file Curricula TPT - Integral Transpersonal Institute


file Curricula TPT - Integral Transpersonal Institute
 Transpersonal Psychotherapy Training Scuola di Formazione in Psicoterapia Transpersonale Four year post-­‐graduation course Full Accredited by Department of Education, University and research MIUR Departmental Act 30th May, 2002 Director: Pier Luigi Lattuada Scientific Board: Giorgia Donà, ITA (President), Alfredo Ancora, ITA, Arturo De Luca, ITA, Massimo Rosselli, ITA, Jure Biechonsky, Estonia, Bernadette Blin-­‐Lery, France, Gennady Brevde, Russia, Ingo Benjamin Jahrsetz, Germany, Vitor Jose Rodrigues, Portugal, Magda Sole, Spain, Hans Peter Weidinger, Austria, Steven Schmitz, USA, David Lukoff, USA, Glenn Hartelius, USA Academic Program Regulations Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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Art.1 Transpersonal Psychotherapy Training Scuola di Formazione in Psicoterapia Transpersonale (TPT) is promoted by Om Associazione per la Medicina e la Psicologia Transpersonale Transpersonal Medicine and Psychology Association) from Milan, Italy. Om was fonde in 1982 by Marlene Silveira and Pier Luigi Lattuada. TPT is Full Accredited by Department of Education, University and research (MIUR) since 30th May, 2002 (Departmental Act published on The G.U. n. 144 of 21st June, 2002.) Art.2 Administration of TPT Integral Transpersonal Institute Sas is the Administrator of TPT Pier Luigi lattuada M.D., Ph.D. is the Director. Art. 3 Goals The goals for TPT include: To produce graduates who possess advanced knowledge of transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy (Maslow, Grof, Wilber, Tart, Weil, etc.) To produce graduates who possess advanced knowledge of the principles and practices of the Biotransenergetics, the Transpersonal discipline elaborated by Pier Luigi lattuada To produce graduates who possess the skills and ability to apply the principles and practices of transpersonal psychology and Biotransenergetics to the Self-­‐Realization, awakening of the spiritual nature in each individual, and of one’s most genuine human qualities. To produce graduates who possess the skills and ability to apply the principles and practices of transpersonal psychology and Biotransenergetics to psychotherapy, as well as clinical, spiritual and other helping professions. The expected learning outcomes are: To provide experiential training and personal integration of the principles and practices of transpersonal psychology and Biotransenergetics. Ability to engage in individual and groups transpersonal psychotherapy practice. Acquisition of skills and ability to apply transpersonal approach in families, communities, companies. Skills for providing leadership in advancing the field of transpersonal psychology. Growth in Self-­‐Realization, awakening of the spiritual nature mindfulness, and, compassion, Art. 4 What transpersonal psychology is The transpersonal psychology, according to Charles Tart’s definition, works for the realization of the self, the awakening of the spiritual nature in each individual, and of one’s most genuine human qualities. It seems that the word “transpersonal”, applied in psychology, was first used by Roberto Assagioli, the father of “Psychosynthesis”, and then by C.G. Jung. It refers to the areas of the psyche that go beyond the identification with individual personality. Transpersonal psychology thereby refers to the particular approach that studies and develops spirituality and spiritual experiences in a psychological context. The transpersonal psychology is characterized as a contribution given by scientific research to the study and comprehension of inner experiences of the transcendental type. Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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These kind of experiences received , throughout the centuries, different denomination, according to the various traditions : mystic ecstasy, cosmic experience, cosmic consciousness, oceanic experience, peak experience, Nirvana, Satori, Samadhi, Heavenly Kingdom, Dreaming Body, Nagual…. The main contemporary psychological approaches regard these kind of experiences as fantasies or pathological situations. According to the various theoretical points of view they are defined as a wish to be attended to a “good mother”, the consequences of neural activity malfunction, or a sign of a fragile ego, incapable of distinguishing between inner imagination and external reality. The transpersonal approach, on the contrary, believes that inner experiences of mystic or ecstatic kind, at