Page 2 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” HIGH COUNTRY SHOPPER Let Ad Magic Work For You! INDEX WHAT’S HAPPENING .......1 THANK YOU BEST WISHES RECYCLE CLASSES .............................2 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ...............3 HELP WANTED WORK WANTED CHILD CARE SERVICES ...........................4 YARD SALES ......................5 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS .........6 FURNITURE APPLIANCES CLOTHING & JEWELRY JUST FOR KIDS FREEBIES ............................7 WANTED ...........................8 AGRICULTURE ..................9 FARM EQUIPMENT LIVESTOCK PASTURE HAY PETS .................................10 REAL ESTATE ...................11 RENTALS by area COMMERCIAL RENTALS HOMES/ACREAGES MOBILE HOMES COMMERCIAL & BUSINESS AUTOMOTIVE .................12 CARS & VANS TRUCKS 2X4 TRUCKS 4X4 UTILITY TRAILERS HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS & ACCESSORIES RECREATIONAL...............13 CAMPERS & CAMP TRAILERS MOTORHOMES BOATS ATVs MOTORCYCLES SNOWMOBILES SPORTING GOODS ........14 GUNS BICYCLES HOME IMPROVEMENT & SUPPLIES......................15 TOOLS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES ............16 PRODUCE........................17 LAWN & GARDEN ..........18 FOR TRADE .....................19 AUCTIONS ......................20 LOST & FOUND ..............21 FIREWOOD & STOVES....22 MISCELLANEOUS ............23 MUSICAL COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS BUSINESS EQUIPMENT MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ONGOING COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS ........24 IN MEMORIAM RELIGIOUS WHAT’S HAPPENING DELTA FARMER’S MARKET is open, come see us every Sat. and Wed. morning, 8 am-12 noon, 5th and Meeker. Many new vendors and lots of old favorites. All inclusive, 874-1240. 23x17b LIFE OF A Black Bear, an interpretive program on the habits of black bears, will be presented on Saturday, August 20, at 2 pm, at the Grand Mesa Visitor Center. Call 970-856-4153 for directions. 33x1c CRAWFORD THRIFT SHOP has $2 bag sale until the end of August. Mon., 10 am-2 pm; Wed., 2-5 pm; Sat., 10 am-2 pm. 33x2c Phone: 527-4576 Mail: P.O. Box 7 Paonia, CO 81428 HighCountryShopper.com — FREE ADS — What’s Happening, Thank You, Best Wishes, Recycle, Freebies, Wanted, Lost & Found, Community Announcements and merchandise totalling less than $500. These ads must be 30 words or less. COMMERCIAL ADS Services, For Rent, Hay, Firewood, Produce, etc.; & anything of commercial (business) nature. 20¢ per word, per week. PAYMENT SCHEDULE $3: Items selling for $500 to $999 $4: Items selling for $1000 to $2,499 $5: Items selling for $2,500 to $4,999 $6: Items selling for over $5,000 Garage Sales – $5 Consecutive Weeks – $2 Phone-In Fee – $3 30 Word Limit: The above rates apply to the first 30 words of advertising. All words over 30 are an additional 20¢ per word, per week. lassified d eadline Office Deadline 12:00 PM Noon on Friday Call 527-4576. Place Your Ad Online! Go to our web site at HighCountryShopper.com and place your ad. Choose our convenient PayPal option! Display Ad Deadline: Noon Friday. Call 527-4576 to reserve space and for more information. ATTENTION: Advertisers in the High Country Shopper are not responsible for any typographical errors appearing in this publication, or in any digital versions thereof. We reserve the right to refuse publication of any ad submitted to the High Country Shopper. BOUNCE HOUSE! Summer fun for kids of all ages! With or without water slide. Now for rent at Mesa Rental & Supply, North Delta, 874-5213. 29x6c GOING CAMPING? We have books, maps, tent/ boat repair, camp kitchen, headlamps, and more. Delicious Orchards, 1 mile west of Paonia, 970-5271110. 29ufnb THE ABRAHAM Connection, Delta County School District, and the Western Colorado Community Foundation are teaming up to sponsor the Delta Summer Kids Lunch Program, Panther Power Bites, to ensure children in Delta have access to summer meals while school is out. The Panther Power Bites program will offer free lunch daily, Mon. through Fri. from 11 am-12:30 pm, to all children 18 years and younger at the Abraham Connection building, 480 Silver St. in Delta. The program will run through Aug. 19 and there is no cost and no enrollment for children to receive lunch. Prepackaged summer meals will be provided by the Food Bank of the Rockies which is reimbursed through the USDA Summer Foods Service Program. Abraham Connection volunteers will coordinate the program daily. The organizers hope to include some educational and enrichment programs to help kids learn and encourage them to come and get a daily meal. 22x12c NAVAJO TACOS EVERY Thursday for lunch and dinner at CB’s Tavern, 334 Main Street, Delta. 30x4c DELTA COUNTY HEALTH Department offers low-cost birth control, pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment, and annual exams for women. All services are confidential. Now accepting Medicaid and private insurance. Call 970874-2165. 38ufnc-odd PICKIN’ IN THE PARK Free music on Thursdays, 6 pm till dark, at Paonia Town Park. This week is Mingo Fishtrap and Gabrielle Louise. Next week Paper Bird and Richie & Rosie. Or listen to the KVNF live broadcast. 33x1c WE’RE OPEN! The Paonia Museum and the Bowie Schoolhouse Museum are open Thursdays and Fridays from 1-4 pm. Special thanks to volunteer Larry Peth for “being there!” Lots of North Fork Valley history for you to enjoy. 33ufnc DELTA HARDWARE’S annual canning sale going on now! Stop in and find great deals on everything you need. 33x1c PEA GREEN PEDAL and Fun Run, Saturday, Sept. 10. Register early to get your T-shirt. See ad in this week’s Shopper for details! 32x3c VALUABLE COUPONS! See the Big O Tires ad in this week’s Shopper for deals on oil changes, alignments, and more! 32x3c AMWAY, Legacy of Clean products; Nutrilite vitamins, minerals, supplements; Artistry Beauty, and more. Donna Cochran, 921-3706 or www.amway. com/shopdonna. 22x12pp BINGO EVERY THURSDAY at 6:50 pm at the American Legion of Paonia. This week Progressive is 53 numbers for $229. Double Action Progressive is 36 numbers for $482. Pink is 50 numbers and Blue is 60 numbers for $250. Join us early for hamburgers and hot dogs. 527-6252. 33x1c U-PICK PEACHES, nectarines, and plums. Delicious Orchards, one mile west of Paonia, 970-5271110. 33ufnb A KIDZ CLINIC is your school-based health center. Call to schedule an exam, sports physical, therapy, and more. See ad in this week’s Shopper. 874-2753. 32x2c MAGNETIC JEWELRY Wearing magnets relieves pain. Pain Bee Gone. Satisfaction guaranteed! Sherry, 921-3152. 5ufnb-eowodd END OF SEASON sale! All clothing and shoes 25¢! August 17-20. Half price on all merchandise including furniture and gifts in Etcetera. Cedaredge Methodist Thrift Shop, downtown Cedaredge. 33x1c DELTA COUNTY Libraries is announcing their 2nd annual Tomato Haiku contest! Anyone can enter, deadline for submission is September 6. Visit our website www.deltalibraries.org for more info and to enter. 33x3c PAINT PAONIA: CALL to Artists. Paint Paonia is the annual plein air competition welcoming painters from across Colorado’s Western Slope. Painting day is Sat., Sept. 17, 7 am-7 pm, within two miles of the Blue Sage. The exhibition and sale of the works created will be at the Blue Sage Gallery, Sept. 20 through Nov. 4, with opening reception and prizes awarded Sept. 22. 30x8c DINE BY THE CREEK Thursday nights at Cedaredge Golf Club Grill. Dinner specials from 5-8 pm. 32x3c CHRISTIAN MISSION TO Haiti, January 13-22, 2017. Senior and junior high school students welcome. Many projects for many hands. Live and work in orphanage in Ouanminthe in NE Haiti on the DR border. Must pay own expenses. Dec. 1 deadline for team membership. Experienced team leader. Call Nurse AliceMarie, 505-8607557. 32x2c “THE STELLAR ZOO in the August Sky,” presented by Phil Kelton, former superintendent of McDonald Observatory. Black Canyon Astronomical Society meeting, Tuesday, August 23, 7 pm, Partners meeting room, 511 E. 10th, Delta. Free, public welcome. www. BlackCanyonAstronomy.com, 970-856-7716. 32x2c COME CELEBRATE Gwen Hallenbeck’s 90th birthday, Sat., Aug. 20, 12:30 pm for lunch at Zack’s Barbecue, 721 Bridge St., Hotchkiss. 32x2c NEED TRANSPORTATION to the Senior Meal Site? Please call for assistance. Delta, Paonia, Hotchkiss, Surface Creek. 874-7334. 51ufnc FREE ON-ON-ONE pop-up business consulting, Aug. 19, 9 am-noon, 2500 Bridges Dr., Montrose. The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) and Region 10 will offer free one-on-one consulting to provide business growth strategy assistance and resource connections. Open to all businesses in the region. For info or to register, meredith.marshall@state.co.us. 33x1c BACK TO SCHOOL ice cream party. Kick off the school year with something sweet and social! Join us at the Crawford Library for some ice cream and some fun. Friday, Aug. 19 at 2 pm. 33x1c “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” www.highcountryshopper.com Page 3 – August 17, 2016 BENEFIT CONCERT for the Hillman House on August 26 and 27 from 7-8:30 pm. Featuring local artists Jan and Van Tuin, Colleen Thliveris, Dee Holtz, Sam Stech, Kay Wood, Shauna and Caden Meilner, David Alderdice, the community band, and other artists to be announced. Let your ears and hearts be filled with lots of joyous sounds and love! For more info, Emily at 527-5818. 31x3c PEA GREEN PEDAL and Fun Run/Walk, Sat., Sept. 10, starting at the Lions Pavilion at Confluence Park in Delta. Register early to guarantee a T-shirt and save $5. Contact Patti at 874-2291, or download a form at dcmhfoundation.org. 33x4c RIDING TO THE Rescue. If you care about missing children of all ages, help raise awareness of bondage prostitution which happens in all 50 states. Come walk, ride (bikes, horses, etc.) in Delta, Fridays at 9 am, from the parking lot next to Butch’s going north to City Market parking lot. Marla, 644-0248. 33x4c Certified Hypnotherapist HYPNOSIS Helen Beavers 835-8494 FRIENDS ARE INVITED to the wedding of Constance (Connie) Lynn Sanders and Philip (Phil) Wendell Wilson, Sat., Aug. 20, 1 pm ceremony, Mountain View Bible Church, 8733 3100 Rd., Lazear. Following the ceremony, an open house/reception will be held at the Wilson home, 14287 3100 Rd., Hotchkiss. Telephone, 872-3411. 32x2c LANE FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC NEED BANKRUPTCY? Don’t despair, most Delta County incomes qualify. Call Lewis R. Anderson, Attorney, for free debt relief agency consultation. 856-7640. 39ufnb Dr. Gregory L. Lane, DC 960 Main St., Delta 874-9724 FRESH BAKED BY Granma Cheryl is now baking at home in Cedaredge. Prefer pre-order. Whole nine yards, non-GMO, special diets (GF, non-dairy, plus). 216-6944. Facebook Cheryl Hartter, e-mail freshbakedbygranmacheryl@outlook.com. Located just off Highway 65. 33x1pp Over 20 Years Experience Palmer Graduate THE COLORADO GRAND Classic Car Rally will be visiting Hotchkiss on Fri., Sept. 16 for lunch at the County Fairgrounds Park. As always the Hotchkiss Community Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the lunch as a fundraiser to generate a scholarship for a Hotchkiss High School senior. If you can help for an hour or two that day between 11:30 am-1:30 pm, please contact Nathan Sponseller at 970-589-2903 or nathansponseller@gmail. com. 33x3c CEDAR MESA CLUB aluminum can recycle bins are still at Fritchman Orchards, Hwy. 65, Eckert. 27x12c FEATURED ARTIST Barb Churchley at the Impressionz Art Gallery, 105 W. Main St., Cedaredge. Art reception on Friday, Sept. 2, from 4-7 pm. Gallery hours, Mon. through Fri., 10 am-4 pm, Sat., 9 am-2 pm. More info, contact Ginny, 970-7129596 or Gretchen, 970-4242019. 33x2c FREE SEMINAR “Being Mortal”, sponsored by HopeWest and Taylor Funeral and Crematory. Get the conversation started with your family about planning ahead and talking about end-of-life decisions. Wed., Sept. 7, at Taylor Funeral in Hotchkiss, 209 Bridge St. See ad in this week’s Shopper. 32x4c WEST SALT CREEK landslide. An interpretive program on this significant geological event will be presented on Saturday, August 27, at 2 pm, at the Grand Mesa Visitor Center. The speaker will be Bill Edwards, District Ranger, U.S. Forest Service. Call 970-856-4153 for directions. 33x2c WOOD TURNED ART items and photography by David Kelly, featured artist for the month of August at Impressionz Art Gallery, 105 W. Main St., Cedaredge. Gallery hours, Mon. through Fri., 10 am-4 pm, Sat., 9 am-2 pm. More info, contact Ginny, 970-712-9596 or Gretchen, 970-424-2019. 33x2c NORTH FORK VISION CENTER Dr. Diane E. Reddin Optometrist Quality Vision Care Close to Home Open Tues. thru Sat. 210 E. Bridge St. Hotchkiss 872-2020 HUNGRY? The Abraham Connection serves a free hot meal Mondays and Thursdays at 6 pm for anyone in need. 480 Silver St., Delta, 970-7738290 for info. 21x23c THE MONTROSE Community Band wants you! Do you play a percussion, wind, or brass instrument and want to dust it off and play with a concert band again? Now is the time as rehearsals are taking place for the upcoming fall concert to be held on Sept. 25. Join us on Monday evenings at 7 pm in the Montrose High School band room. All ages, skill levels, and instruments are welcome. Call Tina at 970596-1188 or visit www.montroseband.com for more information. 33x2c IS YOUR PROPERTY prepared for wildfire? Join us at the Cedaredge Community ildfire meeting, Cedaredge Fire Station, Hwy. 65 and SW 2nd Ave., Tues., Aug. 30, 5:30 pm. Public welcome. Learn about your property’s assessed wildfire risk and available mitigation incentive programs. Info, 970-615-7300. 32x3c 1/2 PRICE SALE! Would you like to learn about the early history of the North Fork Valley? The North Fork Historic Society is selling copies of Paonia’s 1904 Souvenir Book for half price at $5 a copy. If you would like to purchase one of these books, call Judy at 527-3970. 16ufnc COME DANCE THE night away at the next community evening dance at BHRC on Sat., August 20, from 7-10 pm, with music by Chuck Gregory. Coffee and lemonade provided, please bring a snack to share. $5 at the door. For more info call 874-0923. 31x3c THERE IS A GoFundMe site set up for Bill King to help with medical and living expenses while Bill is unable to work following amputation of all 5 toes on his right foot. He was in the hospital in Denver for 2-1/2 weeks and is now recuperating at home. 527-4083. 32x2c APPLE SHED ON-LINE new gift shop now open. Visit www.appleshedgifts.com. 26x8c DID YOU KNOW that there is a bookstore downstairs in the Delta Public Library? Come check it out. 11ufnc UPSCALE RESALE has 3 wine barrels left, $95 each, last chance blow-out! 128 Main St., Delta. 33x1c PAONIA SENIOR CENTER needs volunteers. Deliver Meals on Wheels to local elders who are unable to get out. Route takes about an hour, lunch provided. Call 527-3435, M-W-F, 11 am-1 pm. 31x4c Page 4 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” HARVEST OF VOICES, 2016, Thursday, Sept. 22. To be a reader or to be in the audience, www.bluesage.org/ events/2016-harvest-voices/. 33x2c THURSDAY, AUG. 18, the North Fork Rotary Club hosts Glade Hadden, BLM archeologist, giving a presentation about the Gunnison River rock art site. We meet at Paonia Town Hall at noon. Program at 12:30 pm, public welcome. The program starts at 12:40 pm. You may join us for lunch at 12 pm for $10. 31x3c 1ST ANNUAL “Pirates Invade the Fort Festival”, admission $2, 12 and under free. Saturday, August 20, 10 am-6 pm. 440 N. Palmer St., Delta. For information call 874-8349. 33x1c TREE AND SHRUB sale, selected items on sale now at Mile High Greenhouse. While they last! 10482 Hwy. 65, Eckert. 33x2c THE DELTA FOOD Pantry has food to share for Delta County residents. Bring proof of residency to the alley door with the Food Pantry sign behind St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 6th and Meeker, Monday through Friday, 10:30-11:30 am. 26ufnc DOG GROOMING WITH hugs! Monday through Friday, 9 am-4 pm, walk-ins welcome. Puppy Love Dog Grooming, 9627 3200 Rd., Hotchkiss, 872-4064. 29ufnc FENCING SOLUTIONS at Alpine Fencing. CLASSIFIEDS ON-LINE! highcountryshopper.com BUY, SELL, TRADE in the Shopper! MENDING HEARTS, a weekly grief support group, hosted by HopeWest, for anyone coping with the death of a loved one, meets every Wednesday for 10 weeks, beginning Aug. 17 from 3-4:30 pm at The Hive, 130 Grand Ave. in Paonia. Free of charge and open to anyone coping with the death of a loved one. Preregistration is not required and members may join at any time. For more info please call 970-874-6823 or e-mail AdultSupport@HopeWestCO. org. 33x2c LEAVE YOUR RETIRED US flags at Fritchman Orchards on Hwy. 65 in Eckert. Boy Scouts and VFW will dispose of them respectfully. 27x12c DELTA HARDWARE HAS Yeti products, coolers, insulated water bottles, soft side hoppers, stainless steel travel tumblers, can insulators, and more. 28x12c HILLTOP DOMESTIC Violence Services offers a free support group for victims of domestic violence that is held in Delta on Tuesdays from 5-6:30 pm. Please call 970874-6995 for more info. 4ufnc YOU CAN CALL IN YOUR classified ad to 527-4576. COMMUNITY Announcements are Free! SOUTH MAIN Auto Sales. 874-7851. BACK TO SCHOOL kick-off party at Delta Family Center on Sat., Aug. 20, 9 am12 noon. 5K Fun Run for families starts at 9 am, free lunch provided by Delta Lions Club, play Bingo, game booths, and more! 822 Grand Ave., Delta, 874-9517. 33x1c LIVE MUSIC Thursday, August 18, 7-9 pm, Solar Brothers. Extended Happy Hour. CB’s Tavern, 334 Main St., Delta. 33x1c PEACHES, YOU PICK, $1.50 per pound. Delicious Orchards, one mile west of Paonia, 970-527-1110. 31ufnb BACK-TO-SCHOOL DRIVE Through the month of August, the Delta Library will be collecting donations of new school supplies which will be distributed to Delta schools. 32x2c BINGO EVERY TUESDAY night, 7 pm, Hotchkiss Elks Lodge, 190 E. Bridge St., 8723355. 40ufnc EMERGENCY FOOD pantry open to families in need on Tuesdays, 4-6 pm only. Hotchkiss Elks Lodge, 190 E. Bridge St. For more info call 872-3355. 24ufnc DON’T FORGET! Every Wednesday and Saturday are 15% off nonmarked down items at Upscale Resale, 128 Main St., Delta. 33x1c FREE MOVIE Angry Birds. Come see these emotional birds on a mission to save their eggs. Friday, Aug. 19 at 2 pm, at Paonia Library, 399-7879. 33x1c OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS meets on Tuesdays at 7 pm at the Paonia Methodist Church on 3rd and Onarga Streets. Call Kay at 970-270-0819 for more information. 33x2c WANT THE LATEST INFO on Delta area events, happenings, specials, hot deals and job openings? Check out the new and improved website at www.DeltaColorado.org. 50ufnc DO YOU HAVE TIME, money, or items to donate to a local nonprofit? Are you a local nonprofit in need? Chamber for Good is the county’s one stop shop to connect organizations in need with those who can give. Visit www.DeltaColorado.org and click on the Chamber for Good logo or call 874-8616 for more info. And remember, shop local and give local! 50ufnc “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” www.highcountryshopper.com Page 5 – August 17, 2016 HELLO NEW RESIDENTS! The Hotchkiss Community Chamber of Commerce is offering a “New Neighbor” gift bag to all residents who are new to the North Fork Valley. The bags have an assortment of items, coupons, and brochures donated by North Fork Valley businesses. Pick yours up at the Hotchkiss Town Hall during normal business hours, Mon.-Fri., 8 am-4 pm. 26ufnc A CALL FOR ARTISTS Montrose Visual Arts Guild is now accepting registrations for our annual art show scheduled for Oct. 7 through 9. Deadline for entries Sept. 15. www.montrosevisualartsguild.org. 970-323-6221. 33x2c NEXT HOTCHKISS Chamber board meeting will be Wed., Aug. 31, Wheeler Room, Hotchkiss Memorial Hall. 8:30 am. Members and public are welcome. Meeting minutes available on HotchkissChamber.com. 33x2c HOMEMADE ICE CREAM Including spumoni! New at Annie’s Pizzeria, downtown Cedaredge, 856-4200. 31x4c THE APA POOL League will be holding an open discussion meeting on Friday, August 19, at the Throttle & Spur Saloon in Delta at 6 pm. Anyone interested in learning more about the league is encouraged to attend. This includes anyone interested in playing and bar owners interested in hosting APA teams in your establishment. 970-623-6438. 32x2c LAWN FURNITURE 40% off at Delta Hardware. Limited to quantities on hand. While supplies last. YOU PICK BLACKBERRIES at Orchard Valley Farms, 15836 Black Bridge Rd., Paonia, 527-6838. NEED SOMETHING EXTRA special for that extra special someone? Shop Heirlooms for Hospice. 32x3c DO YOU HAVE A PAONIA High School yearbook you would like to donate to the Paonia Museum? We need copies of annuals for years 1976, 1985 through 2016. If you have an Eyrie to donate, please call Judy at 527-3970. 25ufnc THURSDAY, AUG. 25 The Rotary Club of the North Fork Valley hosts Randal Palmer, principal of Paonia High School, for a discussion of Rotary and the high school working together to improve opportunities for the kids. Program at 12:30 pm, public welcome. The program starts at 12:40 pm. The public is welcome. You may join us for lunch at 12 noon for $10. 32x3c PARENTS WHO PLAN TO establish a non-public, homebased educational program must provide written notification of its establishment to the local school district of residence, and each year thereafter. The statement should include the name, age, place of residence, number of hours of attendance, and the location where test results will be submitted. This information must be provided for each child enrolled in the non-public, home-based program. A notification form for this purpose may be obtained from Delta County Joint School District #50, Special Services Building, 1002 Hastings Street, Delta, or call 970-8747607. 32x2c NORTH FORK MEDICAL Clinic will be closing as of August 26, 2016. Dr. Timothy Meilner will be joining Surface Creek Family Practice starting September 6, 2016. Active patients who choose to establish care with Dr. Meilner at Surface Creek Family Practice can call 970-856-3146 starting in September to make an appointment. A copy of your medical records can be transferred to another doctor, or released to you or another person you designate only through your permission. 30x5c ANNIE’S PIZZERIA is serving homemade ice cream including Spumoni! Open 9 am-7 pm M-F. Breakfast served 9-10:30 am! 280 W. Main St., Cedaredge, 856-4200. VENDORS AND SALON professionals sought for the 4th annual Girl Talk: A Day of Beauty & Bliss fundraiser on Sun., Sept. 11, at the Delta-Montrose Technical College. We are seeking vendors who have wares which cater to women, and salon professionals who can provide a mini spa service for our ticket holders. Event proceeds benefit the operations of the Abraham Connection Homeless Shelter. Call the shelter at 970-773-8290 for more details or for an application. 31x6c THE ROTARY CLUB OF the North Fork Valley will hold a Ducky Derby event on September 10 at Paonia River Park. Festivities begin at 3 pm with the race of 3” tall rubber ducks commencing at 5 pm on the North Fork of the Gunnison River. Rubber duck tickets can be purchased at Paonia River Park the day of the race or in advance from a NFV Rotary member. Call 527-5148 for tickets. Each ticket purchased at $10 each has a number that corresponds with a number on one of the ducks. The purchaser of the rubber duck crossing the finish line of the 50-yard float course first wins $300, the second $125, and the third $75. Proceeds benefit the youth of the North Fork Valley through academic scholarships and support of high school athletic team travel budgets. Rotary clubs worldwide focus their service efforts in promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education, and growing local economies. 33x4c VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at Fort Uncompahgre, Delta. Do you have 3-4 hours (one day per week)? Looking for folks that can help with the general operations and maintenance of a replica of an 1830s trading post, open Tuesday through Saturday, 9 am-4 pm through October. For more information please call the Fort at 874-8349 or Chris Miller, 640-7076. 33x3c SEND US YOUR classifieds! Text or email your ads to classifieds@ HighCountryShopper.com. Please include your name, address, and phone number. Or give us a call at 527-4576. 9ufnc RED HOT BUYS! Come to Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss for their August Neighborhood Coupon Sale! Stock up on household supplies, pool toys for the kids, and more. 121 E. Bridge St., 872-3535. FISH FRY! All you can eat, every Friday at Delta Fireside Inn, 820 Highway 92. WILD FLOWER BISTRO Featuring specials created with local fruits and vegetables! 305 Main St., Delta. SUMMER SPECIALS ON continuous panels, pressure treated posts, and much more at Alpine Fencing & Supplies. Call 874-3404 for a list of items and prices. Or stop by 1427 Hwy. 50, Delta. BREAKFAST BUFFET 8-11 am every Saturday and Sunday at Cedaredge Creekside Cafe. $10, coffee or tea included. Kids 7 and under are $5. 32x4c MUSEUM ARTIFACTS Do you have historic items related to the North Fork Valley? If you do, and you would be interested in sharing them, the North Fork Historic Society would very much appreciate the opportunity of displaying them at the Paonia Museum. Call Judy at 5273970. 16ufnc POSTCARDS, notecards, magnets, posters and books written by local authors available at the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce, 301 Main St., Delta. 24ufnc FOOD PANTRY OPEN first and third Wednesdays of the month, 9-11 am. Located behind Paonia Christian Fellowship, corner of 3rd Street and Box Elder. Sponsored by North Fork Ministerial Association. 