September 2011


September 2011
Issue 3, 2011-2012
September 1, 2011
Stephen Finger, District Governor
206 Forest Drive, LaVale, MD 21502
Home Club: LaVale
DG’s Message
DG’s Schedule
1 st VDG’s Message
2nd VDG’s Message
Calendar of Events
Congratulations - Take Note
Spotlight on New Members
With Sympathy
Roster Book Changes
Education Corner
1- Sharpsburg OV
7- Charles Carroll OV
7- Lineboro/Manchester OV
8- Deer Park OV
9-11 LaVale Chicken BBQ
10-4 County Picnic
13- Union Bridge OV
14- Thurmont OV
15- Halfway CN & OV
17-25 USA/Canada Forum
26- Oakland/Mt. Lake Park OV
27- Deep Creek Lake OV
28- Boonsboro OV
3- Hagerstown OV
5 – Cumberland CN & OV
6-8- District Social/Battlefield
9- MD COG Meeting
9 – Diabetes Walk/Kiss-A-Pig
10- Carroll Manor-Urbana OV
11 – Taneytown OV
12 – Frostburg CN & OV
13 – Emmitsburg OV
14-16 – LaVale Lions Chicken
17 – New Market District OV
18- Brunswick OV
19 – Lineboro-Manchester &
Charles Carroll Joint CN
20 – Grantsville CN
22 – LVRF Aim for Sight
24 – Middletown OV
25 – Mt. Airy CN & OV
26 – Funkstown OV
27 – Greater Carroll OV
29 – LVRF Banquet Regions I/II
“Believe in Lions, Believe in Service, Believe in Miracles”
Global Service Action Campaign – International President Wing-Kun
Tam is encouraging all Lions Clubs to participate in the Lions (4) Global
Service Action Campaign areas by conducting service project activities and
reporting them online in the “Service Activity Report” area of the WMMR
Website. The campaigns are: Engaging Our Youth; Sharing the Vision;
Relieving the Hunger; and Supporting the Environment.
Why Trees? – The 1,000,000 Tree Project is an opportunity for clubs to
build relations with youth-oriented organizations and schools, partner with
groups your club might not usually work with, improve the community you
live in (and help improve the planet!), gain some excellent publicity, and
celebrate being part of a world-wide organization on a world-wide mission!
ALERT Plan Useful and Timely – Although District 22W weathered the
effects of Hurricane Irene relatively unscathed; our other Districts in the
Multiple did not fare as well. It is reassuring to know that we have an
ALERT Plan for your club’s use and an ALERT Coordinator with
knowledge, skills, and abilities to draw on. I received an e-mail from LCIF
ahead of the storm with important information on how to access emergency
funds, if needed. None were needed this time. The same for District funds.
The GMT and GLT teams have put together excellent training, which is
being offered in each Region. They will introduce the new LCI and 22W
Mentoring Program, conduct a session on “How to Plan and Conduct a
Successful Friendship Night”, and teach skills on how to talk convincingly
to anyone who wants to know about Lionism and your Lions Club. See
First Vice District Governor Paul Cannada’s message, in this newsletter, for
more details.
Membership + Service = Healthy Clubs - This is a formula for success
for each club, large or small, new or old. As Lions we MUST be willing to
welcome new, younger members into our clubs, encourage and develop
them, listen to them, let them define their Lions experience, and support
their ideas and suggestions. District 22W has suffered a precipitous drop in
membership in the past 8 weeks that, frankly, has me worried. Newly
inducted ‘hands of service’ with ‘caring hearts’ and ‘willing minds’ is what
new membership brings to your club; your service activities are successful,
your fund-raisers are more fun, and your club grows. It is up to you to meet
this challenge!
District 22W Social – October 8, 2011 – First Lady
Debra and I are looking forward to enjoying you
participation and your company at the District 22W
Social on Saturday, October 8, 2011, at the
Hagerstown Hotel and Convention Center on Dual
Highway in Hagerstown. The Social Committee is
working very hard to make this a really nice affair, and
affordable, too. One more reason to attend: This event
is actually showcasing the Hagerstown area for the
Multiple District 22 Convention Committee, as
Hagerstown is on the bid list for a future MD-22
Convention. Wouldn’t it be fantastic for District 22W
to be a host district for the Multiple Convention in
your lifetime?
