August 18, 2013 Bulletin - The Churches of St. Mary and St. Henry


August 18, 2013 Bulletin - The Churches of St. Mary and St. Henry
Churches of St. Mary & St. Henry
165 N. Waterville Ave., Le Center, MN 56057
Phone: 507-357-6633
Phone/Fax: 507-357-4838
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 18, 2013
Mass Schedule
Wednesday to Friday
4:30 PM (St. Mary)
8:00 AM (St. Henry)
10:00 AM (St. Mary)
12:00 PM (St. Mary, in Spanish)
No Mass
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
3:45-4:20 PM (St. Mary)
7:30-7:50 AM (St. Henry)
Or by appointment (contact Fr. Shofner)
Our Eucharistic Adoration chapel is open for individuals to come
for 5 minutes or an hour and be with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Our chapel hours are: Tuesday 9:00 AM to Thursday 9:00
AM (closes during daily Mass and Funeral Masses).
Parish Staff
Pastor: Fr. Christopher Shofner,
After Hours Emergencies: 612-227-7985
Trustees St. Mary: Clarence Mager 357-4338 Pete Plut 357-6222
Feast Day-August 19
St. John Eudes
“Our wish, our object, our chief
preoccupation must be to form
Jesus in ourselves, to make his
spirit, his devotion, his affections,
his desires and his disposition live
and reign there. All our religious
exercises should be directed to
this end. It is the work which God
has given us to do unceasingly”
(St. John Eudes, The Life and
Reign of Jesus in Christian Souls).
Trustees St. Henry: Karl Germscheid 357-4500 Jim Selly 357-4898
Coordinator of Faith Formation: Colleen Budin
Secretary/Receptionist: Gloria Wolf
Accounting/Bookkeeping: Tara Robinson
Maintenance: Bill Collins Jr.
Music Ministry: Terri McMillen
Office Hours - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday
Bulletin Deadline - articles need to be submitted to Gloria by noon
on Wednesday.
For use of meeting rooms or Social Hall - contact Gloria
Mass Schedule & Intentions
Monday, August 19
Tuesday, August 20
9:00 AM Opening of Adoration
5:00 PM Mass Agnes Macho+
Wednesday, August 21
9:00 AM Mass Leo and Adeline Malecha++
Thursday, August 22
8:55 AM Closing of Adoration
9:00 AM Mass Judy Connelly+
Friday, August 23
9:00 AM Mass Martin Malinski+
Saturday, August 24 (Visiting Priest)
3:45 PM Confessions
4:30 PM Mass Wilfrid and Gary Goettl++
Sunday, August 25
7:30 AM Confessions (St. Henry)
8:00 AM Mass (St. Henry) Thomas Shofner+
10:00 AM Mass (St. Mary) For the Parish
12:00 PM Mass (in Spanish) For the Parish
This Week in the Parish
Monday, August 19
Tuesday, August 20
Communion Calls - Milan
Country Neighbors - Sharon
6:30PM Faith Formation Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 21
Thursday, August 22
Friday, August 23
Saturday, August 24
Sunday, August 25
Readings for next Sunday, August 25, 2013
Isaiah 66:18-21 Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13
Luke 13:22-30
The Word Among Us – September 2013
At the entrances of the church today, you will find
copies of the September 2013 edition of The
Word Among Us, a monthly publication of daily
meditations, Mass readings and Mass parts, and
useful articles to help deepen your faith.
The publication is free, but copies are limited.
The theme of the English edition is Keys to
Spiritual Health, and the theme of the Spanish
edition is the Value of Reading Scripture.
From the Pastor’s Desk
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Last Sunday our Hispanic Youth Choir was showcased at a
Hispanic celebration at St. Dominic in Northfield, along with choirs
and dance groups from parishes in Northfield, Faribault and St.
Paul. About a dozen of our youth played guitar and sang some of
the songs they regularly play at our 12:00 Sunday Mass. They did
a wonderful job and are to be commended for their work. I’m
pleased that so many from our parish were able to be with them to
support them.
As the summer seems to rapidly come to an end, there are
probably many things we’d still like to do – projects that never got
completed (or even started, in some cases!), spending time with
loved ones, and relaxing and enjoying the beautiful summer
weather. We want to hold onto the final vestiges of summer and
squeeze as much out of it as possible. So often that’s our mindset
when we see good things beginning to come to an end. But isn’t
that how we should live each and every day? Shouldn’t we see
every day as an opportunity to “suck the marrow out of life” as
Henry David Thoreau once stated? Isn’t every day given to us as
a gift from God to be treasured and cherished?
