Union L - Spencer Systems Australia
Union L - Spencer Systems Australia
Fast. Smart. Clean. UNION L&P 800 SERIES U-2000 UNION SERIES L&P U2000 The Ideal Drycleaning System Percorriamo We know da sempre what it la takes strada to be dell’eccellenza First. SA ipartire n c e i t sdali n1976, c e p t ianno o n i ndella 1 9 7sua 6 , Ufondazione, n i o n h a s UNION b e e n t he’e stato b e n cimmediatamente h m a r k b y w h i criconosciuto h all other dquale r y c l emarchio a n i n g di s y riferimento s t e m s a r edel m esettore a s u r e d, .con il quale tutti gli altri sistemi di lavaggio a secco si W esono l e a dovuti d t h e nel f i e ltempo d i n hraffrontare. igh-quality design and construction, La i n cleadership o r p o r a t i nUNION g c o n te’i nevidente u a l a d v anella n c e fase s i n dit eprogettazione c h n o l o g y m aedsviluppo e p o s s idei b l enuovi b y t hprodotti e i n d u es t r processi y ’s m o s tedc e’ r e aancor t i v e piu a n dtangibile v i s i o n anella r y r efase s e adir cproduzione h t e a m . di impianti di altissima qualità . Tutte le funzioni aziendali sono affidate a manager capaci e ad un team industriale assolutamente creativo , attento alle più evolute tecnologie, in grado di concepire un prodotto The vast Union complex incorporates manufacturing and assembly costantemente all’avanguardia. plants housing state-of-the-art research and development, high- tech inspection and CAD-based design facilities. Il vasto e moderno complesso industriale UNION comprende uffici di progettazione CAD-CAM Over 80% of machine components are made in-house to assure you the , centri di ricerca e sviluppo, reparti di produzione dotati delle più moderne tecnologie quali il highest level of quality control in every Union product. taglio laser e la saldatura robotizzata, stabilimenti di assemblaggio e controllo finale altamente automatizzati, un centro di formazione permanentemente a disposizione della rete vendita. To d a y, U n i o n d r y c l e a n i n g m a c h i n e s c a n b e f o u n d i n o v e r 6 0 c o u n t r i e s , L’azienda e’ strutturalmente autosufficiente grazie alla produzione in proprio di più dell’80% sdei o l dsingoli a n d particolari s e r v i c e d che by m o r e t h a n 2gli 7 5impianti. factory-authorized dealers worldwide. compongono To keep abreast of the latest advances in product technology, Union sponsors viene periodic technical seminars a n d t r a i al n i nfine g cdio uassicurare rses Ogni componente prodotto e certificato internamente il più alto flivello o r s equalitativo r v i c e p e r di s oogni n n e l singolo a n d d rprodotto y c l e a n eUNION. rs alike. Oggi le macchine lavasecco UNION sono disponibili nel mondo in più di 75 paesi , dove Avengono t U n i o ndistribuite , w e k n oewseguite w h a t ida t tpiù a k edis 275 t o brivenditori e f i r s t . . . aautorizzati. nd how to help your businessbe first at the finish line in drycleaning profits! In UNION siamo consapevoli della responsabilità che comporta questo primato........ per questo, con il nostro impegno e un costante lavoro sapremo affiancarvi, per fare primeggiare le vostre attività, in termini di qualità e profitti. A Q T R I S H I S T O R Y U A L I T Y E C H N O L O G Y E S E A R C H N N O V A T I O N A F E T Y LaThe Serie 800 HL-HP Series800 The drycleaning systems La macchina ideale perideal il lavaggio a secco con solventi alternativi T h e r e s u l t o f U n i o n ’s t h r e e - d e c a d e l e a d e r s h i p i n t h e d r y c l e a n i n g i n d u s t r y Il risultato di una leadership che dura da trent’anni è facilmente is an unprecedented level of innovation and safety you’ll find riscontrabile nella nuova serie UNION HL-HP 800...... in the new 800 Series...innovation and safety Innovazione e Sicurezza, che si traducono in una produzione più rapida, that translates into faster production, lower energy and maintenance costs, bassi costi di manutenzione, di esercizio e ridotti consumi energetici, easier operation and ecologically superior performance. dispositivi di controllo più agevoli e prestazioni ambientali superiori, From the innovative Dialog Plus™ computer brain to advanced Idromatic™ queste sono le caratteristiche che fanno dei modelli UNION HL-HP 800 environmentally safe still cleaning, the Union 800 Series gives new meaning le macchine IDEALI per il professionista. I l f r u t t o d i u n p r o g e tttoo tdh'ea vwaonrgdusa rFdaisat, , rSi smual trat t ao nddi Ca lnenaind. i r i c e r c a e s v i l u p p o , che racchiude il massimo della tecnologia in uno spazio estremamente