“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University
“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University
“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University Bucharest, Romania www.ucdc.ro Dimitrie Cantemir The spirit of the University (1673-1723) A philosopher among kings, a king among philosophers (From the award of the Academy of Sciences of Berlin, 1714) King of Moldavia, one of the Romanian historical provinces, encyclopedist, member of the Academy of Berlin, historian, philosopher, geographer, folklorist, theologian, naturalist and mathematician, musician and orator, philologist and a man of letters, Dimitrie Cantemir is known to have been a remarkable personality of his epoch among Leibniz, Baluze, Eddison, Hamilton, Fleury, Byron and Newton. “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University 176 Splaiul Unirii, 4 District, Bucharest, Romania Phone: (+40) 21 330 88 35 Fax : (+40) 21 330 87 74 www.ucdc.ro E-mail: rectorat@ucdc.ro Professor Momcilo Luburici Ph.D. President of the University The Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University was founded in October 1990 under the aegis of the Romanian civilization s greatest encyclopedic, Dimitrie Cantemir, Prince of Moldavia, a member of the Academy of Berlin, a historian, geographer, folklorist, philosopher, and theologian, scientist, mathematician, musician, orator, philologist, and writer, one of the greatest minds of European humanism. The university has full autonomy and acts on the principles of non-profit, promoting faith, culture and Christian ethics. All teaching and scientific activity is coordinated by the University Senate, composed of representative members from professors, students, and members of the Romanian Senate, including Romanian and foreign personalities. We are presenting a brief account, quite extraordinary, of our university after 20 years of establishment: six university centers (Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Timisoara, and Constanta), 4 15 faculties - 17 Bachelor degrees, and 20 Master programs; tens of thousands of young graduates who have seamlessly integrated into areas of the specialization that they have followed, many of them belonging today to the intellectual, political, economical, and socio-cultural elite of Romania. All these facts: professors with high academic values, researchers, students that are confident in the opportunities of knowledge supported by a strong motivation, led in July 2010 following the ARACIS visit to obtaining a certificate with the highest rating that can be awarded to higher education institutions in Romania: High degree of confidence . This is another reason to rejoice in the results of our work especially on an anniversary, and at the same time we have to realize the huge responsibility of maintaining the quality and exigent rates at very high stringency, thus, making efficiency, effectiveness, dedication, and competence constant values of our work. Professor Corina Dumitrescu Ph.D. Rector of the University Dimitrie Cantemir ‒ the value of a brand Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University is named after the one who was the prototype of UOMO UNIVERSALE of Romanians. As Greece had Aristotle, as Italy had Leonardo da Vinci and Germany had Leibniz, we, Romanians, have had the historical chance to integrate into the European culture, since 1714, through the complex personality of the scholar Prince, Dimitrie Cantemir ruler of Moldavia (17101711). Dimitrie Cantemir, a scholar of European fame, was an elected member of the Berlin Academy in 1714 at the suggestion of G.W. Leibniz. Through his works: Descriptio Moldaviae, Historia Hieroglyphica, The History of the Growth and Decline of the Ottoman Empire, and The Romanian-MoldavianWallachian Chronicle, Cantemir is a bridge between the east and the west. The universal vocation of our great scholar lays in the idea that he has always strongly supported - the spiritual unity of Europe. Moreover, Dimitrie Cantemir identifies Europe with Christianity. He has glorified the human reason as an encyclopedic spirit, but he confessed his Orthodox faith aware that man can achieve spiritual balance only by the coexistence of reason and faith. Therefore, Dimitrie Cantemir is the spiritual and moral guide for all Romanians, and for the University which now bears his name. Reason and faith are the fundamental axes of our educational system. It is greatly enjoyable to teach at the School of Cantemir. The transition from school to higher level education is an intellectual endeavor. Cantemir is a true Platonic academy. The alumni believe this is achieved as a result of the spirit of Cantemir and makes the university an inviting prospect both educationally and culturally. 5 20 years since the founding of university International Scientific conference: The work of Dimitrie Cantemir - symbol of the convergence of civilizations Between 21 and 22 October 2010, in Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University took place the International Scientific conference: The work of Dimitrie Cantemir ‒ symbol of the convergence of civilizations . At this event, more than 80 Ph.D. professors, academicians and researchers from Romania and abroad (including prestigious representatives of the Romanian Academy, the Science Academy of the Republic of Moldova, researchers from the Romania Institute of Philosophy and Psychology Constantin R dulescu-Motru , the Romanian Academy, from the Russian federation and Turkey) who know the life and work of Dimitrie Cantemir. The conference developed in different subjects, in parallel sessions concerning: history, philosophy, logics, sociology, psychology, mathematics, literature, ethnology, judicial sciences, musicology and pedagogy; this way, it was made an inter- and transdisciplinary approach of Dimitrie Cantemir works inside the three sections: Philosophy/ History/Education. Essay contest: The Personality and Works of Dimitrie Cantemir 6 The essay competition was held on October 23, 2010, and was enrolled in the cycle of events dedicated to the Days of Dimitrie Cantemir University . In this competition of creativity, both professors and students participated by focusing on the personality of Dimitrie Cantemir and the knowledge they had of his work. The jury was composed of renowned scholars and university professors. The contest ended with awards and prizes, as well as participation certificates for each competitor. The winners of this contest were: First Prize - Ionu Tatu, third year Public Administration student - Travel to Brussels; Second Prize - Roxana Luca, fourth year Public Administration student - 1.000 lei; Third Prize - Loredana Palaghiu, first year Public Administration student - 500 lei. 300 years from Dimitrie Cantemir ascension to the throne The International Institute of Cantemirian Studies At our university, the International Institute of Cantemirian Studies is functioning together with other research institutes. The International Institute of Cantemirian Studies is focused on broaching, researching and enhancing Dimitrie Cantemir s work from an inter-disciplinary