Wednesday July 22nd Table Of Contents
Wednesday July 22nd Table Of Contents
July 2015 Newsletter P.O. Box 8203, Redlands, CA 92375 What’s Happening Next Meeting: Table Of Contents: Page 2... Presidents Message Page 3...Meetings and Speakers Page 4...Club Officers and Directors Page 5...Pancake Breakfast Page 7... Education and Outings Page 8... Fly Of the Month Page 10..Early Season Golden Trout Trip Page 14..Opportunity Drawing/ Pictures Page 15.. SWCFFF Page 18...Membership Application Page 19...Sponsors Wednesday July 22nd Ernie Gulley I’m a long time member of Deep Creek Fly Fishers. In recent years you may have attended one of my Stillwater classes at Deep Creek Creek Fly fishers, or read an article of mine contributed to the club’s newsletter. Now I’m also a CA DF&W licensed guide specialize in Stillwater fly fishing tactics. My specialties in Stillwaters including Crowley Lake, Bridgeport Reservoir, Big Bear Lake, and Lake Silverwood. I have been fishing Stillwaters for over 35 years and specializing in fly fishing for 15 years. I also do Guest Speaking Programs to fly fishing clubs and shows. To book an outstanding guided Stillwater experience, please contact me at erniegulleyflyfishing@, contact me by phone (909)953-1770. Or, visit my website at: Presidents Message Hello Everyone! By the time this message is published we will have provided another pancake breakfast for the City of Riverside’s Annual Family Fishing Derby at the lake in Fairmont Park. This year the City registered over 1000 people to fish Saturday morning, June 13th. We had enough breakfast sausage to serve 650 of them, and kept serving pancakes long after that. For the second year in a row the local “Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf” donated hot coffee. And “Bass Pro Shops” once again donated fishing gear to award the kids participating in the derby A GREAT BIG THANKS TO ALL OF CLUB VOLUNTEERS that showed up to help with the event! Providing the pancake breakfast every year is the club’s way of saying THANK YOU to the City of Riverside for the support they’ve given our club year after year! For those that may not be aware, Club Treasurer Mike Wright is resigning this month, and has probably attended his last meeting with the club. Mike is looking forward to moving to Texas, to be closer to family. I’m sure I speak for all our members that know Mike Wright, when I wish him the best of luck wherever his life’s adventures take him! Deep Creek Fly Fishers will miss you! Over the last couple of months Mike has been training George Plescher to assume the duties of Club Treasurer, and I’m confident that George will do a great job as well. At July’s meeting be sure to say Hi to George and thank him for taking on this most important position on our board of director’s. Summer is in full swing and I hope you all have plans to fish some of your favorite places. When making your fishing plans everyone needs to be mindful of the drought California and other western states are experiencing. Our June speaker Joe Contaldi of Performance Anglers in Mammoth Lakes reminded all of us of the low water conditions already present in the East Walker River and other waters in the eastern Sierras, and how damaging it can be to fish these waters under such conditions. Please check with fly shops, guides, or the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife (CA DF&W) on conditions of the waters that you are planning to fish the remainder of this year. Here are a couple of recent drought related “News Alerts” from the CA DF&W: Drought Prompts Fish Evacuation at American River and Nimbus Hatcheries: With a fourth year of extreme drought conditions reducing the cold water supply available, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is moving fish out of the American River and Nimbus hatcheries for the second year in a row. Read more at: Emergency Fishery Closure Evaluation Process Adopted; Careful Angling Can Help Prevent Closures: The California Fish and Game Commission recently adopted emergency regulations that grant the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) authority to temporarily close fisheries experiencing degraded environmental conditions that may affect fish populations. CDFW’s temporary authority will commence upon approval of the regulations by the Office of Administrative Law and will remain in effect for 180 days. Read more at: Rob Wilcox, 2015 President, Deep Creek Fly Fishers 2 Meetings and Speakers Meetings are held 7:00pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month, except December. Meetings are held at the Izaak Walton Clubhouse, 2601 Dexter Drive, inside Fairmount Park Riverside, CA. July 22nd- Ernie Gulley / Ernie Gully Fly October 28th- Conway Bowman/ Bowman Fishing Guide Service / Trophy Stillwater of the Eastern Sierra Blue Water Guides & Outfitters/ Warm Water Fly Fishing Opportunities in Southern California August 26th-Al Quattrocchi/ Beginning Surf Fly Fish and Fly Tying Demo. November 18th- Members Night September 23rd- Joel Stewart/ Project December- 9th Holiday Banquet, More Healing Waters/ Founder of Baghdad Anglers Club & School of Fly Fishing at one of Saddam Hussein’s former palaces. Details to Follow Blog Information: Deep Creek Fly Fishers Conservation Blog We have started a blog on the Deep Creek Fly Fishers website. It is on the conservation page. If you hover over the conservation tab a drop down menu will appear. Click on the News tab and it will take you to the conservation page. Many of the articles are too big and cumbersome to put in the newsletter. There is an article THE RELEASE – FUNDAMENTALS OF FISH AND THE PATH TO RESPONSIBLE ANGLING that with the pictures is 11 pages. There is a video on THE MONTANA STORY: FORTY YEARS OF SUCCESS. You will be hearing more about the drought this year, THE CALIFORNIA DROUGHT OF 2015: A PREVIEW. All of these articles will have a paragraph or two then will say, “Read More”. If you click on the Read More you will be directed to that website so you can read the whole story. Please check it out weekly as things come in every week. 3 Club Officers and Directors President: Rob Wilcox, (949) 910-8729 Vice President: Ken Rhodes, (909) 973-1972 Secretary: Michael Brown, (805) 796-6493 Treasurer: Mike Wright, (951) 805-9713 DCFF Calendar is on the Internet The Calendar lists all the activities that are going on in the club, such as training events, outings, meetings, conservation events, and many more. To view the calendar: 1. Go to: 2. Click on the Calendar Tab at the top of the page 3. Then select: This Week, This Month, This Year, or ICAL To subscribe to the calendar: Select ICAL, then Download the Public Events Calen-dar. It will appear in your computers default Calendar Program. As long as you have access to the internet, it will update automatically or you can “ refresh” to up-date the current calendar page. Any questions, or if you wish to have an event put on the calendar, contact Education Director, Rick Proulx at Conservation: Gary Applebee, (909) 213-6422 glapplebee@gmail Membership: Bob Yanta, (951) 660-1735 Education: Rick Proulx, (951) 452-4590 Outings: Mike Telles, (951) 375-2140 Trout in the Classroom: Doug Spieske, (909) 798-4151 Opportunity: Fred Hustead, (951) 369-1269 Web Master: Greg LaPolla (951) 340-1409 Newsletter: Alex Wuebben Club Store: Sean Robbins, (951) 300-8437 SWCIFFF Reps’: Gary Applebee, (909) 213-6422 glapplebee@gmail (951) 452-4590 or Robin Johnson, (951) 505-2028 Past President: Robin Johnson, (951) 505-2028 PARKING PERMITS REQUIRED FOR OUR MEETING NIGHTS Past President: Gary Applebee, (909) 213-6422 Be sure to ask for a 2015 Parking Permit when attending the monthly meetings. Per City ordinance, all vehicles parked in parking lots at Fairmount Park from dusk until dawn, without a permit will be ticketed. There is limited parking available in front of our clubhouse. Overflow parking is available directly across the street at Fairmont Park Golf Course. 4 Pancake Breakfast at the City’s Family Fishing Derby On Saturday June 13th Deep Creek Fly Fishers prepared a pancake breakfast for participants of the 13th annual City of Riverside Family Fishing Derby @ the lake inside Fairmont Park. City staff told me that they registered over 1000 people to fish this year. We bought enough breakfast sausages to feed 650 of those folks, and were still serving pancakes long after that. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf located in downtown Riverside provided hot coffee for the second year in a row, and Bass Pro Shops once again donated fishing gear which was awarded as prizes to the kids that caught the biggest fish in their age group ranging from 5-16 years old. This is a really fun event that we do every year as a way of thanking the City of Riverside for all the support they give our club year after year. THANKS to all the club members that came out early on a Saturday morning to help out! Rob Wilcox 2015 President, Deep Creek Fly Fishers 5 Pancake Breakfast (pictures) 6 Education and Outings: Unless otherwise noted, the events below will be held at Izaak Walton Clubhouse in the city of Riverside’s Fairmont Park. If you need additional information contact the eventcoordinator listed. A donation of $10 for classes is requested from Club Members to assist us in defraying costs. A $10 donation is also requested for Training outings. Coffee and soft drinks will