December 2015 - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
December 2015 - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
December 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ dwell within us and always turn our hearts towards His love, mercy and forgiveness. MERRYCHRISTMAS! +Fr. Nick On Wednesday, December 4th, a cool and partially dry day, over eighty parishioners plus the GOYAns manned five locations from noon to 8 p.m. to help the Salvation Army raise funds to help those in need Christmas season. Our groups were joyful, smiling and friendly. Many danced and sang Christmas carols, which earned extra donations in the kettles. Many thanks to the following volunteers! Nick & Helen Stamos, George Kokales, Nektarios Georgiadis. Martha Theros, Angela Stamoulis, Cynthia Kokkales, Joanne Cranford, Thelma & Gordon Steers, Helen Hadden, Helen Evangelides, James Carras, Matina Morris, Peter and Zorene Kussurelis, Stella & Angelo Theros, Sophia Radwanski, Eva Mikhail, Oleg & Emilie Michajlenko, Holly Polopolos, Presvytera Eva Paul, Tom Roumanis, Christina Vlahopoulos, Elaine Karam, Costas & Ioanna Boutsikakis, Fr. Nick Kotsis and Harry Kotsis, Theanne Ballios, Vangie Kolokithas, Christine Kerry, Michael Kapetan, Laura Kokkales, Jack Fry, Clevie & Tony Daniels, Carolyn Bartle, John & Fofie Pappas, Antonis & Despina Eleftheriou, Petros & Silvana Papagerakis, Michael & Kelly Theros, Chris & Perry Katsikas, Alex, Carolyn and Evan Roopas, Michael Garris, Zachary Garris, Jacalen Garris, Dimitri & Pauline Tzavaras and family, Steve Garris, Eric Cazepis, Avraam Piniatoglou, Costas Boutsikakis, Pam Petropoulos, Georgia Porikos, Elizabeth Bairactaris, Craig & Hongyun Theros, Jennifer, Chris, Zoe, Chrysanthe and Julianna Patselas, Vicky Masters, Katerina Roumanis, Nellie Guibert, Julie Skrettas, Demetra & David MitropoulosRundus, Jim Prokos, Chris Bekiares, Stephan & Katie Kolokithas, Joy & Steve Melzian. A Merry Christmas greeting earned one ringer a $20 bill. We did have a few pre-ringing problems and a few on site, but overall it was a great, feel good day. Thanks to everyone who helping raise alms for those in need. -- Helen Garris, Chairperson A Message from the Parish Council President Our mortgage has been paid off! OPA! Parish Council presents a check signifying the last payment on the church mortgage! As of our last parish council meeting (December 10, 2015), we are at 78% attainment of our 2015 Stewardship goal. Work has been completed on installing name plates to our New Building Donor Board plaques. Next will be Iconography board. Wolverine Door in Ann Arbor has received the drawings from their sub-contractor to start putting together an official quote to have doors built. Once this has been finalized, we will be required to submit payment of 50%. At this writing we are estimating the project to cost between $18,500~$20,000 (in which we have the funds earmarked for this project). The new doors will have tempered glass windows. Once we install the lighting for the Iconography, it will be nice to stop by our Church at night and look through the doors to see our Iconography. Planning has started for the New Year’s Eve celebration. Net income raised from this event will go toward the St. Nicholas Shrine in New York City. (continued on next page….) (…continued from previous page) Planning has also started on the 10th anniversary of our Ya’ssoo Greek Festival. Within the last nine years, this wonderful committee along with our family of parishioners has worked to provide a net income of $670,000. Thank you to everyone on the Greek Festival committee and our family members who helped launch and run this three day event. Dates for the festival is June 10-12, 2016. During our last council meeting, parish council approved to have new door mechanisms installed on the large interior door. Both doors will have new mechanisms. Total cost to complete this work is $1,077. When opening the door, it will no longer make that large annoying sound. In the coming year, we will be implementing a new Parishioner Directory. We have a couple of companies in mind. More information will be forthcoming. The Parish Council held a special meeting on Sunday, November 29 to have an open discussion on Phase II of approving our Iconographer in Greece to start drawing. We did not approve this because we are still short of the necessary capital ($49,000). We do believe the capital will be raised in the upcoming New Year. We are also in the beginning stages of incorporating our Church dome into this phase. There is necessary planning/studies that needs