23ufnc FLEA MARKET AND Farm Market, Saturday, August 20, from 9:30 am-3 pm. At Skooterz & Shooterz, 39522 Fruitland Mesa Rd., Crawford, 921-5362. COME WATCH pre-season Broncos football with us! Saturday, August 20 and August 27! CB’s Tavern, 334 Main St., Delta. DELTA HARDWARE 20 lb. Ace wild bird food only $5.99. Every day price! Page 6 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” –1– THANK YOU I RECENTLY HAD a chance to stop by the Cedaredge Surface Creek Animal Shelter. It was spotless, the animals were well taken care of and happy. The volunteers are just plain amazing. We are so fortunate to have these people in our community and I just wish to thank them so much for their caring and efforts. Having just lost two of my cats, I just appreciate so much what they do. 33x1c A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Delta County for 20 years! Starvin’ Arvins is having a birthday and celebrating the entire month of August. So stop by and try some of our signature items at prices from 1996. That’s right, Biscuits and Gravy only $2.49, Biscuit Supreme, $3.29, and Green Supreme, $4.99. Stop by the Delta location only. Open 7 days a week, 6 am-2 pm. Be sure to tell us “Happy Birthday” to receive these special prices. See ya soon! 33x2b HUNTER DOUGLAS rebates through September 12. Beat the heat with Hunter Douglas honeycomb shades with power view motorization, and get a rebate too! Call Rosilee at Interior Elegance, 874-9818. PEACH SUNDAY! Sunday, August 21, at Orchard Valley Farms, 15836 Black Bridge Rd., Paonia. Free tastings of our new peach wine! Enjoy a sweet peach sundae! Don’t miss this fun day. FREE CONDITIONING class, brought to you by Linda Bull at Delta County Memorial Hospital, will begin August 22. Call 8721118 or 856-8587 for more information, or see our ad in this week’s Shopper. WE THE FAMILY OF Mary Finnegan, who are from the Eckert/Cory area, would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to those who were so ready and willing to help during the 2-1/2 weeks Mary was missing and since her body was found. Mary was not only a superb wife, mother, and grandmother, she was a sister and aunt who was loved beyond words. To those who prayed for her return, brought food and donated money, searched for her, sent cards of comfort, and called almost daily to offer help (when they had never even met Mary) has been overwhelming. Thank you. It wasn’t the outcome we’d hoped for but due to everyone’s help and prayers, and by God’s Grace, Mary was found and brought home to all who loved her and will always miss her. Woody, Debbie Wood, nieces and nephews: Steve and Pat Wood, Eddie Wood, Mike Wood, Rebecca (Wood) Frizell, Rhonda and Lee Phillips, Willie Wood, and Margie, Cody, and Mariah Wood, Cassie and Brent Bogard. 33x1c DEAR FRIENDS Thank you again and again and again for the many beautiful cards and wishes. Orval and I have enjoyed every one. It is a special feeling to have you as our friends. We love you, Shirley, Orval, and Family. 33x1c –1– BEST WISHES WELCOME NEW North Fork Valley residents! Did you know the only emergency medical services in the North Fork Valley are provided by local volunteer state and nationally certified EMTs and drivers? Since 1969 the North Fork Ambulance has been funded by membership, grants, donations, and fees for service, not tax revenue. Support this vital emergency service with your membership today, good for the next 365 days, online at www.northforkambulance.com or by calling 970-872-4303. 33x2c SOMEONE YOU KNOW having a birthday? Celebrating an anniversary or graduation? Place a Best Wishes ad for them. It’s free! 527-4576. 18ufnc –1– RECYCLE FREE BARN WOOD Some worm wood, near Cedaredge. You demo, keep everything you salvage, haul away the rest. Schedule work between Aug. 22 and Sept. 3. Call/text 909-762-7401. 32x2c ADOBE BUTTES LANDFILL hours, 8 am-4 pm, Mon.-Sat., 1221 Trap Club Road, Eckert. More info at deltacounty. com. 9ufnc FREE NEEDLEPOINT yarns. All wool! Call 505-8607557. 32x2c TO RECYCLE ITEMS NOT accepted at the North Fork Recycling Center, see the Delta County Recycling Guide, a bi-annual guide produced by the Delta County Recycling Committee. It has a listing of where to take your recyclables. The guide can be found at www.theconservationcenter.org 17ufnc RECYCLE NEWSPAPERS County bin at 5th and Meeker, Delta. In the parking lot just south of the Post Office. 44ufnc NORTH FORK TRANSFER Station hours 8 am-4 pm, Tues.-Sat. Recycling hours are 8 am-3 pm, Tues.-Sat., 36577 K50 Rd., Hotchkiss. More info at deltacounty.com. 9ufnc NORTH FORK RECYCLING Center has tips for those who recycle at the North Fork Transfer Station. Download at the conservationcenter.org. Click on the recycling photo on the home page. 17ufnc REFINERY! Elisabethan retail and inspired resale. Handmade, remade, wellmade. Open Monday and Saturday, 10 am-2 pm, and Tuesday through Friday, 10 am-5 pm. 138 Grand Ave., Paonia. CREATIVE RECYCLING Buy, sell, trade in the Shopper! CANS FOR 4-H Aluminum cans can be recycled at Don’s Market, Paonia, at the bin in the parking lot. 44ufnc AUSTIN BAPTIST Church is still collecting pop and vegetable cans. Please drop off in back of the church in the cans. 37ufnc HOTCHKISS SENIOR Citizens collect aluminum cans. Please put them in the little shed on the east side of the Senior Citizens building located at 276 W. Main St. Thanks for supporting us! 872-3494. 3ufnc PICKIN’ IN THE PARK Free music every Thursday in August from 6 pm till dark at Paonia Town Park! This week stop by and hear Mingo Fishtrap and Gabrielle Louise! Brought to you by Pickin’ Productions! 1ST ANNUAL PIRATES Invade the Fort Festival, Sat., August 20, 10 am-6 pm, at Fort Uncompahgre, 440 N. Palmer St., Delta. Admission $2, 12 and under free. Lots of fun events, food, drink, and music. 50% OFF FURNITURE at Heirlooms for Hospice, August 15-20. 521 Main St., Delta, 874-5251. Exclusions apply. Shop to support the mission of HopeWest. MAKE YOUR OWN SALE! 50% off any one item at The Shelter Shoppe, 290 N. Grand Mesa Dr., Cedaredge. Open 10 am-4 pm, closed Wednesday and Sunday. “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” www.highcountryshopper.com Page 7 – August 17, 2016 REGISTER NOW FOR fall dance classes, taught by Linda Dysart at Bill Heddles Rec Center. Classes start Sept. 13 and end the week of Nov. 29. Preschool dance, beginning, intermediate, and advanced ballet and jazz. Beginning and intermediate tap. Cost is $65, additional fee for recital costume, for the 10 week session with recital. Pick up a complete schedule at BHRC, call 874-0923 for more info. 32x4c CLASSES BILL HEDDLES REC Center is offering public swim lessons at all different days and times. All classes are taught by American Red Cross certified instructors. Cost is $28 per child for Sat. session and $40 for Mon./Wed. sessions, due at registration. For more info call John or Addie at 970-874-0923. 32x4c START SMART TENNIS will begin Sept. 10 and run through Oct. 1 on Saturday mornings at 9 am. For children 5-7 years old. Registration is required by Sept. 8, fee is only $45 for parent and child. For more info or to register call Gary West at 970-874-0923 or e-mail gary@cityofdelta. net. 33x4c BLACK CANYON Camera Club is hosting a photography one-day digital seminar by Steve Traudt, October 15, 9 am-4 pm, at Bill Heddles Rec Center in Delta. Topics will include back-ups and organization, Coyote Trickster, lightroom more advanced, and back button focus. Contact RaeAnn at rae-anns@live.com for information and flyer. 33x2c STUDENTS GET A head start with tutoring in math (fractions, decimals, percentages), Algebra and/or Language Arts, literature, and writing. Call 970-201-6032 for more information. Ask for Ms. Judy, in the Surface Creek area. 30x4h COME AND PAINT your ceramics with Louann at Rogers Mesa Store, 32345 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 8724816. 18ufnc DENTAL ASSISTING COURSE DO YOU LOVE MUSIC? Come and share in the joy of music and the fun of learning how to play the piano. All ages welcome. Lessons in my home or yours. 970-9858488, Laura. 33x2pp Fri., September 30th thru Friday, Nov. 11th GROW YOUR OWN crystals. Fun, hands-on, and creative class. Thursday, Aug. 18 at 2 pm. Call the Paonia Library for more information at 970-399-7879. 33x1c 8 Course Days (64 Hours) LIMITED TO 8 STUDENTS $ CPR/AED AND First Aid class at Bill Heddles Rec Center, Saturday, Sept. 17, from 9 am-4 pm. You must register and pay by September 14. Class costs $85. For more info please call John at 970874-0923. 32x5c 596-8338 (970) 249-2077 (970) TACTICAL DEFENSE Women’s pistol class, August 20. Regular pistol class, August 21. All our pistol classes qualify for CCW training. 874-8450. 31x3b TEACH CONCEALED Carry or Rifle or Crime Prevention. Get certified. Get the cert and instructional methodology you need. Pistol Instructor, Nov. 12-13, near Thanksgiving. Rifle Instructor, Sept. 16-18. Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor, Feb. 11, 2017, near Valentine’s Day. TeachNRA.com, 970-2703203. 33x4pp 2400 THE CITY OF DELTA is offering handgun safety courses at Bill Heddles Rec Center in Delta. Dates are Sat., Sept. 24 or Sat., Oct. 8 from 9 am-5 pm, cost is $80. Proper completion of this class allows you to apply for a concealed handgun permit. This class meets the requirements for the State of Colorado. Lunch is on your own. Instructed by Dave Brown and Chris McMillan. Pre-register by 5 pm 3 days prior to your class. Register at BHRC or for questions call Whitnee, 874-0923. 32x4c IS YOUR HEARING going down? Get an “ear up”. Sign language is the answer. Lessons in my home or yours. 970-985-8488. 33x2pp CONCEALED CARRY class at Stengel Gun Shop, $15. I’m not trying to get rich! Call evenings, 872-3748. 32ufnb YOUTH TENNIS CLINICS for youth ages 8-13. Clinics are 4 weeks, one hour in length and begin Sept. 10 at 8 am. Fee is only $30. Deadline to register is Sept. 8. For more info or to register call Gary West at 970-874-0923 or e-mail gary@cityofdelta.net. 33x4c JR. ATHLETES classes for fall, August 31, 3 and 4 years old. northforkkarate.com, 970-527-5477. 33x3pp WOULD YOU LIKE to learn a beautiful language, sharpen your brain, enhance communication, and have fun all in one? Sign language is the way to go! Lessons in my home or yours. 970-9858488, Laura. 33x2pp OIL AND PASTEL workshop with Barb Churchley. A plein air workshop will be held on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 with wellknown artist Barb Churchley. The workshop will consist of painting outdoors, studio work, demos, and critique, all with individual instruction at your easel. $120 per person, two days. Impressionz Art Gallery, 105 W. Main St., Cedaredge. Sign up and reserve your space, call gallery 970-399-7577, more info contact Ginny, 970-7129596. 33x2c SEND US YOUR classifieds! Text or email your ads to classifieds@ HighCountryShopper.com. Please include your name, address, and phone number. Or give us a call at 527-4576. 18ufnc 5TH ANNUAL PEA GREEN Pedal and Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, Sept. 10, presented by the Delta County Memorial Hospital Foundation. Registration forms are available at www.dcmhfoundation.org. Register early and save on late registration fees. Page 8 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at Fort Uncompahgre, Delta. Do you have 3-4 hours (one day per week)? Looking for folks that can help with the general operations and maintenance of a replica of an 1830s trading post, open Tuesday through Saturday, 9 am-4 pm through October. For more information please call the Fort at 874-8349 or Chris Miller, 640-7076. 33x3c EMPLOYMENT –3– HELP WANTED DISMANTLER NEEDED Must be 18 years or older, have automotive experience, and tools. Please apply in person at Trade Center Auto, 1428 Hwy. 50, Delta. 32x3pd OVERHOLT TRUSS is hiring for truss builder positions. This is a fast-paced environment, being able to read a tape measure is helpful, training is provided, a will to work is essential. Applications are available at 1796 Hwy. 50 in Delta. 33x2pd WEATHERPORT SHELTER Systems is looking for an experienced Welder for our Olathe facility. Apply within, 1860 1600 Rd., Delta. 8746373. 33x2pp CARETAKER WANTED Help maintain hay fields and landscaped areas, maintenance/repair of all buildings and equipment, including irrigation systems, and horse and pet care. Send resume with work experience, work and landlord references, and personal photo to darlad@tds. net. 33x1b VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Partners, the “Funnest” job you’ll ever love! Enjoy high returns, with interest, permanent dividends, with a minimum time investment. Invest your heart in the future of a child. Several unique opportunities now available. Don’t pass up this rewarding opportunity. Call your local Partners representative now, 874-4661, in Delta. 37ufnc TOUCH OF CARE is now hiring Personal Care Providers in the Delta and North Fork areas. We have different shifts available. Part time and full time available. Pay may depend on experience. Please call Jeanette at 970-874-6115, or apply in person at 108 W. 2nd St. in Delta. You can also apply online at touchofcarepcp. com. 33x2b GENERAL LABORER/ Tipper needed ASAP for local waste and recycling company. Apply in person at 20754 Austin Rd., Austin. 33x4pp BIG GAME GUIDE/ Wrangler. Elk hunting, Arapaho Wilderness utfitters is looking for big game hunting guides/wranglers. Experience is necessary. Pay will be dependent on level of experience. Room and board/food is provided. Elk calling and elk hunting knowledge are necessary. You will need to get a 1st aid/CPR certification before the season starts. We can help you get this. Arapaho Wilderness Outfitters is an equal opportunity employer. Contact Shane, 970-355-9541. 31x3pp SEEKING A personal/office assistant on Rogers Mesa. Must be proficient with PC, Apple, Excel. Please email resume to janvdb777@gmail.com. 33x1pp A COUPLE OF HOURS a week, that’s all it takes to be a volunteer at Heirlooms for Hospice and support the programs and mission of HopeWest. 32x3c NEED HELP WITH cleaning, feeding, etc. with draft horses. No exceptions, must have spent time with and around horses. Must speak English, must have own transportation. Must be able to lift 60 lb. bales. Job involves hard physical labor. Most of all must be reliable, references. 3 to 5 hours every day, $10 per hour, paid daily. Must live close to Olathe. 970-7780525. 33x2pp DAYS INN SUNDANCE is looking for a part-time housekeeper in the mornings. Also need a front desk clerk, prefer some computer experience. Must be able to pass a background check. Come in for an application. No phone calls please. 33x3c WANT PART-TIME caregiver for older lady. Hotchkiss vicinity. Must accept rental of upscale, fully furnished apartment as partial pay. References and background check required. Call Jim at 970-261-6612. 32x3h JOB CORPS CALL TODAY 245-0197 CLERICAL, AUTOMOTIVE, GED AND CONSTRUCTION TRAINING IS AVAILABLE FOR MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE UNEMPLOYED, 16-24 AND NEED JOB SKILLS. RETAIL CLERK wanted for a friendly smoke shop. Obtain application at Paonia Peace Pipe, 512 2nd St. 33x2b CDL CLASS B DRIVER needed for local routes. Knowledge of the local area preferred but will train the right applicant. Apply in person at 20754 Austin Rd., Austin. 33x4pp KVNF REPORTER/ Morning Edition Host. KVNF is hiring a Reporter/Morning Edition Host. This position reports to the Program Director and is responsible for identifying and reporting on stories throughout KVNF’s listening area, covering a wide range of issues relevant to our varied communities and the region. The Reporter/ME Host will serve as the local anchor for NPR’s Morning Edition and KVNF’s Morning Regional Newscast, and will post a web version of the regional newscast daily. This is a full-time hourly position with some overtime expected. A detailed position description is available at http://kvnf. org/topic/kvnf-employmentopportunities, or by calling 970-527-4866. To apply send a resume, cover letter, contact information for three references, and an audio sample of your work to jon@kvnf.org by the close of business August 26, 2016. KVNF is an equal opportunity employer. 32x2b WANT A LIVE-IN caregiver from September through April (possibly longer), who preferably works during the day or goes to school. Private bedroom/ bath with cable TV, WiFi, shared kitchen and laundry, in exchange for 1-2 hours of help each day. A wonderful and delightful 90 year old woman with a few pet birds. References required. No smoking/drugs. Lamborn Mesa, Paonia. 201-5238. 33x1pp PACKER AND GUIDE wanted for hunting season. Call Bryce utfitting, 970270-3586. 30x4pp THE TOWN OF Cedaredge is accepting applications for Police Officer. Preferred qualifications: Colorado P.O.S.T. certification, valid driver’s license, ability to pass extensive background check, written test, psychological assessment, polygraph exam, and board interview. The successful candidate must reside within 20 minutes of Cedaredge. The hourly salary range DOQ is $15 to $18.75. The Town is seeking an individual who is or would like to be P.O.S.T. certified and has the aptitude to become a K9 handler at additional compensation. A training recruit will be considered with applicable compensation at each stage. Interested persons may submit a completed Town application to the Town Administrator’s office on or before September 6, 2016, 12 noon. Applications may be obtained at Town Hall, 235 W. Main (PO Box 398 for mailing), Cedaredge, CO 81413, or by calling 970-8563123, or www.cedaredgecolorado.com. A resume may be attached to the Town application. The Town of Cedaredge is an EOE/ADA employer. 33x3pp IT’S EASY! You can text, email, or call in your classified ad to us! Call 527-4576. Text or email to classifieds@highcountry shopper.com! “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” www.highcountryshopper.com Page 9 – August 17, 2016 TIRED OF ANIMAL abuse? The Delta County Humane Society (DCHS) could use your help. DCHS is in great need of volunteers. Fun and rewarding challenges await your skills. Your love and compassion is needed, from newsletters to fundraisers. Please give a bit of yourself to those who cannot help themselves. 874-2149. 37ufnc PAINTING/DRYWALL finishing, 30 years experience. 970-819-9385. 33x2c BE A PART OF THE solution. Promote family safety. Tri-County Resources is looking for Volunteer Advocates for our domestic violence/sexual assault hotline. After training is completed, you will be qualified to be an on-call advocate. Call 874-6995 for more info. 30ufnc WANTED: I’M LOOKING to pick up a few clients for private pay home health in Delta County. I have many years experience working with long term care, home health, and those with disabilities or dementia. M-F shifts only. 970-549-7054, please leave a message and I will call you right back. 32x2pp –3– WORK WANTED BEN’S GARDENING, landscape maintenance, cleanup and hauling, 30 years in concrete and tile experience. No job too big or small. Free estimates. Ben, 2613493. 32x2c FEELING STRESSED? You need ... “Room to Breathe”! I am a specialist who will work with you to organize your kitchen, office, whatever! Call 805-223-0044 or email leslielivingston151@ yahoo.com. 33ufnc HOUSE CALLS Handyman service, remodel, room additions, new construction, metal roofing, plumbing, electrical, drywall, paint, landscaping, fencing, tree removal, large or small jobs. 30 years experience, fully insured, very honest and reliable. Free estimates, Steve, 970-309-6062. 32x2c PAINTER DAVE Quality you expect. Painting Delta County for 20 years. 275-1071. 33x8h PROFESSIONAL HOUSE painting and restoration. Dependable, reasonable, experienced. Excellent references. I will show up and get it done right. Call John T., 970-835-8943. 33x2c CC ELECTRIC PLUS, LLC Providing quality electrical repairs for residential, commercial, industrial, and agriculture. Also servicing lighting, swamp coolers, farm equipment, water heaters, minor plumbing, minor auto repairs, welding, licensed and insured, 30 years experience. 970-216-6377. 19ufnb CUSTOM CARPENTRY, new construction, remodels, trim, framing, siding, painting, decks, and more. References, insured, experienced. Call Mark 970-589-2373. 33x2c NEED HELP? Looking for one client, Monday or Tuesday, 2-4 hours only. Have lots of references. Delta area only. 3993228. 32x2c BRIGHT AND SHINY housekeeping, professional cleaning for home, office, and move-outs. Diligent, detailed, dependable. Hotchkiss, Paonia, Cedaredge, Delta, Redlands Mesa. Excellent references. 970-835-8943. 33x2c AMERICAN GIRLS Cleaning Company is an honest, reliable, affordable, repeat or one time residential service. We will get the job done right. 970-773-1226. 33x2c WORK WANTED Any labor, any task, reasonable rates. Please call Jay anytime, 970-250-0780. 33x2c SWAMP COOLER service and repair, reasonable rates. 970-986-2880. 33x6pp DRYWALL REPAIRS AND patch work, 30 years experience. Delta, 261-5181, Dennis. 2x50h CRITTER SITTER, FARM animals or house pets, life time of experience, trustworthy and dependable. Kim, 970-312-7868, Paonia. 33x2c SMALL TRACTOR service, tilling, disking, marking, brush hog, small backhoe. No minimum for work. Keith, 970-250-4800. 22ufnb MOTHER AND DAUGHTER looking to clean houses on a weekly basis, free estimates. Please call 985-1112 or 2004950. 32x2c COMPASSIONATE CARE Do you need a helping hand with light house keeping, meals, errands? Have references. Give a call at 2016348, Cedaredge. 33x2c OFFERING CARPENTRY and handyman services, including painting. Specializing in finished carpentry, cabinetry, furniture and antique restoration. I have full shop, will do anything wood. Marvin Bencich, 2343549. 33x2c LOOKING FOR HOUSE work, building fence, bucking hay, hauling trailers or trash. 970-210-1005. 32x2c NEED A SITTER? I’m looking for 1 to 2 little ones to baby sit during the school year while my daughter is in school. $20 a day per kiddo. 872-4330. 32x2c GENERAL HOME REPAIR Remodeling, tile work and decks, bathroom and kitchen renovations, door and window installation, pressure washing. Free estimates, senior and military discounts. Se habla Espanol. 970-2755402. 33x2c HOUSEKEEPER Experienced. Downsizing, only taking small one time jobs or one room jobs. No regulars, no businesses. Call Bev, 872-3487. 15ufnc ROSS HOUSEKEEPING Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or one time clean, insured. Sharon, 201-5167. 33x2c GET IT DONE WHILE it’s hot! I pressure wash and refinish decks. Also clean home siding and exterior windows. Reasonable, dependable, excellent references. Call John T., 970-835-8943. 33x2c RIPPIN’, SLIPPIN’, diskin’, brush hoggin’, post hole diggin’, for any small farm or garden needs. Give me a call, Bo, 970-208-5777. 32x2c AUDIO/VIDEO I can install, mount, calibrate, and troubleshoot. TVs, surround sound, cameras, and more. Call Chad, 480-5253539. 33x2c DELTA HARDWARE’S annual canning sale going on now. Stop in and find great deals on everything you need. DOG KENNELS Available in two sizes from Alpine Fencing & Supplies, 1427 Hwy. 50, Delta, 8743404. SEEKING PAT-TIME Pastor position. With over 12 years experience, the past 5 in Delta, along with work in the Delta County School system. E-mail kanham99@gmail. com. 33x1c JACK OF ALL TRADES for your tree trimming, pruning, and landscaping maintenance needs. Guaranteed quality work, free estimates, 12 years experience. 970216-5366. 32x2c CUSTOMIZE THE LOOK of your yard with a new fence! See the ad for Alpine Fencing & Supplies on the front page of this week’s Shopper! SEEKING WORK construction projects. Carpentry, painting, drywall, landscaping, cleaning, chain saw work, etc. 209-4717. 33x2c COME WATCH pre-season Broncos football with us! Saturday, August 20 and August 27! CB’s Tavern, 334 Main St., Delta. THE SEWING BEE Repairs, alterations, make it from scratch. Call Mary Bachran, 970-433-1433. 31x4pp HIGH COUNTRY Shopper deadlines are FRIDAY NOON! GENERAL LABOR Depends on job. Please contact 970-901-1717. 33x2c 55 YEAR OLD WOMAN needs work in the Delta area. Will work doing anything, baby sitting, pet care, house keeping, lawn work, working with the elderly. Call 970275-0457. 32x2c –3– CHILD CARE CHILD CARE Do you offer child care? Place your ad in this category by calling 527-4576, or email your ad to classifieds@highcountryshopper.com. 16ufnc Page 10 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” SERVICES EXPERIENCE reflexology. Soothing, strengthening, balances entire body. I work on hands or feet. Paonia or home visits. Call Margaret, 970-433-2440. 31x4pd WILD WEST CRITTER Getter, LLC. For all your prairie dog extermination needs, pressurized exhaust rodent control. 970-209-0399 or 970-209-4670. 25x12pp THAT FIREPLACE GUY, Josh Berry, NFI Certified Master Hearth Professional, 970-417-8655. 23x12pp PAINTER DAVE Quality you expect. Painting Delta County for 20 years. 275-1071. 33x8h WINDELL’S LAWN Care & Firewood, LLC. Taking on new lawns and will do weeding, aerating, or lawn clean-up. Call 970-201-6541. 30x4pd FRESH BAKED BY Granma Cheryl is now baking at home in Cedaredge. Prefer pre-order. Whole nine yards, non-GMO, special diets (GF, non-dairy, plus). 216-6944. Facebook Cheryl Hartter, e-mail freshbakedbygranmacheryl@outlook.com. Located just off Highway 65. 33x1pp NO APPOINTMENT needed for sports physicals at DCMH Urgent Care, until August 31. 155 Stafford Ln., Delta, 874-7696. IT’S YARD SALE SEASON! Check out Category 5 for all the current yard sales! Bargains galore can be found right in your neighborhood. PAONIA SENIOR CENTER Third and Main, rental available for small gatherings, no cooking facilities. Call the center at 527-3435 or Lynne at 527-4544. 6ufnc TREE SERVICE Removal, trimming, clean-up. Gary, 970-210-9362. 9ufnb IRENE’S CAR DETAILING 970-275-4105. 11x36h READY MIX CONCRETE 80 lb. bag for $4.89 at Rocky Mountain Rebar & Lumber, 686 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 874-8001. LAWN CARE SERVICE Mowing, trimming, flower beds, clean-up, tilling. FREE estimates, 872-6608. 39ufnb HALL FOR RENT FOR any occasion, 25 to 200 people. Commercial kitchen. Call 872-3355 or leave a message. 43ufnc S.C.D. DRYWALL & Painting. In business since 1986. 778-4849. 15ufnb GUTTER CLEANING Insured, 970-201-0596. 18x16h WE SELL PEACE OF MIND BulldogChimneySweeps.com, 970-872-2333. 40ufnb PROFESSIONAL SHED moving. We can move your portable shed. Call Allen for more info. 970-596-0667. 29x8b TRIPLE S Tractors and machinery repaired. Diesel, hydraulics, drive train. Ken Sharpe, 970314-0000. 33ufnb TRACTOR WORK, brush hogging, leveling, tilling, post holes, driveways leveled, much more. 970-2757330. 27x8pp FOR AUTO detailing, call 201-6541. 30x4pd JONES CONSTRUCTION Services, full service remodeling and maintenance pros. Additions, kitchens, bathrooms, garages, windows, doors, custom cabinets, maintenance, repairs. 399-3271, www.jcsiremodeling.com. 25ufnc STOWE AND SONS Custom decks. No job too small or large. 209-3089. 31x4h HOUSE CLEANING Serving the Cedaredge area. Hard working, conscientious service by highly capable husband/wife team with outstanding references. We learned how to clean from the Marine Corps and love to make things shine. For more info call 8562472. 