Enjoy the Autumn Weather!
DG Stephen Finger
Trees Planted thus far by the District
22W Lion’s Clubs:
Let’s keep that number growing!
Fellow Lions: Although Lions Clubs International
has recorded an increase in membership worldwide
(China, India, Japan) for the last several years;
membership in the US and our District has been
steadily declining.
DG Steve presenting a tree to Frostburg Lion’s
President Bill Munck as part of the District’s
participation in the 1,000,000 tree-planting
project. The tree will be planted at Beall
Elementary School in Frostburg.
Words of Wisdom
When we do the best that we can, we never know
what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of
Helen Keller
Chairperson’s are asked to make a commitment for
a net increase of two members per club. This is an
achievable goal. You can start by attending the
District Membership Training on how to “Plan and
Implement a Friendship Night”. The dates for this
training are: Region I, September 17, 2011 at
Potomac Valley; Region II, October 1, 2011 at
West Hagerstown; Region III, August 27, 2011 at
Yellow Springs; Region IV, September 10, 2011 at
Terra Rubra. Please attend a session in another
Region if you cannot make the date for your
History has shown that clubs lose members for a
various number of reasons each year. This is
normal attrition. What we need to do is plan on
how to replace the members that leave plus two to
keep our clubs healthy and active. Your
commitment will make this happen.
Have you ever attended a USA/Canada Lions
Leadership Forum? This year the forum is being
held in Anchorage, Alaska from September 22-24,
2011. Listen to dynamic motivational speakers,
attend (7) of the (64) seminars that are available, or
take some of the local tours of beautiful Alaska.
This is a great learning experience for members
that want to become leaders. The registration form
Anchorage on-line registration.
Hope to see you there!
Lion Paul Cannada, 1VDG
The district is still looking for a Lion or Lions that
are capable of getting District 22W on Facebook,
Twitter or any other similar sight. Please contact
Second Vice District Governor Kent if you can
work on this project.
At the last cabinet meeting, a motion was approved
to put our excess Lions Pins from previous years on
EBay and try to sell them. I have found an EBay
company that will do that for us, but they take a
pretty hefty commission. Granted they do a lot by
picking up the pins, taking a picture of them,
posting them on EBay and mailing them to those
who purchase them. Before I proceed along with
the pin Chair to hire them for this purpose, I would
like to know if there are any Lions who are
proficient in EBay sales and would be willing to
take on this project. Please contact SVDG Kent if
you can assist in this endeavor.
If you missed the Change of Banner, you missed a
fun evening with a lot of great LIONS. FVDG Paul
was the emcee and I definitely see a career in
standup comedy in his future. I thank you for all
that you do as LIONS and hope to see you around
the district in the coming year.
Lion Kent Eitemiller, 2VDG
September 2011
1 – Westminster Lions, Fall Steak
1 – Grantsville Lions, Family Picnic.
1 – Westminster Lions, Steak Feed.
3 – Thurmont Lions, Sandwich Sale.
3- Potomac Valley Lions, Chicken BBQ.
3 – Lonaconing Lions, Chicken BBQ.
5 – Lineboro-Manchester Lions, Renaissance
7 - Region-wide Zone Meeting, hosted by
Cumberland Lions
8 – Williamsport Lions, Fall Steak Feed, 5:30 pm.
8 – Sharpsburg Lions, Fahrney-Keedy Sing-a-Long.
9- Silver Run/Union Mills Lions, Fall Golf
9 – Sharpsburg Lions, Greenbrier Elementary Eye
9-11 – Thurmont/Emmitsburg Lions Community
Show, Catoctin High School.
9, 10 & 11 – LaVale Lions, Chicken BBQ.
10 – Smithsburg Lions, Food Stand at the Model
Train Show, Washington County Ag Center.
10 – Lineboro-Manchester Lions, Serving sodas at
the Renaissance Festival.
10 – Potomac Valley Lions, Friendship/Community
Picnic, Rawlings United Methodist Church.
10 – Sharpsburg Lions, Highway Clean-Up.
