A Publication of Mosaic Law Congregation The Sacramento Jewish
A Publication of Mosaic Law Congregation The Sacramento Jewish
January/February 2011 | 25 Tevet - 24 Adar 1 5771 The A Publication of Mosaic Law Congregation The Sacramento Jewish community celebrates Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month: A Celebration of Inclusion during the month of February The weekend of February 4th - 6th will be a time of learning, praying, and opening our eyes to the wonderful diversity within our community. Friday, February 4th 7:30pm - A special Friday evening service will be conducted at Congregation B'nai Israel (3600 Riverside Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95818). Saturday, February 5th 9:00am - Morning services at Mosaic Law will feature guest speaker Elana Naftalin-Kelman, director of Camp Ramah in California's Tikva Program and director of Special Education, Center for Jewish Living and Learning (CJLL), at the Jewish Federation of the East Bay. 10:00am - Our own Josh Taff, who works with both children and adults with disabilities, will conduct a special Shabbat School program for children in the school building. Sunday, February 6th 9:00am - A morning program at Congregation Beth Shalom (4746 El Camino Avenue, Carmichael, CA 95608) will include involvement in disability awareness activities for students, as well as training and a Jewish perspective on disabilities and inclusion for adults. 2:30pm - Sunday afternoon, the film "Anita" will be shown at the Sacramento Jewish Film Festival at the Crest Theatre, followed by a panel discussion. Tickets are $10.50 general, $9 for seniors/students and are available at http://www.sacjff.org/tickets.html. All-festival passes also available. Sunday, February 13th 2:00pm - the KOH Library and Cultural Center Film Club presents "Autism: The Musical" followed by a panel discussion. Support for Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month is provided through the Community Development Grant Program of the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region. From the Program Director ………………….4 Services & Festivals …….2 From the President ……....3 From the Education Director ………………….6 From the Sisterhood ….….7 Bat Mitzvah……………..9 Cooking with Evie Lieb……………..……….10 Birthdays & Anniversaries …………...20 Donations ……………….22 K-O-H Library & Cultural Center News ……………14 2300 Sierra Boulevard | Sacramento, CA 95825 | (916) | Fax: (916) 488-1165 | www.mosaiclaw.org Page488-1122 1 The Scroll January February Services & Festivals Services & Festivals Shabbat Candlelighting Times Shabbat Candlelighting Times January 7 - 4:42pm January 14 - 4:49pm January 21 - 4:57pm January 28 - 5:05pm February 4 - 5:13pm February 11 - 5:21pm February 18 - 5:28pm February 25 - 5:36pm Shabbat Shabbat Shabbat Morning Service – 9:00am Shabbat Morning Service – 9:00am January 1 - Parshat Vaera Havdalah 5:40pm February 5 - Parshat Trumah Rosh Chodesh Havdalah - 6:17pm January 8 - Parshat Bo Malkah Javanifard Bat Mitzvah Havdalah - 5:46pm January 15 - Parshat Beshalah Shabbat Shira Havdalah - 5:53pm January 22 - Parshat Yitro Havdalah - 6:01pm February 12 - Parshat Tetzaveh Megan Sullivan Bat Mitzvah Havdalah - 6:25pm February 19 - Parshat Ki Tissa Havdalah - 6:33pm February 26 - Parshat Vayakhel Havdalah - 6:40pm 10th Annual Latke Cup Basketball Game Sunday, January 2nd 10am in The Center The 10th Annual Latke Cup basketball game, with our friends at Congregation B‟nai Israel, will be held at The Center at Twenty Three Hundred. Our team will again feature Omri Casspi‟s brother, Eitan Casspi, and the strength and conditioning coach for the Sacramento Kings, Danny Shapiro. If you want more information, contact Jeff Shulman at jeffshulman@frontiernet.net. This is a free event. As in the past nine years, right after the post-game ceremonies there will be hot latkes served in the Social Hall along with fruit, sweets, and drinks for everyone. As in past years, there will also be a collection site for the men‟s homeless shelter. Please bring any warm winter men‟s clothing you do not wear anymore. January 29 - Parshat Mishpatim Havdalah - 6:09pm Minyan Schedule Mornings Sunday – 8:30am Monday, Thursday & Rosh Chodesh – 7:15am Federal Holidays – 8:30am Afternoons Monday – Thursday – 5:45pm Friday Kabbalat Shabbat – 5:45pm Minyan Schedule Mornings Sunday – 8:30am Monday, Thursday & Rosh Chodesh – 7:15am Federal Holidays – 8:30am Afternoons Monday – Thursday – 5:45pm Friday Kabbalat Shabbat – 5:45pm Page 2 Family Trip to Israel for Mosaic Law Congregation Led By Rabbi Reuven Taff Monday, June 27th through Thursday, July 7th, 2011 This intensive 10-day trip is for families with children. More information at www.mosaiclaw.org. The Scroll Reflections from the President Wow, I cannot believe 2011 is HERE. I am so excited to share "Good and Welfare" with all of you, as we enter a brand new year full of promise. To begin with, at our December board meeting, the Board of Trustees approved a balanced budget for 2011. I'll be honest, it is a tight one, with much of it relying on individuals honoring their commitments towards dues, as well as active participation in other fundraising efforts. To that extent, we are putting together a wide variety of fundraisers; something for every budget and interest area, we hope! Keep your eye open for: Sing-A-Long movie nights, fish dinners, an Israeli art show, another Comedy Night, and a gala honoring a significant individual connected with Mosaic Law (details to be announced at a later date). And now that the Scrip program is up and running, everyone can participate by giving their dollars to Mosaic Law instead of popular establishments like Starbucks, Peets, Home Depot, and Borders, to name a few. (Scrip gives back anywhere from 3% to 11% when you purchase a gift card for different retailers). So really, there is no excuse to NOT participate in fundraising. The Center has completed its first full calendar year, and it finished December with a flurry of activity. While the facility is first and foremost for our congregation's use, we look forward to being able to capitalize on rental income to eventually add to the coffers so that: a) we can keep our membership dues and fundraising needs down; and b) we can add more programs and/or personnel to our campus. There are monthly opportunities to work in the kitchen, either preparing a meal for our kiddush lunch, or preparing desserts for multiple weeks. Watch out for these cooking and baking times (alternating mid-day, late afternoon, and evening), if you'd like an opportunity to meet others while cooking and learning a bit about kashrut. Free tasting available to those who work! Kudos to the Sisterhood who have increased the operating hours of the gift shop, thereby becoming more accessible to the community, as well as creating an inviting space "for all of your Judaica needs." I encourage you all to stop by rather than purchasing anything on-line. Finally, if you read our Weekly Scroll, you would know about the flurry of activities that are constantly taking place on campus. The KOH Library and Cultural Center alone hosts monthly film clubs, book clubs, artist receptions, and authors. We sponsor bi-monthly K'ton Ton, monthly youth group activities, programs for seniors, family Shabbat dinners, and of course, our daily minyan. 