The geochemistry of concretions from the Kimmeridge Clay
The geochemistry of concretions from the Kimmeridge Clay
Sedimentology (1991) 38,79-106 The geochemistry of concretions from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation of southern and eastern England I. C. SCOTCHMAN* Department of Geology, University of Shefield, Beaumont Building, Brookhill, Shefield S3 7HF. UK ABSTRACT Concretions from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation are of three types : calcareous concretions, septarian calcareous concretions and pyrite/calcite concretions and nodules, which occur within different mudstone facies. Isotopic and chemical analysis of the concretionary carbonates indicate growth in the Fe-reduction, sulphate-reduction and decarboxylation zones. The septarian concretions show a long and complex history, with early initiation of growth and development spanning several phases of burial, each often resulting in the formation of septaria. Growth apparently ceased in the transitional zone between the sulphate-reduction and the methanogenesis zones. Very early growth in the Fe-reduction zones is also seen in one sample. The non-septarian concretions began growth later within the sulphate-reduction zone and have had a simpler burial history while the pyrite/calcite concretions show carbonate cementation in the sulphate-reduction-methanogenesistransition zone. A ferroan dolomite/calcite septarian nodule with decarboxylation zone characteristics also occurs. Development of concretions appears to be indirectly controlled by the sedimentation rate and depositional environment, the latter determining the organic matter input to the sediments. Calcareous concretions predominate in swell areas and during periods of low sedimentation rate in the basins with poor organic matter preservation and deposition of calcareous mudstones. Pyrite/calcite concretions occur in organic-rich mudstones deposited under higher sedimentation rates in the basins, while the ferroan dolomite nodule grew under very high sedimentation rates. INTRODUCTION Concretions can provide a valuable insight into the geochemical evolution of a mudstone sequence and its pore fluids during burial and diagenesis (Curtis & Coleman, 1986). Concretion growth can span a large time period, from burial of the mudstone beneath the sediment-water interface to depths of 1 km or more. The successive stages of cementation, with their associated trends in bicarbonate source and cation supply, reflect the processes affecting the mudstone sequence during burial diagenesis and can be preserved in concretions, both as concretion-body cements and as cements infilling septarian cavities (Curtis, Petrowski & Oertel, 1972; Raiswell, 1976; Irwin, Curtis & Coleman, 1977; Hudson, 1978; *Present address: Amoco (UK) Exploration Co., Amoco House, West Gate, London W5 lXL, UK. Coleman & Raiswell, 1981; Boles, Landis & Dale, 1985; Dix & Mullins, 1987; Astin & Scotchman, 1988; Thyne & Boles, 1989). Concretions have been documented as forming within the sulphate-reduction (SR) zone (Raiswell, 1976; Irwin et al., 1977; Hudson, 1978; Coleman & Raiswell, 1981; Pisciotto & Mahoney, 1981 ; Dix & Mullins, 1987) with growth continuing into the methanogenesis (Me) zone .below. Concretionary carbonates have also been assigned to the Me and decarboxylation (D) zones (Irwin et al., 1977; Friedman & Murata, 1979; Irwin, 1980; Kelts & McKenzie, 1982; Garrison, Kastner & Zenger, 1984; Tasse & Hesse, 1984; Hennessy & Knauth, 1985; Baker & Burns, 1985; Curtis & Coleman, 1986; Burns & Baker, 1987; Scotchman, 1988; Burns, Baker &Showers, 1988). Various controls on diagenetic carbonate precipi79 80 I . C. Scotchman tation have been demonstrated in organic-rich mudstones, sedimentation rate being a major control (Burns & Baker, 1987; Scotchman, 1989). Precipitation occurs in the SR zone under lower sedimentationrate conditions and in the Me and D zones with high sedimentation rates. Due to the lack of sulphate in these Me and D zone porewaters, carbonates are predominantly dolomitic (Baker & Kastner, 1981 ; Burns & Baker, 1987 and references therein). Nodules and concretions may also be preferentially located in layers that are slightly richer in organic carbon than overlying and underlying rocks (Bums et al., 1988). This is apparent in the basinal facies Kimmeridge Clay Formation section at Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset, where diagenetic dolomitic cementstones such as the Washing Ledge occur within oil-shale units. Biogenic carbonate content of the mudstones can also affect concretion development (Burns & Baker, 1987), the largest concretions growing in the calcareous mudstone facies (Scotchman, 1989). Study of diagenetic carbonates in the basinal facies mudstones at Kimmeridge Bay (Irwin et al., 1977; Coleman, Curtis & Irwin, 1979; Irwin, 1979a, 1980) has shown that the early organic-matter based diagenetic zones of Curtis (1977,1980) are applicable to the Kimmeridge Clay Formation. The aims of this paper are to document and compare the evolution of concretions and their cements from different locations within the Kimmeridge Clay Formation of southern and eastern England, to elucidate sedimentological and diagenetic controls on their authigenesis and to demonstrate the extension of Curtis’ zonal diagenetic model into different depositional settings. The stratigraphic framework provided by the chronostratigraphic units of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation bed scheme, which is palaeontologically and lithologically defined (Gallois & Cox, 1976; Gallois, 1979; Cox & Gallois, 1981), allows the effects of parameters such as sedimentation rate, lithology, organic matter content and burial depth on the sequence of diagenetic reaction zones to be studied (Scotchman, 1989). Comparisons can therefore be made between areas of low sedimentation rate (swells) with low burial rates, calcareous mudstones and poor organic matter preservation and areas of high sedimentation rate (the basins) with high burial rates, more organic-rich mudstones and good organic matter preservation. GEOLOGICAL S E T T I N G The Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay Formation comprises a transgressive, cyclic sequence of organic- rich and calcareous mudstones deposited during a period of maximum eustatic rise and tectonic subsidence. The 48 beds recognized within the formation (Gallois & Cox, 1974, 1976; Gallois, 1979; Cox & Gallois, 1981) are continuous along the whole 200-km outcrop from the type section at Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset to North Yorkshire and over the subcrop in southern England and the East Midlands except where removed by post-Jurassic erosion (Fig. 1). Although deposition took place in a relatively uniform environment, mudstone facies changes along the outcrop from dominantly organic-rich mudstones to calcareous mudstones and thickness variations within the beds are apparent. These reflect the influence of the basin and swell tectonics, which characterized the Jurassic (Hallam, 1958; Hallam & Sellwood, 1976), the sedimentation rate, the rate of burial and the oxygenation state of the bottom waters which was highly variable and ranged from oxic to anoxic (Gallois, 1976; Irwin, 1979a, b; Tyson, Wilson & Downie, 1979; Scotchman, 1984; Wignall & Myers, 1988; Wignall, 1989). Both the sedimentation rate and the oxygenation state of the depositional waters influenced the preservation of organic matter within the sediments (Didyk er al., 1978)and therefore were acontrol on the course and duration of the early diagenetic reactions within the mudstones as well as any future hydrocarbon potential. Burial history The burial history of the Kimmeridge Clay was highly variable across the depositional basin. In the Central Channel and Weald Basins of southern England deposition was continuous into the early Tertiary when inversion, uplift and erosion associated with the Alpine Orogeny occurred (Lake & Karner, 1987). However, the northern flanks of these basins were subjected to uplift and erosion at the end of the Jurassic which removed much of the Kimmeridge Clay. To the north, in the South Midlands, Wash and eastern England areas, uplift and erosion took place at the end of the Jurassic with deposition of Volgian to Early Cretaceous sands. Further burial occurred in the Late Cretaceous (Whittaker, 1985) prior to final uplift and erosion in the Tertiary. The Cleveland Basin had a burial history similar to that of the southern England basins with continuous, faultcontrolled deposition and burial through to the Late Cretaceous when basin inversion and uplift associated with the Alpine Orogeny occurred (Hemingway & Riddler, 1982). Geochemistry of Kimmeridge Clay concretions AREA OF NON-DEPOSITION , . .. KIMMERIDGE CLAY Fm. OUTCROP 0 . .. + SWELL AXIS FAULT 0 CORED BORE HOLE + OTHER SAMPLING LOCATION 81 KIMMERIDGE CLAY Fm. SUBCROP Fig. 1. Location map showing the distribution of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation in southern and eastern England and the concretion sampling localities. 