11- Taylorsville/Winfield Lions, Tail Twister Picnic.
11 – Taneytown Lions, Food Stand at 9/11
Observance, Memorial Park.
13 – Taneytown Lions, 65th Charter Night,
Taneytown’s Firemen’s Activities Building, Ham &
Shrimp Dinner, 6:30 pm, $17.00/person, reservations
needed by September 6th.
14 – Smithsburg Lions, Ham/Beef Sandwich Sale.
15 – Granstville Lions, Steak Feed.
15 - Halfway Lions, Charter Night.
16-24 – Libertytown/Unionville Lions, Great
Frederick Fair Pizza Sales.
17 – Longmeadow Lions, fund-raiser at Volvo
17 – Potomac Valley Lions, Chicken BBQ.
17 – Region-wide Training/Community Friendship
Day, Rawlings United Methodist Church
17 – Funkstown Lions, french fry sale at Volvo-Mack
Truck Rodeo.
17 – Clear Spring Lions, Bull Dog Round-up.
17 – LVRF Board Meeting.
17- West Hagerstown Lions, Volvo Powertrain
22-24 – USA/Canada Forum in Anchorage, Alaska.
Information on this forum can be
22-25 – Westminster Lions, Fall
Fest at the City Playground.
23 – Potomac Valley Lions, Picnic at the
Armstrong’s, 6pm.
24 – Lineboro-Manchester Lions, Crab Feast
including steamed crabs, chicken, salad, hot dogs,
desserts, beer, soda; Manchester Fireman’s Activity
Building, York Street, Manchester; food served 6-8
p.m.; DJ - music until 11 p.m.; for ticket information
contact Larry Burbank at 410-374-3422 or Joe Bach at
24 – New Windsor Lions, Membership Drive, Lions
Park Pavilion, 4-6 pm.
24– Terra Rubra Lions, Crab Feed, 1-4 pm.
24 – Thurmont Lions Health Fair, Thurmont High
24- Francis Scott Key Lions, Yard Sale.
27-28 – West Hagerstown Lions, Ham Sandwich
28 – New Windsor Lions, Members Only Steak
30 – Sharpsburg Lions, Sharpsburg Elementary Eye
October 2011
1- Deer Park Lions, Pancake Breakfast.
6- New Windsor Lions, Blood Drive, 2-8 pm.
BATTLEFIELD TOUR. The first 50 individuals
(Lions and/or guests) to register for 2-nights (Friday,
October 7 & Saturday, October 8) at the Hagerstown
Hotel and Resort in Hagerstown, Maryland will be
able to take a Civil War battlefield tour for $25 per
person, if they register before 08/31/2011. Late
registration for this tour will be $40 and does not
include pictures.
For hotel reservations, contact the Hagerstown Hotel
& Convention Center, 1910 Dual Highway,
Hagerstown, MD 21740, Telephone: 301-790-3010,
Rates are $75 per night, taxes not included.
Respond to Lions Wayne and Linda Sherfey,
7 – Deer Park Lions, Cash Bingo at Gamber.
8- New Windsor Lions, CROP, 10 am – 8pm.
8 – District 22W Social, honoring District
Governor Stephen Finger and First Lady Debra at
the Hagerstown Hotel & Convention Center,
Hagerstown, Maryland.
8 – Longmeadow Lions, Kids-Stuff Yard Sale.
8-9 Thurmont Lions Colorfest, Town Park &
Carnival Grounds.
9 – Diabetes Walk & Kiss-a-Pig Contest.
11- Hampstead Lions, 60th Charter Night, Hampstead
Fire Hall, 6:30 pm, Roast Turkey/Fried Shrimp & all
“Timeless Tunes by Two”. Come fulfill your visitation
and charter requirements for the 100% President
Award. RSVP: Lion Craig Snyder, (443) 507-6244,
12 – Frostburg Lions, Charter Night, 5:30 pm.
14, 15 & 16 – LaVale Lions, Chicken BBQ.
14-15, Smithsburg Lions, Candy Days.
15 – Terra Rubra Lions, Basket Bingo, 5 pm.
15 – Potomac Valley Lions, Basket Bingo, Rawlings
United Methodist Church.