contenuto, Whichever size and model you choose from the new Union 800 Series, pensate per negozi dove ogni centimetro di spazio gioca un ruolo determinante; t u t t o c i ò s i t r a d u c e i n b a s s ii tc w o si ltli bdei itnhset ai dl leaaz li odnrey cel edai nei ns ge r scyi zsitoe ms t af obri l ye on ud .o n u o v i s t a n d a r d q u a l i t a t i v i . A p a r t i r e d a l l ’ i n n o v a t i v o c o m p u t e r D I A L O G , f i n o a l s i s t e m a a v a n z a t o I D R O M AT I C per la pulizia del distillatore nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente, la serie UNION HL-HP 800 conferisce un significato nuovo alle parole Rapidita’, Efficienza, Pulizia.. Qualunque modello o versione voi scegliate della nuova serie UNION HL-HP 800, sarà comunque il sistema ideale per voi . Advanced Technology for Greater Performance. Our new Dialog Computer has 20 factory-set programs to handle virtually every need, yet can be customized on-site thanks to simple-write manual overrides. All system functions and program controls appear in the easy-to-read, quick-access call-up menu panel. The displays continuously monitor and show solvent temperature, outlet air temperature and inlet air temperature. Exclusive Maintenance Man™ feature keeps accurate, progressive accounts of operation performance and routine maintenance on a time/day/date basis. All data can be retrieved and logged into any PC desktop or laptop personal computer for easy record keeping. Extra-large loading door features computer-controlled PosiSeal™ lock which prevents door opening until final cycle is completed and all vapor has been removed from the system. Newly designed Cyclonic Airflo™ basket maximizes temperature-controlled air throughout the load for faster, more efficient drying and cool-down. It also features automatic back-plate washdown and residual lint removal. New rim design keeps buttons and other objects from getting lodged between the door and inside rim. All new Union L800 Series Systems feature up-front filter and temperature gauges for easy reading, front-access to primary controls and components, and illuminated sightglasses in strategic locations for quick visual inspection. Union Unleashes The Brain! Dialog Plus™ is the latest advance in computerized operation technology for drycleaning. And it is standard on every new Union 800 Series System! With Dialog Plus™ you can run different multiple programs without having to change temperature settings. Once the individual programs are entered, Dialog Plus™ automatically remembers the settings for you. So you can run a regular cleaning cycle with standard temperatures, then switch to a “delicates program” with lower solvent and drying temperature with no adjustment to settings. Dialog Plus™ also allows individual control for solvent, inlet and outlet air temperatures for each step in the cycle, and monitors and displays all temperatures in the system, including distilled solvent temperature and evaporator temperature. It even pauses a cycle until the correct temperature for operation is attained, automatically controls soap and additive injections, and lets you quickly and simply modify or enlarge any segment of the program in use. That’s why we call it The Brain. You’ll call it Indispensable! 4 Advanced Technology for Greater Performance. Multiple, independently functioning high-micron self-cleaning spin disc EcoFilters and large-capacity carbon cartridge filters are available on all Union 800 Series Systems to assure optimum filtration of both large and small particles for maximum solvent purity. Computer controls automatically pair filter operation for whites, darks or colors according to specific programs. New, oversized Turbo 2™ Fan cuts drying time by up to 10 minutes compared to previous models. Easy-to-read digital display panels show still bottom temperature control, cold air temperature, air inlet temperature for the Recuper, and still water control. The refrigeration unit is divided into separate segments for simplified maintenance and reduced downtime. Compressor, refrigeration coil, and heat-exchange coil can be individually serviced without removing the entire system. Sealed coils plus quick disconnects prevent freon gas discharge. Saves energy and reduces operating costs. Union’s Idromatic™ Still Cleaning System completely removes sludge, lets you scrape* still interior walls and floor, then automatically pumps out all residue for containerization and safe disposal...all without opening the still door so there is never any exposure to solvent fumes or waste. The still is then automatically