Denton Country Club March 2o15
Denton Country Club March 2o15
Denton Country Club March 2o15 • Scenes & Greens EASTER BRUNCH & ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT A FRIENDLY REMINDER We just want to remind everyone that it is a violation of TABC (Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission) to bring any outside alcohol on to Club property. Sunday, April 5th Join us for Easter Sunday Brunch & the Annual Easter Egg Hunt This year we will be hosting both events on Sunday! More details to come… Make your reservations today, as they are required! (940) 387.1717 48 Hour Cancellation Policy in Effect MGA RYDER CUP APRIL 10TH - 12TH The team draft will be held Friday, March 6th following Men’s Day. ANNUAL MEETING for the Vested Membership Wednesday, April 1st at 6:00pm Please let us know if you will be attending by calling us at (940) 387.1717. DENTON COUNTRY CLUB DIRECTORY 2015 B OARD OF D IRECTORS Help welcome our New Service Manager Landon Stanford to Denton Country Club! S TEVE C IULLA - P RESIDENT H ARRY B LAKE - V ICE P RESIDENT K YLE D RAPER - T REASURER D AVID S TANLEY - S ECRETARY A USTIN B AKER , K EVIN H ODGES , J AMES K ING , M IKE M OLLO , J OEL N EECE , S COTT R ICHTER , J AY R OSS , D ICK S MITH , K AY S TEWART F INANCE C HAIR - K YLE D RAPER F INANCE A SSISTANT C HAIR - D ICK S MITH L EGAL C HAIR - D AVID S TANLEY L EGAL A SSISTANT C HAIR - K AY S TEWART T ENNIS C HAIR - S COTT R ICHTER T ENNIS A SSISTANT C HAIR - J AMES K ING H OUSE C HAIR - J OEL N EECE H OUSE A SSISTANT C HAIR - J AY R OSS G ROUNDS & G REENS C HAIR - H ARRY B LAKE G ROUND & G REENS A SST . C HAIR - K EVIN H ODGES O IL & G AS C HAIR - A USTIN B AKER L ONG R ANGE C HAIR - D AVID R EMS C LUB A SSOCIATION P RESIDENTS MGA - D AVID A NDERSON LGA - T ERRY W IDMER MTA - G REG M C M ULLEN LTA - R ACHELLE D AUPHINEE B OOK C LUB - C AROL H ILL F OR W EEKEND T EE T IMES Call the Golf Shop starting at 7:30 am on Tuesday & Thursday M ETRO G OLF S HOP ............... (972)434.2189 G OLF S HOP M AIN ................. (940)243.0602 G OLF S HOP M AIN ................. (940)387.2812 C LUB H OUSE M ETRO ............ (972)434.2284 M AIN C LUB ......................... (940)387.1717 C LUB H OUSE ........................ (940)382.2041 F AX .................................... (940)380.9194 T ENNIS ................................ (940)383.6647 S TAFF G ENERAL M ANAGER : D AVID R EMS G OLF S UPERINTENDENT : W ILLIAM W ALLACE D IRECTOR OF G OLF : D AVID F OSTER E XECUTIVE C HEF : G UY S ANDERS C LUBHOUSE M ANAGER : A RT T ONGKAO - ON D IRECTOR OF T ENNIS : R HONDA G ATTIS P RIVATE E VENTS : N ADINE V ANDERGRIFF S ERVICE M ANAGER : L ANDON S TANFORD C ONTROLLER : N ATURE M ILLER B USINESS M ANAGER : J ODI P ISCITELLO MEMBER RELATIONS: K RISTEN H OLLINGER Landon is from Waco and lives in Little Elm. He attended McClennan College and Angelo State where he played baseball. He served as team captain and was selected to the all-star team. Landon worked as head coach of The Dallas Dragon Baseball Club. Landon excelled his way up the ladder from Bartender, Supervisor and Assistant Service Manager at Stonebriar Country Club. He was an important team member for the club receiving three consecutive “circle of gold” awards. Landon won employee of the year 2014. We are very excited to have Landon join our team. Landon will continue to support our vision of raising the level of services around our Club. R YOU !! K R MA NDARS E CAL COUPLES GOLF BEGINS THURSDAY, MAY 7TH A Special Thank You to our February DCC Stars Mala & George Bowdouris, Mary & L.E. Clark, Karen & Joseph Diehl, Laurel & Dwight Evans, Cindy & John Given, Cayleen & Py Kolb, Janelle & Edward Lamport, LGA, LTA, MGA, Lisa & Stan Miller, Aurora & Mike Pucciarello, Helene & Kent Ramey, Caren & Bill Reaves, Beverly & Larry Roberts, Valerie & Roger