the same way as the human yearning towards transcendence, reveal a significant aspect of human experience, and are right to receive their due attention from psychology. Recent researches testify, in fact, that the majority of Americans report some kind of mystic experiences (Greeley, 1987), while according to another study (Davis, Lockwood and Wright, 1991) the 79% of a wide sample relate to have had “peak experiences” and sees them as the deepest and most important in their lives. In its research transpersonal psychology unites the experience of western psychology, namely that of the Gestalt school, existential, humanistic, with the eastern mystic traditions based on meditation, such as yoga, Zen, Sufism, along with the shamanic ones based on the direct contact with the forces of nature. Besides it is influenced by the most recent acquisitions of the modern physic and biophysics and is in tight contact with sciences such as sophrology , sociology, anthropology and parapsychology. In the light of what has since been discussed, transpersonal psychology seems to characterise itself as a wide thought and research movement working towards an integration of psychological principles and methods with spiritual practices or shamanic rituals, in order to synthesise mind, meditation, spirituality and transcendence, ordinary consciousness and extraordinary one, mystic ecstasy or shamanic experiences. Art. 4.1 History If you don’t know history it will be your fate to live it over again This approach began to assert itself in the field of psychology in the 1960, moving from the works of A. Maslow, who first put the stress on an “evolutive” psychology that would take into account the “development of potentialities”, the “gradual needs satisfaction”, the “relationship between persons” involved in the therapeutic setting, the “mystical experiences” as basics in a self realization process. The first transpersonal association was founded in the USA in 1969, by personalities like Charlotte Buhler, Abraham Maslow, Allan Watts, Arthur Koestler, Victor Frankl. Antony J. Sutich founded “The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology” on which the most relevant minds of the transpersonal movement wrote their papers: Ken Wilber, Stan Grof, Stanley Knipper, Lawrence Le Shan, Michael Murphy, Charles T. Tart, Frances E. Vaughan etc. In Italy the humanistic and transpersonal approach is elaborated in the works of L. Boggio Gilot, A. De Luca, Filippo Falzoni Gallerani and P.L.Lattuada. Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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William James A pioneer in psychology, he was the first to study mystic experiences considering them both psychic and religious events. In “The Varieties of Religious Experiences”, James views mystic experiences as a healthy and natural yearning, resting at the basis of every religion. Freud and the following psychoanalytical schools stigmatized these experiences as regressive fancies towards foetal status; behaviourists moved the attention utterly away from the realm of consciousness to that of behaviour. Carl Gustav Jung In parallel to this prevalent trend, various researchers, with heterogenic studies and backgrounds, kept transcendence and the spiritual experience at the core of their speculations. First of all we must remember Carl Gustav Jung who postulated the existence of the “Collective Unconscious” defined in a first time as Uberpersonliche (transpersonal). This unconscious would stand at the basis of the fundamental interconnection of any individual psyche and would be inhabited by archetypes that constitute the very basis of any transpersonal experience. According to Jung we indirectly experience archetypes through dreams, symbols, fairytales and rituals, while mystical experiences open the way to a direct contact with the realm of archetypes. He even pointed to spiritual experience as the best way out of neurosis. Abraham Maslow He was the father of humanistic psychology and cast the basis, probably more than anybody else, for the birth of transpersonal psychology as an organised corpus among psychological theories. He himself viewed humanistic psychology, which is defined as the “third strength” of psychology, after psychoanalysis and behaviourism, as a transitory one in preparation for a “fourth”, even higher type of psychology, the transpersonal, trans human, centred on Cosmos more than on human needs, and that could go to further concepts like humanity, identity, personal self-­‐realization, towards a consciousness of the Self. Roberto Assagioli He was the