October 2013 Tempo!


October 2013 Tempo!
Collegiate chapters ‘hear that call’
his year’s letter to collegiate
chapters from Christine
Bruns, National Vice President, Collegiate Chapters,
sported a distinct look. Colorful
word balloons focused on seven
elements for “a successful SAI Collegiate Chapter.” It also included a
challenge. Bruns declared she would
donate $1 to SAI Philanthropies,
Inc. for every chapter that sent her a
photo featuring its members studying the letter. The challenge lasted
throughout September. These are just
some of the chapters to take Bruns
up on her fundraising promise.
Clockwise from top: Iota Chi, Lambda Sigma, Beta Mu,
and Eta Psi answered NVP-CC Christine Bruns fundraising
Executive Director
SAI National
Convention 2015
Voices of ExperienceVoices of the Future
July 23-27 • St. Louis
2 2 collegiate comment
The newest initiates of Epsilon Chapter.
Epsilon — Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY
The Epsilon Chapter has had a very busy Spring semester. We would
like to welcome our newest initiates: Megan Benjamin, Emily Beseau,
Kim Dyckman, Amanda Galluzzo, Cara Kinney, Alexa Mancuso, Laura
McCauley, and Ariana Warren. The Epsilon Chapter would also like to
extend a warm farewell to our graduating seniors: Jackie Burd, Michelle
Cosentino, Emily DeMarzio, Anna Doane, Melissa Feron, Gennie Harris,
Kim Hawley, Michelle McGuire, Rachel Mikol, Brittany Powell, Alissa
Sauk, and Erin Snedecor. Vita brevis, ars longa. Congratulations, Class of
2013! — Melissa Feron, editor/historian
Theta — Washburn University, Topeka, KS
The theme of this year’s annual SAI Ball was Hollywood Masquerade,
and, along with masks and mystery, guests were treated like the stars of
their own masquerade movie with a fun photo area and paparazzi! For
our Valentine’s Day fundraiser, we sold roses, carnations, vases, Singing
Valentine deliveries, stuffed animals, and baked goods, and we’re very
pleased with its success. Theta recently pledged three great girls this
semester — Colleen Dilmore, Molly Hodson, and Jilian Kincaid — and
we were all very excited for their initiation on April 5.
— Rayna Goldsmith, editor
Rho — University of
This semester, the chapter kicked off our recital reception catering
fundraiser. With so many School of Music students holding recitals every
semester, we decided to provide them with the option of using our catering
service to provide an elegant reception for family and friends. That way,
they can focus on practicing their recital pieces while we provide them
with a reasonably priced, yet tasteful reception. We offer three packages
for college students and offer a variety of food options in each package.
One package includes baked goods that are all homemade. In addition to
providing food and beverages, we also staff each recital reception to ensure
quality of service. Rho also was chosen to cater three big competition
concerts for the School of Music this semester. We are so excited to get our
recital reception catering fundraiser started in earnest, and we hope that
this is something that the chapter can continue in future years.
— Rebecca Coulter, editor
Sigma Delta — University of
The chapter membership has sky rocketed in the past semester. The
chapter began with 15 members in the fall and increased to 23 members.
The chapter then had 14 Members-in-Training, which makes the grand
total of 37 members! This leads to an exciting atmosphere in Sigma Delta.
The future of Sigma Delta is blooming petal by petal! — Ilona Widomska, editor
Sigma Mu — Hillsdale (MI) College
Sigma Mu’s Annual Charity Ball was a great success, with a final tally
of $6,200 raised by early January. The proceeds went to Camden Frontier
School in Michigan. In addition, our chapter’s inter-fraternity committee
Tempo! • Oct. 2013 • Sigma Alpha Iota
collegiate comment
collegiate comment
put together a bonfire and sleepover to bond with our sisters. The History
Committee, which was newly established, has been doing research to
document events and members from past years. They are also compiling a
book of basic information about our chapter including our founding. — Anna E. Schumacher, editor
Sigma Phi — Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
The chapter is proud to welcome eight new sisters to the sisterhood.
They joined the rest of the chapter for our final fundraiser — working
the concessions stand at an LSU baseball game. That money, in addition
to previous fundraisers, will support our annual Wishing Well Project.
Through this project, local music programs have been submitting “wishes”
for supplies they need in their classrooms. We look forward to seeing the
smiles on children’s faces when we get to visit these schools and grant
these “wishes.”
— Molly Brackins, editor
The Alpha
Chapter at
Michigan State
with three
new MITs in
Spring 2013.
Alpha Phi — University of
The chapter hosted an alumnae dinner in February. The food was
fantastic, and it was all homemade by the sisters. Six alumnae attended,
and two performed songs for everyone. One of the Alpha Phi sisters had
her own music playing as background music as well, which was a nice
touch. Since it was close to Valentine’s Day, all the alumnae got to take
home flowers as a gift. It was a very special evening enjoyed by all.
— Emily Barrett, editor
Iota Beta — Murray State University in Murray, KY
The Athena Festival is a biennial event, sponsored by Iota Beta and
the Department of Music of MSU, devoted to the study and performance
of music composed by women. The Athena Festival is a multi-faceted
event reaching public schools, music students, MSU students and faculty,
regional audiences and scholars/performers from across the country. The
Athena Festival VIII was held February 26-March 1 and included three
days of lecture/recital sessions and concerts featuring MSU Concert
Choir, MSU Jazz Orchestra and Department of Music Faculty Chamber
Music ensembles. The theme of the 2013 Athena Festival was “Breaking
Barriers - Finding Her Own Voice.” Some of the featured scholars and
composers were SAI Member Laureate Dr.Karin Pendle, SAI Composers
Bureau member Dr.Gwyneth Walker, Peggy Seegar, and Anna De Foe.
The 2013 Athena Festival Composition Chamber Award winner was Dr.
Vera Ivanova.
— Amanda Benson, editor
Sigma Alpha Iota • Oct. 2013 •Tempo!
