Italian Association Transpersonal Psychology A I P T
Italian Association Transpersonal Psychology A I P T
Inglese.pdf, Flat 1 of 12 - Pages: 22, 1, 04/18/07 06:22 PM Italian Association of Transpersonal Psychology Founding Member of the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA) and of the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS) Italian Association of Transpersonal Psychology Founder and President Laura Boggio Gilot Honorary Counselor Founder and President Laura Boggio Gilot Ken Wilber Advisory Board Marc-Alain Descamps, Claudio Naranjo, Roger Walsh, Pierre Weil AIPT Via C. Corvisieri 46, I-00162 Rome, Italy Tel. & Fax +39-06862.18495 – e-mail: – Web: AIPT Inglese.pdf, Flat 2 of 12 - Pages: 2, 21, 04/18/07 06:22 PM You are a flame of the one Fire that all pervades. You are in conflict and live the solitude of the ego because you consider yourself a little flame parted from the Source The senses are great, greater than the senses is the mind, greater than the mind is the intellect, and greater than the intellect is the Self Bhagavad-Gita Raphael Spring 2007 Inglese.pdf, Flat 3 of 12 - Pages: 20, 3, 04/18/07 06:22 PM Contents Transpersonal Psychology 2 The Mission of the Transpersonal Movement 4 The Italian Association of Transpersonal Psychology 6 The Integral Institute: Psychology and Meditation 9 Meetings and Publications 13 Satya—AIPT Publications 15 Suggested Readings (Essential References) 16 Inglese.pdf, Flat 4 of 12 - Pages: 2, 19, 04/18/07 06:22 PM 2 19 Transpersonal Psychology One can give and receive from life only what he is YOGA-VEDANTA TRADITION Bhagavad-Gita, translated in Italian and commented by Raphael, Asram Vidya. Mandukya Upanisad, translated in Italian and commented by Raphael, Asram Vidya. Patanjali, La via regale della realizzazione [Yogasutras], translated in Italian and commented by Raphael, Asram Vidya. Raphael, Essence & Purpose of Yoga, Element, Shaftesbury. Raphael, Fuoco di Ascesi [Ascesis Fire], Asram Vidya. Raphael, La triplice via del fuoco [The Triple Pathway of Fire], Asram Vidya. Raphael, La scienza dell'amore [The Science of Love], Asram Vidya. Raphael, The Pathway of Non-Duality, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. Sankara, Aparoksanubhuti, translated in Italian and commented by Raphael, Asram Vidya. Sankara, Opere Minori [Minor Works] – Vols. 1,2,3, translated in Italian and commented by Raphael, Asram Vidya. Sankara, Vivekacudamani, translated in Italian and commented by Raphael, Asram Vidya. Self and Non-Self – The Drigdrisyaviveka Attributed to Sankara, translated and commented by Raphael, KPI, London. A . Maslow The word “transpersonal” means that which is "beyond the personality”, and refers to consciousness experiences in which the sense of identity expands beyond the ordinary ego, encompassing wider aspects of the mind, humanity, and the world (Walsh and Vaughan). Transpersonal psychology includes all the aspects of scientific psychology and extends the research to unexplored potentialities of psychological health and development: consciousness and its non-ordinary states, creativity, intuition, values, and the transformative processes toward completeness integrating the components of human totality: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. CHRISTIAN TRADITION Anonymous, The Cloud of Unknowing, Delta. Anonymous, Imitation of Christ, Catholic Books Publishing Company. Merton T, Seeds of Contemplation, W.W. Norton. St. Francis of Sales, Philothea, or an Introduction to Devote Life, Tan Books Publisher. St. John of the Cross, The Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Dark Night of the Soul, Image Books. St. Nikodemus of the Holy Mountain (Compiler), The Philokalia – The Complete Text, Faber & Faber. St. Teresa of Avila, The Inner Castle, Image Books. Walshe M.O. (ed.), Meister Eckhart: Sermons and Treatises, Harper & Collins. Inglese.pdf, Flat 5 of 12 - Pages: 18, 3, 04/18/07 06:22 PM 18 TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY (follows) Wilber K., No Boundary – Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth, Shambhala. Wilber K., Engler J., Brown D.P., Transformations of Consciousness – Contemplative and Conventional Perspectives in Development, New Science Library. Wilber K., The Spectrum of Consciousness, Quest Books/The Theosophical Publishing House. Wilber K., The Atman Project, – A Transpersonal View of Human Development, Quest Books/The Theosophical Publishing House. Wilber K., The Eye of Spirit, Shambhala. Wilber K., Integral Psychology – Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy, Shambhala. PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY (for psychotherapists) Adler A., What Life Could Mean to You, Hazelden Information Education. Adler A., Understanding Human Nature, Fawcett Books. Blanck G., Blanck R., Ego Psychology, Columbia University. Press. Gabbard G.O., Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice – The DSM IV° Edition, American Psychiatric Press. Greenberg J.R., Mitchell S.A., Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory, Harvard University Press. Jacobson E., The Self and the Object World, International Universities Press. Kernberg O., Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism, Jason Aronson. Kernberg O., Object Relations Theory and Clinical Psychoanalysis, Jason Aronson. Kohut H., Analysis of the Self: Systematic Approach to Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorders, International Universities Press. Kohut H., Ornstein P.H. (ed.), The Search for the Self – Selected Writings of Heinz Kohut: 1978-1981, International Universities Press. McWilliams N., Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, Guilford Press. Schafer R., Aspects of Internalization, International Universities Press. 3 With Ken Wilber, the theoretical leader of the movement, an integral psychology is affirmed, honoring the entire spectrum of human experience, including the psychopathology, the existential, and the spiritual level. Interested in the psychological roots of the contemporary crises that threaten human and the planet’s life, the transpersonal perspective seeks to foster the development of wise and mature human beings, awakened to solidarity toward humanity and reverence toward nature, and able to contribute to human wellbeing. Transpersonal psychology was born in the USA at the end of the 1960s at the initiative of a group of humanistic psychologists among whom Abraham Maslow was the prominent figure. Transpersonal psychology developed first in the USA through the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology and various organisations, such as the American Association for Transpersonal Psychology (ATP) and the International Transpersonal Association (ITA). Its main leaders, in addition to Ken Wilber, include Stanislav Grof and Roger Walsh, Frances Vaughan, Claudio Naranjo, Charles Tart, James Fadiman, Pierre Weil. In Europe, the movement is represented by the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA), founded by Laura Boggio Gilot and Marc-Alain Descamps, and by the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS), founded in the 1980s by representatives of Belgium, France, Holland and Italy. Inglese.pdf, Flat 6 of 12 - Pages: 4, 17, 04/18/07 06:22 PM 17 4 The Mission of the Transper sona l Movement A central purpose of the transpersonal movement is to develop a “Psychology of human and ecological survival” to cope with the psychological roots of the planet’s global threats. According to Roger Walsh, who introduced this expression and promoted such an objective, the major crises of the planet are caused by human beings and have psychological roots. In order to face the different forms of de struction characterising the modern world, one needs to face human imma turity and foster a concept of healing that supports the development of consciousness beyond the limits of the ordinary ego. To this effect, the transpersonal movement stresses the importance of a frame of reference recognising the complementarity existing between psycho- logy and the spiritual tradition of the East and West. A psychology of human and ecological survival is a discipline referring to intercultural insights and involving individuals of any nation, group or ethnicity, working to apply their experience to this theme, which is the most urgent of our time. The purpose is to disclose the psychological forces that have led to this turning point in our history, to work to transform them into positive forces for the survival, well-being and satisfaction of everyone, and beyond all that, to foster a psychology not only of survival but of development and well-being. For the planet’s life to last, our main hope must be placed on education and the preparation of future generations. Boggio Gilot L., Crescere oltre l’io – Principi e metodi di psicologia transpersonale [Growing Beyond Ego – Principles and Methods of Transpersonal Psychology], Cittadella. Boggio Gilot L. (ed.), Il tempo dell'anima [Time of the Soul], Psiche. Boggio Gilot L., Il cammino dello sviluppo integrale [The Path of Integral Development], Satya-Edizioni Aipt. Boggio Gilot L., Pensieri dal Silenzio [Thoughts from Silence], SatyaEdizioni Aipt. Boggio Gilot L., La depressione [Depression], Satya-Edizioni Aipt. Boggio Gilot L., Sulla via del ritorno [On