82 I. C . Scotchman FIELD DESCRIPTION AND MORPHOLOGY OF THE CONCRETIONS The concretions tend to be restricted to specific horizons within the formation, particularly the carbonate-rich units such as Beds 4, 18 and 30 (Fig. 2). They occur either as separate bodies or as semicontinuous bands known as cementstones and are oftenassociated with thedevelopment of bored erosion surfaces (Gallois & Cox, 1974, 1976) indicating hiatuses in sedimentation. The dolomitic ‘ledges’ at Kimmeridge Bay (Arkell, 1947; Bellamy, 1977; Cox & Gallois, 1981 ; Leddra et al., 1987; Feistner, 1989) are perhaps the best known examples of these cementstones. They appear to be a feature unique to the Kimmeridge Bay section and are not present in other parts of the onshore section. Their geochemistry has been studied by Irwin et al. (1977), Irwin (1980, 1981) and more recently by Feistner (1989) and, apart from general considerations, will not be further discussed here. Concretion morphologies range from the small irregular pyritic nodules in Bed 38 at Cuddle, Kimmeridge (sample KC), 0.1 1 m long and 0.04 m in diameter, to large septarian calcareous concretions such as those from Bed 18 at Haddenham or Bed 30 at Roslyn Pit which are flattened spheroidal in shape, 1.5 m in diameter and 0.5 m thick. The concretions comprise a body with a fine-grained matrix of clay minerals and quartz tightly cemented by micritic or micro-spar carbonate, often incorporating shell fragments. The pyrite content, generally occurring as framboids, is variable, ranging from below levels of X-ray diffraction detectability in sample D179.95 from Bed 4 at Donington-on-Bain borehole to over 50% in sample KC where it forms the bulk of the matrix cement. The septarian concretions have similar morphologies to those reported by Lindholm (1974) and Boles eta[. (1985) and exhibit single or multiple generations ofcracking andcementation, sample D179.95 showing at least five generations of cement. Septarian crack morphology ranges from simple fractures which do not reach the concretion outer edge, containing a single generation of cement, to complex patterns with two or more generations of cement often with voids in the concretion centre, forming a polygonal pattern in horizontal section and aligned fractures in the vertical section (Astin, 1986; Astin & Scotchman, 1988). Septarian cement stratigraphy is complex even in those concretions with just two apparent cement generations (Astin, 1986; Astin & Scotchman, 1988). The first generation is generally a brown coloured, fine-grained, axially orientated calcite, the brown colour being due to inclusions of organic matter (T. R. Astin, pers. comm.; Lindholm, 1974). Later cements comprise one or two zones of clear to white subhedral to euhedral crystals up to 1 mm in size, often with curved crystal faces. The cements usually show a coarsening crystal size into the fracture, indicative of growth into a void (Bathurst, 1975). Precipitation of the later generations of white cement generally followed a second phase of fracturing, which cuts across the first-generation cements and penetrates further into the concretion body. The non-septarian carbonate concretions have a body with a less compact, fibrous matrix, suggesting later initiation of growth compared to the septarian concretions. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS IN CONCRETION GROWTH Staining and textural relationships of the concretion body microspar and void cements allow construction of the concretion growth and septarian fracturing history (Fig. 3). Growth history began initially with a compact central core of the concretion, the matrix becoming fibrous with further growth (Astin & Scotchman, 1988).Septarianfracturingof the compact core then began, the fractures becoming dilated. Brown and later white calcite was precipitated in the voids, lining the cavities concurrent with further outwards growth of the concretion body. In many of the concretions, growth and septarian fracturing appears to have ceased at this time. A later second septarian fracturing event occurred in some of the concretions, the septaria cross-cutting the earlier cement-filled fractures from the central cavities into the fibrous matrix of the outer concretion body, followed by precipitation of the second generation of calcite cement. Concretion growth and fracturing then appear to have ceased although some calcite probably continued to precipitate in the cavities. Further development is exhibited by the complex concretion D179.95. This has a single cement in the first-generation septarian fractures with second-generation fractures and cement cross-cutting the concretion body and first-generation septarian cements. Later cements infill the second-generation fracture voids with multiple generations of white and cream’ cements. Geochemistry of Kimmeridge CIay concretions 83 Sands 4-2 45 coccolith-rich band 1 1 Mudstone, undifferentiated Pale grey, very calcareous mudstone H Silty mudstone Very shelly mudstone Oil shale Cementstone, concretion - --- Pentacrinus 6 66 Rhynchonellids ppp p Phosphatic pebblelnodulebed Fig. 2. Stratigraphy of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation of eastern England. Section shown is 105 m thick. 3 3ei 34 rhynchonelids ~ Q , Q -Saccocoma-rich band Nannocardioceras plasters with coccolith -rich bands 3 Crussoliceras Band Nanogyra-rich limestone Saccocoma-rich band F Saccocoma-rich band Nanogyra virgularich bed 27 26 25 24 -23 silty bed with _rhynchonellids - SupracorallinaBed A. eulepidus plasters 22 21 20 1 Pentacrinus Band silty bed with rhynchonellids and Lopha silty bed with - -rhynchonellids - > Xenostephanus-rich band silty bed. locally cemented phosphatic nodule bed phosphatic nodule bed The non-septarian calcite concretions and nodules with their less compact fibrous matrix appear to have begun growth later, concurrent with fibrous matrix development in the septarian concretions. Relationship to burial history As demonstrated by Astin & Scotchman (1988), the concretion development sequence can be related to burial history. In general, the early initiation of concretion growth followed by two separate septarian fracturing and cementation events can be equated to a two-stage burial history. Rapid burial in the Late Jurassic was followed by end Jurassic uplift with further rapid burial in the Late Cretaceous before final uplift in the Tertiary (Fig. 4) (Astin & Scotchman, 1988). Astin (1986) demonstrated that septarian crack formation is favoured by higher than normal porefluid pressures and reduced horizontal stresses which can occur at shallow depths during the rapid burial of mud rocks (Bryant et ai., 1985). The presence of nonseptarian concretions from adjacent locations with a similar burial history can be explained by the textural evidence for their relatively later initiation which, by comparison with septarian examples, was synchronous with the first phase of septarian fracturing and cementation. Presumably their less compact, fibrous body matrix made them less susceptible to the second septarian ‘event’ associated with the Late Cretaceous burial phase than the more rigid, compact and cemented septarian concretions. The constraints on concretion growth imposed by the two-stage burial history typical of the eastern 84 I . C. Scotchman EARLY-FORMED COMPACT CONCRETION CENTRE \ England shelf can be illustrated by comparison with the development of the cemented 'ledges' of the Kimmeridge Bay section. Here the section had an overall continuous burial history into theearly Tertiary with rapid burial during the Kimmeridgian resulting in the strong development of the dolomitic cementstones. Ample evidence of fracturing due to overpressuring and dewatering is present (Irwin, 1980; Leddra et al., 1987; Feistner, 1989). When subsidence and burial