PsycNews, No. 3, 2013, 22 July 2013 Department of Psychology
PsycNews, No. 3, 2013, 22 July 2013 Department of Psychology
PsycNews, No. 3, 2013, 22 July 2013 Department of Psychology Semester Two …. Not sure where the time has gone, this Newsletter has taken a lot longer to get out than I had anticipated, surely that means that things are ticking along here in the Department and time has been tight! Anyway, welcome to Semester Two and welcome to any students who are new to the Department for Semester Two. The next newsletter is scheduled for distribution on Friday 16 August 2013, please have all items to Robyn Daly] no later than Monday 12 August 2013. Inside this Issue: Staff News Erskine Visitors PG Employment Psyc Test Library Publications New PhD Students Thesis Congratulations Health & Safety NZPsS Conference News from our space Recipe Congratulations... Congratulations to Lehan Stemmett who successfully defended his PhD thesis in early May. His thesis was entitled “General and specific avoidance coping—The development and validation of a new scale”. Lehan’s supervisors were Prof. Derek Roger and Dr Joana Kuntz. The international examiner was Professor Yvonne Birks from York University and the oral examiner was Dr Dianne Gardner from Massey University. Congratulations also to Nadia Borlase who successfully defended her PhD thesis in early June. The external examiners were very impressed with her very topical work of “The thalamus in Parkinson’s Disease”. Nadia was supervised by Prof. John Dalrymple-Alford, Tim Anderson and Tracey Melzer. She conducted her work at the NZ Brain Research Institute and she has recorded her appreciation of the technical and intellectual support she enjoyed from the team there. Photo Gallery Newsletter Housekeeping This newsletter is for both staff and PG Students to contribute to, so the next time you are out there doing exciting, interesting and stimulating things, take your camera!. We would like to hear about it. Distribution normally second week of each month. Before submitting an item, if it involves someone other than yourself, make sure that you have the permission of the other person(s) involved. Appreciation from NZPsS for Long Service... Prof Rob Hughes was recently publicly thanked in the NZPsS “Connections” Newsletter in June. This was in appreciation of his ongoing involvement in chairing of the Awards Committee since November 2005. He has also been an active member of the Society for 49 years. For the full article, please see later in this newsletter (page 80). This is an outstanding records and we also congratulate him on such a distinguished and long involvement with NZPsS. Also looks like the tradition of UC involvement is continuing with Neville Blampied agreeing to take over this role from Rob. Page 2 Psyc News Staffing News Staffing News Sandra Fowler, Clinical Educator, left us on 8 July to go back to her “roots” of Clinical practice in the community. Sandra had been with us for eight years and we thank her for her involvement in the Clinical programme and in the Department generally. We also wish her all the very best for her future. rating on research. We welcome Janet Carter, Roeline Kuijer and Randolph Grace back from Study Leave. Straight back into it for all of them with lots of teaching on the timetable for Semester 2. Nice to see you all around the Department again. Professor Brian Haig commences his Erkine Leave on 27 July when he will head to the US to spend time collabo- Erskine Visitors Prof. Jack James Prof. Glenn Waller We have two Erskine Visitors with us for the beginning of this Semester. ological correlates of stress, and behaviour analysis. Professor Jack James, from Reykjavik University in Iceland will be with us from 9 July through until mid-August. Professor James completed a BSc Honours (1st class) in Psychology and following that a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of New South Wales. This was followed by a PhD in experimental clinical psychology at the University of Western Australia. After working in clinical and community settings as a clinical psychologist, he pursued an academic career in clinical psychology, behavioural medicine, and health psychology. In 1991, he was appointed Foundation Professor of Behavioural Health Sciences at La Trobe University, Melbourne and was later elected Founding National Chair of the College of Health Psychologists. In 1998, he relocated to the National University in Ireland, Galway, then in 2012 moved to Reykjavik University, Iceland. During his visit with us, he is located in Room 207, L2, Staff Block. He has particular interest in the implications of dietary caffeine for human health and well-being, and in 2011 founded the Journal of Caffeine Research. His research interests include cardiovascular behavioural health, with particular reference to the psychophysi- Professor Glenn Waller is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Sheffield, UK. He has been working