first credited to transcend the limits of psychoanalysis offering a psychosynthesis which enabled the subject to widen the personal boundaries towards the accomplishment of a transpersonal Self. It seems as well that he was the first to use the term “transpersonal psychology”. Pierre Weil He is one of the great old men in transpersonal psychology still alive. Exploring the dimensions of interior experience, as referred in his work “L’uomo senza frontiere, he pointed out the various boundaries that limit the scope of human vision of the world, in doing so he masterly defined the sphere of action of transpersonal psychology: consciousness, memory, development and death. Knowledge and transcendence of such boundaries are, in fact, the main characteristics of the transpersonal movement, that scientifically operates to develop the following thesis: -­‐ Consciousness is an unending and boundless flow. Limits only exist in the human mind. -­‐ Memory goes beyond phylogeny and can be tracked back through the evolution of the living being up to the very source of the vital energy. Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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-­‐Human evolution does not end in intellect but moves towards higher qualities such as wisdom, love, humbleness, sympathy, awareness, etc. -­‐Death is just a passage, an opportunity to reach new dimensions of being. Stanislav Grof and Ken Wilber They are, at present, the most representative researchers in the transpersonal movement. Stan Grof, as we are later going to see, was the first one to elaborate a transpersonal psychodynamic model, along with a map of interior experience and a psychotherapeutic methodology with a transpersonal approach. Ken Wilber(10) can be considered the most prolific living author; he elaborated a consciousness development model that enables us to integrate the different psychological models: cognitive, moral, psychodynamic and spiritual. Other authors Among the heterogeneous authors who contribute to the main stream of transpersonal studies we must mention as well Karen Horney, with her concept of “true Self”; Victor Frankl who based his work on the research of meaning and the notion of “self-­‐transcendence”; Carl Rogers who included the concept of “transcendent spiritual power” among the characteristics of a perfectly healthy person and Fritz Perls who was deeply influenced by Zen in his formulation of the Gestalt therapy. In Italy As previously recalled, the authors who mostly contributed to the diffusion of the transpersonal studies in our country are Laura Boggio Gilot, Arturo De Luca, Filippo Falzoni Gallerani and the author. Boggio Gilot explores transpersonal psychology at the light of psychosynthesis and of Vedanta Meditation. Arturo De Luca reaches the transpersonal dimension through “rebirthing” and Grof’s “holotropic breathwork”, Marlene Silveira and Pier Luigi Lattuada elaborated the “Biotransenergetic”, a transpersonal methodology influenced by ancient shamanic traditions. Art. 4.2 Some Assumptions of Transpersonal psychology At the root of any story we may tell, there are always assumptions... Each one of us has an “ intimate nature”, essential, biologically founded, natural, inbred, human. This nature is partly specific of the person, partly characteristic of the species. It seems to be “intrinsically good”. It contains fundamental needs, emotions and human abilities, potentials, talents, physiological and character balances, anatomic structure etc. Cultural expectations, conditionings, fear, suffocate our “true nature” This inner core founded on potentials is weak rather than strong. The bringing up, cultural expectations, conditioning, fears of disapproval, easily overcome it. The contents of this inner core are in this way suppressed and become unconscious. Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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Everybody’s existence is the process of self realization of the “true nature”, or spiritual essence. Each acorn will become an oak if it has the chance to grow according to its nature. Each person will achieve his/her fulfilment by getting in touch with their inner nature, by accepting him/her own Self, that is needs and yearnings, and their expression. The process to achieve the Self does not end in the mind (intellect) but goes towards higher qualities such as love, wisdom, sympathy, trustfulness, consciousness, patience, sharing, solidarity, respect and so on. There are qualities that transcend intellectual knowledge and derive from the wisdom of the heart. The person is