sacred heart parish - Sacred Heart Church


sacred heart parish - Sacred Heart Church
P.O. BOX 3672 ♦ GLYNDON, MARYLAND 21071-3672
PHONE: (410) 833-1696 ♦ FAX: (410) 833-2676
SEPTEMBER 13, 2015
Rev. Msgr. Lloyd E. Aiken
Rev. Hamilton Okeke
Associate Pastor
Rev. Hilario Avendaño
Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministry
Rev. Walter J. McGovern
Retired – In residence
Mr. James A. Ryan
Mr. James Nuzzo
Sr. Judith Cianfrogna, SSJ
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Cecilia Cyford, SSJ
Director of Religious Education
Sr. Helen Wiegmann, SSJ
Health Care Ministry
Mr. Zachary Coyle
School Principal
Mrs. Jeanne Cossentino
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Anne Purnell
Assistant Middle School Principal
Sr. Karen Washabaugh, SSJ
School Campus Minister K-5
Mrs. Kathryn Swisher
Director of Youth Ministry
Ms. Kathy Whitelock
Director of Development
Rev. Michael L. Barré, P.S.S. Rev. James McKearney ,P. S.S.
Rev. Gilbert J. Seitz
Rev. Daniel Moore, P.S.S.
Victor Sanchez
Michael Merritt
Chris Pinto
4th Year Theology
3rd Year Theology
1st Year Theology
Weekend Masses:
4:00 p.m.
7:30 (Quiet), 9:00, 10:30 a.m. (Choir);
12:00 (Contemporary Choir) & 5:00 p.m.
Spanish Mass:
Saturdays — 7:00 p.m. (Little Church)
Sundays — 1:30 p.m. (Main Church)
Weekday Masses/Communion Service (Little Church):
7:00 & 9:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Holy Day Schedule: Consult bulletin (except Christmas and New
Eucharistic Adoration: (Little Church)
First Fridays:
Exposition following the 9:00 a.m. Mass,
concluding at the 8:00 a.m. Mass Saturday
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; 1:15-9:00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Parish Office/Rectory
Hispanic Ministry
Development Office
Sacred Heart School
Religious Education Office
Sacred Heart Youth Ministry
WELCOME! You are most welcome to Sacred Heart Church.
Parish registration forms are available in the Gathering Space
and at the Parish Office. If you are moving out of the parish,
please notify us.
BAPTISMS: Saturdays at noon and within the celebration of
Mass (except during Lent). Parents are required to attend a
Preparation Class held on the 2nd Monday of the month. Please
call the Religious Education Office to arrange for both
Preparation Class and Baptism.
RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard on Saturdays from
5:15-5:45p.m. (Little Church) and by appointment. Parish
Reconciliation Services are held during Advent and Lent.
MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married should contact a
priest or deacon at least six months before the anticipated date.
All engaged couples must take a Marriage Preparation Course.
Do not set a date until you have met with the priest or deacon.
COMMUNION TO THE SICK: If someone is in the hospital or
homebound and unable to attend Mass and wishes to receive
communion, please contact the Parish Office. Mass is
celebrated at FutureCare-Cherrywood Nursing Home on the 2nd
Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: In case of emergency call the Parish
Office/Rectory at anytime. Please notify the Parish Office if you
know someone in the hospital or at home who wishes to be
anointed. Masses of Anointing are celebrated several times a
adults (English and Spanish speaking) for full communion in the
Catholic Church. Sessions meet year round on Monday evenings
at 7:00 p.m. Call the Parish Office for information.
BULLETIN DEADLINE. Notices must be
received in the parish office TEN days
(Thursday) before the bulletin date requested.
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 13, 2015
Sacred Heart Parish Mission Statement
We, the people of God in the parish of Sacred Heart, are constantly attempting to become a faith community of
those who, believing in Jesus, proclaim God’s Kingdom and share the mystery of faith by worshipping the Father,
enabling all members to grow in their relationship with each other through the Son, and witnessing our gifts
through active service to others in the Spirit.
