ROMANIA MINISTRY OF NATIONAL RESEARCH „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Faculty of Law Cluj-Napoca 2 Burebista Street, 400237, Cluj County, Romania Tel./fax: +40 264 432265, e-mail:, Registered number in the Registry Record of Personal Data Processing 1919 This is the Student Guide of the Faculty of Law, Cluj-Napoca, „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University. Students may find in it useful information regarding the existing courses, curricula, as well as any other information about activities within our faculty. Although information has been carefully checked, it is still possible that changes might occur and our faculty reserves the right to make the changes accordingly. 1 Welcome to „Dimitrie Cantemir” Faculty of Law! As Dean of the faculty, I warmly welcome you! The Faculty of Law, Cluj-Napoca, as part of „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest is focused mainly upon students. Individual responsibility, independence and guidance of high quality are the fundamentals of the education we offer. We also try to create a place where you may feel being „at home” and where to enjoy studying. The development of our curricula has always been our essential concern, as we wish we gave you the best and most adequate resources for your future careers as well as better answers to the world’s most pressing challenges. Our staff is exceptional, consisting of both legal theorists and practitioners, who will advise you not only along the four years while you are studying here, but later on as well. The Faculty offers you the posibility to choose between Full-Time Graduate Studies and Part-Time Graduate Studies RF, each of them being adapted to students’ needs, preferances and program. We encourage our students to keep up their knowledge and offer them the best conditions to get ready for the legal profession and not only. We are also considering graduates of other faculties or to those who have just graduated, urging them to continually improve, a requirement for most of the jobs nowadays. The best opportunity is offered by the two Master Programs: Criminal Sciences and Criminology, respectively Business Law. The programs have been adapted both according to individual and labor market requirements, with modern disciplines, diversified themes and particularly stressing upon the practical aspect of studies. 2 Both our graduation and master programs were evaluated and pursuant to ARACIS decision assessed with the maximum rating of that institution – „Trust. We wish you a successful academic year! Dean, Reader Anca Georoceanu Ph.D. CONTENTS 1. ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY 2. USEFUL INFORMATION AND CONTACT 3. SERVICES / FACILITIES 4. FACULTY ORGANIZATION AND OPERATING GUIDELINES 5. CURRICULA AND AVAILABLE COMPETENCES 6. STRUCTURE OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR 3 8. TIME TABLE 9. PARTNERS AND AVAILABLE PROJECTS 1. ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY Our University has become competitive due to our ability to fit all the social-economic necessities, as well as those of education and consultancy. At present we may speak about a real educational system including 14 faculties and 17 specializations found in Bucharest, Constanţa, Braşov, Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca and Timişoara, in private educational spaces with impeccable facilities for modern education. In 18 years of existence, about 30.000 young people have graduated and now we have about 25.000 students and masters. There is more than one fact which may show it. I should start with the fact that we have hundreds of graduates who are working in well-known institutes and companies in USA, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, etc. „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University founded the EuroMediteranean University located in Slovenia and dedicated to master studies. The University was exclusively created with money from the European Union. Its belonging to E.A.U. is worth being mentioned, as it is the most powerful Association of European Universities and its bilateral relations with tens of universities abroad, the most important being that with Robert Schumann University in Strasbourg. The educational offer includes studies for getting the Bachelor’s Degree, full-time studies and part-time studies RF, as well as master studies. 4 We have in view this year’s high school graduates, but equally all those who graduated high school in the previous years to attend now classes in a second faculty or of a faculty taking into account that 11% of adult population has higher education. Mister President, Professor Momcilo Luburici Ph.D. and myself, who are the founders of „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, wanted from the very beginning to found a university in which there is a certain spiritual freedom, of reverence and, on the other hand, material facilities we never had and I may say that we succeeded in doing so. „The big Cantemir family” that has now 50.000 graduates, students, masters, teachers, and with those close to them, are about a million people – that is to say parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, wives, children – defines intelligent people, respectful regarding the values of Creation which we promote along the studies and having an extremely positive role in repositioning the scale of values in society. Rector of the University, Professor CORINA DUMITRESCU Ph.D. 2007 SPEECH OF THE PRESIDENT Professor MOMCILO LUBURICI Ph.D.