Term 1, Week 10 - Penrith South Public School
Term 1, Week 10 - Penrith South Public School
Term 1 Week 10 March/April 2016 Penrith South Public School Opportunity Growth Success 172-190 Jamison Road Penrith NSW 2750 Phone: Fax: Email: Website: 4721 3160 4731 1011 penrithsth-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au www.penrithsth-p.schools.nsw.edu.au PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Newsletter Autism Awareness Day Tuesday 5th April we will be taking some time to talk about Autism. Our aim is to help raise awareness and build understanding among the students and help our students with autism have a safe and happy time at school. As part of our day Fiona Scott, Federal Member for Lindsay, will be visiting the school as part of her Walk for Autism. She is raising awareness of Autism and also raising money for the Luke Priddis Foundation which is a really wonderful local charity. A – A kid with Autism looks just like you and me; Autism changes the way their brain works. U – A kid usually has Autism from the time they are born. T- You can learn a lot of cool things from a kid with Autism just as they can learn from you. I-The most important thing to remember is kids with Autism are just kids like you and me. S – A kid with Autism enjoys the same things as me and you like playing, music and birthdays. M- kids with Autism like having and making new friends. Pedlar’s Parade Our Pedlar’s Parade last Thursday was a terrific day! Thank you to all our families who put in a great deal of effort to make the day such a success. The children looked terrific in their hats and had such a variety of items to purchase. A big thank you also goes to Miss Bentley, Miss Smith, Mrs Peace and our P&C for their work with the organisation and running of the day. It’s always one of my favourite days! Mr Waddell Retires! At the end of this term Mr Waddell will be leaving us as he is retiring! He will be missed by us all as he has been a very big part of our school for the past 14 years. Mr Waddell has been teaching since 1985 and has been an executive staff member since 1997. His knowledge of students, families and the curriculum has made him a very valuable staff member and his wisdom and sense of humour has made him much loved here at Penrith South. We wish him all the very best for a long and happy retirement. Kerrie Beeby Principal PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS During the last week of term parents and carers will have the opportunity to talk to their child’s teacher during parent teacher interviews. It is an opportunity to celebrate growth and discuss any concerns. Rather than using a booking slip like previous years, we are excited to use an online booking system. We believe that this process will be more effective in allowing you to arrange a time that best suits your family. A School Interviews Online guide was sent home last week. The guide outlines the steps required to book an interview with your child’s teacher. Instructions for families without access to the internet can also be found in the guide. Parents are reminded that teachers can be contacted at any time to discuss aspects of their child’s learning. Please note that Ms Mani’s interviews will be held Term 2 Week 2. Kristie Gunning Organising Teacher DEBATING CAMP th th On the 14 and 15 of March, the Penrith South debaters: Riley Leech, Emma Burrows, Mikayla Becroft, Erin Lucas and Ella Parry, went to Katoomba to learn all about how to debate. We had 6 full delicious meals along with cordial and water. In total there were 102 children. Our awesome debating coach, Mrs Bruce, came along on the trip with us. During our first day we learnt all about benefits, detriments, voice production, matter, manner, method, P.E.E.L, D.A.S.T.I.M.E, team lines, modality, rebuts and much more. On the 2nd day, all of the 102 children got separated into groups of 3 to develop our own team debates. At the end of the day we had real debates against other teams. It was more fun than we expected. The Debating Team COOL KIDS MUSIC SAFETY If you see any suspicious activity in or around our school please don’t hesitate to call us to let us know. Best to err on the side of caution when it comes to these things. You could call the police directly or contact the school. LOST PROPERTY Lost property for the school is located in the white laundry basket in the foyer outside room 24. Parents can look for any of their children’s lost items before and after school. Please label all items, including clothes, lunch boxes and drink bottles with the child’s name to make it easier to return these items. REMINDER: SICK NOTES Sending a note when your child is sick has always been important however we are changing to a new software program later this year which will only allow notes to be entered for the following 5 days after an absence. So all notes explaining an absence must be submitted within 5 days or they will be counted as ‘Unexplained’. SCHOOL FEES School voluntary contributions are an important source of income for our school that help resource our classrooms and purchase important items for our students to support their learning. At Penrith South Public School the voluntary annual fees are due at the beginning of the year. The fees are $20.00 each for first and second child and $50 per family if you have 3 or more children at our school. These can be paid online through our school website or