33x2pp YOU PICK PEACHES AT Orchard Valley Farms, 15836 Black Bridge Rd., Paonia, 527-6838. HELLMAN TOYOTA Certified Used Vehicles. Let’s Go Places! 750 E. Hwy. 92, Delta, 874-4444. STEEL BUILDINGS, excavation, concrete, hay sheds. Hershberger Construction, LLC, 874-5594. AMERICAN GIRLS Cleaning Company is an honest, reliable, affordable, repeat or one time residential service. We will get the job done right. 970-773-1226. 33x2pp SWAMP COOLER service and repair, reasonable rates. 970-986-2880. 33x6pp THINKING ABOUT painting? Call Matus Painting and Finishing today for your free estimate. 970-234-5590. 14ufnb PAINTING/DRYWALL finishing, 30 years experience. 970-819-9385. 33x2pp MASONRY WORK 25 years experience, all phases. Sam at 527-3780. 3ufnb OLATHE FIREMAN’S HALL available to rent for weddings, parties, church services, reunions, etc. Please call 323-5713 for more information and to book your event. 44ufnc IN NEED OF A FREE quiet meeting space? Alta Vista de la Montaña Apartments can help! Call today to reserve your date, 970-874-6166. 29ufnc DELTA HARDWARE 20 lb. Ace wild bird food only $5.99. Every day price! WE REPAIR BLINDS Re-string, replace broken parts and adjust. Tuesday’s Interiors, 856-8050. 15ufnc “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” www.highcountryshopper.com 2 PARTY SALE, a few antiques, silver and pewter, cook books, quilting books and patterns, Fri. and Sat., Aug. 19 and 20, 12222 Hwy. 65, Eckert. 33x1pp BIG YARD SALE Friday and Saturday, August 19 and 20, 8 am-5 pm, 235 SE 2nd St., Cedaredge. Some furniture, collectibles, antiques, household items, plants, kids’ clothes. Lots and lots of misc. items and smoker. 33x1h YARD SALES YARD SALE ADS are $5 for 30 words or less. Please remember to put your address and town in the ad! –5– DELTA YARD SALE Friday and Saturday, August 19 and 20, 945 A Street, Delta, 8 am-3 pm. Lots of cool stuff, come check it out. 33x1c ESTATE SALE August 19 and 20, 2495 Highway 348, just north of Pea Green Store. Antiques: dining room table and chairs, buffet, 4-post bed, 2 dressers, desk, treadle sewing machine, rocking chair, china, crystal, and more. Hammond organ, music cabinet, lots of piano and organ music. Couch, 2 twin beds, bookcases, cabinets, end tables, computer desk, dresser, lamps. All household goods including dishes and canning goods. Lots of books and jigsaw puzzles. Sewing machine and lots of sewing supplies. Some hand tools and garden tools. Hours 8 am-4 pm. Jeanne, 275-4401. 32x2pp YARD SALE 520 Willow Wood Ln., Delta, August 19, 8 am-5 pm, and August 20, 8 am-12 noon. Kids’ clothes, dining table, 6 chairs, pumps, sewing machines, file cabinets, and much more. 33x1pp LIVING ESTATE/GARAGE sale, inside garage. Stained glass equipment and glass, furniture, some antiques, crafts and household items, patio set with cushions, tools and much more. 4698 1900 Rd., 8 am-4 pm, Fri. and Sat., August 13 and 14 and August 19 and 20. Must sell everything. 32x2h –5– SURFACE CREEK FRESH BAKED BY Granma Cheryl is now baking at home in Cedaredge. Prefer pre-order. Whole nine yards, non-GMO, special diets (GF, non-dairy, plus). 216-6944. Facebook Cheryl Hartter, e-mail freshbakedbygranmacheryl@outlook.com. Located just off Highway 65. 33x1pp ADDED MUCH MORE to our moving sale. Antiques, household decor, child’s 1950s kitchen set, over 50 books (lots history and collector guides), costume jewelry, queen size comforter with sheets, 7 purple/gold pillow set, framed 1880s side saddle photos and other old pics, old bottles, box of Barbies, lots of crafts and material scraps, small oval quilt frame, framed stained glass horse head, old and newer horse tack, big box wood tulips plus patterns. Can’t list it all. Friday and Saturday, August 19 and 20, 8 am-3 pm. 22035 Canal St., Austin, near post office. Rain or shine. 33x1pp 874-7070 MULTIPLE FAMILY yard sale, Aug. 19 and Aug. 20, 8 am-2 pm. Car stuff, canners, lots of miscellaneous. 18426 Westridge Rd., Cedaredge. 33x1pd YARD SALE AT 476 1800 Road, Delta, on Friday, August 19, 8 am-4 pm. Household items, dishes, cookware, bed, dresser, couch, some antiques. No tools, clothes, and guns. 33x1h YARD SALE AT 160 SE Greenwood Ave., Cedaredge, to run on Saturday, August 20, through Sunday, August 21, 8 am to 4:30 pm each day. Items include household, outdoor, books, puzzles, clothing, Christmas decorations, etc. 33x1pp ACROSS FROM THE VO-TECH 1796 Hwy. 50 Delta AUG. 19 AND 20, 8 am-5 pm, 510 NW 3rd St., go west on NW Dahlia off Hwy. 65. Older woodworking tools plus, swamp cooler, vintage mirror, and carnival glass hanging lamp, wood-burning heat stove, Monarch cook stove, china dish set (6 place setting), stereo speakers plus, vintage radios and tubes, car top carrier and more. 33x1pp YARD SALE August 19 and 20, Friday and Saturday, 8 am-4 pm. No early birds! 18598 Northridge Rd., Cedaredge. 33x1pp BACK TO SCHOOL yard sale. Women’s shirts and bottoms, size M-3XL. Women’s dress jackets, size L. Boy’s jeans, shorts, shirts 6-18. Dress shoes, boots, and tennis shoes in many sizes. Also some misc. items, tools, and household. Corner of 2100 Rd. and Hwy. 65, Eckert. Friday, August 19, and Saturday, August 20, 7:30 am-? 33x1pp 17515 2200 RD., Cedaredge, 8 am-4 pm, Friday, August 19, and Saturday, August 20. Items for all ages. Household items, sporting goods, bamboo flooring, desk. 33x1pp –5– HOTCHKISS YARD SALE 253 E. Main St., Hotchkiss, Friday, August 19, and Saturday, August 20, 8 am-close. Furniture, antiques, collectibles, women’s and kids’ clothes, and a lot more. Two families, cash only. 33x1pp –5– PAONIA MOVING SOON! Love seat, portable dishwasher, solid oak 2-1/2’x5’ table, matching coffee and end tables, round 4-1/2’ diameter dining table, Olhaussen pool table. Lots, lots more. Everything priced for immediate sale. Lots of freebies. Saturday, August 20, 9 am-3 pm, 40839 Stewart Mesa Rd. Watch for signs. 33x1pd BIG BAG SALE, Sat., Aug. 20, 116 3rd St., at vintage house garage 1-day sale. Bag $5, stuff with the things you want. 8 am start bag sale, door open 9 am-5 pm. Pick up flyers around towns with list of all merchandise. 31x3pp KARATE TEACHES self-control, self-confidence, self-discipline. Do something for yourself, take karate classes. northforkkarate.com. 33x1pp 301 MINNESOTA AVE. in Paonia. Little bit of everything, come check it out! Friday, August 19, and Saturday, August 20, 9 am-? 33x1pp BIG MOVING SALE Lots of furniture and household goods. 912 3rd St., Paonia, Friday and Saturday, 9 am. 33x1pp Page 11 – August 17, 2016 –5– CRAWFORD HUGE MOVING YARD sale at 1929 Black Canyon Rd., Crawford. Saturday and Sunday, August 20 and 21. Phone 970-596-7124. 33x1pp –5– OLATHE 80 PLUS YEARS estate. Yard sale, 53640 Carnation Rd., Olathe, Aug. 19 and 20, 8 am-1 pm. Art and craft materials, furniture, clothes, kitchen items, knick-knacks. 970-323-6379. 33x1pd HOUSEHOLD ITEMS CURLMASTER CURLING iron, 1/2”, dual heat, spring iron, excellent condition, $4. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c BOOKS, ETERNITY Springs series by Emily March, volumes 1 through 11, like new. 970-261-9018. 33x1c MICROCRISP ROUND rack for microwave, partial roll of Browning Wrap, $1. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c TABLETOPS Unlimited Fruit De Blanc sugar bowl, perfect condition, $2. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c WORKOUT MIRROR 75”x65”, $250. 527-8910 or 261-9683. 30x4h STAINLESS STEEL skimmer ladle by Graham Kerr, like new, $5. 970-4623202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c CRABTREE AND EVELYN votive candles, Nantucket Briar fragrance, new, 3 for $3. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c MICROWAVE COOKWARE Regal baking pan shaped like a ring, like new, $1.50. 970462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c 12 PLACE SETTING white china trimmed in silver Greek chain, including soup dishes and dessert plates. All serving pieces also plus teapot. Made in Japan, 1960s, for Montgomery Wards, $120 or best offer. Call 399-3266. 32x2c BOOKS, RAEANNE Thayne’s Hope’s Crossing series, volumes 1 through 7, and Haven Point series, volumes 1 through 3, like new. 970-261-9018. 33x1c SPA ROOM Aromafier, essential oil therapy on-the-go, USB cord included, alternately use AA batteries, powerful silent fan projects fragrance, small, portable, new, half price at $7. Cedaredge, 970-462-3202. 33x2c YANKEE CANDLES Half price and less, 50¢ to $4 each. Cedaredge, 970-4623202, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c POP-O-POT MICROWAVE popcorn popper, Pomaireware clay pot uses just popcorn and oil, no chemicals or plastic, makes healthy, delicious popcorn, excellent condition, $20. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c 4 SERVING GRILL by George Foreman, non-stick coating and removable plates, excellent condition, $5. 8564088. 33x2c GOLDSTAR SUNBEAM bread maker in good condition. 970-210-0913. 33x2c (2) 8X10 AREA RUGS, $50 each, a blue pattern and a green pattern. Located in Cedaredge, 970-856-1060. Can e-mail pictures if interested. 32x2c BOOKS, COMPLETE 17 volume set of Robyn Carr’s Virgin River series, and complete 13 volume set of Sheryl Woods’ Chesapeake Shores series, like new. 970-2619018. 33x1c PEACHES, YOU PICK, $1.50 per pound. Delicious Orchards, one mile west of Paonia, 970-527-1110. 31ufnb Page 12 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” ELECTROLUX tank-style vacuum cleaner, older model, works well, $5. Excalibur food dehydrator, older model but works well, $18. Mr. Coffee iced tea maker, like new, $5. Canning jars, quarts (dozen wide mouth) $7, pints $5. Metal folding cot with 1” foam pad, $5. 527-4338. 33x2c 3 LARGE PRESSURE canners, some new. Call 970323-6379 or 970-209-5088. 33x1c TEALIGHT CANDLES, white, new condition, 10¢ each, 35 available. 970-4623202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c 36” SONY TV, very heavy, $50. 921-3201. 33x2c HEAT/MASSAGE lounge chair, programmable lounge chair provides heat or massage or both. Works great, a few snags on cover. Phone or text 970-361-5917. 33x1c –6– FURNITURE PLACE CARD HOLDERS Six Pier 1 imports, silver starburst design, new in box, $6, is half original price. 970-4623202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c SMITH AND NOBLE blinds, Roman style, 45x68, 43x43, 44x43, excellent condition, $30 each or $80 for all. 527-5811. 33x2c BRIDAL REGISTRY for the bride and groom at Delta Hardware! Stop in and register. 121 W. Gunnison River Dr., Delta. 874-9515. 18ufnc BRITA FAUCET replacement filter, $1.50. Cedaredge, 970-462-3202, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c OKLAHOMA JOE’S smoker, smaller unit, very clean and ready for football season, $125 or best offer. Call/text 970-778-6061. 33x2c U-PICK PEACHES, nectarines, and plums. Delicious Orchards, one mile west of Paonia, 970-5271110. 33ufnb 42 CUP COFFEE maker, West Bend, polished aluminum, excellent condition, instruction booklet included, $10. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c GOING CAMPING? We have books, maps, tent/ boat repair, camp kitchen, headlamps, and more. Delicious Orchards, 1 mile west of Paonia, 970-5271110. 29ufnb VERY, VERY CLEAN sofa and two solid wood chests of drawers. 201-5456. 33x2c LARGE BOOKCASE, dining table with 4 chairs, china cabinet, solid oak round table all at low prices. Barkin’ Bargains has end tables and lamps too. 211 Grand, Paonia. Open Monday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm. Help support our CAWS dog/cat shelter by shopping at BB. 33x1c QUEEN PLUSHTOP mattress set, $189, new in plastic with warranty; twins and fulls available. Also more styles to choose from. Call or text Jim at 970-640-2639. 23ufnb MATTRESS SET Full size with box spring, nice, $100. 874-8632. 32x2c PLATFORM ROCKER, blue, $25. 970-901-1480. 32x2c BLUE GREEN SOFA, 7-1/2’ long, recliners on each end, heavy, $100. 921-3201. 33x2c BANK OF CABINETS, 12’ in length, plus countertops, $399 or best offer. 970615-0787. 33x2c 2 SOUTHWEST saddle blanket and solid wood chairs, $30 each or $50 takes both. 874-9934. 32x2c TABLE AND 6 chairs, $50. 874-3870. 32x2c OAK DINING ROOM set, 42”Wx66”L with 2 inserts and 6 chairs, $200. Call 8747317, 1714 Pioneer Circle, Delta. Subdivision across from high school parking lot on F Rd. 33x2c BRAND NEW, in plastic, queen mattress and box with memory foam gel topper and premium coil, just $329. Fulls and kings available. Call or text Jim at 970640-2639. 5ufnb QUEEN CHERRY WOOD Mission style bed, $199, new in cartons, headboard, footboard, and rails. Add a new queen plushtop mattress set for $179, nightstand for $119, or dresser for $239. Twins, fulls, and kings available. Call or text Jim at 970-640-2639. 39ufnb HEXAGON SHAPE end table, excellent condition, storage underneath, $20. 5274338. 33x2c DINING TABLE, rectangle, medium wood look, 40”x62” with 17” leaf, $20. 874-8632. 32x2c 2 BAR STOOLS, 26” seat to floor, $20 each. Mirrored makeup vanity with jewelry drawers, necklace door, and chair, $300. Located in Cedaredge, 970856-1060. Can e-mail pictures if interested. 32x2c HANDCRAFTED PICTURE frame, unique, black matte with copper flowers and butterflies attached, frame 7-3/4” square, opening 3-1/2” square, $5. 970-462-3202. 33x2c MAHOGANY SWIVEL heavy duty desk chair, $50. 872-4110. 33x2c NEW CHEST OF DRAWERS, black, $175. 970-901-1480. 32x2c ANTIQUE CHEST OF drawers, 4 drawers, rollers on legs, real cute, regular wood color, $40. 874-4220. 33x2c SONY STEREO CABINET with glass front, $20; small, black desk chair, $10. 970399-7872, Delta. 33x2c LARGE ENTERTAINMENT center. Will hold up to a 42” TV. Pine, shelves on each side, doors, drawers, hand carved, $150. In good shape. 856-2318 or 201-1907. 33x2c COUCH AND LOVESEAT in very good condition, loden green canvas material, 10 Southwest throw pillows included, $100. Call 970-5961815. 33x2c JUST REMODELED, kitchen cabinets, 9 pieces and a kitchen sink, $175. Wooden chest of drawers, $40. 970216-9126. 32x2c OAK BOOKCASE/ entertainment center, $50. Lamp, $15. Entry way/mud room bench, $100. Saddle stand, $10. 970-874-6253. 32x2c KING SIZE four post bed, pine cone motif in “Butternut”, head and foot boards, rails, also king mattress, $125. 874-8632. 32x2c KING BED, headboard, frame, $600. Long dresser, $600, and matching armoire, $600. Located in Cedaredge, 970-856-1060. Can e-mail pictures if interested. 32x2pp BEAUTIFUL KING size bed with mirrored canopy and mirrored headboard with lights. Sitting on 6 underdrawer base, $100, you pick up. 970-323-5525. 32x2c WOODEN TRUNDLE bed, $75. 970-399-7548, 433-2440. 32x2c FULL BED WITH mattress and a table with 4 chairs. 970-640-1793. 33x2c ROUND OAK BUTCHER block table, 48”, $30. 970901-1480. 32x2c ARMOIRE, $150, 970-615-0787. 33x2c CHEST OF DRAWERS Wood with 5 large drawers, measurements are 5’2”Hx3’5”Wx18”D, $25. Cedaredge, 856-7455. 33x2c NICE ROLL TOP desk, $150. 874-9934. 32x2c –6– APPLIANCES GAS DRYER, CLEAN, works great, $100. 970-5896695, Cedaredge. 32x2c MICROWAVE, NEW condition, Westbend, 900 watts, counter top, turntable, black with chrome trim, instruction manual, 19”Wx14”Dx11”T, can pass as new, $40. 835-3083. 33x2c FELKNOR’S OLD fashioned Theater II popcorn popper, the Cadillac of stovetop popcorn poppers, brand new in sealed box, $20. 970424-4218, Hotchkiss, please leave message. 32x2c JENN-AIRE microwave above the range top, with built-in range hood venting. Used condition and working great, we just upgraded. 835-8341. 33x2c UPRIGHT FREEZER, 4’ tall, off white, works great. 970-527-2424. 33x2c KENMORE WASHER, works and looks good, $75. Delta, 712-8260, no texts. 32x2c WESTINGHOUSE stackable washer and dryer, looks good, $150. Delta, no texts, 712-8260. 32x2c RAINBOW VACUUM sales and service. Reconditioned. Rainbow vacuums. 835-3446. 39ufnb STOVE LIGHT, FILTER, and fan, great condition, $50. 970-527-2424. 33x2c I WOULD LIKE TO buy 2 old fridges and 3-4 old chest freezers, looks not important, must work. 2349101. 33x2c GAS RANGE Excellent working order, 10 years old and very clean looking. Yellow body with black oven door. We just upgraded. Call 835-8341. 33x2c KUVING’S SILENT juicer, quiet, strong motor. Only used a few times, works perfectly. Paid over $300, asking $195. Text or phone me at 970-361-5917. 33x1c FRIGIDAIRE UPRIGHT freezer, 15 cu. ft., $125. Ask for Bob, 921-7861, cell 2706334. 32x2c RESPICAIRE CANADA micro particle air cleaner, Model MicroClean 95 CG, dimensions 16”x25”, removes 95% of airborne pollen, molds, fungus, and bacteria for healthier indoor air, made in Canada, brand spanking new in sealed factory container, state of the art, $95. 970424-4218, Hotchkiss, please leave message. 32x2c “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” www.highcountryshopper.com Page 13 – August 17, 2016 Page 14 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” PANASONIC KX-F550 phone/fax machine. Free for the asking. Kim, 970-5963035. 33x1c END OF SEASON sale! All clothing and shoes 25¢! August 17-20. Half price on all merchandise including furniture and gifts in Etcetera. Cedaredge Methodist Thrift Shop, downtown Cedaredge. 33x1c PROM DRESSES Sizes 6, 5/6, 8, 13, 14, 16W, $15 each. 970-417-9645. 32x2c OZARK MOUNTAIN jeans, women’s size 17, black, no back pockets, very good condition, $4. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c 5 WOODEN WINE boxes from various California wineries. All in excellent shape, free. Call Kim, 970596-3035. 33x1c MOVING? FREE BOXES, pick up at 327 Kellogg St., Delta, Saturday, Aug. 13 between 10 am and noon. 33x1c 44” CORONADO CHEST freezer. Isn’t getting cold but probably needs minor repair. Free, come get it and fix it! Kim, 970-596-3035. 33x1c 4 UNOPENED BOXES of WestPak Materials joint compound, 3.6 gal. Also (4) 29 oz. GE 400 sub-floor adhesive tubes. Free, come and get ‘em. Kim, 970-596-3035. 33x1c HOTCHKISS WEARHOUSE We have NEW SALES on clothing and NEW ITEMS! Open Mondays, 9 am-3 pm for shopping and donations. Thank you for your donations and shopping with us to help support our local community missions. 22ufnc DOUBLE SINK stainless steel sink, with 2 year old faucet with hand sprayer. Good as new, we just upgraded. 835-8341. 33x2c VINTAGE ELECTRIC pushbutton stove, $50. Samsung air conditioner, great condition. 970-399-7548, 433-2440. 32x2c OLDER AMANA side-by-side refrigerator/freezer, no ice maker. 970-2101127. 33x2c AL’S APPLIANCE REPAIR 835-8441. Fast, dependable, in home service. Also, rebuilt guaranteed used appliances. 39ufnb –6– CLOTHING & JEWELRY UPDATING YOUR furniture? Donate to Heirlooms for Hospice. 32x3c BIG MEN’S GOOD clothes. Slacks, shirts, pants, coat, T-shirts, some new, all $5 each, your choice. 970527-7995. 33x2c COOKS APRONS, various colors, $6 each; chef coats, $12 each. 856-4511. 33x2c CRAWFORD THRIFT Shop. Check us out! Great way to save money with excellent second hand clothes and other things. Monday, 10 am-2 pm; Wednesday, 2-5 pm; Saturday, 10 am-2 pm. 33ufnc JEWELRY IS 50% OFF at Heirlooms for Hospice through Saturday, August 20. 521 Main St., Delta. 33x1c UMW THRIFT SHOP welcomes donations of clean, usable clothing, household goods and other small items. Proceeds go to mission for women and children. 3rd and Onarga, Paonia. 33ufnc THE ROSE IN HOTCHKISS Your local source for quality, stylish recycled clothing for women, men, and kids. Bridge St., Hotchkiss. 8721144. 33ufnc 1/2 PRICE SALE! Would you like to learn about the early history of the North Fork Valley? The North Fork Historic Society is selling copies of Paonia’s 1904 Souvenir Book for half price at $5 a copy. If you would like to purchase one of these books, call Judy at 527-3970. 16ufnc DR. COMFORT WOMEN’S tennis shoes, size 9, like new. Paid $139 for them, will sell for $40. 970-210-0913. 33x2c CRAWFORD THRIFT SHOP has $2 bag sale until the end of August. Mon., 10 am-2 pm; Wed., 2-5 pm; Sat., 10 am-2 pm. 33x2c CHEST FREEZER, 2’x4’x3’ deep, $100. 9213201. 33x2c SMALL COLLEGE DORM room refrigerator. 874-9934. 32x2c SINGER PORTABLE electric sewing machine, in original Singer bentwood case, with original operating manual, Model #128-23, similar to a Model #15-91, vibrating shuttle, 100 year anniversary model, 1851-1951, will sew any material, including denim and leather, excellent original condition, $160. Hotchkiss, 970-424-4218, please leave message. 32x2c WHIRLPOOL 21’ TOP freezer/refrigerator, sale $1,149.95, stainless steel, glass shelves, Energy Star. One only! Modern Appliance, 152 Main St., Delta, 874-3111. 31x3c GALA WARE AT Delta’s Heirlooms for Hospice is 40% off until August 27. We’re at 521 Main St. 33x2c TREE AND SHRUB sale, selected items on sale now at Mile High Greenhouse. While they last! 10482 Hwy. 65, Eckert. 33x2c BIG MEN’S T-SHIRTS, 2X and 3X, clean, good for work clothes (food stains), some pants and shorts, all free. 970-527-7995. 33x2c GREAT BACK TO school deal for your teenage girl! Assorted shirts from Hollister, like new, size small. Other misc. items and a hooded jacket. 970-210-0913. 33x2c TWO CASES OF jewelry, plus jewelry displays throughout the store. Barkin’ Bargains has contemporary, vintage, wild and crazy designs, summer, all season jewelry. 211 Grand, Paonia. Open Monday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm. 33x1c GITANO JEANS Women’s size 16, plain pockets, very good condition, $4. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c 50% OFF ALL clothes until they are gone and placed in your closet. Barkin’ Bargains has men’s, women’s, and children’s clothes at rocket low prices, then 50% off. 211 Grand, Paonia. Open Monday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm. 33x1c STOP LEG CRAMPS and acid reflux with Caleb Treeze available at Delta Hardware. Guaranteed to work! 28x12c AMY HOWARD One Step furniture paint available at Delta Hardware. No stripping, no sanding, no priming. Transform your furniture or cabinetry in one step. 28x12c ALL FURNITURE IS 50% off until Saturday, August 20, at Heirlooms for Hospice, 521 Main St., Delta. 33x1c –6– JUST FOR KIDS CUDDLER LINER FOR baby seats, helps newborns stay upright, maroon with tiny white print, excellent condition, $1.50. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c BABY MONITOR, Sony NTM910YLW, baby call 900 MHz, rechargeable with transmitter, 5 sound-sensor activity lights and voice activation mode, excellent condition, $8. Cedaredge, 970-4623202, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c ALL METAL FRAME folding high chair, chrome tray, takes minimal storage space, $25. Child’s metal folding table, 2 chairs, 1950s, $20. Phone 527-4338. 33x2c CHILDREN’S HEROES of the Bible, VHS by Vision Video, set of 12, Moses, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, Esther, Jesus’ Birth, Calls Disciples, Miracles, $5. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c LITE BRITE MAGIC screen, 150+ fun shaped pegs. Excellent condition, compares at $16+, only $8. Cedaredge, 970-462-3202, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c KARATE CLASSES qualify for Visions. northforkkarate.com. Fun, fast, educational. 970-527-5477. 33x2pp NEW DYNACRAFT 16” Barbie bike with stabilizers, never used, $50. Call 929-5140. 33x2c BOUNCE HOUSE! Summer fun for kids of all ages! With or without water slide. Now for rent at Mesa Rental & Supply, North Delta, 874-5213. 29x6c HIGH COUNTRY Shopper deadlines are FRIDAY NOON! KIDS CLOTHING! Quality recycled clothing is always 50% off at The Rose in downtown Hotchkiss. 33ufnc FREE DIAPERS FOR UP to one year! Pregnant women in Delta County can now get help to quit smoking and get something they can really use, free diapers! Enroll in the Baby & Me Tobacco Free program. Contact Delta County Health Department, 874-2165, or your local physician. 37ufnc TABLES AND CHAIRS for rent at Mesa Rental & Supply. Many styles of chairs and sizes of tables, including round, banquet, and cocktail sizes. North Delta, 874-5213. 28x8c A KIDZ CLINIC is your school-based health center. Call to schedule an exam, sports physical, therapy, and more. See ad in this week’s Shopper. 874-2753. 32x2c DOG GROOMING WITH hugs! Monday through Friday, 9 am-4 pm, walk-ins welcome. Puppy Love Dog Grooming, 9627 3200 Rd., Hotchkiss, 872-4064. 29ufnc SUPPORT THE programs of HopeWest and volunteer at Heirlooms for Hospice. 32x3c BACK TO SCHOOL ice cream party. Kick off the school year with something sweet and social! Join us at the Crawford Library for some ice cream and some fun. Friday, Aug. 19 at 2 pm. 33x1c 1ST ANNUAL “Pirates Invade the Fort Festival”, admission $2, 12 and under free. Saturday, August 20, 10 am-6 pm. 440 N. Palmer St., Delta. For information call 874-8349. 33x1c YOU CAN CALL IN YOUR classified ad to 527-4576. FREEBIES FREE SEMINAR “Being Mortal”, sponsored by HopeWest and Taylor Funeral and Crematory. Get the conversation started with your family about planning ahead and talking about end-of-life decisions. Wed., Sept. 7, at Taylor Funeral in Hotchkiss, 209 Bridge St. See ad in this week’s Shopper. 32x4c FREE WASHER AND dryer. Motors work well, dryer needs belt, washer needs pump. 520-255-0685. 33x2c FREE USED HARDWOOD flooring, great for walls. Free boat toilet. 835-8332. 32x2c PEACOCKS A pair of friendly peacocks, free to a good home. Cedaredge, 856-7455. 33x2c OLD SEARS 1.5 KW microwave, model 747.9957910. I think it works but not positive. Yours for the taking, free. Kim, 970-5963035. 33x1c SHOESHINE ALWAYS free, The Cobbler, 856-3331. 4ufnb FREE SOFA, 970-323-5284 or cell 970209-3696. 32x2c EMERSON ONE PIECE VHS player/TV monitor. Great for kids if you have limited space. Kim, 970-596-3035. 33x1c WILL HAUL AWAY unwanted vehicles, scrap iron, appliances, free of charge, call Jason 549-7943. 32x2c WILL HAUL UNWANTED vehicles or scrap iron, free of charge. I also do property foreclosure cleanups, tear-downs or misc. Call Sam, 874-6389 or 417-3335. 32x2c WANTED DINE BY THE CREEK Thursday nights at Cedaredge Golf Club Grill. Dinner specials from 5-8 pm. 32x3c LOOKING FOR TOMATO cages, sturdy plastic produce lug/boxes, bushel baskets, medium/large coolers, older agricultural/horticultural/ botanical books and journals, baby food jars, partial fencing rolls, soapstone wood stove, small greenhouse. 835-3418. 33x2c FREE SEMINAR “Being Mortal”, sponsored by HopeWest and Taylor Funeral and Crematory. Get the conversation started with your family about planning ahead and talking about end-of-life decisions. Wed., Sept. 7, at Taylor Funeral in Hotchkiss, 209 Bridge St. See ad in this week’s Shopper. 32x4c NEW EQUIPMENT trailers now at Mesa Rental & Supply, North Delta, 8745213. 