rates were reduced at the end of the Kimmeridgian, the septarian calcareous Rotunda Nodule concretions developed under conditions similar to those prevailing in eastern England. In summary, the general textural sequence exhibited by the septarian concretions suggests development over a considerable period of time with a sequence of cements in the concretion body culminating in fibrous cement synchronous with septarian fracture infills. The later generations of septarian cement post-date the main phase of body matrix cementation. From such considerations it can be demonstrated that geological history, particularly burial and uplift, exerted a strong control on growth and development of the concretions (Fig. 5). It is suggested that the LATER DEVELOPMEN1 OF FIBROUS MARGiN CENTRAL VOID ' FRACTURES AND CEMENTS ASSOCIATED LATE SEPTARIAN FRACTURES WITH FIRST PHASE AND CEMENT INFILL ASSOCIATED OF BURIAL WITH SECOND BURIAL PHASE KEY COMPACT CONCRETION CENTRE FIBROUS MARGiN EARLY BROWN SEPTARIAN C E M E N l 0 LATER WHITE SEPTARIAN CEMENT Fig. 3. Schematic diagram showing the development of a typical septarian concretion. AGE (MA) 150 50 100 20 50 Oa v a \ KI I EARLY CRETACEOUS I 5I- ... -a '. LATE CRET -J 1 PALAEOGENE 80 120 hEOGENl Fig. 4. Burial history curves for the Kimmeridge Clay Formation. 1. South Midlands Shelf; 2. Eastern England Shelf; 3. Vale of Pewsey Basin; 4. Cleveland Basin; 5. Mid-Dorset High (Wytch Farm); 6. Central Channel Basin; 7. Weald Basin. 85 Geochemistry of Kimmeridge Clay concretions AGE (MA) 150 100 50 0 LOW \ kxx / FRACTURING& FIBROUS MATRIX CEMENTS HISTORY-SEPTARIAN & NON-SEPTARIAN CALCITE CONCRETIONS HIGH \‘ I I TWO-STAGE BURIAL I I f I I ! 1 RAPID. CONT‘INUOUS BURIAL- Fe-RICH CALCITE & DOLOMITE NODULES, CONCRETIONS & CEMENTSTONES Fig. 5. Summary of ‘concretion development in relation to geological history. I dolomitic ‘ledges’ formed during rapid, continuous burial while concretions reflect a less rapid, punctuated burial history. SAMPLING PROCEDURE Concretions were analysed from a number of beds at locations shown in Fig. 1 to give both wide geographical spread and vertical range within the Kimmeridge Clay Formation. Both borehole core and outcrop samples were studied. Subsamples of the concretion body were taken using a masonry drill across sawn surfaces cut along the axis of the concretion while individual septarian vein cements were sampled using a 2-mm diamond-burr drill. ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES The carbonate mineralogy of the concretions was determined using potassium ferricyanide and alizarin red S staining techniques (Dickson, 1966) on both thin sections and sawn surfaces. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, used to confirm the staining results, allowed the degree of cation substitution to be determined from the carbonate mineral d-spacings. The isotopic composition of the samples was determined at the NERC Stable Isotope Facility at the British Geological Survey’s Geochemical Division Laboratory at Gray’s Inn Road, London and full details of the methodology appear in Scotchman (1989). All carbonate carbon and oxygen isotope data are reported in standard ¬ation relative to the PDB standard using the phosphoric acid fractionation of Friedman & O’Neill (1977). Reproducibility was determined to be 0.05%,. Porewater oxygen values are reported relative to the SMOW standard. Analysis of the carbonate cation chemistry was made using the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometer in the Geology Department of King’s College, London (Scotchman, 1989). The efficiencyof the carbonate dissolution and extraction of cations from other sources, notably apatite and clay minerals, are sources of error (Raiswell, 1973) and reproducibility was determined to be f 13%from multiple analyses of the NBS-lb argillaceouslimestone standard. Microprobe analyses of transects across the septarian cements in concretions D179.95 and P30B were also performed. RESULTS Full tabulated data are available as a supplementary publication No. SUP 15002 available (upon payment) from British Library Document Supply Centre, Boston Spa, West Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ, UK, or upon request from the author. 86 I . C . Scotchman Carbonate mineralogy Carbonate chemistry Staining and XRD show that the concretions are dominantly calcitic with ferroan dolomite being present only in sample C134.05 from Marton Borehole. Fe content increases across the concretions, the body matrix and early brown and white septarian cement generations comprising non-ferroan calcite, while the later white cements are ferroan calcite. The pyritic, non-septarian concretions from Kimmeridge Bay, samples CHB and KC, are cemented by ferroan calcite while in sample D179.95 the concretion matrix and calcite cements are entirely ferroan. The results of the carbonate chemical analysis show that there is significant substitution of Mg and Fe for Ca in the calcite lattice. Mg is concentrated in the body and the earliest septarian cements and Fe in the later septarian cements with up to 5.8 mol% MgC0, and 8.9 mol% FeCO, in calcite. The ferroan dolomites of sample C134.05 have the highest MgC03 and FeCO, contents at 28.5 and 14.1 mol% respectively. Mn and Sr occur in trace amounts. DISCUSSION Stable isotopes The concretions show a wide range of isotopic composition, 6I3C ranging between -0.6 and -23.3%, and 6l80between - 1.1 and - 14.5%,.6I3C and 6l80 show a two-stage general relationship (Fig. 6 ): Stable isotopes The antipathetic and the sympathetic trends of isotope evolution are clearly shown by the septarian concretions (Fig. 6) and are similar to those reported from concretions in the Oxford Clay (Hudson & Friedman, 1976; Hudson, 1978) and the Lias Jet Rock (Coleman & Raiswell, 1981). The two-stage relationship forms part of a single evolutionary trend interpreted from (1) a first stage with an antipathetic relationship, shown by the majority of the samples, (2) and a second stage with a sympathetic trend. + STAGE2 EVOLUTlONARY TRFND x 9; :r1 r -9 bI3C LIGHTER - 6"O LIGHTER Fe CONTENT t 4 KEY 0 CONCRETION BWY + 111 SEPTARIAN CEMENT x 2nd SEPTARIAN CEYENl 0 LATER CEYENT8 SR TO Me ZONE --I/ b"0 + PRIMARY CARBONATE + D ZONE CARBONATE L-15 Fig. 6. Isotopic composition of the septarian concretions (omitting D179.95)showing the two-stage isotopic evolutionary trend. Geochemistry of Kimmeridge Clay concretions textural evidence as a time trend. The first-stage antipathetic trend covers early concretion growth from initiation of the body with light carbon (depleted in 13C)and heavy oxygen (enriched in I8O) through successive body cements and septarian vein cements with heavier carbon and lighter oxygen to the concretion edge. The reversed second-stage trend to lighter carbon and oxygen appears to be a late-stage event, following the antipathetic trend in the latest generations of septarian cements and in the septarian concretion, C134.05, from Marton Borehole. The isotopic evolutionary sequence therefore appears to follow closely the two-stage sequence of concretion development derived from textural and geological history considerations (Astin & Scotchman, 1988). 87 whole and not just to the type section at Kimmeridge Bay (Irwin et al., 1977; Irwin, 1979a, b). The variable burial depths constrain the diagenetic level attained, as demonstrated by Scotchman (1989). Isotopic evolution: (2) non-septarianconcretions The non-septarian concretions (Fig. 7) show an antipathetic trend similar to the septarian concretions but merge with the marine carbonate field at 613C and 6180=O+2%o.This suggests that the source of most of the heavy carbon is marine carbonate and that Me zone carbonate, which typically has a 613C range of 1 to 15%, (Irwin et al., 1977), only forms a minor component. + + Carbonate source Isotopic evolution: (1) septarian concretions The earliest calcite cements have a very light 6I3C composition of - 10 to -23%,, a heavy 6 l 8 0 composition of - 1 to - 3%, and, generally, a non-ferroan composition reflecting an SR zone source for the carbonate. This is confirmed by the high pyrite content of the concretion bodies. The trend to heavier carbon and lighter oxygen suggests mixing of the SR zone carbonate with a heavy carbon component, by the progressive addition of carbonate from either marine or Me zone sources, or a mixture of both. The addition of post-SR zone cements is also indicated by the change to ferroan