Fly Fishing for everything but Trout. August 2009


Fly Fishing for everything but Trout. August 2009
August 2009
September 2009
September Meeting
In This Issue
Fly Fishing for everything but Trout.
Greg Stoner, MDC,
will be our Speaker at the September meeting
on September 24, 2009 at Queeny Park Community Room at 7:00pm.
Greg Stoner is an “all species” angler – doesn’t matter as long as it pulls
back! Greg enjoys fly fishing and fly tying. His favorite target species
with a fly rod include bass (especially if they are hitting topwater) and
September Meeting
President’s Message
OFF Calendar Announcement
18th Annual C & R
Stream Team #31
Trivia Night
Project Healing Waters
Membership Report
Fly of the Month
Winter Chili Tie In
Random Thoughts
Winter C & R Form
Ozark Fly Fishers meet the fourth Thursday
of each month at Queeny Park. 550
Weidman Road – Community Room – 7:00
Federation of Fly Fishers
Conserving ~ Restoring ~ Education through Fly Fishing
The newsletter is published eleven
times each year and can be found on
the club’s website or is mailed to
members who request a mailing. The
newsletter submission deadline is the
11 day of each month. Articles for the
November December newsletter must
be submitted by November 11 .
Newsletter articles can be submitted by
sending to Bill Leslie at
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 2
President’s Message
by Mike Swederska Sr.
The 2009 Conclave is almost upon us. After attending the FFF out in Loveland last July, I
am making it a point to get to this Southern Council Conclave. You should try to attend
whether you are a member of the FFF or not. The OFF will be running the Jerry Clark Casting Games from 1 pm to finish
on Friday.
Our all day speaker from two years ago will be one of three big names this year at the SOC Conclave. Bob Clouser is one
of the guest celebrities that will be giving seminars, tying classes casting classes threw out the conclave. The other big
names to attend will be Capt. Conway Bowman and Stacy Lynn. Vicky and I plan to stop by and say hi to Bob. We hope
to see lots of OFF members at the conclave.
With the seasons changing going into fall I start to get drawn over to my tying vice. It is the time to start looking into
your used up fly box and start getting ready for winter catch and release. If you are like me, my flies are spread all over
the place - the house, truck, SUV, office desk, my rod bags and my travel bags and wader pockets. I plan to start slowly
consolidating and replenishing with new fresh flies.
We have the Trivia night coming up. If you are not aware of this event, please check the calendar in this newsletter or
our web site for the date of the event. This is our first ever Trivia night to raise money for our club. The plan is to have
a fun night while raising funds to help with covering the cost to the club for outings, meetings, education and
conservation. Our hopes are to raise this extra cash from people outside the membership along with any members that
would like to attend the Trivia night. Past President Larry Carli will be asking for volunteers from the club to help out
with light duties at the trivia night. I personally am not good at trivia but Vicky and I will be their doing whatever is
needed to help out that night.
As most may already know, Vicky and I just got back from Colorado and Wyoming. As I learned more about the invasive
species that attack our wild trout and their habitat, I am asking all members to start making it a habit to clean all your
equipment after every trip even here in Missouri. We need to do our part in stopping the spread of whirling disease
and rock snot. I will not get near our precious wild trout streams such as Blue Springs, Mill or even any of our trout
parks without cleaning all of my stuff. I have always cleaned my fishing equipment in the past but now I make it a point
to clean my wading stuff also.
Ozark Fly Fishers Calendar
Starting in September, Ozark Fly Fishers club activities can be found on the web site. A special link will be found to
connect the member to the club calendar. The calendar will be similar to the one found on the Yahoo Group, but
should be easily accessible to all members, not just those that belong to the Yahoo Group. To add dates to this
calendar contact Bill Leslie who will serve as a clearing house for all activity dates (e-mail: or
phone: 314.398.1468). In order to avoid conflicts, Board members and directors should check the calendar before
scheduling activities.
