research briefs meet the researcher i
research briefs meet the researcher i
RESEARCH BRIEFS M EE T T H E R E S E A R C H E RI Laura Boggio Gilot Rome, Italy Laura Boggio Gilot is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist,Vedanta meditation instructor, and researcherwho has been actively involved in clinical and transpersonal work for the past 35 years. She is the founder and president of the Italian Association of TranspersonalPsychology (AIPT), co-founder and past-presidentof the EuropeanTranspersonalAssociation (EUROTAS), and co-founder and president of the European TranspersonalPsychology Association (ETPA). She is also on the Board of Editors for the International Journal ofTranspersonal Studies. , Laura's research and published work'is extensive and covers a wide array of transpersonaland humanistic topics. For example, her first published book Modern Man and Neurosis (1980) is an analysisof existentialneurosisin the materialistic era. Subsequentto this, based upon her Vedanta-basedmeditative investigations into consciousnessand non-ordinary states, and influenced by a personal near-death experience,she published (all in Italian; see referencelist for Italian titles) Psychosynthesisand Meditation (1983), Form and Developmentof Consciousness(1987), and The Transpersonal Self (1992). Finally, and most recently, she has published Principles of Transpersonal Psychology (1995), Growing Beyond Ego: Principles and methodsof transpersonalpsychology (1991), Suffering and Healing: Transpersonalpsychology and spiritual tradition (1999), andTime of the Soul (2001). In addition to her books, Laura's researchand clinical findings have been describedin about 100 articles, lectures, and presentationsat national and intemational conferences. Laura has been a seminal figure in her efforts îo organize the transpersonalpsychological movement in Europe and to disseminate transpersonaltheory and research.For instance, in addition to the founding of three associations(e.g., AIPT, EUROTAS, ETPA), she edited the EUROTAS annual publication Eurotas News from 1994to 1998.Shehas also organizedseveralkey conferences(and subsequently edited and published the proceedings),including Italian transpersonalconferenceson "Suffering and Healing" in the early 1990s, "The Inner Path" in 1995, and the European transpersonal conference "Time of the Soul" in 2000. Further, she organized and completed a number of important seminars including the 2001 ETPA seminar "Depression: An Integral Approach," rhe 2002 ETPA International Symposium on Depression, and a currently ongoing series of Italian research seminars conceming psychotherapy and meditation which feature such topics as "Awareness,Discrimination, Listening: Three Ways of Accessto the Transpersonal," "Ego Integration and Ego Transcendence:The Stagesof Development," "Meditation in Psychotherapy:AwarenessPractices," "Death: Suffering, Faith, Knowledge, and Experience," "Meeting of the Ways: From Suffering to Liberation," and "Narcissism and Spirituality: The Integral Approach Between Psychotherapyand Meditation." The Journal ofTranspersonal Psychology, 2003, Vol. 35, No. I 6l She is also an active researcher and teacher at two AIPT institutes: the Institute of Meditation (founded to engagein the study of consciousnessand the psychology of meditation) and the Instifute of Transpersonal Psychology (founded particularly in order to foster and spread the teachings of Ken Wilber and to offer professional training to psychologists,psychotherapists,and health professionals).She notes that for AIpT, as well as the newer ETPA, the importance of transformative spirituality is stressedthrough service and meditation with particular attention given to the need for a transformation of motivation and egocentric habits of life in order to reach transpersonalstatesof consciousnessand optimal menÎal health' Laura's researchorientation is in line with Ken Wilber's All Levels All Quadrants integral model which is séen by her as combining objective observation of states of consciousnessin clinical casesand meditators, and subjective apprehensionof the researcher'sown inner experiencesand changesin consciousnessarising from deep involvement in a meditative path. In both instances,attention is given