskers Kerala vs Kings XI Punjab,
This week Virender Sehwag wears the Orange Cap with his excellent knock
against the Deccan Chargers on Thursday.
• Why do I need a personal mediclaim/ hospitalisation cover when my
company covers me? My dear investor, the day when you retire from
your company your cover shall discontinue and then it’s too late because
no one will give you one,thanks to your age.Keep in mind, that inflation
in medical treatments is 13%. i.e. Treatments get more expensive year on
year by 13%. Remember, life cover and medi- claim can be easily issued
to people who are young and healthy. You can also avail tax benefits on
the premium paid.
• Asset Allocation: 90% of the returns are generated with the help of right
asset allocation, 6% is because of the product you choose and only 4% by
timing the markets. So divide your investments across asset classes like
property, deposits, PPF, debt, products, gold, Equity, etc. The golden rule
is allocate into safe products based on your age. E.g. If am thirty years
old then my allocation to deposits , PPF, debt products and other safe
avenues should be at least 30% and the balance 70% can be deployed into
more aggressive instruments like equity.
• Think ‘Future’: It is never too early to start preparing for your future; plan
for your retirement now, the sooner you start the better it is for you. You
will be able to see the power of compounding, when you start investing
small sums of money, but still see it grow gradually to the amount you
set as target.
• Cash is king: Always have some spare cash in reserve because you
never know when an investment opportunity knocks on your dooror if
any emergencies arise. It is suggested that you keep at least 3 months of
expenditure worth available with you at all times.
CONTD. from PG. 11
Often people feel that too much
white space in an advertisement is
like throwing money away. When
paying by the centimetre (or inch)
they feel they have to pack as much
into the advertisement as possible to
get value for their advertising dollar.
All they are doing is reducing the
effectiveness of the advertisement,
therefore they are wasting money.
Another common fault with printed
advertisements is the use of too
many different styles of fonts or
type. An advertisement should really
only have two or three different
fonts - maximum. Lots of fonts
makes an advertisement hard to
read and it gives the appearance of
being amateurish. Look at the best
advertisements produced by the
leading companies world-wide and
you will see that generally the number
of fonts used is kept to a minimum.
Script fonts (fonts designed to be
like handwriting) are also often
hard to read and as a result they can
be overlooked. Of course there are
exceptions to this rule (Coca-Cola
is one) but generally script fonts are
used to promote a brand rather than
a particular product or service.
Once you have decided on the
key messages you want your
advertisement to pass on, start
planning the look and layout of your
advertisement, keeping in mind the
issues discussed in this tip.
Teams Mat Won Lost N/R Pts Net RR
Mumbai Indians 972014+0.635
Kolkata Knight Riders 10
Chennai Super Kings 9
Rajasthan Royals 10
Kochi Tuskers Kerala 10
Royal Challengers Bangalore 8
Delhi Daredevils 10
Deccan Chargers 10
Kings XI Punjab 7
Pune Warriors 92704-0.199
SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
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Dear ‘Men in our lives’,
If your trying to look cool this summer and manage a rugged night out appearance without looking like you have
just spent 3 months in the jungle, I suggest a couple of tips…
First ditch your girlfriend’s shampoos! There are plenty of new and really good ‘homme’ ones specially created for
the grease and oil levels in your hair! And for that extra man touch… They have a shot of testosterone in them! Try
Loreal Homme Densite(for thickening the hair) and Loreal Homme Control (for dry, unruly hair). Whatever you use
just remember a fresh clean scalp always helps relax and de-stress!
For those of you who pine for thicker locks or gulp at the sight of your dad’s bald spot, breathe easy! The cure
has arrived! Its called ‘Aminexil’ and I guarantee that if used properly it will be extremely effective and delay or
postpone the hair loss for a good 5 yrs.
We love the facial hair but if you would just pay a wee bit more attention on skin care and grooming we would be
Don’t shy away from using products and experimenting. Start being open to using styling products to achieve a
look you’ve always admired. Next time you are at the salon ask your stylist for recommendations and instructions
to make you look your best!
If you do use gel and are finding it greasy this time of year switch over to wax or paste. I would suggest experimenting
with ‘web’ and ‘deviation paste’ by Loreal for a soft matt finish.
Hope this helps!
Mini Mince Patties
2 cups sweet & sour cooked
mutton/chicken mince
2 cups mashed potatoes
¼ cup finely chopped onion
2 tablespoons finely chopped
A few finely chopped green
Salt to taste
1 beaten egg
Flour for rolling
Oil for frying
Combine the first six
ingredients. Form into small
tikkis and roll in the flour.
Leave in the fridge or freezer.
Just before serving, dip in the
beaten egg. Fry in mediumhot oil.
