Say it differently! - ADDI SELECT. Vos stylos publicitaires.
Say it differently! - ADDI SELECT. Vos stylos publicitaires.
Say it ntly! ere diff No one can do without a pen I La penna è l’oggetto promozionale per eccellenza perchè a costi ridotti garantisce la massima esposizione del messaggio. Utilizzata quotidianamente da ognuno di noi, deve durare nel tempo per poter divulgare il marchio che vi è stato impresso, rispecchiandone ed esaltandone i pregi. Scegliere una penna italiana significa affidare la propria immagine ad un oggetto utile, sicuro e dal design accattivante. L’etica dell’intero processo produttivo, la capacità di scrittura di 4 km. contro i 400 mt. di una penna di importazione ed i materiali utilizzati esenti da metalli pesanti e da coloranti atossici nel rispetto delle norme CEE, assicurano che il marchio non sia associato ad un prodotto scadente. Scegliere una penna italiana significa poter consegnare in pochi giorni in tutta Europa anche prodotti studiati su misura per il vostro brand. G B Pens make the best promotional products as guarantee full brand exposure at very low costs. We all use pens daily, therefore longevity and durability are key factors to reflect and highlighten the distinctive features and merits of the brand they carry on. Choosing made in Italy pens guarantee that your corporate image is associated to a useful, safe and aesthetically appealing item. Professional manufacturing process, writing length of 4 kms. instead of 400 mts. imported pens offer and fully ECcompliant materials free of heavy metals and toxic dyes, guarantee your brand name will never be linked with a poor quality product. Choosing made in Italy pens prompt deliveries throughout Europe are guaranteed even for items specially designed for your brand. F Pourquoi le stylo fait-il toujours figure d’objet promotionnel par excellence : il garantit la meilleure exposition de la marque à un prix réduit. Tous les destinataires de votre message promotionnel utilisent un stylo chaque jour : voilà pourquoi il est important que le stylo ait une qualité qui perdure au fil du temps. Un stylo européen a une capacité d’écriture de 4 km par rapport aux 400 mètres d’un stylo d’importation. L’étique de l’ensemble de la filière de production, la garantie des matériaux aux normes CEE exempts de métaux lourds, et les colorants atoxiques vous garantissent que votre marque ne sera jamais associée à un produit de mauvaise qualité ou de courte durée. Confier son image à un objet utile, sûr et esthétiquement attirant est donc le must par excellence. La production italienne garantit des livraisons en quelques jours dans toute l’Europe même pour les produits spécialement étudiés pour votre marque. erga Italian works of art since 1968 Design Made in Italy for over 40 years Strada del Cascinotto 119 - 10156 - Torino - Italia Tel. +39 011 273 30 32 - Fax +39 011 274 01 03 - ERGA GLOBAL SERVICE Il nostro team vi affianca nella ricerca del prodotto più indicato da offrire al vostro cliente. HIGH QUALITY MATERIALS made in Italy Our specialised team helps you in finding the right product to offer to your customers. Notre équipe vous aide dans la recherche du produit le plus indiqué à offrir à votre client. Il nostro reparto di stampa realizza stampa digitale UV serigrafica e tampografica ottimizzando tempi e costi grazie alle attrezzature realizzate appositamente per i nostri prodotti. Thanks to our printing machines, specially built for our products, our printing division provides digital UV, serigraphic and tampographic print that minimise costs and optimise process speed. Risparmiate tempo e costi di trasporto: consegnamo direttamente al vostro cliente in confezioni neutre con le vostre etichette e i vostri documenti di spedizione. I componenti delle nostre penne in plastica sono prodotti utilizzando ABS o Terlux atossici. I particolari in metallo sono realizzati con acciaio zincato conforme alle normative europee. Grip in laprene di varie forme e dimensioni arricchiscono le impugnature ergonomiche rendendo la scrittura più confortevole. I componenti delle nostre penne ecocompatibili sono prodotti utilizzando polimeri naturali o materiali riciclati offrendo la possibilità all’utilizzatore finale di contribuire allo sviluppo sostenibile dei nostri mercati. Parte dei nostri astucci è prodotta con cartoncini riciclati per uniformarsi a questa scelta. I nostri refill sono prodotti con componenti di alta qualità per durare minimo 2 anni e riportano impressa la data di produzione. Gli inchiostri Dokumental atossici, conformi ai parametri stabiliti dalla Comunità Europea, garantiscono una scrittura omogenea e senza sbavature. A seconda dei modelli la punta è disponibile in acciaio satinato o in ottone. Tutte le nostre sfere sono in carburo di tungsteno ø 1mm. La durata di scrittura varia da 1 km per le mini-penne a 2 km per le penne a misura standard sino a 4 km per quelle fornite con refill Parker compatibile. Nos services d’impression réalisent une impression numérique UV sérigraphique et tampographique en optimisant les temps et les coûts grâce aux équipements réalisés spécialement pour nos produits. Depending on the model, the components of our plastic pens are made of atoxic ABS or Terlux. Metal parts are made of galvanised steel in compliance with the European standards. Rubber grips of different shapes and sizes enrich the ergonomic handles, making writing more comfortable. The components of our eco-friendly pens are made of natural polimers or recycled materials, providing the end user the opportunity to contribute to the sustainable development of our markets. To comply with this choice, part of our paper cases is made of recycled cardboard. Our refills are manufactured with high quality components to last minimum 2 years and have the date of production imprinted on them. Dokumental non-toxic inks, compliant with the parameters established by the European Community, ensure a smooth and flawless writing. Depending on the model the tip is available in brushed steel or brass. All our balls are made of tungsten carbide ø 1mm. The writing length varies from 1 km for the mini-pens to 2 km for standard size pens up to 4 km for the pens supplied with Parker compatible refills. Save time and transport costs: we deliver our products directly at your customers’ facilities packed in blank boxes bearing your labels and your shipping documents. Gagnez du temps et réduisez le coûts de transport: nous livrons directement à votre client sous emballages neutres avec vos étiquettes et vos documents d’expédition. Presentazioni più accattivanti con le simulazioni virtuali di stampa Winning presentations with the virtual print simulation. Présentations plus attrayantes avec les simulations virtuelles d’impression. Il nostro sito internet neutro. Sul vostro sito con un semplice link potete presentare tutta la collezione di penne senza l’impegno di aggiornamenti e manutenzione. Our safe website. With a simple link on your website you can submit our entire collection of pens without any need for of updates and maintenance. Notre site neutre. Avec un simple lien sur votre site vous pouvez présenter toute notre collection de stylos sans l’engagement de mises à jour et manutention. Entrate nell’e-shop per conoscere i prezzi a voi riservati ed effettuare gli ordini con un clic. Enter the e-shop to know your own prices and place your orders with one click. Visitez le e-shop pour consulter vos prix à vous et passer vos commandes en un seul clic. Selon les models les composants de nos stylos en plastique sont fabriqués en ABS ou Terlux atoxiques. Les parties métalliques sont en acier galvanisé en conformité avec les normes européennes. Grip en caoutchouc de différentes tailles et formes enrichissent les poignées ergonomiques pour une écriture plus à l’aise. Les composants de nos stylos écologiques sont fabriqués à partir des matériaux recyclés ou de polymères naturels offrant à l’utilisateur final la possibilité de contribuer au développement durable de nos marchés. Une partie de nos étuis est fabriquée en papier cartonné recyclé pour se conformer à ce choix. Nos recharges sont fabriquées avec des composants de haute qualité pour durer au moins 2 ans et portent la date de production. Nos encres Dokumental non toxiques sont conformes aux normes établies par la Communauté Européenne et assurent une écriture fluide et sans faille. Selon le modèle la pointe est disponible en acier brossé ou en laiton. Tous nos billes sont fabriqués en carbure de tungstène ø 1mm. La durée de l’écriture varie de 1 km pour les mini-stylos à 2 km pour les stylos de taille standard jusqu’à 4 km pour ceux qui sont fournis avec des recharges compatibles Parker. M E TA L E FFECTS New Servizio metallizzazione Vuoi una penna con una finitura metallizzata? Scegli tra le nostre finiture e applicale ai particolari a tua scelta tra i modelli che riportano il simbolo del servizio “Metal effects”. Concept Velvet Experience Pag. 9-15 Metallization service Would you like a pen with a metallic finishing? Choose