2011 has even more innovative programs in store, so keep your eyes open for more information. From my family to yours, have a happy, healthy new year. B'shalom, Deborah Hoffman Gonzalez Speaking of personnel, we have been so privileged to have Rabbinic Intern Matt Shapiro on a monthly basis, thanks to several anonymous donors. If you haven't yet participated in one of Matt's programs, whether a learner's minyan, a Shabbat service, Pirke Avot class, or a mitzvah project, look for the dates he will be here and make a point of attending. Matt brings a fresh perspective and a lot of enthusiasm to every program he facilitates. We are re-establishing a Youth Commission to help build up and support all of our youth programs. We hope that by working together we can meet the financial needs the youth programs have (such as funding transportation to regional events) while increasing the visibility of the youth on our campus. Part of that effort includes sprucing up the youth lounge so it becomes a more comfortable meeting area for our teens, while still maintaining its multi-use purpose. Page 3 The Scroll From the Programs and Youth Director There is a lot going on in January and February! We hope you will join us for many of these wonderful programs. How to Lead a Shiva Minyan January 6th & 11th (Thursdays) at 7pm in the Chapel. Rabbi Taff will be teaching How to Lead a Shiva Minyan. To register, contact blue@mosaiclaw.org. (916) 488-1122 x16 | rina@mosaiclaw.org Young Family Havdalah and Tu B’shvat Celebration - January 22nd, 4:30-6pm All Families with children ages birth through 2nd grade are invited to join us in the MLC Social Hall as Rabbinic Intern Matt Shapiro leads a family program filled with song, stories, crafts, and Havdalah. The program, in honor of the Birthday of the Trees (Tu B‟shevat), will include fruit tasting and cupcake decorating. For more information, contact Rina. A SEASON OF MUSSAR: A Program for all Seekers of Spiritual Connection Are you looking for a spiritual path that will guide you in a Jewish context? It may come as no surprise to know that it has been with us for generations. The practice is Mussar, a Jewish spiritual approach to daily life. Alan Morinis and the Mussar Institute (www.mussarinstitute.org) have made this ancient spiritual approach embedded in Judaism accessible to any of us in a modern context. Mosaic Law Congregation is pleased to sponsor A Season of Mussar, a program of The Mussar Institute and Alan Morinis. (Books on Mussar by Alan Morinis include Climbing Jacob’s Latter and Everyday Holiness.) Our study group will focus on those soul traits (middot) that are the gift and also the challenge to living a spiritual life in the midst of our everyday activities. This very inspiring program draws on Jewish pietistic and ethical teachings to help participants develop personal practices, refining their inner lives and acquiring practical ethical virtues. A free informational session will be held at MLC on Sunday, January 9, 2011 at 10:00 AM. The program will start on January 16, 2011 at 10:00 AM. The fee is $100 for members and $110 for non-members. The enrollment deadline is January 23, 2011. For more information call Rina Racket at 916-488-1122 or Debbie Azer Brown at 530-676-0548. To register call Barbara Blue at 916-448-1122. Partial scholarships may be available. Who said Jewish boys can’t rap? Torah Hip Hop here in Sacramento? Here it comes! Rappers and educators Matt Bar and Ori Salzberg infect their students with Torah. These two Jewish educators take a lesson plan, spin it on its head, and bust out rap lyrics that get kids crazy about learning. Thanks to a generous grant from our local Federation, we are able to bring this musical learning experience to our community. Together with Congregation Beth Shalom, MLC will host a weekend filled with song writing, text study, and a rap concert. The Bible Raps program tours across Jewish camps, schools, and Birthright programs. These opportunities offer students ways to explore their Jewish identity, Torah, and Jewish culture. The curriculum, Bar believes, crosses all denominations. Our weekend program will begin on Friday, Jan. 28th, 2011, at 5:45pm.Teens grades 9-12 are invited to join Matt and Rabbi Taff for the Kabbalat Shabbat service at MLC, followed by dinner at the Rabbi‟s house. CBS teens will join our teens in this Shabbat celebration. On Saturday morning, January 29th, from 8:30-10am, adults are invited to join Matt and Ori at Beth Shalom for Torah Study. Saturday evening the musicians will offer a rapping workshop to the CBS teens at CBS from 6:308:30pm. Our MLC teens (grades 6 on up) will participate in this same workshop on Sunday, Jan. 30th from 1-3pm in the MLC Chapel. The big culmination for the weekend will be a concert at CBS on Sunday, January 30th at 5pm. Teens will perform the pieces they created during their workshops. Also, Matt and Ori will share many of the Bible Rap songs they have written over the years. Suggested donation for the concert is $5 for students and $18 per family. There will be kosher hot dogs and sodas available for sale. ALL ages are welcome to join in this celebration of Rap, Torah, and Hip Hop music! Page 4 The Scroll Rabbinic Intern Matt Shapiro As many of you know, we are blessed to have Rabbinic Intern Matt Shapiro join us from Los Angeles for selected weekends. We are grateful to those donors who have made this exciting internship possible. We would like you to put on your calendars the following dates and invite your participation in Matt‟s programs. Regular Programs led by Rabbinic Intern Matt Shapiro Special Programs led by Rabbinic Intern Matt Shapiro Monthly Learner’s Minyan from 10am to 11am on Shabbat: In the Chapel (note new time). We will explore different prayers in the liturgy on a variety of levels, both intellectually and practically. Matt will then deliver the sermon in the Sanctuary at 11am. Shabbat, January 22nd 4:30 - 6pm: Melaveh Malka and Havdalah at the synagogue for families with children age birth thru 2nd grade, celebrating the birthday of trees. Pirkei Avot Class - 45 minutes after Kiddush lunch on Shabbat: Based upon the Ethical Teachings of the Rabbis of the