31x6c I’M LOOKING FOR AN old 2 gang horse drawn disk with steel wheels up front. May have been converted for tractor use. Call 399-7209 or 209-3775. 33x2c WILL PICK UP JUNK cars, farm equipment, etc., for free. Call or text 970-4179859. 32x2c OLDIES, WANT TO BUY Rainbird sprinklers, picket fence and/or wood privacy fence, metal outdoor furniture, and yard decor items. 201-5456. 33x2c BUYING COIN collections and accumulations. Silver dollars, proof sets, gold, silver and gold bullion, currency and all US coins. Call 970-242-5374 days. 38ufnb I’M LOOKING FOR AN old horse drawn manure spreader. Please call 3997209 or 209-3775. 32x2c LOOKING FOR A SHED, minimum 10’x12’, fair condition, highest price $600. 2758886. 32x2c FRIENDS OF THE DELTA Public Library are accepting donations of gently used books, less than 6 months old magazines, books on CD, DVDs, and Blu-Ray. We cannot accept textbooks, encyclopedias, audio cassettes, or VHS tapes. We support the library with your donations. Thank you for your donations in advance. 11ufnc Page 18 – August 17, 2016 LOCAL EDUCATIONAL non-profit in need of center body for a Ferguson 1960 Series MF35 Deluxe tractor used for learning projects. Need reasonably priced or donated, tax slip available. Call 970-901-4128. 32x2c LOOKING FOR A fuel tank for an outboard motor. 970-756-5460. 33x2c PROFESSIONAL/ registered nurse seeking small 2 bedroom house/cottage to rent in Cedaredge/Eckert preferred. Non-smoker, have small dog (Yorkie). References available. Please call 520909-7340. 33x2c USED RAILROAD TIES In good condition, wanted for a retaining wall. Call 3615584. 39ufnc I’M LOOKING FOR A Planter’s Jr. 300 garden seeder. Please call 399-7209 or 209-3775. 32c2c FRIENDS OF THE Cedaredge Library need book donations. Please drop off any books that are in clean and undamaged condition in the shed behind the library. Please note that we cannot accept the following: magazines, encyclopedias, text books, Reader’s Digest condensed books, medical, nutrition or health books copyrighted before 2007, financial, business or technological books copyrighted before 2009. Thank you for supporting your library. 13ufnc www.highcountryshopper.com WANT EMPTY 55 gallon metal barrels, will pick up. 323-9807. 33x2c WANT BEES, 719-588-2052. 32x2c I’M LOOKING FOR AN automatic self cleaning vacuum for above ground pool like an Aquabot, etc. Call or text 970-417-9645 with pics and how much you’re asking. 32x2c DID YOU KNOW? Benson Brothers rents heavy equipment. Call 835-3128. 27x9c WANT HEAVY DUTY treadmill, will trade for a Victory electric scooter, sold for $2,295. 856-8939. 32x2c WICKER FLOWER stands for rent, suitable for weddings and receptions. Mesa Rental & Supply, 715A Hwy. 50, North Delta, 8745213. 29x6c TO THE BUYER OF the big blue tanks at the Town of Paonia auction in January, do you have any interest in selling them? Please call Ed at 970-872-3962. 33x2c KENT, I HAVE LOST your phone number. Do you still have backhoe tires for sale? We met at an auction. Please call Eddie at 970-8723962. 33x2c PAONIA AMERICAN Legion welcomes new members. Come to the post or call 527-6252 to see if you qualify. 37ufnc WILL PICK UP unwanted junk gas golf carts and 4 wheelers, any kind of toys with motor, I’ll take it off your property for free. Call or text 970-417-9645. 32x2c LOOKING FOR someone who raises young butchered chickens to sell. 856-3086. 33x2c VISION GLASS cookware, priced cheaply and in good condition. Please call Cherie at 874-0478. 33x2c MAGAZINES, COLORADO Conservation Comments, Colorado Outdoors, looking to buy or trade different months and years. 241-7401. 33x2c WANT A RIM, 26”x12” or 13”, for old John Deere tractor or backhoe. Please call Eddie at 970-8723962 or 970-234-4003. 33x2c WILL PICK UP computers, laptops, parts, no monitors unless it’s LCD screens, sewing machines. Call 970-874-2760. Thanks. 32x2c FRIENDS OF THE Crawford Library is now accepting donations of only the best books for our January 2017 Cabin Fever book sale. Please drop them off at the Crawford Library, Wed. through Fri., 10 am-5 pm or call 399-7783 to arrange for a pick up. No encyclopedias, condensed books, periodicals, outdated reference, or trash. 22x31c I WOULD LIKE TO buy 2 old fridges and 3-4 old chest freezers, looks not important, must work. 2349101. 33x2c WILL BUY OLD POCKET and hunting knives or can appraise the value for you. 970-250-1577. 18ufnb WANT LAPTOP OR desk top computer, 970-6409562. 32x2c NEW NOTEBOOK computers starting at $499. Available at Classic Computers, 238 Main St., Delta. 874-9210. 13ufnc WANT LIVING ROOM pit group. 970-683-9560. 33x2c NEED ROOM in your closet? Donate to Heirlooms for Hospice. 32x3c WANT TO BUY good, used, reliable golf cart. 527-6169. 33x2c LOOKING FOR 3 rolls of rolled roofing, and one roll of felt, at a fair price. 874-4616, cell 361-5552. 32x2c WANT SMALL, STURDY, compact rebounder, preferably folding, apple boxes in reasonable, decent condition, old style glass lid canning jars, Diamant flour mill, older partial sheet of plywood 2’ to 3’ by 6’ to 8’, grinding/sharpening stone wheel. Propagation/ heating mats with plastic domed seedling trays. 8353418. 33x2c “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” MUSEUM ARTIFACTS Do you have historic items related to the North Fork Valley? If you do, and you would be interested in sharing them, the North Fork Historic Society would very much appreciate the opportunity of displaying them at the Paonia Museum. Call Judy at 5273970. 16ufnc “VOLUNTEERS DO NOT necessarily have the time, they just have the heart,” Elizabeth Andrew. The Network of Volunteers is a group of enthusiastic community members who believe that the North Fork Ambulance is one of the key elements that makes the valley a wonderful place to live. To join or for more info, please contact Dawnette Simpson at 872-4688 or by e-mail network@northforkambulance.com. 33x2c WANT FULL SIZE mattress, free or cheap. 970417-9645. 32x2c WE PICK UP broken front loader washing machines and front loader dryers. 856-4101. 32x2c FILL DIRT WANTED Adobe-type dirt OK. 2349101. 33x2c LOOKING FOR HEAVY duty 20-25 quart stainless steel stock pot, portable artists airbrush variable speed compressor, brass sieves, screw-in grain aerator, large planting tubs, redwood boards. 8353418. 33x2c PAONIA FRIENDS OF THE Library appreciate your donations of clean, undamaged books, however, we cannot accept the following: encyclopedias, text books, Reader’s Digest condensed books, medical, nutrition or health books copyrighted before 2007, financial, business or technological books copyrighted before 2009. Thank you for supporting your library. 3ufnc WANT MARBLE SLAB, approx. 20”x30”, stainless steel popcorn popper, stainless steel steam juicer, canvas tarps, porcelain/enamel Dutch oven/pots, large Pyrex or stainless steel teapot, burlap bags, polyweave grain bags, onion net bags, cider press/ grinder. 835-3418. 33x2c HOMEMADE ICE CREAM Including spumoni! New at Annie’s Pizzeria, downtown Cedaredge, 856-4200. 31x4c FAMILY IN NEED of a truck or small pickup. Will trade with work. 970874-6389. 32x2c SQUATTY POTTY AND Illumibowl Shark Tank products now available at Delta Hardware. 28x12c DO YOU HAVE A PAONIA High School yearbook you would like to donate to the Paonia Museum? We need copies of annuals for years 1976, 1985 through 2016. If you have an Eyrie to donate, please call Judy at 527-3970. 25ufnc “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” www.highcountryshopper.com Page 19 – August 17, 2016 FORD 3 PT. SICKLE mower, $400. 985-8692. 32x2c WATER WEIR, $499. 970-985-8692. 32x2c THE PAONIA MUSEUM and the Bowie Schoolhouse Museum are open for the summer! Thursdays and Fridays from 1-4 pm. Come and enjoy learning about the history of the North Fork Valley. Info call 527-3970. 33ufnc 6’ PULL-TYPE BRUSH hog, $300. 985-8692. 32x2c RHINO 3 POINT post hole digger, good shape. Call 856-7711. 33x2c CRAFTSMAN REAR tine rototiller, new motor. 970-773-6410. 33x1c MOVING Toro riding lawn mowers, 2 years old, $800. Grass picker-up pull-behind 4 wheeler, $150. Cedaredge, 970-8564565. 31x4pd WANT NEW HOLLAND baler 273. 874-7468. 32x2c 2 METAL SIDE fertilizer spreaders with tongues and steel wheels. A John Deere and a McCormick. Excellent condition, $300 each. Call 970-901-0204, Montrose. 30x4pp 20X50 WEATHERPORT building. Has one 8x7 utility door, 45’ side vents with rollup shades. Vent fan installed on end wall and is included. Was purchased in Delta and used for one year, $10,500 or best reasonable offer. Help available to disassemble. Call 970-209-0383. 32x2h 3, 5, AND 7 ROW markers, 40’ Lockwood piler with telescoping boom, $1,500; 4 row Logan potato/ onion digger, $2,000. 9858692. 32x2pd 5’ PULL-TYPE disk, $400. 985-8692. 32x2c SMALL BEAN ORCHARD sprayer, good tank with Wisconsin engine, $1,000 or best offer. Text 970-234-3177 or call 970-856-3177. 21ufnb TRACTOR, MODEL 40 1957 Massey Ferguson. Hydraulic front end bucket, rear adjustable blade, $4,100 takes it. 323-6866. 32x2h SIDE ROLL SPRINKLER irrigation line. Complete with all fittings and rainbirds. Newer Honda drive motor. 1/4 mile 5” sprinkler, 1,600’ 6” main line. Older unit but in good shape. Stacked and ready for delivery, $8,500. Also 6” irrigation pump with Detroit diesel, 2,072 hours, $5,000. Delta, 970-846-1755. 33x1h PULL-TYPE EVERSMAN ditcher, $250. 985-8692. 32x2c 3 PT. BOX BLADE, $400. 985-8692. 32x2c 3 PT. BLADE, $250. 985-8692. 32x2c OLD HAY RAKE Worked last time it was used, one wheel needs some work, $25. Heavy side weed mower, $50. 856-7531. 33x1c ANTIQUE MINNEAPOLIS Moline gas tractor, in good shape, $2,300. 234-6309. 33x2b 6650 HESSTON swather, 14’ head, diesel, $7,900. 589-2263. 33x4h TRIPLE S Tractors and machinery repaired. Diesel, hydraulics, drive train. Ken Sharpe, 970314-0000. 33ufnb 7 PORTABLE PANELS, $499. 985-8692. 32x2c MORMAN CREASER $100. 201-5284. 33x2c NEW ATV’S Only $7,250. 800 cc, great warranty, 0% financing, 0% down. Varner Equipment, in stock models only. 874-0612. 32x4c ALLIS CHALMERS WD45, 3 pt., good tires, runs well, $2,600. 874-1222. 30x4b 15.5X38 SNAPON duals, $200. 970-985-8692. 32x2c ORCHARD SOLD Equipment must go! Portable ground wind machine, smudge pots, orchard car, fertilizer spreader. 970-6400418. 32x2h 6’ BUCKET FOR Ford loader, $400. 985-8692. 32x2c 124 MASSEY FERGUSON baler, $1,500; 1044 New Holland bale wagon, $4,000; 1032 New Holland bale wagon, $5,500. 985-8692. 32x2pd BUCKET FOR FORD 8N loader, $200. 985-8692. 32x2c BETTER BALANCE A Tai Chi evidence-based fall prevention class designed for people with balance issues coming to Cedaredge on August 22. Call Brooke Loucks or Linda Bull at 8721118 or 856-8587. 5TH ANNUAL PEA GREEN Pedal and Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, Sept. 10, presented by the Delta County Memorial Hospital Foundation. Registration forms are available at www.dcmhfoundation.org. Register early and save on late registration fees. CHAIN LINK FENCING available in black, galvanized, brown, and green at Alpine Fencing & Supplies, 1427 Hwy. 50, Delta, 8743404. GUN SHOW August 19, 20, and 21 at the Montrose County Fairgrounds. Buy, sell, trade, browse guns and gun related items. Sponsored by the Montrose Rod & Gun Club. ANNIE’S PIZZERIA is serving homemade ice cream including Spumoni! Open 9 am-7 pm M-F. Breakfast served 9-10:30 am! 280 W. Main St., Cedaredge, 856-4200. COMMUNITY Announcements are Free! SPORTS PHYSICALS AT DCMH Urgent Care for $20, until August 31, no appointment needed, and cash only. 155 Stafford Ln., Delta, 8747696. Drop off your Classifieds— 231 Grand Ave. Paonia PICKIN’ IN THE PARK Free music every Thursday in August from 6 pm till dark at Paonia Town Park! This week stop by and hear Mingo Fishtrap and Gabrielle Louise! Brought to you by Pickin’ Productions! after hours slip thru mail slot REGISTER FOR THE 2016 5th and 6th grade tackle football season on Sat., Aug. 27, 1-4 pm, and Monday, Aug. 29, 5-6:30 pm, in the Delta High School wrestling room. Cost is $65. Call Greg Pope for more info at 275-0717. NEED A CONTRACTOR? See the Service Directory for professional results. At Your Service! TAI CHI CLASS COMING to Cedaredge for people with balance issues. Classes begin August 22 and space is limited, so sign up soon. Call Brooke Loucks or Linda Bull at 872-1118 or 856-8587. 9am-4pm MON. - THURS. 9am-12pm FRIDAY HigH Country SHopper SKOOTERZ & SHOOTERZ is having a Flea Market and Farm Market this Saturday from 9:30 am-3 pm. See our ad in this week’s Shopper for details. COME WATCH pre-season Broncos football with us! Saturday, August 20 and August 27! CB’s Tavern, 334 Main St., Delta. READY MIX CONCRETE 80 lb. bag for $4.89 at Rocky Mountain Rebar & Lumber, 686 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 874-8001. NEIGHBORHOOD Coupon Sale this month at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss! Great buys on canning jars and lids, paint and paint supplies, and more. Stop in today at 121 E. Bridge St. 907 NEW HOLLAND swather, 14’, $2,000; Super Ford Major tractor, $2,500; 1010 New Holland bale wagon, 2 wide, 56 bales, $1,500. 985-8692. 32x2pd 6’ PULL-TYPE DISK, $400. 985-8692. 32x2c NEIGHBORHOOD Coupon Sale this month at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss! Great buys on canning jars and lids, paint and paint supplies, and more. Stop in today at 121 E. Bridge St. NO APPOINTMENT needed for sports physicals at DCMH Urgent Care, until August 31. 155 Stafford Ln., Delta, 874-7696. YOU PICK BLACKBERRIES at Orchard Valley Farms, 15836 Black Bridge Rd., Paonia, 527-6838. Page 20 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” –9– HAY LEATHER HAY CHAPS, in good condition, $60. Call 527-3827. 30ufnc PREMIUM BARN STORED hay, grass, grass/alfalfa mix, and alfalfa. Large round bales, small square bales, and 3x3x8 large square bales. Also have straw. 872-3141 early am or late pm or leave message. 23ufnb MIXED GRASS HAY, $4 per bale, barn stored. 5273272, leave message. 32x2pd HAVE 3X3X8 SQUARE bales grass, grass/alfalfa mix, and alfalfa. 872-3141, early morning, late evening. 23ufnb –9– LIVESTOCK MILES HORSESHOEING, 970-812-6790. 25x13pd BLACK ANGUS BULL for sale, 2.5 years old, superior AI genetics, proven record, great conformation. Call 8567905 to see him and his calf crop from this past spring. 32x3pp WEANER PIGS for sale. 970-270-7520. 31x3h 1973 FLYL HORSE trailer, good condition, fiberglass top, $1,400. 527-4913, 986-2731. 33x2pd HORSESHOEING Todd Kennedy, 970-8748323. 14x51pp TWO SWEET GOATS Free, need a new home. They need to be together with plenty of space, not penned. Great weed eaters, good pets, have horns. 527-6399. 33x2c BILL VAN HOUTEN CJf Horseshoeing, AFA certified Journeyman Farrier, corrective and therapeutic hot shoeing. 970-773-1171. 33x5pp OUTWEST FARRIER Service. Reliable, professional horseshoeing. Graduate of Oklahoma State Horseshoeing School. Serving the Western Slope. Rob Brown, 640-9079, please leave message. 8ufnb 5 DOELING GOATS, 5-1/2 months, a Nigerian Dwarf, two half Dwarfs, two 3/4 Dwarfs. 275-3780, leave message. 32x4h 2 JOHN MULES Spot is about 6 years old and broke to pack. Dan is around 8 and broke to ride. They need to be put to work. Not for beginners. Easy to load, usually easy to catch, $1,000 each or $1,800 for both. Mike, 970-234-6070. 31x4pp 6 ROYAL PALM turkeys, 2-1/2 months old, $15 each or all for $75. Laying hens, 1-1/2 years old, $6 each. 874-5075. 33x2c SADDLES CLEANED AND oiled. Complete saddle repair. The Cobbler, 856-3331. 7ufnb WEANER PIGS for sale. 234-7617. 33x2c NO TRESPASS METAL signs for the 21st Century. No immunity for gov’t agents. 970-252-1212. 17ufnb LIKE NEW, Chickin Inn maternity ward/ chicken house, $100, you haul. 970-361-0262, 764 E. 3rd. St., Delta. 33x2c BUCKAROOUSA SADDLE & Harness Shop in Paonia. Saddle/tack/pack equipment. We do repairs, new and used equipment. 116 3rd Street, 527-3126, 712-9072. 33x2pp REGISTERED RED DUN gelding, selling as project horse or companion. Loves attention, great ground manners, has never been ridden. Offers considered. Phone or text 970-361-5917. 33x1pp 1979 WW 4-HORSE trailer, good condition, and good tires, $2,250. Call 970596-6972 or 323-0187 after 6 pm. 33x2h CIRCLE Y SILVER bridle/reins, lots of pretty silver. Mint condition, used once, Arabian or Welsh Pony size, $125. 312-7868. 33x2c OLDER RANCH HORSES for sale. Call 250-7375. 33x2c HORSE CARRIER With mats, fits 8’ pickup bed, $50. Hotchkiss, Redlands Mesa, 970-872-4001. 33x2c BIG TEX SINGLE axle trailers. Buy one at Varner Equipment and get a free spare tire! 1375 Hwy. 50, Delta. 32x4c BLACK AND WHITE Banty rooster, 1/2 Silky and 1/2 Cochin, free or will trade for a very small Banty rooster without feathers on its legs. 856-6324. 33x2c REGISTER FOR THE 2016 5th and 6th grade tackle football season on Sat., Aug. 27, 1-4 pm, and Monday, Aug. 29, 5-6:30 pm, in the Delta High School wrestling room. Cost is $65. Call Greg Pope for more info at 275-0717. STRENGTH AND aerobic conditioning class starts August 22! For details call Linda Bull, Delta County Memorial Hospital, 872-1118 or 856-8587. Or see our ad in this week’s Shopper. FRESH ORGANIC DILL and pickling spice available at Hardin’s Natural Foods, 31424 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 872-3019. FRYER RABBITS are ready. All natural, high protein, no-fat white meat. Reserve yours now. Please call 970-323-5332. 33x2c MINI-LOP BUNNIES 9 weeks old. Big, bold heads, pets, breeding stock, show bunnies to choose from. Pedigrees available. Call now, 970-323-5332. 33x2c COWBOY AT THE CROSS Church, Sundays 10 am, Thursdays 6:30 pm youth group. 12211 Tongue Creek, Austin. More info 835-3897. 43ufnc BROWN EGGS FOR sale. Also a Barred Rock rooster and 2 Rhode Island Red roosters. 835-3757. 33x2c CHICKENS AND chicks, ducks and ducklings. 970-250-9687. 33x2c DELTA HARDWARE 20 lb. Ace wild bird food only $5.99. Every day price! MAKE YOUR OWN SALE! 50% off any one item at The Shelter Shoppe, 290 N. Grand Mesa Dr., Cedaredge. Open 10 am-4 pm, closed Wednesday and Sunday. 50% OFF FURNITURE at Heirlooms for Hospice, August 15-20. 521 Main St., Delta, 874-5251. Exclusions apply. Shop to support the mission of HopeWest. CUSTOMIZE THE LOOK of your yard with a new fence! See the ad for Alpine Fencing & Supplies on the front page of this week’s Shopper! GRASS HAY No weeds, no foxtail, no rain, tarped first cutting, $3 per bale. 970-234-2632. 31x3pp ALFALFA HAY, small bales, $3.50. 5 row marking bar, $700. 970-2167047. Ron, Delta. 32x4pd NEW HAY, grass mix, on Rogers Mesa. 872-4766. 25ufnb GRASS/ALFALFA MIX Small bales, $4 each. Large round bales, $81. Cow hay, $2.50/bale. 835-4293. 33x3pd CUSTOM DESIGNED TO meet your needs! Cleary Building Corp. can supply the building of your dreams. Contact us at 874-1066 for a free consultation or to learn about our current building specials. YOU MAY THINK dealing with a direct lender doesn’t make a difference, but it does. We can help you get the home you want and a mortgage you can live with. Call Mortgage Solutions Financial at 970-367-2000, or go to mortgagesolutions.net. GONNA GIVE IT AWAY? Place an ad in Freebies, the ad is FREE in the Shopper! 527-4576. ORGANIC HAY, barn stored, no rain, grass/ alfalfa mix, $4; alfalfa hay, $4.50; oat hay, $3. 970-3616417. 33x2b ALFALFA HAY, 1ST and 2nd cutting. No rain, $5/ bale for 70 lb. bales. Olathe area, 275-6656. 32x2h WILD FLOWER BISTRO Featuring specials created with local fruits and vegetables! 305 Main St., Delta. COW HAY, weedy alfalfa, small bales, $2/ bale; oat hay, round bales, $35/bale. Located in Delta, 970-640-1998. 32x2pp FREE DELIVERY available anywhere in Delta County with minimum $50 order. Rocky Mountain Rebar & Lumber, 686 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 874-8001. FIRST CUTTING, BIG round bales, grass/alfalfa/red top clover mix, 1.600 lbs. for $125. 835-8124. 33x4h 2016 FIRST CUTTING hay, grass hay mix, small bales, $5/bale. 874-3144, at Read. 25ufnc CERTIFIED WEED FREE straw. 872-3141. 23ufnb 100% ALFALFA, weed free, approx. 20 tons available, $5/bale. 234-7683. 31x3pd ALREADY PICKED peaches available by the pound or by the box at Orchard Valley Farms, 15836 Black Bridge Rd., Paonia, 527-6838. OUR SERVICE technicians are ready to assist you! Schedule your certified service appointment today! Hellman Chevrolet Buick, 900 Main St., Delta. 874-4407. HAY, GRASS/ALFALFA mix, round bales, 1,500 lbs. plus or minus, $160 each, free local delivery. 970-234-6223. 43ufnb CUSTOM FARMING for Delta, Montrose, and Olathe areas. We do hay, tillage, and harvesting, all crops. Jon, 970-596-1574. 27x10h ROUND BALES OF COW quality hay. Grazer, 100 bales. 872-3141. 1ufnb CLEAN STRAW CropWorx, 835-3335. 19ufnc LAMBORN MESA 1st cutting premium horse hay, 400+ bales, delicious and nutritious, stacked in barn, dry, ready for pick up, $4/bale, payments possible. 100+ bales of premium second cutting 50/50 grass/alfalfa hay, $5/bale. 970-361-8318. 33x2h 2016 ALFALFA Organically grown, covered, in barn, $3.50 a bale. Call 760-673-9057. 32x2pp HAY 2016 alfalfa, $6; grass, $5. Good firm bales. Close to Delta, 874-9851. 27x16pd NICE HAY, MIX OF orchard, brome, alfalfa, and clover. 2016, no rain, no spray, $4 per bale. Orphanage Farm, 201-4359. 31x3pd FISH FRY! All you can eat, every Friday at Delta Fireside Inn, 820 Highway 92. 50% OFF FURNITURE at Heirlooms for Hospice, August 15-20. 521 Main St., Delta, 874-5251. Exclusions apply. Shop to support the mission of HopeWest. 1ST ANNUAL PIRATES Invade the Fort Festival, Sat., August 20, 10 am-6 pm, at Fort Uncompahgre, 440 N. Palmer St., Delta. Admission $2, 12 and under free. Lots of fun events, food, drink, and music. LIVE MUSIC BY Cimarron band, Sat., Aug. 20, 9 pm-1 am, at Throttle & Spur Saloon, 1410 Valley View Dr., Delta, 874-3130. Look for shot special! CLEAN STRAW, 970-527-4926. 50ufnb GRASS/CLOVER HAY 5x5 rounds, net-wrapped, approx. 1,400 lbs., $80 per bale, call for large quantity pricing. 970-778-8773. 33x3b GRASS ROUNDS, 1,670 lb., net-wrapped, no rain. Nice hay, $80/bale. Hotchkiss, 970-314-1571. 33x2pp RAINED ON HAY Baled dry, in the field, 3x3x8, $30 each. 921-8891. 32x2pd 2016 REDLANDS MESA barn stored hay, organically grown, no chemicals. Excellent hay this year, 70 lb. bales. 15.6 crude protein, 64.0 total digestible nutrients, 120 relative feed value, trace elements well above average. $6 per bale. DR Fish Fertilizer Co., 970-872-4660. 27ufnb “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” www.highcountryshopper.com CERTIFIED HAY Premium horse hay mix, alfalfa, straight grass. Not the cheapest, just the best. $5/ bale, cash only. Located in Delta. 970-210-7732, 970596-6941, 303-589-7634. We deliver. 31x51h FEEDER MICE, $3 if you bring container, $3.50 if I provide one. Text or call 970-589-1588. 32x2c FALKENHOF CANINES Dog Training. New basic obedience classes starting August 22 and August 24. Also advanced classes. All classes by pre-registration. Call 8741336 or email us at deltacanines@gmail.com. 32x3pp SMALL HAY BALES, $3.50/bale or $3 if you take 50 or more. No rain, stored in covered shed, good quality, 872-3522, 872-2497. 32x2pp CAWS ALWAYS HAS several great dogs and cats awaiting adoption. You can view photos and descriptions at www.cawsonline.org or give us a call at 527-3350. 8ufnc GRASS AND grass/alfalfa hay, $4/bale. 874-5318. 33x4h HORSE QUALITY alfalfa/grass, covered, no rain. 1,400-1,500 lb. round bales, $150/bale, you haul. 970596-7367. 32x3pp I WAS RECENTLY AT the Cedaredge Surface Creek Animal Shelter and I found it to be spotless, the animals very well taken care of and happy. We are so fortunate to have these volunteers in our community. They do an amazing job and they do it happily. Having just recently lost two of my cats I appreciate all of their efforts. Thank you to all! 33x1pp CEDAREDGE BARN stored 1st cut alfalfa/grass hay, $4/bale. 1 mile north of Cedaredge, 234-3591. 32x2b 3X3X8 BALES, alfalfa/grass mix, good horse hay, no rain, $40/bale, ask for Bob, 921-7861, cell 2706334. 32x2pp 30 GALLON FISH TANK Already established, 4 fish, accessories, $50. 835-3801. 17ufnc Deadline to Submit Classifieds: PREMIUM HORSE HAY Grown by horse owners for horse owners. Alfalfa, $5/bale; grass hay, $4/bale. Cedaredge, 970-261-9651. 26ufnb REFINERY! Elisabethan retail and inspired resale. Handmade, remade, wellmade. Open Monday and Saturday, 10 am-2 pm, and Tuesday through Friday, 10 am-5 pm. 138 Grand Ave., Paonia. LARGE ROUND BALES, approx. 1,500 lbs. Straight grass or grass/alfalfa mix, $85; straight alfalfa $95. Hotchkiss area, 620-639-1478. 33x4pd PREMIUM ORCHARD grass hay, small bales, no rain, no chemicals, barn stored near Paonia, $4. Call Joe, 970-778-7936. 31x4pd PETS SEMI-RETIRED hunting Lab. Black male, great personality, needs a family. 970-261-9926. 33x1c FREE TO A GOOD home, 2 adorable solid gray kittens with green eyes, approx. 2-3 months old, very playful, love them but can’t keep them. Call mornings, 970-623-9474. 33x2c –9– FEED & SEED PLACE YOUR AD IN THE High Country Shopper! Call your ad in to 527-4576. Or you can email or text your ad to classifieds@highcountryshopper.com. 18ufnc PEACH SUNDAY! Sunday, August 21, at Orchard Valley Farms, 15836 Black Bridge Rd., Paonia. Free tastings of our new peach wine! Enjoy a sweet peach sundae! Don’t miss this fun day. CUSTOM DESIGNED TO meet your needs! Cleary Building Corp. can supply the building of your dreams. Contact us at 874-1066 for a free consultation or to learn about our current building specials. DELTA HARDWARE’S annual canning sale going on now. Stop in and find great deals on everything you need. DOG KENNELS Available in two sizes from Alpine Fencing & Supplies, 1427 Hwy. 50, Delta, 8743404. SURFACE CREEK SHELTER Very friendly Staffordshire/ Terrier mix. Bryce has a handsome chocolate and white coat. He loves other dogs and people. A very happy, loving dog. 856-2346. 33x1c 3X3X8 GRASS/ALFALFA Barn stored, 750 lb., $40/bale. Crawford, 970-424-7943. 31x3pp HORSE PASTURE for rent, $10/head, for 6 or 7 horses. 216-2278. 32x2b MAGIC SIAMESE 10 week black Siamese. Exceptional amber eyes, showing how smart, curious she is. Has a Siamese body, likes your shoulder and purrs in your ear. DCHS foster mom, 970-874-8239. 33x2c RED HOT BUYS! Come to Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss for their August Neighborhood Coupon Sale! Stock up on household supplies, pool toys for the kids, and more. 121 E. Bridge St., 872-3535. MINI REX BUNNIES, ready for new homes Aug. 27, $25 each. 872-4330. 33x2c HigH Country SHopper WANT COW PASTURE, now until fall. Willing to fix fence or put up hot wire. 6406730. 