through PIP located in our front office. IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER 2016 Week Monday 28 March Tuesday 29 March Wednesday 30 March Thursday 31 March EASTER MONDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY Friday 1 April PSSA st 1 Instalment due today for the 3 day excursion to Canberra ($155.00) Newsletter 10 School Banking 4 April Full payment of $355.00 can be paid today for the 3 day overnight Canberra excursion Y2 to Y6 Assembly 2pm in hall – X Country assembly P&C AGM 9.15am in room 24. Clothing Pool between 8.45am – 9.15 in room 24 11 5 April 6 April 7 April Penrith Paceway start 10.30am to 11.45am Anzac Day Service – Captains, Councillors & SRC representatives invited to represent the school STATE SWIMMING STATE SWIMMING PAYMENT AND NOTE DUE TODAY FOR DANCE GROUP 2016 8 April K-2 Assembly10.30am in Hall LAST DAY OF TERM 1 Last day for payment of $35 for Y6 Polo Shirts for 2016. STAR DAY – MUFTI/FOOD & MOVIE School Banking SCHOOL RESUMES TERM 2, 2016 FOR STUDENTS ON WEDNESDAY APRIL 27, 2016 CALENDAR DATES PLEASE NOTE: Further change: School Photo Day will now be held on THURSDAY MAY 26, 2016. Notes and envelopes will be sent home to students and families early Term 2. TERM 2 2016 Week Monday 25 April Tuesday 26 April School Dev Day Anzac Day 1 Thursday 28 April Students Return 2 May 3 May 3-6 assembly at 2pm in hall Friday 29 April School Banking Anzac Day Service at school Week B 2 Wednesday 27 April 4 May 5 May Newsletter Mother’s Day Stall 9.15am to 11.30am 6 May District Cross Country Jamison Park School Banking Week A 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May K-2 Assembly 10.30am in hall 3 Week B School Banking KINDERGARTEN 2017 Enrolments for Kindergarten 2017 are now being accepted at Penrith South Public School. If you or someone you know has a child turning five before July 31, 2017 they are eligible to enrol to start school next year. Please visit our school office between 8.30am and 3.15pm Monday to Friday to collect the enrolment forms. Completed application forms should be returned to the front office together with the child’s Birth Certificate, current Immunisation papers and proof of address. The transition to school group will be commencing at Penrith South Public School on Friday July 22, 2016 and Friday July 29, 2016 between 9.15am to 11.00am in one of our classrooms. I look forward to getting to know our new kindergarten students and their families before they start school next year. Please see the information flyer ‘Starting School Group’ in this Newsletter to register your interest in attending and call Tamara Nicholls to enrol your child in this group if they are commencing school next year. If you have any questions regarding your child’s readiness to start school please feel free to make an appointment with me to discuss this. Michelle Preiss Assistant Principal SCHOOL DRESSES NEEDED Our students represent our school at functions and activities outside the school such as debating. The school has a small supply of dresses that we loan to the girls who participate so they can represent the school wearing the school blazers over these dresses. If you have any unwanted school dresses in sizes 8 or above, we would appreciate it very much if you could donate them to the school’s front office staff. Your help is appreciated. Front Office Administration STAR DAY “Star Day” will be held on the last day of this term, Friday April 8 2016. The SRC decided that it will be a mufti/food and movie session on this day. Many Thanks Greg Waddell INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS AND ASSESSMENT FOR SCHOOL (ICAS) 2016 Each year the University of NSW runs the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools. These competitions provide an excellent opportunity for all students to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external assessment situation. It provides schools and teachers with comprehensive reporting results and also gives parents helpful information regarding their child’s performance. Each student entered will receive a certificate. The entry fee and sitting date for each competition is as follows: Science Competition Tuesday 31 May Cost $ 8.80 Writing Competition Monday 13-17 June Cost: $18.70 Spelling Competition Wednesday 15 June Cost: $12.10 English Competition Tuesday 2 August Cost $ 8.80 Mathematics Competition Tuesday 16 August Cost $ 8.80 A note was sent home last week to all Year 2-6 students. If you would like your child to participate in any or all of the competitions please return the note with the entry fee to school by Thursday 7th April. Meegan Parsons Instructional Leader CONGRATULATIONS!! Over the last few weeks, several of our Stage 3 students have been attending trials to gain entry into Penrith Zone teams to play at Sydney West Carnivals in various sports. This has been our most successful year for team selections and PSPS would like to congratulate the following students who have already represented, or will be representing, the Penrith Zone: Lotus Glendenning – Girls Soccer Riley leech – Boys Soccer & AFL trials Chelsea Sutton – Netball Cooper Glover – Softball Bailey Crawford – Softball Shannon Perry – Opens Rugby League Lachlan Mason – Opens Rugby League & Boys Touch Football Mrs Parsons Handy Hints Each fortnight I will be offering some handy hints for parents to help their children with either English or Mathematics. This