Mishnah. Each month, when he is here, Matt will teach a one-hour Shabbat afternoon class in the Chapel. This study session will touch upon ethical and moral issues which confront all of us daily. Social Action Now! at 9:45am on Sundays: These ongoing workshops are designed to provide opportunities for us to make a difference in our local community. One hour of learning about social action in the Jewish tradition and two hours of a project we'll be committing to on a regular basis. These programs will be happening on the following dates: January 22nd February 12th March 5th March 26th May 14th Shabbat, February 12th 4:30 - 6pm: My Mouth is a Volcano This is a parent/child program on gossip and cyberbullying for children 3rd-7th grade, followed by Havdalah and dinner. Shabbat, March 5th Machar (5th Graders) will join Rabbinic Intern Matt Shapiro for Havdalah, smores and a sleepover at Rabbi Taff‟s home. Shabbat, March 26th 4:30pm: Congregational Havdalah Program and one day Camp Shofar for children ages 18 months to 11. Camp Shofar will include dinner for the kids while the parents enjoy a special Adult Dinner for themselves. April (TBA) Tuesday, June 7th 9pm: Tikkun Leyl Shavuot, the all-night study session held annually in the Youth Lounge. Family Shabbat Services and Dinner This program is the second Friday of every month at 5:45pm. There are two programs geared for children from birth up to Bar/ Bat Mitzvah age, as well as the regular Kabbalat Shabbat service for adults. The children‟s programs are split into two groups: birth to 2nd grade and 3rd grade and up. Rabbi Taff will alternate leading each service with Matt Shapiro or another lay leader. Cost for dinner is $32 per family of 2 adults and up to 3 children or $12 per adult/$6 per child individually. Contact blue@mosaiclaw.org for reservations. Family Shabbat Dates: January 14th February 11th March 11th April 8th May 13th Rabbinic Intern Matt Shapiro will us join on February 11th and May 13th, 2011. Page 5 The Scroll From the Director of Education MARK YOUR CALENDAR! January January 2nd: NO Religious School for Winter Break January 3rd: Religious School resumes January 9th: Youth Activities Day January 14th: Family Shabbat Dinner January 15th: Sisterhood Shabbat January 16th and 17th: NO Religious School for Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend January 23rd: Tu B‟shvat Seder January 29th – Shabbat School February February 5th: Shabbat School – Disability Awareness weekend February 11: Family Shabbat Dinner February 20th and 21st: No Religious School Presidents Weekend February 27th: Youth Activity Day Tu B’Shevat Seder On Sunday, January 23rd at 11:00 am, the Religious School will be celebrating Tu B‟Shevat by inviting both students and parents to participate in a Family Seder. This program is for all Kindergarten through 5th Grade students and their families. The seder will be led by Rabbi Taff and Rabbinic Intern Matt Shapiro. Please join us at this fun-filled Seder as we learn and celebrate together! Don‟t forget your cameras as the students will be performing. Our thanks to Dana Kurzrock and Patrice Ratinoff for co chairing this event. If you are able to help with this event, please call Orit at 488-1122. Hamantaschen Dough Sale! This year the Religious School is again selling kosher Hamantaschen Dough through February 25th, 2011. Don‟t have time to make Hamantaschen dough? The Religious School is selling our great tasting kosher Hamantaschen dough, frozen. Defrost and it‟s ready to roll! The dough is available for purchase in a 3lb package (makes 35 dozen cookies). Cost is $15 if you pre-order before February 25th. It is $18 after February 25th and available on a first-come, first-served basis. To order, send your name, quantity and payment to MLC Attn: Barbara Blue, 2300 Sierra Blvd, Sac. Ca. 95825. Cash or checks only, please. We need your help preparing this delicious hamentachen dough and baking the delicious hamentachen cookies. Please contact Deanne and Trent Meyer at dmeyer@ucdavis.edu or blue@mosaiclaw.org if you can help. Thank you to Deanne and Trent Meyer for always going the extra mile and chairing this yummy fundraiser. For questions and orders please call the Meyers at 530-4000865 or MLC 916-488-1122. Save the Date! March 20th is our annual Purim Auction and USY Carnival. The Education committee has been meeting regularly and working on this yearly school fund raiser. If you would like to help us in getting items donated or if you have a donation item or service, please let me know at orit@mosaiclaw.org . B‟ Shalom. Orit Morgenshtern If you are making a donation to Mosaic Law in honor, memory, or for a simcha, please take this opportunity to help the Education department while supporting your children or grandchildren and designate your donation to Education Fundraising/ programming fund number 306. Thank you in advance! Page 6 The Scroll From The Sisterhood “Most of the things worth doing in the world have been declared impossible...before they were done. Louis Brandeis A New Year is beginning and we have lots to share with you. First, SAVE THE DATE for the Torah Fund Brunch on Sunday, February 13th in the social hall. Debbie Sanders is busy at work creating an exciting event for us this year. You have had a preview of the beautiful gift pin that one receives as a thank you for a gift of $180. or more to the Jewish Theological Seminary. The pin is the centerpiece of the 5771 congregational directory cover. You do not have to wait to own your pin, Debbie will be delighted to hear from you and make sure that the thank you pin is available asap. You can contact Debbie at (916) 965-5101 or email Sanders289@yahoo.com. Brunch details to follow in your Weekly Scroll. Visit our Judaica shop for all your gift needs. We carry all occasion gifts so think of us first when you are shopping. Our shop hours at this time are Monday and Wednesday from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm and Sunday morning from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm. For purchases outside of shop hours, Goldie Block (916) 480-9193 or Carol Loew (916) 9275220) will be delighted to schedule a shopping time for you. Do not hesitate to call. If the main gate is closed, please use the Shalom School (West Gate) entrance and tell our guard, Jack that you are visiting the gift shop. After our very busy Chanukah season, we will be replenishing our stock with lots of new items. Membership chair Betsy Singer is preparing the second dues mailing. Your participation in Sisterhood allows us to help maintain the excellent education department so vital to the future connection of our children. We look forward to having you join us in our important work. Have a Happy and Healthy 2011! We have a new date