Weekly Liturgical Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass, September 12
4:00 p.m. Mass
Larry Preston Baker
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass Lucy Brown
Sunday, September 13
7:30 a.m. Mass
9:00 a.m. Mass
Robert Jefferson
10:30 a.m. Mass
Lawrence Luther
12:00 p.m. Mass
Maurice Dix
1:30 p.m. Sp. Mass
5:00 p.m. Mass
Mark E. Evelius
Monday, September 14 – The Exaltation of the Holy
7:00 a.m. Mass
Brad Mazelofsky
9:00 a.m. – Communion Service
Tuesday, September 15 – Our Lady of Sorrows
7:00 a.m. Mass
Mark Evelius
9:00 a.m. Mass
Connie Coyle
Wednesday, September 16 – Sts. Cornelius, Pope,
and Cyprian, Bishop
7:00 a.m. – Communion Service
9:00 a.m. Mass
John R. Adams
Thursday, September 17
7:00 a.m. Mass
Gloria Falkenburg
9:00 a.m. Mass
Bill Gundersen
Friday, September 18
7:00 a.m. Mass
Margaret Hurst Hayward
9:00 a.m. Mass
Jim Sewell
Saturday, September 19
8:00 a.m. Mass
Pat Ruff (Sp. Int.)
Saturday Vigil Mass, September 19
4:00 p.m. Mass
Guy Vitellaro
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass
Sunday, September 20
7:30 a.m. Mass
Gloria Falkenberg
9:00 a.m. Mass
10:30 a.m. Mass
The Keller Family (Sp. Int.)
12:00 p.m. Mass
Anita Louise Bossom
1:30 p.m. Sp. Mass
Awilda Rosado
5:00 p.m. Mass
Yolanda Munsayac
Prayer and Worship
Presiders’ Schedule: September 20, 2015
4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 Noon
1:30 p.m. (Spanish) (MC)
5:00 p.m.
Fr. Moore
Fr. Avendaño
Fr. Barre
Fr. Barre
Msgr. Aiken
Msgr. Aiken
Fr. Avendaño
Fr. McKearney
Presiders’ Schedule at St. Charles:
Saturday & Sunday September 20, 2015
4:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
11:00 p.m.
Fr. Okeke
Fr. Okeke
Fr. Okeke
Scripture Readings September 20, 2015
Wis 2:12, 17-20 Ps 54:3-4, 5-8 Jas 3:16 – 4:3
Mk 9:30-37
Jesus speaks (1, Ps) of his own rejection, torture, and
shameful death. True discipleship, he says, is
concerned not with status but with service to the poor
(3), with justice and peace (2).
For Reflection: What cross have you had to take
up to follow Christ?
Vigésimo Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Septiembre 13, 2015
Misión de la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón
Nosotros, El pueblo de Dios en la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón, estamos intentando constantemente hacernos
una comunidad de fe, que creyendo en Jesús, proclamamos el Reino de Dios y compartimos el misterio de la fe
adorando al Padre, permitiendo a todos los miembros un crecimiento en su relación interpersonal a través del
Hijo y siendo testigo de nuestros dones a través del servicio activo a otros en el Espíritu.
participando que las pequeñas comunidades a que se
El Matrimonio
unan al programa de evangelización que lleca por
primea etapa ya se terminó, pero viene la segundo
etapa que dará inicio el día 5 de Octubre del presente
año, por favor no pierdas esta linda oportunidad que
Dios te está brindando. En los futuros domingos
Abrazar la Cruz
estaremos dando los anuncios, sobre esta segunda
Al término de la ceremonia, los recién casados se llevan
etapa de evangelización. No te lo pierdas.