Iota Tau — University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill
After learning about People-to-People at National Convention, Iota
Tau was eager to participate this year. We felt that it would be a great way
for us to make a huge difference in our Chapel Hill community and in the
world. Since August, we have collected instruments from sisters and their
families, from community bands, and from some local schools.
We were able to donate three instruments to a campus organization
called Musical Empowerment. Musical Empowerment teaches music
lessons at no cost to underprivileged children. In addition to the three
instruments we donated to Musical Empowerment, we sent nine
instruments to Deschapelles, Haiti.
Between collecting instruments, asking for donations, and packing
the instruments, the project was a great way for the entire chapter to
participate. Many sisters collected instruments from their hometowns
over school breaks or emailed community bands asking for donations. We
loved being able to spread music around the world, and we are continuing
to work with the project this semester.
— Anna Sprecher and Ali Gunnells, co-editors
Delta Zeta — Troy University, Troy, AL
A brand new music building is undergoing construction at Troy
University! It is named after Dr. John M. Long, Director of Bands
Emeritus. The old John Maloy Long Hall was constructed on the Troy
Campus in 1975 as a rehearsal facility for the band and as we make way
to a new music facility, it will hold many other purposes. Not only will it
be the house of the “Sound of the South,” but also the Chorale Program,
rehearsal locations, a dance studio and offices. Students, especially music
majors and music organizations, are looking forward to a lot more space
and convenience when the building gets completed in fall 2013. The band
is currently residing in Stewart Hall, the old dining facility. Dr. Walker,
director of bands, says “This facility will be one of the finest of its kind in
the nation.” Sigma Alpha Iota upholds the highest standards of music and
our chapter is very excited for the new music building to be completed as
well as continuing our dedication to our music program.
— Chelsea Williams, editor
Delta Nu — Howard University, Washington DC
This spring has been very busy for Delta Nu! We held our Spring
2013 SAI Recruitment Week entitled “And the Melody Still Lingers On”
in January, followed by our joint week with the Zeta Iota chapter of Phi
Mu Alpha Sinfonia in February. We are planning to hold another SAI
Week as well as activities for Music In Our Schools Month with the other
music organizations in the department! Finally, our Vice President of
Membership (along with the Fraternal Education Officer from Phi Mu
Alpha) is spearheading a Fine Arts awards ceremony, and Delta Nu will
be creating and giving our own in-house chapter awards to recognize our
sensational sisters! — Tatyanna Johnson, corresponding secretary
Epsilon Iota — University of
Tennessee at Martin, TN
For four years, the ladies of Epsilon Iota have participated in a special
fundraiser called flocking, where members stake pink, plastic flamingos
in the yard of a music faculty and receive pay to move the flamingos to
another faculty member’s yard. The fundraiser began when former chapter
member, Emily Rogers, developed the idea by looking to SAI chapter Iota
4 4 collegiate comment
Beta (Murray State).
“I felt like it would be a fun way to raise money, help sisters bond, and
get SAI’s name out into the community,” Rogers said.
Since its implementation in 2010, Epsilon Iota has hosted the fundraiser
each spring.
“It is a fun way for the girls to get together while raising money,”
current head of flocking Kirby Cherry said. “I think it brings us closer
and is a fun, positive and easy way to boost the girls’ spirits while being so
stressed during the week.”
So far for 2013, the chapter has raised $95 and hopes to raise more.
— Alex Jacobi, editor
Epsilon Lambda — Belmont University, Nashville, TN
The chapter just finished an excellent spring semester! We initiated 10
new members and held a World Fair-themed formal. We also participated
in a Benefit Concert held in honor of the Southern Mississippi School of
Music that was damaged in a tornado earlier this spring. We continued our
outreach project at Nashville’s McNeilly Center, which provides childcare
and after-school programs for low-income families. Our chapter has done
monthly visits to the McNeilly Center to sing, make music-related crafts,
and play games with the children. Not only have the kids loved playing
music and hanging out with us, but it has been a joy for us to share our
love of music with them, not to mention an excellent practice opportunity
for those in our chapter with Music Education career goals. Also, the
Belmont University College of Visual and Performing Arts held its
annual Awards Day Ceremony, and we were honored to have nine of our
members recognized for their various achievements in music and the arts.
— Cora Kilgour, editor
Eta Psi — Northern Kentucky University
For a chapter to grow from one member to fifteen in the span of
just two years is an incredible achievement. In the 2010-2011 school
year at Northern Kentucky University, Rachel Kolaskey brought the Eta
Psi chapter from one member to 10. In the spring of 2012, we initiated
four more members, including the chapter’s first two instrumentalists,
percussionist Morgan Minor and saxophonist Elyse Adams. We also
had one more member become active again. The chapter continues to
gain recognition through bake sales, ice cream membership recruitment
events, and volunteering locally with the Peaslee Center, a philanthropic
project led by newly elected VPR Brittany Bertram, and the World
Choir Games in Cincinnati. Eta Psi even received a Collegiate Chapter
Achievement Award.
After hosting a very successful Sigma A Province Day March 2, the
Eta Psi MITs initiated into the chapter April 10 expanded the group to 18
members. — Sami Jo Prewitt, editor
Eta Omega — University of
the Pacific, Stockton, California
On April 13, nine of the Eta Omega members participated in
American Cancer Society Relay for Life: Tiffany Pulphus, Angi Powell,
Collegiate Comment Editor Rosalind B. Cratsley, Iota Alpha initiate,
can be reached at collegiatecomment@sai-national.org. Send photo
submissions to Gregory Dickens at gregory@sai-national.org.
Alexa Zaharris, Genevieve Murphy, Genessee Flynn, Brittany Olisar, Erika
Weil, Christine Salazar, and Cece Salinas. Our chapter’s team succeeded
in having at least one of our members walking the track at all times.