Complacency and hard times can make it difficult to remain
focused on this goal. But we are encouraged today in the Letter to
the Hebrews to “rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings
to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while
keeping our eyes on Jesus” (Hebrews 12:1-2). That’s the constant
effort in the Christian life, to keep Christ at the center of our lives
and boldly move forward. And I think that’s the key to growing
through the struggles of life too.
If we take the time to read the words of Scripture and listen to the
words of our Church leaders, we’ll find they offer messages that
encourage us and strengthen us to persevere in the faith. Their
message is always the same, though it never gets old: Keep your
eyes on Jesus, and he will see you through. In September 2011
Pope Benedict XVI held a prayer vigil with roughly 20,000 German
youth. He was honest in telling them that hardships exist in life,
but not to be afraid of them. He was honest in telling them that
even good people sin—there is no saint, in fact, that did not sin—
but that’s the time to recommit ourselves to Christ and strive for
greater virtue. He was honest in telling them that the world will try
to prevent us from doing good and proclaiming Jesus Christ with
our lives – Do good anyways, and don’t give in to fear or yield to
the temptations of laziness and hesitation that prevent us from
doing good. Sainthood is for everyone – it’s the universal call of
every person. Keep your eyes on that goal, and Christ will draw
you into the depths of holiness.
“Christ is not so much interested in how often in your lives you
stumble and fall, as in how often you pick yourselves up again. He
does not demand glittering achievements, but He wants His light to
shine in you. Have the courage to apply your talents and gifts for
God’s Kingdom and to give yourselves—like candle wax—so that
the Lord can light up the darkness through you.” (Pope Benedict
XVI, 24 September 2011)
God bless,
Fr. Chris Shofner
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Faith Formation
Parents on the last night of VBS were able to see a new Catholic
Children’s Bible. We have chosen to make a limited number
available to parishioners as a fundraiser for our Youth attending
the Steubenville conference again next summer. This Bible from
St. Mary’s Press (in Winona, MN) is the best option I have ever
found and is really more of a complete family Bible with children’s
and prayer features. Hardcover is $35 and Softcover is
$25. Inquire at the Parish Offices if you’d like to take a look!
Registration forms are available for our 2013-2014 Faith
Formation which will begin on Wednesday, September 18th this
year. These forms have been mailed to all families who attended
last year and will be available at the church entrances and parish
Volunteers! Once again, a 50% or 100% fee discount is offered
for those parents who volunteer within this program. More
information within registration form. Past volunteers will be given
first opportunity to choose their spot for this year! May God bless
us abundantly and guide our ways!
We set our date for the 2014 VBS! Mark your family calendars
for Sunday, July 27 through Thursday, July 31, 2014.
Do not lose your courage, then, because it brings with it a great
reward. You need to be patient, in order to do the will of God and
receive what he promises. Hebrews 10:35-36
Colleen Budin
Faith Formation Coordinator
Le Center Food Shelf would
welcome any extra garden produce
you may have. You can drop it off at
the Food Shelf during their open
hours Mondays 1-3 & Wednesdays
6-8 or contact the parish office.
Parish Stewardship
Weekly Budget
St. Mary
$ 3500.00
St. Henry
$ 675.00
Sunday Adult
$ 3067.81
$ 159.00
$ 3228.81
$ 967.00
$ 61.00
Diff. from budget
-$ 271.19
+$ 353.00
Capital Campaign for Building Debt (July 2011-June 2014)
Cash & Commitments
$ 307,312.34
Collected this week
$ 1,405.00
Collected to date
$ 255,684.34
Building loan balance as of July 24, 2013:
$ 482,980.10
Saturday, August 24, 4:30 PM
Altar Servers
Marisa Macho
Eucharistic Ministers
Sue Leary
Sue Macho
Beth McCabe
Deb O’Connell
Kathy Schloesser
Jack VonBank
Milo Holey
Paul McCabe
Volunteer Needed
Sunday, August 25, 8:00 AM
Altar Server
Jeremy Beer
Eucharistic Minister
Dianne Traxler
Earle Traxler
Cindy Widmer
Karl Germscheid
Sunday, August 25, 10:00 AM
Altar Servers
Cassandra Christian
Elizabeth Christian
Ted Christian
Eucharistic Ministers
Angela Christian
Brent Christian
Peggy Cooney
Bea Grof
Greg Schoenbauer
Bev Steffen
Cami O’Meara
Laurie Wohlers
Paul Factor
Daniel Lang
Dennis Lang
Donald Reak
The New Altar Ministry Schedule for the
months of September-December will be printed
soon. Please submit dates, that you are
unavailable to serve, to the office or by Tuesday, August 20.