el crucifijo con ellos y le asignan el lugar de honor en
su casa. Éste se convierte en el punto focal de la oración
El Manto de Turín
familiar, porque el joven matrimonio cree
profundamente que la familia nace de la Cruz. Cuando
surge un problema o irrumpe un conflicto, será delante
de esta cruz que buscarán ayuda. No irán a un abogado,
no consultarán a un adivino o a un astrólogo, no
dependerán de un psicólogo para resolver sus
dificultades. No, irán directamente delante de su Jesús,
delante de la cruz. Ahí se arrodillarán y llorarán sus
lágrimas y derramarán sus corazones frente a Jesús y,
sobre todo, intercambiarán su perdón. No se irán a
dormir con un peso en el corazón porque se habrán
vuelto a su Jesús, al Unico que tiene poder para salvar.
Enseñarán a sus hijos a besar la cruz cada día y a no
irse a dormir como los paganos, sin haber primero dado
gracias a Jesús. En cuanto a los hijos, el primero de sus
recuerdos será que Jesús ha sido siempre el Amigo de la
familia, respetado y abrazado. Le dicen ³buenas noches²
a Jesús y besan la cruz. (Como dice el Padre Jozo, ³se
van a dormir con Jesús, ¡no con un osito de peluche!²).
Saben que Jesús los abraza y que no no hay nada de qué
temer y sus miedos se desvanecen en su beso a Jesús
Lecturas Dominicales
Septiembre 13, 2015
Primer Lectura: Sab 2:12, 17-20
Salmo: 54:3-4, 5-8
Segunda Lectura: Stg 3:16 – 4:32:14-18
Evangelio: Mc 9:30-37
Pequeñas Comunidades
Queridos y estimados fieles de nuestra parroquia
“Sagrado Corazón”, el equipo de animadores de las
PEQUEÑAS COMUNIDADES, les hace una atenta
invitación a las personas que todavía no están
Les recordamos a toda la comunidad hispana que el dia
25 de Septiembre del presente año tendremos la
exposion del Manto de Turin, manto donde esta
plasmado el rostro de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, dicha
actividad sera en el Gimnacio de la escual a las 8:00
PM no te lo pierdas, sera completamente gratis.
Wedding Banns
Third Time: Jeffrey Steven Maurin of Immaculate
Conception and Laura Ann Casalena of Sacred Heart
First Time: Lorenzo Martinez Reyes of Sacred Heart
and Clara Navarro Flores of Sacred Heart
First Time: Brent Joseph Whitty and Kathryn Passape
We Welcome the Newly Baptized
Logan Aidan Ladhar & Arturo Emmanuel Salinas
Group baptisms are now held on the third Saturday
of every month.
Pray for those who have died.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully
departed rest in peace. Amen.
Msgr. Art Valanzano and Thomas Sanders, Sr.
Lucy Angerer, Danny Baum,
Debie Beaven, Brian Bence, Mary
Adrian Bouchard, Bob Brosso,
Frank Carlucci, Frank Chengery,
Charlene Clark, John Dargakis, Nick Dargakis, Debbie
Della Villa, Megan Elizabeth Diggins, Maurice Eyler,
Thane Fake, Rosa Elena Fernandez, Betty Fenwick,
Noel Forte, Tony Galla, Samantha Garnes, Nancy
Glorioso, Walter Hanrahan, Kim Hare, John Hattrup,
William Hayes, Dennis Helm, Lynda Henry, Holly
Hill, Maria Hlahol, Donna Hoffman, Catherine
Hooper, John Jarkowiec, Corrine Johnson, Edna
Johnson Jones, Patrick Kelly, Gerry Kleiman, Richard
Kretzschmar, Rosemary Lazzati, Tim League, Sal
Maranto, Joan Barbara MacNeish, Dorothy Ann
McGullam, Bob Moan, Peggy Moon, Ed Mooney,
Mariaelena Ness, Nicole & Mason, Scott Moser,
Joseph O'Boyle, Betty Pearre, Austin Phillips,
Charlotte Porea, Beth Ralston, Dorothy Ramos, Lydie
Randall, Brian Redding, Katie Riggin, D’Ann G.