Purveen Dubash is a
chef with many knives in her
pretty home kitchen cabinet.
From TV anchor to educator
to author she is armed with
culinary skills to put your
tummy into a hypnotic state.
We are proud to present to
you her recipes which have
the unique distinction of being
not only simple to follow but
yummy to taste!
Healthy eating is about more than the food on your plate—it is also about how
you think about food. Healthy eating habits can be learned and it is important
to slow down and think about food as nourishment rather than just something
to gulp down in between meetings or on the way to pick up the kids.
• Eat with others whenever possible. Eating with other people has numerous
social and emotional benefits—particularly for children—and allows you
to model healthy eating habits. Eating in front of the TV or computer often
leads to mindless overeating.
• Take time to chew your food and enjoy mealtimes. Chew your food
slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush though our meals, forgetting
to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures of what is in our mouths.
Reconnect with the joy of eating.
• Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry, or have a glass
of water to see if you are thirsty instead of hungry. During a meal, stop
eating before you feel
full. It actually takes a
few minutes for your
brain to tell your body
that it has had enough
food, so eat slowly.
• Eat breakfast, and
throughout the day.
A healthy breakfast
can jumpstart your
metabolism, and eating
small, healthy meals
throughout the day
(rather than the standard three large meals) keeps your energy up and
your metabolism going.
Upgrade Your Life - Tips & Tricks
Written in the stars
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by Tarot Reader NUPUR
SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
d¡j: sp. 21du dpQ® ’u 20du A¡râg
Ap AW$hpqX$epdp„ sdp¡“¡ apev$p¡ ’C“¡ fl¡i¡. ‘¥kp“u tQsp li¡ sp¡ v|$f L$fu iL$ip¡. rdÓp¡“u dv$v$’u
ApNm h^u iL$ip¡. kfL$pfu L$pd’u apev$p¡ ’i¡. frhhpf - d„Nmhpf¡ kpfp L$pd L$fhp“p¡ QpÞk dmu“¡
fl¡i¡. iy¾$hpf¡ kpfp kdpQpf Aphi¡ s¡ Apip D‘f ‘pZu afu hmi¡. L$pdL$pS>“u A„v$f kpfpkpfu fl¡i¡.
Aries:- 21st March – 20th April (II of Wands & Justice)
It seems like a profitable week, especially if you have a government
job. Keep in mind that good work and efforts on Sunday and
Tuesday will reap even better than usual rewards!
h©jc: sp. 21du A¡râg ’u 20du d¡
sbues bNX¡$gu li¡ sp¡ s¡dp„ Ap AW$hpqX$ep“u A„v$f sbuesdp„ kpfp dpV¡$ a¡fapf v$¡Mpi¡. dykpafu
D‘f S>hp dpV¡$ d„Nmhpf L¡$ Nyê$hpf blpfNpd S>Å¡. akpe¡gp ‘¥kpdp„’u ’p¡X$p OZp ‘¥kp dmhp“u
Apip R>¡. dNS> D‘f“p¡ bp¡Å¡ Dspfu iL$ip¡. k„cpmu“¡ fpM¡gu hõsy“u k„cpm g¡Å¡.
Taurus:- 21st April – 20th May. (V of Wands & VI of Coins).
Any health issues you might be facing will definitely show signs
of improvement. It is a good week to pack up and travel and
especially adventurous if you plan this on Tuesday or Thursday!
rd’y“: sp.21d¡ ’u 20du S|>“
Ap AW$hpX$uepdp„ sdp¡ S>¡ àgp“ L$fip¡ s¡dp„ kam ’C“¡ fl¡ip¡. by^hpf-iy¾$hpf¡ ^“gpc
dmu fl¡i¡. frhhpf kpdpÞe fus¡ ‘kpf L$fu iL$ip¡. dl¡dp“p¡ Aphhp’u ’p¡X$u ‘f¡ip“u h^u
S>i¡. Sy>“p rdÓp¡“u kp’¡ kde ‘kpf L$fhp’u d““¡ h^y Ap“„v$ dmi¡.
Gemini:- 21st May – 20th June. (Temperance & II of wans)
It is not your time to play the Share Market. Keep friends
away on Thursday and keep a close track on possible growing expenses!
L$L®$: sp.21du S|>“’u 22du Sy>gpC
Ap AW$hpX$uepdp„ d“dp„ b¡Q¡“u fl¡i¡. b‘p¡f“p kdedp„ L$pd L$fhp“p¡ L„$V$pmp¡ MybS> Aphi¡.
kp¡dhpf“p qv$hk¡ gp„bp kde dpV¡$ X$ukuT“ g¡Å¡. iy¾$hpf¡ MybS> Apmk Aphi¡. ^“ d¡mhhp dpV¡$
sdpfu dl¡“s f„N gphi¡. S>¡ dgsy„ lp¡e s¡ gC g¡Å¡ “p “lu ‘pX$sp. Nyê$hpf dÝed fl¡i¡.