This event lasted for 24 hours. Not only did our members walk for the
entire event, but we also offered an opportunity for other participants
to pay to hear live acoustic music or blow bubbles. We raised $426.93
for the American Cancer Society. The team spirit and morale was simply
inspiring. They created a team banner with their team name, “Rose
Runners.” Also, our sisters displayed a poster that listed and described
alternative medicines for cancer patients. We are strongly looking forward
to next year’s Relay for Life and encourage all sisters to participate to the
best of their ability! — Amy Jean Burns, editor
Theta Delta — University of
The sisters of Theta Delta compiled a gift basket for a local middle
school band program. Service Chairman Mary Young developed the idea
when trying to create a project that would not be an overwhelming time
commitment but could be easily repeated each semester.
“We know band directors have to buy a lot of supplies for the band
out of their own pocket or with the already limited budget they have and
really wanted to help local programs out,” Mary said.
The gift basket, presented to Echols Middle School in Northport, AL,
included a variety of items for all instruments such as swabs, cork grease,
valve oil, neck straps, drum sticks, and some general items such as pencils
and dry erase markers.
It was, as always, so rewarding to see the students’ faces light up when
the basket was delivered and to hear the band director, David Caddell,
comment on how much the supplies were needed and appreciated. The
sisters were excited to learn Mr. Caddell was a Phi Mu Alpha brother
and to hear him share his experiences with Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma
Alpha Iota. Theta Delta hopes to continue this simple yet effective service
— Allison Jack, editor
Theta Omicron — Central Methodist University, Fayette,
In February, eight amazing MITs started their journey into SAI. In
March, they were initiated into the chapter. Several members attended Pi
Province Day, hosted by the Epsilon Omega chapter. The ladies of Theta
Omicron participated in two service projects this spring. First, the ladies
held a Walk-A-Thon to raise money for SAI Philanthropies, Inc. The
chapter also purchased 40 recorders to send to children in Nicaragua. In
April, we had a joint American Music Recital with the gentlemen of the
Beta Mu chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. After the recital, the ladies
held a dessert auction to raise money for the chapter. Theta Omicron also
started the process of improving their meeting room. The ladies purchased
new chairs and held a workday where members cleaned, organized, and
rearranged their meeting room. In May, Theta Omicron said goodbye to
nine beautiful seniors. Theta Omicron would like to say “Good Luck” to
all the seniors. — Sarah Espino, editor
Theta Chi — University of
South Carolina
Every spring, the chapter invites local Girl Scouts to participate in the
“Making Music Festival.” The scouts spend the day at the USC School of
Tempo! • Oct. 2013 • Sigma Alpha Iota
collegiate comment
of Theta
Chi held an
Petting Zoo
for local Girl
Music participating in activities that fulfill the requirements for their
music badge. This year, the girls had the opportunity to: listen to and try
a variety of instruments in the instrument “petting zoo”; make their own
straw panpipes, rain sticks, and shakers; learn how to conduct to some
favorite Disney songs; learn about different ensembles; and discuss the
role of women in music. At the end of the day, the Theta Chi sisters and
the scouts perform in a musicale for the families. The scouts play a song on
their handmade instruments and demonstrate their new conducting skills
while Theta Chi performs solos, duets, and favorite SAI chorales. Both
organizations love the opportunity to interact with each other: the Theta
Chi sisters acting as role models for these young girls, and the Girl Scouts
experiencing music in a fun environment. — Madelyn LaPrade, editor
The Kappa
and MITs at
Kappa Gamma — University of
North Carolina-
We pinned eight new Members-In-Training this spring. They are just
as excited as we are to begin the process of membership and initiation!
Speaking of new, we recently held elections and our executive board has
been voted in and will begin training soon. Epsilon Theta Chapter at
Appalachian State held Province Day. Fun, music, and sisterhood filled
the air. Our chapter took away helpful tips, and we will continue to grow
closer as sisters and fellow lovers of music. Since we love music so much,
our service committee has been working hard to spread it to as many as
possible. We performed a Musicale for the Morningview Nursing Home
and have decided to help the Girl Scouts earn their music badge. On
March 23rd we held a day of music with musicales, workshops, and lessons
all about music. Remember our Sister Dates? They are going fantastically!
Sigma Alpha Iota • Oct. 2013 •Tempo!
Drawing a new sister’s name every other week is exciting! With many
upcoming recitals, eager MITs, and wonderful reports from our student
teachers, our chapter is feeling great! — Angela Hairston, corresponding secretary/editor
Kappa Upsilon — Kansas State University
The chapter has grown significantly. We are absolutely thrilled to add
on seven new sisters: Alex Bright, Kaylee Champagne, Taylor Crawford,
Talia Falcon, Kristen Peters, Caitlyn Sasnett, and Elizabeth Tobald. At
the start of this year, we only had 13 members. Through membership
recruitment, our chapter has welcomed a total of 11 new members; we are
almost double in size from just one year! The four themes our chapter had
for spring recruitment were Spa Day, Sister Recital, Battle of the Sexes, and
Italian Formal Dinner. Our chapter’s most recent achievement was being
awarded with 100% attendance at the Province Day held in Lawrence and
hosted by the Beta Beta Chapter. This year, we continued our biweekly
pancake fundraiser. We have even made the events festive with recent
holidays — pink heart-shaped pancakes for Valentine’s Day and green for
St. Patrick’s Day! Our chapter threw a surprise baby shower for one of our
own sisters, Courtney Oakley. We all contributed SAI personalized gifts
for the arrival of our future SAI sister and look forward to many more
sisterhood opportunities. — Katelyn Nickerson, editor
Lambda Nu — University of
Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Lambda Phi — University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
On February 13, with Valentine’s Day approaching, Lambda Nu
partnered with HAPE (HIV AIDS Peer Educators). Small informational
packets were given to students along with Valentine’s Day candy to inform
students how to practice safe sex. During this time, the ladies of SAI also
rendered their voices in song.
On March 26, the chapter presented a spring production of For
Colored Roses, College Edition Musicale based off Tyler Perry’s drama film
For Colored Girls. Each character represented a rose and conveyed the
meaning of each rose and how it is related to them in college.
