Atisha News Summer 2013/14
Atisha News Summer 2013/14
Atisha News Summer-2013 Atisha Centre is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation centre, providing opportunities for study and practice of a spiritual path, where people can develop their natural wisdom and compassion. Annual Chenrezig Retreat COMING IN 2014 Venerable Tony Beaumont 27th December to 1st January Choden Rinpoche - Weekend Teaching Febuary 21st to 23rd rezig, prostrations and contemplation of the Eight Verses for Training the Mind, the traditional methods of developing compassion leading up to the Tong-Len practice. Geshe Sherab Wednesday March 5th Weekend Teaching March 8th & 9th PUBLIC LECTURE WHY MEDITATE ? Khadro-la Dr Ross Moore Weekend Teaching April 4th, 5 & 6th Wednesday 6th November 7.30pm to 9.00pm St Andrew’s Small Hall, Myers St , Bendigo. Thubten Gyatso Lam Rim Meditation Retreat ( Kopan Style) April 17th to 27th Venerable Robina Courtin June 30th to 6th July. Green Tara Retreat Integrated with Teaching & Meditation to Actualize the Lam Rim. Lama Zopa Rinpoche simple guided meditations. November 13, 20, 27 7.30pm-9.00pm Atisha Buddhist Centre - with Dr Ross Moore Lama Zopa Rinpoche will return to continue the Bodhicaryavatara and Rinjung Gyatsa. Sept. 25th to Oct 23rd. Vegecareian Festival Animal Blessing and Animal Liberation seizing the deeper value of our lives. Atisha Centre Saturday 2nd November 4.00pm form a procession to the Atisha Centre courtyard for the animal procession ing at the Great Stupa site. Friday evening November 29th 7.30 pm to Sunday 1st Dec 5.00pm Atisha Buddhist Centre-with Dr Ross Moore - 1 Lama Zopa Rinpoche The Benefits of Working for the Centre - full enlightenment. - crazier every second, ha ha! Colophon: Scribe Ven.Sarah Thresher, Tushita, India. May 2012. Lightly edited by Claire Isitt. arranging facilities and so forth. The Dharma center is to Practices for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Health and Long life that you can see only through a machine to the largest ones advised us to do for Rinpoche’s health and long life. “It is very important for us to continue doing these practic- eat so many small ones and many small ones that eat the The Benefits of Working as a Retreat Co-ordinator endeavouring to practise mindfulness, through not only catering photo, to see the smiling faces and hear the cacophony of voices, it is just great! Of course practising mindfulness has journey. By providing service to retreat participants and the 2 Cherry R attue - Atisha Centre Director - at Atisha Centre, offering gramme to the community - has graciously accepted the position of acting Director. Liam - need to factor this into our everyday lives through our daily practice. tor is appointed. I encourage you all to read the advertisement - miss Atisha Centre and you, the community, more than I can co-ordinating the Centre shop volunteers. - - The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion News - With hands folded in love and gratitude Cherry. Thubten Shedrup Ling Monastery News The Great Stupa Vegecareian Festival Sat. 2nd November -10am - 6 pm The Festival is of Caring for your Health and Caring for Animals through an increase in vegetarian diet. Various activities and stalls include Vegetarian ings, Pet Photography stall, Community Health information stalls, Yoga sessions and live entertainment. All the food charities, campaigners, organisations and individuals to For more information and bookings. Call 5446 7568 or email is almost complete. We have had very generous support ern Australia to return to the monastery and help out for a couple of months. - appreciated. support the teachining and meditation program at Atisha Centre and Shen Phen Ling in Wodonga. Ven Gyatso has resumed teachings at Dromtonpa 3 Weekly Progr am MEDITATION WEDNESDAY TEACHING Treasury of Manifest Knowledge Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. (Abhidharmakosha) December 4th and 11th Buddhist meditation practices are techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things. Through detailed presentation of the constituents, faculties, Buddhist cos- practice you learn the patterns and the various types of spiritual practitioners and their paths, and focused states of mind can deepen into profoundly peaceful and energised have a transformative effect and can - - WEDNESDAY EVENING TALKS Try it on Sunday or Tuesday. Dr Ross Moore Sunday Atisha Buddhist Centre ‘ - B Tuesday The Randall Room St Andrew’s Myers St , Bendigo. Pleae note: There will be no Wednesday teachings in January Monthly Progr am Community Day Pujas E Dharma Club for Children Community days: Please note: Medicine Buddha Puja In order to protect our precious children, parents are 4 november SG = Small Gompa RR = Randall Room St Andrew’s Hall Complex, Myers Street, Bendigo MON TUE WED THU 5 Discovering Buddhism Samasra and Nirvana 7-9pm SG 11 6 Meditation for Beginners 5.45pm RR 12 Meditation for Beginners 5.45pm RR Meditation for Beginners 5.45pm RR 25 27 Reognizing 26 Meditation for Beginners 5.45pm RR 7 8 9 Private Yoga Day the Causes of Happiness 7.30pm Dr Ross Moore Medicine Buddha Puja 6.00pm Precepts 10 Precepts G Community Day Meditation 10am Children’s Dharma Club 14 15 16 Reognizing the Causes of Happiness 7.30pm Dr Ross Moore the Causes of Happiness 7.30pm Dr Ross Moore Medicine Buddha Puja 6.00pm 3 Meditation 10am Animal Blessing Animal liberation 10.00am - 6.00pm Tara Puja. 6.00pm 20 Reognizing 19 SUN 2 Great Stupa Vegecareian Day Dr. Ross Moore 13 Guru Puja 7.30pm 18 Public Lecture Why Meditate’ SAT 1 Always double check our on-line calendar at for the most up to date information. 