sprayed with a fine jet of reclaimed solvent to assure a totally cleaned and purified chamber prior to refill. *Scraper not available on SlimSpace™ models. The new Union 800 Series U-2000 Systems are now equipped with the Recuper built into the mainframe of the machine, creating a much smaller footprint taking up less floor space. Any low concentration of solvent fumes or odors that may have remained in the system are removed and exchanged for clean air before the basket door can be opened. Helps increase solvent mileage and lowers perc costs. The Ideal Drycleaning System 5 UNION P-840, P-850, P860 SlimSpace FAST. SMART. CLEAN. High cleaning quality, best performances as far as consumptions and ecology is concerned. Models UNION P840 (18 kg) P850 (25 kg ) P860 (25 kg) are the perfect primary drycleaning systems for plants with limited floor space and as auxiliary units for adding extra cleaning capacity. Still with level sensor in order to prevent foam forming during the distillation process. I.T.D.S. (Ideal Tunnel Drying System) the new quick drying system, equipped with drying times electronic control DRY CONTROL, which does not require any periodic maintenance. Large loading door, Computer DIALOG with expansion unit DIALOG PLUS for visualizing contemporarily the operating temperatures. All models of the series UNION P840 ,P850 and P860 are equipped with two independently controlled solvent tanks with slanted base and sight glasses. All electric and electronic components are ETL certified for USA and Canada and CE for the European Community. These models can be supplied with the still automatic cleaning system STILL MATIC All Union SlimSpace systems pack in all the high-performance and exclusive features ub a more compact size with a narrower, slim footprint. The Ideal Drycleaning System 6 UNION L-840 FAST. SMART. CLEAN. Exceptional cleaning, economy and ecological performance in a 18 Kg. load capacity model. Logical, ergonomically designed for convenient, easy access to all components for quick maintenance. Multiple, independent spin disc EcoFilters™ and carbon cartridge filters. Convenient access to oversized double lint filters and button trap. Extra-large Turbo 2™ Fan. Dialog™ Computer with Dialog Plus™. Two-stage gravitational water separator with sightglass. Modular designed refrigeration system. Built-in Recuper U-2000™. Idromatic™ Still Cleaning System. Quick disconnect hoses. Easily accessible piping, fittings and quick cut-off valves. High-efficiency pumps. Industrial grade stainless steel and brass in all critical areas. Still overflow protection and heavy-duty steel containment base. 24-volt computer circuitry. ETL-listed for USA and Canada or CE for European countries. The Ideal Drycleaning System 7 UNION L-850, L-860 FAST. SMART. CLEAN. Exceptional cleaning , economy and ecological performance in 20 and 25 Kg. load capacities. Large-access loading door. Cyclonic Airflo™ basket. Dialog™ Computer with Dialog Plus™. Front digital solvent/air temperature display panels. Front analog filter gauges. Easy front access to electronics, computer and still control components. Front still scraper access door. Illuminated front sightglasses for still and basket solvent washdown inlet. Three independently controlled solvent holding/transfer tanks with slanted base and illuminated sightglasses. 24-volt computer control circuitry. All electronic components are ETL-listed for USA and Canada or CE for European countries. The Ideal Drycleaning System 8 UNION L-850, L-860 FAST. SMART. CLEAN. Logical, ergonomically designed for convenient, easy access to all components for quick maintenance. Multiple, independent spin disc Eco-Filters™ and carbon cartridge filters. Convenient access to oversized double lint filters and button trap. Extra-large Turbo 2™ Fan. Two-stage gravitational water separator with sightglass. Modular designed refrigeration system. Built-in Recuper U-2000™. Idromatic™ Still Cleaning System. Quick disconnect hoses. Easily accessible piping, fittings and quick cut-off valves. High-efficiency pumps. Industrial grade stainless steel and brass in all critical areas. Still overflow protection and heavy-duty steel containment base. The Ideal Drycleaning System 9 UNION L-880, L-890 FAST. SMART. CLEAN. Exceptional cleaning, economy and ecological performance in 32 - and 40-Kg. load capacities. Large-access loading door. Cyclonic Airflo™ basket. Dialog™ Computer with Dialog Plus™. Front digital solvent/air temperature display panels. Front analog filter gauges. Easy front access to electronics, computer and still control components. Front still scraper access door. Illuminated front sightglasses for still and basket solvent washdown inlet. Three independently controlled solvent holding/transfer tanks with slanted base and illuminated sightglasses. 