Cancer :- 21st June – 22nd July (II of Coins & IV of Coins)
You could get irritated with the way people around you are
acting. Keep cool! On Monday immerse yourself in some long
term planning. On Friday you might be a little lazy!
tkl: 23du Sy>gpC’u 23du Ap¡Nô$
Ap AW$hpX$uey„ dp¡S>ip¡Mdp„ ‘kpf L$fip¡. frhhpf¡ a¡dugu“u Myiu dpV¡$ sdpf¡ ^““p¡ MQ® L$fhp¡ ‘X$i¡.
“p¡L$fudp„ L$pd h^y lp¡hp R>sp„ sd“¡ Ap“„v$ Aphi¡. sdpfu A„Ns ìe[¼s ir“hpf¡ “pfpS> ’C“¡ “
bp¡ghp“p bp¡g bp¡gu Åe sp¡ tQsp L$fsp “lu. Aphsp rhL$dp„ s¡“u cyg kdÅC S>i¡.
Leo:- 23rd July – 23rd August (II of Cups & Moon)
Definitely a fun filled week for you! You may have to spend some
cash to gain some fun in return. Watch out for what you say on
Saturday because you might just hurt someone’s feelings!
L$Þep: 24du Ap¡NõV$’u 23du õ‘V¡$çbf
sdpfp rhQpfp¡dp„ sd¡ AV$hpe¡gp fl¡ip¡. b^u bpbs“u A„v$f sdpfp rhQpfp¡ Mp¡V$p Aphsp fl¡i¡.
‘¡V$“u A„v$f NX$bX$ Dcu ’i¡. kp¡dhpf¡ h^y ‘X$sy„ Mphp’u dyíL¡$gudp„ Aphip¡. sbues bNX¡$ sp¡
X$p¡¼V$f“u kgpl g¡hp A“¡ v$hpv$pê$ g¡hpdp„ hpf “lu gNpX$sp. iyy¾$hpf bpv$ sbues ky^fi¡.
Virgo:- 24th August – 23rd Sept. (IV of Swords & VIII of Cups)
Your negative thoughts continue from last week. Eat selectively
on Monday as you run the risk of falling sick right up to Friday,
wasting the week at home!
sygp: sp. 24du õ‘V¡$çbf’u 22du Ap¡L$V$p¡bf
L$pddp„ fl¡hp’u apev$pdp„ fl¡ip¡. Of“u bplf fl¡hy„ lp¡e sp¡ tQsp L$fsp “lu. ”u-‘yê$j“u rdÓpQpfudp„ â¡d“u gpNZu h^u S>i¡. i¡fbÅf’u apev$p¡ dmsp¡ lp¡e sp¡ gC g¡Å¡. kp¡dhpf¡ kË$p’u vy$f
fl¡Å¡. Sy>“p fp¡L$pZdp„’u apev$p¡ dmi¡. Of“p L$pddp„ Aph¡ s¡hu QuS>hõsy iy¾$hpf¡ gC iL$ip¡.
Libra:- 24th Sept. – 22nd October (4 of Cups & 6 of Cups)
A good week for profits if you just keep up the concentration
levels! You might also get more attention from the opposite sex.
The only thing to avoid this week is playing the stock market.
h©ròL$: sp. 23du Ap¡L$V$p¡bf ’u 22du “h¡çbf
Nep AW$hpqX$ep fpls d¡mhip¡. frhhpf¡ Myb S> Ap“„v$dp„ fl¡ip¡. fÅ“u dÅ gC iL$ip¡.
by^hpf¡ g¡su-v$¡su L$fsp “lu. Nyê$hpf¡ ^““p¡ gpc dmi¡. dp¡S>ip¡Mdp„ bpL$u“p qv$hkp¡
‘kpf L$fu iL$ip¡.
Scorpio:- 23rd October – 22nd November. (II of Coins & Hanged Man)
The tension of the week gone by is definitely easing up and you will
enjoy this Sunday to the max! Avoid deals on Wednesday, as they might
not be the right step ahead.
^“: sp. 23du “h¡çbf’u 22du qX$k¡çbf
sdpfp ^pf¡gp L$pdp¡ kde D‘f “lu ’pe s¡dp„bu Mpk L$fu“¡ iy¾$hpf¡ dNS> D‘f bp¡Å¡ MybS> h^u
S>i¡. Ap rhL$dp„ A¡kuX$uV$u, ‘¡V$“u dp„v$Nu’u l¥fp“ ’ip¡. Mphp‘uhp D‘f L„$V²$p¡g fpMÅ¡. Ap¡mMpZ
hNf“p dpZk D‘f rhðpk dyL$sp “lu. d„Nmhpf¡ Of“u ìe[¼s“p¡ kp’ g¡Å¡.