to be accomplished first. More information will be forthcoming in the upcoming New Year. Our St. Nicholas Dance was a huge success. This event garnished a net income close to $13,000. How this was a success is that we all worked together (just like our festival). We asked all committee members to take charge on their required deliverables. Each committee member took the charge and got things done. All of you deserve a big thank you. And thank you to the parishioner’s that supported this event. Calendar year 2016 will be a new year in our long history of our Church (no more mortgage payments). We still need to stay focused on our Stewardship cash flow. Stewardship pays the salaries, electrical and heat. If we keep the wheels in motion, our church will have a nice nest egg of deposits in our Operating Budget (Stewardship, Greek Festival net revenue, etc.). This will be my last article written as President of our beloved St. Nicholas Church. I would like to provide a thank you to a special person, Mrs. Michos. I think it is absolutely amazing of how she and her wonderful family work to make the Pastitsio every year for our Festival. She and her family still carried on making it two years ago when Mr. Michos passed way. Amazing! And, she has been a wonderful person/supporter of helping me through difficult times. Lastly, I would like to thank Father Nicolaos, Demetra and all council members for their hard work this year. On January 3, Parish Council will elect a new President. We also welcome back Mrs. Christine Kerry to the 2016 St. Nicholas Parish Council. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all of you and your families! Christopher Bilakos 2015 Parish Council President Stewardship St. Nicholas Greek OrthodoxReport Church of Ann Arbor 2014 Operating Fund December 2015 Budget versus Actual Revenue and Expense Your commitment to the Stewardship Program of this parish as of 8/10/2014 (preliminary 60.82%) is critical to our continued operation and ministries. For those who need to complete a 2015 pledge, please do so as soon as possible. Percent of You may find information and forms on Stewardship at Budget Budget Variance Actual Actual to Budget REVENUE Stewardship Pangare and Trays Other 406,954 51,000 43,950 184,627 31,901 14,364 222,327 19,099 29,586 45.37% 62.55% 32.68% Total Revenue 501,904 230,892 271,012 46.00% 65,756 7,906 1,489 4,413 54,537 13,627 60.08% 61.05% 84.49% 64.98% 20.17% 69.03% 18,000 8,261 60,592 5,029 2,017 7,157 60.87% 73.35% 20.80% 54.29% 59.66% 44.30% 248,784 50.43% EXPENSES Salaries and Fringe Benefits 164,734 98,978 Office Costs 20,300 12,394 Church Related Costs 9,600 8,111 Youth and Education Expenses 12,600 8,187 Pledge Distribution 2015, 2014 and 2013 Repairs and Maintenance Costs 68,320 13,783 Utilities 44,000 30,373 Archdiocese Related Costs 80 Archdiocese Fair Share 46,000 28,000 71 Clergy Benefits 31,000 22,739 68 69 70 65 Mortgage 76,500 15,908 60 11,000 5,972 57 60 Insurance 52 53 53 Other Outlays 5,000 2,983 52 49 50 Miscellaneous 12,850 5,693 45 37 40 Total Expenses 30 18%20% 22%21% 39 501,904 253,120 29 17 18 17 20 24 18 (22,228) Operational Surplus (Deficit) for 2014 as of 8/10/2014 16 17 17 11ENDING 19% NOTE - THIS IS CURRENT YEAR12% OPERATIONS ONLY - IT 16% DOES NOT REFLECT PRIOR YEARS 14%15% 12% 16% 17% 10 BALANCES 16% 6% 5% 22% 5% 9% 0 $1 $250 $251 $500 $501 $750 $751 - 2014$1001 2015 2013 $1000 $1,500 $1,501 $2,000 6% 5% 7% $2001 $3000 5%5% 3% more than $3,000 GOYA Please place your order for Easter Bread by April 6. Our GOYA enjoyed participating in the Holiday Hoops Basketball Tournament in November. December has been a busy and productive month with Salvation Army Bell Ringing, cutting and The price is $10 per one pound loaf and it is plain, without the red egg. decorating our GOYA Christmas tree, caroling at Saline Evangelical, American House and Huron The order forms are in the hallway near the church office. Woods facilities, volunteering at St. Andrew's Breakfast Program and enjoying a night at a UofM Pickup date is April 13. basketball game. For questions, please call Perry at (734) 995-4766. Thank you! 2016 will begin with our Annual GOYA Brunch on Sunday, January 10th. We hope you all can join us for a delicious meal! Our calendar of events can be accessed on our Shutterfly site. Parents and GOYANs can request access by creating a Shutterfly account and then sending a request via the site. You may always email any questions or suggestions to or speak with one of the officers or advisors for assistance. Philoptochos Please place your order for Easter Bread by April 