– Founding Rector The founding and evolution of „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University is one of the most 5 relevant proofs of the efficiency of private initiative, even in a conservative domain as that of university education. In only 18 years of existence our university succeeded in founding 14 faculties with 19 specializations, in traditional educational centres (Bucharest, Braşov,ClujNapoca, Sibiu, Timişoara şi Constanţa), having over 20.000 students and a staff of high competence accomplishing the European and national standards of higher education. Curricula, methods, scientific research and students’ practice were established starting from the traditions of the Romanian school and modern exigencies of higher education. The founding and work in „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University are juridically based on the Constitution, Education Laws, the Law concerning the accreditation of higher education institutions and recognition of diplomas and Law nb. 238/April 23, 2002 through which faculties belonging to „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University were accreditedas well as Law 480/2008. Starting with the university year 2005-2006, the activity in our university is organized according to the principles established by Bologna Convention, of Law 288/2004 regarding the organization of university studies and of G.H. nb. 88/2005. „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University enjoys, undoubtedly, both inner and international prestige, keeping relationship with great universities, such as those in Italy, Holland, Portugal, France, Germany, USA, Japan, Thailand, and others. Over 20.000 graduates and thousands of masters have left the university so far. They all work being magistrates, lawyers, judges, teachers, researchers, historians, georaphers, philologists, managers in institutions, in the local and national administration , etc. Among private universities, „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University stands out through particular sobriety and quality of education and research. The diplomas got here have academic value. „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, accredited by Law nb. 238/2002 is assesst with maximum rating „Trust” pursuant to ARACIS, the highest possible rating provided to a university in Romania. 6 The curricula of our faculty – FULL –TIME and PART-TIME RF, as well as the two masters - CRIMINAL SCIENCES and CRIMINOLOGY and BUSINESS LAW were also assesst with maximum rating: TRUST! 2. ABOUT THE FACULTY Who are we? The Faculty of Law Cluj-Napoca belonging to “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University was founded in 1991 and accredited according to Law nb.238/2002 and assessed with maximum rating TRUST pursuant to ARACIS. Our graduation and master diplomas are equal to any similar diplomas in public or private European or Romanian institutions. 7 What are we doing? We have law courses for both full-time and part-time RF graduate which make possible the practice of legal professions. For the next stage, master, there are two sections: Criminal Sciences and Criminology (Public Law) and Business Law (Private Law), accredited by ARACIS with maximum rating. We are preparing just now for the introduction of doctoral school and of e-learning. Our curriculum includes fundamental juridical disciplines, specialized and complementary ones which may define a complete and complex personality in perfect accordance with the requirements of the Romanian and European legal systems. Functions, jobs which may be taken after having attended classes in our faculty and received a graduate diploma for „LAW”: magistrates (lawyers and prosecutors) after graduating INM; executors; subordinates in magistracy (legal assistents, clerks, secretaries for courts of justice or prosecuting councils); lawyers and/ or their secretaries within civil-law societies or individual law offices; notaries public or their secretaries; legal advisers in trading companies, national companies, government corporations, public officers in central and local public administration; recorder of property and leaders of land register, any kind of activity within public authorities which supposes legal training or higher education; diplomats, journalists, experts for governmental or non-govermental institutions; any other job requiring legal training. Reasons for choosing this faculty 1 The teaching stuff includes outstanding teachers and practitioners. The teachers are, at the same time, lawyers, judges, coroners, clerks, who effectively practice what they are teaching, and theoreticians who wrote law lectures and treatises, afterwards published at valuable publishing houses. In scientific research, the faculty works together with prestigious research institutions both in the country and abroad. The students are advised to develop scientific research of good quality, a fact that allows them to participate at yearly sessions, but also in national and international conferences. 2 8 More than in other faculties, our graduates have become prosecutors, magistrates, lawyers, notaries public, teachers in universities, clerks, and have high positions in public and private institutions. The practitioners belonging to the teaching stuff teach our students applied preparation at high standards. The private environment makes our students more assertive and competitive. 3 Being better and more efficiently organized, tuition in our faculty is lower than that in other similar ones, be they public or private. A student may submit to usual examinations or arrear ones free of charge. Only submission to re-examinations is paid. Even more: students attending 1st. to 4th.year and being on the first two positions as far as learning and marks are concerned, are exempted from tuition. Students paying full the digit tuition receive a discount of 10%. The students’ sisters, brothers, husband or wife, who attend classes in the same faculty, also receive a discount of 10% of tuition. 