Rittie, Camilla Royer, Ed Schaefer, Matthew Schaefer,
Lisa Schmidt, John Schneck, Rose Sebald, Rita
Charlotte Slocum, Todd Smart, Erik Sneen, Rita Soto,
Robert Staten, Jay Stonik, Joe Stonik, Deli Strummer,
Larry Triplett, Margaret Warner, Susan MacWilliams,
Tyrone Willoughby, Sr., Reinilda Whitehead
Names will remain on the Sick List for 5 weeks
If there is a need to have the name of your loved one
on the list for a longer period of time, we will be happy
to accommodate you, but you must contact the Parish
Office (410-833-1696) between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM
to make this request.
Sister Jude
Thank you all for your prayers and support! With
God's help, the prayers and support of my family,
my Sisters of St. Joseph, and your prayers and
support, I will have the faith and strength to get
through my cancer treatments. Know that you are
all in my prayers. Sister Jude
Hour of Glory
Fr. Hamilton’s “Hour of Glory” is held on
Monday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Little
Church. All are welcome!
Our Stewardship
Weekly Offering
Offertory (September 6, 2015)
($ 2,245.00)
Peter’s Pence
$ 3,258.50
Electronic Fund Contributions
(not included in above total)
$ 1,363.00
St. Therese
Peter’s Pence
21 Club Drawing #2 September 4, 2015
Prize Ticket# Winner
Linda Ellis
Kathy VanSickle
$100 1011
Bill Martin
John Golombieski
$ 50 1490
William Lambert S. Jude
$ 50
Kevin Chesser Marjorie Connor
$ 50 1094
Barbara Stahler St. Charles Parish
Unsold numbers drawn: 661, 1432
A Few words about our 21 Club project.
Few weeks ago, we began our 21 Club fund-raising to
provide our church with modern digital monitors. Our
church serves many age groups, all involved in a
variety of activities. Static presentations limit our
ability to communicate effectively especially to folks
with children staying in the gathering spaces.
Our intention is to provide monitors in the lobby,
hallways, and at the sides of the church to alert all
members to important announcements, share homily
highlights and upcoming events in the church.
Friends, many of us may be asking: what for? Of what
purpose will these monitors serve? We understand your
concerns. However, it is proven that visual
communication systems are attractive and keep
people’s attention, especially our young ones. It is our
hope that this project will help promote active
participation among our youth and offer volunteer
opportunities for all. It will equally provide
personalized messages for our visitors. It will also
promote upcoming events with detailed schedules and
will definitely help our priests and deacons to
share homily highlights and hymn lyrics to encourage
active participation among us.
My friends, we solicit your support by becoming a 21
Club participant. With your help we shall be able to
provide spirit-filled gospel messages and services for
all of us. With a robust audio system and digital
display technology for our church, we shall implement
some solutions that will be easy to use and have the
ability to transmit the gospel message to all present.
For questions, contact Father Hamilton at the parish
office: 410-833-1696.
Christian Formation and Evangelization
Do You Know what we mean by “non-Catholic”
Bibles? This label is used for translations of the Bible
done by Protestants or under the auspices of a
Protestant Church or organization.
This does not mean that a translation is “theologically
slanted.” It does mean that seven Old Testament books
will not be included or, if included, will be labeled
It also means that the Catholic Church has not given
official approval to that translation or originally did not
have anything to do with its development.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Come meet some faithful Catholics who love the Lord.
Sacred Heart will soon begin its RCIA sessions to
share with other the truths of the Catholic faith and the
fellowship of our church family. We invite you to
learn what Catholics believe in an open and welcoming
These sessions also are opportunities for you to ask
those perplexing and difficult questions you may have
about the Church. The sessions are intended for people
who are not Catholic or who have not completed their
initiation as Catholics.