6. Thank you everyone for all of your help with our numerous projects throughout this past year. The price is $10 per one pound loaf and it is plain, without the red egg. The order forms are in the hallway near the church office. As we look ahead please remember Pickup datetois2016, April 13. these dates: For questions, please call Perry at10—Vasilopita (734) 995-4766. Thank you! January Cutting January 13—Monthly Philoptochos meeting at 11 am at church The Ladies Philoptochos wishes all of our parishioners a very Blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Ya’ssoo Festival Update Please place your order for Easter Bread by April 6. Mark your calendar for our 10th festival on June 10, 11, 12, 2016! The price is $10 per one pound loaf and it is plain, without the red egg. The order forms are in the hallway near the church office. datewelcome is April 13.your input in this our best festival Pickup ever, we In an effort to make planning yet another successful event. As always, we value your ideas so For questions, please call Perry at (734) 995-4766. Thank you! please submit your suggestions in the “Ya’ssoo 2016 Suggestion Box” located on the table in the hallway. Names are optional. Our Festival Committee wishes everyone a Blessed Christmas and Healthy, Happy New Year! Church School Please place your order for Easter Bread by April 6. Directors: Katherine Phan and Photios G. Ioannou The price is $10 per one pound loaf and it is plain, without the red egg. The order forms are in the hallway near the church office. Pickup date April not 13. yet registered their children to please do We would like to remind Church School Families thatishave so. The forms and instructions are available at the Church School website (see above). To register for questions, call(1) Perry (734) 995-4766. Thank Church School each familyFor needs threeplease things: oneatRegistration Form for you! the entire family, (2) a separate Emergancy Card for each child and (3) a Registration Fee of $20 for each child. The Thanksgiving Food Drive to assist SOS Community Services of Ypsilanti concluded on November 15, 2015. Thank you to all our Church School students and their families for their donations of nonperishable food donations. We also thank our teachers for their assistance in the collection of the food items. This year’s Christmas Pageant will take place on Sunday, December 20, 2015 following the Divine Liturgy. This year’s Christmas Pageant is titled “The Unknown Wiseman”. Students have been assigned their roles. There will be two mandatory rehearsals, Saturday, November 21st at 12:00 noon and Saturday, December 19th at 10:00 am. Our Church School’s annual fundraiser, Coin Collection for St. Basil, begins on Sunday, December 6, 2015 and concludes on Sunday, January 10, 2016, with the traditional cutting of the Vasilopita. The coin drive assists our Philoptochos to raise money for St. Basil’s Academy, which is the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Home serving children in need. Our Church School students will assist with this fundraiser by collecting coins and putting them in the designated coin box in their classrooms. As is our annual tradition, on Sunday January 10, 2016, each Church School class will have its own cutting of the Vasilopita since the Church School students are not in church during the cutting of the Vasilopita for our entire parish. We ask Church School families to please consider volunteering to bake the Vasilopites for the Church School Classes. Volunteers are asked to contact the Church School Director, Katherine Phan at or 734-971-0813. The topics for the 2015 St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival have been announced by the Archdiocese. Our parish St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival will take place on Sunday, March 13, 2016. The topics and details about the Oratorical Festival are available on the Church School website: (see above). Dr. Vicki Kiningham ( is chairing the Oratorical Festival. She is available to assist students with any questions they have in preparing for the Oratorical festival. Participation in our parish Oratorical Festival is a requirement of all Church School students. Preschool thru 5th Grade are given age appropriate assignments by their teachers. Students in 6th thru 9th Grade write an essay on one of the Junior Division topics and students in 10th thru 12th Grades write an essay on one of the Senior Division topics. Students in 6th thru 12th Grades are encouraged to present their speeches before a panel of judges on Sunday, March 13, 