with the eating disorders as a clinician and researcher for 25 years, and is still realising new stuff (mainly learned from patients and colleagues). Complementing his clinical work, his research is cognitive-behavioural in orientation, examining the pathology and treatment of the eating disorders. This includes understanding the contribution of clinician characteristics to the process and outcome of treatment, within and beyond the eating disorders. To date, he has published over 230 peer-reviewed papers, 20 book chapters, and two coauthored books on CBT for the eating disorders. He is president-elect of the international Academy for Eating Disorders, associate editor of the International Journal of Eating Disorders, and a member of the Eating Disorders Research Society. During his stay with us, he will be located in Room 508, Level 5 Staff Block. Page 3 Psyc News PG Employment Opportunity—Resident Tutor Rochester and Rutherford Hall is seeking to make an award to a graduate or senior student of resident tutorship for 2014. The Hall has 178 residents who are accommodated in three houses. The Hall which is set in pleasant grounds opposite the University has considerable community facilities. The main responsibilities of the position consist in giving pastoral care, academic support, and general oversight to all members of the Hall and helping with any events. There is a team of five tutors, who are responsible for security, ensuring that quiet hours in the residential houses are observed, supplying keys as required, etc. Organisational skills and the ability to relate to a wide range of people are particularly important. The Tutor will live rent free in a flat within one of the Hall’s residential houses in addition to receiving a stipend. Meals are provided in the dining room. The Hall has an active program of inhouse tutorials. Applicants need to contact the Principal by email to organize a time to meet and also to obtain an application form. Applications will close on Friday 26 July, 2013. Direct ALL enquiries to: The Principal Stephen Kissick Rochester and Rutherford Hall 77 Ilam Road Christchurch 8041. Psychology Test Library Recently the Psychology Test Library was relocated from Room 107, to Room 229, next to the Department Office on L2 of the Lab Block. Thanks to Janet Cumberpatch and Liz Waugh for the huge undertaking of “tidying up” the tests and archiving historical tests. Thanks also to Glenn Lewis for his assistance in the relocation process. As a result of this relocation, the L2 Photocopier that was housed in this room, has been moved to the Resource Room inside the Main Office (see the photos of how great it looks in there nowadays!). This move has meant that PG students no longer have access to this copier for colour printing, however Gerard Mesman will alter the print queues so that students requiring colour copying can be redirected to the photocopier on L5, Staff Block. There have been changes to the administration of the Psychology Department test Library. There are no longer “formal hours”. To order a test email with your request and the day you need the test by. Your test request will be actioned within a few days and you will be notified by return email. For more information Please go to the website to see the changes http:// testlibrarian.shtml Page 4 Psyc News Publications and Conference Presentations Boorsboom, D., & Haig, B. D. (2013). In defense of correspondence truth: A reply to Markus. Theory and Psychology, 23, (in press). Haig, B. D. (2013) Investigating the psychological world: Scientific method in the behavioural sciences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (in press). Haig, B.D. (2013) Analogical modelling: A strategy for developing theories in psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 23, (in press). Head, J. R., Wilson, K. M. & Helton, W. S. (in press). The role of calmness in a high-go target detection task. Pro- ceedings of the 57th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Head, J. R., Wilson, K. M., & Helton W. S. (in press). Right hemisphere cortical involvement in processing textspeak. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Wilson, K. M., Head, J. R., & Helton, W. S. (in press). Friendly fire in a simulated firearms task. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. New PhD students We have some new PhD students in the Department and we take this opportunity to welcome them to the Department and look forward to getting to know you all better. Francesca Crabu joined us recently, coming from “Alma Mater Studiorum” University, Italy. She will be working with Martin Dorahy where the goal of the Phd is to better understand the identity and personality characteristics of humanitarian workers. Carsten Grimm needs no introduction to the department as he has just completed his MSc with us recently. He begins his PhD working with Andy Martens. His doctoral research will develop a smartphone experience sampling app to gather data on experienced wellbeing within Christchurch and wider NZ. Kristin Murphy joined us recently from Huntington, Long Island US. She will be working with Juan Canales and for her project she will be studying the formation of maladaptive habits in a drug self-administration context and explore the brain circuits involved in this kind of learning. Megan Tucker has just joined us after having completed a BSc(Hons) at the University of Bath. This isn’t Megan’s first trip or association with our Department, she was here in 2011 as a Bath Placement student working with Janet Carter and was here for “the” earthquake. Even with this experience she has chosen to return to Christchurch to undertake her PhD with Randolph Grace. The research for her PhD is on the financial debt and discounting factors in offenders and the links to reoffending and mental health. She hopes this will address a significant lack of research in the area of financial debt in criminal offenders in New Zealand. Martina Zivic joined us recently to work with Martin Dorahy. She comes to us after having completed her Master of Health Sciences with Honours at the University of Auckland. Her area of research is on the long term mental health effects following a natural disaster. Page 5 Psyc News Thesis Congratulations Congratulations to Alana Bishop who was recently awarded her MSc with First Class Honours for her thesis entitled “Patients preferences for shared decision making: Associations with demographic variables, personality characteristics and characteristics of the health condition.” Congratulations to Charis Coullie who was recently awarded her MSc with Distinction for her thesis entitled “Adult psychiatric and offending outcomes of paediatric mild traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal study.” Congratulations to Ashlea Dassanayake who was recently awarded her MSc with First Class Honours for her thesis entitled “Dual dopamine/serotonin treatment approach for addictive behaviour.” Congratulations to Joseph Fletcher who was recently awarded his MSc with Distinction for his thesis entitled “Just world responses toward child victims of physical and sexual abuse.” Congratulations to Ashleigh Hooper who was recently awarded her MSc with Second Class Honours, Division I for her thesis entitled “Dissociation, perceptual processing and conceptual processing in survivors’ of the Christchurch earthquakes 2011.” Congratulations to Jaimee Kleinbichler who was recently awarded her MSc with Distinction for her thesis entitled “The type and frequency of metacognitions in women dieting, not dieting and with Anorexia Nervosa.” Congratulations to Andrew Knox who was recently awarded his MSc with Distinction for his thesis entitled “The effects of cooling the head to reduce brain temperature on stress.” Congratulations to Jonathan Muller who was recently awarded his MSc with Second Class Honours, Division I for his thesis entitled “Analysis of Kiwisaver and investment fund choice behaviour.” Congratulations to Phoebe Naismith Thomass who was recently awarded her MSc thesis with Distinction for her thesis entitled “Effects of dietary micronutrient supplantation on the development of emotionality and anxiety in a normal rat population”. Congratulations to Susan Rapley who was recently awarded her MSc with Distinction for her thesis entitled “Investigation of C-type natriuretic peptide in the intact rat brain under formal and informal learning conditions”. Health & Safety Our Health & Safety Officer in the Department is Silvana de Freitas Costa. Some useful information: NZ Emergency Service 1-111 UC Security = Emergency on Campus 6111 or 0800 823 637 UC Non-emergency = 6888 The Health & Safety Toolkit on the intranet is https:// index.shtml The Department H&S Action Plan is available for staff on Y drive and also available on the Department website health%20and%20safety.shtml Check out the upcoming training for H&S at this link https:// toolkit/04_info_train/index.shtml . There is also 1st aid training available for students, information on the above website as well. Page 6 Psyc News Leave and Conferences Assoc. Prof. Neville Blampied has been invited to present a keynote address for Division 25 at the American Psychological Association Convention in Honolulu from 31 July to 4 August. The Keynote address is titled “Knitting up the ravell’d sleeve of care” - Contributions of behaviour analysis to understanding and treating sleep disturbances across the life-span. Dr Eileen Britt recently attended the International Symposium in Motivational Interviewing in Melbourne where she presented a paper. Dr Juan Canales is currently attending the 2nd International Conference on Addiction Research & Therapy in Las Vegas from 21st to 27 July where he is presenting a paper entitled “Biological targets for medication development in stimulant addiction: Focus on animal models of addictive-like behavior.” Dr Janet Carter recently attended