one of our special finishing and apply it to the part which you would like to paint. Any model available for this service bears the symbol of the “Metal Effects” service. Service métallisation Souhaitez-vous un stylo avec une finition métallique? Choisissez parmi nos finitions spéciales et appliquez la finition choisie aux parties à peindre. Les modèles disponibles pour ce service portent le symbol “Metal Effects”. P R O N T O C O L O R S E RV I C E Aura Metal Touch Direct Pag. 17 Servizio prontocolor Aura Metal Touch Pag. 41 Vuoi una produzione con il colore del tuo brand? Per una produzione speciale senza costi aggiuntivi chiedi la disponibilità dei colori per il servizio “Prontocolor”. Se nessuno dei nostri colori corrisponde alle tue esigenze chiedici un preventivo per realizzare il tuo colore Pantone. Nel sito all’interno della sezione Servizio Prontocolor potrai trovare il simulatore che ti permetterà di creare il tuo colore e applicarlo a qualsiasi particolare. New Metal Touch Pen Prontocolor Service Would you like pruducts to have the colour of your brand? For a special production at no additional cost ask for colour availability at the “Prontocolor” service. If none of our colours matches your needs ask us a quotation to create your own Pantone colour. In the web site within the Prontocolor Service section you’ll find the simulator that allows you to create your own colour and to apply it to any part of the pen. Service Prontocolor Souhaitez-vous une production avec la couleur de votre marque? Pour une production spéciale sans frais supplémentaires demandez la disponibilité des couleurs pour le service “Prontocolor”. Si aucun de nos couleurs correspond à vos besoins demandez-nous un devis pour produire votre couleur Pantone. Dans le site Internet à la section Service Prontocolor vous trouvez le simulateur qui vous permettra de créer votre propre couleur et de l’appliquer à tout attribut. New Finishing e-venti soft Pag. 50-51 M i x c o l o u r S E RV I C E e-Venti Recycled DigItaly Pag. 21 e-Venti Recycled Pag. 32-33 Servizio Mixcolour Vuoi che il tuo prodotto sia veramente unico senza costi aggiuntivi? Cerca il tuo modello tra quelli disponibili nel Servizio Mixcolour e crea la tua combinazione con i nostri colori standard. Nella sezione Mixcolour del sito potrai trovare il simulatore che ti permetterà di comporre qualsiasi combinazione utilizzando i colori standard disponibili. Mixcolour Service Would you like your product to be truly unique at no additional cost? Choose your model among those available in the Mixcolour service and create your own combination with our standard colours. In the Mixcolour section of the site you will find the simulator that allows you to make any combination using the available standard colours. Service Mixcolour Vous souhaitez que votre produit soit vraiment unique sans frais supplémentaires? Recherchez votre modèle parmi ceux disponibles dans le service Mixcolour et créez votre propre combinaison avec nos couleurs standards. Dans la section Mixcolour du site vous trouvez le simulateur qui vous permettra d’essayer toutes les combinaisons que vous souhaitez composer en utilisant les couleurs standard disponibles. Extra Recycled Pag. 36 New Recycled C o n t e C n t s V e lv e t E x p e r i e n c e o n t e the elegance of metal ...a unique design P lastic &M etal - M etal Your Velvet Experience_______________________ 9 Velvet Experience Standard textures_________ 10-15 e-Pen____________________________________ 42 Macra Metal Velour_______________________ 46 Thera Metal____________________________ 44-45 Thera Metal Frost__________________________ 43 Aura Metal_______________________________ 40 Aura Metal Touch_ ________________________ 41 Un oggetto assolutamente innovativo con una vera personalizzazione 3D dal tocco soffice e vellutato. n t s Una morbida stampa in rilievo disponibile in tanti colori brillanti per creare un coinvolgimento visivo e tattile che conquista tutti. Puoi scegliere tra le texture standard eleganti e fashion da abbinare a qualunque messaggio, immagine o brand da stampare sull’ampia clip oppure stampare il tuo logo vellutato sul corpo della penna. Perfette per creare una serie da collezionare, sono un oggetto di immediato successo nella promozione, nel merchandising, nei negozi di souvenir e nei book shop. A totally innovative object with an actual 3D customisation that makes it soft and velvety to the touch. A soft print in relief available in many bright colors creating a visual and tactile involvement that wins over all. Choose one of the standard elegant and fashion textures and match it with any message, image or brand to be printed on the large clip or print your velvety logo directly on the body of the pen. Perfect to create a collectable series, these pens are an object of immediate success in promotion, merchandising, souvenir shops and book shops. F Un produit totalement innovant avec un marquage 3D au toucher souple et agréable. The Power of Visual communication Aura Metal Direct_________________________ 17 Aura Metal Touch Direct____________________ 17 Bank Direct_______________________________ 16 e-Pen DigItaly_____________________________ 25 e-Twist DigItaly_ ___________________________ 27 e-Venti Direct_ _________________________ 18-19 e-Venti DigItaly_________________________ 22-23 E c o - F r i e n d ly e-Venti Recycled________________________ 32-33 Extra Recycled____________________________ 36 GreenLeaf________________________________ 39 GreeNotes________________________________ 38 P e-Venti Recycled DigItaly____________________ 21 Macra DigItaly____________________________ 30 Macra Metal DigItaly_ _____________________ 31 Pura DigItaly______________________________ 26 Thera DigItaly__________________________ 28-29 Thera Metal DigItaly________________________ 24 Thera Recycled DigItaly_____________________ 20 Going green Think about the planet GreeNotes A5_____________________________ 37 GreeNotes Double_ ________________________ 38 Thera Recycled_________________________ 34-35 e x i b l e be first ...the all original Libra_____________________________________ 49 Spira Silver________________________________ 47 Spring Silver_ _____________________________ 48 Une impression en relief disponible dans de nombreuses couleurs vives créant une sensation exceptionnelle. Vous pouvez choisir parmi les motifs standards, élégants et de tendance et les assortir avec votre message, image ou marque positionné sur le clip. De plus, vous pouvez marquer votre logo en velours sur le corps du stylo. Ceci est parfait pour créer des séries de collections, dont ces stylos font l’objet d’un succès immédiat en promotion, merchandising et dans les boutiques de souvenirs ainsi que les boutiques des musées. D i g I ta ly l ! e l b i flex the l a s t i c Ambra___________________________________ 68 Brera_________________________________ 88-89 e-Twist_ _______________________________ 72-73 e-Venti________________________________ 52-59 e-Venti Soft____________________________ 50-51 Extra_________________________________ 78-81 Kira_____________________________________ 70 O no one can do without a pen! Macra________________________________ 82-85 Opera_ _______________________________ 86-87 Pura_____________________________________ 69 Thera_________________________________ 60-66 Thera Top_________________________________ 67 Ultra_________________________________ 74-77 Xara Frost_ ______________________________ 71 b j e c t s Astuccio Cartoncino_ _____________________ 93 Astuccio Trasparente_ ______________________ 92 Astuccio Velluto_ _________________________ 94 Bank_ ___________________________________ 90 Scatoletta Metal _ _________________________ 94 Stand____________________________________ 91 Velvet Experience! Your Velvet Experience! 2015PaolaMoriConcept Fate volare la vostra fantasia con le penne Velvet! Un’innovativa idea 100% italiana, l’unica penna personalizzata in soffice velluto per far sì che il vostro messaggio risalti tra tutti. Una tecnica che vi dà la possibilità di riprodurre il vostro logo vellutato sul corpo della penna e abbinarlo a qualunque messaggio, immagine o brand da stampare sull’ampia clip. Con Your Velvet potete ricoprire il corpo della penna con il vostro logo completamente vellutato o abbinato alla stampa serigrafiche UV in uno o più colori. La produzione 100% italiana consente la realizzazione della penna del vostro colore Pantone® Free your fantasy with the Velvet pens! An original 100% Italian idea. The only pen with a soft velvety customisation to ensure that your message will stand out among all the others. A technique that enables you to have your velvety logo reproduced on the pen barrel in combination with any message, picture or brand to be printed on the wide clip. With Your Velvet, you can cover the pen barrel with your completely velvety logo, or combine it with UV screen printing in one or more colours. The 100% Italian production enables, moreover, the production of pens in your Pantone colour®. Libre cours à ta fantaisie avec les stylos Velvet ! Une idée originale 100% Italienne, le seul stylo avec une souple personnalisation veloutée pour faire en sorte que votre message se démarque parmi tous les autres. Une technique qui vous permet de reproduir votre logo velouté sur le corps du stylo et de le combiner avec un message, une image ou une marque à imprimer sur le large clip. Avec Your Velvet, vous pouvez recouvrir le corps du stylo avec votre logo complètement velouté, ou le combiner avec une ou plusieurs impressions sérigraphieques UV. La production 100% Italienne donne, en outre, la possibilité de produire des stylos avec votre couleur Pantone®. 