Perdido Key Northwest Florida
Perdido Key Northwest Florida
Perdido Key L o s e Yo u r s e l f i n Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Guide and Membership Directory Tasty Treats & Seafood Specialties From Flip-Flops to Fishing Lures A Room With a View Recreation & Revelry D i s c o v e r y o u r “P l a c e “BellaVista” Pre-Sale Investment Opportunities i n t h e S un” Condominium Sales & Rentals Historical Downtown Pensacola for Sale or Lease Commercial & Residential Development Opportunities Perdido Key Pensacola Baldwin County, AL toll free - 877.469.9499 • local - 850.346.2222 • {Welcome to the “Western Gate to the Sunshine State”} BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA Mike Whitehead District One Gene M. Valentino District Two 221 Palafox Place, Suite 400 P.O. Box 1591 Pensacola, Florida 32591-1591 Marie Young District Three Grover C. Robinson, IV District Four Telephone (850) 595-4902 Toll Free (866) 730-9152 Telefax (850) 595-4908 (Suncom) 695-4902 Kevin W. White District Five Our Perdido Key area is the first stop for many travelers to Florida. Escambia County covers approximately 661 square miles of land with an additional 64,000 acres of waterways. We have everything from beautiful beaches to an active city life as well as productive farmlands. I have pride in the people of this area. The citizens reflect a spirit of excitement and enthusiasm that continues to draw visitors and vacationers, who soon become residents. Our County has been and will continue to be there for its citizens as well as its visitors. Presently, we have over $200 million of development projects underway in the greater area. As the elected County Commissioner in Escambia County, I would like to welcome you to the Perdido Key area. The Key has a rich and diverse history and is truly a wonderful place to live, work and visit. Our vision is to continue providing and the finest quality of life that this area has to offer while we climb toward the future. Gene M. Valentino County Commissioner, District 2 15500 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-4660 • (800) 328-0107 • Fax: (850) 492-2932 Officers Debbie Waters, Chairman Creative Property Management Marty McGreevy, Vice Chair Panama Mac’s Joe Gilchrist, Vice Chair Flora-Bama Beth Barrios, Secretary Guide 2 Fun Bill Stromquist, Treasurer Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo Board Members Suzanne DeClerk Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers Sally Bowen Perdido Bay Community Center Pat McClellan Flora-Bama Daniel Roberts Business Computer Accounting Published for the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce by Ballinger Publishing {Our Growing Community} 15500 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-4660 • Fax 492-2932 The Perdido Key Visitor’s Guide is truly a collaborative effort of the members of the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce. It is with great enthusiasm that we present this Guide for our local community. I, for one, am very thankful for the individual, group and community efforts that have put so much pride and effort into making this unique area the best place to live and vacation once again. I am pleased to say that we have rebuilt this area with the same straightforward passion on which our beloved Lost Key was founded. As old businesses reopen and new businesses come to call our corner of Northwest Florida home, I am continually encouraged at the growth I see every time I drive down the road. The strength and hopeful spirit of the residents and business owners on the Key is heartwarming and gives me a sense of pride for this area that I both work and live in. It is the goal of this organization to assist in the nurturing, maintenance and growth of our community. I hope that every reader finds and enjoys the information provided within the pages of this Guide, whether they are a local business owner, resident, or visitor to the Perdido Key area. I am proud to be your 2007 Chairman of the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce and look forward to the successful future of each entrepreneur, business, family member, resident, property owner and visitor on our shores. Respectfully, Debbie Waters, 2007 Chairman 4 Your Guide to Perdido Key Publisher Malcolm Ballinger Editor Maggie Cramer Associate Editor Shannon Cothran Editorial Assistants Austin Holt and Kelly Oden Art Director Rita Laymon Ad Design Natasha Williams Contributing Photographer John Hill Director of Sales Andy Ballinger Account Executives Kriss Ridgway, Becky Dupuis, Judy Fehl Marketing Coordinator Tina Witbracht Editorial Offices 41 North Jefferson Street, Suite 402, Pensacola, Fl 32502 850-433-1166 Visit our website at All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents herein is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. Comments and opinions expressed in this magazine represent the personal views of the individuals to whom they are attributed and/or the person identified as the author of the article, and they are not necessarily those of the publisher. This magazine accepts no responsibility for these opinions. The publisher reserves the right to edit all manuscripts. All advertising information is the responsibility of the individual advertiser. Appearance in this magazine does not necessarily reflect endorsement of any products or services by Ballinger Publishing. © 2007 B Features Departments Directory & Information Dining 20 Annual Events 16 Fun Facts 18 Getting Here 19 Businesses Around Town 44 Chamber Directory 45 Numbers to Know 49 Island Spotlight 10 The Surroundings 12 Care to Stay Awhile? 14 Rentals 24 Shopping & Services 32 Activities 38 On the Cover: (Clockwise) Seafood by John Hill Photography; Children on Beach by John Hill Photography; Kayaker by John Hill Photography; Blue Angels courtesy of the Blue Angels; Golfer by John Hill Photography; Eden courtesy of Eden Condominiums Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this Guide. However, the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce and Ballinger Publishing are not responsible for any errors or omissions that might occur. All advertising information is the responsibility of the individual advertiser. Appearance in this guide does not necessarily reflect endorsement of any products or services by the PKACOC or BP. 8 Your Guide to Perdido Key Photo by John Hill Photography Photo by John Hill Photography Photo by John Hill Photography Photo courtesy of Eden Condominium Contents Why are we so full of restraint? Why do we not give in all directions? Is it fear of losing ourselves? Until we do lose ourselves there is no hope of finding ourselves. ~Henry Miller Lose Yourself in Perdido Key Perdido Key was originally difficult to locate. Tristan de Luna first landed on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico in 1559, but it wasn’t until years later, after both Spanish and French explorers established settlements in Pensacola and Mobile, that Spanish explorer Carlos Siguenza discovered a bay hidden between the two ports. He named the bay and the island that kept it hidden from the settlers “Perdido,” meaning “lost” in Spanish. Don’t worry: If you’re planning a trip to the Key today, you won’t need a compass and an explorer’s acute sense of direction to find us. These days the Key is much easier to locate, and each year many people experience the beauty of this once-lost paradise. However, the settlers were on to something when they named the Key, and it still remains tucked away from the hustle and bustle of our modern world. It is a place where you can lose yourself. The idea of losing yourself means taking the time to truly relax, to exist in a moment where nothing can bother you: not a ringing phone, a never-ending traffic jam, a demanding boss, or an increasingly high pile of dirty laundry. Leave all that behind when you visit Perdido. The Key takes you miles away from your worries and offers up an easy-going, laid-back, island lifestyle complete with the soothing sounds of the Gulf ’s waters, great food and entertainment, and a beach chair and umbrella that are waiting just for you. If you’re looking to get a little bit lost, you’ll find your chance in Perdido Key. (800) 328-0107 • 9 Island Spotlight Perdido Key, Florida, is a 247-acre, 16-mile long barrier island on the Gulf of Mexico. Barrier islands provide habitats for coastal animals. Dunes (sand formations built by wind) found on the Key are characteristic of barrier islands. Conde Nast Traveler has rated our narrow barrier island among the top five island beaches thanks to its sparkling white sand and clear, turquoise water. The Key, as the area is called by natives, is a natural paradise where you’ll find unspoiled beaches, water habitats like marshes and wetlands, and a variety of sea life and wildlife. Just off the island is the area known to locals as the mainland. The mainland just west of the island is still considered the Key and is home to Big Lagoon State Park and the areas Innerarity Point and Innerarity Island. Innerarity Point includes many retail and dining locations, while Innerarity Island is a small, private, residential community. The Key is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico to the south and the Ole River, or Perdido River, to the north. From the Key, there is easy access to the broad expanse of Perdido Bay and to the Gulf of Mexico. The Key’s location also puts you in close proximity to lagoons and coves; All nearby bodies of water offer excellent sailing, snorkeling, fishing, and swimming opportunities. Pensacola, Florida, is just to the east of the island with Orange Beach and Gulf Shores, Alabama, to the west. Did you know that the sugary-white beaches found on Perdido Key are composed of fine quartz that over time has eroded from granite in the Appalachian Mountains? The sand is carried by rivers and creeks and deposited on our shore. Perhaps because of the fineness of the quartz, the sand makes a notable squeak as you slide your bare feet through it—a sound that kids love and that can make adults feel like kids again. Approximately 62 percent of Perdido Key is made up of protected land as part of the Gulf Island National Seashore and Perdido Key State Recreation Park. Florida’s state park system,, including Perdido Key State Recreation Park and Big Lagoon State Park, was voted Best in America by the National Recreation and Parks Association in October 1999 and received the National Gold Medal State Park Award. The Perdido Key Beach Mouse calls our island home. Registered as an endangered species since 1985, the large-eared nocturnal herbivore feeds primarily on the seeds of sea oats and beach grasses that are plentiful in our area. To protect the Beach Mouse’s habitat, boardwalks—built up over the dunes and interdunal areas—provide public access to the beaches. An estimated 1,200 residents call Perdido Key home year-round and enjoy the laid-back lifestyle our lost island has to offer. No matter when you come to the Key, there’s always something happening. Each month of the year is packed with events, from regattas to festivals and fireworks to The Frank Brown Inter national Songwriters’ Festival™, where world-renowned singers and songwriters of various genres of music come to perform. Northwest Florida’s climate is semi-tropical, with hot summers and warm winters. The summer provides just the right weather for sunbathing and a cool dip in the water, while the fall and winter provide the perfect atmosphere for outdoor activities in the Key’s pristine, natural surroundings. So, what are you waiting for? Come lose yourself in Perdido Key. Photo by Bousquet “It was a good place for getting lost in.” ~V.S. Naipaul (800) 328-0107 • 11 The Surroundings Nature: Henry Thoreau used it as his muse for writing Walden while living a minimalist life in a small cottage by Walden Pond. The natural surroundings of the cottage’s location provided Thoreau a place to get away from it all. Nature has the ability to offer a place to escape from life’s hustles and bustles. Whether you’re looking for an escape or are in search of your own creativity, just a little peace and quite, or all-out adventure, Perdido Key is a natural paradise of unspoiled beaches, wetlands, bays, coves, and parks perfect for any experience with nature. Once you’ve arrived in Perdido Key, it doesn’t take long to appreciate the natural beauty of the island or to get a clear idea of what our lifestyle is all about. Even the street names provide clues, stating promises like Tranquility Lane and Play-A-Way Street: names that echo the island’s offerings, tempt visitors to extend their stays, and