the International Society for Interpersonal Psychotherapy conference in Iowa City where she presented a paper. Professor John Dalrymple-Alford recently attended the 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders in Sydney where he was invited to present a Guided Poster Tour: “Lewy body dementia and other dementias in movement disorders”. He also presented a poster entitled “Abnormal implicit prediction in rhythmical saccadic movement of manifest Huntington patients: A 12 months longitudinal study” and also “Progression in cognitive function of Huntington patients relative to controls: A 12 months study.” Dr Joana Kuntz recently attended the International Conference of Applied Psychology and Behavioral Sciences in Paris where she presented a paper. Dr Katharina Näswall recently attended the 13th European Congress of Psychology in Stockholm, Sweden where she presented two papers “Technology at work—a friend or a foe? The role of employee attitudes and organizational support in dealing with Technostres” (co -authored with Dr Joana Kuntz) and “Employee information and participation in organizational change: Who needs what and when?” Assoc. Prof. Julia Rucklidge attended the Nutrition in Medicine Conference held in Sydney in May where she presented a paper entitled “A double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled trial of efficacy and safety of micronutrients for the treatment of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults.” Julia also presented this paper at the International Association of Nutritional Psychiatry in Tokyo in June as well as an additional paper entitled “Broad spectrum micronutrient formulas for the treatment of psychiatric symptoms: A systematic review.” Liz Waugh will be attending a supervision workshop entitled “The use of practice-based evidence in supervision” in early August. Page 7 NZPsS Conference The NZPsS Annual Conference will be held from 6-19 September 2013 in Auckland. Information from the Connections Newsletter is below. Psyc News Page 8 Psyc News News from our space…. Congratulations to Sanna Malinen and Jason Tylianakis who very recently welcomed their son into the family. Samuel (“Samu”) Heikki Tylianakis arrived on 26 June, weighing in at 3kg. Everyone is doing well. We have had some combined PG and Staff functions recently. We celebrated Queens Birthday “Friday” with a themed morning tea with the prize going to James Head for his “Queen Cider”! Check out the photo gallery at the back of the newsletter! We also had a 4th of July Shared Lunch and what a lot of US treats that turned up. Hotdogs galore, Chilli Con Carne (to die for!). bagels, donuts… etc, I am sure you get the drift?! The stars of the show, however were expertly presented cupcakes—check them out in the Photo Gallery. Don’t forget to check out the Facebook page “Keep Calm and Carry on Writing”, created by UC Postgraduate Psychology students for everyone to share knowledge, skills, advice and experiences in writing a thesis and surviving! Watch this space for more events coming to staff and students in the next few months. Great way to mix and mingle. Page 9 Psyc Recipe The recipe this time is from Rachael Palmer, one of our Postgraduate students. Icecream is to be enjoyed year round, not just summer so enjoy this…. Instant Weight Gain Ice Cream Ingredients: 500 ml cream, whipped 1 tin sweetened condensed milk 1 tsp coffee 2 crunchie bars, smashed roughly Directions: 1. Combine all ingredients, mix well, and freeze. Guaranteed to be delicious, no fail every time. So we have the Ice-Cream, now try it with this Brownie Recipe The Ultimate Chocolate Brownie (From Robyn) (Recipe Source—Annabel Langbein Free Range in the City) Ingredients: 2 cups chopped dates 1 tsp baking soda 3/4 cup boiling water 200g finely diced butter, at room temperature 4 eggs 2 tsp vanilla extract 2 cups caster sugar 1 cup dark cocoa, sifted 1 cup flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 250g chocolate chips or dark chocolate cut into small chunks. Directions: Preheat oven to 160oC and line a 30cm x 24cm slice tin with baking paper. Put dates in a large bowl, add baking soda and boiling water and stir to combine. Add finely diced butter and stir until melted. Leave to stand for 20 minutes. Mash softened dates with a fork (or I use a “wizz stick” to break them up to a creamy consistency. Stir in the eggs and vanilla until well combined. Stir in the sugar, then add the cocoa, flour and baking powder and stir until smooth. Stir in the chocolate chips or chunks. Smooth into prepared tin and bake until it is set in the middle and begins to come away from the sides of the tin (about 50 minutes—but watch carefully). Cool before cutting into squares. Stored in a sealed container it will keep for a couple of weeks (as long as no-one knows it is there!!. Psyc News Page 10 Photo Gallery Psyc News Queen’s Birthday Morning Tea Page 11 Photo Gallery (Continued …) Psyc News 4th of July Shared Lunch Day