for Sisterhood Shabbat this year. Our chairs, Linda Reitzenstein and Randi Gold, decided to select an alternative date to give a fresh approach to our annual Shabbat. The date is March 19, 2011. As always, it will a beautiful morning with the ladies of our congregation. Mosaic Law Leisure League Luncheon The next MLC Leisure League Luncheon will be held on Thursday, February 3rd, 2011. Our entertainment will be the very popular Red Clark and the Rotary Rooters. They always put on a great show! The cost of the luncheon is $5 per person for those checks and reservations received by the deadline. Payment at the door of $10 for those who missed the deadline will be accepted only if you have called in your reservation to Lloyd or Sandy at (916) 332-6561. Make checks payable to MLC Leisure League and mail or deliver to MLC, 2300 Sierra Blvd, Sac. CA 95825. The deadline for receipt of checks and reservations is January 31st, 2011. If you can help set tables and serve food, please call Lloyd or Sandy. Your help will be appreciated! Page 7 The Scroll Hadassah Honors Sacramento Jewish Women of Distinction at Annual Fundraising Luncheon Sunday, January 30th, at 10:30am The Sacramento chapter of Hadassah is hosting its annual Women of Distinction Fundraising Luncheon on Sunday, January 30th, 2011 at the Arden Hills Resort Club and Spa located at 1220 Arden Hills Lane, Sacramento CA 95864. The event, Sacramento Hadassah‟s largest fundraiser of the year, will begin at 10:30am and brunch will be served followed by a presentation to the honorees. The Women of Distinction Luncheon is an opportunity for Hadassah to honor the fabulous women throughout the Greater Sacramento Jewish community who work tirelessly for their various causes and organizations. The women will be recognized for being leaders, inspiring others, raising funds and generating membership, among other things. This year‟s honorees include: Barbara Ullman for Congregational Bnai Israel Marijke Melman for Knesset Israel Renee Schaffer for Hadassah Carol Salasky for the Albert Einstein Resident Center Renee Schoch for Congregation Beth Shalom Sarah Zeff for Shalom School Dr. Nanette Wong, MD for the National Council of Jewish Women Marlo Dewing for Atidanu Gabrielle Wolf Stahl for the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region Laura Cypress for Hillel at Davis and Sacramento Terry Kaufman for TDX Kent Newton for the Jewish Community Foundation of the West Goldie Block for Mosaic Law Congregation Shari Brokowsky for NextDor Cheryll Goldsheid for Temple Or Rishon Yafa Plaut-Cappon for Chabad of Sacramento. Hadassah, the women‟s Zionist organization of America, is the largest and oldest Jewish women‟s organization in America. It was founded in 1912 and is celebrating its 100th birthday next year. All Hadassah members and the public at large are welcome to attend the event and support this very worthy cause. The $100 ticket price includes brunch, the program and a contribution to Hadassah. Money raised will go to support Hadassah's main projects which include the Hadassah Medical Organization, Hadassah College in Jerusalem as well as programs for children at risk in Israel, youth programs for children and teens in the U.S, and environmental programs in partnership with the JNF. For more information, marcy@silliman.com. contact Marcy Silliman at If you cannot attend the event but would like to donate to Hadassah, go to: http:// www.sachadassah.org for more information. Mazal Tov! Thank you from the Edelstein Family Our family would like to express our deep appreciation to our Mosaic Law family for the unbelievable support and affection we received during Ruthie's recent illness. Your prayers and good wishes greatly heartened us. Ruthie is recovering well. Many, many thanks. The Edelstein Family Page 8 The Scroll January/February Bat Mitzvah’s Hi, my name is Malkah Javanifard and I will be a Bat Mitzvah on January 8th, 2011. My Torah portion is “Bo” and I look forward to sharing this day with all of my family and friends. I went to Shalom School from pre-school through sixth grade and I loved being part of that community. I now attend Arden Middle School. I have two sisters and a very cute dog. For my mitzvah project, I have been baking dog biscuits for the Sacramento Dog Shelter. My hobbies include cake decorating, baking, tennis and spending time with my friends. My name is Megan Sullivan. My Bat Mitzvah is on February 12, 2011. My Bat Mitzvah project is to collect cans and bottles to raise money to buy necessary supplies for the Placer County SPCA. I attend school at Antelope Crossing Middle School where I am involved in many activities such as yearbook, drama, book club, the California Junior Scholarship Federation and the school band where I play the drums. I also enjoy playing softball and I am looking forward to the new season starting soon. In my spare time, of which I have very little, I like to spend time with my friends and my family, including our two dogs, Tanner and Izzy. Jewish Genealogical Society of Sacramento Sunday, January 16, 2011, 10am Sunday, February 20, 2011, 10am Immigration and Naturalization Records The Immigration and Naturalization Service, or INS, no longer exists. What does this mean for genealogy research? Lynn Brown will discuss how to determine when your ancestor immigrated, what records are available and how to locate them. Learn what has replaced the INS and how this can affect and improve your efforts to uncover alien, naturalization and related records. Lynn has been a family historian for more than 35 years and has an extensive background in both computer and genealogy research. Currently she is a volunteer with the Sacramento Regional Family History Center and has recently retired from teaching genealogy research skills in several local school districts. Lynn has lectured throughout the Central Valley and owns a genealogical counseling business called “Family-Quest.Com.” One-Step Web Pages: A Potpourri of Genealogical Search Tools Steve Morse is the internationally recognized genealogist who‟s developed the major one-step finding aid for use of the Ellis Island database. He subsequently expanded it to help search the 1930 census. Today Steve‟s efforts include about 200 web-based tools in 16 different categories, from genealogy searches to astronomical calculations to last-minute bidding on eBay. His presentation will describe the range of tools available to help in genealogical research and more. Both meetings will be held at 10 a.m. at the Albert Einstein Residence Center, 1935 Wright Street, Sacramento. For more information about the Jewish Genealogical Society of Sacramento, visit http://www.jgss.org/, e-mail the JGSS at jgs_sacramento@yahoo.com. Page 9 The Scroll Cooking with Evie Lieb COMFORT FOOD FOR WINTER AND TU B’SHEVAT This year, Tu b‟Shevat, the New Year for Trees, will be celebrated starting on the evening of January 19th until evening on the 20th. Traditional foods for Tu b'Shevat are the "seven species" mentioned in Deuteronomy as blessings of the land of Israel: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates, so I am offering two recipes featuring some of these items. As we are now in a winter mode for our menus, a recipe for a homey noodle and cabbage dish with a Hungarian Jewish pedigree is also here for you to enjoy. Israeli Couscous with Roasted Cauliflower and Pine Nuts I adapted this colorful dish from a recipe by Julie Le Clerc in a 2005 article in the New Zealand Herald (thanks to the wonders of the Internet!). For a Tu B‟Shevat meal it provides appropriate wheat (couscous), olive (oil) and grapes (currants). In addition, the pine nuts are another nod to tree products. Serves 6 1 small cauliflower – (or 2 packages of flowerets from T.J.