If you, or someone you know, are interested or would
like more information, please call Sister Jude (410833-1696;
Adult Confirmation
Confirmation is a requirement to be a godparent or a
sponsor for Confirmation. If you are over 18 and have
never been confirmed, please contact Sister Jude (410833-1696;
Archbishop Lori will confer the Sacrament of
Confirmation on Oct. 4, 2015 during the 4:30 PM at
the Basilica of the Assumption.
Parish Picnic
Our annual Parish Picnic will be held on Sunday,
September 20, 2015 on the school side field. We will
begin our picnic after the Noon Mass.
Ministry Fair and Coffee House
Our Ministry Fair will be on Sunday, September 20,
after the 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 and Noon Masses.
It will be outside the Main Church in the courtyard
under a tent. We will have Coffee House outside by
the Ministry Fair on this Sunday after the 9 and 10:30
Masses. All other Coffee Houses will be held in the
Mother Seton Room after the 10:30 AM Mass.
A Message to Parents
Parents, a vocation to priesthood or religious life
capitalizes on your child’s unique personality, gifts and
talents. If your child expresses an interest in becoming
a sister, brother or priest, offer encouragement and
Young Adults
September 16 Theology and Burgers will be at
Young Adults will be sponsoring a series of Theology
and Burgers. Our first gathering will be September 16.
Our first presenter will be Matt Walsh, a native of our
parish and a renowned blogger. His topic will be on a
current prolife issue.
Remember Young Adults are folks 18 to 35!
Contact Lila Williamson ( for
more information.
Young Adult Volleyball
Join us on at 9:00 PM on Friday evenings (Sept. 18,
Oct. 2, 9, 16, 30) in the school gym! Contact Jeff Ment
(410-833-8515; for more
Sisters of St. Joseph
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill who reside at
Saint Joseph Villa, Flourtown, PA, are asking for your
The annual Chance Drive to benefit the sick and
elderly Sisters of St. Joseph is underway. Our sisters
will be selling chances after all Masses this weekend.
For further information, contact any of our Sisters.
Donation--$1.00 each or a book of 6 chances for $5.00.
Please do not park along the school sidewalks. These
are fire lanes and need to be open at all times.
At the same time may we ask you not to park in the
handicap spaces beside the Little Church and in front
of the Sacred Heart sign. Reminder: the oval space in
front of the churches is for drop-off only.
Fire trucks and ambulances need this space to enter the
churches. Thank you for your cooperation!
Sacred Heart Youth Organization
High School SOURCE
This year’s Calendar and Registration Forms are
available on the Parish Website. If you have any
questions or concerns, or would like to volunteer to
help, please contact the Office of Youth Ministry. All
paperwork is due no later than September 30, 2015.
Orientations are being held on September 13th & 20th
after the 5:00 PM Mass, in the Library/Media Center.
High School Confirmation
This year’s Calendar and Registration Forms are
available on the Parish Website. All of the paperwork
that will be needed throughout this process is available
online as well. If you have any questions or concerns,
or would like to volunteer to help, please contact the
Office of Youth Ministry. All paperwork is due no
later than September 30, 2015. Orientations are being
held on September 13th & 20th after the 5:00 PM
Mass, in the Library/Media Center.
Middle School SUMMIT
All Middle School students are welcome to join us for
SUMMIT NIGHT held every Third Friday (unless
otherwise noted) during the school year. Our first
Summit Night will be held on September 18, 2015.
Please visit the website for the calendar and permission
High School Youth Group
All High School students are welcome to join us for
youth group held every First Friday (unless otherwise
noted) during the school year. Please visit the website
for more details on other events.
Save the Dates. . . .
High School Beach Retreat: October 23-25, 2015
High School Lock-In: January 2-3, 2016
Mount 2000: February 12-14, 2016
Matt Maher Concert: November 5, 2015 Hagerstown,
MD – If you are interested in purchasing tickets please
contact the Office of Youth Ministry. Mark your
calendar now! Please contact the Youth Ministry
Office as soon as possible if you are interested and
would like more information. Space is limited; firstcome, first-served.