calcite in the later septarian cements. The latest cements in concretions such as those from Blackhead, Dorset (samples TA and TB) and Marton concretion C134.05 show a further trend in the ferroan calcites or dolomites to light 613C of - 13.4 to - 14.5%, and light 6 l 8 0 ranging from -7.9 to - 8.6%,,. The highly ferroan nature of the carbonates and their light oxygen composition suggests precipitation at elevated temperatures during deep burial, the lightening trend of 613C suggesting an increasing input of carbon from the thermal breakdown of organic matter by processes such as decarboxylation (Irwin et al., 1977). Maximum burial depths are estimated at 2 km for Kimmeridge Bay and between 1.4 and 3 km for Marton (Table 2 of Scotchman, 1989; Green, 1989b),sufficient for decarboxylationreactions to have occurred at these locations. The evolution of the concretions therefore appears similar to that described for concretions from the Lias (Coleman & Raiswell, 1981) and suggests that the depth-related diagenetic zones of Curtis (1977, 1980, 1987) based on organic matter degradation are applicable to the Kimmeridge Clay Formation as a Carbon isotopic ratios of the concretions reflect the isotopic composition of the CO, of the source or diagenetic zone in which they developed (Curtis, 1977; Irwin et al., 1977; Wigley, Plummer & Pearson, 1978). The data suggest that initiation of concretion growth took place during early burial, generally in the SR zone. Exceptions to this are: (i) Kimmeridge Bay pyrite/Fe-calcite concretions CHB and KC (Fig. 8) which, by comparison with the isotopic evolutionary sequence seen in the septarian concretions, indicate later initiation at greater burial depths; (ii) the Marton concretion C134.05 (Fig. 9) where the isotopic data suggest even later initiation of growth at a burial depth of about 1 km as suggested by their position on the Me-D zone evolutionary trend of Irwin et al. (1977); and (iii) D179.95 whichappears to have begun growth earlier than the other septarian concretions, in the post-oxic Fe-reduction (FeR) zone (Fig. lo). Although SR zone carbonates typically reflect the organic matter of 613C values of - 25 to - 30%,, they can exhibit a wide range of values due to the addition of carbonate from other sources. Heavier values appear common due to mixing with normal marine carbonate. A lighter carbon signature than usual for the SR zone may also occur, resulting from the upward diffusion of methane from an underlying Me zone and its oxidation in the SR zone (to give carbonate of 613C - 60 to - 70%,) (Gautier & Claypool, 1984). Raiswell (1987) considers that upward diffusion of dissolved carbonate from the Me zone of 613C at 0 to lo%, would normally accompany the methane, resulting in a carbonate of 6I3C - 25 to - 30%,, a composition similar to that of the SR zone. However, while confirming anaerobic methane oxidation as an active process in marine sediments, Whiticar & Faber (1986) + -34 -22 -50 -1p 6 I3C -16 -14 I l l -12 1 1 -10 1 1 -8 1 I -6 I l -4 I 7 1 8 RANGE SR ZONE TPANSITION KEY 0 --7 CONCRETION BOOK -9 -41 -43 L-I5 -MARINE CARBONATE RANGE LATE STAGE INITIATION OF CONCRETION GROWTH IN SR-Me ZONE TRANSITION 6 "0 KEY 0 CONCRETlON EOVY Fig. 8. Isotopic composition of carbonates within the pyrite/ferroancalcite nodulesfrom the basinal facies of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation. 6 I3C 4I I 6 r , ~ 10, Me ZONE CARBONATE Me ZONE + PRIMARY + D ZONE CARBONATE KEY 0 C134.05 CONCRETION BODY 0 C134.05 SEPTARIAN CEMENT + NOCS 2111-1 FERROAN DOLOMITE SILTSTONE * BANDS (Scotchman, 1988) FERROAN DOLOMITE CEMENTSTONES, KIMMERIDGE BAY (Irwin el al, 19TI) EVOLUTIONARY TREND -.? 1'kg b l3 C LIGHTER - b'' 0 LIGHTER 1-15 Fig. 9. Isotopic composition of sample C134.05 plotted on the Me-D zone evolutionary trend of Irwin et 01. (1977). Data from Scotchman (1988) are also presented. --5 SR ZONE MISSING 7 --7 K N 0 D179.95 CONCRETION BODY -b D179.95 1ST SEPTARIANCEMENT X D179.95 2ND SEPTARIANCEMENT 0 D179.95 LATER CEMENTS Fig. 10. Isotopic compositionof carbonates from complex septarian concretion D179.95. t: b'80 l 90 I . C.Scotchman show that the C 0 2 produced by this process lies in the range 6I3C - 15 to -25%,, rendering the somewhat complex model of Raiswell(l987) unnecessary. Thus, light SR zone carbonate can result both from the direct reduction of organic matter and from anaerobic methane oxidation, while heavier values reflect the addition of C 0 2 from the Me zone and/or marine carbonate. Claypool & Kvenvolden (1983) note that the lightest 6I3C values (-15 to -25%,) occur in present-day anoxic sediments at the base of the SR zone which suggests a methane oxidation component. Beneath there is a transition zone into the Me zone where 613C becomes heavier with depth. Typical values in the Me zone are in the range 0-15%, (Irwin et al., 1977; Curtis, 1978), although recent work by Whiticar et al. (1 986), who report an average value of - 6%, for C 0 2derived from methanogenesis, suggests that light values may be more typical. The concretions show a strong SR zone carbon isotope signature, the lowest value recorded being -25%, but, more typically, values fall in the range -12 to -16%,. This suggests concretion growth towards the base of the SR zone, the light carbonate from the SR zone being diluted with marine carbonate from dissolved shell material with an average 6I3Cof zero, the lack of positive 6I3C values arguing against mixing with Me zone carbonate. The light SR zone carbonate could equally be derived from the bacterial oxidation of organic matter or from the oxidation of methane at the base of the SR zone: no evidence is apparent to suggest which of these processes was the major source of the light C 0 2 , and a combination of both appears likely. Successive cements in the concretion matrix and septaria show an increasing influence of the heavier carbonate component but still retain their light 613C values even though the associated 6' '0values indicate precipitation at burial depths in excess of 100 m. This suggests the occurrence of a deep transition zone beneath the SR zone, perhaps extending to burial depths of several hundred metres, before Me zone processes became dominant. The change to ferroan calcite suggests that sulphate reduction was not active in the transition zone but that light carbon remained the major component of the carbonate in the porewaters below the SR zone in the absence of any Me zone carbonate with a positive 6I3C signature. The Me zone was apparently not of sufficient intensity to modify the carbonate inherited from the SR zone and concretion development appears to have ceased within the SR-Me transition zone before Me zone conditions were attained (Astin &Scotchman, 1988). The pyrite/Fe-calcite concretions CHB and KC appear to have formed relatively later (Fig. 8), their heavy 6I3Cand lighter 6I8O values indicating infilling of the earlier SR zone pyritic matrix by Fe-calcite in the SR-Me transition zone. No early SR zone carbonate appears to be present. The final stage in the evolution of the carbonate source is shown by the late-stage sympathetic isotopic evolutionary trend in the final generations of septarian cement in samples TA and TB and in C134.05 (Fig. 9). While light carbon/light oxygen cements (6I3C - lo%,, -7%,) can result from an influx of meteoric water bearing soil-derived C 0 2 (Hudson, 1977), this trend is suggestive of an increasing input of ferroan light carbon/light oxygen carbonate from the D zone which typically has 613C values of - 20%, (Irwin et al., 1977; Curtis & Coleman, 1986). Precipitation appears to have taken place in the Me-D transition zone as no 'end-member' Me or D zone carbon isotope signatures are seen. Oxygen isotopes The regular trend of lightening 6"O with time in the concretion cements can be used to compare the relative timing of the carbonate-producing processes as well as for palaeotemperature and precipitation depth estimations. A considerable amount of l6O enrichment is seen with time within individual concretions, the largest range being from -1.9 to - 10.8%, 6l'O in D179.95. The oxygen composition of a carbonate is dependent on the precipitation temperature and on the water composition. Using Craig's (1965) palaeotemperature equation and assuming a Jurassic seawater 6"O composition of - 1.2%, (Shackleton & Kennett, 1975), the earliest cements with a 6"O of - 1-9%,give a palaeotemperature of 20°C, which is in line with