‟s) 3 TBSP olive oil 1 medium onion, peeled and chopped 3 cloves garlic, sliced very thin 1 tsp turmeric 1 ½ C Israeli couscous 2 ½ C chicken or vegetable broth + more if needed sea salt and freshly ground black pepper ½ C toasted pine nuts ¼ C currants (tiny dried Corinth grapes) ½ C chopped fresh cilantro or flat-leaf parsley 2. While cauliflower roasts, heat remaining 1 TBSP olive oil in a 3-quart saucepan. Add the onion and cook over moderate heat for 5 to 10 minutes until softened but not colored very much. Add the garlic after 5 minutes. When onion is soft, quickly mix in the turmeric and Israeli couscous and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly to prevent sticking. 3. Add stock and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and simmer, partially covered, for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally until couscous is tender and all the liquid has been absorbed. If necessary add more stock to complete the cooking of the pasta and keep the mixture moist. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 4. Gently mix in the roasted cauliflower, pine nuts, currants and coriander or parsley and serve. 1. Preheat oven to 400˚ (convection OK). Cut cauliflower into small even-sized florets. In a large bowl drizzle the cauliflower with 2 TBSP of the olive oil and toss to coat evenly. Transfer to a foil-lined rimmed baking sheet. Roast for 20 minutes (about 15 or so for convection) or until the florets are tender-crisp and golden brown, stirring and turning occasionally for even cooking. A little extra browning on surface is attractive and adds flavor. Remove to cool. (Continued on page 11) Page 10 The Scroll (Continued from page 10) Figs with Ricotta, Pistachios and Honey Here‟s a simple-to make snack, or perhaps a sweet breakfast item or a light dessert. It is from THE FOOD YOU CRAVE by Ellie Krieger. Figs star here and remind us of the seven species of Israel that we eat for Tu b‟Shevat. I‟ve changed it a little. 4 servings Chop the pistachios coarsely. Cut the figs in half from top to bottom and place halves on a serving dish. Make an indentation on the cut sides of the figs and fill with ½ tsp of the cheese. Sprinkle with the chopped nuts, drizzle with honey and add a sprinkle of salt to each half. You can prepare these several hours ahead and store in a covered container in the refrigerator. Be sure to have paper napkins handy, as the honey is a little sticky! ¼ C roasted unsalted shelled pistachios 8 dried figs (try to find ones that aren‟t too dry and maybe use a couple of varieties for color) ¼ C part-skim or whole milk ricotta cheese or mild soft goat cheese 1 TBSP honey Salt to taste Hungarian Braised Green Cabbage with Noodles Káposztás Teszta Here‟s a nice comfort-food treat for winter, courtesy of Rabbi Gil Marks in his wonderful book The Encyclopedia of Jewish Food. It‟s said to be the unquestionable favorite way for Hungarians to serve this braised vegetable. I can attest to the fact that leftovers are delicious reheated, so consider making the whole recipe to provide for more than one meal. 6 to 8 servings 2 lb green or savoy cabbage, cored and shredded coarsely 1 tsp salt ¼ C butter, schmaltz or vegetable oil 1 large yellow onion, chopped 1 C water or broth, or ½ C light dry white wine + ½ C water Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 lb cooked wide noodles (I use ones labeled extra-wide, which aren‟t all that wide) ing adds flavor.) Add the cabbage. If using a skillet with insufficient capacity for all the cabbage at once, add in batches as it wilts and reduces in volume. Cook until all the cabbage has wilted slightly, about 3 minutes. 3. Add water, broth or wine/water combination to keep cabbage from sticking to the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat to mediumlow and simmer until tender but with a little remaining crunch, about 10 to 20 minutes. If cabbage mixture is overly soupy, raise heat and cook briefly to reduce the liquid, but do keep it moist. 4. Add the cooked noodles and heat through, about 5 minutes. Serve warm. Leftovers, with or without noodles, will keep in the refrigerator for up to three days and can be reheated. Note: This recipe, with the addition of a sprinkling of poppy seeds on top, is a traditional Hungarian Jewish Purim dish. 1. Place cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle with the salt. Let stand one hour, then pour off any accumulated liquid and squeeze out what remains in the cabbage. 2. While cabbage sits, heat the chosen fat in a large pot or skillet over medium heat. Sauté the onion until soft and translucent, 5 to 10 minutes. (I think a little brown- Page 11 The Scroll Do you go to Starbucks? Or Peet’s? Do you like to Read? Do you go to the Movies or out to Dinner? Do you Bathe? If you do any of these things, we have a wonderful way you can continue to feed your habit (and smell good) while helping Mosaic Law! Our Scrip Program enables you to buy gift cards to any of the places listed below and MLC gets a percentage of the price of your purchase. How great is that?! This is an awesome way to get gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, or just treat yourself! You do it anyway, why not this way? This is an ongoing program, so you can participate at any time! There are two ways to purchase Scrip: Complete the form below, bring it into the MLC office along with payment, and receive your scrip on the spot. Or you can Complete the order form below and mail it along with a check payable to MLC and you will be contacted when the order is filled. Cash or check only, no credit cards or billing. The form is also available for download at www.mosaiclaw.org. Customer #: Name: Check #: Amount % earned AMC Theatres $25 7% Applebee‟s $25 Baja Fresh Product