Tarren, Kristin & Brent Thornton, Monica & Bill Utter, Jr. All that joined us for Member Birthday Brunch, Valentine’s Dinner and Presidents’ Day WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Samantha & Deke Alexander Kara & Levi McMellian Lydia & Tom Irwin Chastity & Brent Robinson Candice & Jason Lillard Rebecca & Eric Romanucci French Onion Soup FREE KID’S NIGHT OUT Friday & Saturday Nights 5pm - 10pm Ages 4-12 FREE… FREE… FREE… Bring the kid’s out for a FUN time of Wii, Ping Pong and games, while you dine at the Club! We will have our menu readily available for your child to order from. Make your Reservations today! (940) 387.1717 Ext 321 Ingredients 4 large seasoned croutons 1 cup dry sherry 1 14 1/2 ounce cans beef broth 1 14 1/2 ounce cans chicken broth 2 large sweet onions, thinly sliced 4 thick slices provolone cheese Directions In a deep skillet, heat 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil over medium heat. Add the onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until translucent and softened, about 15 minutes. Add the wine and bring to a boil. Pour in the beef and chicken broth, lower the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes; season with pepper. Preheat the broiler. Divide the soup among 4 ovenproof bowls, then top each with croutons and a slice of cheese. Set the bowls on a rimmed baking sheet and broil until the cheese is bubbly and golden, about 1 minute. Makes: 4 servings CANASTA Join us for Canasta at 1:00pm on Tuesdays at the Club! If you are interested, please contact Berdie Archer at (940) 395.8636 or by email at Low Back Pain and Golf: Part 1 I think this would be the perfect time to discuss low back pain and golf. I will cover this in 2 parts. Low back pain is the most prevalent injury in amateurs and data shows that over 23% of professional golfers play with low back pain. There are many causes of low back pain but let’s try to keep it simple. In general the low back is designed to be stable in the golf swing which means it shouldn’t move a great amount. Typically what I see in amateur golfers is loss of flexibility in the hips and thoracic spine (upper back). With this muscle imbalance, golfers sacrifice stability in the low back and cause too much movement. So not only do we have to be flexible in the hips and thoracic spine, we have to be able to control that mobility. The glutes are considered the king in stabilizing the golf swing. So when Tiger said he could not activate his glutes there is truth to that. So now it becomes the chicken and egg debate, what caused Tiger not to be able to activate his glutes. It is very common to see pain in the low back deactivating the glutes or muscle imbalances to cause deactivation of the glutes. I constantly work with clients with low back pain on how to fire their glutes to help stabilize their back. The majority of my patients and clients have weak or inactive glutes. Here are 2 quick tests you can perform to see how your glutes are firing. 1) Deer in the Headlights: Lie down on your back and place your hands on your bottom and squeeze your bottom together. If you can’t feel your bottom tighten or it feels “soft” than you have weak or inactive glutes. 2) Single Leg Bridge: Lie on your back and raise your hips off the floor and straighten out one leg like the picture below (keep hands off the floor) and hold this position for 10 seconds (perform on left and right). If you start to shake your glutes are weak. If you have cramping in the back of your thighs (hamstrings) your glutes are inactive. Doug Soell, PT, MPT, OCS, CGFI Physical Therapist/Titleist Certified Golf Fitness Instructor We are asking the membership to make reservations when coming out to dine. We also encourage you to contact the business office, the general manager or the board right away with any complaints, concerns, ideas or feedback. This will help us provide better service to each and every member. We kindly thank you in advance for your help! To make your dining reservations, please contact us at (940) 387.1717. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to DCC’s March Birthdays! MARY ALDRIDGE DENNIS ANDERSON MARJORIE ANDERSON TONY ASIS RAY BAKER JOHN BEASLEY JACQUIE BECHTEL TONY BENFORD HARRISON BLAKE BRUCE BROWN MAT BROWN LISA BRUMLEY GENNY BUNKER JEFFERY CANTRELL LAURA CLARK FRANK CONNER MARTY COPELAND NORM CRAWFORD BRIAN CREE REGINA CRONE KLAUS DANNENBERG RAY DAVID, JR LYNDA DEVINE GRACIE EGAN SHANNON EMPTING DAVID ESPEN AMY FANNING CARINE FEYTEN CATHY GALLOWAY JOHN GIVEN KELLY GOODSPEED DAVID GOSDIN MIKE HAMBLIN BETH HANNES TINA HICKS DON HILL GAIL HILL JEANI HILL BILL HODGE JEFF HORN JANET HUNT EVELYN JOHNSON LEA KELSOE ERIC KNIGHT JANE KORBA PEGGY KRUEGER JUDY LEVERIDGE MICHAEL LOVE DONALD MABRY GREG MARTINKEWIZ TERRENCE MATHERS JAN MCBRYDE LYNN MCDONALD DARLENE MCNATT ASHLEY MCWHORTER DEBBIE MERKI MATT MURRAY DAVE MYERS SHELLY PALESANO TRACI PARKER KELLY PERRITT DAVID PETERS DAVID PRICE DAVID RILEY MARTY RIVERS JOYCE ROBINSON MARK RODEN JIM ROGERS CAROLE ROSS CAROL RYAN JACK SATTERFIELD STEFFANIE SCHREIBER JAIMIE SCHULTZ NANCY SELBY SUE SHAFFER DEBBIE SHAW DAVID SMITH KATHY SMITH KATHY SPOTTS STEPHEN SPOTTS TRACY STEAKLEY KIMBERLY TAYLOR LINDA TERRY WESTON THAGGARD JERRY THOMAS MARTHA TIESZEN REX TILLERSON BILL TURNER D’LYNN VILLARREAL TIM WEIR TRACEY WOOD MEMBER BIRTHDAY BRUNCH SUNDAY, MARCH 15TH E HUMBL IE P Happy Birthday Rhonda! DCC hosted the lovely Lantana Ladies Group Therapy Club for "drills & frills" So glad they could join us! DCC Champs Tennis Battle of Hickory Creek Frozen Tennis Tournament Share special announcements, accomplishments, even pictures, with your friends at DCC through Humble Pie. You may submit your information via email to Kristen in the Business Office at GOLF AT DCC Be sure to keep an eye on the sign up board as our tournament season gets under way. The Ryder Cup sign up is already posted, and you don’t want to miss one of DCC’s most popular MGA events! The team draft for Ryder Cup will be held Friday, March 6th following Men’s Day. Also, the member-guest is sneaking up on us again! Look for more information to come in the next couple of months. We have several demo days scheduled for this spring so you can check out the latest and greatest! Callaway Saturday, March 7th 9:00am-2:00pm th Titleist Saturday, March 14 9:00am-2:00pm Ping Saturday, March 21st 9:00am-2:00pm Taylormade Sunday, March 22nd 9:00am-2:00pm Nike Saturday, April 4th 9:00am-2:00pm New apparel is arriving from Adidas, Cutter & Buck, and Foot-Joy. Be sure to take a look before your next round. And as always, we are glad to special order anything you’d like if you don’t see your size or favorite color. Just ask! Please remember to always repair ball marks, sand divots, and use the 90-degree rule. David Foster, PGA Professional Super Bowl Scramble Results 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place Harry Blake Gene Keefer Leon Campbell Bill McClellan David Peter David Anderson Kip McAlister Don Hill David Riley Bob Jourdan Bruce Brown David Gosdin Randy Robinson Danny Byington Chris King Kyle Hodges Bill Utter Jr. Rodger Steakley Ron Carlock Ryan Oringderff Great Shots! Eagles Tim Weir #6, 2-11-15 Mike Oringderff #17, 2-13-15 MGA Putting Tournament Team 1st Place 2nd Place tie 2nd Place 4th Place John Copeland Tom Neece Bill Hodge Don Peden Chris King Mike Oringderff Morris Salerno Bobby Joe Galloway tie 4th Place Individual 1st Place 3rd Place 5th Place John Copeland Bobby Joe Galloway Marcus Jones Bill Hodge Danny Byington Dave Myers Kevin McKinney Upcoming Events Paul Andress Jim Isakson March 2-3 March 28 April 10-12 April 18 April 