4 The students’ activity is sustained by the scientific and material basis of the faculty. In its library, one can find a great number of specialized books, as well as a number of legal magazines printed or on-line. Students may work in the library free of charge and limitless while the library is open. Within the faculty laboratories of informatics and criminology have been set up, possessing computers, video projections, and Internet connection. Students may also use the Internet all the time the library is open. The classrooms are spacious; they have been built up lately and cover more than 2600 square meters, including an auditorium, 3 amphitheatres, 4 classrooms, and 15 rooms for seminars. (There also is a Restaurant – a student cafeteria in the very yard of the faculty). 5 Besides practice in courts, lawyer offices and state administration, students are urged to participate in other extra-curriculum activities: visits to prisons, clubs, or various circles where great personalities of social, political, economical, academic, or scientific life also take part. They may also participate in ecological activities of forests regeneration, sports, etc. 9 6 The faculty location is also accessible. It is not far from the railway station and coach station, not far from the centre of the town and the Court: 2 Burebista Street, Cluj-Napoca. Mission and Viewpoint of the Faculty 10 The mission of the Faculty of Law Cluj-Napoca derives from the mission of „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, institutional structure to which it belongs. Its mission is fore and foremost didactic (education) and that of scientific research, being characterized by elements of specificity and opportunity in relation to the national nomenclature of qualifications and requirements of the labor market both in Romania and abroad. In accordance with its assumed mission, the Faculty of Law Cluj-Napoca intends to significantly contribute to legal experts training, going on with other studies, such as those for the master degree, able to take part in the process of strengthening of the legal dimension in the Romanian state, as a member state in EU. The curriculum „LAW” intends to: make and organize the institutional structures necessary for teaching, learning and scientific research corresponding to the demandings of higher education; support the formation of professional well-prepared experts according to present and also future requirements of the labor market, promoting values based on the fundamental human Rights, dignity, reciprocal understanding, tolerance, international co-operation,scientific objectivity and creativity; imply students in scientific research by making them part of national and international scientific projects; develop the programs of national and international mobilities for students, teachers and researchers; cover an important area of social-juridical relations with graduates appropriately trained by a competitive educational process, based on high information and communication technology; make partnerships with institutions, authorities, traders both in the country and abroad. Specialization „Law” is part of the traditions of the Romanian school of law going ,from the very beginning, like other specializations, through a process of adaptation to the new socio-economic-juridic reality. The viewpoint of higher education should be settled according to the demands which are of direct interest for the reformation of the legal system. 11 ADMISSION INFORMATION CONTACT ADMISSION INFORMATION Admission for the university year 2012-2013 is done according to the descending order of the Baccalaureate mark. In order to be enrolled the following documents are necessary: 1. Application (registration form); accompanied by Annex nb.1. Both can be taken from the Secretariat of the Faculty or got online; 2. High School Diploma – original and certified copy or a certificate issued by the education institute where the overall mark in school, marks got in each year, term of validity, and the fact that the diploma was not issued should ne mentioned; (2010 graduates also need a certificate as a proof they have promoted the Baccalaureate) 3. Certified Copy of the Birth Certificate; 4. Xerox copy of the Identity Card; 5. Certified Copy of the Marriage Certificate; 6. Two photos ID type; 7. Receipt proving the payment of admission fees; 8. An envelope file. The file with the necessary documents must be handed over during July 1 September 25, 2013. - 12 CONTACT Secretariate – Program: Monday - Friday: 10-14 Saturday: 10-12 Address: 2, Burebista Street, 400276 Cluj-Napoca Secretariate - Telephone: 0364-401057; 0264-432211; Fax: 0264432265 Email: Web Address: AUDIENCE LEADING STAFF DEAN READER CORINA BUZDUGAN PH.D. WEDNESDAY 13-14 DEPUTY DEAN READER DIANA APAN PH.D FRIDAY 11-12 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC LAW DEPARTMENT LECTURER CAMELIA REGHINI MONDAY 12-16 13 SERVICES / FACILITIES 1. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF THE PEOPLE who support the functioning of our institution are its most important resource. Together with the didactic staff consisting of experts, theorists and practitioners our faculty has a skillful administrative staff, very well trained and informed, kind and always ready to solve the students’ demands efficiently and quickly. Therefore, you may ask whatever you need, find answers to all your misunderstandings and problems. 2. LIBRARY Our library has more than 15.000 volumes and specific titles, most of them recently brought and updated yearly with the latest law books. 