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 3
Annual Catch And Release Party Plans
By Russ Hill
Second call for the November 13-14-15 opening of the winter catch and release season at Bennett Spring. Time is
fleeting. Many have already made their reservations, with requests for particular room locations or neighbors. As
rooms get booked, it gets more difficult to juggle these requests, so your best bet is to reserve early. Basically this is
the LAST CALL, as the next newsletter doesn’t come out until late October. The reservations may already be turned in
by then. As this is written early September with temps in the 80s, the thought of cooler weather fishing sounds pretty
good. We still have all classes of rooms available, but they start to go pretty fast “as the days dwindle down to a
precious few.” Last year we had 87 at the buffet. See your August newsletter or the club website for the details. If you
haven’t attended this gala before, give it some thought this year, especially if you’ve enjoyed the other club outings as
this is usually our biggest one. We’ve been told we can have use of the party room AFTER our dinner to continue the
festivities or tie flies, etc. Ask around of the regular attendees and you’ll probably decide to join us. This is a great
opportunity for those new to fly fishing or to our trout parks to pick up some tips from oldtimers—and our club has
plenty of those. We are again inclosing a Reservation Request with this newsletter, or print one from the website. Any
questions, call Russ Hill @ 314 275 2673. Phone answered in USA, not Bombay.
Stream Team # 31
Mill Creek Stream Team
The Mill Creek Water Quality program will be October 10, 2009. The plan is to meet up at the Hen House in Bourbon,
for breakfast at 7:00 am. We will car pool to the Bohigian mansion, where we will perform water quality work-ups on
two sites. We will do a macro inspection at site one and chemical, visual and flow at both sites. I hope to get to the
site by 9:00 a.m. and be finished by noon. We will then be off to fishing and fellowship. Please call Malcolm Royse at
636-329-1504 or, if you can help. Remember that we take all comers, we have a lot of
Current River Stream Team
Saturday, October 31, 2009
10:00 a.m.
This Halloween come and explore the haunts of some real creepy-crawlies!
It is that time of the year when we will be conducting all four parts of the monitoring process—this includes
macroinvertabrates, stream discharge, visual survey, and water chemistry. Your help is needed and will be greatly
appreciated. When we monitor the macroinvertabrates, a true “creature feature” is promised.
Remember it is not a requirement to have taken the Stream Team trainings in order to help out. Trained individuals
will be on hand and will be eager to answer any questions and explain details relating to the Stream Team program.
Don’t be concerned that you will be standing around. Ozark will have you hands-on! Whether you have attending the
monitoring in the past or not, keep in mind that you will be welcomed among friends.
(cont. next page)
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 4
Stream Team #31 (continued)
We always have a good time!
Monitoring usually takes about three hours to complete. Once completed everyone is free to fish. (By the way, this
will be the last day to fish the regular season at Montauk State Park. The regular season will not open again until March
Remember to bring your waders, sack lunch, water, etc.
Anyone interested in participating, please contact Scott Darrough at
Educational Programs for 2009- 2010
We are in full swing getting the educational programs
in place for the fall and winter. First, I want to thank
the following people for their continued support:
Clinton Carpenter- Project Healing Waters
Brian Ellis - Casting Chair
Earl Schenberg - Fly Tying Chair
Jim Wallace - Educational Library
Also, all of you who have been there every time I need
help, thank you.
This year we will have our programs through the St.
Louis County Parks Department. The classes will be
listed in later newsletters, when the schedule is set by
the Parks people. Look for things to start in January
The Members only Classes begin in November and run
thru March. The classes will be on the first Tuesday of
each month at 7:00 pm. We might start some classes
at 6:00 pm. if the information needs more time. All
classes will be rated for difficulty, but do not let that
scare you off. The information learned will help you
grow at whatever tying level you are at. For
information, call Malcolm Royse or Earl Schenberg.