be available for full day classes and there will be a 1-hour lunch break. My day with Trout in Classroom On Saturday May 9, I got to spend part of my day observing our Trout in the Classroom program help 4th graders from schools in Moreno Valley release their trout into Lytle Creek. The kids along with their teachers, parents and other family members arrived around 9am that morning at the Applewhite Day Use Area where Doug Spieske, Bill Reeves, Jerry Searcy, and Gary Applebee where there to greet them. The teachers broke the kids up into four separate groups to learn about stream entomology with live bugs for the kids to see and touch, the different species of trout and where they live, casting a fly rod, and last but not least they got to release the trout they had raised into the creek. I could see that all the activities involved were enjoyed not only by the kids, but their teachers, and family too! Congratulations to all the club members involved in this wonderful program. Keep up the good work!! (More pictures on Page 14) Rob Wilcox, 2015 President, Deep Creek Fly Fishers 7 Fly of the Month Carrot Nymph: RUBE CROSS Translated by CARL WUEBBEN Rube Cross remains a legendary fly tier among catskill anglers. Living from 1896 to 1958, his flies and tying methods are still discussed and emulated. Although he was better known for his sparsely tied dry flies, like all master anglers, cross also tied and fished nymphs. The original name for the fly was the Carrot Ant Black Nymph, which was more commonly called the Carrot Nymph. Orange bodied wet flies have always been favorite patterns and the Carrot Nymph is an easy-to-tie pattern that is a good choice if you want to experiment with an orange nymph or wet fly. Leave the full hackle collar if you’d like to tie it a dry fly, or trim the hackle on the top and bottom to create a pattern with the profile of a nymph. PATTERN Hook– Mustad 9671 or equivalent, size #14 to #12 Thread – Black 6/0 Tail – Brown hackle fibers Abdomen– Carrot floss (orange) or dubbing Thorax – Black chenille (Standard) Hackle – Dun hen soft hackle, clipped on the top and bottom HOW TO TIE 1- Debarb hook – mount in the vise – Start the thread at about half way down the shank and make a thread base to the bend of the hook, now tie in your tail (one hook shank long) using about four or five brown hackle fibers and wrap the butt ends down on the shank with close wraps so your abdomen will be very smooth then bring your thread back to the rear of the hook shank. Clip off your tag ends of the hackle fibers 2- Tie in your floss then with close wraps bring your thread forward to a little past mid shank . Tie off and clip off the tag end of the floss. TIP= Twist the floss a bit to keep it together and you won’t have any gaps when you wrap it forward 3- Now tie in some black chenille and wrap forward to about one and a half an eyelets space from the eye of the hook. Tie off and clip off the tag end of chenille. 4- Select a hen feather with fibers one and a half the gape size and tie it in front of the chenille, then wrap it forward 8 Fly of the Month (Cont.) about two or three times and tie off and clip your tag end off ( leave enough space behind the hook eye to make a small head). 5- Make a small head – whip finish and clip your thread. Add a little head cement to the thread head – then trim the hackle on the top and bottom leaving the fibers hanging to the side. Try it in different color bodies also TIE UP A DOZEN OR TWO – AND GO FISHING *** But remember to practice*** C.P.R. (CATCH – PICTURE – RELEASE). Any questions or comments call or e-mail CARL WUEBBEN 909)953-7182 9 Early Season Golden Trout Trip years old, and once he gets on the water, I often do not see him again until after last light. He is a fishing machine. This past Memorial Day holiday, I found myself with a very rare weekend off from my job at the White River Fly Shop at Bass Pro Shops in Rancho Cucamonga. I almost always work either a Saturday, Sunday, or both. I’m not complaining, mind you; those are the busiest days and that’s the way I like it. Getting paid to hang out in a fly shop helping fly fishers is the next best thing to being on the water. I got off from work on Friday, May 22, at 1:30 PM. This gave me time to get home, load our gear, and head out the door as soon as Joan and Paul came home from their jobs. We stopped at a motel in Ridgecrest overnight, and headed out for the Golden Trout Wilderness on Saturday morning. (In my younger days, I would have driven all the way to the trailhead Friday and set up camp at midnight so I could be on the water as early as possible the next day. But, as I have gotten older, I have learned the fish will still be there