14 At the same time, it has the SINTACT program, the most important juridical database online, indispensable to anyone having a legal profession or preparing for one in the future. One may find the most celebrated juridical magazines online: ROMANIAN PANDECTS, ROMANIAN MAGAZINE OF BUSINESS LAW, ROMANIAN MAGAZINE OF LABOR LAW, ROMANIAN MAGAZINE OF COMMUNITY LAW, THE EUROPEAN UNION LEGISLATION, COMMUNITY JURISPRUDENCE by getting subscriptions which can be found at the faculty. LIBRARY PROGRAM: Monday – Friday: 8-18; Saturday: 8-12. 3. MATERIAL FACILITIES Our faculty has made many investments in the material basis so that students may have the best possible conditions to study. Consequently, today we have an important number of classrooms both for courses and seminars, a generous space and corresponding facilities, as well as high technology that creates a comfortable atmosphere for study. 15 Besides classrooms, we also have 3 lecture rooms for courses, as well as specialized laboratories (criminology, computers, juridical clinic) where there are didactic and applied activities, enough space to assure a proper time table for our students. For recreation and wellbeing you may go to the gym, built within the faculty building. It offers the possibility to relax and practice various games and sports, under the careful guidance of a specialist. 16 4. OTHER FACILITIES In order to ensure all the necessary facilities, there is a space within the faculty where a restaurant – cafeteria is open for our students and not only. You may have lunch here, without having to leave. In summer, this place has proved to be a merry place, perfect for drinking a cup of coffee or some juice and having informal legal discussions. For other kind of events, such as festivities, symposiums, national and international conferences hosted by our faculty – the Assembly Hall ensures an adecquate environment. 17 5. STUDENT FINANCIAL FACILITIES For the students who will get place I and II at the end of the year, the faculty offers a scholarship implying complete exemption of paying fees. Students who pay in full the tuition for 2015-2016, until 01.10.2015, get a 10% discount. The students’ sisters, brothers, husband or wife, who attend classes at the same faculty, also get a discount of 10% . 6. STUDENT RESEARCH FACILITIES For the students who want improvement abroad, our faculty offers access to ERASMUS program scholarships on condition that eligibility demands are fulfilled. Further information about the program: Yearly, we organize, without fees, a national session of student scientific conferences where there come students from all across the country. We try to improve this event and make the conference an international one. Thus, we encourage each student’s hobbies and passions, the critical spirit, abilities in research and communication. At the same time, we ensure the support for career ever since 18 student years, because, as you already know well it is absolutely necessary that training for one’s future profession started early. The papers are published, after having written in accordance with the requirements, in the Student’s Juridical Magazine, nb. 4/2013 in best conditions. 19 Pentru informaţii legate de sesiune şi de publicarea lucrărilor voastre puteţi accesa următorul link: FACULTY ORGANIZATION AND OPERATING GUIDELINES Our faculty works according to the University Regulations which can be found on the site: REGISTRATION is done according regulations, after having signed the Learning Ageement and paid the tuition. Further information and answers to misunderstandings is given by our Secretaries. CREDITS Credits are conventional units of measurement of the labor volume that the students /masters have to do in order to pass exams at a certain discipline or activity that is in the curriculum. The quantity of work refers to: physical presence at tutorial activities, laboratories, projects, practical work, but also individual study both for self-instruction and elaboration of verification works, case studies, etc., essential for getting specific knowledge and skills in order to pass exams. The imprtance of the discipline within curriculum or the degree of difficulty of contents are not criteria for increasing the number of established credits. The time spent foe gethering material can be taken into account when dealing with some new disciplines not accompanied by written courses. Credits do not replace evaluation with marks and, consequently, their target is not that of measuring the quality of learning. Allocation Agreement · for an academic year 60 credits are allocated, that is 30 for each semester; · the first cycle (graduation) are allocated, according to its leangth, 180 oru 240 credits, and for the master degree program 90 or120 credits; · for the allocation of credits all the disiplines in the curriculum are taken into account (obligatory, optional and facultative), including project activities and practical probation periods; · up to 10 credits are allocated for successfuk elaboration and defending of graduation theses/dissertations; · credits are allocated as integer values. 20 PASSING EXAMS IN ACADEMIC YEARS Students enrolled for academic graduation studies lasting for 4 years (240 credits) may be admitted to the next academic years only respecting the following rules: 1. For the 1 academic year the following rules are to be applied: a) students who have got 60 credits at obligatory and optional disciplines found in the curriculum for the first academic year are promoted; b) students who have got at least 30 credits (obligatory and optional disciplines for the 1 academic year) are admitted to the 2nd. academic year; in this situation, obligatory credits for the 1 year are transfered to the 2nd. acadmic year, students having to pay in the 2nd. academic year fees for the exams they failed in the 1 academic year; c) students who do not fulfill any of the conditions above, will be expelled or, on demand, they’ve got the right to get enrolled again, without admission competition, in the 1 academic year, with tuition. The exams they passed are recognized, and so are their credits; in the supplement to the diploma, there will be the specification: „retained student”. 