Order Date: Cash Amt: Total Amount % earned Great Clips $25 8% 8% iTunes $15 5% $25 7% Jamba Juice $10 7% Barnes & Noble $10 9% Jo-Ann Fabrics $20 6% Barnes & Noble $20 9% Olive Garden $25 9% Baskin Robbins $2 9% Panera Bread $10 9% Bath & Body Works $10 13% Panera Bread $25 9% Bath & Body Works $25 13% Payless Shoes $20 13% Bed, Bath & Beyond $25 7% Peet‟s Coffee & Tea $20 8% Big 5 Sporting Goods $25 8% Pinkberry (Yogurt) $10 5% Borders $10 9% Quiznos $10 10% Borders $25 9% Red Lobster $25 9% Buca Di Beppo $25 8% Ruth‟s Chris Steakhouse $50 10% Carl‟s Jr. $10 5% See‟s Candies $16.10 23% Cheesecake Factory $25 5% Staples $25 5% Chilli‟s Grill & Bar $25 9% Starbucks $10 7% Chipotle Mexican Grill $10 10% Starbucks $25 7% Cold Stone Creamery 8% Supercuts $25 8% United Artists Theatres $25 8% $10 Product Total Page 12 Total The Scroll Save the Date! Wednesday, January 19th (during Religious School), Rabbi Joe, the Executive Director of Camp Ramah, will be here to do a presentation about Camp Ramah. New for summer of 2011 - Online Registration! He will cover what Camp Ramah has to offer, which includes musical theater, hiking, sports, swimming, arts & crafts, ropes course, drama, cooking, Israeli dance and, of course, T'fillot. Camp Ramah is for children grades 3 - 12 and is a wonderful way to establish and reinforce lifelong friendships with other Jewish kids. So please join us on Wednesday, January 19th. The precise time is yet to be determined, but we will let you know as soon as we do! Mosaic Law Counseling Center There is a saying in our Talmud: “Who shares in the community‟s troubles will also share in its consolation” (Ta’anit 11a). Our synagogue offers short-term counseling with a volunteer professional licensed therapist. Rande Zaretsky, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) has offered her services as a volunteer to the members of our congregation. Counseling is a process of confidential discussions with a trained licensed therapist. With the support of an objective therapist you can identify and develop alternative coping skills. Appointments are open to children, teens, adults and couples of all ages. The therapist will have private office hours on Tuesdays, hours to be arranged. Alternative arrangements may also be available. Page 13 A fee to the synagogue of $36 is to be paid at each session. No one will be turned away because of inability to afford the fee, but everyone will be expected to pay something. To schedule a confidential appointment, please call (916) 488-1166 and when you get the recording, immediately push extension 25 to leave a message for the therapist. Be sure to speak clearly and slowly, leaving your name and phone number. The therapist will be checking for messages twice each day and will return calls within 24 hours, Mondays thru Thursdays. Should you have any questions about this program, feel free to contact Rina Racket, Program Director or Rabbi Reuven Taff. Strict confidentiality will be maintained. The Scroll Kashenberg-Ostrow-Hayward Library And Cultural Center The KOH Library and Cultural Center is open to everyone in the greater Sacramento area. It was established to provide a vast array of Jewish cultural programming in addition to a growing catalog of books and movies for loan. We are self supporting and always looking for financial sponsorship and volunteers in order to continue growing and meeting the needs and interests of the community. Here are a few of the upcoming events hosted by the KOH Library: The First Annual Sacramento Jewish Chess Tournament Final Four and Championship - Matches to be held in the KOH Library and Cultural Center. All levels of play are encouraged to participate. The Championship Match will be held March 6, 2011. Sign-ups are NOW, so please contact Hillel Damron at shalomhd@comcast.net. If you like to play games, the KOH Library is a great place to hang out. We have Scrabble, Cribbage, Cards, Mah Jongg sets, Jigsaw Puzzles, Chess, and Backgammon available for use in the library. We currently have a Mah Jongg game on Monday afternoons and a Canasta game on Wednesday afternoons. We now have a chess set available for use in the library. KOH Blog – The KOH Library & Cultural Center has its own blog at www.kohlibrary.blogspot.com. Comments are always welcome. Winter Library Hours Sunday - 10 a.m. - noon Monday - 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday - 7-9 p.m. (during Yachad) Thursday - 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Friday - 10 a.m. -1 p.m. We will be closed when there is no religious school and for all Jewish and secular holidays. Phone: (916) 485-4143 Address: 2300 Sierra Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95825 New Arrivals: Red Hook Road by Ayelet Waldman; The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman; Palestine Betrayed by Efraim Karsh; Refugees and Reforms: Turkey's Journey by Arnold Reisman; Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart; Foreign Bodies by Cynthia Ozick; Comedy in a Minor Key by Hans Keilson; The Prime Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership by Yehuda Avner; When They Come For Us We'll Be Gone: The Epic Struggle to Save Soviet Jewry by Gal Beckerman; Running the Books: The Adventures of an Accidental Prison Librarian by Avi Steinberg; Letters by Saul Bellows. KOH Library and Cultural Center Artist Series The KOH Library and Cultural Center is proud to announce that we will have the great privilege to view the art of acclaimed artist Barbara Mendes and hear her talk on Sunday, January 9, 2011. Her exhibit will be open through February 25, 2011. but you will not want to miss the opportunity to hear this woman, who is as vibrant as her paintings, speak at her opening about her life journey, philosophy about art and the path of „Teshuva‟ that led her return to her heritage and faith. The center piece of this art exhibit will be the six foot by sixteen foot „Vayikra Mural‟ which is a vibrant visual narrative depicting each of the 27 chapters (859 verses) of Leviticus. This piece alone took over three years to complete. Barbara Mendes has become known internationally for her epic paintings – large canvases filled with hierarchal, narrative imagery and brilliant colors; woven into intricate compositions. Barbara Mendes will also speak about her familial ties to Dona Gracia Mendes who was the fifteenth century heroine of the Sephardic Anusim and is universally venerated for her strength and courage. Like her ancestor, Barbara Mendes believes in the courage of one‟s convictions. She has devoted her life and art to the study, practice and celebration of Torah Judaism. To quote Ms. Mendes, “Torah is meant to be a light to the nations; these paintings are attempts to reveal in that light.” Please