perspective. The institute aims at training more people from various fields, for knowledge and scientific research on the work of the scholar Prince Dimitrie Cantemir. The International Institute of Cantemirian Studies includes: research and studies regarding the contribution of Dimitrie Cantemir to the development of philosophy, art, literature, and music, public conferences and symposia on issues and concerns of the Institute, as well as the development of programs in order to cooperate with educational and research institutions or with scientific and cultural personalities from Romania and abroad. The most significant projects of the Institute covers: publication of Cantemir s Integral Manuscript in 20 volumes; editing the Dimitrie Cantemir s Complete Works; Monumental Historiae Romaniae; editing in transliteration of Eminescu s Manuscripts in connection with a revised republication of the Complete Works. At the festive meeting, dedicated to celebration of the 20th anniversary since the founding of the university, on 22 October 2010, Ph.D. Academician Andrei E anu from the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was nominated as honorary president of the Institute and Ph.D. Professor Constantin Barbu as director of the Institute. International seminary Dimitrie Cantemir ‒ Brussels, 2010 The anniversary celebration of 300 years from Dimitrie Cantemir ascension to the throne of Moldova continued with celebrations in Brussels on November 30, 2010. On this occasion, the most famous political leaders, academics, professors, and researchers from Romania and abroad have gathered inside the European Parliament. The aim of this meeting was to participate in an international seminar, where the spirit of Cantemir was invoked to celebrate humanity, morality, his work and his life. 7 University with international diversity Mrs. Androulla Vassiliou ‒ EU Commissioner for Education (Doctor Honoris Causa, 26 November 2010) 8 For further improvement of the educational process, broadening the professional experience of the academic staff and students` training for the adequacy of curricula and syllabi to the requirements of the latest specialized research, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University has established several collaborations. For instance, since its establishment in 1990, the Senate of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University granted the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to several internationally acknowledged personalities, such as: Ms. Emma Nicholson - Baroness of Whinterbourne (2006); Professor Florence Benoît Rohmer, Ph. D. - President of Robert Schuman University in Strasbourg, France (2007); His Excellency Nursultan A. Nazarbayev President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2007); Mr. Ján Figel European Commissioner (2008); Mr. Didier Maus - President of International Association of Constitutional Law (2008); Mr. Vaclav Klaus - President of Czech Republic (2008); Mr. Boris Tadi - President of the Republic of Serbia (2009). We closely collaborate with universities from: france, Canada, italy, germany, Thailand, netherlands, Usa, serbia, lithuania, austria, belgium, spain, Turkey, slovenia and bulgaria eUras general meeting, 22 october 2010 As founding member of the EurAsian Universities Union, on 22 October 2010 “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University hosted the 2010 EURAS General Meeting, which concurred with the celebration of our universityʼs 20th anniversary. This meeting was attended by representatives of higher education institutions, members of EURAS from Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria, Kazahstan, Georgia and others. 9 erasmUs not just a programme, but a process 10 It takes you to a different world, with many culturesʼ representatives joined in one place for a given amount of time. It is a unique opportunity to experience a new culture and form lasting relationships with students from all around the world. It gives new insight into peopleʼs lives to eradicate stereotypes and prejudices. Groups are formed with students from different backgrounds with a passion to achieve their highest potential in their chosen profession or subject. It is most definitely a life changing and amazing experience which will shape a personsʼ future. I consider I reached the apex of my education in my 3rd year, during which I enjoyed a full year of Erasmus exchange program scholarship at Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania, combined with an internship in the Romanian Embassy in Vilnius, where I concluded a research on the Situation of minority rights in Lithuania, under the guidance of our chargé dʼaffaires a.i. The Erasmus experience helped me realize the importance of passion and friendship, both in professional and student to professor relationship. Roxana Luca, 4th year Law student The Erasmus Programme (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is a European Union student exchange programme, as part of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme and is the operational framework for the European Commission s initiatives in higher education. To participate in the Erasmus Programme, students must be studying for a degree or diploma at a tertiary-level institution and must have completed their first year. gkikas athanasios, greece I had studied and learned Romanian for a year, then I took my language exam and I enrolled at “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University of Bucharest, Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences. At the beginning it was very difficult for me, but my colleagues helped me a lot and now I can face all the major difficulties. The greatest help I had was from my professors, who really guided me to understand what they were teaching. Now, for me it is quite easy and I am ready to cope with all the problems I might encounter during my social and university life. I am very happy to study at this faculty because of optimal learning conditions, the wonderful professors and the extraordinary environment. herghelijiu s. radu, republic of moldova I came to Romania searching for a university and wishing to study law. People who increased my study interests were my professors who use the best ways to teach us and, by graduating this faculty, to become true servants of justice, ready to face all difficulties which we will meet in our career path. If I was asked to guide someone regarding their university studies, it will definitely be “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, because it is a university that requires a serious attitude, has good condition for studies and training will be conducted with persistence and attention by some of the best professors in this field. 