16 – Hagerstown Lioness, Royal Treatment Jewelry
& Indulgence Bonanza.
16 – Westminster Lions, Bluegrass Concert.
17 – Smithsburg Lions, Blood Drive.
20 – Third Annual Lions Saving Kids Sight
Endowment Fundraiser Cruise; 9-night Eastern
Caribbean cruise sailing October 20 on Royal
Caribbean International. For more information or to
make a reservation contact JRW Cruises and Tours
LLC, 203 Secretariat Dr., Havre de Grace, MD 21078,
20 – Westminster Lions, Big Money Drawing to raise
money for the Scholarship Fund.
20-22 – Smithsburg Lions, Sub Sandwich Sale.
22- Middletown Lions, Pancake Breakfast.
22 – Terra Rubra Lions, Crab Feed, 1-4 pm.
22 – Thurmont Lions, Make a Difference Day.
22 – LVRF Aim for Sight, Mayberry Archery & Gun
24 – Terra Rubra Lions, Blood Drive.
27 – New Windsor Lions, LVRF Shoot for Sight
fund-raiser, Mayberry Archery & Gun Club.
28 – New Windsor Lions, Community Halloween
Party for Children, New Windsor Fire Company.
29 – LVRF Banquet, Region I & II, hosted by
Potomac Valley Lions.
29 – Thurmont Lions, Fall Food Fest.
29 – Freedom District Lioness, Annual Tea
Luncheon, Higinbotham’s Bed & Breakfast.
29 – Frostburg Lions, Coats for Kids.
November 2011
4 – Taneytown Lions, Basket Bingo.
5 – Terra Rubra Lions, $1200 Cash Club/Dinner.
5 – LVRF Banquet, Region III/IV, New Midway
Fire Hall.
6 – Cabinet Meeting – Region III.
7- Lonaconing Lions, Charter Night.
11 – Taylorsville-Winfield Lions, Basket Bingo and
King Tut fundraiser at Winfield Fire Hall.
12- Terra Rubra Lions, Oyster/Shrimp/Bull Feed.
15- Region III Zone Meeting, LibertytownUnionville Lions Club. Contact Region Chair Susan
Favorite for more information.
16 - Roaring Run Lions, Zone Meeting, Bullocks
Restaurant, 7pm.
23 – New Windsor Lions, Thanksgiving Banquet.
26 – Smithsburg Lions, Train Show.
29 - Peace Poster Contest Finals, Banner School in
December 2011
2 – LaVale Lions, Christmas Tree Sale.
2-3 - Smithsburg Lions, Christmas in the Park. Tree
lighting and horse drawn carriage rides on December
2. Parade at noon on December 3. Children’s
Christmas Party on December 3.
3 – Thurmont Lions, Remembrance Tree Dedication.
6 – Potomac Valley Lions, Christmas Dinner.
7- Frostburg Lions, Christmas Party/Toys for
Happiness at the Deuels.
14 – Smithsburg Lions, Christmas Dinner.
14 – New Windsor Lions, Christmas Banquet.
19 – Smithsburg Lions, Blood Drive.
26 – Hampstead Lions, Car Raffle.
Zone Meetings 2012:
February 9, 2012 - Deer Park Lions Club, Deer
Park UMC, 7 PM.
April 5, 2012 - Freedom Lioness Club, Messiah
Lutheran Church, 7pm.
Multiple District 22 Convention in Salisbury,
May 9-12, 2012
(Please note this date change)
New Market Lions Fund-Raising Cruise aboard the
Celebrity Summit to Bermuda.
May 20 - 27, 2012
For more information or to make a reservation please
Cruise Holidays of Frederick 301-631-1300 or
Or contact Lion Jayne Bongard at
International Convention in Busan, Republic of
June 22-26, 2012
District 22W is proud to annouce the following
recipients of rewards/recognition for their
Pictured above left to right: District 22W Governor
Steve Finger, Middletown Lion Corky Zeigler,
Robby Zeigler, and Immediate Past District
Governor Dick Liebno, as Corky is awarded the
District 22W’s Honor Roll Award.
Middletown Lions Membership Chair Lion Cindy
Thomas received the 100% Membership Chair
Builders Pin Presented to Membership John
Parker, Potomac Valley Lions Club, for sponsoring
ten new lions during his tenure.