— Latoya White, editor
On January 16, the chapter celebrated its two-year anniversary. In
that short amount of time, we have established ourselves as an active
service organization in the music department and the community. We
sent a delegate to our first national convention in 2012 and were officially
put on the map. We also received the Province Phi B Collegiate Chapter
Achievement Award.
This year, we have continued our recital reception assistance program,
which is very popular in the department, as well as singing at local nursing
homes and other establishments throughout the Amherst community.
Our largest service project this year included cleaning the music
department practice rooms. We have arranged to further improve them by
painting the walls. We have also been working towards building a closer
relationship with the other music organizations on campus: Tau Beta
Sigma, Phi Mu Alpha, and Kappa Kappa Psi.
The future of the Lambda Phi chapter is looking bright as we currently
have our largest MIT class yet at 14 wonderful girls!
— Bethany Croxton, editor
6 6 province days
At left, the attendees of the Iota A Province Day in April. At right, the Chi A Province Day cake.
The Kappa Xi chapter at Morgan State University hosted the
Iota A Province Day on April 6. Workshops on career development
and performance anxiety were presented. The Ruby Sword of Honor
was presented to Elizabeth Morgan, in recognition of her exceptional
leadership of the Mu Epsilon chapter at George Mason University. An
afternoon musicale showcased the exceptional talents of the Kappa Xi
sisters. The Province Day committee was chaired by Leah Hawkins, who
will attend Yale University this fall as a vocal performance major with a
concentration in opera. ­
— Mary Jennings, Iota A PO
Chi A
Chi A held their Province Day on Saturday April 6 at Philadelphia’s
Temple University. The Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter and Delta Mu
hosted. This year’s theme was “The Healing Power of Music.” The day
included the initiation of National Arts Associate Robert McFarland,
whose mother, Margaret Blackburn, composed our “SAI Chorale,” and
Friend of the Arts Dr. Steven Kreinberg. A Memorial Service was held
for Friend of the Arts Herbert Volker, father of National Vice President,
Ritual and Fraternity Education, Dr. Deb Volker. National Arts Associate
Dr. Cynthia Folio led a discussion on tubular sclerosis, a rare genetic
disease that causes non-malignant tumors to grow on vital organs. In her
presentation entitled “When the Spirit Catches You,” Folio gave first-hand
accounts of the disease and how development is affected by music. Former
National Vice President, Collegiate Chapters Yvonne Glass and Patricia
Doyle, both certified Music Therapists, presented the keynote lecture,
“Music Therapy: A Healing Art,” discussing the emotional and physical
benefits of music therapy and how chapters can support local projects.
The day also included a musicale of American Composers, FR.ED., and
a Phlea-Phlam. Members enjoyed a workshop entitled “Bringing in the
May,” presented by Linda Gagliardi, Elena Santangelo, and Ruth Sheets.
The province also collected items for Philabundance, the region’s largest
food bank and hunger relief organization.
— Mary Frances Bushong, Ph.D., Chi A PO
Zeta A
“An SAI Garden” was the theme for Zeta A Province Day held at the
University United Methodist Church in Tulsa on April 13. Hosted by
the Tulsa Alumnae Chapter, the day-long event involved Zeta A’s three
collegiate chapters — Sigma Gamma (University of Tulsa), Iota Alpha
(Oklahoma State University), and Kappa Rho (Langston University)
— the Tulsa Alumnae, and Tulsa Patronesses. Dignitaries in attendance
included Sharon Doty, former Zeta A PO and current Chairman of the
Board of SAI Philanthropies, Inc.; Region II Regional Officer Ginger
Patterson; Aileen Todd, immediate past Region II RO; Zeta A Province
Officer Hazel Rowena Mills; and Honorary Member Linda RoarkStrummer. Following a Formal Opening, Sigma Gamma and Kappa
Rho united to initiate seven SAIs, three into Sigma Gamma and four
into Kappa Rho. Dan Call was initiated by Tulsa Alumnae Chapter
as its newest Friend of the Arts. He serves as Director of Music at the
University United Methodist Church and has been a valuable friend to
SAI by providing church facilities for numerous meetings in recent years. The keynote address was delivered by Sharon Doty, who reprised her 2012
National Convention presentation, “Nurturing Sisterhood.” The musicale
and singalongs provided opportunities for the province to feature what
SAI is really all about: music. The Founders’ Day Ritual was led by Sue
Amstutz. Aileen Todd and Karen Hiller provided music for the ceremony.
Sigma Gamma memorialized National Arts Associate Edward Purrington,
who passed away on April 14, 2012. Purrington, former Director of Tulsa
Opera, was initiated by Sigma Gamma. After a day of serious business, the attendees were treated to a game
of “SAI Jeopardy” led by Sherye Halliburton, Tulsa Alumnae Chapter
treasurer. Other fun activities included an SAI Word Search and a
Get-Acquainted game and included specially designed Zeta A Province
Day t-shirts. A day-long raffle of door prizes garnered $80 for SAI
Philanthropies, Inc. Our province is small, but we agree that being small
in no hindrance to being mighty, and our Province Day 2013 proves — as
our theme song, “SAI Garden,” says — we turned our roses to gold!
— Sue Amstutz, Editor of Tulsa Alumnae Chapter
Christin Vare,
Iota A PO Mary
Jennings, Region
8 RO Jessica
Chichester, and
Rebecca King
at National
Headquarters in
Tempo! • Oct. 2013 • Sigma Alpha Iota
alumnae comment
The Boulder
Day the SAI
way with a
Boulder (CO)
Our annual service project, the Valentine’s Day Musicale and Sing-ALong, was held at The Meridian, a senior housing center in Boulder, CO.
We had a huge audience that matched its size with musical enthusiasm,
singing along and even playing rhythm instruments during the program!
Carnations were given to the residents. On Feb. 15, the Alpha Phi ladies
cooked and hosted a formal dinner at the University of Colorado Boulder
College of Music. It was a fantastic evening of food, music, and fellowship.