mark your calendars and join us in the KOH Library and Cultural Center on Sunday, January 9, 2011 beginning at 4:00pm. To learn more about Barbara Mendes go to www.BarbaraMendes.org. Page 14 The Scroll Page 15 The Scroll Page 16 The Scroll It‟s not your grandmother‟s Hadassah… Atidainu Open House When? Sunday, January 23rd between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. Kosher Mexican Restaurant Night Sunday, February 6th at 5pm at KITC, 1165 Morse Ave. We‟ll make your winter brighter so you can help us make someone else smile. Where? A Private home in Arden Park Why? We need your input! Come enjoy an afternoon of good food, drink and conversation along with the opportunity to let us know how Atidainu can meet your needs and serve your interests. Come for as little or as long as you can! And please bring a friend! Open to members and non-members alike. RSVP: moteckhes@aol.com or 916-515-8488. What is Atidainu? Atidainu means "our future" and is an exciting subgroup of the Sacramento Chapter. We are women in our 20s, 30s, and 40s, single and married, combining a family focus with the educational and social benefits of belonging to Hadassah. We plan events throughout the year and have a thriving book club and moms' group. A portion of the net proceeds will be donated to Chai Lifeline, a Jewish organization (www.chailifeline.org) in honor of a Chai Lifeline family in Sacramento. Chai Lifeline is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping children with cancer and other serious illnesses and their families. Chai Lifeline maintains an innovative network of free services to help alleviate the many psychosocial, emotional, practical and financial burdens associated with serious illness. Money will also go towards KI‟s teen youth group, Sacramento NCSY. Order forms can be obtained in the MLC Sanctuary foyer. Or contact Julia Bailey for more information at (916) 572-9249 or email JuliaBailey@gmail.com. Page 17 The Scroll Send a Message of Support to Gilad Shalit Gilad Shalit has been held captive by Hamas for four long years. For more than 1,500 days he has been denied visits by the Red Cross and cut off from all contact with his family. Tell Gilad he is not alone as he marked his 24th birthday on August 28th and his fifth Rosh Hashanah in captivity. Mail Gilad a personal card to one of the following addresses. The Conference of Presidents will deliver your message to the International Committee of the Red Cross and demand that Hamas allow the ICRC to visit and deliver the messages to Gilad in accordance with international humanitarian law. In North America: Gilad Shalit, c/o Conference of Presidents, 633 Third Avenue, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10017. In Israel: Gilad Shalit, By Magen David Adom, PO Box 101101, Tel Aviv, 61950. Mosaic Law Congregation Board of Trustees For 2010-2011 Executive Board President - Deborah Gonzalez First Vice Pres - Arlen Opper Second Vice Pres - Caren Zorman Treasurer - David Long Secretary - Pia Spector Immediate Past President Michael Opper Board of Trustees Bruce Anapolsky Moshe Rosenberg, PhD Baryohay Davidoff Larry Saltzman Hilda Harouni Gerald Schwarz, MD Steve Lebovitz Rob Spector Jonathan Lightman Lynn Temple Larry Mozes Art Terner Daniel Ott Karl Zeff, MD Randy Pollack Carol Loew - Sisterhood President Erich Olson - Men‟s Club President Past Presidents Alan Brodovsky Mitchell Ostwald Mark Cohn Arlene Pearl Alan Edelstein Steven Polansky, MD Morton Ehrlich, MD Sid Rosenberg Morton Friedman Elliott Pearl Kenneth Goore Marc Sussman Frank Gumpert Robert Zeff, MD Marvin Kamras, MD Steven Mopsick Charles Nadler Page 18 The Scroll Page 19 The Scroll Birthday Wishes for January 1 Beverly Konkoff 15 Samuel Cohen 24 Miriam Gilbert 1 Caitlin Temple 15 Judah Grossman 24 Deborah Heymann 1 Mehrnaz Waks 15 Fred Howe 24 Benjamin Salman 2 Mark Bellamy 15 Janis Lightman 24 Art Zimmerman 2 Robert Zeff 15 Sheila Lipshutz 25 Wade Beardsley 3 Leah Gumpert 15 Randy Pollack 25 Natalie Blackman 3 Avi Taff 16 Miriam Cochran 25 Tamara Davidoff 3 Debbie Winter 16 Steven Lewis 25 Lou Weintraub 4 Alice Polakoff 16 Evelyn Lieb 26 Sharon Anapolsky 4 Marlene Ratner 16 Daniella Spector 27 Raul Gandelman 5 Stav Alon 17 Walter Francis 27 Joseph Green 5 Rena Cleaner 17 Sam Len 27 Malkah Javanifard 5 Chuck Goldmark 18 Miriam Brabec 27 Ethan Levy 5 Sofia Komsky 18 Barbara Greenspan 27 Alissa Merksamer 7 Margee Gardon 19 Dianne Cohn 27 Abigail Milstein 7 Hannah Green 19 Eugene Elzufon 28 Ezra Erle 7 Michael Lafferty 19 Orna Harel 28 Eden Karavani 8 Hannah Edber 19 Aaron Prohofsky 28 Phil Nails 8 Sid Yassinger 19 Ilisa Weinberg 28 Hannah Olson 9 Charlotte Ballard 20 Shirley Fahn 29 Mark Cohn 9 Hannah Finkel 20 Jonathan Gilbert 29 Claire Mozes 10 Jacob Dosick 21 Ken Fahn 29 Caitlyn Shannon 10 Deborah Gonzalez 21 Mark Shannon 30 Aaron Grijnsztein 10 Erich Olson 22 Arielle Berger 30 Milly Hayward 11 Fredi Jakob 22 Gabriel Breglia 30 Toni Rosenberg 11 Karen Neuwald 22 Joseph Erle 30 Jennifer Rubin 12 Taliah Berger 22 David Fahn 31 Jonathan Breslau 12 Michael Caplan 22 Adam Foster 31 Carolyn Green 12 Harold Rosenblume 22 Susan Kuttner 31 Diane Greenberg 12 Tatyana Rozenberg 22 Ardyth Sokoler 31 Jean-Pierre Rushing 13 Mark Friedman 23 Yvette Fishbein 31 Ortal Shtulvarg 13 Jennifer Sullivan 23 Vicki Wheelock 31 Philip Wolinsky 14 Alla Gamarnik 24 Ariel Block Page 20 January Anniversaries 2 Bernie & Molly Goldberg 3 Baryohay & Tamara Davidoff 3 Ashley & Sheila Lipshutz 3 Joe & Diane Samuel 4 Johnny & Gayle Javanifard 5 Ralph & Irene Green 10 Harry & Carol Loew 12 Scott & Valerie DePeel 12 Harvey & Scarlet Edber 14 Walter & Phyllis Francis 15 David & Sheli Varshawsky 16 Louis & Deborah Gonzalez 16 Tammy & Michael Rochman 17 Boris & Tatyana Rozenberg 20 Mason & Marlo Dewing 20 Frank & Ruby Persin 20 Leonard & Betty Stecher 26 Allen & Diane Greenberg The Scroll Birthday Wishes for February 1 Natanya Green 11 Shana Urban 23 Irv Frumberg 1 Hilary Ross 12 Rita Abbott 23 Liz Igra 1 Kenneth Sokoler 13 Edmond Yaghoubian 23 Craig Samoville 2 Gerson Stauber 13 Donald Zimmerman 23 Melinda Yaffee 2 Jill Stecher 14 Bruce Blackman 24 Ethan Brown 4 Morgan Phoenix 14 Lisa Gray 24 Delilah Dewing 4 Seth Reiser 14 Eddy Joelson 24 Nathan Fine 5 Alan Edelstein 15 Barri Freeman 25 Carmel Alon 5 Erica Gutmann 15 David Navi 25 David Arenson 5 Beverly Karfiol 15 Alice Polan 25 Natasha Hausmann 5 Joshua Naftulin 15 Megan Sullivan 25 Brian Naftulin 7 Justin Davidoff 16 Joan Epstein 26 Greyson Horst 7 Elena Friedman-Weiss 17 Rosalie Mazur 26 Toviah Pollack 7 Daniel Gumpert 17 Ron Meyer 26 Loreen Vaknin 7 Gayle Merksamer 17 Sarah Ostwald 26 David Varshawsky 7 Oded Morgenshtern 18 Karun Grossman 26 Jeff Winston 7 Sheila Swift 18 Lisa Loventhal- 27 Bill Blank 8 Harvey Edber