As always, you can find more information on the
at: Follow
us on Facebook (Sacred Heart Youth Ministry –
Glyndon), Twitter (Mrs Kathryn @SHG_youth) and
Instagram (SHG_Youth) as well!
Sacred Heart School
Fellow Parishioners,
Have you ever received an unexpected gift?
Perhaps this was a tangible gift, or it may have been a
symbol of God’s grace being present in a tangible way.
In the week of August 31st, I was blessed to find three
of these.
I saw two of our intermediate teachers in a
quiet moment in her planning period, and we had a
moment to catch up. They relayed to me how many of
their students from the previous year, now in middle
school, have come by to see them. This, in and of
itself, shows the love in our community and is a great
gift, but what the students are collectively saying is a
further gift still: “we love middle school!” No one is
telling our students to visit their former teachers or say
this; rather, they’re choosing to because they’re happy,
joyful, and loving their school—a great gift to witness
At another moment, some stakeholders we
partner with met with me to review some of our
programming. These stakeholders commented at length
how much we do as a school to support their work, and
thanked us for that, but said that other schools they
partner with often are difficult, challenging, or
downright unwelcoming to them, which can be a great
burden. Later that day, they came back to say they’d
reflected further on how grateful they were for our
partnership, and gave me a daily prayer/reflection book
I could use for my own faith journey, and to share with
our community. This was an amazing and powerful
gesture, and was completely unexpected. I am grateful
to them!
Later, a new student in our middle school, who
I saw coming in from recess, was excited to see me.
She shared that her younger sibling, in our Pre-K
program, has seen me close our morning
announcements with a salute I tend to do (and I say
“God bless you Sacred Heart, signing off!” when I do
that). Her sibling did that same gesture with her and the
other Pre-K children and really enjoyed doing it! What
a gift that our Pre-K students would hold onto a gesture
I hope reminds them of God’s blessing in their lives.
Unexpected gifts often have a certain power
precisely because of the surprise nature of the gift.
Some two thousand years earlier, the greatest
unexpected gift came to all of us when our Savior
became man, and God directly stepped into each of our
lives. This week, let us find those gifts that God so
often sends to us and in our over-busy world, may we
pause for a few seconds and give great praise to God
for His bountiful love in doing so.
In Christ,
Mr. Coyle, Principal
Religious Education
Sunday Nursery
The Sunday nursery is back today (September 13th)!
Nursery service (babysitting) for children under three
years old is offered on Sunday mornings from 10:15 11:30 AM in Room 126.
Children’s Religion Program: Pre-K – 8th Grade
Sacrament Preparation
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Sunday Nursery during 10:30 AM Mass
Religious Education Classes Have Begun!
Religion classes for 3-year-olds through 8th grade begin
again on September 13 and 14. It’s important for our
parish children to learn and grow in their Catholic faith
year by year, so if you haven’t registered your children
for class yet, please do so as soon as possible!
Information packets with registration forms for new or
returning students are available at the parish office,
outside of both church entrances, and online at
are eager to share God’s love and the Catholic faith
with your children! For more information or if you are
interested in volunteering with children’s ministry,
please get in touch with Sister Cecilia at 410-833-8515
Family-Home Study September Gathering
The first monthly session for parents and children in
the FHS program will take place on Wednesday,
September 16th at 7:00 PM in the Mother Seton
Room. Materials and information about our faith
formation program will be distributed as we prepare
for a new year of learning, and there will a short family
activity and lesson with Sister Cecilia afterwards.
Catechetical Sunday
We will observe Catechetical Sunday on September
20th throughout the USA with a special blessing at the
weekend Masses. We will also have a table at the
parish Ministry Fair on that date. Thank you to all of
our catechists and classroom assistants for offering
your time and talents in order to share your faith with
our parish children!
Baptism Preparation Class
The monthly baptism preparation class will be held on
Monday, September 14th at 7:00 PM in Room 105.