Sagittarius :- 23rd November – 22nd December (Fool & XI of Sword)
This is a week to take extra care with work and health. Your plans
may not materialize and Friday may be tense and strained. Acidity and stomach problems don’t make things any easier!
dL$f: sp. 23du qX$k¡çbf’u 20du ÅÞeyApfu
dykubs“p¡ kpd“p¡ l]ds’u L$fu iL$ip¡. kp¡dhpf¡ “hu hpsp¡ ÅZhp dmp¡. hpl“ L¡$ Of“p
D‘ep¡Ndp„ g¡hp“u QuS>“¡ iy¾$hpf¡ g¡hp S>hpdp„ apev$pdp„ fl¡ip¡. v$f¡L$ bpbs“u A„v$f sdpê$
Ýep“ sd“¡ “yL$ip“dp„’u bQphi¡. bÃQp„Ap¡ D‘f Ýep“ fpMÅ¡.
Capricon:- 23rd Dec. – 20th Jan. (Ace of Coins & 9 of Coins)
On Monday new facts will come to your attention. Your quick
thinking and focus will be your lifesavers this week and you
could buy a car or house this Friday!
Ly„$c: 21du ÅÞeyApfu’u 19du a¡b°yApfu
Ap huL$dp„ sdpfu dl¡“s“¡ L$pfZ¡ ^“ d¡mhip¡. L$pd“u A„v$f buÅ hMpZ L$fi¡. s„vy$fõsu kpfu fl¡i¡. kp¡dhpf“p
^“gpc dmu fl¡i¡. s¡d R>sp d„Nmhpf¡ rdÓp¡ sfa’u kgpl dm¡ sp¡ s¡“u D‘f h^y ‘X$sy Ýep“ “lu v$¡sp. Nyê$hpf¡
“p“p “p“p L$pddp„ kamsp dmu fl¡i¡. Ap AW$hpX$uepdp„ ^d®“y„ L$pd L$fu iL$ip¡.
Aquarius:- 21st January – 19th February (Knight of Wands & II of Cups)
Only hard work will reap monetary benefits this week. It is also
a healthy week for you. Try and do some religious work this
du“: 20du a¡b°yApfu’u 20du dpQ®
Ap AW$hpX$uepdp„ sdp¡“¡ sdpfp L$pd“p kpd¡ ^“ gpc dmu fl¡i¡. s¡dp„bu Mpk L$fu“¡ Nyê$hpf¡ ANÐe“p L$pdp¡“u
A„v$f “lu ^pf¡gp¡ lp¡e s¡hp apev$p¡ gC iL$ip¡. iy¾$hpf¡ ‘su-‘Гudp„ “p“u bpbs“u A„v$f dsc¡v$ ’pe sp¡ tQsp
“lu L$fsp. huL$ A¡ÞX$dp„ afu ‘pR>p¡ d“d¡mp‘ ’C S>i¡. ^““u kp’¡ dp“-CÄS>s b^y dmi¡.
Pisces:- 20th February – 20th March (VII of Coins & IV of Cups)
An unexpected source of money is around the corner this week. People learn
to appreciate and respect you too. On Friday you might get into an argument
with your loved ones but by the end of the week it should get resolved well!
Live a little!
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SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
Hidden in this crisscrossing network of
passageways is the name of a well-known
person shown in the picture. Select a
starting letter and trace this name with
a continuous line. At no time may any
letter or passage be re-used.
The Lockhorns
Osama Jokes
Q.Osama Bin Laden goes to a psychic who
says “You will die on an American holiday”
Needless to say Bin Laden is shocked.
“Which one?” he asks.
“Doesn’t matter”, say the psychic.
“Whatever day you die will become an
American holiday.”
Q. What color were Osama’s eyes?
A. “Blue. One blew this way, one blew that
• The hot new drink around the country is
the bin Laden. It’s a Colt 45 and a shot that
goes right to your head
Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle
based on a 9x9 grid with several given
numbers. To solve a Sudoku puzzle,
every digit must appear once in:
* Each of the vertical columns
* Each of the horizontal rows
* Each of the boxes.
• President Obama gave the order for Navy
SEALs to kill bin Laden. When President
Bush heard about it, he was really upset,
saying, ‘I could have used seals?’
• They should have captured Bin Laden
alive and made him continually go through
airport security for the rest of his life’
• Now that Osama is buried at sea, is it
socially acceptable to pee in the water
while swimming?
• Bin Laden regrets allowing his iPhone app
to “use his current location”.
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SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2011
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