11 The university that edits the COGITO - multidisciplinary research journal Editor in Chief: Ph.D. Senior lecturer Gabriela Pohoaţă www.cogito.ucdc.ro Cogito, published on 16 July 2009, is the first scientific research journal of DCCU, and the only multidisciplinary journal in our country. It is recognized and evaluated by the National Council for Higher Education and Research, on an academic level classified as category C journal (2010) and indexed in the Index Copernicus international database (April 2010). Through Cogito Journal, the concerns for philosophical and scientific research, at our University, have been made known both in our country and other countries, such as: U.S., France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Portugal and Moldova. It achieves continuous exchange, increased with the appearance of each issue, between the Journal Cogito and other similar publications such as: Glottodidactica (Poland), Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (Germany), Estudios Filosóficos (Salamanca, Spain), Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (Portugal), Philosophical Investigations (USA), Journal of Philosophy (Mexico), Revue Thomiste (France) etc. EUROMENTOR Journal Editor in Chief: Ph.D. Senior lecturer Gabriela Pohoaţă www.euromentor.ucdc.ro 12 PAIDEIA Journal Director: Professor Ph.D. Nicolae Sacaliş The Romanian Journal of education and culture has 17 years of publication, was valued at NCHER, being classified on academic level in category C. The magazine is under the auspices of the National Association of Popular Universities (ANUP), of Association “Euroed”, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University and Popular University “Ioan I. Dalles”. The Paideia Journalʼs desideratum is one of the major ideas of European civilization: the idea that a man cannot become a man without education through life and ascension to the world of moral and spiritual values. The Euromentor journal, or Studies about education, was initiated by the Department of Education. It appeared in March 2010 and was recognized and evaluated, from its first issue, by the National Council for Higher Education and Scientific Research being included on academic level as category D journal. On November 10, 2010 it was indexed in the Index Copernicus international database, and on November 29, 2010 was evaluated CNCSIS and included in category C. The Euromentor journal outlines a new vision of how a teacher should be today, a real trainer with European mentality, capable of high quality teaching comparable with international standards. biggest number of UCDC Masterʼs Journal Editor in Chief: Ph.D. Senior lecturer Mădălina Tomescu The journal, published in 2010, aims to disseminate information, opinions and ideas from all areas of activity specific to the master programs organized by DCCU, and to provide information regarding the scientific activities of the master students of DCCU. academic magazines GEO-CARPATHICA Journal Director: Professor Ph.D. Ion VELCEA The action for editing the journal Geo-Carpathica began in 2000 when the first issue appeared at the Publishing University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu. It is recognized and evaluated by the National Research Council for Higher Education and placed in category C. The Geo-Carpathica journal is the messenger of scientific and research activity conducted by the Faculty of Geography and Tourism. Thus, the scientific cultural agreement signed with the University of Trieste, the organization of 11 international conferences, the participation to Romanian-British Colloquium held in Bucharest and Liverpool, and to RomaniaCanada Colloquium held in Sibiu and Ottawa, are all a recognition of this work, with these occasions we have exchanged scientific information, we have gained new experience in research and in the educational process, and there have been exchanges of publications. STRATEGIC UNIVERSE Journal Romanian University Journal for Security Studies Director: Senior lecturer Ph.D. Constantin Degeratu www.iss.ucdc.ro This is a university scientific journal, with quarterly issues, published by the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Institute for Security Studies ‒ a specialized scientific research structure of DCCU that brings together in its pages, under a permanent section, studies and articles on security issues. The magazine is aimed to professors, researchers, PhD students, Master students, other specialists, and public. KNOWLEDGE HORIZONS Journal, Director: Professor Ph.D. Ion Ionescu www.orizonturi.ucdc.ro Formed in 2009, the Knowledge Horizons Journal is recognized and evaluated by the National Research Council for Higher Education and placed in category D. It is focused on scientific research of legal and economic sciences, promoting the best results in these areas professors from DCCU and other romanian and foreign higher education institutions. It is published quarterly in Romanian and English. 13 Foreword institute for multidisciplinary research Scientific Session with the theme: The Economic Crisis Institute for Multidisciplinary Research promotes research programs for professors, Bachelor and Master students and contract beneficiaries. The research outcomes are presented during national and international conferences and published in specialized magazines, or even books. Research was instituted by the foundation of the Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, which coordinates the research centers adjacent to each faculty in the University. Research work is also conducted on contract basis, as a result of national competition or by means of direct relationships with the business environment. Some examples are: Economic coordinates and dimensions of the social cohesion in the metropolitan development ( DEMOS ); An some of the exemplary research activities 14 educational portal for learning foreign languages, with a view to the multicultural environment integration; A management of knowledge architecture in the field of social and economic environment, with a view to strategies of sustainable regional development ( KNOW HOW REG ); An up-to-date system of variables, models and policies to quantify and sustain initial and follow-up training of the human resources, with a view to educational quality and exhilaration of the creative potentiality ( BE EDUCATED ); A quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the public administration reform outcomes on the integration process of the E.U, with a view to reducing development lagging of the economic regions ( ACCECAPI ). The scientific-documentary film “Transition and the Romanian Enterprise”, made from the screenplay written by Professor Constantin Popescu, Ph.D. ; The Scientific Session “Topical Issues of Economic-Social Thought, Science and Practice”, Cluj-Napoca; The Scientific Session “Dimitrie Cantemir - His Place and Role in the History of Universal Civilization”, Bucharest; Romanian-Italian viva voce of human economic Geography, with the theme “The Impact of Tourism Upon the Quality of the Environment“, Sibiu; The research work session on „The present economic crisis in the context of globalization”, Bucharest. The economic Center of research of our university is the first and solely private university centre in romania, which was awarded the Diploma of excellence on behalf of the ministry of education, research, youth and sports, and of the research Work national Council of the romanian academic education a lifelong research University professor