2016. All Oratorical Festival assignments and essays are reviewed and commented on by Fr. Nick. Our Church School Library is located in the bookcase next to the door leading from the Church Office to the Conference Room. It contains books and resources relating to the topics of the Oratorical Festival. Resources are also available on the Archdiocese website: The Church School directors and teaching staff wishes our St. Nicholas Parish Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! Iconography ICONS A presentation by Tony Daniels to the Parish, after Liturgy Service on October 25, 2015 My name is Tony Daniels, and I am a parishioner. I don’t belong to any boards, committees, Church groups, or ethnic organizations. I’m just a parishioner, like all of you. I have asked Father Nick to let me speak to you about our Icon program. We have completed Phase I. Look at what we have done together! It has increased the beauty and spiritual blessings of our Church. The Icon committee has a table in the Social Hall where you can see all the icons in Phase II and our progress. For month, after month, after month, I have seen no change. The project is stagnant. There are 39 icons in Phase II. 13 have not been sponsored in full. Some of these are partially sponsored. The Community Icon is the largest and the most expensive. It will be located in the choir area. It is as large as the angels and Theotokos. The idea was that everyone, children, teenagers, young adults, families, Church groups, ethnic organizations, and businesses would be able to participate in sponsoring this icon. Any amount could be pledged. How many of you know about the Community Icon? It is not surprising that it is less than 10% funded. This particular icon can be included in any of the phases. The remaining 12 icons need sponsors and pledges. Mark, one of the 4 Gospel writers who provided the cornerstones of Christian belief, is not sponsored. He goes there. Like Matthew and John up front—a pillar of the Church. Next are the 4 apostles across the back, like the 4 in front. They will be the same size and style as Paul. Phillip, one of the twelve is still not sponsored. Then there is Barnabas, one of the seventy. This icon is partially sponsored. Barnabas was from Cyprus. Perhaps some of you wish to honor your ties to Cyprus by sponsoring this icon. There are 4 large panels of the life of the Theotokos, showing her major feast days. One is fully sponsored; 2 are partially sponsored; one has not been sponsored at all. I find this surprising. The Theotokos is central to our Orthodox faith. We celebrate her feast days. We light candles to her, and ask that she intercede with her Son for us. The Old Testament prophet, Jonah with the Big Fish goes in that corner. I remember when I was a child in Greece. My Yiayia would point out that icon to me in Agias Fotinis and tell me the story. I have told the story to my children and grandchildren. There are important life and spiritual lessons in the story of Jonah. The icon of Christ healing the daughter of a woman from Canaan is not sponsored. Perhaps some of our medical professionals would be interested in sponsoring this icon. In the nursery all 4 icons need sponsors or partial sponsors. During my Air Force years we lived in many places. I would have loved to have had icons that would have appealed to my children, such as Noah’s Ark or the Creation. When we were younger and had small children, money was tight. Now that we are older, okay, old--we do have more money available to give. Perhaps we grandparents and Godparents should be sponsoring the nursery icons. The future of our Church is in the nursery. (continued on next page….) (continued from previous page….) I know that you are thinking, Tony this is not the time to be asking for money. We have the AHEPA lamb dinner, the spaghetti dinner, the St. Nicholas Dinner-Dance, the St. Nicholas Shrine, Thanksgiving, Christmas. I am not asking you to pull out your checkbook and write a check. I know that the Icon Committee would not mind, but that is not why I am here. I want you to discuss the icons in the Church with your children, your spouse, your family, your relatives, your Church groups, ethnic groups, business associates, and most of all with fellow parishioners who are not here today. Money! The good news is this: we have enough sponsors and pledges today to have the icons written. Nothing is stopping us. The bad news is that we do not have the money to get the icons up on the walls after they are written. If we tell our icon writer to begin today, it will take about 6 months