32x2c ANIMAL CRUELTY or neglect. Individuals who have concerns about animals that are possibly suffering from cruelty or neglect can file a complaint with the Colorado Department of Agricultural Bureau of Animal Protection. For more information call 303-239-4161. Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. 39ufnc CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES, $200. Located in Montrose, 403-328-0236. 32x3pp 12PM Friday (970) 527-4576 –9– PASTURE Page 21 – August 17, 2016 GREAT DANE MIX lovers. Bailey is the sweetest, most gentle, female Great Dane/Lab mix. She will melt your heart. Well trained and a joy to have around. Call her CAWS foster home for more info. 921-3486. 33x1c BARKIN’ BARGAINS has lots of pet supplies including training books. BB also has adoptable kittens in their store. Stop by and shop. 211 Grand, Paonia, 527-5111. Open Monday through Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm. 33x1c SHOP HEIRLOOMS FOR Hospice to support the mission of HopeWest. 32x3c BABY BUNNIES, Holland Lops, 4 bucks and a doe, $25 each. 872-4330. 33x2c OLDER MALE BLUE Heeler ranch dog, needs a new home due to an injury. 250-7375. 33x2c DELTA COUNTY Humane Society has subsidy coupons available to help people spay or neuter their animals. Applications are available at your local vet office. For more information call 874-2149. 39ufnc VOLUNTEER DOG walkers needed at Surface Creek Shelter in Cedaredge. Fantastic exercise with a great dog in a beautiful setting. 8354507. 32x2c SURFACE CREEK SHELTER 2 Black Lab mix females, they are young and smaller Labs. Daisy is calm and well behaved, Ramie is loving and wants to please. 856-2346. 33x1c CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES, 6 weeks old, 1 male, 1 female, $100 each. 970-778-1687, leave message. Pics available. 33x2c SURFACE CREEK SHELTER Ginnis is a Heeler/Dingo mix. He is medium in size, golden brown with some white. He gets along with other dogs, likes walks and attention. 856-2346. 33x1c CHOCOLATE BROWN Retriever mix, free to good home. House broken, good with children, need to rehome because she is too big for me. 719-377-7597. 32x2c DOG TRAINING Puppies too. Local vet approved. 970-210-2329. 5ufnb I HAVE A 4 YEAR OLD female Dachshund and a 10 month old female Chihuahua that need to be rehomed. Dachshund, $150 rehoming fee, she’s fixed. Chihuahua, $120 rehoming fee, she is not fixed, and current on shots, minus rabies. Text for pics. Debbie, 970-210-9589, evenings best. 33x2c 25 GALLON FISH tank, complete except for the fish. 874-9934. 32x2c WONDERFUL TRIPLETS, 8 week tuxedo sisters, awesome markings. Adopt together or separately. Lively and fun, playful and affectionate. Want to be a part of your family. DCHS foster mom, 970874-8239. 33x2c 50% OFF FURNITURE at Heirlooms for Hospice, August 15-20. 521 Main St., Delta, 874-5251. Exclusions apply. Shop to support the mission of HopeWest. 1ST ANNUAL PIRATES Invade the Fort Festival, Sat., August 20, 10 am-6 pm, at Fort Uncompahgre, 440 N. Palmer St., Delta. Admission $2, 12 and under free. Lots of fun events, food, drink, and music. VINTAGE BIRD CAGE Round with curly-cues, beautiful powder blue original color. Recently sandblasted and painted, 27x15, $85. 970-312-7868. 33x2c PEACH SUNDAY! Sunday, August 21, at Orchard Valley Farms, 15836 Black Bridge Rd., Paonia. Free tastings of our new peach wine! Enjoy a sweet peach sundae! Don’t miss this fun day. SURFACE CREEK SHELTER in Cedaredge open for adoption 9-11 am and 3-5 pm daily. Call 856-2346 for more info. See our dogs on petfinder.com using zip code 81413. Follow us on Facebook! 49ufnc HUNTER DOUGLAS rebates through September 12. Beat the heat with Hunter Douglas honeycomb shades with power view motorization, and get a rebate too! Call Rosilee at Interior Elegance, 874-9818. PEA GREEN PEDAL AND Fun Run/Walk is on Saturday, Sept. 10, at the Lions Pavilion in Confluence Park, Delta. For registration forms contact Delta County Memorial Hospital at 8742291. WHY WAIT? Sell your “stuff” with an ad in the Shopper! SUMMER SPECIALS ON continuous panels, pressure treated posts, and much more at Alpine Fencing & Supplies. Call 874-3404 for a list of items and prices. Or stop by 1427 Hwy. 50, Delta. FIND A GREAT place to dine out. See the Good Times pages! YOU CAN LOOK AT the Delta County Humane Society website to see actual photos of our animals up for adoption. Check out www. deltacountyhumanesociety. org. 39ufnc NEW ATV’S Only $7,250. 800 cc, great warranty, 0% financing, 0% down. Varner Equipment, in stock models only. 874-0612. 32x4c LAWN FURNITURE 40% off at Delta Hardware. Limited to quantities on hand. While supplies last. 33x1c SHOP HEIRLOOMS FOR Hospice in Delta for these deals through Saturday, August 20. Jewelry 50% off, furniture 50% off, buff colored tags 50% off, and gala ware is 40% off. 33x1c Page 22 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com Name: Weekly Listings; Width: 29p6; Depth: 8.5 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19552.PDF; Ad Number: 19552; Customer Name: Re/Max Today “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” HIGH COUNTRY • Real Estate • REAL ESTATE Name: Rentals Available; Width: 19p4; Depth: 3 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19554.PDF; Ad Num- – 11 – RENTALS DELTA AREA ONE BEDROOM apartment, clean, carport, no pets, smoking outside, utilities paid, $425 per month, $425 deposit, lease. 874-7176. 32x2pp COTTAGE AVAILABLE for rent in Delta after Aug. 22. No pets. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $650/month. 1327 Howard St., by appointment only. Owner is a Colorado Licensed Realtor. 260-1424. 32x3h 2 BEDROOM apartment in Delta, $550/ month. 206-380-6199. 33x2h FALL IS A GREAT TIME to landscape. Soils, soil amendments, and mulch on sale at Delta Hardware. 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH home by the hospital, no pets. 874-4674. 32x3h MASTER BEDROOM with private bath, and smaller room with shared bath, for rent in nice house in North Delta. Beautiful 2 acre lot with lots of mature trees for shade. Share living/dining area, $450/month for the master and $350 for the other, $400 security deposit. 970401-1295. 32x4pp Name: Weekly Listings; Width: 29p6; Depth: 6 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19570.PDF; Ad Number: 19570; Customer Name: Cedaredge Land Co UTILITIES PAID! Alta Vista de la Montaña has 3 and 4 bedroom apartments available, rent is based on your income. Onsite playground, laundry room, storage. Are you a farm laborer, a retired domestic farm laborer, or a disabled farm laborer? Then call today to see if you pre-qualify! 970-874-6166. 32ufnb AT YOUR SERVICE! See the Service Directory for all your contracting needs! CUSTOMIZE THE LOOK of your yard with a new fence. Call 874-3404 for a free estimate. Alpine Fencing & Supplies, 1427 Hwy. 50, Delta. RENTALS 311 Dodge St., 1 bedroom, $620 includes all utilities, $620 deposit. 2 bedroom large unit, $725 includes all utilities, and $725 deposit. 1 year lease required. 2096516. 33ufnb LAWN FURNITURE 40% off at Delta Hardware. Limited to quantities on hand. While supplies last. 150 EATON AVE., Delta, 4 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, big carport, privacy fence, $925, first and last. Available beginning of September. 970270-8328. 33x4pp 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH house in Delta, $650 rent, $650 security deposit. Call 901-2500. 32x2pp TWO BEDROOM apartment, 525 Hastings, carport, clean, no pets, smoking outside, utilities paid, $650 per month, $650 deposit, lease, 874-7176. 32x2pp 1981 14X70 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, on 1 acre, 8 miles east of Delta. $700/month plus damage deposit. 970-778-6198. 32x2h Name: Rentals Available; Width: 19p4; Depth: 2.5 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black HOME FOR RENT 2 bedroom, 2 bath home on California Mesa. Quiet beautiful yard. $800/month, $800 deposit. No smoking, no pets. Available September 1. 2754401. 32x2pp 2 BEDROOM MOBILE home for rent, $450/month, $450 deposit, no pets. 3993320. 32ufnb 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH on 2.62 acres in North Delta. 2 car carport, animal shelter, tack area. Fenced and cross fenced for stock. Outside pets allowed. Month to month as property is for sale. Owner may consider lease/purchase. Call Pat at InterWest Real Estate, 970-874-4401. 33ufnb MASTER BEDROOM suite in a nice house on 2 wooded acres in North Delta. Private bathroom, shared kitchen/living areas. $450/ month, $400 deposit, utilities included. No smoking inside and no pets. Call for more info and pics, 970-401-1295. 31x4pp 1115 BLUFF ST., Delta. Totally remodeled home ready for rent. Everything in this house is brand new, $850 per month plus $850 security deposit. Month to month rent , no pets, no smoking. Must have good and verifiable previous rental references. 970-275-3101. 33x2h IGH COUNTR COUNTR HIGH Y HIGH Y COUNTR “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” H www.highcountryshopper.com • Real Estate • Y Page 23 – August 17, 2016 Name: Combined Office Lisitngs; Width: 60p0; Depth: 10 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19555.PDF; Ad Number: 19555; Customer Name: Re/Max Mountain West Name: Current Listings; Width: 60p0; Depth: 3.5 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19390.PDF; Ad Number: 19390; Customer Name: CinaJones Page 24 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com Name: Weekly Listings; Width: 29p6; Depth: 9 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19563.PDF; Ad Number: 19563; Customer Name: Western Colorado Realty “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” HIGH COUNTRY • Real Estate • Name: Weekly Listings; Width: 29p6; Depth: 2 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19576.PDF; Ad Number: 19576; – 11 – RENTALS SURFACE CREEK Name: Properties for Sale; Width: 19p4; Depth: 4 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19779.PDF; Ad Number: 19779; Customer Name: North Fork BUY DON’T RENT!! Own this cozy 2 bedroom, 1 bath home in Cedaredge for $649.59/mo. with approved credit. Purchase price is $109,000 using a no-down-payment USDA/ RD loan. Details: 3.5% interest rate, payment $649.59 per month (includes all taxes and insurance) at APR of 4.433%. Payment breakdown is $503.30 of principal and interest, $100 for tax and homeowners insurance, and $46.29 for RD guarantee fee. Buyer’s required cash is $4,501 for lender’s closing costs. MLS#716426. 590 NW Aspen Ave., Cedaredge. 856-7000. Photos at AmericanLandRealty.com. 19ufnb GRAND MESA MINI STORAGE • On Site Managers • Security Fenced • Competitive Prices Unit Sizes Include: 10x10, 10x15, 10x20, 10x30, 10x40 AVAILABLE NOW: Covered Parking for Boats, Motorhomes, Horse Trailers, Etc. Call Name: Untitled 145; Width: 29p6; Depth: 5 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black; File Name: -; Ad Number: -; Customer Name: - 856-7013 For Information NEAR PAONIA 3 bedroom, 2 bath, end of the road, great views, wonderful garden space. $1,025/month, long term lease only! No cats or dogs, no smoking. 970270-3556. 32ufnb SUNNY 2 BEDROOM apartment, centrally located in downtown Hotchkiss. Newly renovated, hardwood floors, includes garbage and water. No pets/smoking, $590. 970618-9252. 29x6b NORTH FORK Ambulance Association needs volunteers! 872-4303 or northforkambulance.com STEEL BUILDINGS, excavation, concrete, hay sheds. Hershberger Construction, LLC, 874-5594. Name: Rentals; Width: 19p4; Depth: 3 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19781.PDF; Ad Number: 19781; – 11 – RENTALS NORTH FORK PAONIA DOWNTOWN Spacious, clean, and sunny one bedroom apartment. All utilities included for $650/ month. No pets, no smoking. Available September 1. First, last, security required. 970618-4001. 32x3pp WILD FLOWER BISTRO Featuring specials created with local fruits and vegetables! 305 Main St., Delta. THREE BEDROOM, 1-1/2 bath trailer with family room and laundry room addition. Two car carport, outbuildings including double car garage, tack room, horse stall barn, pole barn, storage shed, on 10 acres. One year lease required. $900 per month, $900 deposit. Call Pat, InterWest Real Estate, 970-874-4401. 31ufnb HOTCHKISS, WILLOW Heights, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, ranch style home. Newly remodeled, nice yard. Absolutely no smoking, no pets. $900/month, first, last, and security deposit. 970623-6242, call only, will not text. 31x3pp FOR ALL YOUR financial needs, Delta County Federal Credit Union. 874-7674. BEAUTIFUL 3 LARGE bedroom, 3 bath, turn-key home with full garage, available upon closing, Sept. 21. $1,500/month. Call 970-5273771. 32x2pd ANNIE’S PIZZERIA is serving homemade ice cream including Spumoni! Open 9 am-7 pm M-F. Breakfast served 9-10:30 am! 280 W. Main St., Cedaredge, 856-4200. “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” www.highcountryshopper.com HIGH COUNTRY • ON THE EDGE ON Redlands Mesa overlooking the Grand Valley, the view is 100 miles wide. “Spectacular,” “Amazing,” and “Wow what a view” are what most people say when they pull on to this 22 acre parcel of pristine ancient pinon and cedar juniper forest. The 2,500 sq. ft. custom arched roof home has an open floor plan with three bedrooms, two baths, media room, and an additional attached 900 sq. ft. studio. Perfect for anyone who wants a creative space to live with plenty of room and a lot of privacy. For sale, $425,000, available late October. 8722480. 32x2h Real Estate • Name: Weekly Listings; Width: 39p8; Depth: 7 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19548.PDF; Ad Number: 19548; Customer Name: Mason Real Estate – 11 – LOOKING TO RENT LOOKING FOR residence, house, or farm sitting. Repair, maintenance work, trade. Excellent references, single mature adult 60+ years old, good health, no terminal vices, patriotic and security aware. Contact PO Box 1754, Paonia, CO 81428. 33x2c YOU MAY THINK dealing with a direct lender doesn’t make a difference, but it does. We can help you get the home you want and a mortgage you can live with. Call Mortgage Solutions Financial at 970-367-2000, or go to mortgagesolutions.net. PROFESSIONAL/ registered nurse seeking small 2 bedroom house/cottage to rent in Cedaredge/Eckert preferred. Non-smoker, have small dog (Yorkie). References available. Please call 520909-7340. 33x2c BEAR RANCH CABINS, located at 26767 CR #12, Somerset. Private river access on the Anthracite Creek. 3 separate 336 sq. ft. cabins, 1 bedroom with full size bed, 1 full bath, microwave, refrigerator, 2 burner stove, coffee maker, plates, utensils, cookware, full size futon couch, dining table with 2 chairs, DirecTV. $100/night plus tax. Please call 970-929-5336 or 970-301-8814. 32x4pp RESPONSIBLE FAMILY of three looking for 2 or 3 bedroom rental in Paonia area. Pet friendly, non-smoking, year lease at least. Call Chandra Jones, 970-683-9649 or Tyler Tasler, 970-986-2898. 32x2c PAONIA HOUSE for rent. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, in town near park. New remodel, big yard, fruit trees, storage, $975/month. 970-4041763. 33x2pp FLEA MARKET AND Farm Market, Saturday, August 20, from 9:30 am-3 pm. At Skooterz & Shooterz, 39522 Fruitland Mesa Rd., Crawford, 921-5362. AVAILABLE NOW! 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home with storage and nice yard, $650/month and $650 deposit. Pets allowed. References checked. Located in Crawford. Call 970-9213819 for details. 33x3pd NO APPOINTMENT needed for sports physicals at DCMH Urgent Care. $20, cash only. Hurry in before August 31. 155 Stafford Ln., Delta. SEND US YOUR classifieds! Text or email your ads to classifieds@ HighCountryShopper.com. Please include your name, address, and phone number. Or give us a call at 527-4576. 18ufnc FREE DELIVERY available anywhere in Delta County with minimum $50 order. Rocky Mountain Rebar & Lumber, 686 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 874-8001. MONTROSE & BEYOND CAR WASH OPEN 24/7 365 days! Summers’ Rocky Mountain Motors, 2195 S. Main, Delta, 874-0800. COZY 1 BEDROOM apartment, Hotchkiss. Newly renovated in historic building. Includes trash/water, $490. 970-618-9252. 29x6b – 11 – RENTALS OLATHE AREA – 11 – RENTALS WE LOVE OUR READERS! Thank you for reading the High Country Shopper! 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH trailer in Hotchkiss trailer park for rent, $750/month. New flooring, new paint. 8723887. 32x2pp MAKE YOUR OWN SALE! 50% off any one item at The Shelter Shoppe, 290 N. Grand Mesa Dr., Cedaredge. Open 10 am-4 pm, closed Wednesday and Sunday. Page 25 – August 17, 2016 Name: Homeowner’s Insurance; Width: SUPPORT YOUR neighborhood merchants. SHOP LOCALLY! LET’S MAKE A DEAL! Every For Trade ad is free in the High Country Shopper. SIGN UP NOW FOR Tai Chi classes starting in Cedaredge on August 22. For more information call Brooke Loucks or Linda Bull at 872-1118 or 856-8587. IT’S EASY! You can text, email, or call in your classified ad to us! Call 527-4576. Text or email to classifieds@highcountry shopper.com! Name: Listings; Width: 39p8; Depth: 4 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19834.PDF; Ad Number: 19834; Customer Name: Chapman Real Estate Company LOOKING FOR A rental? Place your Looking To Rent classified ad in this category. It’s free! Call 527-4576, or you can email or text your ad to classifieds@highcountryshopper.com 19ufnc MONTROSE OR surrounding area, looking for updated Victorian or farmhouse, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, pet friendly, garden and yard. Responsible long-term renter with excellent references. Jackie, 970-623-9386. 32x2c – 11 – COMMERCIAL RENTALS OFFICE SUITE for rent, nice location on Main Street with lots of parking. 874-3600 and ask for Dave. 13ufnb AUSTIN STORAGE Renting 10x10, $45, and 10x20, $65. Call 835-5266. 30x4pd COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent in Paonia. 600 sq. ft. loft office for rent. Day lighted, DMEA’s Elevate high speed broadband available this fall, $500/month, AC, heat, electricity included. Or share a 600 sq. ft. loft office, also in the Harvester Building, 211 Grand Ave., $250/month. 970-261-2737. 32x2b FOR RENT, COMMERCIAL building in Four Seasons Mall, 16367 S. Townsend, Montrose. 1,200 sq. ft. at $1,200. Call 970-275-1854 or 970-641-1729. 32x9b Page 26 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com HIGH COUNTRY • OFFICE SPACE available, approximately 150 sq. ft., and retail space available, approximately 600 sq. ft., at Paonia Peddler, 220 Grand Ave., Paonia. 5278900. 14ufnb “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Real Estate • Name: Current UFN Listings; Width: 39p8; Depth: 6.5 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19824.PDF; Ad Number: 19824; Customer Name: Interwest Real Estate LS STORAGE 1981 16X76 Fixer-upper, $3,000. 970216-2045. 28ufnb MOBILE HOME furnace. Coleman air furnace, propane or natural gas, $499. 856-2318 or 201-1907. 33x2c – 11 – COMMERCIAL & BUSINESS Delta/Austin Area 10x20 • 20x30 • 20x20 •15x30 Units Starting at $45 Pam•874-1004 REPLACED INVENTORY to Delta seeks serious angel investor(s) to pursue various high tech wind, harvesting, and transportation advancements. Must be able to sign NDA $10K-$50K investment secured with joint patent and patent pending named partnership. Let’s talk. Contact PO Box 1754, Paonia, CO 81428. 33x1pd – 11 – HOMES & ACREAGE LOOKING FOR LAND to buy in the North Fork Valley, owner carry financing. We have substantial money for down payment and excellent credit. Minimum 10 acres with water. 970-417-3366. 30x4pp SEND US YOUR classifieds! Text or email your ads to classifieds@ HighCountryShopper.com. Please include your name, address, and phone number. Or give us a call at 527-4576. 28ufnc CEDAREDGE, park front bungalow, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, loft sleeps four. 3 lots with huge garden and fruit trees. Shop, root cellar, garage, commercial kitchen, $145,000. 901-7575. 28x9h FSBO, 27 ACRES/ irrigation system, 2,500 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath, motherin-law apartment, geothermal heat and cooling, 30x40 finished garage, 50x80 heated shop, 40x60 barn, plus other outbuildings, landscaped/ sprinkler system, $449,000, will consider offers. 5273623, 261-1987. 20x20pd BUILDING SITE FOR sale. Located in Eckert, 1.71 acres, with water tap, electric, gas, and irrigation water to property line. Only $500 down, owner financing available, $69,000. 970-640-0000. 32x4h ON THE EDGE ON Redlands Mesa overlooking the Grand Valley, the view is 100 miles wide. “Spectacular,” “Amazing,” and “Wow what a view” are what most people say when they pull on to this 22 acre parcel of pristine ancient pinon and cedar juniper forest. The 2,500 sq. ft. custom arched roof home has an open floor plan with three bedrooms, two baths, media room, and an additional attached 900 sq. ft. studio. Two water taps, 2 electric meters. Perfect for anyone who wants a creative space to live with plenty of room and a lot of privacy, BLM access. For sale, $425,000, available late October. 8722480. 32x2h ANNOUNCING Delta County Wedding Package Special, $450. Call for details, 527-3597. Skip & Patty Party DJs. TIRED OF COMMUTING? Midlands Village, 435 32 Road, Grand Junction, 970434-8193, or Cimarron Creek, 901 65.30 Rd., Montrose, 970-249-0493, has homes ready for immediate occupancy. Our homes start in the $40’s. All homes in our community are owner occupied. Stop in or call for more information. 46ufnb MAKE A GREAT FIND and now need room?? Take your gently used items to Heirlooms for Hospice. 32x3c HOME/STUDIO 1,700 sq. ft. manufactured home on a foundation, 3 bedroom, 2 full baths. Also separate building, 16x30 studio with a 10x15 storage unit attached, 2 full lots in subdivision in Cedaredge. $95,000. Call 234-7590. 32x4h 44 ACRES, 2-1/2 MILES SE of Hotchkiss, water tap, well and irrigation water, $155,000, owner may finance. Crawford Realty, 921-5021 anytime. 18ufnb Name: Open House; Width: 19p4; Depth: 2 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; HAS YOUR GET UP and go, gone and went? Karate classes are fast and energizing. northforkkarate. com. 33x1pp YOUR DREAM IS OUT there. Go get it. We’ll protect it. American Family Insurance, 340 Meeker St., Delta, 874-9575. OVERWHELMED WITH your “To Do” list? Enlist some expert help from the Service Directory. EQUIPMENT RENTALS, sales and service. Mesa Rental & Supply, 874-5213. Name: Jurney Ranch Cedaredge; Width: 19p4; Depth: 5 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 17908.PDF; Ad Number: 17908; Customer Name: - BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM home in Cedaredge, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with superior interior finishes. Oak floors, granite tops, hickory cabinets, marble entryway, 9’ ceilings, marble fireplace surround, master Jacuzzi tub and separate walk-in shower. $225,000. Possible adjoining lot with refurbished barn. 970-260-3559. 33x2h – 11 – MOBILE HOMES MOBILE HOME transport, pilot car, set and level crane set, concrete foundations, state inspection, re-level and all mobile home services. State licensed, bonded, and insured. 970-2167525, 970-216-2045. 9ufnb PRE-HUD DOUBLEWIDE mobile home, brought up to code, needs moved, nice condition, $2,500. 216-2045. 25ufnb BUSINESS VENTURE opportunity. Looking for someone to buy my business, that deals with buying and repairing high pressure washers. Due to retirement from illness, will sell for under $5,000. Must be mechanically inclined. Call 874-9596. 32x4pp BEAUTIFUL 50X80 commercial building surrounded by mountains and located on the road that leads to the Gateway of the Grand Mesa (15 minute drive). A great area for ATVs, snowmobiling, fishing, and hunting. Located in Cedaredge. Situated on 4 acres, it has 4,000 sq. ft. on the main floor for a business, storage, etc., and 3,000 sq. ft. living quarters upstairs. Currently being used as an archery pro shop with 7 shooting lanes, $500,000. Call for details and pictures, 970-856-4343. 32x2pp Drop off your Classifieds— 231 Grand Ave. Paonia 9am-4pm MON. - THURS. 9am-12pm FRIDAY after hours slip thru mail slot HigH Country SHopper Name: Mortgage Lending; Width: 19p4; Depth: 2 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black; “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Name: Tire Sales & Service; Width: 19p4; Depth: 5 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 12536.PDF; Ad Number: 12536; Customer Name: Richard’s Muffler, Brake & Tire www.highcountryshopper.com – 12 – TRUCKS 2X4 1993 DODGE DAKOTA extended cab truck, 6 cyl, 5 speed, camper shell, bed liner, like new tires, less than 25,000 miles on rebuilt engine, runs and drives great, does have chipped paint. 970921-5454. 33x1pp Page 27 – August 17, 2016 Name: Used Vehicles; Width: 29p6; Depth: 7 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19551.PDF; Ad Number: 19551; Customer Name: The Car Lot LLC 1988 FORD F-150 long bed, V-8, 5.0L, 4 speed manual, 2WD, $1,000 or best offer, cash. Contact Sharon 872-3182, leave message. 33x2pd SEND US YOUR classifieds! Text or email your ads to classifieds@ HighCountryShopper.com. Please include your name, address, and phone number. Or give us a call at 527-4576. 29ufnc – 12 – TRUCKS 4X4 AUTOMOTIVE – 12 – CARS & VANS 1985 MERCEDES diesel SW, $499. 512-8086871, call from 10 am-3 pm. 32x2c HELLMAN’S LOCATOR Service. Don’t see what you’re looking for on our lot? Want a different color or model? Ask about our locator service for new and used vehicles. Call 399-4403. Hellman Motor Co. 6ufnc 2000 CHEVY PRISM 4 door, runs well, needs body work on front. Dirty work car, $425. 970-527-7995. 33x2c 1985 5 SPEED Toyota Corolla, 208,000 miles, it runs, needs some work, just need to get rid of it. Give me a call at 970-5890542. 33x3pd 2005 FORD FOCUS In good condition, $2,000 cash firm. Please call 970640-3057. 33x2pp Deadline to Submit Classifieds: 12PM Friday (970) 527-4576 HigH Country SHopper FOR AUTO detailing, call 201-6541. 30x4pd 1994 FORD ECONOLINE van, clean, runs great, 20,000 miles on new transmission, new radio. Van has 147,000 miles but has a V8, does not use oil and has been regularly maintained and serviced. Ornamental interior LED lights and oak trim, rear bench seat folds into a bed, removable middle seats. Must see to appreciate, $5,000. Can see van at Hotchkiss Automotive, or call 835-3545. 32x4pp 1987 SUBARU 4 door sedan, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, excellent motor, everything works. Great on gas mileage, no dents, 4 extra tires with rims, $800. Call after 6 pm, 970-623-9951. 