not only his/her physical components, but is a bio-­‐psycho-­‐spiritual being, who presents series of interconnected levels that go from physical through emotional and mental to spiritual. The human being is a unit of systems with a growing complexity level. Hindrances can be found in the stabilization factors or conservative structures of the “I” . When they become chronic and are reinforced by excessive rigour towards social norms, can engender fear in the psyche and ultimately prevent form the free expression of the Self, so trapping spontaneity and naturalness inside stereotyped behavioural patterns. Such conservative apprehended patterns are supported by instances as control, will, self criticism, analysing, measuring, conformism, circumspection, cautiousness. They so end up substituting the wise and dynamic inner strength, the voice that drives us towards what is “right” for ourselves and what is around us, towards our more truly human qualities of confidence love, understanding, humbleness, sympathy, resolution, honesty, fluidity, sensitivity. Art. 4.3 The Therapeutic Course To achieve comprehension of the human experience and of the relationship between mind and matter it is determinant understanding the role and nature of mind. H.H Dalai Lama Art. 4.3.1 The content Transpersonal refers to what goes beyond the individual. Talking in psychodynamic terms, this means that inside the subject a process is taking place that transcends him/her. When we use the terms ‘transpersonal contents’ we refer to the various experiences with a transpersonal quality such as peak experiences, mystic, ecstatic experiences, non ordinary conscience states, near death experiences, archetypical visions, mythological dreams, revelations, insights, the opening of the heart, transcendent experiences, meditative states and so on. Stan Grof suggests the word “ holothropic”: totality oriented, moving towards the whole, to indicate these type of experiences (from the Greek holòs, everything and trépein, moving towards something). Walsh and Vaughan studied some of the most significant categories of experiences examined by the transpersonal psychology, the ones we could define the transpersonal dimension of the conscience. Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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Here are some of them: Peak Experiences Plateau Experiences Nadir Experiences Transcendence of the Self Optimum wellness states Spiritual emergency Personality development spectrum Ecstatic experiences Mystic experiences Meditative States Holotropic States of consciousness Near death Experiences Sensitivity States Archetypal and mythological Visions Lucid dreaming Insights Opening of the heart Art. 4.3.2 The Process To understand what a transpersonal process means we can refer to what we call the dynamic structure of the inner experience, masterly described by Grof. The transpersonal psychotherapist accompanies the patient with transpersonal practices or others derived from spiritual disciplines such as meditations, channelling, chants, dances, psychophysical and breathing exercises, shamanic practices, rituals, visualizations and so on. The interior journey of the patient starts with a first exploration of sensations, emotions, perceptions with apparently no meaning. Then the patient is led, through investigation, to the gradual liberation from the personal story, and then, going through radical transformation experiences, to the access of the transpersonal dimension, place of the spiritual qualities and of the “true nature”. Art. 4.3.3 The Context The transpersonal context is the frame into which the transpersonal vision interprets the events. A depressive state, for instance, if in psychoanalysis may be connected to a fixation to the oral phase o the personality development, in the transpersonal perspective will be seen as a separation from the sacral dimension of existence. Anxiety for life will not be read as a removed castration anguish, but rather as the emerging of an archetype asking to be recognized and honoured. Recognizing the transpersonal context means recognizing the true nature of the subject. Using Hillman’s (19) words: the Daimon. The Daimon or true nature, is always independent from the personality, it is not conditioned by the personal biography: it is transpersonal. According to Hillman it is related to the descent of the spirit to the level of material reality, or according to Jung, to the emerging in the individual psyche of an archetype of the collective unconscious. Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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At this stage it can be understood that what characterizes the transpersonal psychology is the recognizing of the context more than the methodology used. It is true that the privileged way to accede to the transpersonal dimension is a meditative conscience state, but it is also true that it is possible to create the conditions to achieve meditation with very different methods, such as interpretation, a change in behaviour, a cognitive restructuring and so on. All in all, it is possible to use typical transpersonal methods, such as meditation, dance or visualizations without working in a transpersonal context, as it is possible having a transpersonal approach using behaviouristic or psychoanalytical methods. Art. 5 Curriculum Art. 5.1 Global Program Theoretical and Experiential Global Seminars: Three days per month (250 h). Evidence-­‐based practice Intensive Seminars: five days two time per year (100 h). Individual session and supervision in group: 50 h per year. Clinical Practicum Stage (psycho diagnosis and psychotherapy) 160 h per year Art. 5.2 First Year Theoretical Teachings: (units 6.0) Psychobiology 1.o Anatomo-­‐physiology. 2.0 General Psychology.1.0 Clinical Psychology.1.0 Psychodiagnosis.1.0 Monographic arguments: Psychobiology and processes of healing. The holistic vision. Psiconeuroimmunology. The dimension of consciousness. The original tradition. Some of the themes of Theoretical and Experiential Global Seminars: (units 27) Elements of transpersonal psychotherapy and biotransenergetica methodology: setting, therapeutic relationship and transe; identification and disidentification passage from zero, the transpersonal self. practices of contact and mobilization; the Dreaming body, body mind integration; Self-­‐Healing; the constellations and the archetypal forces, the self-­‐realization process: The dimensions of the sound and the breath in the self-­‐realization process. Bibliography: -­‐ Bateson G., Mente e natura, Adelphi -­‐ Bateson G., Verso una ecologia della mente, Adelphi -­‐ Pinel John, Psicobiologia, Il mulino -­‐ Rossi E.L., La Psicobiologia della guarigione psicofisica, ed Astrolabio -­‐ Lattuada P.L., Potere spirituale e guarigione, ed. Meb -­‐ Carotenuto A., Trattato di psicologia della personalità e delle differenze individuali, Raffaello Cortina Editore -­‐ Pert C. (2000), Molecole d’emozioni, Corbaccio, Milano. -­‐ Lattuada P.L., Arte medica della guarigione interiore Franco Angeli Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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-­‐ Portmann A., Le forme viventi, Adelphi -­‐ Gilman Sid, Newman Sarah W. Le basi essenziali di neuro-­‐anatomia clinica e neurofisiologia Piccin-­‐ Nuova Libraria -­‐ Miller P., Teorie dello sviluppo psicologico, Il Mulino -­‐ Anastasi A. I test psicologici, Franco Angeli editore -­‐ R.L.Spitzer e altri, DSM IV Casi clinici, ed. Masson -­‐ Darley J.M. a cura di, Psicologia, ed il Mulino Art. 5.3. Second year Theoretical Teachings: (units 6.0) Child Psychology (1.0) Clinical and Dynamic Psychology(1.0)Antropology and Transcultural Psychology(1.0). Interpersonal Communication and Group Dynamics (1.0) Short Therapies and Counseling Techniques (1.0). Family Therapy (1.0). Some of the themes of Theoretical and Experiential Global Seminars: (units 27) Biotransenergetics methodology and Transpersonal Psychology Elements: Awareness keys; the watcher; the further way; persistency of contact, mastering the transe, personal, familiar, cultural, archetypal constellations. Bibliography: -­‐ Bregerat J. Psicologia Patologica, Masson -­‐ Dalai Lama, Goleman D. (2003), Emozioni Distruttive, Mondadori, Milano -­‐ Bottaccioli F., Psiconeuroimmunologia, ed. Red -­‐ Reich W. L’analisi del carattere, ed. Sugarco -­‐ Brennan B. Mani di luce, ed. Longanesi -­‐ Jung C.G., Gli archetipi dell’inconscio collettivo, ed. Boringhieri -­‐ Loven A. Bioenergetica, ed. Feltrinelli Milano -­‐ Reich W., La funzione dell’orgasmo, ed. Sugar -­‐ Perls F., Teoria e pratica della terapia della Gestalt, ed. Astrolabio -­‐ Tomati C,, Il cerchio che cura, edito in proprio -­‐ Lattuada P.L. , Oltre la mente, ed. Franco Angeli -­‐ Goleman D.J. (1996), Intelligenza Emotiva, Rizzoli, Milano -­‐ Mindell A. Il Corpo della Sciamana ed. Il Cerchio della Luna, Arpo, Verona -­‐ Mussen, Conger, Kagan, Huston-­‐ Lo sviluppo del bambino e la personalità, Zanichelli -­‐ Baldascini L., a cura di-­‐ le voci dell’adolescenza, Franco Angeli -­‐ Kendall Ph.C. e Norton Ford J.D., Psicologia Clinica, ed. Il Mulino -­‐ Freud S., Introduzione alla psicanalisi, ed. Boringhieri -­‐ Jung C.G., La teoria della Psicanalisi, ed. Fratelli Melita -­‐ Rogers C.,I gruppi d’incontro ed. Astrolabio -­‐ Schutzenberger A.A.