NAA April 2016 Newsletter - The Newton Art Association
NAA April 2016 Newsletter - The Newton Art Association
NAA April 2016 Newsletter 3/31/16, 11:10 PM NAA Newsletter CALENDAR April 9-10: Newton Open Studios 11:00 - 5:00 pm 14: Thurs 6:00 pm NAA Board meeting Newton Senior Ctr 14: Thurs 7:30-9:00 pm NAA Demo Newton Senior Ctr 345 Walnut Newton Bonnie Lerner Gelli Plates/Printing without a Press April 2016 Demonstration Thursday April 14th 7:30 - 9:00 pm Bonnie Lerner Gelli Plates/Printing Without a Press The painting detail in the header is from a monoprint by Bonnie Lerner Bonnie Lerner describes herself as an "artist, creator & jewelry designer" "My current work explores the interface between realism and abstraction. In monoprinting, I often use the figure as a point of departure. The transformation of the images as they move from plate to damp paper is continually inspiring. I love the sensuality of the materials and the immediacy of the final image. In my figurative art, I am trying to interface the trained eye and hand of more traditional figure drawing with the joy of spontaneity, embracing the May unplanned. Approaching the surface with loose, flowing lines, this work communicates my interpretation of the body; its beauty, its mysteries and its 2: Drop Off:1:00 - 5:00 treacheries. Full Bloom Show 3 May thru 16 June I also love working with recycled materials. The creatures that I make, my United Parish in "Menagerie" are made of old wool sweaters that have been washed, shrunk Auburndale and felted. Each one is completely unique. I don't use patterns, each animal evolves as I work on it. Page 1 of 9 NAA April 2016 Newsletter 5: Thurs 7:00 pm NAA Board meeting New Art Center 3/31/16, 11:10 PM Similarly, my jewelry is made of recycled materials, vintage buckles and buttons. I rework them into bracelets, and necklaces, that are edgy and modern, with a vintage flair." 11: Reception & Awards Full Bloom Show 7:00 - 9:00 pm United Parish Note from the President 12: Thurs 7:30-9:00 pm NAA Demo Newton Senior Ctr 345 Walnut Newton Kurt Neumann Framing for Home & Exhibitions 12: High School Scholarship Awards at 7:30 NAA Demo NEW MEMBERS Aaronson, Miriam 338 Newton St, Apt. D Chestnut Hill MA 02467 617-879-0320 Harmon, Susan Johnson 161 Clark Rd. Brookline MA 02445 617-739-0538 Hammer, Nelson 41 Fuller Brook Avenue Needham MA 02492 781-444-1698 Vaughn, Penny 130 Lindbergh Avenue Needham MA 02494 781-449-0431 ~~~~~ Dear NAA Members, Spring has sprung and there are exciting shows coming up for the remainder of the 2016 calendar year. First, starting on Friday, April 1, you can apply for a small works show entitled, "Full Bloom" at the Betty Meyer Gallery at the United Parish in Auburndale. Painting can be on larger than 14 inches on the longest side, framed. This will be an awards show and Marjorie Glick will be the juror. Please see the application and the newsletter for details about drop off, the reception and length of the exhibit. Next come two exhibits: "Summer Light" at the Morse Institute Library in Natick, which runs from June through August. Please see Upcoming Shows in this newsletter. Also in June is, "A Sense of Scandinavia," which will be at the Scandinavian Cultural Center and will coincide with our annual Soiree. In September will be the NAA Annual Awards Show at the Newton Free Library, followed by an exhibit at Lasell College in the Wedeman Gallery for October and November with an evening awards ceremony followed by a Sunday sales event. This year we are moving the James King Bonnar Show to December and early January at the New Art Center. On December 11, there will be an awards ceremony combined with a holiday sales event. The NAA is in the process of revamping our website and you should be able to apply and pay online for membership or membership renewal, along with application and payment for our exhibits. The rollout for the new website