published data on Late Jurassic sea temperatures (Tan & Hudson, 1971; Marshall & Ashton, 1980). Using this porewater composition the final cement gives a palaeotemperature of 70°C which, assuming a sediment-water interface temperature of 15°C (Irwin et al., 1977) and a palaeogeothermal gradient of 28°C km-' (Irwin et al., 1977),indicates precipitation at a depth of 2.0 km. This is excessive for the eastern England shelf (Scotchman, 1987). Clearly, the porewater composition was different from Jurassic seawater during precipitation of the later cements. Oxygen depletion during burial is shown by the concretion cements, and the relatively well-controlled seawater 6"O value can therefore only Geochemistry of Kimmeridge Clay concretions be used for palaeotemperature analysis for SR zone carbonates. Here the porewaters must be marine as the SR process requires constant downward replenishment to enable the reaction to proceed. Below the SR zone is a transition to the closed system conditions of the Me zone with no effective downward diffusion of seawater; otherwise, in the presence of excess organic matter, sulphate reduction would continue. It seems likely that oxygen depletion occurred in the porewaters under these closed system conditions, ' 0 becoming more negative with time probably due both to temperature effects and to mixing with upward migrating basinal porewaters and/or meteoric waters. Irwin et al. (1977) estimated a -4.9%, 6"O composition for porewaters at the top of the Me zone at Kimmeridge Bay although this appears an unusually 160-rich composition for the marine environment. Hennessy & Knauth (1985) cite temperature as the cause of similar oxygen isotope variations in early diagenetic dolomite concretions from the Monterey Formation in California, but it is clearly apparent that temperature alone is insufficient to account for such large oxygen depletions in the Kimmeridge Clay and lightening of the porewaters during diagenesis is indicated. Porewater composition and evolution Evidence from the matrix of the earliest-formed concretions suggests a dominantly marine porewater with a high sulphate content and a 6l'O of around -l%, during the initial stages of burial. 8'0 was heaviest in the earlier post-oxic FeR zone, as shown by the heavy, very early matrix cements in D179.95. A progressive lightening of the porewater 6 l 8 0 in the Me and D zones beneath the SR zone is indicated by the later cements and is supported by other studies on mudstones (e.g. Irwin et al., 1977; Coleman & Raiswell, 1981; Hennessy & Knauth, 1985; Bums & Baker, 1987). Interpretation of the origins of these later cements is clearly problematic as light 6l'O values can indicate precipitation from either light waters at low temperatures (e.g. Emery et al., 1988) or heavy waters at high temperatures (e.g. Woronick & Land, 1985; Sellwood et al., 1987).Evidence from organic maturation studies (Scotchman, 1987 and references therein) indicates maximum temperatures of about 50°C were attained during burial except in the centres of the basins where temperatures reached 80-105°C (Ebukanson & Kinghorn, 1985, 1986; Penn et al., 1987; Sellwood et 91 al., 1989; McLimans & Videtich, 1989; Green, 1989a, b). Studies of sedimentary basins have shown porewaters becoming enriched in 6''O with depth (Clayton et al., 1966), heavy formation waters being reported from Tertiary sandstone/shale sequences of the Gulf Coast of the USA by Land & Prezbindowski (1981) and Woronick&Land(1985). Suchecki&Land(1983) further noted that "0 enriched water is an important product of smectite illitization in a closed, rockbuffered system and showed that sandstone porewater buffered by this reaction has a 6l'O of about + 6%, at temperatures of 100-140°C. Fisher & Land's (1986) study of the Wilcox sandstones also suggests a heavy "0 porewater composition with a possible range of -3 to +8%,. Thus hot porewaters at perhaps 80105°C with a possible composition of +3%, 6 ' * 0 (median of - 3 to + 8%, from Fisher & Land, 1986) could have migrated up-dip from the basin centres, forming a major component of the porewater system, particularly during the second phase of burial in the Late Cretaceous. Meteoric waters are also an abundant source of depleted water. They appear to play a major role in the cementation of limestones (Hudson, 1977) and have been invoked by Hudson (1978) and Martill & Hudson (1989) to explain oxygen depletion in Oxford Clay concretions. Martill & Hudson (1989) demonstrate that septarian cements in these were precipitated from meteoric waters from an underlying sandstone aquifer. The amount of depletion shown by meteoric waters is latitude-dependent (Dansgaard, 1964) and ranges from - 3 to - 1I%, 6 " 0 , - 7%, being a likely value for Late Jurassic rainwater (Marshall & Ashton, 1980). Invasion of the low-permeability mudstones of the Kimmeridge Clay by meteoric water may have occurred, particularly on the shelf areas, the mudstones being underlain by a regional aquifer, the Corallian Sandstone, in southern England (Alexander, Black & Brightman, 1987) and overlain by Volgian-Early Cretaceous sandstones in eastern England. However, porewater studies in the Harwell boreholes .on the South Midlands Swell indicate that meteoric invasion of the mudstones was a late-stage event in the Quaternary (Brightman et al., 1985). Finally, depletion of porewaters during diagenesis has also been mooted (Irwin et al., 1977; Coleman & Raiswell, 1981). Mechanisms proposed include depletion due to formation of diagenetic minerals and ultrafiltration by clay minerals. Depletion of up to - 3%, 6"O over a burial depth of 600 m was found 92 I. C . Scotchman during the Deep Sea Drilling Project (Lawrence, Gieskes & Anderson, 1976). However, this was related to the formation of smectite from volcanic materials at mid-ocean ridges, an unlikely scenario for the Kimmeridge Clay. Depletion due to ultrafiltration of porewaters by clay minerals has only been demonstrated on a laboratory scale (Coplen & Hanshaw, 1973;Benzel& Graf, 1984)and can also be discounted. Modelling of the burial history and temperatures may be used to differentiate between the two possible porewater sources (Emery et al., 1988). Taking the late cements of concretion D179.95 (6l80=- l04%,) as an example, a burial depth of 445 m is obtained (200 m of Upper Cretaceous Chalk, 65 m of Lower Cretaceous plus 180 m present-day burial depth). A 30°C km-' geothermal gradient and bottom (water) temperature of 20°C gives a burial temperature of 33°C. However, Allsop & Kirby (1985) estimate uplift of 600m occurred during the Tertiary using shale sonic log velocities while Green (1989a), using apatite fission track analysis on the nearby Biscathorpe-1 well, indicates uplift of 1.1 km giving maximum burial depth estimates of 780 and 1280m and maximum temperatures of 40 and 58°C respectively. A cement of 6"O composition - 10.8%,would have precipitated from porewater of 6180 composition of - S%, at 43°C and of -2.4%, at 58°C suggesting a mixed basinal brine/meteoric porewater. However, the above discussion neglects the effects of fluid flow and particularly those of hot basinal brines and of sediment overpressuring. Green (1989a) records maximum palaeotemperatures of 80-100°C for Triassic sediments in Biscathorpe-1. These are some 1 km below the Kimmeridge Clay, and so maximum temperatures must be reduced by 30°C to give an estimated maximum of 50-70"C for concretion D179.95. The late cements (-10.8%, 6l8O) would have precipitated from porewater of 6l80composition of - 1 to - 3.8%,. Sediment overpressuring, which is strongly linked to the formation of septarian fractures and fibrous cement textures in the concretions at shallow burial depths (Astin & Scotchman, 1988), has been shown to cause increases in geothermal gradient in mudstones due to decreased thermal conductivity in underconsolidated sediments (Lewis & Rose, 1970). It is suggested that porewater temperatures were raised in the overpressured zones where the septarian cements were precipitated, Schmidt (1973) recording a 62% increase in geothermal gradient from normal to overpressured zones in the Gulf Coast of the USA. The geothermal gradient estimate for the Kimmeridgian overpressure zones can, by analogy, be increased from 30 to 49°C km-'. Similar values have been recorded from the Jurassic in the North Sea Viking Graben (Carstens & Finstad, 1981) and from the Kimmeridge Clay section in the Winterborne Kingston