The Go Fish Program will again have a Trout Fishing
Section this Fall at all four sites: Bellfountain, Suson,
Forest Park and Busch Wildlife. There will be a number
of classes for youths where Ozark Fly Fishers will be
providing instruction in casting and fishing with a fly
rod. Keep an eye out for the dates as they have not
been set at this time.
Project Healing Waters in going strong and is really
changing the lives of people, mostly our own Ozark Fly
Fishers that are giving of themselves to helping a Vet.
Clint Carpenter and his helpers keep telling me how
much more they get then they give. Go figure something this great would be so rewarding.
We have a great resource in our Library which is
managed by Jim Wallace. If you have not taken
advantage of it, your missing out on some great
information. Also, if you have any materials your not
using any more, please consider adding it into the
Lastly, I have come to know some of the greatest
people by just fishing with them. Many of them have
taught me something so new or so old, but new to me.
The greatness of this club is not in its meetings, but in
the laughs we have taking a fly out a tree, or the lip of a
trout. This is where our greatest educational programs
are given and received. I recently sat in the darkest
part of Missouri at 10:00 or 11:00 pm, learning some of
life’s greatest lessons with what was a total stranger,
now a new friend. Take a chance. Hang out with
someone you don’t really know. Try it, you will like it.
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 5
1st Annual Ozark Fly Fishers Trivia Night
to benefit OFF conservation and education efforts
Emceed by Art Ryan
$$$ Cash and Prizes $$$
Soda and snacks provided; participants may bring their own.
When: Saturday, October 24th, 2009 at 7:00 P.M.
Doors open at 6:15 P.M.
Where: Wild Acres Park Gym
2500 Ashby Road
Overland, MO 63114
Fee: $15 per player / $120 per table of eight
Mulligans available: 5 for $8
Register your 8-person team with:
Sandy at 314-965-7456 or email her at
Call for Volunteers
The first meeting of the Ozark Fly Fishers Trivia Night steering committee was held last week and I am overwhelmed with the
details. Patti and Patrick Hummert are invaluable since they have held four trivia nights for the Casting for Recovery retreats. Sandy
Halama is an enthusiastic supporter of Ozark and an avid trivia player who is also greatly involved. However, we are in need of lots
of volunteers if this night is to be a success. We will need people to help with registration, soda, snacks, 50/50 raffle and lots of
other jobs.
Please contact us if you can help on that night, October 24th. Thanks.
Larry Carli 618-659-1579
Patti Hummert 314-477-9319
Sandy Halama 314-965-7456
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 6
Project Healing Waters
by Jim Volkman
Beautiful Westover Farms near Steelville Mo. was the site of the ‘first
fishing day ever’ for five Jefferson Barracks Hospital veterans. Westover
Farms waived all charges while hosting this event and managers Lisa and
Tom Schlueter helped Ozark angler volunteers show the veterans a full
day of fly fishing.
None of the vets had done any fishing before but some had attended
one of our Monday night recreational therapy fly tying classes at the
Hospital. Morning lessons at the Farm’s warm water ponds gave all the
vets some of the basics of rod and reel,
flies, knots, casting and catching (sunfish
and bass). After an outdoor picnic lunch of 'dogs and brats' furnished by the Healing
Waters group and cooked by the VA therapists attending, the remainder of the day was
spent at the trout ponds and spring creeks. While the veterans caught more sunfish in the
morning than trout in the afternoon, all caught many fish during the trip. Several of the
vets caught fish on flies they had tied themselves at a previous Monday night OFF tying
class. PHW caps and bandannas and OFF pins were passed
out as prizes for the biggest fish, smallest fish, most fish,
biggest smiles etc…
OFF members and a couple recent Healing Water
volunteers made the day with the vets a fun one for all.
According to the vets, the VA hospital therapists and
our own volunteers---our first outing of this kind was a heartening success. We plan
on more outings of this kind. Our club volunteer group is slowly gaining members
and should allow us to repeat this kind of recreational therapy in the future.