33x2h 2002 AWD SATURN, red, immaculate looking, runs well, as is, $3,000 or best offer. Has AC, heater, and no rips in seats. 970-856-1076. 32x3h 1979 EL CAMINO, new 350 motor, 874-9627. 31x4h 1987 SAAB SPG 200,000± miles, restoration or daily driver, $1,200. 720-3081604. 32x3pd FULL SERVICE OIL change, $38.77 most vehicles, up to 5 quarts oil, synthetic oil slightly more. Call for an appointment to Kwiki Delta, 874-4590, or Kwiki Hotchkiss, 872-4590. 10ufnc 1996 MERCURY Mystique, V6, 24V, 5 speed, 140,000 miles, $1,495 or best offer. 970-697-7083. 33x5pd CLASSIFIEDS ON-LINE! highcountryshopper.com 1985 MERCEDES diesel sedan, needs engine, $499. 512-808-6871, call from 10 am-3 pm. 32x2c 2000 PONTIAC GRAND Am V-6, looking for $800 or best offer. Has a few issues. 399-3228. 32x3h 1998 VOLVO V70 Cross Country, 4WD, needs engine, $499. 512-808-6871, call from 10 am-3 pm. 32x2c 2000 TOYOTA TUNDRA 4x4 access cab, V-8, leather, hitch, new tires, new shocks, Leer topper, bed liner, runs great, $8,750. 527-4074. 33x3pd ULTIMATE OFF-ROAD 1969 Swiss Army Unimog, go anywhere slowly, very good condition, low kilometers, makes a great rock crawler, $10,000. 527-5811. 33x2pd 2000 DODGE Cummins 3/4 ton, 4WD. High mileage but excellent mechanical shape, $7,500. 970-589-2316. 33x3pd 2001 F-150 4X4 Super Cab, 180,000 miles, good tires, clean inside and out with bed topper, $5,000 or best offer. 970-275-7049. 33x2h 1986 CHEVY 3/4 TON with new 383 stroker motor, $8,500 invested in motor, sell for $5,500. 970-589-2316. 33x3pd 1970 JEEP Renegade II Bee, limited edition, only 235 made. All new brakes and shocks, White Brothers axle shafts, clear title. Includes new 225 V-6 (pumped up) engine, needs assembled, $2,400. 970-5277995. 33x2pd 1987 MAZDA B2600 4x4. Body in mint condition, new set of tires, new carburetor, alternator, plugs, wires, cap, rotor, thermostat. Has camper shell, needs new motor, tow away, $800. 970424-3721. 31x3pp 2008 GMC SIERRA SLE Z71 2500HD Duramax, ext. cab, LB, in great condition, 104,000 miles, leather, sunroof, brand new tires, ARE topper with Yakima rack, B&W hitch, Happijac tiedowns, Rhino liner, $27,500. 970-261-3344. 32x2pp – 12 – SUVs FABULOUS FINDS AT Heirlooms for Hospice. 32x3c 2000 JEEP WRANGLER Best offer. 970-773-6410. 33x1pp 2012 FORD EDGE SEL AWD, 52,600 miles, silver in color, leather interior, very clean vehicle, $22,600. 970872-3441. 31x8h 1977 CHEVY BLAZER New motor, good condition, $2,500. Call Mike, 856-3741. 32x2h Name: Customize Your Ride; Width: 29p6; Depth: 4 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 18728.PDF; Ad Number: 18728; Customer Name: Hellman Motor Co #1 PEOPLE’S CHOICE! The High Country Shopper! 1960 JEEP CJ5 Running when parked, factory metal top, $900. Located in Paonia area, 970-270-7383. 32x2c SNUGTOP HI-LINER topper for 8’ bed. was on a 2009 Dodge Diesel Ram but should fit any 8’ bed. Has extras, rod holders on ceiling, interior lights, fold-down front window, Yakima rails, oversize slider side windows. Excellent condition, always garaged. Paid $2,250, excellent deal $1,500. Call Kim 970-596-3035. 31x4pp 1991 FORD RANGER, big deer guard, 5 speed, 4WD, blue, runs strong, AC, heating, and no rips in seats, $2,200. 970-856-1076. 32x3h 1977 AND 1978 Chevrolet 4x4 pickups, $2,000 or best offer each. Text 970-234-3177 or call 970856-3177. 21ufnb 1972 FORD SPORT Custom 1/2 ton, 390, PS, good interior. Body needs attention. Serious inquiries only, $2,500. 970-234-3654. 32x4pp NEIGHBORHOOD Coupon Sale this month at Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss! Great buys on canning jars and lids, paint and paint supplies, and more. Stop in today at 121 E. Bridge St. 1987 JEEP CHEROKEE 4x4, 6 cylinder, 5 speed, new clutch assembly, radiator, and water pump. Runs good, $1,600 or best offer. 970-4624693. 32x2pp POSTAL CARRIER special. Right hand drive 2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport 4x4, Stk #60798 Dealer. Please call 970-249-9690, ask for Donnie. 33x2pp 2004 YUKON DENALI Good condition, 177,000 miles, asking $5,000. Call 874-4032 or 361-1902. 32x4pp 1964 JEEP 39,000 actual miles, average value $7,100, asking $7,000. Has a soft top and includes extension, 3 gas cans, tow bars, and handyman jack. Call or text 970-210-1127. 33x2pp Page 28 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com Name: Big Tex Single Axle Trailers; Width: 29p6; Depth: 3 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19413.PDF; Ad Number: 19413; Customer Name: Varner Equipment “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” TRUCK TIRES, half tread, 275/65/R20, $150. 970-275-9884. 32x2c SET OF 4 WHEELS, tires, and hubcaps from C10 pickup, in great original condition. 235/75R15, on GM wheels, bolt right on and start driving. $350 cash. Call/text 970-778-6061. 33x2c VALUABLE COUPONS! See the Big O Tires ad in this week’s Shopper for deals on oil changes, alignments, and more! 32x3c 12 TON HYDRAULIC jack, $15. 856-2318 or 2011907. 33x2c (3) BOTTLE JACKS, $5 each. 856-2318 or 2011907. 33x2c 1999 LANDROVER, $1,500. 589-2263. 33x4h 1999 DODGE DURANGO 206,000 miles, extra set of after-market wheels, new fender still in the box, has electrical problems, needs to find a home with a mechanic, asking $1,000. 856-7244. 32x2c – 12 – HEAVY EQUIPMENT 17-1/2’ TRAILER, electric brakes, good for everything, ATVs, so on, $800. 872-2538. 32x2h TRAILER PARTS-REPAIR B&W GN hitches, axles, brakes, jacks, springs, mats, couplers, etc. Welding, wiring, repack wheel bearings. Rock Creek Enterprises, Inc. 970-323-8701. Located 2 miles south of Olathe on Hwy. 50. 2x50pp UNIVERSAL 48” tractor snow blade for riding mower, etc., $50, never used. 970-640-8762, call between 8 am-8 pm. 32x2c SKID LOADER TIRES 2 sets of balloon tires, $800; a set of solid skid loader tires, $800. Call from 9 am-5 pm, 270-0405. 33x2c INGERSOLL 600 CFM compressor, mounted on 4 wheel drive International truck, price negotiable. Text or call 970-234-3177, 970856-3177. 8ufnb TRAILERS, HITCHES, flatbeds, toolboxes, trailer service and truck accessories. We are a “one stop shop” truck and trailer outfitter B&W gooseneck hitches installed for $597. Pine Country Trailer Sales, Grand Junction, 800287-6532. 21ufnb BIG TEX SINGLE axle trailers. Buy one at Varner Equipment and get a free spare tire! 1375 Hwy. 50, Delta. 32x4c 5TH ANNUAL PEA GREEN Pedal and Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, Sept. 10, presented by the Delta County Memorial Hospital Foundation. Registration forms are available at www.dcmhfoundation.org. Register early and save on late registration fees. DID YOU KNOW? Benson Brothers rents heavy equipment. Call 835-3128. 27x9c – 12 – UTILITY TRAILERS TRUCK BED homemade trailer, has removable stock racks hookup and attached jack, $150. 8567531. 33x2c 6’X18-1/2’ FLAT BED trailer and tandem axle, electric brakes. Good, clean shape with good tires. Asking $650. 874-5407 or 640-0257, please leave a message, will return call. 33x3h SERVICE AND REPAIR FOR ALL DRIVELINES AND P.T.O. SHAFTS Doughty Steel & Machine 685 Hwy. 92 • Delta 874-7518 1985 DODGE 360 engine from 3/4 ton van, no alternator or carb, $400. Also mating 727 transmission, $100. Front clip from 1963 Chrysler, $250. Edelbrock 340 Torquer aluminum intake, single plane, unused, $160. Montrose, 249-7121. 32x2pp NEED GRAVEL? 1968 Lodestar dump truck/ farm truck. Dual tires, dual axle, runs and works well, $3,500. 234-6309. 33x2b CUMMINS 335 MOTOR Complete with clutch and 9513 Spicer transmission, $6,000 or best offer. Text or call 970-234-3177, 970-8563177. 8ufnb DRIVELINES WELL PIPE, 3-1/4”x32’, 4 pieces, best offer over $2/ft. 1997 5.9 Cummins engine, $5,000 or best offer. 1997 Dodge 5 speed, rebuilt, $1,000 or best offer. Call 8723309. 33x2pd NEW EQUIPMENT trailers now at Mesa Rental & Supply, North Delta, 8745213. 31x6c – 12 – PARTS & ACCESSORIES GROUND FORCE lowering kit, only used 5,000 miles. Complete kit: front spindles, rear coils, rear sway bar spacers, rear air brackets, $750-$900 value. Fits 2007 to 2013 Avalanche, 2007 to 2014 Escalade, Suburban, Tahoe, Yukon, Yukon Denali, or XL. All with rear suspension, $350, cash only. You pick up in Cedaredge. 970-856-4119, ask for Bob. 32x2pp 1976 FORD C6 transmission, out of motorhome, 44,000 miles, $450. 835-3801. 17ufnc (3) 2” DROP HITCHES with 2” balls, $15 each. 8562318 or 201-1907. 33x2c 4 MICKEY THOMPSON Toyota rims and tires, size 265-70-17, 6 hole, 60% tread, $300 or best offer. 874-4616, cell 361-5552. 32x2c PARTS FOR 1990 F250 pickup. New front wheel bearings, 2 sets, $20. New front and rear brakes, $20. Used receiver hitch, $20. Hotchkiss, Redlands Mesa, 970-872-4001. 33x2c METAL STOCK RACK for 1/4 ton pickup. 8” table saw, 6” jointer, cement mixer, more. 856-3805, Cedaredge. 33x1pd LUMBER RACK FOR 8’ pickup bed, used, $50. Tool box for pickup, 5’x20”x20”, used, $45. Hotchkiss, Redlands Mesa, 970-8724001. 33x2c 12 VOLT GAS/DIESEL pump and nozzle for truck bed tank, 15 gpm, no hose, $50. Tekonsha Voyager brake control module, dash mount, used. Operator’s manual, $20. Hotchkiss, Redlands Mesa, 970-872-4001. 33x2c NICE METAL LUMBER/ ladder rack, very solid, $200. 970-209-5985. 33x2c TWO 350 CHEVY builders, $150 for both. 225 Yamaha trail bike, $1,500. 970-640-0418. 32x2h PHIL’S AUTO HAS over 500 cars and trucks being parted out. Give us a call, 527-5656. 39ufnc BED LINER FOR a pickup, $25. 856-2318 or 201-1907. 32x2c SPORTS PHYSICALS Only $20 until August 31 at DCMH Urgent Care, 155 Stafford Lane, Delta, 8747696. Name: Towing Service / Auto Salvage; RECREATIONAL – 13 – CAMPERS & CAMP TRAILERS FIBERGLASS CAMPER shell, 76”x50”, for Toyota pickup, red in color, good condition, $150. Phone 8749596. 32x2c 1990 ALJO 5TH wheel, 21’, sleeps 4 adults, good shape, everything works, 10 gallon propane tank, includes used 5th wheel hitch and mount rails, non-smoking, $3,400. Hotchkiss, Redlands Mesa, 970-872-4001. 33x4pp ALUMINUM CAMPER shell, sliding screened windows, lift-up rear window, good condition, 98-1/2x721/2, for long bed truck, $200. 527-6210. 32x2c OLDER MITCHELL overhead camper with oldstyle furnace that needs no power. Stay warm this hunting season, $100. 970-209-5985. 33x2c 1996 TAHOE 24’ pull-behind, excellent condition, equalizer hitch, $4,999. 970-589-2316. 33x3pd WANT A USED RV refrigerator at a used price, 3-4 cu. ft., must work on propane and electricity. 970-6402528, Cedaredge. 33x2c 2011 24’ NORTH Country by Heartland with many add-ons and upgrades. In dry storage for two years, has less than 2,500 total miles, and only stayed in 14 nights. Better than new in many ways. RV queen bed upgraded to full size queen bed, Samsung 21” flat screen with DVD player, stereo with CD player, Coleman air conditioner, forced air furnace, upgraded refrigerator with separate freezer, new tires 2015, 16’ canopy, pull out rear bumper with 200 lbs. capacity, Honda 3000 generator (less than 5 hours), stabilizers on all 4 corners, wheel jack and wrench, up-sized propane twin tanks (15 and 15 gal.), extra 30 amp extension cable, extra dump station hose with every configuration of connection possible, cradle wheel chocks and blocks. Owners manual and all documents. All ready to go, $24,950 new before upgrades, $15,000 or best offer. 970-210-1743. 33x2h 28’ TRAVEL TRAILER, self-contained, bunk beds in the back, table that folds into a bed, couch, queen bed in front, with tow package, $6,500. 615-0787. 33x3pp BUILD YOUR OWN camper. Doors, windows, holding tank, sinks, camper jacks, refrigerator, hot water heater. 835-8332. 32x2c – 13 – ATVS WANT POLARIS RZR 50” side-by-side. Will consider a 570, prefer a 900. Roger, 970-209-1111. If I do not have service leave a message. 32x2c 2004 SUZUKI VINSON 500, winch, 2/4 wheel drive with high/low. Very good condition. Call 856-7711. 33x4pp THREE 4-WHEELERS 2008 Yamaha Grizzly, 750 cc. 2009 Artic Cat, 750 cc. 1994 Polaris, 450 cc. 970773-6410. 33x1c ULTIMATE 4 WHEELER Colorado street legal, 4 place, top built in Austria, basic Volkswagen parts, $10,000 or best offer. 30x4b 2008 YAMAHA 400 Grizzly, well taken care of, stored inside, $3,000. 970261-8062. 33x4pp NEW ATV’S Only $7,250. 800 cc, great warranty, 0% financing, 0% down. Varner Equipment, in stock models only. 874-0612. 32x4c – 13 – SNOWMOBILES COLLINS 33’ rear kitchen 5th wheel with two slides. Excellent to new condition, 1 owner, fully loaded. 6,500 watt Onan generator with 56 hours, 75 watt solar panel. Hitch, 20,000 GVW. Deluxe oak cabinetry, fully equipped with kitchen utensils, dishes, cookware, bed and bath linens, $17,500. 970-856-4343. 32x2pp SEND US A classified! Email or text your ad to classifieds@highcountryshopper.com, or give us a call at 527-4576. 26ufnc 2014 ROCKWOOD ROO 21SSL, 31’, 5,182 lbs. dry weight. Slide out queen bed at both ends with tent canopy, heated mattresses. Gas/ electric water heater, ducted roof, AC, power tongue jack with distributing hitch stabilizer jacks. Microwave, 3 burner stove with gas oven, outside grill with work table. Power awning. Off road package, 15” off road tires, aluminum wheels. Two 12 volt batteries, two propane tanks. Call 970765-4913. 32x2pp I HAVE TWO motorcycle trailers. One I use to tow behind my motorcycle. The other can be hitched to car or truck to tow the bike. $500 each. 970-856-4655, Cedaredge. 31x3pp – 13 – MOTORHOMES 1995 REXALL AERBUS Class A 30’, 60,000 miles. Comes with stove, microwave/ convection stove, refrigerator, central air, TV/VCR. Call 970216-9058 for appointment to see. 32ufnb WHY WAIT? Sell your “stuff” with an ad in the High Country Shopper! Call your ad in to 527-4576. Email or text your ad to classifieds@highcountryshopper. com. 26ufnc INCREASE YOUR MILEAGE and power with our free flow diesel exhaust systems. Richard’s Muffler, Brake & Tire, 10859 Mesa View Loop, Eckert. 835-4111. – 13 – MOTORCYCLES MOTOCROSS/OFFROAD tires, 2 F/R sets. Dunlop Sports 70/100-17R and 90/10014F. Bridgestone Motocross 120/80-19F. Plenty of miles left on each set, $20 for all four. Hotchkiss, 970-4244218, please leave message. 32x2c 3-RAIL MOTORCYCLE trailer, nice tires and lights, 2” ball. Super light, tows with ease. Clean Colorado title. $475 or best offer. Call/text 970-778-6061. 33x2c BRAND NEW motorcycle rain gear, new with tags, never been worn. Two piece, separate jacket and pants, $45. Call/text 970778-6061. 33x2c CLASSIC 1982 HONDA CBX Super Sport, 6 cylinder, 1,050 cc, 20,000 miles, excellent condition, $8,000. 5275811. 33x2pd 2008 HARLEY DAVIDSON Nightstar 1200, 2,000 miles, very clean, like new, $9,000 or best offer. 970-901-5293. 7ufnc “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Name: Fall Gun Show; Width: 19p4; Depth: 5 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19093.PDF; Ad Number: 19093; Customer Name: Montrose Rod and Gun Club www.highcountryshopper.com SPORTING GOODS Page 29 – August 17, 2016 Name: New Odes ATVs; Width: 29p6; Depth: 3 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19414.PDF; Ad Number: 19414; Customer Name: Varner Equipment COMPLETE BOWFLEX II home gym with manual and exercise chart. Cost $1,599 new, asking $600. 856-3260. 31x3pp FIELDLINE FUSION camo 3D backpack with detachable fanny pack and 2 water bottles. Great shape, lots of storage, $30. Phone 323-6634. 33x2c 3/4 HIP BOOTS, olive drab, size 10, no leaks, good shape, $10. Phone 3236634. 33x2c SPOT BEACON savings. If you are going to buy SPOT beacon, you should call me. I know how to save you 20% on your activation fee. 970-808-7283. 32x2c DELTA HARDWARE has fishing supplies, hooks, poles, salmon eggs, power bait, and more! 23x12c 2002 HARLEY FAT BOY seat, good condition, $490 or best offer. 970-527-7995. 33x2c 2012 KAWASAKI trike, 900 cc, 7,300 miles, black cherry, extra tour pack, bike cover, sheepskin seat cover, $14,000. 352-4287235. 32x3pp 2009 KX450F Monster Edition with fuel injection and custom graphics. Very clean and has low hours. Always garaged. Must see to appreciate, asking $4,250, like new. Call or text 970-424-9892. 32x2h IV2 DUAL VISOR motorcycle helmet, DOT, matte black, size small, $30. 970-399-7872, Delta. 33x2c YAMAHA MOTORCYCLE, needs work, $300 or best offer. 970-527-7995. 33x2c 1994 HONDA Goldwing, 800 cc. 1984 Yamaha Virago, 700 cc. 970773-6410. 33x1c 1995 HARLEY Davidson, Dyna Superglide FXD, Screaming Eagle upgrades, very good condition, $5,000 or best offer. 874-4704 or 970-201-1933. 33x4h BOX OF VINTAGE OEM Honda CB750 parts, turn signals, tail lights, sprockets, switches, air cleaners, and multiple OEM tools and tool kits. Maybe a service manual or two I can include. $175 takes it all. Call/text 970-7786061. 33x2pp 2015 KTMXFC-W 6 days, 70 miles, $9,900. Also a Timber Sled snowmobile kit. 970-589-2316. 33x3pd – 13 – BOATS 1979 20.5’ Raysoncraft boat with 455 Olds engine and Berkeley jet pump, Roadrunner double axle trailer, original owner, always covered and garaged. Photos available, $3,400. Hotchkiss, Redlands Mesa, 970-872-4001. 33x4pp CANOE, ALUMINUM 2 seater, 17’ long, asking $100. 970-835-3036. 32x2c RARE OCEAN-GOING center console fishing boat. You won’t find another boat around here like this. 1981 20’ Sea Ox Center Console. Originally from Cape Cod, rebuilt, excellent condition. 200 HP Yamaha saltwater outboard and 7.5 HP Merc trolling motor. Dual wheel trailer. Fish finder, Bimini top, CD/AM/FM/AUX stereo, full boat cover. Perfect boat for Powell, Blue Mesa, or any other big water but not too big for smaller lakes too, $12,000. Call Kim 970-5963035. 31x4pp 14’ ALUMINUM BOAT, Mercury motor, 9-1/2 HP, Shoshone boat trailer, $1,000. 872-2538. 32x2h JOHNSON OUTBOARD motor, 1957, 10 HP, good condition. $300, cash only please. Call 970-261-0228. 33x2c JOHNSON OUTBOARD motor, 1958, 35 HP, all original, looks good. Cash only. Call 970-261-0228 for more info. 33x2pp ELECTRIC TROLLING motor, 27 lb. thrust, 36” shaft. Excellent condition, $60. 8746144. 32x2c DELTA HARDWARE has river tubes. 28x12c MISTRAL COMPETITION windsurfer with mast, boom, and 3 sails. Great for someone wanting to learn the sport. Sails are worth the price, they’re all essentially brand new. Surfer is in good shape but boom and sails are excellent. It’s a lot of fun and a good way to get into this exciting sport, $800. Call Kim 970-596-3035. 31x4pp 14’ TRIHULL, 70 HP Mercury and electric trolling motor, $1,800. Call Mike, 856-3741. 32x2h WE WILL PRINT YOUR community announcement for free! 30 words or fewer. Submit your ad in the drop box, bring it to the office of the High Country Shopper, fax it to 527-6191, or email to happenings@highcoun tryshopper.com. HAVING A COMMUNITY event? We can reach 17,500 households and get the word out. Email your info to happenings@High CountryShopper.com. OLYMPIAN WAVE 6 catalytic heater, great little propane space heater for RVs or camping. Used very little. Cash only please. Call or text 970-261-0228. 33x2c PAONIA PEE WEE football for 5th and 6th graders starts Wed., August 24, 5 pm. Look for sign-up forms at elementary school offices. For more info call Coach Mendoza at 527-4094 after 5 pm. DEER CART 20” wheels, 500 lb. capacity, canvas sling, new $140, asking $50. 835-8347. 32x2c POOL TABLE 7-1/2’, felt and slate excellent, balls, cues, bridge light and rack, $200. 527-6210. 33x2c OLD CROQUET SET, good condition, complete with stand, $20. Bowling ball, $5. Badminton racquets, $5. Metal roller skates, clamp-on style, 1940s, for skating on concrete surfaces, old but still work, $5. 527-4338. 33x2c FISHING RODS AND lures, come and get some at great prices. Most have never been used. 874-6144. 32x2c SPOTTING SCOPE Bausch and Lomb 15x45x60, excellent condition, $200 or best offer. 527-6210. 32x2c WEIGHT SET and bench, $50; Bio Source, $300. 921-3201. 33x2c GREGORY BACKPACK Large, excellent condition, $100. 527-5811. 33x2c 8 BOWLING BALLS, 3 bags, and 2 pair of bowling shoes, $5 each or best offer. Call 929-5140. 33x2c HAND WEIGHTS, BAR bell type, easy grip, 8 lb., $10 pair. 5 lb., $7 pair. Very good condition. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c DINE BY THE CREEK Thursday nights at Cedaredge Golf Club Grill. Dinner specials from 5-8 pm. 32x3c SPORT KARATE AND traditional karate classes. northforkkarate.com. Enroll for fall. 33x1pp POOL, 12’X20’X4’, Krystal Clear deluxe saltwater system and new pump, $200. 921-3201. 33x2c KEROSENE HEATER Futura FH 11, “The Duke”. Brand new automatic lighting, automatic extinguishing, 9,600 BTUs, excellent backup heater for camping or home use. Cash only please. Call 970-261-0228. 33x2c WATER SKIS SLALOM O’Brien Sensation 64”, O’Brien World Team Graphite 68”. Good condition, $40 each or both for $70. 8353083. 33x2c NORDIC TRACK GX 4.7 exercise bike, $150. Excellent condition. Contact Sharon 872-3182, leave message. 33x2c – 14 – GUNS PROFORM ELLIPTICAL exercise trainer, $20. Call 527-5297. 33x2c BILL HEDDLES REC Center is offering public swim lessons at all different days and times. All classes are taught by American Red Cross certified instructors. Cost is $28 per child for Sat. session and $40 for Mon./Wed. sessions, due at registration. For more info call John or Addie at 970-874-0923. 32x4c PEA GREEN PEDAL and Fun Run, Saturday, Sept. 10. Register early to get your T-shirt. See ad in this week’s Shopper for details! 32x3c $$$$ CASH FOR YOUR deer and elk antlers. $$$$ All grades poundage to trophy size, 20+ years experience buying antlers. Top dollar paid! Call Dennis 970-2340797. 8x30pp EXERCISE BIKE FROM Sears, fan type, moving handlebars, $45 or best offer. 399-3266. 32x2c WEATHERBY VANGUARD 7 mag with Burris 4x14x44 full field scope, nice wood, plus soft case, some ammo and empty cases, $700. 5276210. 32x2pd LASTING IMPRESSIONS now offers complete firearms refinishing. Bluing, re-barreling, stock finishing. Contact Neal at 527-3211. 20ufnb PROFESSIONAL mounted pair of pheasants on rustic wood base with branches and habitat, made to hang on wall. Would look great hanging in that rustic lodge or cabin. Pictures available upon request, can be sent via email, $350. 399-7604. 32x2c WINCHESTER 338 Win mag, took in on a trade, was told it was shot 10 times, great condition, sells for $1,000 new, has a sling and 10 rounds. Cheap scope on it but it works great! $800 cash or $500 cash and a pistol. Call with offers. 970-417-9805. 32x2pp GUNSMITHING SERVICES (General repair). I have parts for many obsolete firearms. Hundreds of sights and firing pins available. Always looking to buy parts and obsolete firearms. Freedom Gun Shop, 970-856-4614. 48ufnb ELK HELP Hunters, I can help you haul your elk or deer out of the woods for free. All I ask is that you share some of the meat. Keep my number handy just in case you need help. I don’t have horses but I am strong and can hike many miles. I can help field dress as well. 970-808-7283. 32x2c THE CITY OF DELTA is offering handgun safety courses at Bill Heddles Rec Center in Delta. Dates are Sat., Sept. 24 or Sat., Oct. 8 from 9 am-5 pm, cost is $80. Proper completion of this class allows you to apply for a concealed handgun permit. This class meets the requirements for the State of Colorado. Lunch is on your own. Instructed by Dave Brown and Chris McMillan. Pre-register by 5 pm 3 days prior to your class. Register at BHRC or for questions call Whitnee, 874-0923. 32x4c REGISTER FOR THE 2016 5th and 6th grade tackle football season on Sat., Aug. 27, 1-4 pm, and Monday, Aug. 29, 5-6:30 pm, in the Delta High School wrestling room. Cost is $65. Call Greg Pope for more info at 275-0717. AMMO, .357 SIG, 300 Savage, 10 mm, 2417401. 33x2c ANTIQUE HANDMADE rifle. According to the family, it was made in Mexico in the 1800s. Make offer, can text or email pictures. Cedaredge, 303-668-1473. 33x1c CONCEALED CARRY class at Stengel Gun Shop, $15. I’m not trying to get rich! Call evenings, 872-3748. 32ufnb 1ST ANNUAL PIRATES Invade the Fort Festival, Sat., August 20, 10 am-6 pm, at Fort Uncompahgre, 440 N. Palmer St., Delta. Admission $2, 12 and under free. Lots of fun events, food, drink, and music. RIFLE BRASS 270 Win; 30.06 Spring; 7mm Mauser; 243 Win; 280 Rem; 300 Sav. 527-3647. 33x2c 1911 STYLE .45 semiautomatic, 4 magazines, $400 or best offer. 970-5890638. 32x2c TAI CHI CLASS COMING to Cedaredge for people with balance issues. Classes begin August 22 and space is limited, so sign up soon. Call Brooke Loucks or Linda Bull at 872-1118 or 856-8587. FINNISH MOSIN M39 “Sky” model 762x54r with sling, $425. AK 47 WASR 10/63 parkerized barrel, upgrade stock, Hogue grip, sling, and muzzle break, $550. Custom Morinco SKS with Choate Draganov stock, muzzle break, sling, and Sightmark Ultra Shot QD reflex sight, $450. Custom AR 15 223/5.56 Spikes Tactical enhanced lower, 16” MSF Specter .223 Wylde AR15 upper with 12” gen 3 rail and comp muzzle break. Has Vortex Sparc 2 red dot and Vortex 3x magnifier, 2 mags, like new, $675. Dave, 970433-8929. 32x2pp TACTICAL DEFENSE Women’s pistol class, August 20. Regular pistol class, August 21. All our pistol classes qualify for CCW training. 874-8450. 31x3b 1911 STYLE .45 semiautomatic. Multiple magazines and leather holster. Priced to sell at $375 or best offer. Has to go. Call/text 970778-6061. 33x2c .50 CALIBER IN-LINE muzzle loader, camp scope, never fired, for trade with anything acceptable. 970-2704002. 32x2c PICKIN’ IN THE PARK Free music every Thursday in August from 6 pm till dark at Paonia Town Park! This week stop by and hear Mingo Fishtrap and Gabrielle Louise! Brought to you by Pickin’ Productions! – 14 – BICYCLES SCHWINN CRISS cross 21 speed lady’s bike, will need tubes. 874-2760. 32x2c 2 BICYCLES, one men’s and one women’s, 10 speeds, good shape but need tires. 835-8993. 32x2c NEW DYNACRAFT 16” Barbie bike with stabilizers, never used, $50. Call 929-5140. 33x2c EXTRA HEAVY DUTY receiver mounted bike rack, folds down and back for access, has trailer ball extension, $100. 527-5811. 33x2c GIRL’S 24” BIKE 10 speed Huffy Multi-Terrain Sahara, color pink and gray, includes Bell helmet, $30. Call 527-5297. 33x2c 26” MURRAY 15 speed bike, Ultra Terrain ATB, color green, includes Bell helmet, $30. Call 5275297. 33x2c YOU CAN CALL IN YOUR classified ad to 527-4576. Page 30 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com Name: Cement; Width: 29p6; Depth: 4 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 15283.PDF; Ad Number: 15283; Customer Name: Rocky Mountain Rebar & Lumber “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” BATHROOM SINK Brand new, white porcelain, 20-1/2”Wx26-1/2”D, Art Basin 2, original $299, sell for $50. 835-3083. 