even if I get there a little later.) We accessed the Golden Trout Wilderness by taking the road to Kennedy Meadows (called Ninemile Canyon road), off Highway 395 just north of Pearsonville. We stopped at the Kennedy Meadows General Store, which was recently featured in the movie “Wild,” to fill up water bottles and take a bathroom break. I especially enjoyed the rustic men’s room, consisting of only a urinal, wide open to public view, covered only by a pair of saloon style swinging doors. But at any rate, here it was a long weekend coming up and by a fluke of the schedule I had most of it off. So I decided this would be a good time to make my annual trek for my favorite fish, the California state fish, the Golden Trout. Normally, one does not even think about fishing for goldens until July, when the high country starts to thaw out from snow and ice. However, with this being a dry year, along with the fact that many of the Golden Trout Wilderness waters are at relatively lower elevations (6,000-8,000’ as opposed to 10,00012,000’ in other locations) I decided to give it a go in late May. My wife, Joan and son, Paul, age 20, came along. Joan does not fish, but she does enjoy the outdoors, mostly with hiking and photography. And, as a school principal and former classroom teacher, she has been involved in the Trout in the Classroom program for several years. Paul has been flyfishing since he was 6 The Kennedy Meadows General Store, being located right on the Pacific Crest Trail, is a wellknown stopping point for PCT through-hikers, hiking from the Mexican border to Canada. We saw a handful of hikers, but it is still early in the season and most of the hikers are further south in the San Jacinto and San Bernardino Mountains at this point. Mid-June is when the store really starts to bustle. We continued on, taking Hwy 22S05 from the store to the Blackrock Ranger Station, then north 10 Early Season Golden Trout Trip (Cont.) Golden Trout Wilderness, “large” is relative. Golden trout in general are fairly small, due to the high elevation, lack of a long growing season, etc. By large here, I mean 8-10”.) I began experimenting with different nymph, and then dry, patterns, and found most everything I used to be productive. Flies used included Hares Ear, Bird’s Nest and Zug Bug nymphs, and a foam ladybug pattern on top. Most were a size 16 or so. Most fish caught were goldens; brilliant yellow flanks with bright orange stripes and bellies. They are the most beautiful fish in the world in my opinion and almost appear as if they would glow in the dark. Some fish caught appeared as if they might be golden/rainbow hybrids, a little more spotted that a typical golden and slightly less brilliant. I’m not a biologist or taxonomist, so I can’t be sure. on Hwy 21S03 to its dead end at the Blackrock trailhead, which is the southeast entrance to the Golden Trout Wilderness. The Blackrock trailhead features a one-night only free campground for backcountry hikers. From the trailhead, hikers can access Casa Vieja Meadows (our destination) with a downhill hike of about 2 miles. From there, trails lead in all directions to other locations within the Golden Trout Wilderness, but Casa Vieja Meadows was as far as we were going today. (“Casa Vieja” means “old house,” and there is in fact an old house in the meadow, marked as a historic landmark.) I noticed a mayfly hatch occurring in the afternoon, a PMD in about a size 16. So I decided to match the hatch with an Adams and then a yellow Humpy, finding those to be effective also. The best action would occur when a slight wind would kick up. When this would happen, I would deliberately hold my fly just above the water, letting the wind blow it around back and forth, just like a hovering We started on the trail at about 11:00 AM and arrived at the meadow after a little over a half hour of hiking. Upon arrival, Joan set up her chair I purchased for her for this trip, an REI Flexlite backpacker’s chair. I might add that for those fishermen (and women) with non-fishing spouses, this chair is an excellent investment. It is compact and packable, weighing less than 2 lbs. Just set up anywhere, insert non-fishing spouse with book, camera, whatever else they need, and then fish away. Paul and I proceeded to start fishing, Paul starting with a Bird’s Nest nymph and I with a Hare’s Ear nymph. I should mention here that the body of water running through the meadow is the headwaters of Ninemile Creek, a tributary of the North Fork Kern River. It is so named because it enters the Kern about 9 miles from the junction of the Little Kern and Kern Rivers, accessed from the Forks of the Kern Trailhead. In Casa Vieja Meadows, Ninemile Creek is a