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 7
Montauk Outing
by Mark Thalhammer
Where has the summer gone? For the last few years I have always looked forward to August
because that is the month for the annual Montauk Outing. This year was no different. But,
how did it come and go so quickly? I guess that quickening passage of time is a sign of the
aging process that we all go through. It is a good reason to make the most of the time that
we have left. Getting out on the stream and meeting our fishing friends is a great way to create memories that will be
with us till the end.
This year, because of other commitments, Jo and I couldn’t get out on the water Friday. We arrived about 4pm and all
we heard was -- lots of fish, no bites. The second thing we heard was Malcolm caught a huge brown down below the
park. Of course, we asked to see the pic, and to no one’s surprise, the only picture taken was a “mental” one by none
other than the fisherman himself……Malcolm. Others came forward to confirm the “story” of the huge brown but they
were also seen later that day with what could be called an excessive amount of cash….can you say payoff?
Luckily, the fishing for us mere mortals improved and Saturday and Sunday turned out to be
great days on the water. The only thing that might have been better
than the fishing was the unbelievable weather. Could it ever get any
better? This couldn’t have been Missouri in August.
Saturday evening we all gathered in the Searcy room for a tasty
evening repast served up by the Montauk staff. Afterward we got
together for an enjoyable night of tying, and lying. So many tiers and so many patterns it was
hard to get around to see them all. Do all these patterns really catch fish or are they just fun to tie?
Everyone had a wonderful time. If you missed it this year, make plans now so that you can be certain to make it next
year. (Be sure to check out all of the pics that Al put up on the website)
Membership Report
By Dave Haas
Last reported membership on 8-27-2009
New memberships since 8-27-2009
Deceased member
Total memberships as of 9-9-2009
A year ago (September 8, 2008)
Annual gain or (loss)
We extend our condolences to the family and friends of John G. Freeman, St. Ann, MO, recently deceased.
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 8
Welcome the following new members
Guy Cunningham & Family
St. Louis, MO
Charles D. Herwig, Jr.
Hazelwood, MO
Bill Croker
Manchester, MO
Charles Kohlbrecher
Trenton, IL
Fly of the Month
by Earl Schenberg
Tied by: Joseph Aimonette 08/27/2009
Hook: # 10 to 14 scud hook
Thread: Red 8/0
Body: Copper Wire, Micro Chenille, 2” long (red is traditional but you may use any color)
Gold Bead Optional (1/8 or size best for hook chosen)
This is a very simple and effective pattern that can be fished for trout as well as warm water species.
How to tie:
Slide bead on to hook shank, Lay down a thread base up to, hook bend securing the bead in center of hook. Attach
copper wire and chenille at the bend of the hook. Wind thread back to bead and secure chenille behind bead. Pull
chenille over top of bead and secure in front of bead. Wind thread to front to hook and tie down chenille one hook eye
back from front of hook. Counter wrap wire from back to front as if your were putting down a ribbing pattern up to
and over the bead and finish at the tie down point at the front of the hook Whip finish, apply cement. Trim chenille to
length (Approx. 1 to 2 inches) singe ends with a flame..
How to fish:
Dead drift near the bottom with the indicator or tight line presentations.
History and information:
Some people consider this a controversial fly, mostly because it has the word "worm" in its name. Don Bryant, a Westfly
user who has fished New Mexico's San Juan River for 25 years, says of this fly: "The nymph pattern was first developed
on the San Juan River below Navajo Dam in NW New Mexico to imitate the river's large population of aquatic worms.
They are generally one inch to two inches long and live in the riverbed itself. They turn up in great numbers if you seine
the bottom by turning over rocks or stirring up the muck with your wader boot. They look very much like earthworms or
miniature night crawlers (some even having the distinctive worm collar. They come in a variety of mostly neutral colors.
The trout feed on them extensively and find flamboyant colors an added attraction. The trout definitely take the SJW fly
pattern to be exactly what it is designed to represent, the worms of the San Juan River.