before they will be ready. So, if we can get sponsors and pledges for the remaining 12 icons now, the money does not have to be paid immediately. We can finish paying for the icons after the first of the year. Please, get the word out that we are so close. We need everyone’s help to start this phase moving again. Thank you for your time and support. -- Tony Daniels ICONOGRAPHY A presentation by Angeliki Evangelinos to the Parish, after Liturgy Service on November 1, 2015 I stand before you this morning grateful to each of you for embracing me so warmly when I came to St. Nick’s a few years ago. You gave me a gift I truly cherish, the opportunity to become a member of your parish and to participate in the life of this vibrant community. I stand here acutely aware that I owe a debt of gratitude to you and those who came before you whose hard work, commitment, and sacrifice have built this beautiful building. But much work remains to complete this building, to transform it into a true traditional Orthodox church. And that is the reason why I was asked to speak. As Orthodox Christians we are blessed with a rich tradition of worship that has been passed down intact from ancient times, and we are all aware of the great treasure we possess in our liturgical inheritance. Our liturgy elevates our thoughts from this world to the heavenly realm through every one of our senses. As we enter the church, fragrance of incense awakens our sense of smell. We hear the word of God through the scriptures, the magnificent language of our petitions, the haunting sound of Byzantine hymns. We are touched by the Lord himself as we partake of Holy Communion. And we see so much: candles, vestments, liturgical objects, especially holy icons that communicate in silence what scriptures and hymns communicate by sound. I invite you to join me in focusing on the walls above and behind me. Take a minute—allow your eyes to feast upon this magnificent iconography. Imagine the possibility of such magnificence, of such inspiring splendor, on every wall of this glorious space. Visualize the impact. Imagine—imagine. . . My fellow parishioners, we are well on the path toward converting into reality what we have just imagined together. We are on our way to transforming this building into a traditional Orthodox church. Now, by contributing to the iconography fund, we each have an opportunity to participate in something with true purpose and meaning, an opportunity to be part of something greater than ourselves, a unique chance to leave a lasting, precious legacy. And so, on this first day of November 2015, with prayerful devotion, loving spirit, and generous heart, let us resolve to demonstrate our passion for and commitment to holy tradition. Today, let us resolve to reach the goal of total funding for west iconography before the end of this year. By doing so, our parish will begin the New Year having taken a major step forward, a necessary step toward transforming this beautiful building into a traditional, consecrated Orthodox church. May God light and bless our path. -- Angeliki Evangelinos Milestones Please place your order for Easter Bread by April 6. This changing of seasons brings with it recognition of the works and achievements of our parishioner’s The price is $10 per oneSeveral pound loaf and ithave is plain, without the this red egg. personal events and those of our Church. events taken place fall and many hours of The order forms are in the hallway near the church office. work was done by the various ministries. Pickup date is April 13. Last month’s October 12,For 2015 issue of “THE MICHIGAN DAILY” featured an article about our questions, please call Perry at (734) 995-4766. Thank you! fellow parishioner Mary Stewart, having been honored with a Scholarship Fund named in her honor. “THE MARY STEWART SCHOLARSHIP FUND” will help students in need for many years to come. This honor was proclaimed during a gathering at the Michigan Union on the occasion of the official launching of the scholarship, which is directed to help Black Students attending the university. The scholarship is part of the Alumni Association’s LEAD SCHOLARSHIPS PROGRAM to increase student body diversity. Mary is a University of Michigan retiree and former event services coordinator for the Michigan Union. Congratulations for a job well done! On November 15th, parishioner and choir member Diane Hall came to church wearing a beautiful DAR honor ribbon on a blazing red jacket. She proudly proclaimed “I am a DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) member “. Diane submitted to me pages