33x2c Name: Aug/Sept Sale; Width: 19p4; Depth: 2 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; Drop off your Classifieds— 231 Grand Ave. Paonia 9am-4pm MON. - THURS. 9am-12pm FRIDAY after hours slip thru mail slot HigH Country SHopper – 15 – TOOLS OLDER SHOPSMITH mounted on rolling bench, has all parts including owner’s manual, plus some lathe knives, $500. 216-7710. 33x2pd HOME IMPROVEMENT & SUPPLIES 2 WEIL MCLAIN natural gas high efficiency boilers, and a fan coil unit. Asking $1,000 for all. Call 970-872-3441, please leave message. 33x4h SAFE STEP JETTED tub, rarely used, like new, lots of features, $10,500. 5273258. 26ufnc 3/4” BOLTS AND NUTS 2” to 3.5” long. 527-3827. 17ufnc TRUE WOOD CABINETRY Cabinets custom made to order. No filler strips, no particle board, no pre-made. Kitchen and bath remodels, home offices, dressers, bookcases, kitchen islands, entertainment centers. Free estimates. 970-433-0181. 28x8pp 3/4” T/G UNFINISHED oak flooring, excellent condition, approx. 200 sq. ft. 970399-7548, 433-2440. 32x2c REED’S CUSTOM SAW Milling. Rough cut lumber and beams for sale. 835-8491. 49ufnb GUN SHOW August 19, 20, and 21 at the Montrose County Fairgrounds. Buy, sell, trade, browse guns and gun related items. Sponsored by the Montrose Rod & Gun Club. HEIRLOOMS FOR Hospice: Upscale resale shopping at its finest. 32x3c NEW FULL GLASS patio door, 72”Wx96”H, pine door, 6-9/16 frame, ball bearing hinges, multipoint lock, low E glass, no threshold. Original price $1,745, asking price $1,000. Call Scott for details! Big John’s Lumber, 200 SW 2nd St., Cedaredge, 970-856-3185. 33x3c COME SEE ALL THE things we have at Dependable Lumber, 415 2nd Street, Paonia, 527-4197. Monday through Friday, 7:30 am-5:30 pm, and Saturday, 8 am-4 pm. 30x6c WINDOW SWAMP cooler, new pads and pump. Works great, asking $100. 970-835-3036. 32x2c Name: Steel Buildings; Width: 29p6; Depth: 4 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 10477.pdf; Ad Number: 10477; Customer Name: Hershberger Construction 2 ELECTRIC GENERATORS Gas Titan 8000 high performance, commercial/industrial, 120/240 volts and diesel 6500 battery start, 60 Hz, 120/240 volts, $3,500 new, sell each for $1,000. Never used. 921-3201. 33x3pd SEWING MACHINE, Pfaff 360, German made, heavy weight metal with collapsible table. Comes with cord, pedal attachments, extra bobbins, manual, and hard case, $350. 970-275-5281. 32x2c BAND SAW, 18” Grizzly, model G1012, $100. 835-8620. 32x2c COLLECTIBLE STEIN Building of America collection, “The Blacksmith”, by Avon 1985, 9” tall, new in box, $15. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c BULK CAULKING GUN, metal, $40. 970-901-1480. 32x2c MAKITA 9.6V cordless drill, with good battery and charger, $20. 5275811. 33x2c BALDOR GENERAL purpose electric motor, 2 HP, 1,725 rpm, 3 phase, 208-230 volt. 856-4511. 33x2c CRAFTSMAN 10” LASER miter saw, new in box, $50; Craftsman floodlights, $30. Contact Sharon 872-3182, leave message. 33x2c DELTA HARDWARE IS an authorized Stihl dealer. 9ufnc THICKNESS PLANER Parks model 46, 12” planer/ jointer, cast iron on mobile base. A real work horse, $700. 835-8620. 32x2h CRAFTSMAN PORTABLE air compressor, Model #921.153101, 1 HP, 125 psi, 3 gallon tank, 50% duty cycle, very lightly used, great compact professional compressor for small jobs and tight spaces, $100. 970-424-4218, Hotchkiss, please leave message. 32x2c VICTOR JOURNEYMAN torch set, 3 welding tips, rosebud, goggles, striker, $750. 835-3801. 17ufnc SHARPENING SERVICE at Delta Hardware. Drop off lawn mower blades, scissors, knives, and chain saw blades to be sharpened. 24ufnc 10” DIAMOND tile wet saw with blade, $150. 872-4110. 33x2c ONAN 4,000 WATT generator out of motorhome, $950. 835-3801. 17ufnc ONAN GENSET generator, 4000 Emerald Plus, propane. Craftsman vintage band saw, runs but needs adjustment. 970-399-7548 or 433-2440. 32x2c MONARCH METAL lathe, quick change, 4 jaw chuck, 3 jaw chuck, face plate, 16” swing, 48” bed, $1,000. 970-270-7383. 32x2c ALUMINUM DIAMOND plated toolbox, 62”x24”x18”, for standard pickup, $200. 970-856-4343. 32x2c ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SEWING MACHINE, exquisite condition, $200. 970-901-1480. 32x2c 5 ROOF TRUSSES $150. 835-3801. 17ufnc JONES CONSTRUCTION Services, full service remodeling and maintenance pros. Additions, kitchens, bathrooms, garages, windows, doors, custom cabinets, maintenance, repairs. 399-3271, www.jcsiremodeling.com. 25ufnc BEST PRICES ON cabinets at Tuesday’s Interiors. Call Kathleen, 8568050. 26ufnc STEEL CULVERT In stock at Master Petroleum in Lazear! 872-2243. 33ufnc CUSTOM CABINETS Still the best pricing! Hickory, cherry, alder, maple, and oak. Over 125 finish options, 25 door styles. Call Tuesday’s Interiors, 856-8050. 33ufnc CUSTOM DESIGNED TO meet your needs! Cleary Building Corp. can supply the building of your dreams. Contact us at 874-1066 for a free consultation or to learn about our current building specials. ANTIQUE DUMP rake. 201-5284. 33x2c PINK ATLAS Precision S149813, everything works, has own case, $75. 970-417-9645. 32x2c WILL BUY OLD POCKET and hunting knives or can appraise the value for you. 970-250-1577. 18ufnb SHOWER DOORS and mirrors! Many styles, stop by and see at B&B Glass, 693 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 8748661. 33ufnc STEEL BUILDINGS, excavation, concrete, hay sheds. Hershberger Construction, LLC, 874-5594. TRUCK BED DIAMOND plated toolbox, in good shape, $50. 856-2318 or 201-1907. 33x2c and ROSES ANTIQUE MALL 320 S.W. 2nd Street Cedaredge, CO 856-3557 ASSORTMENT OF 1920s train pictures, black and white. 1940s-1950s black and white Colorado mountain scenes. Assorted old postcards from the 1930s. Two Cortez yearbooks, 1946-1947. Assorted 1920s black and white photos. Call 201-6348, Cedaredge. 33x2c BEAUTIFUL 1900S dresser with original beveled oval-shaped mirror, good condition, original hardware. I have the key to the top 3 drawers, on original rollers, $300 or best offer. Only serious contacts please, 970-7780525. 33x2c WE’RE OPEN! The Paonia Museum and the Bowie Schoolhouse Museum are open Thursdays and Fridays from 1-4 pm. Special thanks to volunteer Larry Peth for “being there!” Lots of North Fork Valley history for you to enjoy. 33ufnc I HAVE A NEW Rigid planer I bought for a job but never used. I will sell for cash or trade for something of equal value, number to call is 970-485-0319. 33x2pp ONAN GENERATOR Genset, 120/240V, 6.5KW, good condition, $1,250. 8353801. 17ufnc ANTIQUE DRESSERS New shipment just arrived, check in our barn/shop. Upscale Resale, 128 Main St., Delta. 33x2c ANTIQUE BLONDE OAK commode. 241-7401. 33x2c READY MIX CONCRETE 80 lb. bag for $4.89 at Rocky Mountain Rebar & Lumber, 686 Industrial Blvd., Delta, 874-8001. FREE LOCHINVAR 50 gallon sidearm pressure tank. New Marvin window 2030 for sale, Amtrol well pressure tank #WX25T for sale. 433-2440. 33x2c VINTAGE ENAMEL child’s tea set. Eleven pieces, complete, very special, $25. 312-7868. 33x2c RIBBONS SEVERAL HARD HATS 527-3827. 10ufnc NEW COUNTERTOPS Wilsonart formica, taupe color (tannish-gray), 5 sections total, about 18’. Call for sizes, can text or email pictures. Cedaredge, 303-2576953. 33x2c OLD ELECTRIC sewing machine in cabinet, needs belt, it’s in excellent shape, $40 or best offer, as is. 970-417-9645. 32x2c STATEHOOD QUARTERS, UNC, Indian head pennies, silver jackpot payoff tokens. 241-7401. 33x2c TABLE SAW 10” Craftsman, $250. 5278910 or 261-9683. 30x4h DIECAST CARS AND trucks, planes, and etc. Buy, sell, or trade, 100s to choose from. Call 970-242-2347. 32x2c HEAVY DUTY 10” table saw with dust collector, excellent condition, $400. 970-856-4343. 32x2c SINGER 500A SEWING machine with box of stuff, everything works, $100. 970417-9645. 32x2c WM. A. ROGERS silver tea set, 5 piece set. Classy and in great shape, polishes up very nicely. Will toss in big group of Oneida silverware and ashtrays, $40. Call/ text 970-778-6061. 33x2c ANTIQUE OAK dresser, 4 dove tail drawers, 36”Hx37”Wx20”D, good condition, $300. 970-2755281. 32x2c TIME LIFE BOOKS, Old West series. 241-7401. 33x2c “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” Name: You Pick Peaches/Blackberries; Width: 19p4; Depth: 3 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 20084. www.highcountryshopper.com LAWN & GARDEN Page 31 – August 17, 2016 Name: Bryant Estate Sale; Width: 29p6; Depth: 7 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19876.PDF; Ad Number: 19876; Customer Name: Jim’s Auction Service WATER LILIES All colors, now blooming, $5 to $15. 970-209-3080. 33x2c TROYBILT TILLER 7 horse model, $500. 8744704, 970-201-1933. 33x4h Skip & Patty Party DJs 1930S CHINA HUTCH, old piece, $100. Delta, call 712-8260, no texts. 32x2c DRESSMAKER S2402 industrial strength sewing machine. There is a problem with wheel or belt, like it’s tight sort of, motor, light works, has own case, there are cracks on case, $50. 970417-9645. 32x2c APPLE CIDER slushi! Red Mountain Ranches is the home of the original apple cider slushi, made from their delicious cider. Stop by! 19458 Hwy. 65, Cedaredge, look for the signs. 33x11c KOMBUCHA TEA mushrooms for sale. Call 2016348, Cedaredge. 32x2c Name: Peaches; Width: 19p4; Depth: 2 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Book your wedding today! 527-3597 SUNSYSTEM 3 1,000 watt grow light with reflector and bulbs. A high pressure sodium and a metal Halide, $300 for both. 970835-3036. 32x2c PROFESSIONAL SHED moving. We can move your portable shed. Call Allen for more info. 970-596-0667. 29x8b CRAFTSMAN RIDING lawn mower. 970-773-6410. 33x1c SEARS YARD wagon, pulls behind riding lawn mower, $75. 640-4956. 33x2c OAK PORCH SWING, 1930s, good condition, chains included, $40 or best offer. Plate rack, 2 shelves display area, built in 1920s, oak wood, has been painted, overall size, 12”x36”, $10. Child’s wicker rocking chair, 1930s, needs slight repair, $20. Antique round swivel piano stool, early 1900s, good condition, $15. Phone 5274338. 33x2c PLACE YOUR AD IN THE High Country Shopper! Call your ad in to 527-4576. Or you can email or text your ad to classifieds@highcountryshopper.com. 18ufnc ALREADY PICKED peaches available by the pound or by the box at Orchard Valley Farms, 15836 Black Bridge Rd., Paonia, 527-6838. Name: Peaches; Width: 19p4; Depth: 2 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Deadline to Submit Classifieds: 12PM Friday (970) 527-4576 HigH Country SHopper TWIN BAG GRASS catcher for a riding lawn mower. It came off of a Craftsman, in good shape, $75. 856-2318 or 201-1907. 33x2c PROPANE TANK, good for weed burner or barbecue grill, $25. 399-7604. 32x2c PRODUCE PEACHES ARE READY at R&B Orchard on Redlands Mesa. U-pick available. Call for prices and available varieties. 970-835-1139 or cell 970-210-2251. 33x5pp PEACHES, YOU PICK, $1.50 per pound. Delicious Orchards, one mile west of Paonia, 970-527-1110. 31ufnb CHILIES AND tomatoes soon. Call Leon Farms, 874-4249. 31ufnb U-PICK PEACHES, nectarines, and plums. Delicious Orchards, one mile west of Paonia, 970-5271110. 33ufnb PICKLING CUCUMBERS, washed, $2.25 lb. 527-4590. 32x2c FRESH ORGANIC DILL and pickling spice available at Hardin’s Natural Foods, 31424 Hwy. 92, Hotchkiss, 872-3019. DELTA COUNTY Libraries is announcing their 2nd annual Tomato Haiku contest! Anyone can enter, deadline for submission is September 6. Visit our website www.deltalibraries.org for more info and to enter. 33x3c FALL IS A GREAT time to landscape. Soils, soil amendments, and mulch on sale at Delta Hardware. 33x1c SMALL TRACTOR service, tilling, disking, marking, brush hog, small backhoe. No minimum for work. Keith, 970-250-4800. 22ufnb COMMUNITY Announcements are Free! TREE AND SHRUB sale, selected items on sale now at Mile High Greenhouse. While they last! 10482 Hwy. 65, Eckert. 33x2c CEDAREDGE MAIN Street Farmer’s & Artisan’s Market at the Millennium Wellness parking lot, 175 E. Main St., Cedaredge. Saturdays, 9 am to 1 pm, through October 1. 33x1b ALL TREE WORK Corrective pruning, removals. Bonded, licensed Arborist since 1983. Landscaping, 4x4 tractor, firewoods, carpentry, fence. Arbormen, 970-6286777, 589-0865. 32x2c HUGE LOAD OF horse manure, $20. 970-4976203. 32x2c 4’ PARK BENCH Heavy cast, in good condition, boards sanded and finished, $75. Phone 874-9596. 32x2c SCOTT’S DROP-TYPE fertilizer spreader, $17. Phone 527-4338. 33x2c FOR TRADE FRESH BLACKBERRIES We’d trade for 5 dozen eggs for 1 gallon Ziploc bag or $20 each 1 gallon bag of berries. 872-4330. 33x2c AUCTIONS NEXT ANTIQUE/ Collectible auction, Sept. 10 at Friendship Hall, Montrose. To consign or questions, call 970-249-9012, 970-5964961, 970-596-8079. Jack’s Montrose Auction. 32x5b YOU CAN CALL IN YOUR classified ad to 527-4576. Name: Dixon Estate Auction; Width: 19p4; Depth: 4 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19770.PDF; Ad Number: 19770; Customer Name: OK Auction HAVE SOMETHING TO trade? Your ad can be placed in this category and it’s free! Call 527-4576 or you can email or text your ad to classifieds@highcountryshopper. com. FREE BARN WOOD Some worm wood, near Cedaredge. You demo, keep everything you salvage, haul away the rest. Schedule work between Aug. 22 and Sept. 3. Call/text 909-762-7401. 32x2c RED HOT BUYS! Come to Ace Gambles in Hotchkiss for their August Neighborhood Coupon Sale! Stock up on household supplies, pool toys for the kids, and more. 121 E. Bridge St., 872-3535. DID YOU KNOW?? That 17,500 High Country Shoppers go out every week! FLEA MARKET AND Farm Market, Saturday, August 20, from 9:30 am-3 pm. At Skooterz & Shooterz, 39522 Fruitland Mesa Rd., Crawford, 921-5362. MAKE YOUR OWN SALE! 50% off any one item at The Shelter Shoppe, 290 N. Grand Mesa Dr., Cedaredge. Open 10 am-4 pm, closed Wednesday and Sunday. Page 32 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com Name: Estate Auction; Width: 19p4; Depth: 6 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19333.PDF; Ad Number: 19333; Customer Name: Boots ‘N Lace Auctioneering MONARCH WOOD/ electric combination cook stove, cast iron with white enamel doors and panels. Firebox side has 8” lifter lids and flat griddle surface, grates in good condition, large ash pan. Electric side has 4 cooking elements, 220 volts, oven operates with both fuel sources, all in good working order, $490. 527-6399. 32x2c CEDAREDGE FIREWOOD delivered in the Cedaredge area. I have 2-3 cords of Ponderosa and maybe 1 cord of cedar/pinyon that I need to get rid of. If you can use it all, we can make a very good deal. 856-2472. 33x1pp RINNAI NATURAL GAS furnace, model 1004F, sell for great price, $500. Call 5273167. 32x2c QUADRA FIRE fireplace insert pellet stove. Thermostat control, auto ignitor, looks and functions like new. Vent pipe included. Less than half the cost of new, $2,500. Call 970-872-3441, leave message. 33x4h PINE FIREWOOD FOR sale. Call 970-275-4014. 22x30h FOUND BOTTOM OF 4th St. hill, Delta, set of Toyota keys. Please call 2750112. 32x2c BORDER COLLIE, young adult neutered male, black and white with a blue collar. No tags or microchip. Found on Cedar Mesa Rd. Call Surface Creek Shelter, 856-2346 for finder’s phone number. 33x1c IF YOU HAVE LOST or found a cat or dog, you can call Delta County Humane Society at 874-2149, Houseweart Vet at 872-3592, or Cedaredge Shelter at 8562346. 46ufnc HEIRLOOMS FOR Hospice is where you’ll find that unique item for that special occasion. 32x3c FIREWOOD & STOVES 3 WOOD STOVES, $200 to $499. 921-3201. 33x2c PEAR WOOD, good for smoking and barbecue, fence posts. 921-5180 or 778-7427. 31x4h LOST CAT, REWARD Garvin Mesa area, black, no collar. Flint, he’s friendly. 303-246-9500. 33x2c PINE $140/CORD Aspen $130/cord. Split and delivered in North Fork area, Somerset, Paonia, Hotchkiss, and Crawford. 778-9951 or 527-4570. 31ufnc BROWN DOG, FEMALE, recently had pups, 30 lbs., adorable. Found on Fairview Rd. in Austin/Cory. Surface Creek Shelter, Cedaredge, 856-2346. 33x1c NEW AND USED COAL stokers. Also, Magic Heat heat reclaimers. Parts, service, and advice for most makes. www. Peasefeedandcoal.com, 307754-3757. 39ufnb LAMINATE AND METAL writing desk/computer table, $75. 970-901-1480. 32x2c (4) 2” RATCHET tie-down straps, $15 and $10. 856-2318 or 201-1907. 33x2c PREMIUM FIREWOOD for sale. Pinion, cedar, aspen, oak, and spruce pine. Summer special deals. 970-216-5366. 30x14h A KIDZ CLINIC is your school-based health center. Call to schedule an exam, sports physical, therapy, and more. See ad in this week’s Shopper. 874-2753. 32x2c ASHLEY WOOD stove, excellent condition, 27”Wx28”T, double door front. 970-921-5454. 33x1pp DAVE’S CHIMNEY AND Stove Service. New and used wood, gas and pellet stoves. Estimates, service and chimney cleaning. 249-2993, www.daveschimneyandstove. com. 6ufnb PEDESTAL WOOD stove, unusual design, high temp glass viewing window, 6” flue, good condition, $350. 527-6399. 32x2c WE SELL PEACE OF MIND BulldogChimneySweeps.com, 970-872-2333. 40ufnb AVOID THE WINTER rush, get your firewood early. 209-3089. 31x4h FREE SEMINAR “Being Mortal”, sponsored by HopeWest and Taylor Funeral and Crematory. Get the conversation started with your family about planning ahead and talking about end-of-life decisions. Wed., Sept. 7, at Taylor Funeral in Hotchkiss, 209 Bridge St. See ad in this week’s Shopper. 32x4c OLDER LOPI PELLET stove with some pipe, $150. 424-8797. 32x2c MIXED PINE FIREWOOD Dale Huff Firewood, 1000 A St., Delta. 261-0085. 30ufnb LOST & FOUND SEND US YOUR classifieds! Text or email your ads to classifieds@ HighCountryShopper.com. Please include your name, address, and phone number. Or give us a call at 527-4576. 9ufnc PEA GREEN PEDAL and Fun Run, Saturday, Sept. 10. Register early to get your T-shirt. See ad in this week’s Shopper for details! 32x3c EDWARDS COAL Delivery. We deliver stoker and lump coal. Call 8726608. 39ufnb MISCELLANEOUS BIBLE ON VIDEO Luke, word for word, Revised Standard version, 4 video cassettes, Christmas, early ministry, parables, Easter, very good condition, $4. 970-462-3202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c MAKE AN OFFER 3/4” nuts and bolts (2”-3.5” long), several hard hats, tire chains for radial tires. Call 527-3827. 10ufnc PROVIDE THAT LASTING tribute for your loved one. Custom engraved memorials from Morris Monument, 1630 S. Main St., Delta, 323-6658. 30ufnc COME SEE ALL THE things we have at Dependable Lumber, 415 2nd Street, Paonia, 527-4197. Monday through Friday, 7:30 am-5:30 pm, and Saturday, 8 am-4 pm. 30x6c BACK TO BASICS sculpting spray gel, sunflower, calendula, chamomile, hard to find. This is listed on Amazon for $30 plus shipping, 8 oz., $4. 970-4623202, Cedaredge, can sometimes bring to Delta. 33x2c FIREWOOD PROCESSOR, 2007 Timberwolf Pro-MP, 1,200 hours. Yamaha diesel. Cuts and splits a cord an hour, comes with 25’ conveyor, $23,000 or best offer. Call 970-921-3161, leave message. 32x12pp FISHER MAMA BEAR wood stove in good condition, $499 or best offer. 970275-7049. 33x2c HEDGE TRIMMER found laying in the middle of “I” Road and 1600 Road last week. 970-644-2799, describe and it’s yours. 33x1c MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS F-15 balsa wood display model kit by Guillow, wing span 12-3/4”, length 18-5/8”, for ages 12 and up, brand new in the box, $20. 970-4244218, Hotchkiss, please leave message. 32x2c “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” MEN’S SIZE 8-1/2 D lineman boots, good condition, $50. Men’s size 9 D lace-up work boot, hardly worn, $50. 874-9934. 32x2c SMALL SINGLE-PANE windows, small screens for windows. Seed and starter grow pans. Metal covered plastic shelves. Black and white plastic picket fences. Call Polly, 970-856-6383. 33x2c NEW STAINLESS steel parts for wood stove chimney. New, never used attic insulation shield, 14’x14”, and storm collar. Used 8” ceiling support box and adjustable flashing. Cedaredge, 303-257-6953. 33x2c NEED 3 NEW customers to buy our farm fresh brown eggs on a regular basis. The girls are all laying now. Call now and reserve your spot. Olathe, 970-3235332. 32x2c 630B VERMEER tow-behind stump grinder 372 Husky chain saw. 970-6400418. 32x2h (9) SIX GALLON plastic buckets, no leaks, no cracks, good shape, $1 each. Phone 323-6634. 33x2c MATTEL HOT WHEELS collection, best offer. 970234-1299. 32x2c MUSEUM ARTIFACTS Do you have historic items related to the North Fork Valley? If you do, and you would be interested in sharing them, the North Fork Historic Society would very much appreciate the opportunity of displaying them at the Paonia Museum. Call Judy at 5273970. 16ufnc CORNER TV STAND, glass doors below, $15. 970901-1480. 32x2c TYPEWRITERS, SMITH Corona Coronet Script electric, Brothers cassette electric L10+3. 241-7401. 33x2c BLACK 6” DOUBLE insulated stove pipe, one 48” telescoping, two 48” sections, two small connecting pieces. Good condition and clean, $225. 303-257-6953, Cedaredge. 33x2c END OF SEASON sale! All clothing and shoes 25¢! August 17-20. Half price on all merchandise including furniture and gifts in Etcetera. Cedaredge Methodist Thrift Shop, downtown Cedaredge. 33x1c AMSOIL SYNTHETIC lubricants (commercial, automotive, agricultural, marine, motor sports, 2 cycle), educators supplies, coins, books, metal detectors, prospecting equipment, rock supplies, and Oreck vacuums. Mr. Detector, 970-252-0429, Montrose. 28ufnb SMALL TRACTOR service, tilling, disking, marking, brush hog, small backhoe. No minimum for work. Keith, 970-250-4800. 22ufnb PACKING BOXES, free paper, $5 each. Hammock, $30; new battery operated weed trimmer, $40; Creative Memories items (call for photos and prices). Suitcases, scissors, storage box, misc. bags. Located in Cedaredge, 970-856-1060. Can e-mail pictures if interested. 32x2c AB LOUNGER, $50; Ab Circle, $50; Ab Buster, $30. Located in Cedaredge, 970-856-1060. Can e-mail pictures if interested. 32x2c SECURITY LIGHT Dusk to dawn barn light, 175 watt mercury vapor, $30, extra bulbs, $7. 527-3851. 32x2c WE’RE OPEN! The Paonia Museum and the Bowie Schoolhouse Museum are open Thursdays and Fridays from 1-4 pm. Special thanks to volunteer Larry Peth for “being there!” Lots of North Fork Valley history for you to enjoy. 33ufnc – 23 – MUSICAL ALVAREZ REGENT classical guitar, nylon strings, model RC10, $60; guitar amp, $20. 874-3806. 32x2c SPINET PIANO, light walnut, good condition, $200 or best offer. 970-3997872, Delta. 33x2c THE MONTROSE Community Band wants you! Do you play a percussion, wind, or brass instrument and want to dust it off and play with a concert band again? Now is the time as rehearsals are taking place for the upcoming fall concert to be held on Sept. 25. Join us on Monday evenings at 7 pm in the Montrose High School band room. All ages, skill levels, and instruments are welcome. Call Tina at 970596-1188 or visit www.montroseband.com for more information. 33x2c COMPLETE DRUM set, $125 or best offer. 970549-7637. 32x2c YAMAHA ELECTONE organ. Has all the bells and whistles, nice, $150. Delta, call 712-8260, no texts. 32x2c ALTO SAXOPHONE E Flat Elkhart saxophone. Built by Buescher, $145. Call 8358100. 33x2c STARR’S GUITARS Repairs. craig@starrsguitars. com, 856-2334. Acoustic/ electric repairs/setups/ restrings, amplifier and PA repairs, Cedaredge. 16x26pp ROLAND/BOSS BR900 CD digital recording studio, 64 track, new $700, asking $300. 970-201-7468. 32x2c 2 GUITARS, IBANEZ acoustic guitar with pick up Elixir strings, $125, and Anthem electric guitar with soft case, strap, and practice amp, $150. 399-7604. 32x2c – 23 – COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS HOME THEATER personal computer, AMD processor, 4 gigs Ram, 320 Gig hard drive, Blu-ray player, Windows 7 Home Premium, 21” LED monitor, $160. 5275811. 33x2c VIRUS REMOVAL Flat fee $100! Classic Computers, 238 Main St., 874-9210. 50ufnc KINDLE FIRE 7 color tablet with magnetic cover, $50. 527-5811. 33x2c UNBRANDED ACPI Uniprocessor tower, ACPI Processor PC, and Sempron Processor 3000+ 1.80 GHz, 960 MB RAM, almost 1 GB, 75 GB hard drive, Win XP, computer is fast start-up, $30. 970-417-9645. 32x2c EPSON INK cartridges, DuraBrite T06520, 60 standard capacity, for Epson Stylus C68, 88, 88+, CX3800, 3810, 4200, 4800, 5800F, 7800, magenta, yellow, new, $4 for both. Cedaredge, 970-462-3202. 33x2c HP PAVILION DV4 laptop computer, 4 gigs Ram, 250 gig hard drive, DVDR/W, Bluetooth, Windows 7, $150. 527-5811. 33x2c PIANOS, 2 CLASSIC uprights and a spinet. Make offer. 970-640-0418. 32x2c KC DOES IT I make house calls. I can help, repair, clean computers, gadgets, phones, printers. Call 874-3288 24/7, KC Halpin. 28x10pp MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS wanted. Highest prices paid! All considered, old or new. Band, orchestra, drums, accordions, guitars, amplifiers. Call me any time at 970210-1103. 16x35b AUDIO/STEREO REPAIRS Located in Delta, next to Bill’s Music. Anything from old tube amps, turntables, CD players, etc. Repairs on musician’s gear also. Cliff’s Electronic Annex, 874-7964. 33ufnb “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” www.highcountryshopper.com Page 33 – August 17, 2016 Name: Untitled 146; Width: 39p8; Depth: 10 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black; File Name: -; Ad Number: -; Customer Name: - CLASSIC COMPUTERS has been your local computer store since 1995. 874-9210, 238 Main St., Delta. 22ufnc FILE CABINET Metal, 4 drawer, gray, 15”Wx28”Dx52”T, hang rails for folders, drawers slide nicely, $35. 835-3083 or 8564614. 33x1c Drop off your Classifieds— 231 Grand Ave. Paonia OFFICE DESK CHAIR Fully adjustable, excellent condition, $30. 527-5811. 33x2c 9am-4pm MON. - THURS. 9am-12pm FRIDAY after hours slip thru mail slot HigH Country SHopper AMD COMPUTER 16 gigs Ram, 1 Terabyte hard drive, Blu-Ray drive, USB 3.0, 5 channel sound and speakers, choice of Windows 7 or Windows 10, 27” flat screen monitor, $450. 527-5811. 33x2c – 23 – BUSINESS EQUIPMENT FILE CABINET Letter size, 4 drawer steel vertical, 52”Hx26”Dx15”W, easy slide with hang rails, color putty, very good condition, $30. Call 856-4088. 33x2c PLACE YOUR AD IN THE High Country Shopper! Call your ad in to 527-4576. Or you can email or text your ad to classifieds@highcountryshopper.com. 18ufnc DESK CHAIR High back mesh chair with adjustable armrests, dual lever controls for adjusting the seat including seat height adjustment. Dual wheel carpet casters. Excellent condition, $40. Call 856-4088. 33x2c CONFERENCE TABLE and 6 chairs. Chairs are padded and have walnut arms, $250. 970-901-1480. 32x2c – 23 – MEDICAL EQUIPMENT HOSPITAL TYPE BED Manual or electric lift operation with pushbutton hand control, $225. 527-6399. 