keep locals calling Perdido Key home. With miles of white-sand beaches and protected national and state parks, Perdido Key offers you a chance to lose yourself in the surroundings and, maybe, find yourself at the same time. Approximately 62 percent of the island is established as protected land. The area’s state park system has been voted Best in America and even received a nod from “Doctor Beach” on one of his well known and coveted Best Beaches lists. Perdido Key State Recreation Park boasts 1.4 miles of beautiful beaches and rolling dunes covered in sea oats. Boardwalks from the parking lot allow access to the beach without damaging the fragile dunes and vegetation. The area is a favorite for swimming, sunbathing and surf fishing. Johnson Beach and the For t McRee area, in the Florida district of the Gulf Island National Seashore, make up nearly half of the Key. The area provides public access to the beach as well as amenities like picnic shelters alongside wild rosemary and sweeping panoramic views. This uninhabited portion of the island is perfect for hiking, launching your boat and even bird watching—more than 280 species of birds have been identified and located within the Gulf Island National Seashore’s total area. Big Lagoon State Park puts you right in the middle of Perdido Key’s uninterrupted, natural surroundings. This coastal park sits on the northern shore of its namesake, Big Lagoon, which separates the mainland from Perdido Key and the Gulf of Mexico. Here, you’ll find natural communities like saltwater marshes and pinewood flats. To explore theses communities, you can traverse nature trails and explore open woodlands. There are also opportunities for camping, fishing, boating, swimming, canoeing, hiking and picnicking. A barrier-free trail at Tarkiln Bayou State Park also puts you at one with the surroundings: alongside wiregrass and endangered pitcher plants—of which the carnivorous white-top species is unique to the Gulf Coast. You can use the boardwalk, hike on nature trails, and enjoy a picnic. Find out more about all of the activities afforded by the beautiful surroundings at Perdido Key in the section of our Visitor’s Guide devoted to recreation and revelry. Whether you’re enjoying nature close up in a kayak or from afar while sunbathing near the water’s edge, Perdido Key beckons you to visit and get lost in nature. We can’t promise you’ll find peace, but we think it’s pretty likely. Photo by John Hill Photography “Lose yourself in nature and find peace.” ~Unknown (800) 328-0107 • 13 Care to Stay Awhile? The natural surroundings of Perdido Key provide the perfect vacation escape. But, if you choose to relocate and call the Key home, our coastal breezes and the smell of the Gulf ’s salty waters can afford you that escape everyday. You’ll become a local as you adapt to our laid-back, island lifestyle that allows you to get a little bit lost each day. But don’t worry. You have easy access to the mainland if you feel like being found. Between the mainland—including Pensacola to the east and Orange Beach and Gulf Shores, Alabama, to the west—and the island, all of your necessities are taken care of and all parts of your multi-faceted personality met. You can take in the weekends with your feet in the sand under an open beach umbrella, explore the ruins of Fort McRee, or enjoy some shopping—in Key stores or Pensacola’s malls and unique downtown boutiques. There are also retail outlet centers a bit further to the east in Destin, Florida, and a bit further to the west in Fole y, Alabama. While Perdido Key is the perfect vacation destination for the summer months, the island offers much more than just sparkling white beaches and temperate ocean water. In fact, the area is a cultural and artistic hub, with various events taking place all year round. Those that call the Key home know they can always take part in a special event that’s set in front of a beautiful backdrop. If you become a local, you’ll find that it’s easy to fill up your calendar quickly. From fishing rodeos to haunted houses, the Frank Brown Inter national Songwriter’s Festival™ to Christmas in the Park, golf tournaments to fun runs, chili cook-offs to the Polar Bear Dip®, Earth Day to the Interstate Mullet Toss®, and art shows and seafood festivals, our narrow, barrier island is a mecca for songwriters, talented golfers, outdoorsmen, artists, cooks, and those just in search of a having good time. Nearby communities are also culturally rich and host yearly festivals and events. These communities are perfect for day trips and also offer reasons to consider relocating to the Key. Pensacola is home to the Navy flight demonstration squadron the Blue Angels, who give many spectacular formation-flying shows throughout the year. Pensacola’s National Museum of Naval Aviation is the second-largest air and space museum in the world and displays everything from wood and fabric biplanes to spacecraft. You can even catch an IMAX film while you’re there. Pensacola is also known for its unique art, music, and heritage festivals, including the Greek Festival, Seafood Festival, Great Gulf Coast Arts Festival, Crawfish Festival, and JazzFest. Pensacola’s distinct 300-year history is also on display in its downtown replica of Washington D.C.’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial, in Historic Pensacola Village, and at the T.T. Wentwor th, Jr. Florida State Museum. To the west, Gulf Shores is home of the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo, which was featured in a series on the network Animal Planet. The zoo is home to lions, macaws, tigers, bears, monkeys and more, along with a reptile house and petting zoo. Gulf Shores and Orange Beach also host year-round events, including APBA powerboat races and musical acts held at the Amphitheater at the Wharf, where there are great places to shop and dine. While the Key’s natural beauty and many attractions mark it a vacation destination, it also boasts many reasons to call the Key home. There are over 300 businesses in the Perdido Key Chamber. All necessary medical and dental services are offered nearby, with several close, local hospitals and trauma centers. The island is equipped with a fire station, and Escambia County schools are also in close proximity to the island community. There are two island newspapers, The Pelican and the Mullet Wrapper, that have been serving the local community for 10 years. Between the tranquil waters, white-sand beaches, laid-back lifestyle, abundant acreage of protected nature parks, and year-round cultural and fun-filled happenings, Perdido Key is a great place to visit, but an even better place to stay awhile. Be sure to turn to page 16 for a calendar of the Key’s annual events. Photo courtesy of Eden Condominiums “Lose yourself wholly; and the more you lose, the more you will find.” ~St. Catherine of Siena (800) 328-0107 • 15 Annual Events Januar y Polar Bear Dip at the Flora-Bama® (850) 492-3048 or No matter what time of year you plan your trip to Perdido Key, you’ll be sure to find something exciting taking place. From festivals to parades and cook-offs to sporting events, the Key’s calendar is full year-round. And don’t forget about the nearby communities, too. From Pensacola to Orange Beach, there’s something going on everywhere on the Gulf Coast. Here’s a month-by-month look at what you can expect to find happening when you arrive in the Florida panhandle. October Febr uar y Mardi Gras Boat Parade Flotilla (850) 492-9696 Super Chili Bowl Cook-off at the FloraBama® (850) 492-3048 or June Fiesta of Five Flags (850) 433-6512 or Bill Hargreaves Fishing Rodeo at the Grand Lagoon Yacht Club (850) 607-7569 Blue Angel Marathon Run (850) 485-4391 Pensacola Mardi Gras Parades March *Taste of Perdido (850) 492-4660, (800) 328-0107, or April Boat Show at The Oyster Bar & Marina (850) 492-5600 or Interstate Mullet TossTM, the Mullet Man Triathlon, and the Mullet Swing Golf Classic at the Flora-Bama® (850) 492-3048 or May Spring Chamber Golf Tournament (850) 492-4660 or Jammin’ Jambalaya Cajun Crawfish Fest at the Flora-Bama® (850) 492-3048 or Bluegrass Music Fest at Big Lagoon State Park (850) 492-1595 or Crawfish Creole Fiesta in Pensacola (850) 433-6512 or 16 Your Guide to Perdido Key July Pickin’ in the Park at Big Lagoon State Park (850) 492-1595 or Blue Angels Air Show (850) 932-1500 or August Thunder on the Gulf Powerboat Races (866) 954-RACE or *Sandstock at the Flora-Bama® (850) 492-3048 or Luau at the Reef (850) 492-9020 Pickin’ in the Park at Big Lagoon State Park (850) 492-1595 or September Seafood Festival in Pensacola (850) 433-6512 or *Bama Blues & BBQ at the Flora-Bama® (850) 492-3048 or Coastal Cleanup at Big Lagoon State Park (850) 492-1595 or *Kidpalooza & Haunted House at the Flora-Bama® (850) 492-3048 or National Shrimp Festival in Gulf Shores (251) 968-6904 or Greek Festival in Pensacola (850) 433-2662 Haunted House at Big Lagoon State Park (850) 492-1595 or Pensacola Interstate Fair (850) 944-4500 or November Frank Brown Intl Songwriters’ FestivalTM (850) 492-7664 or Great Gulf Coast Arts Festival in Pensacola (850) 432-9906 Fall Chamber Golf Tournament (850) 492-4660 or Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show (850) 452-2583 or December Pleasure Island Lighted Boat Parade (800) 745-7263,, or Christmas in the Park at Big Lagoon State Park (850) 492-1595 or Make it to the Line Fun Run at the Flora-Bama® (850) 492-3048 or * Tentative in 2007 When you are looking for your Place in the Sun... Licensed in Florida & Alabama Residential Commercial Investment Come out and enjoy great food, fun and racing excitement at Pensacola Greyhound Track. Yearround racing—rain or shine! Family and group 13726 River Rd. Perdido Key, FL 32507 Office: 850.492.9301 Fax: 850.492.9331 visits welcome. You bet it’s fun! For current schedule or more information, please call (850) 455-8595 or 1-800-345-3997. (800) 328-0107 • 17 Januar y Febr uar y March April May June July August September October November December With war m, sunny summers and mild winters, Perdido Key is a great place to visit year-round. And the Gulf of Mexico’s temperate waters are a great place to relax and have fun while you’re here. Avg. High Avg. Low Avg. Precip. Avg. Water Temp. 61° 43° 5.72 in. 68° 64° 45 ° 4.86 in. 65° 70 ° 52 ° 6.32 in. 68 ° 75° 57° 3.97 in. 72° 83° 65° 4.41 in. 77 ° 88 ° 72 ° 5.17 in. 80 ° 90° 74 ° 7.09 in. 83 ° 90° 74 ° 6.11 in. 84 ° 87° 70° 6.75 in. 83 ° 79° 59 ° 4.26 in. 79° 71° 51 ° 4.43 in. 72 ° 64° 45 ° 4.02 in. 70 ° Tired of the “High Rise Hassle”? Are slow elevators and crowded beaches not your style? Needle Rush Point Condominium has exactly what you are looking for! Needle Rush Point is located on Perdido Key in the Florida Panhandle, just Southwest of Pensacola, Florida. With 100 units nestled on 14 beautifully landscaped acres, this low rise condominium property has over 780 feet of un-crowded beach front and more than 400 feet adjacent to Ole River. The perfect vacation spot with a family feel, Needle Rush Point offers complimentary boat storage and docks for our guests on a first come first serve basis. Relax and enjoy the beautiful sunset from our observation pier overlooking the serene setting of Ole River while watching the dolphins put on a show; or get out your fishing pole and catch some of the fish that make the Gulf Coast so popular! Whether it be playing tennis on our lighted tennis courts or swimming in one of our world class pools, Needle Rush Point has something to offer for the whole family. Why not make Needle Rush Point your next vacation destination? Give our office a call to make a reservation for one of our Rental Units or come by and see what we have Needle Rush Point Condominium 17119 Perdido Key Dr. • Pensacola, FL 32507 • Phone: 850-492-2180 or 1-877-521-1401 • 18 Your Guide to Perdido Key Photo by A Studio on Wheels Photography Fun Facts Getting Here Photo by A Studio on Wheels Photography Even though Spanish explorers had difficulty finding the Key, it’s easy to find it today. You can arrive on the Key via the Pensacola Regional Airport, Amtrak, or Greyhound. Also, the Key has long been favored as a drivable destination. Two major Interstates, 10 and 65, are main routes to the island. From I-10: Take exit #7 south on Pine Forest Road (SR 297) and travel to the traffic light at Blue Angel Parkway (SR 173). Take a right turn onto Blue Angel Parkway. Travel approximately 15 minutes to Sorrento Road (SR 292) and turn right. Sorrento Road becomes Perdido Key Drive at the Theo Barrs Bridge, but remains SR 292. From I-65: Take exit #69 off of I-65 onto Alabama SR 113 and follow to where the road dead ends. Turn right onto SR 31 towards Flomaton. At Flomaton, turn left (south) onto Florida SR 29 and travel approximately 45 minutes. Turn right onto Nine Mile Road and travel to Pine Forest Road. Turn left (south) onto Pine Forest Road and travel to the traffic light at Blue Angel Parkway. Take a right turn onto Blue Angel Parkway. Travel approximately 15 minutes to Sorrento Road (SR 292) and turn right. Sorrento Road becomes Perdido Key Drive at the Theo Barrs Bridge, but remains SR 292. Mileage Char t Atlanta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340/ 5.5 hrs Baton Rouge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282/ 4.5 hrs Biloxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140/ 2 hrs Birmingham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274/ 4.5 hrs Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 928/ 16.5 hrs Daytona Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425/ 7.5 hrs Destin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70/ 2 hrs Houston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548/ 9.5 hrs Huntsville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380/ 7 hrs Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275/ 4.5 hrs Jacksonville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350/ 6.5 hrs Knoxville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510/ 8.5 hrs Memphis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450/ 8 hrs Mobile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50/ 1 hr Montgomery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191/ 3.25 hrs Nashville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480/ 8.25 hrs New Orleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210/ 3 hrs Orlando. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425/ 7.5 hrs Panama City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150/ 4 hrs St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632/ 12.5 hrs Tallahassee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210/ 3 hrs Tampa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425/ 7.5 hrs (800) 328-0107 • 19 Dining One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. ~Luciano Pavarotti Tasty Treats & Seafood Specialties Whether you’re on the top deck at the Flora-B ama® or a patio at the Reef , you can share your dining experience on Perdido Key with ocean breezes and abundant, blue sky. You’re likely to catch some live music at Hub Stace y’s at the Point and other restaurants across the island: That’s what dining on the Key is all about. You can even dock your boat at Holiday Harbor, hop right out and enjoy a bite from Sunset Grille , no car or parking lot necessary. On menus across the island, you’ll find everything from fresh, Gulf seafood to favorites like pizza. Many of Perdido Key’s restaurants beckon “come as you are”—in your swimsuit and flip-flops. Whatever treats you’re craving and whatever restaurant setting you desire, we’ve got what you’re looking for, and getting there is pretty easy. From any location on the island, there’s an enticing eatery close by. So, be sure to stop in any one of the local eateries for a taste of the area’s coastal cuisine and ask for a doggie bag for those leftovers—they’ll be perfect for a picnic during your island adventures the next day. 20 Your Guide to Perdido Key {Tasty Treats & Seafood Specialties} Domino’s Pizza 13019 Sorrento Road In the Winn-Dixie Shopping Center Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-7610 If you’ve had a long day soaking up the sun and just want to kick back and enjoy a good meal in your rental digs, Domino’s is the place for you. Offering pick-up or delivery, you can eat a family favorite while watching the sun set from your balcony. Some seating is available in the restaurant. Domino’s is open Sunday-Thursday from 11 am-11 pm and Friday and Saturday from 11 am-12:30 am. Flora-Bama® Lounge, Gift Shop & Oyster Bar 17401 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-0611or (251) 980-5118 This Gulfside “Roadhouse,” located on the Gulf at the FL/AL state line, features the very finest in steamed “Royal Red” shrimp, fresh shucked Apalachicola oysters and whopper 1/3 pound Bama Burgers made from 100 percent Angus Beef. Enjoy your meal with a view of the Gulf from the top sunset deck or head inside to the bar for live entertainment. Their Oyster Bar & Grill is open daily: Sunday-Thursday from 11 am-11 pm and Saturday-Sunday from 10 am-1 am. Hub Stacey’s at the Point 5851 Galvez Road Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 497-0071 Located just off the island by Galvez Landing boat launch, Hub Stacey’s at the Point offers the same menu as the Pensacola location. Hub Stacey’s offers steamed and grilled sandwiches and salads and soups, which can all be enjoyed on the outdoor patio overlooking Perdido Bay. The restaurant also serves a full line of domestic and imported beers and wine at a full bar with happy hour prices. Package liquor is also available. You can catch live music over the weekend on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hub Stacey’s at the Point is open from 11 am until, with food served from 11 am-9 pm daily. They are closed on Tuesdays. Lakeside Galley and Tavern 9722 West Highway 98 Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 549-3347 Join Chef Charles for more than food at Lakeside. This local hangout features great food, dancing, and live music—you may even see the King of Rock and Roll before you leave. At Lakeside, enjoy seafood, steaks, burgers, wings, pasta and Sunday brunch. Hours are Wednesday-Saturday 11 am-9 pm and Sunday 10 am-2 pm. Lakeside Gallery and Tavern is closed Tuesdays. Perdido Key O yster Bar Restaurant and Marina 13700 River Road Pensacola, FL 32507 Lost Key Java (850) 492-5600 13700 Perdido Key Drive A 108 The Perdido Key Oyster Bar Restaurant and Pensacola, FL 32507 Marina affords its guest a one-of-a-kind (850) 497-9501 Lost Key Java is located directly on the island in view overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway. Guests can catch boats and barges passing the new retail development Villagio at Perdido by or view the wildlife just across the shore. Key. They offer specialty coffees, lattes, The restaurant’s nighttime lighting may also cappuccino, sandwiches, soups, pastries and smoothies and are open Monday-Sunday from 6 attract playful porpoises during your dining experience. Enjoy Gulf oyster specialties, am-6 pm. Wi-Fi service is available. homemade soups and salads, pasta dishes, steaks, seafood platters and more at the Lillian’s Pan Pizza restaurant. You can also enjoy fresh grouper, 14514 Perdido Key Drive mahi-mahi, yellow fin tuna and whole Pensacola, FL 32507 flounder. Add the Oyster Bar’s signature (850) 492-0131 toppings, like their crab hollandaise or crawfish Julie sauces, to your fish, chicken, This locally owned, family-friendly pizzeria has or steaks. been featured in several well-known magazines including Pizza Today Magazine and has won numerous awards including Award of Culinary Excellence in Taste of the Times and Best Seafood Pizza. The pizza dough is hand-made every morning and any left-over dough is thrown out, so your pizza is always fresh. In addition to pies, Lillian’s also offers salads, sandwiches, Italian specialties like strombolis and calzones, desserts, and a full cocktail bar. And, since it is a Perdido Key pizzeria, the Gulf’s seafood turns up on the menu in entrees like pizza scampi. Lillian’s is open 11 am-10 pm daily for dine-in, take out and delivery. MoJo’s Coffee 13430 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 497-0202 MoJo’s Coffee serves hot, chilled and blended drinks and offer Ghiardelli Chocolate syrups for beverages. If you need a snack to go along with the coffee, MoJo’s offers a wide assortment of fresh pastries. Wi-Fi service is available. (800) 328-0107 • 21 {Tasty Treats & Seafood Specialties} Shrimp Basket 14600 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-1970 The Shrimp Basket is steamin’ and fryin’ at their Perdido Key location, offering seafood, poboys, oysters—like Bama-reds—and more. The menu features a wide selection of items for kids and grown-ups alike. You can almost guarantee that no one will walk away with an empty stomach, especially after ordering the all-you-can-eat fried fish and fried shrimp with classic sides like hushpuppies. To beat the heat, you can try a flavored, frozen daiquiri, or, you can settle down with a comforting bowl of gumbo or crawfish étouffée. The Shrimp Basket is open from 11 am-9 pm daily. The Crab Trap 16494 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL (850) 492-8888 With three locations along the Gulf Coast, the Crab Trap’s Perdido Key location serves up the same tasty food and great service as its Destin and Okaloosa Island counterparts. Relax on the beach while splurging on nearly three pounds of crab with the ultimate crab combo, or keep it simple with a po-boy, while the kids check out the playground in the back of this local eatery. You can also create your own combo, choosing from all of your favorites. When available, the Crab Trap also serves up grouper, tuna, big Gulf shrimp, snapper and amberjack fresh from the docks. The Original Point Restaurant 14340 Innerarity Point Road Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-3577 The Original Point is “nothing fancy, but 22 Your Guide to Perdido Key Crab Feast by Pashak Vancouver-Bigstockphoto Sunset Grille 14050 Canal A Way at Holiday Harbor Marina Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 497-1761 Located at Holiday Harbor Marina, you can arrive in style by boat to the restaurant, or, of course, by car if you prefer. Sunset offers fresh seafood selections like boiled shrimp and feasts to fulfill your fried-food craving: shrimp, mullet, and grouper all served up fried with a crispy batter. They also offer seafood poboys and other deli items and salads, which you can relax and enjoy with a view of the Intracoastal Waterway. {Tasty Treats & Seafood Specialties} famous for fresh, local seafood and the ‘funniest’ Bluegrass band around: Bubba and Them. Open for lunch and dinner, you’ll find everything from salads, sandwiches and landfare like pork chops and steak to a large selection of seafood entrees at the Original Point. Their seafood selection includes mullet, which is served only when it is local and fresh. The Original Point has seasonal hours of operation that can be found on their website. The Reef Restaurant & Lounge 13595 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-9020 The Reef Restaurant and Lounge offers casual dining—indoors or outdoors—for breakfast, lunch and dinner, with fresh seafood options daily. On the menu, you’ll find soups and salads; lures (appetizers); sandmunchers (sandwiches); and channel markers (entrees and seafood specialties like a blackened shrimp platter and fried oyster basket). The lounge offers live entertainment everyday of the week and is open daily from 9 am-2 am. In addition to enjoying a great meal at the Reef, you can dance the night away and share your vocal talents with karaoke on Tuesday nights, play Texas Hold ‘em with the “National Pub Poker League” on Wednesdays, and catch the house band the Landsharks Thursday through Sunday. Swordfish with Mango Salsa by Lyubkina Milford-Bigstockphoto Triggers Seafood Restaurant 12700 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-1897 Starting at 7 am, this eatery opens its doors for breakfast and stays open through lunch and dinner. If you’re getting an early start near its location, a half-mile west of Big Lagoon State Park, stop and try a triggerfish omelet. As for dinner, a wide array of items are available, including crab legs from the steamer, pasta dishes, salads, sandwiches, and oysters. And, of course, it wouldn’t be a Gulf Coast seafood restaurant without the option for the fresh catch of the day. You can also check out sauce specialties of the house named for the region, like Ono Island and Big Easy. Don’t forget to finish it off with some fried cheesecake. Vallarta Mexican Restaurant 13584 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-1701 Vallarta Mexican restaurant serves up authentic, traditional Mexican cuisine. They offer daily specials, and guests can enjoy their meal outside on their patio. Vallarta is open from 11 am-9:30 pm on weekdays, and 11 am-10:30 pm on (800) 328-0107 • 23 Rentals True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body: nourishment and refreshment. ~William Penn A Room with a View With all there is to do in Perdido Key, you’ll want to be sure and get plenty of rest so you can tackle your fun-filled itinerary. Perdido Key’s rental condominiums and beach houses will provide you a room with a view—from the waters and shores of the Gulf of Mexico to the Key’s pristine, multicolored sunsets. Glorious balconies at Eden Condominium and Florencia provide breathtaking, panoramic views of the Gulf, while Perdido Bay Golf Club provides lodging on its beautifully landscaped grounds at Cottages on the Green. It’s not just the natural setting of the beach resorts and rentals that will assure you a good night’s sleep, but the amenities provided at the various locations as well. You can find a place to stay with all the comforts of home and all the luxuries of a vacation destination. * Note: All facilities on the following pages, excluding AustinWood Apartments, are available as vacation rentals. 