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 9
Federation of Fly Fishers
by Bob Temper
Whirling disease has made headlines and presented much discussion in recent years. While discussion has faded from
the headlines the disease has not gone away. A summary report of progress in research and management of Whirling
Disease in the United States was posted on the Federation of Fly Fishers web site section “in the News” on August 25,
2009. The report in which FFF participated is now available for downloading from the web page:
The report provides new information on the management and research aspects of this harmful trout parasite and
invasive species. Whirling disease presents an informative case study in a variety of ways – as an exotic species, a
parasite, a fish pathogen, a perceived natural catastrophe, a perceived non-event, a threat to wild and native
salmonids, a risk to fish culture, and collaborative research and management. The work of researchers continues to
contribute to a greater understanding of the disease ecology and to a better understanding of host parasite
interactions and invasive species ecology. Current research is focused on understanding the dynamics of the ecology at
a landscape level, characterizing the mechanisms of resistance in hosts, refining risk assessments, and improving
management tools. The breadth of research that has taken place since the discovery of the disease has expanded our
understanding of this parasite, but also revealed how much there is still to understand. As researchers continue to
examine the complexities, a better understanding of this parasite will emerge and management strategies will become
increasingly effective at protecting and enhancing salmonid populations.
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 10
The Winter Chili Tie - In
by Earl Schenberg
The Winter Chili Tie In at Marlin's club house will be on Oct 17th. The Club decided to have another one since the first
one was a hit. The theme will be ”The Flies of Winter." So get to your vises and begin practicing your favorite flies for
the winter season which begins on Nov. 13 2009. We always celebrate that opening date with our club event, "Winter
Catch and Release outing" At Bennett Spring's, Sand Springs Resort. This is your chance to show off your very best
winter flies as well as help those need help getting into this season. It is also one of the best opportunities to learn
many new tricks as to how to tie the fly that will fool the big one in the clear cold waters of winter.
Volunteers are needed to bring a dish/pot of your favorite recipe, chili or otherwise. Any food contribution will be
greatly appreciated. Please contact me so that I can co-ordinate the items for a well rounded offering and a delectable
variety of tangy hot and cold foods. Thanks for your help.
Contact Earl Schenberg at 314 434-5282; 314 434-7622 (home); 314 609-3442 (cell)
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 11
Random Thoughts
by Ty Livingstone
Last month I missed my column deadline because I was on a
fishing trip with some good friends. I totally zoned out on the
date (which is a good thing) and by the time I got back to
civilization it was too late. For many of us fisher folk, one of the
common denominators of our experiences include a good, cold
beer at the end of the day. Some camp coffee to kick-off and a
barley and hops beverage to celebrate the day’s end makes for
great bookends.
Like so many things in life, we all have very different tastes and
preferences. Some like food spicy, others mild. Some like
blondes, others brunettes, or maybe even a redhead (or
something in between all of the above). Some like hot weather;
some like it cold…some like rain, others like it dry. Some like
their coffee strong, others weak. Some folks like fishing for bass
(the coarse fish, as the snooty among us refer to it) and some
like fishing for the small scales (trout)…saltwater, fresh water
(budget determines some of this)…worms, lures, or flies…and so
on and so forth. Different strokes for different folks makes for
an interesting tapestry…and as I have mentioned before, makes
for a better trip around this ball we call earth. And, that my
friends, brings me to BEER.
If you are a beer drinker (and you know who you are!), you have
certain likes and dislikes (or degrees thereof). Some like the
Anheuser Busch family of beers (also now known as Belgium
beer, not to be confused with Belgium-style ales) and some like
Miller (now a South African company). Within those families you
have the Bud and Bud Light fight (for my palette, Bud Light is the
poorest excuse for beer known to man – the AB attorneys can
contact my attorney – Sal Schmuck – if need be). Coors (now a
Canadian company) used to be smuggled across the border in
car trunks (what a special and exciting time that was for us).