Middletown Lions Secretary Joanne Stanfield
achieved a 100% Secretary Award.
Lion of the Year Award Presented to Lion Nancy
Dutterer, Thurmont Lions Club.
Middletown Lions President Phyllis Thomas
received the 100% President’s Award.
Lions Treasurer Bill Falconer received the
Middletown Lion Club’s Treasurer’s Award.
Lion Iris Norris received the Middletown Lion
Club’s Excellence Award.
The Middletown Lions Club achieved the District
22W Club Excellence Award.
Arnall Patz Fellow Award Presented to PDG Dick
Liebno, Deer Park Lions Club.
Melvin Jones Award Presented to Ruby Castle,
Freedom District Lions Club.
Melvin Jones Fellow
And Lion of the Year Award
Presented to Sandy Parker, Potomac Valley Lions
Pictured above, Melvin Jones Award being
presented to Dottie James, Potomac Valley Lions
Congratulations to Funkstown Lions Bob Mann's
family, particularly to his granddaughter, Ms.
Carlie Colella, who won the title of Miss Maryland
for 2011 at the recent pageant held in Hagerstown!
Nicole Dorsey from Liberty High School and Jenn
Straitz from Century High School, pictured here
with Freedom District’s Lion President Jim
Mullen, Lion Bill Brown, and Lion Roger Wolfe,
received a check for $3000 for their achievements
and future scholastic goals.
Extra Effort Star Award Presented to Nancy
Griffith, Potomac Valley Lions Club.
We are on a tight schedule. We need your ideas
submitted no later than September 24, 2011. Our
hope is to have our Council select the pin design at
the 22-W social/meeting.
Send to:
PDG Thomas J. Jefts
18012 Putter Drive
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Congratulations, Judy Fredericks of the
Middletown Lions Club
Your photo will appear in the LCI Environmental
Photo Calendar.
Lions Vision Research Foundation is THE
foundation of Multiple District 22, one that we, the
Lions of MD-22 swore allegiance to and said we
would fund. LVRF is affiliated with Wilmer Eye
Institute at John Hopkins Hospital, the best rated
hospital in this country, but we, the Lions of MD-22
have not lived up to our obligation and the LVRF
funding is facing a $30,000.00 shortfall this year.
Dog, “Duane”, checks donations for the Frostburg
Lions Club August Pet Food Drive to benefit the
Ark of Hope Animal Rescue and (no kill) Shelter.
The Lions exceeded their goal of 500 lbs of dry
food, and $500 cash for the shelter.
The Multiple District 22 International Convention
Committee is asking for help from the Lions of
We are looking for ideas for this year's MD
Convention Pin for Busan, South Korea 2012.
Put your ideas on paper and send them to us. We
will transform them into a design pattern, they will
be judged, and a selection picked by the Council of
Governor's as the pin for MD 22.
We, the Lions of MD-22, give thousands of dollars
to groups that are not located in our service area,
and we feel good about ourselves, and we should,
for we are Lions! We do great work! And that is
exactly why we, the Lions of District 22-D, should
act to make sure OUR foundation continues to
research prevention of blindness while providing
care to visually impaired people!
I will ask you one question: would you rather be
led by a dog while blind or would you rather
preserve your vision? That is the essence of what
our foundation is about, giving vision to those who
would go blind. And it is working to develop
devices that will allow the blind to see! Lions, the
answer is obvious, yet too many clubs continue with
minimal or no funding of our foundation.
If every sub-district can increase their funding by
$6000.00, the shortfall will be eliminated. That
amounts to an extra $200.00 per club per subdistrict! It is achievable! Our International
President’s motto is “I Believe!” and if you truly
believe that prevention of blindness is better than
being blind, led by others or a dog, then you and
your club should accept the challenge of raising the
funds to help LVRF remain an outstanding
foundation, one dedicated to sight conservation and
prevention. Let’s all be Lions and give willingly!