-­‐ Sauret M.J., Il corpo e il gruppo ed. Astrolabio -­‐ Moreno J.L., Principi di sociometria, di psicoterapia di gruppo e sociodramma, Ed. Etas Kompass -­‐ Foulkes S.H., La psicoterapia gruppo-­‐analitica, ed. Astrolabio -­‐ Rogers C., Psicoterapia di consultazione, ed. Astrolabio Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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-­‐ Levi-­‐Strauss C., Le strutture elementari della parentela, ed. Feltrinelli -­‐ Watzlawick P., Pragmatica della comunicazione umana, ed. Astrolabio -­‐ Gurman, Kriskern, Manuale di Terapia della Famiglia, ed. Bollati Boringhieri -­‐ Pierrakos E., L’unione sacra, ed. Crisalide -­‐ Ancora A., I costruttori di trappole del vento, Franco Angeli -­‐ Krishnamurti J., Libertà dal conosciuto, ed. Astrolabio -­‐ Krishnamurti J., La sola rivoluzione, ed. Astrolabio -­‐ Krishnamurti J., La visione profonda, ed. Astrolabio Art. 5.4. Third Year Theoretical Teachings: (units 6.0) General Psychopatology. Traditional Psychopharmacology. Etno-­‐medicine and Social etno-­‐psicology. Transpersonal and hUmanistic Psichology. Transpersonal Psychoterapy I. Some of the themes of Theoretical and Experiential Global Seminars: (units 27) Biotransenergetics methodology and Transpersonal Psychology Elements: direction and transformation practice; autocaptation and captation; Biotransenergetics integration; group dynamics; shamanic journey; self healing practices; Vision quest, regression, projection, beyond boundaries. Primal Therapy: primal emotion freedom Sound, breathing, dance and mindfulness.. Bibliography: -­‐ Basaglia Franco, Cos’è la psichiatria, Baldini Castaldi -­‐ Basaglia Franco, La maggioranza deviante, Einaudi -­‐ Basaglia Franco, L’istituzione negata, Baldini Castaldi -­‐ Coppo P., Etnomedicina, ed. Red -­‐ Eliade M. Sciamanesimo, le tecniche dell’estasi, ed. Mediterranee -­‐ Esler R. Il calice e la spada ed. Frassinelli -­‐ Tart C., Psicologie Transpersonali, ed Crisalide -­‐ Maslow A., Verso una psicologia dell’essere -­‐ Wilber K., Lo spettro della Coscienza, ed. Crisalide -­‐ Capra F., Il punto di svolta, ed Feltrinelli -­‐ Capra F., Il tao della Fisica, ed Adelphi -­‐ Grof S., Oltre il cervello, ed. Cittadella -­‐ Talbot M., Tutto è uno, ed. Urrà -­‐ Wilber K., Oltre i confini, ed. Cittadella -­‐ Grof S., Emergenza Spirituale, ed. Red -­‐ Grof S, La tempestosa ricerca di se stessi, ed. Red -­‐ Lattuada P.L., Il modo Ulteriore, ed. Meb -­‐ Lattuada P.L., Biotransenergetica, ed. Xenia -­‐ Casdan e Sheldon, Psicopatologia, ed. Giunti Martello, Firenze -­‐ R.D.Laing, L’io Diviso, ed. Feltrinelli Milano -­‐ T.S.Szasz, Disumanizzazione dell’uomo, ed. Feltrinelli Milano -­‐ T.S.Szasz, Il mito della malattia mentale, ed. Il saggiatore Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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-­‐ Lombardo G.P., Pedone G., Normale e patologico nelle teorie della personalità, ed. Laterza Bari. -­‐ Fromm E. Anatomia della distruttività umana, ed. Mondatori -­‐ Ornstein R. La psicologia della coscienza Franco Angeli editore -­‐ Zolla E. La filosofia perenne, ed. marsilio -­‐ Zolla E. Archetipi, ed. Marsilio -­‐ Zohar D., L’io ritrovato, ed Sperling e Kupfer Art.5.5. Third Year Theoretical Teachings: (units 6.0) Transpersonal Psychotherapy II. New trends in Transpersonal Approach. Biotransenergetics methodology I and II. State of consciousness psychology. Sacred Technologies. Research Metodology. Some of the themes of Theoretical and Experiential Global Seminars: (units 27) Biotransenergetics methodology and Transpersonal Psychology Elements: Archetypal Forces; dreamwork; group ceremonies; transidentification; sacred dances; body mind work. Bibliography: -­‐ Lattuada P.L. Sciamanesimo Brasiliano ed. Xenia -­‐ Lattuada P.L. Sotto stelle diverse ed. Xenia -­‐ Lattuada P.L Il Corpo del Sogno, Anima edizioni -­‐ Campbel J. L’eroe dai mille volti, Guanda -­‐ Assagioli R., Lo sviluppo Transpersonale, ed . Astrolabio -­‐ Weil P., L’uomo senza frontiere, ed Crisalide -­‐ Boggio Gilot L, Crescere oltre l’io, ed. Cittadella -­‐ Silveira M., Lattuada P.L., I Chakras, Rusconi -­‐ Grof S. La mente olotropica, Ed. Red -­‐ Grof S. La psicologia del futuro, Ed. Red -­‐ Grof S., L’ultimo viaggio, Urrà -­‐ Tart C., Stati di coscienza, ed Astrolabio -­‐ Russell P., Il risveglio della mente globale, ed Urrà -­‐ Jodorowsky A., La danza della realtà, ed. Feltrinelli -­‐ Hanckock J., Sciamani, Corbaccio -­‐ Mc Burney D., Metodologia della ricerca in psicologia, ed. Il Mulino -­‐ Braden G., La matrix divina, Macro -­‐ Lipton , La biologia delle credenze, Macro -­‐ McKenna T., Il nutrimento degli dei ed. Urrà -­‐ Erikson M.H., Le nuove vie dell’ipnosi, ed. Astrolabio -­‐ Osho, Cos’è la meditazione, ed. Bompiani -­‐ Beveridge W., L’arte della ricerca scientifica, ed. Armando -­‐ Borger R-­‐Cioffi F., La spiegazione nelle scienze del comportamento, ed. Franco Angeli -­‐ Vogt W.P., Dizionario di tecniche e metodologia per la ricerca psicologica, edizioni Kappa Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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Art. 6. Locations Via Montalbino 7 Milano Monte Carmel, Località Le Piane di Teviggio, Varese Ligure (SP). Art. 7. Individual sessions and supervision Minimum 20 hours per year. Art. 8 Stage 160 hours per year nearby accreditated psycho diagnosis or psychotherapy centres-­‐ Art. 9 General Admission Requirements For admission to TPT a medical doctor or psychologist degree is required. Art.10 Certification After overcame required tests, at the end of study program student will get the Diploma di Formazione in Psicoterapia Transpersonale. Art 11. Board of Professors Art. 11.1 Director Prof. Dott. Pier Luigi Lattuada Art.11.2 Professors Dott. Gianni Alfieri Dott.ssa Cristina Andreoni Dott. Arturo De Luca Dott. Davide Ferraris Dott. Beppe Grasso Prof. Dott. Pier Luigi Lattuada Dott. Luciano Marchino Dott. Carlo Moiraghi Dott.ssa Cinzia Nardelli Prof. Dott. Massimo Rosselli Dott. ssa Marlene Silveira Dott. Paolo Cianconi Dott.ssa Laura Beccaluva Dott. Giuliano De Rocco Dott.ssa Dora Canzi Dott. Marco Massignan Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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Art.11.3 Supervisors: Dott. Beppe Grasso Dott. Davide Ferraris Prof. Dott. Pier Luigi Lattuada Dott.ssa Marlene Silveira Art.11.4 International Scientific Board: Giorgia Donà, ITA (President), Alfredo Ancora, ITA, Arturo De Luca, ITA, Massimo Rosselli, ITA, Jure Biechonsky, Estonia, Bernadette Blin-­‐Lery, France, Gennady Brevde, Russia, Ingo Benjamin Jahrsetz, Germany, Vitor Jose Rodrigues, Portugal, Magda Sole, Spain, Hans Peter Weidinger, Austria, Steven Schmitz, USA, David Lukoff, USA, Glenn Hartelius, USA Art. 12 International Links Associazione per la Medicina e la Psicologia Transpersonale is EUROTAS, European Transpersonal Association, member Associazione per la Medicina e la Psicologia Transpersonale FAIP, Federazione Italiana delle Associazioni di Psicoterapia member Associazione per la Medicina e la Psicologia Transpersonale is twinned with: TERVIKLIK MINA OU AASA 4 VALGA VALGAMAA ESTONIA Latvian Professional association of Transpersonal Psychology (28-­‐5 Vangazu str, Riga Latvia, LV-­‐
1024) Moldavian Transpersonal Association (Bd.Mircea cel Batrin, 23-­‐81, Chisinau 2075, Moldova) Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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Art.15 General Informations Om -­‐ Associazione per la Medicina e la Psicologia Transperdsonale, was founded in Milan in 1982 by a group of doctors and psychologists whose intention was to make the individual aware of his own potential and spiritual dimension. The clinical commitment and the theoretical processing in 1986 led to the creation of Biotransenergetics (BTE) and the Institute which deals with training, teaching and the study and research into Biotransenergetics. It promotes, in particular, the training of operators, teachers, trainers and therapeutists in Biotransenergetics and founded the first School (four year course) for Transpersonal Psychotherapy in Italy. Over the years it has also organised a strong series of courses, seminars and conferences as well as various congresses. Its more prominent members have published numerous works and presented Biotransenergetics at important national and international congresses. The Om Association has so far organised four international congresses: Folly and the Divine, Turin 1998 The magic of awareness, Lucca 1990 Energy and Conscience, Abano Terme (Padova) 1995 Inner Experiences, Milan 1996 Trbe's Heritage, Milan 1999 Beyond the Mind, XI EUROTAS Comference, Milan 2009 Information and Application Integral Transpersonal Institute sas Scuola di Formazione in Psicoterapia Transpersonale Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano tel 028393306 fax 0299980130 e-­‐mail: ; website: Integral Transpersonal Institute , Via Villapizzone 26 20156 Milano
Tel. 0039 028393306 –Fax 0039 0299980130
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