week’s focus is writing. Writing is an essential skill. It is more than just putting words on paper. Writing is a process of communication that plays an important role in your child’s life—both in and out of the classroom. Parents can make a big difference in helping a child develop writing skills by encouraging writing activities that are simple and fun. The following are activities parents can do with their child to promote writing at home. How can I encourage my child to write? Provide a variety of different papers for your child to use as well as fancy textas, pens, pencils and crayons. Children love using special things. • Read your child’s writing or have him or her read the writing to you, and make positive comments, for example, “I really like the way you’ve described this.” • Praise your child for having a go at writing words that are new and explain how to spell harder words. • Talk to your child about why an author or film maker might create a book, play or film in a particular way. What ideas or opinions are presented? What is the author’s purpose? • Read and talk about the writing that your child brings home from school. • In order to develop spelling and vocabulary, play word games such as I Spy, Scrabble, Boggle, Scattergories and crosswords. Fun Writing Activities Send a Message - Frequently leave notes on pillows, desks, mirrors, wherever. Have your child write you a note in return. A family chalkboard or message board is a great tool for encouraging your child to write messages. Letters - Make letter writing a habit for your child. Have your child write letters to family and friends. Postcards - Have your child write and mail postcards on family holidays or special outings. Say “Thank You” - Let your child get in the habit of writing “Thank You” notes for gifts or whenever it is appropriate to do so. Journals - On your child’s birthday, give him/her a special journal. Encourage your child to write in his/her journal as often as possible. Make a Menu - Let your child design and write the menu for a family dinner. This is a great activity that will keep a child busy while mum or dad is cooking. If some of the words are difficult, write them down on a separate sheet of paper for the child to copy. Be Creative - Encourage your child to write and perform skits or puppet shows. Set aside time for other family members to see the performance. Travel log - When you go on holidays, trips, or special outings, have your child record new sights and experiences from his/her journey. Label It- ask your child to make labels for thing they design and create e.g. with lego, playdoh etc. Children can also draw maps, diagrams and pictures with labels. Have Fun! Mrs Parsons Insrtuctional Leader P&C NEWS Hello everyone Our next P&C meeting will be held on Monday April 4, 2016 at 9.15am in room 24. All welcome. This meeting will be our AGM. The next clothing pool is open on Monday April 4, 2016 between 8.45am to 9.15am in room 24. We would like to say thank you for all your support in the last twelve months. Many thanks P&C Committee & Members SUPERVISOR’S AWARDS BRONZE Kindergarten Joshua Hughes Naindeep Singh Leilani Pugh Emmiah Burke Charlotte Keehn Alexis Ridley Jai Paterson Cohen Eddy Daniel Pollak Maddison Hennig Year 2 Emey Sara Ginu William Brackenhofer Year 5 Cameron Gow Kareena Singh Ella Parry Laura Zhungu Madison Paris Samuel Brett Amelia Butler Noah Duffett Jarad Nelson Ameliah Antaw Emma Burrows Joey Grech Jaquin Reid Emma Davis Year 6 James Boyd Erin Lucas Reece McGuire Taylor Grady Liam Paris Ella Grant Mikayla Becroft SILVER Kindergarten Alizia Winchcombe Year 5 Leilani Cross-Taateo Year 6 Louise Waterhouse Emily Duggan GOLD PLATINUM We sometimes have difficulty in contacting parents/caregivers in an emergency. If you have changed any of your contact details, please complete the notice below and return it to the school in order that we can update our records. Thank you. Change of Contact Details Student’s Name: __________________________________________ Class: __________________________ Home address: ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT/CAREGIVER 1 Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone no: __________________________________ Work no: _______________________________ Mobile no: _______________________________________ PARENT/CAREGIVER 2 Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone no: __________________________________ Work no: _______________________________ Mobile no: _______________________________________ Two Emergency Contacts Other than parent/caregiver EMERGENCY CONTACT 1: Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Relationship to student: _____________________________________________________________________ Home phone no: __________________________________ Work no: ________________________________ Mobile no: _______________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT 2: Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Relationship to student: _____________________________________________________________________ Home phone no: __________________________________ Work no: ________________________________ Mobile no: _______________________________________ _________________________________ Signature of Parent/Caregiver _____/_____/_____ Date Office Use Only: Records amended by: ______________________________ _____/_____/_____ The school’s security phone number is: 1300 880 021