20-21 Aerify Greens Low Gross/Low Net MGA Ryder Cup LGA Scramble Aerify Greens LADIES NINE & WINE Every Tuesday, beginning March 10th at 4:30pm All Lady Golfers, please join us for a stress-free, delightful nine holes of golf, followed by camaraderie in the Patio Side Grill. Please call the pro-shop by 2:00pm on Tuesdays to let them know if you will be playing. For more information, please email Lynda Crossan at Food Minimum Quarter Ending Dates A - G: January, April, July, October H - N: February, May, August, November O - Z: March, June, September, December Don’t forget to call ahead and make your reservations when coming out to dine! Dining Hours Tuesdays & Sundays Until 9:00 pm Wednesday thru Saturday Until 9:00 pm For Dining Reservations (940) 387.1717 Ext 332 March 2o15 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Chef & Seafood Special Chef & Seafood Special Happy Hour 4-7pm Brunch Special and Breakfast Menu Aerify Greens 9 Brunch Special and Breakfast Menu Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 23 24 Brunch Special and Breakfast Menu 25 Happy Hour 4-7pm Club Closed Taylormade Demo Day 9am-2pm 30 31 Club Closed Happy Hour 4-7pm KID’S NIGHT OUT 5 - 10pm KID’S NIGHT OUT 5 - 10pm Titleist Demo Day 9am-2pm 21 Happy Hour 4-7pm Happy Hour 4-7pm Chef & Seafood Special Chef & Seafood Special Happy Hour 4-7pm KID’S NIGHT OUT 5 - 10pm KID’S NIGHT OUT 5 - 10pm Ping Demo Day 9am-2pm 27 Chef & Seafood Special Chef & Seafood Special Chef & Seafood Special Happy Hour 4-7pm 26 Weekly Special Begins 14 28 Chef & Seafood Special Happy Hour 4-7pm Ladies Nine & Wine 4:30pm Junior Team Tennis 1:30-4:30pm Junior Team Tennis 1:30-4:30pm Happy Hour 4-7pm Ladies Nine & Wine 4:30pm Callaway Demo Day 9am-2pm USTA Women’s Home Tennis Match 10am & 11:30am 20 Chef & Seafood Special KID’S NIGHT OUT 5 - 10pm MGA Ryder Cup Team Draft After Men’s Day Happy Hour 4-7pm 19 Weekly Special Begins Happy Hour 4-7pm Junior Team Tennis 1:30-4:30pm Brunch Special and Breakfast Menu 18 17 KID’S NIGHT OUT 5 - 10pm 13 Chef & Seafood Special Happy Hour 4-7pm March Madness Tennis Tournament Club Closed Happy Hour 4-7pm 12 Weekly Special Begins Ladies Nine & Wine 4:30pm MEMBER BIRTHDAY BRUNCH 29 11 Happy Hour 4-7pm Club Closed 16 22 Chef & Seafood Special Aerify Greens 10 Junior Team Tennis 1:30-4:30pm 15 Weekly Special Begins Happy Hour 4-7pm Junior Team Tennis 1:30-4:30pm 8 Happy Hour 4-7pm Club Closed KID’S NIGHT OUT 5 - 10pm Chef & Seafood Special KID’S NIGHT OUT 5 - 10pm MGA Low Gross/Low Net EMAIL BLASTS Happy Hour 4-7pm Ladies Nine & Wine 4:30pm We are currently updating our email blast system. We know that some of you may have unsubscribed to us in the past. In order for us to update our system we have to re -subscribe everyone. Please let Kristen in the Business Office know if you are not receiving your email blasts, or if you would like to add additional email addresses to your file! DCC TENNIS JUNIOR CLASSES March 2nd - March 28th (s ki p Spring Brea k 16th -20th) Mondays & Wednesdays Quick Start (Ages 6-8) 4-4:30pm Future Stars (Ages 9-13) 4:30-5:20pm High School Workout (Ages 15-18) 5:30-7pm Tuesdays Rising Stars (Intermediate Players) 4:30-6pm Thursdays Rising Stars (Intermediate Players) 4:30-6pm Tournament Tough 6-7:30pm Saturdays Small Groups for Junior Players Ages 8-11 9-10:30am Ages 12-16 10:30am-12pm ADULT CLASSES March 2nd - March 28th (s ki p Spring Brea k 16th -20th) Monday (Women’s Doubles) 10:30am-12pm Monday (Men’s Doubles) 6:30-8pm Tuesday (Women’s Doubles) 9-11am Tuesday (Mom’s Night Out Clinic) 7:30-8:30pm Wednesday (Adult Clinic) 9-10am Thursday (Women’s Fixed Doubles) 9-11am Thursday (Adult Clinic) 6-7pm Friday (Cardio) 8:30-9am Friday (Clinic) 9-10am ADULT TENNIS EVENTS USTA Women’s Home Match - March 6th 10am & 11:30am MARCH MADNESS TOURNAMENT Tuesday, March 10th