very small, meandering meadow stream only 2-3’ across in most places. Paul and I eventually determined that the most productive spots were the deeper pools and undercuts, which contained the larger fish. (In the 11 Early Season Golden Trout Trip (Cont.) surprising due to the dry winter. The 4WD portion was about 7 miles and took a little over an hour to negotiate, but our stock Jeep handled it with no problems. We followed the signs that said “River Campsites” and eventually found an excellent sight: about 100 yards from the river (the upper portion of the South Fork Kern River), adjacent to a large pile of small boulders that made a perfect place to set stove, cookware, etc., pre-existing fire rings, and which offered a commanding view of the meadow and surrounding mountains, including 12,123’ Olancha Peak off in the distance. Paul and I hustled down to the river, saw it was loaded with fish, and knew we had picked a winner. As a bonus, there were no other campers within about a quarter mile; there were a few others here and there but it was definitely uncrowded. insect. At times I could actually see the trout in the water following it around. After teasing the trout like this for a few seconds, I would let the fly touch down on the water. Often as many as three trout would rush the fly, bumping heads as they tried to grab it. All that was missing was the Three Stooges head-bumping sound effects. At about 3:30 PM we noticed clouds were gathering overhead and it looked like a thunderstorm could be in the works. By this time I had caught 37 trout, and I asked Paul how he had done. He said he had caught 40. I said, “Let me catch up to you and we’ll head back.” I quickly caught 3 more and had my nice round total of 40 for the day. We then headed back up the trail to the car. It took closer to an hour to hike back out, as we were now going uphill. (There is about 740’ elevation gain/loss on the trail; the trailhead is approx. 9000 feet with the meadow being approx. 8300 feet.) As it was getting later, I didn’t do anymore fishing that evening, as I had to be responsible and get our camp set up, dinner cooked, dishes washed, etc. Like I said earlier, I have learned that the fish will still be there tomorrow. After spending a chilly night, with temps in the 30’s, we got up the next morning and had a traditional camp breakfast of bacon, eggs, and coffee. Nothing like camp coffee! Since the early morning was still very cold, I was not really in a hurry to start fishing. In early season stream fishing, the trout get a little more active when the sun gets a little higher and the bugs start moving. We had initially considered camping at the trailhead for the night, but it was only 4:30 by now with still a lot of daylight left. The thunderstorm never did materialize. Just down the road from us was the Monache Meadows Jeep Road. I didn’t know this about Joan until we bought a Jeep Wrangler 3 years ago, but Joan LOVES 4WD roads. She doesn’t drive them, just wants to ride on them with me and sightsee. So she said she wanted to explore the Monache Meadows Road. At about 9:30, the sun was sufficiently high enough over the mountains for us to start peeling off layers and start fishing. Though the temperature was still in the low 50’s, at the high altitude it felt more like 70. I started with a Western Coachman and Paul tied on a Purple Haze, which is basically an Adams Parachute tied purple instead of gray. I had heard of the excellent fishing at Monache Meadows, but never had the occasion to go there. I had read the road doesn’t usually open until June, so I didn’t know if the road would be open early this year or not. But we decided to take the road as far as we could go, and if it was closed, oh well. As it turned out, the road was open, not really 12 Early Season Golden Trout Trip (Cont.) Once again, we found very aggressive and hungry trout. Any well-placed fly in a pocket or current seam generally produced an immediate take. I eventually lost my Western Coachman on a snag, and tied on Renegade. That worked just as well, and when I lost that, switched to a Sierra Bright Dot, again just as effective. After about 3 hours fishing, I had a total of 25 fish. 10 of them were brown trout, the rest a golden/ rainbow hybrid which exists in this portion of the South Fork Kern. They may be hybrids, but they were every bit as colorful as the pure goldens, and most appeared more golden than rainbow. So, rather than going east through Kennedy Meadows the way we came in, we went west on Hwy 22S05 (also known as Sherman Pass Road), which takes you over the pass from the South Fork Kern watershed to the North Fork Kern watershed. I found Paul at the campsite, seated on the