We also held our annual Public Musicale at the Boulder Piano Gallery
on March 2, and it was a huge success. With the help of our wonderful
audience, over $150 was raised for our scholarship fund which supports
a member of Alpha Phi. On a sad note, on March 5, chapter member and
Beta Kappa initiate Jeanne McGlathery passed away from a heart attack.
Our hearts go out to our sister’s family; we will always remember her. — Patty Krus, editor
Denver (CO)
On July 21, chapter members and friends celebrated our 30th “Opera
Day at Central City.” Before attending a performance of Britten’s The
Turn of the Screw, we gathered at the historic Teller House for a catered
lunch and recognition of our dear SAI brother, National Arts Associate
John Moriarty, who retired after 34 years with the Central City Opera
Association. To commemorate the day, Dorothy Nelson and Mary Jane
Frohardt presented John with an engraved plaque in honor of our close
association and friendship. In September, President Janet Williams,
introduced the newest members of our Chapter — three ceramic piggy
banks who appeared in seasonal array throughout the year to raise funds:
Rose (for local projects), Pan (for the scholarship fund), and Phil (for
National Philanthropies). The SAI Calendar Game was our other major
fundraiser. We hosted XI C Province Day on January 19, a day of fun,
Cajun food, colorful decorations and handouts, and fabulous music
and fellowship with the Mardi Gras theme of “Let the Red Roses Roll.”
Member Linda Rolf organized a Colorado Music Educators Association
booth in late January. Other events included an Incorporation Day
luncheon, scholarship auditions, the Roses-in-Winter Dinner and
musicale. — Donita Banks, editor
East Bay (CA)
Carol Morris hosted the April chapter meeting, with Diane BartonBrown and Eva Langfeldt performing. Philanthropy donations were sent
to SAI Philanthropies, Inc. and the Contra Costa Performing Arts Society
Vocal Competition. Ann Marquis Fisher hosted the May luncheon with a
program by Sandy Watkins and Nancy Rude. — Ann Marquis Fisher, editor
Evanston (IL)
The chapter kept busy this year cutting the rug. Through our theme
of Music and Dance, we have explored everything from the history of
dance to Irish music and dance as we “Danced through the Shamrocks.”
We continued our 2013 theme on the right foot by attending the Joffrey
Ballet’s winter production of American Legends. Amid all the dancing,
we also affiliated two new members earlier this year and have begun
work on an instrument petting zoo service project. We hope to hold the
instrument petting zoo at a public library as one of their free events and
are really excited about it. — Karen Bullen, Editor
The Columbia (MO) Alumnae Chapter and Iota Lambda Chapter held a
joint social and potluck in January 2013.
Columbia (MO)
The chapter and Iota Lambda at the University of Missouri had a
great joint social and potluck in January 2013. One of our goals is to
increase the communication and involvement between the two chapters
to strengthen sisterhood and encourage the college students to continue
with SAI through alumnae participation after graduation.
— Caroline Leemis, secretary/treasurer
Sigma Alpha Iota • Oct. 2013 •Tempo!
From left, Mary-Alice Elkins (Fort Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter charter
member and chapter president), Sue Bermann (NVP-AC), and Arlene
Jospe Veron (Bold Notes Director) at the chapter’s 50th Anniversary
8 8 alumnae comment
Fort Lauderdale (FL)
The chapter celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with a special luncheon
in April. The luncheon was attended by members of numerous chapters,
including National Vice President, Alumnae Chapters Sue Berman
and Bold Notes Director Arlene Veron, who served as the keynote
speaker. Chapter Charter Member and Chapter President Mary-Alice
Elkins opened the luncheon, and we all celebrated the wonderful
accomplishment of 50 years of SAI. Our chapter recently welcomed
several new alumnae members as well as patronesses. With our newly
robust membership we look forward to another 50 years of spreading
SAI’s mission throughout South Florida. — Kelsey Hickson, editor
Fort Worth (TX)
This has been a year of great joy and accomplishment and an
unprecedented year of loss and sadness. We reported the loss of our
president, Alice Walker, in November. Now we regret to report that we
have lost two more longtime sisters – Louise Terry Canafax in March,
and Marjorie Murphy in April. You could not find two more talented,
hard-working sisters always ready to step up and deliver. As we begin
preparations for the upcoming year, it is hard to imagine going on without
these three beloved friends.
In February we presented our fifty-eighth annual American Music
Concert, featuring our American Repertoire winners from Texas Wesleyan
University (TWU). Our Marjorie Murphy Scholarship Tea was held
at the home of James and Satenik Raphael in April. The Raphaels
played selections for us on piano, and members Elizabeth Barney,
Mary Jo Springer, Echo Wilson and Margaret Bolding played a piano
quartet. Friend of the Arts Dr. John Fisher, Dean of Music at TWC, and
Arjola Miruku also played piano duets. Our scholarship winners from
TWU also performed. Generous donations were received to fund the
scholarships we will award next year. To sweeten the treasury for all our
projects we held a garage sale in May. Six of our members spent a week at
Chautauqua Institute in July. — Jean Frick, editor
Indianapolis (IN)
March began with the chapter’s annual scholarship auditions at Butler
University. Four Zeta chapter members — Milaina Beaudry, Tamara
Bodnar, Laura Clay, and Erin Wells — received awards for the 2013-14
academic year. Our March meeting included a presentation of Celtic
music by T. Wyatt Watkins. Kitsch N’SYNC, including Butler faculty
members Frank Felice, Doug Spaniol, Friend of the Arts Jon Crabiel,
and Matt Pivec, performed at March’s annual scholarship benefit along
with chapter member Erica Koehring accompanied by Sylvia Scott. In
April, we featured a program on the music of National Arts Associate
Wallace DePue. Our members continue providing music for Marquette
Manor church services as an ongoing chapter service project. The chapter
had a wonderful end-of-the-year formal meeting in May. We conducted
meaningful memorial ceremonies for Marilyn Petry, Jeanne Hallam,
and Helen Starost Speicher. On a celebratory note, we recognized 50year members in the fraternity and presented the Rose of Honor to Kati
Alumnae Comment Editor Kim Everett, an initiate of Gamma Rho
Chapter, can be reached at alumnaecomment@sai-national.org. Send
photo submissions to Gregory Dickens at gregory@sai-national.org.