Ion Ionescu, Ph.D. Throughout his experience, we can see that he has always combined theory with practice and abilities with passion. He is a very complex person, able of complete dedication, a living proof that life is all about recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them. Prof. Ionescu is a Ph.D. graduate of the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, with his Ph.D. thesis on Mutations in Romanian tourism, therefore he became a doctor of economical sciences. At the same time, he began teaching Marketing research courses at The Faculty of Commerce and at the Faculty of Geography of University of Bucharest, which were followed by 5 years in a leading position as General Director of a big tourism society in Bucharest. He then became professor at “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University on Tourism economy and management, until today. He has a contagious passion for scientific research, materialized in over 30 studies in tourism economy, tourism sociology and territorial development, over 20 papers as coordinator and author, more than 90 articles and over 60 national and international scientific conferences. At Dimitrie Cantemir, he is the Director of the Institute for Multidisciplinary Research. 15 institute for security studies 16 Institute for Security Studies (ISS-DC) is a scientific research branch, enjoying full academic freedom, of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University. Education and advanced research are our university s main missions. ISS-DC was established by the Senate of the DCCU in January 2010, but its activity is a follow-up of the previous activity performed by the Department for European Integration and Foreign and Security Policy Studies (2008) and Department for Security Studies and Foreign Relations (2006). ISS-DC is focused on the modern security studies from an academic and educational perspective. The mission of ISS-DC is to conduct security studies ‒ primarily for the use of students and professors of the Political Science, Security Studies, International Relations, Juridical and Public Administration, Economic and other DCCU faculties, for its master programs and for the broader national security community. It also offers analysis and forecasting for DCCU leadership, public authorities, NGOs, and human rights movement. The ISS-DC looks at security in its broader sense ‒ political, economic, diplomatic, military, historical, legal, moral, psychological, and philosophical. (http://iss.ucdc.ro) human rights The International Institute for Human Rights The establishment of the International Institute for Human Rights is part of the university s strategy to develop advanced research activities in the field of legal science and human rights. The Institute aim is to investigate the fundamental human rights and to protect, promote and enforce a culture of human rights. These will be done in varied ways such as human rights training for lawyers, but for anyone who wants training in this field of research and develop-ment programs in collaboration with specialized institutions, national and international conferences, suggestions of law , publishing works on human rights. The President of the Institute is Professor Dumitru Mazilu and the director is Lecturer Titus Corl ean, leading figures in protecting and promoting human rights and also important personalities such as Mrs. Professor Florence Benoit Rohmer ‒ University President Robert Schuman , Strasbourg and Mrs. Professor Irina Moroianu Zl tescu ‒ the director of the Romanian Institute for Human Rights. 17 Department of Education The Department of Education is an institutional structure designed to ensure training, consulting, and expertise for initial and continuing training to students and graduates who want to embark on a teaching career. The department activity is structured as follows: initial and continuing teacher training by organizing and coordinating the pedagogical training programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate level; theoretical and applied educational research, based on their own projects (research journals: Euromentor, Paideia) or together with other institutional partners: PAED (parents education meets local environment sustainability, GRUNDTVIG, European Commission), Euromanager (managerial training for directors and school inspectors to increase the quality of university education, CNFPA), Europlacement 2011/FUERM (Leonardo Program, European Commission); pedagogical and didactic counseling for teachers, regarding teacher training, and for future teachers; psychological counseling and career guidance for students. 18 In addition to initial and continuing training programs, for the teaching profession, in the academic year 2010-2011, the Department of Education in cooperation with MTC faculty initiated and organized the Masters Degree program with an interdisciplinary character: Educational Management summer University It is an educational project that offers students of class XI the ability to make contact with academia in Bucharest and Higher Education of the Christian University, Dimitrie Cantemir , enabling them to become students for two weeks. Students will follow a program of courses and seminars for first year representative study, supported by university professors and PhD students from our university, on a voluntary basis. Courses will be taught in all faculties of Christian University, Dimitrie Cantemir , taking into account the options of participating pupils. Next to a formal education program offered, the project aims to create a framework for debate and non-formal education with activities offered through: lectures, information sessions, activities to socializing, discussing educational issues, psychological counseling and career guidance for students. First series of gradutes of the European University Summer Courses, organized by “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University in cooperaton with the International Center for European Training and the European Institue for Higher International Studies from Nice 19 The faculty of Juridical and administrative sciences, bucharest Bachelor - Law - Public Administration Master - Business Law - Judicial Career - Administrative Law institutions - Mediation of conflicts - European Law - Criminal Sciences 20 The Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences of DCCU in Bucharest was established in the 1990-1991 academic year - the first faculty founded in this university as a response to the increasing need of judicial training and improvement. The Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences has a significant contribution in forming of legal experts, in terms of continuation of legal training in LLM programs, witch is able to contribute to the consolidation of the Romanian legal framework as member state of the European Union. Complementary to the education process, students and professors take part in scientific research activities, conferences and communications or they participate in debates organized by the Faculty s research center, or in research and development projects initiated