entries close 4-00 pm friday 25
entries close 4-00 pm friday 25
Conducted by the Beverley Lawn Tennis Club over the Easter Holiday Weekend Play commences 8.30am Good Friday Brett Shaw (President), Ben Murray, Carissa Shaw, Bruce Kilpatrick, Ali Lewis, Natalie Kilpatrick, Graeme McDonald, Fleta Redding, Ashe Murray, Rob deGruchy, Fiona Fisher, Daniel Bailey, John Starling, Aliesha Murray, Tim Kilpatrick, Norm Ireland, Wendy Ireland, Mark Bowden. Brett Shaw, Carissa Shaw, Fleta Redding, Aliesha Murray, Natalie Kilpatrick. Rob deGruchy, Darryl Power Brett & Carissa Shaw Phone (08) 9646 1813 president@beverleytennisclub.com Natalie Kilpatrick Phone/Fax (08) 9646 4068 secretary@beverleytennisclub.com Please note that all timed round robin events are self-handicapping. Entry forms must be received via post addressed to: The Tournament Coordinator, PO Box 110, Beverley WA 6304. OR By e-mail to: entries@beverleytennisclub.com Closing Date: 4pm Friday, 25th March 2011 Please ensure your entry form arrives by the closing date. Number of entries are Limited. A list of entries can be found on our website www.beverleytennisclub.com. As entries fill the website will be updated. If you enter an event that is filled, your entry may be rejected. Entrance fees MUST accompany your entry form. Additional Entry Forms can be downloaded from beverleytennisclub.com TROPHY PRESENTATION AT CONCLUSION OF PLAY MONDAY 25th April 2011 As per the Beverley Lawn Tennis Club Constitution – NO dogs are allowed on club premises or courts. FREEMASONS TAVERN 104 Vincent St, Beverley 6304 Jock & Mary Lawrence Ph: 9646 1094 Fax 9646 0284 Email: freemasons@oceanbroadband.net Counter meals & Dining room Accommodation available www.freemasonstavern.com ANDREW AND MATT’S TENNIS SERVICES Camping at Beverley Located at the Recreation Ground adjacent to the Tennis Club, the oval and surrounds. Showers and toilets are located in the Football Clubrooms nearby. Offering Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine Supplies, Tournament Restringing & Tennis Accessories - Qualified on-site Physiotherapy - On-site stringing - Injury Management, Back pain, Headache - Various Strings, Grips, Dampeners available - Strapping & sports medical supplies available - Racquets & Bags: contact prior to Tournament - Pre-tournament Physiotherapy (Perth based) - Pre tournament coaching (Perth based) Contact: Andrew - 0439 986 358 or Matt - 0407 983 045 Camping Fees: Powered and non-powered tent and caravan sites at reasonable rates: Adults: $5 per night Children (under 16): $3 per night Family Rate (2 adults plus children under 16): $15 per night No bookings are necessary for camping. Camping fees are to be paid with your tournament entry fee Please Note: This is a family camping area and please be considerate of this if you are planning to bring your dog. Quiet after 10pm. Alternate Accommodation in Beverley Beverley Hotel Phone (08) 9646 1190 John Maxwell Beverley Bed & Breakfast Phone (08) 9646 0073 Barry & Joan Ross (reception@beverleybb.com) Farm Stays Beverley Transport Garry and Sarah Miller Bulk Transport, Wool and Hay- Beverley and surrounding areas. Phone (08) 9646 1555 Tourist Bureau Freemasons Tavern Phone (08) 96461094 Jock & Mary Lawrence HOTEL BEVERLEY Ph- 9646 4066 Comfy Beds Continental or cooked breakfasts available for house guests Good Food Old Fashioned Country Service Phone: 9646 1190 Email: hotelbeverley@gmail.com 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. The Tennis Australia and Tennis West Code of Conduct and the Behaviour Code shall apply and be displayed prominently at the courts for perusal by competitors. The referee or an appointed deputy has the final decision on any matter over play, and may impose penalties under both or either codes. The committee reserves the right to disqualify any competitor whose conduct during the tournament in their opinion is deserving of the censure. Entry forms must be completed and received by the tournament coordinator by 4pm Friday 25 th March, 2011. No player may leave the courts without checking match times with the committee. Players may enter in no more than 3 events. Players may enter both championship and handicap events. Any player remaining in three events at the commencement of play on the final day may be required to scratch from one. This will only be enforced if absolutely necessary to finalise the tournament. The committee does not undertake to provide umpires. If a player fails to appear when called upon to play: he or she may be forfeited from the event at the discretion of the committee and the referee. Game penalties will apply to timed matches where a player arrives late or fails to appear. Scheduled times are a guide only and are subject to change. Tennis Attire: Tennis West Code for Tennis Attire shall apply. The match schedule will be posted at the clubhouse each evening. The format for championship events will be determined by the match committee according to the number of entrants in each event. Competitors in 45 and over events, must be 45 years or over on the first day of the tournament. Competitors in junior age events must be the specified age or under on the first day of the tournament. No one may advise the competitor during the playing of a match except during an official break. Play shall be continuous. The only exceptions will be as the referee, in his discretion, approves. Courts other than club courts may be used. Any event may be held on any court. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to reject any entry and shall not be required to give reasons for such rejection. The number of entries accepted is limited. Trophies may not be collected prior to the presentation ceremony. If necessary any event will be held in divisions. If there are insufficient entries for any event, players may be transferred to another event. Any event may be converted to a knockout format. In the event of a drawn winner of a handicap event, if a winner is not decided by timed games (drawn games and percentage) then the deciding factor is the head to head result. If the head to head result is drawn, a tiebreaker will be played to determine the winner of the event. Kevin Coates Phone orders welcome. Pleased to provide all of your meat requirements. BEVERLEY NEWSAGENCY 135 Vincent St Beverley WA Stationary, Gifts, Magazines and Giftware Pauline & Barry Knight Open Saturdays 8am – 12pm Chris & Marion Whittle Giftware, cosmetics and a large healthcare range AVON TRADING CO Wendy Murray… Proprietor Family Hairdressing Beauty & Nails Gifts, Jewellery, Homewares Fashion & Accessories 100 Vincent St Beverley 6304 Phone 9646 1122 Thrifty Link Hardware 103 Vincent St, Beverley Open Easter Saturday until 1pm Peter & Vicki Jenkin Ph/Fax: 08 96461006 Mobile: 0427 461006 Monday 25th April is ANZAC Day therefore in respect for our diggers we will not have any play prior to lunchtime. The BLTC and the Beverley RSL encourages and welcomes all who would like to participate in either or both the ANZAC Services held at the Memorial in Vincent St near the Railway line. You may gather at the Beverley War Memorial for the Dawn Service around 5.45am or you can attend the official march later in the morning. Times for these worthy events will be available from the Tennis Club Office. Sunday Night Entertainment at the Club: My Big Fat Greek Sundowner Beverley Country Kitchen 111 Vincent St Beverley Ph: 9646 1524 Fax: 9646 1024 Open over the Easter weekend. Home cooked food, Fish & Chips, Cooked Chickens, Fresh Bread & Rolls Ice Deliveries Twice Daily- 10am & 5pm Fish Orders for Good Friday in early please Have a good tournament and please drive safely! **Please photocopy entry forms as required** ENTRIES CLOSE 4-00 PM FRIDAY 25th March, 2011 Players may enter in a maximum of 3 events. Players may enter both championship and handicap events. CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS Match format will be determined by the match committee. EVENT PARTNER’S NAME FEE 1. Mens Singles CHAMPIONSHIP $20 2. Ladies Singles CHAMPIONSHIP $20 3. Mens Doubles CHAMPIONSHIP $20 each 4. Ladies Doubles CHAMPIONSHIP $20 each 5. Mixed Doubles CHAMPIONSHIP $20 each AMOUNT TIMED HANDICAP EVENTS Round Robin- Entries in these events may be graded into divisions. All events are self handicapping. Junior Events- If insufficient entries are received in any events age groups may be combined. EVENT PARTNER’S NAME FEE 6. Mens Singles $15 7. Ladies Singles $15 8. Mens Doubles $15 each 9. Ladies Doubles $15 each 10. Mixed Doubles $15 each 11. Mens 45 & Over Singles $15 12. Mens 45 & Over Doubles $15 each 14. Mixed 45 & Over Doubles $15 each 15. Boys 16 & Under Singles $10 16. Boys 16 & Under Doubles $10 each 17. Girls 16 & Under Singles $10 18. Girls 16 & Under Doubles $10 each 19. Mixed 16 & Under Doubles $10 each 20. Boys 13 & Under Singles $10 21. Boys 13 & Under Doubles $10 each 22. Girls 13 & Under Singles $10 23. Girls 13 & Under Doubles $10 each 24. Mixed 13 & Under Doubles $10 each AMOUNT TOTAL TOURNAMENT FEES PAYABLE $ Post to: The Tournament Coordinator Beverley Tennis Club PO Box 110 Beverley WA 6304 e-mail: entries@beverleytennisclub.com Competitor Details: Surname: _____________________________________ Given Names: ____________________________________________ M / F __________________________________ DOB:___________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ P/Code: ______________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________________ Contact phone during Easter: ____________________________ Name of Club: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Club Captain & Phone Number (for grading information if required): ______________________________________________________ Fax number & email of one club contact for Friday’s draw: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Camping Fees: Names: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ No of Adults: _______ @ $5-00 per night = $______________ No of Children : _______ @ $3-00 per night = $______________ (17 years & under) No of families: _______ No of Nights: _______ Thur @ $15-00 per night = $______________ Fri Sat Sun Mon (please circle nights) Camping Total Due: $_____________________________ Player Time Exemptions: All time exemptions must be applied for on this entry form. Reason for exemption: Easter Church Service ________________________________________________ (Church eg Catholic) Other (please state reason for exemption) _______________________________________________________ Time___________________ No exemption is guaranteed. If you require more than 2 hours please ring a member of the match committee prior to sending your entry form. Exemptions for the first match on Friday morning will only be granted for exceptional circumstances. You must ring a member of the match committee to discuss. Entry Summary: Entrance Fees (as per previous page): $ ______________ Camping Fees: $ ______________ Total Payment: $ ______________ Paid by: CHEQUE / EFT (Please circle) EFT Payments: BSB – 016540 ACC No- 1102 01399 (Clearly state entrants name on all EFT Payments) A completed entry form sent via mail must accompany all EFT Payments including a print out of EFT Transaction. EFT Receipt Number: ______________________ Each entrant must complete an entry form. I agree to abide by the conditions set out in the entry form: Signature ____________________________________
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