Harrison. Several members additionally participated in the Founders Day
ceremony. Following the meeting, we enjoyed a fantastic pitch-in lunch to
provide members with an opportunity to share with one another outside
of meetings. — Carolyn Lorenzoni, Editor
Kansas City (MO)
Our November chapter meeting was held at the Kingswood
Retirement Community with the residents as our guests for the musicale.
We welcomed Maria Harman, Jessica Koebbe, and Kristen Taylor as new
affiliates to our chapter. In December, we presented two holiday musicales
at senior citizen centers. The musicales included a women’s brass ensemble,
plus one! (We included one man who played the first trumpet part.) The
musicales also included harp, piano, and vocals. In February, we enjoyed
our official visit with Pi A Province Officer Melody Gilbert. She sang a
vocal solo as part of our musicale and was our guest for lunch. We also
affiliated Carol Dale with our chapter. On Feb. 10, we initiated Don
Dagenais as a Friend of the Arts. Mr. Dagenais is known throughout the
Midwest as a devotee of the arts, especially opera. Our March meeting
was held in the concert hall of Schmitt Music in Overland Park, KS,
and featured a musicale with Irish dancers and Irish songs sung by Paula
Kramer. On March 9, we held our scholarship auditions and awarded
$5,900 in scholarships to college music students. — Vicki Hedger, Editor
Lake County (IN)
The chapter continues our active role in the musical life of the
Northwest Indiana community. In December, several members provided
water and snacks for members of the Northwest Indiana Symphony
Orchestra and Symphony Chorus prior to their holiday concert. The
chapter also provided a holiday program for a local nursing home,
featuring vocalists, instrumentalists, and chorus with familiar holiday
tunes. A time of fellowship and frivolity followed with our annual
potluck and gift exchange. In March, the chorus presented a 20-minute
program for the Council 1 Breakfast for seven chapters of Delta Kappa
Gamma, a professional honorary society of women educators, in northern
Indiana. Member Judith Hancock was honored recently with a Lifetime
Achievement Award presented by the PTA at her school in Hammond,
IN. Chapter members maintain a musical presence through teaching,
accompanying, directing, and performing in schools, churches and local
musical organizations. The new Executive Board was installed at our
annual Spring Banquet on May 20. The chapter also welcomed a new
affiliate, Melissa Burgess, a music teacher in East Chicago. We are looking
forward to an officer workshop this summer, and the annual picnic
with Beta Lambda, the collegiate chapter at Valparaiso University in
September. — Carol Ondra, Editor
Las Vegas (NV)
The chapter was excited to hold our first scholarship competition. Our winner is Hunter Haynes, who is graduating from the Las Vegas
Performing Arts Academy and will be attending University of Nevada,
Las Vegas in the fall as a violin performance major. We helped the Desert
Winds wind ensemble in February, March, and May by selling tickets
and hosting a reception. Past Delta A Province Officer Lynzii O’Connor
performed a concerto at the February concert. Our officers for the 20132014 year will be President Zusie Umali, VP Ritual Chris Heisler, VP
Tempo! • Oct. 2013 • Sigma Alpha Iota
alumnae comment
The Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter held a High Tea in May.
Membership Sheryl Gamaio, Secretary Lisa Jablonski, Treasurer Linda
Ames, Editor Anita Strassberger, and Sergeant-At-Arms Lee Basye. — Chris Heisler, editor
Milwaukee (WI)
The February 2013 meeting of the chapter was held at the home of
member Jeanne Henderson. Martha Stoner, accompanied by Suzanne
Freshley, performed a Presidents Day tribute with songs that were sung in
the White House. The chapter was represented at the Epsilon A Province
Day in April 2013 by Suzanne Freshley, Marie Zellmer, and Tammy
Enevold. Suzanne and Tammy also performed on the musicale.
The chapter celebrated its 60th Anniversary throughout 2013 including a
festive celebration during the April meeting at the home of Beverly Wilke.
Suzanne Freshley wrote the program which was narrated by Suzanne
Machan. A number of members performed pieces that had appeared on
musicales during each of the chapter’s six decades. Charter member Rita
Adams was in attendance. A collage of photos taken during the celebration
was provided to every member. In May, the chapter made several
important presentations during the meeting at the home of Audrey Barr.
Mr. Robin Engl was initiated as a Friend of the Arts. His wife, also named
Robin, is a member of the chapter! Suzanne Machan was awarded both
her Fifty-Year Membership Certificate and the Rose of Honor. Marjorie
Fowler was awarded the Sword of Honor. — Jill K. Anderson, editor
Minneapolis/St. Paul (MN)
The chapter met at the home of Madalyn Staupe Traun on Feb. 11.
The evening began with the Patroness initiation of pianist Mimi Tung
and continued with a lovely musicale beginning with Charlotte Palmiter
(clarinet) playing “Love Notes” including Harobed by Samuel Adler (I
Sigma Alpha Iota • Oct. 2013 •Tempo!
and VII) and Three Smiles for Tracey (II) by Adolphus Hailstork. She
then joined The Wayside Quartet and performed Quintet in A, KV 581,
(Allegro, First Movement) by Mozart. The Wayside Quartet, consisting
of Shirley Decker (violin), Dorothy Boen (violin), Susan Dubin (viola),
and Timothy Perry (cello), played Quiartet in D KV 575, (Allegretto,
Andante, Menuetto, Allegretto). A 30-year Anniversary Celebration and
Annual Scholarship Winners Event was held March 10 at the University
of Minnesota, beginning with an Affiliation Ritual of Michelle Cullen.