10 11 Velvet Experience! Velvet Experience! Velvet Experience! Wildlife Zebra Velvet Experience! Drops 2015PaolaMoriConcept 2015PaolaMoriConcept ZEBRA 20 bianco/nero white/black blanc/noir 21 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atossico finitura frost Stampa vellutata sul corpo min. 20.000 pcs 22 turchese teal turquoise 23 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm Non toxic Terlux matt finishing Velvety print on barrel 24 verde mela apple green vert pomme 25 26 rosso red rouge blu blue bleu 27 31 viola purple violet Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atoxique finition matt Impression en velour sur le corps C direct digital 55 x 10 mm silk print 43 x 8,5 mm arancione orange orange 32 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura opaca Stampa vellutata sul corpo min. 20.000 pcs 12 TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km 34 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic ABS and Terlux matt finishing Velvety print on barrel 35 rosso red rouge 36 blu blue bleu 37 viola purple violet Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition mate Impression en velour sur le corps C direct digital 55 x 10 mm silk print 43 x 8,5 mm C 500 pcs 6 Kg 44x26x18 cm 33 fuxia fuxia rose C 500 pcs 6 Kg 44x26x18 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 13 Velvet Experience! Velvet Experience! Velvet Experience! Fancy Cows Velvet Experience! Hearts 2015PaolaMoriConcept 40 bianco/nero white/black blanc/noir 41 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atossico finitura frost Stampa vellutata sul corpo min. 20.000 pcs 42 turchese teal turquoise 2015PaolaMoriConcept 43 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm Non toxic Terlux matt finishing Velvety print on barrel 44 verde mela apple green vert pomme 45 46 rosso red rouge blu blue bleu 47 51 viola purple violet Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atoxique finition matt Impression en velour sur le corps C direct digital 55 x 10 mm silk print 43 x 8,5 mm arancione orange orange 52 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura opaca Stampa vellutata sul corpo min. 20.000 pcs 14 TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km 54 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic ABS and Terlux matt finishing Velvety print on barrel 55 rosso red rouge 56 blu blue bleu 57 viola purple violet Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition mate Impression en velour sur le corps C direct digital 55 x 10 mm silk print 43 x 8,5 mm C 500 pcs 6 Kg 44x26x18 cm 53 fuxia fuxia rose C 500 pcs 6 Kg 44x26x18 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 15 Velvet Experience! Velvet Experience! Velvet Experience! Dots Velvet Experience! Paw 2015PaolaMoriConcept 61 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura opaca Stampa vellutata sul corpo min. 20.000 pcs 62 turchese teal turquoise 2015PaolaMoriConcept 63 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic Abs and terlux matt finishing Velvety print on barrel 64 verde mela apple green vert pomme 65 rosso red rouge 66 blu blue bleu 67 viola purple violet Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition mate Impression en velour sur le corps C direct digital 55 x 10 mm silk print 43 x 8,5 mm 74 nero/bianco black/white noir/blanc 71 arancione orange orange 72 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura opaca Stampa vellutata sul corpo min. 20.000 pcs 16 TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 74 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic Abs and terlux matt finishing Velvety print on barrel 75 rosso red rouge 76 blu blue bleu 77 viola purple violet Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition mate Impression en velour sur le corps C direct digital 55 x 10 mm silk print 43 x 8,5 mm C 500 pcs 6 Kg 44x26x18 cm 73 fuxia fuxia rose C 500 pcs 6 Kg 44x26x18 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 17 DigItaly DigItaly Bank Direct Aura Metal Direct 2005PaolaMoriDesign 1983RenzoMoriDesign Aura Metal Touch Direct 2016PaolaMoriDesign Aura Metal Touch Direct 30 grigio gray gris Stiloforo ø 90 x 160 mm ABS riciclato finitura lucida Stampa digitale diretta sulla base Penstand ø 90 x 160 mm Recycled ABS shiny finishing Direct digital print on pen stand Stylosocle ø 90 x 160 mm ABS recyclé finition brillante Impression numérique directe sur le socle Penna a sfera a scatto in metallo ø 13 x 142 mm Metallo finitura satinata Stampa digitale diretta sul corpo Metal retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 142 mm Metal matt finishing Direct digital print on body Aura Metal Direct 20 21 grigio gray gris bianco white blanc Stylo bille retractable en metal ø 13 x 142 mm Metal finition mat Impression numérique directe sur le corps min. 20.000 pcs L 55 x 6 mm made in Italy 20 made in Italy 18 40 pcs 7,4 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km L 200 pcs 5,8 Kg 41x34x11 cm TC ø 1 mm | Parker comp. ink Dokumental - 4 Km 19 DigItaly DigItaly e-venti Direct e-venti Fluo Direct 2014PaolaMoriDesign 40 bianco white blanc 41 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura opaca Stampa digitale diretta sulla clip 2014PaolaMoriDesign 42 turchese teal turquoise 43 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic ABS and Terlux matt finishing Direct digital print on clip 44 verde mela apple green vert pomme 45 46 rosso red rouge blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition mate Impression numérique directe sur le clip 47 50 viola purple violet bianco white blanc 51 arancione orange orange 52 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atossico finitura lucida Stampa digitale diretta sulla clip min. 20.000 pcs C 55 x 10 mm Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm Non toxic Terlux shiny finishing Direct digital print on clip 55 rosso red rouge 56 blu blue bleu 57 viola purple violet Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atoxique finition brillante Impression numérique directe sur le clip C 55 x 10 mm made in Italy C 20 54 verde mela apple green vert pomme min. 20.000 pcs made in Italy 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm 53 fuxia fuxia rose TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km 21 DigItaly DigItaly e-Venti Recycled DigItaly Thera Recycled DigItaly 2008PaolaMoriDesign 2014PaolaMoriDesign Thera Recycled DigItaly 232 bianco white blanc Penna a sfera a scatto eco compatibile ø 11 x 141 mm ABS 100% riciclato finitura lucida Stampa digitale sul corpo Thera Recycled White DigItaly 230 240 grigio grey gris verde green vert Eco-friendly retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm 100% Recycled ABS shiny finishing Digital print on barrel 241 rosso red rouge 242 grigio gray gris e-Venti Recycled DigItaly 243 150 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable éco-compatible ø 11 x 141 mm ABS 100% recyclé finition brillant Impression numérique sur le corps bianco white blanc 151 grigio grey gris 161 rosso red rouge 162 163 nero black noir blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable éco-compatible ø 11 x 140 mm ABS 100% recyclé finition brillant Impression numérique sur le corps min. 20.000 pcs 70 x 32,5 mm C 28 x 7 mm made in Italy 94 x 34 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm made in Italy C 22 160 verde green vert Penna a sfera a scatto eco compatibile ø 11 x 140 mm Eco-friendly retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm ABS 100% riciclato finitura lucida 100% Recycled ABS shiny finishing Stampa digitale sul corpo Digital print on barrel min. 20.000 pcs 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm e-Venti Recycled White DigItaly TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 23 DigItaly DigItaly e-venti fluo DigItaly e-venti DigItaly 2014PaolaMoriDesign 31 arancione orange orange 32 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atossico finitura lucida Stampa digitale sul corpo 2014PaolaMoriDesign 33 fuxia fuxia rose 34 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm Non toxic Terlux shiny finishing Digital print on barrel 35 36 rosso red rouge blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atoxique finition brillante Impression numérique sur le corps 37 20 viola purple violet bianco white blanc 21 arancione orange orange 22 