2. For the IInd. academic year the following rules are to be applied: a) the IInd. academic year is promoted by the students who have got 120 credits at obligatory and optional disciplines required for the 1st. And IInd. academic year and found in the curriculum; b) students who are not promoted in the 1st. Year, but have got at least 30 credits for the 1 academic year and 30 credits for the 2 academic year may be admitted to the IIIrd. academic year. In these circumstances, credits necessary for promoting I and II academic years are transfered to the IIIrd. academic year; students must pay fees for the failed exams; c) students who do not fulfill any of the conditions above, will be declared retained and will repeat the academic year paying the yearly fees. All the passed exams and credits they have got before are recognized; in the diploma supplement there will be the specification: „retained student”. 3. For the IIIrd. academic year the following rules are to be applied: a) students who have got 180 credits at obligatory and optional disciplines found in the curriculum for years I, II and III; b) students who have got 60 credits in the 1st. Year, 30 credits for the 2nd. year, and 30 credits for the 3rd. year are admitted in the 4th. year, without having promoted the 3rd. year. In these circumstances, the credits for the 2nd. and 3rd. year are postponed for the 4th. academic year, students having to pay in the 4th. year the fees for the exams they failed in the 2nd. and 3rd. academic year. c) students who do not fulfill any of the above conditions will be delared retained and will repeat the academic year paying the yearly fees, the passed exams and previously gotten credits being recognized; in the diploma supplement there will be specified: „retained student”. 4. For the IV th. academic year (the last one) the following rules are to be applied: a) students who have got 240 credits at obligatory and optional disciplines found in the curriculum for years I, II, II and IV are promoted; b) credits necessary for promoting the 4th. year can be gathered during the year , in sessions organized by the faculty in this respect; 21 c) în condiţiile în care, la sfârşitul duratei legale a ciclului de învăţământ, studentul, care nu a obţinut numărul total de 240 de credite, poate solicita prelungirea duratei de studiu (an suplimentar) cu 1-2 semestre, în condiţiile art. 58 din Legea învăţământului, în regim cu taxă. CURRICULA, PROGRAMS AND AVAILABLE COMPETENCES dentul frecventează doar disciplinele nepromovate, restul disciplinelor fiind echivalate. You may see the CURRICULA to find out what you may study and when by visiting the following links: YEAR I NT%20PROMOTIE%202015-2019%20IF.pdf YEAR III - YEAR IV - The timetable of the academic year 2015-2016 can be seen accessing the links; LICENCE PROGRAM FULL-TIME: LICENCE PROGRAM PART-TIME RF: MASTER PROGRAM BUSINESS LAW:,%20SIII.pdf MASTER PROGRAM CRIMINAL SCIENCES AND CRIMINOLOGY: 22 “DIMITRIE CANTEMIR” CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY BUCHAREST FACULTY OF LAW CLUJ-NAPOCA CENTRALIZED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES LEVEL OF STUDIES: LICENSE Professional Competences Discipline Credits per competence C1. Appropriate use of legal concepts, theories, paradigms and methodology C1.1 Description of legal concepts, theories, paradigms and methodology. C1.2 Use of specialized legal language, written and oral form, of legal logic devices to explain and interpret legal concepts and theories. C1.3 Use of specialized legal language and of some legal logic devices, in uttering some specialized argumentations, written and oral forms. C1.4 Use of specialized legal language to evaluate legal concepts, theories and recognized methods. C1.5 Use of specialized legal language in professional projects.. General Theory of Law I 4 Credits per discipline 4 Roman Law 5 5 ISDR 4 4 Judicial Psychology 2 2 General History of Law 2 2 General Theory of Law II 7 7 Judicial Sociology 3 3 Judicial Logic 3 3 C2. Application of specialized legal techniques and devices. C2.1 Definition and classification of theories, paradigms and principles used in the study of law. C2.2 Use of legal concepts and theories to explain and interpret national, European and international legal texts (legal norms). TOTAL Constitutional Law 30 2 4 Civil Law –general part 2 5 Civil Law – persons 3 6 Political Institutions 3 6 Administrative Law – general part Adminitrative Law – special part Financial Law 3 6 2 5 2 5 Civil Law – real rights 2 5 23 C2.3 Application of theories, principles and concepts in an established context. Civil Law – obligations 3 6 Fiscal Law 2 5 C2.4 Analysis of preliminary data, their interpretation; making classifications and conceptual delimitations. Civil Law – special contracts Family LawI 3 6 3 5 Family Law II 2 4 General Criminal Law I 5 5 General Criminal Law II 6 6 Criminology 3 3 Civil Law –inheritance 4 4 European Competition Law 1 3 Criminology 5 5 TOTAL 56 94 Constitutional Law 2 4 Civil Law –general part 3 5 Civil Law – persons 3 6 Political Institutions 3 6 Civil Lawl – real rights 3 5 Administrative Law – general part Administrative Law – special part International Protection of Human Rights Financial Law 3 6 3 5 3 5 