of proven patriots as direct ancestors which begins with sixth generations past grandfathers Nash Glidewell (1721-1795) who served in the 14th and 10th Virginia Regiments, and James J Standiford (1715-1807) a revolutionary whose service of offering the Continental Troop Guard, wagons of fodder and corn and food rations. He was recognized as a great aid and service to the fight for freedom. A list of direct descendants followed and it made me proud to just read it. Another Parishioner, Jeffery Stokes, gave me an account of his forebears, and again I was taken aback. This article, from the book “PAST AND PRESENT OF WASHTENAW COUNTY” on pages 539-543, gives a detailed history of the establishment of the County of Washtenaw and the City of Ypsilanti, of whom Jeffery Stokes’ ancestor was a principal active founder. This article is very dear to me for Jeffery’s roots are traced back to the founding of the City of Ypsilanti, my home town. Col. Gabriel Godfroy, described in the article as ”a man of means”, is a 5th generation great grandfather through Jeffery’s father’s father. His paternal grandfather, with the last name of Broderick, was born in Detroit. Col. Godfroy succeeded Judge Augustus Woodward (who was responsible for the naming of the City of Ypsilanti) as Colonel of the 1st Michigan Regiment. In 1813 Col. Godfroy’s house, in which American prisoners were bring confined and was burned by the Huron Indians tribe “may have been the first house in Ypsilanti”. The article also describes Col. Godfroy’s role in the founding the County of Washtenaw. Today at the corner of Pearl and Huron streets there is a plaque on the former Detroit Edison Building which marks the site of the aforementioned home. Samantha Stokes, daughter of Jeffery (choir member) and Teresa Stokes (assistant choir director) was sworn into the ROTC, Navy’s Officer Candidate School at the University of Pennsylvania. Congratulations and AXIOS TO ALL! Yours in Christ, Nicholas S. Stamos H.O.P.E (Hellenic Orthodox Primary Education) J.O.Y. (Junior Orthodox Youth) Our next meeting is scheduled for January 10, 2016 from 12:30-2:00pm. The last two meetings the children have been learning about parables. In November Father spoke to the children about the Prodigal Son. He explained that God is always waiting for us to come back to Him, no matter what. If we stray we just have to turn back to Him in heartfelt repentance, and He will embrace us as our loving Father. The children made a project with the swine reminding us that God will always take us back even when we are in the slop of the pigs. In December, Father taught the children about the parable of the hidden treasure and of the hidden pearl. He taught them that a treasure is something that is special and valuable to a specific person. Our treasure may be an object, but it may be a family member or friend. Our Orthodox Faith, the Church, is our treasure here on earth. We need to hold true to it and cherish It as the greatest treasure that we have, always. The children made a treasure box filled with chocolates and also in the spirit of giving, made Christmas cards for the forget-me-nots of our church. Next meeting the children will be learning about the parable of the sower. Have a wonderful Christmas and blessed New Year! For more information, please contact our HOPE and JOY advisors: Sophia Grias-Radwanski Margarita Bekiares – Vasilia Tsilimingras - Eva Mikhail - The Story of the Vasilopita The Greek word Vasilopita is directly translated as “Sweet Bread of Basil”. When the Vasilopita is prepared, a coin is baked into the ingredients. Sweet flavoring is added to the bread which symbolize the sweetness and joy of life everlasting. It also symbolizes the hope that the New Year will be filled with the sweetness of life, liberty, health, and happiness for all who participate in the Vasilopita Observance. When the observance begins, usually on New Years Day, the bread is traditionally cut by the senior member of the family, and the individual who receives the portion of the Pita which contains the coin is considered Blessed for the New Year. Each portion of the Vasilopita are distributed as follows: The first portion is cut in remembrance of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The second is for the Holy Mother of our Lord, The Virgin Mary. The third is for St. Basil the Great, the other portions are cut for the members of the family beginning with the eldest. Portions may also be cut for the Church, the house, the traveler, the visitor and the poor. Church Registry 2015 Births 4-22-15 8-10-15 9-25-15 11-20-15 