by the academic staff. Some examples are: moot courts (for Criminal Law-Criminal Procedural Law and for Administration Law); human rights projects (Equality starts from childhood and Gender equality seminar ‒ in partnership with The Gender Equality Commission of Bucharest and The Gender Equality National Agency, that aim to make primary school students understand and apply non-discrimination, equality, chances of principles, and how to apply each one of them); Juridical studies and research, Faculty s magazine dedicated to the research of current LLB and LLM students, publishing their best articles. “The three years of college has meant for me another important step in my professional development, giving me new insights into personal career choices. The professorsʼ availability and openness, the colleagueʼs enthusiasm and simplicity, have urged me to achieve much more knowledge in administrative sciences and related fields. In this academic environment, I had to be more actively involved during my classes, seminars, and research activities. Performance in this area consists of active involvement in the process of learning-teaching, from both professors and studentsʼ side. In my opinion, the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University does not only focus on the studentʼs simple storage of as much information as possible, but mostly on his ability to put it into practice. Therefore, if I had to define the university in three words, they would be: professionalism, openness and performance” Emilia Micu, First Honor Graduate “The years I have spent at “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University defined me as a future member of society - I learnt to become better, more respectable, correct; I discovered the debate - you become wiser when dealing with smarter opponents; I witnessed the power of rhetoric - trained my public speech in several scientific debates; I was praised - I was happy; I was criticized - I answered through re-evaluation. These experiences are not just for elite, they are available to all, will is the only attribute - the will to self-strive” Ioana Ghiţă, graduate 21 faculty of law, Cluj-napoca Bachelor - Law Master - Criminology and Forensic science - Business Law 22 The teaching and learning activities in the undergraduate education programs are integrated with training in public administration, forms of liberal professions and in court. The Faculty has concluded partnerships with research institutions of Romania (Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Romanian Academy, Romanian Institute for Human Rights), Italy, and Moldova. Most professors are also practitioners in law (judges at the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of Cluj, lawyers that are appreciated by the Bar Association of Cluj). The fact that most of our graduates have jobs that are compatible with the areas in which they have been prepared is significant for the faculty. A graduate of the university said in this regard: I had the privilege of a special education in the legal field. Many graduates of the Faculty that I followed are working in the police today. I am glad to see that the Faculty keeps a high quality of training and it is also developing and strengthening its prestige . Students are encouraged to participate at scientific research, their achievements being presented at the annual session of students and graduate students, but also at the national and international conferences. In addition, to the faculty juridical magazine “Fiat Justitia”, whose editorial collective includes local and foreign personalities, is also published in the “Student legal journal”. The faculty of economic sciences, Cluj-napoca The foundation and accreditation of the Faculty of Economic Sciences in the Cluj-Napoca academic center is a materialization of the university s founders creed that an elite school is born and strengthened in recognized academic centers. In the faculty we also run the Career Information, Counseling and Orientation Center organized in collaboration with The Romanian Coaching Association to support individual and group counseling activities, coaching, career guidance, career management, etc. With the purpose of creating networking between the students and their future employers we founded the student club called Business Club where we organize regular meetings Bachelor - The Economy of Commerce, Tourism and Services - Finance and Banking - Accounting and Administration Informatics Master - Business Management in Tourism and Commerce - Finance and Bank Management - Business Accounting and Auditing with business, public administration and bank representatives. Annually we organize the Scientific Session with national and international participants under the aegis of Current problems of social and economic thinking, science and practice , got to the XIVth edition that has enjoyed and is still enjoying a wide participation of academics from prestigious universities in the country and abroad. In the research area, we should note the collaboration with the Cluj Branch of the Romanian Academy in the organization of conferences, symposia, round tables, as well as the common elaboration of the annual volume Knowledge, Interest and Responsibility . 23 The faculty of Tourism and Commercial management, bucharest Bachelor - Tourism and Commercial Management Master - Tourism Business Management - Commerce Business Management - Management-marketing and business negotiation 24 The Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management was founded in 1990 and it is essential in Cantemir system because it s the largest college, being attended by over 4,000 students and master students. The specialists trained in our faculty will be able to work for tourism agencies, hotel and commercial chains, banks, the Ministry of Tourism and its local institutions, central and local departments of public administration, economic departments within national and international companies, public or private institutions of education, research or consultancy. The external relationships of the faculty are reflected by the cooperation agreements signed with different research institutes and professional associations within the field such as: the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, S.C. Cocor S.A., S.C. Olympic International - Tourism S.R.L., the National Institute for Tourism Research and Development, the National Institute for Scientific Research in the field of Labor and Social Protection (INCSMPS). The Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management is a partner of various universities abroad due to the ERASMUS program. These universities are: Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-West-Vlaanderen in Belgium, Università degli Studi G. d Annunzio Chieti e Pescara in Italy, Mykolas Romeris University Academic Affairs Centre in Lithuania, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences-School of Management in Austria and Universitates Adnan Menderes in Turkey. The faculty of management in Tourism and Commerce, Timisoara Bachelor - Economy of Commerce, Tourism and Services Master - Business