2 5 Public International Law 2 4 Civil Law – special contracts Family Law I 3 6 3 6 Bookeeping Elements 2 2 Environmental Law 3 3 Special Criminal Law I 6 6 Commercial Law 6 6 Special Criminal Law II 5 5 Company Law 4 4 Family Law II 2 4 C2.5 Making professional projects by using legal theories, principles and methods. C3. Application of the Romanian and European legislation as well as the other international legal devices. C3.1 Recognition of legal norms in the Romanian and European legal system and of the main international legal devices. C3.2 Explanation and interpretation of national and European legal norms and of international decisions by using the acquired knowledge. C3.3 Recognition of legal decisions in the Romanian, European and international legislation appliable in an established context. C3.4 Achieving the legal study and distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant stipulations with impact on solving certain specific cases. C3.5 Making professional projects by using the present Romanian, European and international legislation. 24 Intellectual Property Law 3 3 Labor Law I 6 6 Labor Law II 5 5 Judicial IT 5 5 Legal Medicine 5 5 Civil Law – obligations 3 6 European Union Law 3 6 TOTAL 91 129 3 5 2 4 2 3 6 6 3 6 6 6 22 30 5 5 1 3 C4. Interpretation, correlation and International Protection of comparison of legal institutions in the Human Rights national and European law, as well as law in other states. Public International Law C4.1 Definition of concepts and their analysis, as well as of the methods and theories used in interpreting and European Competition Law comparing institutions in the national and European law, and the law of other Private International Law states. C4.2 Interpretation of the relationship between the institutions of Romanian law European Union Law and of European law, law of other states by using comparative and interpretative methods. International Trade Law C4.3 Making correlations and comparisons among institutions of the national law system, European one and of other states in an established context by using specific methods and techniques. C4.4 Interpretation and evaluation of TOTAL specific methods which can be used for determining the relationship among institutions of national law, European law and the law of other states. C4.5 Making professional projects by using methods for comparing the national, European legisation and that of other states. C5. Using the necessary knowledge in Practice in Public gathering data and information Adminitration regarding a concrete, legal case. C5.1 Recognizing the sources of Judicial Clinic information in law (legislation, the 25 doctrine and jurisprudence), appliable to a legal case, including the legal database. C5.2 Explanation and interpretation of legal information sources (legislation, the doctrine and jurisprudence), regarding a concrete legal aspect. C5.3 Selection of legal information necessary in solving a concrete aspect. C5.4 Critical evaluation of legislation texts, the doctrine and jurisprudence, regarding a concrete legal aspect. C5.5 Making professional projects by using legislation, the doctrine and jurisprudence. C6. Use of present legislation to analyze legal situations, their correct legal classification and their solution. C6.1 Correct recognition of present regulations and use of legal reasonings, and their capitalization in professional communication. C6.2 Explanation amd interpretation of the way in which the legal phenomenum meets n point of fact situations (the way in which a real situation gets legal significance). C6.3 Solving the legal aspect risen a real situation by using legal reasonings. C6.4 Making a correct and argued selection among more than one solution that can be given to a real situation. C6.5 Making a research and/ or a professional project starting with the legal classification of a real situation. CT1. Fulfilling professional duties efficiently and responsible, following the specific conduct rules. CT2. Application of labor techniques efficiently in team work (with Practice III 2 2 Civil Procedure Law I 7 7 Civil Procedure Law II 7 7 Practice IV 2 2 TOTAL 24 26 Criminal Procedure Law I 6 6 Criminal Procedure Law II 5 5 Judicial Clinic 2 3 TOTAL 13 14 Christian Morality 2 2 Rhetoric 5 5 TOTAL 7 7 Prophylaxis Elements 0 0 Physical Training Public Relations 0 5 0 5 26 interdisciplinary elements), by respecting hierarchical levels. CT3. Efficient use of communication and information resources, and of assisted professional formation, both in Romanian and in an internationally used foreign language. TOTAL 5 5 Foreign Language I 3 3 Theory of Communication 3 3 Foreign Language II 3 3 PC and Documentation Techniques Foreign Language III 2 2 3 3 Foreign Language IV 3 3 TOTAL 17 17 27 “DIMITRIE CANTEMIR” CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY BUCHAREST FACULTY OF LAW CLUJ-NAPOCA CENTRALIZED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES LEVEL OF STUDIES: MASTER BUSINESS LAW Professional Competences Discipline C1. Learning the legal concepts which regulate internal and international affairs. C1.1 Fundamental concepts regarding devices and methods used in business law. C1.2 Explanation of concepts, devices and methods used in business law. C1.3 Application of concepts, devices and methods used in business law. C1.4 Evaluation of concepts, devices and methods used in business law. C1.5 Making professional projects by using theories, principles and methods specific in business law. C2. Recording and processing specific law information in order to make some typical projects (legal actions, stipulations, audit legal relationships, etc.) taking into consideration auxiliary specializations essential in business