Summer 2007 - Ventura Tennis Club
Summer 2007 - Ventura Tennis Club
Summer 2007 Foot Faults & Other Stuff... Bob Martin VTC President H ow is everyone now that summer is here? I see that the popularity of tennis has not diminished. In fact, we now have so many USTA league teams that scheduling matches and courts has become a schizophrenic art form; fortunately a task I have not had to be involved with too much. Our VTC events are always popular as well, and I hope to see a continued increase in participants. M ost of you are aware that Nelson Emery, our locally loved tennis coach, has “dodged a bullet” as his doctor states. He had a broken neck and did not know it, as hard as that is to believe. VERY FORTUNATELY, he did not damage his spinal cord, which could have easily resulted in paralysis or death. Therefore, the doctors at Cedar Sinai Medical Center installed some hardware to keep his neck fused together and be assured that you will be seeing Nelson out ors the courts once again (assuming you have not already seen him there). (continued on page 3) Ventura Tennis Club Summer Schedule at Camino Real: Date/Time Event/Event Director SAT JUL 7 2 PM SUMMER MEN’S DOUBLES TOURNAMENT Dave Redmond 653-6130 SUN JUL 8 2 PM SUMMER WOMEN’S DOUBLES TOURNAMENT Heidi Bensinger 320-8405 JUL 14-18 All Day ITA SUMMER CIRCUIT Nelson Emery 642-7652 SAT JUL 21 2 PM MEN’S SUMMER SINGLES TOURNAMENT Tim Waite 818.730-9773 SUN JUL 22 2 PM WOMEN’S SUMMER SINGLES TOURNAMENT Ericka Pinedo 443-6626 SAT JUL 28 2 PM SUMMER MIXED DOUBLES TOURNAMENT Linda Forsyth 339-0801 SUN AUG 12 2 PM SUMMER MIXED DOUBLES MIXER Linda Forsyth 339-0801 / Tim Waite 818.730-9773 SAT SEP 1 ALL DAY VTC APPRECIATION DAY Heidi Bensinger 320-8405 SEP 8-9 All Day VCJTA TOURNAMENT Nelson Emery 642-7652 NOTE: All dates and times are subject to change. Please verify all tournaments/events by visiting us at Red: City Events Spring Mixed Doubles Mixer A Tribute to Mary W hen the VTC Board decided to make the Spring Mixer a memorial event for Mary Eckberg, few realized what a day it would be. Over 55 people came out to play in or just to watch the event–and there were smiles all around. Over 20 members of “The Eckberg Clan” came out to cheer on the 33 participants Mary’s daughters (Judy and Lori) did their Mom proud with their high level of play and cheery dispositions. Mary’s Mixed Doubles partner for years (Van B.) came all the way out from Nevada to participate. Suffice it to say that he played awfully well (even with the knee brace). The rest of Mary’s family were a joy to meet... probably the finest testimonial to a great lady. It seemed like all of the VTC members who weren’t playing USTA League matches were involved–whether they personally knew Mary or not. Some played well and others weren’t all that impressed with their play. Well, it’s a Mixer. It’s supposed to be as competitive as a glass of water. All who were there surely agree that it was a bunch of fun. Everyone played for an hour, then we took a break to eat, drink, socialize and be merry. Once again, Linda & Tim had obviously gone nuts at Costco: The amount of beverages and finger foods was practically obscene. All then returned to the courts to mix it up some more. The striking thing once again was that laughter resounded from the courts–instead of curses or queries. Might be one of the reasons why these here Mixers are somewhat popular. The day ended on a candlelight vigil for Mary. The wind was up at that point, so we moved it into the Clubhouse and probably spilled candle wax on the carpet. But kind words were said. On behalf of the Eckberg Family and the Ventura Tennis Club, may I thank all who were able to make it. It really was a special day. 2007 VTC Board of Directors... Your Ventura Tennis Club Board of Directors are here to help you enjoy tennis. If you have any questions, situations or suggestions to help improve our club please feel free to contact any of us: President Bob Martin 701-3182 Web Page Dave Redmond 653-6130 Vice Pres. Andy Hoerer 659-4507 Soc. Chair Heidi Bensinger 320-8405 Treasurer Linda Forsyth 339-0801 Newsletter Tim Waite 818-730-9773 Retro Tournament ’07 T he second annual VTC Retro Racket Tournament was held on May 19 at Camino. In this event (instead of the typical “Wood Racket Tournament”) players can use ANY small-head racket: Including steel, composition, aluminum, fiberglass or wood. The Wilson