Borehole in Dorset (Bloomer et al., 1982). Therefore, at maximum burial depth (780-1 280 m), temperatures could have ranged from 58 to 80°C assuming a 20°C surface temperature. Porewater compositions which could have precipitated the final cement of D179.95 range from + 0.5 to - 23%, 6I8O. Consideration of the discussion above suggests porewater composition was in the range +0.5 to - 50%, 6l80during the second phase of burial in the Cretaceous when the later generations of septarian cement were precipitated. The mixing of depleted meteoric waters introduced during the uplift phase which would have particularly affected the shallow buried swell and shelf areas, as demonstrated for late cements of similar composition in Oxford Clay concretions (Hudson, 1978; Martill & Hudson, 1989), and a basinal porewater component with the original marine porewater is therefore suggested as the cause of the oxygen depletion observed through successive cement generations. Other workers (e.g. Sass & Kolodny, 1972; Hudson & Friedman, 1976; Irwin et al., 1977; Coleman & Raiswell, 1981 ; Marshall, 1982; Moore et al., 1983; Hennessy & Knauth, 1985; Dix & Mullins, 1987) report similar depletions from latestage carbonate cements, suggesting that such processes are commonplace during burial diagenesis of organic-rich mudrocks. Timing of concretion growth The septarian concretions show the largest span of isotopic evolution and both individually and collectively show similar trends (Scotchman, 1984), with the lightest carbon cements occurring in the body centre and the heaviest in the latest septarian cements. This suggests that the septarian concretions were initiated very early, soon after burial below the sediment-water interface and that their growth continued over a long period of time, to substantial burial depths. The septarian nature of these concretions appears due to their very early, pre-compactional development and reflects their long and often complex burial histories (Astin, 1986; Astin & Scotchman, 1988). The timing of septarian cracking, although generally early, appears also to be variable if the isotopic composition of the first-generation septarian cement Geochemistry of Kimmeridge Clay concretions is used as an indicator. Very early cracking and cementation is indicated by D179.79 where the firstgeneration cements are of similar composition to the concretion body. In contrast, later septarian cracking after the cessation of concretion body growth is indicated by TA and TB while precipitation of septarian cements concurrent with the cementation of the body outer regions is suggested in QlS and P30A. The septarian cements in H22.00 have an isotopic composition midway between early and late cements in the concretion body. Therefore from the relative 'age' of the septarian cements, cracking appears to have occurred over a wide period of time. The formation of cracks was probably promoted by overpressuring in the mudstones at shallow depths during periods of rapid burial (Aston, 1986). Overpressuring can occur in argillaceous sediments due to high sedimentation rates and low permeability causing porewaters to be trapped and, consequently, pressure to exceed hydrostatic pressure. Present-day examples include the Mississippi delta where overpressuring exists in argillaceous sediments at burial depths as shallow as 25-50 m (Bryant et al., 1985). Sedimentation rates are high (5-1 1 m 1000 yr- ') and permeability is low, ranging from Darcys near-surface to Darcys at 550 m burial. Furthermore, underconsolidation of the sediments could also result in the preservation of higher than normal porosities leaving sufficient void space to be infilled by later marine and Me zone carbonates. Cation chemistry The ICP and microprobe data on the cation composition of the carbonate cements show that the majority of the concretions shared a common porewater evolution. The early cements comprise non-ferroan calcite and the later cements ferroan calcite, following the general two-stage evolutionary scheme. This appears typical of many septarian concretions (Lindholm, 1974). Exceptions are samples C134.05 and D179.95. Compositional trends within typical concretions are illustrated in Fig. 11. The microprobe analyses of the septarian cements from samples P30B and D179.95 confirm the cation trends seen in the relatively coarse sampling for the ICP and isotope study but show that the cement stratigraphy is very complex, particularly in the latter case. In order to interpret changes in porewater chemistry the relationships of 613C and the Mg/Fe and Mn/Fe ratios are discussed. There is a complex partitioning behaviour of the cations (Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn) between 93 the different carbonate mineral phases, particularly for Ca, Mg and Fe. Fe and Mn have very similar geochemistries, thus, as suggested by Curtis & Coleman (1986), 6I3C and Mn/Fe ratio are used as the parameters for interpretation of porewater chemistry variations. Calcium Ca shows no common overall trend, the content generally being inverse to the amounts of Mg and Fe substitution in calcite. Sample D179.95 shows a trend of increasing Ca with heavier 613C (Fig. 12) and lighter 6 l 8 0 , which, coupled with a relatively high Sr content, suggests a Ca source from aragonite dissolution. Magnesium The majority of samples show an antipathetic relationship with Fe, the molar Mg/Fe ratio decreasing with time and with 6I3C from the concretion body through the late septarian cements (Fig. 13). With 6l8O0,the molar Mg/Fe ratio decreases with heavier values. The microprobe traverse of the septarian cements of sample P30B shows that Mg decreases from the concretion body to the edge of the first-generation fibrous brown cement but then increases through the first-generation white cement prior to the hiatus. A peak is reached in the early part of the secondgeneration white cement before a final gradual decrease, the final late spar cement having a low Mg content. In sample D179.95 Mg and Fe both decrease from the concretion body to the late-stage septarian cements, the molar Mg/Fe ratio decreasing with heavier 613C (Fig. 14) and with lighter 6"O (Fig. 15). The microprobe traverse of the septarian in-fill shows a relatively constant Mg content in the earliest cements, the second-generation cement being Mg-poor. The third cement has a similar Mg content to the firstgeneration cement. The late-stage cements in the vein centre have the lowest Mg content. A good correlation with the ICP data is seen. In C134.05 the Mg and Fe content decreases with increasing calcite relative to ferroan dolomite in the later cements, the molar Mg/Fe ratio decreasing with lighter 6I3C (Fig. 16) and 6 l 8 0 . In general Mg shows a decrease with time and with heavier hi3C (Fig. 13), suggesting a predominant seawater source which declines towards the base of the SR zone, paralleling the reduction in SR zone I. C. Scotchman 94 0 0 I Ol Geochemistry of Kimmeridge CIay concretions Ij O-?t? LO 0 I 0 , 0 0 , sd B a- m 0 95 I . C. Scotchman 96 - 100- - 1st GENERATION CONCRETION SEPTARIAN CEMENT BODY LATE SEPTARIAN CEMENTS CEMENTS 0 0 - 0 m ae - 90- 2 GENERATION SEPTARIAN CEMENT - 80 , -25 I -20 -15 carbonate. A similar trend is reported in septarian concretions by Boles et al. (1985) and Thyne & Boles (1989). In the septarian cements the calcite crystal habit corresponds to the Mg content (Folk, 1974), the early Mg-rich cements being fibrous and the later stage fill being Mg-poor and sparry. The later cements, particularly the ferroan dolomites of C134.05, have an increased Mg content which again appears to decrease with time, suggesting a deep burial source of Mg such as from mixing with basinal porewaters where, at temperatures greater than 90°C, the smectite illitization reaction can supply Mg and Fe (Kahle, 1965; Boles & Franks, 1979; McHargue & Price, 1982). Iron The majority of concretions, as typified by P30A, show an increase in Fe with heavier 613C and lighter 6I8O, reflecting the decreasing influence of sulphate reduction and the pyrite Fe ‘sink’. The earliest calcites are non-ferroan but change to ferroan calcite in the outer margins of the concretion bodies and in the later septarian cements, reflecting the decreasing importance of pyrite formation. The increasing input of Fe to the porewater system in later burial is indicated by the ferroan dolomite of the body and cements of sample C134.05 from the D zone. In the latest cements