Magdalena, daughter of Robert and Andrea Ashley Atlas Paulus, son of Yannis & Penelope Paulus Konstantinos, son of Tony & Cleo Mihalopoulos Arjun Chengia, son of Benjamin and Maya Curtis Baptisms 1-3-15 1-24-15 3-22-15 3-22-15 4-25-15 4-25-15 8-15-15 8-15-15 8-16-15 8-22-15 8-22-15 8-22-15 Steven, son of Jana Staron - Nona: Kerri Dixon Vera, daughter of Steven & Alysia Dendrinos – Nono: Michael Dendrinos Alexander, son of Nektarios & Heather Georgiadis – Nono: Serafim Georgiadis Matthias, son of Nektarios & Heather Georgiadis – Nono: Serafim Georgiadis Stella, daughter of Athanasios & Amber Bardis – Nona: Christina Pagalos Luca, son of Cristian & Andreea Dersidan – Nonoi: Rada and Mihai Burzo Imad Chmeissani – Sponsor: Ronnie Allen Shadin Atiyeh – Sponsor: Ronnie Allen Ev, daughter of Imad Chmeissani & Shadin Atiyeh – Nono: Ronnie Allen Emma, daughter of Grant & Lauren Toth – Nonoi: Ted & Mary Beth Chianakas Magdalena, daughter of Rob and Andrea Ashley-Nona: Cleopatra Mihalopoulos Robin Bruno – Sponsor: Irina Bruno Chrismations 1-4-15 Jeffrey Stokes – Sponsor: Peter Petropoulos 3-29-15 Kaitlyn Collins-Theodore: Teresa Stokes 5-31-15 Thomas Buxton- Sponsor: Eva Mikhail Weddings 5-2-15 6-19-15 9-19-15 10-3-15 Costa Poyiadji and Elizabeth Hancock – Koumbaro: Neo Poyiadji Nicholas Vlisides and Julia Easson – Koumbara: Marilyn Corsianos Peter Vlachos and Colleen Dreher – Koumbaro: Andrew Vlachos James Kales and Monica Patino – Koumbara: Kelly O’Brien Fallen Asleep in the Lord 1-1-15 Steven Nestor (Funeral: 1-6-15: Fairview Cemetery, Brighton) 2-2-15 Anne Hulce (Funeral: 2-6-15: Bethlehem Cemetery) 2-14-15 Amira Sabbagh (Funeral: 2-19-15: Dormition of the Mother of God cemetery, Rives Junction, MI) 2-22-15 Esther Rupas (Funeral: 2-26-15: Bethlehem Cemetery) 2-25-15 Christina Giouroukos (Funeral: 3-3-15: Bethlehem Cemetery) 6-16-15 Harry Tselios (Funeral: 6-19-15: Bethlehem Cemetery) 7-30-15 Angelica Stageman (Funeral: 07-31-15: Bethlehem Cemetery) 8-19-15 Vera Politis (Funeral: 08-24-15: Forest Hill Cemetery) 9-16-17 George Marketos (Funeral: 9-21-15: North Hamburg Cemetery, Hamburg, MI) 11-11-15 Termachos (Terry) Patzias (Funeral: 11-14-15: Bethlehem Cemetery) (If there are any mistakes or omissions, we apologize. Please contact the office so that we may correct it. Thank you.) GOYA Annual Brunch 2016 Sunday January 10 St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Adults - $11 Children under 10 - $6 Children under 2 – free! ADVERTISING IN THE COMPASS If you would like to advertise in The Compass, please contact Demetra Mitropoulous-Rundus at the church office at 734-332-8200 or send an email to RATES: Business Card $25.00/month Quarter Page $35.00/month Half Page $55.00/month Full Page $100.00/month Parish Ministries PARISH COUNCIL President Chris Bilakos JOY: Eva Mikhail HOPE: Dr. Sophia Grias-Radwanski GREEK SCHOOL: Ioanna Ioannou, Principal/Teacher Vice-President Chris Webber Secretary Dr. Michael Kasotakis Controller Patricia Douglas Treasurer Christos Kitromelides Asst. Treasurer Elizabeth Mitropoulos Corresponding Secretary Christina Vlahopoulos Members: Robert J. Ashley Jr., Christopher A. Bekiares, George Kokales, Lambrini Lagos, George Michos, Eva Mikahil, Lana Panagoulia, Nicholas Stamos AHEPA: Costas Boutsikakis DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE: Perry Katsikas OCF (UM Campus Ministry): Ian Savas HSA (UM Hellenic Student Association): Maria Pliakas YOUTH ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE: Sam Roumains, Dr. Anthony Kales BOOKSTORE: Aggeliki Evangelinos, Dr. Artemis Leontis, Joy Melzian, Dr. Sophia Roumanis COMPASS EDITOR: Panagiota Stamoulis Kloumasis PSALTES: Zannis Res (Protopsaltis) COMPASS COMMUNICATION: ALTAR BOYS: Dani Nadra CHURCH SECRETARY: Demetra Mitropoulos-Rundus Email: MUSIC MINISTRY: Dr. Jon Wardner, Teresa Stokes PHILOPTOCHOS: Vangie Kolokithas ST. NICHOLAS SENIORS: Diane Geczi CHURCH SCHOOL: Katherine Phan, Dr. Photios Ioannou GOYA: Niko Hayes OUTREACH & EVANGELISM: Robert J. Ashley Jr. PARISH PRIEST FR. NICOLAOS KOTSIS Email: For emergencies: (734) 604-3214 If you would like to contribute to the content of The Compass please forward all communication to our email at: by the 17th of each month. St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church reserves the right to edit, change or omit content as deemed appropriate. Visit us on the WEB! © Copyright 2015 St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 3109 Scio Church Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734) 332 – 8200
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