Jack Kramer was popular this year, as well as the Wilson Advantage, T-2000, and the Yamaha YFG 50 fiberglass. This year’s music included Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Ramones, Cream, Dave Mason, Janis Joplin, America, CC&R, Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and more. This year’s music took players backward in time, from the late 1970’s to the early 1950’s. There were 7 players in the singles division, and 4 in the doubles. In singles, Nick beat Rich for third place, and Andy beat Dave R. 6-4 in the finals. Sean, Chris, and a new member, Doug, also had thrilling matches in the tournament, including Sean’s upset over Rich in the first round. In doubles, Kent Bodin had a comfortable lead after the first two rounds by defeating Bob Martin & Dave Hartman, then Ben Shaw & Dave. But it was Bob Martin who won the doubles tournament with a 6-0 win (with Ben) over Kent & Dave, giving him 15 games total over Kent’s 14. Wow! Great tourney! Special thanks to all the participants for terrific effort and sportsmanship. Lastly, a big, major thank you to: Chelsea Hoerer– for help with music, decorations, and photography Kent Bodin – for writing the newspaper article, and photography Bob Martin – for providing the sound system Dave Dike – for loaning us 25 classis retro rackets – Andy Hoerer Foot Faults... O (continued from page 1) ne of our other beloved VTC members, John Edwards, had a fairly serious injury himself. He tore his quadricep muscle on his right leg while playing a USTA tennis match against Spanish Hills. He had surgery in May and will have a long recovery and intense physical therapy, so we should not see him playing tennis anytime soon. I do, however, hope to see him hobbling around and watching our events some days. Remember this when you play against Spanish Hills (i.e. kick their butts!!!). N ow, about the foot faults. Nelson told me a story about how he once went up to the service line to serve and his opponent asked what the hell was going on. Nelson said, “Hey, if you can step over the base line when serving, why can’t I serve from here?”. His point was about relativity and that a few inches stepped in while serving is no different than a ball being out by three inches and you expecting your opponent to call it in. I hope everyone tries to be cognizant of their serves and practice hitting aces correctly, which means from behind the base line. See you on the courts. – Bob Martin Spring Mixed Doubles Tournament The Mixed Doubles Spring Tournament was a major success. As always, players show up excited and ready to get to the courts for a warm-up. The pace is slow at first, but then you can see players start to hammer their shots in anticipation of a winner that will surely come to fruition during their match. The anxiety heightens and a few will swill a beer to calm the nerves ever so slightly. Each team played eight no-add games each and kept track of the number of games won. Since there was such a large turnout, the draw was divided into two sections whereas the winner of one section would have a play-off with the runner-up of the other section and vise verses. The winner of each play-off would then battle for first and second by playing a full set. The final match was Susie Lokker & Mark Munoz verses Paul Villalpando & Linda Forsyth. This was a great match that had some heated controversial discussions. Everyone was watching in great anticipation. After the dust settled and courteous post-match handshakes Susie and Mark were victorious. I want to thank all who attended and the many volunteers who helped out. See you on the courts. – Bob Martin Men’s Spring Singles Tournament Sixteen players vied for the 2007 VTC Spring Singles crown. It began with two groups involved in spirited round-robin play that had the crowds on their feet (actually it was people walking by with their dogs). The semi-finals saw Nick Adair down Rich Brandon, and Ian Suwara beat Randy Guzik. Nick and Ian battled into a championship tiebreaker with Nick claiming the title. – Chuck Homstrom Ladies Spring Singles Tournament It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon for tennis. Although many women had other obligations–it was a big USTA League day–some of the best were out to prove their skills at the singles game. Watching the matches really lets a person see the diversity in playing styles, from the casual to