PCC Clyde Bragg
LVRF Fundraising Chair
Dear Lions and Lionesses,
The District 22-W Social honoring DG Steve Finger
and 1 st Lady Debra Finger is fast approaching. The
date is Saturday, October 8 and the location is the
Hagerstown Hotel and Convention Center located
at 1910 Dual Highway, Hagerstown, Maryland. We
need your participation in order to make this event
a success. Please see the attached documents for
full details.
Thank you!
The 22-W Social Committee
Fellow Lions:
Our District 22-W Social will take place Oct 8,
PDG Lion Tom Jefts is organizing a Silent Auction
from 4 to 6PM, for the occasion. It has always been
an excellent fund-raiser, thanks to everyone’s
cooperation. This year, as we commemorate the
150th anniversary of the Civil War, we ask if you
may have any related items that you would want to
place on consignment setting your own price, or
you may wish to donate them to be placed at
Other tax-exempt items to consider donating for
the Silent Auction are meals at local restaurants,
bottles of wine, or assorted gift baskets that you
may want to put together. Any and all items that
would create a tempting bid and help raise funds.
Remember that we are also selling ads for our
Souvenir Book, which includes a Civil War
commemorative cover. Ads are going fast. Please
have your club be part of this important event.
For additional detailed information you may
contact PDG Jefts at or Lions
Wayne and Linda Sherfey at 410/756-5957 or
Yours in Lionism,
Admin. Asst. Lion Diana Pickett
From the Historian:
All Clubs should have received the History for
PDG Disinger. It has come to my attention that
several histories were designated for specific
individuals and those individuals are no longer
with us. Please let me know if your Club has
received too many histories or not enough. Also, if
you have received a history for a specific person
and that person is no longer with your Club, please
let me know.
Thank you.
Barbara Weaver/Historian
The Roaring Run Lions Club has a wheelchair lift
for a van available for anyone needing such a lift.
For more information contact Lion Anita Bullock
at 410-848-7748.
Wheelchairs, electric beds, walkers, bath seats, and
canes are among the items being loaned out on a
regular basis by the Lonaconing Lions Club. For
more information, please contact Lion Dennis at
301-697-6837 or Lion Ebb Spiker at 301-463-5845.
Welcome New Lions of 22-W:
On behalf of our District Governor Stephen Finger
and all the Lions in District 22-W we extend our
warmest welcome to the following Lions:
Christopher Brunner - Hagerstown Lions Club
Amanda Flo & Ronald Moser - LineboroManchester Lions Club
Theodore Compher & Wanda Roby - West
Hagerstown Lions Club
Sharon Murphy - Friendsville Lions Club
Thomas E. Hintenach - Roaring Run Lions Club
You now represent each of your clubs and as such,
your input is essential and necessary. Each club
needs new ideas in order to remain motivated and
involved in our communities and beyond.
WE SERVE and encourage you to do the same.
Lions International has the necessary tools to help
us grow (
Take advantage of those tools and bring your ideas
and needed hands of service to your club.
We’re all here to help and support new Lions. Ask
your club secretary for a roster book, where your
can find us, or go to the District 22W website, We’re only a
click or a phone call away.
Yours in Lionism,
Admin. Asst. Lion Diana Pickett
(301) 865-6830
Cumberland Lions: It is with great
sadness that we let you know of the passing of Lion
Leo Bechtold’s wife, Edie. Edie was a delightful soul
who touched many, many people in her life. From the
mission field to her home community, her goal in life
was to love and care for people. Having known her
enriched each of our lives. Our thoughts and prayers
go out to Lion Leo.
Lineboro-Manchester Lions: Our club extends
sympathy to the family of Alesia (Sissy) Miller,
who passed away recently. We will keep the Miller
family in our thoughts and prayers.
Funkstown Lions: It is with great sadness that we
have noted the passing of Lion Bob Mann's son,
Michael, due to complications from his diabetic and
heart conditions. Michael was for many years
associated with Community Rescue and loved that
organization. It will continue to serve as a fitting
tribute to his life and the Club will be honored to make
a contribution to CR in his name. We are all sorry for
the Mann family's loss and will remember them in our
Libertytown Unionville Lions: Lion Ellis Hood, 92,
a member of Lions Clubs International for 60 years,
passed away August 14, 2011. Ellis was proud of his
service as a Lion; and we are proud that we were able
to serve with him as Lions. His chair at our den may
be vacant, but his legacy will continue.