24 Your Guide to Perdido Key {A Room with a View} Aquatic Realty 14508 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (800) 881-7368 or (850) 492-4632 Aquatic Realty provides vacation and longterm rentals in addition to new home sales, residential sales and condominium sales. Properties can be found on their website, and they also feature an MLS search that covers most of the Florida Panhandle. There is a three-night minimum on most condominiums, with weekly only options on others. For stays less than three nights, please call either of the phone numbers listed above. Eden Condominiums AustinWood Apartments 9890 N Loop Road Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-3130 AustinWood Apartments lies just off the island on the mainland, near the entrance to Pensacola’s Naval Air Station. Apartment amenities include nine-foot ceilings, extra large privacy porches, four-line telephone capabilities and a garden tub in the master bath. Facility amenities include a state-of-theart fitness center, oversized resort pool and spa, and picnic areas with gas grills. The multi-family community is nestled between nature trails and freshwater streams to assure that even if you’re not on the beach, you can experience the beautiful, natural setting of the Perdido area. Photo courtesy of Eden Banana Bay 13810 River Road Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 497-0091 Banana Bay is a community of 56 brightly colored townhomes that you can’t miss located on the Intracoastal Waterway. Community amenities include a private “Banana Bay” beach on the Waterway, a heated pool, jacuzzi, sauna, exercise club, a meeting house, private pier, private roads, planned gated entry, and additional parking for visitors. Each townhome comes equipped with a complete appliance package— including a refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, microwave, disposal, and a washer and dryer— cultured marble vanities, spa bathtubs and private patios. Private brick drives sit in front of every townhome, so you won’t have far to carry your beach umbrellas and shopping finds. Outside your window you may even see dolphins swimming by in the daytime. Brett/Robinson Vacation Rentals Main Office 3259 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, AL 36541 (800) 211-7892 Brett/Robinson offers a wide selection of properties along the Gulf Coast—from beach homes to condominiums. They also have a sales office just west of the Key in Orange Beach at 24325 Perdido Beach Road. Call (800) 221-6180 in case you’re thinking of calling the Key home. Cottages on the Green One Doug Ford Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (800) 377-7143 or (850) 492-2214 Located just minutes from the island on the mainland’s Perdido Bay Golf Club, Cottages on the Green provides lodging on the first fairway of the golf course. All cottages are on ground level with patios and barbeque grills. Each bedroom is equipped with two queen size beds and a private bath. Washers and dryers are available in all suites, and daily maid service is provided. The facilities have an outdoor pool, and special discount packages are available for the Perdido Bay Golf Club for cottage guests. Concierge services are available for full cottage accommodations and two weeks notice prior to reservation. Golf packages are available for other nearby courses as well. Eden Condominiums 16281 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (800) 523-8141 or (850) 492-3336 Eden Condominiums combines the architecture and style found on the French Riviera with the beautiful, white-sand beaches and turquoise water of the Gulf of Mexico. All of Eden’s one, two, and three-bedroom (800) 328-0107 • 25 iver R e Ol Fort McRee Ruins Fort McRee Ruins {A Room with a View} State Park and the Park’s one-and-a-half miles of unspoiled shoreline. Located right on the Key, the complex provides you with unlimited beach access in close proximity to the Key’s other offerings. The Mediterranean-style condominium resort features three, four, five, and six-bedroom units, breathtaking views from private balconies, gourmet kitchens and pantries, full size washers and dryers, oversized custom showers, garden tubs, and granite countertops. The Florencia provides amenities for recreational activities including a heated indoor pool and spa, a steam room, fitness center, large outdoor pool, tennis courts, and private marina slips. Florencia 14900 River Road Pensacola, FL 32507 (866) 492-0500 or (850) 492-0500 or (251) 747-7774 The Florencia is a new complex located adjacent to the protected land of Perdido Key Grand Caribbean (East and West) 14758 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (800) 598-1888 or (850) 492-1148 Grand Caribbean offers one-bedroom/onebath and two-bedroom/two-bath units with easy beach access and access to the facility’s 28 Your Guide to Perdido Key Banana Bay Photo by Terry Welch units have spacious balconies overlooking the Gulf and come equipped with all the necessities—a self-cleaning oven and range, refrigerator with ice maker, dishwasher, microwave, full size washer and dryer, and spa tub. The complex’s amenities include a Gulfside pool with waterfalls, indoor and outdoor hot tubs, a health club, lighted tennis court, private boat dock, covered gazebo, a game room, and wireless Internet access. The Spa at Eden, a by-appointmentonly luxury spa, is also in the condominium complex, so you can pamper yourself during your stay. Conference facilities are also available for the corporate traveler. {A Room with a View} seasonally heated outdoor pool, hot tub, freshwater pond, and picnic areas. Each unit has a private patio or balcony. Each unit is also furnished with built-in captain’s bunks for the kids and comes fully furnished and equipped with a complete kitchen and a washer and dryer. Gulf Beach Realty, Inc. 14118 Perdido Key Drive Suite #1 Pensacola, FL 32507 (866) 301-2200 or (850) 497-0100 Gulf Beach Realty will help you find waterfront Key property whether on the Gulf, Bay, or the Intracoastal Waterway. Various types of property offered by Gulf Beach include condominiums, luxury beachfront and penthouse condominiums, waterfront land, townhouses, luxury homes, villas and new constriction. They also cover the western area of Pensacola, including areas of the Key just on the mainland like Innerarity Island and Navy Point. Their “broker only” service is free to buyers. Needle Rush Point Condominiums 17119 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (877) 521-1401 or (850) 492-2180 Needle Rush Point is a low-rise condominium complex that offers one, two, and three-bedroom units. Each unit comes fully equipped and is guaranteed to provide you with an amazing view. You can even choose your view with either a balcony overlooking the Gulf of Mexico or the calm waters of Perdido Key’s Ole River. The property features two pools, two tennis courts, boat docks and an observation deck. Palacio at Perdido 13661 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (888) 909-6807 or (850) 837-4853 Palacio at Perdido is a new high-rise located Photos this page by John Hill Photography (800) 328-0107 • 29 {A Room with a View} directly on the Gulf of Mexico right near the protected area of Perdido Key State Park. The complex offers two and three-bedroom units all with spectacular vistas of the Gulf. The interiors are equipped with garden tubs and cultured marble in the baths, as well as ceramic tile and a washer and dyer. Some units include a wet bar. Special property features include a heated pool for those times when it’s just a bit too chilly for a swim in the Gulf’s waters. Perdido Skye 14758 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (800) 598-1888 or (850) 492-1148 Perdido Skye offers visitors great Gulf views from its one-bedroom/one-bathroom accommodations located directly on the beach. Other amenities include a seasonally heated outdoor pool and built-in captain’s bunks for the kids. The units come fully furnished and equipped with a complete kitchen and a washer and dryer. Perdido Sun Condominiums 13753 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (800) 227-2390 or (850) 492-0979 Perdido Sun Condominiums offers one, two, and three-bedroom units with private, beachfront balconies overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. Each condo is individually owned, decorated and completely furnished. The units are equipped with fully appointed kitchens and the front desk is staffed around the clock. The condominiums offer a large outdoor pool and heated pool accessible from the lobby as well as a hot tub and exercise room. Pointe South Real Estate/Perdido Key Resor t Rentals 14758 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (800) 598-1888 or (850) 492-2600 or Point South Real Estate lists sale and rental properties. Their vacation rental properties include a variety of condominiums available on the Key. Be sure to check their website for special offers, and think about booking your rental online—they offer savings on your stay for online booking. Seaspray Condominiums 16287 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (800) 336-7263 or (850) 492-2200 Seaspray Condominiums will re-open in the spring of 2007, offering beachside accommodations on the island. Contact the complex for more information. 30 Your Guide to Perdido Key Cell: 777-6577 Office: 492-7877 John Hill Photography Jimmy Parker (800) 328-0107 • 31 Shopping & Services Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping. ~Bo Derek From Flip-Flops to Fishing Lures Perdido Key has everything you need concerning shopping and services, whether it’s truly a necessity or just for enjoyment. On the island, you’ll find unique, coastal retail like Go Fish, your stop for casual women’s clothing including breezy dresses, sandals and accessories, and Inside Out Fur niture, a distinctive home furnishings store that can help you create a beautiful home or condo. You’ll also find all of your necessities, from groceries to bait and tackle for all of your fishing trips. The Key offers many services, from spa services at Eden’s Spas to lounge chair and umbrella rentals through Perdido Beach Ser vices, and businesses like cleaners and equipment rental companies line the island to ensure that all your needs are met. Be sure to check out the businesses in the directory at the back of the Guide for all your insurance, medical service needs, and more. The surrounding areas of Orange Beach, Gulf Shores, and Foley, Alabama—around 30 miles from Perdido Key—are all shopping meccas home to unique retail boutiques and larger shopping destinations like SanRoc Cay and the Tanger Outlet Center. Whether you forgot to pack something or purposefully packed light, your suitcase is sure to be full on your trip home from our island. 