Also, If you are willing to serve on any of the
days below, please let Tara know.
All Saints: Oct 31, 5PM, Nov 1, 9AM & 7PM
All Souls: Nov 2, 9AM
Immaculate Conception: Dec 9, 9AM
Christmas: Dec 24, 4PM & 11PM, Dec 25, 8AM
(St. Henry), 10AM (St. Mary)
Mary Mother of God: Dec 31, 5PM, Jan 1,
9AM & 7PM
Community and Social Events
Sunday, August 18, 2013 Annual Ho-down - Most
Holy Trinity Church, Veseli, MN. 11AM Polka Mass,
chicken cook-out at 11:30AM-3:00PM, continuous music
noon-6:15PM, bingo, children’s games, variety raffle,
country store, home baked goods, prizes and cash
Sunday, August 18, 2013 Historic Plaque unveiling –
at 1:30 PM for the former church of St. Joseph in
Lexington. Anyone interested to attend is welcome.
Sunday, August 18, 2013 4-H Pancake Breakfast - Le
Sueur County Fairgrounds, serving pancakes,
scrambled eggs and sausage from 8-11AM. All
proceeds go toward updates to the 4-H Family Center.
Sunday, August 18, 2013 St Mary’s of the
Purification Catholic Church Festival, Marystown
(rural Shakopee) from 11AM-8PM - The delicious
country-style smorgasbord includes a complete turkey
dinner and is served from 11AM-2PM. Activities include
the country store, children’s games, petting zoo, beer
garden, freshly roasted pork sandwiches and hamburger
stand, auction, raffle drawings and music by the Czech
Area Concertina Club. More information found on
church entrance bulletin board.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 Red Cross Blood Drive from 1-7PM at the American Legion Club, Le Center.
Call Charolette Traxler at 357-6142.
Friday, August 23, 2013, 7PM, Tony Melendez
Concert - at The Church of the Epiphany, Coon Rapids,
MN. Tony, born a thalidomide baby, plays guitar with his
feet. An unforgettable performance in 1987 for Pope
John Paul II has inspired Tony to share his message
through music. Tony is just returning from World Youth
Day 2013 in Brazil and a performance for Pope Francis.
Tickets available at the door $5 adults, 17 & under Free.
Sunday, August 25, 2013 Ice Cream Social - 1-4PM at
St. Mary’s Church Social Hall, Le Center. Serving pie,
ice cream and root beer floats. Minimum $3 donation for
each along with coffee and lemonade. All profits going to
the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Sponsored
by the Miracles in Motion Relay for Life Team. Come join
us, socialize and have some yummy food while
supporting a great cause.
Monday, August 26 (6-8PM) & Tuesday August 27
(7:30AM-3:30PM) Carlson Pillow Cleaning Service hosted by Grace Lutheran Church, 320 East Main
Street, Mankato, MN. Feather pillows are deodorized,
sanitized, reconditioned, and new ticking (fabric) is put
on. Crushed foam pillows can be cleaned, and polyester
pillows can be recovered by Carlson’s. Same day
service! NEW custom-made pillows and comforters will
also be for sale. Questions? Contact Carlson’s Pillow
Service at 320-212-5811 or Visit
Carlson’s Pillow Cleaning Service is headquartered in
Willmar, MN.
Spiritual Enrichment and Education
Exceptional New Website for Catholics and Christians
Worldwide - is your resource to
bridge the gap between your faith and life. Do you want to
get plugged into the latest news and issues of the day? This is
your online source for everything. It’s a tremendous wealth
of information and inspiration. Above all it offers you a look
at life through the eyes of faith.
Lay ("Third Order") Carmelite Information Sunday –
Sunday, September 1, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.
Church of the Nativity of Our Lord
Lower Level, Steiner Hall
324 South Prior Avenue (Prior and Stanford Avenues)
St. Paul, MN 55105
An invitation to baptized adult Catholics, married and single,
who want to grow spiritually by learning about the classic
Carmelite way of life.
Just join with us, or, if you want more information, call Dan
or Mary at 651-454-6123 or Michael at 651-645-7362.