the Backward Path], SatyaEdizioni Aipt. Capra F., The Web of Life: a New Understanding of Living Systems, Doubleday. Capra F., The Turning Point: Science, Society, and the Rising Culture, Bantam Doubleday Dell Publications. Fizzotti E., Salustri M., Psicologia della religione, [Psychology of Religion], Città Nuova. Grof C., Grof S., The Stormy Search for the Self, Tarcher-Perigee. Grof S., Beyond the Brain – Birth, Death, and Transcendence in Psychotherapy, State University of New York Press. Hillman J., The Soul's Code – In Search of Character and Calling, Warner Books. Leloup J.Y., Prendre Soin de l'Être, [Healing the Self], Edition Albin Michel. Maslow A., Toward a Psychology of Being, Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. Naranjo C., Character and Neurosis – An Integrative Way, Gateway/ IDHHB. Pierrakos E., Fear No Evil: The Pathwork Method of Transforming the Lower Self, The Pathwork Foundation. Vaughan F.E., Awakening Intuition, Anchor Books. Vaughan F.E., Shadows of the Sacred, Quest Books/The Theosophical Publishing House. Vaughan F.E., The Inward Arc – Healing and Wholeness in Psychotherapy and Spirituality, Shambhala. Venturini R., Coscienza e cambiamento – Una prospettiva transpersonale [Consciousness and Change – A Transpersonal Perspective], Cittadella. Walsh R., Staying Alive – The Psychology of Human Survival, Shambhala. Walsh R., Essential Spirituality, Wiley & son. Inglese.pdf, Flat 7 of 12 - Pages: 16, 5, 04/18/07 06:22 PM 16 5 Suggested Readings (Essential References) TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY Beyond the works of C.G. Jung and R. Assagioli, forerunners of transpersonal psychology, the following works are suggested: Boggio Gilot L., Forma e sviluppo della coscienza – Psicologia transpersonale [Form and Development of Consciousness – Transpersonal Psychology], Asram Vidya. Boggio Gilot L., Il Sé transpersonale – Psicologia e meditazione YogaVedanta [The Transpersonal Self – Psychology and Yoga-Vedanta Meditation], Asram Vidya. Boggio Gilot L. (ed.), Sofferenza e guarigione – Psicologia e tradizione spirituale [Suffering and Healing – Psychology and the Spiritual Tradition], Cittadella Editrice. To this aim, as has been said by Roger Walsh, “we need people of wisdom and maturity, who work not only to relieve suffering but also to awaken themselves and others.” The objective outlined by Roger Walsh is confirmed and supported by the research on consciousness, that finds in Ken Wilber its theoretical leader. Wilber points out that two great developmental projects are being realised, one in the area of biology and the other in the area of psychology. Biology has realised the “Human Genome Project”, aimed at creating a map of the entire human DNA sequence and decoding all of its specific genetic messages: such a spectacular project revolutions our ideas on growth, development, and disease. Not equally known, but perhaps even more important, is the “Human Consciousness Project”, an effort to map the different stages of consciousness: this shows how the ordinary ego state is actually suboptimal. Every human being is endowed with an unconscious potential of knowledge and vir- tue; once these are brought to consciousness, they expand the limited ideas one has about oneself, the world, and the meaning of existence, thereby producing well-being and right action. The study of consciousness, through the multicultural approach of hundreds of researchers in the world, shows how to overcome the “psychopathology of normality” that is the state of the ordinary personality. This fosters development toward a wholeness that includes awareness of the Soul and its connections with humanity, nature, and the universe. This goal is described in meditative paths as the non-dual state, which is associated with altruistic love, discriminative wisdom, profound peace, and is naturally free from mental suffering and destructiveness. To study, to teach, and to follow this path of enlightenment and liberation, integrating the tools of psychology with spiritual tradition, is the central challenge for researchers in the area and the most valuable contribution of the transpersonal movement. Inglese.pdf, Flat 8 of 12 - Pages: 6, 15, 04/18/07 06:22 PM 6 15 The Italian Association of Transpersonal Psychology (Aipt) Publishing House Satya - Aipt Publications att ya The Italian Association of Transpersonal Psychology (AIPT) was established by Laura Boggio Gilot with the inspiration and support of Raphael, the Master whose endeavor has also produced the Asram Vidya publications. AIPT is a nonprofit organisation uniting individuals of different beliefs and professions, interested in a model of