Stanton 27 Charles Nadler 8 Phyllis Kaufman 18 Joshua Villanueva 27 Alyson Opper 8 Andrea Rosenblume 19 Valerie Daru 27 Mark Tannenbaum 8 Gay Tanner 19 Richard Goore 27 Jacob Weinberg 9 Evelyn Gurev 19 Suzie Lauer 28 Joe Kerub 9 Larry Long 19 Madeline Rubenstein 29 Evan Grijnsztein 9 Einat Vechter 19 Max Weinstein 29 Heidi Grijnsztein 10 Jacqueline Anapolsky 20 Emma Asch 10 Jordan Anapolsky 20 Jordan Brown 10 Justin Berg 20 Janet Ehrlich 10 Marie Levander 20 Sara Harbarger 10 Rande Zaretsky 20 Benjamin Harouni 11 Shirley Cohodes 20 Anna Joy 11 Jacob Green 22 Marlo Dewing 11 Jerry Merksamer 22 Philip Stanger 11 Shahar Shenhar 23 Andrew D'Souza Page 21 February Anniversaries 3 Fredi & Sybil Jakob 9 Mike & Elisa Levy 14 Tim Taylor & Kerry WittlakeTaylor 15 Joe & Elayne Metzger 15 Arlen & K.C. Opper 19 Murray & Andrea Cleaner 20 Harlan Goodson & Valla Hoffman 20 Phillip Rosenberg & Deborah Heymann 21 Shmuel & Sima Toledano 23 Roy & Jennifer Rubin 26 Harry & Julie Lavine 27 Andrew & Tamsen D'Souza The Scroll Generous Gifts From Thoughtful People Donations Made Between November 16 through December 15 613 - Education Fundraiser Murray Bachman Minyan In memory of Izzy Smith Fund Sharon & Sam Anapolsky General Synagogue Fund In memory of Sara Kuperstein, beloved mother & grandmother Kuperstein Family Mazel Tov! Dorothy Weisberg Sandy & Lloyd Shaffer In honor of Dorothy Weisberg on her special birthday Roslyn & Bob Dinsfriend In honor of Dorothy Weisberg‟s 85th birthday Shirley Cohodes In appreciation of his Aliyah Judith & Andrew Martin Ralph Golberg In memory of Izzy Smith In memory of Morissa Anapolsky, beloved wife of Warren Anapolsky Shirley Cohodes In appreciation of the very special Aliyah they received Sharyn & Lloyd Rich KOH Library Speedy recovery to Ron Tochterman Sharyn & Lloyd Rich Mazon Food Closet In memory of Leah Fried, beloved mother & grandmother Kuperstein Family Mishebayrach Fund In memory of Jeffrey Fried, beloved brother & uncle Kuperstein Family Past President’s Youth Fund In honor of Dorothy Weisberg on their 85th birthday The Gutmann Family In memory of Harriet Picker, her mother Sheryl Gutmann In memory of Leo Fahn, beloved husband, father & grandfather Corinne & Jon Merksamer Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In memory of Dan Cox, beloved husband of her niece, Vicki Shirley Cohodes In appreciation of her Aliyah Joyce Berger Yahrzeit In memory of Ada Belskaya, her mother Ella Sharg In memory of Ralph Boris In memory of Sol Boris, Loretta‟s brother In memory of Dora Boris, Loretta‟s mother In memory of Helene Yassinger, their daughter Loretta & Ben Yassinger In memory of Jerry Manson, her father Teresa Green In memory of Lazar Bank, his grandfather Jacob Igra In memory of Lee Snitman, her sisterin-law Lilyan Edelstein In memory of Norman Ginsburg, her father Judy Weiner In memory of Sarah Zuckerman, his mother Arnold Zuckerman In memory of Izzy Smith Dorothy Weisberg & Family In memory of Shirley Silver, Joan‟s mother Joan & Ron Klafer In honor of Mervin Fahn‟s special birthday Louise & Michael Caplan In memory of Solly Neuwald, her grandfather Karen Neuwald In appreciation of Rabbi Taff Holly & Michael Fahn Vicki Wheelock & Gerald Schwarz Page 22 The Scroll Kiddush Sponsors, Hosts and Co-Sponsors for November 21 - December 25 Marlene & Mel Chernev in honor of Mel‟s birthday Terri Friedman & Mark Urban in honor of their anniversary. Judi & Steve Turtletaub in honor of their 25th anniversary Anonymous Larry & DeeDee Mozes in honor of the birth of their new grandson, Dylan Dominic Mozes Elena Gelfand & David Rosenheimer in honor of their anniversary Paul & Gay Tanner in honor of their anniversary Terry Kaufman & Gary Weinberg in honor of Terry's birthday Julie & Harry Lavine in honor of Harry's birthday Gay & Paul Tanner in honor of their anniversary Margret & Joe Cohan in honor of their anniversary Milly & Michael Hayward in honor of their 69th anniversary Judy & Jim Lawson in honor of Judy's birthday Sheri & Karl Zeff in honor of Sheri & Mickey's birthday Soni & Ron Meyer in honor of their 43 anniversary Barbara Dubnick in honor of her dear sister Davina on her birthday Rick & Laura Weisberg in honor of Dorothy‟s birthday Gail & Martin Rubin in honor of the Yahrzeit of Alan Budin, father of Gail Rita & Irv Frumberg in honor of their 56th anniversary Israela & Leon Green in honor of their granddaughter, Hannah Green, on her Bat Mitzvah. Ed Fishkin in honor of his wife Gayle on her special birthday Condolences for November 21 - December 25 Dianne & Mark Cohn on the loss of their dear cousin, Mandi Antonivich of blessed memory Shirley Cohodes on the loss of her dear nephew, Dan Cox of blessed memory Gay & Paul Tanner on the loss of their dear cousin, Gabor Szekeres of blessed memory Larry & Kathy Anapolsky on the sudden loss of their dear sister-in-law, Morissa Anapolsky of blessed memory Judy Prohofsky on the loss of her dear grandmother, of blessed memory Michael Cohen on the loss of his dear wife, Phillis Cohen of blessed memory. Phillis was a past Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of Sacramento Page 23 Published monthly by: Mosaic Law Congregation 2300 Sierra Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95825 A member congregation of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Scroll Deadline There is a 350 word limit on articles submitted for The Scroll. Deadline for all issues is the 15th of the month prior to publication date. Please send your article to laurawendel@comcast.net and blue@mosaiclaw.org. Submissions received after the deadline will be held until the next scroll is published. The Scroll Mosaic Law Congregation Rabbi Education Director President Reuven Taff……………………....ext 13 email: rabbi@mosaiclaw.org Orit Morgenshtern………………..ext 17 email: orit@mosaiclaw.org Deborah Gonzalez email: president@mosaiclaw.org Cantor Emeritus Program Director Men’s Club President George Wald email: elge@earthlink.net Rabbi’s Secretary Rina Racket……………………....ext 16 email: rina@mosaiclaw.org Erich Olson email: mensclub@mosaiclaw.org Education/Program Sisterhood President Mary Blumenstein……………….....ext 19 Administrative Assistant; email: mary@mosaiclaw.org Administration/Facilities Director Barbara Gibson…………………..ext 20 email: barbara@mosaiclaw.org Office Hours: Weekly/Monthly Scroll Carol Loew email: mlcwlsac@aol.com Barbara Blue……………………..ext 18 email: blue@mosaiclaw.org The Scroll Editor Accountant Lisa Wade………………………...ext 12 email: lwade@mosaiclaw.org Mon-Thu: 9am - 5pm Telephone: (916) 488-1122 Laura Wendel, Editor email: laurawendel@comcast.net Fri: 9am - 4pm Sun: 9am - 1pm (during the Religious School year only) Fax: (916) 488-1165 Page 24 General Mailbox: Ext. 10
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