to all aspects of consciousnessincluding perception,emotion, cognition, and behavior and to their implications for the various developmentallines identified by Wilber (e-g., identity' motivation, morality) and for physical, social, and culfural systems. For her, integral research offers an extraordinary avenue for experiencing and comprehending the growth, the developmentincluding obstaclesto ffanspersonal stagesof transpersonal rationalistic from a shifts consciousness which in mÍrnner the and nature of suffering, mode of understandingto one which is intuitive, superconscious,and spiritual. Laura's integral approachto researchrelies upon a number of specific practicesand spiritual traditions including (a) Yoga-Vedanta and Christian wisdom traditions wherein the teachings of wisdom are realized in a concenffative and contemplative manner, (b) the Vedanta practice of self-observation (i.e., witness oi observing consciousness)with emphasis given to its value in differentiating the elements of experience and integrating conscious and unconscious aspects of perception, (c) meditative practices of mental purification involving concentration, visualization, evocation of sacredarchetypes,and use of silence and solitude, and (d) the Karma yoga practice of service. Incidentally, Laura notes that the orientation towardé service without compensation or attachment has served as the basis of her involvementwith the creationand maintenanceof the AIPT and ETPA' Laurahas applied her integral approach to research to psychotherapy with attention given to the use of spiritual practices and meditative techniq-uesin facilitating the healing process.More recently, she has conductedresearchon the role ofnarcissism in hampering the development of conscioúsnessand in fostering psychopathology and is currentlycompletinga book on integralpsychotherapywhere she engagesin a comparisonof the forms of narcissismwith the various expressionsof disfurbances in the stagesof development. In this book, tentatively entitled Integral Approach to Narcissism: Psychology and Meditation, she argues how narcissism underlies the developmental arrest îhat is seen in all forms of mental pathology' jn the area of psyNotwithstanding her book-in-progress,Laura's researchefforts chotherapy and meditation afe ongoing and serve as the basis of new psychotherapeutic strategies which are adopted in the practice and professional teaching at boih AtrT and efpn. Sheis presentlyexpandingher areaof researchinvolvement 62 Psychology,2003,Vol. 35, No' I TheJournal of Transpersonal of her integral from the integral study of psychology and meditation to the application approach to education and social life. c. corvisieri 46,00162 Rome, Italy or Laura can be reached by mail at AIPT-Via The AIPT website is <> by email at (> REreneNcss \ ' autopsicoterapia [Modem Boccro Gnor, L. (1980). tlomo moderno e nevrosi-Autoanalisi e manandneurosis:Self-analysisandself-psychotherapy].Milan:EdizioniPaoline. and meditationl' Rome: Boccro Gnor, L. (1983). Psicosintesí e meditazione lPsychosynthesis Edizioni Mediterranee. B occro Grror,L .(|98 7) . For m aes v iluppodellac os c ien z a l F o r m a n d d e v e l o p m e n t o f consciousnessl.Rome: Edizioni Asram Vidya' self]. Rome: Asram vidya' Boccro Gnor, L. (lgg2). It sé transpersonale[T\e transpersonal of transpersonal transpersonale [Principles psicologia (1995). di Principi Boccro Gnor, L. psychologyl. Rome: Edizioni AIPT. e metodi di psicologia transpersonale Boccro Gn-or, L. (1997). Crescere oltre t'io-lrincipi [Growingbeyondego:principlesandmethodsoftranspersonalpsychology]'Assisi: CittadellaEditrice. B oc'cro Gno r,L.(Ed . ) . ( 1999) . Sof f er enz aeguar igion e : P s i c o l o g i a t r a n s p e r s o n a l e e tradizíonespirituale[Suffering*at'"uti''g'Transpersonalpsychologyandspiritual traditionl. Assisi: Cittadella Editrice. B oc croGro r,L.(Ed .) . ( 2001) . I lt em podell, anim n[ Tim e o f t h e s o u l ] . T o r i n o : L i b r e r i a Editrice Psiche. Meet the ResearcherI 63
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Besides having published about one hundred articles
and a number of coauthored books, she is author of
Modern Man and Neurosis (Uomo moderno e nevrosi,
Ed. Paoline, Rome, 1980, 2nd ed., 1998);