law. Credits per competence Credits per discipline Insolvency, Composition Proceedings and Bankruptcy 4 8 European Common Market 8 8 Competition Law 8 8 TOTAL 20 24 Community Law of Business 8 8 Management of Affairs 3 6 28 C2.1 Learning, understanding and using concepts, approaches, theories, models, and methods in business law. C2.2 Explanation of concepts, theories and methods of evaluation for the necessary information in making legal projects. C2.3 Application of concepts, theories and methods of evaluation for the necessary information in making legal projects. C2.4 Using the techniques and devices for processing information in legal projects. C2.5 Preparation and presentation of specific business law cases as actions, case studies, causes, etc. C3. Establishing and applying the Romanian legislation, the European one, and the other international legal devices of business law. C3.1 Learning, understanding and using legal norms as found in the Romanian and European law system and the main legal devices of business law. C3.2 Explanation and interpretation of national, European legal norms and of international stipulations by using your business law knowledge. C3.3 Application of the legal stipulations in the Romanian, European or international legislation in an established context in business law. C3.4 Skills for interpreting by means of a logic way of thinking legal stipulations based on legal concrete cases. C3.5 Making professional projects by using the present Romanian, European and international legislation in business law. Financial Reporting in Business 4 8 Civil Action in Criminal Cases 4 8 TOTAL 19 30 Civil Liability in Business 4 8 Special Procedures for Solving Litigations 4 8 TOTAL 8 16 29 C4. Performing tasks and legal activities specific in business law. Civil Liability in Business C4.1 Establishing and describing the concepts and theories used in specific legal activities in business law. C4.2 Explanation of the fundamental concepts and theories used in specific Protection of Civil Rights in legal activities in business law. CEDO Jurisprudence C4.3 Application of techniques and specific legal procedures; establishing clear strategies. C4.4 Estimation of risks related to each method, advantages and disadvantages TOTAL of some decisions made in concrete situations. C4.5 Preparing specific documents fit for given situations. C5. Getting necessary knowledge for covering stages in a legal procedure. Insolvency, Composition C5.1 Establishing and describing the Proceedings and concepts and theories used in law Bankruptcy (legislation, the doctrine and jurisprudence), fit for a legal case. Protection of Civil Rights in C5.2 Explanation and description of CEDO Jurisprudence concepts and theories used in law (legislation, the docrine and Level of Research and jurisprudence), fit for a legal case. Practical Documentation in C5.3 Application of concepts in solving a Dissertation Writing concrete problem. C5.4 Estimation and expressing one’s viewpoint regarding procedures and TOTAL strategies to be used for a given case. C5.5 Making professional projects using legislation, the doctrine and jurisprudence. C6. Developing skills for using information sources in business law. C6.1 Learning the fundamental concepts Financial Reporting in of information and communication Business technology in business law. 4 8 4 8 8 16 4 8 4 8 2 6 10 22 4 8 30 C6.2 Explanation of the fundamental concepts of information and communication technology in business law. C6.3 Using specific legal systems and database in business law. C6.4 Comparative study and critical evaluation of the main database. C6.5 Using and developing of a correlation and management of information (legislation, the doctrine, jurisprudence) in business law. CT1. Application of principles, norms and values of professional ethics within one’s own labor strategy for getting stringency, efficiency and resposibility. CT2. Establishing the parts played and responsibilities in a team, applying techniques of communication and efficient team-work regarding the relationships with clients/ opposers. Management of Affairs 3 6 TOTAL 7 14 Civil Action in Criminal Cases Level of Research and Practical Documentation in Dissertation Writing TOTAL Special Procedures in Solving Litigations Communication and Negotiation in Business TOTAL 4 8 2 6 6 4 14 8 6 6 10 14 2 6 2 6 Level of Research and CT3. Establishing opportunities of Practical Documentation in continuous formation and efficient Dissertation Writing capitalization of learned sources and TOTAL techniques for one’s own development. 31 „DIMITRIE CANTEMIR” CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY BUCHAREST FACULTY OF LAW CLUJ-NAPOCA CENTRALIZED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES LEVEL OF STUDIES: MASTER CRIMINAL SCIENCES AND CRIMINOLOGY Profesional Competences C1. Learning legal concepts which regulate penal sciences and criminology. C1.1 Learning essential concepts regarding procedures and methods used in criminal sciences and criminology. C1.2 Explanation of concepts and methods used in criminal sciences and criminology. C1.3 Application of concepts, procedures and methods used in criminal sciences and criminology. C1.4 Evaluation of concepts, procedures and methods used in criminal sciences and criminology. C1.5 Making some professional projects using theories, principles and methods specific to criminal sciences and criminology. C2. Recording and processing specific legal information in order to make some typical projects (legal actions, stipulations, audit legal relationships, etc.)taking into consideration Credits per competence Credits per discipline Elaborate Special Criminal Law 8 8 Elaborate Criminal Procedure Law 4 8 Elaborate