should happen in early summer. I hope that you will find the new website as exciting as I do. Thank you. James James C Varnum, President Newton Art Association Questions? Email me: or call me: 617-852-7099. NAA News & Opportunities The NAA Annual Soiree HOLD THE DATE! Page 2 of 9 NAA April 2016 Newsletter DEMO SCHEDULE 2016 14 April Bonnie Lerner Gelli Plates/Printing without a Press 3/31/16, 11:10 PM Sunday, June 5, 2016 - 6:00 - 9:30 pm at Nordic Hall at the Scandinavian Cultural Center Download the NAA Soiree RSVP here 12 May Kurt Neumann Framing for Home & Exhibition The Dinner Party by Grun Jules Monthly Thursday Demos Refreshment 7:00 pm Demo begins at 7:30 Newton Senior Center 345 Walnut Street, Newtonville Free & open to the public Sponsored by the NAA Upcoming 2016 NAA Exhibits Includes an art show with art that reflects: A Sense of Scandinavia Every year the Newton Art Association has a celebratory dinner at the end of our season. This year's dinner will coincide with "A Sense of Scandinavia", an Art Exhibition held in the Nordic Hall during June. We are asking our members to provide paintings that relate to Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland) in some way. Download "A Sense of Scandinavia" Application **** NAA Scholarships **** Come Congratulate this Year's NAA High School Scholarship Winners on May 12 Betty Meyer Gallery at United Parish 5/2 to 6/17 "Full Bloom" Each year the association grants scholarships to two or more Drop Off: Monday, 5/2, 10college-bound high school seniors from Newton. 11am Applications are on the NAA website and due April 9. Reception: Wednesday, The awards will be presented at the May 12th general meeting & demo. 5/11, 7-9 pm Thank you to our judges: Nancy DuVergne Smith, Adrienne Robinson, Linda Pick Up: Friday, 6/17, 10Rinearson, James Varnum, and Sharon Gorberg. 11am Scandinavian Cultural Center-6/2 to 6/30 Nordic Hall "A Sense of Scandinavia" Drop Off, Thursday, 6/2, 10-11am Public Reception: Saturday, 6/4, 4-6 pm Soiree: Sunday 6/5, 6-9 pm Pick Up: Thursday, 6/30 NAA ART SHOW Sign Up Today! Full Bloom: The Art of the Flower May 3 - June 16 United Parish of Auburndale The Betty Meyer Gallery Page 3 of 9 NAA April 2016 Newsletter 10-11am Morse Institute LibraryNatick 6/1 to 8/31 "Summer Light" Drop Off: Wednesday, June 1, 10-11:30 am Reception: Saturday, July 9, Noon-1:30 pm Pick Up: Wednesday, Aug., 31, 10-11am 3/31/16, 11:10 PM Juror: MarjorieGlick OpeningRecep*onandAwardsCeremony: Wednesday,May11,7:00to9:00p.m. Download the Application for this art show Annual Awards Show9/2 to 9/30 Newton Free Library Drop Off: Thursday, 9/1, 910:30 am Reception: Wednesday, 9/7, 7-8:30 pm Check Out: Friday, 9/30, 9-10:30 am Lasell College-Wedeman Gallery Exhibit-10/18 to 11/5 Drop off: Saturday 10/15, 10 to noon; Reception: Thursday, 10/20, 6:30-8:30 pm Sale: Sunday, 10/30, Noon to 4 pm Pick up: Sunday, 11/6, 10 to Noon James King Bonnar Show 12/9/2016 to 1/7/2017 Drop off: Tuesday, 12/6 or Wednesday, 12/7 from 9 to 11 Reception/Awards/Sales Event: Sunday, 12/11 from 1 to 5pm with sales Pick up: Sunday, 1/8/2017 from 1 to 4 pm (Bonnar Show details are tentative at this point 3/16/16) NAA ART SHOW MorseIns)tuteLibraryShow June2-August30,2016 "Summer Light" DOWNLOADS TO PRINT Please click on the links below for a printable START PAINTING! Brian Hart, Curator, J. Todd Galleries Morse Institute Library, 14 E. Central Street, Natick, MA Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony: Page 4 of 9 NAA April 2016 Newsletter version of this month's NAA newsletter and last month's 3/31/16, 11:10 PM Saturday, July 9th, noon - 1:30 Download the Application for this art show Application Deadline is May 15, 2016 NAA April Newsletter NAA March Newsletter Call For Artists Newton Free Library Art Shows Newton Art Association is participating in the The Newton Free Library is seeking proposals of