the Fe content decreases as the calcite to ferroan dolomite ratio increases. The increase in Fe content in the septarian cements appears related to the second burial phase, the ferroan cements of the Kimmeridge Bay concentrations and -10 -5 3 the ferroan dolomite from Marton suggesting the influence of more rapid, deeper burial. Sample D179.95 is an exception as even the earliest calcite cements are very ferroan with up to 8.9 mol% Fe. The very early formation of these ferroan calcites is suggested by the very light 613C and heavy 6”O values (- 18.6 to -23.3%, and -2.2 to - 1.7X0 respectively), the high Mg content and the highly septarian nature of the concretion. In particular, the 613C values are much lighter than seen in other concretions suggesting a very minor marine carbonate component, indicative of early precipitation. Negligible amounts of pyrite (below the XRD detection level) are associated with the ferroan calcite, suggesting that sulphate reduction was an unlikely source of light carbonate. Early formation in the post-oxic FeR zone (Froelich et al., 1979; Berner, 1981; Coleman, 1985) appears probable. Carbonates of the FeR zone are characterized by light 613C of -25%,, heavy 6 l 8 0 of about - 1%,and a high Fe content (Coleman, 1985) and, due to the predominant seawater composition of the porewaters, a high Mg content is also likely. The later SR zone appears not to be represented as nonferroan carbonates associated with pyrite are not evident, the later cements showing an increased input of marine carbonate probably from the dissolution of aragonite shell material as evidenced by the high Sr content. The concretion is located in Bed 4 from the base of the Kimmeridge Clay which is a shallowwater condensed horizon (Gallois & Cox, 1976), a depositional environment which probably favoured FeR zone conditions. Geochemistry of Kimmeridge Clay concretions K 15- 14- 13- MUDSTONE 12CONCRETION BODY 11- I s t GENERATION SEPTARIAN CEMENT 2nd GENERATION SEPTARIAN CEMENT L 10- 9- , F151.45 yd 0 67m ; I 6- 5- 4 - 3- 2- 1 - Fig. 13. Mg/Fe ratio versus 513C(%J for the septarian concretions excluding D179.95. 97 98 I. C. Scotchman 0.07 0.7 0.06 0.6 % \ x 0.05 0 + \ 1 3.5 + \ 0 t U 9 U 2nd 13rd GENERATION SEPTARIAN CEMENTS 0.04 d 1s1 GENERATION SEPTARIAN CEMENTS m Yc 0.03 CONCRETICN BODY CEMENTS 0.4 2 AN 1 S LL 0.3 Z 0.02 0.2 0.01 0.1 -20 -10 -15 -5 6'3c Fig. 14. Mg/Fe and Mn/Fe molar ratios versus b13C a0) for concretion D179.95. 0.08 0.8 0.07 0.7 0.06 0.6 0.05 0.5 + 'x d U 4 0% U 5 2 0.04 SEPTARIAN m 2ndl3rd GENERATION Y s 1st GENERATION SEPTARIAN CEMENT \ 0.03 K 5 0.4 CONCRETION BODY CEMENTS m P 0.3 0.02 0.2 o'oll I 0.1 , -12 -11 -10 -9 -6 -7 -6 -5 6l80 Fig. 15. Mg/Fe and Mn/Fe molar ratios versus 6'*0 a,,) for concretion D179.95. I 1 -4 -3 -2 -1 2 U Geochemistry of Kimmeridge Clay concretions 99 0.14 1 Cc ” F c 3 2 1 Fig. 16. Molar Mg/Fe ratio versus 6I3C Go)for nodule C134.05. Manganese Mn and Fe tend to be closely related in the majority of concretions, with some showing little variation in molar Mn/Fe ratio with 613C(Fig. 17). Other samples show a general decrease in Mn/Fe ratio from the early concretion body cements to the later septarian and body cements. Variations are shown by sample P30B where the Mn content of the early second-generation carbonate adjacent to the hiatus is high while the Fe content is gradually increasing. In the later calcites the Mn content rapidly reduces to a low level due to depletion of the porewaters while Fe increases and remains at a high plateau level. Thus the porewater system in the calcites initially favoured partition of Mn into the calcites rather than Fe, suggesting precipitation just below the redoxcline (Curtis & Coleman, 1986), with conditions then changing to favour Fe precipitation. Strontium The Sr content of the calcites tends to increase through the septarian cements, suggesting that the dissolution of mdrine carbonates, particularly aragonite from shell material, was a source of carbonate in the later cements. In addition, coccoliths are a further possible source of Sr as their content is 3-5 times that of the inorganic calcite re-precipitated from solution (Baker, Gieskes & Elderfield, 1982; Elderfield et al., 1982). Controls on concretion formation The Kimmeridge Clay concretions are confined to specific horizons within sequences deposited under low to moderate sedimentation rates. In particular, the concretions occur commonly as distinct horizons in the calcareous mudstones of the Wash area where the bed thicknesses indicate a relatively low sedimentation rate. As noted previously, the bands of concretions often appear to be related to the development of hiatuses in the sequence, the development of these concretionary bands apparently requiring a lull in sedimentation as suggested by Raiswell’(1987). This hypothesis could explain the confinement of calcareous concretions to specific parts of the sequence at Kimmeridge Bay which were deposited under lower sedimentation rates, notably the Rotunda Nodules at the top of the sequence which are related to the development of a depositional hiatus. Otherwise in the sequence, where deposition was under high sedimentation rates, concretions are relatively rare, the dominant diagenetic carbonates being the Me-D 100 I. C.Scotchman 613C Fig. 17. Variation of molar Mn/Fe ratio with 613CGo)for the septarian concretions (excluding D179.95). zone dolomitic cementstone bands (Irwin et al., 1977). Where concretions do occur in the sequence they comprise pyrite/Fe-calcite nodules which did not form in distinct horizons. Sedimentation rate appears to have a strong control on the growth of the concretions (Scotchman, 1989) (Fig. 18). Bands of micritic calcite concretions were formed in the SR zone in areas with moderate to low sedimentation rates, the bands growing during lulls in sedimentation along favourable horizons. In contrast, under high sedimentation rates, Me-D zone carbonates predominate, such as at Kimmeridge Bay. Again these formed in distinct horizons which were probably related to periods with lower sedimentation rates. At Kimmeridge Bay, concretions occur only with pyrite/ Fe-calcite bodies, their growth spanning the SR-Me zone transition. Calcite concretions which can be related to the development of hiatuses are not seen until the Rotunda Nodules in the shallow-water, lowsedimentation-rate mudstones at the top of the sequence. The ferroan dolomite/calcite concretion from the Cleveland Basin at Marton appears to have grown in the upper part of the D zone in very organic-rich mudstones deposited under high sedimentation rates, probably in a fault-controlled basin. Septarian development again appears to be related to rapid burial. CONCRETION AUTHIGENESIS: A SYNTHESIS In the swell areas, concretion growth predominantly began in the SR zone and appears to have been confined to specific horizons within the mudrock sequence. This was perhaps due to sedimentological variations such as higher porosity and permeability or increased primary carbonate content within these layers creating suitable sites for concretion nucleation. Study of the mudstones above and below these horizons indicates that they were the source of carbonate with little diagenetic carbonate precipitation while the concretion-bearing horizons acted as 'sinks' (Scotchman, 1984, 1989), the concretions growing during lulls in sedimentation as proposed by Raiswell(l987). Geochemistry of Kimmeridge CIay concretions 101 b13C -20 -10 0 OXlC 1 FeR SR SR-Me RANSlTlOh % c t cU z I u1 c t? Me 2 D CATAGENIC ZONE I BASIN SUB-AASIN SH~LF SW'ELL Fig. 18. Model for the formation of concretions in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation illustrating the influence of sedimentation rate on the 6I3C a,,)composition and the development of the diagenetic zones. The concretions developed in the SR zone with the formation of the body of micritic calcite, largely by infilling of pore space in the host mudstone although displacive growth is often apparent. Overpressuring resulting from rapid burial in the late Kimmeridgian allowed septarian fracturing of the concretion body to occur, the fractures being infilled by calcite cements of the same composition as was forming the outer part of the concretion body. By this time, sulphate reduction was waning as the main carbonate source, but nevertheless dominated the carbonate cements precipitated during burial through the transition into the Me zone below. Dissolution