Criminal General Law 6 6 TOTAL 18 22 Criminological Expertise 4 8 Discipline 32 auxiliary specializations essential in criminal sciences and criminology. C2.1 Learning, understanding and using in a specialized way concepts, approaches, theories, models and methods in criminal sciences and criminology. C2.2 Explanation of concepts, theories and methods of evaluation for preparing information necessary for legal projects. C2.3 Application of concepts, theories, and methods of evaluation to prepare information necessary for legal projects. C2.4 Use of techniques and devices for processing information in legal projects. C2.5 Making and showing situations specific in criminal sciences and criminology as actions, case studies, causes and showing specific situations for criminal sciences and criminology. C3. Establishing and applying the Romanian, European legislation, as well as legal and international devices in criminal sciences and criminology. C3.1 Learning, understanding and using in a specialized way legal norms from Romanian and European law system as well as the main legal, international devices in criminal sciences and criminology. C3.2 Explaining and interpreting national legal norms, European ones and international stipulations by using knowledge related to criminal sciences and criminology. C3.3 Application of legal stipulations from the Romanian and European legislation in an established context in criminal sciences and criminology. C3.4 Ability in interpreting by means of logic thinking legal stipulations in concrete law cases. C3.5 Making professional projects by using the Romanian, European and Principles of Criminal Responsibility applicable to Administrative Responsibility 4 8 Modern Criminological Research Methods of Written Documents 4 8 TOTAL 12 24 Present Aspects Reharding Offense Against Law and Order 8 8 Taking of Evidence in Criminal Cases 4 8 Stages of Appeal in Criminal Cases and Execution of Criminal Decisions 4 4 TOTAL 16 20 33 international current legislation in criminal sciences and criminology. C4. Fulfilling tasks and specific legal activities in criminal sciences and criminology. C4.1 Establishing and describing concepts and theories used in specific legal activities in criminal sciences and criminology. C4.2 Explanation of the fundamental concepts and theories used in specific legal activities in criminal sciences and criminology. C4.3 Application of specific legal techniques and procedures, establishing of some clear strategies. C4.4 Estimation of risks of each method, advantages and disadvantages of some stipulations in concrete cases. C4.5 Making some specific documents fit for given situations. C5. Gathering the necessary knowledge for covering the stages of a legal procedure. C5.1 Establishing and describing concepts and theories used in law (legislation, the doctrine and jurisprudence) fit for a legal case. C5.2 Explanation and description of concepts and theories used by law (legislation, the doctrine and jurisprudence) fit for a legal case. C5.3 Application of concepts in solving a cocrete case. C5.4 Estimation and viewpoint regarding procedures and strategies fit for a given case. C5.5 Making professional projects using legislation, the doctrine and jurisprudence. Elaborate Criminal Procedure Law 4 8 Psycho-Social Mechanisms in the Legal Domain 3 6 TOTAL 7 14 4 8 Level of Research and Practical Documentation in Dissertation Writing 3 6 TOTAL 7 14 Principles of Criminal Responsibility applicable to Administrative Responsibility 34 C6. Developing skills for using information sources in criminal sciences and criminology. C6.1 Learning the fundamental concepts of information and communication technology in criminal sciences and criminology. C6.2 Explanation of fundamental concepts of information and communication technology in criminal sciences and criminology. C6.3 Using legal systems and database specific for criminal sciences and criminology. C6.4 Comparative study and critical evaluation of the main database. C6.5 Using and developing a system of collecting and managing information (legislation, the doctrine and jurisprudence) in criminal sciences and criminology. CT1. Application of principles, norms and values of professional ethics within one’s own labor strategy for strictness, efficiency and responsibility. CT2. Etablishing the parts played and resposibilities in team-work, applying techniques of communication and efficient work in relationship with clients/ opponers. CT3. Establishing the opportunities for continuous formation and efficient capitalization of learning resources and techniques for one’s own development. Criminological Expertise 4 8 Modern Criminological Research Methods of Written Documents 4 8 TOTAL 8 16 Taking of Evidence in Criminal Cases Gestural Semiotics 4 8 3 6 TOTAL 7 14 Stages of Appeal in Criminal Cases and Execution of Criminal Decisions Psycho-Social Mechanisms in the Legal Domain TOTAL Gestural Semiotics 4 8 3 6 7 3 14 6 3 6 6 12 Level of Research and Practical Documentation in Dissertation Writing TOTAL 35 PARTENERS AND AVAILABLE PROJECTS Our faculty has partnerships with several cultural, scientific and administrative institutions both in the country and in Cluj-Napoca. These are: LOCAL COUNCIL CLUJ-NAPOCA, COUNTY COUNCIL CLUJ, TERRITORIAL WORKING INSPECTORATE, COMPANIES REGISTER, OMBUDSMAN, LAW COURT CLUJ, ROMANIAN ACADEMY, ROMANIAN INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS etc. Together with these institutes we prepare students’ specialized practice, conferences, symposiums, scientific and cultural events both for students and the whole community. 36 FACULTY OF LAW CLUJ-NAPOCA „DIMITRIE CANTEMIR” CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY BUCHAREST 2015 37