Others like their microbrews (my preference…and maybe the
only real American beer). These loyalties are bonds that
compete with allegiances to political parties, union affiliations,
nationalities, regions, sports teams (Cubs vs. Cards, etc. – and by
the way, the Cubs suck), chocolate preferences (white, milk, and
dark – and even here, semi-sweet, bittersweet, and extra dark),
and everything in between. So, we have our loyalties and at the
end of the day, you are allowed to drink any damn thing you
want to (until the government tells you otherwise…or taxes it
until you can’t afford it). What you do with your money is your
Which brings me to my point…because I care about my
readership (does anyone really read this column? I have no idea,
but if you are out there, I have your back!) and want to help you
save some money in this time of economic turmoil. You can’t be
deprived of your beer, if nothing else. I want you to think about
making the most of your money. Beer costs money. Water is
free (unless you pay a buck a bottle for it…I have already
randomly ranted about the evils of bottled water in previous
columns, so I will not do it here…what you waste your money on
is your business). For many years, we had nothing but regular
beer and all of the variations. Near beer (non-alcoholic) has had
various incarnations and reincarnations (even LA Beer, low
alcohol beer) without much success. Light beer stormed on the
scene with Miller Lite (Tastes Great! Less Filling! Maybe Both?
Neither? Depends on your taste buds)…then speaking of buds,
out came Bud Light (another Belgium beer, not to be confused
with Belgium-style ale) and after spending a gamillion dollars on
advertising has become the number one beer in America. I
thought we had hit beer bottom (or is that beer belly?). But,
The masterminds of Beer Universe met secretly in the bottom of
a Free Mason Temple, did séances, and solicited advice from the
Dark Side. They got approval from the John Birch Society and a
final sign-off from the International Conspiracy Triumvirate and
were allowed to pour water in leftover beer and market it as a
healthy alternative to the existing beers on the market. As a
result, we were exposed to Michelob Ultra and Bud Select. Less
than 100 calories! Take half a beer, add water, and market it.
Not to be outdone, Miller rolled out MGD64…64 calories…take
half of a half beer, add a little more water, and market it. Again,
not to be outdone, that Belgium company, Anheuser Busch took
half of a half beer with water added and added a little more
water and chiseled those calories down to 55 – the new
BudSelect55. . Most amazing of all, is that people actually buy
that stuff…and it is not cheap. Coming up next…beer flavored
water with negative calories. You will loose weight when you
drink it.
What exactly is my point (and do I really need to have one)? Tip
of the day…if you like the “lighter beers” on the market, save
yourself some serious money…buy what’s on sale and just add
water. As for me, I am going to buy the good stuff and drink less
of it. It is the least I can do for myself. You think about that…TL
You can visit all of my past columns on my blog at and if you want to drop me a
line you can e-mail me at I’d love to
hear from you.
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Ozark Fly Fishers Calendar of Events
September 2 Project Healing Waters Outreach Program – Westover Farms (Contact Jim Wallace)
September 10 – 12 Taneycomo Outing
September 24 Monthly Meeting - Queeny Park 7:00pm – guest speaker Mike Kruse
September 26 Blue Springs Water Quality Monitoring – Blue Springs (Contact Glen Bish)
October 10 Mill Creek Water Quality Monitoring - Mill Creek (Contact Malcolm Royse)
October 14 Casting for Recovery Outreach Program –volunteers needed
October 18 Casting for Recovery Outreach Program - volunteers needed
October 22 Monthly Meeting - Queeny Park 7:00pm – guest speaker Norm Crisp (Streamside Adventures)
October 17 Winter Chili Tie In - Marlin’s Club House The Flies of Winter (Contact Earl Schenberg)
October 24 Trivia Night (Contact Larry Carli)
October 31 Current River Water Quality Monitoring – Current River/ Tan Vat (Contact Scott Darrough)
November 3 Member Only Class – Powder Valley 6:30 pm (Contact Earl Schenberg) Midges (Level 1)
November 13 – 14 Bennett Springs - Catch and Release Outing Contact (Russ Hill)
November 26 No Monthly Meeting
December 1 Member Only Class – Powder Valley 6:30 pm (Contact Earl Schenberg) Cracklebacks
December 17 Monthly Meeting - Fly Tying and Fishing Knots
January 5, 2010 Member Only Class – Powder Valley 6:30 pm (Contact Earl Schenberg) Emergers (Level 2-3)
February 2, 2010 Member Only Class – Powder Valley 6:30 pm (Contact Earl Schenberg) Terrestrials (Level 2-3)
March 2, 2010 Member Only Class – Powder Valley 6:30 pm (Contact Earl Schenberg) Crawfish (Level 3)
Page 12
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
Page 13
Accommodations to be shared with_____________________________________________________________
E mail___________________________________________
Packages: All packages include the buffet dinner and the pre-dinner social hour.