the hard hitting. Overheads, Aces, Crosscourts and Volleys were used in the repertoire of game winning moves. In this tournament, hard hitting with accuracy won over casual. The final results found Betty Weldon in the finalist position and Jeanette Emerick on the winners podium (see photo). Thanks for a great afternoon Ladies, AI Beridon – Al Beridon Current Ladder Standings Ladie’s Singles 1. Akemi Martin 2. Felicity Ortiz 3. Bonnie Luke 4. Lori Harris 5. Marilyn Angelo 6. Ericka Pinedo 7. Carrie Guzik 8. Natalie Rimmele 9. Heidi Bensinger Ladie’s Doubles 1. Sera Khouvilay & Bonnie Luke 2. Felecity Ortiz & Akemi Martin 3. Jeanette Emrick & Rosa Virnig 4. Lori Harris & Sara Fox 5. Marla Burgh & Louise Hewitt 6. Siri Rochin & Allison Bruce 7. Barbara Connelly & Betty Weldon 8. Connie Gallaway & Kay Mendel 9. Ericka Pinedo & Natalie Rimmele Men’s Doubles 1. Paul Villalpando & John Domingez 2. Leonard Young & Gary Reeder 3. Al Beridon & Joe Lujan 4. Rich Brandon & Keith Rogers 5. Bob McQuivey & Tim Waite 6. Gerry Gobuyan & Gene Gobuyan Men’s Singles 1. Leo Huerta 2. Carl Koch 3. Joel Goldenberg 4. EC Addy 5. Dave Redmond 6. Randy Guzik 7. Duane Richardson 8. Rich Brandon 9. Chuck Holmstrom 10. Julio Cabral 11. Nick Adair 12. Tom Prinz 13. Jose Aguilar 14. Kent Bodin 15. Brian Railey 16. Barry Rothstein 17. Rick Rojo 18. Al Beridon 19. Vinh Tran 20. Keith Kropp 21. Ken Finning 22. John Benscoter 23. Mark Hancock 24. Tom Sonneman 25. Tom Powers 26. Bruce Caldwell 27. Lloyd Welder 28. Scott Ford Mixed Doubles 1. Sara Fox & Scott Ford 2. Felecity Ortiz & John Edwards 3. Akemi Martin & Bob Martin 4. Linda Forsyth & Al Beridon 5. Ericka Pinedo & Tim Waite 6. Carrie Guzik & Randy Guzik 7. Joyce Tuttle & Gerry Gobuyan 8. Peggy Hennek & John Sepulveda 9. Marilyn Angelo & Dick Story Hitting for the Lines... etween the Ojai, VTC Tournaments and USTA League matches, seems there’s been a ’Da Editor whole lotta tennis going on. Our VTC summer tournament schedule looks really good: We’ve four tournaments in five weeks, starting midJuly. Then comes our annual tennis circus: VTC’s Ventura Appreciation Day on September 1st. B So make plans. Schedule’s on the cover. How ’Bout That Nelson? see Bob mentioned this in his President’s Message: One morning in mid-May, Nelson Emery woke up a broken neck. His brain stem and some silly vertebrate decided to have a feud. I So: Neck surgery and neck re-hab. Not fun. Fortunately, it’s been working out as well as it can, thank God. more fun putting on the Mixers than the folks playing in them. Akemi, Al and Bob run fine tournaments as well. Many VTC Members have stepped up to help out by sending assistance to Linda Forsyth (VTC Treasurer Emeritus). Linda has been passing along the received funds to the Emery family. You know it’s very much appreciated... To be sure, we all have help from lots of people when any of us runs a tourney. I’m going to embarass Joyce–by pointing out that she’s always at one’s elbow to see how she can help. It’s all annonymous. If you wish, you can still send assistance for the Emery family care of the Ventura Tennis Club, PO Box 3005, Ventura, CA 93006. Just write “Emery” on your check. Tournament Directions... W e all love well-run tournaments, mixers, events, etc. Andy has the Retro Tournament down to an absolute science. Linda and Tim seem to have Our club really needs help with running tournaments. I did my first tournament over a year ago–and you can believe that if I can do it, you can do it. Running a tournament? Hmmm, it’ll cost you about two hours of your time over a two week period before your tourney. It’s worth your time, for sure. We’ve even got directions for doing it. Just contact Heidi Bensinger (page 2) to volunteer. You’ll like it. 2006 Ventura Tennis Club Annual Treasurer’s Report BALANCE 1/1/2006 $4,580.77 INCOME: Memberships (69 N 90 Ren) Tourney Entry Fees Bank Interest $3,975.00 $2,039.00 $8.32 TOTAL INCOME $6,022.32 EXPENDITURES: Newsletters Tournaments Meetings Post Office Box VTC Tennis Balls Gifts VTC Banner M.A.D. 1 Yr. Web Service & Upgrade Postage Endorsement Stamp Arcadia Blue Prints Incorporation Fees $985.55 $1,788.56 $616.82 $40.00 $446.00 $75.00 $171.60 $397.43 $103.88 $271.45 $12.85 $101.82 $410.