aforementioned rock pile with the commanding view, reading his Bible and school textbooks. Paul said he had caught 4 fish, then decided to do some homework. Paul is studying to be a pastor and is preparing for seminary. The quiet location and breathtaking scenery had inspired him to just commune with God for a while. Can’t say I blame him. Driving along the North Fork Kern (typically just called the Kern), we saw HORDES of campers all along the river for the holiday weekend. Whitewater rafting on the Kern is usually in prime form at this time, but not this year. While the Kern is in decent shape for fishing right now, it is too low for rafting. The normal whitewater raft outfitters have switched to inner tube rentals, which was in vogue this weekend. Looks like fun I suppose, but I was glad for our uncrowded, serene little spot we had camped at. So we finished the morning with 110 fish between us over the last two days. Not bad. It was time to move out, as Joan wanted to do some more 4WD exploring. She is out of control when it comes to Jeeping. After enjoying our meal at the general store, we headed for home. I would have liked to stay around for another day, but I had to be back at work on Monday afternoon. On the way home, Joan remarked to me that we could do a trip like this on any given weekend, not just a holiday weekend. And it’s true. Those of us in the Inland Empire area are fortunate to be so close to good fishing for the California state fish, the Golden Trout. If you haven’t taken advantage of this opportunity yet, I encourage you to. After touring the various roads in the Monache Meadows area for a couple of hours, it was time head for home. Rather, it was time to head for Kernville and the Riverkern General Store, where I always stop for my favorite meal after trip in the Golden Trout Wilderness: a Suicide Sandwich. It is advertised on the menu as being “for extreme hunger” and indeed it is. Those of you who fish the Kern regularly are probably familiar with this place; it’s located on Sierra Hwy (the road that parallels the Kern) just a couple miles north of Kernville downtown area. Article by Tim Warburg 13 Opportunity Drawing: New Opportunity Drawing Information: 1) Before Purchasing tickets check out General Table items and Bucket items ++ You may exchange items to Bass Pro with attached Gift Certificate. 2) Decide on tickets you need, then buy them. 3) Red tickets $10 for 3 tickets are for General Table only. 4) Blue tickets $10 for 1 ticket are for Bucket Items only. 5) Bucket items will have aminimum # of tickets needed to be won and will be posted by or on the bucket. If bucket item minimum tickets are not met, I will announce before break so you may purchase more tickets. If minimum still is not met I will decide to let it go for a lose or I will auction item off to the highest bidder only to those that placed their tickets in that bucket. BUY TICKETS: Red General Table only: Blue Buckets only: $10 for 3 - 0 fly’s $10 for 1 - 0 fly’s $20 for 6 - 1 free fly $20 for 2 - 1 free fly $30 for 9 - 2 free fly’s $30 for 3 - 2 free fly’s $40 for 12 - 3 free fly’s $40 for 3 - 3 free fly’s $50 for 15 - 5 free fly’s $50 for 5 - 5 free fly’s Trout in the Classroom Pictures 14 Southwest Council Federation of Fly Fishers THE SOUTHWEST COUNCIL FEDERATION OF FLY FISHERS The 23 Independent Clubs of Southern California and Southern Nevada Contact Telephone Email Nicholas Blixt 413-575-2853 SOUTHWEST COUNCIL FLY FISHING FAIRE 2015 October 16 - 18, 2015 / Bishop, CA The 2015 Southwest Council Fly Fishing Faire will take place October 16-18 at the Tri-County Fairgrounds in Bishop, CA. The new venue offers a tremendous increase in space for vendor displays, classes, entertainment, and food. While the schedule remains fluid, an exciting array of seminars, events, and classes for beginner and experienced anglers alike will run throughout the weekend. Take in a high-country trout adventure, learn the basics of European Style Nymphing and Tenkara, or become acquainted with the IFFF’s new fly tying award program, among many other activities. As always, certified instructors will offer casting classes, and world-renowned tiers will once again hold a series of fly tying programs. For those family members in attendance who do not fish, a variety of classes will be offered on quilting, pastel painting, and gardening for drought-tolerant plants. Programs---ADDITIONS TO BE MADE, SUBJECT TO CHANGE: Fly Tying with: Fly Casting with: · Steven Fernandez · Dok Arvanites · Phil Therrien · Mike McClay · Naomi Okamoto · Tim Lawson · Earl Arnold · John VanDerhoof · Bud Heintz · Mark Allen 15 Southwest Council Federation of Fly Fishers (Cont.) Seminars/Speakers/Classes: · Ed Berg – Fishing Slovania · Peter Pumphrey – Hidden Fly Fishing Opportunities in the Eastern Sierra · Dok Arvanites and Tim Lawson – Introduction to the IFFF Certification Program · Ed Swanson’s Petroglyphs Class and Tour · Bill Hammon’s and the California Heritage Trout Challenge · Jason Koop’s class on IFFF Fly Tying Skills Bronze Award Program · Chiaki Harami’s all day rod building for beginners · Freddie Ramirez on Fishing Tenkara · Gary Gunsolley teaching European Style Nymphing · Alex Cady’s Warm Water Fishing in the Lower Owens · Chris Leonard’s high country adventure · Maria Rivas’ class and outing on Reading Trout Water for Beginners · Leigh Ann Swanson’s Knots and Rigs for Women as well as a Casting Class · Aquabonita’s free demonstrations of ‘Kasting for Kids’ · Jill Field-Duerr – Angling Fine Art · Damian Ross – Angling Ceramic Artist · Ed Pounds – Boy Scout Program · Santa Lucia and Deep Creek Fly Fishers Beginning Fly Fishing classes Non-Fly Fishing Events: · Quilting Class · Art/Pastel Painting class · Gardening Class on drought tolerant plants Online registration opens August 16th. Cost of admission is $15. For more information and class registration, visit or call 818-200-1499. ### 16 17 DEEP CREEK FLY FISHERS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION New Membership____ Renewal____ Change Address or Contact info’____ New members will receive a Club Patch, a Name badge, and a copy of the current Membership Roster. The deadline for all membership renewals to be included in the club roster is the end of February each year. New member dues received after October 1st are applied to the ensuing year. All Club classes wherein a fee is charged will include a club membership. ANNUAL DUES NAME: ADDRESS: INDIVIDUAL $30 FAMILY $40 JUNIOR (13-18) $10 INITIATION FEE / Each $20 (NEW MEMBERS ONLY) CASH CITY / STATE / ZIP CHECK #_____________ HOME and/or MOBILE PHONE ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THE FEDERATION OF FLY FISHERS? IF YES, MEMBER #____________ EMAIL ADDRESS YES, include my name and contact information in the annual Membership Roster. NO, do not include my name and contact information in the annual Membership Roster. EXPIRATION DATE____________ TYPE ________________________ WHERE OR HOW DID YOU FIRST HERE ABOUT DEEP CREEK FLY FISHERS? ____________________ ______________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________ DATE AREAS OF INTEREST EDUCATION / TRAINING ROD BUILDING CONSERVATION FLY TYING CASTING CLUB OUTINGS TROUT IN THE CLASS ROOM OTHER_________________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO DEEP CREEK FLY FISHERS BRING THIS APPLICATION TO OUR MONTHLY MEETING, OR MAIL TO P.O. BOX 8203, REDLANDS, CA 92375 18 Club Sponsors Club Sponsors Deep Creek Fly Fisher’s would like to thank the City of Riverside & following businesses for donating services or merchandise to our club. www.thomasandthomascom We would also like to thank the following club members & individuals for their donations to our 2014 Holiday Banquet & Fundraiser Bob & Beverly Kreider, Scott & Elaine van Beek, Gary & Bonnie Applebee, Kathy Jacobson, Greg La Polla, Rick Proulx, Carl Wuebben, Carl Ronk, Mike Wright, Rob Wilcox, Robin Johnson, Steve Zaborsky, Chiaki Harami, CC Stanfield, and Bill Reeves. 19 Club Deep Creek Fly Fisher’s would like businesses for donating ser www.edlawrenceflyfishin REEK FLY FISHERS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION bership____ www.adamsbuiltfishing Renewal____ P.O. Box 8203Change Address or Contact info’____ receive a Club Patch, a Name badge, and a copy of the current Membership Roster. The deadline Redlands, CA 92375 renewals to be included in the club roster is the end of February each year. New member dues re1st are applied to the ensuing year. All Club classes wherein a fee is charged will include a club ANNUAL DUES INDIVIDUAL $30 FAMILY $40 JUNIOR (13-18) $10 INITIATION FEE / Each $20 (NEW MEMBERS ONLY) CASH ZIP CHECK #_____________ OBILE PHONE ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THE FEDERATION OF FLY FISHERS? IF YES, MEMBER #____________ S my name and contact information in the ership Roster. clude my name and contact information Membership Roster. EXPIRATION DATE____________ TYPE ________________________ WHERE OR HOW DID YOU FIRST HERE ABOUT DEEP CREEK FLY FISHERS? ____________________ ______________________________ DATE AREAS OF INTEREST ______________________________ We would also like to thank the for their donations to our 201 Meeting DateScott & Elaine van Bob & Beverly Kreider, July 22, 2015 Greg La Polla, Rick Proulx, Carl Wuebben, C Steve Zaborsky, Chiaki Har
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