32x2c ELECTRIC INVACARE bed with rails, twin, long size. Completely checked out, in excellent working condition, $950. For more information call Heirlooms for Hospice, 874-5251. 33x1c YOU PICK BLACKBERRIES at Orchard Valley Farms, 15836 Black Bridge Rd., Paonia, 527-6838. PORTABLE OXYGEN machine, the name brand is Open Aire Machine. If interested call 970-485-0319. 33x2pp ONGOING COMMUNITY EVENTS ARE YOU LOOKING FOR a church building? We have a large sanctuary and six possible classrooms and fellowship hall. Call June at 835-8335. 3ufnc CRAWFORD FOOD Pantry. Don’t go to bed hungry. New number, 808-7627. We are well stocked. 3ufnc CAREGIVER SUPPORT and networking group, Montrose. Come and enjoy a safe, supported, resourcefilled, and confidential environment for caregivers. Groups meet 1:30-2:30 pm the 1st Wednesday and 3rd Thursday of every month. Region 10 ADRC, free, 300 N. Cascade Ave. For more information call Amy Rowan, 765-3123. 26ufnc 1ST ANNUAL “Pirates Invade the Fort Festival”, admission $2, 12 and under free. Saturday, August 20, 10 am-6 pm. 440 N. Palmer St., Delta. For information call 874-8349. 33x1c IF YOU THINK YOU have a drinking problem, Alcoholics Anonymous can help. There are weekly A-A meetings throughout the North Fork area and beyond. For meeting times and locations contact A-A at 970245-9649, 888-333-9649, or www.aa-westerncolorado. org. 3ufnc DELTA COUNTY Commissioners regular meetings are scheduled for the first and third Monday of each month from 8:30 am-3:30 pm, lunch 12-1:30 pm, at Delta County Courthouse, Room 236. BOCC meetings are open to the public. 10ufnc DELTA SENIOR CENTER’S Thrift Store, 247 Meeker St., is open Monday-Friday from 10 am-2 pm. We accept donations of clothing and other items. The Thrift Store is the main source of income for the Delta Senior Center to pay bills for the facility, so when you shop here you’re getting items at bargain prices and supporting the seniors in our community. For more info contact the Thrift Store at 8747837. 43ufnc PROGRESSIVE BINGO at Hotchkiss Elks Lodge every Tuesday. Early Bird game at 6:55 pm, regular game at 7 pm. Come join the fun. Enjoy hamburgers and hot dogs from 5:30-7 pm. 872-3355. 44ufnc IN NEED OF A FREE quiet meeting space? Alta Vista de la Montaña Apartments can help! Call today to reserve your date, 970-874-6166. 29ufnc MAMMOGRAMS are important! To see if you qualify for a free mammogram, call Delta County Health Dept., 874-2165. 23ufnc ALCOHOLICS Anonymous meetings. Wick Hall, behind the First Baptist Church, 415 NW 4th, Cedaredge. Monday, 12 noon, Open-Rm. 10; Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Open-Rm. 10; Thursday, 8 pm, Open-Main Rm.; Saturday, 7 pm, OpenRm. 10. Call 250-6758 for further information. 10ufnc ASTRONOMY CLUB Black Canyon Astronomical Society meets monthly January-October at 7 pm in either Montrose or Delta. Offering talks and interesting discussion about astronomical topics. www.blackcanyonastronomy.com or 856-7716. 10ufnc FRIENDSHIP FORCE International has a chapter in Grand Junction. Guests are welcome at monthly meetings second Thursday each month at 6:30 pm in Community Hospital’s lower level conference room. www.thefriendshipforce.org. 30ufnc HOTCHKISS GROUP of Alcoholics Anonymous meets on Thursday, 7 pm, at the Methodist Church, 2nd and Orchard. 9ufnc PAONIA AMERICAN Legion monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. All Legion, Auxiliary, and SAL members please join us. 16ufnc HOTCHKISS BOOK CLUB meets the third Thursday of the month at 3 pm (September through June) at the Hotchkiss Library. For more information call Diane Winchester at 8723745 or the Hotchkiss Library at 399-7781. 5ufnc STORYTIME FOR babies, tots, and preschoolers at the Paonia Library. Tuesdays starting at 10:30 am. Contact the library at 3997881 for information. 33ufnc REGION 10 AGING and Disability Resources for Colorado (ADRC), a 6 county collaboration of businesses, community members, and caregivers that serve and work with the aging and disabled populations. Goals are to enhance programs, reduce gaps, increase and access to resources. Anyone serving these populations is encouraged to join the meetings held 2nd Tuesday monthly, alternating between Delta and Montrose. Call Eva for more info, 765-3127. 26ufnc FREE HEART HEALTH screening, includes cholesterol, blood glucose, blood pressure, and healthy lifestyle guidance. Please call Justine with Tri-County Health Network at 970-812-6026 for more information and scheduling. 6ufnc BINGO EVERY TUESDAY night at Montrose Elks Lodge, 801 Hillcrest Dr., Montrose. Open to the public. Three progressive games weekly. Come join us for the Early Bird games. Food is available. 249-4852. 14ufnc Page 34 – August 17, 2016 www.highcountryshopper.com Name: Holy Spirit Encounter; Width: 29p6; Depth: 4 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 14061.PDF; Ad Number: 14061; Customer Name: World Win Ministries Intl THE NORTH FORK Snowmobile Club would like the support of all snowmobilers to protect our right to ride and access our public lands. Our membership numbers count in this on-going struggle. You can renew your membership by going online to snowmobilecolo.com or by contacting Wes Spore at 970872-2167. Your club membership will also include a membership to the Colorado Snowmobile Association. The club has monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month from October through April at the Hotchkiss Elks Lodge starting at 7 pm. Enter through the door just west of the main entry door. “Come play with us and bring a friend.” 38ufnc FREE GED CLASSES in the North Fork. Call 970399-5325, Julee Skinner, Instructor, for information and registration. Delta County Libraries Literacy Program. 37ufnc BINGO EVERY FIRST and third Wednesday of the month at the Cedaredge Community Center. Doors open at 6 pm, bingo at 7 pm, food and drinks available. Sponsored by the Surface Creek Lions Club. Bring a friend. 51ufnc SENIOR CITIZEN MEALS Join your friends and neighbors for dinner and friendly conversation at the Hotchkiss Senior Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at noon. $3 suggested donation if age 60 and over. 35ufnc TOPS (TAKE OFF POUNDS Sensibly). Evening group has been a TOPS Chapter for 45 years, meetings are at the Oncology Center in Crag Crest Room in Delta. Meetings are every Wednesday evening, weigh in at 5:30-6 pm, meeting from 6-6:30 pm. Come join us. For more info call 874-4098 or 874-4850. 8ufnc ALCOHOLICS Anonymous meets Thursdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 1 pm. Friends of Bill W. Club, 897 Palmer St., Delta. 43ufnc TOPS (TAKE OFF Pounds Sensibly). Morning group meets at Calvary Baptist Church, 1290 A St. in Delta on Thursday mornings. Weigh in from 8-8:45 am, meeting 8:45-9:30 am. Come lose weight with us. Call 874-0528 or 874-3267 for more info. 2ufnc APPLICATION ASSISTANCE clinics are held in Montrose and Delta. Region 10, Senior Community Care PACE, and the Center for Independence host free clinics to assist seniors or persons with disability apply for benefits, help fill out applications, and explain what their benefits letters mean. No appointment needed. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 1-2:30 pm, 300 N. Cascade Ave., Montrose or 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 1-2:30 pm, 145 W. 4th St., Delta. Call Amy Rowan for more info, 765-3123 or 399-3615. 26ufnc DO YOU CARE FOR A loved one with a Dementia? You are not alone! A support group is available near you. North Fork area, Hotchkiss Town Hall Council Chambers, first Wednesday at 1:30 pm; Surface Creek area, Cedaredge Senior Center, Centennial Room, third Wednesday at 1:30 pm; Delta, Westminster Hall, 135 E. 4th St., second and fourth Wednesdays at 1:30 pm. For more info DrDeeganll@gmail.com or 970-510-0724. 48ufnc FOR INFORMATION ON CDOT projects statewide, log on to www.cotrip.org or call 511. 38ufnc FRESH BAKED BY Granma Cheryl is now baking at home in Cedaredge. Prefer pre-order. Whole nine yards, non-GMO, special diets (GF, non-dairy, plus). 216-6944. Facebook Cheryl Hartter, e-mail freshbakedbygranmacheryl@outlook.com. Located just off Highway 65. 33x1pp CANCER SOCIETY “Look Good-Feel Better Program”. Free make-up, wigs, and hats for people undergoing chemotherapy. This program was developed by the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association Foundation, the National Cosmetology Association, and the American Cancer Society. To learn about session dates call Sarah Strait, Beyond the Salon, 45 W. 3rd St., Delta, 874-4773. 29ufnc STORYTIME FOR babies, tots, and preschoolers at the Crawford Library. Stories, games, songs, activities, and crafts for kids 0-5 and their parents or caretakers. Thursdays starting at 10:30 am. Contact the library at 399-7783 for details. 33ufnc TAPS PLAY AT 8 PM every evening in Cedaredge. A time to stop, honor, and remember those serving and those who have died for our country. 12ufnc COMMUNITY MONDAYS at the Blue Sage. First Monday, Blues Dancing, 5:30-7 pm. Third Monday, Sage Stage Open Mic Night, 7-9 pm. Fourth Monday, Valley Voices, see website for topic, 6:30-8:30 pm. All free but donations welcome! 42ufnc KINSHIP CONNECTIONS Support Group. This support/ networking group is structured for individuals raising children that are not their own. Group meets the 1st Thursday from 6-8 pm. Each group will have an education topic. Free, Region 10, 300 N. Cascade. Call Eva Veitch at 765-3127 for information. 26ufnc ROGERS MESA Community House is available to rent. Contact Ruth, 872-6311. 50ufnc HOTCHKISS CRAWFORD Historical Society regular monthly meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 1 pm at the museum at 2nd and Hotchkiss Ave. in Hotchkiss. Call 872-3780 for more info. 41ufnc DEL ROSE CHORUS OF Sweet Adelines meets Thursday, 6:30 pm, at Delta Methodist Church, 5th and Meeker. Enter through the side door on 5th Street. For more info call Leslie at 2569763. 36ufnc DELTA AREA Crimestoppers. To leave an anonymous tip, call 8748810. 5ufnc AA MEETING LIST FOR the North Fork Valley. Crawford: Crawford Methodist Church, 297 Dogwood Ave. (across from Post Office), Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, Workshop Step Meeting. Hotchkiss: St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, corner of Bridge and Pinon, Mondays at 8 pm open. Methodist Church, 2nd and Orchard, garden level, Thursdays at 7 pm open. Paonia: Methodist Church, 3rd and Onarga St., Wednesdays at 8 pm open. Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 3rd St. and North Fork Ave., 2nd floor, Fridays at 8 pm open. 17ufnc CEDAREDGE COMMUNITY band gets together every Monday at the Assembly of God church at 7 pm. Inviting new and old talent. Grady Weiszbrod, director, 8561063 or 918-381-2269. 16ufnc AMERICAN LEGION Post 65 meetings, third Monday of each month at 6 pm, 970-260-0876. 2ufnc “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” AL-ANON, HOPE AND help for families and friends of alcoholics. Cedaredge: Al-Anon, Thursdays at 8 pm, Wick Hall behind First Baptist Church, 370 W. Main St., contact Vicki 970-589-9290 or Mary M. 970-856-6123. Delta: Al-Anon and Alateen, Tuesdays at 7:30 pm, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 145 W. 5th St., contact Elizabeth 970-874-9832 or Shirley 970-323-5067. Hotchkiss: Al-Anon, Mondays at 6:30 pm, Methodist Church, 285 N. 2nd, contact Elsie 970-2108090 or Marjorie 970-4331856. Montrose: Women’s Al-Anon, Sundays at 3:30 pm, All Saints Anglican Church, 2057 S. Townsend, contact Peggy 970-964-4970. Al-Anon and Alateen, Mondays at 7 pm, First Presbyterian Church, 1840 E. Niagara, contact Karis 970-275-4107. Al-Anon, Thursdays at 12 noon, First Presbyterian Church, 1840 E. Niagara, contact Lucy 970596-9919. Paonia: Al-Anon, Wednesdays at 7 pm, United Methodist Church, 3rd and Onarga, contact Kay 970-5892134 or Lisa 970-395-3608 or Chris 970-527-3366. 17ufnc THE PAONIA AMERICAN Legion Food Pantry always appreciates and accepts food and money donations. Pantry hours every second and fourth Tuesday, 10 am-12 noon. Coordinator Vera Gallob, 527-6252. 2ufnc AL-ANON IS A MUTUAL support group of peers who share their experience in applying the Al-Anon principles to problems related to the effects of a problem drinker in their lives. It is not group therapy and is not led by a counselor or therapist. This support network complements and supports professional treatment. Alateen is a peer support group for teens who are struggling with the effects of someone else’s problem drinking. Alateen meetings are open only to teenagers. No advance notification or written referral is necessary to attend. Anyone affected is welcome to attend. There are no dues or fees. Groups are self-supporting, and usually a basket is passed around for a voluntary contribution to pay for rent or Al-Anon literature. For information on local meeting times, days, and contacts, please telephone tollfree 888-425-2666, or go to www.al-anon-co.org. 17ufnc JOIN THE DELTA County Recycling Committee! Regular meetings at the Conservation Center. Call Joanna at 527-5307, ext. 204, for more info. 17ufnc Deadline to Submit Classifieds: 12PM Friday (970) 527-4576 HigH Country SHopper ART EXPRESSIONS Support Group. Enjoy the benefits of creative expression, open and free to the public, Wednesdays from 3-5 pm. Bring your own materials and projects. The Recovery Center, 107 W. 11th St., Delta. For more info, please contact Gwen Anderson at 970-964-2125. 7ufnc LIKE KIDS? WANT TO make a difference? Become a mentor with Partners today. Please call 874-4661 for more info. 23ufnc Name: Start the Conversation; Width: 19p4; Depth: 5 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 10265.pdf; Ad Number: 10265; Customer Name: Tri-County Resource A KIDZ CLINIC is your school-based health center. Call to schedule an exam, sports physical, therapy, and more. See ad in this week’s Shopper. 874-2753. 32x2c START THE FUN TODAY Do you have a daughter or granddaughter age 5-18 who would like to meet new friends, learn new skills, and have fun in a safe, welcoming environment? Consider joining your local Girl Scout troop, with troops in Delta, the North Fork, and the Surface Creek! Call 970-6288007 for info. 22ufnc WELCOME RETURNING veterans, Post 9221 VFW meets monthly in Cedaredge. To find out how to participate in promoting patriotism and assisting veterans, contact Wayne Hamrick at 250-1180. 22ufnc DID YOU KNOW THAT there is a book store downstairs in the Delta Public Library? All proceeds go to the Friends of the Delta Public Library, who then donate to the library. Come check it out. PS, join our Friends meeting on the second Wednesday of the month, 5:30 pm, downstairs at the library. 11ufnc Name: Advertise Ahead; Width: 19p4; Depth: 2 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black BASKET CASE QUILT Guild meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at Bill Heddles Rec Center in Delta. All quilters and anyone wanting to be a quilter are invited. Info, Marilyn at 856-9410 after 5 pm. 39ufnc HOTCHKISS MUSIC JAM Session meets every second Sunday, 2-4 pm, at the Hotchkiss United Methodist Church. Join us for music and socializing. Bring an instrument and/or a treat to share or just come listen. Free and always entertaining. Info 5893033. 10ufnc BINGO! Hotchkiss: Tuesday night, 7 pm, at the Elks Lodge. Paonia: Thursday, 6:50 pm, American Legion. Public welcome! 44ufnc SIGN UP FOR Hotchkiss Fire District cell phone updates. Get messages about detours, accidents, fires, etc. Go to Twitter.com and subscribe to hfdinfo. Join us on Facebook too at Hotchkiss Fire Protection District. 46ufnc MENDING HEARTS, a weekly grief support group, hosted by HopeWest, for anyone coping with the death of a loved one, meets every Wednesday for 10 weeks, beginning Aug. 17 from 3-4:30 pm at The Hive, 130 Grand Ave. in Paonia. Free of charge and open to anyone coping with the death of a loved one. Preregistration is not required and members may join at any time. For more info please call 970-874-6823 or e-mail AdultSupport@HopeWestCO. org. 33x10c S&B QUILTERS We meet the second Saturday at 9 am at Memorial Hall in Hotchkiss. All quilters and those wanting to learn about quilting are welcome. 1ufnc TOASTMASTERS SPEECH Club, Black Canyon Voices. Do you have a desire to improve your public speaking? Toastmasters meets first and third Thursday at 12:15 pm in Delta at the US Forest Service Building. Call Peter Sullivan, 260-5030, for more info. 3ufnc “Say You Saw It In The High Country Shopper” PAONIA AMERICAN Legion Thursday Bingo, 6:50 pm. Open to the public. Joint meeting of the Legion and Auxiliary is the second Tuesday of the month at 6 pm. Interested? Call 527-6252. 40ufnc www.highcountryshopper.com Name: Monuments and Memorials; Width: 19p4; Depth: 4 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black; File Name: 10086.pdf; Ad Number: 10086; Customer Name: Morris Monument CATHEDRAL WATER AND Fruitland Domestic Water have a 24 hour info line, 9213100. 23ufnc PAONIA SENIOR CENTER Third and Main, rental available for small gatherings, no cooking facilities. Call the center at 527-3435 or Lynne at 527-4544. 6ufnc FOR INFORMATION ON prescribed burns, wildfires, and fire restrictions on National Forest System lands and other areas, call the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests fire information line at 970-8746602, visit the GMUG Forest website www.fs.usda.gov/ gmug, or Twitter https://twitter.com/GMUG_NF. 39ufnc STORYTIME FOR babies, tots, and preschoolers at the Hotchkiss Library. Wednesdays starting at 10:30 am. Join us for stories, activities, and crafts downstairs in the Hotchkiss Library. Contact the library at 399-7781 for details. 33ufnc CHURCH AVAILABLE for anniversaries or birthday parties, baby showers, or special events. Call 835-8335. 3ufnc Name: Deaths; Width: 19p4; Depth: 7 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19536.PDF; Ad Number: 19536; Customer Name: High Country Shopper FRUITLAND IRRIGATION has a 24 hour info line. 9213100. 44ufnc WANT TO HELP FEED a hungry child in the North Fork Valley? Helping Hands supplies weekend breakfast and lunch to needy families. Call Harold for more info at 778-9951 or 527-4570. 39ufnc RAGGED MOUNTAIN Fire Protection District has their regular meeting every second Tuesday at 5:30 pm. The meeting is held at RMFPD offices at Somerset Community Center, 3764 Hwy. 133, Somerset. Any questions please call 970929-5500. 18ufnc KNITTING GROUP Do you knit or crochet? Join us for ideas, help, and good company. We meet on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Anyone is welcome to join. Call the Hotchkiss Library to get more information on this group, 399-7781. 33ufnc ALATEEN IN DELTA ON Tuesdays, 7:30 pm, at St. Luke’s Church, 5th and Palmer, 874-9832. 38ufnc BREAST AND WOMEN’S Cancer Support Group meets the last Friday every month at Delta Hospital in the new Oncology building. We are women supporting women with any type of cancer. Brown bag lunch 12 noon. For info or a ride call Dorthy at 872-3309. 34ufnc 11TH STEP MEDITATION meeting for people in recovery, 8-9 am Tuesdays, Hotchkiss Methodist Church, 2nd and Orchard. 9ufnc NEED A PLACE TO MEET? Memorial Hall in Hotchkiss offers 3 meeting rooms at reasonable prices. The Wheeler Room and Adams Room are available for $30 per morning, afternoon, evening, or $60 for all day. The large Ballroom is $30 per morning, afternoon, evening, or $90 for all day. The kitchen can be shared. Baking or cooking with the stove is $10 extra. Large parties or dances require a $150 deposit. Reservations and keys are available at the Hotchkiss Library during regular library hours, Monday through Thursday, 10 am-6 pm. Call the library at 3997781 to reserve or for further info. 10ufnc DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Are you or someone you know suffering from verbal, emotional, or physical domestic violence? You are not alone, we are here to help. Please call Hilltop Domestic Violence Services at 970-8746995 or our 24 hour crisis hotline at 970-874-4941. 2ufnc FRIENDS OF THE Crawford Library is now accepting donations of only the best books for our January 2017 Cabin Fever book sale. Please drop them off at the Crawford Library, Wed. through Fri., 10 am-5 pm or call 399-7783 to arrange for a pick up. No encyclopedias, condensed books, periodicals, outdated reference, or trash. 22x31c DELTA PREGNANCY Resource Center, 523 Dodge St., Delta, 874-5733. Open Wednesday and Friday, 10 am-2 pm. Pregnant, concerned about pregnancy, Mom of young children? Come in. We have free pregnancy tests, counseling, baby and toddler clothes, diapers, some infant equipment and supplies, formula, and ways to earn larger items. 6ufnc DELTA SENIOR Center’s correct phone number is 970-874-7837. 5ufnc PARKINSON’S PROGRAM includes music exercises and socialization for participants with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers every Monday, 9:30-11:30 am, at Cedaredge Community Methodist Church, 210 NW 3rd St. Need more info? Call 856-3289. 36ufnc PARKINSON’S SUPPORT Group, for those with Parkinson’s and their caregivers, meets at 9:30 am on the first Wednesday of every month at the Assembly of God Church, 1596 SW 9th Street in Cedaredge. Refreshments provided. Further info contact Chuck or Denise Rains, 970640-1990. 45ufnc Name: Being Mortal; Width: 19p4; Depth: 6.5 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black plus one; File Name: 19352.PDF; Ad Number: 19352; Customer Name: Taylor Funeral Service HILLTOP DOMESTIC Violence Services offers a free support group for victims of domestic violence that is held in Delta on Tuesdays from 5-6:30 pm. Please call 970874-6995 for more info. 4ufnc PAONIA ROTARY CLUB meets every Thursday from 12 noon-1 pm at the Paonia Town Hall on Grand Ave. 41ufnc IF YOU OR SOMEONE you know suffers from an eating disorder, we are here for you. Please contact Robin Berndt at 970-249-5034. 44ufnc THE DELTA FOOD Pantry has food to share for Delta County residents. Bring proof of residency to the alley door with the Food Pantry sign behind St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 6th and Meeker, Monday through Friday, 10:30-11:30 am. 26ufnc Page 35 – August 17, 2016 WOMEN ONLY AA meetings, Delta, Wednesdays, 5 pm, closed (alcoholics only), at Friends of Bill W. Club, 897 Palmer. Saturdays, 11 am, open (others may attend) at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5th and Palmer, back door. 48ufnc DEMENTIA CAREGIVERS Support Group, Thursday from 1-3 pm, at Crossroads Senior Living. Free to attend and free respite for your loved one with dementia. Call 970874-1421 for more information. 27ufnc SURFACE CREEK SHELTER is run by the Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control (FCAC). Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 12:30 pm in the Cedaredge Library. For more info call 640-4907 or www. surfacecreekshelter.org. 40ufnc ROGERS MESA MODERN Womans Club meets on the second Thursday of the month. If you would like to join us, please call LouAnn at 872-4816. We encourage recycling. 9ufnc QUILTS OF VALOR Come help us sew quilts for our veterans. We meet every first and third Thursday in Cedaredge. Email deltacountyquiltsofvalor@yahoo.com for more information. If you are a veteran or know a veteran, let us know as we would love to award a quilt to you. 5ufnc EMERGENCY FOOD pantry open to families in need on Tuesdays, 4-6 pm only. Hotchkiss Elks Lodge, 190 E. Bridge Street. For more info call 872-3355. 24ufnc IT’S EASY TO HELP your neighbors in need when you donate to the Delta Food Pantry! Nonperishable food items and gifts of money are always appreciated. We serve food for 28 families per week, providing 9 meals for each family member. Cash donations are tax deductible. The pantry is open 10:30-11:30 am, M-F, except holidays. 2ufnc FREE PATCHES FOR smokers. The Colorado Quitline, a free telephone service that helps callers quit smoking or using tobacco, offers the Patch free to any caller who enrolls in the cessation program. Call Colorado Quitline at 800-QUITNOW or www.coquitline.org. 23ufnc THE HOTCHKISS LIONS Club meets the second and fourth Mondays of the month. For location and time call Nancy, 303-204-9565. Come join us and learn how you can make a difference in your community. For more information call Diane at 970-2342093. 30ufnc JOIN A MINISTRY where we measure success one cuddle at a time. If you like to smile, if you like to share the love of Jesus Christ, if you like to make an eternal difference in the lives of others, you might want to consider becoming a staff volunteer here at the Pregnancy Resource Center of Delta, CO. We would love to have you join our team of those committed to presenting life and the truth of Jesus Christ. Why not call us at 874-5733 and find out more? 30ufnc CROSS & SPURS Cowboy Fellowship, Sunday evenings at 6 pm, Montrose County Fairgrounds, 1001 N. 2nd St. Call Pastor Terry Hedrick at 874-0848 for more info. 30ufnc YOU CAN CALL IN YOUR classified ad to 527-4576. WESTERN SLOPE COIN Club meetings held the second Wednesday of each month at VFW Post 1247, 1404 Ute Ave., Grand Junction. Evaluation clinic and public welcome from 5:30-6:30 pm and the meeting begins at 6:30 pm. Contact Dean Crysler at 970-241-1770. 15ufnc BLACK CANYON Barbershop Chorus meets every Thursday, 7 pm, at Olathe United Methodist Church, 518 Hersum St., Olathe. Snacks, coffee, fellowship, and good singing. For info call Bill at 874-9280 or blackcanyonchorus.org. 43ufnc WORLD WIN MINISTRIES, International, non-denominational, Spirit filled, now meeting at Garnet Mesa Elementary School (media center). Sunday Bible training class 9 am, Sunday anointed praise and worship service 10 am. Call for info and directions, 970874-0308, 970-314-0116 cell. 29ufnc HARVEST COMMUNITY Church, 113 Hwy. 50 Business Loop, Olathe. 970-497-0832, Pastor Jeff Bachman. Sunday mornings: Fellowship and Breakfast 10 am, Worship 10:30 am. Sunday evenings: Bible Study and dinner, 5:30 pm. Call for directions. 30ufnc AWANA CLUB Wednesday 6 pm, September through April, Delta First Baptist Church, 1250 Pioneer Rd., 874-3847. 30ufnc TEEN/YOUTH GROUP Come join us Wednesdays, 7-9 pm, for relevant messages from God’s Word you can use today! Also snacks, games, and a lot of fun! First Baptist Church, Hotchkiss. 30ufnc ALREADY PICKED peaches available by the pound or by the box at Orchard Valley Farms, 15836 Black Bridge Rd., Paonia, 527-6838. Name: Untitled 144; Width: 60p0; Depth: 15 in; Request Page: 0; Color: Black; File Name: -; Ad Number: -; Customer Name: -