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $5,420.96 BALANCE 12/11/2006 $5,205.87 Spring USTA League Stuff... Sara never left a stone unturned in helping me captain. Peggy, Joyce, Jeannette, the entire Ortiz family, Bonnie, Heidi, well, everybody... thank you all.” Margaret’s 3.0 Camino Ladies Team is a very good team. From Ericka: Captains Lori and Sara are thanked by their teammates at post-season party. S o many VTC Members play on USTA League teams these days. Believe it or not, almost a third of our club plays in USTA Leagues. The Spring League Season witnessed some great stuff from the 6 teams. Captaining for the ladies were Mimi, Lori/Sara and Margaret/Ericka. Captains for the men were Andy, Tom and Tim. So, of course, how’d they do? “The team record was 9-1 and we thought we were going to Sectionals until we received a notice that one of our players was disqualified. Four matches were overturned–so we ended up with a record of 5-5. This was a hard lesson to learn, but we had a great run! “We had a nice group of ladies who were both fun and cooperative. The team is a work in progress, and so we were experimenting with partners and placement. Watch us in the fall!” The Gals The Guys Mimi’s Camino Real 4.0 Ladies were 3-4 this spring. Now, Mimi put together a team of nine 4.0 players and eight 3.5 players. Of course they played teams composed solely of 4.0 players–so they were normally playing up. A 3-4 record is what you call a nice showing. Andy’s 4.0 Camino Men’s team is going to sectionals with a 9-1 record. Some words from Andy: Lori’s Camino Real 3.5 Ladies (capably assisted by Sara) played their first season together. Lori can sum it up: “We came in fourth... Although it felt liked second since our team beat Westlake, great match. “I know I underestimated Sherwood, found out why playing at Oakridge is considered “cruel and unusual punishment” – and had such great teammates. “The Men’s 4.0 team had a terrific season... A 9-1 record and heading to sectionals in August. The Camino team, nicknamed “TNT,” includes Andy H., Bob C., Carl K., Chris G., Chuck H., Erik B., Julio C., Marc D., Mark H ., Michael G., Mike D., Nick A., Randy G., Rich B., Scott F., Sean J. and Tom C. All the players are drawn from the “Tuesday Night Tennis” group. “Randy and Carl went undefeated–and Andy, Chris, Erik, Mark H., Bob and Julio only had one loss. Randy and Andy–normally a doubles team–each played singles this spring and had a combined singles record of 10-0. “The highlight of the season was the Ojai match. “TNT” won 3 matches to 2, and so secured a trip to sectionals. “I’m so proud of our team,” remarked captain Andy Hoerer. “We have a great group of guys - good players, great sportsmanship, and guys really having fun out there. I couldn’t ask for a nicer group to play with.” Tom’s 3.5 Camino Men’s team were perfect. An undefeated, 12-0 season. Watch out, Sectionals. One of Tom’s players commented that it’s unusual for a team to be able to play two fine singles players and three wonderful doubles teams every single week, week in and week out. Smart man. So it is: Tom’s put together a juggernaut with astounding stats: This team didn’t just win, they led the league in pretty much every category. Tim’s 3.5 Camino Men’s team finished up 4-8. Could’a, Should’a, Would’a done 8-5–if the cards had fallen better. A good team that’s just now starting to come together. One of the brightest spots was the improved consistency of almost every player on the team as the season progressed. Not there yet as a team, but certainly coming along. N ow it’s on to summer leagues. Three teams will play in both the Senior’s and the new Tri-Level Leagues. If you’re interested about playing on a League Team you can call Tim Waite at 818.730.9773 for more information. Ventura Tennis Club Membership Form Name ___________________________________ Date ________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State _________ Zip ___________________ Phone __________________________ E-Mail ________________________________ How did you learn about Ventura Tennis Club? __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Level of play (3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0) _________________________________________ Membership Type: New Renewal Annual Dues: $3000 for single/family memberships Make Checks Payable To: Ventura Tennis Club Mail To: PO Box 3005 • Ventura, CA 93006-3005 ▲ Please Check Expiration Date! e-mail: PO Box 3005 Ventura CA 93006 TENNIS CLUB Ventura
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