32 Your Guide to Perdido Key {From Flip-Flops to Fishing Lures} Artz 24699 B Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 3656 (251) 974-5805 With a name like Artz, it’s easy to guess what’s inside. The art studio on Canal features the work of four artists: Art of Rugs and Pottery, Talis by the Sea, Hot Sands Glass, and Tommy Vogel Pastels. Their website offers a virtual gallery, where you can browse the works of other artists as well. Caribe Interiors 23680 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 (251) 224-9020 Located just west of the Key in Orange Beach, Alabama, Caribe Interiors focuses on moderate to high-end product lines and provides full design and redesign services. Products include furniture, wall and window treatments, custom paint, draperies, shutters, blinds, accessories, lamps, and rugs. Caribe’s specialty is custom design, so the store is able to special order to meet your needs. The design team can work with any size project and any size budget. The showroom is open MondayFriday from 9 am-5 pm and Saturday from 10 am-4 pm. The store is open by appointment only on Sunday. Photo by John Hill Photography Coastal Pet Resor t Hwy 59 and County Road 10 East Gulf Shores, AL 36542 (251) 943-7387 If you’ve brought your pet along for his or her own vacation, be sure to check out Coastal Pet Resort for all your pet hospitality needs. The Resort provides boarding, grooming and doggie day camp programs and can even accommodate birds and exotic animals in addition to dogs and cats. Luxury private suites come complete with beds, lambskin mattresses and television. Coastal Pet Resort is open Monday-Friday from 7 am-6 pm, Saturday from 8 am-4 pm, and Sunday from 1-4 pm. (800) 328-0107 • 33 {From Flip-Flops to Fishing Lures} Go Fish Clothing & Jewelr y Co. 16698 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-3131 Go Fish is located right in the middle of the Key. The retail store offers a wide variety of items—striving to be more than just a “beach store.” Go Fish carries imported women’s clothing, silver jewelry, sandals, sunglasses, watches, hats, ceramic home furnishings, and a variety of beach toys and souvenir and gift items. They have also created their own original line of souvenir t-shirts representative of Perdido Key. They also sell functional teakwood furniture and an extensive line of handmade Italian ceramics imported directly from Palermo, Sicily. High-quality Italian leather handbags, wallets, briefcases, physician’s bags, and jewelry boxes from Florence are also sold in the store. Go Fish is open daily from 10 am-6 pm. Grand Rental Station 5615 Bauer Road Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 497-8590 Grand Rental Station offers a full line of rental equipment and party supplies for the “professional and backyard builder”— including new and reliable tools for construction, lawn and gardening, painting, plumbing and floor care. They can also provide tables, chairs, wedding accessories and inflatable moonwalks for any special occasion. You can contact Grand Rental Station to receive a quote on your visionary project. Gray’s Tackle and Guide Ser vice, Inc. 13019 Sorrento Road # 2000 Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-2666 You can’t go fishing without the necessary supplies, and Gray’s Tackle carries them all—from rods and reels to nets, tackle and bait. Gray’s even sells Florida fishing licenses and provides a guide service for both offshore and inshore fishing and flyfishing trips. Innerarity Hardware 13650 Innerarity Point Road Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-1149 Like the name implies, at Innerarity Hardware you’ll find all of your hardware needs. The store is also a fishing license outlet and can provide you with the tackle you need on your way into the water. Innerarity Hardware is open Monday-Saturday from 7 am-6 pm and 10 am-5 pm Sunday. Native Son’s provides charter boat services in the form of walk-on or private fishing trips to some of Captains Dennis and Steve’s favorite fishing locations near the Key. The 21-passenger, 38’ fishing boat is USCG inspected and will have you looking for cobia, red snapper, grouper, kings and more. Private trips include ice, bait and equipment, and walk-on trips include a fishing license, bait, and use of rod and reel. Native Son’s can even charter overnight trips. Walk-on trips can fill up quickly, so be sure to call and reserve your space. Panama Mac’s East “Best Bar on the Key” 13583 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 497-0088 Panama Mac’s is a fully stocked liquor store with full Florida lottery. They’re also a neighborhood bar complete with games and sports packages from DirectTV. The patio Native Son’s Perdido Key Oyster Bar Marina 13700 River Road Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 497-0852 34 Your Guide to Perdido Key Your city, your magazine. Subscribe online at Photo by John Hill Photography Inside Out Fur niture & Design 5625 Segura Avenue Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-2833 Inside Out Furniture & Design offers unique home furnishings for your home or condo. The home furnishing store carries indoor furniture, window treatments, bedspreads, outdoor furniture, accessories, fabrics and rugs from all over the world. The store also offers free interior design service to help create the perfect space. If you spot an item you just have to have and it won’t fit in your suitcase, Inside Out will gladly ship your item for you. The store is open Monday-Saturday from 10 am-6 pm. {From Flip-Flops to Fishing Lures} bar is open Monday-Saturday from 11 am3 am and Sunday from 1 pm-3 am. The Liquor store is open 9 am-10 pm on Wednesday and Saturday and 9 am-9 pm every other day of the week and offers liquor, beer, wine, and all your party needs. Perdido Beach Ser vices 25328 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 (251) 981-4807 Perdido Beach Services can provide everything you need to make your stay on Perdido Key’s beautiful beaches perfect. The company provides lounge chair and umbrella rentals so you can comfortably relax to the sound of the ocean waves. They can also provide you with water sport rentals including kayaks, surfboards, boogie boards and even sailing equipment. And, they can even deliver the equipment to your home or condo. They’ve also got sunscreen on hand in case you doze off to sleep in the comfy lounge chair and want to avoid a nasty sunburn. Perdido Beach Services also provides complimentary services like daily weather data, a posting of hazardous conditions, and they maintain a neat, clean, and orderly beach environment. They also assist local fire, safety and rescue agencies during emergencies. SanRoc Cay Marina 27267 Perdido Beach Boulevard Orange Beach, AL 36561 (888) FUN-GULF or (251) 981-7263 or (251) 981-6167 Just 20 miles away from Perdido Key, SanRoc Cay Marina in Orange Beach, Alabama is home to a plethora of retail shops and services. The variety of stores offer everything from must-have beach wear, children’s wear, resort wear, and trendy clothing items, to footwear, home goods, fine jewelry, and body care items. A day spa is also located at SanRoc Cay, so you can shop and pamper yourself all at the same time. You can also take a break from shopping to enjoy a sweet, ice cream treat or a meal at one of SanRoc’s four restaurants. While waiting for a table or just taking a shopping break, you can buy official “fish food” from dispensers to feed the fish along the boardwalks and piers and observe some local wildlife as you watch the fishing charters and pleasure boats come and go. Spas of Eden Various locations Pamper yourself with spa services at one of Eden’s three locations: East of Eden is located in Sanroc Cay Marina in Orange Beach, Spa of Eden is located in Bayou Village in Gulf Shores, and the Spa at Eden Condominium is located on the garden level of Eden Condominium right on Perdido Key. Eden spas offer a variety of services, including facials, massage therapy, and body treatment services. Salon services for hair and nails and waxing are also offered. Visit their website for information on all three locations. (800) 328-0107 • 35 {From Flip-Flops to Fishing Lures} Southwest Branch Librar y 12248 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 453-7780 The Perdido Branch of the West Florida Regional Library is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 am-8 pm and Friday and Saturday from 9 am-5 pm. While you’re there, you can read up on local history or finally get to that book you’d set-aside until a relaxing vacation. Friends of the Southwest Branch Library is a non-profit organization that supports the Library’s operational needs and promotes public use and appreciation of the Library as a cultural and educational asset to the community. Friends Membership is open to all interested persons. CRACK PROBLEM? 850- 497-1070 THE MOBILE AUTO GLASS MEDIX Windshield Repair & Replacement We Come to You All work done by off-duty firefighters. Serving Perdido Key, Gulf Shores, Innerarity Pointe & Orange Beach • Free Estimates • Insurance Approved • • Fast Service • NGA Certified • (850) 497-1070 36 Your Guide to Perdido Key Tanger Outlet Center 2601 South McKenzie Street Foley, AL 36535 (251) 943-9303 The Tanger Outlet Center in Foley, Alabama is located only 25 miles from Perdido Key and houses over 120 brandname manufacturer and designer outlet stores. You can shop for men, women, and children’s apparel, footwear, home furnishings and specialty items in the outdoor outlet center. If you plan to make a day of it, don’t worry, there’s plenty of food and sweet treats to refresh and energize you so you can shop ‘til you drop. The outlets are open Monday-Saturday from 9 am-9 pm and Sunday from 11 am-6 pm. There are special holiday operating hours, so be sure to check the website if you plan to visit on a holiday or during a holiday season. A full list of retailers at the Foley location is also available on the Web. Tootie Green’s Yellow Broom 25122 Perdido Beach Boulevard Orange Beach, AL 36561 (251) 981-7377 or (251) 981-7378 From the wild to the whimsical, Tootie Green’s is a girl’s virtual playground. Just west of Perdido Key, you can find perfect gifts for others or gifts for yourself in this Orange Beach boutique. You’ll find home décor, clothing, kitchen and barware, fine art and even pampering for your pet in the store. And, if you’re shopping on the weekends, you can do so with a mimosa in hand, compliments of the store. You can even shop online, in case once you’re back home you just can’t live without a unique item from Tootie Green’s Yellow Broom. Wal-Mar t Super Center 2951 S. Blue Angel Parkway Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 458-5550 Whether you’ve forgotten to pack a few toiletries, run out of sunscreen, or need to pick up some groceries, you can get everything you need at Wal-Mart. The Super Center is conveniently located just minutes off the island on the mainland. (800) 328-0107 • 37 Activities The essential is to excite the spectators. If that means playing Hamlet on a flying trapeze or in an aquarium, you do it. ~Orson Welles Recreation & Revelry While it’s unlikely you’ll find an aquarium-side performance of Hamlet on the Key, as a spectator of the island, you’re sure to be entertained. With miles of unspoiled beaches, you can lose track of time while soaking up the sun. Or, if you’re looking for adventure, you can travel numerous nature trails at Big Lagoon State Park or hike to the easternmost tip of the island and explore the ruins at For t McRee. With the natural setting of the Key, wildlife is abundant. Tarkiln Bayou State Park will put you right in the middle of your surroundings and is also the home to endangered plant species that are perfect for a study of nature. If you’d rather not explore by foot, numerous boat ramps on the island can put you out into Big Lagoon or the Gulf of Mexico for exploration by sea with locally owned boat charter services like Blue Dolphin Cruises. You can also canoe, kayak, and kite surf in the sparkling, emerald waters. There’s plenty to do at night, too. Catch live entertainment every night of the week at the FloraBama® and other Key locations. Perdido Key’s calendar of events is full throughout the year—from the Frank Brown Inter national Songwriters’ Festival hosted at the Silver Moon Songwriters Café to numerous golf tournaments—to ensure that you have a good time while you’re visiting. TM 38 Your Guide to Perdido Key {Recreation & Revelry} Photo by John Hill Photography 3521. Big Lagoon State Park is open from 8 am until sunset year-round. Daily fees, camping fees, and park rules apply. Annual passes, valid at all Florida State Parks, may be purchased. Blue Dolphin Cruises, LLC 27555 Perdido Beach Boulevard Orange Beach, AL 36561 (251) 981-2774 Located just on the Alabama/Florida line at the western edge of Perdido Key, Blue Dolphin Cruises will take you through the area’s spectacular inland waterways along the Gulf Coast. Captain Jerry and Admiral Gail will show you the sights of Perdido Bay and Ono Island as you watch for dolphins and other native wildlife. The vessel for the sea travel is the Blue Dolphin, a 51-foot, 60-passenger pontoon boat with the works—air conditioning, a snack bar with soft drinks, water, adult beverages, and souvenirs like t-shirts. They’ve also got a supply of film in case you run out while snapping photos of the breathtaking views. Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo 1204 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, AL 36542 (251) 968-5731 Just around the corner from the Key in Gulf Shores, Alabama, you’ll find the star of Animal Planet’s TV program The Little Zoo That Could: The Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo. Animal Planet’s series documented the struggle to rebuild the Zoo, which was repeatedly struck by hurricanes over a 14month time period. But, they made it. The Zoo is located just blocks from the beach and is home to more than 290 animals, including lions, tigers, bears, monkeys and macaws. This Zoo also houses a petting zoo, reptile house, and aviary, and hosts daily animal shows during the summer months. Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo also holds special events throughout the year like holiday festivities and a summer zoo camp. Big Lagoon State Park and Recreation Area 12301 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-1595 Big Lagoon State Park sits on the northern shoreline of Big Lagoon, which separates the mainland from Perdido Key and the Gulf of Mexico. The Park is located just off the island on the mainland and offers a variety of recreational activities. Four hiking trails of varying lengths run through the Park. The Girl Scout Cookie Trail, maintained by the Girl Scouts as community service, is the longest at approximately 3.5 miles. The shortest trail, Grand Lagoon Trail, is approximately 3/10 of a mile. After your big hike, you can stop for a rest and snack at one of four sheltered picnic areas located along the shores. The shores of Big Lagoon also offer great opportunities for swimming, simply enjoying the beach, and crabbing in the shallow waters. The State Park also provides easy access to Big Lagoon and the Intracoastal Waterway by the boat ramp and dock and has a centrally located campground on a sand pine ridge in the midst of tall pines. Camping reservations are available by calling toll free (800) 326- Craft Far ms Golf Resor t 104 Cotton Creek Drive Gulf Shores, AL 36547 (800) 327-2657 or (251) 968-7500 The Craft Farms Resort features 36 holes of signature golf including Cotton Creek, the original Arnold Palmer design on the Gulf Coast, and Cypress Bend. Cypress Bend traverses a unique system of lakes that come into play on nearly every hole and was recently rated the number one most playable new course by Golf Digest. The Clubhouse on the resort is home to the casual Cotton Creek Grill. The Craft Farms Lounge looks over the 18th green and the Arnold Palmer Dining Room has a full view of both the lake and the green. Accommodations at Craft Farms consist of Cypress Point Condominiums that offer spacious floor plans overlooking the PalmerDesigned Cypress Bend course. Courtyard by Marriott is also located at Craft Farms and will handle all of your golf getaway details, including reservations, tee times and cart rentals. Stay and play packages are offered. (800) 328-0107 • 39 {Recreation & Revelry} Flora-Bama® Lounge, Package, and Oyster Bar 17401 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-0611 The world renowned Flora-Bama® is more than just a “5-star honky tonk” (USA Today). This 40-plus year old institution provides not only the best in original music, both Jimmy Buffet and Taylor Hicks had their roots there, it also features the “People’s Choice Specialty Drink:” the Bushwhacker. This awe-inspiring creation is sure to put a delightful cap to a day on the beach. The Flora-Bama® features live music daily and on the weekends beginning at noon. They also host many events throughout the year, including the Interstate Mullet Toss in April, the Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival in November and the Polar Bear Dip every January 1st. You’ll find the institution on the Gulf at the FL/AL line. 40 Your Guide to Perdido Key Good Time Tours 455 Corday Street Pensacola, Florida 32503 (800) 446-0886 or (850) 476-0046 Good Time Tours conducts sightseeing tours to nearby favorites like the Biloxi, Mississippi Casinos and New Orleans, Louisiana in their fleet of eleven coaches. Trips depart from nearby Pensacola, as well as other regional locations. You can travel to the casino of your choice or experience the Cajun culture of New Orleans’ French Quarter without having to worry about getting yourself there. Various specials and packages are offered year-round, so be sure to check the website for current trip offerings. Grande Lagoon Yacht Club 10653 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, Florida 32507 (850) 492-0255 Membership in the Grand Lagoon Yacht Club (GLYC) includes free boat ramp and trailer/car parking, use of pier and beach, fishing from the dock, dry and wet boat slip rentals, day sailor, fleet of sunfish, use of the giant recreation room, picnic area with playground equipment, high-aft deck overlooking the water, vista view bar, dining room, theme nights, dances and parties, dinner specials and more. GLYC’s dining room serves food and beverages. The summertime Bill Hargreaves Fishing Rodeo is also held at the Yacht Club. The Yacht Club is closed Monday, opens at 4 pm Tuesday-Thursday, 1 pm on Saturday, and 9 am on Sunday. Johnson Beach and For t McRee Johnson Beach Road Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-7278 The Johnson Beach complex, including the Fort McRee area, is part of the protected area known as the Gulf Islands National Seashore. Nearly half of the Key is taken up by this protected land, providing a seemingly endless expanse of uninhabited island for your enjoyment and exploration. Johnson Beach provides picnic shelters, a boat launch, and a quarter-of-a-mile, loop nature trail. The trail begins at the boat launch. On it, you’ll encounter windswept sand dunes, sea oats, wild rosemary and breathtaking views. You’re also likely to encounter many of the more than 280 species of birds that have been identified within the Gulf Island National Seashore total area. The area provides great opportunities for swimming, fishing, diving, snorkeling, and sunbathing. Just past Johnson Beach, at the easternmost tip of Perdido Key, no motor vehicles are allowed, providing primitive camping and access to the ruins of Fort McRee by foot or boat. The ruins of Batteries 233, Center, and Slemmer lie atop the remains of Fort McRee, which was built between 1835 and 1837. You can explore the area with the company of cool breezes, abundant sunshine, crystal-blue waters, coastal marshes, sugar-white sand, and peaceful skies—a perfect place to get lost for a little while. Johnson Beach is open from 8 am until sunset. Lost Key Golf Club 625 Lost Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 549-2161 or (888) 2-LOSTKEY Lost Key Golf Club is a 150-acre, 18-hole, newly redesigned, Arnold Palmer signature course, situated amongst wetlands, vegetation, and inland terrain characteristic of the Northwest Florida Panhandle and Perdido Key. The course features 6,801 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 71 and features Sea Dwarf Paspalum grass from tee to green. The Club also features a newly constructed 9,000 square foot clubhouse with a full service golf shop, restaurant and bar with indoor and outdoor seating. Lost Key’s course and full practice facility are open to the public. Group and private lesson are also available. Perdido Bay Golf Club One Doug Ford Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (866) 319-2471 or (850) 492-1223 Golf lovers will enjoy playing on the Golf Digest nominated “Best New Public Course.” Golf fans will also enjoy playing where the pros play. Legends like Jack Nicklaus and Payne Stewart have played the course. The 18-hole course features 7,072 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 72. Perdido Bay Golf Club was the former site of the Pensacola Open for 10 years and is open to the public seven days a week. The Club features a large driving range, putting green, chipping green, greenside bunker, and a fairway bunker. Tee times are available to the general public up to seven days in advance. For reservations, call (850) 492-1223. Spas of Eden a t Sp Bes 04, 20 & 5 200 6 200 & Boutique • • • • • • • Hair • Nails • Facials Massage • Waxing • Yoga Body Wraps Airbrush Tanning Aromatherapy Beauty Products Egyptian Gifts Gift Certificates & Outcalls Available Spa at Eden EDEN CONDO Perdido Key, FL 850-497-1400 Spa of Eden Pinnacle Gulf Shores, AL 251-948-EDEN Cleopatra’s Boutique Bayou Village Gulf Shores, AL 251-948-CLEO East of Eden San Roc Cay Orange Beach, AL 251-981-8600 Perdido Key State Park 15301 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-1595 Perdido Key State Park is a perfect place to relax and enjoy the splendors of the island’s pristine, natural setting. The Park encompasses protected land along our barrier island’s Gulf of Mexico coast. The (800) 328-0107 • 41 {Recreation & Revelry} State Park provides public access to Perdido’s beautiful beaches by boardwalks that are built up over the fragile dunes and beach vegetation. Covered picnic tables overlooking the beach provide a great place for the family to snack and soak up the sun. The white-sand beaches and sea-oatcovered rolling dunes make this State Park a premier destination for swimmers, sunbathers, and surf fishers alike. Silver Moon Songwriters Café 16296 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-3407 Located across the street from the FloraBama® Lounge, the Silver Moon Songwriters Café is also a great place to catch live music and is also the host venue of the Frank Brown International Songwriters’ Festival®. The Café is dedicated to showcasing singer/songwriters of at h t d a l g e r a We e r e h e r a u o y Ask your attendant on the beach about: Body Boards Surfing Lessons Ocean Kayaks Sailing Beach lounges Chairs Umbrellas Cabanas Parasailing All Water sports Back Bay Dolphin Cruises 251-981-4807 • 42 Your Guide to Perdido Key Photo by John Hill Photography We hope you'll visit often. Your enjoyment on the beach is the reason we are here. {Recreation & Revelry} all genres. They have a fully licensed bar with dining and catering facilities. In the summer season, the Café is closed Mondays. During the winter, the Café is open Thursday through Sunday from 4 pm until. The venue is also available for private bookings, parties and rehearsals. Call for details. Tarkiln Bayou Preser ve State Park County Road 293, south of US 98 Pensacola, FL 32507 (850) 492-1595 Tarkiln Bayou is just the place for a close-up nature encounter with no admission fees required. A newly completed, barrier-free trail puts you in the middle of beautiful Tarkiln Bayou and provides an opportunity for nature study. The preserve is home to four species of endangered pitcher plants, as well as other rare and endangered plant species. The carnivorous white-top pitcher plant is unique to the Gulf Coast and found only between the Apalachicola and Mississippi rivers. Almost 100 other rare plants and animals depend on the wet prairie habitat, including the alligator snapping turtle and Chapman’s butterwort. In addition to the boardwalk, the preserve offers trails perfect for hiking and a picnic area perfect for relaxing and refueling. Adventure lovers can take a day-hike across the Park to the Perdido River. Tarkiln Bayou State Park is open year-round from 8 am until 5 pm. The Bird of Paradise 3190 Airport Drive Jack Edwards Airport Gulf Shores, AL 36547 (866) 687-8359 or (251) 609-2043 For the adventure lover, a cruise around southern Alabama and the Florida panhandle in a vintage 1928 Travel Air biplane named the Bird of Paradise is in order. The aircraft accommodates two passengers in the front seat plus the pilot in the rear seat. You can choose your flight plan, from a brief flight around the airport with spectacular views to trips over Perdido Key and Foley, Alabama. Flight routes are posted on the website. Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit 10650 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL 32507 850-492-0837 MASSES Vigil (Sat): 5:30 pm Sunday: 9:00 am & 11:00 am Daily: As announced in Bulletin We are located: • 3.5 miles east of Perdido Key Drive on Gulf Beach Highway. • 1.5 miles west of Blue Angel Parkway on Gulf Beach Highway. Photo by John Hill Photography Fellowship after Sunday Morning Masses We love our visitors! (800) 328-0107 • 43 Businesses Around Town Real Estate Services BW Proper ties (850) 346-2222 Let BW help find your “place in the sun.” 1804 East La Rua Street, Pensacola, Florida 32501 Centur y 21 Coast Proper ties (850) 492-7376 Offering great investment opportunities. 14512-A Perdido Key Drive, Perdido Key, Florida 32507, Pointe South, Inc. (850) 492-1148 Providing proven leadership in real estate sales, property management and association management for 10 years. 14758 Perdido Key Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32507, Resor t Proper ties and Management (251) 974-2400 Prime Gulf-front development. 