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura lucida Stampa digitale sul corpo min. 20.000 pcs 94 x 34 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic Abs and terlux shiny finishing Digital print on barrel 25 26 rosso red rouge 27 blu blue bleu viola purple violet Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition brillante Impression numérique sur le corps 94 x 34 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm made in Italy C 24 24 verde mela apple green vert pomme min. 20.000 pcs made in Italy 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm 23 fuxia fuxia rose TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 25 DigItaly DigItaly Thera Metal DigItaly e-Pen DigItaly 2012PaolaMoriDesign 150 bianco white blanc 151 bordeaux bordeaux bordeau Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS Atossico e metallo cromato finitura lucida Stampa digitale sul corpo 152 nero black noir 2012PaolaMoriDesign 160 verde acido acid green vert acide 161 ciclamino cyclamen cyclamen Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm Non toxic ABS and chromed metal shiny finishing Digital print on barrel 162 arancione orange orange 163 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique et metal chromé finition brillant Impression numérique sur le corps 164 20 verde mela apple green vert pomme trasparente clear transparent Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS Atossico e metallo cromato finitura lucida Stampa digitale sul corpo min. 20.000 pcs 21 arancione orange orange Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm Non toxic ABS and chromed metal shiny finishing Digital print on barrel 62 x 32,5 mm C 28 x 7 mm 24 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique et metal chromé finition brillant Impression numérique sur le corps 66,4 x 36,5 mm C 16 x 4 mm made in Italy C 26 22 verde mela apple green vert pomme min. 20.000 pcs made in Italy 500 pcs 8 Kg 44x26x18 cm 23 rosso red rouge TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 500 pcs 7,3 Kg 44x26x18 cm TC ø 1 mm | Parker comp. ink Dokumental - 4 Km 27 Profumata Scented Parfumé Perfumado Duftende DigItaly Pura DigItaly 2008PaolaMoriDesign DigItaly e-Twist DigItaly e-Twist Solid DigItaly 2012PaolaMoriDesign e-Twist Solid DigItaly 10 arancionePiña Colada orangePiña Colada orangePiña Colada 11 lillaLavanda lilacLavender lilasLavande Penna a sfera a scatto profumata ø 11 x 141 mm Terlux atossico e polimero naturale ecocompatibile profumato finitura lucida Stampa digitale sul corpo 12 marroneCioccolato brownChocolate marronChocolat 16 marrone scuroCaffé dark brownCoffee marron foncéCafé Scented retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm Non toxic Terlux and scented environmentally friendly natural polymer shiny finishing Digital print on barrel 13 verdeMenta greenMint vertMenthe 14 rossoLampone redRaspberry rougeFramboise 10 18 neroLiquirizia blackLiquorice noirRéglisse Stylo bille retractable parfumé ø 11 x 141 mm Terlux atoxique et polymére naturel éco-compatible parfumé finition brillante Impression numérique sur le corps 20 bianco white blanc trasparente clear transparent 21 arancione orange orange ink Dokumental - 2 Km Penna a sfera twist ø 10 x 140 mm ABS/ABS Trasparente atossico finitura lucida 22 verde mela apple green vert pomme 23 rosso red rouge 24 blu blue bleu Parker Compatible ink Dokumental - 4 Km Twist ballpoint pen ø 10 x 140 mm Non toxic ABS/transparent ABS shiny finishing Stylo bille twist ø 10 x 140 mm ABS/ABS transparent atoxique finition brillant min. 30.000 pcs min. 30.000 pcs 70 x 32,5 mm made in Italy e-Twist DigItaly 55 x 31,2 mm made in Italy C 20 x 5 mm C 28 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 1.000 pcs 11,6 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm 29 DigItaly DigItaly Thera Fluo DigItaly Thera DigItaly 2008PaolaMoriDesign 2008PaolaMoriDesign 137 bianco white blanc 130 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura lucida Stampa digitale sul corpo 131 turchese teal turquoise 132 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic Abs and terlux shiny finishing Digital print on barrel 133 verde mela apple green vert pomme 134 rosso red rouge 135 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition brillant Impression numérique sur le corps 180 136 trasparente clear transparent nero black noir 181 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm Terlux atossico finitura lucida Stampa digitale sul corpo min. 20.000 pcs 70 x 32,5 mm C 28 x 7 mm 184 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic Terlux shiny finishing Digital print on barrel 185 rosso red rouge 186 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm Terlux atoxique finition brillant Impression numérique sur le corps 70 x 32,5 mm C 28 x 7 mm made in Italy C 30 183 fuxia fuxia rose min. 20.000 pcs made in Italy 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm 182 turchese teal turquoise TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 31 DigItaly DigItaly Macra Metal DigItaly Macra DigItaly 2011PaolaMoriDesign 1996PaolaMoriDesign 126 120 bianco white blanc arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 141 mm con grip antiscivolo ABS e Terlux atossici finitura lucida Stampa digitale sul corpo 121 turchese teal turquoise 122 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 141 mm with rubbergrip non toxic ABS and Terlux shiny finishing Digital print on barrel 123 124 verde mela apple green vert pomme rosso red rouge Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 141 mm avec grip caoutchouté ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition brillant Impression numérique sur le corps 125 140 blu blue bleu bianco white blanc 141 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 141 mm con grip antiscivolo ABS e Terlux atossici e clip in metallo Finitura frost e silver Stampa digitale sul corpo min. 20.000 pcs 142 turchese teal turquoise 143 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 141 mm with rubbergrip Non toxic ABS and Terlux and metal clip Frost effect and silver finishing Digital print on barrel 144 verde mela apple green vert pomme 145 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 141 mm avec grip caoutchouté. ABS et Terlux atoxiques et clip en metal Finition givré et effet argent Impression numérique sur le corps min. 20.000 pcs 68,5 x 40 mm C 27 x 6 mm made in Italy 68,5 x 40 mm made in Italy 20 C 32 500 pcs 7 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 200 pcs 3 Kg 41x34x11 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 33 eco-friendly eco-friendly e-venti Recycled e-venti Recycled White 2015PaolaMoriDesign 2015PaolaMoriDesign 180 bianco white blanc Penna a sfera a scatto eco compatibile ø 11 x 140mm ABS 100% riciclato finitura frost 181 grigio grey gris Eco-friendly retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm 100% Recycled ABS matt finishing 182 190 nero black noir verde green vert Stylo bille retractable éco-compatible ø 11 x 140 mm ABS 100% recyclé finition matt 191 rosso red rouge 192 193 nero black noir blu blue bleu Penna a sfera a scatto eco compatibile ø 11 x 140 mm Eco-friendly retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm ABS 100% riciclato finitura frost 100% Recycled ABS matt finishing Stylo bille retractable éco-compatible ø 11 x 140 mm ABS 100% recyclé finition matt min. 20.000 pcs 87 x 32,5 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm 87 x 32,5 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm made in Italy C 34 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 35 eco-friendly eco-friendly Thera Recycled Thera Recycled White 2008PaolaMoriDesign 133 bianco white blanc Penna a sfera a scatto eco compatibile ø 11 x 141 mm ABS 100% riciclato finitura frost 2008PaolaMoriDesign 130 132 grigio grey gris 140 nero black noir Eco-friendly retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm 100% Recycled ABS matt finishing verde green vert Stylo bille retractable éco-compatible ø 11 x 141 mm ABS 100% recyclé finition matt Penna a sfera a scatto eco compatibile ø 11 x 141 mm ABS 100% riciclato finitura frost 141 rosso red rouge 142 143 blu blue bleu grigio gray gris Eco-friendly retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm 100% Recycled ABS matt finishing Stylo bille retractable éco-compatible ø 11 x 141 mm ABS 100% recyclé finition matt min. 20.000 pcs 66 x 31 mm C 27 x 6 mm 66 x 31 mm C 36 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 27 x 6 mm C 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 37 eco-friendly eco-friendly Extra Recycled GreeNotesA5 2001PaolaMoriDesign 50 bianco white blanc 51 52 grigio grey gris nero black noir GreeNotesA5 Penna a sfera a scatto eco compatibile ø 11 x 139 mm Eco-friendly retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 139 mm ABS 100% riciclato finitura frost 100% Recycled ABS matt finishing Stylo bille retractable éco-compatible ø 11 x 139 mm ABS 100% recyclé finition matt F 45 x 12 mm B 55 x 10 mm F 38 1.000 pcs 7,6 