of marine carbonate, mainly from shell material, provided an increasingly significant carbonate source during later burial, In easternEngland, where the septarian concretions are best developed, uplift during the end-Jurassic Cimmerian tectonic phase appears to have caused a hiatus in cementation. A second period of rapid burial in the Cretaceous caused overpressuring of the mudstones, resulting in further septarian fracturing of the concretions. This was closely followed by a second phase of carbonate cement with a ferroan character, precipitated from porewaters of a mixed basinal, marine and meteoric origin. Cementation ceased with uplift in the Tertiary, often leaving uncemented voids in the septaria (Astin & Scotchman, 1988). Variations in concretion authigenesis are exhibited by the non-septarian, pyrite/ferroan calcite and ferroan dolomite concretions. Growth of the non- 102 ' I . C. Scotchman septarian calcite concretions appears to have been initiated later than the septarian concretions, based on isotopic data and the lack of septaria. By comparison with the septarian concretions, this occurred deeper in the SR zone: subsequent development followed similar trends. Their later development appears to have precluded the formation of septaria, probably as the effects of rapid burial, such as a buildup of differential stress, had been dissipated in the host mudrocks prior to concretion growth. Growth continued through, and appears to have ended in, the SR zone as indicated by the relatively heavier 613C and lighter 6"O compositions and non-ferroan nature of the latest concretion body cements. As with the similar septarian concretions, the calcite non-septarian concretions developed under regimes of low sedimentation rate in calcareous mudstones. The pyrite/ferroan calcite nodules and concretions grew in organic-rich mudstones (TOC 2 5-6 wt%) under high sedimentation rates. Development began as pyrite concretions in the SR zone where conditions appear to have been too acidic, due to intense sulphate reduction, to allow precipitation of carbonate (as indicated by the absence of non-ferroan calcite). Sufficient alkalinity appears to have developed in the transition to the Me zone beneath the SR zone, probably by Fe reduction, which allowed the precipitation of ferroan calcite with less negative 613C values and light 6I8O values that cemented the pyritic concretion body. Cements show little isotopic evolution, the concretion rim calcites being slightly lighter in 6I3C, perhaps suggesting a minor methane oxidation zone component. Concretion growth appears to have ended before Me zone conditions were attained. The ferroan dolomite/calcite concretion from the Cleveland Basin at Marton appears to be unique and to have formed during deep burial. The concretion occurs in a silty, very organic-rich mudstone (TOC=9.4 wt%; Scotchman, 1987) and grew under conditions of high sedimentation rate and rapid burial, in a fault-controlled basin. The trend of successive lightening carbon and oxygen seen through the concretion body and septarian fracture cements indicates growth in the Me-D zone transition. Here the influence of light C 0 2 from decarboxylation reactions became greater as the supply of heavy C 0 2 from the Me zone decreased (Irwin, 1980; Hennessy & Knauth, 1985; Scotchman, 1988). Very early initiation of concretion growth within the post-oxic FeR zone just below the sediment-water interface is indicated by the light carbon, heavy oxygen ferroan calcites of the concretion body of D179.95. The lack of pyrite and the ferroan composition of the calcite indicate that sulphate reduction was not responsible for the light carbon isotopic composition. The complex stratigraphy of ferroan calcite cement within two generations of septarian cracks indicates a relatively complex burial history compared to the other septarian concretions. The concretion, from Bed 4 at the base of the Lower Kimmeridge Clay, appears to have grown entirely in the FeR zone and continued into the Me zone transition. There is no pyrite or non-ferroan calcite present to indicate the intermediate development of sulphate reduction zone conditions, although the concretion shows an isotopic evolution trend common to the other septarian concretions. This is suggestive of a very low sedimentation rate which is further confirmed by the condensed and winnowed nature of the basal Lower Kimmeridge Clay beds, which contain numerous hiatuses with well-developed phosphatic nodules and bored surfaces. However, this evidence for a very low sedimentation rate conflicts with the proposed model for the formation of septaria which requires the development of overpressuring due to rapid burial. At present this problem remains unresolved ; one explanation may be that the calculated sedimentation rates are averages and the thin sediments resulted from a long period of reworking and erosion which followed a short period of rapid sedimentation during which the concretions grew. CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions can be drawn from the geochemical study of Kimmeridge Clay Formation concretions. Concretion development in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation is strongly influenced by the sedimentation rate, the burial rate and the degree of organic matter preservation during burial. Under a low sedimentation rate with poor organic matter preservation, large calcite concretions develop, whereas higher sedimentation rates with higher levels of organic preservation are typified by the pyrite/Fe-calcite concretions. Dolomites and Fe-dolomites occur only in organic-rich mudstones deposited under high sedimentation rates. The concretions follow a general two-stage isotopic evolutionary trend which appears related to burial history and to the development of Geochemistry of Kimmeridge Clay concretions sediment overpressuring during periods of rapid burial. Late-stage porewaters precipitating the ferroan light carbon/light oxygen cements appear to be predominantly of marine or basinal origin with a meteoric component, as demonstrated by Hudson (1978) for similar composition cements in Oxford Clay concretions. Systematic compositional variations both within and between the concretions indicate common porewater evolutionary trends across the Kimmeridge Clay depositional basin, which are similar to those reported for other organic-rich mudrock sequences (Hudson, 1978; Coleman & Raiswell, 1981; Curtis & Coleman, 1986). The development of septaria only occurs in early formed concretions and appears related to rapid burial and overpressuring (Astin & Scotchman, 1988). The majority of concretions were initiated and grew in the SR zone with growth continuing into the SR-Me transition zone beneath. The relative timing of initiation of concretion growth is variable within the SR zone, ranging from very early in the upper part of the zone to late at the base of the zone. (8) The large micritic calcite concretions appear to be restricted to calcareous mudstone lithologies, whereas the pyrite/Fe-calcite concretions occur in the organic-rich mudstones. (9) Late-stage ferroan dolomites appear restricted to the D zone concretion. (10) Development of the complex septarian concretion D179.79 appears to have occurred solely in the FeR zone with no later SR zone influence, as evidenced by isotopic and carbonate chemistry. Also, stratigraphic evidence suggests growth in a condensed horizon with a minimal sedimentation rate. Thus this concretion, with its complex history of septarian development and similar isotopic evolution to the other septarian concretions, poses a problem as it does not readily appear to support the hypothesis relating septarian crack formation to rapid burial and overpressuring. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Profs C . D. Curtis and M. L. Coleman are thanked for their support and guidance during this work, which was carried out under the tenure of an NERC 103 studentship. Dr J. N. Walsh (now of Royal Holloway and Bedford College) is thanked for his assistance with the ICP analyses. Microprobe analyses were provided by Prof. C. D. Curtis and Dr T. R. Astin. Amoco is thanked for providing typing and draughting services. Prof. M. L. Coleman and Dr T. R. Astin are thanked for their comments on an earlier version of this paper, and Prof. C. D. Curtis and Dr J . D. Hudson provided thought-provoking reviews. 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