two-dimensional, original work by local artists for January-June 2017 shows. Exhibiting policy at under the Events tab. Newton Festival of the Arts Deadline: Friday, July 15, 2016 at 12 noon Website Link Questions? Contact Ellen at or call 617-796-1410. Member News Support our many NAA Artists in this year's NewtonOpenStudios April9-10,2016 11:00am-5:00pm Kay Hudgins & Linda Rosenthal March 13 - April 27 Kay Hudgins & Linda Rosenthal are exhibiting their work from March 8 - April 28th in the Betty Meyer Gallery, United Parish of Auburndale 64 Hancock St, Auburndale. INBLOOM:THEARTOFTHEFLOWEREXPLORESARTISTS' VARYINGINTERPRETATIONSOFNATURE Page 5 of 9 NAA April 2016 Newsletter 3/31/16, 11:10 PM Barbara Marder Barbara Marder is having a featured artist exhibit at The Newton free Library for the month of May. The opening reception is Tuesday May 3rd from 7:00 - 8:30 pm Newton Watercolor Society The Newton Watercolor Society is having the season's last life drawing/painting session at the New Art Center on Saturday April 16th 1:00 - 4:00. The first plein-air painting session is scheduled for Saturday April 23rd 1:00 - 4:00 at the Wellesley College Greenhouse The complete schedule can be found at Blue Mullions by Joel Janowitz, Wellesley Greenhouse NAA Art Show Opportunities Page 6 of 9 NAA April 2016 Newsletter 3/31/16, 11:10 PM Other NAA Opportunities to Show Your Art Keyes Pharmacy - Newton Art Association members can have an art display in the window of Keyes Pharmacy located on Comm Avenue in Auburndale. For information contact Bev Droz AVAILABLE FOR APRIL / MAY Avery Crossings - In Needham on the third floor, space is available for individual art shows or group art shows. A reception with food is provided. If interested contact Carole Slattery The Betty Meyer Gallery, located in the United Parish Church, 64 Hancock Street, Auburndale, is seeking artists for the 2016 Spring Newton Open Studios. Interested artists should contact Regina Eliot-Ramsey at The site will accommodate 8 artists. NAA Leadership Roles The Newton Art Association is an organization of around 200 art enthusiasts and artists. We are run by a cooperative board of volunteers who take on roles in the NAA. Below is last month's Board meeting! Your NAA Board at the March meeting * President - James Varnum, * Treasurer - Richard James, * Program Chair - Jeanne Gugino Sharon Gorberg * Membership - Jack Lifsitz, Diana Kazmaier (snail mail) * Recording Secretary - Toby Reed, * Communications - Vartus Varadian, Page 7 of 9 NAA April 2016 Newsletter 3/31/16, 11:10 PM Newsletter - Linda Rinearson, Snail Mail - Diana Kazmaier, 617-969-8360 * Special Projects - Linda Rinearson, * Exhibits - Each exhibit is run by a different team of volunteers. Carole Slattery, - Avery Crossings Bev Droz, - Keyes Pharmacy Arlene Bandes, Nancy DuVergne Smith - Diana Kazmaier 617-969-8360 Gene Mackles - * Salons & Critiques - Myra Abelson, * Scholarships - Nancy DuVergne Smith & James Varnum * Corresponding Secretary/Historian Jessica Mosher, * Hospitality - Vartus Varadian (demos), Paula Witkin * Legal - Robert Gaynor, * Board Members Emeritus Arlene Hecht Arlene Bandes Joan Pollard John Vaccaro Helen Cohen Please note We are always looking for volunteers who would like to take on a task & learn more about art in Newton. Contact James Varnum Contacts Newsletter Editor: Linda Rinearson Thank you for sending us your news! Questions or comments on the Newsletter? Or provide information to be include in our "Member News" for the next NAA Newsletter? Please e-mail Linda Rinearson at or call 617-332-3780 Newton Art Association,, Newton, MA 02459 SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ Forward this email | Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by in collaboration with Page 8 of 9 NAA April 2016 Newsletter 3/31/16, 11:10 PM Try it free today Page 9 of 9
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