Administration and Negotiation - Business Administration in Tourism The Faculty of Management in Tourism and Commerce Timisoara part of „Dimitrie Cantemir University was opened in October 1991 and it was the first faculty of this type in the Western area of Romania. Our Faculty study programs correspond to the general context of training future specialists in Romania and other European countries. Our Faculty cooperates with other faculties and universities having similar study programs, especially with the Faculty of Economics (West University of Timisoara), in organizing scientific sessions. Our students are also involved in scientific research, as they participate in study groups and have to work in teams in order to fulfil the tasks they are given. They can also attend conferences and present the results of their work. The students of the Faculty of Management in Tourism and Commerce Timisoara are trained to become business entrepreneurs with a Bachelor s Degree in Economics. If they attend specialized pedagogical courses they may become teachers of Economics. Some of our graduates are already teaching in schools and Universities. 25 The faculty of Tourism and Commercial management, Constanta Bachelor - Trade, Tourism and Service Economy 26 The Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management of Consţanta is the latest Faculty of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University. The faculty offers courses as part of the study program, respectively the degree in economy trade, tourism and services. The explicit mission of our faculty is to provide high quality education for the profession as an economist, specialized in tourism and marketing management. Thus, throughout the curriculum, the analytical applications, the student scientific research and practice, and through other specific training methods our aim is to achieve compatibility of theoretical and practical training in accordance with current and future requirements in tourism and trade. Since February 2006, the Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management Constanta of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University has a new building with distinctive architecture and multipurpose spaces corresponding to the best conditions in the general context of training future specialists for Romania and European countries. The faculty of foreign modern languages and literatures, bucharest Bachelor - double specialization - Specialization 1 - English, French, German - Specialization 2 - English, French, German, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Turkish It is the only faculty in Romania in which the educational process combines the study of languages and foreign literatures with computer sciences. The double qualification obtained through study of foreign languages and computer disciplines offers multiple job opportunities for graduates, in the related fields of their pedagogical training: linguistic or literary research, translation and interpretation, diplomacy, international relations, central and local administration, government and nongovernmental organizations, PR, media. Many alumni of our faculty work at universities or in public domain, in embassies, government agencies, as translators in European commissions or interpreters, etc. One of our outstanding outcomes relates to the Japanese Department, which is proud of our former students, some at doctoral studies in Japan, others already Ph.D. lecturers. A moment of pride and productive competition in the faculty departments! 27 The faculty of international business and economics, bucharest Bachelor - International and Economic Affairs Master - International Business Management - Foreign affairs and European Integration 28 The Faculty of International Economic Relations has the mission to train specialists in the international economic relations field, through teaching and research activities, adequate to the specific of the current national and international business environment. We focus on developing and perfecting our students abilities compatible with what is new, representative, and dynamic in society and also what is envisaged as further development. Our college graduates can carry out the function of economists specialized in international economic relations within organizations such as: foreign trade companies, banks, agencies and trade organizations in our country and abroad, government organizations, diplomatic and consular missions, international organizations, businesses research and education, jobs that are currently in full compliance with the national and international qualifications. The faculty of international business and economics, brasov Bachelor - Economy and International Affairs The Faculty of International Business and Economics is offering our students the possibility to become specialists in the international business environment by combining the studies from microeconomics and macroeconomics. At the microeconomic level we aim at teaching our students practical activities in private companies that conduct international trade activities. At the macroeconomic level our students will be able to take high level decisions in multinational companies and also at diplomatic or consular level. The shifting economic climate increases demand for individuals who are capable of navigating the world s changing economic landscape. The focus of our studies programe is constituted by the perspectives of individuals and firms at the international level. Emphasis is placed on the impact and the role of international economic relations. Students study international financial markets, exchange rates, and the effects of different trade policies on international and domestic markets. 29 faculty of finance, banking and accountancy, bucharest Bachelor - Finances and Banking Master - Financial Management - Finance and Business Administration - Management and Financial Audit 30 Our educational offer distinguishes itself through theoretical and practical content of the subjects included in the academic curricula as well as through the permanent concern of the professors to disseminate the knowledge necessary for managing and financing economic development and national and regional infrastructure modernization projects. Our faculty organizes exchanges of experience and best practices with other faculties in our university and other members in the Romanian Association of Faculties of Economics. The consolidation of experience and education as the foundation with education and development through knowledge, Alumni of a Bachelor and Master of the Faculty of Finance, Banking and Accountancy manage to fit in a significant proportion in the fields of academic qualifications obtained. Through our partnerships with the business community, we assure well-trained graduates for the European labor market. Particular attention is paid to maintain contact with graduates by inviting them to workshops and seminars with the theme of career management and integration capabilities in professional organizations such as the General Association of Economists in Romania, Body of Chartered Certified Accountants of