24-volt computer circuitry. All electronic components are ETL-listed for USA and Canada or CE for European countries. The Ideal Drycleaning System 10 UNION L-880, L-890 FAST. SMART. CLEAN. Logical, ergonomically designed for convenient, easy access to all components for quick maintenance. Multiple, independent spin disc EcoFilters™ and carbon cartridge filters. Convenient access to oversized double lint filters and button trap. Extra-large Turbo 2™ Fan. Two-stage gravitational water separator with sightglass. Modular designed refrigeration system. Built-in Recuper U-2000™. Idromatic™ Still Cleaning System. Quick disconnect hoses. Easily accessible piping, fittings and quick cut-off valves. High-efficiency pumps. Industrial grade stainless steel and brass in all critical areas. Still overflow protection and heavy-duty steel containment base. The Ideal Drycleaning System 11 Technical features: LOAD CAPACITY (Ratio 1:20) BASKET Volume Diameter Depth Wash speed Extract speed Door opening TANKS Useful volume tank 1 Useful volume tank 2 Useful volume tank 3 STILL Useful Still Volume at half inspection Total Still Volume NYLON FILTER Volume nylon filter housing Nylon filter area Filter disks PURITAN FILTER Volume Puritan filter housing Tubes number Cartridges quantity DUAL CARTRIDGE FILTER Volume Dual cartridge filter housing Tubes number Cartridges quantity ELECTRIC POWER Working power (ELECTRIC MACHINE) Wash/Extract motor Solvent pump motor Fan motor Refrigerator compressor Heating elements with Turbo Still Still electric elements Steam Boiler Working Working power (STEAM MACHINE) CONNECTIONS SUPPLY Compressed air inlet Cooling water inlet Cooling water outlet Steam still and heater inlet Condensate still and heater outlet MACHINE WEIGHTS REGULAR Version Empty machine weight Machine weight with solvent Static charge on the floor with solvent Dynamic charge on the floor (+10%) Packaged machine weight MACHINE WEIGHTS U2000 Version Empty machine weight Machine weight with solvent Static charge on the floor whit solvent Dynamic charge on the floor (+10%) Packaged machine weight MACHINE DIMENSIONS (A) Width front Machine (B) Depth (C) Height With Fan (D) Height Without Fan Kg P840 18 P850 20 P860 25 L840 18 L850 20 L860 25 L880 32 L890 40 lt mm mm rpm rpm mm 340 900 535 40 400 500 400 1000 510 33 336 500 500 1000 640 33 336 500 340 900 535 40 400 500 400 1000 510 33 336 500 500 1000 640 33 336 500 645 1200 570 28 165 ÷ 340 500 800 1200 710 28 165 ÷ 340 600 lt lt lt 95 150 - 110 165 - 120 180 - 110 110 200 160 160 200 160 160 200 240 240 330 240 240 330 lt lt 190 225 190 225 190 225 190 230 260 325 260 325 360 455 360 455 lt mt2 nr 55 3.9 26 55 3.9 26 55 3.9 26 55 3.9 26 75 5.5 39 75 5.5 39 75 5.5 39 100 7.8 52 lt nr nr 13 1 1 13 1 1 13 1 1 25 1 2 25 1 2 25 1 2 25 1 2 25 1 2 lt nr nr 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 55 1 2 85 1 3 85 1 3 85 1 3 105 1 4 Kw Kw Kw Kw Kw Kw Kw BHP Kw 25.5 0.60 ÷ 2.2 0.75 2.2 3.75 9 9 2.5 7.5 27 0.75 ÷ 3 0.75 2.2 4.85 9 9 3 9 28.4 ÷ 31.4 0.75 ÷ 3 0.75 2.2 4.85 9 9 3 9 25.5 0.60 ÷ 2.2 0.75 2.2 3.75 9 7.5 2.5 7.5 31 0.75 ÷ 3 0.75 2.2 4.85 9 13.5 3 9 31 0.75 ÷ 3 0.75 2.2 4.85 9 13.5 3 9 mm 6 1” 1” 1/2” 1/2” 6 1” 1” 1/2” 1/2” 6 1” 1” 1/2” 1/2” 6 1” 1” 1/2” 1/2” 6 1” 1” 1/2” 1/2” 6 1” 1” 1/2” 1/2” 6 1” ÷ 3/4” 1” ÷ 3/4” 1/2” 1/2” 6 1” ÷ 3/4” 1” ÷ 3/4” 1/2” 1/2” Kg Kg Kg/mt2 Kg/mt2 Kg 1510 2015 746 1002 1625 1775 2325 825 1060 1995 1855 2405 830 1090 2075 1620 2550 825 1065 1900 1960 3110 835 1033 2240 2070 3220 865 1095 2350 2745 4440 930 1200 3030 2855 4550 950 1265 3140 Kg Kg Kg/mt2 Kg/mt2 Kg 1690 2195 813 1075 1800 1890 2440 865 1340 2110 1970 2520 865 1135 2190 1852 2780 897 1145 2180 2310 3460 929 1136 2490 2365 3515 944 1181 2535 3185 4880 1020 1300 3470 3295 4990 1045 1370 3580 mm mm mm mm 1250 2160 2210 2040 1300 2170 2340 2095 1300 2300 2340 2095 2000 1550 2195 2025 2140 1740 2285 2095 2140 1740 2285 2095 2360 2025 2580 2345 2360 2025 2580 2345 Note: Acoustic emission level of the machines is lower than 70 dB (A) All specifications, appearance and model numbers are subject to change without notice. UNION s.p.a. 40010 Sala Bolognese (Bologna) ITALY Via Labriola 4/D Tel.: (+39) 051.6814996 - Fax: (+39) 051.6814660 E-mail; union@union.stm.it Web page; www.union.stm.it 1.9 ÷ 4.5 ÷ 6.1 9 ÷ 4.5 ÷ 6 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 4.85 4.85 3.5 3.75 10 10