Relevant Radio – listen to Catholic Radio on 1330 AM or on
line at
Please pray for
Part of our Christian duty is to pray for each other. We are
including this list of people to pray for:
Tim Simonette
Mary Janovsky
JoAnn Cemensky
Matthew Collins
Ryan Holicky
Russ Kopet
Magdalene Ballman
Tony Boyer
Tom Boettcher
Denise Wolf
Betty Williams
Daniel Christian (Brad’s)
Dave Farm
Elva Beer
Mary Jean Hunt
Jennifer Malinski
Dorleen Schmieg
Mary Hunt
Ken Harkins
Terry Krenik
Jeanne O’Meara
Roy Sladek
Jerry Bendzick
LeRoy Theleman
Brody Bergan
Fr. Dave Barrett
Barbara Gehrke
David Wolf
Ty Wohlers
All residents at Central Health Care, Mala Strana, Good
Samaritan, Traditions, Villages, Three Links, Horizon Place,
Country Neighbors. *Some people have requested to not have
their name included on this list. We respect their wishes and
ask that you pray for all who are ill.
St. Mary’s CCW Events
CCW Dues for 2013-2014 are $10 and due now. This can
be put in the collection basket or dropped off at the Parish
Office. Thank you!
Sacramental Life
Mayo Clinic Health System Hospice sponsors: Hope
Baptism Classes
If you are interested in having your child baptized, please
contact Father Chris at the Parish Office to reserve your spot
and to schedule a Baptism class. This hour-long class is
required for the parents and godparents of the child to be
The next scheduled date for Baptism is Sunday,
September 15, 2013.
Also Note: A new requirement for Baptism is a copy of
the child’s birth certificate.
Sacramental Information
Baptism - offered once each month (except during Lent).
Contact Fr. Chris for baptism in Spanish & English.
Marriage - contact Fr. Chris at least 6 months in advance.
All couples must complete a weekend retreat as well as
marriage preparation classes with Fr. Chris.
Confirmation - youth are prepared in grades 8, 9 & 10. For
adult confirmation - contact Fr. Chris
Anointing of the Sick - communal anointing for the Parish
once each year in the spring. For private anointing, contact
Fr. Chris
Communion calls for ill or homebound - please contact the
Parish Center
R.C.I.A. - classes form in October. Contact Father Chris.
Hope United Grief Group
Moving Forward Fall Retreat
September 20-22, 2013
Fall Retreat for widows/significant others who have lost
a loved one. The retreat will be held Friday evening,
Saturday, and Sunday at the Franciscan Retreat and
Spirituality Center in Prior Lake. This
interdenominational retreat is meant to be a gift from
God to remind the grieving that there IS hope after the
loss of a loved one, no matter where they may be on
their journey of grief. It will be a safe place for one to
come and be in the company of others who can offer
their love and support. We have limited space available.
See bulletin boards in church entrances for more
information or contact Marlene Hunt at 507-931-2320
or email or Mary Kelly at
507-357-6930 or email
St. Henry News
Church Cleaning - Nancy Stauff and Barb
Weinandt are scheduled to clean the church by
August 25, 2013.
A grief support group for women who have experienced the
death of a loved one. The group will be led by widows and offers
an opportunity to learn about grief, share experiences and find
healing and hope from loss. Drop-ins are welcome.
Tuesdays, 5:15 – 6:15 pm
St John the Baptist Catholic Church
John Paul II Meeting Room, 2nd Floor
632 S. Broad St., Mankato
For more information, please call 507-385-2989 or
1-800-327-3721, ext. 2989 (toll free).
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give
you rest.” Do not burden, for God knows that you want to have
peace and love in your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekends are Oct 11-13, 2013 in Buffalo, MN and
Nov 15-17, 2013 in Prior Lake, MN. Early registration is highly
recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact Brian & Becky Tarbox at or 763-420-9125.
Thinking about Separation or Divorce?
Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel
disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Others
experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to
change the situation or communicate with their spouse about it.
This program has helped over 6,500 couples in the Twin Cities
experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential
information or to register for the program please call (651) 4645855, or visit
Volunteers Needed for Homebound
Respite Volunteers needed to share a cup of coffee and
reminisce with homebound residents in LeSueur County. Call
Aging Services for Communities 507-364-5663 ext. 21 to
volunteer or for more information.
Area Separated or Divorced Educational/Support
Group, St. Wenceslaus Parish, New Prague
Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month from 7 – 8:30 pm.
Experience good support as you and your loved ones move
through this time in your life. All faiths are welcome. For more
information call Deacon Bob Wagner, 952-758-3225
or Mary 952-873-6781.
Tuesday, Sept 3, 2013 - “Reclaim Your Personal Power”
Tuesday, Oct 1, 2013 - “Faith, Baptism. . .Living These
Promises for Your Children/Grandchildren”
Tuesday, Nov 5, 2013 - “Your Religious Values Will Guide Your
Tuesday, Dec 3, 2013 - “Make God’s Commandments the
Constant In Your Life”
Tuesday, Jan 7, 2014 - “What Gives You Inner Strength?”