4 FRI 17 Meditation 10am Discovering Buddhism Practice Weekend 1.30 to 8.00pm 21 22 23 Discovering Buddhism Practice Weekend 9.00am to 4.30pm 24 Meditation 10am Precepts 28 29 Guru Puja 7.30pm 30 Retreat Retreat Retreat Happiness Through Meditation. Happiness Through Meditation. Happiness Through Meditation. Dr Ross Moore Dr Ross Moore Dr Ross Moore 7.30pm PUBLIC LECTURE 9.00am to 5.00pm 9.00am to 5.00pm Finding Happiness Through WHY MEDITATE ? Meditation Dr Ross Moore Dr Ross Moore A retreat at Atisha Centre provides opportunity to step doctor has recommended it? Will it actually help? Book on line: our lives. His talks are lively years as Director and for the many years of loving service she and Al have given to the centre and to all of us in so and lots of fun. Supper Friday 5.00pm -6.00pm B 5 december SG = Small Gompa RR = Randall Room St Andrew’s Hall Complex, Myers Street, Bendigo MON 30 TUE WED THU 31 Precepts 3 SAT 4 5 6 SUN 1 Meditation 10am Always double check our on-line calendar at for the most up to date information. Chenrezig Retreat Chenrezig Retreat Ven. Tony Beaumont New Year’s Eve Light with Ven. Tony Beaumont Offering 11.15pm 2 FRI 7 8 Meditation 10am Abhidharmakosha Meditation for Beginners 5.45pm AG 9 10 Precepts Gyatso 7-30pm Community Day Meditation 10am Children’s Dharma Tara Puja. 6.00pm 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Meditation 10am Abhidharmakosha Meditation for Beginners 5.45pm AG 16 17 Precepts Meditation for Beginners 5.45pm AG 23 24 Meditation 10am Gyatso 7-30pm Medicine Buddha Puja 6.00pm 18 Guru Puja 7.30pm No Teaching Tonight Meditation 10am Medicine Buddha Puja 6.00pm 25 Chenrezig Retreat Ven. Tony Beaumont Guru Puja Lama Tsong Khapa Day Light Offering. 7.30pm Chenrezig Retreat Venerable Tony Beaumont Friday 27th Dec 7.30pm - 9.00pm to after lunch 1st Jan Chenrezig Retreat Chenrezig Retreat with with Ven. Tony Beaumont Ven. Tony Beaumont Lama Tsong Khapa Day Guru Puja and Light offering dha of Compassion retreat. It is a wonderful opportunity to awaken our own Buddha nature, which is vast wisdom and deep comIt is a very gentle and peaceful practice suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. The more peace and compassion we and the environments that we live in. ductory course about the Lam Rim, such as ‘Buddhism in a Nutshell’ or ‘Discovering Buddhism’ and have some understanding about The Three Principles of the Path. sition of the Stages of the Path’. Sangha and others in a Guru Puja and light offerings. Buddhism in a Nutshell Venerable Lhundrup th th Book on line New Year’s Eve Light offering Come and celebrate your New Year’s Eve at Atisha Centre Gompa Commencing 11.15 pm on December 31st. Everyone is very welcome harmony throughout the world. Come and join Book on line 6 january SG = Small Gompa RR = Randall Room St Andrew’s Hall Complex, Myers Street, Bendigo MON TUE WED THU 1 2 Precepts Chenrezig Retreat with Ven. Tony Beaumont FRI SAT SUN 3 4 5 Meditation 10am 10 11 12 Meditation 10am Tara Puja. 6.00pm 6 7 8 9 Heart Sutra Practice Day . 8.30am to 4.00pm Guru Puja 7.30pm 13 14 15 20 21 22 Precepts 16 17 18 23 24 25 Precepts 19 Meditation 10am 26 Meditation 10am Guru Puja 5.30pm 27 Discovering Buddhism How to Develop Bodhicitta 7-9pm SG 28 29 30Precepts 31 Always double check our on-line calendar at for the most up to date information. Heart Sutra Practice Day Discovering Buddhism Atisha Centre Gompa Venerable Lhundrup Dedicated to the Long life of His Practice Weekend Rinpoche all our precious teachers and completion of the Green Tara Statue. Come and join us in this practice day (Dorje Drolma) graces the altar at Atisha dhist philosophy and practice. The course aims to give you a solid footing in the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. By engaging in of mantra and Heart Sutra recitations. ful completion of the Tara Statue at Atisha Centre Gompa. - into your everyday life. Our Aim is . Book on line 7 Offering Service in The Kitchen more meaning. A little high falutin not really something I sought out Atisha Buddhist Centre has helped of creativity and the lots of time Food can nourish and please and anyone can derive satisfaction (or not) into something tasty and fer my Buddhist guests and all their friends. Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Khadro-la with Tushita Meditation Centre cooks, June 2013. Photo by Ven. Sarah Thresher. Dharma is something that protects your life, protects you feast of delicious and nutritious food for our guests at the prepare to create meals, and discover mindfulness through - great deal to rejoice in, that you have this very precious Atisha community. at Atisha Centre in retreats at the Centre regularly for the past since moving to East Gippsland. Rinpoche and Atisha Centre for the opportunity I have 8 Strictly meditating retreat - Thubten Gyatso - people at the Atisha Centre I decided after much contem- doting parents as you arrive in this idyllic Bush Escape, - mind needed some attention! Prior to the strictly meditating retreat I did one module of the Discovering Buddhism course and attended Tuesday night meditations and Ven. Jampa’s one day meditation retreat. My After three days, my mind felt spirational. I have gently rinsing sion, patience and understanding of impurities. not to mention the most amazing dedicated Atisha Centre staff. The Atisha Centre is a good space to let go of repetitive thought patterns. An au- retreat and community of the centre and monastery sigh of relief and I hope I’m part of it for many a year to come. the same for months during his personal information. Day Four I could feel myself drop into a deeper place. We practiced ‘ Single Pointed Concentration”, or “ Shunyata”. I found that having an image of ‘Whenever I offer myself time on retreat, I feel very daily meditation practice (practice, practice). As questions reactive, and curious. “Why is everyone in such a hurry?” to my tormented mind, his lilting rhythms are still play- place for people to come. Diane Emery 9 Events & Updates holy objects under the roof. complete. - As a priority, in the long-delayed completion of the Gompa, a visit to the Gardens surrounding the Buddha near the included in this collection. I am normally at the centre on Sundays and at Wednesday teachings. Cam Young. Members News Benefits for our Centre Dharma centre. environment for the study of the Dharma. Centre. as the Gompas for teachings and meditation, the for our community days and gatherings and the 10 Atisha Centre Community Classifieds Professional eye care services for your whole family. CARTWRIGHT & ASSOCIATES OPTOMETRISTS Our Services Comprehensive Eye Examinations Eye Health Check (Cataract Diabetes Glaucoma Macula) Visual Fields Testing Children’s Vision Contact Lens Fittings Prescription Sunglasses Safety Standard Prescription Veterans’ Affairs Provider Eyewear Victorian Eyecare Service (VES) provider - government subsidized glasses for healthcare card holders and pensioners Victorian Eyecare Service (VES) for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities Private Health Insurance Claiming Medicare Bulk Billing Call Now 5443 5137 43 Queen Street Bendigo FREE ON-SITE PARKING Atisha Centre Gifts Atisha Buddhist Centre: 11am - 2pm Sunday for yoga days and retreats, and to pursue sales at events continue to offer a friendly and helpful presence to our and volunteers. The goods offered for sale have changed co-ordinate the volunteers for the Sunday roster, if you training and support in using the till, display and serving With love, Naturopath Robyn McFarlane N.D. Newsletter Deadline: 11 Atisha News is the newsletter of Atisha Centre Print Post Approved Publication No. 326764/00058 If undelivered return to: PO Box 97, Eaglehawk VIC 3556 Australia Postage Paid Australia Friend of the Centre Membership Application Atisha Centre Membership Select membership and payment type. Benefits for individuals quarterly copy of FPMT Mandala magazine Names of family members associated with family membership (2 adults and children of the same household) ________________________________________________ discount on courses ________________________________________________ committee Benefits for our Centre: Dharma centre. Payment Method: environment for the study of the Dharma. as the Gompas for teachings and meditation, the for our community days and gatherings and the key personnel Committee Director: (acting) Liam Chambers Spiritual Program: Ruby Karmay Marilyn Chambers Treasurer: Milo Kei, Centre Management : Gompa Keeper: Membership: Liam Chambers Hannelore Best Kathy Rice Website: Marilyn Chambers Sue Daly Liam Chambers Maxine Hawker Elaine Doling Steve Williams Gina Macauley Liam Chambers Cameron Young Newsletter: Finances: Atisha Gifts Grounds/Buildings: Social Networks: Holy Objects: Merit Box: Committee Members: Maxine Hawker Brian Ashen, Cameron Young All committee members volunteer their time and service. Atisha Buddhist Centre Bendigo Atisha Buddhist Centre Phone: 03 5446 3336. Address: PO Box 97, Eaglehawk, Victoria, 3556. 25 Sandhurst Town Road. Atisha Centre is located just 15 minutes from the heart of Bendigo. Follow the Loddon Highway through Eaglehawk and turn left at the Allies Hotel (Allies Rd). Turn right into Sandhurst Town Rd. 12
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