Chairman Lorie Ludwig presented scholarship winners Marilyn Yennie
(clarinet) and Melissa Anderson (mezzo soprano). Melissa performed
“Che farò senza Euridice” (from Orfeo ed Erudice) with Susan AndersonBenson (piano). The highlight of the afternoon was “Reflections from Liz”
by former National SAI President Elizabeth Nordling.
— Madalyn Staupe Traun, editor
Nashville (TN)
The chapter’s An Evening on Broadway benefit program on Nov. 9
of last year at I.T. Creswell Magnet Middle School was a great success,
largely due to the effort put forth by all of the collegiate chapters in the Psi
B Province who performed and sold tickets for the event. To the chapter
who sold the most tickets, the chapter promised a home-cooked spaghetti
dinner, and, on March 24, we delivered. Epsilon Lambda welcomed us
graciously to the campus of Belmont University, and it was a pleasure
to reward them for their hard work. The alumnae chapter is kicking up
membership recruitment in a big way for the 2013-2014 year. On April
20, the chapter hosted a graduating senior brunch and provided goodies
and information brochures to seniors graduating in the province. The
chapter also hosted a luncheon social on July 13 to connect with sisters in
the Nashville area. In addition to more recruitment socials this year, the
10 10alumnae comment
From left, Leslie Goldberg, Regina O’Connell, and Tammy Hathaway
affiliated with the New Orleans Alumnae Chapter, and the chapter
initiated Fifi Higgins as a Patroness Member.
I.T. Creswell Benefit program will return in the fall, and the chapter
also plans to add additional nursing home musicales to their calendar for
the year. — Dorian Townsend, editor
New Orleans (LA)
The New Orleans Alumnae Chapter initiated Fifi (Felicia) Higgins
as Patroness Member and there were three affiliations! At the end of the
meeting, a bridal shower was held for Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary
Carly Gervais Pigg who also serves as SAI Philanthropies Board Secretary. — Marci Kraus, editor
Oklahoma City (OK)
In April, the Ad Astra Women’s Chorus directed by National Arts
Associate Judith Willoughby performed for the chapter’s annual Benefit
Concert. Over $600 was raised to provide equipment for the Metro Area
public school music departments. Three of our members visited Coolidge
Elementary School to see the speaker stands and the music stand racks
purchased from the 2012 Benefit Concert proceeds. Member Kristen
Kirch uses the equipment in her music classes. A formal High Tea was
held in May at the home of Sharon Varnum. The ladies wore hats, and
Wally Brown enriched our lovely event at the piano. Katie Pearce was
presented the Sword of Honor and the Zeta B Province Alumnae Chapter
Achievement Award for 2012 was also celebrated.
— Jon Evah Murray, editor
University, the chapter located a school in a depressed socio-economic
area of town where there is little funding for new equipment for the
music classroom. Once approached, the General Music teacher, a
percussionist herself, gave the chapter a wish list and, the purchase was
made following board approval. Thirty pairs of sticks and two hand
drums were purchased; Chapter President Roberta Chorlton, Immediate
Past President June Chartrand, VP Membership Moria Bogardus, and
Treasurer Marilyn Daggett visited the school to present the items to
the teacher and the administrative staff. These instruments will enable
the entire class to participate in rhythm exercises during General Music
classes, eliminating the need to share or use badly damaged or splintered
equipment. This was an easy way to reach out to the community, support
music education, and meet one of our National Objectives.
— Marilyn Daggett, treasurer/yearbook editor
Pontchartrain (MI)
Nicole Behn and Suzanne Gavreau were welcomed this year as new
members of the chapter. Both sisters are full of exciting new ideas for our
chapter. In March, the Pontchartrain and Detroit Alumnae Chapters
combined to give a program at a senior living center in Dearborn, MI.
About 100 residents enjoyed the music and refreshments. There were
actually a few inactive SAIs in the audience. and they were delighted to
visit with some current active members.
After our June picnic, a group of us surprised our long-time sister,
Barb MacIntosh, at the rehabilitation center where she was staying
while recovering from a fall on Mother’s Day. We even brought a special
decorated cake for the visit. — Patricia Loeffler, editor
Raleigh/Durham (NC)
The chapter has welcomed three Patroness Members and three
alumnae affiliates to our chapter this year. We are so thrilled to have
Sonia Mabry, Kellis Dryer, Nita Bigelow, Kaitlin Smith, Jessie Vance, and
Mandy Driver. Mary-Beth Heine, Cindy Chastang, Lindsey Frye, and
Elizabeth Huss received the Sword of Honor. Christy Walker received the
Patroness Sword of Honor, and Kelly Hood received the Rose of Honor. The chapter has continued our very lucrative crafting traditions by making
piggy banks, picture frames, and “upcycled” jackets to sell at Province
Days and chapter gatherings. This year, we donated $75 to Philanthropies
Philadelphia (PA)
On April 6, members of the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter and Delta
Mu hosted Chi A’s Province Day, entitled “The Healing Power of Music,”
at Temple University. (See Province Day on page 6.) A luncheon was held
at the May meeting featuring an impromptu American musicale and a
Founders Day ceremony. In June, several members got the kitchen tour of
Applebee’s when they hosted a Flapjack Fundraiser.
— Laura Baltrusaitis, editor
Phoenix (AZ)
The chapter recently donated a classroom set of Remo Rhythm
Sticks and Tubano Drums to Arroyo Elementary School in Glendale,
AZ. Through a link provided by Dr. Marg Schmidt from Arizona State
Raleigh/Durham Alumnae Chapter members at the 2013 Founders’ Day
Tempo! • Oct. 2013 • Sigma Alpha Iota
alumnae comment 11
and have already voted to increase our donation next year. Area libraries
continue to seek us out for our Instrument Petting Zoo. We relish the
opportunity to share the love of music with children. Our first year as a
rechartered chapter has been very fulfilling and we look forward to many,
many more years of sisterhood through music.