This class is for parents who will be having their first
child baptized at Sacred Heart and for parents whose
last child was baptized here more than four years ago.
For more information about baptisms at Sacred Heart
Parish, see
Social Justice
The disciple’s goal is not to make enemies,
but to see God’s word accepted and its
capacity for liberation and renewal
revealed. Pope Francis, The Joy of the
Gospel 2013
St. Vincent de Paul Society Meeting
The Saint Vincent de Paul meeting will meet on
Monday, September 21, at 6:15 PM in Room 104.
Feet for Francis
Sacred Heart will be collecting shoes (gently worn or
new pairs). Collection boxes will be available at the
Parish Picnic 9/20 and in church on September 26/27.
Call Ruby Wilson for more information 410-833-0812
Parish Life
Prayerful Sing Along
Please join us for prayers, songs, food and fellowship
at the Prayerful Sing Along on Friday, September 25,
from 7:15 PM to 9:15 PM in the Mother Seton Room..
Please call Denise Blair-Nellies at 410-795-6852 for
more information.
STAND Training
STAND training in English (and Español) is now
available online! Instructions on how to
complete the online training and additional
at or on the
Many have
asked how long it takes to be STAND Certified. There
is a minimum processing time of 3-4 weeks for all new
volunteers, and 2-3 weeks for volunteers seeking
renewal. After completing the training and paperwork,
please forward the same to Mary Lee McCusker at the
Parish Center. Should you have any questions or
concerns about this process, you may contact Mrs.
McCusker at 410-833-6877.
Minor volunteers (ages 14-17) – Are you interested in
volunteering for Sacred Heart Parish? How about
assisting Religious Education catechists? Then, please
sign up for the next “Worthy of the Call” training
session on Tuesday, October 13th from 6:00 PM until
8:00 PM in Room 112 of the school. If you would like
to attend, please RSVP by October 12th to Mary Lee
The women of the Sodality of Sacred Heart will open
the 2015-2016 calendar year with praying the Rosary
and celebration of Mass on Wednesday, September
23rd starting at 7:00 PM in the Little Church.
A meeting and refreshments will follow. All are
invited to join with us to honor Mary and to be
available to perform compassionate works when
requested. If more information is needed, please call
Prefect, Mary Lee Ports at 410-833-7270 or come to
our meeting.
Sharing Christ's Love with Senior Citizens
Through the Gift of Song
The Respect Life Committee and Faith in Action invite
you to join them in sharing Christ's love
by singing with
of Future Care
Cherrywood Nursing Home (12020
Road) on Tuesday, September 22, from 6:30 PM
to 7:30 PM. We will meet in the lobby at 6:25 PM.
Please call Denise Blair-Nellies at 410-795-6852 for
more information.
Faith in Action Seeks New Members
Girls from 6th Grade through 12th Grade
Would you like to meet new friends while learning
about the saints, praying together at Eucharistic
Adoration, participating in service projects, and
playing games like Bible Scattegories and Saints
Charades? Please join Faith in Action which gives
students from grades 6 to 12 the opportunity to respond
to Christ calling us to live out our faith by responding
to our neighbors in need and His call in Matthew
25:40: "whatever you did for one of these least
brothers of mine, you did for me." We meet on the
first Friday of the month, beginning Friday, October 2,
from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM in Room 127. There is a
$20.00 participation fee which will help cover the costs
of supplies. Please call Denise Blair-Nellies at 410795-6852 to let her know if your daughter would like
to join.
Little Flowers Catholic Girls Club
Little Flowers Catholic Girls Club, under the patronage
of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, will meet each 1st
Friday beginning in October. The girls, grades K-5 will
discover a deeper level of their beautiful Catholic faith
through fun crafts and lessons on a saint, a virtue and a
flower, each month. For more info email: (K-2) (3-4)
Tender Care Fund Raising Banquet
Tuesday, October 20, from 7-9 PM at Bay City
Restaurant, 110 Eisenhower Drive, Hanover, PA
17350, Mr. Shawn Carney is the featured speaker.