JUNIOR TEAM TENNIS Every Sunday 1:30-4:30pm TENNIS PRO SHOP BUSINESS HOURS Monday: Closed (drills, classes & leagues will be held) Tuesday - Friday: 9am-6pm Saturday: 9am-3pm Sunday: 1pm-6pm See you on the Courts, Rhonda 940.383.6647 | Let’s Connect! Instagram: @dcctennis, #dcctennis Twitter: @TeamDCCtennis FB: iPhone Users! You now can text us at TENNIS PLAYER OF THE MONTH Linda Spalding LTA Member for 2 Months DCC Golf Member for 6 Years Why I Started Playing Tennis My introduction to DCC tennis began last year when I attended a Sneaks and Cleats Tournament as an LGA golfer. The lady golfers teamed up with the tennis gals to play 4 holes of golf and then doubles tennis which was followed by food and prizes. The golfers helped the tennis players learn our sport and vice versa. What great laughter and fun! That led me to investigate further the tennis programs available at DCC, so I could stay in touch with these energetic ladies! What I Love About Tennis The exercise is great and if I have a bad golf day I can go to the tennis court, tighten my grip and hit the ball hard! What I Enjoy Most About the LTA Rhonda, the tennis pro and all her staff are extremely helpful and professional. There is something for everyone, no matter what your skill level is! Whether you choose to attend a skills clinic to improve your game, become part of a traveling league, play singles, doubles or introduce your children to the game of tennis, DCC has conveniently made it possible to include every level of instruction for fun or competitive play. I have only attended for a short time (playing tennis when the golf course is closed) but have never left the court without receiving an encouraging word from the pros or DCC ladies! Make sure you join us for our Weekly Dinner Specials beginning on Wednesdays!! JIM COLLIN SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship for Denton Students has been set up in honor and in memory of Jim Collin, a valuable and key member who donated a lot of his time in making DCC what it is today. Over the years, Jim was Chair of the Marketing Committee, Vice President and President of Denton Country Club. Jim also was the facilitator of the ambassador clock that has been a beautiful addition to our 1st tee on our golf course, and recognizes other contributing members. Brian Cree, also a DCC member, was inspired to create and be the initiating sponsor of “The Jim Collin/Denton Country Club Business Foundation.” The Business Scholarship has been set up to give kids an opportunity for further education, one lucky recipient will be chosen every year. Now is your chance to contribute to this honorable cause in helping students and keeping Jim's spirit alive, please send your donation to: Denton Public Schools Foundation Attn: Jackie Jackson 1307 N. Locust, Denton, Texas 76201 Please reference Jim Collin on your check. Thank you for your consideration in donating to this wonderful foundation in honor of Jim Collin. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Business Office. Denton Public School Foundation, Inc. -- enriching the quality of education in the Denton Public Schools since 1995 - The Tom Swenson Memorial Scholarship for DHS Golf Tom Swenson was a long time resident of Denton. He and his wife Kayla raised three children through the Denton Public School System. Tom loved sports and in particular golf. Tom and Kayla helped the DHS golf program by funding a golf simulator and he was active in the DHS golf booster program. To carry on Tom's legacy, this scholarship has been established to be given to a DHS golfer each year. Contributions can be mailed to : Denton Public School Foundation, Inc. 1307 N. Locust, Denton, Texas 76201 Please include your name, address and your contribution amount. The Denton Public School Foundation is a Section 501 (c)(3) entity and will serve as the fiscal agent for this scholarship. All contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law. Snow Day at DCC M&M’S CORNER “In the fall of 1967 an ambitious golf professional with an injured wrist sought medical attention, for the first time in his life, from an individual he had known for some time as one of the local ‘golfing doctors.’ That doctor, S. J. “Jim” Pedigo cured my physical ailment and had the opportunity to help with other injuries in the span of the next few years.” Excerpt from a letter written in June of 1977 to the people of Denton from Rives McBee, PGA golf professional and head pro at Las Colinas CC in Irving, Texas. Rives goes on to explain, that when he lost his financial backing because of his poor performance at the end of the 1969 PGA tour season, he finally turned to the man who had watched as he “struggled to overcome a seemingly endless nightmare. Jim Pedigo was not only treating me for a very stubborn injury, he was trying to build up my fast failing mental attitude. He, along with Dr. William McCormick, another doctor in town, and a Ft. Worth business man agreed to sponsor me during the following year. I had been given a chance to prove what I could do and as Jim put it, ‘to prove that he had helped me medically.’” Rives is a Denton native and he played golf for North Texas State University. In 1966, before his wrist injury, he tied for 13 th in the US Open played at Olympic Club in San Francisco. His score of 64 in the second round tied the lowest second round score in US Open history. In 1970 with his new monetary help, Rives began to play well enough to make expenses, and in 1971 he became head professional at Las Colinas CC in Irving. In 1973 he won the PGA Club Professional Tournament at Pinehurst N. C. over a field of 320 on three courses. Also, he won three tournaments on the PGA Senior Tour. Proceeds from the 1977 twelfth annual DCC Pro Am tournament benefitted the Jim Pedigo Memorial Scholarship Fund for North Texas State University golfers. Jim Pedigo, the well-respected Denton doctor, had died at a young age in 1973. He was an excellent golfer who, in 1967, won the DCC Club Championship by defeating the defending champion, Chick Crain, in the final match. It was also in 1967 that he played on the winning team that included Byron Nelson at the DCC Pro-Am. He also served on the Club’s Board of Directors. Like Jim, his wife Ann was a very good golfer. In 1963 she was the first president of the DCC LGA, and in 1969 she won the Ladies Club Championship. Jim and Ann Pedigo were one of many couples who through the years have contributed to the growth of Denton Country Club. Rives concluded his letter by saying that, “When I found out that this year’s Pro-Am was dedicated to the memory of Jim Pedigo and that the money raised would benefit some youngster through a scholarship fund, I could not resist telling the story about the man whose memory will be honored on June 23 rd and what he had done for me.” Mary Margaret Moore DENTON COUNTRY CLUB PO BOX 1069 DENTON, TX 76202 MEMORY WALK BRICKS STAMP it in STONE on the MEMORY WALK Purchase your bricks for your friends, loved ones or that special occasion. All proceeds will be earmarked for future Club Improvements. Bricks are a $100 each. Please contact the Business Office to place your order!! OF H OURS O PERATION C LU B HOU S E C L O S ES T UESDAY - T HURSDAY 11:00 PM F RIDAY & S ATURDAY 12:00 M IDNIGHT S UNDAY 9:00 PM CLUBHOUSE MAY CLOSE EARLY BASED ON BUSINESS & WEATHER CONDITIONS C ATERING & P RIVATE PARTIES BY S PECIAL A RRANGEMENT (940)387.1717 B USINESS O FFICE M ONDAY - F RIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM LIMITED AD SPACE IS AVAILABLE Contact Kristen at (940) 387.1717 Ext 324 for details!
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