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km B Cartoncino riciclato stampato in quadricromia Blocco carta riciclata da 80 fogli A5 personalizzabili Dimensioni 1605 x 216 mm C 24 x 4 mm 4 process printed recycled thin card case printable A5 80 sheets recycled paper pad. Dimensions 1605 x 216 mm -632 x 85 inches. C 20 pcs 5 Kg 49x25x11 cm Etui carton recyclé imprimé en quadrichromie Bloc papier recyclé A5 avec 80 feuilles personnalisables Dimensions 1605 x 216 mm. 39 eco-friendly eco-friendly GreeNotes GreenLeaf GreeNotesDouble GreeNotes GreeNotesDouble GreenLeaf Cartoncino riciclato stampato in quadricromia Blocco carta riciclata da 80 fogli personalizzabili Dimensioni GreeNotes: 945 x 140 mm GreeNotes Double: chiuso 945 x 140 mm aperto 280 x 140 mm Cartoncino riciclato stampato in quadricromia Dimensioni 41 x 140 mm 4 process printed recycled thin card case Dimensions 41 x 140 mm -162 x 55 in 4 process printed recycled thin card case printable 80 sheets recycled paper pad. Dimensions: GreeNotes: 945 x 140 mm -372 x 551 inches. GreeNotes Double: closed 945 x 140 mm -372 x 551 in open 280 x 140 mm 1105 x 551 in. Etui carton recyclé imprimé en quadrichromie Bloc papier recyclé avec 80 feuilles personnalisables Dimensions GreeNotes: 945 x 140 mm GreeNotes Double: fermé 945 x 140 mm ouvert 280 x 140 mm 40 Etui carton recyclé imprimé en quadrichromie Dimensions 41 x 140 mm 100 pcs 9,2 Kg 31x48x17 cm 41 Metal Metal Aura Metal Aura Metal Touch 2005PaolaMoriDesign 18 bianco white blanc Penna a sfera a scatto in metallo ø 13 x 142 mm finitura satinata 2005PaolaMoriDesign 11 grigio gray gris 15 16 blu blue bleu 40 nero black noir Metal retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 142 mm matt finishing grigio gray gris Stylo bille retractable en metal ø 13 x 142 mm finition mat min. 20.000 pcs F 45 x 9 mm B 60 x 10 mm C 15 x 3 mm 20 42 Metal retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 142 mm with touch-screen function matt finishing Stylo bille retractable en metal ø 13 x 142 mm avec fonction touch screen finition mat min. 20.000 pcs F 45 x 9 mm B 60 x 10 mm C 15 x 3 mm 20 F 200 pcs 5,8 Kg 41x34x11 cm Penna a sfera a scatto in metallo ø 13 x 142 mm con funzione touch screen finitura satinata 41 nero black noir TC ø 1 mm | Parker comp. ink Dokumental - 4 Km B F C 200 pcs 5,8 Kg 41x34x11 cm TC ø 1 mm | Parker comp. ink Dokumental - 4 Km C B 43 Metal Metal e-Pen Thera Metal Frost 2012PaolaMoriDesign 30 bianco white blanc 31 40 nero black noir Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS Atossico e metallo cromato finitura lucida trasparente clear transparent 2012PaolaMoriDesign 41 42 arancione orange orange verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm Non toxic ABS and chromed metal shiny finishing 43 44 rosso red rouge blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique et metal chromé finition brillant Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm Terlux Atossico e metallo cromato finitura frost min. 20.000 pcs C 16 x 4 mm 62 x 31 mm C 44 Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm Terlux atoxique et metal chromé finition mat min. 20.000 pcs 65 x 31 mm 500 pcs 7,3 Kg 44x26x18 cm Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm Non toxic Terlux and chromed metal matt finishing TC ø 1 mm | Parker comp. ink Dokumental - 4 Km C 28 x 7 mm C 500 pcs 8 Kg 44x26x18 cm TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km 45 Metal Metal Thera Metal Young Thera Metal Classic 2012PaolaMoriDesign 280 verde acido acid green vert acide Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS Atossico e metallo cromato finitura lucida 281 ciclamino cyclamen cyclamen 2012PaolaMoriDesign 282 283 arancione orange orange 284 blu blue bleu Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm Non toxic ABS and chromed metal shiny finishing 270 verde mela apple green vert pomme Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique et metal chromé finition brillant bianco white blanc Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS Atossico e metallo cromato finitura lucida min. 20.000 pcs C 28 x 7 mm TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km nero black noir Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm Non toxic ABS and chromed metal shiny finishing Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique et metal chromé finition brillant 62 x 31 mm C 46 272 min. 20.000 pcs 62 x 31 mm 500 pcs 8 Kg 44x26x18 cm 271 bordeaux bordeaux bordeau C 28 x 7 mm C 500 pcs 8 Kg 44x26x18 cm TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km 47 Metal Flexible Macra Metal Velour Spira Silver 2011PaolaMoriDesign 1999PaolaMoriDesign 130 131 132 133 134 135 bianco white blanc arancione orange orange turchese teal turquoise fuxia fuxia rose verde mela apple green vert pomme blu blue bleu Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 141 mm con grip antiscivolo e clip in metallo acciaio a norme DIN cromato e terlux atossico finitura trasparente frost Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 141 mm with rubbergrip and metal clip standard DIN chromed plated steel + non toxic terlux frost effect finishing Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 141 mm avec grip caoutchouté et clip en metal acier zingué DIN standard et terlux atoxique finition effet givré 20 arancione orange orange 21 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto flessible ø 13 x 141 mm con grip antiscivolo acciaio a norme DIN zincato e Terlux atossico finiture silver min. 20.000 pcs 48 200 pcs 3 Kg 41x34x11 cm 25 rosso red rouge Retractable flexible ballpoint pen ø 13 x 141 mm with rubbergrip standard DIN zinced steel and non toxic Terlux silver effect finishing 24 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable flexible ø 13 x 141 mm avec grip caoutchouté acier zingué DIN standard et Terlux atoxique finition effet argente C 26 x 5 mm C 20 TC ø 1 mm | Parker comp. ink Dokumental - 4 Km 23 verde mela apple green vert pomme min. 20.000 pcs 64 x 39 mm 20 22 fuxia fuxia rose 200 pcs 7,5 Kg 41x34x11 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 49 Flexible Flexible Spring Silver Libra 1993PaolaMoriDesign 30 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto flessible ø 10 x 138 mm acciaio a norme DIN zincato e Terlux atossico finiture silver 31 turchese teal turquoise 2002PaolaMoriDesign 32 fuxia fuxia rose 33 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable flexible ballpoint pen ø 10 x 138 mm standard DIN zinced steel and non toxic Terlux silver effect finishing 35 34 rosso red rouge 40 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable flexible ø 10 x 138 mm acier zingué DIN standard et Terlux atoxique finition effet argente arancione orange orange 41 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto flessible ø 10 x 138 mm con grip antiscivolo acciaio a norme DIN zincato e Terlux atossico finiture silver min. 20.000 pcs 50 300 pcs 7,9 Kg 41x34x11 cm C TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 43 verde mela apple green vert pomme 44 rosso red rouge Retractable flexible ballpoint pen ø 10 x 138 mm with rubbergrip standard DIN zinced steel and non toxic Terlux silver effect finishing 45 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable flexible ø 10 x 138 mm avec grip caoutchouté acier zingué DIN standard et Terlux atoxique finition effet argente min. 20.000 pcs C 22 x 5 mm 25 42 fuxia fuxia rose C 22 x 5 mm 25 300 pcs 7 Kg 41x34x11 cm C TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 51 Plastic Plastic e-Venti Solid Soft e-Venti Frost Soft 2014PaolaMoriDesign 2014PaolaMoriDesign 200 bianco white blanc Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS e Terlux atossici finitura soft min. 20.000 pcs 201 marrone brown maron Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic ABS and Terlux soft finishing 202 211 nero black noir giallo yellow jaune Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition soft 212 arancione orange orange 218 rosso red rouge Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm Abs e terlux atossici finitura opaca min. 20.000 pcs C direct digital 55 x 10 mm silk print 43 x 8,5 mm C 52 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 213 rosa pink rose 214 fuxia fuxia rose 215 viola purple violet Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic ABS and Terlux matt finishing 219 blu blue bleu 216 217 turchese teal turquoise verde mela apple green vert pomme Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition mate C direct digital 55 x 10 mm silk print 43 x 8,5 mm C 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 53 Plastic Plastic e-Venti Flash e-Venti Black 2014PaolaMoriDesign 60 bianco white blanc 61 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS e Terlux atossici finitura opaca 62 turchese teal turquoise 2014PaolaMoriDesign 63 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic ABS and Terlux matt finishing 64 verde mela apple green vert pomme 65 66 rosso red rouge blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition mate 67 viola purple violet 70 bianco white blanc 71 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm Abs e terlux atossici finitura opaca min. 20.000 pcs TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic ABS and Terlux matt finishing 74 verde mela apple green vert pomme 75 76 rosso red rouge lilla lilac lilac Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition mate 87 x 32,5 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm C 54 73 fuxia fuxia rose min. 20.000 pcs 87 x 32,5 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm 72 turchese teal turquoise C 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 55 Plastic Plastic e-Venti Frost e-Venti Frost Ice 2014PaolaMoriDesign 80 bianco white blanc 88 giallo yellow jaune 81 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atossico finitura opaca 2014PaolaMoriDesign 85 rosso red rouge 89 rosa pink rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic Terlux matt finishing 83 fuxia fuxia rose 87 viola purple violet 86 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atoxique finition mate 82 turchese teal turquoise 84 verde mela apple green vert pomme 140 bianco white blanc 141 arancione orange orange 142 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atossico finitura opaca 87 x 32,5 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic Terlux matt finishing 145 rosso red rouge 146 147 blu blue bleu viola purple violet Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atoxique finition mate 87 x 32,5 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm C C 56 144 verde mela apple green vert pomme min. 20.000 pcs min. 20.000 pcs 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm 143 fuxia fuxia rose 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km 57 Plastic Plastic e-Venti Fluo e-Venti Silver 2014PaolaMoriDesign 90 bianco white blanc 91 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atossico finitura lucida 92 turchese teal turquoise 2014PaolaMoriDesign 93 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm Non toxic Terlux shiny finishing 94 verde mela apple green vert pomme 95 96 rosso red rouge blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm Terlux atoxique finition brillante 97 viola purple violet 100 bianco white blanc 101 arancione orange orange 102 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura silver min. 20.000 pcs TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic Abs and terlux silver finishing 105 rosso red rouge 106 107 blu blue bleu viola purple violet Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition argentée 87 x 32,5 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm C C 58 104 verde mela apple green vert pomme min. 20.000 pcs 87 x 32,5 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm 103 fuxia fuxia rose 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 59 Plastic Plastic e-Venti Silver Clip e-Venti Silver Top 2014PaolaMoriDesign 110 bianco white blanc 111 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura silver 112 turchese teal turquoise 2014PaolaMoriDesign 113 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic Abs and terlux silver finishing 114 verde mela apple green vert pomme 115 116 rosso red rouge blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition argentée 117 120 viola purple violet bianco white blanc Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 140 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura silver 87 x 32,5 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm TC ø 1 mm | jumbo refill ink Dokumental - 2 Km Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 140 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition argentée 87 x 32,5 mm C 43 x 8,5 mm C C 60 nero black noir min. 20.000 pcs min. 20.000 pcs 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 140 mm non toxic Abs and terlux silver finishing 121 1.000 pcs 10,8 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 61 Plastic Plastic Thera Flash Thera Black 2008PaolaMoriDesign 37 bianco white blanc Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura frost 30 arancione orange orange 2008PaolaMoriDesign 31 turchese teal turquoise 32 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic Abs and terlux matt finishing 33 verde mela apple green vert pomme 34 rosso red rouge 35 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition matt 36 nero black noir 40 arancione orange orange 41 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atossico finitura frost min. 20.000 pcs C 28 x 7 mm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 44 lilla lilac lilas Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic ABS matt finishing 45 bianco white blanc 46 nero black noir Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique finition matt 66 x 31 mm C 62 43 verde green vert min. 20.000 pcs 66 x 31 mm 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm 42 rosso red rouge C 28 x 7 mm C 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 63 Plastic Plastic Thera Fluo Extra Thera Frost 2008PaolaMoriDesign 86 bianco white blanc 80 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm Terlux atossico finitura lucida 2008PaolaMoriDesign 81 turchese teal turquoise 82 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic Terlux shiny finishing 83 verde mela apple green vert pomme 84 rosso red rouge Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm Terlux atoxique finition brillante 85 blu blue bleu 76 bianco white blanc 70 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura frost min. 20.000 pcs C 28 x 7 mm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 73 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic Abs and terlux matt finishing 74 blu blue bleu 75 nero black noir Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition matt 66 x 31 mm C 64 72 rosso red rouge min. 20.000 pcs 66 x 31 mm 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm 71 turchese teal turquoise C 28 x 7 mm C 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 65 Plastic Plastic Thera Solid Thera Silver 2008PaolaMoriDesign 60 arancione orange orange 61 rosso red rouge Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atossico finitura opaca e silver 62 verde green vert 2008PaolaMoriDesign 63 blu blue bleu Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic ABS matt and silver finishing 64 giallo yellow jaune 65 lilla lilac lilas 66 67 bianco white blanc nero black noir Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique finition matt et argentée 50 arancione orange orange 51 turchese teal turquoise 52 fuxia fuxia rose Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atossico e Terlux atossico finitura silver min. 20.000 pcs C 28 x 7 mm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic Abs and terlux silver finishing 55 blu blue bleu 56 nero black noir Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition argentée 66 x 31 mm C 66 54 rosso red rouge min. 20.000 pcs 66 x 31 mm 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm 53 verde mela apple green vert pomme C 28 x 7 mm C 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 67 Plastic Plastic Thera Moon Thera Jo Thera Sun Thera Top 2008PaolaMoriDesign 2008PaolaMoriDesign 100 Thera Moon Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atossico finitura opaca e silver 102 Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic ABS matt and silver finishing 190 101 Thera Jo bianco white blanc Thera Sun Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique finition matt et argentée Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atossico finitura lucida e cromata min. 20.000 pcs C 28 x 7 mm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km nero black noir Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique finition brillant et chromé 66 x 31 mm C 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic ABS shiny and chromed finishing 192 min. 20.000 pcs 66 x 31 mm 68 191 bordeaux bordeaux bordeau C 28 x 7 mm C 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 69 Plastic Plastic Profumata Scented Parfumé Perfumado Duftende Ambra 10 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 112 mm con grip antiscivolo ABS e Terlux atossici finitura lucida 11 turchese teal turquoise 12 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 112 mm with rubbergrip Non toxic Abs and terlux shiny finishing 13 verde mela apple green vert pomme 14 15 rosso red rouge blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 112 mm avec grip caoutchouté ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition brillant 10 arancionePiña Colada orangePiña Colada orangePiña Colada 11 lillaLavanda lilacLavender lilasLavande 16 marrone scuroCaffé dark brownCoffee marron foncéCafé Penna a sfera a scatto profumata ø 11 x 141 mm Terlux atossico e polimero naturale ecocompatibile profumato finitura lucida min. 20.000 pcs 12 marroneCioccolato brownChocolate marronChocolat 13 verdeMenta greenMint vertMenthe Scented retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm Non toxic Terlux and scented environmentally friendly natural polymer shiny finishing Pura 2008PaolaMoriDesign 14 rossoLampone redRaspberry rougeFramboise 18 neroLiquirizia blackLiquorice noirRéglisse Stylo bille retractable parfumé ø11 x 141mm Terlux atoxique et polymére naturel éco-compatible parfumé finition brillante min. 30.000 pcs 35 x 39 mm C 27 x 6 mm 66 x 31 mm C 70 500 pcs 5,8 Kg 44x26x18 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 1 Km 1.000 pcs 9 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 71 Plastic Plastic Kira frost Grip Xara Frost 2005PaolaMoriDesign 20 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 139 mm con grip antiscivolo ABS trasparente atossico finitura frost 21 22 turchese teal turquoise fuxia fuxia rose 2004PaolaMoriDesign 23 verde mela apple green vert pomme 24 giallo yellow jaune Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 139 mm with rubbergrip non toxic transparent ABS frost effect finishing 25 rosso red rouge 26 blu blue bleu 27 Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 139 mm avec grip caoutchouté ABS transparent atoxique finition effet givré min. 20.000 pcs 10 bianco white blanc arancione orange orange 11 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 142 mm con grip antiscivolo ABS trasparente atossico finitura frost 12 fuxia fuxia rose 13 verde mela apple green vert pomme 15 rosso red rouge 16 17 blu blue bleu Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 142 mm with rubbergrip non toxic transparent ABS frost effect finishing bianco white blanc Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 142 mm avec grip caoutchouté ABS transparent atoxique finition effet givré min. 20.000 pcs 38 x 30 mm F 30 x 12 mm B 45 x 10 mm C 15 x 3 mm C 25 x 5 mm F 72 1.000 pcs 10,5 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm | Parker comp. ink Dokumental - 4 Km 500 pcs 6,7 Kg 44x26x18 cm TC ø 1 mm | Parker comp. ink Dokumental - 4 Km C B 73 Plastic Plastic e-Twist e-Twist Solid 2012PaolaMoriDesign 40 trasparente clear transparent Penna a sfera twist ø 10 x 140 mm ABS Trasparente atossico finitura lucida e frost 2012PaolaMoriDesign 41 arancione orange orange 42 verde mela apple green vert pomme Twist ballpoint pen ø 10 x 140 mm Non toxic transparent ABS shiny and frost finishing 43 rosso red rouge 44 30 blu blue bleu Dokumental blue ink 2 Km Stylo bille twist ø 10 x 140 mm ABS transparent atoxique finition brillant et givré min. 30.000 pcs Penna a sfera twist ø 10 x 140 mm ABS atossico finitura lucida e frost C 20 x 5 mm Dokumental black ink 2 Km Stylo bille twist ø 10 x 140 mm ABS atoxique finition brillant et givré 50 x 25 mm C 74 Twist ballpoint pen ø 10 x 140 mm Non toxic ABS shiny and frost finishing 31 nero black noir min. 30.000 pcs 50 x 25 mm 1.000 pcs 11,6 Kg 31x48x17 cm bianco white blanc TC ø 1 mm | Parker comp. ink Dokumental - 4 Km C 20 x 5 mm C 1.000 pcs 11,6 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 75 Plastic Plastic Ultra Frost Ultra Solid 2002PaolaMoriDesign 10 bianco white blanc 11 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 139 mm con grip antiscivolo Terlux atossico finitura frost 2002PaolaMoriDesign 12 turchese teal turquoise 13 fuxia fuxia rose Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 139 mm with rubbergrip Non toxic Terlux frost effect finishing 14 verde mela apple green vert pomme 15 giallo yellow jaune 16 rosso red rouge Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 139 mm avec grip caoutchouté Terlux atoxique finition effet givré 17 blu blue bleu 50 arancione orange orange F 76 53 verde mela apple green vert pomme 54 giallo yellow jaune 55 rosso red rouge Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 139 mm with rubbergrip Non toxic ABS and Terlux frost effect finishing 56 57 blu blue bleu bianco white blanc 58 nero black noir Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 139 mm avec grip caoutchouté ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition effet givré min. 20.000 pcs F 35 x 12 mm B 55 x 9 mm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 52 fuxia fuxia rose Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 139 mm con grip antiscivolo ABS e Terlux atossici finitura frost min. 20.000 pcs 1.000 pcs 8,4 Kg 31x48x20 cm 51 turchese teal turquoise C 24 x 4 mm F 35 x 12 mm B 55 x 9 mm C B F 1.000 pcs 8,4 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 24 x 4 mm C B 77 Plastic Plastic Ultra Frost Ice Ultra Silver 2002PaolaMoriDesign 20 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 139 mm con grip antiscivolo Terlux atossico finitura frost 21 turchese teal turquoise 2002PaolaMoriDesign 22 fuxia fuxia rose 23 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 139 mm with rubbergrip Non toxic Terlux frost effect finishing 24 25 giallo yellow jaune rosso red rouge 26 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 139 mm avec grip caoutchouté Terlux atoxique finition effet givré 30 bianco white blanc F 78 33 fuxia fuxia rose 34 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 139 mm with rubbergrip Non toxic ABS and Terlux silver effect finishing 35 36 giallo yellow jaune rosso red rouge 37 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 139 mm avec grip caoutchouté ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition effet argent min. 20.000 pcs F 35 x 12 mm B 55 x 9 mm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 32 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 139 mm con grip antiscivolo ABS e Terlux atossici finitura silver min. 20.000 pcs 1.000 pcs 8,4 Kg 31x48x20 cm 31 arancione orange orange C 24 x 4 mm F 35 x 12 mm B 55 x 9 mm C B F 1.000 pcs 8,4 Kg 31x48x20 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 24 x 4 mm C B 79 Plastic Plastic Extra Frost Ice Extra Frost 2001PaolaMoriDesign 30 bianco white blanc 31 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 139 mm Terlux atossico finitura frost 32 turchese teal turquoise 2001PaolaMoriDesign 33 fuxia fuxia rose 34 verde mela apple green vert pomme 35 giallo yellow jaune Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 139 mm Non toxic Terlux frost effect finishing 36 rosso red rouge 37 11 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 139 mm Terlux atoxique finition effet givré arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 139 mm Terlux atossico finitura frost min. 20.000 pcs F 80 TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 13 fuxia fuxia rose 14 verde mela apple green vert pomme 10 giallo yellow jaune 12 rosso red rouge Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 139 mm Non toxic Terlux frost effect finishing 16 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 139 mm Terlux atoxique finition effet givré min. 20.000 pcs F 45 x 12 mm B 55 x 10 mm 1.000 pcs 7,6 Kg 31x48x17 cm 15 turchese teal turquoise B C 24 x 4 mm F 45 x 12 mm B 55 x 10 mm F C 1.000 pcs 7,6 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 24 x 4 mm C B 81 Plastic Plastic Extra Extra Solid 2001PaolaMoriDesign 20 bianco white blanc Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 139 mm ABS e Terlux atossici finitura lucida 2001PaolaMoriDesign 21 giallo yellow jaune 22 blu blue bleu 23 24 rosso red rouge verde green vert Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 139 mm Non toxic ABS and Terlux shiny finishing 25 40 nero black noir arancione orange orange Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 139 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition brillante F 82 43 verde mela apple green vert pomme 44 giallo yellow jaune 45 rosso red rouge 46 blu blue bleu Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 139 mm Non toxic ABS and Terlux matt finishing 47 bianco white blanc Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 139 mm ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition matte min. 20.000 pcs F 45 x 12 mm B 55 x 10 mm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 42 fuxia fuxia rose Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 139 mm ABS e Terlux atossici finitura frost min. 20.000 pcs 1.000 pcs 7,6 Kg 31x48x17 cm 41 turchese teal turquoise B C 24 x 4 mm F 45 x 12 mm B 55 x 10 mm F C 1.000 pcs 7,6 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 24 x 4 mm C B 83 Plastic Plastic Macra B Macra Flash 1996PaolaMoriDesign 30 grigio chiaro light grey gris clair Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 141 mm con grip antiscivolo. ABS atossico finitura lucida 34 verde green vert 1996PaolaMoriDesign 32 blu blue bleu Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 141 mm with rubbergrip non toxic ABS shiny finishing 33 rosso red rouge 31 35 giallo yellow jaune nero black noir Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 141 mm avec grip caoutchouté ABS atoxique finition brillant 16 bianco white blanc 10 arancione orange orange 11 turchese teal turquoise Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 141 mm con grip antiscivolo. ABS e