Singles Package: One bed, one person
_____Saturday, Nov.14…………………………………………………………………………………………………..62.00
_____Friday and Saturday, Nov. 13-14……………………………………………………………………………… 108.50
_____Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nov. 12-13-14…………………………………………………………………… 155 00
Couples Package: One double bed, two people
_____Saturday, Nov. 14 (per couple)………………………………………………………………………………… 88.50
_____Friday and Saturday Nov. 13-14 (per couple)………………………………………………………………… 147.00
_____Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 12-13-14 (per couple).…………………………………………………… 205.00
Deluxe Couples Package: Two double beds, two people
_____Saturday, Nov. 14 (per couple) ……………………….. …………. …………………………………………….90.50
_____Friday and Saturday, Nov.13-14 (per couple)…………………………………………………………………151.00
_____Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nov.12-13-14 (per couple) ………………………………………………………212.00
Housekeeping Package: Two double beds, two people, kitchen
_____Friday, Saturday, Nov 13-14 (per couple) ……………………………………………………………………….172.50
_____Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nov. 12-13-14 (per couple)……….……………………………………………….243.50
Triple Package: Three double beds, Three people
_____Friday, Saturday, Nov. 13-14 ……………………………………………………………………… ……………219.00
_____Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov.12-13-14 ……………………………………………………… ……………..306.00
Third Person Package: Two double beds/3rd twin, Three people
_____Friday, Saturday, Nov. 13-14………………………………………………………………………………………192.00
_____Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov 12-13-14………………………….……………………………………………265.00
_____Social Hour and Buffet Dinner only (no lodging)……………….………………………………………………….14.00
Pets: $15/ night
Rollaway Bed: $10/night
Cancellations: If you cancel before Oct. 30, you will receive a refund; thereafter refunds will be made only if we can sell your room.
Social Hour: The party room next to the pool will be open at 5:30. The club will provide soft drinks and light snacks. If you would like something
else BYOL; we provide ice and glasses.
Buffet Dinner: At Sand Spring Restaurant, 7PM. It will be a traditional Ozark buffet. You may BYOL.
First in line?---Please leave a few ribs for those at the end!
Mail this form with your check payable to Ozark Fly Fishers to Russ Hill, 46 Witmer Dr., Chesterfield, Mo. 63017
Accommodations will be booked only when received with a check for the full amount of the package selected. I will confirm receipt of your check by
phone, e-mail or post card. Call me if you don’t get confirmation of your check in a reasonable time. Call 314-275-2673 for special needs,
questions, etc.
Ozark Fly Fishers
September 2009
President – Mike Swederska
Vice President – Steve Antonic
Secretary – Patti Hummert
Treasurer –Bob Zagar
Past President – Bob Temper
Conservation – Wallis Warren
Education – Malcolm Royce
Membership – Kevin Miquelon
Ways and Means – Pat Hummert
Communications – Bill Leslie
Outings – Ted Calcaterra
Fly Tying – Earl Schenberg
Webmaster: Al Bourisaw
Casting – Brian Ellis
Ozark Fly Fishers
P.O. Box 440181
St. Louis, MO 63144
Page 14

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