Romania, National Association Evaluators of Romania, Chamber of Auditors of Romania, etc. The faculty of finance, banking and accountancy, brasov Bachelor - Finances and Banking - Accountancy and Informatics Accountancy Management The Faculty of Finance, Banking and Accountancy is situated in the proximity of the center of Brasov, one of the most beautiful cities in Romania, a medieval city that can offer many possibilities to young graduates in finding jobs in the banking system. One of the main qualities, that our university has, is that we are offering tutoring for all our students. We develop a very close relation with our students, we try to help and understand them in all the aspects of their lives. Our doors are always open whenever we are asked to counsel students in finding jobs during university years or after graduation. We believe that each individual has an untapped potential which can be nurtured into limitless ability. The personal approach will help students identify their unique skills and tailor a solution to develop new ones. The two faculties are organizing with teachers and students annual scientific meetings that have the purpose of presenting the research projects of students and teachers. The Faculty of Finance, Banking and Accountancy organizes study and research programs for our students: Economic and financial analysis; Computerized accounting and fiscal training; Performance in banking system; Management and marketing. 31 The Faculty of Political Sciences,, Bucharest 32 The Faculty of Political Sciences offers an education adapted to both research activities and market needs, so that after graduation, students are able to build a career in correlative areas. These results confirm the general objectives of our faculty: forming political sciences and communication and PR specialists, combining theoretical preparation with internships, therefore assuring a high qualification specialization, which prepares the integration of young graduates in the labor market. The Political Sciences students are encouraged and guided to publish articles even during studies, enjoying the pages offered in this regard in university s magazine. They can also Bachelor - Political Sciences - Communication and PR Master - International Political Relations - Security and Defence Studies - Social Economy actively participate in conferences and workshops organized in the faculty. The student scientific research offers them the possibility to theoretically debate current political problems, while perfecting their communication and PR competences. Through its three Master programs, the graduates from our faculty as well as from the other universities, are able to improve their university studies in current domains, such as international relations, defence studies and social economy courses, held by renowned specialists, who, besides providing academic information, also offer guidance to the current and prospective Master degree students, based on their vast professional experience. The Faculty of History, Bucharest Bachelor - History Master - South-Eastern Europe and the great powers - Conflict prevention institutions and policies and crisis management The Faculty of History was founded because of the remarkable overall results of university s activities, combined with the traditions of social sciences education in Romania. It was one of the first faculties functioning in the DCCU in the new political context in Romania. The Faculty of History has the mission of preparing specialists in history and related fields through didactic and scientific activities, based on a modern curriculum, adequate to the actual context of Romanian society, which became a member of the EU in 2007. The faculty collaborates with similar institutions abroad and organizes Erasmus outreach programs for faculty members and students. Our university graduates are able to work as teachers, specialists in museography, history and international relations. They are able to work in educational institutions and establishments such as schools, university, museums both in Romania and abroad. The qualifications are recognized widely across the board as the research and education units are valid - these are in full compliance with national and international bodies. I have always had a passion for knowledge and for a better understanding of the history of our nation and that of neighboring states. The Dimitrie Cantemir University s reputation appealead to me, I decided to apply here. My personal surprise was to work here with such highly competent academic staff, which proved an honest concern for determining a real interest in the spirit of the students for the historic values of our past. For this reason, I recommend to all graduating high-school students to apply here and to choose their desired specialization for their life career. Thinking at the great reputation of the patron of this university, I realize that it is not a coincidence that I am here today. All of the people that I have met during these years had the effect of propelling me to the future with big roots in the past Ion Chiril , graduate 33 The faculty of geography and Tourism, sibiu Bachelor - Tourism Geography, options: (A) Tourism and environmental protection (B) Tourism Geography - Geography, options: (A) Meteo-climatology and hydrology (B) Territorial planning. Organisation and sustainable development of the geographic organisation and sustainable development of the geographic area Master - Tourism and regional development -Rural tourism and quality of the environment 34 The Faculty of Geography and Tourism is a model faculty where students enjoy a rich educational offer, having the possibility to make complex analysis of the tourism phenomenon and of the whole complex processes and phenomena in this area, including those regarding knowledge, monitoring, conservation and environmental protection. The Faculty has exceptional endowments for sustaining the didactic and scientific research process, such as GIS labs, Informatics, remote sensing and cartography, tourism geography, geomorphology and hydrology-climatology laboratories, and also a meteorological station, equipped with modern technologies and coordinated by university professors and scientific researchers from the Romanian Academy. Our national and international recognition of scientific results is proven through organizing geography and tourism colloquiums for the last 15 years in collaboration with Trieste and Gorizia University in Italy (11 colloquiums), University of Liverpool (4 in Sibiu and 2 in Liverpool) and the Commerce and Tourism University of La Rochelle, France; through recent agreements with Piemonte University in Italy and University of South Dakota from USA. master master of studies Department In the Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University second cycle studies are masters of the university and is a preparatory step required for doctoral studies. Master s degree studies are bounded by separate procedures for admission and graduation, compared to other university courses. The main objective is to contribute to Romania s social and economic development by providing education and training of our clients (master and society). Currently, the Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir organizes 20 masters, of which 17 are accredited, and three are in the process of accreditation. Masterʼs University Education Department assumes the task of preparing specialists in legal sciences, international law and the Community of European integration, and administrative procedural law, and economic sciences on business management issues in tourism and marketing and business negotiations able to use scientific knowledge and valuable cultural and humanities, to integrate socio-cultural processes of contemporary Romanian society and the world. 