22989 Perdido Beach Boulevard, Suite B, Orange Beach, Alabama 36561, George Matteson, Broker. Davenpor t Proper ties, Inc. Three Palms Real Estate (850) 492-2940 “We do what we love and it shows!” The Real Estate Center at Perdido Key 13578 Perdido Key Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32507, (866) 980-PALM (7256) “Your professional guides to paradise.” Licensed in Alabama and Florida. Orange Beach, Alabama, Eden Condominium (800) 523-8141 Rentals and sales of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom condominiums, all fronting the Gulf. Luxury at its finest on Perdido Key. 16281 Perdido Key Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32507, Meyer Real Estate of Florida (866) 750-1166 Discover views, value and variety for a weekend or a lifetime. We’ve been providing STAR Treatment for 40 years. P.O. Box 34009, Pensacola, Florida 32507, Needle Rush Point Condominium 1-877-521-1401 The perfect vacation destination with a family feel! 17119 Perdido Key Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32507 Perdido Key Resor t Rentals (800) 598-1888 Offering affordable, family-friendly units and luxurious resort rentals in Perdido Key for 10 years. 14758 Perdido Key Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32507, Perdido Realty (850) 492-1102 Real estate sales, development, management and rentals. 13430 Gulf Beach Highway, Suite 5, Perdido Key, Florida 32507, 44 Your Guide to Perdido Key Wilson, Harrell, Farrington and Ford (850) 497-1399 The real estate closing department handles a large number of closings for several realtors and lenders who work primarily in the Perdido Key area. 13020 Sorrento Road, Pensacola, Florida 32507. Shops & Services A1der ful Ceremony & Carriage of Dreams (850) 982-2900 Wedding and Carriage services tailored to your desires from barefoot to blacktie. and Baby Beach Rentals (866) 955-2229 Babies are our business. Professional delivery, set-up, and pick-up in Perdido Key, Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. Ballinger Publishing (850) 433-1166 Publishers of books, custom publications, and five local magazines. 41 N. Jefferson Street, Suite 402, Pensacola, FL 32502, Constance Crosby Interiors (850) 438-0335 Residential and condo design—new construction, renovations, remodeling. Allied A.S.I.D. member National Kitchen and Bath Association. 307 W. Chase Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502, Distinctive Products, Inc. (800) 943-9014 Your partners in storm protection. 2804 E. 2nd Street, Gulf Shores, Alabama 36542, First American Title (850) 429-9949 We offer efficient, affordable, quality Title products. Twenty-five years experience in Perdido Key and the Southeast area. 17 W. Government Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502, Flora-Bama® Lounge and Package (850) 492-3048 One of the last road houses in America. 17401 Perdido Key Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32507, Frank’s Place (850) 492-1005 Hair styles with attitude. 1420 Perdido Key Drive, Unit C, Pensacola, Florida 32507, Go Fish Clothing & Jewelr y Co. (850) 492-3131 Tropical women’s clothing, silver jewelry and hundreds of unique gift items. 16698 Perdido Key Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32507, Innerarity Plumbing, Inc. (850) 492-0230 We do it all! 5565 Bauer Road, Pensacola, Florida 32507, John Hill Photography (850) 492-1537 Portraits, events, sports and fine art photography. and Paradise Day Spa (850) 332-6398 Welcome to Paradise—A full-service spa. Open Monday-Friday 10am-6pm and Saturday 10am-2pm. 13726 River Road, Pensacola, Florida 32507. Perdido Hair Salon (850) 492-3990 A full-service salon. 13309 Mirella Street, Pensacola, Florida 32507, off Sorrento Road/behind Ross Hardware. Medical Sacred Heart Medical Group at Perdido Bay (850) 492-0543 Specializing in Family Medicine: Dr. Eric Hazbun, Dr. Katherine Price and Dr. Ross Robins. 13139 Sorrento Road, Pensacola, Florida 32507, Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce Information The Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce is not only committed to attracting visitors to the island, but also to promoting and expanding area business. The Chamber works hand-in-hand with Escambia County and local organizations to continually improve the business environment and quality of life afforded by the Perdido area. Below, you’ll find a listing of current Chamber members. These businesses experience the following membership benefits: Business promotion • Listing in the Chamber directory and Visitor’s Guide with distribution locally and through mail outs • Free listing on the Chamber website (with website link) • Referrals based on customer/visitor inquiries • Publication of business-related events in a monthly newsletter • Window decal for identification as a Chamber member Network building • Monthly socials that provide an opportunity to meet people and to develop a network of business contacts Cost savings • Use of the Chamber’s bulk mail permit number (specific requirements) • Broadcast informational faxing and emails to select members • A tax-deductible membership as business expense • Access to member labels (nominal charge) The Chamber also operates the Visitor’s Information Center on the Key. The Center provides visitors with information and references on activities and business referrals in the area to ensure they enjoy a first-class stay. For more information, call the Chamber toll free at (800) 328-0107, locally at 492-4660, or visit Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce Directory Alphabetical Listing of Business Members A Southern Rose (251) 981-7673 A Studio on Wheels-Photos by Bousquet (850) 457-4200 A-1 Charters (850) 492-2935 Able Body Charters (850) 497-0852 Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo (251) 968-5731 Allstar Mini Storage (850) 492-7724 Allstate Insurance (850) 492-2244 Am South Bank (850) 529-5054 Ambush & Attack (850) 457-2847 American Cancer Society (850) 475-0850 American Concrete Structures (850) 501-5882 American Diabetes Association (850) 478-5957 AMSouth Bank (850) 444-1074 Andrews Air (850) 455-5650 Anthony’s Mobile Details (850) 982-2916 Appraisal Professionals (850) 433-7439 Aquatic Realty (850) 492-4632 AustinWood Apartments (850) 492-3130 Baby’s Beach Rentals (866) 955-2229 Back on Track Chiropractic Center (251) 980-2225 Baldwin County Bridge Co LLC (251) 968-3415 Ballinger Publishing Co (850) 433-1166 Bank of America (850) 492-2784 Bank of Pensacola (850) 436-7800 Baroco Investments, LLC (850) 479-2899 Bayou Golf (850) 477-0010 Beach & Yacht Club at Perdido Key (850) 492-3522 Beach Boy Trolley (850) 941-8276 Better Business Bureau of NWFL (850) 429-0026 Beumer Realty (850) 492-0446 Bikes Plus of NWFL (850) 455-7369 Blue Angel Tire & Automotive, Inc (850) 457-1333 Blue Dolphin Cruises LLC (251) 981-2774 Bodree Printing Company (850) 455-8511 Brett Robinson Vacation Rentals (800) 932-0283 Brews Brothers (850) 456-2537 Business Computer Accounting, Inc (850) 456-0144 BW Properties of NWFL (850) 346-2222 Caldwell Associates Interiors, LLC (850) 432-9500 Caribe Interiors (251) 224-9020 CAT Country 98.7 (850) 494-2800 Century 21 Professional Services (251) 948-2100 Chamber Resources, Inc (904) 430-2827 Charter Realty (850) 492-7877 Chem Dry on the Shore (850) 492-5706 Chris P. Farrugua DDS (850) 492-7647 Clawdaddy’s of Perdido Key (850) 221-2722 Clay Metal & Stone (850) 429-0500 Clean Air Zone (850) 525-0560 Coastal Business Solutions (888) 896-8324 Coastal Cuisine (850) 492-5374 Coastal Graphics (850) 492-6239 Coastal Pet Resort (251) 943-7387 Coastal Sign Zone (850) 457-3855 Coldwell Banker/South Shore Realty (251) 981-8282 Collector Solutions (850) 444-9330 Compass Bank (850) 857-5030 Complete General Contractor (850) 932-5673 Constance Crosby Interiors, Inc (850) 438-0335 Containers, Inc (850) 471-2964 CornerStone (850) 776-6340 Cottages on the Green (850) 492-2214 Covenant Hospice, Inc (850) 433-2155 Craft Farms Golf Resort (251) 968-7500 Cut-n-Up (251) 981-5255 Davenport Properties, Inc (850) 492-2940 Design Building Contractors (850) 457-3838 Designer Faux Services (850) 255-9163 Diane’s Roadside Market (850) 418-2920 Domino’s Pizza (850) 492-7610 E.W. Bullock Associates (850) 438-4015 Eddie Zarahn Agency (850) 438-9169 Eden Condominium (850) 492-3336 Edward Jones Investments, Vann Milheim (850) 434-8266 Edward Jones Investments, Greg Ellis (850) 969-7985 Elaine Mazure, Realtor (850) 712-8300 Ellis Inspection Services, Inc (251) 943-4696 Emerald Coast Business Services, Inc (251) 962-2307 Enterprise Rent-a-Car (850) 456-3070 Entre Realty (850) 748-3000 ERA Beach Ball Realty, Nancy Bristow (850) 492-5717 ERA Beach Ball Realty, Dawn Marino (850) 232-3722 Evergreen Marketing (850) 429-0700 Everything Green (850) 497-0242 Exit 2 Paradise, Kay Holcomb (850) 261-0566 Exit 2 Paradise, Leona DiCenso (850) 529-0776 Exit Realty (251) 269-1999 Exit Realty Advantage (850) 232-2706 Eye Care of Perdido (850) 497-0711 Fantastic Sams (850) 492-9858 Farmers’ Opry House (850) 994-6000 First American Title Insurance Co (850) 429-9949 First Federal Mortgage (251) 968-4868 First Gulf Bank (251) 980-2160 Fisher-Brown, Inc (850) 432-7474 Fisherman’s Corner Seafood Pub (850) 492-5574 Flora-Bama® Lounge & Package (850) 492-3048 Flora-Bama® Old SALTS, Inc (850) 492-6876 Franco’s Italian Restaurant (251) 981-9800 Frank Browns Int’l Songwriters’ Festival (850) 492-7664 Frank’s Place (850) 492-1005 Freedom Boat Club (850) 497-0130 Friends Of Big Lagoon (850) 453-4343 (800) 328-0107 • 45 Friends of Southwest Branch Library (850) 453-7781 G N G Plumbing, Inc (251) 974-5630 Gene’s Flooring (850) 456-3360 GMAC Mortgage Corp (850) 438-7677 GO FISH Clothing & Jewelry Co (850) 438-3630 Good Time Tours, Inc (850) 476-0046 Gordy’s Pizza Buffet & Arcade (850) 549-4972 Grand Caribbean (800) 598-1888 Grand Lagoon Yacht Club (850) 607-7569 Grand Rental Station (850) 497-8590 Grant, Sanders, & Taylor, PC (251) 980-2727 Gray’s Tackle & Guide Service, Inc (850) 492-2666 Green Procedures, Inc (850) 969-0051 Guide 2 Fun (850) 380-1888 Gulf Beach Realty, Inc (850) 497-8500 Gulf Coast Broadcasting Inc, Sunny 105.7FM (251) 967-1057 Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers (850) 436-9387 Gulf Coast Powerboat Association (251) 980-7223 Gulf Coast Trophies & Sportswear (850) 455-8383 Gulf Distributing Co (850) 432-9883 Gulf Power Company (850) 444-6376 Gulf Publishing Company (251) 968-5243 Guttmann, Michael Attorney (850) 434-7445 Harvesters Federal Credit Union (850) 968-2233 Hatch Mott MacDonald (850) 484-6011 Hilton Garden Inn Pensacola Beach (850) 916-2999 Holiday Harbor Marina (850) 492-0555 Holiday Inn Express at Orange Beach (251) 974-1634 Holy Spirit Catholic Church (850) 492-0837 Home Place Furniture (888) 224-4265 Hub Stacey’s at the Point (850) 497-0071 Image Builders & Assoc, Inc (850) 433-9045 Innerarity Hardware (850) 492-1149 Innerarity Plumbing (850) 492-0230 Innerarity Point Baptist Church (850) 492-1545 Innerarity Realty, Inc (850) 492-1400 Inside Out Furniture (850) 492-2833 Integrity Enterprises of Perdido Key (850) 501-5882 Interactive Marketing Techniques (850) 492-9942 Investment One Mortgage (850) 475-8395 Irby Engineering & Const, Inc (850) 439-0877 J Robert Lee Appraisals (251) 981-8840 Jet Center South (251) 968-5747 John Hill Photography (850) 492-1537 JRG Rentals (850) 492-9828 Kelly Services (850) 478-9507 Key Concepts Realty, Inc (850) 492-5462 Kooter Brown’s Sports Bar & Grill (850) 453-3100 Lakeside Galley & Tavern (850) 549-3347 Larry Butler Music Group, Inc (850) 492-2428 Lawyers Title Agency (850) 492-4422 Liberty Church (850) 453-4318 Lillian’s Pan Pizza (850) 492-0131 Live Bait Food & Spirits (251) 974-1612 Lizards N Frogs (850) 492-4569 Logan Title Ltd (850) 465-9888 46 Your Guide to Perdido Key Lost Key Animal Clinic (850) 492-6878 Lost Key Golf Club (850) 492-1300 Lost Key Java (850) 497-9501 Majestic Oaks RV Resort (228) 436-4200 Mako Forestry (251) 747-1802 Manatee Artworks (850) 492-1262 Manning Jewelry (251) 968-4771 March of Dimes, Gateway Division (850) 432-5014 Markhan & Sons Signs, Inc (850) 433-3032 Mayer Marketing/Southeast USA (615) 726-1902 McDonald, Fleming, Moorehead (850) 477-0660 McGuires Irish Pub (850) 433-6789 McMahon-Hadder Insurance Co (850) 484-7011 MD&E Florida Division, Inc (850) 492-1171 Merrill Miller’s Interiors (251) 989-9033 Mesquite Charlie’s (850) 434-0498 Meyer Real Estate (251) 968-7516 Mobile Auto Glass Medix (850) 932-4866 Mojo’s Coffee Shop (850) 497-0202 Monavie (850) 287-4538 Mullet Wrapper (850) 492-5221 Nationwide Florida Insurance (850) 477-2511 Needle Rush Point HO Association, Inc (850) 492-2180 Oasis Outsourcing, Inc (850) 479-4243 Olga’s Cleaning Service (850) 492-9299 Orange Beach Helicopter Services (866) 980-4354 Orkin Pest Control (850) 434-1306 Pack & Mail (251) 981-7225 Pack & Ship & Shop (850) 492-9696 Panama Mac’s East (850) 497-0088 Paradise Day Spa (850) 332-6398 Paradise Isle/Regal Oaks (251) 981-8530 Patsy Roark Faux Finishes (850) 433-8301 Pensacola Assn of Realtors (850) 434-5007 Pensacola Athletic Center (850) 453-1534 Pensacola Glass Company (850) 433-8348 Pensacola Golf Pros (850) 433-0033 Pensacola Greek Festival (850) 433-2662 Pensacola Greyhound Track, Inc (850) 455-8595 Pensacola Guarantee Mortgage, Inc (850) 501-2994 Pensacola Ice Pilots (850) 429-6262 Pensacola Little Theatre (850) 434-0257 Pensacola Memorial Gardens (850) 944-0355 Pensacola Opera Co (850) 433-6737 Pensacola Pelicans (850) 934-8444 Peoples First Community Bank (850) 435-9962 Perdido Area Maintenance (850) 261-2858 Perdido Bay Baptist Church (850) 492-2604 Perdido Bay Family Care (850) 492-2010 Perdido Bay Golf Club (850) 492-1223 Perdido Bay Seafood (850) 492-0455 Perdido Bay Tribe, Inc (850) 492-3593 Perdido Bay United Methodist Church (850) 492-2135 Perdido Beach Resort (251) 981-9811 Perdido Beach Services (251) 981-4807 Perdido Carpet Care (850) 492-5353 Perdido Hair Styles (850) 492-3990 Perdido Heating & Air (850) 492-1971 Perdido Key Appraisal (850) 470-0022 Perdido Key Assn, Inc (850) 492-0766 Perdido Key Oyster Bar Rest & Marina (850) 492-5600 Perdido Key Parasail (850) 492-4000 Perdido Key Realty (850) 492-0613 Purple Parrot Resort (850) 492-9999 Perdido Key Resort Rentals (800) 598-1888 Perdido Property Rights, Inc (850) 380-1888 Perdido Realty (850) 492-1102 Perdido Sun Condominiums (850) 492-2390 Peterman Appraisal Services (850) 934-3370 Pirates Island Adventure Golf (251) 968-4653 Pirates of the Lost Treasure (850) 492-1503 Plain Jane’s Resale Shop (850) 497-8822 Playa del Rio RV Park (850) 492-0904 Pointe South, Inc (850) 492-1148 Posh Interiors (251) 980-2560 Prudential Florida WCI Realty (850) 549-2400 Redeemer Lutheran Church (850) 455-0330 Reel Fun One Stop Bait & Tackle (850) 433-2962 Reel Surprise Charters (251) 981-7173 Reliable Land Title Corporation (850) 496-9402 Reno-Hillman (850) 497-0023 Resort Quest (850) 234-4130 Rollaway Distinctive Products (251) 967-3033 S&R Heating & AC, Inc (850) 776-1052 S/G Construction, Inc (407) 488-8607 Sacred Heart Medical Group (850) 492-0543 Safe Money Advisory Group (800) 520-4192 Sail the Daedalus, Inc (251) 987-1228 Sailaway Charters (251) 974-5055 Sam’s Club (850) 484-7508 Sandcastle Real Estate (850) 393-9487 Sandcastle Management Services, LLC (850) 492-3823 Sandy Key Condominiums (850) 492-3084 Seaworthy Charters (850) 497-1177 Shell, Fleming, Davis & Menge (850) 434-2411 Shipwatch Condominium Association (850) 492-0111 Shrimp Basket of Florida (850) 492-1970 Silver Moon Café (850) 492-3407 Simply Southern Fresh Market Deli (850) 492-9330 Slim & Tone of Pensacola (850) 453-6300 Snellgrove Construction, Inc (850) 492-6676 Southern Style Carpet, Inc (850) 457-9855 Southland Acquire Land Title, LLC (850) 497-1616 Southpoint Credit Service, LLC (504) 733-8181 Spivey & Son (850) 458-5155 Stor - It - Mate (850) 492-2003 Studer Group (850) 934-1099 Suburban Extended Stay Hotel (850) 453-4140 Subway Sandwiches & Salads (850) 492-7171 Sunbelt Environmental, Inc (251) 968-7455 Sundown Owner’s Association (850) 492-1816 Sunset Grille (850) 497-1761 SunTrust Bank (850) 435-1403 SunTrust Mortgage (850) 454-2995 Supreme, LLC (850) 776-0415 Sure Shot Charters (850) 261-4358 Sweet Water Realty, Inc (850) 492-9301 Tampary Bros, LLC (251) 982-1333 The Crab Trap (850) 492-8888 The Mariner Owners Assoc (850) 492-1122 The Original Point Restaurant (850) 492-3577 The Palms of Perdido (850) 454-2047 The Pelican (850) 232-3127 The Reef (850) 492-9020 The Wharf (251) 224-1000 The Zoo (850) 932-2229 Thermal Imaging Inspections (251) 979-5912 Three Palms Real Estate (251) 980-7256 Tootie Green’s Yellow Broom (251) 981-7377 Trigger’s Seafood Restaurant (850) 492-1897 Tropical Image Tan Salon (850) 497-9988 Underwood Anderson & Association (850) 434-5526 Underwood Remodeling (850) 492-2112 Vallarta Mexican Restaurant (850) 492-1701 VIP Lounge (251) 981-5516 Vision Bank (251) 968-2600 Wallace Boat Rentals (251) 981-5757 Walls with an Attitude (251) 941-2543 Wal-Mart #3484 (850) 458-5550 Warehouse Patio (251) 968-8620 Warrington Bank (850) 455-7351 WCI Communities (850) 549-2100 WEAR TV3 (850) 456-3333 Whitehaven Insurance (251) 967-3323 Whitman & Whitman Ins (850) 477-8060 Wildlife Sanctuary of NW FL, Inc (850) 433-9453 Wilson, Harrell, Smith (850) 497-1399 Wingate View (850) 206-3084 Zeke’s Boat & Yacht Sales (251) 980-2628 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Luxury Apartment Homes Community Features: • Optional enclosed garages with remote access • State-of-the-Art fitness center • Personal business center & conference area • Child care center • Playground & picnic area with nature trail Interior Features: • Extra-large private porch • Garden tub in master bath • Four line telephone/fax/ modem capacity • Vaulted ceilings on 3rd floor • Oversized units with exterior storage • Energy efficient good cents construction 492-3130 9890 North Loop Rd. Pensacola, FL (800) 328-0107 • 47 unique as our island, our visitors and our members Photography by Visitors to Perdido Key enjoy a unique island experience when they come to enjoy our warm waters, white beaches, cool breezes and southern hospitality. Those who stop by the Visitor Information Center know just what we mean. The Visitor Information Center is located in the middle of Perdido Key State Park amid miles of beautiful natural Florida coastline. It is staffed with friendly Chamber employees and filled with helpful information about area accommodations, businesses and events. The Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce is a “hands on” organization whose members can be sure that inquiries about their products and services are responded to daily by dedicated Chamber employees. Here, every effort is taken to welcome each visitor to our shores. We hope you enjoy our island and the unique services provided to guests of the Visitor Information Center and to members of the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce 15500 Perdido Key Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 Phone (850) 492-4660 Fax (850) 492-2932 Numbers to Know [Emergency & Information] Area Codes for Perdido Key Fl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850 for Orange Beach Al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Directory Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Time & Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 432-7411 Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911 Florida Poison Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 222-1222 Police Escambia County Sheriff ’s Department, 2nd precinct, Big Lagoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 492-2444 Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 436-9620 Florida Highway Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 484-5000 Coast Guard General Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 453-8282 Search & Rescue Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 453-8178 Environmental Protection Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 934-9200 Fire Perdido Key Station #19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 492-1017 Animal Emergency Animal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 595-3075 Florida Wildlife Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 233-5150 NW Florida Wildlife Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 595-8978 Lost Key Animal Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 492-6878 Wildlife Sanctuary of NW Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 433-9453 Health Care and Hospitals Sacred Hear t Medical Group at Perdido Key . . . (850) 492-0543 Baptist Hospital 1000 West Moreno Street Pensacola, Florida 32501 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 434-4011 Sacred Hear t Hospital & Children’s Hospital 5151 North Ninth Ave. Pensacola, FL 32504 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 416-7000 West Florida Hospital 8383 North Davis Highway Pensacola, FL 32513 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 494-4000 Naval Hospital Pensacola 6000 West Highway 98 Pensacola, FL 32512 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 505-6601 South Baldwin Regional Medical Center 1613 North McKenzie Street Foley, Alabama, 36535. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (251) 949-3400 Photo by John Hill Photography Gulf Island National Seashore Visitor Information Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 934-2600 Public Librar y Southwest Branch Library (Wi-Fi) . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 453-7780 Post Office Perdido Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 492-1756 Newspapers Mullet Wrapper Newspaper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 492-5221 The Pelican Newspaper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 232-3127 Utilities Gulf Power – Report Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 505-5711 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 969-3111 Escambia County Utility Authority Water and Trash Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850 )476-0480 Bellsouth Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 780-2355 Cox Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 478-0200 Driver’s Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 484-5016 Auto Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 438-6500 Voter Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 436-5796 Perdido Bay Food Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 492-2604 Perdido Bay Community Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 497-0000 Beach Wheelchairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 478-5765 Pensacola Regional Airport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 435-1745 Blue Angels Show Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 452-SHOW Perdido Key Area Schools Hellen Carro Elementar y School 12551 Meadson Road Pensacola, FL 32507 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 492-0531 Blue Angels Elementar y 1551 Dog Track Road, Pensacola, FL 32507 . . . . . . . . . (850) 457-6356 Jim Baile y Middle School 4110 Bauer Road, Penscola, FL 32507 . . . . . . . . . (850) 492-6136 Escambia High School 1310 N 65th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32507 . . . . . . . . . (850) 453-3221 Pensacola Junior College-Main Campus 1000 College Boulevard, Penascola, FL 32504 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 484-1000 Pensacola Christian College 250 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503 . . . . . . . . . . (850) 478-8483 University of West Florida 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, FL 32514 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (850) 474-2000 For more numbers to know, including numbers for area churches and locations, contact the Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce at (850) 492-4660 or (800) 328-0107 or visit them on the Web at (800) 328-0107 • 49 The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself... ~Unknown Our cover kids, Rachel and Jake Witbracht, photographed on Perdido Key by John Hill Photography. 50 Your Guide to Perdido Key The Last Great American Roadhouse still Featuring the Best in “Honky Tonk” Music Daily ar B r e t s & Oy ill ily! r G Da en p O Enjoy the View from our Beach Bar as we Rebuild for our Future Located on the Gulf of Mexico at the FL/AL Line 17401 Perdido Key Drive, Perdido Key, FL (850) 492-0611 or (251) 980-5118 Perdido Key Office 14758 Perdido Key Drive Perdido Key, FL 32507 850-492-1148 local 800-598-1888 toll-free 850-492-0058 fax Downtown Pensacola Office 500 E. Wright Street Pensacola, FL 32501 850-436-7660 local 850-436-7662 fax 17 West Government Street, Suite A Pensacola, FL 32502 850-429-9949 “Agents are first at First American and we offer a complete set of integrated tools, for any size agent, that can streamline the paperwork process and allow you to build your business in today’s competitive market.” Wilson, Wilson, Harrell, Harrell, .A. Farrington and and Ford, Ford, PP.A. Attorneys at Law Main Office 307 S. Palafox St. Pensacola, FL 32502 850-438-1111 Real Estate Department 13020 Sorrento Rd. Pensacola, FL 32507 850-497-1399 fax: 850-497-1350 For all your Real Estate needs in Perdido Key
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