— Johanna N. Wolf, editor
Rochester (NY)
The May 9 Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra concert included
the world premiere of chapter member Karen Tanaka’s Water of Life,
described by the composer as “a prayer for the tsunami victims in Japan.”
This new composition was supported in part by the Rochester Alumnae
Chapter in honor of National Arts Associate Juliana Athayde. Prior to
the performance, chapter members were invited to a presentation by
Tanaka and a rehearsal of the composition. Members celebrated Founders’
Day with a supper at the home of Liz Million and to bid fond farewell to
Barbara Rubenstein, who is moving to Florida.
— Holly Barry, editor
Rockford (IL)
Chapter member Elizabeth LaGrande O’Leary attended and
performed on the musicale at Gamma B Province Day in March, which
was held at her alma mater, Augustana College, home of the Delta Tau
Chapter. In May, we presented the Wreath of Achievement to Mary
Phillips for all of her hard work and dedication to the chapter. Elizabeth,
as well as Mary Jo Armstrong, both received longevity certificates
honoring 45 years since their initiation into SAI. Betty Leeson received a
longevity certificate honoring her 65 years! Congratulations to all!
— Sarah Thurber-Fiorenza, editor
Seattle (WA)
On Jan. 16, Nancy Matesky and Member Laureate Gloria Swisher
presented a program of two-piano music, including works by Madeleine
Dring and Rachmaninoff and concluding with Percy Grainger’s
arrangement of Gershwin’s “Fantasy on Porgy and Bess.” Gloria was
commissioned by the Pasadena and Orange County Alumnae Chapters to
Tacoma Alumnae Chapter member Karen Oleson, left, receives the
Rose of Honor.
compose an SSA choral piece for women and piano. The poem “Evening
Solace” by Charlotte Bronte was used for the words. Gloria donated
part of the commission to the chapter for educational purposes, and the
chapter voted to donate $250 to Seattle Music Partners, an afterschool
music lesson program, and $250 to The Wranglers, a community program
serving people with special needs. Chapter members held a 90th birthday
party for charter member Charlotte Totten on June 7 at her Adult Family
Home. She was presented with many cards and a certificate honoring her
70 years in SAI. Chapter member Patricia Jaeger was honored for 60 years
in SAI. Both women have been an important part of the Seattle chapter.
Charlotte is a pianist, and Patricia plays the violin, viola, and harp. In
May, our annual potluck for members, spouses, and friends was held at
the home of Wendy Woolsey. Lauren Zeck Trew, clarinet, presented the
program. We are happy to report that our 2012-2013 president, Louanne
Shelton, is home from rehab after falling and breaking her hip on April
18. Our president for the coming year, Judy Stoffel Loewen, is planning
the year’s activities which will include our hosting Nu Province Day in
October. — Nancy Matesky, editor
Tacoma (WA)
Gloria Swisher and Nancy Matesky, duo-pianists, performed at the
Seattle Alumnae Chapter meeting in January.
Sigma Alpha Iota • Oct. 2013 •Tempo!
The final meeting of the 2012-2013 year was a formal meeting held
at the home of Karla Epperson in Gig Harbor, WA. Among the events
of the day was the initiation of Timothy Strong, pianist, as a Friend of
the Arts. He serves on the faculties of the University of Puget Sound and
Pacific Lutheran University as a piano instructor. During the meeting, he
performed The Engulfed Cathedral by Debussy, the Blue Rondo a la Turk
by National Arts Associate Dave Brubeck, and, accompanied by his wife
Karen Oleson, Dry Bones by Margaret Bonds. Two new members were
also affiliated during the meeting: Michelle Brecuknier and Amanda
Thompson. Michelle is a graduate from Illinois Wesleyan beginning an
instrument-repair program at Renton Technical College. Amanda is a
Asheville, NC 28805
Attendees of the Zeta A Province Day held in April.
recent music education graduate from the University of Puget Sound.
New officers for the 2013-2014 year were formally installed. Following
the installation, two fraternity awards were presented. Hostess Karla
Epperson received the Chapter Recognition Award for her service to SAI
and the music community. Karen Oleson was awarded the Rose of Honor
for her outstanding work as Vice-President for Programs. The meeting
concluded with a Founders’ Day Ceremony.
— Dr. Evangeline L. Rimbach, editor
Tampa (FL)
The chapter is pleased to announce that two sisters received awards.
People-to-People Director Dr. Liana Valente was awarded the Rose of
Honor, and Carol Lee Carstensen received the Sword of Honor at the
Lambda C & D Province Days, respectively. We also affiliated Lindsay
Blanc and Kira L. Omelchenko, DMA, at the Lambda D Province Day.
We are happy to report that we had excellent participation at our annual
Valentine’s Day Brunch for collegiate and alumnae sisters in the area. The
chapter continues to cherish our connection and collaboration with the
collegiate chapters in the Tampa Bay Area.
Tulsa (OK)
— Anna-Marie Wright, president
In keeping with a tradition of several years, an elementary school
in the Tulsa area is selected annually so that school’s music teacher may
receive classroom supplies. The chapter recently selected the school where
one of our own young members teaches. On May 8, four members of
chapter visited Celia Clinton Elementary School and presented chapter
member Samantha Portman with several items for use particularly
in her music classes for younger students. A “fun drum” filled with
rhythm instruments and five instructional DVDs were included in the
presentation. Samantha, a Sigma Gamma initiate, and her students were
on hand to receive the new additions to the music classroom. Presenters
included Karen Finley Gingrich, Barb Derby, Nancy Haswell, and Sue
Amstutz. — Sue Amstutz, editor
Washington DC
Several members, known as the Babes of Bowie, presented a
musicale of Broadway selections at a recent meeting of the chapter. They
were ably accompanied by Mary K Traver, past Vice Chairman of SAI
Philanthropies, Inc. Music numbers performed included selections from
the musical Beguiled Again, a revue of Rodgers and Hart songs.
— Mary Jennings, Iota A PO
Save the dates — July 23-27, 2015 in St. Louis

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