Tuesday, Feb 4, 2014 - “Instilling the Consistent Principles for
Your Children/Grandchildren”
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - “Being Attentive to the Signs of God’s
Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - “Navigate Those Bumpy Roads”
Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - “Name the Values That Guide Your
Lighthouse Catholic Media
“The Holy Priesthood” by Dr. Michael Barber
Register Now for Saturday, October 12, 2013 Event!
Join with fellow Catholics from across the Archdiocese of Saint
Paul and Minneapolis as we celebrate the depth and beauty of
our Catholic faith. We’ll come together as a local Church for
Mass. We’ll be inspired by internationally-known speakers and
great music. We’ll get a chance to learn about exciting faith
formation, worship and service opportunities throughout the
Archdiocese and beyond in the Rediscover exhibit hall. The 2013
Rediscover: Catholic Celebration is for all Catholics who want
to find new ways to live out their faith more fully. Programming is
planned for Spanish speakers and children & youth. Don’t miss
this engaging, faith-filled day for the whole family!
Event programming: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Building opens at 7:00 a.m. and remains open after the event
program to allow for extra time to visit exhibitors.
Saint Paul RiverCentre
Archbishop John C. Nienstedt
Matthew Kelly
Father Robert Barron
George Weigel
Bishop Daniel Flores of Brownsville, TX
Martha Fernández-Sardina
Jason Evert
Emceed by Jeff Cavins
Overview of the day:
Mass begins at 8:30 a.m., followed by morning and afternoon
speaker sessions. The day ends with a closing session led by
Bishop Lee Piché. Children grades K-6 and youth in grades 7-10
will remain with their parents for the opening Mass, before going
to their own morning and afternoon sessions with age specific
programming. Children and youth will return to their parents at
lunch and again at the closing session. After morning Mass,
Spanish speakers are invited to attend morning and afternoon
breakout sessions in Spanish, and return to the closing session.
Tickets: Adult: $15.00 ($30 with box lunch), Youth grades 7-10:
$7.00 ($22 with box lunch), Children K-grade 6: $5.00 ($20 with
box lunch). Box lunches are optional at the event. Alternatively,
you may opt to enjoy the dining choices available in and around
the RiverCentre.
Register now by stopping in the parish office!
We are in the process of organizing busing and encourage
you to register early so that we can make the arrangements
necessary to provide transportation. We are hoping for a
large number of parishioners to take part in this fantastic
opportunity! This will surely be an event worth putting on
your calendar and planning to attend. If you have yet to
attend a Rediscover Faith Event, now is the time!
These profound talks will help Catholics increase
their appreciation for the holy priesthood. Dr.
Michael Barber, Professor of Theology and
Scripture at John Paul the Great Catholic
University, and Chase Hilgenbrinck, seminarian
and former professional soccer player, share rich
insights about this vocation to which select men
are called by God to serve God and the Church.
“This helped me to appreciate our priests so much
more!” ~ Michael - Las Cruces, NM
St. Mary-St. Henry Pro-Life Team
ICU Mobile
Did you know that in Scott and Dakota Counties
nearly 5,400 babies were lost to abortion from
2008-2012? That’s more than the entire
enrollment of both Prior Lake AND Burnsville High
Schools. Coming soon to the South Metro is a
fully equipped RV with the words “Image Clear
Ultrasound” (ICU) printed in bold letters.
Beginning in mid-August, this mobile unit will
perform FREE ultrasounds and pregnancy tests in
Burnsville, Shakopee, Apple Valley, Prior Lake
and Savage. (More locations will be added as
staffing and volunteers allow.) It is a fact that
almost 88% of abortion-minded women who see
their baby on ultrasound (aboard an ICU Mobile)
will choose life. It’s also a fact that 53% more
abortion-minded women will receive services on
an ICU Mobile unit than at a brick & mortar
pregnancy center. Go to
for more information.
Next Pro-Life Team meeting - Saturday,
August 31, 2013 at Angie’s. For more
information, call Madonna at 357-6581
As we begin a new grant year, I wanted to take a
moment to say thank you for your generosity in giving
to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
(CCHD). Your parish’s contribution to the CCHD
national collection allows us to continue providing
grants to low income, anti-poverty organizations. If
you missed your parish’s CCHD collection, you can still
contribute by writing a check to “CCHD” and giving it
to your parish office. To learn more about CCHD,
please visit
Thank you for your generosity,
Elizabeth Fairbairn
CCHD Diocesan Coordinator