Free attendance. Your entire donation will support
Tender Care’s Mission. Reservations are requiredRSVP by October 9th to Debbie at 717-633-9685 or
CYO Basketball Registration: 2015 - 2016 Season
4th thru 8th Grade Basketball Registration Nights shall
occur Monday and Tuesday (September 14th and
15th) and Tuesday and Wednesday (September 22nd
and 23rd). Start Time and End Time for all days shall
be 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The Registration Location
shall be the Gym Lobby. Player registration fee is $88.
It is important to note that registration for the
kindergarten through 3rd grade programs shall be
scheduled later in the year. Any questions regarding
Sacred Heart basketball should be e-mailed to Gary
Huiswoud at along with your
phone number. Thank you.
Best Years
Lunch Bunch for September will be at Bud’s Silver
Run on Wednesday, September 23, at noon.
Additional information and phone numbers can be
found on the Sacred Heart web page under Fellowship.
Best Years supports Sarah’s Hope Women’s Shelter.
The September donations are cleaning supplies, paper
towels, laundry detergent, wipes, multipurpose
cleaning sprays, etc.
All eligible seniors are invited to join Best Years at its
September meeting and enjoy the presentation.
Respect Life Committee
Please join Sacred Heart's Respect Life Committee as
we pray and work together to spread awareness of the
necessity to respect the sacred gift of life from
conception to natural death. Respect Life committee
meetings on Thursday, September 17, from 6:30 PM
to 8:00 PM in Room 112. We pray a rosary for life
then our meeting takes place. For more information,
please call Denise Blair-Nellies at 410-795-6852.
Community Events
Gabriel Network’s 5K Run/Walk
Come join us to empower women to Choose Life at
Gabriel Network’s 5K Run/Walk
on Saturday
October 3rd at Lake Elkhorn in Columbia, MD. Go to and sign up. Gabriel Network
provides housing and other essential services to
pregnant women facing poverty and/or homelessness.
Any questions contact Christine Wallace 410-8339287.
Rosary Rally
The Legion of Mary invites all parishioners to attend a
Rosary Rally at 12 noon, Saturday, October 10, at
Franklin Middle School, at the corner of Main Street
and Cockeysmill Road. The Rosary Rally
commemorates the Miracle at Fatima when the Blessed
Mother, “The Lady of the Rosary”, appeared to three
shepherd children and urgently requested frequent
prayer for worldwide peace. There will be ample
parking in the middle school parking lot. Please call
Irene Walsh at 410-935-6718 with any questions.
Sacred Heart Glyndon Soccer Club: Bull Roast
Saturday, October 17, in the West Room from 7:0011:00 PM; pit beef and turkey, oysters on the half
shell, soup, salads, beer, soda, and more! We will have
music, dancing, door prizes, silent auction, 50/50, and
a money wheel. For tickets, SHGSC, Attn: Fundraising
Coordinator, P.O. Box 802, Reisterstown, MD 21136.
$45 advance/$50 at the door.
Are you and your
son looking for
Then you want to
join the Cub Scouts!
What’s in it for the Boys?
Games, activities, camping, arts and crafts, sports, leadership opportunities, community
service projects, crime and drug prevention programs, fun, fun, and more fun!
What’s in it for the Parents?
It gives you an opportunity to see your child grow, build self-confidence, and self-esteem,
and work with others as a team. Scouting helps you to create the potential for your son’s
accomplishments. It gives your son a sense of teamwork and belonging.
Who: Cub Scouting is for Boys in K through 5th Grade
What: Fun and Adventure
When: September 17th – 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Where: Sacred Heart School Gym
Can't make it? No problem!
Please email committee chair Pete Rouse at
or cubmaster Jed Geldmacher at
and we'll tell you how you can get involved!
Pack 706 meets Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM
at Sacred Heart School (gym lobby)