growth and healing that integrates the bodily, emotional, intellectual, intuitive, and spiritual components. Based on Ken Wilber’s integral approach, combining the notions of psychology and psychotherapy to the wisdom of meditative traditions, AIPT fosters a developmental and educational model directed to the actualisation of the potentia- Satya in Sanscrit means Truth. Under the auspices of this name, Satya - Aipt Publications aims at disseminating those methods of self-knowledge, healing, transformation, development and education that are based on the integration of scientific and meditative knowledge and find in the full realisation of one’s essence the fundament and the condition for a profound and lasting mental health. In this context, Satya will publish texts promoting the knowledge, study and application of an integral model working at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level, and aiming at a mental health not disjoined from awareness, capability to love, and responsibility toward life. With this goal, Satya intends to contribute to the social need of consciousness development and to take part to the wider movement that today unites religions, cultures, and science in its more enlightened expressions, directed toward overcoming the destructiveness that is crumbling our modern world, and allied in pursuing the goal of the unity and salvation of humanity. Inglese.pdf, Flat 9 of 12 - Pages: 14, 7, 04/18/07 06:22 PM 14 7 Meditation and Psychotherapy – Awareness practices. Death -- Suffering, faith, knowledge, and experience. Meeting of the Paths – From suffering to Liberation. Narcissism and Spirituality – The integral approach between psychotherapy and meditation. The Pathology of Love in the Suffering of Mind and Society. ASSOCIATIONS AND NETWORK AIPT is a founding member of the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA) and the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS), and is related to Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute, and to the Association of Transpersonal Psychology and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in the US. lities of intelligence, creativity and goodness, unexpressed in the ordinary condition. The Association functions through the activity of a group of Service, whose members follow meditative disciplines and operate with no compensation, in the spirit of the “action without attachment”, regulated by a code of ethics applied to speech, thought, and behavior. This way of being and operating is meant to witness a spirituality engaged socially in the dissemination of theories and techniques aiming to develop wise and mature individuals, in the conviction that to operate in this way for oneself and the others is today an urgent must for humanity and a significant contribution to offer to existence. In Italy AIPT has established a Network aimed at bringing together associations and institutions that operate for transpersonal purposes and are oriented according to the integral approach. AIMS PUBLICATIONS To promote the study of the developmental and healing Proceedings, workbooks and CD of the various activities. To promote the development of integral psychology and psychotherapy through courses, meetings and publications. components of meditation. Association Newsletter, disseminating the annual pro- To promote the research on consciousness and its nonor- grams along with short articles and information from Italy and abroad. To train therapists and other health professionals sharing Web-site in Italian and English, with updated information on the association’s activities and specific sections on integral psychology and on the Vedanta tradition. Publishing house, Satya-AIPT Publications. dinary and transpersonal states. the integral approach. To promote the development of a network of centers ope- rating in Italy with a transpersonal orientation. Inglese.pdf, Flat 10 of 12 - Pages: 8, 13, 04/18/07 06:22 PM 8 13 ACTIVITIES Meetings and Publications In order to realise its objectives, since its foundation in 1988 AIPT has conducted teaching activities centered on the relations between psychology and meditation, establishing to this end an Integral Institute which offers weekly courses, retreats and intensive programs. Over the years, additional activities have been developed to study and promote transpersonal psychology, including meetings and one-day seminars, international congresses, the establishment of European associations and a network of related contacts, the publication of newsletters, workbooks, and more recently the establishment of the publishing house, Satya-AIPT Publications. CONGRESSES Suffering and Healing – First Italian Congress of Transpersonal Psychology, Assisi 1992. The Inner Path – Second Italian Congress of Transpersonal Psychology, Assisi 1995. Time of the Soul – European Congress of Transpersonal Psychology, Assisi 2000. Depression – European Symposium of Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Rome 2002. Transpersonal Methods of Healing and Awakening – European Symposium of Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Rome 2005. Context and Contents of Transpersonal Psychotherapy – European Symposium of Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Rome 2006. We need people of wisdom and maturity who work not only to relieve suffering but also to awaken themselves and others. Roger Walsh ONE-DAY SEMINARS Awareness, Discrimination, and Listening – Three ways of access to the transpersonal. Ego Integration and Ego Transcendence – The stages of development. Inglese.pdf, Flat 11 of 12 - Pages: 12, 9, 04/18/07 06:22 PM 12 9 TEACHING W ORK ON OF INTEGRAL PSYCHOLOGY B ODY , E MOTIONS , T HINKING , AND S PIRITUAL W ORK The Integral Institute Psychology and Meditation The following practices are associated to the theoretical work: Readings of intercultural spirituality and meditation Physical and energetic disciplines Meditative practice of self-observation Dynamic practice of awareness SPIRIT Imaginative practice and work with symbols SOUL Concentration practice and creative meditation MIND Music, mantra chanting, and drawing BODY Psychotherapy techniques and work on clinical cases For an integral psychology, the deepest drive is the drive to actualize the entire developmental field of personality, so that one becomes,in full realization, a vehicle of Spirit shining radiantly into the world. K.Wilber The Integral Institute offers teachings which combine the knowledge of psychology and psychotherapy with the wisdom of meditative traditions. The integral approach, outlined by Ken Wilber, works at all levels of the human being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, fostering the integration and wellbeing of the total personality. The expansion of awareness beyond the ordinary ego, the overcoming of narcissism, and spirituality applied to life are considered to be fundamental for full psychological health. Inglese.pdf, Flat 12 of 12 - Pages: 10, 11, 04/18/07 06:22 PM 10 The integral approach fosters a psychology of health and a psychology of consciousness which have profound implications in developmental theories and psychotherapy. The field of study and application of the integral approach includes the entire spectrum of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral disturbances considered in psychotherapy, and adds to these the suffering of the ego separated from the soul, which manifests itself in the unawareness, egoism, lack of creativity and of positive values, which trouble social life. In the integral approach, the psychotherapist needs to combine the ordinary clinical background with a profound meditative path applied to the daily existence. The ideal integral psychotherapist is an advanced meditator who remains centered in the meditative practice during the course of professional and private life. 11 THE TEACHING OF VEDANTA MEDITATION The Vedanta tradition is not in contrast with other traditions nor excludes them, since it aims at an expansion of awareness toward the sacred nature of the Self and releasing its powers of force, intelligence, and goodness, applied to action in the world. The meditative itinerary consists in the study of wisdom teachings and practices of awareness and transformation, which dissolve the factors of illusion and mental suffering and foster spiritual and intuitive qualities, bearing peacefulness, mental clarity, detachment from egocentered conditionings, mental stability, and self-control. THE TEACHING OF PSYCHOLOGY OF CONSCIOUSNESS Starting from Ken Wilber’s integral approach, the psychology of consciousness is developed by researchers in the field deeply immersed in the doctrine and practice of meditative systems and the comparative study of their application to both the developmental theories and the clinical practice of psychotherapy. Research at AIPT has first of all addressed the nature and development of consciousness through theory and practice, particularly referred to the Yoga-Vedanta tradition, and then the study of the implications of meditation in mental health and the evolution of the developmental lines of personality (cognitive, emotional, motivational, moral, spiritual, and of object relations), toward the stage of transpersonal development and the expression of the powers, talents, and virtues of the total Self.