35 facilities European standards 36 The material basis of UCDC corresponds to European standards, assuring the development of an educational process and scientific research at the level of quality and efficiency requirements of a knowledge society. The lecture and seminar rooms, laboratories, the Senate Hall and Aula Magna have the best tools and equipment for teaching, communication and learning, therefore facilitating the activities of faculty members and students receptiveness, and the online communication with all the centers in the country through a video conferencing system. All these correspond to scientific knowledge and are comparable to those of universities in Europe and with international best practices (online monitoring systems, projector, marker boards, flipchart, computers, sound systems, wireless etc.). Laboratories for practical activities (moot courts, forensic laboratory etc.) have the proper equipment and means of operation according to the requirements for higher education. Students have access to laboratories with modern equipment in applied computer science, management, tourism, accounting, political science, history, foreign languages. In case of emergency, health care services are provided to both professors and students at the university medical office. For the spiritual development of our students, the chapel inside the university is an appropriate place for meditation and prayers The library has an important role in supporting the educational process and research activities. Providing an appropriate library book stock is a concern that has been reflected in the upward trend of the number of books bought in recent years, national and international publications of great interest for undergraduate, graduate and masters programs. The student has the possibility to log into his virtual account where he can access the virtual library for various issues connected with his curriculum courses, to communicate with other students or check his grades. 37 student facilities 38 Besides our programme and research studies, in “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, students can relax in different locations inside the campus. The studentsʼ choices for spending their free time are diversified, based on their personalities and likes. Students can go to the Sports Club to play football, basketball, tennis and exercise. For socializing and breaking the daily routine, you can visit the Universityʼs café, a place preferred by most students. Those with certain artistic skills can join the Art and Literature Club. Students have internet access inside the university and they can use their personal computers or universityʼs computers. our mascot: kuky The students of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, both from Bucharest and the other academic centers in the country (Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Sibiu, Timisoara), have multiple and diverse opportunities to enjoy their free time, in nature connected environment, with important historical and cultural sites, combining the useful with pleasure. Bucharest, the state s capital, is a great place for students, with an impressive number of places to relax and have a great time. Shopping, watching the latest movies, indulging with the traditional cuisine are all things that can be done in Bucharest. Bucharest combines the new and the old, with a beautiful historic center. It is a place that conserves the architecture and touch of the city once named Little Paris. You can visit the National Bank of Romania Palace, Manuc s Inn, Stavropoleos and St. Anton Churches, which maintain the autochthonous architecture style, as well as the House of Peoples, the Romanian Athenaeum, the National Museum of History, National Museum of Art, l Arc de Triomphe, The National Theater and other many representative locations for the culture and heritage of Bucharest and Romania. For foreign students, Romania has numerous unique locations, individually represented by specific culture, tradition, and people. By choosing to study at Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University you ll have the opportunity to know a multidimensional culture and places filled with history and the uniqueness of these people. 39 BUCHAREST 176 Splaiul Unirii, www.ucdc.ro The Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences Phone: (+40)21 330 79 12, (+40)21 330 83 44; The Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management Phone: (+40)21 330 95 90 The Faculty of History Phone: (+40)21 330 92 30 The Faculty of Finance, Banking and Accountancy, Phone: (+40)21 330 84 60 The Faculty of International Business and Economics Phone: (+40)21 330 89 31 The Faculty of Political Sciences Phone: (+40)21 330 87 50 The Faculty of Foreign Modern Languages and Literatures Phone: (+40)21 330 87 20 The Scientific Research Department Phone: (+40)21 330 79 00/113,114 Institute for Security Studies Phone: (+40)21 330 79 00/133 The International Institute of Cantemirian Studies Phone: (+40)21 330 79 00/145 Departament of Education Phone: (+40)21 330 79 00/163 BRASOV The Faculty of International Business and Economics 107 Bisericii Romane Street, Phone/Fax: (+40)268 41 87 88 www.universitatea-cantemir.ro The Faculty of Finance, Banking and Accountancy 107 Bisericii Romane Street, Phone/Fax: (+ 40)268 41 90 77 www.universitatea-cantemir.ro CLUJ-NAPOCA The Faculty of Law 2 Burebista Street, Phone: (+40)264 43 22 11; (+40)264 43 22 65; www.cantemir.cluj.astral.ro The Faculty of Economic Sciences, 47 Al. V. Voevod Street, Phone: (+40)264 41 47 51; (+40)264 41 46 68; www.dimitriecantemir.ro CONSTANTA The Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management 90 A Dezrobirii Blvd., Phone: (+40)241 54 43 03 SIBIU The Faculty of Geography and Tourism, 5-7 Acad. Simion Mehedinti Street, Phone/Fax: (+40)269 22 28 99 TIMISOARA The Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management, 2 Aurelianus Street, Phone: (+40)256 22 13 55; E-mail: office@ucdctm.tm, decan@ucdctm.ro www.ucdctm.ro Uk rain e Re of hu ic ng bl ar y pu mo ld ov a se rb ia b u lg aria EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR IN-CHIEF: Senior Lecturer Gabriela Pohoaţă, Ph.D. EDITORS: Emilia Micu, first honour graduate Roxana Luca, student Ionuţ Tatu, student Ionel Buliga, student GRAPHIC DESIGN: Daniel Fulga Brasov Bucharest N Constanta v Sibiu ClujNapoca Timisoara Romania
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