Hagerstown Lions: Lion Andy Hamilton passed
away on August 13, 2011. Lion Andy played the
piano frequently for our club’s Tuesday noon meeting
as we ate lunch. He also provided music for our club’s
“Annual John Harrison Moore Pancake Day” fundraiser.
West Hagerstown Lions: Two of our Lions Family
have lost loved ones during the month of August.
Lion Lewis Kline lost his mother, who was 98 years
young. Our club made a contribution to her church,
The Covenant Presbyterian Church, in her memory, as
was requested by the family. Lion Mary Lou Koontz
lost her step-daughter, Shirley Bussard, to cancer. To
fulfill the family’s wishes, we made a memorial
contribution to the John Marsh Cancer Center where
Shirley had been receiving treatments.
Thurmont Lions: Lion Barry Glass will be greatly
missed by the Thurmont Lions Club. Two years ago,
the club had sponsored a fundraiser for his expenses,
as he was suffering with cancer and could no longer
work. Following that event, Barry joined the club, and
we were blessed to have him as an amazing example
of determination and desire to serve others, even as
recently as our July Pit-Beef sale. During our MakeA- Difference-Day program, which focused on cancer,
Barry was there to be a guiding light for those with
similar ailments. He was a wonderful example for us
Page 4: Clement F. Kusiak was our International
Director from 1988 to 1990.
Page 14: Susan Favorite’s mailing address is 6 Clark
Avenue, Thurmont, MD 21701.
Page 16: The e-mail address for Rudolph Otto,
Secretary of the Boonsboro Lions Club, should read,
Page 18: The correct e-mail address for Pamela
Lewis, Membership Chair of the Chewsville Lions
Club, is
Page 26: Hampstead Lions Club should be
designated as a club having convalescent
equipment. The pair of crutches symbolizing this
service project was inadvertently omitted.
Page 26: Samuel Key, President of the Halfway
Lions Club, has a new phone number: (240) 2918104.
Page 36: Dottie James is replacing Ginny Wingler
as Secretary of the Potomac Valley Lions Club:
Dottie James, Secretary
Contact via Asst. Secretary PDG Rodney Welch
11317 Wentling Drive
Cumberland, MD 21502
Residence: 301-777-0552
Page 39: The name of the meeting hall for the
Taylorsville-Winfield Lions should read, New Hope
UMC – Bethel Campus
Page 42: Due to illness, the membership chair for
the Westminster Lions Club has been changed from
Lion Bill Haifley to Lion Robert C. Davis:
Robert Davis, Membership Chair
455 Old New Windsor Pike Res: 410-848-5368
Westminster, MD 21157
Page 60: Larry Burton's e-mail address should read,
Education Corner
The minutes of the entire LCI Board Meeting are
on the LCI Web Page. There were two items that
directly affect the local club, which I have cut and
pasted below:
9. Removed the two-signature requirement on club
accounts in the Standard Form Club By-Laws to be
consistent with modern banking capabilities (i.e.
online banking).
6. Approved policy regarding club, district and
award banners. New policy is as follows: The D3DS
Club Banner, D110 District Governor Banner, and
D150 Club Award Banner shall be made available
in the following fabric and color combinations:
a. Purple felt
Cord, Tassel - Gold
Border - Gold
Lettering - Maize felt (closely matches PMS 7406
Yellow in the rebranded LCI
LCI Emblem - A41556 21" emblem, rebranded
version PMS 287 Blue, PMS
7406 Yellow
b. Banner - Blue felt
Cord, Tassel - Gold.
Border - Gold
Lettering - Maize felt (closely matches PMS 7406
Yellow in the rebranded LCI
LCI Emblem - A41556 21" emblem, rebranded
version PMS 287 Blue, PMS
7406 yellow
Kent Eitemiller
Second Vice District Governor
Certified Guiding Lion
Page 74: The date for the 2012 Multiple District
Convention in Salisbury, Maryland has been changed
to May 9-12 (Wednesday – Saturday) because May 13
is Mother’s Day.
Page 74 & Page 89: The International Convention in
2012 will be held in Busan, Republic of Korea.