Terlux atossici finitura lucida min. 20.000 pcs C 27 x 6 mm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 141 mm with rubbergrip non toxic ABS and Terlux shiny finishing 14 rosso red rouge 15 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 141 mm avec grip caoutchouté ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition brillant 64 x 39 mm C 84 13 verde mela apple green vert pomme min. 20.000 pcs 64 x 39 mm 500 pcs 7 Kg 31x48x17 cm 12 fuxia fuxia rose C 27 x 6 mm C 500 pcs 7 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 85 Plastic Plastic Macra Silver Macra Fluo Extra 1996PaolaMoriDesign 70 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 141 mm con grip antiscivolo. ABS e Terlux atossici finitura silver 71 turchese teal turquoise 1996PaolaMoriDesign 72 fuxia fuxia rose 73 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 141 mm with rubbergrip non toxic ABS and Terlux silver effect finishing 75 74 rosso red rouge 90 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 141 mm avec grip caoutchouté ABS et Terlux atoxiques finition effet argent arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 141 mm con grip antiscivolo. Terlux atossico finitura lucida min. 20.000 pcs 91 turchese teal turquoise Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 141 mm with rubbergrip non toxic Terlux shiny finishing C 27 x 6 mm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 94 blu blue bleu 95 rosso red rouge Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 141 mm avec grip caoutchouté Terlux atoxique finition brillant 64 x 39 mm C 86 93 verde mela apple green vert pomme min. 20.000 pcs 64 x 39 mm 500 pcs 7 Kg 31x48x17 cm 92 fuxia fuxia rose C 27 x 6 mm C 500 pcs 7 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm | Parker comp. ink Dokumental - 4 Km 87 Plastic Plastic Opera B Opera Fluo Extra 1992RenzoMoriDesign 10 giallo yellow jaune Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atossico o Terlux atossico finitura lucida 1992RenzoMoriDesign 11 blu blue bleu 12 13 rosso red rouge Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic ABS or Terlux shiny finishing verde green vert 14 nero black noir Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique ou Terlux atoxique finition brillant 120 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atossico o Terlux atossico finitura lucida min. 20.000 pcs F 88 TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 122 fuxia fuxia rose 123 verde mela apple green vert pomme 124 125 blu blue bleu Retractable ballpoint pen ø 11 x 141 mm non toxic ABS or Terlux shiny finishing rosso red rouge Stylo bille retractable ø 11 x 141 mm ABS atoxique ou Terlux atoxique finition brillant min. 20.000 pcs F 40 x 12 mm B 55 x 10 mm 1.000 pcs 8,4 Kg 31x48x17 cm 121 turchese teal turquoise C 33 x 6 mm F 40 x 12 mm B 55 x 10 mm C B F 1.000 pcs 8,4 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 33 x 6 mm C B 89 Plastic Plastic Brera Frost Ice Brera Frost 2004GiovanniBaratteroDesign 20 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 137 mm con grip antiscivolo Terlux atossico finitura frost 21 turchese teal turquoise 2004GiovanniBaratteroDesign 22 fuxia fuxia rose 23 24 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 137 mm with rubbergrip Non toxic Terlux frost finishing giallo yellow jaune 25 rosso red rouge Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 137 mm avec grip caoutchouté Terlux atoxique finition givré 26 blu blue bleu 10 arancione orange orange Penna a sfera a scatto ø 13 x 137 mm con grip antiscivolo Terlux atossico finitura frost min. 20.000 pcs F 90 TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 12 fuxia fuxia rose 13 verde mela apple green vert pomme Retractable ballpoint pen ø 13 x 137 mm with rubbergrip Non toxic Terlux frost finishing 14 15 giallo yellow jaune rosso red rouge 16 blu blue bleu Stylo bille retractable ø 13 x 137 mm avec grip caoutchouté Terlux atoxique finition givré min. 20.000 pcs F 33 x 12 mm B 45 x 12 mm 500 pcs 6,6 Kg 31x48x17 cm 11 turchese teal turquoise B C 27 x 6 mm F 33 x 12 mm B 45 x 12 mm F C 500 pcs 6,6 Kg 31x48x17 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km C 27 x 6 mm C B 91 Objects Objects Bank Stand 1983RenzoMoriDesign 1991RenzoMoriDesign 11 12 rosso red rouge nero black noir 12 nero black noir 10 bianco white blanc 11 rosso red rouge Stiloforo ø 90 x 160 mm ABS atossico finitura lucida min. 10.000 pcs 92 40 pcs 7,4 Kg 31x48x20 cm Penstand ø 90 x 160 mm non toxic ABS shiny finishing 10 bianco white blanc Stylosocle ø 90 x 160 mm ABS atoxique finition brillant Stiloforo ø 90 x 140 mm ABS atossico finitura lucida Penstand ø 90 x 140 mm non toxic ABS shiny finishing Stylosocle ø 90 x 140 mm ABS atoxique finition brillant min. 10.000 pcs TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 120 pcs 6 Kg 45x32x37 cm TC ø 1 mm ink Dokumental - 2 Km 93 Cases Cases Astuccio Trasparente Astuccio Cartoncino 11 blu blue bleu 10 giallo yellow jaune 14 nero black noir 12 rosso red rouge 13 verde green vert Astuccio per 1 penna 158 x 25 x 25 mm polistirolo cristallo atossico - penna non inclusa 300 pcs 8 Kg 45x32x37 cm 94 Case for 1 pen 158 x 25 x 25 mm non toxic crystal polystyrene - pen not included Etui pour 1 stylo 158 x 25 x 25 mm polystyréne atoxique - stylo pas compris Astuccio cartoncino per 1 penna 40 x 145 mm cartoncino 250 g/m2 - penna non inclusa Paper sleeve for 1 pen 40 x 145 mm thin card 250 g/m2 - pen not included Etui carton pour 1 stylo 40 x 145 mm carton léger 250 g/m2 - stylo pas compris 1.000 pcs 25 Kg 26x31x16 cm 95 Cases Show-cases Cartella in EcoPelle Scatoletta Metal Astuccio metallo per 1 penna 58 x 180 x 28 mm Metal case for 1 pen 58 x 180 x 28 mm Etui metal pour 1 stylo 58 x 180 x 28 mm 108 pcs 9,5 Kg 45x32x37 cm Astuccio Velluto Astuccio velluto per 1 penna 28 x 150 mm Velvet sleeve for 1 pen 28 x 150 mm Pochette suedine pour 1 stylo 28 x 150 mm 200 pcs 10,8 Kg 41x34x11 cm Cartella per 24 penne 26 X 26 X 4 cm 96 Show case for 24 pens 26 X 26 X 4 cm Boite de présentation pour 24 stylos 26 X 26 X 4 cm 97 P RINT I N F O R M AT I O N Grafica per la stampa Serigrafia e tampografia I file devono essere forniti in formato vettoriale con i testi convertiti in tracciati. Lo spessore delle linee deve essere minimo 0,5 punti. La dimensione minima del font varia a seconda del carattere. La retinatura delle sfumature non deve essere inferiore al 50%. Artworks Screen printing and pad printing Files must be supplied in vector format with text converted to paths. The thickness of the lines must be minimum 0.5 points. The minimum font size varies depending on the character. The raster for the shades should not be less than 50%. Fichier de marquage Sérigraphie et tampographie Les fichiers doivent être fournis en format vectoriel avec le texte converti en trajets. L’épaisseur des lignes doit être d’au moins 0,5 points. La taille minimale des fonts varie en fonction du caractère choisi. Le tramé des nuances ne doit pas être inférieur au 50%. Type a n d Stampa in quadricromia e digitale Le immagini devono essere fornite in formato vettoriale o JPG PSD o TIF in alta risoluzione minimo 300 DPI in scala 1:1. I testi devono essere forniti in un file separato in formato vettoriale. Process printing and digital printing Pictures have to be sent in vector format or JPG PSD ou TIF in high resolution minimum 300 DPI 1:1 scale. Texts have to be supplied separately in a vector file. Marquage en quadrichromie ou numérique Les images doivent être fournies en format vectoriel ou JPG PSD ou TIF en haute résolution minimum 300 DPI échelle 1:1. Les textes doivent être fournis dans un fichier en format vectoriel envoyé séparément. c o l o u r Arial ABCDEabcde 6 pt Helvetica ABCDE abcde 6 pt Arial ABCDEabcde 10 pt Helvetica ABCDE abcde 10 pt Helvetica ABCDE abcde 8 pt Arial ABCDEabcde 8 pt Myriad Pro ABCDEabcde 6 pt Myriad Pro ABCDEabcde 8 pt Myriad Pro ABCDEabcde 10 pt Adobe Caslon Pro ABCDEabcde 12 pt Adobe Caslon Pro ABCDEabcde 14 pt I marchi riprodotti su questo catalogo sono utilizzati a solo scopo esemplificativo e sono registrati e depositati dalle rispettive aziende proprietarie. The trademarks reproduced on the pens and objects of this catalogue are used as samples and have been registered by the respective owners company. Mistral ABCDEabcde 9 pt Mistral ABCDEabcde 10 pt Mistral ABCDEabcde 12 pt Process yellow Red 485 Process magenta Blue 072 Reflex bue White Silver Orange 021 Red 185 Violet Process cyan Green 376 Black Gold Les marques reproduites sur les stylos et les objets de ce catalogue ne sont que des exemples. Les marques ont été déposées par les respectives sociétés propriétaires. Las marcas reproducidas en este catálogo se utilizan únicamente con fines ilustrativos y están registradas por sus respectivas compañías que los poseen. 98 Die Warenzeichen, die in diesem Katalog gezeicht werden, sind nur ein Beispiel und die Logos sind eingetragene Markenzeichen der jeweiligen Besitzer. 99 2017 100
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